Search results for: trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 4513

Search results for: trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy

4483 Using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 and Mini Mental State Examination-2 in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Case Studies

Authors: Cornelia-Eugenia Munteanu


From a psychological perspective, psychopathology is the area of clinical psychology that has at its core psychological assessment and psychotherapy. In day-to-day clinical practice, psychodiagnosis and psychotherapy are used independently, according to their intended purpose and their specific methods of application. The paper explores how the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) and Mini Mental State Examination-2 (MMSE-2) psychological tools contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (CBT). This combined approach, psychotherapy in conjunction with assessment of personality and cognitive functions, is illustrated by two cases, a severe depressive episode with psychotic symptoms and a mixed anxiety-depressive disorder. The order in which CBT, MMPI-2, and MMSE-2 were used in the diagnostic and therapeutic process was determined by the particularities of each case. In the first case, the sequence started with psychotherapy, followed by the administration of blue form MMSE-2, MMPI-2, and red form MMSE-2. In the second case, the cognitive screening with blue form MMSE-2 led to a personality assessment using MMPI-2, followed by red form MMSE-2; reapplication of the MMPI-2 due to the invalidation of the first profile, and finally, psychotherapy. The MMPI-2 protocols gathered useful information that directed the steps of therapeutic intervention: a detailed symptom picture of potentially self-destructive thoughts and behaviors otherwise undetected during the interview. The memory loss and poor concentration were confirmed by MMSE-2 cognitive screening. This combined approach, psychotherapy with psychological assessment, aligns with the trend of adaptation of the psychological services to the everyday life of contemporary man and paves the way for deepening and developing the field.

Keywords: assessment, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, MMPI-2, MMSE-2, psychopathology

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4482 Behavioral Intentions and Cognitive-Affective Effects of Exposure to YouTube Advertisements among College Students

Authors: Abd El-Basit Ahmed Hashem Mahmoud, Othman Fekry Abdelbaki


This study attempts to investigate the exposure to YouTube ads among Egyptian college students, their attitudes towards these ads, behavioral intentions to watch them, and the effects of this exposure and to examine the relationships among these variables as well. The current study is theoretically guided by the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and cognitive-affective behavioral model (CAB) through a questionnaire survey administered to a convenience sample of 390 college students who watch YouTube videos from Cairo University, Egypt from February to May 2019. The results showed that 98.7% of respondents exposed to YouTube ads, and both of their attitudes towards YouTube ads exposure and their intentions to this exposure were moderately positive. The findings also indicated that respondents' gender had a significant impact on their intention to expose these ads. One-way ANOVA indicated that their attitudes towards exposure to YouTube ads influenced their behavioral intentions to watch these ads, and it also demonstrated that their behavioral intentions to watch these ads had an impact on the exposure to such ads. Pearson correlation revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between respondents' attitudes towards YouTube ads exposure and the cognitive, affective, and behavioral effects of this exposure.

Keywords: attitudes, behavioral intentions, theory of reasoned action, YouTube ads

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4481 Schema Therapy as Treatment for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Comorbid Personality Disorder: A Multiple Baseline Case Series Study Testing Cognitive-Behavioral and Experiential Interventions

Authors: Richard Vuijk, Arnoud Arntz


Rationale: To our knowledge treatment of personality disorder comorbidity in adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is understudied and is still in its infancy: We do not know if treatment of personality disorders may be applicable to adults with ASD. In particular, it is unknown whether patients with ASD benefit from experiential techniques that are part of schema therapy developed for the treatment of personality disorders. Objective: The aim of the study is to investigate the efficacy of a schema mode focused treatment with adult clients with ASD and comorbid personality pathology (i.e. at least one personality disorder). Specifically, we investigate if they can benefit from both cognitive-behavioral, and experiential interventions. Study design: A multiple baseline case series study. Study population: Adult individuals (age > 21 years) with ASD and at least one personality disorder. Participants will be recruited from Sarr expertise center for autism in Rotterdam. The study requires 12 participants. Intervention: The treatment protocol consists of 35 weekly offered sessions, followed by 10 monthly booster sessions. A multiple baseline design will be used with baseline varying from 5 to 10 weeks, with weekly supportive sessions. After baseline, a 5-week exploration phase follows with weekly sessions during which current and past functioning, psychological symptoms, schema modes are explored, and information about the treatment will be given. Then 15 weekly sessions with cognitive-behavioral interventions and 15 weekly sessions with experiential interventions will be given. Finally, there will be a 10-month follow-up phase with monthly booster sessions. Participants are randomly assigned to baseline length, and respond weekly during treatment and monthly at follow-up on Belief Strength of negative core beliefs (by VAS), and fill out SMI, SCL-90 and SRS-A 7 times during screening procedure (i.e. before baseline), after baseline, after exploration, after cognitive and behavioral interventions, after experiential interventions, and after 5- and 10- month follow-up. The SCID-II will be administered during screening procedure (i.e. before baseline), at 5- and at 10-month follow-up. Main study parameters: The primary study parameter is negative core beliefs. Secondary study parameters include schema modes, personality disorder manifestations, psychological symptoms, and social interaction and communication. Discussion: To the best of author’s knowledge so far no study has been published on the application of schema mode focused interventions in adult patients with ASD and comorbid PD(s). This study offers the first systematic test of application of schema therapy for adults with ASD. The results of this study will provide initial evidence for the effectiveness of schema therapy in treating adults with both ASD and PD(s). The study intends to provide valuable information for future development and implementation of therapeutic interventions for adults with both ASD and PD(s).

Keywords: adults, autism spectrum disorder, personality disorder, schema therapy

Procedia PDF Downloads 239
4480 Pregnant Individuals in Rural Areas Benefit from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Literature Review

Authors: Kushal Patel, Manasa Dittakavi, Cyrus Falsafi, Gretchen Lovett


Rural America has seen a surge in opioid addiction rates and overdose deaths in recent years, becoming a significant public health crisis. This may be due to a variety of factors, such as lack of access to healthcare or other economic and social factors that can contribute to addiction such as poverty, unemployment, and social isolation. As the opioid epidemic has disproportionately affected rural communities, pregnant women in these areas may be highly susceptible and face additional difficulties in facing the appropriate care they need. Opioid use disorder has many negative effects on prenatal infants. These include changes in their microbiome, mental health, neurodevelopment and cognition. These can affect how the child performs in various activities in life and how they interact with others. It has been demonstrated that using cognitive behavioral therapy improves not just pain-related results but also mobility, quality of life, disability, and mood outcomes. This indicates that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be a useful therapeutic strategy for enhancing general health and wellbeing in people with opioid use problems. In terms of treating psychiatric diseases, CBT carries fewer dangers than opioids. One study that illustrates the potential for CBT to promote a reduction in opioid use disorder used self-reported drug use patterns 6 months prior to and during their pregnancy. At the beginning of the study, participants reported an average of 3.78 drug or alcohol use days in the previous 28 days, which decreased to 1.63 days after treatment. The study also found a decrease in depression scores, as measured by IDS scores, from 23.9 to 17.1 at the end of treatment. These and other results show that CBT can have meaningful impacts on pregnant women in Rural America who struggle with an opioid use disorder. This project has been approved by the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine- Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and deemed non-research scholarly work.

Keywords: appalachia, CBT, opiods, pregnancy

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4479 Randomized Controlled Trial of Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depressive Symptoms among Menopausal Chinese Women

Authors: Jing Ding


The present study will propose a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) that will assess the efficacy of group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in treating depressive symptoms among menopausal women in China. Considering the high prevalence of menopausal symptoms and depressive disorders among this population, the present study is intended to explore whether group CBT can provide relief for these psychological disturbances commonly linked with hot flashes and night sweats during menopause. Thus, participants will be recruited through gynecologic and psychological outpatient clinics in Beijing, China, and then randomly assigned to either the CBT intervention group or the waitlist control group. The primary outcome measures for major depression will include the PHQ-9, while for menopausal symptoms, the main outcome measure will be the KMI. Secondary measures will include the assessment of sleep quality, quality of life, and general well-being. The current study offers evidence-based intervention for non-pharmacological menopausal symptoms in women and underlines the benefits that group CBT can have, both at a mental health level and for physical symptoms during menopause. This study could set the stage for the wider clinical practice of CBT with this demographic.

Keywords: group CBT, depression, women's mental health, menopause

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4478 Conceptual Synthesis as a Platform for Psychotherapy Integration: The Case of Transference and Overgeneralization

Authors: Merav Rabinovich


Background: Psychoanalytic and cognitive therapy attend problems from a different point of view. At the recent decade the integrating movement gaining momentum. However only little has been studied regarding the theoretical interrelationship among these therapy approaches. Method: 33 transference case-studies that were published in peer-reviewed academic journals were coded by Luborsky's Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) method (components of wish, response from other – real or imaginal - and the response of self). CCRT analysis was conducted through tailor-made method, a valid tool to identify transference patterns. Rabinovich and Kacen's (2010, 2013) Relationship Between Categories (RBC) method was used to analyze the relationship among these transference patterns with cognitive and behavior components appearing at those psychoanalytic case-studies. Result: 30 of 33 cases (90%) were found to connect the transference themes with cognitive overgeneralization. In these cases, overgeneralizations were organized around Luborsky's transference themes of response from other and response of self. Additionally, overgeneralization was found to be an antithesis of the wish component, and the tension between them found to be linked with powerful behavioral and emotional reactions. Conclusion: The findings indicate that thinking distortions of overgeneralization (cognitive therapy) are the actual expressions of transference patterns. These findings point to a theoretical junction, a platform for clinical integration. Awareness to this junction can help therapists to promote well psychotherapy outcomes relying on the accumulative wisdom of the different therapies.

Keywords: transference, overgeneralization, theoretical integration, case-study metasynthesis, CCRT method, RBC method

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4477 Cognitive Behavioral Training to Enhance Performance and Well-Being in Collegiate Athletes

Authors: Angelina Tarabokija


This study looks into how cognitive behavioral training (CBT) techniques affect collegiate track and field athletes' anxiety related to performance, with a focus on distance runners. The goal of the research is to discover whether consistent use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) methods, such as progressive muscle relaxation, yoga (Y-CBT), visualization, relaxed breathing, and meditation, can reduce performance anxiety and improve sports performance. Six runners from the Rider Track & Field team, aged eighteen to twenty-three, participated in the quantitative research design used in the technique. Prior to employing CBT techniques every day for two weeks, including before competitions or on race day, participants conducted baseline assessments using the Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2). The SAS-2 was used in post-competition evaluations to track alterations in performance anxiety. The findings show that participants' total trait anxiety levels significantly decreased after utilizing CBT techniques for one week. However, after two weeks, a few participants' anxiety levels slightly increased, pointing to the need for more research and regular practice. The study indicates that CBT approaches can effectively reduce performance anxiety and increase athletic performance in collegiate track and field athletes, despite constraints related to participant motivation and potential confounding variables. Future areas for research could entail examining the precise impacts of worry, interruption of attention, and bodily anxiety on performance, as well as adding more controls. Overall, by providing insights into evidence-based strategies to maximize mental states and athletic performance in collegiate athletes, this study advances the area of sports psychology.

Keywords: cognitive behavioral training, performance, athletes, anxiety, well-being, SAS-2, Sport, trait anxiety, somatic anxiety

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4476 Recent Developments in Coping Strategies Focusing on Music Performance Anxiety: A Systematic Review

Authors: Parham Bakhtiari


Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a prevalent concern among musicians, manifesting through cognitive, physiological, and behavioral symptoms that can severely impact performance quality and overall well-being. This systematic review synthesizes research on coping strategies employed by musicians to manage MPA from 2016 to 2023, identifying a range of psychological and physical interventions, including acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and yoga. Findings reveal that these interventions significantly reduce anxiety and enhance psychological resilience, with ACT showing notable improvements in psychological flexibility. Physical approaches also proved effective in mitigating physiological symptoms associated with MPA. However, challenges such as small sample sizes and methodological limitations hinder the generalizability of results. The review underscores the necessity for multi-faceted intervention strategies tailored to the unique needs of different musicians and emphasizes the importance of future research employing larger, randomized controlled designs to further validate these findings. Overall, this review serves as a comprehensive resource for musicians seeking effective coping strategies for managing performance anxiety, highlighting the critical interplay between mental and physical approaches in promoting optimal performance outcomes.

Keywords: anxiety, performance, coping, music, strategy

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4475 A Review Article on Physical Therapy Methods for Children with Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation

Authors: Andrew Anis Fakhrey Mosaad


Introduction: Children with cerebral palsy (CP) can be rehabilitated using a variety of methods and strategies, from traditional and conservative methods to more intricate motor learning-based theories such as sensory-motor integration and neurodevelopmental treatment. Method: Since sensory, cognitive, communication, perceptual, and/or behavioral abnormalities are often present alongside motor impairments in children with cerebral palsy, therapy approaches are tailored to each child's specific needs. Using evidence-based practices guarantees that kids make the most progress possible. Task-specific exercises and active engagement are the cornerstones of effective physical therapy regimens, which enhance motor recovery by potentially plasticizing the central nervous system (CNS). Conclusion: The goal of CP rehabilitation for kids is to improve their functional ability, gait, balance, and motor development. Presenting various methods frequently employed in the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy was the aim of this review.

Keywords: children, cerebral palsy, rehabilitation, physical therapy

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4474 Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Cognitive Function among Breast Cancer Patients in Eastern Country

Authors: Arunima Datta, Prathama Guha Chaudhuri, Ashis Mukhopadhyay


Background: Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is one of the newer forms (third wave) therapy. This therapy helps a cancer patient to increase acceptance level about their disease as well as their present situation. Breast cancer patients are known to suffer from depression and mild cognitive impairment; both affect their quality of life. Objectives:The present study had assessed effect of structured ACT intervention on cognitive function and acceptance level among breast cancer patients who were undergoing chemotherapy. Method: Data was collected from 123 breast cancer patients those who were undergoing chemotherapy were willing to undergo psychological treatment, with no history of past psychiatric illness. Their baseline of cognitive function and acceptance levels were assessed using validated tools. The effect of sociodemographic factors and clinical factors on cognitive function was determined at baseline.The participants were randomly divided into two groups: experimental (ACT, 4 sessions over 2 months) and control group. Cognitive function and acceptance level were measured during post intervention on 2months follow-up. Appropriate statistical analyses were performed to determine the effect on cognitive function and acceptance level in two groups. Result: At baseline, the factors that significantly influenced slower speed of task performance were ER PR HER2 status; number of chemo cycle, treatment type (Adjuvant and neo-adjuvant) was related with that. Sociodemographic characteristics did not show any significant difference between slow and fast performance. Per and post intervention analysis showed that ACT intervention resulted in significant difference both in terms of speed of cognitive performance and acceptance level. Conclusion: ACT is an effective therapeutic option for treating mild cognitive impairment and improve acceptance level among breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Keywords: acceptance and commitment therapy, breast cancer, quality of life, cognitive function

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4473 Childhood Trauma and Identity in Adulthood

Authors: Aakriti Lohiya


This study examines the commonly recognised childhood trauma that can have a significant and enduring effect on a person's cognitive and psychological health. The purpose of this study was to look at the intricate interactions that exist between negative self-identity, cognitive distortions, and early trauma. For the study, a sample of (200 women were taken, who were socially active) was gathered. Standardised measures were utilised to evaluate the participants' experiences of childhood trauma, and validated psychological tools were employed to assess negative self-identity and cognitive distortions. The links and predicting correlations between childhood trauma, negative self-identity, and cognitive distortions were investigated using statistical techniques, such as correlation analysis and multiple regression modelling. The results demonstrated that there is no correlation between the degree of early trauma and the emergence of a negative self-identity and cognitive distortions. It examines whether cognitive distortion and events in childhood have any relationship with negative self-identity using various scales. Participants completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, which assessed retrospective accounts of childhood trauma; the Cognitive Distortions Scale, which measured internal attributions and perceptions of controllability; and the attachment style questionnaire, which assessed the attachment attribute of their daily life, which will lead negative. The implications for therapy were also considered.

Keywords: cognitive distortion, therapy, childhood trauma, attachment

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4472 Telehealth Psychotherapy: A Comparison of Two Swedish Randomized Clinical Trials

Authors: Madeline Foster


Since the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth usage for the delivery of psychotherapy has surged. The evidence base evaluating the success of telehealth interventions continues to grow, with both benefits as well as potential risks identified. This study compared two recent randomized clinical trials (RCTs) from Sweden that looked at the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) delivered via telehealth (TH) versus face-to-face (FTF) for individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The papers had mixed results. The first paper by Aspvall and colleagues compared the effect of a therapist-supported, internet-delivered stepped-care CBT program for children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 with face-to-face CBT (2021). In Aspvall’s study, the control scored a mean Y-BOCS of 10.57 and the TH intervention group scored a mean Y-BOCS of 11.57. The mean difference (0.91) met the criteria for noninferiority (p = 0.03). The second study by Lundström and colleagues also compared therapist-supported, internet-based CBT with FTF CBT for the treatment of those with DSM-5-diagnosed OCD. Conversely, while Lundström’s study reported improved symptoms across all groups, at follow up the difference in symptom severity between FTF and TH was clinically significant, with 77% of FTF participants responding to treatment compared to only 45% of TH participants. Due to the methodological limitations of Lundström’s study, it was concluded that Aspvall’s paper made a stronger scientific argument.

Keywords: telehealth, Sweden, RCT, cognitive-behavioral therapy, obsessive-compulsive disorder

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4471 Cognitive Rehabilitation in Schizophrenia: A Review of the Indian Scenario

Authors: Garima Joshi, Pratap Sharan, V. Sreenivas, Nand Kumar, Kameshwar Prasad, Ashima N. Wadhawan


Schizophrenia is a debilitating disorder and is marked by cognitive impairment, which deleteriously impacts the social and professional functioning along with the quality of life of the patients and the caregivers. Often the cognitive symptoms are in their prodromal state and worsen as the illness progresses; they have proven to have a good predictive value for the prognosis of the illness. It has been shown that intensive cognitive rehabilitation (CR) leads to improvements in the healthy as well as cognitively-impaired subjects. As the majority of population in India falls in the lower to middle socio-economic status and have low education levels, using the existing packages, a majority of which are developed in the West, for cognitive rehabilitation becomes difficult. The use of technology is also restricted due to the high costs involved and the limited availability and familiarity with computers and other devices, which pose as an impedance for continued therapy. Cognitive rehabilitation in India uses a plethora of retraining methods for the patients with schizophrenia targeting the functions of attention, information processing, executive functions, learning and memory, and comprehension along with Social Cognition. Psychologists often have to follow an integrative therapy approach involving social skills training, family therapy and psychoeducation in order to maintain the gains from the cognitive rehabilitation in the long run. This paper reviews the methodologies and cognitive retaining programs used in India. It attempts to elucidate the evolution and development of methodologies used, from traditional paper-pencil based retraining to more sophisticated neuroscience-informed techniques in cognitive rehabilitation of deficits in schizophrenia as home-based or supervised and guided programs for cognitive rehabilitation.

Keywords: schizophrenia, cognitive rehabilitation, neuropsychological interventions, integrated approached to rehabilitation

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4470 The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioural Intervention in Alleviating Social Avoidance for Blind Students

Authors: Mohamed M. Elsherbiny


Social Avoidance is one of the most important problems that face a good number of disabled students. It results from the negative attitudes of non-disabled students, teachers and others. Some of the past research has shown that non-disabled individuals hold negative attitudes toward persons with disabilities. The present study aims to alleviate Social Avoidance by applying the Cognitive Behavioral Intervention. 24 Blind students aged 19–24 (university students) were randomly chosen we compared an experimental group (consisted of 12 students) who went through the intervention program, with a control group (12 students also) who did not go through such intervention. We used the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SADS) to assess social anxiety and distress behavior. The author used many techniques of cognitive behavioral intervention such as modeling, cognitive restructuring, extension, contingency contracts, self-monitoring, assertiveness training, role play, encouragement and others. Statistically, T-test was employed to test the research hypothesis. Result showed that there is a significance difference between the experimental group and the control group after the intervention and also at the follow up stages of the Social Avoidance and Distress Scale. Also for the experimental group, there is a significance difference before the intervention and the follow up stages for the scale. Results showed that, there is a decrease in social avoidance. Accordingly, cognitive behavioral intervention program was successful in decreasing social avoidance for blind students.

Keywords: social avoidance, cognitive behavioral intervention, blind disability, disability

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4469 A Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Adaptation in Reducing Depression, Anxiety, and Self-Harm in Older Adults

Authors: Valerie Alexander, Amanda Gutierrez, Veronica Campbell, Dara Schwartz, B. Charles Tatum


It has long been assumed that personality disorders (PD) originate in adolescence or early adulthood and that the maladaptive behaviors significantly attenuate over time. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 supports early onset of PD and views the pattern of behaviors as enduring and stable. The premise of this study is that PD may not always begin early in life, that behaviors may change over the lifespan, and that current treatment modalities may be beneficial in seniors. Self-injurious behaviors (SIB) exhibited earlier in life may, in older adults, be manifested in less overt high-risk behaviors but by refusal to take medication and get necessary medical treatment. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is a well-known treatment modality for teaching emotional regulation and distress tolerance and thus reducing self-injurious behaviors yet very little has been studied about SIB and treatment in older adults. The population for this study was older adults, with a history of SIB, a PD, and depression and/or anxiety. Participants learned an adapted version of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) as developed by DBT trained therapists. The results provided clinical potentials for the efficacy of DBT to reduce SIB, decrease depression and anxiety in the older adult population.

Keywords: anxiety, depression, dialectical behavioral therapy, personality disorders, self-harm behavior, treatment in older adults

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4468 Analyzing Initial Efficacy of Animal Assisted Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study

Authors: Georgitta Joseph Valiyamattam


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a growing phenomenon in India with over 10 million cases being recorded. Children with various levels and forms of ASD can be a major challenge both within the context of regular or special schooling. According to statistics by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in every 88 children today is born with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) against a ratio of one in 110 few years back. The growing number of children with autism spectrum disorders places greater demands on health services and necessitates the roping in of non-traditional modes of treatment to complement or even substitute traditional health care methods when possible. Research evidence, particularly from Western countries, as also some parts of Asia, suggests that animal-assisted therapy, or zootherapy, may be used as an effective individual or complementary therapeutic tool for increasing overall wellbeing and quality of life among children with Autism spectrum disorders. The paper through a case-study format seeks to evaluate the efficacy (initial stage) of animal assisted therapy (canine-therapy with visiting dog: breed-Golden retriever), as a non-conventional treatment modality for improving cognitive functioning and managing the behavioral and psychological symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders. As a pilot study forming the basis for subsequent larger application of AAT, it analyses areas of efficacy as also the challenges faced, both with regard to the mode of therapy, as also particular to the Indian setting.

Keywords: animal assisted therapy, autism, canine therapy, analyzing initial efficacy

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4467 Effectiveness of Cognitive and Supportive-Expressive Group Therapies on Self-Efficiency and Life Style in MS Patients

Authors: Kamran Yazdanbakhsh, Somayeh Mahmoudi


Multiple sclerosis is the most common chronic disease of the central nervous system associated with demyelination of neurons and several demyelinated parts of the disease encompasses throughout the white matter and affects the sensory and motor function. This study compared the effectiveness of two methods of cognitive therapy and supportive-expressive therapy on the efficacy and quality of life in MS patients. This is an experimental project which has used developed group pretest - posttest and follow-up with 3 groups. The study included all patients with multiple sclerosis in 2013 that were members of the MS Society of Iran in Tehran. The sample included 45 patients with MS that were selected volunteerily of members of the MS society of Iran and randomly divided into three groups and pretest, posttest, and follow-up (three months) for the three groups had been done.The dimensions of quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis scale, and general self-efficiency scale of Schwarzer and Jerusalem was used for collecting data. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the mean of quality of life scores at pretest, posttest, and follow-up of the experimental groups. There was no significant difference between the mean of quality of life of the experimental groups which means that both groups were effective and had the same effect. There was no significant difference between the mean of self-efficiency scores in control and experimental group in pretest, posttest and follow-up. Thus, by using cognitive and supportive-expressive group therapy we can improve quality of life in MS patients and make great strides in their mental health.

Keywords: cognitive group therapy, life style, MS, self-efficiency, supportive-expressive group therapy

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4466 Investigating Role of Traumatic Events in a Pakistani Sample

Authors: Khadeeja Munawar, Shamsul Haque


The claim that traumatic events influence the recalled memories and mental health has received mixed empirical support. This study examines the memories of a sample drawn from Pakistan, a country that has witnessed many life-changing socio-political events, wars, and natural disasters in 72 years of its history. A sample of 210 senior citizens (Mage = 64.35, SD = 6.33) was recruited from Pakistan. The aim was to investigate if participants retrieved more memories related to past traumatic events using a word-cueing technique. Each participant reported ten memories to ten neutral cue words. The results revealed that past traumatic events were not adversely affecting the memories and mental health of participants. When memories were plotted with respect to the ages at which the events happened, a pronounced bump at 11-20 years of age was seen. Memories within as well as outside of the bump were mostly positive. The multilevel logistic regression modelling showed that the memories recalled were personally important and played a role in enhancing resilience. The findings revealed that despite facing an array of ethnic, religious, political, economic, and social conflicts, the participants were resilient, recalled predominantly positive memories, and had intact mental health. The findings have clinical implications in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The patients can be made aware of their negative emotions, troublesome/traumatic memories, and the distorted thinking patterns and their memories can be restructured. The findings can also be used to teach Memory Specificity Training (MEST) by psycho-educating the patients around changes in memory functioning and enhancing the recall of memories, which are more specific, vivid, and filled with sensory details.

Keywords: cognitive behavioral therapy, memories, mental health, resilience, trauma

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4465 Earnings-Related Information, Cognitive Bias, and the Disposition Effect

Authors: Chih-Hsiang Chang, Pei-Shan Kao


This paper discusses the reaction of investors in the Taiwan stock market to the most probable unknown earnings-related information and the most probable known earnings-related information. As compared with the previous literature regarding the effect of an official announcement of earnings forecast revision, this paper further analyzes investors’ cognitive bias toward the unknown and known earnings-related information, and the role of media during the investors' reactions to the foresaid information shocks. The empirical results show that both the unknown and known earnings-related information provides useful information content for a stock market. In addition, cognitive bias and disposition effect are the behavioral pitfalls that commonly occur in the process of the investors' reactions to the earnings-related information. Finally, media coverage has a remarkable influence upon the investors' trading decisions.

Keywords: cognitive bias, role of media, disposition effect, earnings-related information, behavioral pitfall

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4464 Use of Structural Family Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy with High-Conflict Couples

Authors: Eman Tadros, Natasha Finney


The following case study involving a high-conflict, Children’s Services Bureau (CSB) referred couple is analyzed and reviewed through an integrated lens of structural family therapy and dialectical behavior therapy. In structural family therapy, normal family development is not characterized by a lack of problems, but instead by families’ having developed a functional structure for dealing with their problems. Whereas, in dialectical behavioral therapy normal family development can be characterized by having a supportive and validating environment, where all family members feel a sense of acceptance and validation for who they are and where they are in life. The clinical case conceptualization highlights the importance of conceptualizing how change occurs within a therapeutic setting. In the current case study, the couple did not only experience high-conflict, but there were also issues of substance use, health issues, and other complicating factors. Clinicians should view their clients holistically and tailor their treatment to fit their unique needs. In this framework, change occurs within the family unit, by accepting each member as they are, while at the same time working together to change maladaptive familial structures.

Keywords: couples, dialectical behavior therapy, high-conflict, structural family therapy

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4463 Tablet Computer Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Program, Injini, for Children with Cognitive Impairment

Authors: Eun Jae Ko, In Young Sung, Eui Soo Joeng


Cognitive impairment is commonly encountered problem in children with various clinical diseases, including Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, brain injury, and others. Cognitive impairment limits participation in education and society, and this further hinders development in cognition. However, young children with cognitive impairment tend not to respond well to traditional cognitive treatments, therefore alternative treatment choices are need. As a cognitive training program, touch screen technology can easily be applied to very young children by involving visual and auditory support. Injini was developed as tablet computer based cognitive rehabilitation program for young children or individuals with severe cognitive impairment, which targeted on cognitive ages of 18 to 36 months. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a tablet computer based cognitive rehabilitation program (Injini) for children with cognitive impairment. 38 children between cognitive ages of 18 to 36 months confirmed by cognitive evaluations were recruited and randomly assigned to the intervention group (n=20) and the control group (n=18). The intervention group received tablet computer based cognitive rehabilitation program (Injini) for 30 minutes per session, twice a week, over a period of 12 weeks, in addition to the traditional rehabilitation program. The control group received traditional rehabilitation program only. Mental score of Bayley Scales of Infant Development II (BSID II), Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI), Laboratory Temperament Assessment Battery (Lab-TAB), Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire (ECBQ), and Goal Attainment Scale (GAS) were evaluated before and after 12 weeks of therapeutic intervention. When comparing the baseline characteristics, there was no significant difference between the two groups in the measurements of cognitive function. After 12 weeks of treatment, both group showed improvements in all measurements. However, in comparison of improvements after treatment, the intervention group showed more improvements in the mental score of BSID II, social function domain of PEDI, observation domain of Lab-TAB, and GAS, as compared to the control group. Application of the tablet computer based cognitive rehabilitation program (Injini) would be beneficial for improvement of cognitive function in young children with cognitive impairment.

Keywords: cognitive therapy, computer-assisted therapy, early intervention, tablets

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4462 Body Image Dissatisfaction of Females: A Holistic Therapeutic Approach

Authors: Katy Eleanor Addinall


Women’s body image dissatisfaction is a widespread problem, and it is present in all age groups, on every socioeconomic level, in all occupations, all cultures, and religions. Body image dissatisfaction is a broad term that is used to vary from normal discontent of a woman about one or more of her physical attributes to extreme negative causes, for example, an eating disorder. South African women were examined, and an empirical qualitative study was done to evaluate the women’s thoughts and feelings regarding their bodies. The causes and effects of body image dissatisfaction were examined, and social science literature was used to determine the etiology of body image dissatisfaction, which confirmed that it is multifactorial. A variety of therapeutic aids were studied, and cognitive behavioural therapy appeared to be the most effective. Every woman is an individual with an individual body image and must be approached as an individual holistic being. Thus, a holistic pragmatic model was developed as a possible aid in the woman’s healing process.

Keywords: body, body image, females, woman, therapy, dissatisfaction, holistic, cognitive behavioural therapy

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4461 Effects of Group Cognitive Restructuring and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy on Psychological Distress of Awaiting-Trial Inmates in Correctional Centers in North- West, Nigeria

Authors: Muhammad Shafi'u Adamu


This study examined the effects of two Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (Cognitive Restructuring and Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy) on Psychological Distress of awaiting-trial Inmates in Correctional Centres in North-West, Nigeria. The study had four specific objectives, four research questions, and four null hypotheses. The study used a quasi-experimental design that involved pre-test and post-test. The population comprised of all 7,962 awaiting-trial inmates in correctional centres in North-west, Nigeria. 131 awaiting trial inmates from three intact Correctional Centres were randomly selected using the census technique. The respondents were sampled and randomly put into 3 groups (CR, REBT and Control). Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) was adapted for data collection in the study. The instrument was validated by experts and subjected to pilot study using Cronbach's Alpha with reliability co-efficient of 0.772. Each group received treatment for 8 consecutive weeks (60 minutes/week). Data collected from the field were subjected to descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and mean difference to answer the research questions. Inferential statistics of ANOVA and independent sample t-test were used to test the null hypotheses at P≤ 0.05 level of significance. Results in the study revealed that there was no significant difference among the pre-treatment mean scores of experimental and control groups. Statistical evidence also showed a significant difference among the mean sores of the three groups, and thus, results of the Post Hoc multiple-comparison test indicating the posttreatment reduction of psychological distress on the awaiting-trial inmates. Documented output also showed a significant difference between the post-treatment psychologically distressed mean scores of male and female awaiting-trial inmates, but there was no difference on those exposed to REBT. The research recommends that a standardized structured CBT counselling technique treatment should be designed for correctional centres across Nigeria, and CBT counselling techniques could be used in the treatment of PD in both correctional and clinical settings.

Keywords: awaiting-trial inmates, cognitive restructuring, correctional centres, group cognitive behavioural therapies, rational emotive behavioural therapy

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4460 A Review of Challenges of Electroconvulsive Therapy in Depressed People

Authors: Prosper Kudzanai Mushauri


Shock therapy has been used in persons living with depression and deeply depressed persons. It has been used in children also. Shock therapy has been also among its pros believed to improve the quality of life and an effective treatment of depression. The review of the literature on ECT papers have highlighted that benefits to users of ECT are elusive, and iatrogenic harm often occurs showing that the approach will always fall far in comporting to psychological ethics. On the contrary, ECT is known as shock therapy which is the administration of electric shock within the brain; it has been challenged on ethical grounds if it’s proper ethically. From this ethical aperture, it has emerged that relapse rates are approximately higher than 50%, it results in diencephalon disturbances and has also side effects related to cognitive function among other negative effects. It is from these reviewed studies that that ECT should not be viewed as an effective treatment of depression as it does not comport to the mores of psychological ethics.

Keywords: anterograde amnesia, depression, electroconvulsive therapy, ethics, retrograde amnesia

Procedia PDF Downloads 192
4459 Effectiveness of Computer-Based Cognitive Training in Improving Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Rehabilitation

Authors: Marjan Ghazisaeedi, Azadeh Bashiri


Background: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD), is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in early childhood that in addition to its main symptoms provide significant deficits in the areas of educational, social and individual relationship. Considering the importance of rehabilitation in ADHD patients to control these problems, this study investigated the advantages of computer-based cognitive training in these patients. Methods: This review article has been conducted by searching articles since 2005 in scientific databases and e-Journals and by using keywords including computerized cognitive rehabilitation, computer-based training and ADHD. Results: Since drugs have short term effects and also they have many side effects in the rehabilitation of ADHD patients, using supplementary methods such as computer-based cognitive training is one of the best solutions. This approach has quick feedback and also has no side effects. So, it provides promising results in cognitive rehabilitation of ADHD especially on the working memory and attention. Conclusion: Considering different cognitive dysfunctions in ADHD patients, application of the computerized cognitive training has the potential to improve cognitive functions and consequently social, academic and behavioral performances in patients with this disorder.

Keywords: ADHD, computer-based cognitive training, cognitive functions, rehabilitation

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4458 Determining the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Reducing the Psychopathic Deviance of Criminals

Authors: Setareh Gerayeli


The present study tries to determine the effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy in reducing the psychopathic deviance of employed criminals released from prison. The experimental method was used in this study, and the statistical population included employed criminals released from prison in Mashhad. Thirty offenders were selected randomly as the samples of the study. The MMPI-2 was used to collect data in the pre-test and post-test stages. The behavioral therapy was conducted on the experimental group during fourteen two and a half hour sessions, while the control group did not receive any intervention. Data analysis was conducted by using covariance. The results showed there is a significant difference between the post-test mean scores of the two groups. The findings suggest that dialectical behavior therapy is effective in reducing psychopathic deviance.

Keywords: criminals, dialectical behavior therapy, psychopathic deviance, prison

Procedia PDF Downloads 232
4457 A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Intervention Programme for Excessive Internet Use among Young Adults

Authors: Ke Guek Nee, Wong Siew Fan, Nigel V. Marsh


Excessive use of the Internet has become a cause for concern in many countries, including Malaysia. Such behaviour is reported to be more prevalent amongst young adults who are reported to be spending large amount of time on the Internet. The present study has three objectives. First one is designing a manual-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) programme to reduce problematic Internet use among young adults in Malaysia. Second one is examining the effectiveness of a manual-based CBT programme at the pilot study stage. Thirdly, the programme focuses on reducing the level of stress and anxiety in problematic Internet users. We adopted CBT with single subject experimental design method. A total of six participants completed the entire program. They were asked to report their daily Internet use and software was installed on their devices to record actual use. The data collection involved three time frame measurements: T1 (baseline), T2 (immediately during the last session of the intervention sessions), and T3 (follow-up). Three scales were used to measure the effectiveness of the program: Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales (DASS), Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS), and Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIUQ). The results revealed that the intervention programme has significantly improved two dimensions of problematic Internet use which were obsession and control disorder. The participants’ mental health also showed a deduction in means scores for depression, anxiety and stress with depression showing the greatest improvement after the intervention programme. The participants’ social anxiety showed a slight deduction in means scores. We concluded that the intervention programme designed was effective. However, its limitations need to be addressed in future research.

Keywords: excessive internet use, cognitive behavioral thearapy (CBT), psychological well-being, young adults

Procedia PDF Downloads 455
4456 A Case Report on the Course and Outcome of a Patient Diagnosed with Trichotillomania and Major Depressive Disorder

Authors: Ziara Carmelli G. Tan, Irene Carmelle S. Tan


Background: Trichotillomania (TTM) and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) are two psychiatric conditions that frequently co-occur, presenting a significant challenge for treatment due to their complex interplay. TTM involves repetitive hair-pulling, leading to noticeable hair loss and distress, while MDD is characterized by persistent low mood and loss of interest or pleasure, leading to dysfunctionality. This case report examines the intricate relationship between TTM and MDD in a young adult female, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive, multifaceted therapeutic approach to address both disorders effectively. Case Presentation: The patient is a 21-year-old female college student and youth church leader who presented with chronic hair-pulling and depressive symptoms. Her premorbid personality was marked by low self-esteem and a strong need for external validation. Despite her academic and social responsibilities and achievements, she struggled with managing her emotional distress, which was exacerbated by her family dynamics and her role within her church community. Her hair-pulling and mood symptoms were particularly triggered by self-esteem threats and feelings of inadequacy. She was diagnosed with Trichotillomania, Scalp and Major Depressive Disorder. Intervention/Management: The patient’s treatment plan was comprehensive, incorporating both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Initial pharmacologic management was Fluoxetine 20mg/day up, titrated to 40mg/day with no improvement; hence, shifted to Escitalopram 20mg/day and started with N-acetylcysteine 600mg/day with noted significant improvement in symptoms. Psychotherapeutic strategies played a crucial role in her treatment. These included supportive-expressive psychodynamic psychotherapy, which helped her explore and understand underlying emotional conflicts. Cognitive-behavioral techniques were employed to modify her maladaptive thoughts and behaviors. Grief processing was integrated to help her cope with significant losses. Family therapy was done to address conflicts and collaborate with the treatment process. Psychoeducation was provided to enhance her understanding of her condition and to empower her in her treatment journey. A suicide safety plan was developed to ensure her safety during critical periods. An interprofessional approach, which involved coordination with the Dermatology service for co-management, was also a key component of her treatment. Outcome: Over the course of 15 therapy sessions, the patient demonstrated significant improvement in both her depressive symptoms and hair-pulling behavior. Her active engagement in therapy, combined with pharmacological support, facilitated better emotional regulation and a more cohesive sense of self. Her adherence to the treatment plan, along with the collaborative efforts of the interprofessional team, contributed to her positive outcomes. Discussion: This case underscores the significance of addressing both TTM and its comorbid conditions to achieve effective treatment outcomes. The intricate interplay between TTM and MDD in the patient’s case highlights the importance of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches. Supportive-expressive psychodynamic psychotherapy, Cognitive-behavioral techniques, and Family therapy were particularly beneficial in addressing the complex emotional and behavioral aspects of her condition. The involvement of an interprofessional team, including dermatology co-management, was crucial in providing holistic care. Future practice should consider the benefits of such a multidisciplinary approach to managing complex cases like this, ensuring that both the psychological and physiological aspects of the disorders are adequately addressed.

Keywords: cognitive-behavioral therapy, interprofessional approach, major depressive disorder, psychodynamic psychotherapy, trichotillomania

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4455 Cognitive Behaviour Drama: Playful Method to Address Fears in Children on the Higher-End of the Autism Spectrum

Authors: H.Karnezi, K. Tierney


Childhood fears that persist over time and interfere with the children’s normal functioning may have detrimental effects on their social and emotional development. Cognitive behavior therapy is considered highly effective in treating fears and anxieties. However, given that many childhood fears are based on fantasy, the applicability of CBT may be hindered by cognitive immaturity. Furthermore, a lack of motivation to engage in therapy is another commonly encountered obstacle. The purpose of this study was to introduce and evaluate a more developmentally appropriate intervention model, specifically designed to provide phobic children with the motivation to overcome their fears. To this end, principles and techniques from cognitive and behavior therapies are incorporated into the ‘Drama in Education’ model. The Cognitive Behaviour Drama (CBD) method involves using the phobic children’s creativity to involve them in the therapeutic process. The children are invited to engage in exciting fictional scenarios tailored around their strengths and special interests. Once their commitment to the drama is established, a problem that they will feel motivated to solve is introduced. To resolve it, the children will have to overcome a number of obstacles culminating in an in vivo confrontation with the fear stimulus. The study examined the application of the CBD model in three single cases. Results in all three cases shown complete elimination of all fear-related symptoms. Preliminary results justify further evaluation of the Cognitive Behaviour Drama model. It is time and cost-effective, ensuring the clients' immediate engagement in the therapeutic process.

Keywords: phobias, autism, intervention, drama

Procedia PDF Downloads 129
4454 Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders in Patients with Precuneal Infarcts

Authors: F. Ece Cetin, H. Nezih Ozdemir, Emre Kumral


Ischemic stroke of the precuneal cortex (PC) alone is extremely rare. This study aims to evaluate the clinical, neurocognitive, and behavioural characteristics of isolated PC infarcts. We assessed neuropsychological and behavioral findings in 12 patients with isolated PC infarct among 3800 patients with ischemic stroke. To determine the most frequently affected brain locus in patients, we first overlapped the ischemic area of patients with specific cognitive disorders and patients without specific cognitive disorders. Secondly, we compared both overlap maps using the 'subtraction plot' function of MRIcroGL. Patients showed various types of cognitive disorders. All patients experienced more than one category of cognitive disorder, except for two patients with only one cognitive disorder. Lesion topographical analysis showed that damage within the anterior precuneal region might lead to consciousness disorders (25%), self-processing impairment (42%), visuospatial disorders (58%), and lesions in the posterior precuneal region caused episodic and semantic memory impairment (33%). The whole precuneus is involved in at least one body awareness disorder. The cause of the stroke was cardioembolism in 5 patients (42%), large artery disease in 3 (25%), and unknown in 4 (33%). This study showed a wide variety of neuropsychological and behavioural disorders in patients with precuneal infarct. Future studies are needed to achieve a proper definition of the function of the precuneus in relation to the extended cortical areas. Precuneal cortex region infarcts have been found to predict a source of embolism from the large arteries or heart.

Keywords: cognition, pericallosal artery, precuneal cortex, ischemic stroke

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