Search results for: water treatment plant
1186 Simulation and Characterization of Stretching and Folding in Microchannel Electrokinetic Flows
Authors: Justo Rodriguez, Daming Chen, Amador M. Guzman
The detection, treatment, and control of rapidly propagating, deadly viruses such as COVID-19, require the development of inexpensive, fast, and accurate devices to address the urgent needs of the population. Microfluidics-based sensors are amongst the different methods and techniques for detection that are easy to use. A micro analyzer is defined as a microfluidics-based sensor, composed of a network of microchannels with varying functions. Given their size, portability, and accuracy, they are proving to be more effective and convenient than other solutions. A micro analyzer based on the concept of “Lab on a Chip” presents advantages concerning other non-micro devices due to its smaller size, and it is having a better ratio between useful area and volume. The integration of multiple processes in a single microdevice reduces both the number of necessary samples and the analysis time, leading the next generation of analyzers for the health-sciences. In some applications, the flow of solution within the microchannels is originated by a pressure gradient, which can produce adverse effects on biological samples. A more efficient and less dangerous way of controlling the flow in a microchannel-based analyzer is applying an electric field to induce the fluid motion and either enhance or suppress the mixing process. Electrokinetic flows are characterized by no less than two non-dimensional parameters: the electric Rayleigh number and its geometrical aspect ratio. In this research, stable and unstable flows have been studied numerically (and when possible, will be experimental) in a T-shaped microchannel. Additionally, unstable electrokinetic flows for Rayleigh numbers higher than critical have been characterized. The flow mixing enhancement was quantified in relation to the stretching and folding that fluid particles undergo when they are subjected to supercritical electrokinetic flows. Computational simulations were carried out using a finite element-based program while working with the flow mixing concepts developed by Gollub and collaborators. Hundreds of seeded massless particles were tracked along the microchannel from the entrance to exit for both stable and unstable flows. After post-processing, their trajectories, the folding and stretching values for the different flows were found. Numerical results show that for supercritical electrokinetic flows, the enhancement effects of the folding and stretching processes become more apparent. Consequently, there is an improvement in the mixing process, ultimately leading to a more homogenous mixture.Keywords: microchannel, stretching and folding, electro kinetic flow mixing, micro-analyzer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1271185 Balance of Natural Resources to Manage Land Use Changes in Subosukawonosraten Area
Authors: Sri E. Wati, D. Roswidyatmoko, N. Maslahatun, Gunawan, Andhika B. Taji
Natural resource is the main sources to fulfill human needs. Its utilization must consider not only human prosperity but also sustainability. Balance of natural resources is a tool to manage natural wealth and to control land use change. This tool is needed to organize land use planning as stated on spatial plan in a certain region. Balance of natural resources can be calculated by comparing two-series of natural resource data obtained at different year. In this case, four years data period of land and forest were used (2010 and 2014). Land use data were acquired through satellite image interpretation and field checking. By means of GIS analysis, its result was then assessed with land use plan. It is intended to evaluate whether existing land use is suitable with land use plan. If it is improper, what kind of efforts and policies must be done to overcome the situation. Subosukawonosraten is rapid developed areas in Central Java Province. This region consists of seven regencies/cities which are Sukoharjo Regency, Boyolali Regency, Surakarta City, Karanganyar Regency, Wonogiri Regency, Sragen Regency, and Klaten Regency. This region is regarding to several former areas under Karasidenan Surakarta and their location is adjacent to Surakarta. Balance of forest resources show that width of forest area is not significantly changed. Some land uses within the area are slightly changed. Some rice field areas are converted into settlement (0.03%) whereas water bodies become vacant areas (0.09%). On the other hand, balance of land resources state that there are many land use changes in this region. Width area of rice field decreases 428 hectares and more than 50% of them have been transformed into settlement area and 11.21% is converted into buildings such as factories, hotels, and other infrastructures. It occurs mostly in Sragen, Sukoharjo, and Karanganyar Regency. The results illustrate that land use change in this region is mostly influenced by increasing of population number. Some agricultural lands have been converted into built-up area since demand of settlement, industrial area, and other infrastructures also increases. Unfortunately, recent utilization of more than a half of total area is not appropriate with land use plan declared in spatial planning document. It means, local government shall develop a strict regulation and law enforcement related to any violation in land use management.Keywords: balance, forest, land, spatial plan
Procedia PDF Downloads 3201184 Experiments to Study the Vapor Bubble Dynamics in Nucleate Pool Boiling
Authors: Parul Goel, Jyeshtharaj B. Joshi, Arun K. Nayak
Nucleate boiling is characterized by the nucleation, growth and departure of the tiny individual vapor bubbles that originate in the cavities or imperfections present in the heating surface. It finds a wide range of applications, e.g. in heat exchangers or steam generators, core cooling in power reactors or rockets, cooling of electronic circuits, owing to its highly efficient transfer of large amount of heat flux over small temperature differences. Hence, it is important to be able to predict the rate of heat transfer and the safety limit heat flux (critical heat flux, heat flux higher than this can lead to damage of the heating surface) applicable for any given system. A large number of experimental and analytical works exist in the literature, and are based on the idea that the knowledge of the bubble dynamics on the microscopic scale can lead to the understanding of the full picture of the boiling heat transfer. However, the existing data in the literature are scattered over various sets of conditions and often in disagreement with each other. The correlations obtained from such data are also limited to the range of conditions they were established for and no single correlation is applicable over a wide range of parameters. More recently, a number of researchers have been trying to remove empiricism in the heat transfer models to arrive at more phenomenological models using extensive numerical simulations; these models require state-of-the-art experimental data for a wide range of conditions, first for input and later, for their validation. With this idea in mind, experiments with sub-cooled and saturated demineralized water have been carried out under atmospheric pressure to study the bubble dynamics- growth rate, departure size and frequencies for nucleate pool boiling. A number of heating elements have been used to study the dependence of vapor bubble dynamics on the heater surface finish and heater geometry along with the experimental conditions like the degree of sub-cooling, super heat and the heat flux. An attempt has been made to compare the data obtained with the existing data and the correlations in the literature to generate an exhaustive database for the pool boiling conditions.Keywords: experiment, boiling, bubbles, bubble dynamics, pool boiling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3021183 Analysis of Trend and Variability of Rainfall in the Mid-Mahanadi River Basin of Eastern India
Authors: Rabindra K. Panda, Gurjeet Singh
The major objective of this study was to analyze the trend and variability of rainfall in the middle Mahandi river basin located in eastern India. The trend of variation of extreme rainfall events has predominant effect on agricultural water management and extreme hydrological events such as floods and droughts. Mahanadi river basin is one of the major river basins of India having an area of 1,41,589 km2 and divided into three regions: Upper, middle and delta region. The middle region of Mahanadi river basin has an area of 48,700 km2 and it is mostly dominated by agricultural land, where agriculture is mostly rainfed. The study region has five Agro-climatic zones namely: East and South Eastern Coastal Plain, North Eastern Ghat, Western Undulating Zone, Western Central Table Land and Mid Central Table Land, which were numbered as zones 1 to 5 respectively for convenience in reporting. In the present study, analysis of variability and trends of annual, seasonal, and monthly rainfall was carried out, using the daily rainfall data collected from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) for 35 years (1979-2013) for the 5 agro-climatic zones. The long term variability of rainfall was investigated by evaluating the mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation. The long term trend of rainfall was analyzed using the Mann-Kendall test on monthly, seasonal and annual time scales. It was found that there is a decreasing trend in the rainfall during the winter and pre monsoon seasons for zones 2, 3 and 4; whereas in the monsoon (rainy) season there is an increasing trend for zones 1, 4 and 5 with a level of significance ranging between 90-95%. On the other hand, the mean annual rainfall has an increasing trend at 99% significance level. The estimated seasonality index showed that the rainfall distribution is asymmetric and distributed over 3-4 months period. The study will help to understand the spatio-temporal variation of rainfall and to determine the correlation between the current rainfall trend and climate change scenario of the study region for multifarious use.Keywords: Eastern India, long-term variability and trends, Mann-Kendall test, seasonality index, spatio-temporal variation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3061182 The Effects of Inferior Tilt Fixation on a Glenoid Components in Reverse Shoulder-Arthroplasty
Authors: Soo Min Kim, Soo-Won Chae, Soung-Yon Kim, Haea Lee, Ju Yong Kang, Juneyong Lee, Seung-Ho Han
Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) has become an effective treatment option for cuff tear arthropathy and massive, irreparable rotator cuff tears and indications for its use are expanding. Numerous methods for optimal fixation of the glenoid component have been suggested, such as inferior overhang, inferior tilt, to maximize initial fixation and prevent glenoid component loosening. The inferior tilt fixation of a glenoid component has been suggested, which is expected to decrease scapular notching and to improve the stability of a glenoid component fixation in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. Inferior tilt fixation of the glenoid component has been suggested, which can improve stability and, because it provides the most uniform compressive forces and imparts the least amount of tensile forces and micromotion, reduce the likelihood of mechanical failure. Another study reported that glenoid component inferior tilt improved impingement-free range of motion as well as minimized the scapular notching. Several authors have shown that inferior tilt of a glenoid component reduces scapular notching. However, controversy still exists regarding its importance in the literature. In this study the influence of inferior tilt fixation on the primary stability of a glenoid component has been investigated. Finite element models were constructed from cadaveric scapulae and glenoid components were implanted with neutral and 10° inferior tilts. Most previous biomechanical studies regarding the effect of glenoid component inferior tilt used a solid rigid polyurethane foam or sawbones block, not cadaveric scapulae, to evaluate the stability of the RTSA. Relative micromotions at the bone-glenoid component interface, and the distribution of bone stresses under the glenoid component and around the screws were analyzed and compared between neutral and 10° inferior tilt groups. Contact area between bone and screws and cut surface area of the cancellous bone exposed after reaming of the glenoid have also been investigated because of the fact that cancellous and cortical bone thickness vary depending on the resection level of the inferior glenoid bone. The greater relative micromotion of the bone-glenoid component interface occurred in the 10° inferior tilt group than in the neutral tilt group, especially at the inferior area of the bone-glenoid component interface. Bone stresses under the glenoid component and around the screws were also higher in the 10° inferior tilt group than in the neutral tilt group, especially at the inferior third of the glenoid bone surface under the glenoid component and inferior scapula. Thus inferior tilt fixation of the glenoid component may adversely affect the primary stability and longevity of the reverse total shoulder arthroplasty.Keywords: finite element analysis, glenoid component, inferior tilt, reverse total shoulder arthroplasty
Procedia PDF Downloads 2871181 Detection, Isolation, and Raman Spectroscopic Characterization of Acute and Chronic Staphylococcus aureus Infection in an Endothelial Cell Culture Model
Authors: Astrid Tannert, Anuradha Ramoji, Christina Ebert, Frederike Gladigau, Lorena Tuchscherr, Jürgen Popp, Ute Neugebauer
Staphylococcus aureus is a facultative intracellular pathogen, which by entering host cells may evade immunologic host response as well as antimicrobial treatment. In that way, S. aureus can cause persistent intracellular infections which are difficult to treat. Depending on the strain, S. aureus may persist at different intracellular locations like the phagolysosome. The first barrier invading pathogens from the blood stream that they have to cross are the endothelial cells lining the inner surface of blood and lymphatic vessels. Upon proceeding from an acute to a chronic infection, intracellular pathogens undergo certain biochemical and structural changes including a deceleration of metabolic processes to adopt for long-term intracellular survival and the development of a special phenotype designated as small colony variant. In this study, the endothelial cell line Ea.hy 926 was used as a model for acute and chronic S. aureus infection. To this end, Ea.hy 926 cells were cultured on QIAscout™ Microraft Arrays, a special graded cell culture substrate that contains around 12,000 microrafts of 200 µm edge length. After attachment to the substrate, the endothelial cells were infected with GFP-expressing S. aureus for 3 weeks. The acute infection and the development of persistent bacteria was followed by confocal laser scanning microscopy, scanning the whole Microraft Array for the presence and for detailed determination of the intracellular location of fluorescent intracellular bacteria every second day. After three weeks of infection representative microrafts containing infected cells, cells with protruded infections and cells that did never show any infection were isolated and fixed for Raman micro-spectroscopic investigation. For comparison, also microrafts with acute infection were isolated. The acquired Raman spectra are correlated with the fluorescence microscopic images to give hints about a) the molecular alterations in endothelial cells during acute and chronic infection compared to non-infected cells, and b) metabolic and structural changes within the pathogen when entering a mode of persistence within host cells. We thank Dr. Ruth Kläver from QIAGEN GmbH for her support regarding QIAscout technology. Financial support by the BMBF via the CSCC (FKZ 01EO1502) and from the DFG via the Jena Biophotonic and Imaging Laboratory (JBIL, FKZ PO 633/29-1, BA 1601/10-1) is highly acknowledged.Keywords: correlative image analysis, intracellular infection, pathogen-host adaption, Raman micro-spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1811180 Development of Ferric Citrate Complex Draw Solute and Its Application for Liquid Product Enrichment through Forward Osmosis
Forward osmosis is an emerging technology for separation and has great potential in the concentration of liquid products such as protein, pharmaceutical, and natural products. In pharmacy industry, one of the very tough talks is to concentrate the product in a gentle way since some of the key components may lose bioactivity when exposed to heating or pressurization. Therefore, forward osmosis (FO), which uses inherently existed osmosis pressure instead of externally applied hydraulic pressure, is attractive for pharmaceutical enrichments in a much efficient and energy-saving way. Recently, coordination complexes have been explored as the new class of draw solutes in FO processes due to their bulky configuration and excellent performance in terms of high water flux and low reverse solute flux. Among these coordination complexes, ferric citrate complex with lots of hydrophilic groups and ionic species which make them good solubility and high osmotic pressure in aqueous solution, as well as its low toxicity, has received much attention. However, the chemistry of ferric complexation by citrate is complicated, and disagreement prevails in the literature, especially for the structure of the ferric citrate. In this study, we investigated the chemical reaction with various molar ratio of iron and citrate. It was observed that the ferric citrate complex (Fe-CA2) with molar ratio of 1:1 for iron and citrate formed at the beginning of the reaction, then Fecit would convert to ferric citrate complex at the molar ratio of 1:2 with the proper excess of citrate in the base solution. The structures of the ferric citrate complexes synthesized were systematically characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-vis spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Fe-CA2 solutions exhibit osmotic pressures more than twice of that for NaCl solutions at the same concentrations. Higher osmotic pressure means higher driving force, and this is preferable for the FO process. Fe-CA2 and NaCl draw solutions were prepared with the same osmotic pressure and used in FO process for BSA protein concentration. Within 180 min, BSA concentration was enriched from 0.2 to 0.27 L using Fe-CA draw solutions. However, it was only increased from 0.20 to 0.22 g/L using NaCl draw solutions. A reverse flux of 11 g/m²h was observed for NaCl draw solutes while it was only 0.1 g/m²h for Fe-CA2 draw solutes. It is safe to conclude that Fe-CA2 is much better than NaCl as draw solute and it is suitable for the enrichment of liquid product.Keywords: draw solutes, ferric citrate complex, forward osmosis, protein enrichment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1541179 Bioconversion of Antifungal Antibiotic Derived from Aspergillus Nidulans
Authors: Savitha Janakiraman, Shivakumar M. C
Anidulafungin, an advanced class of antifungal agent used for the treatment of chronic fungal infections, is derived from Echinocandin B nucleus, an intermediate metabolite of Echinocandin B produced by Aspergillus nidulans. The enzyme acylase derived from the fermentation broth of Actinoplanes utahensis (NRRL 12052) plays a key role in the bioconversion of echinocandin B to echinocandin B nucleus. The membrane-bound nature of acylase and low levels of expression contributes to the rate-limiting process of enzymatic deacylation, hence low yields of ECB nucleus and anidulafungin. In the present study, this is addressed through novel genetic engineering approaches of overexpression and heterologous expression studies, immobilization of whole cells of Actinoplanes utahensis (NRRL 12052) and Co-cultivation studies. Overexpression of the acylase gene in Actinoplanes utahensis (NRRL 12052) was done by increasing the gene copy number to increase the echinocandin B nucleus production. Echinocandin B acylase gene, under the control of a PermE* promoter, was cloned in pSET152 vector and introduced into Actinoplanes utahensis (NRRL12052) by a ɸC31-directed site-specific recombination method. The resultant recombinant strain (C2-18) showed a 3-fold increase in acylase expression, which was confirmed by HPLC analysis. Pichia pastoris is one of the most effective and versatile host systems for the production of heterologous proteins. The ECB acylase gene was cloned into pPIC9K vector with AOX1 promoter and was transformed into Pichia pastoris (GS115). The acylase expression was confirmed by protein expression and bioconversion studies. The heterologous expression of acylase in Pichia pastoris, is a milestone in the development of antifungals. Actively growing cells of Actinoplanes utahensis (NRRL 12052) were immobilized and tested for bioconversion ability which showed >90% conversion in each cycle. The stability of immobilized cell beads retained the deacylation ability up to 60 days and reusability was confirmed up to 4 cycles. The significant findings from the study have revealed that immobilization of whole cells of Actinoplanes utahensis (NRRL 12052) could be an alternative option for bioconversion of echinocandin B to echinocandin B nucleus, which has not been reported to date. The concept of co-cultivation of Aspergillus nidulans and Actinoplanes utahensis strains for the production of the echinocandin B nucleus was also carried out in order to produce echinocandin B nucleus. The process completely reduced the ECB purification step and, therefore, could be recommended as an ingenious method to improve the yield of the ECB nucleus.Keywords: acylase, anidulafungin, antifungals, Aspergillus nidulans
Procedia PDF Downloads 1101178 Prophylactic Effect of Dietary Garlic (Allium sativum) Inclusion in Feed of Commercial Broilers with Coccidiosis Raised at the Experimental Animal Unit of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
Authors: Ogunlesi Olufunso, John Ogunsola, Omolade Oladele, Benjamin Emikpe
Context: Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease that affects poultry production, leading to economic losses. Garlic is known for medicinal properties and has been used as a natural remedy for various diseases. This study aims to investigate the prophylactic effect of garlic inclusion in the feed of commercial broilers with coccidiosis. Research Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the possible effect of garlic meal inclusion in poultry feed on the body weight gain of commercial broilers and to investigate it's therapeutic effect on broilers with coccidiosis. Methodology: The study conducted a case-control study for eight weeks with One hundred Arbor acre commercial broilers separated into five (5) groups from day-old, where 6,000 Eimeria oocysts were orally inoculated into each broiler in the different groups. Feed intake, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, oocyt shedding rate, histopathology and erythrocyte indices were assessed. Findings: The inclusion of garlic meal in the broilers' diet resulted in an improved feed conversion ratio, decreased oocyst counts, reduced diarrhoeic fecal spots, decreased susceptibility to coccidial infection, and increased packed cell volume (PCV). Theoretical Importance: This study contributes to the understanding of the prophylactic effect of garlic supplementation, including its antiparasitic properties on commercial broilers with coccidiosis. It highlights the potential use of non-conventional feed additives or ayurvedic herb and spices in the treatment of poultry diseases. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: The study collected data on feed intake, body weight gain, oocyst shedding rate, histopathological observations, and erythrocyte indices. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance and Duncan's Multiple range Test. Questions Addressed: The study addressed the possible effect of garlic meal inclusion in poultry feed on the body weight gain of broilers and its therapeutic effect on broilers with coccidiosis. Conclusion: The study concludes that garlic inclusion in the feed of broilers has a prophylactic effect, including antiparasitic properties, resulting in improved feed conversion ratio, reduced oocyst counts and increased PCV.Keywords: broilers, eimeria spp, garlic, Ibadan
Procedia PDF Downloads 881177 Assessment of Biochemical Marker Profiles and Their Impact on Morbidity and Mortality of COVID-19 Patients in Tigray, Ethiopia
Authors: Teklay Gebrecherkos, Mahmud Abdulkadir
Abstract: The emergence and subsequent rapid worldwide spread of the COVID-19 pandemic have posed a global crisis, with a tremendously increasing burden of infection, morbidity, and mortality risks. Recent studies have suggested that severe cases of COVID-19 are characterized by massive biochemical, hematological, and inflammatory alterations whose synergistic effect is estimated to progress to multiple organ damage and failure. In this regard, biochemical monitoring of COVID-19 patients, based on comprehensive laboratory assessments and findings, is expected to play a crucial role in effective clinical management and improving the survival rates of patients. However, biochemical markers that can be informative of COVID-19 patient risk stratification and predictor of clinical outcomes are currently scarcely available. The study aims to investigate the profiles of common biochemical markers and their influence on the severity of the COVID-19 infection in Tigray, Ethiopia. Methods: A laboratory-based cross-sectional study was conducted from July to August 2020 at Quiha College of Engineering, Mekelle University COVID-19 isolation and treatment center. Sociodemographic and clinical data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Whole blood was collected from each study participant, and serum samples were separated after being delivered to the laboratory. Hematological biomarkers were analyzed using FACS count, while organ tests and serum electrolytes were analyzed using ion-selective electrode methods using a Cobas-6000 series machine. Data was analyzed using SPSS Vs 20. Results: A total of 120 SARS-CoV-2 patients were enrolled during the study. The participants ranged between 18 and 91 years, with a mean age of 52 (±108.8). The majority (40%) of participants were between the ages of 60 and above. Patients with multiple comorbidities developed severe COVID-19, though not statistically significant (p=0.34). Mann-Whitney U test analysis showed that biochemical tests such as neuropile count (p=0.003), AST levels (p=0.050), serum creatinine (p=0.000), and serum sodium (p=0.015) were significantly correlated with severe COVID-19 disease as compared to non-severe disease. Conclusion: The severity of COVID-19 was associated with higher age, organ tests AST and creatinine, serum Na+, and elevated total neutrophile count. Thus, further study needs to be conducted to evaluate the alterations of biochemical biomarkers and their impact on COVID-19.Keywords: COVID-19, biomarkers, mortality, Tigray, Ethiopia
Procedia PDF Downloads 451176 Men's Intimate Violence: Theory and Practice Relationship
Authors: Omer Zvi Shaked
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a widespread social problem. Since the 1970's, and due to political changes resulting from the feminist movement, western society has been changing its attitude towards the phenomenon and has been taking an active approach to reduce its magnitude. Enterprises in the form of legislation, awareness and prevention campaigns, women's shelters, and community intervention programs became more prevalent as years progressed. Although many initiatives were found to be productive, the effectiveness of one, however, remained questionable throughout the years: intervention programs for men's intimate violence. Surveys outline two main intervention models for men's intimate violence. The first is the Duluth model, which argued that men are socialized to be dominant - while women are socialized to be subordinate - and men are therefore required by social imperative to enforce, physically if necessary, their dominance. The Duluth model became the chief authorized intervention program, and some states in the US even regulated it as the standard criminal justice program for men's intimate violence. However, meta-analysis findings demonstrated that based on a partner's reports, Duluth treatment completers have 44% recidivism rate, and between 40% and 85% dropout range. The second model is the Cognitive-Behavioral Model (CBT), which is a highly accepted intervention worldwide. The model argues that cognitive misrepresentations of intimate situations precede violent behaviors frequently when anger predisposition exists. Since anger dysregulation mediates between one's cognitive schemes and violent response, anger regulation became the chief purpose of the intervention. Yet, a meta-analysis found only a 56% risk reduction for CBT interventions. It is, therefore, crucial to understand the background behind the domination of both the Duluth model and CBT interventions. This presentation will discuss the ways in which theoretical conceptualizations of men's intimate violence, as well as ideologies, had contributed to the above-mentioned interventions' wide acceptance, despite known lack of scientific and evidential support. First, the presentation will review the prominent interventions for male intimate violence, the Duluth model, and CBT. Second, the presentation will review the prominent theoretical models explaining men's intimate violence: The Patriarchal model, the Abusive Personality model, and the Post-Traumatic Stress model. Third, the presentation will discuss the interrelation between theory and practice, and the nature of affinity between research and practice regarding men's intimate violence. Finally, the presentation will set new directions for further research, aiming to improve intervention's efficiency with men's intimate violence and advance social work practice in the field.Keywords: intimate partner violence, theory and practice relationship, Duluth, CBT, abusive personality, post-traumatic stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 1261175 Social Factors and Suicide Risk in Modern Russia
Authors: Maria Cherepanova, Svetlana Maximova
Background And Aims: Suicide is among ten most common causes of death of the working-age population in the world. According to the WHO forecasts, by 2025 suicide will be the third leading cause of death, after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In 2019, the global suicide rate in the world was 10,5 per 100,000 people. In Russia, the average figure was 11.6. However, in some depressed regions of Russia, such as Buryatia and Altai, it reaches 35.3. The aim of this study was to develop models based on the regional factors of social well-being deprivation that provoke the suicidal risk of various age groups of Russian population. We also investigated suicidal risk prevention in modern Russia, analyzed its efficacy, and developed recommendations for suicidal risk prevention improvement. Methods: In this study, we analyzed the data from sociological surveys from six regions of Russia. Totally we interviewed 4200 people, the age of the respondents was from 16 to 70 years. The results were subjected to factorial and regression analyzes. Results: The results of our study indicate that young people are especially socially vulnerable, which result in ineffective patterns of self-preservation behavior and increase the risk of suicide. That is due to lack of anti-suicidal barriers formation; low importance of vital values; the difficulty or impossibility to achieve basic needs; low satisfaction with family and professional life; and decrease in personal unconditional significance. The suicidal risk of the middle-aged population is due to a decrease in social well-being in the main aspects of life, which determines low satisfaction, decrease in ontological security, and the prevalence of auto-aggressive deviations. The suicidal risk of the elderly population is due to increased factors of social exclusion which result in narrowing the social space and limiting the richness of life. Conclusions: The existing system for lowering suicide risk in modern Russia is predominantly oriented to a medical treatment, which provides only intervention to people who already committed suicide, that significantly limits its preventive effectiveness and social control of this deviation. The national strategy for suicide risk reduction in modern Russian society should combine medical and social activities, designed to minimize possible situations resulting to suicide. The strategy for elimination of suicidal risk should include a systematic and significant improvement of the social well-being of the population and aim at overcoming the basic aspects of social disadvantages such as poverty, unemployment as well as implementing innovative mental health improvement, developing life-saving behavior that will help to counter suicides in Russia.Keywords: social factors, suicide, prevention, Russia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1681174 The Impact of Coronal STIR Imaging in Routine Lumbar MRI: Uncovering Hidden Causes to Enhanced Diagnostic Yield of Back Pain and Sciatica
Authors: Maysoon Nasser Samhan, Somaya Alkiswani, Abdullah Alzibdeh
Background: Routine lumbar MRIs for back pain may yield normal results despite persistent symptoms, which means the possibility of other causes for this pain, which was not shown on the routine images. Research suggests including coronal STIR imaging to detect additional pathologies like sacroiliitis. Objectives: This study aims to enhance diagnostic accuracy and aid in determining treatment processes for patients with persistent back pain who have normal routine lumbar MRI (T1 and T2 images) by incorporating coronal STIR into the examination. Methods: A prospectively conducted study involving 274 patients, 115 males and 159 females, with an age range of 6–92 years, reviewed their medical records and imaging data following a lumbar spine MRI. This study included patients with back pain and sciatica as their primary complaints, all of whom underwent lumbar spine MRIs at our hospital to identify potential pathologies. Using a GE Signa HD 1.5T MRI System, each patient received a standard MRI protocol that included T1 and T2 sagittal and axial sequences, as well as a coronal STIR sequence. We collected relevant MRI findings, including abnormalities and structural variations, from radiology reports. We classified these findings into tables and documented them as counts and percentages, using Fisher’s exact test to assess differences between categorical variables. We conducted a statistical analysis using Prism GraphPad software version 10.1.2. The study adhered to ethical guidelines, institutional review board approvals, and patient confidentiality regulations. Results: Exclusion of the coronal STIR sequence led to 83 subjects (30.29%) being classified as within normal limits on MRI examination. 36 patients without abnormalities on T1 and T2 sequences showed abnormalities on the coronal STIR sequence, with 26 cases attributed to spinal pathologies and 10 to non-spinal pathologies. In addition to that, Fisher's exact test demonstrated a significant association between sacroiliitis diagnosis and abnormalities identified solely through the coronal STIR sequence (P < 0.0001). Conclusion: Implementing coronal STIR imaging as part of routine lumbar MRI protocols has the potential to improve patient care by facilitating a more comprehensive evaluation and management of persistent back pain.Keywords: magnetic resonance imaging, lumber MRI, radiology, neurology
Procedia PDF Downloads 161173 Long Term Survival after a First Transient Ischemic Attack in England: A Case-Control Study
Authors: Padma Chutoo, Elena Kulinskaya, Ilyas Bakbergenuly, Nicholas Steel, Dmitri Pchejetski
Transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) are warning signs for future strokes. TIA patients are at increased risk of stroke and cardio-vascular events after a first episode. A majority of studies on TIA focused on the occurrence of these ancillary events after a TIA. Long-term mortality after TIA received only limited attention. We undertook this study to determine the long-term hazards of all-cause mortality following a first episode of a TIA using anonymised electronic health records (EHRs). We used a retrospective case-control study using electronic primary health care records from The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database. Patients born prior to or in year 1960, resident in England, with a first diagnosis of TIA between January 1986 and January 2017 were matched to three controls on age, sex and general medical practice. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality. The hazards of all-cause mortality were estimated using a time-varying Weibull-Cox survival model which included both scale and shape effects and a random frailty effect of GP practice. 20,633 cases and 58,634 controls were included. Cases aged 39 to 60 years at the first TIA event had the highest hazard ratio (HR) of mortality compared to matched controls (HR = 3.04, 95% CI (2.91 - 3.18)). The HRs for cases aged 61-70 years, 71-76 years and 77+ years were 1.98 (1.55 - 2.30), 1.79 (1.20 - 2.07) and 1.52 (1.15 - 1.97) compared to matched controls. Aspirin provided long-term survival benefits to cases. Cases aged 39-60 years on aspirin had HR of 0.93 (0.84 - 1.00), 0.90 (0.82 - 0.98) and 0.88 (0.80 - 0.96) at 5 years, 10 years and 15 years, respectively, compared to cases in the same age group who were not on antiplatelets. Similar beneficial effects of aspirin were observed in other age groups. There were no significant survival benefits with other antiplatelet options. No survival benefits of antiplatelet drugs were observed in controls. Our study highlights the excess long-term risk of death of TIA patients and cautions that TIA should not be treated as a benign condition. The study further recommends aspirin as the better option for secondary prevention for TIA patients compared to clopidogrel recommended by NICE guidelines. Management of risk factors and treatment strategies should be important challenges to reduce the burden of disease.Keywords: dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT), General Practice, Multiple Imputation, The Health Improvement Network(THIN), hazard ratio (HR), Weibull-Cox model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1491172 Spatial Distribution and Source Identification of Trace Elements in Surface Soil from Izmir Metropolitan Area
Authors: Melik Kara, Gulsah Tulger Kara
The soil is a crucial component of the ecosystem, and in industrial and urban areas it receives large amounts of trace elements from several sources. Therefore, accumulated pollutants in surface soils can be transported to different environmental components, such as deep soil, water, plants, and dust particles. While elemental contamination of soils is caused mainly by atmospheric deposition, soil also affects the air quality since enriched trace elemental contents in atmospheric particulate matter originate from resuspension of polluted soils. The objectives of this study were to determine the total and leachate concentrations of trace elements in soils of city area in Izmir and characterize their spatial distribution and to identify the possible sources of trace elements in surface soils. The surface soil samples were collected from 20 sites. They were analyzed for total element concentrations and leachate concentrations. Analyses of trace elements (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Dy, Er, Eu, Fe, Ga, Gd, Hf, Ho, K, La, Li, Lu, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nd, Ni, P, Pb, Pr, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Si, Sm, Sn, Sr, Tb, Th, Ti, Tl, Tm, U, V, W, Y, Yb, Zn and Zr) were carried out using ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer). The elemental concentrations were calculated along with overall median, kurtosis, and skewness statistics. Elemental composition indicated that the soil samples were dominated by crustal elements such as Si, Al, Fe, Ca, K, Mg and the sea salt element, Na which is typical for Aegean region. These elements were followed by Ti, P, Mn, Ba and Sr. On the other hand, Zn, Cr, V, Pb, Cu, and Ni (which are anthropogenic based elements) were measured as 61.6, 39.4, 37.9, 26.9, 22.4, and 19.4 mg/kg dw, respectively. The leachate element concentrations were showed similar sorting although their concentrations were much lower than total concentrations. In the study area, the spatial distribution patterns of elemental concentrations varied among sampling sites. The highest concentrations were measured in the vicinity of industrial areas and main roads. To determine the relationships among elements and to identify the possible sources, PCA (Principal Component Analysis) was applied to the data. The analysis resulted in six factors. The first factor exhibited high loadings of Co, K, Mn, Rb, V, Al, Fe, Ni, Ga, Se, and Cr. This factor could be interpreted as residential heating because of Co, K, Rb, and Se. The second factor associated positively with V, Al, Fe, Na, Ba, Ga, Sr, Ti, Se, and Si. Therefore, this factor presents mixed city dust. The third factor showed high loadings with Fe, Ni, Sb, As, Cr. This factor could be associated with industrial facilities. The fourth factor associated with Cu, Mo, Zn, Sn which are the marker elements of traffic. The fifth factor presents crustal dust, due to its high correlation with Si, Ca, and Mg. The last factor is loaded with Pb and Cd emitted from industrial activities.Keywords: trace elements, surface soil, source apportionment, Izmir
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401171 Sequential Padding: A Method to Improve the Impact Resistance in Body Armor Materials
Authors: Ankita Srivastava, Bhupendra S. Butola, Abhijit Majumdar
Application of shear thickening fluid (STF) has been proved to increase the impact resistance performance of the textile structures to further use it as a body armor material. In the present research, STF was applied on Kevlar woven fabric to make the structure lightweight and flexible while improving its impact resistance performance. It was observed that getting a fair amount of add-on of STF on Kevlar fabric is difficult as Kevlar fabric comes with a pre-coating of PTFE which hinders its absorbency. Hence, a method termed as sequential padding is developed in the present study to improve the add-on of STF on Kevlar fabric. Contrary to the conventional process, where Kevlar fabric is treated with STF once using any one pressure, in sequential padding method, the Kevlar fabrics were treated twice in a sequential manner using combination of two pressures together in a sample. 200 GSM Kevlar fabrics were used in the present study. STF was prepared by adding PEG with 70% (w/w) nano-silica concentration. Ethanol was added with the STF at a fixed ratio to reduce viscosity. A high-speed homogenizer was used to make the dispersion. Total nine STF treated Kevlar fabric samples were prepared by using varying combinations and sequences of three levels of padding pressure {0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 bar). The fabrics were dried at 80°C for 40 minutes in a hot air oven to evaporate ethanol. Untreated and STF treated fabrics were tested for add-on%. Impact resistance performance of samples was also tested on dynamic impact tester at a fixed velocity of 6 m/s. Further, to observe the impact resistance performance in actual condition, low velocity ballistic test with 165 m/s velocity was also performed to confirm the results of impact resistance test. It was observed that both add-on% and impact energy absorption of Kevlar fabrics increases significantly with sequential padding process as compared to untreated as well as single stage padding process. It was also determined that impact energy absorption is significantly better in STF treated Kevlar fabrics when 1st padding pressure is higher, and 2nd padding pressure is lower. It is also observed that impact energy absorption of sequentially padded Kevlar fabric shows almost 125% increase in ballistic impact energy absorption (40.62 J) as compared to untreated fabric (18.07 J).The results are owing to the fact that the treatment of fabrics at high pressure during the first padding is responsible for uniform distribution of STF within the fabric structures. While padding with second lower pressure ensures the high add-on of STF for over-all improvement in the impact resistance performance of the fabric. Therefore, it is concluded that sequential padding process may help to improve the impact performance of body armor materials based on STF treated Kevlar fabrics.Keywords: body armor, impact resistance, Kevlar, shear thickening fluid
Procedia PDF Downloads 2421170 Results of Three-Year Operation of 220kV Pilot Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Moscow Power Grid
Authors: M. Moyzykh, I. Klichuk, L. Sabirov, D. Kolomentseva, E. Magommedov
Modern city electrical grids are forced to increase their density due to the increasing number of customers and requirements for reliability and resiliency. However, progress in this direction is often limited by the capabilities of existing network equipment. New energy sources or grid connections increase the level of short-circuit currents in the adjacent network, which can exceed the maximum rating of equipment–breaking capacity of circuit breakers, thermal and dynamic current withstand qualities of disconnectors, cables, and transformers. Superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) is a modern solution designed to deal with the increasing fault current levels in power grids. The key feature of this device is its instant (less than 2 ms) limitation of the current level due to the nature of the superconductor. In 2019 Moscow utilities installed SuperOx SFCL in the city power grid to test the capabilities of this novel technology. The SFCL became the first SFCL in the Russian energy system and is currently the most powerful SFCL in the world. Modern SFCL uses second-generation high-temperature superconductor (2G HTS). Despite its name, HTS still requires low temperatures of liquid nitrogen for operation. As a result, Moscow SFCL is built with a cryogenic system to provide cooling to the superconductor. The cryogenic system consists of three cryostats that contain a superconductor part and are filled with liquid nitrogen (three phases), three cryocoolers, one water chiller, three cryopumps, and pressure builders. All these components are controlled by an automatic control system. SFCL has been continuously operating on the city grid for over three years. During that period of operation, numerous faults occurred, including cryocooler failure, chiller failure, pump failure, and others (like a cryogenic system power outage). All these faults were eliminated without an SFCL shut down due to the specially designed cryogenic system backups and quick responses of grid operator utilities and the SuperOx crew. The paper will describe in detail the results of SFCL operation and cryogenic system maintenance and what measures were taken to solve and prevent similar faults in the future.Keywords: superconductivity, current limiter, SFCL, HTS, utilities, cryogenics
Procedia PDF Downloads 831169 Ant-Tracking Attribute: A Model for Understanding Production Response
Authors: Prince Suka Neekia Momta, Rita Iheoma Achonyeulo
Ant Tracking seismic attribute applied over 4-seconds seismic volume revealed structural features triggered by clay diapirism, growth fault development, rapid deltaic sedimentation and intense drilling. The attribute was extracted on vertical seismic sections and time slices. Mega tectonic structures such as growth faults and clay diapirs are visible on vertical sections with obscured minor lineaments or fractures. Fractures are distinctively visible on time slices yielding recognizable patterns corroborating established geologic models. This model seismic attribute enabled the understanding of fluid flow characteristics and production responses. Three structural patterns recognized in the field include: major growth faults, minor faults or lineaments and network of fractures. Three growth faults mapped on seismic section form major deformation bands delimiting the area into three blocks or depocenters. The growth faults trend E-W, dip down-to-south in the basin direction, and cut across the study area. The faults initiating from about 2000ms extended up to 500ms, and tend to progress parallel and opposite to the growth direction of an upsurging diapiric structure. The diapiric structures form the major deformational bands originating from great depths (below 2000ms) and rising to about 1200ms where series of sedimentary layers onlapped and pinchout stratigraphically against the diapir. Several other secondary faults or lineaments that form parallel streaks to one another also accompanied the growth faults. The fracture networks have no particular trend but form a network surrounding the well area. Faults identified in the study area have potentials for structural hydrocarbon traps whereas the presence of fractures created a fractured-reservoir condition that enhanced rapid fluid flow especially water. High aquifer flow potential aided by possible fracture permeability resulted in rapid decline in oil rate. Through the application of Ant Tracking attribute, it is possible to obtain detailed interpretation of structures that can have direct influence on oil and gas production.Keywords: seismic, attributes, production, structural
Procedia PDF Downloads 741168 Single-Parent Families and Its Impact on the Psycho Child Development in Schools
Authors: Sylvie Sossou, Grégoire Gansou, Ildevert Egue
Introduction: The mission of the family and the school is to educate and train citizens of the city. But the family’s values , parental roles, respect for life collapse in their traditional African form. Indeed laxity with regard to divorce, liberal ideas about child rearing influence the emotional life of the latter. Several causes may contribute to the decline in academic performance. In order to seek a psychological solution to the issue, a study was conducted in 6 schools at the 9th district in Cotonou, cosmopolitan city of Benin. Objective: To evaluate the impact of single parenthood on the psycho child development. Materials and Methods: Questionnaires and interviews were used to gather verbal information. The questionnaires were administered to parents and children (schoolchildren 4, 5 and six form) from 7 to 12 years in lone parenthood. The interview was done with teachers and school leaders. We identified 209 cases of children living with a "single-parent" and 68 single parents. Results: Of the 209 children surveyed the results showed that 116 children are cut relational triangle in early childhood (before 3 years). The psychological effects showed that the separation has caused sadness for 52 children, anger 22, shame 17, crying at 31 children, fear for 14, the silence at 58 children. In front of complete family’s children, these children experience feelings of aggression in 11.48%; sadness in 30.64%; 5.26% the shame, the 6.69% tears; jealousy in 2.39% and 2.87% of indifference. The option to get married in 44.15% of children is a challenge to want to give a happy childhood for their offspring; 22.01% feel rejected, there is uncertainty for 11.48% of cases and 25.36% didn’t give answer. 49, 76% of children want to see their family together; 7.65% are against to avoid disputes and in many cases to save the mother of the father's physical abuse. 27.75% of the ex-partners decline responsibility in the care of the child. Furthermore family difficulties affecting the intellectual capacities of children: 37.32% of children see school difficulties related to family problems despite all the pressure single-parent to see his child succeed. Single parenthood affects inter-family relations: pressure 33.97%; nervousness 24.88%; overprotection 29.18%; backbiting 11.96%, are the lives of these families. Conclusion: At the end of the investigation, results showed that there is a causal relationship between psychological disorders, academic difficulties of children and quality of parental relationships. Other cases may exist, but the lack of resources meant that we have only limited at 6 schools. Early psychological treatment for these children is needed.Keywords: single-parent, psycho child, school, Cotonou
Procedia PDF Downloads 3911167 Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Fermented Feed Mulberry(Morus alba L.) on Reproductive Performance and Fecal M Icro Biota of Pregnant Sows
Authors: Yuping Zhang, Teng Ma, Nadia Everaert, Hongfu Zhang
Supplying dietary fiber during gestation is known to improve the welfare of feed-restricted sows. However, whether high fiber supplementation during pregnancy can improve the performance of sows and their offspring depends on the type, amount, source, etc., in which the solubility plays a key important role. Insoluble fibers have been shown to increase feed intake of sows in lactation, meet the needs of sows for milk production, reduce sow’s weight and backfat loss, and thus improve the performance of sows and their offspring. In this study, we investigated the effect of the addition of fermented feed mulberry (FFM), rich in insoluble fiber, during the whole gestation on the performance of sows and their offspring and explored possible mechanisms by determining serum hormones and fecal microbiota. The FFM-diet contained 25.5% FFM (on dry matter basis) and was compared with the control–diet (CON, corn, and soybean meal diet). The insoluble fiber content of the FFM and CON diet are respectively 29.3% and 19.1%. both groups were allocated 20 multiparous sows, and they are fed different feed allowance to make sure all the sows get the same digestible energy for each day. After farrowing, all sows were fed the same lactation diet ad libitum. The serum estradiol, progesterone concentration, blood glucose, and insulin levels at gestation day 0, 20, and 60 were tested. And also, the composition and differences fecal microbiota at day 60 of gestation were analyzed. Fecal consistency was determined with Bristol stool scale method, those with a score below 3 were counted as constipation The results showed that there was no impact of the FFM treatment on sows’ backfat, bodyweight changes, blood glucose, serum estradiol, and progesterone concentration, litter size, and performance of the offspring(p > 0.05), Except significant decrease in the concentration of insulin in sows’ serum at 60 days of gestation were observed in the FFM group compare to the CON group (P < 0.01). FFM diet also significantly increased feed intake on the first, third, and 21st days of sow lactation. (p < 0.01); The α- and β- diversity and abundance of the microbiota were significant increased (p < 0.01) compared with the CON group, The abundance of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were significantly increased, meanwhile the abundances of Spirochetes, Proteobacteria, and Euryarchaeota, were significantly reduced in the feces of the FFM group. We also analyzed the fecal microbiota of constipated sows vs non-constipated sows and found that the diversity and abundance did also differ between these two groups. FFM and CON group < 0.01). The relationship between sow’s constipation and microbiota merits further investigation.Keywords: fermented feed mulberry, reproductive performance, fecal flora, sow
Procedia PDF Downloads 1551166 Thermal Analysis of Adsorption Refrigeration System Using Silicagel–Methanol Pair
Authors: Palash Soni, Vivek Kumar Gaba, Shubhankar Bhowmick, Bidyut Mazumdar
Refrigeration technology is a fast developing field at the present era since it has very wide application in both domestic and industrial areas. It started from the usage of simple ice coolers to store food stuffs to the present sophisticated cold storages along with other air conditioning system. A variety of techniques are used to bring down the temperature below the ambient. Adsorption refrigeration technology is a novel, advanced and promising technique developed in the past few decades. It gained attention due to its attractive property of exploiting unlimited natural sources like solar energy, geothermal energy or even waste heat recovery from plants or from the exhaust of locomotives to fulfill its energy need. This will reduce the exploitation of non-renewable resources and hence reduce pollution too. This work is aimed to develop a model for a solar adsorption refrigeration system and to simulate the same for different operating conditions. In this system, the mechanical compressor is replaced by a thermal compressor. The thermal compressor uses renewable energy such as solar energy and geothermal energy which makes it useful for those areas where electricity is not available. Refrigerants normally in use like chlorofluorocarbon/perfluorocarbon have harmful effects like ozone depletion and greenhouse warming. It is another advantage of adsorption systems that it can replace these refrigerants with less harmful natural refrigerants like water, methanol, ammonia, etc. Thus the double benefit of reduction in energy consumption and pollution can be achieved. A thermodynamic model was developed for the proposed adsorber, and a universal MATLAB code was used to simulate the model. Simulations were carried out for a different operating condition for the silicagel-methanol working pair. Various graphs are plotted between regeneration temperature, adsorption capacities, the coefficient of performance, desorption rate, specific cooling power, adsorption/desorption times and mass. The results proved that adsorption system could be installed successfully for refrigeration purpose as it has saving in terms of power and reduction in carbon emission even though the efficiency is comparatively less as compared to conventional systems. The model was tested for its compliance in a cold storage refrigeration with a cooling load of 12 TR.Keywords: adsorption, refrigeration, renewable energy, silicagel-methanol
Procedia PDF Downloads 2061165 Triazenes: Unearthing Their Hidden Arsenal Against Malaria and Microbial Menace
Authors: Frans J. Smit, Wisdom A. Munzeiwa, Hermanus C. M. Vosloo, Lyn-Marie Birkholtz, Richard K. Haynes
Malaria and antimicrobial infections remain significant global health concerns, necessitating the continuous search for novel therapeutic approaches. This abstract presents an overview of the potential use of triazenes as effective agents against malaria and various antimicrobial pathogens. Triazenes are a class of compounds characterized by a linear arrangement of three nitrogen atoms, rendering them structurally distinct from their cyclic counterparts. This study investigates the efficacy of triazenes against malaria and explores their antimicrobial activity. Preliminary results revealed significant antimalarial activity of the triazenes, as evidenced by in vitro screening against P. falciparum, the causative agent of malaria. Furthermore, the compounds exhibited broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, indicating their potential as effective antimicrobial agents. These compounds have shown inhibitory effects on various essential enzymes and processes involved in parasite survival, replication, and transmission. The mechanism of action of triazenes against malaria involves interactions with critical molecular targets, such as enzymes involved in the parasite's metabolic pathways and proteins responsible for host cell invasion. The antimicrobial activity of the triazenes against bacteria and fungi was investigated through disc diffusion screening. The antimicrobial efficacy of triazenes has been observed against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as multidrug-resistant strains, making them potential candidates for combating drug-resistant infections. Furthermore, triazenes possess favourable physicochemical properties, such as good stability, solubility, and low toxicity, which are essential for drug development. The structural versatility of triazenes allows for the modification of their chemical composition to enhance their potency, selectivity, and pharmacokinetic properties. These modifications can be tailored to target specific pathogens, increasing the potential for personalized treatment strategies. In conclusion, this study highlights the potential of triazenes as promising candidates for the development of novel antimalarial and antimicrobial therapeutics. Further investigations are necessary to determine the structure-activity relationships and optimize the pharmacological properties of these compounds. The results warrant additional research, including MIC studies, to further explore the antimicrobial activity of the triazenes. Ultimately, these findings contribute to the development of more effective strategies for combating malaria and microbial infections.Keywords: malaria, anti-microbials, triazene, resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1041164 Effects of Bleaching Procedures on Dentine Sensitivity
Authors: Suhayla Reda Al-Banai
Problem Statement: Tooth whitening was used for over one hundred and fifty year. The question concerning the whiteness of teeth is a complex one since tooth whiteness will vary from individual to individual, dependent on age and culture, etc. Tooth whitening following treatment may be dependent on the type of whitening system used to whiten the teeth. There are a few side-effects to the process, and these include tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation. Some individuals may experience no pain or sensitivity following the procedure. Purpose: To systematically review the available published literature until 31st December 2021 to identify all relevant studies for inclusion and to determine whether there was any evidence demonstrating that the application of whitening procedures resulted in the tooth sensitivity. Aim: Systematically review the available published works of literature to identify all relevant studies for inclusion and to determine any evidence demonstrating that application of 10% & 15% carbamide peroxide in tooth whitening procedures resulted in tooth sensitivity. Material and Methods: Following a review of 70 relevant papers from searching both electronic databases (OVID MEDLINE and PUBMED) and hand searching of relevant written journals, 49 studies were identified, 42 papers were subsequently excluded, and 7 studies were finally accepted for inclusion. The extraction of data for inclusion was conducted by two reviewers. The main outcome measures were the methodology and assessment used by investigators to evaluate tooth sensitivity in tooth whitening studies. Results: The reported evaluation of tooth sensitivity during tooth whitening procedures was based on the subjective response of subjects rather than a recognized methodology for evaluating. One of the problems in evaluating was the lack of homogeneity in study design. Seven studies were included. The studies included essential features namely: randomized group, placebo controls, doubleblind and single-blind. Drop-out was obtained from two of included studies. Three of the included studies reported sensitivity at the baseline visit. Two of the included studies mentioned the exclusion criteria Conclusions: The results were inconclusive due to: Limited number of included studies, the study methodology, and evaluation of DS reported. Tooth whitening procedures adversely affect both hard and soft tissues in the oral cavity. Sideeffects are mild and transient in nature. Whitening solutions with greater than 10% carbamide peroxide causes more tooth sensitivity. Studies using nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide reported two side effects tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation, although tooth sensitivity was more prevalent than gingival irritationKeywords: dentine, sensitivity, bleaching, carbamide peroxde
Procedia PDF Downloads 701163 Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Using Different Stabilizers and Study of Their Size and Properties
Authors: Mohammad Hassan Ramezan zadeh 1 , Majid Seifi 2 , Hoda Hekmat ara 2 1Biomedical Engineering Department, Near East University, Nicosia, Cyprus 2Physics Department, Guilan University , P.O. Box 41335-1914, Rasht, Iran.
Magnetic nano particles of ferric chloride were synthesised using a co-precipitation technique. For the optimal results, ferric chloride at room temperature was added to different surfactant with different ratio of metal ions/surfactant. The samples were characterised using transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectrum to show the presence of nanoparticles, structure and morphology. Magnetic measurements were also carried out on samples using a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer. To show the effect of surfactant on size distribution and crystalline structure of produced nanoparticles, surfactants with various charge such as anionic cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), cationic sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and neutral TritonX-100 was employed. By changing the surfactant and ratio of metal ions/surfactant the size and crystalline structure of these nanoparticles were controlled. We also show that using anionic stabilizer leads to smallest size and narrowest size distribution and the most crystalline (polycrystalline) structure. In developing our production technique, many parameters were varied. Efforts at reproducing good yields indicated which of the experimental parameters were the most critical and how carefully they had to be controlled. The conditions reported here were the best that we encountered but the range of possible parameter choice is so large that these probably only represent a local optimum. The samples for our chemical process were prepared by adding 0.675 gr ferric chloride (FeCl3, 6H2O) to three different surfactant in water solution. The solution was sonicated for about 30 min until a transparent solution was achieved. Then 0.5 gr sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as a reduction agent was poured to the reaction drop by drop which resulted to participate reddish brown Fe2O3 nanoparticles. After washing with ethanol the obtained powder was calcinated in 600°C for 2h. Here, the sample 1 contained CTAB as a surfactant with ratio of metal ions/surfactant 1/2, sample 2 with CTAB and ratio 1/1, sample 3 with SDS and ratio 1/2, sample 4 SDS 1/1, sample 5 is triton-X-100 with 1/2 and sample 6 triton-X-100 with 1/1.Keywords: iron oxide nanoparticles, stabilizer, co-precipitation, surfactant
Procedia PDF Downloads 2521162 Combined Impact of Physical Activity and Dietary Quality on Depression Symptoms in U.S. Adults: An Analysis of NHANES 2007-2020 Data
Authors: Oluwafunmibi Omotayo Fasanya, Augustine Kena Adjei
Depression has emerged as a growing public health issue, with the limited effectiveness of current treatment methods driving the search for modifiable lifestyle factors. Physical inactivity and poor dietary habits are consistently identified as factors associated with increased depression symptoms. While the independent effects of physical activity (PA) and dietary quality (DQ) on mental health are well established, the combined influence of both factors on depression has not been thoroughly examined in a representative sample of U.S. adults. This study aims to explore the individual and joint associations of PA and DQ with depression symptoms, highlighting their combined impact on adults across the U.S. Using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2007 to 2020, we evaluated the relationships between PA (measured through metabolic equivalent (MET) minutes per week) and DQ (assessed using the Healthy Eating Index [HEI]-2015) and depression symptoms (defined by a score of ≥10 on the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire [PHQ-9]). Participants were classified into four lifestyle categories: (1) healthy diet and active, (2) unhealthy diet but active, (3) healthy diet but inactive, and (4) unhealthy diet and inactive. Logistic regression models adjusted for relevant covariates were used to examine associations, with age-adjusted prevalence rates for depression calculated according to NHANES guidelines. Data from 21,530 participants, representing approximately 954 million U.S. adults aged 20-80 years, were analyzed. The overall age-adjusted prevalence of depression symptoms was 7.15%. A total of 83.1% of participants met PA recommendations, and 27.3% scored above the 60th percentile in the HEI-2015 index. Higher PA levels were inversely related to depression symptoms (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]: 0.805; 95% CI: 0.724-0.920), as was better dietary quality (AOR: 0.788; 95% CI: 0.690-0.910). A combination of healthy diet and adequate PA was associated with the lowest risk of depression symptoms (AOR: 0.635; 95% CI: 0.520-0.775) compared to inactive participants with unhealthy diets. Notably, participants with either a healthy diet or adequate PA but not both did not experience the same reduction in depression risk. This study highlights that the combination of a healthy diet and regular physical activity offers a synergistic protective effect against depression symptoms in U.S. adults. Public health initiatives targeting both dietary improvements and increased physical activity may significantly reduce the burden of depression across populations. Further research should focus on understanding the mechanisms underlying these interactions.Keywords: dietary quality, physical activity, depression, healthy eating
Procedia PDF Downloads 131161 In vitro Study of Inflammatory Gene Expression Suppression of Strawberry and Blackberry Extracts
Authors: Franco Van De Velde, Debora Esposito, Maria E. Pirovani, Mary A. Lila
The physiology of various inflammatory diseases is a complex process mediated by inflammatory and immune cells such as macrophages and monocytes. Chronic inflammation, as observed in many cardiovascular and autoimmune disorders, occurs when the low-grade inflammatory response fails to resolve with time. Because of the complexity of the chronic inflammatory disease, major efforts have focused on identifying novel anti-inflammatory agents and dietary regimes that prevent the pro-inflammatory process at the early stage of gene expression of key pro-inflammatory mediators and cytokines. The ability of the extracts of three blackberry cultivars (‘Jumbo’, ‘Black Satin’ and ‘Dirksen’), and one strawberry cultivar (‘Camarosa’) to inhibit four well-known genetic biomarkers of inflammation: inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxynase-2 (Cox-2), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in an in vitro lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine RAW 264.7 macrophage model were investigated. Moreover, the effect of latter extracts on the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) production was assessed. Assay was conducted with 50 µg/mL crude extract concentration, an amount that is easily achievable in the gastrointestinal tract after berries consumption. The mRNA expression levels of Cox-2 and IL-6 were reduced consistently (more than 30%) by extracts of ‘Jumbo’ and ‘Black Satin’ blackberries. Strawberry extracts showed high reduction in mRNA expression levels of IL-6 (more than 65%) and exhibited moderate reduction in mRNA expression of Cox-2 (more than 35%). The latter behavior mirrors the intracellular ROS production of the LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages after the treatment with blackberry ‘Black Satin’ and ‘Jumbo’, and strawberry ‘Camarosa’ extracts, suggesting that phytochemicals from these fruits may play a role in the health maintenance by reducing oxidative stress. On the other hand, effective inhibition in the gene expression of IL-1β and iNOS was not observed by any of blackberry and strawberry extracts. However, suppression in the NO production in the activated macrophages among 5–25% was observed by ‘Jumbo’ and ‘Black Satin’ blackberry extracts and ‘Camarosa’ strawberry extracts, suggesting a higher NO suppression property by phytochemicals of these fruits. All these results suggest the potential beneficial effects of studied berries as functional foods with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory roles. Moreover, the underlying role of phytochemicals from these fruits in the protection of inflammatory process will deserve to be further explored.Keywords: cyclooxygenase-2, functional foods, interleukin-6, reactive oxygen species
Procedia PDF Downloads 2401160 Desulphurization of Waste Tire Pyrolytic Oil (TPO) Using Photodegradation and Adsorption Techniques
Authors: Moshe Mello, Hilary Rutto, Tumisang Seodigeng
The nature of tires makes them extremely challenging to recycle due to the available chemically cross-linked polymer and, therefore, they are neither fusible nor soluble and, consequently, cannot be remolded into other shapes without serious degradation. Open dumping of tires pollutes the soil, contaminates underground water and provides ideal breeding grounds for disease carrying vermins. The thermal decomposition of tires by pyrolysis produce char, gases and oil. The composition of oils derived from waste tires has common properties to commercial diesel fuel. The problem associated with the light oil derived from pyrolysis of waste tires is that it has a high sulfur content (> 1.0 wt.%) and therefore emits harmful sulfur oxide (SOx) gases to the atmosphere when combusted in diesel engines. Desulphurization of TPO is necessary due to the increasing stringent environmental regulations worldwide. Hydrodesulphurization (HDS) is the commonly practiced technique for the removal of sulfur species in liquid hydrocarbons. However, the HDS technique fails in the presence of complex sulfur species such as Dibenzothiopene (DBT) present in TPO. This study aims to investigate the viability of photodegradation (Photocatalytic oxidative desulphurization) and adsorptive desulphurization technologies for efficient removal of complex and non-complex sulfur species in TPO. This study focuses on optimizing the cleaning (removal of impurities and asphaltenes) process by varying process parameters; temperature, stirring speed, acid/oil ratio and time. The treated TPO will then be sent for vacuum distillation to attain the desired diesel like fuel. The effect of temperature, pressure and time will be determined for vacuum distillation of both raw TPO and the acid treated oil for comparison purposes. Polycyclic sulfides present in the distilled (diesel like) light oil will be oxidized dominantly to the corresponding sulfoxides and sulfone via a photo-catalyzed system using TiO2 as a catalyst and hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent and finally acetonitrile will be used as an extraction solvent. Adsorptive desulphurization will be used to adsorb traces of sulfurous compounds which remained during photocatalytic desulphurization step. This desulphurization convoy is expected to give high desulphurization efficiency with reasonable oil recovery.Keywords: adsorption, asphaltenes, photocatalytic oxidation, pyrolysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2731159 Impacts of Present and Future Climate Variability on Forest Ecosystem in Mediterranean Region
Authors: Orkan Ozcan, Nebiye Musaoglu, Murat Turkes
Climate change is largely recognized as one of the real, pressing and significant global problems. The concept of ‘climate change vulnerability’ helps us to better comprehend the cause/effect relationships behind climate change and its impact on human societies, socioeconomic sectors, physiographical and ecological systems. In this study, multifactorial spatial modeling was applied to evaluate the vulnerability of a Mediterranean forest ecosystem to climate change. As a result, the geographical distribution of the final Environmental Vulnerability Areas (EVAs) of the forest ecosystem is based on the estimated final Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) values. This revealed that at current levels of environmental degradation, physical, geographical, policy enforcement and socioeconomic conditions, the area with a ‘very low’ vulnerability degree covered mainly the town, its surrounding settlements and the agricultural lands found mainly over the low and flat travertine plateau and the plains at the east and southeast of the district. The spatial magnitude of the EVAs over the forest ecosystem under the current environmental degradation was also determined. This revealed that the EVAs classed as ‘very low’ account for 21% of the total area of the forest ecosystem, those classed as ‘low’ account for 36%, those classed as ‘medium’ account for 20%, and those classed as ‘high’ account for 24%. Based on regionally averaged future climate assessments and projected future climate indicators, both the study site and the western Mediterranean sub-region of Turkey will probably become associated with a drier, hotter, more continental and more water-deficient climate. This analysis holds true for all future scenarios, with the exception of RCP4.5 for the period from 2015 to 2030. However, the present dry-sub humid climate dominating this sub-region and the study area shows a potential for change towards more dry climatology and for it to become a semiarid climate in the period between 2031 and 2050 according to the RCP8.5 high emission scenario. All the observed and estimated results and assessments summarized in the study show clearly that the densest forest ecosystem in the southern part of the study site, which is characterized by mainly Mediterranean coniferous and some mixed forest and the maquis vegetation, will very likely be influenced by medium and high degrees of vulnerability to future environmental degradation, climate change and variability.Keywords: forest ecosystem, Mediterranean climate, RCP scenarios, vulnerability analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3531158 Electronic Waste Analysis And Characterization Study: Management Input For Highly Urbanized Cities
Authors: Jilbert Novelero, Oliver Mariano
In a world where technological evolution and competition to create innovative products are at its peak, problems on Electronic Waste (E-Waste) are now becoming a global concern. E-waste is said to be any electrical or electronic devices that have reached the terminal of its useful life. The major issue are the volume and the raw materials used in crafting E-waste which is non-biodegradable and contains hazardous substances that are toxic to human health and the environment. The objective of this study is to gather baseline data in terms of the composition of E-waste in the solid waste stream and to determine the top 5 E-waste categories in a highly urbanized city. Recommendations in managing these wastes for its reduction were provided which may serve as a guide for acceptance and implementation in the locality. Pasig City was the chosen beneficiary of the research output and through the collaboration of the City Government of Pasig and its Solid Waste Management Office (SWMO); the researcher successfully conducted the Electronic Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (E-WACS) to achieve the objectives. E-WACS that was conducted on April 2019 showed that E-waste ranked 4th which comprises the 10.39% of the overall solid waste volume. Out of 345, 127.24kg which is the total daily domestic waste generation in the city, E-waste covers 35,858.72kg. Moreover, an average of 40 grams was determined to be the E-waste generation per person per day. The top 5 E-waste categories were then classified after the analysis. The category which ranked first is the office and telecommunications equipment that contained the 63.18% of the total generated E-waste. Second in ranking was the household appliances category with 21.13% composition. Third was the lighting devices category with 8.17%. Fourth on ranking was the consumer electronics and batteries category which was composed of 5.97% and fifth was the wires and cables category where it comprised the 1.41% of the average generated E-waste samples. One of the recommendations provided in this research is the implementation of the Pasig City Waste Advantage Card. The card can be used as a privilege card and earned points can be converted to avail of and enjoy services such as haircut, massage, dental services, medical check-up, and etc. Another recommendation raised is for the LGU to encourage a communication or dialogue with the technology and electronics manufacturers and distributors and international and local companies to plan the retrieval and disposal of the E-wastes in accordance with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy where producers are given significant responsibilities for the treatment and disposal of post-consumer products.Keywords: E-waste, E-WACS, E-waste characterization, electronic waste, electronic waste analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1181157 Assessing Environmental Psychology and Health Awareness in Delhi: A Fundamental Query for Sustainable Urban Living
Authors: Swati Rajput
Environmental psychology explains that the person is a social agent that seeks to extract meaning from their built and natural environment to behave in a particular manner. It also shows the attachment or detachment of people to their environment. Assessing environmental psychology of people is imperative for planners and policy makers for urban planning. The paper investigates the environmental psychology of people living in nine districts of Delhi by calculating and assessing their Environmental Emotional Quotient (EEQ). Emotional Quotient deals with the ability to sense, understand, attach and respond according to the power of emotions. An Environmental Emotional Quotient has been formulated based upon the inventory administered to them. The respondents were asked questions related to their view and emotions about the green spaces, water resource conservation, air and environmental quality. An effort has been made to assess the feeling of belongingness among the residents. Their views were assessed on green spaces, reuse, and recycling of resources and their participation level. They were also been assessed upon health awareness level by considering both preventive and curative segments of health care. It was found that only 12 percent of the people is emotionally attached to their surroundings in the city. The emotional attachment reduces as we move away from the house to housing complex to neighbouring areas and rest of the city. In fact, the emotional quotient goes lower to lowest from house to other ends of the city. It falls abruptly after the radius of 1 km from the residence. The result also shows that nearly 54% respondents accept that there is environment pollution in their area. Around 47.8% respondents in the survey consider that diseases occur because of green cover depiction in their area. Major diseases are to airborne diseases like asthma and bronchitis. Seasonal disease prevalent, which specially occurred from last 3-4 years are malaria, dengue and chikengunya. Survey also shows that only 31 % of respondents visit government hospitals while 69% respondents visit private hospitals or small clinics for healthcare services. The paper suggests the need for environmental sensitive policies and need for green insurance in mega cities like Delhi.Keywords: environmental psychology, environmental emotional quotient, preventive health care and curative health care, sustainable living
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