Search results for: mental faculty
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 2601

Search results for: mental faculty

2091 Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Well-Being, Health, and Loneliness during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Jessica Hemberg, Amanda Sundqvist, Yulia Korzhina, Lillemor Östman, Sofia Gylfe, Frida Gädda, Lisbet Nyström, Henrik Groundstroem, Pia Nyman-Kurkiala


Purpose: There are large gaps in the literature on COVID-19 pandemic-related mental health outcomes and after-effects specific to adolescents and young adults. The study's aim was to explore adolescents’ and young adults’ experiences of well-being, health, and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: A qualitative exploratory design with qualitative content analysis was used. Twenty-three participants (aged 19-27; four men and 19 women) were interviewed. Results: Four themes emerged: Changed social networks – fewer and closer contacts, changed mental and physical health, increased physical and social loneliness, well-being, internal growth, and need for support. Conclusion: Adolescents’ and young adults’ experiences of well-being, health, and loneliness are subtle and complex. Participants experienced changed social networks, mental and physical health, and well-being. Also, internal growth, need for support, and increased loneliness were seen. Clear information on how to seek help and support from professionals should be made available.

Keywords: adolescents, COVID-19 pandemic, health, interviews, loneliness, qualitative, well-being, young adults

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2090 Indoor Air Quality Analysis for Renovating Building: A Case Study of Student Studio, Department of Landscape, Chiangmai, Thailand

Authors: Warangkana Juangjandee


The rapidly increasing number of population in the limited area creates an effect on the idea of the improvement of the area to suit the environment and the needs of people. Faculty of architecture Chiang Mai University is also expanding in both variety fields of study and quality of education. In 2020, the new department will be introduced in the faculty which is Department of Landscape Architecture. With the limitation of the area in the existing building, the faculty plan to renovate some parts of its school for anticipates the number of students who will join the program in the next two years. As a result, the old wooden workshop area is selected to be renovated as student studio space. With such condition, it is necessary to study the restriction and the distinctive environment of the site prior to the improvement in order to find ways to manage the existing space due to the fact that the primary functions that have been practiced in the site, an old wooden workshop space and the new function, studio space, are too different. 72.9% of the annual times in the room are considered to be out of the thermal comfort condition with high relative humidity. This causes non-comfort condition for occupants which could promote mould growth. This study aims to analyze thermal comfort condition in the Landscape Learning Studio Area for finding the solution to improve indoor air quality and respond to local conditions. The research methodology will be in two parts: 1) field gathering data on the case study 2) analysis and finding the solution of improving indoor air quality. The result of the survey indicated that the room needs to solve non-comfort condition problem. This can be divided into two ways which are raising ventilation and indoor temperature, e.g. improving building design and stack driven ventilation, using fan for enhancing more internal ventilation.

Keywords: relative humidity, renovation, temperature, thermal comfort

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2089 A Study of Mental Health of Wife of Patients with HIV+ and Effects of Life Skills on Promotion of Their Mental Health

Authors: Ali Karimi, Shabnam Karimifam, Amirhosein Karimi, Farahnaz Pournavvab


Researches have emphasis on the important role of psychosocial support and appropriate interventions for individuals that involved in serious physical and psychological problems . Patients with AIDS are often discussed in studies, but sometimes the psychological conditions of the people who live with them are ignored. In the present study, while paying attention to the spouses of AIDS patients, the role of supportive interventions has been investigated. the other word , Researchers Show that life skills training causes significant improvement in the mean scores of mothers physical health , mental health, social relationship and ultimately quality of life in the experimental group . The purpose of this study is determine of mental health of Twenty-one wives of patients with HIV+ In Shiraz ( city in sought of Iran) and effects of life skills on promotion of their mental health . Sampling was systematic randomize . These women were selected and invited to the training program based on their husbands' file numbers, who were selected to the counseling center for people with AIDS. first , they filled out GHQ questionnaires . Then , the life skills training for 8 sessions were taught for these women . Results indicated that Psychological condition of wife of patients with HIV+ was not appropriate . Scores of most them were above of cut of point of questionnaires .T test was done . worse scores were Assigned to anxiety and weakness in social functions . In the other hand , life skills have been effective significantly only in social functions of women . Scores of research’s participants in anxiety , depression and total test score were enhanced , but have not been significant . In the main of article , researchers have discussed why life skills training does not have much effect on some emotional problems .Despite the fact that life skills training had a positive effect on these spouses, but due to the stress of women with AIDS spouses, life skills training did not show much effectiveness, and for outstanding effects, there is a need for individual psychological treatments and broader social support.

Keywords: Hiv, aids, social suport, life skills

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2088 Students’ Satisfaction towards Science Project Subjects Based on Education Quality Assurance

Authors: Satien Janpla, Radasa Pojard


The objective of this study is to study bachelor's degree students’ satisfaction towards the course of Science Project based on education quality assurance. It is a case study of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. The findings can be used as a guideline for analysis and revision of the content and the teaching/learning process of the subject. Moreover, other interesting factors such as teaching method can be developed based on education quality assurance. Population in this study included 267 students in year 3 and year 4 of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University who registered in the subject of Science Project in semester 1/2556. The research tool was a questionnaire and the research statistics included arithmetic mean and SD. The results showed that the study of bachelor degree students’ satisfaction towards the subject of Science Project based on education quality assurance reported high satisfaction with the average of 3.51. Students from different departments showed no difference in their satisfaction.

Keywords: satisfaction, science project subject, education quality assurance, students

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2087 Adopting Quality Assurance Cycles in Accreditation and Strategic Planning in Higher Education Institutions

Authors: Fouzia Shersad, Sabeena Salam


Introduction: Quality assurance cycles like RADAR, PDCA, ADRI are cycles of planning, implementation, assessment and improvement. These cycles are required when institutions apply for reaccreditation to accreditation bodies and for adoption of holistic models of institutional quality. Method of Study: The adoption of these cycles at the higher education institutions under the Dubai Medical University is studied to explore the feasibility and the benefits in institutions outcomes. After adequate faculty training, these steps were incorporated in all new activities and embedded in every new initiative and approach undertaken at unit and institutional levels. Conclusions: Improvement in student satisfaction rates and performance levels has been achieved. Wherever weaknesses or deficits have been identified, improvement strategies are implemented in a timely manner. The feedback has become an incentive for faculty members to implement new ideas. Implementation of these cycles for core processes at micro and macro levels have ensured that a systematic mechanism for corrective actions existed. This has led to increasing adoption of innovative initiatives. Another outcome was the recognition through national level awards for the overall institutions which have been certified by external reviewers.

Keywords: higher education, quality, accreditation, institutional improvement

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2086 Emotional Disclosure as Mediator Between Marital Satisfaction and Mental Health Problems in Women with Infertility

Authors: Sadia Saleem


Infertility is a global health concern that may have a long-lasting effect on the psychosocial functioning of an individual. Rich research evidence has shown that women with infertility are at greater risk of adverse psychological experiences than men. The culture plays a risk factor when it comes to infertility. Family is considered as a central focus of a collectivistic culture like Pakistan and having children is the key factor that determines the quality of a marital relationship, individual well-being and overall standing in the society. In this collectivistic cultural context, women usually get the blame and experience more psychological distress and social isolation. A total sample of 121 (M 28.17, SD 4.73) women with primary infertility selected through purposive sampling were tested using Emotional Disclosure Questionnaire, Couple Satisfaction Index and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale. The results indicate that negative emotional disclosure positively mediates the relationship between marital satisfaction and mental health problems (p < .001) in women with primary infertility. The results are discussed in terms of psychosocial counseling and family psychoeducation in Pakistani collectivistic cultural context.

Keywords: infertility, couple satisfaction, emotional disclosure, mental health

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2085 Analyzing the Perception of Students and Faculty Members on Social Media Use in Academic Activities: A Case Study of Beijing Normal University

Authors: Mcjerry A. Bekoe, Emile Uwamahoro


Social media has become the order of the day, in particular among the youth. It is widely used both formally and informally in the university communities with varied definitions both in the academic circles and in the public domain. In simple terms, it is a media upon which social interactions are carried. In this work social media denote mobile phones, and web-base applications use by students and institutions to construct, partake, and distribute both existing and new information in a digital setting through internet communication. The basic aim of conducting this study was to analyze the perception of students and faculty members Beijing Normal University on social media use in the academic setting and to contribute to the understanding of how university students use social media, the advantages and disadvantages of social media in education. The study was qualitative and employed open-ended interview questions developed to seek students’ perception of the effects of social media and administered based on purposive sampling. Document analysis was also done because of triangulation to ensure validity and reliability. The results show there are positive and negative impacts of social media use depending on how one uses it. Social media have the capability to become a priceless asset to aid their educational communication.

Keywords: academics, high education, interactions, social media

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2084 The Investigation of Green Building Certification on the Productivity and Mental and Physical Health of Building's Occupants in Tehran, Iran

Authors: Armin Samarghandi, Amirreza Jafari, Mohamad Ghiasi


Numerous assertions and some empirical evidence imply that 'green' buildings ought to be more productive and healthier (mentally and physiologically) than conventional structures. Since then, empirical data has been equivocal, indicating either that the studies are inaccurate or that the research has just scratched the surface of green buildings in offices, accommodation, and hospital settings and not taken the aforementioned holistically. This study compared four green-certified buildings -one residential green building, one green hospital, and one green school- with conventional structures in Tehran, Iran, by means of a questionnaire spread among those utilizing these buildings, and assessing their productivity and health rate as opposed to the time they resided, worked in conventional buildings. The results demonstrated higher scores pertaining to productivity and physical and mental wellness as a consequence of better indoor environmental quality (IEQ), natural lighting, design, and sustainability of these buildings against non-green buildings. In addition, ancillary matters -environmental, financial, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of participants- were indirectly evaluated, and the same results were produced.

Keywords: green building, LEED, productivity, physical and mental health, indoor environmental quality

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2083 Metabolic Syndrome and Mental Health in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Patient

Authors: Hassan Shahmiri Barzoki


Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an abnormal physiologic and psychological reaction in person with severe traumatic history. In recent studies, the relationship between PTSD and some other disease apparently unrelated to psychological situations, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, has been revealed. Thus, the aim of this study was to survey the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and mental health in PTSD patients. Methods: The research design was retrospective cohort study. Subjects were consisted of 142 Iran-Iraq war veterans with PTSD (age: 40-60 years), and the control group was consisted of 153 veterans without PTSD. Data was collected using questionnaires, physical exams and laboratory tests. Results: Prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 45.1%in PTSD group and 17% in control group. In addition, blood pressure, triglyceride and fasting blood sugar in PTSD group were significantly higher than control group (p<0.05). Also, PTSD patients had significant high rates of psychiatric disorders. Conclusion: PTSD patients are more prone to metabolic syndrome and psychiatric disorders than control group.

Keywords: mental health, metabolic syndrome, post traumatic stress disorder, patient

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2082 Adverse Childhood Experience of Domestic Violence and Domestic Mental Health Leading to Youth Violence: An Analysis of Selected Boroughs in London

Authors: Sandra Smart-Akande, Chaminda Hewage, Imtiaz Khan, Thanuja Mallikarachchi


According to UK police-recorded data, there has been a substantial increase in knife-related crime and youth violence in the UK since 2014 particularly in the London boroughs. These crime rates are disproportionally distributed across London with the majority of these crimes occurring in the highly deprived areas of London and among young people aged 11 to 24 with large discrepancies across ethnicity, age, gender and borough of residence. Comprehensive studies and literature have identified risk factors associated with a knife carrying among youth to be Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs), poor mental health, school or social exclusion, drug dealing, drug using, victim of violent crime, bullying, peer pressure or gang involvement, just to mention a few. ACEs are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood, this can be experiences or stressful events in the early life of a child and can lead to an increased risk of damaging health or social outcomes in the latter life of the individual. Research has shown that children or youths involved in youth violence have had childhood experience characterised by disproportionate adverse childhood experiences and substantial literature link ACEs to be associated with criminal or delinquent behavior. ACEs are commonly grouped by researchers into: Abuse (Physical, Verbal, Sexual), Neglect (Physical, Emotional) and Household adversities (Mental Illness, Incarcerated relative, Domestic violence, Parental Separation or Bereavement). To the author's best knowledge, no study to date has investigated how household mental health (mental health of a parent or mental health of a child) and domestic violence (domestic violence on a parent or domestic violence on a child) is related to knife homicides across the local authorities areas of London. This study seeks to address the gap by examining a large sample of data from the London Metropolitan Police Force and Characteristics of Children in Need data from the UK Department for Education. The aim of this review is to identify and synthesise evidence from data and a range of literature to identify the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and youth violence in the UK. Understanding the link between ACEs and future outcomes can support preventative action.

Keywords: adverse childhood experiences, domestic violence, mental health, youth violence, prediction analysis, London knife crime

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2081 Secondary Prisonization and Mental Health: A Comparative Study with Elderly Parents of Prisoners Incarcerated in Remote Jails

Authors: Luixa Reizabal, Inaki Garcia, Eneko Sansinenea, Ainize Sarrionandia, Karmele Lopez De Ipina, Elsa Fernandez


Although the effects of incarceration in prisons close to prisoners’ and their families’ residences have been studied, little is known about the effects of remote incarceration. The present study shows the impact of secondary prisonization on mental health of elderly parents of Basque prisoners who are incarcerated in prisons located far away from prisoners’ and their families’ residences. Secondary prisonization refers to the effects that imprisonment of a family member has on relatives. In the study, psychological effects are analyzed by means of comparative methodology. Specifically, levels of psychopathology (depression, anxiety, and stress) and positive mental health (psychological, social, and emotional well-being) are studied in a sample of parents over 65 years old of prisoners incarcerated in prisons located a long distance away (concretely, some of them in a distance of less than 400 km, while others farther than 400 km) from the Basque Country. The dataset consists of data collected through a questionnaire and from a spontaneous speech recording. The statistical and automatic analyses show that levels of psychopathology and positive mental health of elderly parents of prisoners incarcerated in remote jails are affected by the incarceration of their sons or daughters. Concretely, these parents show higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress and lower levels of emotional (but not psychological or social) wellbeing than parents with no imprisoned daughters or sons. These findings suggest that parents with imprisoned sons or daughters suffer the impact of secondary prisonization on their mental health. When comparing parents with sons or daughters incarcerated within 400 kilometers from home and parents whose sons or daughters are incarcerated farther than 400 kilometers from home, the latter present higher levels of psychopathology, but also higher levels of positive mental health (although the difference between the two groups is not statistically significant). These findings might be explained by resilience. In fact, in traumatic situations, people can develop a force to cope with the situation, and even present a posttraumatic growth. Bearing in mind all these findings, it could be concluded that secondary prisonization implies for elderly parents with sons or daughters incarcerated in remote jails suffering and, in consequence, that changes in the penitentiary policy applied to Basque prisoners are required in order to finish this suffering.

Keywords: automatic spontaneous speech analysis, elderly parents, machine learning, positive mental health, psychopathology, remote incarceration, secondary prisonization

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2080 Psychosocial Correlates of Sexual Violence Among Students in Higher Institutions in Cameroon

Authors: Agbor Ekama Prisca Anne


Current data on the prevalence and psychosocial correlates of sexual violence in the Cameroon is lacking, with the most recent sexual abuse and violence survey dating back to 2001. The current study sought to identify what proportion of University students have experienced sexual violence, if there are sex differences in exposure to different forms of sexual violence, and to what extent different forms of sexual violence are associated with adverse psychosocial outcomes. A nationally representative sample of University students (N = 1,020) completed self-report measures of history of sexual violence and mental health. Approximately one-in-three (34.4%) students experienced some form of sexual violence, including 14.8% who were sexually assaulted (raped) and 31.1% who were sexually harassed. Female students were significantly more likely than men to have experienced all forms of sexual violence (ps < .001), with the exception of sexual assault by teachers or guardian. All forms of sexual violence were associated with an increased likelihood of serious mental health problems, with sexual assault by a teacher associated with several other psychosocial outcomes in life, including education achievement, and behavior disorder. Sexual violence is a common experience in the general population and female students are disproportionately affected (1-in-2 girls versus 1-in-5 boys). Additional resources to increase mental health care among survivors of sexual violence is urgently needed.

Keywords: psychosocial, effects sexual, violence, females, students

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2079 The Impact of Plants on Relaxation of Patients in Hospitals, Case Study: District 6th, Tehran

Authors: Hashem Hashemnejad, Abbas Yazdanfar, Mahzad Mohandes Tarighi, Denial Sadighi


One of the factors that can have a positive influence on the mental health is the presence of trees and flowers. Research shows that even a glance at nature can evoke positive feelings in the person and reduce his tension and stress. According to the historical, cultural, religious, and individual background in each geographical district, the relaxing or spiritual impact of certain kinds of flowers can be evaluated. In this paper, using a questionnaire, the amount of relaxing impact of prevalent trees and flowers of the district on the patients was examined. The results showed that cedar and pomegranate trees and jasmine and rose in flowers, respectively, relax the patients.

Keywords: plants, patients, mental health, relaxing

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2078 Quality Improvement Template for Undergraduate Nursing Education Curriculum Review and Analysis

Authors: Jennifer Stephens, Nichole Parker, Kristin Petrovic


To gain a better understanding of how students enrolled in a Bachelor of Nursing (BN) program are educated, faculty members in the BN program at Athabasca University (AU) in Alberta, Canada, developed a 3-phase comprehensive curriculum review project. Phase one of this review centered around hiring an external curriculum expert to examine and analyze the current curriculum and to propose recommendations focused on identifying gaps as well as building on strengths towards meeting changing health care trends. Phase two incorporated extensive institutional document analysis as well as qualitative and quantitative data collection in reciprocated critical reflection and has yielded insights into valuable processes, challenges, and solutions inherent to the complexities of undertaking curriculum review and analysis. Results of our phase one and two analysis generated a quality improvement (QI) template that could benefit other nursing education programs engaged in curriculum review and analysis. The key processes, lessons, and insights, as well as future project phase three plans, will be presented for iterative discussion and role modelling for other institutions undergoing, or planning, content-based curriculum review and evaluation.

Keywords: curriculum, education, nursing, nursing faculty practice, quality improvement

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2077 Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Attitudes about Teaching Science Courses at the Faculty of Education, Lebanese University: An Exploratory Case Study

Authors: Suzanne El Takach


The research study explored pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards 6 courses taught in 3rd till 6th semesters at the Faculty of Education, Lebanese University, during the academic year 2015-2016. They assessed science teaching courses that are essential for teacher preparation for Science at the primary and elementary level. These courses were: Action Research I and II in Teaching Science, New trends in Teaching Science, Teaching Science I and II for the elementary level and Teaching Science for Early Childhood Education. Qualitative and Quantitative Data were gathered from a) a survey questionnaire consisting of 23 closed-ended items; some were of Likert scale type, that aimed at collecting students’ opinions on courses, in terms of teaching, assessment and class interaction (N=102 respondents) and b) a second questionnaire of 10 questions was disseminated on a sample of 39 students in their last semester in science and Mathematics, in order to know more about students’ skills gained, suggestions for new courses and improvement. Students were satisfied with science teaching courses and they have admitted that they gained a good pedagogical content knowledge, such as, lesson planning, students’ misconceptions, and use of various teaching and assessment strategies.

Keywords: assessment in higher education, LMD program, pre-service teachers’ attitudes, pre-PCK skills

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2076 Global Health Access to Reproductive Care: Vesicovaginal Fistulas and Obstetrics in Pakistan

Authors: Aena Iqbal


The lack of access to maternal and reproductive health in Pakistan poses a great threat to global public health. Obstetric issues, including vesicovaginal fistulas (VVF), are the most common in South Asian countries, leaving women in a more vulnerable state. Koohi Goth Women’s Hospital offers free VVF operations, which draws in women from all over Pakistan. Although reproductive health is being handled, mental health is often neglected in these scenarios. Using a series of questions inspired by the Warwick Edinburgh Model, this paper builds on the results from interviewing women who have received vesicovaginal fistula repair surgery on their mental health, a taboo topic in Pakistan.

Keywords: obstetrics, VVF, Pakistan, reproductive health

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2075 Probiotics in Anxiety and Depression

Authors: Pilar Giffenig, Avanna Kotlarz, Taylor Dehring


Anxiety and depression are common mental illnesses in the U.S today. While there are various treatments for these mental health disorders, many of the medications come with a large variety of side effects that decrease medication compliance. Recent studies have looked at the impact of probiotics on anxiety and depression. Our goal was to determine whether probiotics could help relieve symptoms of anxiety and or depression. We conducted a literature search of three databases focusing on systematic reviews and RTC and found 25 articles, 8 of which were used for our analysis. Seven out of the eight articles showed that probiotics have the potential to significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. However, larger study sample sizes, type of probiotic, and correct dosage are required in future research to determine the role of probiotics in the treatment of anxiety and depression.

Keywords: probiotics, anxiety, depression, treatment, psychology, nutrition

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2074 The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Teaching Performance at an Iranian University

Authors: Yusef Hedjazi, Saeedeh Nazari Nooghabi


New information and communication technologies (ICT) as one of the main needs of Faculty members in the process of teaching and learning has used in Irans higher education system since 2000.The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching performance of Agricultural and Natural Resources Faculties at University of Tehran. The statistical population of the study consisted of all 250 faculties in Agriculture and Natural Resources Colleges and a questionnaire was used to collect data. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by computing of Cronbachs Alpha coefficient at greater than .72. The study showed a significant relationship between agricultural Faculty members teaching performance and competency in using ICT. The results of the regression analysis also explained 51.7% of the variance, teaching performance. The six independent variables that accounted for the explained variance were experience in using educational websites or software, use of educational multimedia (e.g. film and CD, etc), making a presentation using PowerPoint, familiarity with online education websites, using News group to discuss on educational subjects with colleagues and students, and using Electronic communication (messengers) to solve studentsproblems.

Keywords: information and communication technologies, agricultural and natural resources, faculties, teaching performance

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2073 Soul-Body Relationship in Medieval Islamic Thought – Analysis of Avicenna’s Psychology and Medicine with Implication to Mental Health

Authors: Yula Milshteyn


The present study focuses on the science of the “Soul” in Islamic Medieval Psychology.The main objective of the current essay is to analyze the concept of the “soul” in relation to “mental” disorders, in the philosophical psychology and medicinal treatise of Ibn Sina, a Muslim Persian physician-philosopher (known as Avicenna in the Western world) (981-1037 CE). The examination will concentrate on the nature of the soul, and the relationship of the soul to the body, as well as the manifestation of health and sickness in soul and body, The analysis draws on Avicenna’s Psychology (Kitab al-Najat or The Book of Salvation), Remarks and Admonitions (Al-isharat wa al-tanbihat), and the medical treatise – The Canon of Medicine (al-Qānūn fī al-Ṭibb). Avicenna’s psychology of the soul is primarily based on Aristotelian and Neo-platonic paradigms. For Avicenna, soul is a metaphysical, independent substance, which in modern terms implies independence of human consciousness from the material body. The soul however, is linked to the body and controls all its’ faculties or functions. It is suggested that in the specific case study of schizophrenia, it is a disorder pertained to both, soul and body and can be characterized as a multi-faceted neurobiological, physiological, psychological and metaphysical spiritual phenomenon.

Keywords: Avicenna, canon of the medicine, mental disorders, psychology, schizophrenia, soul-body

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2072 "Advancing Gender Equity: Addressing Child Marriage And Mental Health Challenges In Zambia"

Authors: Akekelwa Catherine Chitonka


Child marriage remains a critical issue in Zambia, with particularly high rates in Chipata, Eastern Province. This paper examines the intersection of gender equity, mental health, and child protection, focusing on the impact of child marriage on young girls in the region. The study highlights the socio-economic and cultural factors driving child marriage, including poverty, entrenched cultural norms, and limited access to education. These factors often result in girls being married at a young age, severely limiting their personal and educational development. This practice jeopardizes their mental well-being, with many facing depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges. Data from Lifeline/Childline Zambia’s toll-free helpline reveals the rising prevalence of child marriage, particularly in rural areas. Girls married before 18 are at higher risk of experiencing gender-based violence, psychological trauma, and restricted access to resources such as education and healthcare. These girls often exhibit mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and suicidal thoughts. However, mental health remains an often-overlooked aspect in the response to child marriage, with stigma and lack of awareness preventing proper care and intervention. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, utilizing both quantitative data from Lifeline/Childline Zambia’s helpline records and qualitative data from community focus groups and key informant interviews. The findings underscore the drivers of child marriage in Chipata—poverty, cultural expectations, and limited educational opportunities—while also highlighting the severe mental health consequences for child brides. Girls who have experienced early marriage report higher instances of depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies compared to their unmarried peers. The paper proposes several community-based interventions to address both child marriage and the mental health challenges aced by young girls. First, it recommends culturally sensitive workshops aimed at challenging harmful norms that perpetuate early marriage and promoting gender equity. Engaging community leaders and using local languages will be essential for these interventions to succeed. Secondly, it advocates for strengthening legal frameworks and enforcing laws against child marriage. Despite existing legal provisions, enforcement is weak, and further advocacy is necessary to ensure that girls' rights are protected. In addition to these interventions, the paper highlights the need for improved mental health services tailored to the needs of child brides. Establishing accessible, community-based mental health support systems will help address the psychological toll of early marriage. Furthermore, providing scholarships and vocational training will empower girls economically and reduce the financial pressures that often lead to early marriages. This study contributes to the global discourse on gender equity and mental health by offering a detailed analysis of the situation in Zambia, suggesting targeted, culturally sensitive interventions that can be adapted to other regions facing similar challenges. The findings emphasize the importance of a holistic approach that integrates mental health, education, and legal advocacy to combat child marriage and promote gender equity.

Keywords: child marriage, gender equity, mental health, poverty

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2071 Transforming Integrative Maker Education for STEM Learning

Authors: Virginia Chambers, Kamryn York, Mark Marnich


T.I.M.E. for STEM (Transforming Integrative Maker Education for STEM learning) focuses on improving the quality and effectiveness of STEM education for pre-service teachers through a focus on the integration of maker space pedagogy. This National Science Foundation-funded project primarily focuses on undergraduate pre-service teaching students majoring in elementary education. The study contributes to the knowledge about teaching and learning by developing, implementing, and assessing faculty development, interactive instruction, and STEM lesson plan development. This project offers a valuable opportunity to improve STEM thinking skills by formally integrating STEM concepts throughout the pre-service teacher curriculum using an interdisciplinary approach. T.I.M.E. for STEM utilizes a maker space laboratory at Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. However, the project design is such that other institutions of higher education can replicate the program with or without a physical maker space lab as the project’s findings and “maker mindset” are employed. Utilizing qualitative research methodology, the project investigates the following research question: What do pre-service teachers (education students) and faculty members identify as areas of pedagogical growth in STEM learning and teaching in a makerspace environment? This research highlights the impact of makerspace pedagogy on improving STEM education learning outcomes through an interdisciplinary constructivist approach. The project is expected to have a multiplier effect as it impacts STEM disciplinary and higher education faculty, pre-service teachers, and teacher preparation programs at other universities that benefit from what is learned at Point Park University. Ultimately, the future elementary students of the well-prepared pre-service teachers steeped in maker pedagogy and STEM content will have the potential to develop higher-level thinking skills and improve their mathematics and scientific achievement, which are essential for the 21st century STEM workforce.

Keywords: maker education, STEM learning, teacher education, elementary education

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2070 Wellbeing Warriors: A Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Effect of Martial Arts Training on Mental Health Outcomes

Authors: Brian Moore, Stuart Woodcock, Dean Dudley


Mental health problems have significant social and economic consequences; however, many individuals do not seek traditional assistance for mental health difficulties. Martial arts training may provide an inexpensive alternative to traditional psychological therapy. While limited research has suggested martial arts training may be an efficacious intervention, the validity and reliability of this are questionable given the small number of relevant studies and other methodological problems. The study examined the effects of 10-week martial arts-based psycho-social intervention which was evaluated using a randomized controlled trial. The intervention was delivered to 283 secondary school students, aged between 12-14 years, who were recruited from government and catholic secondary schools in New South Wales, Australia. The intervention was delivered in a group format onsite at participating schools and had an intervention dose of 10 x 50-60 minute sessions, once per week for 10 weeks. Data were collected at baseline, post-intervention, and 12-week follow-up. Results found a consistent pattern for strength based wellbeing outcomes. All primary and secondary measures relating to resilience and self-efficacy improved for the intervention group and declined for the control group. As these findings were derived from a robust design and rigorous evaluation, they provide valid and reliable evidence that martial arts-based psycho-social interventions can be considered as an efficacious method of improving strength and wellbeing outcomes.

Keywords: martial arts, mental health, resilience, self-efficacy

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2069 Teachers' Mental Health: Perceived Social Justice and Life Satisfaction

Authors: Yan Li, Qi-Fan Jia, Jie Zhou


In today’s China, primary and secondary teachers are living a hard life with high pressure but low payment, which results in a sense of unfair and less satisfaction of life. However, teachers’ life satisfaction is a significant factor of their mental health and plays an important role in the development and progress of the society. This study was aimed to explore the effect of teachers’ perception of social justice on life satisfaction. 450 primary and secondary teachers from China were measured with life satisfaction scales, social justice scales, income satisfaction scale, job satisfaction scale, pressure condition scale, and major life event scale. Results showed their pressure is significantly higher than average, while life satisfaction, job satisfaction, income satisfaction and perceived social justice are lower. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that demographic variables, i.e., gender, age, education level and matric status, and factors related to occupation, i.e., professional title, school type and working hours per day cannot predict teachers’ life satisfaction. Teachers who had worked for 11-20 years had a lower life satisfaction compared to those with 1-5 years working experience. However, social status, monthly household income, income satisfaction, as well as job satisfaction were positively related to life satisfaction, whereas pressure condition was negatively related to it. After controlling for demographic factors and individual attitudes, social justice still had a positive effect on life satisfaction, among which distributive justice played a more important role than procedural justice. The suggestions on teachers’ condition in China and the implications for education reform to improve teachers’ mental health are discussed.

Keywords: life satisfaction, mental health, primary and secondary teachers, social justice

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2068 Unveiling Mental Health Nuances of Male Indian Classical Dancers

Authors: Madhura Bapat, Uma Krishnan


Exploring the redefinition of masculinity through the experiences of male Indian classical dancers, this qualitative research focuses on their perceived quality of life, psychosocial challenges, and coping strategies. This study aims to explore the mental health nuances of male Indian classical dancers through an in-depth understanding of their lived experiences with dance. The benefits and personal journeys of dancers, particularly in Indian classical forms, reveal insights into culture, gender, and societal expectations. Men in Indian classical dance frequently encounter stigma due to prevailing gender norms in the arts and society. Acknowledgment of these experiences is key to understanding issues of identity, mental wellness, and communal acceptance of male Indian classical dancers in the Indian dance scenario. This study follows an interpretive phenomenological approach to follow the lived experiences of male Indian classical dancers. Male Indian classical dancers were selected using criterion-based sampling. The participants are male, fluent in English and pursue Indian classical dance styles professionally, like Kathak, Bharatanatyam, Chhau, etc. Six participants were recruited for personal, semi-structured, in-depth interviews. A focus group discussion with four participants was conducted to explore the stigma surrounding their roles. The data were analyzed using interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA), revealing superordinate themes of (1) identity fragmentation and negotiation in gendered social contexts; (2) gendered constraints and artistic expression; (3) psychosocial distress and mental health challenges; (4) coping mechanisms and resilience; and (5) stigmatization and social integration dynamics. Male Indian classical dancers grapple with identity formation, navigating a paradox of self-perception, artistic identity, and societal expectation. They reported experiencing emasculation, compromising artistic expression, and struggling with gender norms and gendered training constraints. They have faced name-calling, bullying, taunting, slandering, and discrimination. These experiences have led to psychological challenges and distress. However, the paradox continues as male dancers use adaptive coping strategies despite the adversities that intertwine self-perception, societal pressures, and their passion for dance. This research sheds light on the intersection of gender, mental health, and art. These findings provide a strong foundation for making changes in the dance community for acceptance of male dancers, policy making for better job opportunities for male dancers and mental health services to be provided to help them deal with distress. The study offers valuable insights into how male classical dancers navigate stigma and mental health challenges in gendered social contexts, contributing to a deeper understanding of identity formation in the arts.

Keywords: gendered experiences, Indian classical dance, male dancers, mental health, stigma

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2067 Investigating Role of Traumatic Events in a Pakistani Sample

Authors: Khadeeja Munawar, Shamsul Haque


The claim that traumatic events influence the recalled memories and mental health has received mixed empirical support. This study examines the memories of a sample drawn from Pakistan, a country that has witnessed many life-changing socio-political events, wars, and natural disasters in 72 years of its history. A sample of 210 senior citizens (Mage = 64.35, SD = 6.33) was recruited from Pakistan. The aim was to investigate if participants retrieved more memories related to past traumatic events using a word-cueing technique. Each participant reported ten memories to ten neutral cue words. The results revealed that past traumatic events were not adversely affecting the memories and mental health of participants. When memories were plotted with respect to the ages at which the events happened, a pronounced bump at 11-20 years of age was seen. Memories within as well as outside of the bump were mostly positive. The multilevel logistic regression modelling showed that the memories recalled were personally important and played a role in enhancing resilience. The findings revealed that despite facing an array of ethnic, religious, political, economic, and social conflicts, the participants were resilient, recalled predominantly positive memories, and had intact mental health. The findings have clinical implications in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The patients can be made aware of their negative emotions, troublesome/traumatic memories, and the distorted thinking patterns and their memories can be restructured. The findings can also be used to teach Memory Specificity Training (MEST) by psycho-educating the patients around changes in memory functioning and enhancing the recall of memories, which are more specific, vivid, and filled with sensory details.

Keywords: cognitive behavioral therapy, memories, mental health, resilience, trauma

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2066 Constructive Alignment in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities at the University of Sulaimani

Authors: Daban Mohammed Haji


This paper explores the application of constructive alignment in digital education at the University of Sulaimani, focusing specifically on the Language and Culture Center, Translation Department, and English Department. Constructive alignment, an outcome-based pedagogical framework developed by John Biggs, ensures that learning activities and assessments are directly aligned with the intended learning outcomes (ILOs). The study's findings reveal a significant gap in awareness and understanding of this pedagogical concept among lecturers. Many instructors are unfamiliar with constructive alignment, and those who have some knowledge of it face considerable challenges. These challenges include aligning learning activities and assessments with the ILOs and fostering higher-order cognitive skills as outlined in the SOLO taxonomy and revised Bloom’s taxonomy. To address this issue, the existing pedagogy center at the University of Sulaimani could play a pivotal role. This center has the potential to foster faculty development and promote the adoption of constructive alignment in online teaching. By leveraging the center's expertise and resources, a tailored program can be designed to enhance faculty understanding and application of this pedagogical framework.

Keywords: constructive alignment, student-centerdness, pedagogy, bologna process

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2065 Disparities in Suicide and Mental Health among Student Athletes of Ethnic and Racial Minorities Compared to Their White Non-latinx Counterparts

Authors: Elizabeth Russo, Angelica Terepka


The present paper reviews literature examining trends among suicide, suicidal ideation, and mental illness rates in ethnic and racial minority student-athletes. While the rates of suicide amongst student athlete populations is lower than rates of suicide seen in the general student populations, there is a discrepancy amongst rates of suicide in student athletes; specifically, those identifying with racial and ethnic minority backgrounds endorse higher rates of suicidal ideation. The samples from the existing literature consisted of White, Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian/ Pacific Islander, Multiracial, and Native American student-athletes. Studies suggest that ethnic and racial minority students are more susceptible to suicide, depression, and other mental health concerns compared to their white counterparts. Across the literature, White student athletes appeared to have more social and academic support from fellow classmates, university administration and professors, and staff within their athletic departments. Student athletes who did not identify as White endorsed higher rates of loneliness, felt ethnically and racially underrepresented within their athletic department, and endorsed lack of appropriate medical treatment for injuries by athletic department medical staff. Additionally, non-White student athletes receive less peer support and must balance additional stressors such as discrimination in contrast to their White/non-Latinx peers. Recommendations for athletic departments and mental health providers supporting student athletes who identify as racial and ethnic minorities are discussed.

Keywords: racial and ethnic minority, suicide, student-athlete, suicidal ideation

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2064 Factors That Affect the Mental Health Status of Syrian Refugee Girls in Post-Resettlement Context

Authors: Vivian Khamis


Exposure to war and forced migration have been widely linked to child subsequent adaptation. What remains sparse is research spanning multiple risk and protective factors and examining their unique and relative implications to difficulties in mental health among refugee girls. This study investigated the mechanisms through which posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), emotion dysregulation , neuroticism, and behavioral and emotional disorders in Syrian refugee girls is impacted by exposure to war traumas, age, and other risk and protective factors such as coping styles, family relationships, and school environment. The sample consisted of 539 Syrian refugee girls who ranged in age from 7 to 18 years attending public schools in various governorates in Lebanon and Jordan. Two school counselors carried out the interviews with children at school. Results indicated that war trauma, older age, and a combination of negative copying style associated with conflict in the family could lead to an overall state of emotion dysregulation, neuroticism, behavioral and emotional disorders, and PTSD in refugee girls. On the other hand, lapse of time since resettlement in host country, positive copying style, cohesion, and expressiveness in the family would lead to more positive mental health status, including lower levels of emotion dysregulation, neuroticism, behavioral and emotional disorders, and PTSD . Enhanced understanding of the mechanistic role of risk and protective factors in contributing to difficulties in mental health in refugee girls may contribute to the development of effective interventions to target the psychological effects of the refugee experience.

Keywords: refugee girls, PTSD, emotion dysregulation, neuroticism, behavioral and emotional disorders

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2063 Dispositional Loneliness and Mental Health of the Elderly in Cross River State, Nigeria

Authors: Peter Unoh Bassey


The study is predicated on the current trend of the rate of dispositional loneliness experienced by the elderly in society today as a result of the breakdown in the family attachment patterns, loss of close associates, and interpersonal conflicts. The research adopted the ex-post facto research design through a survey data collected from a total of 500 elderly comprising of both retirees and community-based elders. Both the stratified and simple sampling techniques were used to select the sample. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the elderly should be trained in acquiring specific attachment styles as well as be trained in developing appropriate social skills to counter loneliness.

Keywords: dispositional loneliness, mental health, elderly, cross river state

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2062 Casual Effects of Informal Care and Health on Falls and Other Accidents among the Elderly Population in China

Authors: Hong Wu, Naiji Lu, Chenguang Wang, Xinming Tu


This article analyzes the causal effects of informal care, mental health, and physical health on falls and other accidents (e.g. traffic accidents) among elderly people. To purge potential reversal causal effects, e.g., past accidents induce more future informal care, we use two-stage least squares to identify the impacts. By using longitudinal data from a representative national China Health and retirement longitudinal study of people aged 45 and older in China, our findings indicate that informal care decreases while poor health conditions increase the occurrence of accidents. We also find heterogeneous impacts on the occurrence of accidents, varying by gender, urban status, and past accident history. Our findings suggest the following three policy implications. First, policy makers who aim to decrease accidents should take informal care to elders into account. Second, ease of birth policy and postponed retirement policy are urgent to meet the demand of informal care. Third, medical policies should attach great importance to not only physical health but also mental health of elderly parents especially for older people with accident history.

Keywords: accident, China, fall, informal care, mental health, physical health

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