Search results for: ownership status
1172 Analyzing Culture as an Obstacle to Gender Equality in a Non-Western Context: Key Areas of Conflict between International Women’s Rights and Cultural Rights in South Sudan
Authors: C. Leiber
International human rights treaties ensure basic rights to all people, regardless of nationality. These treaties have developed in a predominantly Western environment, and their implementation into non-western contexts often raises questions of the transfer-ability of value systems and governance structures. International human rights treaties also postulate the right to the full enjoyment and expression of one’s own culture, known as cultural rights. Many cultural practices and traditions in South Sudan serve as an obstacle to the adaptation of human rights and internationally agreed-upon standards, specifically those pertaining to women’s rights and gender equality. This paper analyzes the specific social, political, and economic conflicts between women’s rights and cultural rights within the context of South Sudan’s evolution into a sovereign nation. It comprehensively evaluates the legal status of South Sudanese women and –based on the empirical evidence- assesses gender equality in four key areas: Marriage, Education, Violence against Women, and Inheritance. This work includes an exploration into how South Sudanese culture influences, and indeed is intertwined with, social, political, and economic spheres, and how it limits gender equality and impedes the full implementation of international human rights treaties. Furthermore, any negative effects which systemic gender inequality and cultural practices that are oppressive to women have on South Sudan as a developing nation are explored. Finally, those areas of conflict between South Sudanese cultural rights and international women’s rights are outlined which can be mitigated or resolved in favor of elevating gender equality without imperializing or destroying South Sudanese culture.Keywords: cultural rights, gender equality, international human rights, South Sudan
Procedia PDF Downloads 3561171 ADP Approach to Evaluate the Blood Supply Network of Ontario
Authors: Usama Abdulwahab, Mohammed Wahab
This paper presents the application of uncapacitated facility location problems (UFLP) and 1-median problems to support decision making in blood supply chain networks. A plethora of factors make blood supply-chain networks a complex, yet vital problem for the regional blood bank. These factors are rapidly increasing demand; criticality of the product; strict storage and handling requirements; and the vastness of the theater of operations. As in the UFLP, facilities can be opened at any of $m$ predefined locations with given fixed costs. Clients have to be allocated to the open facilities. In classical location models, the allocation cost is the distance between a client and an open facility. In this model, the costs are the allocation cost, transportation costs, and inventory costs. In order to address this problem the median algorithm is used to analyze inventory, evaluate supply chain status, monitor performance metrics at different levels of granularity, and detect potential problems and opportunities for improvement. The Euclidean distance data for some Ontario cities (demand nodes) are used to test the developed algorithm. Sitation software, lagrangian relaxation algorithm, and branch and bound heuristics are used to solve this model. Computational experiments confirm the efficiency of the proposed approach. Compared to the existing modeling and solution methods, the median algorithm approach not only provides a more general modeling framework but also leads to efficient solution times in general.Keywords: approximate dynamic programming, facility location, perishable product, inventory model, blood platelet, P-median problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 5081170 Effect of Oral Clonidine Premedication on Subarachnoid Block Characteristics of 0.5 % Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for Laparoscopic Gynecological Procedures – A Randomized Control Study
Authors: Buchh Aqsa, Inayat Umar
Background- Clonidine, α 2 agonist, possesses several properties to make it valuable adjuvant for spinal anesthesia. The study was aimed to evaluate the clinical effects of oral clonidine premedication for laparoscopic gynecological procedures under subarachnoid block. Patients and method- Sixtyfour adult female patients of ASA physical status I and II, aged 25 to 45 years and scheduled for laparoscopic gynecological procedures under the subarachnoid block, were randomized into two comparable equal groups of 32 patients each to received either oral clonidine, 100 µg (Group I) or placebo (Group II), 90 minutes before the procedure. Subarachnoid block was established with of 3.5 ml of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine in all patients. Onset and duration of sensory and motor block, maximum cephalad level, and the regression time to reach S1 sensory level were assessed as primary end points. Sedation, hemodynamic variability, and respiratory depression or any other side effects were evaluated as secondary outcomes. Results- The demographic profile was comparable. The intraoperative hemodynamic parameters showed significant differences between groups. Oral clonidine was accelerated the onset time of sensory and motor blockade and extended the duration of sensory block (216.4 ± 23.3 min versus 165 ± 37.2 min, P <0.05). The duration of motor block showed no significant difference. The sedation score was more than 2 in the clonidine group as compared to the control group. Conclusion- Oral clonidine premedication has extended the duration of sensory analgesia with arousable sedation. It also prevented the post spinal shivering of the subarachnoid block.Keywords: oral clonidine, subarachnoid block, sensory analgesia, laparoscopic gynaecological
Procedia PDF Downloads 831169 Unshackled Slaves: An Analysis of the Adjudication of Degrading Conditions of Work by Brazilian Labour Courts
Authors: Aline F. C. Pereira
In recent years, modern slavery has increasingly gathered attention in scholarly discussions and policy debates. Whereas the mainstream studies focus on forced labour and trafficking, little attention is paid to other forms of exploitation, such as degrading conditions of work –criminalised in Brazil as an autonomous type of slavery since 2003. This paper aims to bridge this gap. It adopts a mixed method that comprises both qualitative and quantitative analysis, to investigate the adjudication of 164 cases of degrading conditions of work by Brazilian labour courts. The research discloses an ungrounded reluctance to apply the domestic legal framework, as in most of the cases degrading conditions of work are not recognised as contemporary slavery, despite the law. In some cases, not even situations described as subhuman and degrading of human dignity were framed as slavery. The analysis also suggests that, as in chattel times, lack of freedom and subjection remain relevant in the legal characterisation of slave labour. The examination has further unraveled a phenomenon absent in previous studies: normalisation of precarity. By depicting precarity as natural and inevitable in rural areas, labour courts ensure conformity to the status quo and reduce the likelihood of resistance by victims. Moreover, compensations afforded to urban workers are higher than granted to rural employees, which seems to place human beings in hierarchical categories -a trace of colonialism. In sum, the findings challenge the worldwide spread assumption that Brazil addresses slavery efficiently. Conversely, the Brazilian Labour Judiciary seems to remain subservient to a colonial perspective of slavery, legitimising, and sanctioning abusive practices.Keywords: adjudication, contemporary slavery, degrading conditions of work, normalisation of precarity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1141168 Real-Time Radar Tracking Based on Nonlinear Kalman Filter
Authors: Milca F. Coelho, K. Bousson, Kawser Ahmed
To accurately track an aerospace vehicle in a time-critical situation and in a highly nonlinear environment, is one of the strongest interests within the aerospace community. The tracking is achieved by estimating accurately the state of a moving target, which is composed of a set of variables that can provide a complete status of the system at a given time. One of the main ingredients for a good estimation performance is the use of efficient estimation algorithms. A well-known framework is the Kalman filtering methods, designed for prediction and estimation problems. The success of the Kalman Filter (KF) in engineering applications is mostly due to the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), which is based on local linearization. Besides its popularity, the EKF presents several limitations. To address these limitations and as a possible solution to tracking problems, this paper proposes the use of the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF). Although the EnKF is being extensively used in the context of weather forecasting and it is being recognized for producing accurate and computationally effective estimation on systems with a very high dimension, it is almost unknown by the tracking community. The EnKF was initially proposed as an attempt to improve the error covariance calculation, which on the classic Kalman Filter is difficult to implement. Also, in the EnKF method the prediction and analysis error covariances have ensemble representations. These ensembles have sizes which limit the number of degrees of freedom, in a way that the filter error covariance calculations are a lot more practical for modest ensemble sizes. In this paper, a realistic simulation of a radar tracking was performed, where the EnKF was applied and compared with the Extended Kalman Filter. The results suggested that the EnKF is a promising tool for tracking applications, offering more advantages in terms of performance.Keywords: Kalman filter, nonlinear state estimation, optimal tracking, stochastic environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1481167 Assessing Renewal Needs of Urban Water Infrastructure Systems: Case Study of Linköping in Sweden
Authors: Eman Hegazy, Stefan Anderberg, Joakim Krook
Urban water infrastructure systems are central to functioning cities. For securing a continuous and efficient supply of the systems services, continuous investment, maintenance, and renewal are needed. Neglecting maintenance and renewal can lead to recurrent breakdown problems as systems age, which makes it more and more difficult to secure efficient long-term supply. Globally, many cities struggle with aging water infrastructure, often due to competing funding priorities. Investment in maintenance and renewal is not prioritized. The problem primarily stems from the challenge of reaping the benefits of investments promptly. The long-term benefits gained from investing in the renewal of water infrastructure may be achievable in the long run, resulting in the oversight of such investments. This leads to a build-up of "renewal debt" for future generations to inherit. Addressing this issue is difficult due to various contributing factors and the complex nature of the systems. The study aims to contribute to an increased understanding of the long-term management challenges of urban water infrastructure, the development of improved maintenance and renewal strategies through the examination of water infrastructure management, and the assessment of the adequacy of the maintenance and renewal in a case study, the city of Linköping, Sweden. Employing a multi-methods approach, this study utilized both qualitative and quantitative methods, including interviews, workshops, and data analysis. The findings of the study provided insights into the current status of the water and sewerage networks in Linkoping, highlighting the risks to ensuring reliable and sustainable water supply and discussing strategies for improving maintenance and renewal.Keywords: case study, infrastructure management, renewal needs, Sweden, urban water infrastructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 701166 The Conception of Implementation of Vision for European Forensic Science 2020 in Lithuania
Authors: Eglė Bilevičiūtė, Vidmantas Egidijus Kurapka, Snieguolė Matulienė, Sigutė Stankevičiūtė
The Council of European Union (EU Council) has stressed on several occasions the need for a concerted, comprehensive and effective solution to delinquency problems in EU communities. In the context of establishing a European Forensic Science Area and the development of forensic science infrastructure in Europe, EU Council believes that forensic science can significantly contribute to the efficiency of law enforcement, crime prevention and combating crimes. Lithuanian scientists have consolidated to implement a project named “Conception of the vision for European Forensic Science 2020 implementation in Lithuania” (the project is funded for the period of 1 March 2014 - 31 December 2016) with the objective to create a conception of implementation of the vision for European Forensic Science 2020 in Lithuania by 1) evaluating the current status of Lithuania’s forensic system and opportunities for its improvement; 2) analysing achievements and knowledge in investigation of crimes listed in conclusions of EU Council on the vision for European Forensic Science 2020 including creation of a European Forensic Science Area and the development of forensic science infrastructure in Europe: trafficking in human beings, organised crime and terrorism; 3) analysing conceptions of criminalistics, which differ in different EU member states due to the variety of forensic schools, and finding means for their harmonization. Apart from the conception of implementation of the vision for European Forensic Science 2020 in Lithuania, the project is expected to suggest provisions that will be relevant to other EU countries as well. Consequently, the presented conception of implementation of vision for European Forensic Science 2020 in Lithuania could initiate a project for a common vision of European Forensic Science and contribute to the development of the EU as an area of freedom, security and justice. The article presents main ideas of the project of the conception of the vision for European Forensic Science 2020 of EU Council and analyses its legal background, as well as prospects of and challenges for its implementation in Lithuania and the EU.Keywords: EUROVIFOR, standardization, vision for European Forensic Science 2020, Lithuania
Procedia PDF Downloads 4111165 Informational Support, Anxiety and Satisfaction with Care among Family Caregivers of Patients Admitted in Critical Care Units of B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal
Authors: Rosy Chaudhary, Pushpa Parajuli
Background and Objectives: Informational support to family members has a significant potential for reducing this distress related to hospitalization of their patient into the critical care unit, enabling them to cope better and support the patient. The objective of the study is to assess family members’ perception of informational support, anxiety, satisfaction with care and to reveal the association with selected socio-demographic variables and to investigate the correlation between informational support, anxiety and satisfaction with care. Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 39 family caregivers of patients admitted in critical care unit of BPKIHS(B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences). Consecutive sampling technique was used wherein data was collected over duration of one month using interview schedule. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 34.97 ± 10.64 and two third (66.70%) were male. Mean score for informational support was 25.72(SD = 5.66; theoretical range of 10 - 40). Mean anxiety was 10.41 (SD = 5.02; theoretical range of 7 - 21). Mean score for satisfaction with care was 40.77 (SD = 6.77; theoretical range of 14 - 64). A moderate positive correlation was found between informational support and satisfaction with care (r = 0.551, p < .001) and a moderate negative correlation was found between anxiety and satisfaction with care (r = -0.590; p = 0.000). No relationship was noted between informational support and anxiety. Conclusion: The informational support and satisfaction of the family caregivers with the care provided to their patients was satisfactory. More than three fourth of the family caregivers had anxiety; the factors associated being educational status of the caregivers, the family income and duration of visiting hours. There was positive correlation between informational support and satisfaction with care provided justifying the need for comprehensive information to the family caregivers by the health personnel. There was negative correlation between anxiety and satisfaction with care.Keywords: anxiety, caregivers, critical care unit, informational support, family
Procedia PDF Downloads 3531164 Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Health and Social Justice Trainings in Nigeria
Authors: Juliet Sorensen, Anna Maitland
Introduction: Characterized by lack of water and sanitation, food insecurity, and low access to hospitals and clinics, informal urban settlements in Lagos, Nigeria have very poor health outcomes. With little education and a general inability to demand basic rights, these communities are often disempowered and isolated from understanding, claiming, or owning their health needs. Utilizing community-based participatory research characterized by interdisciplinary, cross-cultural partnerships, evidence-based assessments, and both primary and secondary source research, a holistic health education and advocacy program was developed in Lagos to address health barriers for targeted communities. This includes a first of its kind guide formulated to teach community-based health educators how to transmit health information to low-literacy Nigerian audiences while supporting behavior change models and social support mechanisms. This paper discusses the interdisciplinary contributions to developing a health education program while also looking at the need for greater beneficiary ownership and implementation of health justice and access. Methods: In March 2016, an interdisciplinary group of medical, legal, and business graduate students and faculty from Northwestern University conduced a Health Needs Assessment (HNA) in Lagos with a partner and a local non-governmental organization. The HNA revealed that members of informal urban communities in Lagos were lacking basic health literacy, but desired to remedy this lacuna. Further, the HNA revealed that even where the government mandates specific services, many vulnerable populations are unable to access these services. The HNA concluded that a program focused on education, advocacy, and organizing around anatomy, maternal and sexual health, infectious disease and malaria, HIV/AIDS, emergency care, and water and sanitation would respond to stated needs while also building capacity in communities to address health barriers. Results: Based on the HNA, including both primary and secondary source research on integrated health education approaches and behavior change models and responsive, adaptive material development, a holistic program was developed for the Lagos partners and first implemented in November 2016. This program trained community-nominated health educators in adult, low-literacy, knowledge exchange approaches, utilizing information identified by communities as a priority. After a second training in March 2017, these educators will teach community-based groups and will support and facilitate behavior change models and peer-support methods around basic issues like hand washing and disease transmission. They will be supported by community paralegals who will help ensure that newly trained community groups can act on education around access, such as receiving free vaccinations, maternal health care, and HIV/AIDS medicines. Materials will continue to be updated as needs and issues arise, with a focus on identifying best practices around health improvements that can be shared across these partner communities. Conclusion: These materials are the first of their kind, and address a void of health information and understanding pervasive in informal-urban Lagos communities. Initial feedback indicates high levels of commitment and interest, as well as investment by communities in these materials, largely because they are responsive, targeted, and build community capacity. This methodology is an important step in dignity-based health justice solutions, albeit in the process of refinement.Keywords: community health educators, interdisciplinary and cross cultural partnerships, health justice and access, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 2481163 Appraisal of Trace Elements in Scalp Hair of School Children in Kandal Province, Cambodia
Authors: Alireza Yavar, Sukiman Sarmani, Kok Siong Khoo
Trace element analysis of human hair has the potential to disclose retroactive information about an individual’s nutritional status and exposure. The residents of villages in Kandal province of Cambodia, due to dietary habits, lifestyle and ecological conditions, are unprotected from toxic elements particularly arsenic (As). The purpose of this research was to valuation levels of toxic and vital elements in scalp human hair. Scalp hair samples of 12-17 school children from three villages of Anglong Romiot (AR), Svay Romiot (SR) and Kampong Kong (KK) in the Kandal province of Cambodia were evaluated using k0- instrumental neutron activation method (k0-INAA). The samples were irradiated 6 hours in a Malaysian nuclear agency (MNA) research reactor and afterward, an HPGe detector was utilized to obtain gamma peaks of radionuclides in samples. We achieved profiles of 31 elements in human hair in our studied area, namely, As, Au, Br, Ca, Ce, Co, Dy, Eu152m, Hg197, Hg203, Ho, Ir, K, La, Lu, Mn, Na, Pa, Pt195m, Pt197, Sb, Sc46, Sc47, Sm, Sn117m, W181, W187, Yb169, Yb175, Zn and Zn69m. The precision of the method was assessed by evaluating ERM-DB001-human hair as certified reference materials (CRMs), and which experimental result of ERM-DB001 was consistent with certified values. Whereas Arsenic (As) pollution is major contamination in our studied area, correlation between the concentration of As and other elements were determined by Pearson’s correlation test that it may be useful as a database source for toxic and essential elements in the hair of teenage individuals in our studied areaKeywords: scalp human hair, toxic and essential elements, Kandal province of Cambodia, k₀- instrumental neutron activation method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1191162 Psychological Distress Screening in Patients with Esophageal Cancer after Esophagectomy: A Scoping Review
Authors: Erietta-Christina Arnaoutaki, Stelios-Elion Bousi, Marinos Zachiotis, Simoni Zarkada, Alexandra Chrysagi, Mamdouh Fahad Alenazi, Dimitri Aristotle Raptis
Objective: This review aimed to evaluate the mental health status of patients with esophageal cancer following surgical treatment, as well as the role of psychological distress screening tests in this patient population. Methods: Studies reporting psychometric screening tools used in esophageal cancer patients after esophagectomy, published before January 2024 on PubMed, Scopus, and CENTRAL databases, were searched and analyzed. Results: Six non-randomized control trials were selected for inclusion in this scoping review, which involved 1059 patients undergoing esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. Among the included studies, five employed the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) for anxiety and/or depression screening, while one used the MD Anderson Symptom Inventory for gastrointestinal cancer (MDASI-GI) for sadness screening. A range of time points was used to evaluate these patients: 102 patients were evaluated at 1 month, 230 patients at 3 months, 218 patients at 6 months, 653 patients at 12 months, and 154 patients at 24 months postoperatively. Analysis of data pooled from three studies employing the HADS revealed a prevalence of 19.45% for anxiety and 17.92% for depression at the 12-month follow-up and mean scores of 3.91 (3.12) and 3.56 (3.12) for the HADS anxiety (HADS-A) and depression (HADS-D) subscales respectively, at any time postoperatively. Conclusion: The findings show a neglected concern regarding the mental health of esophageal cancer survivors following surgical treatment. The use of psychometric screening tools is essential to address psychological distress and improve the quality of life of these patients.Keywords: esophageal cancer, esophagectomy, psychological distress, anxiety, depression, psychometric tests, HADS, MDASI-GI
Procedia PDF Downloads 231161 Agroecology and Seasonal Disparity Nexus with Nutritional Status of Children in Ethiopia
Authors: Dagem Alemayehu, Samson Gebersilassie, Jan Frank
Climate change is impacting nutrition through reducing food quantity and access, limiting dietary diversity, and decreased nutritional food content as well as strongly affecting seasonal rainfall in Ethiopia. Nevertheless, only a few data is available on the impacts of seasonality in Infant, and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices undernutrition among 6-23 months old children in different agro-ecological zones of poor resource settings of Ethiopia. Methods: Socio-demographic, anthropometry, and IYCF indicators were assessed in the harvest and lean seasons among children aged 6–23 months of age randomly selected from rural villages of lowland and midland agro-ecological zones. Results: Child stunting and underweight increased from prevalence of 32.8 % and 23.9 % (lowland &midland respectively) in the lean season to 36.1% and 33.8 % harvest seasons, respectively. The biggest increase in the prevalence of stunting and underweight between harvest and lean seasons was noted in the lowland zone. Wasting decreased from 11.6% lean to 8.5% harvest, with the biggest decline recorded in the midland zone. Minimum meal frequency, minimum acceptable diet, and poor dietary diversity increased considerably in harvest compared to a lean season in the lowland zone. Feeding practices and maternal age were predictors of wasting, while women's dietary diversity and children's age was a predictor of child dietary diversity in both seasons. Conclusion: There is seasonal variation in undernutrition and IYCF practices among children 6-23 months of age with more pronounced effect lowland agro-ecological zone.Keywords: agroecology, seasonality, stunting, wasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1521160 Pregnant Women in Substance Abuse: Transition of Characteristics and Mining of Association from Teds-a 2011 to 2018
Authors: Md Tareq Ferdous Khan, Shrabanti Mazumder, MB Rao
Background: Substance use during pregnancy is a longstanding public health problem that results in severe consequences for pregnant women and fetuses. Methods: Eight (2011-2018) datasets on pregnant women’s admissions are extracted from TEDS-A. Distributions of sociodemographic, substance abuse behaviors, and clinical characteristics are constructed and compared over the years for trends by the Cochran-Armitage test. Market basket analysis is used in mining the association among polysubstance abuse. Results: Over the years, pregnant woman admissions as the percentage of total and female admissions remain stable, where total annual admissions range from 1.54 to about 2 million with the female share of 33.30% to 35.61%. Pregnant women aged 21-29, 12 or more years of education, white race, unemployed, holding independent living status are among the most vulnerable. Concerns prevail on a significant number of polysubstance users, young age at first use, frequency of daily users, and records of prior admissions (60%). Trends of abused primary substances show a significant rise in heroin (66%) and methamphetamine (46%) over the years, although the latest year shows a considerable downturn. On the other hand, significant decreasing patterns are evident for alcohol (43%), marijuana or hashish (24%), cocaine or crack (23%), other opiates or synthetics (36%), and benzodiazepines (29%). Basket analysis reveals some patterns of co-occurrence of substances consistent over the years. Conclusions: This comprehensive study can work as a reference to identify the most vulnerable groups based on their characteristics and deal with the most hazardous substances from their evidence of co-occurrence.Keywords: basket analysis, pregnant women, substance abuse, trend analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1971159 The Impact of Restricting Product Availability on the Purchasing of Lower Sugar Biscuits in UK Convenience Stores
Authors: Hannah S. Waldron
Background: The government has proposed sugar reduction targets in an effort to tackle childhood obesity, focussing on those of low socioeconomic status (SES). Supermarkets are a key location for reducing the amount of sugar purchased, but success so far in this environment has been limited. Building on previous research, this study will assess the impact of restricting the availability of higher sugar biscuits as a strategy to encourage lower sugar biscuit purchasing, and whether the effects vary by customer SES. Method: 14 supermarket convenience stores were divided between control (n=7) and intervention (n=7) groups. In the intervention stores, biscuits with sugar above the government’s target (26.2g/100g) were removed from sale and replaced with lower sugar ( < 26.2g sugar/100g) alternatives. Sales and customer demographic information were collected using loyalty card data and point-of-sale transaction data for 8-weeks pre and post the intervention for lower sugar biscuits, total biscuits, alternative higher sugar products, and all products. Results were analysed using three-way and two-way mixed ANOVAs. Results: The intervention resulted in a significant increase in lower sugar biscuit purchasing (p < 0.001) and a significant decline in overall biscuit sales (p < 0.001) between the time periods compared to control stores. Sales of higher sugar products and all products increased significantly between the two time periods in both the intervention and control stores (p < 0.05). SES showed no significant effect on any of the reported outcomes (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Restricting the availability of higher sugar products may be a successful strategy for encouraging lower sugar purchasing across all SES groups. However, larger-scale interventions are required in additional categories to assess the long term implications for both consumers and retailers.Keywords: biscuits, nudging, sugar, supermarket
Procedia PDF Downloads 1051158 Wearable Monitoring and Treatment System for Parkinson’s Disease
Authors: Bulcha Belay Etana, Benny Malengier, Janarthanan Krishnamoorthy, Timothy Kwa, Lieva Vanlangenhove
Electromyography measures the electrical activity of muscles using surface electrodes or needle electrodes to monitor various disease conditions. Recent developments in the signal acquisition of electromyograms using textile electrodes facilitate wearable devices, enabling patients to monitor and control their health status outside of healthcare facilities. Here, we have developed and tested wearable textile electrodes to acquire electromyography signals from patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease and incorporated a feedback-control system to relieve muscle cramping through thermal stimulus. In brief, the textile electrodes made of stainless steel was knitted into a textile fabric as a sleeve, and their electrical characteristic, such as signal-to-noise ratio, was compared with traditional electrodes. To relieve muscle cramping, a heating element made of stainless-steel conductive yarn sewn onto a cotton fabric, coupled with a vibration system, was developed. The system integrated a microcontroller and a Myoware muscle sensor to activate the heating element as well as the vibration motor when cramping occurred. At the same time, the element gets deactivated when the muscle cramping subsides. An optimum therapeutic temperature of 35.5°C is regulated and maintained continuously by a heating device. The textile electrode exhibited a signal-to-noise ratio of 6.38dB, comparable to that of the traditional electrode’s value of 7.05 dB. For a given 9 V power supply, the rise time for the developed heating element was about 6 minutes to reach an optimum temperature.Keywords: smart textile system, wearable electronic textile, electromyography, heating textile, vibration therapy, Parkinson’s disease
Procedia PDF Downloads 801157 The Effect of Malaria Parasitaemia on Serum Reproductive Hormonal Levels of Asymptomatic HIV Subjects in Nauth Nnewi, South Eastern Nigeria
Authors: Ezeugwunne Ifeoma Priscilla, Charles Chinedum Onyenekwe, Joseph Eberendu Ahaneku, Rosemary Adanma Analike, Adesuwa Peace Eidangbe
This study was designed to assess the effect of malaria parasitaemia on serum reproductive hormone levels of asymptomatic HIV adult subjects. A total of 271 participants aged between 17 and 58 ears were conveniently recruited. 135 asymptomatic HIV-infected subjects participated in the study; 67 of them had malaria parasitaemia. 136 HIV seropositive control subjects, 68 of them had malaria parasitaemia. Blood samples were collected from the participants for the determination of HIV status by immunoassay and immunochromatography. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to assay for serum LH, FSH, Estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, prolactin, and PSA levels, CD4+T cell counts by Cyflow method, thick and thin films determination of malaria parasitaemia count and density by WHO. Student's t-tests and ANOVA were used to compare means. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. The results showed significant differences in serum levels of LH, FSH, PSA, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone amongst the groups at P<0.05, respectively. The serum levels of LH, FSH, and PSA were significantly higher in malaria-infected asymptomatic HIV subjects than in asymptomatic HIV subjects with malaria parasitaemia (P<0.05 in each case). Also, the serum levels of LH, FSH, PSA, estrogen, and progesterone were significantly higher in malaria-infected asymptomatic HIV subjects compared with malaria-infected HIV seronegative subjects (P<0.05, respectively). The mean MP counts and MP density were significantly higher in asymptomatic HIV subjects compared to HIV seronegative subjects (P<0.05, in each case). The mean serum levels of testosterone were significantly lower in both malaria-infected and malaria uninfected HIV seronegative subjects (P<0.05, in each case). In conclusion, Malaria and HIV co-infection might increase the burden of hypogonadism as well as primary testicular failure, hyperprogesteronaemia, elevated levels of estrogen, and PSA in adult males asymptomatic HIV subjects.Keywords: malaria parasitaemia, HIV, CD4, reproductive hormones
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441156 Oestrous Synchronization: A Technical Note for Nepalese Goat Farmers
Authors: Pravin Mishra, Ajeet K. Jha, Pankaj K. Jha
This technical note is aimed at providing a brief information on goat breeds, its breeding seasonality and different methods of oestrous synchronization for Nepalese goat farmers. It was observed that, these goats are seasonal breeder and showed oestrous during mainly two season; December- February and March-May. This leads to an irregular supply of goat to market and a wide variations in market price. Oestrus synchronization is only an alternative reproductive tool to overcome this scarcity by enhancing production and productivity. This technique enables goat producers breed their animals within a short pre-determined period and permits breeding round the year. The principle of oestrus synchronisation is based on controlling of the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle. There are two basic mechanisms; one by shortening the luteal life (premature luteolysis) using prostaglandins or its analogues and the other by prolonging the luteal life (simulating the activity of natural progesterone produced by the corpus luteum) using exogenous progesterone source. The former is easy to apply and only effective during breeding season, whereas the latter is advantageous when the reproductive status of the goat flock is unknown. The common hormonal products easily available in Nepal includes; prostaglandins or its analogues (Oviprost® Dinoprost® Lutalyse® and Estrumate®), exogenous progesterone (Fluorogestone acetate® and Controlled Internal Drug Release®, CIDR) devices). However, before practicing the oestrous synchronization protocol, it needs to be validated for oestrous response rate, time to onset of oestrous, duration of oestrous and pregnancy rates at farmer’s field. In conclusion, application of oestrus synchronisation practice enhanced goat production and surplus the goat meat demand in Nepal.Keywords: goat, Nepal, oestrous, synchronization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1531155 Low Volume High Intensity Interval Training Effect on Liver Enzymes in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients
Authors: Aya Gamal Khattab
Chronic infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is now the leading cause of liver-related morbidity and mortality; Currently, alanine aminotransferase ALT measurement is not only widely used in detecting the incidence, development, and prognosis of liver disease with obvious clinical symptoms, but also provides reference on screening the overall health status during health check-ups. Exercise is a low-cost, reliable and sustainable therapy for many chronic diseases. Low-volume high intensity interval training HIT is time efficient while also having wider application to different populations including people at risk for chronic inflammatory diseases. Purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of low volume high intensity interval training on ALT, AST in HCV patients. All practical work was done in outpatient physiotherapy clinic of Suez Canal Authority Hospitals. Forty patients both gender (27 male, 13 female), age ranged (40-60) years old submitted to low volume high intensity interval training on treadmill for two months three sessions per week. Each session consisting of five min warming up, two bouts for 10 min each bout consisting of 30 sec - 1 min of high intensity (75%-85%) HRmax then two to four min active recovery at intensity (40%-60%) HRmax, so the sum of high intensity intervals was one to two min for each session and four to eight min active recovery, and ends with five min cooling down. ALT and AST were measured before starting exercise session and 2 months later after finishing the total exercise sessions through blood samples. Results showed significant decrease in ALT, AST with improvement percentage (18.85%), (23.87%) in the study, so the study concluded that low volume high intensity interval training had a significant effect in lowering the level of circulating liver enzymes (ALT, AST) which means protection of hepatic cells and restoration of its function.Keywords: alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), hepatitis C (HCV), low volume high intensity interval training
Procedia PDF Downloads 3001154 Evaluation of Water Chemistry and Quality Characteristics of Işıklı Lake (Denizli, Türkiye)
Authors: Abdullah Ay, Şehnaz Şener
It is of great importance to reveal their current status and conduct research in this direction for the sustainable use and protection of lakes, which are among the most important water resources for meeting water needs and ensuring ecological balance. In this context, the purpose of this study is to determine the hydrogeochemical properties, as well as water quality and usability characteristics of Işıklı Lake within the Lakes Region of Turkey. Işıklı Lake is a tectonic lake located in the Aegean Region of Turkey. The lake has a surface area of approximately 36 km². Temperature (T), electrical conductivity (EC) and hydrogen ion concentration (pH), dissolved oxygen (%, mg/l), Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP; mV), and amount of dissolved solids in water (TDS; mg/l) of water samples taken from the lake values were determined by in situ analysis. Major ion and heavy metal analyses were carried out under laboratory conditions. Additionally, the relationship between major ion concentrations and TDS values of Işıklı Lake water samples was determined by correlation analysis. According to the results obtained, it is seen that especially Mg, Ca and HCO₃ ions are dominant in the lake water, and it has been determined that the lake water is in the Ca-Mg-HCO₃ water facies. According to statistical analysis, a strong and positive relationship was found between the TDS value and bicarbonate and calcium (R² = 0.61 and 0.7, respectively). However, no significant relationship was detected between the TDS value and other chemical elements. Although the waters are generally in water quality class I, they are in class IV in terms of sulfur and aluminum. It is included in the water quality class. This situation is due to the rock-water interaction in the region. When the analysis results of the lake water were compared with the drinking water limit values specified by TSE-266 (2005) and WHO (2017), it was determined that it was not suitable for drinking water use in terms of Pb, Se, As, and Cr. When the waters were evaluated in terms of pollution, it was determined that 50% of the samples carried pollution loads in terms of Al, As, Fe, NO3, and Cu.Keywords: Işıklı Lake, water chemistry, water quality, pollution, arsenic, Denizli
Procedia PDF Downloads 271153 A Comprehensive Study and Evaluation on Image Fashion Features Extraction
Authors: Yuanchao Sang, Zhihao Gong, Longsheng Chen, Long Chen
Clothing fashion represents a human’s aesthetic appreciation towards everyday outfits and appetite for fashion, and it reflects the development of status in society, humanity, and economics. However, modelling fashion by machine is extremely challenging because fashion is too abstract to be efficiently described by machines. Even human beings can hardly reach a consensus about fashion. In this paper, we are dedicated to answering a fundamental fashion-related problem: what image feature best describes clothing fashion? To address this issue, we have designed and evaluated various image features, ranging from traditional low-level hand-crafted features to mid-level style awareness features to various current popular deep neural network-based features, which have shown state-of-the-art performance in various vision tasks. In summary, we tested the following 9 feature representations: color, texture, shape, style, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), CNNs with distance metric learning (CNNs&DML), AutoEncoder, CNNs with multiple layer combination (CNNs&MLC) and CNNs with dynamic feature clustering (CNNs&DFC). Finally, we validated the performance of these features on two publicly available datasets. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results on both intra-domain and inter-domain fashion clothing image retrieval showed that deep learning based feature representations far outweigh traditional hand-crafted feature representation. Additionally, among all deep learning based methods, CNNs with explicit feature clustering performs best, which shows feature clustering is essential for discriminative fashion feature representation.Keywords: convolutional neural network, feature representation, image processing, machine modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 1411152 Internet of Health Things as a Win-Win Solution for Mitigating the Paradigm Shift inside Senior Patient-Physician Shared Health Management
Authors: Marilena Ianculescu, Adriana Alexandru
Internet of Health Things (IoHT) has already proved to be a persuasive means to support a proper assessment of the living conditions by collecting a huge variety of data. For a customized health management of a senior patient, IoHT provides the capacity to build a dynamic solution for sustaining the shift inside the patient-physician relationship by allowing a real-time and continuous remote monitoring of the health status, well-being, safety and activities of the senior, especially in a non-clinical environment. Thus, is created a win-win solution in which both the patient and the physician enhance their involvement and shared decision-making, with significant outcomes. Health monitoring systems in smart environments are becoming a viable alternative to traditional healthcare solutions. The ongoing “Non-invasive monitoring and health assessment of the elderly in a smart environment (RO-SmartAgeing)” project aims to demonstrate that the existence of complete and accurate information is critical for assessing the health condition of the seniors, improving wellbeing and quality of life in relation to health. The researches performed inside the project aim to highlight how the management of IoHT devices connected to the RO-SmartAgeing platform in a secure way by using a role-based access control system, can allow the physicians to provide health services at a high level of efficiency and accessibility, which were previously only available in hospitals. The project aims to identify deficient aspects in the provision of health services tailored to a senior patient’s specificity and to offer a more comprehensive perspective of proactive and preventive medical acts.Keywords: health management, internet of health things, remote monitoring, senior patient
Procedia PDF Downloads 1021151 Nursing Documentation of Patients' Information at Selected Primary Health Care Facilities in Limpopo Province, South Africa: Implications for Professional Practice
Authors: Maria Sonto Maputle, Rhulani C. Shihundla, Rachel T. Lebese
Background: Patients’ information must be complete and accurately documented in order to foster quality and continuity of care. The multidisciplinary health care members use patients’ documentation to communicate about health status, preventive health services, treatment, planning and delivery of care. The purpose of this study was to determine the practice of nursing documentation of patients’ information at selected Primary Health Care (PHC) facilities in Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Methods: The research approach adopted was qualitative while exploratory and descriptive design was used. The study was conducted at selected PHC facilities. Population included twelve professional nurses. Non-probability purposive sampling method was used to sample professional nurses who were willing to participate in the study. The criteria included participants’ whose daily work and activities, involved creating, keeping and updating nursing documentation of patients’ information. Qualitative data collection was through unstructured in-depth interviews until no new information emerged. Data were analysed through open–coding of, Tesch’s eight steps method. Results: Following data analysis, it was found that professional nurses’ had knowledge deficit related to insufficient training on updates and rendering multiple services daily had negative impact on accurate documentation of patients’ information. Conclusion: The study recommended standardization of registers, books and forms used at PHC facilities, and reorganization of PHC services into open day system.Keywords: documentation, knowledge, patient care, patient’s information, training
Procedia PDF Downloads 1901150 The Study of Self-Care Regarding to the Valuable Living in Thai Elderly
Authors: Pannathorn Chachvarat, Smarnjit Piromrun
Aging is the reality for the future world. An urgent priority for the development of the elderlies’ quality living is needed. The promotion of quality the elderly to live longer in their dignity and being independence are essential. The objective of this descriptive research was to study the self-care regarding to the valuable living in Thai elderly. The randomized sample was 100 elderly who live in Muang district of Phayao province. The tools included 2 parts; 1) Personal data (gender, age, income, occupation, marital status, living condition and disease), and 2) the self-care regarding to the valuable living questionnaire consisted of 3 domains, physical (21items), spiritual (13 items) and social domain (12 items). The content validity tool was tested the IOC ranged between 0.60 – 1.00 and the reliability test, Cronbach Alpha was 0.82. The research found that; The most participants were female (60 %), Farmer (37%), and underlying disease (65 %). The range of age was 68 years. Overall of the self-care regarding to the valuable living of physical, spiritual and social were at the high level.The highest level of physical activities was self-taking bath twice a day (morning and evening), and slept at least 5-6 hours at night time.The highest level of spirit activities was a good member of the family, contributions to persons in family, good emotion. Additionally were enjoyable, accepting changes in the body such as the dry skin and the blurred vision, accepting the roles and duties in taking care of house and grandchildren, selecting the applicable activities and practice according to religious Buddhateachingfor the happiness and meditated life.The highest of the social activities were the good relationship between other elderlies and family members, happy to help social activities as of their capacity, and being happy to help other people who have problems.Keywords: self-care, valuable living, elderly, Thai
Procedia PDF Downloads 2871149 Assessment of Pastoralist-Crop Farmers Conflict and Food Security of Farming Households in Kwara State, Nigeria
Authors: S. A. Salau, I. F. Ayanda, I. Afe, M. O. Adesina, N. B. Nofiu
Food insecurity is still a critical challenge among rural and urban households in Nigeria. The country’s food insecurity situation became more pronounced due to frequent conflict between pastoralist and crop farmers. Thus, this study assesses pastoralist-crop farmers’ conflict and food security of farming households in Kwara state, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to measure the food security status of the respondents, quantify pastoralist- crop farmers’ conflict, determine the effect of pastoralist- crop farmers conflict on food security and describe the effective coping strategies adopted by the respondents to reduce the effect of food insecurity. A combination of purposive and simple random sampling techniques will be used to select 250 farming households for the study. The analytical tools include descriptive statistics, Likert-scale, logistic regression, and food security index. Using the food security index approach, the percentage of households that were food secure and insecure will be known. Pastoralist- crop farmers’ conflict will be measured empirically by quantifying loses due to the conflict. The logistic regression will indicate if pastoralist- crop farmers’ conflict is a critical determinant of food security among farming households in the study area. The coping strategies employed by the respondents in cushioning the effects of food insecurity will also be revealed. Empirical studies on the effect of pastoralist- crop farmers’ conflict on food security are rare in the literature. This study will quantify conflict and reveal the direction as well as the extent of the relationship between conflict and food security. It could contribute to the identification and formulation of strategies for the minimization of conflict among pastoralist and crop farmers in an attempt to reduce food insecurity. Moreover, this study could serve as valuable reference material for future researches and open up new areas for further researches.Keywords: agriculture, conflict, coping strategies, food security, logistic regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1921148 On Physico-Chemical Status of Agbabu Water, Oluwa River, Odigbo Local Government Area, Ondo State, Nigeria
Authors: Olaniyan Rotimi Francis
Agbabu Water, Oluwa River is used for artisanal fishing, ferrying and domestic activities in Odigbo Local Government Area (OLGA), Ondo State. The river receives bitumen spills and domestic and agricultural wastes, which could adversely impact on the water quality and resident biota. In spite of anthropogenic activities, there is a dearth of information on the limnology and biota of the river. Extensive bitumen spills, as well as uncontrolled discharge of domestic wastes have pollution implications as they alter prevailing conditions and destroy the habitats of aquatic organisms. The aim of this study was to investigate the physic-chemical parameters of Agbabu Water in order to provide baseline information for effective management. Monthly water samples were collected on the surface of Agbabu water, Oluwa River, for a period of 6 months (June,2024 to November,2024). All physic-chemicals were collected and analyzed according to APHA (2005) standard methods. Results showed that temperature ranged between 26.0-32.0oC, transparency (1.0-8.0 m), alkalinity (14.0-25.0 mg/l), electrical conductivity (18-105 µS/cm), dissolved oxygen (1.2-3.8 mg/l), sulphate (0.0 -4.0mg/l) and total dissolved solids (18-36). The parameters at the downstream (station A) accounted for the bulk of the highest values; there were, however, no significant differences between the stations at P<0.05. The results obtained from the physic-chemical parameters agree with the limits set by both national and international bodies for drinking and fish growth. It was recommended that urgent checks and monitoring by relevant agencies, government representatives, public health practitioners, and community leaders are required.Keywords: physico-chemical, water, Agbabu, River
Procedia PDF Downloads 121147 The Associations between Ankle and Brachial Systolic Blood Pressures with Obesity Parameters
Authors: Matei Tudor Berceanu, Hema Viswambharan, Kirti Kain, Chew Weng Cheng
Background - Obesity parameters, particularly visceral obesity as measured by the waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), correlate with insulin resistance. The metabolic microvascular changes associated with insulin resistance causes increased peripheral arteriolar resistance primarily to the lower limb vessels. We hypothesize that ankle systolic blood pressures (SBPs) are more significantly associated with visceral obesity than brachial SBPs. Methods - 1098 adults enriched in south Asians or Europeans with diabetes (T2DM) were recruited from a primary care practice in West Yorkshire. Their medical histories, including T2DM and cardiovascular disease (CVD) status, were gathered from an electronic database. The brachial, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial SBPs were measured using a Doppler machine. Their body mass index (BMI) and WHtR were calculated after measuring their weight, height, and waist circumference. Linear regressions were performed between the 6 SBPs and both obesity parameters, after adjusting for covariates. Results - Generally, the left posterior tibial SBP (P=4.559*10⁻¹⁵) and right posterior tibial SBP (P=1.114* 10⁻¹³ ) are the pressures most significantly associated with the BMI, as well as in south Asians (P < 0.001) and Europeans (P < 0.001) specifically. In South Asians, although the left (P=0.032) and right brachial SBP (P=0.045) were associated to the WHtR, the left posterior tibial SBP (P=0.023) showed the strongest association. Conclusion - Regardless of ethnicity, ankle SBPs are more significantly associated with generalized obesity than brachial SBPs, suggesting their screening potential for screening for early detection of T2DM and CVD. A combination of ankle SBPs with WHtR is proposed in south Asians.Keywords: ankle blood pressures, body mass index, insulin resistance, waist-to-height-ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 1421146 Awareness on Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Attending Diabetic Clinic of B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
Authors: Ram Sharan Mehta, Dina Khanal, Pushpa Parajuli, Gayanand Mandal, Bijaya Bartuala
Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. Adequate awareness of risk factors of CVD is the first step towards effective preventive strategies to combat the CVD burden in diabetes patients.This study aims to assess the awareness on risk factors of CVD among patients with diabetes mellitus attending diabetic clinic of BPKIHS and to find the association between awareness with their selected socio demographic variables. Methods and Material: A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted among 112 patients with diabetes in diabetic clinic of BPKIHS. Convenient sampling technique was used for data collection over duration of one month using interview schedule by HDFQ II tool. Data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. (Chi square). Results: The mean age of respondents was 55.4±12.13 years. That mean HDFQ score was 14.31± 5.08. Only 33% of the respondents had adequate level of awareness whereas majority of the respondents (67%) had inadequate level of awareness. Majority of the respondent (83.9%) were aware about smoking, (78.6%) physical activity, (75%) increasing age, (75.9%) high blood pressure, (71.4%) overweight respectively. Whereas most of the respondents were not aware of high cholesterol, fatty diet, preventive strategies and association of diabetes with CVD. Awareness was statistically significant with (p=0.043) educational status, (p=0.025) monthly income, (p=0.05) residence, (p=0.006) CVD information received and (p=0.022) co morbid condition as a heart disease. Conclusion: The findings of this study concluded most of the respondents had an inadequate level of awareness on risk factors of CVD. So Effective education and appropriate preventive strategies of CVD are indeed important to reduce CVD burden in diabetes patients.Keywords: cardiovascular disease, awareness, diabetes patients, risk
Procedia PDF Downloads 1361145 Integrated HIV Prevention and Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Rwanda: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Survey.
Authors: Nsenga Bakinahe
Background: Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) globally and, particularly in Rwanda, face significant challenges related to HIV prevention and sexual and reproductive health (SRH). Rwanda has a young population, with 65.3% below 30 years of age, demonstrating a need for SRH promotion and HIV prevention for this population. We aimed to determine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of integrated HIV prevention and SRH services among AGYW in Rwanda. Methodology: We conducted a cross-sectional survey among 384 AGYW aged 15-24 years who had ever been pregnant and currently reside in Nyagatare district, Eastern Rwanda from January to April 2023. A questionnaire was developed to collect data, participants were randomly selected and data were collected by one-on-one interviews and were analyzed using SPSS V21. The statistical relationship between variables was significant at P-Value of 0.05 and 95% confidence interval. Results: The majority (97.9%) of respondents demonstrated a good level of knowledge, (52.2%) of the respondents had positive attitudes towards integrated HIV prevention and SRH services. Looking at the practice of integrated HIV prevention and SRH services use, 51.4% of respondents have a low level of practice. The practice of integrated HIV prevention and SRH services was significantly associated with school drop-out and family status (P>0.05). Conclusion: The findings from these studies collectively emphasize the need for comprehensive education, targeted interventions, and community-based support to achieve better health outcomes regarding HIV prevention and overall sexual and reproductive health among adolescent girls and young women. Empowering adolescent girls and young women with accurate information and comprehensive support will enable them to make informed decisions, protect their health effectively, and contribute to reducing the burden of HIV and improving sexual and reproductive health outcomes.Keywords: integrated HIV prevention, sexual and reproductive health services, among adolescentes girls, and young women
Procedia PDF Downloads 551144 Motherhood and Its Essence among Zimbabwean Migrant Women in Australia
Authors: Pranee Liamputtong
Childlessness in non-Western societies has wide-ranging social implications and profoundly affects the gender identity and well-being of women. The aspirations of women in these societies are shaped by various sociocultural expectations, encompassing social norms and their own social standing. Currently, there is limited knowledge regarding the perceptions and experiences of Zimbabwean migrant women living in Australia regarding childlessness and motherhood. This paper explores the cultural perspective on children in Zimbabwean society and investigates the personal and social consequences of infertility, as well as the cultural expectations of motherhood among Zimbabwean migrant women residing in Australia. The perceptions and experiences of this migrant community are of utmost importance in order to prevent misunderstandings about the core essence of motherhood among Zimbabwean women. Ultimately, this will lead to the provision of sensitive and culturally appropriate healthcare and social support for migrants in Australia's multicultural society. The study adopts a constructivist paradigm and employs qualitative methods, including in-depth interviews, drawings, and photo elicitation, involving 15 Zimbabwean women. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze the data. In Zimbabwean culture, the ability to bear a child holds significant meaning for women. Children not only ensure the continuity of society but also provide social security, as parents rely on their children for care in old age. Childlessness jeopardizes a woman's social status and carries social repercussions that have a profound impact on their gender identity and well-being. Cultural expectations of motherhood place the sole responsibility for the emotional and physical care of children on the mother. Despite residing in Australia, the procreative value has not diminished for Zimbabwean women. Raising awareness of the procreative needs of Zimbabwean women in a culturally sensitive manner would enhance the emotional well-being of these women.Keywords: motherhood, culture, migrant women, Zimbabwe, Australia
Procedia PDF Downloads 891143 Critical Reading Achievement of Rural Migrant Children in China: The Roles of Educational Expectation
Authors: Liman Zhao, Jianlong Zhang, Mingman Ren, Chuang Wang, Jian Liu
Rural migrant children have become a fast-growing population in China as a consequence of the large-scale population flow from rural to urban areas in the context of urbanization. In China, the socioeconomic status of migrant children is relatively low in comparison to non-migrant children. Parents of migrant children often work in occupations with long working hours, high labor intensity, and low pay due to their poor academic qualifications. Most migrant children's parents have not received higher education and have no time to read with their children. The family of migrant children usually does not have a good collection of books either, which leads to these children’s insufficient reading and low reading levels. Moreover, migrant children frequently relocate with their parents, and their needs for knowledge and reading are often neglected by schools, which puts migrant children at risk of academic failure in China. Therefore, the academic achievement of rural migrant children has become a focus of education in China. This study explores the relationship between the educational expectation of rural migrant children and their critical reading competence in general and the moderating effect of the difference between parental educational expectation to their children and the children’s own educational expectation. The responses to a survey from 5113 seventh-grade children in a district of the capital city in China revealed that children who moved to cities in grades 4-6 of primary school performed the best in critical reading, and children who moved to cities after middle school showed the worst performance in critical reading. In addition, parents’ educational expectations of their children and their own educational expectations were both significant predictors of rural migrant children’s reading competence. The higher a child's expectations of a degree and the smaller the gap between parents' expectations of a child's education and the child's own education expectations, the better the child's performance in critical reading.Keywords: educational expectation, critical reading competence, rural migrant children, moderating effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 201