Search results for: spread reshaping code
1353 A Proposed Framework for Software Redocumentation Using Distributed Data Processing Techniques and Ontology
Authors: Laila Khaled Almawaldi, Hiew Khai Hang, Sugumaran A. l. Nallusamy
Legacy systems are crucial for organizations, but their intricacy and lack of documentation pose challenges for maintenance and enhancement. Redocumentation of legacy systems is vital for automatically or semi-automatically creating documentation for software lacking sufficient records. It aims to enhance system understandability, maintainability, and knowledge transfer. However, existing redocumentation methods need improvement in data processing performance and document generation efficiency. This stems from the necessity to efficiently handle the extensive and complex code of legacy systems. This paper proposes a method for semi-automatic legacy system re-documentation using semantic parallel processing and ontology. Leveraging parallel processing and ontology addresses current challenges by distributing the workload and creating documentation with logically interconnected data. The paper outlines challenges in legacy system redocumentation and suggests a method of redocumentation using parallel processing and ontology for improved efficiency and effectiveness.Keywords: legacy systems, redocumentation, big data analysis, parallel processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 481352 Crack Width Evaluation for Flexural RC Members with Axial Tension
Authors: Sukrit Ghorai
Proof of controlling crack width is a basic condition for securing suitable performance in serviceability limit state. The cracking in concrete can occur at any time from the casting of time to the years after the concrete has been set in place. Most codes struggle with offering procedure for crack width calculation. There is lack in availability of design charts for designers to compute crack width with ease. The focus of the study is to utilize design charts and parametric equations in calculating crack width with minimum error. The paper contains a simplified procedure to calculate crack width for reinforced concrete (RC) sections subjected to bending with axial tensile force following the guidelines of Euro code [DS EN-1992-1-1 & DS EN-1992-1-2]. Numerical examples demonstrate the application of the suggested procedure. Comparison with parallel analytical tools support the validity of result and show the percentage deviation of crack width in both the procedures. The technique is simple, user-friendly and ready to evolve for a greater spectrum of section sizes and materials.Keywords: concrete structures, crack width calculation, serviceability limit state, structural design, bridge engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 3831351 An Acoustical Diagnosis of a Shaft-Wood Phyto-Pathogenic Damage of Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) Buccholz
Authors: Yuri V. Plugatar, Vladimir P. Koba, Vladimir V. Papelbu, Vladimir N. Gerasimchuk, Tatjana M. Sakhno
Using a supersonic shaft–wood tomography, the evaluation of a shaft-wood phyto-pathogenic damage level of Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) Buccholz was prosecuted. The digital bivariate reflections of the shaft tissue damage were obtained, the characteristics of comparative parameters of the wood-decay degree were given. The investigation results allowed to show up the role of some edaphic factors in their affection on a vital condition and the level of destructive processes while shaft tissue damaging of S.giganteum. It was pinned up that soil consolidation, and hydro-morphication equally make for a phyto-pathogenic damage of plants. While soil consolidation negative acting the shaft-wood damage is located in an underneath of a shaft. In the conditions of an enlarged hydro-morphication a tissue degradation runs less intensively, the destructive processes more active spread in a vertical section of a shaft. The use of a supersonic tomography method gives wide possibilities to diagnose a shaft-wood phyto-pathogenic damage.Keywords: Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) Buccholz, supersonic tomography, diagnosis, phyto-pathogenic damage, a vital condition
Procedia PDF Downloads 2151350 Teachers’ Continuance Intention Towards Using Madrasati Platform: A Conceptual Framework
Authors: Fiasal Assiri, Joanna Wincenciak, David Morrison-Love
With the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Saudi government suspended students from going to school to combat the outbreak. As e-learning was not applied at all in schools, online teaching and learning have been revived in Saudi Arabia by providing a new platform called ‘Madrasati.’ Several studies have used the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB)to examineindividuals’ intention behavior in many fields. However, there is a lack of studies investigating the determinants of teachers’ continued intention touseMadrasati platform. The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual model in light of DTPB. To enhance the predictability of the model, the study incorporates other variables, including learning content quality and interactivity as sub-factors under the perceived usefulness, students and government influences under the subjective norms, and technical support and prior e-learning experience under the perceived behavioral control. The model will be further validated using a mixed methods approach. Such findings would help administrators and stakeholders to understand teachers’ needs and develop new methods that might encourage teachers to continue using Madrasati effectively in their teaching.Keywords: madrasati, decomposed theory of planned behaviour, continuance intention, attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control
Procedia PDF Downloads 1061349 Gestural Pragmatic Inference among Primates: An Experimental Approach
Authors: Siddharth Satishchandran, Brian Khumalo
Humans are able to derive semantic content from syntactic and pragmatic sources. Multimodal evidence from signaling theory, which examines communication between individuals within and across species, suggests that non-human primates possess similar syntactic and pragmatic capabilities. However, the extent remains unknown because primate pragmatics are relatively under-examined. Our paper reviews research within communication theory amongst non-human primates to understand current theoretical trends. We examine evidence for primate pragmatic capacities through observational, experimental, and theoretical work on gestures. Given fragmented theoretical perspectives, we provide a unified framework of communication for future research that contextualizes the available research under code biology. To achieve this, we rely on biological semiotics (biosemiotics), the philosophy of biology investigating prelinguistic meaning-making as a function of signs and codes. We close by discussing areas of potential research for studying gestural pragmatics amongst non-human primates, particularly chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), Diana monkeys (Cercopithecus diana), and other potential candidates.Keywords: pragmatics, non-human primates, gestural communication, biological semiotics
Procedia PDF Downloads 421348 Metastatic Ovarian Tumor Discovered Accidentally during Cesarean Section in a 34 Year Old Woman: A Case Report
Authors: Ghada E. Esheba, Ghufran Kheshaifaty, Kholoud Al-Harbi, Wafa'a Al-Harbi, Ala'a Al-Orabi, Moayad Turkistani
Krukenberg tumor is a rare metastatic ovarian carcinoma that usually occurs in female between 30 - 40 year old and rarely seen after menopause. Stomach is the most common primary site. Histopathological features of krukenberg tumors appear as diffuse stromal proliferation, mucus-production, and numerous signet-cells and these tumors spread mostly by lymphatic route. Treatment and prognostic factors are not well established. This study describes a 34 year old female with a unilateral ovarian mass discovered accidentally during cesarean section delivery and it was misdiagnosed as luteoma of pregnancy, but histopathological examination showed a diffuse infiltration of the ovary and omentum by signet ring cells. These findings were not correlated with luteoma of pregnancy or any other types of primary ovarian tumors like surface epithelial tumor, sex cord stromal tumor or germ cell tumor. However, after the analysis of immunohistochemical results (negative CK7, positive CK20 and CDX-2), the finding was the diagnostic of metastatic krukenberg tumor. Two weeks later, the patient was evaluated and a large gastric tumor was found in her stomach and she underwent gastrectomy.Keywords: CK7, CK20, CDX-2, Krukenburg tumor, metastatic ovarian tumor
Procedia PDF Downloads 3151347 Elastic Deformation of Multistory RC Frames under Lateral Loads
Authors: Hamdy Elgohary, Majid Assas
Estimation of lateral displacement and interstory drifts represent a major step in multistory frames design. In the preliminary design stage, it is essential to perform a fast check for the expected values of lateral deformations. This step will help to ensure the compliance of the expected values with the design code requirements. Also, in some cases during or after the detailed design stage, it may be required to carry fast check of lateral deformations by design reviewer. In the present paper, a parametric study is carried out on the factors affecting in the lateral displacements of multistory frame buildings. Based on the results of the parametric study, simplified empirical equations are recommended for the direct determination of the lateral deflection of multistory frames. The results obtained using the recommended equations have been compared with the results obtained by finite element analysis. The comparison shows that the proposed equations lead to good approximation for the estimation of lateral deflection of multistory RC frame buildings.Keywords: lateral deflection, interstory drift, approximate analysis, multistory frames
Procedia PDF Downloads 2711346 AI and the Future of Misinformation: Opportunities and Challenges
Authors: Noor Azwa Azreen Binti Abd. Aziz, Muhamad Zaim Bin Mohd Rozi
Moving towards the 4th Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence (AI) is now more popular than ever. This subject is gaining significance every day and is continually expanding, often merging with other fields. Instead of merely being passive observers, there are benefits to understanding modern technology by delving into its inner workings. However, in a world teeming with digital information, the impact of AI on the spread of disinformation has garnered significant attention. The dissemination of inaccurate or misleading information is referred to as misinformation, posing a serious threat to democratic society, public debate, and individual decision-making. This article delves deep into the connection between AI and the dissemination of false information, exploring its potential, risks, and ethical issues as AI technology advances. The rise of AI has ushered in a new era in the dissemination of misinformation as AI-driven technologies are increasingly responsible for curating, recommending, and amplifying information on online platforms. While AI holds the potential to enhance the detection and mitigation of misinformation through natural language processing and machine learning, it also raises concerns about the amplification and propagation of false information. AI-powered deepfake technology, for instance, can generate hyper-realistic videos and audio recordings, making it increasingly challenging to discern fact from fiction.Keywords: artificial intelligence, digital information, disinformation, ethical issues, misinformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 951345 The Impact of the Economic Crisis in the European Identity
Authors: Sofía Luna, Carla González Salamanca
The 2008 economic crisis had huge implications in Europe. In this continent, the repercussions of the crisis were not only economic but also political and institutional. The economic stress has generated changes in the perception of the citizens, their attitude and the confidence placed in the political organizations. The lost of confidence is not only present in the debtor countries but it is also present in the European economic powers like Germany and France. This research explains how the economic crisis had an impact in the identity, population’s attitude and how this generated the rise of extreme right parties. In addition, it defines the different types of attitudes and support that exist towards these political and economic institutions. The results of this investigation show that the depression beside of its economic implications, it caused institutional, social and political difficulties for the Union. Moreover, the support and attitudes of the population were severely strained because the confidence in the political organization decreased. Furthermore, a rise in the otherness sentiment was shown. In other words, the distinction between “us” and “them” increased causing repercussions in the collective European identity. Additionally, there was a spread in national identities that caused the rise of the extreme right wing parties. In conclusion, the 2008 economic crisis caused not only economic stress but also it generated a political, social and institutional crisis in Europe.Keywords: Europe, identity, economic crisis, otherness sentiment
Procedia PDF Downloads 4991344 Pathomorphological Features of Lungs from Brown Hares Infected with Parasites
Authors: Mariana Panayotova-Pencheva, Anetka Trifonova, Vassilena Dakova
790 lungs from brown hares (Lepus europeus L.) from different regions of Bulgaria were investigated during the period 2009-2017. The parasitological status and pathomorphological features in the lungs were recorded. The following parasite species were established: one nematode - Protostrongylus tauricus (7.59% prevalence), one tapeworm – larva of Taenia pisiformis – Cysticercus pisiformis (3.04% prevalence) and one arthropod – larva of Linguatula serrata – Pentastomum dentatum (0.89% prevalence). Macroscopic lesions in the lungs were different depending on the causative agents. The infections with C. pisiformis and P. dentatum were attended with small, mainly superficial changes in the lungs. Protostrongylid infections were connected with different in appearance and burden macroscopic changes. In 77.7%, they were nodular, and in the rest of cases, they diffuse. The consistency of the lesions was compact. In most of the cases, alterations were grey in colour, rarely were dark-red or marble-like. In 91.7% of these cases, they were spread on the apical parts of large lung lobes. In 36.7% middle parts of the large lung lobes, and, in 26.7% small lung lobes, were also affected. The small lung lobes were never independently infected.Keywords: Cysticercus pisiformis, Lepus europeus, lung lesions, Pentastomum dentatum, Protostrongylus tauricus
Procedia PDF Downloads 2141343 Various Models of Quality Management Systems
Authors: Mehrnoosh Askarizadeh
People, process and IT are the most important assets of any organization. Optimal utilization of these resources has been the question of research in business for many decades. The business world have responded by inventing various methodologies that can be used for addressing problems of quality improvement, efficiency of processes, continuous improvement, reduction of waste, automation, strategy alignments etc. Some of these methodologies can be commonly called as Business Process Quality Management methodologies (BPQM). In essence, the first references to the process management can be traced back to Frederick Taylor and scientific management. Time and motion study was addressed to improvement of manufacturing process efficiency. The ideas of scientific management were in use for quite a long period until more advanced quality management techniques were developed in Japan and USA. One of the first prominent methods had been Total Quality Management (TQM) which evolved during 1980’s. About the same time, Six Sigma (SS) originated at Motorola as a separate method. SS spread and evolved; and later joined with ideas of Lean manufacturing to form Lean Six Sigma. In 1990’s due to emerging IT technologies, beginning of globalization, and strengthening of competition, companies recognized the need for better process and quality management. Business Process Management (BPM) emerged as a novel methodology that has taken all this into account and helped to align IT technologies with business processes and quality management. In this article we will study various aspects of above mentioned methods and identified their relations.Keywords: e-process, quality, TQM, BPM, lean, six sigma, CPI, information technology, management
Procedia PDF Downloads 4421342 Microbial Diversity of El-Baida Marsh: Setif, Algeria
Authors: H. Necef, A. Benayad
Fungi are becoming more and more important in our life. Therefore, as a start for the symposium on filamentous fungi in biotechnology a short survey of the role of fungi in biotechnology. Salin soils occupy about 7% of land area; they are characterized by unsuitable physical conditions for the growth of living organisms. However, researches showed that some microorganisms especially fungi are able to grow and adapt to such extreme conditions; it is due to their ability to develop different physiological mechanisms in their adaptation. This is the first study on the physiological and biological characteristics of El-Beida marsh. Nine soil samples were taken at different points in two steps, the first was in winter (low temperature), and the second was in summer (high temperature). The physicochemical analyses of the soil were conducted, then the isolation process was applied using two methods, direct method and dilution method (10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4). Different species of fungi were identified belong to 21 genera in addition to 3 yeast species, Aspergillus showed the highest proportion by 43%, then Penicillium by 20% then Alternaria by 7%, in addition to various genera in different proportions. As for the sampling periods, it was observed that the spread of fungi in winter was higher than in summer with the proportion 75.47% and 24.53% respectively. Some halotolerant fungi have a biotechnological importance especially if the salinity of the medium is necessary for the fermentation, and if the halotolerance genes of the fungus will define, this will open the research to study and improve this property for the industrial important micro-organisms.Keywords: salinity, identification, aspergillus oryzae, halotolerance, fungi
Procedia PDF Downloads 4031341 Constructal Enhancement of Fins Design Integrated to Phase Change Materials
Authors: Varun Joshi, Manish K. Rathod
The latent heat thermal energy storage system is a thrust area of research due to exuberant thermal energy storage potential. The thermal performance of PCM is significantly augmented by installation of the high thermal conductivity fins. The objective of the present study is to obtain optimum size and location of the fins to enhance diffusion heat transfer without altering overall melting time. Hence, the constructal theory is employed to eliminate, resize, and re-position the fins. A numerical code based on conjugate heat transfer coupled enthalpy porosity approached is developed to solve Navier-Stoke and energy equation.The numerical results show that the constructal fin design has enhanced the thermal performance along with the increase in the overall volume of PCM when compared to conventional. The overall volume of PCM is found to be increased by half of total of volume of fins. The elimination and repositioning the fins at high temperature gradient from low temperature gradient is found to be vital.Keywords: constructal theory, enthalpy porosity approach, phase change materials, fins
Procedia PDF Downloads 1811340 Child Soldier in Africa: A Big Challenge to Human Right
Authors: Adegboyega Adeolapo Ola, Gerelene Jagganath
One of the greatest challenges of human right in the world, especially African states is the use of child soldiers in armed conflict, constituting a major source of destruction of lives and properties. Mostly, they are in developing countries with the situation in Sub-Saharan Africa, the abduction and employment of children as soldiers is a form of exploitative labour that is tantamount to slavery. Since the end of cold war, Child soldier has increased in Africa countries like Angola, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Uganda. This study examines the main cause of the recruitment and use of child soldiers and its challenges to human right. It further assesses the role of international regional bodies and various governments in curbing child soldiers with a view to proffer suggestions on how to address some of the resultant threat of human right. The study posits that the control of small arms and light weapons is essential in curtailing the spread of child soldier and abuse of human right. This hopefully should result in the sustainability of human/child right in African continent. It is a recommendation of this study that, in order to sustain human right in the region, all Africa leaders, government and regional bodies; such as African Union, Economic Community of West African States, South African Development Community among others, should cooperate and work together to address the issue of illicit small arms, which could eventually lead to child soldier.Keywords: arms control, child soldier, human right, small arms
Procedia PDF Downloads 2081339 Modelling of Filters CO2 (Carbondioxide) and CO (Carbonmonoxide) Portable in Motor Vehicle's Exhaust with Absorbent Chitosan
Authors: Yuandanis Wahyu Salam, Irfi Panrepi, Nuraeni
The increased of greenhouse gases, that is CO2 (carbondioxide) in atmosphere induce the rising of earth’s surface average temperature. One of the largest contributors to greenhouse gases is motor vehicles. Smoke which is emitted by motor’s exhaust containing gases such as CO2 (carbondioxide) and CO (carbon monoxide). Chemically, chitosan is cellulose like plant fiber that has the ability to bind like absorbant foam. Chitosan is a natural antacid (absorb toxins), when chitosan is spread over the surface of water, chitosan is able to absorb fats, oils, heavy metals, and other toxic substances. Judging from the nature of chitosan is able to absorb various toxic substances, it is expected that chitosan is also able to filter out gas emission from the motor vehicles. This study designing a carbondioxide filter in the exhaust of motor vehicles using chitosan as its absorbant. It aims to filter out gases in the exhaust so that CO2 and CO can be reducted before emitted by exhaust. Form of this reseach is study of literature and applied with experimental research of tool manufacture. Data collected through documentary studies by studying books, magazines, thesis, search on the internet as well as the relevant reference. This study will produce a filters which has main function to filter out CO2 and CO emissions that generated by vehicle’s exhaust and can be used as portable.Keywords: filter, carbon, carbondioxide, exhaust, chitosan
Procedia PDF Downloads 3521338 Effective Practical Proceedings in Breaking the Respiratory Infections Transmission Chain in the Community with the Emphasis on SARS-COV-2 Control
Authors: Fatemeh Aghamohammadzadeh, Mahdi Asghari Ozma
SARS-CoV-2 was transmitted from animals to humans in China and through air transport to almost all world countries, including Iran, creating the first pandemic of the 21st century. The virus was spread through droplets from sneezing, coughing, loud talking, and exhalation of sick and asymptomatic people, even during incubation. It was transmitted from human to human directly by inhalation of viruses in droplets or indirectly through contact with infected surfaces, resulting in the death of a significant number of patients, especially the elderly and those with underlying diseases. The virus is more likely to be transmitted in places with high population densities. The chain of transmission of infection can be broken by observing the following: risk perception, reduced travel, complete quarantine in a particular area, home quarantine, social distancing, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), prevention of gatherings, cleaning and disinfection of public utilities and busy places, identifying, isolating and treating infected people, tracking calls, continuing health education, following health principles by people, especially in poor areas, and washing their hands frequently with soap and water or disinfecting them with 70% ethanol.Keywords: COVID-19, transmission, population density, home quarantine, social distancing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1061337 Finite Element Modelling of Log Wall Corner Joints
Authors: Reza Kalantari, Ghazanfarah Hafeez
The paper presents outcomes of the numerical research performed on standard and dovetail corner joints under lateral loads. An overview of the past research on log shear walls is also presented. To the authors’ best knowledge, currently, there are no specific design guidelines available in the code for the design of log shear walls, implying the need to investigate the performance of log shear walls. This research explores the performance of the log shear wall corner joint system of standard joint and dovetail types using numerical methods based on research available in the literature. A parametric study is performed to study the effect of gap size provided between two orthogonal logs and the presence of wood and steel dowels provided as joinery between log courses on the performance of such a structural system. The research outcomes are the force-displacement curves. 8% variability is seen in the reaction forces with the change of gap size for the case of the standard joint, while a variation of 10% is observed in the reaction forces for the dovetail joint system.Keywords: dovetail joint, finite element modelling, log shear walls, standard joint
Procedia PDF Downloads 2181336 Impact of Cytokines Alone and Primed with Macrophages on Balamuthia mandrillaris Interactions with Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cells in vitro
Authors: Abdul Matin, Salik Nawaz, Suk-Yul Jung
Balamuthia mandrillaris is well known to cause fatal Balamuthia amoebic encephalitis (BAE). Amoebic transmission into the central nervous system (CNS), haematogenous spread is thought to be the prime step, followed by blood-brain barrier (BBB) dissemination. Macrophages are considered to be the foremost line of defense and present in excessive numbers during amoebic infections. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the effects of macrophages alone or primed with cytokines on the biological characteristics of Balamuthia in vitro. Using human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC), which constitutes the BBB, we have shown that Balamuthia demonstrated > 90% binding and > 70% cytotoxicity to host cells. However, macrophages further increased amoebic binding and Balamuthia-mediated cell cytotoxicity. Furthermore, macrophages exhibited no amoebicidal effect against Balamuthia. Zymography assay demonstrated that macrophages exhibited no inhibitory effect on proteolytic activity of Balamuthia. Overall, to our best knowledge, we have shown for the first time macrophages has no inhibitory effects on the biological properties of Balamuthia in vitro. This also strengthened the concept that how and why Balamuthia can cause infections in both immuno-competent and immuno-compromised individuals.Keywords: Balamuthia mandrillaris, macrophages, cytokines, human brain microvascular endothelial cells, Balamuthia amoebic encephalitis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1581335 Analysis of Urban Population Using Twitter Distribution Data: Case Study of Makassar City, Indonesia
Authors: Yuyun Wabula, B. J. Dewancker
In the past decade, the social networking app has been growing very rapidly. Geolocation data is one of the important features of social media that can attach the user's location coordinate in the real world. This paper proposes the use of geolocation data from the Twitter social media application to gain knowledge about urban dynamics, especially on human mobility behavior. This paper aims to explore the relation between geolocation Twitter with the existence of people in the urban area. Firstly, the study will analyze the spread of people in the particular area, within the city using Twitter social media data. Secondly, we then match and categorize the existing place based on the same individuals visiting. Then, we combine the Twitter data from the tracking result and the questionnaire data to catch the Twitter user profile. To do that, we used the distribution frequency analysis to learn the visitors’ percentage. To validate the hypothesis, we compare it with the local population statistic data and land use mapping released by the city planning department of Makassar local government. The results show that there is the correlation between Twitter geolocation and questionnaire data. Thus, integration the Twitter data and survey data can reveal the profile of the social media users.Keywords: geolocation, Twitter, distribution analysis, human mobility
Procedia PDF Downloads 3151334 Vision of Justice in the Future of Humanity
Authors: Morteza Khorrami
The idea of final triumph of peace and justice on evil force, conflict and global spread of the religious faith, the full deployment of human values, constitute a utopia and the ideal society is discussed by many of religions. Thus, mankind has always been waiting for a savior and has received good tidings for coming of Great Savior at the end of Time. Of course, various persons were introduced as the Promised Saviors by different religions, but all of the religions share in this fact that the future of humanity is very bright and promising and the future will belong to the righteous and justice. In this article which is written with a descriptive and analytic method, the author tries to show the vision of global justice at the end of time. The opinion of various religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Islam and even idolatry about the great savior as well as the justice status in his era in the world will be discussed. Also the viewpoint of Muslims and specially Shiites, which is explained clearly in their scripts, will be depicted. Current human responsibility towards this golden era will be discussed, too. Based on paper findings, religious doctrine promises that a heaven person and sacred character will come as a reformer of the world. In his era, humanity will be saved from tyranny, oppression and inequality, and the earth will be filled with peace, security, justice, and equity. Moreover promoting justice, truth and spreading religion in the world, economic, scientific, political and moral development will be happened.Keywords: future of humanity, global justice, islam, religions
Procedia PDF Downloads 3741333 Complex Cooling Approach in Microchannel Heat Exchangers Using Solid and Hollow Fins
Authors: Nahum Yustus Godi
A three-dimensional numerical optimisation of combined microchannels with constructal solid, half hollow, and hollow circular fins is documented in this paper. The technique seeks to minimize peak temperature in the entire volume of the microchannel heat sink. The volume and axial length were all fixed, while the width of the microchannel could morph. High-density heat flux was applied at the bottom wall of the microchannel. The coolant employed to remove the heat deposited at the bottom surface of the microchannel was a single-phase fluid (water) in a forced convection laminar condition, and heat transfer was a conjugate problem. The unit cell symmetrical computation domain was discretised, and governing equations were solved using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) code. The results reveal that the combined microchannel with hollow circular fins and solid fins performed better at different Reynolds numbers. The numerical study was validated for the single microchannel without fins and found to be in good agreement with previous studies.Keywords: constructal fins, complex heat exchangers, cooling technique, numerical optimisation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2251332 Application of Hybrid Honey Bees Mating Optimization Algorithm in Multiuser Detection of Wireless Communication Systems
Wireless communication systems have changed dramatically and shown spectacular evolution over the past two decades. These radio technologies are engaged in a quest endless high-speed transmission coupled to a constant need to improve transmission quality. Various radio communication systems being developed use code division multiple access (CDMA) technique. This work analyses a hybrid honey bees mating optimization algorithm (HBMO) applied to multiuser detection (MuD) in CDMA communication systems. The HBMO is a swarm-based optimization algorithm, which simulates the mating process of real honey bees. We apply a hybridization of HBMO with simulated annealing (SA) in order to improve the solution generated by the HBMO. Simulation results show that the detection based on Hybrid HBMO, in term of bit error rate (BER), is viable option when compared with the classic detectors from literature under Rayleigh flat fading channel.Keywords: BER, DS-CDMA multiuser detection, genetic algorithm, hybrid HBMO, simulated annealing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4371331 1D Convolutional Networks to Compute Mel-Spectrogram, Chromagram, and Cochleogram for Audio Networks
Authors: Elias Nemer, Greg Vines
Time-frequency transformation and spectral representations of audio signals are commonly used in various machine learning applications. Training networks on frequency features such as the Mel-Spectrogram or Cochleogram have been proven more effective and convenient than training on-time samples. In practical realizations, these features are created on a different processor and/or pre-computed and stored on disk, requiring additional efforts and making it difficult to experiment with different features. In this paper, we provide a PyTorch framework for creating various spectral features as well as time-frequency transformation and time-domain filter-banks using the built-in trainable conv1d() layer. This allows computing these features on the fly as part of a larger network and enabling easier experimentation with various combinations and parameters. Our work extends the work in the literature developed for that end: First, by adding more of these features and also by allowing the possibility of either starting from initialized kernels or training them from random values. The code is written as a template of classes and scripts that users may integrate into their own PyTorch classes or simply use as is and add more layers for various applications.Keywords: neural networks Mel-Spectrogram, chromagram, cochleogram, discrete Fourrier transform, PyTorch conv1d()
Procedia PDF Downloads 2361330 The Language of Fliptop among Filipino Youth: A Discourse Analysis
Authors: Bong Borero Lumabao
This qualitative research is a study on the lines of Fliptop talks performed by the Fliptop rappers employing Finnegan’s (2008) discourse analysis. This paper aimed to analyze the phonological, morphological, and semantic features of the fliptop talk, to explore the structures in the lines of Fliptop among Filipino youth, and to uncover the various insights that can be gained from it. The corpora of the study included all the 20 Fliptop Videos downloaded from the Youtube Channel of Fliptop. Results revealed that Fliptop contains phonological features such as assonance, consonance, deletion, lengthening, and rhyming. Morphological features include acronym, affixation, blending, borrowing, code-mixing and switching, compounding, conversion or functional shifts, and dysphemism. Semantics presented the lexical category, meaning, and words used in the fliptop talks. Structure of Fliptop revolves on the personal attack (physical attributes), attack on the bars (rapping skills), extension: family members and friends, antithesis, profane words, figurative languages, sexual undertones, anime characters, homosexuality, and famous celebrities involvement.Keywords: discourse analysis, fliptop talks, filipino youth, fliptop videos, Philippines
Procedia PDF Downloads 2451329 A Genetic Algorithm for the Load Balance of Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Computation with Multi-Block Structured Mesh
Authors: Chunye Gong, Ming Tie, Jie Liu, Weimin Bao, Xinbiao Gan, Shengguo Li, Bo Yang, Xuguang Chen, Tiaojie Xiao, Yang Sun
Large-scale CFD simulation relies on high-performance parallel computing, and the load balance is the key role which affects the parallel efficiency. This paper focuses on the load-balancing problem of parallel CFD simulation with structured mesh. A mathematical model for this load-balancing problem is presented. The genetic algorithm, fitness computing, two-level code are designed. Optimal selector, robust operator, and local optimization operator are designed. The properties of the presented genetic algorithm are discussed in-depth. The effects of optimal selector, robust operator, and local optimization operator are proved by experiments. The experimental results of different test sets, DLR-F4, and aircraft design applications show the presented load-balancing algorithm is robust, quickly converged, and is useful in real engineering problems.Keywords: genetic algorithm, load-balancing algorithm, optimal variation, local optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1851328 Chemical Profile of Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Frantoio Cultivar Growing in Calabria, Italy
Authors: Monica Rosa Loizzo, Tiziana Falco, Marco Bonesi, Maria Concetta Tenuta, Mariarosaria Leporini, Rosa Tundis
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is a major source of fat in the Mediterranean diet and its nutritional properties are the main reason for the increment of its consumption all over the world in recent years. In terms of olive oil production, Italy ranks the second in the world. EVOO is obtained exclusively by physical methods from the fruit of Olea europea L. Frantoio cv is spread in all the Italian territory. The aim of this work is to identify the phenolic and fatty acids profile of EVOO from Frantoio cv growing in different area of Calabria (Italy). The phenolic profile was obtained by HPLC coupled to a diode array detector and mass spectrometry. Analyses revealed the presence of phenolic alcohols, phenolic acid, several secoiridoids, and two flavones as main components. Hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol are present in reasonable content. Fatty acids were monitored by gas chromatography. Oleic acid was the most abundant compounds. A moderate level of linoleic acid, in accordance with the general observations for oils derived from Mediterranean countries, was also found.Keywords: extra virgin olive oils, frantoio cv, phenolic compounds, fatty acids
Procedia PDF Downloads 3631327 Cooking Qualities and Sensory Evaluation Analysis of a Collection of Traditional Rice Genotypes of Kerala, India
Authors: Vanaja T., Sravya P. K.
Cooking and eating qualities have major roles in determining the quality characteristics of rice. Traditional rice varieties are highly diversified with each other with respect to unique nutrient, cooking, and eating characteristics, which can be used as parents for the development of high-quality varieties. In order to gather vital information for upcoming rice breeding programs, a study was conducted to assess the diversity of the cooking attributes and sensory evaluation of 28 traditional rice genotypes of Kerala, India, conserved at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode of Kerala Agricultural University. The cultivars ‘Kochuvithu’, ‘Jeerakachamba’, and ‘Rajameni’ exhibited the highest volume expansion ratio. The highest Kernel elongation ratio was recorded for ‘Gandhakasala’, ‘Rajameni’, and ‘Avadi’. A shorter cooking time based on Alkali spread value was shown by the cultivars ‘Kozhivalan’, ‘Kunhikayama’, ‘Rasagadham’, ‘Jadathi’, ‘Japanviolet’, ‘Nooravella’, ‘Punchavella’, ‘Avadi’, ‘Vadakan vellarikayama’, ‘Punchaparuthi’, ‘Shyamala’, ‘China Silk’, ‘Marathondi’, and ‘Gandhakasala’. Sensory evaluation revealed that the cultivars ‘Japanviolet’, ‘Kunhukunhu’, and ‘Kalladiyaran’ can be categorized under moderate to very much.Keywords: rice, traditional rice varieties, cooking qualities, sensory evaluation, consumer acceptance
Procedia PDF Downloads 201326 Techno-Economic Analysis of Solar Energy for Cathodic Protection of Oil and Gas Buried Pipelines in Southwestern of Iran
Authors: M. Goodarzi, M. Mohammadi, A. Gharib
Solar energy is a renewable energy which has attracted special attention in many countries. Solar cathodic protectionsystems harness the sun’senergy to protect underground pipelinesand tanks from galvanic corrosion. The object of this study is to design and the economic analysis a cathodic protection system by impressed current supplied with solar energy panels applied to underground pipelines. In the present study, the technical and economic analysis of using solar energy for cathodic protection system in southwestern of Iran (Khuzestan province) is investigated. For this purpose, the ecological conditions such as the weather data, air clearness and sunshine hours are analyzed. The economic analyses were done using computer code to investigate the feasibility analysis from the using of various energy sources in order to cathodic protection system. The overall research methodology is divided into four components: Data collection, design of elements, techno economical evaluation, and output analysis. According to the results, solar renewable energy systems can supply adequate power for cathodic protection system purposes.Keywords: renewable energy, solar energy, solar cathodic protection station, lifecycle cost method
Procedia PDF Downloads 5421325 The Classical and Hellenistic Architectural Elements of the Temple of Echmun in Sidon
Authors: Amal Alatar
The paper focuses on the exploration of architectural characteristics and decorative elements of the temple of Echmun, emphasizing the socio-economic significance of Sidon during the Greek and Roman periods to understand the implications of their spread and development on the Phoenician cities, as well as reveal the symbolical and societal connotations that may have been connected with the buildings, in order to allow a well-founded examination of common characteristics. In general, studying Phoenician archaeology posed some problems. The main problem is that most major Phoenician settlements lay beneath modern urban centers. This situation often prevented or largely restricted full archaeological investigations; the publications are frequently not complete enough to determine the basic characteristics of the architectural elements. Another key problem is the political instability of the region, which affected the archaeological research in the Phoenician homeland for many years. Nevertheless, during the past decades, an ever-growing cache of data was acquired from the archaeological surroundings of the Phoenician sites. Both the architectural elements from the Greek and Roman period have never been studied as a group before. Surprisingly, they have been largely ignored, despite their apparent profusion throughout the cities. The Roman period of Sidon has generally been neglected in preference to earlier periods, where it is often difficult to distinguish between Roman, Bronze age, medieval and Ottoman structures.Keywords: archaeology, classical, Hellenistic, Eshmun Temple, architecture, Sidon, Lebanon
Procedia PDF Downloads 1021324 Functional Instruction Set Simulator (ISS) of a Neural Network (NN) IP with Native BF-16 Generator
Authors: Debajyoti Mukherjee, Arathy B. S., Arpita Sahu, Saranga P. Pogula
A Functional Model to mimic the functional correctness of a Neural Network Compute Accelerator IP is very crucial for design validation. Neural network workloads are based on a Brain Floating Point (BF-16) data type. The major challenge we were facing was the incompatibility of gcc compilers to BF-16 datatype, which we addressed with a native BF-16 generator integrated to our functional model. Moreover, working with big GEMM (General Matrix Multiplication) or SpMM (Sparse Matrix Multiplication) Work Loads (Dense or Sparse) and debugging the failures related to data integrity is highly painstaking. In this paper, we are addressing the quality challenge of such a complex Neural Network Accelerator design by proposing a Functional Model-based scoreboard or Software model using SystemC. The proposed Functional Model executes the assembly code based on the ISA of the processor IP, decodes all instructions, and executes as expected to be done by the DUT. The said model would give a lot of visibility and debug capability in the DUT bringing up micro-steps of execution.Keywords: ISA (instruction set architecture), NN (neural network), TLM (transaction-level modeling), GEMM (general matrix multiplication)
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