Search results for: best interests of the child
1001 Sustainable and Efficient Recovery of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Polymer from Cupriavidus necator Using Environment Friendly Solvents
Authors: Geeta Gahlawat, Sanjeev Kumar Soni
An imprudent use of environmentally hazardous petrochemical-based plastics and limited availability of fossil fuels have provoked research interests towards production of biodegradable plastics - polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHAs). However, the industrial application of PHAs based products is primarily restricted by their high cost of recovery and extraction protocols. Moreover, solvents used for the extraction and purification are toxic and volatile which causes adverse environmental hazards. Development of efficient downstream recovery strategies along with utilization of non-toxic solvents will accelerate their commercialization. In this study, various extraction strategies were designed for sustainable and cost-effective recovery of PHAs from Cupriavidus necator using non-toxic environment friendly solvents viz. 1,2-propylene carbonate, ethyl acetate, isoamyl alcohol, butyl acetate. The effect of incubation time i.e. 10, 30 and 50 min and temperature i.e. 60, 80, 100, 120°C was tested to identify the most suitable solvent. PHAs extraction using a recyclable solvent, 1,2 propylene carbonate, showed the highest recovery yield (90%) and purity (93%) at 120°C and 30 min incubation. Ethyl acetate showed the better capacity to recover PHAs from cells than butyl acetate. Extraction with ethyl acetate exhibited high recovery yield and purity of 96% and 92%, respectively at 100°C. Effect of non-toxic surfactant such as linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid (LAS) was also studied at 40, 60 and 80°C, and detergent pH range of 3.0, 5.0, 7.0 and 9.0 for the extraction of PHAs from the cells. LAS gave highest yield of 86% and purity of 88% at temperature 80°C and 5.0 pH.Keywords: polyhydroxyalkanoates, Cupriavidus necator, extraction, recovery yield
Procedia PDF Downloads 5101000 Framing a Turkish Campus Sustainability Indicator Set
Authors: Cansu Tari, Ute Poerschke
Sustainable campus design and planning in Higher Education requires an entire action plan and coordination of physical, educational, and social systems. Many institutions in the world are defining their sustainable development path and some are following existing green building and sustainable campus rating/ranking systems, guidelines. In the context of higher education, Turkish universities have limited academic, social and financial support related to sustainable living, building, and campus studies. While some research has been conducted in the last 60 years by farsighted academics, most of these works are based on individuals’ or small organizations’ own interests and efforts, and they are not known enough by the population of universities and possible prospective investors. Regarding the recent fast and uncontrolled growth in the Turkish Higher Education environment, setting a campus sustainability indicator set is a necessity for sustainable development of universities. The main objective of this paper is to specify the applicable sustainability indicators in the national context of Turkey, and propose a model guideline for sustainable Turkish university campuses. The analysis of Turkish legislation on environmental issues, special conditions of Turkish Higher Education system, and Turkey’s environmental risks and challenges set the backbone of the study and distinguish the set of indicators from generalized guidelines. Finally, the paper outlines some concrete suggestions for Turkish Universities to integrate sustainability efforts in their regional context. It will be useful for campus sustainability managers and planners, interested in developing action plans in their national and regional scope.Keywords: campus sustainability, sustainability indicators, Turkish universities, national campus sustainability action plan
Procedia PDF Downloads 260999 The Achievements and Challenges of Physics Teachers When Implementing Problem-Based Learning: An Exploratory Study Applied to Rural High Schools
Authors: Osman Ali, Jeanne Kriek
Introduction: The current instructional approach entrenched in memorizing does not assist conceptual understanding in science. Instructional approaches that encourage research, investigation, and experimentation, which depict how scientists work, should be encouraged. One such teaching strategy is problem-based learning (PBL). PBL has many advantages; enhanced self-directed learning and improved problem-solving and critical thinking skills. However, despite many advantages, PBL has challenges. Research confirmed is time-consuming and difficult to formulate ill-structured questions. Professional development interventions are needed for in-service educators to adopt the PBL strategy. The purposively selected educators had to implement PBL in their classrooms after the intervention to develop their practice and then reflect on the implementation. They had to indicate their achievements and challenges. This study differs from previous studies as the rural educators were subjected to implementing PBL in their classrooms and reflected on their experiences, beliefs, and attitudes regarding PBL. Theoretical Framework: The study reinforced Vygotskian sociocultural theory. According to Vygotsky, the development of a child's cognitive is sustained by the interaction between the child and more able peers in his immediate environment. The theory suggests that social interactions in small groups create an opportunity for learners to form concepts and skills on their own better than working individually. PBL emphasized learning in small groups. Research Methodology: An exploratory case study was employed. The reason is that the study was not necessarily for specific conclusive evidence. Non-probability purposive sampling was adopted to choose eight schools from 89 rural public schools. In each school, two educators were approached, teaching physical sciences in grades 10 and 11 (N = 16). The research instruments were questionnaires, interviews, and lesson observation protocol. Two open-ended questionnaires were developed before and after intervention and analyzed thematically. Three themes were identified. The semi-structured interviews and responses were coded and transcribed into three themes. Subsequently, the Reform Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP) was adopted for lesson observation and was analyzed using five constructs. Results: Evidence from analyzing the questionnaires before and after the intervention shows that participants knew better what was required to develop an ill-structured problem during the implementation. Furthermore, indications from the interviews are that participants had positive views about the PBL strategy. They stated that they only act as facilitators, and learners’ problem-solving and critical thinking skills are enhanced. They suggested a change in curriculum to adopt the PBL strategy. However, most participants may not continue to apply the PBL strategy stating that it is time-consuming and difficult to complete the Annual Teaching Plan (ATP). They complained about materials and equipment and learners' readiness to work. Evidence from RTOP shows that after the intervention, participants learn to encourage exploration and use learners' questions and comments to determine the direction and focus of classroom discussions.Keywords: problem-solving, self-directed, critical thinking, intervention
Procedia PDF Downloads 121998 The Potential of Ursolic Acid Acetate as an Agent for Malarial Chemotherapy
Authors: Mthokozisi B. C. Simelane
Despite the various efforts by governmental and non-governmental organizations aimed at eradicating the disease, malaria is said to kill a child every 30 seconds. Traditional healers use different concoctions prepared from medicinal plants to treat malaria. In the quest to bio-prospect plant-derived triterpenes for anti-malaria activity, we report here the in vivo antiplasmodial activity of ursolic acid acetate (ursolic acid isolated from dichloromethane extract of Mimusops caffra was chemically modified to its acetate derivative). The transdermal administration of ursolic acid acetate (UAA) dose dependently showed complete inhibition of the parasites’ growth at the highest concentration of 400 mg/kg after 15 days of Plasmodium berghei infection. UAA prevented the in vitro aggregation of MDH but did not prevent the expression of PfHsp 70 in E. coli XL1 blue cells. It, however, enhanced PfHsp70 ATPase activity with the specific activity of 65 units (amount of phosphate released 73.83 nmolPi/ Ursolic acid acetate prevented the formation of hemozoin (60 ± 0.02% at 6 mg/ml). The results suggest that Ursolic acid acetate possesses potential anti-malaria properties.Keywords: Mimusops caffra, ursolic acid acetate, hemozoin, Malaria
Procedia PDF Downloads 426997 Worldwide Prosperity Through Democracy: A Cross-country Examination of the Impact of Democratization on Human Development from 1990
Authors: Martin Plener
Developmental and democratization research has a long tradition of focusing on the relationship between democratization and economic development. However, recent studies have shown that economic development is not adequate to measure the actual living conditions of civilian people. In consequence, it is unclear if a democratization process helps to improve people’s quality of life. This work addresses this issue by investigating the influence of democratization on the Human Development Index (HDI) created by the United Nations. The main objective is to study the relationship between democracy and human development and whether democratization positively impacts the living conditions of the population over time. The main mechanism which supports a positive impact is that democratic structures promote participation and political involvement of people from all social classes resulting in a better articulation of interests and thus accountability to the government. To study this issue, a panel regression with Fixed-Effects is conducted. By that, it is examined if democracy has a positive impact on the HDI (Hypothesis 1) and secondly if the same effect weakens in more developed democracies compared to less developed democracies (Hypothesis 2). The results do not reveal a direct positive relationship between the democratization of a country and its development of the HDI, not supporting H1 which denies the first hypothesis. In contrast to the assumption of H2, the effect of democratization on human development seems to be negatively correlated in countries in which democracy is barely developed. Therefore, both hypotheses must be discarded. The results indicate rather a positive correlation between economic development on human development. Therefore, the impact of democracy on the well-being of countries’ citizens needs to be reinvestigated in order to create a better understanding of how improved human development can be achieved.Keywords: democracy, human development, modernization theory, HDI, TSCS
Procedia PDF Downloads 80996 Influences of Victimization Experiences on Delinquency: Comparison between Young Offenders and Non-Offenders
Authors: Yoshihiro Horio
Many young offenders grow up in difficult environments. It has often been suggested that many young offenders are victims of abuse. However, there were restricted to abuse or family’s problem. Little research has examined data on ‘multiple victimization’ experiences of young offenders. Thus, this study investigated the victimization experiences of young offenders, including child abuse at home, bullying at school, and crime in the community. Specifically, the number of victimization experiences of young offenders was compared with those of non-delinquents at home, school, and in the community. It was found that young offenders experienced significantly more victimization than non-delinquents. Additionally, the influence of childhood victimization on later misconduct and/or delinquency was examined, then it was founded that victimization experiences to be a risk factor for subsequent delinquency. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that young offenders who had a strong emotional reaction to their experience of abuse began their misconduct at an earlier age. If juveniles start their misconduct early, the degree of delinquency will increase. The anger of young offenders was stronger than that of non-delinquents. A strong emotion of anger may be related to juvenile delinquency.Keywords: abuse, bullying, delinquency, victimization, young offenders
Procedia PDF Downloads 243995 Using Customer Satisfaction to Help Achieve Sustainable Development Goals in the Islamic Economy: A Quantitative Case Study from Amman, Jordan
Authors: Sarah A. Tobin
Social justice outcomes, derived from customer satisfaction, serve as a main pathway and conduit for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because they prompt democratizing and socially-inclusive effects that are consistent with Islamic economic values. This paper argues that achieving higher levels of social justice and the SGDs is possible only through the realization of Islamic banking and finance customer satisfaction that aligns with Islamic values in the tradition of the Shari`a (or Islamic law). Through this key manifestation of Shari`a in the banks, social justice aims of achieving SDGs become possible. This paper utilizes a case study of a large-scale survey (N=127) comparing customer satisfaction between a conventional and an Islamic bank in Amman, Jordan. Based on a series of linear regressions, the statistically-significant findings suggest that when overall customer satisfaction is high, customers are more likely to become empowered citizens demanding inclusive, quality services and corruption-free management, as well as attribute their experiences to the Islamic nature of the financial endeavors. Social justice interests and expectations increase (and SDGs are more likely met) when a customer has high levels of satisfaction. The paper concludes with policy recommendations for Islamic financial institutions that enhance customer service experiences for better achieving the social justice aims of the Islamic economy and SDGs, including transparency in transactions, exemplary customer service and follow up, and attending to Islamic values in the aesthetics of bank.Keywords: customer satisfaction, Islamic economy, social justice, sustainable development goals
Procedia PDF Downloads 343994 Awareness of Turkish Cypriots on Domestic Violence: Exploratory Study of Cultural Influence on Public Health
Authors: Nazif Fuat Turkmen
Domestic violence is the most common form of violence that risks the health and psychological well-being of victims and its witnesses. Psychology as a scientific field has made contributions in research, exploration, assessment, intervention, and prevention of domestic violence. The present study will be exploring the level of recognition of Turkish Cypriots on domestic violence and their understanding about it in general terms. While discussing the level of awareness of Turkish Cypriots on domestic violence and the effects of this level of awareness on the general well-being of the members of the society, the most common types of domestic violence as well as how Turkish Cypriots recognize and interpret these different types will be explored. The participants consisted of 224 Turkish Cypriots; 48.4% (n= 109) were female, 51.1% (n=115) were male. For the purpose of the study, a 28-item questionnaire was prepared and used for data collection. According to the results, there is a strong relationship between the education level of the respondents and their awareness on domestic violence. The study shows that cultural approaches on child rearing effect people’s recognition of violence in general and awareness on domestic violence in particular.Keywords: culture, domestic violence, health psychology, public health, Turkish Cypriots, violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 454993 Jurisdictional Issues between Competition Law and Data Protection Law in Protection of Privacy of Online Consumers
Authors: Pankhudi Khandelwal
The revenue models of digital giants such as Facebook and Google, use targeted advertising for revenues. Such a model requires huge amounts of consumer data. While the data protection law deals with the protection of personal data, however, this data is acquired by the companies on the basis of consent, performance of a contract, or legitimate interests. This paper analyses the role that competition law can play in evading these loopholes for the protection of data and privacy of online consumers. Digital markets have certain distinctive features such as network effects and feedback loop, which gives incumbents of these markets a first-mover advantage. This creates a situation where the winner takes it all, thus creating entry barriers and concentration in the market. It has been also seen that this dominant position is then used by the undertakings for leveraging in other markets. This can be harmful to the consumers in form of less privacy, less choice, and stifling innovation, as seen in the cases of Facebook Cambridge Analytica, Google Shopping, and Google Android. Therefore, the article aims to provide a legal framework wherein the data protection law and competition law can come together to provide a balance in regulating digital markets. The issue has become more relevant in light of the Facebook decision by German competition authority, where it was held that Facebook had abused its dominant position by not complying with data protection rules, which constituted an exploitative practice. The paper looks into the jurisdictional boundaries that the data protection and competition authorities can work from and suggests ex ante regulation through data protection law and ex post regulation through competition law. It further suggests a change in the consumer welfare standard where harm to privacy should be considered as an indicator of low quality.Keywords: data protection, dominance, ex ante regulation, ex post regulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 184992 User-Perceived Quality Factors for Certification Model of Web-Based System
Authors: Jamaiah H. Yahaya, Aziz Deraman, Abdul Razak Hamdan, Yusmadi Yah Jusoh
One of the most essential issues in software products is to maintain it relevancy to the dynamics of the user’s requirements and expectation. Many studies have been carried out in quality aspect of software products to overcome these problems. Previous software quality assessment models and metrics have been introduced with strengths and limitations. In order to enhance the assurance and buoyancy of the software products, certification models have been introduced and developed. From our previous experiences in certification exercises and case studies collaborating with several agencies in Malaysia, the requirements for user based software certification approach is identified and demanded. The emergence of social network applications, the new development approach such as agile method and other varieties of software in the market have led to the domination of users over the software. As software become more accessible to the public through internet applications, users are becoming more critical in the quality of the services provided by the software. There are several categories of users in web-based systems with different interests and perspectives. The classifications and metrics are identified through brain storming approach with includes researchers, users and experts in this area. The new paradigm in software quality assessment is the main focus in our research. This paper discusses the classifications of users in web-based software system assessment and their associated factors and metrics for quality measurement. The quality model is derived based on IEEE structure and FCM model. The developments are beneficial and valuable to overcome the constraints and improve the application of software certification model in future.Keywords: software certification model, user centric approach, software quality factors, metrics and measurements, web-based system
Procedia PDF Downloads 406991 Emotion Dysregulation as Mediator between Child Abuse and Opiate Use Motives
Authors: Usha Barahmand, Ali Khazaee, Goudarz Sadeghi Hashjin
Coping motives are considered to be indicators of problematic substance use. The present investigation examined a model with emotional abuse as an antecedent and emotional dysregulation as a mediator leading to substance use. The intent of this study was to examine the associations between various types of childhood maltreatment and motives for substance use. The sample consisted of 72 male opiate users recruited from those enrolled for Methadone Maintenance treatment. Participants responded to measures of childhood maltreatment, emotion dysregulation, and motives for opiate use. All data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficients and bootstrap analysis of mediation. Results supported the hypothesis that the experience of emotional abuse in childhood is associated with problems in regulating emotions which in turn correlates with opiate use as a way to cope with negative affect, to enhance positive effect or to obtain social rewards. Bootstrap analysis confirmed the mediating role of emotion dysregulation. Findings support the potential utility of further research into emotion dysregulation and motives as antecedents of problematic opiate use.Keywords: childhood abuse, emotion dysregulation, motives, substance use
Procedia PDF Downloads 448990 Ideology versus Faith in the Collective Political Identity Formation: An Analysis of the Thoughts of Iqbal and Jinnah-The Founding Fathers of Pakistan
Authors: Muhammad Sajjad-ur-Rehman
Pakistan was meant to be a progressive modern Muslim nation state since its inception in 1947. Its birth was a big hope for the Muslims of Sub-continent to transform their societies on Islamic lines—the promise which made them unite and vote for Pakistan during independence movement. This was the vision put forwarded by Allama Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Jinnah—the two founding fathers of Pakistan. Dwelling on interpretive/ analytical approach, this paper analyzes the thoughts and reflections of Iqbal and Jinnah to understand the issues of collective identity formation in Pakistan. It argues that there may be traced two distinct identity models in the thoughts and reflections of these two leading figures of Pakistan movement: First may be called as ‘faith-based identity model’ while the other may be named as ‘interests-based identity model’. These can also be entitled as ‘Islam-as-faith model’ and ‘Islam-as-ideology model’. Former seeks the diffusion of power by cultural/ faith based means and thus society remains independent in determining its change. While the later goes on to open and expand the power realm by maximizing the role of state in determining the social change. With the help of these models, it can better be explained that what made Pakistani society fail in the collective political identity construction, hindering thus the political potential of the society to be utilized for initiating state formation and societal growth. As a result, today, we see a state that is often rebelled and resisted on the name of ethnicity, religion and sectarianism on one hand and by the ordinary folk when and wherever possible.Keywords: idealogy, Iqbal, Jinnah, identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 11989 Body Mass Index and Dietary Intake Amongst Alabama Students and Georgia Campers: A Secondary Analysis
Authors: David Tran, Sina Gallo, Jenny Lin
The present study investigated two adolescent populations between the ages of 10-14 years of age from two different studies: a dietary assessment validation study conducted at the Georgia 4-H Rock Eagle summer camp (Eatonton, Georgia) and a middle-school diet study at an Alabama middle school (Birmingham, Alabama). Energy intake and meal consumption were recorded via either direct observation of camp lunch or weighing and photography of school lunch trays. Child weight and height were measured to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) and compared to CDC growth charts to assess percentile or Z-score. Results showed that those participants categorized with higher BMI had a statistically significant and positive correlation with energy intake (kcal). Future research should increase the sample size and include a broader subject size which includes those of a younger childhood population, to assess the effect of age.Keywords: BMI, adolescent, direct observation, dietary intake
Procedia PDF Downloads 79988 Numerical Study on the Flow around a Steadily Rotating Spring: Understanding the Propulsion of a Bacterial Flagellum
Authors: Won Yeol Choi, Sangmo Kang
The propulsion of a bacterial flagellum in a viscous fluid has attracted many interests in the field of biological hydrodynamics, but remains yet fully understood and thus still a challenging problem. In this study, therefore, we have numerically investigated the flow around a steadily rotating micro-sized spring to further understand such bacterial flagellum propulsion. Note that a bacterium gains thrust (propulsive force) by rotating the flagellum connected to the body through a bio motor to move forward. For the investigation, we convert the spring model from the micro scale to the macro scale using a similitude law (scale law) and perform simulations on the converted macro-scale model using a commercial software package, CFX v13 (ANSYS). To scrutinize the propulsion characteristics of the flagellum through the simulations, we make parameter studies by changing some flow parameters, such as the pitch, helical radius and rotational speed of the spring and the Reynolds number (or fluid viscosity), expected to affect the thrust force experienced by the rotating spring. Results show that the propulsion characteristics depend strongly on the parameters mentioned above. It is observed that the forward thrust increases in a linear fashion with either of the rotational speed or the fluid viscosity. In addition, the thrust is directly proportional to square of the helical radius and but the thrust force is increased and then decreased based on the peak value to the pitch. Finally, we also present the appropriate flow and pressure fields visualized to support the observations.Keywords: fluid viscosity, hydrodynamics, similitude, propulsive force
Procedia PDF Downloads 350987 Thailand and Sino-Japanese Relations in the Early Twentieth Century
Authors: Mizuno Norihito
This study attempts to examine Japanese views of Thailand primarily in the 1920s and 1930s through the analysis of documents published by the Office of Governor-General of Taiwan (Taiwan Sotokufu) and its affiliated organizations. Japan regarded Taiwan, under its control since 1895, as a foothold to making inroads into the South, and The governor-general office was active in investigations and intelligence gathering in Southeast Asia, as well as the southern part of the Chinese continent. Documents published by the governor-general office and its related organizations, especially those in a couple of decades following the First World War, reveal that the Japanese paid attention to the presence of the-Thai-Chinese during the time period. It would not be surprising that the desiring to penetrating into the Thai market, as well as the markets of the rest of Southeast Asia, the Japanese could not ignore the presence of the Thai-Chinese because of their local economic influences. The increased Japanese concern about the Thai-Chinese toward the end of the 1920s and throughout the 1930s was, moreover, intertwined with the increased tension between China and Japan. In other words, Thailand, as well as the rest of Southeast Asia, became another arena of Sino-Japanese confrontation. The rise of nationalism against Japan in China infected the Thai-Chinese communities and threatened Japanese economic activities in the country. However, the Japanese simultaneously found out that Thai-Chinese concert with anti-Japanese in China did not necessarily match their business interests and that the Thai government’s efforts to assimilate the Thai-Chinese into the Thais society and strategic approach to Japan in the late 1930s hampered their anti-Japanese actions.Keywords: Japanese-Thai Relations, Sino-Japanese relations, Thai Chinese, Overseas Japanese
Procedia PDF Downloads 335986 A Study on Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Rural Development
Authors: N. Amruth Raj, Suja S. Nair
The last six decades have borne witness to a radical change in the private sectors relationship with both the state and civil society. Firms have been increasingly called upon to adopt strategies beyond the financial aspects of their operations and consider the social and environmental impact of their business activities. In this context, many companies have modified their policies and activities and engaged into Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) especially on Rural development in India. At the firm level, CSR is implemented through various practices, which aim to enhance the company’s social and environmental performance and may cover various topics. Examples of CSR practices are abundant in Andhra Pradesh relevant literature. For instance, in India especially at Andhra Pradesh companies like Amara Raaja requires from its suppliers to prohibit child labour, Nagarjuna Cements applies a series of programs for reducing its CO2 emissions, LANCO group of Industries addresses health and safety issues in the workplace whereas GVK works limited has adopted a series of policies for addressing human rights and environmental abuse related to its operations.Keywords: CSR, limitations, need, objectives, rural development
Procedia PDF Downloads 258985 Parents’ Perceptions of the Consent Arrangements for Dental Public Health Programmes in North London: A Qualitative Exploration
Authors: Charlotte Jeavons, Charitini Stavropoulous, Nicolas Drey
Background: Over one-third of five-year-olds and almost half of all eight-year-olds in the UK have obvious caries experience that can be detected by visual screening techniques. School-based caries preventions programs to apply fluoride varnish to young children’s teeth operate in many areas in the UK. Their aim is to reduce dental caries in children. The Department of Health guidance (2009) on consent states information must be provided to parents to enable informed autonomous decision-making prior to any treatment involving their young children. Fluoride varnish schemes delivered in primary schools use letters for this purpose. Parents are expected to return these indicating their consent or refusal. A large proportion of parents do not respond. In the absence of positive consent, these children are excluded from the program. Non-response is more common in deprived areas creating inequality. The reason for this is unknown. The consent process used is underpinned by the ethical theory of deontology that is prevalent in clinical dentistry and widely accepted in bio-ethics. Objective: To investigate parents’ views, understanding and experience of the fluoride varnish program taking place in their child’s school, including their views about the practical consent arrangements. Method: Schools participating in the fluoride varnish scheme operating in Enfield, North London, were asked to take part. Parents with children in nursery, reception, or year one were invited to participate via semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Thematic analysis was conducted. Findings: 40 parents were recruited from eight schools. The global theme of ‘trust’ was identified as the strongest influence on parental responses. Six themes were identified; protecting children from harm is viewed by parents as their role, parents have the capability to decide but lack confidence, sharing responsibility for their child’s oral health with the State is welcomed by a parent, existing relationships within parents’ social networks strongly influences consent decisions, official dental information is not communicated effectively, sending a letter to parents’ and excluding them from meeting dental practitioners is ineffective. The information delivered via a letter was not strongly identified by parents as influencing their response. Conclusions: Personal contact with the person(s) providing information and requesting consent has a greater impact on parental consent responses than written information provided alone. This demonstrates that traditional bio-ethical ideas about rational decision-making where emotions are transcended and interference is not justified unless preventing harm to an unaware person are outdated. Parental decision-making is relational and the consent process should be adapted to reflect this. The current system that has a deontology view of decision making at its core impoverishes parental autonomy and may, ultimately, increase dental inequalities as a result.Keywords: consent, decision, ethics, fluoride, parents
Procedia PDF Downloads 173984 Musical Education of Preschool Children: From the Average to the Gifted
Authors: Eudjen Cinc
The contemporary society, which is, whether we like it or not, oriented towards utilitarianism, pragmatics and professional flexibility, lives in a certain paradox. On the one hand, at least declaratively, the accent of modern society is on knowledge; knowledge is even considered to be a commodity, the popularity of education is increased as the only means of survival in the market-oriented world, while on the other hand modern society is moving towards simplification and decreasing the amount of information and areas which are considered necessary in the generally excepted concept of education. We cannot talk about the preschool teacher profession without mentioning work with gifted children. The preschool teacher knowing the characteristics of gifted children is of utmost importance because their early identification and professional guidance are of cardinal importance for the direction in which the children will develop. When we talk about musical ability, in the first phase, the role of preschool teachers in the identification and stimulation of gifted children naturally refers to monitoring children’s musical manifestation. The identification process and work with the gifted presupposes a good relationship with the family, synergy of these two important influences in the child’s education and upbringing.Keywords: music education, gifted children, methodology, kindergarten
Procedia PDF Downloads 276983 Improvement of Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule Scores after Comprehensive Intensive Early Interventions in a Clinical Setting
Authors: Nils Haglund, Svenolof Dahlgren, Maria Rastam, Peik Gustafsson, Karin Kalien
In Sweden, like in most developed countries, there is a substantial increase of children diagnosed with autism and other conditions within the autism spectrum (ASD). The rapid increase of ASD rates stresses the importance of developing care programs to provide support and comprehensive interventions for affected families. The current observational study was conducted in order to evaluate an ongoing Comprehensive Intensive Early Intervention (CIEI) program for children with autism in southern Sweden. The change in autism symptoms among children participating in CIEI (intervention group, n=67) was compared with children who received traditional habilitation services only (comparison group, n=27). Children of parents who accepted the offered CIEI-program, constituted the intervention group, whereas children, whose parents (for some reason) were not interested in the offered CIEI-program, constituted the comparison group. The CIEI-program was individualized to each child by experienced applied behavior analysis (ABA) specialists with different backgrounds as psychologists, speech pathologists or special education teachers, in cooperation with parents and preschool staff. Due to the individualization, the intervention could vary in intensity and techniques. The intensity was calculated to 15-25 hours each week at home and the preschool altogether. Each child was assigned one 'trainer', who was often employed as a preschool teacher but could have another educational background. An agreement between supervisor- parents and preschool staff was reached to confirm the intensity and content of the CIEI- program over an approximately two-year intervention period. Symptom changes were measured as evaluation-ADOS-2-scores, total- and severity-scores, minus the corresponding baseline-scores, divided by the time between baseline and evaluation. The difference between the study-groups regarding change of ADOS-2-scores was estimated using ANCOVA. In the current study, children in the CIEI-group improved their ADOS-2-total scores between baseline and evaluation (-0.8 scores per year; 95%CI: -1.2 to -0.4), whereas no such improvement was detected in the comparison group (+0.1 scores per year; 95%CI: -0.7 to +0.9). The change difference (change in the CIEI-group vs. change in the comparison group) was statistically significant, both crude and after adjusting for possible confounders (-1.1; 95%CI -1.9 to -0.4). Children in the CIEI-group also significantly improved their ADOS-calibrated severity scores, but not significantly differently so from the comparison group. The results from the current study indicate that the CIEI program significantly improves social and communicative skills among children with autism and that children with developmental delay could benefit to a similar degree as other children. The results support earlier studies reporting on the improvement of autism symptoms after early intensive interventions. The results from observational studies are difficult to interpret, but it is nevertheless of uttermost importance to evaluate costly autism intervention programs. Such results may be of immediate importance to healthcare organizations when allocating the already strained resources to different patient groups. Albeit the obvious limitation of the current naturalistic study, the results support previous positive studies and indicate that children with autism benefit from participating in early comprehensive, intensive programs and that investments in these programs may be highly justifiable.Keywords: autism symptoms, ADOS-scores, evaluation, intervention program
Procedia PDF Downloads 145982 Maternal Obesity in Nigeria: An Exploratory Study
Authors: Ojochenemi J. Onubi, Debbi Marais, Lorna Aucott, Friday Okonofua, Amudha Poobalan
Background: Obesity is a worldwide epidemic with major health and economic consequences. Pregnancy is a trigger point for the development of obesity, and maternal obesity is associated with significant adverse effects in the mother and child. Nigeria is experiencing a double burden of under- and over-nutrition with rising levels of obesity particularly in women. However, there is scarcity of data on maternal obesity in Nigeria and other African countries. Aims and Objectives: This project aimed at identifying crucial components of potential interventions for maternal obesity in Nigeria. The objectives were to assess the prevalence, effects, and distribution of maternal obesity; knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of pregnant women and maternal healthcare providers; and identify existing interventions for maternal obesity in Nigeria. Methodology: A systematic review and meta-analysis were initially conducted to appraise the existing literature on maternal obesity in Africa. Following this, a quantitative questionnaire survey of the KAP of pregnant women and a qualitative interview study of the KAP of Health Care Workers (HCW) were conducted in seven secondary and tertiary hospitals across Nigeria. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS statistical software, while thematic analysis was conducted for qualitative data. Results: Twenty-nine studies included in the systematic review showed significant prevalence, socio-demographic associations, and adverse effects of maternal obesity on labour, maternal, and child outcomes in Africa. The questionnaire survey of 435 mothers revealed a maternal obesity prevalence of 17.9% among mothers who registered for antenatal care in the first trimester. The mothers received nutrition information from different sources and had insufficient knowledge of their own weight category or recommended Gestational Weight Gain (GWG), causes, complications, and safe ways to manage maternal obesity. However, majority of the mothers were of the opinion that excess GWG is avoided in pregnancy and some practiced weight management (diet and exercise) during pregnancy. For the qualitative study, four main themes were identified: ‘Concerns about obesity in pregnancy’, ‘Barriers to care for obese pregnant women’, ‘Practice of care for obese pregnant women’, and ‘Improving care for obese pregnant women’. HCW expressed concerns about rising levels of maternal obesity, lack of guidelines for the management of obese pregnant women and worries about unintended consequences of antenatal interventions. ‘Barriers’ included lack of contact with obese women before pregnancy, late registration for antenatal care, and perceived maternal barriers such as socio-cultural beliefs of mothers and poverty. ‘Practice’ included anticipatory care and screening for possible complications, general nutrition education during antenatal care and interdisciplinary care for mothers with complications. HCW offered suggestions on improving care for obese women including timing, type, and settings of interventions; and the need for involvement of other stake holders in caring for obese pregnant women. Conclusions: Culturally adaptable/sensitive interventions should be developed for the management of obese pregnant women in Africa. Education and training of mothers and health care workers, and provision of guidelines are some of the components of potential interventions in Nigeria.Keywords: Africa, maternal, obesity, pregnancy
Procedia PDF Downloads 268981 Homophily in Youth Athletics: Sociodemographics, Group Cohesion, and the Psychology of Performance in Sport
Authors: Brandon Ko
Whether it’s a kitchen staff or a law firm, many groups tend to have homogenous characteristics of race, gender, interests, and goals. Social groups are not typically random samples of the population and will usually have common identifiers. According to Blau, age, sex, and education all play salient roles in shaping relationships within members of society. So if there is some degree of homogeneity within groups, the question arises whether this is beneficial or harmful to a group’s effectiveness. There has been much disagreement in the scientific community as to whether the presence of homophily benefits or hinders an athletic team's cohesiveness. For this paper, a comparative study of research of soccer case studies that followed various, youth players was studied against examinations of the effects that such a culture has on athletes. The case studies were used as evidence to determine what kind of homophily existed within the soccer camps. One case study followed several European developmental clubs such as Bayern Munich and Barcelona. Another study followed eight different players, four of each gender, implementing a similar method of interviewing, observing, and questioning. The individual and team goals of each athlete were reviewed to see which teams and players were ego-oriented and which were team-oriented. Additionally, there had been little research done on the relationship between homophily and how it applies to the sport community, suggesting the need to develop this neglected problem in applied psychology. This paper argues that the benefits of an egalitarian culture and stronger relations with people of a similar socio-demographic outweigh the liabilities of cohesion like being stereotyped and a lack of network outside the group as produced by homophily in athletic competition.Keywords: group cohesion, homophily, sports psychology, youth athletics
Procedia PDF Downloads 285980 Serum Concentration of the CCL7 Chemokine in Diabetic Pregnant Women during Pregnancy until the Postpartum Period
Authors: Fernanda Piculo, Giovana Vesentini, Gabriela Marini, Debora Cristina Damasceno, Angelica Mercia Pascon Barbosa, Marilza Vieira Cunha Rudge
Introduction: Women with previous gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) were significantly more likely to have urinary incontinence (UI) and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction compared to non-diabetic women two years after a cesarean section. Additional results demonstrated that induced diabetes causes detrimental effects on pregnant rat urethral muscle. These results indicate the need for exploration of the mechanistic role of a recovery factor in female UI. Chemokine ligand 7 (CCL7) was significantly over expressed in rat serum, urethral and vaginal tissues immediately following induction of stress UI in a rat model simulating birth trauma. CCL7 over expression has shown potency for stimulating targeted stem cell migration and provide a translational link (clinical measurement) which further provide opportunities for treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the CCL7 levels profile in diabetic pregnant women with urinary incontinence during pregnancy over the first year postpartum. Methods: This study was conducted in the Perinatal Diabetes Research Center of the Botucatu Medical School/UNESP, and was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Institution (CAAE: 20639813.0.0000.5411). The diagnosis of GDM was established between 24th and 28th gestational weeks, by the 75 g-OGTT test according to ADA’s criteria. Urinary incontinence was defined according to the International Continence Society and the CCL7 levels was measured by ELISA (R&D Systems, Catalog Number DCC700). Two hundred twelve women were classified into four study groups: normoglycemic continent (NC), normoglycemic incontinent (NI), diabetic continent (DC) and diabetic incontinent (DI). They were evaluated at six-time-points: 12-18, 24-28 and 34-38 gestational weeks, 24-48 hours, 6 weeks and 6-12 months postpartum. Results: At 12-18 weeks, it was possible to consider only two groups, continent and incontinent, because at this early gestational period has not yet been the diagnosis of GDM. The group with GDM and UI (DI group) showed lower levels of CCL7 in all time points during pregnancy and postpartum, compared to normoglycemic groups (NC and NI), indicating that these women have not recovered from child birth induced UI during the 6-12 months postpartum compared to their controls, and that the progression of UI and/or lack of recovery throughout the first postpartum year can be related with lower levels of CCL7. Instead, serum CCL7 was significantly increased in the NC group. Taken together, these findings of overexpression of CCL7 in the NC group and decreased levels in the DI group, could confirm that diabetes delays the recovery from child birth induced UI, and that CCL7 could potentially be used as a serum marker of injury. Conclusion: This study demonstrates lower levels of CCL7 in the DI group during pregnancy and postpartum and suggests that the progression of UI in diabetic women and/or lack of recovery throughout the first postpartum year can be related with low levels of CCL7. This provides a translational potential where CCL7 measurement could be used as a surrogate for injury after delivery. Successful controlled CCL7 mediated stem cell homing to the lower urinary tract could one day introduce the potential for non-operative treatment or prevention of stress urinary incontinence.Keywords: CCL7, gestational diabetes, pregnancy, urinary incontinence
Procedia PDF Downloads 339979 Investigating the Role of Clam Festival for Destination Branding: A Case Study of Tainan Cigu
Authors: Lim Lie Pin, Lin Hui Wen
Rural tourism has become popular in Taiwan, the villages based on agriculture including fishery have to follow the trend to develop the local economy and achieve the sustainable development of the rural areas. Through cultural festivals, the tourist could experience the benefit while promoting and stimulating the local development of rural tourism. Cigu is famous for salt history and abundant natural resources, such as lagoon, black-faced spoonbills and other fishery products. Digging clam has become the most special parent-child activities in Tainan and increasing awareness since it was initiated. Therefore, festival organizers and regional destination marketers need to identify visitors’ experiences attributes which lead to opportunities for industry professionals, community involvement to plan and organize regional festivals and their programmes for effective destination branding finding out more potential rural resources encouraging the local industry growth and sustainable development.Keywords: rural tourism, cultural festival, destination branding, tourist experience, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 304978 A Systematic Review in the Impacts of Skilled Parent Migration on Left-Behind Children: Gaps in the Existing Knowledge
Authors: Yassir Mohammed
The study examines the impact of skilled parental migration on left-behind children. It uses the SCOPUS database to evaluate the existing literature from 1972 to 2022 and synthesizes data using the PRISMA framework and bibliometric method of analysis. 49 articles out of 202 papers were involved in the synthesis. International migration, outcome migration, consequence, parental migration, high-skill and left-behind children, and left-behind preschool were all searched. The research found that mental health issues, self-isolation, and physical harm have negative impacts, while sending children to good schools, having good academic records, and better medical care have positive impacts. The study also found that gender gaps increase in some countries while decreasing in others. Further research is needed on child maltreatment, academic performance, subjective well-being, societal effects, behavioral difficulties, and quality of life. The study only included peer-reviewed English publications in the final analysis.Keywords: parental migration, impact of migration, systematic review, left-behind children
Procedia PDF Downloads 73977 Effects of Saline Groundwater on Crop Yield of Bitter-Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) under Drip System of Irrigation
Authors: Kamran Baksh Soomro, Amin Talei, Sina Alaghmand
Water scarcity has exacerbated in the last couple of decades; it is incumbent on agriculture to maximize the use of water of all qualities. The drip irrigation system practice has shown a vast increase in profit and research interests in the last two decades. However, the application of this system is still limited. The two years field experiment was conducted with three replications at Malir, Karachi (a semi-arid region) in Pakistan. The aim was to evaluate the effects of two qualities of irrigation water IT1 (EC 0.56 dS.m⁻¹) and IT2 (EC 2.89 dS.m⁻¹) on water use efficiency. To achieve the aim, bitter gourd was grown under the drip irrigation system in 2016-17. The uniformity co-efficient (UC) ranged from 93 to 96%. Water use efficiency, of 1.60 and 1.21 kg.m⁻³ under IT1 was recorded higher in season 1 and 2. Using t-test at 5% significance level, the crop yield was higher in both seasons under IT1 compared to IT2. Using pairwise t-test at 5% significance level, the parameters related with the quality of fruit, like length, weight, and diameter, were higher in IT1 than IT2 in all plants; and in both seasons. A correlational study was also conducted to observe the trends in the variables associated with both irrigation treatments for the two seasons. Results showed that most of the parameters exhibited a similar linear trend in both the seasons. The study concluded that bitter gourd crop could be grown successfully in sandy loam using drip irrigation system, supplying saline ground-water. The sustainable use of saline irrigation water should be utilized for vegetable cultivation to meet the food demand in the rural areas of Pakistan.Keywords: uniformity co-efficient, water use efficiency, drip irrigation, ground-water, t-test, correlation
Procedia PDF Downloads 145976 A Diagnostic Challenge of Drug Resistant Childhood Tuberculosis in Developing World
Authors: Warda Fatima, Hasnain Javed
The emerging trend of Drug resistance in childhood Tuberculosis is increasing worldwide and now becoming a priority challenge for National TB Control Programs of the world. Childhood TB accounts for 10-15% of total TB burden across the globe and same proportion is quantified in case of drug resistant TB. One third population suffering from MDR TB dies annually because of non-diagnosis and unavailability of appropriate treatment. However, true Childhood MDR TB cannot be estimated due to non-confirmation. Diagnosis of Pediatric TB by sputum Smear Microscopy and Culture inoculation are limited due to paucibacillary nature and difficulties in obtaining adequate sputum specimens. Diagnosis becomes more difficult when it comes to HIV infected child. New molecular advancements for early case detection of TB and MDR TB in adults have not been endorsed in children. Multi centered trials are needed to design better diagnostic approaches and efficient and safer treatments for DR TB in high burden countries. The aim of the present study is to sketch out the current situation of the childhood Drug resistant TB especially in the developing world and to highlight the classic and novel methods that are to be implemented in high-burden resource-limited locations.Keywords: drug resistant TB, childhood, diagnosis, novel methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 403975 Main Cause of Children's Deaths in Indigenous Wayuu Community from Department of La Guajira: A Research Developed through Data Mining Use
Authors: Isaura Esther Solano Núñez, David Suarez
The main purpose of this research is to discover what causes death in children of the Wayuu community, and deeply analyze those results in order to take corrective measures to properly control infant mortality. We consider important to determine the reasons that are producing early death in this specific type of population, since they are the most vulnerable to high risk environmental conditions. In this way, the government, through competent authorities, may develop prevention policies and the right measures to avoid an increase of this tragic fact. The methodology used to develop this investigation is data mining, which consists in gaining and examining large amounts of data to produce new and valuable information. Through this technique it has been possible to determine that the child population is dying mostly from malnutrition. In short, this technique has been very useful to develop this study; it has allowed us to transform large amounts of information into a conclusive and important statement, which has made it easier to take appropriate steps to resolve a particular situation.Keywords: malnutrition, data mining, analytical, descriptive, population, Wayuu, indigenous
Procedia PDF Downloads 160974 Translators as Agents: Jewish Translators and Zsolnay Publishing House’s Translational Culture in Pre-Anschluss Austria,1924-1938
Authors: Tatsiana Haiden
The role of the translator in the publishing process has been underestimated for centuries. Any translation is produced in a certain socio-political context by agents with different background, interests, and opinions, i.e., no translation is neutral. Any translation goes beyond the text; it is not only an interlingual transfer of signs but a social phenomenon. The case study shows how Jewish social networks influence publishing translations and aims to explain the unexpected success of the Jewish publishing house in pre-Anschluss Austria. The research shows that translators play a central role (‘Translator’s visibility’ - Pym, ‘Activist turn’ - Wolf, ‘Translator studies’ - Chesterman) in choosing what has to be translated and establishing communication between the author and the publisher. The concept of Translationskultur of Prunc is being historized and applied to the publishing house for the first time by analyzing business correspondence between the main actors of translation (publisher-translator-author). The translation studies project has become interdisciplinary –it encompasses sociology (concepts of Bourdieu’s ‘Field theory’ are used) and history. The historical research method Histoire croiseé is being used to avoid subjectivity and to introduce a new ‘translator-oriented’ vision in translation studies instead of the author-oriented one. In the course of the archival research, it was established that Jewish background plays an essential role in the destiny of the translators and the publishing house, so the Jewish studies have been added to the project. The study goes beyond the Austrian translational culture; it can be used as an example of dealing with publishing houses policies, publishing translations, and translator studies.Keywords: history of translation, Jewish studies, publishing translations, translation sociology, translator studies, translators as actors
Procedia PDF Downloads 159973 Evaluation of Airborne Particulate Matter Early Biological Effects in Children with Micronucleus Cytome Assay: The MAPEC_LIFE Project
Authors: E. Carraro, Sa. Bonetta, Si. Bonetta, E. Ceretti, G. C. V. Viola, C. Pignata, S. Levorato, T. Salvatori, S. Vannini, V. Romanazzi, A. Carducci, G. Donzelli, T. Schilirò, A. De Donno, T. Grassi, S. Bonizzoni, A. Bonetti, G. Gilli, U. Gelatti
In 2013, air pollution and particulate matter were classified as carcinogenic to human by the IARC. At present, PM is Europe's most problematic pollutant in terms of harm to health, as reported by European Environmental Agency (EEA) in the EEA Technical Report on Air quality in Europe, 2015. A percentage between 17-30 of the EU urban population lives in areas where the EU air quality 24-hour limit value for PM10 is exceeded. Many studies have found a consistent association between exposure to PM and the incidence and mortality for some chronic diseases (i.e. lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases). Among the mechanisms responsible for these adverse effects, genotoxic damage is of particular concern. Children are a high-risk group in terms of the health effects of air pollution and early exposure during childhood can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases in adulthood. The MAPEC_LIFE (Monitoring Air Pollution Effects on Children for supporting public health policy) is a project founded by EU Life+ Programme (LIFE12 ENV/IT/000614) which intends to evaluate the associations between air pollution and early biological effects in children and to propose a model for estimating the global risk of early biological effects due to air pollutants and other factors in children. This work is focused on the micronuclei frequency in child buccal cells in association with airborne PM levels taking into account the influence of other factors associated with the lifestyle of children. The micronucleus test was performed in exfoliated buccal cells of 6–8 years old children from 5 Italian towns with different air pollution levels. Data on air quality during the study period were obtained from the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection. A questionnaire administered to children’s parents was used to obtain details on family socio-economic status, children health condition, exposures to other indoor and outdoor pollutants (i.e. passive smoke) and life-style, with particular reference to eating habits. During the first sampling campaign (winter 2014-15) 1315 children were recruited and sampled for Micronuclei test in buccal cells. In the sampling period the levels of the main pollutants and PM10 were, as expected, higher in the North of Italy (PM10 mean values 62 μg/m3 in Torino and 40 μg/m3 in Brescia) than in the other towns (Pisa, Perugia, Lecce). A higher Micronucleus frequency in buccal cells of children was found in Brescia (0.6/1000 cells) than in the other towns (range 0.3-0.5/1000 cells). The statistical analysis underlines a relation of the micronuclei frequency with PM concentrations, traffic level near child residence, and level of education of parents. The results suggest that, in addition to air pollution exposure, some other factors, related to lifestyle or further exposures, may influence micronucleus frequency and cellular response to air pollutants.Keywords: air pollution, buccal cells, children, micronucleus cytome assay
Procedia PDF Downloads 256972 Relationship between Strategic Management and Organizational Culture in Sport Organization (Case Study: Selected Sport Federations of Islamic Republic of Iran)
Authors: Mohammad Ali Ghareh, Habib Honari, Alireza Ahmadi
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between strategic management and organizational culture in sport federations of Islamic Republic of Iran. Strategic management is a set of decisions and actions which define the long term performance of an organization. Organizational culture can be considered as an identity for every organization and somehow gives an identification to organization members. Organizational culture result in a certain commitments in organization members which is more valuable than individual profits and interests. The method of research was descriptive and correlational, conducted as a field study. The statistical population consisted of the employees of 10 sports federations and 170 persons were selected as sample. For data gathering, Barringer and Bluedorn’s strategic management questionnaire (1999) and Sakyn’s organizational culture questionnaire (2001) were used. The reliability of the questionnaires were 0.82 and 0.80 respectively, and the validity was approved by 8 experienced professors in sport management. To analyze data, KS (Kolmogorov–Smirnov) test and Pearson's coefficient were used. The results have shown that there is a significant meaningful relationship between strategic management and organizational culture (p < 0.05, r= 0.62). Beside this, there is a positive relationship between strategic management variables including scanning intensity, planning flexibility, locus of planning, planning horizon, strategic controls, and organizational culture (p < 0.05). Based on this research result it can be derived that strategic management planning and operation in terms of appropriate organizational culture is more applicable. By agreeing on their values and beliefs, adaptation to changes, caring about the individualities, coordination in tasks, modifying the individual and organizational goals, the federations will be able to achieve their strategic goals.Keywords: strategic management, organizational culture, sports federations, Islamic Republic of Iran
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