Search results for: multiple cranial nerve impairment
4214 Epidemiological Analysis of the Patients Supplied with Foot Orthoses in Ortho-Prosthetic Center of Kosovo
Authors: Ardiana Murtezani, Ilirijana Dallku, Teuta Osmani Vllasolli, Sabit Sllamniku
Background: The use of foot orthoses are always indicated when there are alterations of the optimal biomechanics' position of the foot. Orthotics are very effective and very suitable for the majority of patients with pain due to overload which can be related to biomechanical disorders. Aim: To assess the frequency of patients requiring foot orthoses, type of orthoses and analysis of their disease leading to the use of foot orthoses. Material and Methods: Our study included 128 patients with various foot pathologies, treated at the outpatient department of the Ortho-Prosthetic Center of Kosovo (OPCK) in Prishtina. Prospective-descriptive clinical method was used during this study. Functional status of patients was examined, and the following parameters are noted: range of motion measurements for the affected joints/lower extremities, manual test for muscular strength below the knee and foot of the affected extremity, perimeter measurements of the lower extremities, measurements of lower extremities, foot length measurement, foot width measurements and size. In order to complete the measurements the following instruments are used: plantogram, pedogram, meter and cork shoe lift appliances. Results: The majority of subjects in this study are male (60.2% vs. 39.8%), and the dominant age group was 0-9 (47.7%), 61 subjects respectively. Most frequent foot disorders were: congenital disease 60.1%, trauma cases 13.3%, consequences from rheumatologic disease 12.5%, neurologic dysfunctions 11.7%, and the less frequented are the infectious cases 1.6%. Congenital anomalies were the most frequent cases, and from this group majority of cases suffered from pes planovalgus (37.5%), eqinovarus (15.6%) and discrepancies between extremities (6.3%). Furthermore, traumatic amputations (2.3%) and arthritis (0.8%). As far as neurologic disease, subjects with cerebral palsy are represented with (3.1%), peroneal nerve palsy (2.3%) and hemiparesis (1.6%). Infectious disease osteomyelitis sequels are represented with (1.6%). Conclusion: Based on our study results, we have concluded that the use of foot orthoses for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and nonspecific arthropaty was effective treatment choice, leading to decrease of pain, less deformities and improves the quality of life.Keywords: orthoses, epidemiological analysis, rheumatoid arthritis, rehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2344213 Trends in Endoscopic Versus Open Treatment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Authors: Arman Kishan, Sanjay Kubsad, Steve Li, Mark Haft, Duc Nguyen, Dawn Laporte
Objective: Carpal tunnel syndrome can be managed surgically with endoscopic or open carpal tunnel release (CTR). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a known risk factor for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) and is believed to be related to compression of the median nerve secondary to inflammation. We aimed to analyze national trends, outcomes, and patient-specific comorbidities associated with ECTR and OCTR in patients with RA. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted using the PearlDiver database, identifying 683 RA patients undergoing ECTR and 4234 undergoing OCTR between 2010 and 2014. Demographic data, comorbidities, and complication rates were analyzed. Univariate and multivariable analyses assessed differences between the treatment methods. Results: Patients with RA undergoing ECTR in comparison to OCTR had no significant differences in medical comorbidities such as hypertension, obesity, chronic kidney disease, hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus. Patients in the ECTR group reported a risk ratio of 1.44 (95%CI: 1.10-1.89, p=0.01) of requiring repeat procedures within 90 days of the initial procedure. Five-year trends in ECTR and OCTR procedures reported a combined annual growth rate of 5.6% and 13.15, respectively. Conclusion: Endoscopic and open approaches to CTR are important considerations in surgical planning. RA and ECTR have previously been identified as independent risk factors for revision CTR. Our study has identified the 90-day risk of repeat procedures to be elevated in the ECTR group in comparison to the OCTR group. Additionally, the growth of OCTR procedures has outpaced the growth of ECTR procedures in the same period, likely in response to the trend of ECTR leading to higher rates of repeat procedures. The need for revision following ECTR in patients with RA could be related to chronic inflammation leading to transverse carpal ligament thickening and concomitant tenosynovitis. Future directions could include further characterization of repeat procedures performed in this subset of patients.Keywords: endoscopic treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, open treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, trends analysis, carpal tunnel syndrome
Procedia PDF Downloads 664212 Multiple Intelligences to Improve Pronunciation
Authors: Jean Pierre Ribeiro Daquila
This paper aims to analyze the use of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences as a tool to facilitate students’ learning. This theory, proposed by the American psychologist and educator Howard Gardner, was first established in 1983 and advocates that human beings possess eight intelligence and not only one, as defended by psychologists prior to his theory. These intelligence are bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical, linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. This paper will focus on bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Spatial and bodily-kinesthetic intelligences are sensed by athletes, dancers, and others who use their bodies in ways that exceed normal abilities. These are intelligences that are closely related. A quarterback or a ballet dancer needs to have both an awareness of body motions and abilities as well as a sense of the space involved in the action. Nevertheless, there are many reasons which make classical ballet dance more integrated with other intelligences. Ballet dancers make it look effortless as they move across the stage, from the lifts to the toe points; therefore, there is acting both in the performance of the repertoire and in hiding the pain or physical stress. The ballet dancer has to have great mathematical intelligence to perform a fast allegro; for instance, each movement has to be executed in a specific millisecond. Flamenco dancers need to rely as well on their mathematic abilities, as the footwork requires the ability to make half, two, three, four or even six movements in just one beat. However, the precision of the arm movements is freer than in ballet dance; for this reason, ballet dancers need to be more holistically aware of their movements; therefore, our experiment will test whether this greater attention required by ballet dancers makes them acquire better results in the training sessions when compared to flamenco dancers. An experiment will be carried out in this study by training ballet dancers through dance (four years of experience dancing minimum – experimental group 1); a group of flamenco dancers (four years of experience dancing minimum – experimental group 2). Both experimental groups will be trained in two different domains – phonetics and chemistry – to examine whether there is a significant improvement in these areas compared to the control group (a group of regular students who will receive the same training through a traditional method). However, this paper will focus on phonetic training. Experimental group 1 will be trained with the aid of classical music plus bodily work. Experimental group 2 will be trained with flamenco rhythm and kinesthetic work. We would like to highlight that this study takes dance as an example of a possible area of strength; nonetheless, other types of arts can and should be used to support students, such as drama, creative writing, music and others. The main aim of this work is to suggest that other intelligences, in the case of this study, bodily-kinesthetic, can be used to help improve pronunciation.Keywords: multiple intelligences, pronunciation, effective pronunciation trainings, short drills, musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 974211 Bridging the Gaping Levels of Information Entree for Visually Impaired Students in the Sri Lankan University Libraries
Authors: Wilfred Jeyatheese Jeyaraj
Education is a key determinant of future success, and every person deserves non-discriminant access to information for educational inevitabilities in any case. Analysing and understanding complex information is a crucial learning tool, especially for students. In order to compete equally with sighted students, visually impaired students require the unhinged access to access to all the available information resources. When the education of visually impaired students comes to a focal point, it can be stated that visually impaired students encounter several obstacles and barriers before they enter the university and during their time there as students. These obstacles and barriers are spread across technical, organizational and social arenas. This study reveals the possible approaches to absorb and benefit from the information provided by the Sri Lankan University Libraries for visually impaired students. Purposive sampling technique was used to select sample visually impaired students attached to the Sri Lankan National universities. There are 07 National universities which accommodate the visually impaired students and with the identified data, they were selected for this study and 80 visually impaired students were selected as the sample group. Descriptive type survey method was used to collect data. Structured questionnaires, interviews and direct observation were used as research instruments. As far as the Sri Lankan context spread is concerned, visually impaired students are able to finish their courses through their own determination to overcome the barriers they encounter on their way to graduation, through moral and practical support from their own friends and very often through a high level of creativity. According to the findings there are no specially trained university librarians to serve visually impaired users and less number of assistive technology equipment are available at present. This paper enables all university libraries in Sri Lanka to be informed about the social isolation of visually compromised students at the Sri Lankan universities and focuses on the rectification issues by considering their distinct case for interaction.Keywords: information access, Sri Lanka, university libraries, visual impairment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2354210 Effects of Bilateral Electroconvulsive Therapy on Autobiographical Memories in Asian Patients
Authors: Lai Gwen Chan, Yining Ong, Audrey Yoke Poh Wong
Background. The efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) as a form of treatment to a range of mental disorders is well-established. However, ECT is often associated with either temporary or persistent cognitive side-effects, resulting in the failure of wider prescription. Of which, retrograde amnesia is the most commonly reported cognitive side-effect. Most studies found a recalling deficit in autobiographical memories to be short-term, although a few have reported more persistent amnesic effects. Little is known about ECT-related amnesic effects in Asian population. Hence, this study aims to resolve conflicting findings, as well as to better elucidate the effects of ECT on cognitive functioning in a local sample. Method: 12 patients underwent bilateral ECT under the care of Psychological Medicine Department, Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore. Participants’ cognition and level of functioning were assessed at four time-points: before ECT, between the third and fourth induced seizure, at the end of the whole course of ECT, and two months after the index course of ECT. Results: It was found that Global Assessment of Functioning scores increased significantly at the completion of ECT. Case-by-case analyses also revealed an overall improvement in Personal Semantic and Autobiographical memory two months after the index course of ECT. A transient dip in both personal semantic and autobiographical memory scores was observed in one participant between the third and fourth induced seizure, but subsequently resolved and showed better performance than at baseline. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that ECT is an effective form of treatment to alleviate the severity of symptoms of the diagnosis. ECT does not affect attention, language, executive functioning, personal semantic and autobiographical memory adversely. The findings suggest that Asian patients may respond to bilateral ECT differently from Western samples.Keywords: electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), autobiographical memory, cognitive impairment, psychiatric disorder
Procedia PDF Downloads 1954209 Characterization and Correlation of Neurodegeneration and Biological Markers of Model Mice with Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer's Disease
Authors: J. DeBoard, R. Dietrich, J. Hughes, K. Yurko, G. Harms
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a predominant type of dementia and is likely a major cause of neural network impairment. The pathogenesis of this neurodegenerative disorder has yet to be fully elucidated. There are currently no known cures for the disease, and the best hope is to be able to detect it early enough to impede its progress. Beyond age and genetics, another prevalent risk factor for AD might be traumatic brain injury (TBI), which has similar neurodegenerative hallmarks. Our research focuses on obtaining information and methods to be able to predict when neurodegenerative effects might occur at a clinical level by observation of events at a cellular and molecular level in model mice. First, we wish to introduce our evidence that brain damage can be observed via brain imaging prior to the noticeable loss of neuromuscular control in model mice of AD. We then show our evidence that some blood biomarkers might be able to be early predictors of AD in the same model mice. Thus, we were interested to see if we might be able to predict which mice might show long-term neurodegenerative effects due to differing degrees of TBI and what level of TBI causes further damage and earlier death to the AD model mice. Upon application of TBIs via an apparatus to effectively induce extremely mild to mild TBIs, wild-type (WT) mice and AD mouse models were tested for cognition, neuromuscular control, olfactory ability, blood biomarkers, and brain imaging. Experiments are currently still in process, and more results are therefore forthcoming. Preliminary data suggest that neuromotor control diminishes as well as olfactory function for both AD and WT mice after the administration of five consecutive mild TBIs. Also, seizure activity increases significantly for both AD and WT after the administration of the five TBI treatment. If future data supports these findings, important implications about the effect of TBI on those at risk for AD might be possible.Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, blood biomarker, neurodegeneration, neuromuscular control, olfaction, traumatic brain injury
Procedia PDF Downloads 1414208 Effect of Modification and Expansion on Emergence of Cooperation in Demographic Multi-Level Donor-Recipient Game
Authors: Tsuneyuki Namekata, Yoko Namekata
It is known that the mean investment evolves from a very low initial value to some high level in the Continuous Prisoner's Dilemma. We examine how the cooperation level evolves from a low initial level to a high level in our Demographic Multi-level Donor-Recipient situation. In the Multi-level Donor-Recipient game, one player is selected as a Donor and the other as a Recipient randomly. The Donor has multiple cooperative moves and one defective move. A cooperative move means the Donor pays some cost for the Recipient to receive some benefit. The more cooperative move the Donor takes, the higher cost the Donor pays and the higher benefit the Recipient receives. The defective move has no effect on them. Two consecutive Multi-level Donor-Recipient games, one as a Donor and the other as a Recipient, can be viewed as a discrete version of the Continuous Prisoner's Dilemma. In the Demographic Multi-level Donor-Recipient game, players are initially distributed spatially. In each period, players play multiple Multi-level Donor-Recipient games against other players. He leaves offspring if possible and dies because of negative accumulated payoff of him or his lifespan. Cooperative moves are necessary for the survival of the whole population. There is only a low level of cooperative move besides the defective move initially available in strategies of players. A player may modify and expand his strategy by his recent experiences or practices. We distinguish several types of a player about modification and expansion. We show, by Agent-Based Simulation, that introducing only the modification increases the emergence rate of cooperation and introducing both the modification and the expansion further increases it and a high level of cooperation does emerge in our Demographic Multi-level Donor-Recipient Game.Keywords: agent-based simulation, donor-recipient game, emergence of cooperation, spatial structure, TFT, TF2T
Procedia PDF Downloads 3754207 Research on the Feasibility of Evaluating Low-Temperature Cracking Performance of Asphalt Mixture Using Fracture Energy
Authors: Tao Yang, Yongli Zhao
Low-temperature cracking is one of the major challenges for asphalt pavement in the cold region. Fracture energy could determine from various test methods, which is a commonly used parameter to evaluate the low-temperature cracking resistance of asphalt mixture. However, the feasibility of evaluating the low-temperature cracking performance of asphalt mixture using fracture energy is not investigated comprehensively. This paper aims to verify whether fracture energy is an appropriate parameter to evaluate the low-temperature cracking performance. To achieve this goal, this paper compared the test results of thermal stress restrained specimen test (TSRST) and semi-circular bending test (SCB) of asphalt mixture with different types of aggregate, TSRST and indirect tensile test (IDT) of asphalt mixture with different additives, and single-edge notched beam test (SENB) and TSRST of asphalt mixture with different asphalt. Finally, the correlation between in-suit cracking performance and fracture energy was surveyed. The experimental results showed the evaluation result of critical cracking temperature and fracture energy are not always consistent; the in-suit cracking performance is also not correlated well with fracture energy. These results indicated that it is not feasible to evaluate low-temperature performance by fracture energy. Then, the composition of fracture energy of TSRST, SCB, disk-shaped compact tension test (DCT), three-point bending test (3PB) and IDT was analyzed. The result showed: the area of thermal stress versus temperature curve is the multiple of fracture energy and could be used to represent fracture energy of TSRST, as the multiple is nearly equal among different asphalt mixtures for a specific specimen; the fracture energy, determined from TSRST, SCB, DCT, 3PB, SENB and IDT, is mainly the surface energy that forms the fracture face; fracture energy is inappropriate to evaluate the low-temperature cracking performance of asphalt mixture, as the relaxation/viscous performance is not considered; if the fracture energy was used, it is recommended to combine this parameter with an index characterizing the relaxation or creep performance of asphalt mixture.Keywords: asphalt pavement, cold region, critical cracking temperature, fracture energy, low-temperature cracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1904206 Constrains to Financial Engineering for Liquidity Management: A Multiple Case Study of Islamic Banks
Authors: Sadia Bibi, Karim Ullah
Islamic banks have excess liquidity, which needs proper management to earn a high rate of return on them to remain competitive. However, they lack assets-backed avenues and rely on a few sukuks, which led them to liquidity management issues. Financial engineering comes forward to innovate and develop instruments for the requisite financial problem. Still, they face many challenges, explored in the context of liquidity management in Islamic banks. The rigorous literature review shows that Shariah compliance, competition from the conventional banks, lack of sufficient instruments, derivatives are still not accepted as legitimate products, the inter-bank market being less developed, and no possibility of lender of last resort is the six significant constraints to financial engineering for liquidity management of Islamic banks. To further explore the problem, a multiple case study strategy is used to extend and develop the theory with the philosophical stance of social constructivism. Narrative in-depth interviews over the telephone are conducted with key personnel at treasury departments of selected banks. Data is segregated and displayed using NVivo 11 software, and the thematic analysis approach identifies themes related to the constraints. The exploration of further constraints to financial engineering for liquidity management of Islamic banks achieves the research aim. The theory is further developed by the addition of three more constraints to the theoretical framework, which are i) lack of skilled human resources, ii) lack of unified vision, and iii) lack of government support to the Islamic banks. These study findings are fruitful for the use of the government, regulatory authorities of the banking sector, the State Bank of Pakistan (Central Bank), and the product design & development division of Islamic banks to make the financial engineering process feasible and resolve liquidity management issues of Islamic banks.Keywords: financial engineering, liquidity management, Islamic banks, shariah compliance
Procedia PDF Downloads 844205 Comparative Vector Susceptibility for Dengue Virus and Their Co-Infection in A. aegypti and A. albopictus
Authors: Monika Soni, Chandra Bhattacharya, Siraj Ahmed Ahmed, Prafulla Dutta
Dengue is now a globally important arboviral disease. Extensive vector surveillance has already established A.aegypti as a primary vector, but A.albopictus is now accelerating the situation through gradual adaptation to human surroundings. Global destabilization and gradual climatic shift with rising in temperature have significantly expanded the geographic range of these species These versatile vectors also host Chikungunya, Zika, and yellow fever virus. Biggest challenge faced by endemic countries now is upsurge in co-infection reported with multiple serotypes and virus co-circulation. To foster vector control interventions and mitigate disease burden, there is surge for knowledge on vector susceptibility and viral tolerance in response to multiple infections. To address our understanding on transmission dynamics and reproductive fitness, both the vectors were exposed to single and dual combinations of all four dengue serotypes by artificial feeding and followed up to third generation. Artificial feeding observed significant difference in feeding rate for both the species where A.albopictus was poor artificial feeder (35-50%) compared to A.aegypti (95-97%) Robust sequential screening of viral antigen in mosquitoes was followed by Dengue NS1 ELISA, RT-PCR and Quantitative PCR. To observe viral dissemination in different mosquito tissues Indirect immunofluorescence assay was performed. Result showed that both the vectors were infected initially with all dengue(1-4)serotypes and its co-infection (D1 and D2, D1 and D3, D1 and D4, D2 and D4) combinations. In case of DENV-2 there was significant difference in the peak titer observed at 16th day post infection. But when exposed to dual infections A.aegypti supported all combinations of virus where A.albopictus only continued single infections in successive days. There was a significant negative effect on the fecundity and fertility of both the vectors compared to control (PANOVA < 0.001). In case of dengue 2 infected mosquito, fecundity in parent generation was significantly higher (PBonferroni < 0.001) for A.albopicus compare to A.aegypti but there was a complete loss of fecundity from second to third generation for A.albopictus. It was observed that A.aegypti becomes infected with multiple serotypes frequently even at low viral titres compared to A.albopictus. Possible reason for this could be the presence of wolbachia infection in A.albopictus or mosquito innate immune response, small RNA interference etc. Based on the observations it could be anticipated that transovarial transmission may not be an important phenomenon for clinical disease outcome, due to the absence of viral positivity by third generation. Also, Dengue NS1 ELISA can be used for preliminary viral detection in mosquitoes as more than 90% of the samples were found positive compared to RT-PCR and viral load estimation.Keywords: co-infection, dengue, reproductive fitness, viral quantification
Procedia PDF Downloads 2034204 Large Herbivores Benefit Plant Growth via Diverse and Indirect Pathways in a Temperate Grassland
Authors: Xiaofei Li, Zhiwei Zhong, Deli Wang
Large herbivores affect plant growth not only through their direct, consumptive effects, but also through indirect effects that alter species interactions. Indirect effects can be either positive or negative, therefore having the potential to mitigate or enhance the direct impacts of herbivores. However, until recently, we know considerably less about the indirect effects than the direct effects of large herbivores on plants, and few studies have explored multiple indirect pathways simultaneously. Here, we investigated how large domestic herbivores, cattle (Bos taurus), can shape population growth of an intermediately preferred forb species, Artemsisa scoparia, through diverse pathways in a temperate grassland of northeast China. We found that, although exposure to direct consumption of cattle, A. scoparia growth was not inhibited, but rather showed a significant increase in the grazed than ungrazed areas. This unexpected result was due to grazing-induced multiple indirect, positive effects overwhelmed the direct, negative consumption effects of cattle on plant growth. The much more intensive consumption on the dominant Leymus chinensis grass, ground litter removal, and increases in ant nest abundance induced by cattle, exerted significant indirect, positive effects on A. scoparia growth. These pathways benefited A.scoparia growth by lessening interspecific competition, mitigating negative effects of litter accumulation, and increasing soil nutrient availability, respectively. Our results highlight the need to integrate indirect effects into the traditional food web theory, which is based primary on direct, trophic linkages, to fully understand community organization and dynamics. Large herbivores are important conservation and management targets, our results suggest that these mammals should be managed with the understanding that they can affect primary producers through diverse paths.Keywords: grasslands, large herbivores, plant growth, indirect effects
Procedia PDF Downloads 2734203 Silymarin Reverses Scopolamine-Induced Memory Deficit in Object Recognition Test in Rats: A Behavioral, Biochemical, Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Study
Authors: Salma A. El-Marasy, Reham M. Abd-Elsalam, Omar A. Ahmed-Farid
Dementia is characterized by impairments in memory and other cognitive abilities. This study aims to elucidate the possible ameliorative effect of silymarin on scopolamine-induced dementia using the object recognition test (ORT). The study was extended to demonstrate the role of cholinergic activity, oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, brain neurotransmitters and histopathological changes in the anti-amnestic effect of silymarin in demented rats. Wistar rats were pretreated with silymarin (200, 400, 800 mg/kg) or donepezil (10 mg/kg) orally for 14 consecutive days. Dementia was induced after the last drug administration by a single intraperitoneal dose of scopolamine (16 mg/kg). Then behavioral, biochemical, histopathological, and immunohistochemical analyses were then performed. Rats pretreated with silymarin counteracted scopolamine-induced non-spatial working memory impairment in the ORT and decreased acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity, reduced malondialdehyde (MDA), elevated reduced glutathione (GSH), restored gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and dopamine (DA) contents in the cortical and hippocampal brain homogenates. Silymarin dose-dependently reversed scopolamine-induced histopathological changes. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that silymarin dose-dependently mitigated protein expression of a glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) in the brain cortex and hippocampus. All these effects of silymarin were similar to that of the standard anti-amnestic drug, donepezil. This study reveals that the ameliorative effect of silymarin on scopolamine-induced dementia in rats using the ORT maybe in part mediated by, enhancement of cholinergic activity, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities as well as mitigation in brain neurotransmitters and histopathological changes.Keywords: dementia, donepezil, object recognition test, rats, silymarin, scopolamine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1384202 Improvement of the Quality Services of Social Robots by Understanding Requirements of People with Dementia
Authors: Konrad Rejdak, Agnieszka Korchut, Sebastian Szklener, Urszula Skrobas, Justyna Gerlowska, Katarzyna Grabowska-Aleksandrowicz, Dorota Szczesniak-Stanczyk
Introduction: Neurodegenerative diseases are frequently accompanied by loss and unwanted change in functional independence, social relationships, and economic circumstances. Currently, the achievements of social robots to date is being projected to improve multidimensional quality of life among people with cognitive impairment and others. Objectives: Identification of particular human needs in context of the changes occurring in course of neurodegenerative diseases. Methods: Based on the 110 surveys performed in Medical University of Lublin from medical staff, patients, and caregivers we made prioritization of the users' needs as: high, medium, and low. The issues included in the surveys concerned four aspects: user acceptance, functional requirements, design of the robotic assistant and preferred types of human-robot interaction. Results: We received completed questionnaires: 50 from medical staff, 30 from caregivers and 30 from potential users. Above 90% of the respondents from each of the three groups, accepted robotic assistant as a potential caregiver. High priority functional capability of assistive technology was to handle emergencies in a private home like recognizing life-threatening situations and reminding about medication intake. With reference to design of the robotic assistant, the majority of the respondent would like to have an anthropomorphic appearance with positive emotionally expressive face. The most important type of human-robot interaction was voice-operated system and by touchscreen. Conclusion: The results from our study might contribute to a better understanding of the system and users’ requirements for the development of a service robot intended to support patients with dementia.Keywords: social robot, dementia, requirements, patients needs
Procedia PDF Downloads 2734201 A Critical-Quantitative Approach to Examine the Effects of Systemic Factors on Education Outcomes
Authors: Sireen Irsheid
Despite concerted efforts to improve education attainment with progress in recent years, student achievement and attainment remain among the most significant challenges for school districts across the United States. Many scholars have argued that students who do not complete high school do not drop out of school voluntarily but are ‘pushed out’ of schools through multiple mechanisms related to structural and socioeconomic barriers, behavioral health challenges, pedagogical practices, and administrative procedures. Extant literature has shown that living in historically disadvantaged neighborhoods or attending under-resourced schools exacerbates student-level risk factors for grade retention and school pushout. Most efforts to respond to the school pushout phenomenon have focused on individual characteristics of students, with relatively little attention to addressing these multiple system-level characteristics related to perpetuating inequities. This study is built on a growing body of social justice-oriented research concerned with the systemic influences that shape the experiences and mental health challenges of young people. Specifically, this study examined how young people who have been experiencing education inequities make meaning and navigate the structural factors related to neighborhood and school disinvestment and access to resources and supports, and their risk for school pushout. Furthermore, schools as political, cultural, and ideologically reproductive spaces often serve as sites of resistance and can support students who are impacted by educational inequity. Study findings provide education, neighborhood, school psychology, social work practice, and policy considerations.Keywords: education policy, mental health, school prison nexus, school pushout, structural trauma
Procedia PDF Downloads 634200 Impact of Leadership Styles on Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment among Faculty Members of Public Sector Universities in Punjab
Authors: Wajeeha Shahid
The study was designed to assess the impact of transformational and transactional leadership styles on work motivation and organizational commitment among faculty members of universities of Punjab. 713 faculty members were selected as sample through convenient random sampling technique. Three self-constructed questionnaires namely Leadership Styles Questionnaire (LSQ), Work Motivation Questionnaire (WMQ) and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCMQ) were used as research instruments. Major objectives of the study included assessing the effect and impact of transformational and transactional leadership styles on work motivation and organizational commitment. Theoretical frame work of the study included Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, Individualized Consideration, Contingent Rewards and Management by Exception as independent variables and Extrinsic motivation, Intrinsic motivation, Affective commitment, Continuance commitment and Normative commitment as dependent variables. SPSS Version 21 was used to analyze and tabulate data. Cronbach's Alpha reliability, Pearson Correlation and Multiple regression analysis were applied as statistical treatments for the analysis. Results revealed that Idealized Influence correlated significantly with intrinsic motivation and Affective commitment whereas Contingent rewards had a strong positive correlation with extrinsic motivation and affective commitment. Multiple regression models revealed a variance of 85% for transformational leadership style over work motivation and organizational commitment. Whereas transactional style as a predictor manifested a variance of 79% for work motivation and 76% for organizational commitment. It was suggested that changing organizational cultures are demanding more from their leadership. All organizations need to consider transformational leadership style as an important part of their equipment in leveraging both soft and hard organizational targets.Keywords: leadership styles, work motivation, organizational commitment, faculty member
Procedia PDF Downloads 3114199 Competitor Integration with Voice of Customer Ratings in QFD Studies Using Geometric Mean Based on AHP
Authors: Zafar Iqbal, Nigel P. Grigg, K. Govindaraju, Nicola M. Campbell-Allen
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is structured approach. It has been used to improve the quality of products and process in a wide range of fields. Using this systematic tool, practitioners normally rank Voice of Customer ratings (VoCs) in order to produce Improvement Ratios (IRs) which become the basis for prioritising process / product design or improvement activities. In one matrix of the House of Quality (HOQ) competitors are rated. The method of obtaining improvement ratios (IRs) does not always integrate the competitors’ rating in a systematic way that fully utilises competitor rating information. This can have the effect of diverting QFD practitioners’ attention from a potentially important VOC to less important VOC. In order to enhance QFD analysis, we present a more systematic method for integrating competitor ratings, utilising the geometric mean of the customer rating matrix. In this paper we develop a new approach, based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), in which we generating a matrix of multiple comparisons of all competitors, and derive a geometric mean for each competitor. For each VOC an improved IR is derived which-we argue herein - enhances the initial VOC importance ratings by integrating more information about competitor performance. In this way, our method can help overcome one of the possible shortcomings of QFD. We then use a published QFD example from literature as a case study to demonstrate the use of the new AHP-based IRs, and show how these can be used to re-rank existing VOCs to -arguably- better achieve the goal of customer satisfaction in relation VOC ratings and competitors’ rankings. We demonstrate how two dimensional AHP-based geometric mean derived from the multiple competitor comparisons matrix can be useful for analysing competitors’ rankings. Our method utilises an established methodology (AHP) applied within an established application (QFD), but in an original way (through the competitor analysis matrix), to achieve a novel improvement.Keywords: quality function deployment, geometric mean, improvement ratio, AHP, competitors ratings
Procedia PDF Downloads 3714198 Market Chain Analysis of Onion: The Case of Northern Ethiopia
Authors: Belayneh Yohannes
In Ethiopia, onion production is increasing from time to time mainly due to its high profitability per unit area. Onion has a significant contribution to generating cash income for farmers in the Raya Azebo district. Therefore, enhancing onion producers’ access to the market and improving market linkage is an essential issue. Hence, this study aimed to analyze structure-conduct-performance of onion market and identifying factors affecting the market supply of onion producers. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected from 150 farm households and 20 traders. Four onion marketing channels were identified in the study area. The highest total gross margin is 27.6 in channel IV. The highest gross marketing margin of producers of the onion market is 88% in channel II. The result from the analysis of market concentration indicated that the onion market is characterized by a strong oligopolistic market structure, with the buyers’ concentration ratio of 88.7 in Maichew town and 82.7 in Mekelle town. Lack of capital, licensing problems, and seasonal supply was identified as the major entry barrier to onion marketing. Market conduct shows that the price of onion is set by traders while producers are price takers. Multiple linear regression model results indicated that family size in adult equivalent, irrigated land size, access to information, frequency of extension contact, and ownership of transport significantly determined the quantity of onion supplied to the market. It is recommended that strengthening and diversifying extension services in information, marketing, post-harvest handling, irrigation application, and water harvest technology is highly important.Keywords: oligopoly, onion, market chain, multiple linear regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1504197 Egyptian Soil Isolate Shows Promise as a Source of a New Broad-spectrum Antimicrobial Agent Against Multidrug-resistant Pathogens
Authors: Norhan H. Mahdally, Bathini Thissera Riham A. ElShiekh, Noha M. Elhosseiny, Mona T. Kashef, Ali M. El Halawany, Mostafa E. Rateb, Ahmed S. Attia
Multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens pose a global threat to healthcare settings. The exhaustion of the current antibiotic arsenal and the scarcity of new antimicrobials in the pipeline aggravate this threat and necessitate a prompt and effective response. This study focused on two major pathogens that can cause serious infections: carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (CRAB) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Multiple soil isolates were collected from several locations throughout Egypt and screened for their conventional and non-conventional antimicrobial activities against MDR pathogens. One isolate exhibited potent antimicrobial activity and was subjected to multiple rounds of fractionation. After fermentation and bio-guided fractionation, we identified pure microbial secondary metabolites with two scaffolds that exhibited promising effects against CRAB and MRSA. Scaling up and chemical synthesis of derivatives of the identified metabolite resulted in obtaining a more potent derivative, which we designated as 2HP. Cytotoxicity studies indicated that 2HP is well-tolerated by human cells. Ongoing work is focusing on formulating the new compound into a nano-formulation to enhance its delivery. Also, to have a better idea about how this compound works, a proteomic approach is currently underway. Our findings suggest that 2HP is a potential new broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings and to develop 2HP into a safe and effective treatment for MDR infections.Keywords: broad-spectrum antimicrobials, carbapenem-resistant acinetobacter baumannii, drug discovery, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, multidrug-resistant, natural products
Procedia PDF Downloads 804196 Rt-Pcr Negative COVID-19 Infection in a Bodybuilding Competitor Using Anabolic Steroids: A Case Report
Authors: Mariana Branco, Nahida Sobrino, Cristina Neves, Márcia Santos, Afonso Granja, João Rosa Oliveira, Joana Costa, Luísa Castro Leite
This case reports a COVID-19 infection in an unvaccinated adult man with no history of COVID-19 and no relevant clinical history besides anabolic steroid use, undergoing weaning with tamoxifen after a bodybuilding competition. The patient presented a 4cm cervical mass 3 weeks after COVID-19 infection in his cohabitants. He was otherwise asymptomatic and tested negative to multiple RT-PCR tests. Nevertheless, the IgG COVID-19 antibody was positive, suggesting the previous infection. This report raises a potential link between anabolic steroid use and atypical COVID-19 onset. Objectives: The goals of this paper are to raise a potential link between anabolic steroid use and atypical COVID-19 onset but also to report an uncommon case of COVID-19 infection with consecutive negative gold standard tests. Methodology: The authors used CARE guidelines for case report writing. Introduction: This case reports a COVID-19 infection case in an unvaccinated adult man, with multiple serial negative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test results, presenting with single cervical lymphadenopathy. Although the association between COVID-19 and lymphadenopathy is well established, there are no cases with this presentation, and consistently negative RT-PCR tests have been reported. Methodologies: The authors used CARE guidelines for case report writing. Case presentation: This case reports a 28-year-old Caucasian man with no previous history of COVID-19 infection or vaccination and no relevant clinical history besides anabolic steroid use undergoing weaning with tamoxifendue to participation in a bodybuilding competition. He visits his primary care physician because of a large (4 cm) cervical lump, present for 3 days prior to the consultation. There was a positive family history for COVID-19 infection 3 weeks prior to the visit, during which the patient cohabited with the infected family members. The patient never had any previous clinical manifestation of COVID-19 infection and, despite multiple consecutive RT-PCR testing, never tested positive. The patient was treated with an NSAID and a broad-spectrum antibiotic, with little to no effect. Imagiological testing was performed via a cervical ultrasound, followed by a needle biopsy for histologic analysis. Serologic testing for COVID-19 immunity was conducted, revealing a positive Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG (Spike S1) antibody, suggesting the previous infection, given the unvaccinated status of our patient Conclusion: In patients with a positive epidemiologic context and cervical lymphadenopathy, physicians should still consider COVID-19 infection as a differential diagnosis, despite negative PCR testing. This case also raises a potential link between anabolic steroid use and atypical COVID-19 onset, never before reported in scientific literature.Keywords: COVID-19, cervical lymphadenopathy, anabolic steroids, primary care
Procedia PDF Downloads 1184195 Derivatives Balance Method for Linear and Nonlinear Control Systems
Authors: Musaab Mohammed Ahmed Ali, Vladimir Vodichev
work deals with an universal control technique or single controller for linear and nonlinear stabilization and tracing control systems. These systems may be structured as SISO and MIMO. Parameters of controlled plants can vary over a wide range. Introduced a novel control systems design method, construction of stable platform orbits using derivative balance, solved transfer function stability preservation problem of linear system under partial substitution of a rational function. Universal controller is proposed as a polar system with the multiple orbits to simplify design procedure, where each orbit represent single order of controller transfer function. Designed controller consist of proportional, integral, derivative terms and multiple feedback and feedforward loops. The controller parameters synthesis method is presented. In generally, controller parameters depend on new polynomial equation where all parameters have a relationship with each other and have fixed values without requirements of retuning. The simulation results show that the proposed universal controller can stabilize infinity number of linear and nonlinear plants and shaping desired previously ordered performance. It has been proven that sensor errors and poor performance will be completely compensated and cannot affect system performance. Disturbances and noises effect on the controller loop will be fully rejected. Technical and economic effect of using proposed controller has been investigated and compared to adaptive, predictive, and robust controllers. The economic analysis shows the advantage of single controller with fixed parameters to drive infinity numbers of plants compared to above mentioned control techniques.Keywords: derivative balance, fixed parameters, stable platform, universal control
Procedia PDF Downloads 1364194 Combined Treatment of Aged Rats with Donepezil and the Gingko Extract EGb 761® Enhances Learning and Memory Superiorly to Monotherapy
Authors: Linda Blümel, Bettina Bert, Jan Brosda, Heidrun Fink, Melanie Hamann
Age-related cognitive decline can eventually lead to dementia, the most common mental illness in elderly people and an immense challenge for patients, their families and caregivers. Cholinesterase inhibitors constitute the most commonly used antidementia prescription medication. The standardized Ginkgo biloba leaf extract EGb 761® is approved for treating age-associated cognitive impairment and has been shown to improve the quality of life in patients suffering from mild dementia. A clinical trial with 96 Alzheimer´s disease patients indicated that the combined treatment with donepezil and EGb 761® had fewer side effects than donepezil alone. In an animal model of cognitive aging, we compared the effect of combined treatment with EGb 761® or donepezil monotherapy and vehicle. We compared the effect of chronic treatment (15 days of pretreatment) with donepezil (1.5 mg/kg p. o.), EGb 761® (100 mg/kg p. o.), or the combination of the two drugs, or vehicle in 18 – 20 month old male OFA rats. Learning and memory performance were assessed by Morris water maze testing, motor behavior in an open field paradigm. In addition to chronic treatment, the substances were administered orally 30 minutes before testing. Compared to the first day and to the control group, only the combination group showed a significant reduction in latency to reach the hidden platform on the second day of testing. Moreover, from the second day of testing onwards, the donepezil, the EGb 761® and the combination group required less time to reach the hidden platform compared to the first day. The control group did not reach the same latency reduction until day three. There were no effects on motor behavior. These results suggest a superiority of the combined treatment of donepezil with EGb 761® compared to monotherapy.Keywords: age-related cognitive decline, dementia, ginkgo biloba leaf extract EGb 761®, learning and memory, old rats
Procedia PDF Downloads 3684193 Electronic Physical Activity Record (EPAR): Key for Data Driven Physical Activity Healthcare Services
Authors: Rishi Kanth Saripalle
Medical experts highly recommend to include physical activity in everyone’s daily routine irrespective of gender or age as it helps to improve various medical issues or curb potential issues. Simultaneously, experts are also diligently trying to provide various healthcare services (interventions, plans, exercise routines, etc.) for promoting healthy living and increasing physical activity in one’s ever increasing hectic schedules. With the introduction of wearables, individuals are able to keep track, analyze, and visualize their daily physical activities. However, there seems to be no common agreed standard for representing, gathering, aggregating and analyzing an individual’s physical activity data from disparate multiple sources (exercise pans, multiple wearables, etc.). This issue makes it highly impractical to develop any data-driven physical activity applications and healthcare programs. Further, the inability to integrate the physical activity data into an individual’s Electronic Health Record to provide a wholistic image of that individual’s health is still eluding the experts. This article has identified three primary reasons for this potential issue. First, there is no agreed standard, both structure and semantic, for representing and sharing physical activity data across disparate systems. Second, various organizations (e.g., LA fitness, Gold’s Gym, etc.) and research backed interventions and programs still primarily rely on paper or unstructured format (such as text or notes) to keep track of the data generated from physical activities. Finally, most of the wearable devices operate in silos. This article identifies the underlying problem, explores the idea of reusing existing standards, and identifies the essential modules required to move forward.Keywords: electronic physical activity record, physical activity in EHR EIM, tracking physical activity data, physical activity data standards
Procedia PDF Downloads 2844192 Physical Health, Depression and Related Factors for Elementary School Students in Seoul, South Korea
Authors: Kyung-Sook Bang
Background: The health status of school-age children has a great influence on their growth and life-long health. The purposes of this study were to identify physical and mental health status of late school-age children in Seoul, South Korea and to investigate the related factors for their health. Methods: After gaining the approval from Institutional Review Board (IRB), a cross-sectional study was conducted with elementary students in grade 4 or 5. Questionnaires were distributed to eight elementary schools located different regions of Seoul in November, 2016, and 302 participants were finally included. From all participants, informed consents from the parents, and assents from children were received. Children's socioeconomic status, family functioning, peer relations, physical health symptoms, and depression were measured with self-reported questionnaires. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson’s correlations, and multiple regression. Results: Children's physical health symptoms and depression were not significantly different, and only their peer relations were significantly different according to their socioeconomic status (t=-3.93, p<.001). Depression showed significant positive correlation with physical health symptoms (r=.720, p<.001) and negative correlations with family functioning (r=-.428, p<.001) and peer relations (r=-.775, p<.001). The multiple regression model, which explained 73.5% of variance, showed peer relations (r2 =.604), physical health symptoms (r2 change=.125), and family functioning (r2 change=.005) as significant predictors for depression. Only the peer relations was significant predictor for their physical health symptoms and explained 50.6% of it. Conclusions: The peer relations was the most important factor in their physical and mental health at this age, and it can be affected by their socioeconomic status. Nursing interventions for promoting social relations and family functioning are required to improve children’s physical and mental health, especially for vulnerable population.Keywords: child, depression, health, peer relation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2324191 Application of Pedicled Perforator Flaps in Large Cavities of the Breast
Authors: Neerja Gupta
Objective-Reconstruction of large cavities of the breast without contralateral symmetrisation Background- Reconstruction of breast includes a wide spectrum of procedures from displacement to regional and distant flaps. The pedicled Perforator flaps cover a wide spectrum of reconstruction surgery for all quadrants of the breast, especially in patients with comorbidities. These axial flaps singly or adjunct are based on a near constant perforator vessel, a ratio of 2:1 at its entry in a flap is good to maintain vascularity. The perforators of lateral chest wall viz LICAP, LTAP have overlapping perfurosomes without clear demarcation. LTAP is localized in the narrow zone between the lateral breast fold and anterior axillary line,2.5-3.8cm from the fold. MICAP are localized at 1-2 cm from sternum. Being 1-2mm in diameter, a Single perforator is good to maintain the flap. LICAP has a dominant perforator in 6th-11th spaces, while LTAP has higher placed dominant perforators in 4th and 5th spaces. Methodology-Six consecutive patients who underwent reconstruction of the breast with pedicled perforator flaps were retrospectively analysed. Selections of the flap was done based on the size and locations of the tumour, anticipated volume loss, willingness to undergo contralateral symmetrisation, cosmetic expectations, and finances available.3 patients underwent vertical LTAP, the distal limit of the flap being the inframammary crease. 3 patients underwent MICAP, oriented along the axis of rib, the distal limit being the anterior axillary line. Preoperative identification was done using a unidirectional hand held doppler. The flap was raised caudal to cranial, the pivot point of rotation being the vessel entry into the skin. The donor area is determined by the skin pinch. Flap harvest time was 20-25 minutes. Intra operative vascularity was assessed with dermal bleed. The patient immediate pre, post-operative and follow up pics were compared independently by two breast surgeons. Patients were given a breast Q questionnaire (licensed) for scoring. Results-The median age of six patients was 46. Each patient had a hospital stay of 24 hours. None of the patients was willing for contralateral symmetrisation. The specimen dimensions were from 8x6.8x4 cm to 19x16x9 cm. The breast volume reconstructed range was 30 percent to 45 percent. All wide excision had free margins on frozen. The mean flap dimensions were 12x5x4.5 cm. One LTAP underwent marginal necrosis and delayed wound healing due to seroma. Three patients were phyllodes, of which one was borderline, and 2 were benign on final histopathology. All other 3 patients were invasive ductal cancer and have completed their radiation. The median follow up is 7 months the satisfaction scores at median follow of 7 months are 90 for physical wellbeing and 85 for surgical results. Surgeons scored fair to good in Harvard score. Conclusion- Pedicled perforator flaps are a valuable option for 3/8th volume of breast defects. LTAP is preferred for tumours at the Central, upper, and outer quadrants of the breast and MICAP for the inner and lower quadrant. The vascularity of the flap is dependent on the angiosomalterritories; adequate venous and cavity drainage.Keywords: breast, oncoplasty, pedicled, perforator
Procedia PDF Downloads 1884190 Study of Radiation Response in Lactobacillus Species
Authors: Kanika Arora, Madhu Bala
The small intestine epithelium is highly sensitive and major targets of ionizing radiation. Radiation causes gastrointestinal toxicity either by direct deposition of energy or indirectly (inflammation or bystander effects) generating free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Oxidative stress generated as a result of radiation causes active inflammation within the intestinal mucosa leading to structural and functional impairment of gut epithelial barrier. As a result, there is a loss of tolerance to normal dietary antigens and commensal flora together with exaggerated response to pathogens. Dysbiosis may therefore thought to play a role in radiation enteropathy and can contribute towards radiation induced bowel toxicity. Lactobacilli residing in the gut shares a long conjoined evolutionary history with their hosts and by doing so these organisms have developed an intimate and complex symbiotic relationships. The objective behind this study was to look for the strains with varying resistance to ionizing radiation and to see whether the niche of the bacteria is playing any role in radiation resistance property of bacteria. In this study, we have isolated the Lactobacillus spp. from probiotic preparation and murine gastrointestinal tract, both of which were supposed to be the important source for its isolation. Biochemical characterization did not show a significant difference in the properties, while a significant preference was observed in carbohydrate utilization capacity by the isolates. Effect of ionizing radiations induced by Co60 gamma radiation (10 Gy) on lactobacilli cells was investigated. A cellular survival curve versus absorbed doses was determined. Radiation resistance studies showed that the response of isolates towards cobalt-60 gamma radiation differs from each other and significant decrease in survival was observed in a dose-dependent manner. Thus the present study revealed that the property of radioresistance in Lactobacillus depends upon the source from where they have been isolated.Keywords: dysbiosis, lactobacillus, mitigation, radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1404189 Effect of Cerebellar High Frequency rTMS on the Balance of Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Ataxia
Authors: Shereen Ismail Fawaz, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Nouran Mohamed Salah, Heba G. Saber, Ibrahim Mohamed Roushdi
Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory, mainly demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, more common in young adults. Cerebellar involvement is one of the most disabling lesions in MS and is usually a sign of disease progression. It plays a major role in the planning, initiation, and organization of movement via its influence on the motor cortex and corticospinal outputs. Therefore, it contributes to controlling movement, motor adaptation, and motor learning, in addition to its vast connections with other major pathways controlling balance, such as the cerebellopropriospinal pathways and cerebellovestibular pathways. Hence, trying to stimulate the cerebellum by facilitatory protocols will add to our motor control and balance function. Non-invasive brain stimulation, both repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), has recently emerged as effective neuromodulators to influence motor and nonmotor functions of the brain. Anodal tDCS has been shown to improve motor skill learning and motor performance beyond the training period. Similarly, rTMS, when used at high frequency (>5 Hz), has a facilitatory effect on the motor cortex. Objective: Our aim was to determine the effect of high-frequency rTMS over the cerebellum in improving balance and functional ambulation of multiple sclerosis patients with Ataxia. Patients and methods: This was a randomized single-blinded placebo-controlled prospective trial on 40 patients. The active group (N=20) received real rTMS sessions, and the control group (N=20) received Sham rTMS using a placebo program designed for this treatment. Both groups received 12 sessions of high-frequency rTMS over the cerebellum, followed by an intensive exercise training program. Sessions were given three times per week for four weeks. The active group protocol had a frequency of 10 Hz rTMS over the cerebellar vermis, work period 5S, number of trains 25, and intertrain interval 25s. The total number of pulses was 1250 pulses per session. The control group received Sham rTMS using a placebo program designed for this treatment. Both groups of patients received an intensive exercise program, which included generalized strengthening exercises, endurance and aerobic training, trunk abdominal exercises, generalized balance training exercises, and task-oriented training such as Boxing. As a primary outcome measure the Modified ICARS was used. Static Posturography was done with: Patients were tested both with open and closed eyes. Secondary outcome measures included the expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and 8 Meter walk test (8MWT). Results: The active group showed significant improvements in all the functional scales, modified ICARS, EDSS, and 8-meter walk test, in addition to significant differences in static Posturography with open eyes, while the control group did not show such differences. Conclusion: Cerebellar high-frequency rTMS could be effective in the functional improvement of balance in MS patients with ataxia.Keywords: brain neuromodulation, high frequency rTMS, cerebellar stimulation, multiple sclerosis, balance rehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 924188 Comparison of Two Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Protocols on Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis - Pilot Study of a Randomized and Blind Cross-over Clinical Trial
Authors: Amanda Cristina da Silva Reis, Bruno Paulino Venâncio, Cristina Theada Ferreira, Andrea Fialho do Prado, Lucimara Guedes dos Santos, Aline de Souza Gravatá, Larissa Lima Gonçalves, Isabella Aparecida Ferreira Moretto, João Carlos Ferrari Corrêa, Fernanda Ishida Corrêa
Objective: To compare two protocols of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) on quadriceps muscle spasticity in individuals diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Method: Clinical, crossover study, in which six adult individuals diagnosed with MS and spasticity in the lower limbs were randomized to receive one session of high-frequency (≥5Hz) and low-frequency (≤ 1Hz) TMS on motor cortex (M1) hotspot for quadriceps muscle, with a one-week interval between the sessions. To assess the spasticity was applied the Ashworth scale and were analyzed the latency time (ms) of the motor evoked potential (MEP) and the central motor conduction time (CMCT) of the bilateral quadriceps muscle. Assessments were performed before and after each intervention. The difference between groups was analyzed using the Friedman test, with a significance level of 0.05 adopted. Results: All statistical analyzes were performed using the SPSS Statistic version 26 programs, with a significance level established for the analyzes at p<0.05. Shapiro Wilk normality test. Parametric data were represented as mean and standard deviation for non-parametric variables, median and interquartile range, and frequency and percentage for categorical variables. There was no clinical change in quadriceps spasticity assessed using the Ashworth scale for the 1 Hz (p=0.813) and 5 Hz (p= 0.232) protocols for both limbs. Motor Evoked Potential latency time: in the 5hz protocol, there was no significant change for the contralateral side from pre to post-treatment (p>0.05), and for the ipsilateral side, there was a decrease in latency time of 0.07 seconds (p<0.05 ); for the 1Hz protocol there was an increase of 0.04 seconds in the latency time (p<0.05) for the contralateral side to the stimulus, and for the ipsilateral side there was a decrease in the latency time of 0.04 seconds (p=<0.05), with a significant difference between the contralateral (p=0.007) and ipsilateral (p=0.014) groups. Central motor conduction time in the 1Hz protocol, there was no change for the contralateral side (p>0.05) and for the ipsilateral side (p>0.05). In the 5Hz protocol for the contralateral side, there was a small decrease in latency time (p<0.05) and for the ipsilateral side, there was a decrease of 0.6 seconds in the latency time (p<0.05) with a significant difference between groups (p=0.019). Conclusion: A high or low-frequency session does not change spasticity, but it is observed that when the low-frequency protocol was performed, there was an increase in latency time on the stimulated side, and a decrease in latency time on the non-stimulated side, considering then that inhibiting the motor cortex increases cortical excitability on the opposite side.Keywords: multiple sclerosis, spasticity, motor evoked potential, transcranial magnetic stimulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 914187 Assessing Brain Targeting Efficiency of Ionisable Lipid Nanoparticles Encapsulating Cas9 mRNA/gGFP Following Different Routes of Administration in Mice
Authors: Meiling Yu, Nadia Rouatbi, Khuloud T. Al-Jamal
Background: Treatment of neurological disorders with modern medical and surgical approaches remains difficult. Gene therapy, allowing the delivery of genetic materials that encodes potential therapeutic molecules, represents an attractive option. The treatment of brain diseases with gene therapy requires the gene-editing tool to be delivered efficiently to the central nervous system. In this study, we explored the efficiency of different delivery routes, namely intravenous (i.v.), intra-cranial (i.c.), and intra-nasal (i.n.), to deliver stable nucleic acid-lipid particles (SNALPs) containing gene-editing tools namely Cas9 mRNA and sgRNA encoding for GFP as a reporter protein. We hypothesise that SNALPs can reach the brain and perform gene-editing to different extents depending on the administration route. Intranasal administration (i.n.) offers an attractive and non-invasive way to access the brain circumventing the blood–brain barrier. Successful delivery of gene-editing tools to the brain offers a great opportunity for therapeutic target validation and nucleic acids therapeutics delivery to improve treatment options for a range of neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we utilised Rosa26-Cas9 knock-in mice, expressing GFP, to study brain distribution and gene-editing efficiency of SNALPs after i.v.; i.c. and i.n. routes of administration. Methods: Single guide RNA (sgRNA) against GFP has been designed and validated by in vitro nuclease assay. SNALPs were formulated and characterised using dynamic light scattering. The encapsulation efficiency of nucleic acids (NA) was measured by RiboGreen™ assay. SNALPs were incubated in serum to assess their ability to protect NA from degradation. Rosa26-Cas9 knock-in mice were i.v., i.n., or i.c. administered with SNALPs to test in vivo gene-editing (GFP knockout) efficiency. SNALPs were given as three doses of 0.64 mg/kg sgGFP following i.v. and i.n. or a single dose of 0.25 mg/kg sgGFP following i.c.. knockout efficiency was assessed after seven days using Sanger Sequencing and Inference of CRISPR Edits (ICE) analysis. In vivo, the biodistribution of DiR labelled SNALPs (SNALPs-DiR) was assessed at 24h post-administration using IVIS Lumina Series III. Results: Serum-stable SNALPs produced were 130-140 nm in diameter with ~90% nucleic acid loading efficiency. SNALPs could reach and stay in the brain for up to 24h following i.v.; i.n. and i.c. administration. Decreasing GFP expression (around 50% after i.v. and i.c. and 20% following i.n.) was confirmed by optical imaging. Despite the small number of mice used, ICE analysis confirmed GFP knockout in mice brains. Additional studies are currently taking place to increase mice numbers. Conclusion: Results confirmed efficient gene knockout achieved by SNALPs in Rosa26-Cas9 knock-in mice expressing GFP following different routes of administrations in the following order i.v.= i.c.> i.n. Each of the administration routes has its pros and cons. The next stages of the project involve assessing gene-editing efficiency in wild-type mice and replacing GFP as a model target with therapeutic target genes implicated in Motor Neuron Disease pathology.Keywords: CRISPR, nanoparticles, brain diseases, administration routes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1034186 Regulation of the Regeneration of Epidermal Langerhans Cells by Stress Hormone
Authors: Junichi Hosoi
Epidermal Langerhans cells reside in upper layer of epidermis and play a role in immune surveillance. The finding of the close association of nerve endings to Langerhans cells triggered the research on systemic regulation of Langerhans cells. They disappear from epidermis after exposure to environmental and internal stimuli and reappear about a week later. Myeloid progenitor cells are assumed to be one of the sources of Langerhans cells. We examined the effects of cortisol on the reappearance of Langerhans cells in vitro. Cord-blood derived CD34-positive cells were cultured in the medium supplemented with stem cell factor/Flt3 ligand/granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor/tumor necrosis factor alpha/bone morphologic protein 7/transforming growth factor beta in the presence or absence of cortisol. Cells were analyzed by flow cytometry for CD1a (cluster differentiation 1a), a marker of Langerhans cells and dermal dendritic cells, and CD39 (cluster differentiation factor 39), extracellular adenosine triphosphatase. Both CD1a-positive cells and CD39-positive cells were decreased by treatment with cortisol (suppression by 35% and 22% compared to no stress hormone, respectively). Differentiated Langerhans cells are attracted to epidermis by chemokines that are secreted from keratinocytes. Epidermal keratinocytes were cultured in the presence or absence of cortisol and analyzed for the expression of CCL2 (C-C motif chemokine ligand 2) and CCL20 (C-C motif chemokine ligand 20), which are typical attractants of Langerhans cells, by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. The expression of both chemokines, CCL2 and CCL20, were suppressed by treatment with cortisol (suppression by 38% and 48% compared to no stress hormone, respectively). We examined the possible regulation of the suppression by cortisol with plant extracts. The extracts of Ganoderma lucidum and Iris protected the suppression of the differentiation to CD39-positive cells and also the suppression of the gene expression of LC-chemoattractants. These results suggest that cortisol, which is either systemic or locally produced, blocks the supply of epidermal Langerhans cells at 2 steps, differentiation from the precursor and attraction to epidermis. The suppression is possibly blocked by some plant extracts.Keywords: Langerhans cell, stress, CD39, chemokine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1864185 Cost and Non-affordability of a Nutritious Diet in Ethiopia: The Fill the Nutrient Gap Approach
Authors: Andinet Abera Hailu, Claudia Damu, Aregash Samuel, Saskia de Pee
Introduction: Ethiopia has made considerable progress in reducing stunting, yet 39% of children under five remain affected. Child wasting, micronutrient deficiencies, and poor quality of diets for children and adults are the main challenges faced by Ethiopians. Availability and access to nutritious foods and potential scenarios to improve affordability were assessed. Methodology: The Fill the Nutrient Gap (FNG) methodology was used. Cost of the diet software was used to optimize the cost and affordability of nutritious diets for a typical household. Monthly food price data (November 2018 to October 2019) was used to calculate the cost of the diet. Modeling of interventions was performed to identify potential entry points for policy implementers. Non-affordability of the modeled diets was estimated. Average per capita diet-related greenhouse gas (GHG) footprints for current diets and modeled diet scenarios were also evaluated. Result: Almost all households would be able to afford energy-only diets. However, only 25% of households could afford a nutritious diet. Diets containing multiple nutrients would cost four times more than energy-sufficient diets. Nutritious diets tended to cost more in areas where fewer foods were found on local markets (correlation coefficient =-0.62). A modeling scenario performed on multiple interventions showed a reduced monthly cost of a nutritious diet. The GHG emissions of optimized diets that meet nutrient needs were below the country’s emission target. Conclusion: Adolescent girls and women were at risk of inadequate diets as the cost of meeting their nutrient requirements was highest. Diet costs were predominantly driven by requirements for vitamin B12, iron, and calcium. Improving access to nutrition can have implications for climate outcomes as well as nutrition.Keywords: diet cost, affordability, modelling, environment
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