Search results for: death phenomenon
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 3375

Search results for: death phenomenon

1395 An Eulerian Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation Applied to Wave Damping by Elastic Structures

Authors: Julien Deborde, Thomas Milcent, Stéphane Glockner, Pierre Lubin


A fully Eulerian method is developed to solve the problem of fluid-elastic structure interactions based on a 1-fluid method. The interface between the fluid and the elastic structure is captured by a level set function, advected by the fluid velocity and solved with a WENO 5 scheme. The elastic deformations are computed in an Eulerian framework thanks to the backward characteristics. We use the Neo Hookean or Mooney Rivlin hyperelastic models and the elastic forces are incorporated as a source term in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The velocity/pressure coupling is solved with a pressure-correction method and the equations are discretized by finite volume schemes on a Cartesian grid. The main difficulty resides in that large deformations in the fluid cause numerical instabilities. In order to avoid these problems, we use a re-initialization process for the level set and linear extrapolation of the backward characteristics. First, we verify and validate our approach on several test cases, including the benchmark of FSI proposed by Turek. Next, we apply this method to study the wave damping phenomenon which is a mean to reduce the waves impact on the coastline. So far, to our knowledge, only simulations with rigid or one dimensional elastic structure has been studied in the literature. We propose to place elastic structures on the seabed and we present results where 50 % of waves energy is absorbed.

Keywords: damping wave, Eulerian formulation, finite volume, fluid structure interaction, hyperelastic material

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1394 Active Exopolysaccharides Based Edible Coating Enriched with Red Seaweed (Gracilaria gracilis) Extract for Improved Preservation of Shrimp Quality during Refrigerated Storage

Authors: Rafik Balti, Mohamed Ben Mansour, Abdellah Arhaliass, Anthony Masse


Unfortunately, shrimps are highly perishable and they start deteriorating immediately after death owing to their high water content and nutritional components. Currently, there has been an increasing interest in bioactive edible films and coatings to preserve the freshness and quality of foods. In this study, active edible coatings from microalgal exopolysaccharides (EPS) enriched with different concentrations of Red Seaweed Extract (RSE) (0.5, 1 and 1.5 % (w/v)) were developed and their effects on the quality changes of white shrimp during refrigerated storage (4 ± 1 °C) were examined over a period of 8 days. The control and the coated shrimp samples were analyzed periodically for microbiological (total viable bacteria, psychrotrophic bacteria, and enterobacteriaceae counts), chemical (pH, TVB-N, TMA-N, PV, TBARS), textural and sensory characteristics. The results indicated that the coating with a mixture of EPS and RSE could significantly decrease the total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), trimethylamine (TMA) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) (p < 0.05). With storage, EPS coatings containing RSE at both levels (1 and 1.5 %) were more effective in inhibiting the microbial species studied, specially psychrotrophic bacteria. Also, EPS + RSE coated samples had lower polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity and lipid oxidation (p < 0.05) toward the end of storage. Textural and color properties of coated shrimp were generally more acceptable. Sensory scores indicated no significant changes in all samples during storage. The obtained results indicate that the edible EPS coating solutions enriched with RSE have noticeable effects on the quality and shelf life of shrimps when compared to control group. Finally, the present work demonstrates the effectiveness of EPS enriched coatings, offering a promising alternative to preserve more better the quality characteristics and to extend the shelf life of shrimp during the refrigerated storage

Keywords: active coating, exopolysaccharides, red seaweed, refrigerated storage, white shrimp

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1393 Jopara: Conversational Code Switching Between Spanish and Guarani a Sociolinguistic Study

Authors: Maria Alejandra Mareco


The purpose of this paper is to explore a communicative strategy used by Guaraní-Spanish bilingual speakers. It will be presented in English or Spanish. This strategy is conversational code-switching, which is used by people from rural as well as urban areas in Formosa, Argentina and Paraguay. Guarani is an Aboriginal Language that is the official language in Paraguay. Code-switching is a language-processing phenomenon that creates communicative and social meaning in a given community. This paper poses a broad question at the onset of this study: Spanish-Guaraní speakers tend to use four different conversational code-switching patterns in their oral alternations, these four categories being: quotation, addressee specification, reiteration, and interjections. Later, spoken data were prioritized in terms of their importance and potential impact on the hypothesis outlined. Different groups of people were observed in real-world settings. They consisted of fourteen proficient Spanish Guaraní bilingual speakers from different social groups and ages. Afterward, a group of informants was chosen to obtain a wide range of natural encounters. Informants were observed with special attention to their natural communication, particularly oral interactions. Furthermore, the relationship between interlocutors during code-switching, as based on a negotiation between them, was considered of most relevance. Results were evaluated according to the interpretative method by testing the co-occurrence of the four conversational categories described above. The testing instruments identified that the four aspects of Spanish Guaraní code-switching introduced above were applied.

Keywords: bilingualism, code switching, aboriginal language, language contact

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1392 Migrants in the West Immersed on Nihilism: Towards a Space for Mutual Recognition and Self-Realization

Authors: Marinete Araujo da Silva Fobister


This presentation aims to discuss how the feeling of ‘nostalgia’ both present on Westerns and migrants could shed light to a mutual recognition and an exchange of ways of life that could enhance mutual possibilities of self-realization. It seems that this feeling of nostalgia is related to another unfolding of the nihilism of the death of God diagnosed by Nietzsche. Westerns are feeling on the margins of the values of their own culture as they feel such values as external to them. At the same time, some groups are claiming the return of the old devalued values. In this scenario, the West is receiving many migrants from different parts of the world since the second half of the last century. Migrants might be suffering from nostalgia or homesickness for having left their home. It might be that sharing a sense of nostalgia, although with different meanings, can bring together Westerns and migrants. Migrants bring ways of life that might be unknown and inexperienced in the West, and these can shed light to new forms of interpretation and cultivation of ones’ drives, and forces and this could become a source of mutual strength cultivation. Therefore, this mutual feeling of nostalgia could lead to ways of exploring the idea of self- realization in Nietzsche detaching it from the idea of being mainly individual to a more trans-individual-cultural claim. Nietzsche argues that nihilism is a European event here translated as a Western event, which would take 200 years until it could be overcome. To overcome nihilism a new kind of human would be needed, a creative and strong kind. For Nietzsche, there is not a fixed or true self, hence one possibility for one to achieve self-realization would reside on cultivating their multiple creative forces. The argument here is that in this recent unfolding of nihilism, translated in the sense of nostalgia, the encounter between the mainstream western immersed on nihilism with migrants could create a sense of a shared temporary home, where these different ways of life could inspire each other to create new meanings. Indeed, contributing to the expansion of one’s world view, drives and forces. Therefore, fertilizing the soil for the cultivation of self-realization and consequently the creation of new values.

Keywords: migration, nihilism, nostalgia, self-realization

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1391 Influential Elements Shaping Intra-Regional Migration Within the Higher Education Landscape of Kashmir

Authors: Tasaduk Musood


In the dynamic landscape of higher education, intra-regional migration within Kashmir represents a complex interplay of influential elements. This qualitative research study aims to explore and analyze the multifaceted factors that significantly shape the patterns and motivations driving students' migration within the region. The study employed a qualitative research approach. The research is carried out with a sample of 60 participants, consisting of 30 male and 30 female students selected from various higher education institutions in the Punjab region. Through self-structured interviews and thematic analysis, the research unravels the underlying drivers, aspirations, challenges, and opportunities that underpin the phenomenon of intra-regional migration in the Kashmiri higher education landscape. The results of this study are expected to offer valuable insights for policymakers, educational institutions, and stakeholders to better understand, address, and potentially enhance the experiences and outcomes of shareholders of students engaged in intra-regional mobility within Kashmir's higher education domain. This study's findings aim to contribute significantly to the existing body of knowledge surrounding intra-regional migration within Kashmir's higher education landscape, offering a nuanced understanding of the drivers behind student mobility. Ultimately, this research endeavors to facilitate more informed and effective decision-making in addressing the evolving dynamics of intra-regional migration in Kashmir's higher education sector.

Keywords: intra-regional migration, student migration patterns, student mobility, higher education, kashmir

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1390 Bullying with Neurodiverse Students and Education Policy Reform

Authors: Fharia Tilat Loba


Studies show that there is a certain group of students who are more vulnerable to bullying due to their physical appearance, disability, sexual preference, race, and lack of social and behavioral skills. Students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are one of the most vulnerable groups among these at-risk groups. Researchers suggest that focusing on vulnerable groups of students who can be the target of bullying helps to understand the causes and patterns of aggression, which ultimately helps in structuring intervention programs to reduce bullying. Since Australia ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006, it has been committed to providing an inclusive, safe, and effective learning environment for all children. In addition, the 2005 Disability Standards for Education seeks to ensure that students with disabilities can access and participate in education on the same basis as other students, covering all aspects of education, including harassment and victimization. However, bullying hinders students’ ability to fully participate in schooling. The proposed study aims to synthesize the notions of traditional bullying and cyberbullying and attempts to understand the experiences of students with ASD who are experiencing bullying in their schools. The proposed study will primarily focus on identifying the gaps between policy and practice related to bullying, and it will also attempt to understand the experiences of parents of students with ASD and professionals who have experience dealing with bullying at the school level in Australia. This study is expected to contribute to the theoretical knowledge of the bullying phenomenon and provide a reference for advocacy at the school, organization, and government levels.

Keywords: education policy, bullying, Australia, neurodiversity

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1389 A Synopsis of Green Energy Technology Implementation In South Africa

Authors: Sifiso Vilakazi, Lerato Mzenzi


BACKGROUND :- Human mind is a double-edged sword, it is both arduous and obtuse, vague and explicit. The neuroscience of brain has baffled all and left none. In this labyrinth, a novel neurotransmitter has set its foot. D-Aspartic acid, which has been established in rats and animals’ brain as a neurochemical in controlling behaviour, aggression, fertility, cognition and memory is set to formulate a new benchmark as a marker among suicidal and accidental death victims. Without losing sight of the fact, we have endeavoured to dig out the biochemical relation behind suicide in our research. We in our research have exerted to decipher the puzzle among humans for D-Aspartic acid using HPLC. METHODS:- We have taken 30 samples each of pre-frontal cortex of brain from suicide and road traffic accidents victims for our case-control research to establish brain D-Aspartic acid level using HPLC as a marker for suicide. RESULTS:- By using Independent/Unpaired T-Test Analysis:- The two-tailed P value is less than 0.0044. MEAN (mMOL/mL/G) for D-Aspartic acid in control is 24.2737±7.5958 and for cases is 19.5540±4.2647. By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be extremely statistically significant. CONCLUSION:- (1) Brain D-Aspartic acid has an effect in the act of suicide and its values show a large drop before the act of suicide is commenced as compared to road traffic accidents which correlates with the study where D-AA was studied as a novel endogenous neurotransmitter in case of mental health disorders in humans, though never studied on suicide victims, likely getting it reference from research occurring on rats where it was discovered that D-AA plays a role in cognition, personality development, thought process, aggression. (2)The other study which was related to humans and signified the role of D-AA in reproduction, where low D-AA leads to infertility and depression and hence providing the much needed proof of role of D-AA in mental health disorders and suicide, and subsequently to the act of suicide.

Keywords: green energy, policy, technology, implementation

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1388 Plasmodium knowlesi Zoonotic Malaria: An Emerging Challenge of Health Problems in Thailand

Authors: Surachart Koyadun


Currently, Plasmodium knowlesi malaria has spread to almost all countries in Southeast Asia. This research aimed to 1) describe the epidemiology of Plasmodium knowlesi malaria, 2) examine the clinical symptoms of P. knowlesi malaria patients 3) analyze the ecology, animal reservoir and entomology of P. knowlesi malaria. 4) summarize the diagnosis, blood parasites, and treatment of P. knowlesi malaria. The study design was a case report combined with retrospective descriptive survey research. A total of 34 study subjects were patients with a confirmed diagnosis of P. knowlesi malaria who received treatment at hospitals and vector-borne disease control units in Songkhla Province during 2021 – 2022. The results of the epidemiological study unveiled the majority of the samples were male, had a history of staying overnight in the forest before becoming sick, the source of the infection was in the forest, and the season during which they were sick was mostly summer. The average length of time from the onset of illness until receiving a blood test was 3.8 days. The average length of hospital stay was 4 days. Patients were treated with Chloroquine Phosphate, Primaquine, Artesunate, Quinine, and Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (40 mg DHA-320 mg PPQ). One death was seen in 34 P. knowlesi malaria patients. All remaining patients recovered and responded to treatment. All symptoms improved after drug administration. No treatment failures were found. Analyses of ecological, zoonotic and entomological data revealed an association between infected patients and forested, monkey-hosted and mosquito-transmitted areas. The recommendation from this study was that the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method should be used in conjunction with the Thick/Thin Film test and blood parasite test (Parasitaemia) for the specificity of the infection, accuracy of diagnosis, leading to treatment of disease in a timely manner and be effective in disease control.

Keywords: human malaria, Plasmodium knowlesi, zoonotic disease, diagnosis and treatment, epidemiology, ecology

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1387 Parental Awareness and Willingness to Vaccinate Adolescent Daughters against Human Papilloma Virus for Cervical Cancer Prevention in Eastern Region of Kenya: Towards Affirmative Action

Authors: Jacinta Musyoka, Wesley Too


Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Kenya and the second most common cancer among women, yet preventable following prevention strategies put in place, which includes vaccination with Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine (HPPV) among the young adolescent girls. Kenya has the highest burden of cervical cancer and the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age and is a known frequent type of cancer amongst women. This is expected to double by 2025 if the necessary steps are not taken, which include vaccinating girls between the ages of 9 and 14 and screening women. Parental decision is critical in ensuring that their daughters receive this vaccine. Hence this study sought to establish parental willingness and factors associate with the acceptability to vaccine adolescent daughters against the human papilloma virus for cervical cancer prevention in Machakos County, Eastern Region of Kenya. Method: Cross-sectional study design utilizing a mixed methods approach was used to collect data from Nguluni Health Centre in Machakos County; Matungulu sub-county, Kenya. This study targeted all parents of adolescent girls seeking health care services in the Matungulu sub-county area who were aged 18 years and above. A total of 220 parents with adolescent girls aged 10-14 years were enrolled into the study after informed consent were sought. All ethical considerations were observed. Quantitative data were analyzed using Multivariate regression analysis, and thematic analysis was used for qualitative data related to perceptions of parents on HPVV. Results, conclusions, and recommendations- ongoing. We expect to report findings and articulate contributions based on the study findings in due course before October 2022

Keywords: adolescents, human papilloma virus, kenya, parents

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1386 The Effect of Racism in the Media to Deal With Migration

Authors: Rasha Ali Dheyab, Edurad Vlad


Migration is associated with other important global issues, including development, poverty, and human rights. Migrants are often the most dynamic members of society; historically, migration has supported economic development and the rise of nations and enriched cultures. It also presents significant challenges. The word ‘racism’ is not just about beliefs or statements; it also contains the ability to force those beliefs or world views as hegemonic and as a basis for the refusal of rights or equality. For this reason, racism is embedded in power relations of different types. Racism is not only an awareness of distinction and groups, but it also has extremely practical roles in maintaining: First, inequitable social power arrangements; and second, racist behavioral manifestations such as verbal rejection, avoidance, discrimination, physical attack, and elimination. The focus is on aspects of racism in the media to deal with the migration phenomenon. The reproduction and promotion of racism by certain areas of the media is not a simple and straightforward process. It is important to see how the media serves in the reproduction of racism. This article shows attitudes to migration as they have appeared in British periodicals over the last few years. One might conclude that the reproduction of racism by the media is not a simple and straightforward process. It has become obvious that the role of the media in the reproduction of racism is inextricably linked to the general characteristics of racism and white domination in society, particularly the structural and ideological structuring of that kind of group power. This highlights the press's function as a business, social, and cultural institution. The press has to be examined in connection to the institutions of the economic and political as well.

Keywords: British periodicals, culture studies, migration, racism

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1385 Effects of Copper Oxide Doping on Hydrothermal Ageing in Alumina Toughened Zirconia

Authors: Mohamed Abbas, Ramesh Singh


This study investigates the hydrothermal aging behavior of undoped and copper oxide-doped alumina-toughened zirconia (ATZ). The ATZ ceramic composites underwent conventional sintering at temperatures ranging from 1250 to 1500°C with a holding time of 12 minutes. XRD analysis revealed a stable 100% tetragonal phase for conventionally sintered ATZ samples up to 1450°C, even after 100 hours of exposure. At 1500℃, XRD patterns of both undoped and doped ATZ samples showed no phase transformation after up to 3 hours of exposure to superheated steam. Extended exposure, however, resulted in phase transformation beyond 10 hours. CuO-doped ATZ samples initially exhibited lower monoclinic content, gradually increasing with aging. Undoped ATZ demonstrated better-aging resistance, maintaining ~40% monoclinic content after 100 hours. FESEM images post-aging revealed surface roughness changes due to the tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transformation, with limited nucleation in the largest tetragonal grains. Fracture analysis exhibited macrocracks and microcracks on the transformed surface layer after aging. This study found that 0.2wt% CuO doping did not prevent the low-temperature degradation (LTD) phenomenon at elevated temperatures. Transformation zone depth (TZD) calculations supported the trend observed in the transformed monoclinic phase.

Keywords: alumina toughened zirconia, conventional sintering, copper oxide, hydrothermal ageing

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1384 The Role of Human Cartilage Glycoprotein in Osteoporosis and Osteoporotic Fractures

Authors: Hasanzade Nazenin, Hasanova Naila


According to the WHO, osteoporosis is one of the most important health problems in the world and occupies the 4th place in its importance after cardiovascular pathology, oncological diseases and diabetes mellitus. The significance of osteoporosis is determined by its prevalence among the population, the severity of the course, the cause of death, disability, reduced quality of life, high economic costs for prevention and treatment. Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by a decrease in bone mass and a violation of the structure of bone tissue, leading to an increase in bone fragility and the risk of fractures. Osteoporosis is manifested by low-traumatic fractures. Due to the complexity of the recovery process, the treatment of osteoporotic fractures is one of the important problems of modern traumatology. Diagnostic markers are needed to monitor the recovery period. Human cartilage glycoprotein -39, which has been studied so far in inflammatory processes in the bones, may allow the development of the correct treatment regimen, reflecting the level of metabolic processes in the bone tissue. The study was performed to examine the dynamics of human cartilage glycoprotein-39 (HCgp39) in the blood serum during osteoporosis and fracture healing. The material of the study is formed by the examination results of 68 people aged 38-83. Group I - control group consisted of 14 practically healthy people, group II - 14 patients with osteoporosis, group III - 15 patients with non-osteoporotic fractures, group IV - 25 patients with osteoporotic fractures. In groups, they were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 3 times during the first month. As a result, in the first month of the recovery period, no significant difference was observed in the HCgp39 dynamics for groups II and IV (p> 0.05). However, there was a significant reduction in group III (p <0.05). As no osteoporotic changes were observed in this patient group, bone healing was rapid and it was possible to monitor the dynamics of HCgp39 changes within 1 month. Patients with osteoporosis and other bone fractures in the process of complete recovery need to study HCgp39 more as a diagnostic indicator.

Keywords: osteoporosis, osteoporotic fractures, human cartilage glycoprotein, HCgp39

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1383 A Study on the Prevalence and Microbiological Profile of Nosocomial Infections in the ICU of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India

Authors: Pampita Chakraborty, Sukumar Mukherjee


This study was done to determine the prevalence of nosocomial infections in the ICU and to identify the common microorganisms causing these infections and their antimicrobial sensitivity pattern. Nosocomial infection or hospital-acquired infection is a localized or a systemic condition resulting from an adverse reaction to the presence of infectious agents. Nosocomial infections are not present or incubating when the patient is admitted to hospital or other health care facility. They are caused by pathogens that easily spread through the body. Many hospitalized patients have compromised immune systems, so they are less able to fight off infections. These infections occur worldwide, both in the developed and developing the world. They are a significant burden to patients and public health. They are a major cause of death and increased morbidity in hospitalized patients, which is a matter of serious concern today. This study was done during the period of one year (2012-2013) in the ICU of the tertiary care hospital in eastern India. Prevalence of nosocomial infection was determined; site of infection and the pattern of microorganisms were identified along with the assessment of antibiotic susceptibility profile. Patients who developed an infection after 48 hours of admission to the ICU were included in the study. A total of 324 ICU patients were analyzed, of these 79 patients were found to have developed a nosocomial infection (24.3% prevalence). Urinary tract infection was found to be more predominant followed by respiratory tract infection and soft tissue infection. The most frequently isolated microorganism was E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae followed by other organisms respectively. Antibiotic susceptibility test of these isolates was done against commonly used antibiotics. Patients admitted to the ICU are especially susceptible to nosocomial infections. Despite adequate antimicrobial treatment, nosocomial ICU infections can significantly affect ICU stay and can cause an increase in patient’s morbidity and mortality. Adherence to infection protocol, proper monitoring and the judicious use of antibiotics are important in preventing such infections on a regular basis.

Keywords: antibiotic susceptibility, intensive care unit, nosocomial infection, nosocomial pathogen

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1382 Securitizing Terrorism: A Critical Appraisal of Pakistan’s Counter-Terrorism Approach

Authors: Bilal Zubair


In a constantly challenging internal security environment, Pakistan is making ways to improvise and respond to the new variations in the pervasive phenomenon of terrorism. The state’s endeavors towards securitizing terrorism as an existential threat are both extensive and intensive which have systematically incorporated both military and non-military means. Since 2007, the military has been conducting intermittent operations and by 2014 has successfully neutralized the terrorist ability to target vital security installations and security personal. The terrorists have responded by targeting communities which are soft targets and extremely vulnerable to organized assaults. Within this context, the study aims to explain the emerging trends of terrorism in Pakistan, which multi-layered and complex developments are having far-reaching implications for state and society. With a view to explore the underlining reasons, present trends and ensuing ramifications of the emerging trends in terrorism, this study would examine the following: First, the historical processes and development of Terrorism in Pakistan; secondly the processes of securitization which include political consensus, legal frameworks and military operations against the terrorist groups; thirdly , the socio-cultural dimensions and geopolitical influences on the transforming nature of sectarian terrorism. The study will also highlight the grey areas and weak links in the ongoing securitization process. Finally, the study will thoroughly explore the societal insecurity which is manifested in internal displacements, identity crisis and weakening the socio-political fabric of the state.

Keywords: counter-terrorism, terrorism, sectarianism, securitizing

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1381 Cross- Cultural Cooperation and Innovation: An Exploration of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Europe

Authors: Yongsheng Guo, Shuchao Li


This study explores Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI) in Europe and the cross-cultural cooperation between Chinese and European managers. The aim of this research is to shed light on the phenomenon of investments in developed countries from an emerging market and to gain insights into the cooperation process. A grounded theory approach is adopted, and 46 semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 case companies in Germany and 13 case companies in the UK. Grounded theory models are developed from primary data and interview quotes are used to support the themes. The interviewees perceived differences between the two parties in cultural traits, management concepts, knowledge structure and resource endowment between the two parties. Chinese and European partners can take advantage of different resources and cooperate in innovative ways to improve corporate performance. Moreover, both parties appreciate different ethical and cultural characteristics and complement each other to develop a combined organizational culture. This study proposes an ethical and cultural diversity theory in international management arguing that a team with diversified values and behaviors may be more excited and motivated. This study suggests that “resource complement” and “cross-cultural cooperation” might be an advantage for international investment. Firms are encouraged to open their minds and cooperate with partners with different resources and cultures. The authorities may review the FDI policies to reduce social and political barriers.

Keywords: cross-culture, FDI, cooperation, innovation, China, Europe

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1380 Satureja bachtiarica Bunge Induce Apoptosis via Mitochondrial Intrinsic Pathway and G1 Cell Cycle Arrest

Authors: Hamed Karimian, Noraziah Nordin, Mohamad Ibrahim Noordin, Syam Mohan, Mahboubeh Razavi, Najihah Mohd Hashim, Happipah Mohd Ali


Satureja bachtiarica Bunge is a perennial medicinal plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family and endemic species in Iran. Satureja bachtiarica Bunge with the local name of Marzeh koohi is edible vegetable use as flavoring agent, anti-bacterial and to relieve cough and indigestion. In this study, the anti-cancer effect of Satureja bachtiarica Bunge on the MDA-MB-231 cell line as an Breast cancer cell model has been analyzed for the first time. Satureja bachtiarica Bunge was extracted using different solvents in the order of increasing polarity. Cytotoxicity activity of hexane extract of Satureja bachtiarica Bunge (SBHE) was observed using MTT assay. Acridine orange/Propidium iodide staining was used to detect early apoptosis; Annexin-V-FITC assay was carried out to observe the detection of cell-surface Phosphatidylserine (PS), with Annexin-Vserving as a marker for apoptotic cells. Caspase 3/7, 8 and-9 assays showed significantly activation of caspase-9 where lead intrinsic mitochondrial pathway. Bcl-2/Bax expressions and cell cycle arrest were also investigated. SBHE had exhibited significantly higher cytotoxicity against MDA-MB-231 Cell line compare to other cell lines. A significant increase in chromatin condensation in the cell nucleus was observed by fluorescence analysis. Treatment of MDA-MB-231 cells with SBHE encouraged apoptosis, by down-regulating Bcl-2 and up-regulating Bax, which lead the activation of caspase 9. Moreover, SBHE treatment significantly arrested MDA-MB-231 cells in the G1 phase. Together, the results presented in this study demonstrated that SBHE inhibited the proliferation of MDA-MB-231 cells, leading cell cycle arrest and programmed cell death, which was confirmed to be through the mitochondrial pathway.

Keywords: Satureja bachtiarica Bunge, MDA-MB-231, apoptosis, annexin-V, cell cycle

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1379 Fear of Crime Among Females on University Campuses

Authors: Shahed, Tala, Ahlam, Marah, Sara, Shaden


Research on fear of crime has shown that there are many influences on it, including gender, age, and geographic location. For example, women are more afraid of crime than men. The campus has a high crime rate and fear of crime due to many hiding places and blind spots; women are more likely than men to be victims of certain types of crime, such as rape and verbal and sexual harassment. And it became clear that older female students have a different perception of the place over time and other knowledge and fear of it, another study at Hashemite University. This study aims to understand better how the environment affects the negative experiences of female students and how their age and familiarity environment affects their sense of safety. This study also examines whether CPTED can be used to help prevent crime. The Broken Windows Theory also states that crime occurs in areas with overt indications of criminal activity, antisocial behavior, and civil unrest. This is related to the principle of CPTED maintenance and monitoring, activity support, regional development, and access control. Given their increased vulnerability to harassment, “sexual harassment” can refer to different behaviors. On campuses, harassment was happening everywhere, but it was most prevalent in "blind spots" that were out of sight and deserted. This study uses a methodology based on quantitative data that depends on putting a number on the amount of a particular phenomenon that exists in the world. The main finding shows how CPTED works in an academic context and what adjustments need to be made.

Keywords: Hashmite University, CPTED, crime prevention, university campus, fear of crime, female faer, broken window theory

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1378 Museums and Corporate Social Responsibility: Environmental Impact and Strategies in Corporate Social Responsibility Policies

Authors: Nicola Urbino


The definition of corporate social responsibility policies is a central topic in contemporary museology, as the role of museums in developing social, cultural, and environmental impact strategies has become increasingly prominent. An overarching perspective in this domain can be provided by the publication of the primary tool for impact verification and reporting in the CSR field: the Social Report. The presentation, based on an international and national theoretical and regulatory assessment, focuses on the operational significance of structured social reporting for Italian museums. The study involves analyzing over 25 Social Reports from leading Italian museums over the past 5 years to assess their CSR practices, examining both the strengths and weaknesses, in order to offer a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of social responsibility in the national context. Moreover, a benchmark will be done between the legislative framework and guidelines and the effective implementation of CSR policies and practices. That said, the contribution aims at analyzing the strategies of the main Italian museums regarding their environmental impact on the territory. Through the analysis of the Social Balance Sheets published by a group of museums from the north to the south of Italy, it will highlight the relations that museums have established over the years with the territory and the environment, their sensitivity to climate change, and the strategies proposed to mitigate their environmental impact. Starting from a general analysis, the paper will help to highlight best practices and management models to be followed for sustainable growth, analyzing best practice, case studies and strategies applied to the museological field.

Keywords: museums, social report, sustainable development, footprint

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1377 Characterisation of Wind-Driven Ventilation in Complex Terrain Conditions

Authors: Daniel Micallef, Damien Bounaudet, Robert N. Farrugia, Simon P. Borg, Vincent Buhagiar, Tonio Sant


The physical effects of upstream flow obstructions such as vegetation on cross-ventilation phenomena of a building are important for issues such as indoor thermal comfort. Modelling such effects in Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations may also be challenging. The aim of this work is to establish the cross-ventilation jet behaviour in such complex terrain conditions as well as to provide guidelines on the implementation of CFD numerical simulations in order to model complex terrain features such as vegetation in an efficient manner. The methodology consists of onsite measurements on a test cell coupled with numerical simulations. It was found that the cross-ventilation flow is highly turbulent despite the very low velocities encountered internally within the test cells. While no direct measurement of the jet direction was made, the measurements indicate that flow tends to be reversed from the leeward to the windward side. Modelling such a phenomenon proves challenging and is strongly influenced by how vegetation is modelled. A solid vegetation tends to predict better the direction and magnitude of the flow than a porous vegetation approach. A simplified terrain model was also shown to provide good comparisons with observation. The findings have important implications on the study of cross-ventilation in complex terrain conditions since the flow direction does not remain trivial, as with the traditional isolated building case.

Keywords: complex terrain, cross-ventilation, wind driven ventilation, wind resource, computational fluid dynamics, CFD

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1376 A Descriptive Study on Psychiatric Morbidity among Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals of Udupi and Mangalore Districts Karnataka, India

Authors: Tessy Treesa Jose, Sripathy M. Bhat


Nursing is recognized as a stressful occupation and has indicated a probable high prevalence of distress. It is a helping profession requiring a high degree of commitment and involvement. If stress is intense, continuous and repeated, it becomes a negative phenomenon or "distress," which can lead to physical illness and psychological disorders. The frequency of common psychosomatic symptoms including sleeping problems, tension headache, chronic fatigue, palpitation etc. may be an indicator of nurses’ work-related stress level. Objectives of the study were to determine psychiatric morbidity among nurses and to find its association with selected variables. The study population consisted of 1040 registered nurses working in selected medical college hospitals and government hospitals of Udupi and Mangalore districts. Descriptive survey design was used to conduct the study. Subjects were selected by using purposive sampling. Data were gathered by administering background proforma and General Health questionnaire. Severe distress was experienced by 0.9% of nurses and 5.6% had some evidence of distress. Subjects who did not have any distress were 93.5%. No significant association between psychiatric morbidity in nurses and demographic variables was observed. With regard to work variables significant association is observed between psychiatric morbidity and total years of experience (z=10.67, p=0.03) and experience in current area of work (z=9.43, p=0.02).

Keywords: psychiatric morbidity, nurse, selected hospitals, working

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1375 Privacy Concerns and Law Enforcement Data Collection to Tackle Domestic and Sexual Violence

Authors: Francesca Radice


Domestic and sexual violence provokes, on average in Australia, one female death per week due to intimate violence behaviours. 83% of couples meet online, and intercepting domestic and sexual violence at this level would be beneficial. It has been observed that violent or coercive behaviour has been apparent from initial conversations on dating apps like Tinder. Child pornography, stalking, and coercive control are some criminal offences from dating apps, including women murdered after finding partners through Tinder. Police databases and predictive policing are novel approaches taken to prevent crime before harm is done. This research will investigate how police databases can be used in a privacy-preserving way to characterise users in terms of their potential for violent crime. Using the COPS database of NSW Police, we will explore how the past criminal record can be interpreted to yield a category of potential danger for each dating app user. It is up to the judgement of each subscriber on what degree of the potential danger they are prepared to enter into. Sentiment analysis is an area where research into natural language processing has made great progress over the last decade. This research will investigate how sentiment analysis can be used to interpret interchanges between dating app users to detect manipulative or coercive sentiments. These can be used to alert law enforcement if continued for a defined number of communications. One of the potential problems of this approach is the potential prejudice a categorisation can cause. Another drawback is the possibility of misinterpreting communications and involving law enforcement without reason. The approach will be thoroughly tested with cross-checks by human readers who verify both the level of danger predicted by the interpretation of the criminal record and the sentiment detected from personal messages. Even if only a few violent crimes can be prevented, the approach will have a tangible value for real people.

Keywords: sentiment analysis, data mining, predictive policing, virtual manipulation

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1374 The Integration of Digital Humanities into the Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse Analysis

Authors: Gertraud Koch, Teresa Stumpf, Alejandra Tijerina García


Discourse analysis research approaches belong to the central research strategies applied throughout the humanities; they focus on the countless forms and ways digital texts and images shape present-day notions of the world. Despite the constantly growing number of relevant digital, multimodal discourse resources, digital humanities (DH) methods are thus far not systematically developed and accessible for discourse analysis approaches. Specifically, the significance of multimodality and meaning plurality modelling are yet to be sufficiently addressed. In order to address this research gap, the D-WISE project aims to develop a prototypical working environment as digital support for the sociology of knowledge approach to discourse analysis and new IT-analysis approaches for the use of context-oriented embedding representations. Playing an essential role throughout our research endeavor is the constant optimization of hermeneutical methodology in the use of (semi)automated processes and their corresponding epistemological reflection. Among the discourse analyses, the sociology of knowledge approach to discourse analysis is characterised by the reconstructive and accompanying research into the formation of knowledge systems in social negotiation processes. The approach analyses how dominant understandings of a phenomenon develop, i.e., the way they are expressed and consolidated by various actors in specific arenas of discourse until a specific understanding of the phenomenon and its socially accepted structure are established. This article presents insights and initial findings from D-WISE, a joint research project running since 2021 between the Institute of Anthropological Studies in Culture and History and the Language Technology Group of the Department of Informatics at the University of Hamburg. As an interdisciplinary team, we develop central innovations with regard to the availability of relevant DH applications by building up a uniform working environment, which supports the procedure of the sociology of knowledge approach to discourse analysis within open corpora and heterogeneous, multimodal data sources for researchers in the humanities. We are hereby expanding the existing range of DH methods by developing contextualized embeddings for improved modelling of the plurality of meaning and the integrated processing of multimodal data. The alignment of this methodological and technical innovation is based on the epistemological working methods according to grounded theory as a hermeneutic methodology. In order to systematically relate, compare, and reflect the approaches of structural-IT and hermeneutic-interpretative analysis, the discourse analysis is carried out both manually and digitally. Using the example of current discourses on digitization in the healthcare sector and the associated issues regarding data protection, we have manually built an initial data corpus of which the relevant actors and discourse positions are analysed in conventional qualitative discourse analysis. At the same time, we are building an extensive digital corpus on the same topic based on the use and further development of entity-centered research tools such as topic crawlers and automated newsreaders. In addition to the text material, this consists of multimodal sources such as images, video sequences, and apps. In a blended reading process, the data material is filtered, annotated, and finally coded with the help of NLP tools such as dependency parsing, named entity recognition, co-reference resolution, entity linking, sentiment analysis, and other project-specific tools that are being adapted and developed. The coding process is carried out (semi-)automated by programs that propose coding paradigms based on the calculated entities and their relationships. Simultaneously, these can be specifically trained by manual coding in a closed reading process and specified according to the content issues. Overall, this approach enables purely qualitative, fully automated, and semi-automated analyses to be compared and reflected upon.

Keywords: entanglement of structural IT and hermeneutic-interpretative analysis, multimodality, plurality of meaning, sociology of knowledge approach to discourse analysis

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1373 Livonian Werewolves, 1500-1700s: A Sociological Assessment of Their Historical Significance and Origins through the Case of Old Thiess

Authors: Liu Jiaxin


This paper seeks to do an in-depth investigation on the phenomenon of Early Modern era (1500-1700s) Livonian werewolves. Noting their uniqueness in comparison to contemporaneous werewolves hailing from other geographic areas, the paper suggests that the Livonian werewolf is a metaphor for Livonian society at that time, one which was characterized by social turmoil and strict class hierarchy. This metaphor was utilized by different classes to establish their own interests in society, and thus the paper concludes that the werewolf is a mutable artifact whose value is contingent on its social context. This is demonstrated by the particular case of Old Thiess—a poor, elderly Livonian peasant who gave an unorthodox and anomalous testimony when accused of being a werewolf. In his court statement, it is shown how Thiess was, in fact, alluding to social tensions by lambasting the rich German elite and establishing the righteousness of the peasantry, of which he was a member. A close reading method was utilized on the trial transcript of Old Thiess with heavy reference to Carlo Ginzburg and Bruce Lincoln’s collaborative work Old Thiess, a Livonian werewolf: a classic case in comparative perspective. Through a contextual reading of Livonia’s social atmosphere, the paper draws connections between the content of the trial to wider societal disturbances happening at the time. The thesis—that the werewolf is a flexible metaphor for the social milieu—is further buttressed by numerous contemporaneous sources that had similar messages as Thiess’ transcript, which are discussed as well.

Keywords: early-modern baltic, Livonia, Old Thiess, social history, werewolves

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1372 Developmental Differences of Elementary School Children in Knowledge Acquisition Following a Sexual Abuse Prevention Program

Authors: Chrysanthi Nega, Fotini-Sonia Apergi


Child sexual abuse (CSA) in Greece is a highly prevalent phenomenon and yet remains largely underreported. CSA can negatively impact cognitive, emotional and psychosocial development, as well as personality formation and capacity for initiation and maintenance of healthy interpersonal relationships. It is particularly important for school-based prevention programs to be implemented early in elementary school, as they are reportedly effective in lowering abuse incidences and providing knowledge for coping in threatening environments. The purpose of the current study was to test the effectiveness of a school-based CSA prevention program (Safe-Touches) on Greek elementary school students (grades 1-3, N=272) and explore the effect of age and time of testing (academic term). There was a significant effect of age in the knowledge of Inappropriate Touch, when comparing pre and post-intervention assessments, with third graders showing greatest gains in knowledge, followed by second and first graders. Time of testing during the academic year also had a significant effect, as first graders tested later in the school year, scored higher on knowledge of Inappropriate Touch. The findings of the current study provide insight into the optimal timing to implement CSA prevention programs. Exposure to such programs and incorporation in the school curricula could largely benefit children of the Greek community in terms of safety and awareness.

Keywords: child sexual abuse, Safe-Touches, school-based prevention, schooling

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1371 Legal Judgment Prediction through Indictments via Data Visualization in Chinese

Authors: Kuo-Chun Chien, Chia-Hui Chang, Ren-Der Sun


Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) is a subtask for legal AI. Its main purpose is to use the facts of a case to predict the judgment result. In Taiwan's criminal procedure, when prosecutors complete the investigation of the case, they will decide whether to prosecute the suspect and which article of criminal law should be used based on the facts and evidence of the case. In this study, we collected 305,240 indictments from the public inquiry system of the procuratorate of the Ministry of Justice, which included 169 charges and 317 articles from 21 laws. We take the crime facts in the indictments as the main input to jointly learn the prediction model for law source, article, and charge simultaneously based on the pre-trained Bert model. For single article cases where the frequency of the charge and article are greater than 50, the prediction performance of law sources, articles, and charges reach 97.66, 92.22, and 60.52 macro-f1, respectively. To understand the big performance gap between articles and charges, we used a bipartite graph to visualize the relationship between the articles and charges, and found that the reason for the poor prediction performance was actually due to the wording precision. Some charges use the simplest words, while others may include the perpetrator or the result to make the charges more specific. For example, Article 284 of the Criminal Law may be indicted as “negligent injury”, "negligent death”, "business injury", "driving business injury", or "non-driving business injury". As another example, Article 10 of the Drug Hazard Control Regulations can be charged as “Drug Control Regulations” or “Drug Hazard Control Regulations”. In order to solve the above problems and more accurately predict the article and charge, we plan to include the article content or charge names in the input, and use the sentence-pair classification method for question-answer problems in the BERT model to improve the performance. We will also consider a sequence-to-sequence approach to charge prediction.

Keywords: legal judgment prediction, deep learning, natural language processing, BERT, data visualization

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1370 Importance of Assessing Racial Trauma after George Floyd in Children of Color in Schools

Authors: Gabriela Macera DiFilippo


The world watched in disbelief as George Floyd was killed by a policeman. The images from the scene were made more memorable by Mr. Floyd’s pleas and cries for his mother. In the aftermath of this tragedy, the Black Lives Matter movement gained momentum. Weeks and months after the protests, global interest in learning about tackling systemic racism erupted. One must wonder how school children of color viewed and processed this trauma. This study will examine the kinds of trauma experienced by children of color and the opportunity for school mental health providers to support these children. This study used literature searches that were previously conducted for proven and practical assessment methods that can help deal with racial trauma for children. As part of the assessment, trauma symptoms experienced by children of color were summarized and characterized in a non-imperial manner. The research was also will be done in practical ways to make adequate and effective mental health services available in schools and lessen the stigma. This research study found that there is a need to provide an analysis of the ongoing racial trauma of children of color after the death of George Floyd. Impactful and appropriate assessment methods, such as surveys, were presented to all school professionals. Lastly, this paper attempted to provide mental health professionals with the tools to screen and provide guidance based on unequivocal, unbiased methods for helping these children. There is a need for both schools and community leaders to ensure that every child has access to mental health care and is being assessed for their overall well-being. There is a need to educate the communities about racial trauma and its impact on individuals, especially children. School mental health professionals are encouraged to offer and educate schools and communities about racial trauma awareness, its importance, and ways to cope with it in different settings. The delivery of these informed services should focus on behavioral health and must be sensitive to children of color and different ways of self-care.

Keywords: trauma, children, black psychology, students

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1369 Utilizing the RhlR/RhlI Quorum Sensing System to Express the ß-Galactosidase Reporter Gene by Using the N-Butanoyl Homoserine Lactone and N-Hexanoyl Homoserine Lactone

Authors: Ngoc Tu Truong, Nuong T. Bui, Ben Rao, Ya L. Shen


Quorum sensing is a phenomenon present in many gram-negative bacteria that allows bacterial communication and controlled expression of a large suite of genes through quorum sensing signals - N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs). In order to investigate the ability of the rhlR/rhlI quorum sensing system in Pseudomonas aeruginosa to express the ß-Galactosidase reporter gene, an engineered E. coli strain EpHL02, was genetically engineered. This engineered E. coli strain EpHL02 responded to the presence of the N-butanoyl homoserine lactone and N-hexanoyl homoserine lactone to express the ß-Galactosidase reporter gene at a concentration limit of 5x10⁻⁸ M. This was also found to be comparable to AHLs extraction from Serratia marcescens H31. Moreover, we examined this ability of this engineered E. coli strain for respond of AHLs from extractions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC9027. The results demonstrated that the rhlR/rhlI quorum sensing system can express the ß-Galactosidase reporter gene by using the N-butanoyl homoserine lactone, N-hexanoyl homoserine lactone and AHLs from extractions of Serratia marcescens H31 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC9027 in the engineered E. coli strain EpHL02.

Keywords: N-butanoyl homoserine lactone, C4-HSL, N-hexanoyl homoserine lactone, C6-HSL, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, quorum sensing, Serratia marcescens, ß-galactosidase reporter gene

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1368 Quantification and Evaluation of Tumors Heterogeneity Utilizing Multimodality Imaging

Authors: Ramin Ghasemi Shayan, Morteza Janebifam


Tumors are regularly inhomogeneous. Provincial varieties in death, metabolic action, multiplication and body part are watched. There’s expanding proof that strong tumors may contain subpopulations of cells with various genotypes and phenotypes. These unmistakable populaces of malignancy cells can connect during a serious way and may contrast in affectability to medications. Most tumors show organic heterogeneity1–3 remembering heterogeneity for genomic subtypes, varieties inside the statement of development variables and genius, and hostile to angiogenic factors4–9 and varieties inside the tumoural microenvironment. These can present as contrasts between tumors in a few people. for instance, O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, a DNA fix compound, is hushed by methylation of the quality advertiser in half of glioblastoma (GBM), adding to chemosensitivity, and improved endurance. From the outset, there includes been specific enthusiasm inside the usage of dissemination weighted imaging (DWI) and dynamic complexity upgraded MRI (DCE-MRI). DWI sharpens MRI to water dispersion inside the extravascular extracellular space (EES) and is wiped out with the size and setup of the cell populace. Additionally, DCE-MRI utilizes dynamic obtaining of pictures during and after the infusion of intravenous complexity operator. Signal changes are additionally changed to outright grouping of differentiation permitting examination utilizing pharmacokinetic models. PET scan modality gives one of a kind natural particularity, permitting dynamic or static imaging of organic atoms marked with positron emanating isotopes (for example, 15O, 18F, 11C). The strategy is explained to a colossal radiation portion, which points of confinement rehashed estimations, particularly when utilized together with PC tomography (CT). At long last, it's of incredible enthusiasm to quantify territorial hemoglobin state, which could be joined with DCE-CT vascular physiology estimation to create significant experiences for understanding tumor hypoxia.

Keywords: heterogeneity, computerized tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, PET

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1367 Foucault and the Archaeology of Transhumanism

Authors: Michel Foucault, Friedrich Nietzsche, Max More, Natasha Vita-More, Francesca Ferrando


During the early part of his intellectual and academic career (1950s and 1960s), Michel Foucault developed an interest for what we can call the ‘anthropological question’, or how our modernity deals with human nature from an epistemological standpoint. The great originality of Foucault’s thought here lies in the fact that he approaches this question not from the perspective of this ‘sovereign subject’ (that has characterized the History of Western thought) he wishes to disclose and ‘denounce’, but rather at the level of discourses and the way they constitute who we are, so to speak. This led him, in turn, to formulate a series of though-provoking statements during his so-called ‘archaeological period’ of the 1960s concerning what we call ‘man’ in the West, such as that he is an ‘invention of recent date’ (as a proper object of concern and reflection), and, perhaps more importantly, that he might disappear in the near future, ‘like a face drawn in sand at the edge of the sea’. Foucault is following on the footsteps of Nietzsche in that regard, who had famously announced in the 19th ce. the ‘death of God’ and the need for the future generations to surpass (so to speak) the traditional ‘Christian-centred’ Western conception of the human. While Foucault exposed such insights more than half a century ago, they appear to be more actual than ever today with the development and rise in popularity of intellectual movements such as Transhumanism and Posthumanism, which seek to question and propose an alternative to the concepts of ‘man’ or ‘human nature’ in our culture. They rely for that on the same assumption as Foucault and Nietzsche that those concepts (and the meaning we attribute to them) have become ‘obsolete’ as it is and thus must be overcome (at a conceptual, but also a more practical level). Hence, those movements not only echo the important Foucauldian reflection of the 1950s and 1960s on the ‘anthropological question’ but seem to have been literally announced by it, so to speak. The aim of this paper will therefore be to show the relevance of Foucault (and in particular his archaeological method) in understanding the nature of Transhumanism (and Posthumanism), for instance, by analysing and assessing it as a form of discourse that is literally reshaping the way we understand ourselves as human beings in our (post)modern age, drawing for that on a number of key texts including from the early productions of Foucault.

Keywords: foucault, nietzsche, archaeology, transhumanism, posthumanism

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1366 Commerce and Islamic Banking System

Authors: Rahmoune Abdelhaq


Systemic Islamic banking has been in practice for long but started receiving due attention and high popularity since last decade. It has received a warm welcome from all over the world and these banks operating on Islamic principles have been able to get a sizeable business not only in Islamic countries but in non-Islamic countries too. Despite exemplary advancements and achievements, there remains number of controversies over various underlying concepts and practices. This paper basically explores and highlights all those controversies and challenges which are in minds of different school of thoughts and are needed to be addressed and overcome if Islamic banking continues flourishing the way it is at present. The authors have also tried to suggest suitable remedies to overcome these challenges where appropriate. As well, This paper makes an attempt to review major principles surrounding the working of Islamic banking and its historical growth. A brief overview of main differences between the Islamic banking and the conventional banking. In addition, references are particularly made to implications arising from the emergence of e-commerce and the realities that the Islamic Shari’ah law has to consider in adopting the new phenomenon into its banking system. This paper shows, whilst the conventional banking and financial system is based on the principle of rationality and interest, the Islamic financial system is based on morality and social justice which prohibits interest as a means of speculation and injustice. The concepts of e-business such as e-commerce and e-banking are acceptable in Islam as since in Islam anything is halal unless prohibited by Shari’ah, dealing with business by internet is considered as Shari’ah compliant. This paper, therefore, provides the latest thinking of e-business from an Islamic viewpoint, thus creating a reference point and valued information for a future research.

Keywords: Islamic Finance, principles of Islamic banking, Islamic commerce, Shari’ah compliant

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