Search results for: post natal depression
3586 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Problem Alcohol Use in Women: Systematic Analysis
Authors: Neringa Bagdonaite
Study Aims: The current study aimed to systematically analyse various research done in the area of female post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alcohol abuse, and to critically review these results on the basis of theoretical models as well as answer following questions: (I) What is the reciprocal relationship between PTSD and problem alcohol use among females; (II) What are the moderating/mediating factors of this relationship? Methods: The computer bibliographic databases Ebsco, Scopus, Springer, Web of Science, Medline, Science Direct were used to search for scientific articles. Systematic analyses sample consisted of peer-reviewed, English written articles addressing mixed gender and female PTSD and alcohol abuse issues from Jan 2012 to May 2017. Results: Total of 1011 articles were found in scientific databases related to searched keywords of which 29 met the selection criteria and were analysed. The results of longitudinal studies indicate that (I) various trauma, especially interpersonal trauma exposure in childhood is linked with increased risk of revictimization in later life and problem alcohol use; (II) revictimization in adolescence or adulthood, rather than victimization in childhood has a greater impact on the onset and progression of problematic alcohol use in adulthood. Cross-sectional and epidemiological studies also support significant relationships between female PTSD and problem alcohol use. Regards to the negative impact of alcohol use on PTSD symptoms results are yet controversial; some evidence suggests that alcohol does not exacerbate symptoms of PTSD over time, while others argue that problem alcohol use worsens PTSD symptoms and is linked to chronicity of both disorders, especially among women with previous alcohol use problems. Analysis of moderating/mediating factors of PTSD and problem alcohol use revealed, that higher motives/expectancies, specifically distress coping motives for alcohol use significantly moderates the relationship between PTSD and problematic alcohol use. Whereas negative affective states mediate relationship between symptoms of PTSD and alcohol use, but only among woman with alcohol use problems already developed. Conclusions: Interpersonal trauma experience, especially in childhood and its reappearance in lifetime is linked with PTSD symptoms and problem drinking among women. Moreover, problem alcohol use can be both a cause and a consequence of trauma and PTSD, and if used for coping it, increases the likelihood of chronicity of both disorders. In order to effectively treat both disorders, it’s worthwhile taking into account this dynamic interplay of women's PTSD symptoms and problem drinking.Keywords: female, trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, problem alcohol use, systemic analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1863585 Relation of Consumer Satisfaction on Organization by Focusing on the Different Aspects of Buying Behavior
Introduction. Buyer conduct is a progression of practices or examples that buyers pursue before making a buy. It begins when the shopper ends up mindful of a need or wish for an item, at that point finishes up with the buying exchange. Business visionaries can't generally simply shake hands with their intended interest group people and become more acquainted with them. Research is often necessary, so every organization primarily involves doing continuous research to understand and satisfy consumer needs pattern. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the present study is to examine the different behaviors of the consumer, including pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase behavior. Materials and Methods: In order to get results, face to face interview held with 80 people which comprise a larger part of female individuals having upper as well as middle-class status. The prime source of data collection was primary. However, the study has also used the theoretical contribution of many researchers in their respective field. Results: Majority of the respondents were females (70%) from the age group of 20-50. The collected data was analyzed through hypothesis testing statistical techniques such as correlation analysis, single regression analysis, and ANOVA which has rejected the null hypothesis that there is no relation between researching the consumer behavior at different stages and organizational performance. The real finding of this study is that simply focusing on the buying part isn't enough to gain profits and fame, however, understanding the pre, buy and post-buy behavior of consumer performs a huge role in organization success. The outcomes demonstrated that the organization, which deals with the three phases of research of purchasing conduct is able to establish a great brand image as compare to their competitors. Alongside, enterprises can observe customer conduct in a considerably more proficient manner. Conclusion: The analyses of consumer behavior presented in this study is an attempt to understand the factors affecting consumer purchasing behavior. This study has revealed that those corporations are more successful, which work on understanding buying behavior instead to just focus on the selling products. As a result, organizations perform good and grow rapidly because consumers are the one who can make or break the company. The interviews that were conducted face to face, clearly revealed that those organizations become at top-notch whom consumers are satisfied, not just with product but also with services of the company. The study is not targeting the particular class of audience; however, it brings out benefits to the masses, in particular to business organizations.Keywords: consumer behavior, pre purchase, post purchase, consumer satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1153584 Quality of Life Assessment across the Cancer Continuum: Understanding the Role of an Exercise Rehabilitation Programme
Authors: Bernat-Carles Serdà Ferrer, Arantza Del Valle Gómez
The Quality of Life (QoL) paradigm is multidimensional, dynamic and modular and its definition differs across the cancer continuum. The challenge in the interpretation of QoL data in clinical research is that QoL is influenced by psychological phenomena such as adaptation to illness. This research aims to obtain a valid and sensitive assessment of QoL change over the continuum disease, and to evaluate a rehabilitation programme aimed at inverting the observed decrease in QoL when patients return to daily living activities. The sample comprised 66 men. Patients were first assessed to establish a baseline (P1-diagnosis). This was followed by a post-test (P2-discharge) and a then-test measurement (P3-retrospective evaluation) and after returning home patients were randomized in experimental and control groups. The experimental group attended a rehabilitation programme over 24 weeks (P4). Results show that from baseline to post-test, QoL decreased significantly. The recalibration then-test confirmed a low QoL in all periods evaluated. Significant differences between the experimental and control groups prove the positive effect of the Exercise Rehabilitation Programme (ERP) on QoL. Understanding the real dynamic of QoL over time would help to adapt rehabilitation programmes by improving sensitivity and efficacy and provide professionals with a more accurate perception of the impact of treatment and side effects on patients’ QoL. Our results underline the importance of changing the approach adopted by health professionals towards one of watchful waiting on patients’ QoL until their complete recovery in daily life.Keywords: exercise, prostate cancer, quality of life, rehabilitation programme, response shift
Procedia PDF Downloads 1693583 The Influence of Production Hygiene Training on Farming Practices Employed by Rural Small-Scale Organic Farmers - South Africa
Authors: Mdluli Fezile, Schmidt Stefan, Thamaga-Chitja Joyce
In view of the frequently reported foodborne disease outbreaks caused by contaminated fresh produce, consumers have a preference for foods that meet requisite hygiene standards to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. Producing good quality fresh produce then becomes critical in improving market access and food security, especially for small-scale farmers. Questions of hygiene and subsequent microbiological quality in the rural small-scale farming sector of South Africa are even more crucial, given the policy drive to develop small-scale farming as a measure for reinforcement of household food security and reduction of poverty. Farming practices and methods, throughout the fresh produce value chain, influence the quality of the final product, which in turn determines its success in the market. This study’s aim was to therefore determine the extent to which training on organic farming methods, including modules such as Importance of Production Hygiene, influenced the hygienic farming practices employed by eTholeni small-scale organic farmers in uMbumbulu, KwaZulu-Natal- South Africa. Questionnaires were administered to 73 uncertified organic farmers and analysis showed that a total of 33 farmers were trained and supplied the local Agri-Hub while 40 had not received training. The questionnaire probed respondents’ attitudes, knowledge of hygiene and composting practices. Data analysis included descriptive statistics such as the Chi-square test and a logistic regression model. Descriptive analysis indicated that a majority of the farmers (60%) were female, most of which (73%) were above the age of 40. The logistic regression indicated that factors such as farmer training and prior experience in the farming sector had a significant influence on hygiene practices both at 5% significance levels. These results emphasize the importance of training, education and farming experience in implementing good hygiene practices in small-scale farming. It is therefore recommended that South African policies should advocate for small-scale farmer training, not only for subsistence purposes, but also with an aim of supplying produce markets with high fresh produce.Keywords: small-scale farmers, leafy salad vegetables, organic produce, food safety, hygienic practices, food security
Procedia PDF Downloads 4283582 Somatic Delusional Disorder Subsequent to Phantogeusia: A Case Report
Authors: Pedro Felgueiras, Ana Miguel, Nélson Almeida, Raquel Silva
Objective: Through the study of a clinical case of delusional somatic disorder secondary to phantogeusia, we aim to highlight the importance of considering psychosomatic conditions in differential diagnosis, as well as to emphasize the complexity of its comprehension, treatment, and respective impact on patients’ functioning. Methods: Bearing this in mind, we conducted a critical analysis of a case series based on patient observations, clinical data, and complementary diagnostic methods, as well as a non-systematic review of the literature on the subject. Results: A 61-year-old female patient with no history of psychiatric conditions. Family psychiatric history of mood disorder (depression), with psychotic features found in her mother. Medical history of many comorbidities affecting different organ systems (endocrine, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, ophthalmological). Documented neuroticism traits of personality. The patient’s family described a persistent concern about several physical symptoms across her life, with a continuous effort to obtain explanations about any sensation out of her normal perception. Since being subjected to endoscopy in 2018, she started complaints of persistent phantogeusia (acid taste) and developed excessive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with this somatic symptom. The patient was evaluated by several medical specialties, and an extensive panel of medical exams was carried out, excluding any disease. Besides all the investigation and with no evidence of disease signs, acute anxiety, time, and energy dispended to this symptom culminated in severe psychosocial impairment. The patient was admitted to a psychiatric ward for investigation and treatment of this clinical picture, leading to the diagnosis of the delusional somatic disorder. In order to exclude the acute organic etiology of this psychotic disorder, an analytic panel was carried out with no abnormal results. In the context of a psychotic clinical picture, a CT scan was performed, which revealed a right cortical vascular lesion. Neuropsychological evaluation was made, with the description of cognitive functioning being globally normative. During treatment with an antipsychotic (pimozide), a complete remission of the somatic delusion was associated with the disappearance of gustative perception disturbance. In follow-up, a relapse of gustative sensation was documented, and her thoughts and speech were dominated by concerns about multiple somatic symptoms. Conclusion: In terms of abnormal bodily sensations, the oral cavity is one of the frequent sites of delusional disorder. Patients with these gustatory perception distortions complain about unusual sensations without corresponding abnormal findings in the oral area. Its pathophysiology has not been fully elucidated yet. In terms of its comprehensive psychopathology, this case was hypothesized as a paranoid development of a delusional somatic disorder triggered by a post-invasive procedure phantogeusia (which is described as a possible side effect of an endoscopy) in a patient with an anankastic personality. This case presents interesting psychopathology, reinforcing the complexity of psychosomatic disorders in terms of their etiopathogenesis, clinical treatment, and long-term prognosis.Keywords: psychosomatics, delusional somatic disorder, phantogeusia, paranoid development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1363581 MicroRNA Differential Profiling in Hepatitis C Patients Undergoing Major Surgeries: Propofol versus Sevoflurane Anesthesia
Authors: Hala Demerdash, Ola M. Zanaty, Emad Eldin Arida
Background: This study investigated the micoRNA expression changes induced by Sevoflurane and Propofol and their effects on liver functions. Patients and methods: The study was designed as randomized controlled study, carried out on 200 adult patients, scheduled for major surgeries under general anesthesia (GA). Patients were randomly divided into four groups; groups SC and PC included chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients where SC group are patients receiving Sevoflurane, and PC group are patients receiving Propofol anesthesia. While S and P groups included non- hepatitis patients; S group are patients receiving Sevoflurane and P group are patients receiving Propofol. Anesthesia in Group S and SC patients was maintained by sevoflurane, while anesthesia in Group P and PC patients was maintained by propofol infusion. Blood samples were analyzed for PT, PTT and liver enzymes. Serum samples were analyzed for microRNA before and after surgery. Results: Results show miRNA-122 and miRNA-21 were absent in serum of S and P groups in pre-operative samples. However, they were expressed in SC and PC groups. In post-operative samples; miRNA-122 revealed an increased expression in all groups; with more exaggerated response in SC group. On the other hand miRNA-21 revealed increased expression in both SC and PC groups; a slight expression in S group with absent expression in P group. There was a post-operative negative correlation between miR-122 and ALT (r=-0.46) in SC group and (r=-0.411) in PC group and positive correlation between ALT and miR-21 (r=0.335) in SC group and (r=0.379) in PC group. The amount of blood loss was positively correlated with miR-122 (r=0.366) in SC group and (r=0.384) in PC group. Conclusion: Propofol anesthesia is safer than Sevoflurane anesthesia in patients with CHC. Sevoflurane and Propofol anesthesia affect miRNA expression in both CHC and non-hepatitis patients.Keywords: anesthesia, chronic hepatitis C, micoRNA, propofol, sevoflurane
Procedia PDF Downloads 3463580 Evaluating the Effects of an Educational Video on Running Shoe Selection and Subjective Perceptions
Authors: Andrew Fife, Jean-Francois Esculier, Codi Ramsey, Kim Hebert-Losier
Objectives: We aimed to identify how an evidence-based educational video influences how runners select shoes, and perceive shoe comfort, satisfaction, and performance over three months in comparison with a control video. Design: Two groups participated in a double-blind randomised controlled trial. Method: Fifty-six runners were randomly assigned to view one of two video presentations prior to purchasing new shoes for road running in speciality stores. Runners completed a survey with regards to their own shoes and one in reference to the new shoes purchased at three timepoints: before first use, onemonth post-purchase, and three-months post-purchase. Perceived shoe comfort, satisfaction, and performance were assessed using 100 mm visual analogue scales. Factors that influenced their shoe purchase were ranked in order of importance. Results: Comfort and satisfaction were not significantly different between groups and timepoints. The perceived performance of new shoes (75.6 mm) was significantly greater than own shoes (mean: 67.6 mm) before first use, but ratings returned to own-shoe levels one month later in both groups. The group receiving the evidence-based presentation reported their purchased shoes as being influenced more by the video (55.4 mm) than the control group (21.8 mm), although both chose the same brand and model as previously worn over half of the time. Runners in both groups prioritised fit, comfort, and choosing similar shoes to the ones they previously used. Conclusions: In contrast to expectations, the evidence-based educational video did not appear to influence running shoe selection, or overall perceived shoe comfort, satisfaction, or performance.Keywords: comfort, consumer behaviour, consciousness, education, running, shoes
Procedia PDF Downloads 363579 Web-Based Learning in Nursing: The Sample of Delivery Lesson Program
Authors: Merve Kadioğlu, Nevin H. Şahin
Purpose: This research is organized to determine the influence of the web-based learning program. The program has been developed to gain information about normal delivery skill that is one of the topics of nursing students who take the woman health and illness. Material and Methods: The methodology of this study was applied as pre-test post-test single-group quasi-experimental. The pilot study consisted of 28 nursing student study groups who agreed to participate in the study. The findings were gathered via web-based technologies: student information form, information evaluation tests, Web Based Training Material Evaluation Scale and web-based learning environment feedback form. In the analysis of the data, the percentage, frequency and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test were used. The Web Based Instruction Program was developed in the light of full learning model, Mayer's research-based multimedia development principles and Gagne's Instructional Activities Model. Findings: The average scores of it was determined in accordance with the web-based educational material evaluation scale: ‘Instructional Suitability’ 4.45, ‘Suitability to Educational Program’ 4.48, ‘Visual Adequacy’ 4.53, ‘Programming Eligibility / Technical Adequacy’ 4.00. Also, the participants mentioned that the program is successful and useful. A significant difference was found between the pre-test and post-test results of the seven modules (p < 0.05). Results: According to pilot study data, the program was rated ‘very good’ by the study group. It was also found to be effective in increasing knowledge about normal labor.Keywords: normal delivery, web-based learning, nursing students, e-learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1813578 PRENACEL: Development and Evaluation of an M-Health Strategy to Improve Prenatal Care in Brazil
Authors: E. M. Vieira, C. S. Vieira, L. P. Bonifácio, L. M. de Oliveira Ciabati, A. C. A. Franzon, F. S. Zaratini, J. A. C. Sanchez, M. S. Andrade, J. P. Dias de Souza
The quality of prenatal care is key to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. Communication between the health service and users can stimulate prevention and care. M-health has been an important and low cost strategy to health education. The PRENACEL programme (prenatal in the cell phone) was developed. It consists of a programme of information via SMS from the 20th week of pregnancy up to 12th week after delivery. Messages were about prenatal care, birth, contraception and breastfeeding. Communication of the pregnant woman asking questions about their health was possible. The objective of this study was to evaluate the implementation of PRENACEL as a useful complement to the standard prenatal care. Twenty health clinics were selected and randomized by cluster, 10 as the intervention group and 10 as the control group. In the intervention group, women and their partner were invited to participate. The control group received the standard prenatal care. All women were interviewed in the immediate post-partum and in the 12th and 24th week post-partum. Most women were married, had more than 8 years of schooling and visit the clinic more than 6 times during prenatal care. The intervention group presented lowest percentage of higher economic participants (5.6%), less single mothers and no drug user. It also presented more prenatal care visits than the control group and it was less likely to present Severe Acute Maternal Mortality when compared to control group as well as higher percentage of partners (75.4%) was present at the birth compared to control group. Although the study is still being carried out, preliminary data are showing positive results of the compliance of women to prenatal care.Keywords: cellphone, health technology, prenatal care, prevention
Procedia PDF Downloads 3923577 Effectiveness of Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile Technique on Reading Level among Dyslexic Children in Helikx Open School and Learning Centre, Salem
Authors: J. Mano Ranjini
Each and every child is special, born with a unique talent to explore this world. The word Dyslexia is derived from the Greek language in which “dys” meaning poor or inadequate and “lexis” meaning words or language. Dyslexia describes about a different kind of mind, which is often gifted and productive, that learns the concept differently. The main aim of the study is to bring the positive outcome of the reading level by examining the effectiveness of Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile technique on Reading Level among Dyslexic Children at Helikx Open School and Learning Centre. A Quasi experimental one group pretest post test design was adopted for this study. The Reading Level was assessed by using the Schonell Graded Word Reading Test. Thirty subjects were drawn by using purposive sampling technique and the intervention Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile technique was implemented to the Dyslexic Children for 30 consecutive days followed by the post Reading Level assessment revealed the improvement in the mean score value of reading level by 12%. Multi-sensory (VAKT) teaching uses all learning pathways in the brain (visual, auditory, kinesthetic-tactile) in order to enhance memory and learning and the ability in uplifting emotional, physical and societal dimensions. VAKT is an effective method to improve the reading skill of the Dyslexic Children that ensures the enormous significance of learning thereby influencing the wholesome of the child’s life.Keywords: visual auditory kinesthetic tactile technique, reading level, dyslexic children, Helikx Open School
Procedia PDF Downloads 6043576 Adjustment of the Whole-Body Center of Mass during Trunk-Flexed Walking across Uneven Ground
Authors: Soran Aminiaghdam, Christian Rode, Reinhard Blickhan, Astrid Zech
Despite considerable studies on the impact of imposed trunk posture on human walking, less is known about such locomotion while negotiating changes in ground level. The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior of the VBCOM in response to a two-fold expected perturbation, namely alterations in body posture and in ground level. To this end, the kinematic data and ground reaction forces of twelve able participants were collected. We analyzed the vertical position of the body center of mass (VBCOM) from the ground determined by the body segmental analysis method relative to the laboratory coordinate system at touchdown and toe-off instants during walking across uneven ground — characterized by perturbation contact (a 10-cm visible drop) and pre- and post-perturbation contacts — in comparison to unperturbed level contact while maintaining three postures (regular erect, ~30° and ~50° of trunk flexion from the vertical). The VBCOM was normalized to the distance between the greater trochanter marker and the lateral malleoli marker at the instant of TD. Moreover, we calculated the backward rotation during step-down as the difference of the maximum of the trunk angle in the pre-perturbation contact and the minimal trunk angle in the perturbation contact. Two-way repeated measures ANOVAs revealed contact-specific effects of posture on the VBCOM at touchdown (F = 5.96, p = 0.00). As indicated by the analysis of simple main effects, during unperturbed level and pre-perturbation contacts, no between-posture differences for the VBCOM at touchdown were found. In the perturbation contact, trunk-flexed gaits showed a significant increase of VBCOM as compared to the pre-perturbation contact. In the post-perturbation contact, the VBCOM demonstrated a significant decrease in all gait postures relative to the preceding corresponding contacts with no between-posture differences. Main effects of posture revealed that the VBCOM at toe-off significantly decreased in trunk-flexed gaits relative to the regular erect gait. For the main effect of contact, the VBCOM at toe-off demonstrated changes across perturbation and post-perturbation contacts as compared to the unperturbed level contact. Furthermore, participants exhibited a backward trunk rotation during step-down possibly to control the angular momentum of their whole body. A more pronounced backward trunk rotation (2- to 3-fold compared with level contacts) in trunk-flexed walking contributed to the observed elevated VBCOM during the step-down which may have facilitated drop negotiation. These results may shed light on the interaction between posture and locomotion in able gait, and specifically on the behavior of the body center of mass during perturbed locomotion.Keywords: center of mass, perturbation, posture, uneven ground, walking
Procedia PDF Downloads 1843575 An Audit on Tracheal Tube Cuff Pressure Check and Monitoring during Current Practice
Authors: Mahmoud Hassanin, Roshan Thawale, Kiran Yelamati
Background: During current practice, intraoperative regular endotracheal cuff pressure monitoring is not routine, despite the significant number of clinicians interested in checking it after intubation to ensure a good seal and adequate ventilation. Aims and objectives: to highlight that the current practice has no guidance related to regular intra-operative monitoring of the endotracheal tube cuff pressure, which can improve patient safety and post-operative experience. Methods: local department survey was done targeting anaesthetists' current practice, measuring their knowledge and problem awareness to improve patient satisfaction and change the current approach. Results: The participants were not using the manometer, despite their interest in ensuring that the cuff pressure was high enough and there was a proper seal. More than 50% of the participant don't know the ideal range of the endotracheal tube cuff pressure range, and 32% don't know whether it is available or not in the theatre. Despite the previous finding, 100% of the participants used different methods to ensure adequate cuff pressure. The collected data revealed that at least 26% of the participant confirmed that they had seen patients having post-intubation complications. Conclusion: There is an increasing importance placed on quality assurance. Clinical practice varies widely among practitioners, with the only consistency being the omission of cuff manometers during routine intra-operative management, despite their proven benefit and efficacy. Encourage the anaesthetists and ODPs to use cuff pressure manometers. The availability of portable pressure manometers can help to maintain safe cuff pressures in patients requiring endotracheal intubation.Keywords: endotracheal cuff pressure, intra-operative monitoring, current practice, patient satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1093574 High Temperature Deformation Behavior of Al0.2CoCrFeNiMo0.5 High Entropy alloy
Authors: Yasam Palguna, Rajesh Korla
The efficiency of thermally operated systems can be improved by increasing the operating temperature, thereby decreasing the fuel consumption and carbon footprint. Hence, there is a continuous need for replacing the existing materials with new alloys with higher temperature working capabilities. During the last decade, multi principal element alloys, commonly known as high entropy alloys are getting more attention because of their superior high temperature strength along with good high temperature corrosion and oxidation resistance, The present work focused on the microstructure and high temperature tensile behavior of Al0.2CoCrFeNiMo0.5 high entropy alloy (HEA). Wrought Al0.2CoCrFeNiMo0.5 high entropy alloy, produced by vacuum induction melting followed by thermomechanical processing, is tested in the temperature range of 200 to 900oC. It is exhibiting very good resistance to softening with increasing temperature up to 700oC, and thereafter there is a rapid decrease in the strength, especially beyond 800oC, which may be due to simultaneous occurrence of recrystallization and precipitate coarsening. Further, it is exhibiting superplastic kind of behavior with a uniform elongation of ~ 275 % at 900 oC temperature and 1 x 10-3 s-1 strain rate, which may be due to the presence of fine stable equi-axed grains. Strain rate sensitivity of 0.3 was observed, suggesting that solute drag dislocation glide might be the active mechanism during superplastic kind of deformation. Post deformation microstructure suggesting that cavitation at the sigma phase-matrix interface is the failure mechanism during high temperature deformation. Finally, high temperature properties of the present alloy will be compared with the contemporary high temperature materials such as ferritic, austenitic steels, and superalloys.Keywords: high entropy alloy, high temperature deformation, super plasticity, post-deformation microstructures
Procedia PDF Downloads 1693573 Frenotomy for Tongue Tie: The Unlikely Benefit of Massage
Authors: Kailas Bhandarkar, Talib Dar, Laura Karia, Manasvi Upadhyaya
Introduction: Frenotomy for tongue tie is commonly performed in breastfed infants who experience difficulty in latching after failed conservative management for tongue tie. However, there is no consensus for the routine use of massage following frenotomy. Our aim was to assess the efficacy of massage in preventing recurrence following frenotomy. Methods: The tongue tie service in our tertiary referral hospital consists of 5 consultants and a breastfeeding (BF) midwife. 3 consultants routinely advice massage post procedure. Babies are assessed by the midwife after the procedure and a follow-up consultation after a week. After due ethical approval, data were collected by two staff members who were independent of TT service on a standardized questionnaire to avoid bias. Fischer exact test was employed (p < 0.05 considered significant). Results: Six hundred and thirty-two babies attended the clinic from January 2018 to December 2018. Thirty-three of these were excluded as the procedure was not needed. Parents were contacted at a median of six months post-procedure (range 2-10 months). 282/599 were advised massage. 92/282 could be contacted. 40/ 92 adhered to massage regimen. None of these had a recurrence. 52/92 (54%), although advised, did not perform massage. Reasons cited for lack of adherence to massage included difficulty in performing massaging and conflicting advice given by other health care professionals involved in patient care like paediatricians and group practice and lack of information on the internet). Overall, 4/599 (0.66%) had recurrences, and this difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: In our experience, the rate of recurrence after frenotomy is low enough for us to conclude that there is no significant benefit of massage after frenotomy for tongue tie. We could also conclude that among parents who were advised massage more than half failed to adhere to the advice.Keywords: tongue tie, frenotomy, massage, recurrence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1373572 Randomized, Controlled Blind Study Comparing Sacroiliac Intra-Articular Steroid Injection to Radiofrequency Denervation for Management of Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Authors: Ossama Salman
Background and objective: Sacroiliac joint pain is a common cause for chronic axial low back pain, with up to 20% prevalence rate. To date, no effective long-term treatment intervention has been embarked on yet. The aim of our study was to compare steroid block to radiofrequency ablation for SIJ pain conditions. Methods: A randomized, blind, study was conducted in 30 patients with sacroiliac joint pain. Fifteen patients received radiofrequency denervation of L4-5 primary dorsal rami and S1-3 lateral sacral branch, and 15 patients received steroid under fluoroscopy. Those in the steroid group who did not respond to steroid injections were offered to cross over to get radiofrequency ablation. Results: At 1-, 3- and 6-months post-intervention, 73%, 60% and 53% of patients, respectively, gained ≥ 50 % pain relief in the radiofrequency (RF) ablation group. In the steroid group, at one month post intervention follow up, only 20% gained ≥ 50 % pain relief, but failed to show any improvement at 3 months and 6 months follow up. Conclusions: Radiofrequency ablation at L4 and L5 primary dorsal rami and S1-3 lateral sacral branch may provide effective and longer pain relief compared to the classic intra-articular steroid injection, in properly selected patients with suspected sacroiliac joint pain. Larger studies are called for to confirm our results and lay out the optimal patient selection and treatment parameters for this poorly comprehended disorder.Keywords: lateral branch denervation, LBD, radio frequency, RF, sacroiliac joint, SIJ, visual analogue scale, VAS
Procedia PDF Downloads 2193571 Efficacy and Safety of COVID-19 Vaccination in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Looking Forward to Post-COVID-19
Authors: Achiron Anat, Mathilda Mandel, Mayust Sue, Achiron Reuven, Gurevich Michael
Introduction: As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination is currently spreading around the world, it is of importance to assess the ability of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients to mount an appropriate immune response to the vaccine in the context of disease-modifying treatments (DMT’s). Objectives: Evaluate immunity generated following COVID-19 vaccination in MS patients, and assess factors contributing to protective humoral and cellular immune responses in MS patients vaccinated against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) virus infection. Methods: Review our recent data related to (1) the safety of PfizerBNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in adult MS patients; (2) the humoral post-vaccination SARS-CoV2 IgG response in MS vaccinees using anti-spike protein-based serology; and (3) the cellular immune response of memory B-cells specific for SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain (RBD) and memory T-cells secreting IFN-g and/or IL-2 in response to SARS-CoV2 peptides using ELISpot/Fluorospot assays in MS patients either untreated or under treatment with fingolimod, cladribine, or ocrelizumab; (4) covariate parameters related to mounting protective immune responses. Results: COVID-19 vaccine proved safe in MS patients, and the adverse event profile was mainly characterised by pain at the injection site, fatigue, and headache. Not any increased risk of relapse activity was noted and the rate of patients with acute relapse was comparable to the relapse rate in non-vaccinated patients during the corresponding follow-up period. A mild increase in the rate of adverse events was noted in younger MS patients, among patients with lower disability, and in patients treated with DMTs. Following COVID-19 vaccination protective humoral immune response was significantly decreased in fingolimod- and ocrelizumab- treated MS patients. SARS-CoV2 specific B-cell and T-cell cellular responses were respectively decreased. Untreated MS patients and patients treated with cladribine demonstrated protective humoral and cellular immune responses, similar to healthy vaccinated subjects. Conclusions: COVID-19 BNT162b2 vaccine proved as safe for MS patients. No increased risk of relapse activity was noted post-vaccination. Although COVID-19 vaccination is new, accumulated data demonstrate differences in immune responses under various DMT’s. This knowledge can help to construct appropriate COVID-19 vaccine guidelines to ensure proper immune responses for MS patients.Keywords: covid-19, vaccination, multiple sclerosis, IgG
Procedia PDF Downloads 1433570 The Effects of Changes in Accounting Standards on Loan Loss Provisions (LLP) as Earnings Management Device: Evidence from Malaysia and Nigeria Banks (Part I)
Authors: Ugbede Onalo, Mohd Lizam, Ahmad Kaseri
In view of dearth of studies on changes in accounting standards and banks’ earnings management particularly in the context of emerging economies, and the recent Malaysia and Nigeria change from their respective local GAAP to IFRS, this study deemed it overwhelming to investigate the effects of the switch on banks’ earnings management focusing on LLP as the manipulative device. This study employed judgmental sampling to select twenty eight banks- eight Malaysia and twenty Nigeria banks as sample covering period 2008-2013. To provide an empirical research setting in pursuant of the objective of this study, the study period is further partitioned into pre (2008, 2009, 2010) and post (2011, 2012, 2013) IFRS adoption periods. This study consistent with previous studies models a LLP regression model to investigate specific discretionary accruals of banks. Findings suggest that Malaysia and Nigeria banks individually use LLP to manage reported earnings more prior to IFRS implementation. Comparative overall results evidenced that the pre IFRS adoption or domestic GAAP era for both Malaysia and Nigeria sample banks is associated with higher prevalent earnings management through LLP than the corresponding post IFRS adoption era in diverse magnitude but in favour of Malaysia banks for both periods. With results demonstrating that IFRS adoption is linked to lower earnings management via LLP, this study therefore recommends the global adoption of IFRS as reporting framework. This study also endorses that Nigeria banks embrace and borrow a leaf from Malaysia banks good corporate governance practices.Keywords: accounting standards, IFRS, FRS, SAS, LLP, earnings management
Procedia PDF Downloads 4093569 Analysis of Patient No-Shows According to Health Conditions
Authors: Sangbok Lee
There has been much effort on process improvement for outpatient clinics to provide quality and acute care to patients. One of the efforts is no-show analysis or prediction. This work analyzes patient no-shows along with patient health conditions. The health conditions refer to clinical symptoms that each patient has, out of the followings; hyperlipidemia, diabetes, metastatic solid tumor, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease, myocardial infraction, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, stroke, drug dependence abuse, schizophrenia, major depression, and pain. A dataset from a regional hospital is used to find the relationship between the number of the symptoms and no-show probabilities. Additional analysis reveals how each symptom or combination of symptoms affects no-shows. In the above analyses, cross-classification of patients by age and gender is carried out. The findings from the analysis will be used to take extra care to patients with particular health conditions. They will be forced to visit clinics by being informed about their health conditions and possible consequences more clearly. Moreover, this work will be used in the preparation of making institutional guidelines for patient reminder systems.Keywords: healthcare system, no show analysis, process improvment, statistical data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2353568 Shelf Life of Frozen Processed Foods for Extended Durability
Authors: Manfreda Gerardo, Pasquali Frederique, Pepe Tiziana, Anastasio Aniello, Ianieri Adriana
The aim of the research was to evaluate the shelf life of a REPFED’s product (lasagna alla bolognese), developed as a product to be marketed fresh after defrosting. Three different samples were prepared: A, B and C, which presented differences in relation to the recipe, pasteurization technique and packaging on which the trend of the shelf-life indicator parameters was evaluated during a period of prolonged shelf life. The analytical plan involved the measurement of microbiological, chemical-physical and organoleptic parameters over 7 moments of storage selected in a period of 33 days. CBT, LAB, enterobacteria, E. coli, yeasts, molds, S. coagulase positive, B. cereus, Salmonella spp and L. monocytogenes, pH, Aw, Kreiss test, peroxides, atmosphere inside the packages, and organoleptic characteristics were determined. The results demonstrated the effect of post-packaging pasteurization on the shelf life of fresh from frozen products. However, the products pasteurized at 95°C in the absence of steam showed microbiological parameters that were not appropriate for an extended shelf life of up to 60 days. On the contrary, the samples pasteurized at 98°C with steam saturation and counterpressure showed values compatible with an extended shelf life. The results of the chemical-physical analyses highlighted how recipe and packaging affect the chemical-physical and organoleptic parameters. In conclusion, this preliminary study confirmed the effectiveness of post-packaging pasteurization treatments aimed at extending the shelf life of the product, helping the food company to occupy market niches even very distant from the production sites.Keywords: shelf life, REPFED’s product, extended durability, pasteurization
Procedia PDF Downloads 323567 The 5-HT1A Receptor Biased Agonists, NLX-101 and NLX-204, Elicit Rapid-Acting Antidepressant Activity in Rat Similar to Ketamine and via GABAergic Mechanisms
Authors: A. Newman-Tancredi, R. Depoortère, P. Gruca, E. Litwa, M. Lason, M. Papp
The N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonist, ketamine, can elicit rapid-acting antidepressant (RAAD) effects in treatment-resistant patients, but it requires parenteral co-administration with a classical antidepressant under medical supervision. In addition, ketamine can also produce serious side effects that limit its long-term use, and there is much interest in identifying RAADs based on ketamine’s mechanism of action but with safer profiles. Ketamine elicits GABAergic interneuron inhibition, glutamatergic neuron stimulation, and, notably, activation of serotonin 5-HT1A receptors in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). Direct activation of the latter receptor subpopulation with selective ‘biased agonists’ may therefore be a promising strategy to identify novel RAADs and, consistent with this hypothesis, the prototypical cortical biased agonist, NLX-101, exhibited robust RAAD-like activity in the chronic mild stress model of depression (CMS). The present study compared the effects of a novel, selective 5-HT1A receptor-biased agonist, NLX-204, with those of ketamine and NLX-101. Materials and methods: CMS procedure was conducted on Wistar rats; drugs were administered either intraperitoneally (i.p.) or by bilateral intracortical microinjection. Ketamine: 10 mg/kg i.p. or 10 µg/side in PFC; NLX-204 and NLX-101: 0.08 and 0.16 mg/kg i.p. or 16 µg/side in PFC. In addition, interaction studies were carried out with systemic NLX-204 or NLX-101 (each at 0.16 mg/kg i.p.) in combination with intracortical WAY-100635 (selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist; 2 µg/side) or muscimol (GABA-A receptor agonist, 12.5 ng/side). Anhedonia was assessed by CMS-induced decrease in sucrose solution consumption; anxiety-like behavior was assessed using the Elevated Plus Maze (EPM), and cognitive impairment was assessed by the Novel Object Recognition (NOR) test. Results: A single administration of NLX-204 was sufficient to reverse the CMS-induced deficit in sucrose consumption, similarly to ketamine and NLX-101. NLX-204 also reduced CMS-induced anxiety in the EPM and abolished CMS-induced NOR deficits. These effects were maintained (EPM and NOR) or enhanced (sucrose consumption) over a subsequent 2-week period of treatment. The anti-anhedonic response of the drugs was also maintained for several weeks Following treatment discontinuation, suggesting that they had sustained effects on neuronal networks. A single PFC administration of NLX-204 reversed deficient sucrose consumption, similarly to ketamine and NLX-101. Moreover, the anti-anhedonic activities of systemic NLX-204 and NLX 101 were abolished by coadministration with intracortical WAY-100635 or muscimol. Conclusions: (i) The antidepressant-like activity of NLX-204 in the rat CMS model was as rapid as that of ketamine or NLX-101, supporting targeting cortical 5-HT1A receptors with selective, biased agonists to achieve RAAD effects. (ii)The anti-anhedonic activity of systemic NLX-204 was mimicked by local administration of the compound in the PFC, confirming the involvement of cortical circuits in its RAAD-like effects. (iii) Notably, the effects of systemic NLX-204 and NLX-101 were abolished by PFC administration of muscimol, indicating that they act by (indirectly) eliciting a reduction in cortical GABAergic neurotransmission. This is consistent with ketamine’s mechanism of action and suggests that there are converging NMDA and 5-HT1A receptor signaling cascades in PFC underlying the RAAD-like activities of ketamine and NLX-204. Acknowledgements: The study was financially supported by NCN grant no. 2019/35/B/NZ7/00787.Keywords: depression, ketamine, serotonin, 5-HT1A receptor, chronic mild stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 1193566 Tales of Two Cities: 'Motor City' Detroit and 'King Cotton' Manchester: Transatlantic Transmissions and Transformations, Flows of Communications, Commercial and Cultural Connections
Authors: Dominic Sagar
Manchester ‘King Cotton’, the first truly industrial city of the nineteenth century, passing on the baton to Detroit ‘Motor City’, is the first truly modern city. We are exploring the tales of the two cities, their rise and fall and subsequent post-industrial decline, their transitions and transformations, whilst alongside paralleling their corresponding, commercial, cultural, industrial and even agricultural, artistic and musical transactions and connections. The paper will briefly contextualize how technologies of the industrial age and modern age have been instrumental in the development of these cities and other similar cities including New York. However, the main focus of the study will be the present and more importantly the future, how globalisation and the advancements of digital technologies and industries have shaped the cities developments from AlanTuring and the making of the first programmable computer to the effect of digitalisation and digital initiatives. Manchester now has a thriving creative digital infrastructure of Digilabs, FabLabs, MadLabs and hubs, the study will reference the Smart Project and the Manchester Digital Development Association whilst paralleling similar digital and creative industrial initiatives now starting to happen in Detroit. The paper will explore other topics including the need to allow for zones of experimentation, areas to play, think and create in order develop and instigate new initiatives and ideas of production, carrying on the tradition of influential inventions throughout the history of these key cities. Other topics will be briefly touched on, such as urban farming, citing the Biospheric foundation in Manchester and other similar projects in Detroit. However, the main thread will focus on the music industries and how they are contributing to the regeneration of cities. Musically and artistically, Manchester and Detroit have been closely connected by the flow and transmission of information and transfer of ideas via ‘cars and trains and boats and planes’ through to the new ‘super highway’. From Detroit to Manchester often via New York and Liverpool and back again, these musical and artistic connections and flows have greatly affected and influenced both cities and the advancement of technology are still connecting the cities. In summary two hugely important industrial cities, subsequently both experienced massive decline in fortunes, having had their large industrial hearts ripped out, ravaged leaving dying industrial carcasses and car crashes of despair, dereliction, desolation and post-industrial wastelands vacated by a massive exodus of the cities’ inhabitants. To examine the affinity, similarity and differences between Manchester & Detroit, from their industrial importance to their post-industrial decline and their current transmutations, transformations, transient transgressions, cities in transition; contrasting how they have dealt with these problems and how they can learn from each other. With a view to framing these topics with regard to how various communities have shaped these cities and the creative industries and design [the new cotton/car manufacturing industries] are reinventing post-industrial cities, to speculate on future development of these themes in relation to Globalisation, digitalisation and how cities can function to develop solutions to communal living in cities of the future.Keywords: cultural capital, digital developments, musical initiatives, zones of experimentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1973565 The Impact of Improved Grain Storage Technology on Marketing Behaviour and Livelihoods of Maize Farmers: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Ethiopia
Authors: Betelhem M. Negede, Maarten Voors, Hugo De Groote, Bart Minten
Farmers in Ethiopia produce most of their own food during one agricultural season per year. Therefore, they need to use on-farm storage technologies to bridge the lean season and benefit from price arbitrage. Maize stored using traditional storage bags offer no protection from insects and molds, leading to high storage losses. In Ethiopia access to and use of modern storage technologies are still limited, restraining farmers to benefit from local maize price fluctuations. We used a randomized controlled trial among 871 maize farmers to evaluate the impacts of Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags, also known as hermetic bags, on storage losses, and especially on behavioral changes with respect to consumption, marketing, and income among maize farmers in Ethiopia. This study builds upon the limited previous experimental research that has tried to understand farmers’ grain storage and post-harvest losses and identify mechanisms behind the persistence of these challenges. Our main hypothesis is that access to PICS bags allows farmers to increase production, storage and maize income. Also delay the length of maize storage, reduce maize post-harvest losses and improve their food security. Our results show that even though farmers received only three PICS bags that represent 10percent of their total maize stored, they delay their length of maize storage for sales by two weeks. However, we find no treatment effect on maize income, suggesting that the arbitrage of two weeks is too small. Also, we do not find any reduction in storage losses due to farmers’ reaction by selling early and by using cheap and readily available but potentially harmful storage chemicals. Looking at the heterogeneity treatment effects between the treatment variable and highland and lowland villages, we find a decrease in the percentage of maize stored by 4 percent in the highland villages. This confirms that location specific factors, such as agro-ecology and proximity to markets are important factors that influence whether and how much of the harvest a farmer stores. These findings highlight the benefits of hermetic storage bags, by allowing farmers to make inter-temporal arbitrage and by reducing potential health risks from storage chemicals. The main policy recommendation that emanates from our study is that postharvest losses reduction throughout the whole value chain is an important pathway to food and income security in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, future storage loss interventions with hermetic storage technologies should take into account the agro-ecology of the study area and quantify storage losses beyond farmers self-reported losses, such as the count and weigh method. Finally, studies on hermetic storage technologies indicate positive impacts on post-harvest losses and in improving food security, but the adoption and use of these technologies is currently still low in SSA. Therefore, future works on the scaling up of hermetic bags, should consider reasons why farmers only use PICS bags to store grains for consumption, which is usually related to a safety-first approach or due to lack of incentives (higher price from maize not treated with chemicals), and no grain quality check.Keywords: arbitrage, PICS hermetic bags, post-harvest storage loss, RCT
Procedia PDF Downloads 1423564 Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Reducing Corona Disease Anxiety in the Staff Working in Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Shiraz
Authors: Gholam Reza Mirzaei
This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) in reducing corona disease anxiety in the staff working at Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Shiraz. The current research was a quasi-experimental study having pre-test and post-test with two experimental and control groups. The statistical population of the research included all the staff of Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Shiraz in 2021. From among the statistical population, 30 participants (N =15 in the experimental group and N =15 in the control group) were selected by available sampling. The materials used in the study comprised the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) and Corona Disease Anxiety Scale (CDAS). Following data collection, the participants’ scores were analyzed using SPSS 20 at both descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (analysis of covariance) levels. The results of the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is effective in reducing Corona disease anxiety (mental and physical symptoms) in the staff working at Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Shiraz. The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on reducing mental symptoms was 25.5% and on physical symptoms was 13.8%. The mean scores of the experimental group in the sub-scales of Corona disease anxiety (mental and physical symptoms) in the post-test were lower than the mean scores of the control group.Keywords: acceptance and commitment therapy, corona disease anxiety, hospital staff, Shiraz
Procedia PDF Downloads 493563 Psychological Assessment of Living Kidney Donors: A Systematic Review
Authors: Valentina Colonnello, Paolo Maria Russo
Living kidney donation requires psychological evaluation and ongoing follow-up. A crucial aspect of this evaluation is assessing the social functioning of donors after donation. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we conducted a review of quantitative and qualitative studies on the psychological assessment of living kidney donors' social functioning. The majority of quantitative studies examining the long-term social health post-donation have primarily utilized the Short Form Health Survey (SF) and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQoL-BREF) questionnaires. These studies have indicated that donors' social functioning and relationships either remained stable post-donation or returned to pre-donation levels. In some instances, donors' social functioning even surpassed that of the general population. Qualitative studies, conducted through interviews and focus groups, have revealed donors' experiences and emotional concerns that are often overlooked in quantitative analyses. Specifically, qualitative analysis has identified two main themes: "connecting to others" and "acknowledgment and social support." Our review highlights that the majority of published quantitative studies on donors have employed measures of social functioning that may not fully capture donors' experiences and needs. It underscores the importance of further investigation in quantitative studies to assess donors' actual social health and psychological needs accurately. Overall, this review provides valuable insights into specific constructs that warrant deeper exploration in quantitative studies concerning the assessment of donors' social health and psychological well-being.Keywords: reported outcomes, personalized medicine, individual differences, emotions, psychological assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 713562 Applying Knowledge Management and Attitude Based on Holistic Approach in Learning Andragogy, as an Effort to Solve Environmental Problems after Mining Activities
Authors: Aloysius Hardoko, Susilo
The root cause of environmental damage post coal mining activities as determined by the province of East Kalimantan as a corridor of economic activity masterplan acceleration of economic development expansion (MP3EI) is the behavior of adults. Adult behavior can be changed through knowledge management and attitude. Based on the root of the problem, the objective of the research is to apply knowledge management and attitude based on holistic approach in learning andragogy as an effort to solve environmental problems after coal mining activities. Research methods to achieve the objective of using quantitative research with pretest posttest group design. Knowledge management and attitudes based on a holistic approach in adult learning are applied through initial learning activities, core and case-based cover of environmental damage. The research instrument is a description of the case of environmental damage. The data analysis uses t-test to see the effect of knowledge management attitude based on holistic approach before and after adult learning. Location and sample of representative research of adults as many as 20 people in Kutai Kertanegara District, one of the districts in East Kalimantan province, which suffered the worst environmental damage. The conclusion of the research result is the application of knowledge management and attitude in adult learning influence to adult knowledge and attitude to overcome environmental problem post coal mining activity.Keywords: knowledge management and attitude, holistic approach, andragogy learning, environmental damage
Procedia PDF Downloads 2463561 Full-Face Hyaluronic Acid Implants Assisted by Artificial Intelligence-Generated Post-treatment 3D Models
Authors: Ciro Cursio, Pio Luigi Cursio, Giulia Cursio, Isabella Chiardi, Luigi Cursio
Introduction: Full-face aesthetic treatments often present a difficult task: since different patients possess different anatomical and tissue characteristics, there is no guarantee that the same treatment will have the same effect on multiple patients; additionally, full-face rejuvenation and beautification treatments require not only a high degree of technical skill but also the ability to choose the right product for each area and a keen artistic eye. Method: We present an artificial intelligence-based algorithm that can generate realistic post-treatment 3D models based on the patient’s requests together with the doctor’s input. These 3-dimensional predictions can be used by the practitioner for two purposes: firstly, they help ensure that the patient and the doctor are completely aligned on the expectations of the treatment; secondly, the doctor can use them as a visual guide, obtaining a natural result that would normally stem from the practitioner's artistic skills. To this end, the algorithm is able to predict injection zones, the type and quantity of hyaluronic acid, the injection depth, and the technique to use. Results: Our innovation consists in providing an objective visual representation of the patient that is helpful in the patient-doctor dialogue. The patient, based on this information, can express her desire to undergo a specific treatment or make changes to the therapeutic plan. In short, the patient becomes an active agent in the choices made before the treatment. Conclusion: We believe that this algorithm will reveal itself as a useful tool in the pre-treatment decision-making process to prevent both the patient and the doctor from making a leap into the dark.Keywords: hyaluronic acid, fillers, full face, artificial intelligence, 3D
Procedia PDF Downloads 933560 Study of the Association between Salivary Microbiological Data, Oral Health Indicators, Behavioral Factors, and Social Determinants among Post-COVID Patients Aged 7 to 12 Years in Tbilisi City
Authors: Lia Mania, Ketevan Nanobashvili
Background: The coronavirus disease COVID-19 has become the cause of a global health crisis during the current pandemic. This study aims to fill the paucity of epidemiological studies on the impact of COVID-19 on the oral health of pediatric populations. Methods: It was conducted an observational, cross-sectional study in Georgia, in Tbilisi (capital of Georgia), among 7 to 12-year-old PCR or rapid test-confirmed post-Covid populations in all districts of Tbilisi (10 districts in total). 332 beneficiaries who were infected with Covid within one year were included in the study. The population was selected in schools of Tbilisi according to the principle of cluster selection. A simple random selection took place in the selected clusters. According to this principle, an equal number of beneficiaries were selected in all districts of Tbilisi. By July 1, 2022, according to National Center for Disease Control and Public Health data (NCDC.Ge), the number of test-confirmed cases in the population aged 0-18 in Tbilisi was 115137 children (17.7% of all confirmed cases). The number of patients to be examined was determined by the sample size. Oral screening, microbiological examination of saliva, and administration of oral health questionnaires to guardians were performed. Statistical processing of data was done with SPSS-23. Risk factors were estimated by odds ratio and logistic regression with 95% confidence interval. Results: Statistically reliable differences between the averages of oral health indicators in asymptomatic and symptomatic covid-infected groups are: for caries intensity (DMF+def) t=4.468 and p=0.000, for modified gingival index (MGI) t=3.048, p=0.002, for simplified oral hygiene index (S-OHI) t=4.853; p=0.000. Symptomatic covid-infection has a reliable effect on the oral microbiome (Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus epidermalis); (n=332; 77.3% vs n=332; 58.0%; OR=2.46, 95%CI: 1.318-4.617). According to the logistic regression, it was found that the severity of the covid infection has a significant effect on the frequency of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity B=0.903 AOR=2.467 (CL 1.318-4.617). Symptomatic covid-infection affects oral health indicators, regardless of the presence of other risk factors, such as parental employment status, tooth brushing behaviors, carbohydrate meal, fruit consumption. (p<0.05). Conclusion: Risk factors (parental employment status, tooth brushing behaviors, carbohydrate consumption) were associated with poorer oral health status in a post-Covid population of 7- to 12-year-old children. However, such a risk factor as symptomatic ongoing covid-infection affected the oral microbiome in terms of the abundant growth of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus epidermalis) and further worsened oral health indicators. Thus, a close association was established between symptomatic covid-infection and microbiome changes in the post-covid period; also - between the variables of oral health indicators and the symptomatic course of covid-infection.Keywords: oral microbiome, COVID-19, population based research, oral health indicators
Procedia PDF Downloads 723559 Strengthening Service Delivery to Improving Cervical Cancer Screening in Southwestern Nigeria: A Pilot Project
Authors: Afolabi K. Esther, Kuye Tolulope, Babafemi, L. Olayemi, Omikunle Yemisi
Background: Cervical cancer is a potentially preventable disease of public significance. All sexually active women are at risk of cervical cancer; however, the uptake and coverage are low in low-middle resource countries. Hence, the programme explored the feasibility of demonstrating an innovative and low-cost system approach to cervical cancer screening service delivery among reproductive-aged women in low–resource settings in Southwestern Nigeria. This was to promote the uptake and quality improvement of cervical cancer screening services. Methods: This study was an intervention project in three senatorial districts in Osun State that have primary, secondary and tertiary health facilities. The project was in three phases; Pre-intervention, Intervention, and Post-intervention. The study utilised the existing infrastructure, facilities and staff in project settings. The study population was nurse-midwives, community health workers and reproductive-aged women (30-49 years). The intervention phase entailed using innovative, culturally appropriate strategies to create awareness of cervical cancer and preventive health-seeking behaviour among women in the reproductive-aged group (30-49) years. Also, the service providers (community health workers, Nurses, and Midwives) were trained on screening methods and treatment of pre-cancerous lesions, and there was the provision of essential equipment and supplies for cervical cancer screening services at health facilities. Besides, advocacy and engagement were made with relevant stakeholders to integrate the cervical cancer screening services into related reproductive health services and greater allocation of resources. The expected results compared the pre and post-intervention using the baseline and process indicators and the effect of the intervention phase on screening coverage using a plausibility assessment design. The project lasted 12 months; visual Inspection with Acetic acid (VIA) screening for the women for six months and follow-up in 6 months for women receiving treatment. Results: The pre-intervention phase assessed baseline service delivery statistics in the previous 12 months drawn from the retrospective data collected as part of the routine monitoring and reporting systems. The uptake of cervical cancer screening services was low as the number of women screened in the previous 12 months was 156. Service personnel's competency level was fair (54%), and limited availability of essential equipment and supplies for cervical cancer screening services. At the post-intervention phase, the level of uptake had increased as the number of women screened was 1586 within six months in the study settings. This showed about a 100-%increase in the uptake of cervical cancer screening services compared with the baseline assessment. Also, the post-intervention level of competency of service delivery personnel had increased to 86.3%, which indicates quality improvement of the cervical cancer screening service delivery. Conclusion: the findings from the study have shown an effective approach to strengthening and improving cervical cancer screening service delivery in Southwestern Nigeria. Hence, the intervention promoted a positive attitude and health-seeking behaviour among the target population, significantly influencing the uptake of cervical cancer screening services.Keywords: cervical cancer, screening, nigeria, health system strengthening
Procedia PDF Downloads 1103558 First Aid Awareness Campaign for Two Undergraduate Nursing Cohorts
Authors: Mona Afifi, Yara Al Qahtani, Afnan Al Dosari, Amnah Hamdi
Background: First aid is the care provided outside the hospital. It is important in saving lives. Delay in helping the victims may result in serious complication or even death. Many people die in Saudi Arabia because they don’t get proper first aid interventions. According to Traffic Safety council in KSA (2012), in the year of 2011 there was 7153 deaths from car accident in KAS. Subjects and method: Quasi-experimental research design was utilized to assess the effect of a structured 45-minute educational session on 82 undergraduate nursing students’ knowledge about first aid. Two tools were developed for the purpose of the current study. First tool containing the sociodemographic data including age, gender, level, and previous participation in a first aid course, and 55 statements specific to different situations that requires first aid. Concept and Knowledge of First Aid has 9 questions, cardiopulmonary resuscitation has 12 questions, Bleeding and Shock have 7 questions, Road Traffic Accidents has 5 questions, Fracture and Trauma have 4 questions, wound has 5 questions, sunstroke has 4 questions, bits and stings has 4 questions and burn has 5 questions. The second tool was to evaluate the campaign session. Result: The overall knowledge score showed significant difference between the pre and post awareness session (59.58 and 93.00 respectively, p=.000). Mean score shows significant difference in pre-tests between third and fourth year nursing students indicating that knowledge of fourth year students is higher compared to third year students with the mean knowledge scores of 69.56 and 60.88 respectively (p=0.006). Conclusion: Results of the current study indicate that the level of the knowledge in the post test session was higher than in the pre session. Also results showed that the fourth year student`s knowledge in pre-test was better compared to previous year.Keywords: first aid, awareness campaign, undergraduate nursing students, knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 1743557 Manifestation of Behavioral and Emotional Disturbances in News Reporters Covering Traumatic Events
Authors: Misbah Shahzadi
The present study was conducted to identify the emotional and behavioral disturbances among the News Reporters covering Traumatic events. In the present study, a sample of 50 News Reporters belonging to the national and the local news agencies were selected from Rawalpindi and Islamabad who had covered any traumatic event in the past one year. Rotter’s Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB) and Impact of Event Scale interpretations were used to assess a variety of emotional and behavioral patterns of News Reporters. Results showed that some of the frequent emotional and behavioral reactions exhibited by individuals like withdrawal, anxiety\depression, aggression, hyperarousal and avoidance behavior whereas gender-based comparisons indicated that there is no significant gender difference in the News Reporters in manifestations of behavioral and emotional disturbances. It is concluded that significant negative emotional and behavioral reactions are exhibited by the News Reporters who cover traumatic events. The study identifies the negative emotional and behavioral reactions/disturbances after trauma, which can be helpful for identifying problematic areas for counseling and therapeutic interventions for these News Reporters.Keywords: behavioural disturbance, emotional disturbance, news reporters, traumatic events
Procedia PDF Downloads 437