Search results for: emerging hotspots analysis
27928 Sensitivity Analysis for 14 Bus Systems in a Distribution Network with Distribution Generators
Authors: Lakshya Bhat, Anubhav Shrivastava, Shivarudraswamy
There has been a formidable interest in the area of Distributed Generation in recent times. A wide number of loads are addressed by Distributed Generators and have better efficiency too. The major disadvantage in Distributed Generation is voltage control- is highlighted in this paper. The paper addresses voltage control at buses in IEEE 14 Bus system by regulating reactive power. An analysis is carried out by selecting the most optimum location in placing the Distributed Generators through load flow analysis and seeing where the voltage profile rises. Matlab programming is used for simulation of voltage profile in the respective buses after introduction of DG’s. A tolerance limit of +/-5% of the base value has to be maintained.To maintain the tolerance limit , 3 methods are used. Sensitivity analysis of 3 methods for voltage control is carried out to determine the priority among the methods.Keywords: distributed generators, distributed system, reactive power, voltage control, sensitivity analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 59027927 Discourse Analysis of the Concept of Citizenship in Textbooks in Iran
Authors: Jafar Ahmadi
This research has been done as a discourse analysis of the concept of citizenship in textbooks in Iran. The purpose of this study is to identify the dominant citizenship discourse in textbooks in the content of textbooks. The research method in this research is qualitative and qualitative content analysis. The statistical sample was selected in a purposeful manner and according to the research topic of books related to Persian literature, religious education and social education. The selected theoretical framework of this research is the three theories of citizenship (pre-modern, modern and postmodern). For each of these discourses, components and indicators have been extracted that are the basis of data analysis. The research findings show that the dominant citizenship discourse on the content of Iranian textbooks is pre-modern discourse and is the basis of this type of religious citizenship discourse. Finally, the findings show that the government uses the institution of education to reproduce its power.Keywords: citizenship, textbooks, discourse analysis, religious citizenship, representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 19927926 Emerging Barriers And Enablers Of Digital Inclusion For Students With Disabilities In Ethiopian Education
Authors: Merih Welay Welesilassie
This research investigated the factors influencing digital inclusion for young students with disabilities in Ethiopian schools. In this context, socio-economic, infrastructural, and cultural challenges amplify educational disparities. In the era of digital technology's pivotal role in education, it is crucial to ensure equitable access for students with disabilities. Nevertheless, obstacles like inadequate infrastructure, insufficient teacher training, and economic constraints impede the incorporation of digital tools in educational environments, especially for marginalised groups. This study employed an explanatory sequential mixed-methods approach involving data collection through a survey administered to 300 students. Subsequently, in-depth interviews were conducted with 30 participants to provide comprehensive insights into their experiences. The quantitative analysis uncovered that students with disabilities have limited support for digital readiness, find digital technologies less accessible, and perceive digital tools as less easy to use. The study revealed that economic barriers, such as the high cost of devices and limited internet access, prevent students from fully utilising digital resources. Furthermore, infrastructural challenges, such as unreliable electricity and poor internet connectivity, exacerbate the issue. The qualitative data provided a more profound understanding by emphasising social and attitudinal obstacles, including a lack of empathy from both peers and educators, exclusion from participatory digital tasks, and enduring negative stereotypes regarding disabilities. The research highlights the importance of implementing interventions to enhance digital accessibility for students with disabilities. Essential suggestions encompass refining teacher training programs to effectively facilitate inclusive education, improving digital infrastructure, and offering financial assistance to procure digital tools. Furthermore, implementing policy reforms and public awareness campaigns is crucial to cultivate a cultural shift and nurture a more inclusive societal atmosphere. This study yields valuable perspectives on the digital inclusion scenario in Ethiopia, laying the groundwork for prospective research endeavours to narrow the digital gap for students with disabilities.Keywords: digital inclussion, students with disabilities, ethiopian education, barries and access
Procedia PDF Downloads 2327925 Controlling Dimensions and Shape of Carbon Nanotubes Using Nanoporous Anodic Alumina under Different Conditions
Authors: Amine Mezni, Merfat Algethami, Ali Aldalbahi, Arwa Alrooqi, Abel Santos, Dusan Losic, Sarah Alharthi, Tariq Altalhi
In situ synthesis of carbon nanotubes featuring different diameters (10-200 nm), lengths (1 to 100 µm) and periodically nanostructured shape was performed in a custom designed chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system using nanoporous anodic alumina (NAA) under different conditions. The morphology of the resulting CNTs/NAA composites and free-standing CNTs were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results confirm that highly ordered arrays of CNTs with precise control of nanotube dimensions in the range 20-200 nm with tube length in the range < 1 µm to > 100 μm and with periodically shaped morphology can be fabricated using nanostructured NAA templates prepared by anodization. This technique allows us to obtain tubes open at one / both ends with a uniform diameter along the pore length without using any metal catalyst. Our finding suggests that this fabrication strategy for designing new CNTs membranes and structures can be significant for emerging applications as molecular separation/transport, optical biosensing, and drug delivery.Keywords: carbon nanotubes, CVD approach, composites membrane, nanoporous anodic alumina
Procedia PDF Downloads 28327924 Numerical Modal Analysis of a Multi-Material 3D-Printed Composite Bushing and Its Application
Authors: Paweł Żur, Alicja Żur, Andrzej Baier
Modal analysis is a crucial tool in the field of engineering for understanding the dynamic behavior of structures. In this study, numerical modal analysis was conducted on a multi-material 3D-printed composite bushing, which comprised a polylactic acid (PLA) outer shell and a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) flexible filling. The objective was to investigate the modal characteristics of the bushing and assess its potential for practical applications. The analysis involved the development of a finite element model of the bushing, which was subsequently subjected to modal analysis techniques. Natural frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios were determined to identify the dominant vibration modes and their corresponding responses. The numerical modal analysis provided valuable insights into the dynamic behavior of the bushing, enabling a comprehensive understanding of its structural integrity and performance. Furthermore, the study expanded its scope by investigating the entire shaft mounting of a small electric car, incorporating the 3D-printed composite bushing. The shaft mounting system was subjected to numerical modal analysis to evaluate its dynamic characteristics and potential vibrational issues. The results of the modal analysis highlighted the effectiveness of the 3D-printed composite bushing in minimizing vibrations and optimizing the performance of the shaft mounting system. The findings contribute to the broader field of composite material applications in automotive engineering and provide valuable insights for the design and optimization of similar components.Keywords: 3D printing, composite bushing, modal analysis, multi-material
Procedia PDF Downloads 11027923 Analysis of Patient No-Shows According to Health Conditions
Authors: Sangbok Lee
There has been much effort on process improvement for outpatient clinics to provide quality and acute care to patients. One of the efforts is no-show analysis or prediction. This work analyzes patient no-shows along with patient health conditions. The health conditions refer to clinical symptoms that each patient has, out of the followings; hyperlipidemia, diabetes, metastatic solid tumor, dementia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, coronary artery disease, myocardial infraction, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, stroke, drug dependence abuse, schizophrenia, major depression, and pain. A dataset from a regional hospital is used to find the relationship between the number of the symptoms and no-show probabilities. Additional analysis reveals how each symptom or combination of symptoms affects no-shows. In the above analyses, cross-classification of patients by age and gender is carried out. The findings from the analysis will be used to take extra care to patients with particular health conditions. They will be forced to visit clinics by being informed about their health conditions and possible consequences more clearly. Moreover, this work will be used in the preparation of making institutional guidelines for patient reminder systems.Keywords: healthcare system, no show analysis, process improvment, statistical data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 23327922 A Possible Determinant of Musical Preference in Big Five Personality Traits
Authors: Peter S. Kim
The increasing availability of music facilitated by new technology and open sourcing has eliminated many traditional limiting factors in musical taste, creating a culture of choice. This study tested 191 international subjects, mostly young adults more decisively shaped by emerging technologies like Facebook, the platform for the study. Using an aggregated Big Five personality test, subjects were asked to self-report on questions related to extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. Subsequently, subjects listened to five pairs of musical works reflecting opposite extremes of one of five musical qualities: tempo (fast/slow), complexity (simple/complex), degree of dissonance (tonal/atonal), familiarity (familiar/unfamiliar), and extra-musical significance (significant/not significant). Subjects were then asked to record listening times and preferences among the selections. Strikingly, this study shows a relatively high positive correlation between agreeableness and musical preferences (predicting preferences for simple, familiar, and fast music), as compared to extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. Thus, this research suggests that the not yet well-understood relationship between personality traits and musical qualities merits further study.Keywords: music perception, psychology, cognition, musical preference
Procedia PDF Downloads 31627921 An Exploration of Special Education Teachers’ Practices in a Preschool Intellectual Disability Centre in Saudi Arabia
Authors: Faris Algahtani
Background: In Saudi Arabia, it is essential to know what practices are employed and considered effective by special education teachers working with preschool children with intellectual disabilities, as a prerequisite for identifying areas for improvement. Preschool provision for these children is expanding through a network of Intellectual Disability Centres while, in primary schools, a policy of inclusion is pursued and, in mainstream preschools, pilots have been aimed at enhancing learning in readiness for primary schooling. This potentially widens the attainment gap between preschool children with and without intellectual disabilities, and influences the scope for improvement. Goal: The aim of the study was to explore special education teachers’ practices and perceived perceptions of those practices for preschool children with intellectual disabilities in Saudi Arabia Method: A qualitative interpretive approach was adopted in order to gain a detailed understanding of how special education teachers in an IDC operate in the classroom. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with experienced and qualified teachers. Data were analysed using thematic analysis, based on themes identified from the literature review together with new themes emerging from the data. Findings: American methods strongly influenced teaching practices, in particular TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication related handicapped Children), which emphasises structure, schedules and specific methods of teaching tasks and skills; and ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis), which aims to improve behaviours and skills by concentrating on detailed breakdown and teaching of task components and rewarding desired behaviours with positive reinforcement. The Islamic concept of education strongly influenced which teaching techniques were used and considered effective, and how they were applied. Tensions were identified between the Islamic approach to disability, which accepts differences between human beings as created by Allah in order for people to learn to help and love each other, and the continuing stigmatisation of disability in many Arabic cultures, which means that parents who bring their children to an IDC often hope and expect that their children will be ‘cured’. Teaching methods were geared to reducing behavioural problems and social deficits rather than to developing the potential of the individual child, with some teachers recognizing the child’s need for greater freedom. Relationships with parents could in many instances be improved. Teachers considered both initial teacher education and professional development to be inadequate for their needs and the needs of the children they teach. This can be partly attributed to the separation of training and development of special education teachers from that of general teachers. Conclusion: Based on the findings, teachers’ practices could be improved by the inclusion of general teaching strategies, parent-teacher relationships and practical teaching experience in both initial teacher education and professional development. Coaching and mentoring support from carefully chosen special education teachers could assist the process, as could the presence of a second teacher or teaching assistant in the classroom.Keywords: special education, intellectual disabilities, early intervention , early childhood
Procedia PDF Downloads 14027920 A Daily Diary Study on Technology-Assisted Supplemental Work, Psychological Detachment, and Well-Being – The Mediating Role of Cognitive Coping
Authors: Clara Eichberger, Daantje Derks, Hannes Zacher
Technology-assisted supplemental work (TASW) involves performing job-related tasks after regular working hours with the help of technological devices. Due to emerging information and communication technologies, such behavior becomes increasingly common. Since previous research on the relationship of TASW, psychological detachment and well-being are mixed, this study aimed to examine the moderating roles of appraisal and cognitive coping. A moderated mediation model was tested with daily diary data from 100 employees. As hypothesized, TASW was positively related to negative affect at bedtime. In addition, psychological detachment mediated this relationship. Results did not confirm appraisal and cognitive coping as moderators. However, additional analyses revealed cognitive coping as a mediator of the positive relationship of TASW and positive affect at bedtime. These results suggest that, on the one hand engaging in TASW can be harmful to employee well-being (i.e., more negative affect) and on the other hand, it can also be associated with higher well-being (i.e., more positive affect) in case it is accompanied by cognitive coping.Keywords: cognitive coping, psychological detachment, technology-assisted supplemental work, well-being
Procedia PDF Downloads 19627919 The Structure of Financial Regulation: The Regulators Perspective
Authors: Mohamed Aljarallah, Mohamed Nurullah, George Saridakis
This paper aims and objectives are to investigate how the structural change of the financial regulatory bodies affect the financial supervision and how the regulators can design such a structure with taking into account; the Central Bank, the conduct of business and the prudential regulators, it will also consider looking at the structure of the international regulatory bodies and what barriers are found. There will be five questions to be answered; should conduct of business and prudential regulation be separated? Should the financial supervision and financial stability be separated? Should the financial supervision be under the Central Bank? To what extent the politician should intervene in changing the regulatory and supervisory structure? What should be the regulatory and supervisory structure when there is financial conglomerate? Semi structure interview design will be applied. This research sample selection contains a collective of financial regulators and supervisors from the emerged and emerging countries. Moreover, financial regulators and supervisors must be at a senior level at their organisations. Additionally, senior financial regulators and supervisors would come from different authorities and from around the world. For instance, one of the participants comes from the International Bank Settlements, others come from European Central Bank, and an additional one will come from Hong Kong Monetary Authority and others. Such a variety aims to fulfil the aims and objectives of the research and cover the research questions. The analysis process starts with transcription of the interview, using Nvivo software for coding, applying thematic interview to generate the main themes. The major findings of the study are as follow. First, organisational structure changes quite frequently if the mandates are not clear. Second, measuring structural change is difficult, which makes the whole process unclear. Third, effective coordination and communication are what regulators looking for when they change the structure and that requires; openness, trust, and incentive. In addition to that, issues appear during the event of crisis tend to be the reason why the structure change. Also, the development of the market sometime causes a change in the regulatory structure. And, some structural change occurs simply because of the international trend, fashion, or other countries' experiences. Furthermore, when the top management change the structure tends to change. Moreover, the structure change due to the political change, or politicians try to show they are doing something. Finally, fear of being blamed can be a driver of structural change. In conclusion, this research aims to provide an insight from the senior regulators and supervisors from fifty different countries to have a clear understanding of why the regulatory structure keeps changing from time to time through a qualitative approach, namely, semi-structure interview.Keywords: financial regulation bodies, financial regulatory structure, global financial regulation, financial crisis
Procedia PDF Downloads 14527918 The Mediatization of Political Communication in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Cases of Cameroon and Ghana in a Comparative Perspective
Authors: Christian Nounkeu Tatchou
The concept of mediatization of politics describes changes with regards to media and politics, as the political sphere is increasingly shaped by the media and conforms to its logic. The mediatization of politics in established democracies of the West has been the object of several researches. However, there is an overwhelming paucity of literature on this reconfiguration of the political life around the media in the emerging democracies of the Sub-Saharan Africa. A majority of Sub-Saharan countries have been progressively experiencing the modernization of their societies and significant developments with respect to political communication since the early 1990s. This has been facilitated by factors such as the adoption of democratic reforms, the development of mass media, the advent of social media and the rapid spread of new information and communication technologies. Thus, this paper investigates the extent to which political communication in Sub-Saharan Africa is mediatized, especially with regards to the social media. Through in-depths interviews with twenty political leaders and political observers in Cameroon and Ghana, this article argues that the social media has become the main arena of voters’ mobilization and political participation in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, a greater extent of freedom for political activism on social media is observed in the new democracy of Ghana, unlike in the enduring authoritarian political system of Cameroon where the government attempts to control the use and content of political discourse on social media.Keywords: mediatization, political communication, social media, sub-saharan africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 35427917 From Parents to Pioneers: Examining Parental Impact on Entrepreneurial Traits in Latin America
Authors: Bert Seither
Entrepreneurship is a critical driver of economic growth, especially in emerging regions such as Latin America. This study investigates how parental influences, particularly parental individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO), shape the entrepreneurial traits of Latin American entrepreneurs. By examining key factors like parental IEO, work ethic, parenting style, and family support, this research assesses how much of an entrepreneur's own IEO can be attributed to parental influence. The study also explores how socio-economic status and cultural context moderate the relationship between parental traits and entrepreneurial orientation. Data will be collected from 600 Latin American entrepreneurs via an online survey. This research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the intergenerational transmission of entrepreneurial traits and the broader socio-cultural factors that contribute to entrepreneurial success in diverse contexts. Findings from this study will offer valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and business leaders on fostering entrepreneurship across Latin America, providing practical applications for shaping entrepreneurial behavior through family influences.Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, parental influence, Latin American entrepreneurs, socio-economic status, cultural context
Procedia PDF Downloads 2027916 Assessment of the Validity of Sentiment Analysis as a Tool to Analyze the Emotional Content of Text
Authors: Trisha Malhotra
Sentiment analysis is a recent field of study that computationally assesses the emotional nature of a body of text. To assess its test-validity, sentiment analysis was carried out on the emotional corpus of text from a personal 15-day mood diary. Self-reported mood scores varied more or less accurately with daily mood evaluation score given by the software. On further assessment, it was found that while sentiment analysis was good at assessing ‘global’ mood, it was not able to ‘locally’ identify and differentially score synonyms of various emotional words. It is further critiqued for treating the intensity of an emotion as universal across cultures. Finally, the software is shown not to account for emotional complexity in sentences by treating emotions as strictly positive or negative. Hence, it is posited that a better output could be two (positive and negative) affect scores for the same body of text.Keywords: analysis, data, diary, emotions, mood, sentiment
Procedia PDF Downloads 26927915 Modeling SET Effect on Charge Pump Phase Locked Loop
Authors: Varsha Prasad, S. Sandya
Cosmic Ray effects in microelectronics such as single event effect (SET) and total dose ionization (TID) have been of major concern in space electronics since 1970. Advanced CMOS technologies have demonstrated reduced sensitivity to TID effect. However, charge pump Phase Locked Loop is very much vulnerable to single event transient effect. This paper presents an SET analysis model, where the SET is modeled as a double exponential pulse. The time domain analysis reveals that the settling time of the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) depends on the SET pulse strength, setting the time constant and the damping factor. The analysis of the proposed SET analysis model is confirmed by the simulation results.Keywords: charge pump, phase locked loop, SET, VCO
Procedia PDF Downloads 43327914 Gender and Older People: Reframing Gender Analysis through Lifecycle Lens
Authors: Supriya Akerkar
The UN Decade on Healthy Ageing (2021-2030) provides a new opportunity to address ageing and gender issues in different societies. The concept of gender has been used to unpack and analyse the power and constructions of gender relations in different societies. Such analysis has been employed and used to inform policy and practices of governments and non-governmental organisations to further gender equalities in their work. Yet, experiences of older women and men are often left out of such mainstream gender analysis, marginalising their existence and issues. This paper argues that new critical analytical tools are needed to capture the realities and issues of interest to older women and men. In particular, it argues that gender analysis needs to integrate analytical concepts of ageing and lifecycle approach in its framework. The paper develops such a framework by critical interrogation of the gender analysis tools that are currently applied for framing gender issues in international development and humanitarian work. Informed by the realities and experiences of older women and men, developed through a synthesis of available literature, the paper will develop a new framework for gender analysis that can be used by governments and non-government organisations in their work to further gender justice across the life cycle.Keywords: ageing, gender, older people, social inclusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 25027913 Finite Element Analysis of RC Frames with Retrofitted Infill Walls
Authors: M. Ömer Timurağaoğlu, Adem Doğangün, Ramazan Livaoğlu
The evaluation of performance of infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frames has been a significant challenge for engineers. The strengthening of infill walls has been an important concern to enhance the behavior of RC infilled frames. The aim of this study is to investigate the behaviour of retrofitted infill walls of RC frames using finite element analysis. For this purpose, a one storey, one bay infilled and strengthened infilled RC frame which have the same geometry and material properties with the frames tested in laboratory are modelled using different analytical approaches. A fibrous material is used to strengthen infill walls and frame. As a consequence, the results of the finite element analysis were evaluated of whether these analytical approaches estimate the behavior or not. To model the infilled and strengthened infilled RC frames, a finite element program ABAQUS is used. Finally, data obtained from the nonlinear finite element analysis is compared with the experimental results.Keywords: finite element analysis, infilled RC frames, infill wall, strengthening
Procedia PDF Downloads 53127912 Eco Scale: A Tool for Assessing the Greenness of Pharmaceuticals Analysis
Authors: Heba M. Mohamed
Owing to scientific and public concern about health and environment and seeking for a better quality of life; “Green”, “Environmentally” and “Eco” friendly practices have been presented and implemented in different research areas. Subsequently, researchers’ attention is drawn in the direction of greening the analytical methodologies and taking the Green Analytical Chemistry principles (GAC) into consideration. It is of high importance to appraise the environmental impact of each of the implemented green approaches. Compared to the other traditional green metrics (E-factor, Atom economy and the process profile), the eco scale is the optimum choice to assess the environmental impact of the analytical procedures used for pharmaceuticals analysis. For analytical methodologies, Eco-Scale is calculated by allotting penalty points to any factor of the used analytical procedure which disagree and not match with the model green analysis, where the perfect green analysis has its Eco-Scale value of 100. In this work, calculation and comparison of the Eco-Scale for some of the reported green analytical methods was done, to accentuate their greening potentials. Where the different scores can reveal how green the method is, compared to the ideal value. The study emphasizes that greenness measurement is not only about the waste quantity determination but also dictates a holistic scheme, considering all factors.Keywords: eco scale, green analysis, environmentally friendly, pharmaceuticals analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 44127911 Alternative Computational Arrangements on g-Group (g > 2) Profile Analysis
Authors: Emmanuel U. Ohaegbulem, Felix N. Nwobi
Alternative and simple computational arrangements in carrying out multivariate profile analysis when more than two groups (populations) are involved are presented. These arrangements have been demonstrated to not only yield equivalent results for the test statistics (the Wilks lambdas), but they have less computational efforts relative to other arrangements so far presented in the literature; in addition to being quite simple and easy to apply.Keywords: coincident profiles, g-group profile analysis, level profiles, parallel profiles, repeated measures MANOVA
Procedia PDF Downloads 44927910 The Forensic Analysis of Engravers' Handwriting
Authors: Olivia Rybak-Karkosz
The purpose of this paper is to present the result of scientific research using forensic handwriting analysis. It was conducted to verify the stability and lability of handwriting of engravers and check if gravers transfer their traits from handwriting to plates and other surfaces they rework. This research methodology consisted of completing representative samples of signatures of gravers written on a piece of paper using a ballpen and signatures engraved on other surfaces. The forensic handwriting analysis was conducted using the graphic-comparative method (graphic method), and all traits were analysed. The paper contains a concluding statement of the similarities and differences between the samples.Keywords: artist’s signatures, engraving, forensic handwriting analysis, graphic-comparative method
Procedia PDF Downloads 10327909 Simple and Scalable Thermal-Assisted Bar-Coating Process for Perovskite Solar Cell Fabrication in Open Atmosphere
Authors: Gizachew Belay Adugna
Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) shows rapid development as an emerging photovoltaic material; however, the fast device degradation due to the organic nature, mainly hole transporting material (HTM) and lack of robust and reliable upscaling process for photovoltaic module hindered its commercialization. Herein, HTM molecules with/without fluorine-substituted cyclopenta[2,1-b;3,4-b’]dithiophene derivatives (HYC-oF, HYC-mF, and HYC-H) were developed for PSCs application. The fluorinated HTM molecules exhibited better hole mobility and overall charge extraction in the devices mainly due to strong molecular interaction and packing in the film. Thus, the highest power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 19.64% with improved long stability was achieved for PSCs based on HYC-oF HTM. Moreover, the fluorinated HYC-oF demonstrated excellent film processability in a larger-area substrate (10 cm×10 cm) prepared sequentially with the absorption perovskite underlayer via a scalable bar coating process in ambient air and owned a higher PCE of 18.49% compared to the conventional spiro-OMeTAD (17.51%). The result demonstrates a facile development of HTM towards stable and efficient PSCs for future industrial-scale PV modules.Keywords: perovskite solar cells, upscaling film coating, power conversion efficiency, solution processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 7527908 Significant Aspects and Drivers of Germany and Australia's Energy Policy from a Political Economy Perspective
Authors: Sarah Niklas, Lynne Chester, Mark Diesendorf
Geopolitical tensions, climate change and recent movements favouring a transformative shift in institutional power structures have influenced the economics of conventional energy supply for decades. This study takes a multi-dimensional approach to illustrate the potential of renewable energy (RE) technology to provide a pathway to a low-carbon economy driven by ecologically sustainable, independent and socially just energy. This comparative analysis identifies economic, political and social drivers that shaped the adoption of RE policy in two significantly different economies, Germany and Australia, with strong and weak commitments to RE respectively. Two complementary political-economy theories frame the document-based analysis. Régulation Theory, inspired by Marxist ideas and strongly influenced by contemporary economic problems, provides the background to explore the social relationships contributing the adoption of RE within the macro-economy. Varieties of Capitalism theory, a more recently developed micro-economic approach, examines the nature of state-firm relationships. Together these approaches provide a comprehensive lens of analysis. Germany’s energy policy transformed substantially over the second half of the last century. The development is characterised by the coordination of societal, environmental and industrial demands throughout the advancement of capitalist regimes. In the Fordist regime, mass production based on coal drove Germany’s astounding economic recovery during the post-war period. Economic depression and the instability of institutional arrangements necessitated the impulsive seeking of national security and energy independence. During the postwar Flexi-Fordist period, quality-based production, innovation and technology-based competition schemes, particularly with regard to political power structures in and across Europe, favoured the adoption of RE. Innovation, knowledge and education were institutionalized, leading to the legislation of environmental concerns. Lastly the establishment of government-industry-based coordinative programs supported the phase out of nuclear power and the increased adoption of RE during the last decade. Australia’s energy policy is shaped by the country’s richness in mineral resources. Energy policy largely served coal mining, historically and currently one of the most capital-intense industry. Assisted by the macro-economic dimensions of institutional arrangements, social and financial capital is orientated towards the export-led and strongly demand-oriented economy. Here energy policy serves the maintenance of capital accumulation in the mining sector and the emerging Asian economies. The adoption of supportive renewable energy policy would challenge the distinct role of the mining industry within the (neo)-liberal market economy. The state’s protective role of the mining sector has resulted in weak commitment to RE policy and investment uncertainty in the energy sector. Recent developments, driven by strong public support for RE, emphasize the sense of community in urban and rural areas and the emergence of a bottom-up approach to adopt renewables. Thus, political economy frameworks on both the macro-economic (Regulation Theory) and micro-economic (Varieties of Capitalism theory) scales can together explain the strong commitment to RE in Germany vis-à-vis the weak commitment in Australia.Keywords: political economy, regulation theory, renewable energy, social relationships, energy transitions
Procedia PDF Downloads 38427907 Theoretical Modal Analysis of Freely and Simply Supported RC Slabs
Authors: M. S. Ahmed, F. A. Mohammad
This paper focuses on the dynamic behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) slabs. Therefore, the theoretical modal analysis was performed using two different types of boundary conditions. Modal analysis method is the most important dynamic analyses. The analysis would be modal case when there is no external force on the structure. By using this method in this paper, the effects of freely and simply supported boundary conditions on the frequencies and mode shapes of RC square slabs are studied. ANSYS software was employed to derive the finite element model to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the slabs. Then, the obtained results through numerical analysis (finite element analysis) would be compared with an exact solution. The main goal of the research study is to predict how the boundary conditions change the behavior of the slab structures prior to performing experimental modal analysis. Based on the results, it is concluded that simply support boundary condition has obvious influence to increase the natural frequencies and change the shape of mode when it is compared with freely supported boundary condition of slabs. This means that such support conditions have direct influence on the dynamic behavior of the slabs. Thus, it is suggested to use free-free boundary condition in experimental modal analysis to precisely reflect the properties of the structure. By using free-free boundary conditions, the influence of poorly defined supports is interrupted.Keywords: natural frequencies, mode shapes, modal analysis, ANSYS software, RC slabs
Procedia PDF Downloads 45727906 Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Patient and Perception of Caregiver Regarding Speech and Language Therapy in Bangladesh
Authors: K. M. Saif Ur Rahman, Razib Mamun, Himica Arjuman, Fida Al Shams
Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has become an emerging neurodevelopmental disorder with increasing prevalence. It has become an important public health issue globally. Many approaches including speech and language therapy (SLT), occupational therapy, behavioral therapy etc. are being applied for the betterment of the ASD patients. This study aims to describe the characteristics of ASD patients and perception of caregiver regarding SLT in Bangladesh. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a therapy and rehabilitation center at Dhaka city. Caregivers of 48 ASD patients responded regarding their perception of SLT and characteristics of patients. Results: Among 48 ASD patients, 56.3% were between 3 to 5 years age group with a male predominance (87.5%). More than half of the participants (56.3%) initiated SLT at the age of 1-3 years and the majority (43.8%) were taking SLT for less than 1 year. Majority of the patients (64.6%) were taken to a physician for healthcare as a first contact of which 29.2% were referred to SLT by physicians. More than half (56.3%) of the caregivers were moderately satisfied with SLT and most of them (62.5%) mentioned moderate improvement through SLT. Improvement rate was 10-15% in specific symptoms such as eye contact, complex mannerism, pointing, imitation etc. Conclusion: This study reveals the self-reported perception of caregivers on SLT. Despite reported improvements, more exploration of different approaches and intervention for management of ASD is recommended.Keywords: ASD, characteristics, SLT, Bangladesh
Procedia PDF Downloads 18327905 The Effect of Mobile Technology Use in Education: A Meta-Analysis Study
Authors: Şirin Küçük, Ayşe Kök, İsmail Şahin
Mobile devices are very popular and useful tools for assisting people in daily life. With the advancement of mobile technologies, the issue of mobile learning has been widely investigated in education. Many researches consider that it is important to integrate pedagogical and technical strengths of mobile technology into learning environments. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to examine the effect of mobile technology use in education with meta-analysis method. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique which combines the findings of independent studies in a specific subject. In this respect, the articles will be examined by searching the databases for researches which are conducted between 2005 and 2014. It is expected that the results of this research will contribute to future research related to mobile technology use in education.Keywords: mobile learning, meta-analysis, mobile technology, education
Procedia PDF Downloads 72127904 Consumer Ethnocentrism: A Dynamic Literature Review from 1987-2015
Authors: Thi Phuong Chi Nguyen
Although consumer ethnocentrism has been widely studied in academic research since 1987, somehow it is still considered as a new and unknown concept in marketing theory and practice. By analyzing the content, three mainstreams of consumer ethnocentrism were found including economic, management and marketing approaches. The present study indicated that the link between consumer ethnocentrism and consumer behaviours varies across countries. Consumers in developing countries might be both patriotic about their home countries and curious about foreign cultures at the same time. The most important finding is identifying three main periods in the chronological development of consumer ethnocentrism research. The first period, spanning from 1987 to 1995, was characterized by the introduction of the consumer ethnocentrism concepts and scales, the unidimensionality and the adaptation of the standard CETSCALE version. The second period 1996-2005 witnessed the replication of CETSCALE in various fields, as well as an increase in the volume of researches in developing and emerging countries; the exploration of determinants and the begin of multidimensionality. In the third period from 2006 to present, all variables related to CET were syntherized within the theory of planne behavior. Consumer ethnocentrism analyses were conducted even in less-developed countries and in groups of countries within longitudinal studies. The results from this study showed many inadequacies relating to consumer ethnocentrism in the context of globalisation for further researches to examine.Keywords: CETSCALE, consumer behavior, consumer ethnocentrism, business, marketing
Procedia PDF Downloads 43627903 Competing Risk Analyses in Survival Trials During COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Ping Xu, Gregory T. Golm, Guanghan (Frank) Liu
In the presence of competing events, traditional survival analysis may not be appropriate and can result in biased estimates, as it assumes independence between competing events and the event of interest. Instead, competing risk analysis should be considered to correctly estimate the survival probability of the event of interest and the hazard ratio between treatment groups. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a potential source of competing risks in clinical trials, as participants in trials may experienceCOVID-related competing events before the occurrence of the event of interest, for instance, death due to COVID-19, which can affect the incidence rate of the event of interest. We have performed simulation studies to compare multiple competing risk analysis models, including the cumulative incidence function, the sub-distribution hazard function, and the cause-specific hazard function, to the traditional survival analysis model under various scenarios. We also provide a general recommendation on conducting competing risk analysis in randomized clinical trials during the era of the COVID-19 pandemic based on the extensive simulation results.Keywords: competing risk, survival analysis, simulations, randomized clinical trial, COVID-19 pandemic
Procedia PDF Downloads 18827902 Stop Consonants in Chinese and Slovak: Contrastive Analysis by Using Praat
Authors: Maria Istvanova
The acquisition of the correct pronunciation in Chinese is closely linked to the initial phase of the study. Based on the contrastive analysis, we determine the differences in the pronunciation of stop consonants in Chinese and Slovak taking into consideration the place and manner of articulation to gain a better understanding of the students' main difficulties in the process of acquiring correct pronunciation of Chinese stop consonants. We employ the software Praat for the analysis of the recorded samples with an emphasis on the pronunciation of the students with a varying command of Chinese. The comparison of the VOT length for the individual consonants in the students' pronunciation and the pronunciation of the native speaker exposes the differences between the correct pronunciation and the deviant pronunciation of the students.Keywords: Chinese, contrastive analysis, Praat, pronunciation, Slovak.
Procedia PDF Downloads 13827901 A Cross-Gender Statistical Analysis of Tuvinian Intonation Features in Comparison With Uzbek and Azerbaijani
Authors: Daria Beziakina, Elena Bulgakova
The paper deals with cross-gender and cross-linguistic comparison of pitch characteristics for Tuvinian with two other Turkic languages - Uzbek and Azerbaijani, based on the results of statistical analysis of pitch parameter values and intonation patterns used by male and female speakers. The main goal of our work is to obtain the ranges of pitch parameter values typical for Tuvinian speakers for the purpose of automatic language identification. We also propose a cross-gender analysis of declarative intonation in the poorly studied Tuvinian language. The ranges of pitch parameter values were obtained by means of specially developed software that deals with the distribution of pitch values and allows us to obtain statistical language-specific pitch intervals.Keywords: speech analysis, statistical analysis, speaker recognition, identification of person
Procedia PDF Downloads 34827900 Comparative Analysis of the Performance Between Public and Private Companies: Explanatory Factors
Authors: Atziri Moreno Vite, David Silva Gutiérrez
Oil companies have become the key player in the world energy scenario thanks to their strong control of the level of hydrocarbon reserves and production. The present research aims to identify the main factors that explain the results of these companies through an in-depth review of the specialized literature and to analyze the results of these companies by means of econometric analysis with techniques such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The results show the relevance and impact of factors such as the level of employment or investment of the company.Keywords: oil companies, performance, determinants, productive
Procedia PDF Downloads 12627899 The Concentration Analysis of CO2 Using ALOHA Code for Kuosheng Nuclear Power Plant
Authors: W. S. Hsu, Y. Chiang, H. C. Chen, J. R. Wang, S. W. Chen, J. H. Yang, C. Shih
Not only radiation materials, but also the normal chemical material stored in the power plant can cause a risk to the residents. In this research, the ALOHA code was used to perform the concentration analysis under the CO2 storage burst or leakage conditions for Kuosheng nuclear power plant (NPP). The Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and data were used in this study. Additionally, the analysis results of ALOHA code were compared with the R.G. 1.78 failure criteria in order to confirm the control room habitability. The comparison results show that the ALOHA result for burst case was 0.923 g/m3 which was below the criteria. However, the ALOHA results for leakage case was 11.3 g/m3.Keywords: BWR, ALOHA, habitability, Kuosheng
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