Search results for: green accounting
1568 Parameter Fitting of the Discrete Element Method When Modeling the DISAMATIC Process
Authors: E. Hovad, J. H. Walther, P. Larsen, J. Thorborg, J. H. Hattel
In sand casting of metal parts for the automotive industry such as brake disks and engine blocks, the molten metal is poured into a sand mold to get its final shape. The DISAMATIC molding process is a way to construct these sand molds for casting of steel parts and in the present work numerical simulations of this process are presented. During the process green sand is blown into a chamber and subsequently squeezed to finally obtain the sand mould. The sand flow is modelled with the Discrete Element method (DEM) and obtaining the correct material parameters for the simulation is the main goal. Different tests will be used to find or calibrate the DEM parameters needed; Poisson ratio, Young modulus, rolling friction coefficient, sliding friction coefficient and coefficient of restitution (COR). The Young modulus and Poisson ratio are found from compression tests of the bulk material and subsequently used in the DEM model according to the Hertz-Mindlin model. The main focus will be on calibrating the rolling resistance and sliding friction in the DEM model with respect to the behavior of “real” sand piles. More specifically, the surface profile of the “real” sand pile will be compared to the sand pile predicted with the DEM for different values of the rolling and sliding friction coefficients. When the DEM parameters are found for the particle-particle (sand-sand) interaction, the particle-wall interaction parameter values are also found. Here the sliding coefficient will be found from experiments and the rolling resistance is investigated by comparing with observations of how the green sand interacts with the chamber wall during experiments and the DEM simulations will be calibrated accordingly. The coefficient of restitution will be tested with different values in the DEM simulations and compared to video footages of the DISAMATIC process. Energy dissipation will be investigated in these simulations for different particle sizes and coefficient of restitution, where scaling laws will be considered to relate the energy dissipation for these parameters. Finally, the found parameter values are used in the overall discrete element model and compared to the video footage of the DISAMATIC process.Keywords: discrete element method, physical properties of materials, calibration, granular flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 4821567 Laryngeal Tuberculosis in a 7-Year-Old Child: A Case Report and Literature Review
Authors: Mohd Jaish Siddiqui
Laryngeal TB is extremely rare in the pediatric population, accounting for 1% of all cases. Here, we present a case of laryngeal TB with miliary tuberculosis and tuberculous encephalitis, presented with sore throat, hoarseness, severe cough and, acute obstruction the larynx, sputum for AFB was negative, T-SPOT was positive and X-pert was positive, bronchoscopy revealed multiple nodules and edema around the larynx, epiglottis, bilateral arytenopharyngeal folds and vocal cord. Enhanced MRI revealed multiple small nodules in bilateral cerebral hemispheres and right thalamus, however CSF was negative. We reviewed the LTB cases that were published up to 2021. A total of twenty fine cases were identified in English literature. The most common manifestation was hoarseness of voice with 80% followed by stridor 40% of cases. Pulmonary involvement was found in 36% of cases, whereas, 45% of cases had no underlying TB. We did not find any case who developed tuberculous encephalitis in the literature.Keywords: laryngeal tb, treatment, tuberculous encephalitis, children
Procedia PDF Downloads 511566 Shaping of World-Class Delhi: Politics of Marginalization and Inclusion
Authors: Aparajita Santra
In the context of the government's vision of turning Delhi into a green, privatized and slum free city, giving it a world-class image at par with the global cities of the world, this paper investigates into the various processes and politics of things that went behind defining spaces in the city and attributing an aesthetic image to it. The paper will explore two cases that were forged primarily through the forces of one particular type of power relation. One would be to look at the modernist movement adopted by the Nehruvian government post-independence and the next case will look at special periods like Emergency and Commonwealth games. The study of these cases will help understand the ambivalence embedded in the different rationales of the Government and different powerful agencies adopted in order to build world-classness. Through the study, it will be easier to discern how city spaces were reconfigured in the name of 'good governance'. In this process, it also became important to analyze the double nature of law, both as a protector of people’s rights and as a threat to people. What was interesting to note through the study was that in the process of nation building and creating an image for the city, the government’s policies and programs were mostly aimed at the richer sections of the society and the poorer sections and people from lower income groups kept getting marginalized, subdued, and pushed further away (These marginalized people were pushed away even geographically!). The reconfiguration of city space and attributing an aesthetic character to it, led to an alteration not only in the way in which citizens perceived and engaged with these spaces, but also brought about changes in the way they envisioned their place in the city. Ironically, it was found that every attempt to build any kind of facility for the city’s elite in turn led to an inevitable removal of the marginalized sections of the society as a necessary step to achieve a clean, green and world-class city. The paper questions the claim made by the government for creating a just, equitable city and granting rights to all. An argument is put forth that in the politics of redistribution of space, the city that has been designed is meant for the aspirational middle-class and elite only, who are ideally primed to live in world-class cities. Thus, the aim is to study city spaces, urban form, the associated politics and power plays involved within and understand whether segmented cities are being built in the name of creating sensible, inclusive cities.Keywords: aesthetics, ambivalence, governmentality, power, World-class
Procedia PDF Downloads 1191565 A Mixed Methodology of the Social and Spatial Fragmentation of the City of Beirut Leading to the Creation of Internal Boundaries
Authors: Hala Obeid
Among the cities that have been touched by hard events and have been experiencing this polemic of existence, one can quote Beirut. A city that defies and confronts itself for its own existence. Beirut materialized all the social complexity; it has also preserved the memory of a society that has been able to build and reflect a certain unique identity. In spite of its glory, Lebanon’s civil war has marked a turning point in Beirut’s history. It has caused many deaths and opposed religious communities. Once this civil war has ended, the reconstruction of the city center, however, saw the spatial exclusion of manual labor, small local commerce, and middle-class residences. The urban functions that characterized the pre-war center were removed, and the city’s spontaneous evolutions were replaced by a historical urban planning, which neglected the city’s memory and identity. The social and spatial fragmentation that has erupted since the war has led to a breakdown of spatial and social boundaries within the city. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of fragmentation and boundaries on the city of Beirut in spatial, social, religious and ethnic terms. The method used in this research is what we call the mixed method which is a combination between the quantitative method and the qualitative one. These two approaches, in this case, do not oppose but complement each other in order to study the city of Beirut physically and socially. The main purpose of the qualitative approach is to describe and analyze the social phenomenon of the fragmentation of the city; this method can be summarized by the field observation and study. While the quantitative approach is based on filling out questionnaires that leads to statistics analyzes. Together, these two approaches will mark the course of the research. As a result, Beirut is not only a divided city but is fragmented spatially into many fragments and socially into many groups. This fragmentation is creating immaterial boundaries between fragments and therefore between groups. These urban and social boundaries are specifically religious and ethnic limits. As a conclusion, one of the most important and discussed boundary in Beirut is a spatial and religious boundary called ‘the green line’ or the demarcation line, a true caesura within the city. It marks the opposition of two urban groups and the aggravated fragmentation between them. This line divided Beirut into two compartments: East Beirut (for Christians) and West Beirut (for Muslims). This green line has become an urban void that holds the past in suspension. Finally, to think of Beirut as an urban unit becomes an insoluble problem.Keywords: Beirut, boundaries, fragmentation, identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1781564 Exploring Unexplored Horizons: Advanced Fluid Mechanics Solutions for Sustainable Energy Technologies
Authors: Elvira S. Castillo, Surupa Shaw
This paper explores advanced applications of fluid mechanics in the context of sustainable energy. By examining the integration of fluid dynamics with renewable energy technologies, the research uncovers previously underutilized strategies for improving efficiency. Through theoretical analyses, the study demonstrates how fluid mechanics can be harnessed to optimize renewable energy systems. The findings contribute to expanding knowledge in sustainable energy by offering practical insights and methodologies for future research and technological advancements to address global energy challenges.Keywords: fluid mechanics, sustainable energy, energy efficiency, green energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 531563 The Outcome of the Discontinuation of Cheques on Bank Reconciliation
Authors: Estelle Abrahams, Tania Pretorius
A joint media statement by the South African Reserve Bank, the Banking Association of South Africa, the Financial Sector Conduct Authority, and the Payments Association of South Africa was recently published, stating that the receipt or acceptance of cheques will terminate effectively on 31 December 2020. All stakeholders are urged to cease accepting or issuing cheques as a payment method. The purpose of the study is to examine the effect that the discontinuation of the usage of cheques has on bank reconciliations for the subject: economic and management sciences. A literature study was performed to gain insight into the bank reconciliation process to be able to draw conclusions on the outcome of the discontinuation of cheques on the bank reconciliation. The study found that the teaching of the bank reconciliation process will change to introduce new replacement source documents for digital payments, and this impacts the teaching of reconciling differences.Keywords: bank reconciliation, internal control, accounting education, source documents
Procedia PDF Downloads 1121562 Readiness Analysis of Indonesian Accountants
Authors: Lisa Listiana
ASEAN leader agreed to accelerate ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) implementation by 2015. The AEC Blueprint has set up obligations for its members to follow which include the establishment of (a) free trade in goods, according to ASEAN Free Trade Area: AFTA, (b) free trade in services, according to ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services: AFAS, (c) free trade in investment, according to ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement: ACIA, (d) free capital flow, and (e) free flow of skilled labors. Consequently, these obligations bring both challenges and opportunities for its members. As accountant is included in the coverage of 8 skilled labors, the readiness of accounting profession to embrace AEC 2015 is pivotal. If Indonesian accountants do not accelerate their learning effort, the knowledge gap between Indonesian accountants and their international colleagues will only be worsened. This paper aims to analyze the current progress of AEC preparation and its challenges and opportunities for Indonesian accountants, and also to propose recommendation as necessary.Keywords: AEC, ASEAN, readiness, Indonesian accountants
Procedia PDF Downloads 4371561 Development of an Index for Asset Class in Ex-Ante Portfolio Management
Authors: Miang Hong Ngerng, Noor Diyana Jasme, May Jin Theong
Volatile market environment is inevitable. Fund managers are struggling to choose the right strategy to survive and overcome uncertainties and adverse market movement. Therefore, finding certainty in the mist of uncertainty future is one of the key performance objectives for fund managers. Current available theoretical results are not practical due to strong reliance on the investment assumption made. This paper is to identify the component that can be forecasted in Ex-ante setting which is the realistic situation facing a fund manager in the actual execution of asset allocation in portfolio management. Partial lease square method was used to generate an index with 10 years accounting data from 191 companies listed in KLSE. The result shows that the index reflects the inner nature of the business and up to 30% of the stock return can be explained by the index.Keywords: active portfolio management, asset allocation ex-ante investment, asset class, partial lease square
Procedia PDF Downloads 2711560 Guideline for Happy Living According to Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of People and Community Leaders in Urban Communities
Authors: Phusit Phukamchanoad
This research was to analyze personality’s activities based on sufficiency economy philosophy of people and community leaders in urban communities. The data were collected through questionnaires administered to 392 people and interviewed with community leaders. It was found that most people revealed that their lives depend on activities in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy in high level especially, being honest and aware on sufficiency, occupations, peacefulness in the community leaders’ side, they reported on extravagant reduction, planting home vegetable garden, having household accounting, expense planning by dividing into 3 categories; 1) saving for illness cover 2) saving for business cover, and 3) household daily expense. The samples were also adjusted their livings quite well with the rapid change of urbanization. Although those people have encountered with any hardships, their honesty in occupations and awareness on sufficiency remain to survive happily.Keywords: sufficiency economy philosophy, individual and household activities, urban community
Procedia PDF Downloads 3601559 The Competitive Newsvendor Game with Overestimated Demand
Authors: Chengli Liu, C. K. M. Lee
The tradition competitive newsvendor game assumes decision makers are rational. However, there are behavioral biases when people make decisions, such as loss aversion, mental accounting and overconfidence. Overestimation of a subject’s own performance is one type of overconfidence. The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of the overestimated demand in the newsvendor competitive game with two players. This study builds a competitive newsvendor game model where newsvendors have private information of their demands, which is overestimated. At the same time, demands of each newsvendor forecasted by a third party institution are available. This research shows that the overestimation leads to demand steal effect, which reduces the competitor’s order quantity. However, the overall supply of the product increases due to overestimation. This study illustrates the boundary condition for the overestimated newsvendor to have the equilibrium order drop due to the demand steal effect from the other newsvendor. A newsvendor who has higher critical fractile will see its equilibrium order decrease with the drop of estimation level from the other newsvendor.Keywords: bias, competing newsvendor, Nash equilibrium, overestimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2611558 Islamic Equity Markets Response to Volatility of Bitcoin
Authors: Zakaria S. G. Hegazy, Walid M. A. Ahmed
This paper examines the dependence structure of Islamic stock markets on Bitcoin’s realized volatility components in bear, normal, and bull market periods. A quantile regression approach is employed, after adjusting raw returns with respect to a broad set of relevant global factors and accounting for structural breaks in the data. The results reveal that upside volatility tends to exert negative influences on Islamic developed-market returns more in bear than in bull market conditions, while downside volatility positively affects returns during bear and bull conditions. For emerging markets, we find that the upside (downside) component exerts lagged negative (positive) effects on returns in bear (all) market regimes. By and large, the dependence structures turn out to be asymmetric. Our evidence provides essential implications for investors.Keywords: cryptocurrency markets, bitcoin, realized volatility measures, asymmetry, quantile regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1881557 Generation Solitary Waves for Viscous Flow over a Hole
Authors: Mohammed Daher Albalwi
This study investigates the transcritical flow of a stratified fluid over topography under negative forcing amplitude (hole), which generates upstream and downstream flows connected by an unsteady solution. This phenomenon is formulated by a forced Korteweg-de Vries–Burgers model, considering weak nonlinearity and weak dispersion by accounting for the fluid’s viscosity beyond the Korteweg–de Vries approximation. The findings highlight that viscosity significantly affects various wave characteristics, such as the amplitudes of solitary waves both upstream and downstream, as well as the widths of the bores. We focused here on weak damping, and the results apply to transcritical, supercritical, and subcritical flows. Generally, when the viscosity is low, the results differ qualitatively from those predicted by the forced Korteweg-de Vries equation, with notable variations arising as viscosity increases.Keywords: Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers’ equation, soliton, viscous flow, transcritical (resonant) flow, solitary waves
Procedia PDF Downloads 51556 A Wall Law for Two-Phase Turbulent Boundary Layers
Authors: Dhahri Maher, Aouinet Hana
The presence of bubbles in the boundary layer introduces corrections into the log law, which must be taken into account. In this work, a logarithmic wall law was presented for bubbly two phase flows. The wall law presented in this work was based on the postulation of additional turbulent viscosity associated with bubble wakes in the boundary layer. The presented wall law contained empirical constant accounting both for shear induced turbulence interaction and for non-linearity of bubble. This constant was deduced from experimental data. The wall friction prediction achieved with the wall law was compared to the experimental data, in the case of a turbulent boundary layer developing on a vertical flat plate in the presence of millimetric bubbles. A very good agreement between experimental and numerical wall friction prediction was verified. The agreement was especially noticeable for the low void fraction when bubble induced turbulence plays a significant role.Keywords: bubbly flows, log law, boundary layer, CFD
Procedia PDF Downloads 2781555 The Roles of Pay Satisfaction and Intent to Leave on Counterproductive Work Behavior among Non-Academic University Employees
Authors: Abiodun Musbau Lawal, Sunday Samson Babalola, Uzor Friday Ordu
Issue of employees counterproductive work behavior in government owned organization in emerging economies has continued to be a major concern. This study investigated the factors of pay satisfaction, intent to leave and age as predictors of counterproductive work behavior among non-academic employee in a Nigerian federal government owned university. A sample of 200 non-academic employees completed questionnaires. Hierarchical multiple regression was conducted to determine the contribution of each of the predictor variables on the criterion variable on counterproductive work behavior. Results indicate that age of participants (β = -.18; p < .05) significantly independently predicted CWB by accounting for 3% of the explained variance. Addition of pay satisfaction (β = -.14; p < .05) significantly accounted for 5% of the explained variance, while intent to leave (β = -.17; p < .05) further resulted in 8% of the explained variance in counterproductive work behavior. The importance of these findings with regards to reduction in counterproductive work behavior is highlighted.Keywords: counterproductive, work behaviour, pay satisfaction, intent to leave
Procedia PDF Downloads 3851554 Synthesis and Characterization of Some Nano-Structured Metal Hexacyanoferrates Using Sapindus mukorossi, a Natural Surfactant
Authors: Uma Shanker, Vidhisha Jassal
A novel green route was used to synthesize few metal hexacyanoferrates (FeHCF, NiHCF, CoHCF and CuHCF) nanoparticles using Sapindus mukorossias a natural surfactant and water as a solvent. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Thermo gravimetric techniques. Trasmission electron microscopic images showed that synthesized MHCF nanoparticles exhibited cubic and spherical shapes with exceptionally small sizes ranging from 3nm - 186 nm.Keywords: metal hexacyanoferrates, natural surfactant, Sapindus mukorossias, nanoparticles
Procedia PDF Downloads 5271553 Green Architecture from the Thawing Arctic: Reconstructing Traditions for Future Resilience
Authors: Nancy Mackin
Historically, architects from Aalto to Gaudi to Wright have looked to the architectural knowledge of long-resident peoples for forms and structural principles specifically adapted to the regional climate, geology, materials availability, and culture. In this research, structures traditionally built by Inuit peoples in a remote region of the Canadian high Arctic provides a folio of architectural ideas that are increasingly relevant during these times of escalating carbon emissions and climate change. ‘Green architecture from the Thawing Arctic’ researches, draws, models, and reconstructs traditional buildings of Inuit (Eskimo) peoples in three remote, often inaccessible Arctic communities. Structures verified in pre-contact oral history and early written history are first recorded in architectural drawings, then modeled and, with the participation of Inuit young people, local scientists, and Elders, reconstructed as emergency shelters. Three full-sized building types are constructed: a driftwood and turf-clad A-frame (spring/summer); a stone/bone/turf house with inwardly spiraling walls and a fan-shaped floor plan (autumn); and a parabolic/catenary arch-shaped dome from willow, turf, and skins (autumn/winter). Each reconstruction is filmed and featured in a short video. Communities found that the reconstructed buildings and the method of involving young people and Elders in the reconstructions have on-going usefulness, as follows: 1) The reconstructions provide emergency shelters, particularly needed as climate change worsens storms, floods, and freeze-thaw cycles and scientists and food harvesters who must work out of the land become stranded more frequently; 2) People from the communities re-learned from their Elders how to use materials from close at hand to construct impromptu shelters; 3) Forms from tradition, such as windbreaks at entrances and using levels to trap warmth within winter buildings, can be adapted and used in modern community buildings and housing; and 4) The project initiates much-needed educational and employment opportunities in the applied sciences (engineering and architecture), construction, and climate change monitoring, all offered in a culturally-responsive way. Elders, architects, scientists, and young people added innovations to the traditions as they worked, thereby suggesting new sustainable, culturally-meaningful building forms and materials combinations that can be used for modern buildings. Adding to the growing interest in bio-mimicry, participants looked at properties of Arctic and subarctic materials such as moss (insulation), shrub bark (waterproofing), and willow withes (parabolic and catenary arched forms). ‘Green Architecture from the Thawing Arctic’ demonstrates the effective, useful architectural oeuvre of a resilient northern people. The research parallels efforts elsewhere in the world to revitalize long-resident peoples’ architectural knowledge, in the interests of designing sustainable buildings that reflect culture, heritage, and identity.Keywords: architectural culture and identity, climate change, forms from nature, Inuit architecture, locally sourced biodegradable materials, traditional architectural knowledge, traditional Inuit knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 5261552 Process of Role Taking: Sacred Compliance and Religious Assurance in Islamic Banks
Authors: Y. Karbhari, A. Benamraoui, A. Fahmi Sheikh Hassan
The study applies role theory to investigate the quality of the compliance review in Malaysia, which is perceived to have the most advanced Islamic banking governance framework in the Islamic world. Drawing from the questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews, our study reveals the existence of a well-established structure for compliance reviews which is found to be regulatory driven and contingent upon the level of commercial activity of individual Islamic bank’s. However, the compliance review process was found to be ceremonial and inadequately undertaken by some SBs with greater prominence placed on its advisory role. In particular, the study provides evidence of a lack of understanding on accounting issues when undertaking the compliance review. Problems in communication between SBs, board of directors and management were also reported to exist. Our findings raise concern over the quality and thus the credibility of the religious compliance assurance communicated in Islamic Banks annual reports.Keywords: Islamic banks, religious compliance, Sharia board assurance, role theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1931551 Convergence with IFRS: Evidence from Financial Statements
Authors: M. S. Turan, Dimple
Due to implementation of IFRS by several developed and developing countries, India has no option other than to converge their accounting standards with IFRS. There are over 10,000 listed companies required to implement IFRS in India. IFRS based financial information presented by a company is different from the same information provided by Indian GAAPs. In this study, we have brought out and analyzed the effect of IFRS reporting on the financial statements of selected companies. The results reveal that convergence with IFRS brought prominent positive variations in the values of quick ratio, debt/equity ratio, proprietary ratio and net profit ratio, while negative variation is brought in the values of current ratio, debt to total assets ratio, operating profit ratio, return on capital employed and return on shareholders’ equity ratios. It also presents significant changes in the values of items of balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement.Keywords: IFRS, reporting standards, convergence process, results
Procedia PDF Downloads 3341550 Using Nature-Based Solutions to Decarbonize Buildings in Canadian Cities
Authors: Zahra Jandaghian, Mehdi Ghobadi, Michal Bartko, Alex Hayes, Marianne Armstrong, Alexandra Thompson, Michael Lacasse
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report stated the urgent need to cut greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the adverse impacts of climatic changes. The United Nations has forecasted that nearly 70 percent of people will live in urban areas by 2050 resulting in a doubling of the global building stock. Given that buildings are currently recognised as emitting 40 percent of global carbon emissions, there is thus an urgent incentive to decarbonize existing buildings and to build net-zero carbon buildings. To attain net zero carbon emissions in communities in the future requires action in two directions: I) reduction of emissions; and II) removal of on-going emissions from the atmosphere once de-carbonization measures have been implemented. Nature-based solutions (NBS) have a significant role to play in achieving net zero carbon communities, spanning both emission reductions and removal of on-going emissions. NBS for the decarbonisation of buildings can be achieved by using green roofs and green walls – increasing vertical and horizontal vegetation on the building envelopes – and using nature-based materials that either emit less heat to the atmosphere thus decreasing photochemical reaction rates, or store substantial amount of carbon during the whole building service life within their structure. The NBS approach can also mitigate urban flooding and overheating, improve urban climate and air quality, and provide better living conditions for the urban population. For existing buildings, de-carbonization mostly requires retrofitting existing envelopes efficiently to use NBS techniques whereas for future construction, de-carbonization involves designing new buildings with low carbon materials as well as having the integrity and system capacity to effectively employ NBS. This paper presents the opportunities and challenges in respect to the de-carbonization of buildings using NBS for both building retrofits and new construction. This review documents the effectiveness of NBS to de-carbonize Canadian buildings, identifies the missing links to implement these techniques in cold climatic conditions, and determine a road map and immediate approaches to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change such as urban heat islanding. Recommendations are drafted for possible inclusion in the Canadian building and energy codes.Keywords: decarbonization, nature-based solutions, GHG emissions, greenery enhancement, buildings
Procedia PDF Downloads 941549 The Effects of Religiosity and Spiritual Intelligence on the Performance of Accountants in Ghana
Authors: Wisdom Dordudnu, George M. Y. Owusu, Samuel N. Y. Simpson
The recent failures of many corporate giants have generated intense research interest in the factors that influence accountants’ job performance. Against the backdrop that these factors also create an enabling environment for success at the work place, this study contributes to literature on job performance of accountants by exploring the impact of two psycho-spiritual factors: religiosity and spiritual intelligence on job performance of accountants in Ghana. The study employs a survey approach using questionnaires as the principal means of data collection to elicit responses from accountants working in the 222 certified firms of Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana (ICAG). A structural equation modeling-based approach is employed to examine the relationship among the study constructs. Results of this study indicate that there is a positive relationship between these factors and accountants’ performance. It is expected that this study provides strong evidence and highlight the need for specific action from managers to look critically at the non-material aspect of accountants in accounting firms.Keywords: job performance, psycho-spiritual, religiosity, spiritual intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 3021548 Optimizing Microgrid Operations: A Framework of Adaptive Model Predictive Control
Authors: Ruben Lopez-Rodriguez
In a microgrid, diverse energy sources (both renewable and non-renewable) are combined with energy storage units to form a localized power system. Microgrids function as independent entities, capable of meeting the energy needs of specific areas or communities. This paper introduces a Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach tailored for grid-connected microgrids, aiming to optimize their operation. The formulation employs Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) to find optimal trajectories. This entails the fulfillment of continuous and binary constraints, all while accounting for commutations between various operating conditions such as storage unit charge/discharge, import/export from/towards the main grid, as well as asset connection/disconnection. To validate the proposed approach, a microgrid case study is conducted, and the simulation results are compared with those obtained using a rule-based strategy.Keywords: microgrids, mixed logical dynamical systems, mixed-integer optimization, model predictive control
Procedia PDF Downloads 561547 Density Based Traffic System Using Pic Microcontroller
Authors: Tatipamula Samiksha Goud, .A.Naveena, M.sresta
Traffic congestion is a major issue in many cities throughout the world, particularly in urban areas, and it is past time to switch from a fixed timer mode to an automated system. The current traffic signalling system is a fixed-time system that is inefficient if one lane is more functional than the others. A structure for an intelligent traffic control system is being designed to address this issue. When traffic density is higher on one side of a junction, the signal's green time is extended in comparison to the regular time. This study suggests a technique in which the signal's time duration is assigned based on the amount of traffic present at the time. Infrared sensors can be used to do this.Keywords: infrared sensors, micro-controllers, LEDs, oscillators
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431546 Factors Contributing to Sports Injuries among Senior High Schools in Ghana
Authors: Mawuli M. Sedegah, Emmanuel O. Sarpong, Ernest Y. Acheampong
Sports injuries among student-athletes in high schools have become prevalent in most developing countries. The study explores the risk factors influencing sports injuries and identify those sustained among high schools’ competitions in the Akuapem Municipality. Drawing on literature from sports injuries, 610 student-athletes were used to understand how they sustained various injuries during schools’ sports and games. Using a cross-sectional survey, the study reveals how wounds, knee injury, muscle cramps, and thigh injury are common injuries in the municipality. The physiological factor was rampant, resulting from the number of games played by student-athletes, which significantly influenced sprain, strain, dislocation, and nose bleeding injuries among them. Results recorded a low correlation accounting for 9% occurrence of sports injuries in the Akuapem Municipality. Further study can be done in the other districts to have a general approach to remedy some of these sports injuries.Keywords: common injuries, physiological factors, sports injuries, student-athletes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1711545 N-Glycosylation in the Green Microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Authors: Pierre-Louis Lucas, Corinne Loutelier-Bourhis, Narimane Mati-Baouche, Philippe Chan Tchi-Song, Patrice Lerouge, Elodie Mathieu-Rivet, Muriel Bardor
N-glycosylation is a post-translational modification taking place in the Endoplasmic Reticulum and the Golgi apparatus where defined glycan features are added on protein in a very specific sequence Asn-X-Thr/Ser/Cys were X can be any amino acid except proline. Because it is well-established that those N-glycans play a critical role in protein biological activity, protein half-life and that a different N-glycan structure may induce an immune response, they are very important in Biopharmaceuticals which are mainly glycoproteins bearing N-glycans. From now, most of the biopharmaceuticals are produced by mammalian cells like Chinese Hamster Ovary cells (CHO) for their N-glycosylation similar to the human, but due to the high production costs, several other species are investigated as the possible alternative system. In this purpose, the green microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was investigated as the potential production system for Biopharmaceuticals. This choice was influenced by the facts that C. reinhardtii is a well-study microalgae which is growing fast with a lot of molecular biology tools available. This organism is also producing N-glycan on its endogenous proteins. However, the analysis of the N-glycan structure of this microalgae has revealed some differences as compared to the human. Rather than in Human where the glycans are processed by key enzymes called N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I and II (GnTI and GnTII) adding GlcNAc residue to form a GlcNAc₂Man₃GlcNAc₂ core N-glycan, C. reinhardtii lacks those two enzymes and possess a GnTI independent glycosylation pathway. Moreover, some enzymes like xylosyltransferases and methyltransferases not present in human are supposed to act on the glycans of C. reinhardtii. Furthermore, the recent structural study by mass spectrometry shows that the N-glycosylation precursor supposed to be conserved in almost all eukaryotic cells results in a linear Man₅GlcNAc₂ rather than a branched one in C. reinhardtii. In this work, we will discuss the new released MS information upon C. reinhardtii N-glycan structure and their impact on our attempt to modify the glycan in a Human manner. Two strategies will be discussed. The first one consisted in the study of Xylosyltransferase insertional mutants from the CLIP library in order to remove xyloses from the N-glycans. The second will go further in the humanization by transforming the microalgae with the exogenous gene from Toxoplasma gondii having an activity similar to GnTI and GnTII with the aim to synthesize GlcNAc₂Man₃GlcNAc₂ in C. reinhardtii.Keywords: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, N-glycosylation, glycosyltransferase, mass spectrometry, humanization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1781544 Disability and Quality of Life in Low Back Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Zarina Zahari, Maria Justine, Kamaria Kamaruddin
Low back pain (LBP) is a major musculoskeletal problem in global population. This study aimed to examine the relationship between pain, disability and quality of life in patients with non-specific low back pain (LBP). One hundred LBP participants were recruited in this cross-sectional study (mean age = 42.23±11.34 years old). Pain was measured using Numerical Rating Scale (11-point). Disability was assessed using the revised Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire (ODQ) and quality of life (QoL) was evaluated using the SF-36 v2. Majority of participants (58%) presented with moderate pain and 49% experienced severe disability. Thus, the pain and disability were found significant with negative correlation (r= -0.712, p<0.05). The pain and QoL also showed significant and positive correlation with both Physical Health Component Summary (PHCS) (r= .840, p<0.05) and Mental Health Component Summary (MHCS) (r= 0.446, p<0.05). Regression analysis indicated that pain emerged as an indicator of both disability and QoL (PHCS and MHCS) accounting for 51%, 71% and 21% of the variances respectively. This indicates that pain is an important factor in predicting disability and QoL in LBP sufferers.Keywords: disability, low back pain, pain, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 5351543 The Relevance of Corporate Governance Disclosure in Spanish Public Universities
Authors: Yolanda Ramirez, Angel Tejada, Agustin Baidez
There is currently a growing interest in the improvement of university governance and the disclosure of information on corporate governance processes as an essential part of the transparency and accountability of universities. This paper aims to know the importance given by Spanish university stakeholders to the disclosure of information about structure and mechanism of corporate governance. So as to meet this objective we propose a model for disclosing information on the main aspects of university governance in Spanish universities. This model will be validated using a questionnaire sent to members of the Social Councils of public universities in Spain. Our results show that Spanish university stakeholders attach great importance to the disclosure of specific information on aspects of corporate governance, which would result in improved transparency and accountability. According to the results of this study it may be concluded that the university stakeholders feel that it is relevant to publish information on corporate governance in the university accounting information model.Keywords: corporate governance, transparency, accountability, universities, Spain
Procedia PDF Downloads 3131542 The Effect of Dynamic Eccentricity on the Stator Current Spectrum of 550 kW Induction Motor
Authors: Saleh Elawgali
In order to present the effect of the dynamic eccentricity on the stator currents of squirrel cage induction machines, the current spectrums of a 550 kW induction motor was calculated for the cases of full symmetry and dynamic eccentricity. The calculations presented in this paper are based on the Poly-Harmonic Model accounting for static and dynamic eccentricity, stator and rotor slotting, parallel branches as well as cage asymmetry. The calculations were followed by Fourier analysis of the stator currents in steady state operation. The paper presents the stator current spectrums for full symmetry and dynamic eccentricity cases, and demonstrates the harmonics present in each case. The effect of dynamic eccentricity is demonstrating via comparing the current spectrums related to dynamic eccentricity cases with the full symmetry one.Keywords: current spectrum, dynamic eccentricity, harmonics, Induction machine, slot harmonic zone.
Procedia PDF Downloads 4001541 A Close Study on the Nitrate Fertilizer Use and Environmental Pollution for Human Health in Iran
Authors: Saeed Rezaeian, M. Rezaee Boroon
Nitrogen accumulates in soils during the process of fertilizer addition to promote the plant growth. When the organic matter decomposes, the form of available nitrogen produced is in the form of nitrate, which is highly mobile. The most significant health effect of nitrate ingestion is methemoglobinemia in infants under six months of age (blue baby syndrome). The mobile nutrients, like nitrate nitrogen, are not stored in the soil as the available forms for the long periods and in large amounts. It depends on the needs for the crops such as vegetables. On the other hand, the vegetables will compete actively for nitrate nitrogen as a mobile nutrient and water. The mobile nutrients must be shared. The fewer the plants, the larger this share is for each plant. Also, this nitrate nitrogen is poisonous for the people who use these vegetables. Nitrate is converted to nitrite by the existing bacteria in the stomach and the Gastro-Intestinal (GI) tract. When nitrite is entered into the blood cells, it converts the hemoglobin to methemoglobin, which causes the anoxemia and cyanosis. The increasing use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, especially the fertilizers with nitrates compounds, which have been common for the increased production of agricultural crops, has caused the nitrate pollution in the (soil, water, and environment). They have caused a lot of damage to humans and animals. In this research, the nitrate accumulation in different kind of vegetables such as; green pepper, tomatoes, egg plants, watermelon, cucumber, and red pepper were observed in the suburbs of Mashhad, Neisabour, and Sabzevar cities. In some of these cities, the information forms of agronomical practices collected were such as; different vegetable crops fertilizer recommendations, varieties, pesticides, irrigation schedules, etc., which were filled out by some of our colleagues in the research areas mentioned above. Analysis of the samples was sent to the soil and water laboratory in our department in Mashhad. The final results from the chemical analysis of samples showed that the mean levels of nitrates from the samples of the fruit crops in the mentioned cities above were all lower than the critical levels. These fruit crop samples were in the order of: 35.91, 8.47, 24.81, 6.03, 46.43, 2.06 mg/kg dry matter, for the following crops such as; tomato, cucumber, eggplant, watermelon, green pepper, and red pepper. Even though, this study was conducted with limited samples and by considering the mean levels, the use of these crops from the nutritional point of view will not cause the poisoning of humans.Keywords: environmental pollution, human health, nitrate accumulations, nitrate fertilizers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2511540 Detection of Aflatoxin B1 Producing Aspergillus flavus Genes from Maize Feed Using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Technique
Authors: Sontana Mimapan, Phattarawadee Wattanasuntorn, Phanom Saijit
Aflatoxin contamination in maize, one of several agriculture crops grown for livestock feeding, is still a problem throughout the world mainly under hot and humid weather conditions like Thailand. In this study Aspergillus flavus (A. Flavus), the key fungus for aflatoxin production especially aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), isolated from naturally infected maize were identified and characterized according to colony morphology and PCR using ITS, Beta-tubulin and calmodulin genes. The strains were analysed for the presence of four aflatoxigenic biosynthesis genes in relation to their capability to produce AFB1, Ver1, Omt1, Nor1, and aflR. Aflatoxin production was then confirmed using immunoaffinity column technique. A loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) was applied as an innovative technique for rapid detection of target nucleic acid. The reaction condition was optimized at 65C for 60 min. and calcein flurescent reagent was added before amplification. The LAMP results showed clear differences between positive and negative reactions in end point analysis under daylight and UV light by the naked eye. In daylight, the samples with AFB1 producing A. Flavus genes developed a yellow to green color, but those without the genes retained the orange color. When excited with UV light, the positive samples become visible by bright green fluorescence. LAMP reactions were positive after addition of purified target DNA until dilutions of 10⁻⁶. The reaction products were then confirmed and visualized with 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. In this regards, 50 maize samples were collected from dairy farms and tested for the presence of four aflatoxigenic biosynthesis genes using LAMP technique. The results were positive in 18 samples (36%) but negative in 32 samples (64%). All of the samples were rechecked by PCR and the results were the same as LAMP, indicating 100% specificity. Additionally, when compared with the immunoaffinity column-based aflatoxin analysis, there was a significant correlation between LAMP results and aflatoxin analysis (r= 0.83, P < 0.05) which suggested that positive maize samples were likely to be a high- risk feed. In conclusion, the LAMP developed in this study can provide a simple and rapid approach for detecting AFB1 producing A. Flavus genes from maize and appeared to be a promising tool for the prediction of potential aflatoxigenic risk in livestock feedings.Keywords: Aflatoxin B1, Aspergillus flavus genes, maize, loop-mediated isothermal amplification
Procedia PDF Downloads 2401539 Low-Emission Commuting with Micro Public Transport: Investigation of Travel Times and CO₂ Emissions
Authors: Marcel Ciesla, Victoria Oberascher, Sven Eder, Stefan Kirchweger, Wolfgang E. Baaske, Gerald Ostermayer
The omnipresent trend towards sustainable mobility is a major challenge, especially for commuters in rural areas. The use of micro public transport systems is expected to significantly reduce pollutant emissions, as several commuters travel the first mile together with a single pick-up bus instead of their own car. In this paper, different aspects of such a micro public transport system are analyzed. The main findings of the investigations should be how the travel times of commuters change and how many CO₂ emissions can be saved if some of the commuters use public transport instead of their own vehicle.Keywords: micro public transport, green transportation, sustainable mobility, low-emission commuting
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