Search results for: Islamic marketing
919 Brand Preferences in Saudi Arabia: Explorative Study in Jeddah
Authors: Badr Alharbi
There is significant debate on the evolution of retail marketing as an economy matures. In penetrating new markets, global brands are efficient in establishing a presence and replacing less effective competitors by engaging in superior advertising, pricing and sometimes quality. However, national brands adapt over time and may either partner with global brands in distribution and services or directly compete more efficiently in the new, open market. This explorative study investigates brand preferences in Saudi Arabia. As a conservative society, which is nevertheless highly commercialised, Saudi Arabia markets could be fragmenting with consumer preferences and rejections based on country of origin, globalisation, or perhaps regionalisation. To investigate this, an online survey was distributed to Saudis in Jeddah to gather data on their preferences for travel, technology, clothes and accessories, eating out, vehicles, and influential brands. The results from 710 valid responses were that there are distinct regional and national brand preferences among the young Saudi men who contributed to the survey. Apart from a preference for Saudi food providers, airline preferences were the United Emirates, holiday preferences were Europe, study and work preferences were the United States, hotel preferences were United States-based, car preferences were Japanese, and clothing preferences were United States-based. The results were broadly in line with international research findings; however, the study participants varied from Arab research findings by describing themselves as innovative in their purchase selections, rarely loyal (exception of Apple products) and continually seeking new brand experiences. This survey contributes to an understanding of evolving Saudi consumer preferences.Keywords: Saudi marketing, globalisation, country of origin, brand preferences
Procedia PDF Downloads 280918 Involvement of Stakeholders in the R&D and Innovation Process in Developing Country Context: An Analysis of the Nigeria Innovation System
Authors: B. O. Oyedoyin, M. O. Ilori, T. O. Oyebisi, B. A. Oluwale, O. O. Jegede
The study was designed to evaluate the business development and transfer of technologies to small manufacturing companies by research institutes in South Western Nigeria. The study covered all the industrial research institutions with headquarters in South Western Nigeria. The study showed that the involvement of scientists in innovation process was rated highest in the idea generation (4.14) and idea screening (4.29) phases; high in R&D (3.86) and fairly high in pilot plant development (2.71) and commercialization (2.43) phase. Their involvement was rated low in business analysis and development (2.14), and test marketing (2.29) phase. The involvement of engineers was rated highest in idea generation (3.28), fairly high in R&D (2.71), pilot plant development (2.57), and idea screening (2.40) phases. However, their involvement was rated low in business analysis and development (2.0), test marketing (2.0), and commercialization (1.28) phases. The involvement of technology marketers in innovation process was generally rated fairly high in R&D (2.7) and business analysis and development (2.6), and low in all the other phases of innovation. However, their involvement at IAR&T, FIIRO, and NIOMR in all the phases was rated very high (3.0-5.0). The involvement of entrepreneurs was generally rated from fairly high to low (2.7-2.3) in all the phases of innovation. The involvement of financial institutions in all the phases of innovation was generally rated low (1.28-1.71). In conclusion, the study showed that the involvement of stakeholders like entrepreneurs and financial institutions in technology packaging for commercialization is very low.Keywords: research institutes, national innovation system, Nigeria, entrepreneurs, financial institution
Procedia PDF Downloads 426917 Structural Equation Modeling Approach: Modeling the Impact of Social Marketing Programs on Combating Female Genital Mutilation in the Sudanese Society
Authors: Nada Abdelsadig Moahamed Saied
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other similar traditional cultural practices pose a significant problem for Sudanese society. Such actions are severe and seriously detrimental to people's health since they are based on false social perceptions. To address these problems, numerous institutions and organizations were compelled to act rapidly. Female circumcision, or FGM, is one of the riskiest practices. It is referred to as the excision of the genitalia. Any surgeries involving the total or partial removal of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons fall under this category. The results of FGM can vary depending on the kind and degree of the operation. These can be categorized as short-term, mid-term, or long-term issues. Infections, including the Human, blood, discomfort, and difficulty urinating are the immediate effects. FGM is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as practices that purposefully damage or modify female genital organs for non-medical purposes. It often takes place between the ages of one and fifteen. The girl's right to decide on important choices affecting her sexual and reproductive health is violated because the act is usually performed without her consent and frequently against her will. UNICEF, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, aggressively combats the issue of FGM in Sudan. Numerous programs were started by NGOs to stop the practice. To our knowledge, no scientific study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of such social marketing techniques on simulating and comprehending society’s feelings surrounding FGM. This study proposes the development of a structural equation model aiming to determine the impact of awareness programs on people’s intentions to adopt the behavior of abandoning FGM based on theoretical models of behavior change. The model incorporates all the relevant factors that contribute to FGM and possible strategic actions to tackle this problem. The theoretical backdrop for FGM is presented in the next section, which also explains the practice's history, justifications, and potential treatments. The methodology section that follows describes the structural equation model. The proposed model, which compiles all the pertinent elements into a single image, is presented in the fourth part. Finally, conclusions are reached, and suggestions for further research are made.Keywords: social marketing, policy-making, behavioral change, female genital mutilation, culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 77916 Examining the Adoption Rate of the Japanese Method of Food Samples in the International Market
Authors: Marwa Abdulsalam, Osamu Suzuki, Wirawan Dony Dahana
One of the remarkable and unique industries in Japan is the food samples industry which can be noticed in most of the restaurants located around Japan. However, the market is getting saturated, which has pushed Japanese food sample manufacturers to start exploring new international markets. Most of the markets they explored were in the East Asian region, such as China or Korea. In this research, we examine the feasibility and the potential adoption rate of food samples in the international market outside the East Asian region. The main focus of this study is on the Saudi Arabian market. Nonetheless, since Saudi Arabia is a big market, the study results could possibly be applied to the international market as well. The study has conducted a quantitative survey to test the potential of the food samples industry in Saudi Arabia especially in 4 major cities: Jeddah, Mecca, Riyadh, and Dammam. The survey also tests the willingness to purchase, the average price point that the consumer is willing to pay for food samples, and the factors that drive restaurant owners to adopt the food samples system. The study created a correlation analysis between different factors, such as the geographic factor and the size of the restaurant factor, to examine the effect of different aspects on the purchasing decision. The study has found that the Japanese food samples system is predicted to adapt successfully in the Saudi Arabian market and in the international market alike due to the high importance of the food culture and the existence of the communication challenges that the food samples can solve. Additionally, the market survey stated in this study indicated that 83% of the restaurants’ managers are willing to adopt this system in their restaurants.Keywords: food samples, innovative marketing, international market, marketing method
Procedia PDF Downloads 110915 Attribution of Strategic Motive, Business Efficiencies, Firm Economies, and Market Factors as Motivations of Restaurant Industry Vertical Integration Adoption: A Structural Equation Model
Authors: Sy, Melecio Jr
The decision to adopt vertical integration (VI) is firm-specific, but there is a common practice among businesses in an industry to maximize the massive potential benefits of VI. This study aims to determine VI adoption in the restaurant industry in Davao City. Using a two-step sampling process, the study used a validated survey questionnaire among 264 restaurant owners and managers randomly selected and geographically classified. It is a quantitative study where the data were subjected to a structural equation model (SEM). The results revealed that VI is present but limited to procurement, production, restaurant services, and online marketing. Raw materials were outsourced while delivery to customers through third-party delivery services. VI slowly increased over ten years except for online marketing, which has grown significantly in a few years. The endogenous and exogenous variables were correlated and established the linear regression model. The SEM's best fit model revealed that strategic motives (SMOT) and market factors (MFAC) influenced VI adoption while MFAC is the best predictor. Favorable market factors may lead restaurants to adopt VI. It is, thus, recommended for restaurants to institutionalize strategic management, quantify the impact of double marginalization in future studies as a reason for VI and conduct this study during the new normal to see the influence of business efficiencies and firm economies on VI adoption.Keywords: business efficiencies, business management, davao city, firm economies, market factors, philippines, strategic motives, structural equation model, supply chain, vertical integration adoption
Procedia PDF Downloads 70914 Bilingual Education and Its Implication for Teaching English as a Second Language: A Comparative Study of Two Selected Secondary Schools in Bauchi State, Nigeria
Authors: Auwal Ibrahim Amba
Bilingualism is the use/existence of two languages in the repertoire of an individual or a community. This linguistic phenomenon may encourage the use of Bilingual Education/Instruction for the teaching of English as a Second Language. Bilingual Education is the teaching of academic content in two languages in most cases simultaneously in multilingual/bilingual communities. This study is an attempt at investigating the impact of Bilingual Education for the teaching of English as a Second Language. The study examines the performance of students in English language examinations in two selected secondary schools that employ Monolingual and Bilingual Education respectively. The schools: Demonstration Secondary School and Higher Islamic Studies Secondary School are public schools that exist side by side at A.D.Rufa’i College of Education, Legal and General Studies Misau, Bauchi State, Nigeria. The choice of the two schools is deliberate because of their existence in the same learning environment, the same public status and bein managed by the same administration. The only difference lies in the use of Bilingual Education for classroom instruction by the former and Monolingual Education by the latter. While Demonstration Secondary School uses English Language as the only Language of instruction, Higher Islamic Studies Secondary School employs English and Arabic for classroom instruction. The study employs qualitative research methods for the collection, presentation and analysis of data. Purposive sampling is employed in selecting students of Senior Secondary School 3 (SS3) from each school as the only participants in the research and a questionnaire was administered on fifty students each in addition to analyzing and comparing the students’ performance based on the Final Certificate Examinations Results. The findings of this study reveal that Bilingual Education slows the rate of learning English as a Second Language and affects learning proficiency. The study recommends the intensive use of the Target Language (English) for the teaching of English as a Second Language. It suggests the adequate use of Language Laboratory, constant listening of international English media organizations like British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), practical communicative engagement of learners in the Target Language in classroom and outside among other strategies for effective learning.Keywords: bilingualism, bilingual education, target language, second language
Procedia PDF Downloads 6913 An Exploration of Cross-culture Consumer Behaviour - The Characteristics of Chinese Consumers’ Decision Making in Europe
Authors: Yongsheng Guo, Xiaoxian Zhu, Mandella Osei-Assibey Bonsu
This study explores the effects of national culture on consumer behaviour by identifying the characteristics of Chinese consumers’ decision making in Europe. It offers a better understanding of how cultural factors affect consumers’ behaviour, and how consumers make decisions in other nations with different culture. It adopted a grounded theory approach and conducted twenty-four in-depth interviews. Grounded theory models are developed to link the causal conditions, process and consequences. Results reveal that some cultural factors including conservatism, emotionality, acquaintance community, long-term orientation and principles affect Chinese consumers when making purchase decisions in Europe. Most Chinese consumers plan and prepare their expenditure and stay in Europe as cultural learners, and purchase durable products or assets as investment, and share their experiences within a community. This study identified potential problems such as political and social environment, complex procedures, and restrictions. This study found that external factors influence on internal factors and then internal characters determine consumer behaviour. This study proposes that cultural traits developed in convergence evolution through social selection and Chinese consumers persist most characters but adapt some perceptions and actions overtime in other countries. This study suggests that cultural marketing could be adopted by companies to reflect consumers’ preferences. Agencies, shops, and the authorities could take actions to reduce the complexity and restrictions.Keywords: national culture, consumer behaviour, decision making, cultural marketing
Procedia PDF Downloads 94912 Pediatricians as a Key Channel of Influence for Infant Formula Purchases
Authors: Matthew Heidman, Susan Dallabrida, Analice Costa
For infant caregivers, choosing an infant formula for their child can be a difficult task in an already stressful environment of caring for a newborn. There exist several channels that influence purchasing decision of infant formula such as, friends and family and their experiences, health care professionals, social media influencers, as well as standard media marketing. This study sought to identify the key channels by which caregivers obtain information regarding infant formula and help them make their purchasing decision. A digital survey was issued for 90 days in the US (n=121) and 30 days in Mexico (n=88) targeting respondents with children ≤4 years of age. Respondents were asked two key questions regarding the influences on their purchasing decisions: 1) “When choosing a formula brand, what do you do to help you make your decision?”, and 2) “When choosing a formula brand, what is most important to you?”. A list of potential answers was provided for each question and respondents were asked to select all that apply to them. Lastly, respondents were provided a 5-point Likert scale and asked to respond to the statement 3) “I am more likely to buy a particular formula brand if my pediatrician recommends it to me”. For question 1, in the US and Mexico, 76% and 95% of respondents respectively, selected “I ask my pediatrician” which represented the top selection. For question 2, 52% and 45% of respondents respectively, selected “On package “Pediatrician Recommended” claim…” which also represented the top selection. For statement 3, 82% and 89% of respondents respectively, stated that they either “somewhat agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement. For infant caregivers, the pediatrician is a very important channel of influence when it comes to purchasing decision of infant formula. Caregivers clearly see the pediatrician as the arbiter of their child’s nutrition and seek their recommendations for infant formula use. For infant formula manufacturers, it is important that they see the pediatrician as the gatekeeper to this market, and they put resources into medical marketing communication to this health care professional group to ensure success.Keywords: infant formula, pediatrician, purchasing driver, caregiver
Procedia PDF Downloads 94911 Modeling Factors Influencing Online Shopping Intention among Consumers in Nigeria: A Proposed Framework
Authors: Abubakar Mukhtar Yakasai, Muhammad Tahir Jan
Purpose: This paper is aimed at exploring factors influencing online shopping intention among the young consumers in Nigeria. Design/Methodology/approach: The paper adopted and extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the basis for literature review. Additionally, the paper proposed a framework with the inclusion of culture as a moderating factor of consumer online shopping intention among consumers in Nigeria. Findings: Despite high rate of internet penetration in Nigerian, as well as the rapid advancement of online shopping in the world, little attention was paid to this important revolution specifically among Nigeria’s consumers. Based on the review of extant literature, the TAM extended to include perceived risk and enjoyment (PR and PE) was discovered to be a better alternative framework for predicting Nigeria’s young consumers’ online shopping intention. The moderating effect of culture in the proposed model is shown to help immensely in ascertaining differences, if any, between various cultural groups among online shoppers in Nigeria. Originality/ value: The critical analysis of different factors will assist practitioners (like online retailers, e-marketing managers, website developers, etc.) by signifying which combinations of factors can best predict consumer online shopping behaviour in particular instances, thereby resulting in effective value delivery. Online shopping is a newly adopted technology in Nigeria, hence the paper will give a clear focus for effective e-marketing strategy. In addition, the proposed framework in this paper will guide future researchers by providing a tool for systematic evaluation and testing of real empirical situation of online shopping in Nigeria.Keywords: online shopping, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, technology acceptance model, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 281910 The Role of Sustainable Financing Models for Smallholder Tree Growers in Ghana
Authors: Raymond Awinbilla
The call for tree planting has long been set in motion by the government of Ghana. The Forestry Commission encourages plantation development through numerous interventions including formulating policies and enacting legislations. However, forest policies have failed and that has generated a major concern over the vast gap between the intentions of national policies and the realities established. This study addresses three objectives;1) Assessing the farmers' response and contribution to the tree planting initiative, 2) Identifying socio-economic factors hindering the development of smallholder plantations as a livelihood strategy, and 3) Determining the level of support available for smallholder tree growers and the factors influencing it. The field work was done in 12 farming communities in Ghana. The article illuminates that farmers have responded to the call for tree planting and have planted both exotic and indigenous tree species. Farmers have converted 17.2% (369.48ha) of their total land size into plantations and have no problem with land tenure. Operations and marketing constraints include lack of funds for operations, delay in payment, low price of wood, manipulation of price by buyers, documentation by buyers, and no ready market for harvesting wood products. Environmental institutions encourage tree planting; the only exception is with the Lands Commission. Support availed to farmers includes capacity building in silvicultural practices, organisation of farmers, linkage to markets and finance. Efforts by the Government of Ghana to enhance forest resources in the country could rely on the input of local populations.Keywords: livelihood strategy, marketing constraints, environmental institutions, silvicultural practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 58909 The Constraints of Modern Islamic Boarding School's Strategy in Addressing Physical Violence: A Case Study in Indonesia
Authors: Syauqi Asfiya R.
This study examines the constraints faced by Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) in Indonesia in effectively addressing physical violence within their educational institutions. The vulnerability to violence in the education sector remains pervasive, including in Pesantren, primarily due to the residential nature of the boarding school system, which necessitates round-the-clock interaction among students from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, environmental factors, parenting styles, individual characteristics, and media influences further complicate the conditions within Pesantren. Numerous cases of physical violence have been reported, underscoring the need to identify the constraints of violence prevention strategies implemented by Pesantren. Adopting a case study approach, this research focuses on a Modern Pesantren in Tangerang and utilizes interviews conducted with 20 victims of violence to explore the aspects of Pesantren's violence prevention strategies that may have been overlooked. The findings indicate that many students face a dilemma when reporting the violence they experience, as the imposed sanctions often prove excessively severe and carry the risk of exacerbating the violence perpetrated by the offenders. Consequently, numerous victims choose to remain silent, thereby enabling the perpetuation of violence. Moreover, senior students (mudabbir) are prohibited from giving punishment, but there are still many who punish other students based on their personal moods. Furthermore, violence is also perpetrated by religious teachers (ustadz), despite their responsibility for addressing such issues. The evaluation process often follows a unidirectional approach wherein the santri have limited freedom compared to the Mudabbir or ustadz when it comes to providing feedback. Additionally, sentiment within specific student generations is reinforced due to the segregation of dormitories based on cohorts. Lastly, the absence of psychologists to address the trauma experienced by victims further exacerbates the situation. This research sheds light on the constraints faced by Pesantren in effectively preventing physical violence and emphasizes the importance of implementing comprehensive measures to create safer and nurturing learning environments within these institutions.Keywords: physical violence, islam, boarding school, constraint
Procedia PDF Downloads 77908 Virtual Reality and Avatars in Education
Authors: Michael Brazley
Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D videos are the most current generation of learning technology today. Virtual Reality and 3D videos are being used in professional offices and Schools now for marketing and education. Technology in the field of design has progress from two dimensional drawings to 3D models, using computers and sophisticated software. Virtual Reality is being used as collaborative means to allow designers and others to meet and communicate inside models or VR platforms using avatars. This research proposes to teach students from different backgrounds how to take a digital model into a 3D video, then into VR, and finally VR with multiple avatars communicating with each other in real time. The next step would be to develop the model where people from three or more different locations can meet as avatars in real time, in the same model and talk to each other. This research is longitudinal, studying the use of 3D videos in graduate design and Virtual Reality in XR (Extended Reality) courses. The research methodology is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The qualitative methods begin with the literature review and case studies. The quantitative methods come by way of student’s 3D videos, survey, and Extended Reality (XR) course work. The end product is to develop a VR platform with multiple avatars being able to communicate in real time. This research is important because it will allow multiple users to remotely enter your model or VR platform from any location in the world and effectively communicate in real time. This research will lead to improved learning and training using Virtual Reality and Avatars; and is generalizable because most Colleges, Universities, and many citizens own VR equipment and computer labs. This research did produce a VR platform with multiple avatars having the ability to move and speak to each other in real time. Major implications of the research include but not limited to improved: learning, teaching, communication, marketing, designing, planning, etc. Both hardware and software played a major role in project success.Keywords: virtual reality, avatars, education, XR
Procedia PDF Downloads 99907 Fostering Students’ Cultural Intelligence: A Social Media Experiential Project
Authors: Lorena Blasco-Arcas, Francesca Pucciarelli
Business contexts have become globalised and digitalised, which requires that managers develop a strong sense of cross-cultural intelligence while working in geographically distant teams by means of digital technologies. How to better equip future managers on these kinds of skills has been put forward as a critical issue in Business Schools. In pursuing these goals, higher education is shifting from a passive lecture approach, to more active and experiential learning approaches that are more suitable to learn skills. For example, through the use of case studies, proposing plausible business problem to be solved by students (or teams of students), these institutions have focused for long in fostering learning by doing. Though, case studies are no longer enough as a tool to promote active teamwork and experiential learning. Moreover, digital advancements applied to educational settings have enabled augmented classrooms, expanding the learning experience beyond the class, which increase students’ engagement and experiential learning. Different authors have highlighted the benefits of digital engagement in order to achieve a deeper and longer-lasting learning and comprehension of core marketing concepts. Clickers, computer-based simulations and business games have become fairly popular between instructors, but still are limited by the fact that are fictional experiences. Further exploration of real digital platforms to implement real, live projects in the classroom seem relevant for marketing and business education. Building on this, this paper describes the development of an experiential learning activity in class, in which students developed a communication campaign in teams using the BuzzFeed platform, and subsequently implementing the campaign by using other social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter…). The article details the procedure of using the project for a marketing module in a Bachelor program with students located in France, Italy and Spain campuses working on multi-campus groups. Further, this paper describes the project outcomes in terms of students’ engagement and analytics (i.e. visits achieved). the project included a survey in order to analyze and identify main aspects related to how the learning experience is influenced by the cultural competence developed through working in geographically distant and culturally diverse teamwork. Finally, some recommendations to use project-based social media tools while working with virtual teamwork in the classroom are provided.Keywords: cultural competences, experiential learning, social media, teamwork, virtual group work
Procedia PDF Downloads 181906 The Flashnews as a Commercial Session of Political Marketing: The Content Analysis of the Embedded Political Narratives in Non-Political Media Products
Authors: Zsolt Szabolcsi
Political communication in Hungary has undergone a significant change in the 2010s. One element of the transformation is the Flashnews. This media product was launched in March 2015 and since then 40-50 blocks are broadcasted, daily, on 5 channels. Flashnews blocks are condensed news sessions, containing the summary of political narratives. It starts with the introduction of the narrator, then, usually four news topics are presented and, finally, the narrator concludes the block. The block lasts only one minute and, therefore, it provides a blink session into the main narratives of political communication at the time. Beyond its rapid pace, what makes its avoidance difficult is that these blocks are always in the first position in the commercial break of a non-political media product. Although it is only one minute long, its significance is high. The content of the Flashnews reflects the main governmental narratives and, therefore, the Flashnews is part of the agenda-setting capacity of political communication. It reaches media consumers who have limited knowledge and interest in politics, and their use of media products is not politically related. For this audience, the Flashnews pops up in the same way as commercials. Due to its structure and appearance, the impact of Flashnews seems to be similar to commercials, imbedded into the break of media products. It activates existing knowledge constructs, builds up associational links and maintains their presence in a way that the recipient is not aware of the phenomenon. The research aims to examine the extent to which the Flashnews and the main news narratives are identical in their content. This aim is realized with the content analysis of the two news products by examining the Flashnews and the evening news during main sport events from 2016 to 2018. The initial hypothesis of the research is that Flashnews is a contribution to the news management technique for an effective articulation of political narratives in public service media channels.Keywords: flashnews, political communication, political marketing, news management
Procedia PDF Downloads 137905 Psychoanalytical Foreshadowing: The Application of a Literary Device in Quranic Narratology
Authors: Fateme Montazeri
Literary approaches towards the text of the Quran predate the modern period. Suyuti (d.1505)’s encyclopedia of Quranic sciences, Al-Itqan, provides a notable example. In the modern era, the study of the Quranic rhetorics received particular attention in the second half of the twentieth century by Egyptian scholars. Amin Al-Khouli (d. 1966), who might be considered the first to argue for the necessity of applying a literary-rhetorical lens toward the tafseer, Islamic exegesis, and his students championed the literary analysis as the most effective approach to the comprehension of the holy text. Western scholars continued the literary criticism of the Islamic scripture by applying to the Quran similar methodologies used in biblical studies. In the history of the literary examination of the Quran, the scope of the critical methods applied to the Quranic text has been limited. For, the rhetorical approaches to the Quran, in the premodern as well as the modern period, concerned almost exclusively with the lexical layer of the text, leaving the narratological dimensions insufficiently examined. Recent contributions, by Leyla Ozgur Alhassen, for instance, attempt to fill this lacunae. This paper aims at advancing the studies of the Quranic narratives by investigating the application of a literary device whose role in the Quranic stories remains unstudied, that is, “foreshadowing.” This paper shall focus on Chapter 12, “Surah al-Yusuf,” as its case study. Chapter 12, the single chapter that includes the story of Joseph in one piece, contains several instances in which the events of the story are foreshadowed. As shall be discussed, foreshadowing occurs either through a monolog or dialogue whereby one or more of the characters allude to the future happenings or through the manner in which the setting is described. Through a close reading of the text, it will be demonstrated that the usage of the rhetorical tool of foreshadowing meets a dual purpose: on the one hand, foreshadowing prepares the reader/audience for the upcoming events in the plot, and on the other hand, it highlights the psychological dimensions of the characters, their thoughts, intentions, and disposition. In analyzing the story, this study shall draw on psychoanalytical criticism to explore the layers of meanings embedded in the Quranic narrative that are unfolded through foreshadowing.Keywords: foreshadowing, quranic narrative, literary criticism, surah yusuf
Procedia PDF Downloads 155904 Usefulness of Web Sites in Starting Up Wineries: A Comparative study of Canadian, Moroccan and American Small Firms
Authors: Jocelyn D. Perreault
An exploratory study has been launched in 2013-2014 in the province of Quebec, the state of Vermont (USA) and the region of Zaer in Morocco. We have realized three first case studies in order to better understand the marketing strategies of starting up vineries, which are defined as having a maximum of five years of operations. The methodology used consisted of visiting the vineyards; conducting semi-directed interviews with owner-managers; visiting points-of-sale of the wines and analysing the web sites using an assessment grid. The results indicate many differences between the three firms in their use of their web sites. More precisely, we have noticed that: -The Quebec vineyard uses its web site in collaboration with the touristic actors of its region and the association of the wine makers of the province of Quebec.Positioning is as a touristic attraction. -In comparison,the Moroccan firm limits the content of the web site to itself and its activities and somehow to the wine industry.Positioning is as a wine specialist. -The american firm associated its web site more to farm markets actors and activities of the region.Positioning is as an agricultural actor. -The positionings of the three vineyards are very different from each others and will be discussed more thoroughly during the presentation to better understand the use of web sites, thus contributing to the «brand image». -Improvements to the three web sites have been identified and suggested by more than a hundred of persons using the same grid and comprising students of bachelor and MBA degrees from our university. In general, the web sites have been considered satisfying but requiring several improvements at different levels. Changes or updates have been observed for the Quebec winery web site but practically no changes have been made to the others in the last months. The assessment grid will be presented in more details as well as the global and the partial scores given by the respondents. In conclusion, we have noticed that only one winery is considered as a «heavy and strategic user» of its web site and of Facebook and Twitter.Keywords: web site, wineries, marketing, positioning, starting up strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 303903 The Hybridization of Muslim Spaces in Germany: A Historical Perspective on the Perception of Muslims
Authors: Alex Konrad
In 2017, about 4.5 million Muslims live in Germany. They can practice their faith openly, mostly in well-equipped community centers. At the same time, right-wing politicians and media allege that all Muslims tend to be radical and undemocratic. Both perspectives are rooted in an interacting development since the 1970s. German authorities closed the 'King Fahd Academy' international school in Bonn in summer 2017 because they accused the school administration of attracting Islamists. Only 30 years ago, German authorities and labor unions directed their requests for pastoral care of the Muslim communities in Germany to the Turkish and Saudi administrations. This study shows the leading and misleading tracks of Muslim life and its perception in Germany from a historical point of view. Most of the Muslims came as so-called 'Gastarbeiter' (migrant workers) from Turkey and Morocco to West Germany in the 1960s and 1970s. Until the late 1970s, German society recognized them as workforce solely and ignored their religious needs broadly. The Iranian Revolution of 1979 caused widespread hysteria about Islamic radicalization. Likewise, it shifted the German perception of migrant workers in Germany. For the first time, the majority society saw them as religious people. Media and self-proclaimed 'experts' on Islam suspected Muslims in Germany of subversive and undemocratic belief. On the upside, they obtained the opportunity to be heard by German society and authorities. In the ensuing decades, Muslims and Islamophiles fought a discursive struggle against right-wing politicians, 'experts' and media with monolithic views. In the 1990s, Muslims achieved to establish a solid infrastructure of Islamic community center throughout Germany. Their religious life became present and contributed to diversifying the common monolithic images of Muslims as insane fundamentalists in Germany. However, the media and many 'experts' promoted the fundamentalist narrative, which gained more and more acceptance in German society at the same time. This study uses archival sources from German authorities, Islamic communities, together with local and national media to get a close approach to the contemporary historical debates. In addition, contributions by Muslims and Islamophiles in Germany, for example in magazines, event reports, and internal communication, revealing their quotidian struggle for more acceptance are being used as sources. The inclusion of widely publicized books, documentaries and newspaper articles about Islam as a menace to Europe conduces to a balanced analysis of the contemporary debates and views. Theoretically, the study applies the Third Space approach. Muslims in Germany fight the othering by the German majority society. It was their chief purpose not to be marginalized in both spatial meanings, discursively and physically. Therefore, they established realities of life as hybrids in Germany. This study reconstructs the development of the perception of Muslims in Germany. It claims that self-proclaimed experts and politicians with monolithic views maintained the hegemonic discursive positions and coined the German images of Muslims. Nevertheless, Muslims in Germany accomplished that Muslim presence in Germany’s everyday life became an integral part of society and the public sphere. This is how Muslims hybridized religious spaces in Germany.Keywords: experts, fundamentalism, Germany, hybridization, Islamophobia, migrant workers
Procedia PDF Downloads 227902 Consumer Knowledge of Food Quality Assurance and Use of Food Labels in Trinidad, West Indies
Authors: Daryl Clement Knutt, Neela Badrie, Marsha Singh
Quality assurance and product labelling are vital in the food and drink industry, as a tactical tool in a competitive environment. The food label is a principal marketing tool which also serves as a regulatory mechanism in the safeguarding of consumer well –being. The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of consumers’ use and understanding of food labeling information and knowledge pertaining to food quality assurance systems. The study population consisted of Trinidadian adults, who were over the age of 18 (n=384). Data collection was conducted via a self-administered questionnaire, which contained 31 questions, comprising of four sections: I. socio demographic information; II. food quality and quality assurance; III. use of Labeling information; and IV. laws and regulations. Sampling was conducted at six supermarkets, in five major regions of the country over a period of three weeks in 2014. The demographic profile of the shoppers revealed that majority was female (63.6%). The gender factor and those who were concerned about the nutrient content of their food, were predictive indicators of those who read food labels. Most (93.1%) read food labels before purchase, 15.4% ‘always’; 32.5% ‘most times’ and 45.2% ‘sometimes’. Some (42%) were often satisfied with the information presented on food labels, whilst 35.7% of consumers were unsatisfied. When the respondents were questioned on their familiarity with terms ‘food quality’ and ‘food quality assurance’, 21.3% of consumers replied positively - ‘I have heard the terms and know a lot’ whilst 37% were only ‘somewhat familiar’. Consumers were mainly knowledgeable of the International Standard of Organization (ISO) (51.5%) and Good Agricultural Practices GAP (38%) as quality tools. Participants ranked ‘nutritional information’ as the number one labeling element that should be better presented, followed by ‘allergy notes’ and ‘best before date’. Females were more inclined to read labels being the household shoppers. The shoppers would like better presentation of the food labelling information so as to guide their decision to purchase a product.Keywords: food labels, food quality, nutrition, marketing, Trinidad, Tobago
Procedia PDF Downloads 491901 The Influence of Demographic on Tea Consumption in China
Authors: Xiguan Jiangfan Yang
This study investigates the tea consumption based on the Double-Hurdle model. The results of a CHNS survey of 12,745 samples in China offer two preliminary insights: First, we can’t apply the conclusions we get by using all samples to the men or women subgroups. Second, men and women are impacted by different demographic not only on the intention to drink tea, but also on the quantities of tea consumed. These two findings suggest that appropriate and corresponding marketing strategies should be developed to targeting on the different groups of tea consumers.Keywords: Chinese, CHNS, Double-Hurdle model, tea consumption
Procedia PDF Downloads 412900 Digital Content Strategy (DCS) Detailed Review of the Key Content Components
Authors: Oksana Razina, Shakeel Ahmad, Jessie Qun Ren, Olufemi Isiaq
The modern life of businesses is categorically reliant on their established position online, where digital (and particularly website) content plays a significant role as the first point of information. Digital content, therefore, becomes essential – from making the first impression to the building and development of client relationships. Despite a number of valuable papers suggesting a strategic approach when dealing with digital data, other sources often do not view or accept the approach to digital content as a holistic or continuous process. Associations are frequently made with merely a one-off marketing campaign or similar. The challenge is to establish an agreed definition for the notion of Digital Content Strategy, which currently does not exist, as DCS is viewed from an excessive number of different angles. A strategic approach to content, nonetheless, is required, both practically and contextually. The researchers, therefore, aimed at attempting to identify the key content components comprising a digital content strategy to ensure all the aspects were covered and strategically applied – from the company’s understanding of the content value to the ability to display flexibility of content and advances in technology. This conceptual project evaluated existing literature on the topic of Digital Content Strategy (DCS) and related aspects, using the PRISMA Systematic Review Method, Document Analysis, Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria, Scoping Review, Snow-Balling Technique and Thematic Analysis. The data was collected from academic and statistical sources, government and relevant trade publications. Based on the suggestions from academics and trading sources related to the issues discussed, the researchers revealed the key actions for content creation and attempted to define the notion of DCS. The major finding of the study presented Key Content Components of Digital Content Strategy and can be considered for implementation in a business retail setting.Keywords: digital content strategy, key content components, websites, digital marketing strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 146899 Colonialism and Modernism in Architecture, the Case of a Blank Page Opportunity in Casablanka
Authors: Nezha Alaoui
The early 1950s French colonial context in Morocco provided an opportunity for architects to question the modernist established order by building dwellings for the local population. The dwellings were originally designed to encourage Muslims to adopt an urban lifestyle based on local customs. However, the inhabitants transformed their dwelling into a hybrid habitation. This paper aims to prove the relevance of the design process in accordance with the local colonial context by analyzing the dwellers' appropriation process and the modification of their habitat.Keywords: colonial heritage, appropriation process, islamic spatial habit, housing experiment, modernist mass housing
Procedia PDF Downloads 129898 Analysis of Farm Management Skills in Broiler Poultry Producers in Botswana
Authors: Som Pal Baliyan
The purpose of this quantitative study was to analyze farm management skills in broiler poultryproducers in Botswana. The study adopted a descriptive and correlation research design. The population of the study was the poultry farm operators who had been in broiler poultry farming at least for two years. Based on the information from literature, a questionnaire was constructed for data collection on seven areas of farm management skills namely; planning skills, accounting and financial management skills, production management skills, product procurement and marketing skills, decision making skills, risk management skills, and specific technical skills. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were accomplished by a panel of experts and by calculating the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, respectively. Data were collected through a survey of 60 randomly sampled poultry farm operators in Botswana. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistical tools whereby the level of farm management skills were determined by calculating means and standard deviations of the management skills among the broiler producers. The level of farm management skills in broilers producers was discussed. All the seven farm management skills were ranked based on their calculated means. The specific technical skills and risk management skills were the highest and the lowest ranked farm management skills, respectively.Findings revealed that the broiler producers had skills above the average level only in specific technical skills whereas the skill levels in the remaining six farm management skills under study were found below the average level. This prevailing low level of farm management skills can be justified asthe cause of failure or poor performance of the broiler poultry farms in Botswana. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency and productivityin broiler production in the country, it was recommended that the broiler poultry producers should be adequately trained in areas of planning skills, financial management skills, production management skills, product procurement and marketing skills, decision making skills and risk management skills.Keywords: poultry production, broiler production, management skills, levels of skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 401897 A Modified Diminishing Partnership for Home Financing
Authors: N. Yachou, R. Aboulaich
Home is a basic necessity for human life, that why home financing takes a large chunk of people’s income. Therefore, Islamic and Conventional Banks try to offer new product in order to respond to customer needs related to home financing. Basing on this fact, we propose a Modified Diminishing Partnership model based on profit and loss sharing to reduce the duration of getting the full shares in the house property. Our proposition will be represented by the rental that customer has to give every month to the bank with redemption to increase his shares on the property of the house.Keywords: home financing, interest rate, rental rate, modified diminishing partnership
Procedia PDF Downloads 349896 Research on Localized Operations of Multinational Companies in China
Authors: Zheng Ruoyuan
With the rapid development of economic globalization and increasingly fierce international competition, multinational companies have carried out investment strategy shifts and innovations, and actively promoted localization strategies. Localization strategies have become the main trend in the development of multinational companies. Large-scale entry of multinational companies China has a history of more than 20 years. With the sustained and steady growth of China's economy and the optimization of the investment environment, multinational companies' investment in China has expanded rapidly, which has also had an important impact on the Chinese economy: promoting employment, foreign exchange reserves, and improving the system. etc., has brought a lot of high-tech and advanced management experience; but it has also brought challenges and survival pressure to China's local enterprises. In recent years, multinational companies have gradually regarded China as an important part of their global strategies and began to invest in China. Actively promote localization strategies, including production, marketing, scientific research and development, etc. Many multinational companies have achieved good results in localized operations in China. Not only have their benefits continued to improve, but they have also established a good corporate image and brand in China. image, which has greatly improved their competitiveness in the international market. However, there are also some multinational companies that have difficulties in localized operations in China. This article will closely follow the background of economic globalization and comprehensively use the theory of multinational companies and strategic management theory and business management theory, using data and facts as the entry point, combined with typical cases of representative significance for analysis, to conduct a systematic study of the localized operations of multinational companies in China. At the same time, for each specific link of the operation of multinational companies, we provide multinational enterprises with some inspirations and references.Keywords: localization, business management, multinational, marketing
Procedia PDF Downloads 52895 The Role of Metaphor in Communication
Authors: Fleura Shkëmbi, Valbona Treska
In elementary school, we discover that a metaphor is a decorative linguistic device just for poets. But now that we know, it's also a crucial tactic that individuals employ to understand the universe, from fundamental ideas like time and causation to the most pressing societal challenges today. Metaphor is the use of language to refer to something other than what it was originally intended for or what it "literally" means in order to suggest a similarity or establish a connection between the two. People do not identify metaphors as relevant in their decisions, according to a study on metaphor and its effect on decision-making; instead, they refer to more "substantive" (typically numerical) facts as the basis for their problem-solving decision. Every day, metaphors saturate our lives via language, cognition, and action. They argue that our conceptions shape our views and interactions with others and that concepts define our reality. Metaphor is thus a highly helpful tool for both describing our experiences to others and forming notions for ourselves. In therapeutic contexts, their shared goal appears to be twofold. The cognitivist approach to metaphor regards it as one of the fundamental foundations of human communication. The benefits and disadvantages of utilizing the metaphor differ depending on the target domain that the metaphor portrays. The challenge of creating messages and surroundings that affect customers' notions of abstract ideas in a variety of industries, including health, hospitality, romance, and money, has been studied for decades in marketing and consumer psychology. The aim of this study is to examine, through a systematic literature review, the role of the metaphor in communication and in advertising. This study offers a selected analysis of this literature, concentrating on research on customer attitudes and product appraisal. The analysis of the data identifies potential research questions. With theoretical and applied implications for marketing, design, and persuasion, this study sheds light on how, when, and for whom metaphoric communications are powerful.Keywords: metaphor, communication, advertising, cognition, action
Procedia PDF Downloads 99894 The Divergent Discourse of Political Islam: A Comparative Study of Indonesia and Pakistan
Authors: Sohaib Khaliq
This paper pursues a systematic analysis of the broad range of theories and studies relevant to Islam and democracy, in general and as they have been developed from and applied to the Indonesian and Pakistani cases. The analysis finds that an Islamic society’s potential to assimilate democratic political institutions is contingent on either an unconstrained 'political participation' or its ability to 'reinterpret' religious text. Drawing on a comparison of Indonesia and Pakistan, the present study favors a route that passes through the religious gates of theoretical reinterpretation. In doing so, the study brings Muslim reformation theory into focus by clarifying the mechanism by which reformation takes place.Keywords: Islam, democratization, political Islam, reformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 390893 Seroepidemiological Study of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Women of Child-Bearing Age in Communities in Osun State, Nigeria
Authors: Olarinde Olaniran, Oluyomi A. Sowemimo
Toxoplasmosis is frequently misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed, and it is the third most common cause of hospitalization due to food-borne infection. Intra-uterine infection with Toxoplasma gondii due to active parasitaemia during pregnancy can cause severe and often fatal cerebral damage, abortion, and stillbirth of a fetus. The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of T. gondii infection in women of childbearing age in selected communities of Osun State with a view to determining the risk factors which predispose to the T. gondii infection. Five (5) ml of blood was collected by venopuncture into a plain blood collection tube by a medical laboratory scientist. Serum samples were separated by centrifuging the blood samples at 3000 rpm for 5 mins. The sera were collected with Eppendorf tubes and stored at -20°C analysis for the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies against T. gondii by commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit (Demeditec Diagnostics GmbH, Germany) conducted according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The optical densities of wells were measured by a photometer at a wavelength of 450 nm. Data collected were analysed using appropriate computer software. The overall seroprevalence of T. gondii among the women of child-bearing age in selected seven communities in Osun state was 76.3%. Out of 76.3% positive for Toxoplasma gondii infection, 70.0% were positive for anti- T. gondii IgG, and 32.3% were positive for IgM, and 26.7% for both IgG and IgM. The prevalence of T. gondii was lowest (58.9%) among women from Ile Ife, a peri-urban community, and highest (100%) in women residing in Alajue, a rural community. The prevalence of infection was significantly higher (P= 0.000) among Islamic women (87.5%) than in Christian women (70.8%). The highest prevalence (86.3%) was recorded in women with primary education, while the lowest (61.2%) was recorded in women with tertiary education (p =0.016). The highest prevalence (79.7%) was recorded in women that reside in rural areas, and the lowest (70.1%) was recorded in women that reside in peri-urban area (p=0.025). The prevalence of T. gondii infection was highest (81.4%) in women with one miscarriage, while the prevalence was lowest in women with no miscarriages (75.9%). The age of the women (p=0.042), Islamic religion (p=0.001), the residence of the women (p=0.001), and water source were all positively associated with T. gondii infection. The study concluded that there was a high seroprevalence of T. gondii recorded among women of child-bearing age in the study area. Hence, there is a need for health education and create awareness of the disease and its transmission to women of reproductive age group in general and pregnant women in particular to reduce the risk of T. gondii in pregnant women.Keywords: seroepidemiology, Toxoplasma gondii, women, child-bearing, age, communities, Ile -Ife, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 178892 How Can Food Retailing Benefit from Neuromarketing Research: The Influence of Traditional and Innovative Tools of In-Store Communication on Consumer Reactions
Authors: Jakub Berčík, Elena Horská, Ľudmila Nagyová
Nowadays, the point of sale remains one of the few channels of communication which is not oversaturated yet and has great potential for the future. The fact that purchasing decisions are significantly affected by emotions, while up to 75 % of them are implemented at the point of sale, only demonstrates its importance. The share of impulsive purchases is about 60-75 %, depending on the particular product category. Nevertheless, habits predetermine the content of the shopping cart above all and hence in this regard the role of in-store communication is to disrupt the routine and compel the customer to try something new. This is the reason why it is essential to know how to work with this relatively young branch of marketing communication as efficiently as possible. New global trend in this discipline is evaluating the effectiveness of particular tools in the in-store communication. To increase the efficiency it is necessary to become familiar with the factors affecting the customer both consciously and unconsciously, and that is a task for neuromarketing and sensory marketing. It is generally known that the customer remembers the negative experience much longer and more intensely than the positive ones, therefore it is essential for marketers to avoid this negative experience. The final effect of POP (Point of Purchase) or POS (Point of Sale) tools is conditional not only on their quality and design, but also on the location at the point of sale which contributes to the overall positive atmosphere in the store. Therefore, in-store advertising is increasingly in the center of attention and companies are willing to spend even a third of their marketing communication budget on it. The paper deals with a comprehensive, interdisciplinary research of the impact of traditional as well as innovative tools of in-store communication on the attention and emotional state (valence and arousal) of consumers on the food market. The research integrates measurements with eye camera (Eye tracker) and electroencephalograph (EEG) in real grocery stores as well as in laboratory conditions with the purpose of recognizing attention and emotional response among respondents under the influence of selected tools of in-store communication. The object of the research includes traditional (e.g. wobblers, stoppers, floor graphics) and innovative (e.g. displays, wobblers with LED elements, interactive floor graphics) tools of in-store communication in the fresh unpackaged food segment. By using a mobile 16-channel electroencephalograph (EEG equipment) from the company EPOC, a mobile eye camera (Eye tracker) from the company Tobii and a stationary eye camera (Eye tracker) from the company Gazepoint, we observe the attention and emotional state (valence and arousal) to reveal true consumer preferences using traditional and new unusual communication tools at the point of sale of the selected foodstuffs. The paper concludes with suggesting possibilities for rational, effective and energy-efficient combination of in-store communication tools, by which the retailer can accomplish not only captivating and attractive presentation of displayed goods, but ultimately also an increase in retail sales of the store.Keywords: electroencephalograph (EEG), emotion, eye tracker, in-store communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 392891 Evaluation of Adequacy of Caspofungin Prescription in a Tunisian Hospital Cohort
Authors: Mariem Meddeb Sidhom, Souhayel Hedfi, Rjaibia Houda, Mehdi Dridi, Mohamed Ali Yousfi, Sâadia Gargouri
Considering the important increase in costs of caspofungin treatments and ahead the evolution of its indication, pharmacy department was prompted to realize a review of the adequacy of prescriptions in the medical intensive care units (ICU). A retrospective observational study was conducted in Tunis military hospital concerning ICU prescriptions of caspofungin from 2008 until 2013. A pharmacist had returned to the patient’s medical records to collect data and to the microbiology department for parasitological results. The adequacy of prescriptions was evaluated by a pharmacist and an infectiologist parasitologist, referring to predefined scale of criteria resuming the indications of the marketing authorization (MA) and grade AI-AII of the guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). Sixty two ICU patients have been treated with caspofungin during the period of study; however, 8 files were lost. Thus, 54 patients were included in the study having received 55 prescriptions of caspofungin. Males were a majority with 64.8% of the population. Mean age was 51 years. Caspofungin was indicated in accordance with the IDSA recommendations in 43.6% of the cases. The most case of non respect to the guidelines was the indication of caspofungin as empirical treatment in non neutropenic patients. Caspofungin was utilized as a first line treatment in 9 cases where it was possible to give fluconazole first, as germs were fluconazole- sensitive. Caspofungin was indicated in 2 patients with good renal function and in which nor amphotericin B, liposomal ampho B neither itraconazole had been previously used, as indicates the MA. The posology of caspofungin was respected in all prescriptions with a loading dose of 70 mg in the first day and a maintenance dose of 50 mg daily. Seven patients had received a daily dose of 70 mg, the recommended dose for people weighing more than 80 Kg. Caspofungin prescriptions are far to be adequately done. There is a clear need of optimization in indicating this molecule and that must be done in collaboration between the pharmacy department, the ICUs and parasitology department.Keywords: caspofungin, prescription, intensive care units, marketing authorization, Tunisian hospital cohort
Procedia PDF Downloads 339890 E-Commerce in Jordan: Conceptual Model
Authors: Muneer Abbad
This study comes with a comprehensive analysis of specific factors affecting the adoption of e-commerce in Jordan. From the theoretical perspective, this study will make a contribution to the e-commerce by providing insights on the factors that seem to affect e-commerce’s adoption. The current study will provide managers information about the planning and formulating appropriate strategies to ensure rapid adoption of e-commerce in Jordan. It will offer marketing implications, conclusions, and suggestions for future research.Keywords: e-commerce, Jordan, adoption, conceptual model
Procedia PDF Downloads 456