Search results for: plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 1717

Search results for: plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria

967 The Arts in Medicine and Health: A Necessity for Evidence-Based Health Systems

Authors: Alan S. Weber


This contribution reviews the current biomedical and qualitative arts research on arts-in-health interventions to improve both individual and population health outcomes. Arts therapies–for example, music therapy with roots in Aristoxenus’s Ἁρμονικὰ στοιχεῖα and the Pythagorean sect–have long been employed in therapeutic contexts. However, the 20th century witnessed the increasing use of the visual and plastic arts (drawing, painting, sculpting), performing arts (drama and dance), and other expressive arts modalities into occupational therapy, well-being medicine, and psychological and psychiatric counselling, diagnosis, and treatment. A significant body of peer-reviewed evidence in the medical and neurological sciences on the role of arts-in-health has developed, and specifically, research on music and art therapy has led to their inclusion within the current biomedical paradigm of evidence-based practice. The arts cannot only aid in public and population health promotion (promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyles, preventing disease onset) but also in addressing psychological issues (regulation of emotion; stress, anxiety, and depression reduction), behavioural issues (basic life skills, coping), and physiological response (immune system function, hormonal regulation, homeostatis). Working as a cross-disciplinary researcher in the arts in an American medical college, the author has developed several successful arts-in-health programs at the national and international level.

Keywords: arts-in-health, evidence based medicine, arts for health, expressive arts therapies

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966 Beneficial Effects of Physical Activity in Treatment with Mental Health

Authors: Aline Giardin


Introduction: This review addresses the relationship between physical education and mental health and its main objective is to discuss the meanings that circulate in Psychiatric Hospitalization Units and Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) about the presence of physical education teachers and the practices developed by Them within these services. Material and methods: It is based on the theoretical contribution of the Psychiatric Reform and is methodologically inspired by the Bibliographic Review. Objectives: The objective of this review was to identify the main scientific evidence on the effects of physical activity on the main psychological aspects associated with mental health during the hospitalization process. Results: It was observed that physical activity has beneficial effects in the psychological, social and cognitive aspects, being thus a fundamental aspect of the lifestyle in promoting a healthy and successful treatment. In studies evaluating the effects of physical activity on mental health, the most frequently evaluated outcomes include anxiety, depression, and health-related quality of life (eg, self-esteem and self-efficacy). Evidence from epistemological studies indicates that the level of physical activity is positively associated with good mental health, when mental health is defined as good mood, general well-being and decreased symptoms. Conclusion: It is necessary to intervene and a greater interest of the professionals of physical education in the treatment with the people with mental disorders so that the negative symptoms are modified, through the aid of the physical activity, by better quality of life, physical condition, nutritional state and A healthy emotional appearance.

Keywords: health mental, physical activity, benefits, treatment

Procedia PDF Downloads 349
965 Globalization as Instrument for Multi-National Corporation in Transforming Asian’s Perspective towards Clean Water Consumption

Authors: Atanta Gian


It is inevitable that globalization has succeeded in transforming the world today. The influence of globalization has emerged in almost every aspect of life nowadays, especially in shaping the perception of the people. It can be seen on how easy for people are affected by the information surrounding them. Due to globalization, the flow of information has become more rapid along with the development of technology. People tend to believe in information that they actually get by themselves, if there is information where most of the people believe it is true, then this information could be categorized as factual and relevant. Therefore if people gain information on what is best for them in terms of daily consumption, then this information could transform their perspective, and it becomes a consideration in selecting their needs for daily consumption. By looking at this trend, the author sees that globalization could be used by Multi-National Corporation (MNC) to enhance the promotion of their products. This is applied by shaping the perspectives of the world regarding what is the best for them. Multi-National Corporation which has better technology in terms of the development of their external promotion could utilize this opportunity to affect people’s perspectives into what they want. In this paper, the author would like to elaborate how globalization is applied by MNC to shape people’s perspective regarding what is the best for them. The author would utilize a case study to analyze on how MNC could transform the perspectives of Asian people regarding the necessary of having a better quality drinking water, which in this case, MNC has shaped the perspective of Asian people in choosing their product by promoting the bottled water as the best choice for them. In the end of this paper, author would come to a conclusion that MNCs are able to shape the world’s perspective regarding the needs of their products which is supported by the globalization that is happening now.

Keywords: consumption, globalisation, influence, information technology, multi-national corporations

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964 Identification of Social Responsibility Factors within Mega Construction Projects

Authors: Ali Alotaibi, Francis Edum-Fotwe, Andrew Price /


Mega construction projects create buildings and major infrastructure to respond to work and life requirements while playing a vital role in promoting any nation’s economy. However, the industry is often criticised for not balancing economic, environmental and social dimensions of their projects, with emphasis typically on one aspect to the detriment of the others. This has resulted in many negative impacts including environmental pollution, waste throughout the project lifecycle, low productivity, and avoidable accidents. The identification of comprehensive Social Responsibility (SR) indicators, which combine social, environmental and economic aspects, is urgently needed. This is particularly the case in the context of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), which often has mega public construction projects. The aim of this paper is to develop a set of wide-ranging SR indicators which encompass social, economic and environmental aspects unique to the KSA. A qualitative approach was applied to explore relevant indicators through a review of the existing literature, international standards and reports. A list of appropriate indicators was developed, and its comprehensiveness was corroborated by interviews with experts on mega construction projects working with SR concepts in the KSA. The findings present 39 indicators and their metrics, covering 10 economic, 12 environmental and 17 social aspects of SR mapped against their references. These indicators are a valuable reference for decision-makers and academics in the KSA to understand factors related to SR in mega construction projects. The indicators are related to mega construction projects within the KSA and require validation in a real case scenario or within a different industry to demonstrate their generalisability.

Keywords: social responsibility, construction projects, economic, social, environmental, indicators

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963 Understanding Willingness to Engage in pro-Environmental Behaviour among Recreational Anglers in South Africa

Authors: Kelvin Mwaba, Nicole Strickland


Background and Objectives: Overexploitation and illegal fishing have been identified as the primary cause of the global decline in the fish stock. While commercial companies and small-scale fishing sectors are strictly regulated in South Africa, recreational anglers are not. The underlying assumption seems to be that recreational anglers can self-regulate. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship that recreational anglers have with nature and how this relationship can predict unlawful fishing practices. Methods: Using a survey design, 99 self-identified recreational anglers were recruited through convenient sampling. The anglers were accessed from fishing tackle shops around False Bay in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire that consisted of pro-environmental behavior survey and the Nature Relatedness Scale. Results: Data analyses indicated that significant differences with regard to nature relatedness on the basis of participants’ age and level of education. Older and more educated anglers scored higher on nature relatedness than younger and less educated anglers. Logistic regression analysis showed that nature relatedness was a significant predictor of pro-environmental behaviors (R²= 0.061). Discussion and Conclusion: The findings of the present study provide support regarding the importance of encouraging healthy and sustainable relationships between humans and nature. Combating harmful fishing practices can achieve through understanding and promoting human care for nature among anglers and others involved in fishing.

Keywords: pro-environmental, behavior, anglers, South Africa

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962 Effect of Exercise Training and Dietary Silymarin on Levels of Leptin, Adiponectin, Paraoxonase and Body Composition

Authors: Alireza Barari, Saeed Shirali


The etiology of obesity is heterogeneous with several factors, and the pathophysiology of obesity has recently related to leptin, oxidative damage, and inflammation. Silybum marianum have a health-promoting perspective and has shown that bioactive molecules of silymarin have the antioxidant and antitumor properties and can affect secretion of hormones and enzyme activity in animal. This study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant effects and changes in hormonal levels and body composition after silymarin consumption. Forty-five healthy untrained colleges male take part in the 4-week investigation. The subjects were assigned to 5 groups: endurance training, Silymarin with endurance training, strength training with placebo, Silymarin with strength training or placebo. Body fat percentage and Blood sample analysis were measured before and after the intervention to assay leptin, adiponectin and paraoxonase in the sample of subject's serum. There was a considerable decrease in body fat percent and a significant increase in VO2 max in 'Strength training' and 'Strength training with Silymarin' groups. But, no significant changes in levels of leptin, adiponectinin, and paraoxanase (PON) that were observed between exercise and exercise with Silymarin in these groups. We observed reduction in body fat% and increase in adiponectin induced by exercise for 4 weeks in untrained healthy men. Silybin, could not effectively improve all parameters and don’t prevent the progression of cell damage by antioxidant activity of PON.

Keywords: anti-inflammatory activity, antioxidant activity, silymarin, body composition, paraoxonase (PON)

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961 The Contribution of the Livestock Marketing Programme in Improving Household Food Security in Communal Areas of Umzimkhulu Local Municipality, Kwa-Zulu Natal

Authors: Sibongiseni Peacock, Denver Naidoo, Sikhalazo Dube


The study investigates the impact of the National Red Meat Development Programme on household food security in rural areas of uMzimkhulu. Self-administered questionnaires were employed to gather data from 77 smallholder beef farmers participating in the St. Paul feedlot project. Data analysis utilized the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) developed by USAID to assess the household food security status of St. Paul feedlot beneficiaries, with descriptive statistics employed for result analysis. Findings indicate that the majority (80.50%) of beneficiaries experienced food insecurity, while (19.50%) were classified as food secure, with most participants falling within the category of moderate food insecurity. Food insecurity predominantly stemmed from challenges faced by farmers unable to sell their cattle or whose cattle were not market-ready due to bureaucratic obstacles hindering the programme. Farmers identified feed shortages as the primary constraint, resulting in missed income opportunities. These findings underscore the critical need to address feed challenges and bureaucratic barriers to enhance the efficacy of the National Red Meat Development Programme in promoting household food security in rural areas.

Keywords: National Red Meat Development, household food security, St. Paul feedlot, livestock, HFIAS

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960 Mediation Effect of Mindful Parenting on Parental Self Efficacy and Parent-Child Attachment in Hong Kong

Authors: Man Chung Chu


In the dynamic family interaction, parental self-efficacy is connected with parent-child attachment. Parental self-efficacy and its corresponding behavior played an influential role in the lifespan development of the child. Recently, Mindful parenting is popularly addressed as it lightens parents’ awareness to their own thoughts feelings and behaviors by adapting a nonjudgmental attitude in the present moment being with the child. The effectiveness of mindful parent is considerably significant in enhancing parent-child relationship as well as family functioning. Parenting in early developmental stage is always challenging and essential for later growth, however, literature is rarely exploring the mediation of mindful parenting on the effect of parent self-efficacy on parent-child attachment in preschoolers’ families. The mediation effect of the research shed light on how mindful parenting should head, where parental self-efficacy training should be incorporated together with mindful family program in attempt to yield the best outcome in the family of young-aged children. Two hundred and eight (208) parents, of two to six years old children, were participated in the study and results supported the significance in the mediator effect of mindful parenting in both facets, i.e. Parent-focused - ‘Mindful Discipline’ and Child-focused – ‘Being in the moment with the child’ where parental self-efficacy is a significant predictor of mindful parenting. The implication of the result suggests that mindful parenting would be a therapeutic framework in promoting family functioning and child’s well-being, it would also be a ‘significant helping hand’ in maintaining continuous secure attachment relationship and growing their mindful children in a family.

Keywords: mediation effect, mindful parenting, parental self efficacy, parent-child attachment, preschoolers

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959 Supplementation of Jackfruit By-Product Concentrate in Combination with Two Types of Protein Sources for Growing Kids

Authors: Emely J. Escala, Lolito C. Bestil


An experiment was conducted to assess the potential of jackfruit by-product concentrate (JBC) in combination with two types of protein sources, soybean meal (SBM) and liquid acid whey (LAW), given at two different ratios as supplement for growing kids fed a basal diet of 70:30 napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and kakawate (Gliricidia sepium) soilage ratio. The experiment was set-up in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with sex-age combination as basis for blocking, with the following dietary treatments: T1 = 0.50:0.50% BW, DM basis, JBC:SBM, T2 = 0.75:0.25% BW JBC:SBM, T3 = 0.50:0.50% BW, DM basis, JBC:LAW, and T4 = 0.75:0.25% BW JBC:LAW. Analysis of JBC showed high contents of crude fiber with medium levels of crude protein and nitrogen-free extract, appearing to be fitting for ruminants and a potential energy source. Results showed significantly higher voluntary dry matter intake (VDMI), cumulative weight gain (CWG), and average daily gain (ADG) of growing goats supplemented with JBC in combination with SBM than with LAW. The amount of JBC can range from 0.50% to 0.75% BW with SBM making up the difference, but a JBC:SBM ratio of 0.75:0.25% BW, DM basis, is best in promoting highest voluntary dry matter intake and is, therefore, highly recommended in the light of savings in feed cost. A long-term study on the effects of JBC supplementation on meat qualities of growing kids (aroma, marbling characteristics and taste) is also recommended.

Keywords: jackfruit by-product concentrate, liquid acid whey, soybean meal, grower kids

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958 Teacher Collaboration Impact on Bilingual Students’ Oral Communication Skills in Inclusive Contexts

Authors: Diana González, Marta Gràcia, Ana Luisa Adam-Alcocer


Incorporating digital tools into educational practices represents a valuable approach for enriching the quality of teachers' educational practices in oral competence and fostering improvements in student learning outcomes. This study aims to promote a collaborative and culturally sensitive approach to professional development between teachers and a speech therapist to enhance their self-awareness and reflection on high-quality educational practices that integrate school components to strengthen children’s oral communication and pragmatic skills. The study involved five bilingual teachers fluent in both English and Spanish, with three specializing in special education and two in general education. It focused on Spanish-English bilingual students, aged 3-6, who were experiencing speech delays or disorders in a New York City public school, with the collaboration of a speech therapist. Using EVALOE-DSS (Assessment Scale of Oral Language Teaching in the School Context - Decision Support System), teachers conducted self-assessments of their teaching practices, reflect and make-decisions throughout six classes from March to June, focusing on students' communicative competence across various activities. Concurrently, the speech therapist observed and evaluated six classes per teacher using EVALOE-DSS during the same period. Additionally, professional development meetings were held monthly between the speech therapist and teachers, centering on discussing classroom interactions, instructional strategies, and the progress of both teachers and students in their classes. Findings highlight the digital tool EVALOE-DSS's value in analyzing communication patterns and trends among bilingual children in inclusive settings. It helps in identifying improvement areas through teacher and speech therapist collaboration. After self-reflection meetings, teachers demonstrated increased awareness of student needs in oral language and pragmatic skills. They also exhibited enhanced utilization of strategies outlined in EVALOE-DSS, such as actively guiding and orienting students during oral language activities, promoting student-initiated communicative interactions, teaching students how to seek and provide information, and managing turn-taking to ensure inclusive participation. Teachers participating in the professional development program have shown positive progress in assessing their classes across all dimensions of the training tool, including instructional design, teacher conversation management, pupil conversation management, communicative functions, teacher strategies, and pupil communication functions. This includes aspects related to both teacher actions and child actions, particularly in child language development. This progress underscores the effectiveness of individual reflection (conducted weekly or biweekly using EVALOE-DSS) as well as collaborative reflection among teachers and the speech therapist during meetings. The EVALOE-SSD has proven effective in supporting teachers' self-reflection, decision-making, and classroom changes, leading to improved development of students' oral language and pragmatic skills. It has facilitated culturally sensitive evaluations of communication among bilingual children, cultivating collaboration between teachers and speech therapist to identify areas of growth. Participants in the professional development program demonstrated substantial progress across all dimensions assessed by EVALOE-DSS. This included improved management of pupil communication functions, implementation of effective teaching strategies, and better classroom dynamics. Regular reflection sessions using EVALOE-SSD supported continuous improvement in instructional practices, highlighting its role in fostering reflective teaching and enriching student learning experiences. Overall, EVALOE-DSS has proven invaluable for enhancing teaching effectiveness and promoting meaningful student interactions in diverse educational settings.

Keywords: bilingual students, collaboration, culturally sensitive, oral communication skills, self-reflection

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957 Revolutionizing Higher Education: AI-Powered Gamification for Enhanced Learning

Authors: Gina L. Solano


This project endeavors to enhance learning experiences for undergraduate pre-service teachers and graduate K-12 educators by leveraging artificial intelligence (AI). Firstly, the initiative delves into integrating AI within undergraduate education courses, fostering traditional literacy skills essential for academic success and extending their applicability beyond the classroom. Education students will explore AI tools to design literacy-focused activities aligned with their curriculum. Secondly, the project investigates the utilization of AI to craft instructional materials employing gamification strategies (e.g., digital and classic games, badges, quests) to amplify student engagement and motivation in mastering course content. Lastly, it aims to create a professional repertoire that can be applied by pre-service and current teachers in P-12 classrooms, promoting seamless integration for those already in teaching positions. The project's impact extends to benefiting college students, including pre-service and graduate teachers, as they enhance literacy and digital skills through AI. It also benefits current P-12 educators who can integrate AI into their classrooms, fostering innovative teaching practices. Moreover, the project contributes to faculty development, allowing them to cultivate low-risk and engaging classroom environments, ultimately enriching the learning journey. The insights gained from this project can be shared within and beyond the discipline to advance the broader field of study.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, gamification, learning experiences, literacy skills, engagement

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956 Demographic Characteristics of the Atlas Barbary Sheep in Amassine Nature Reserve, Atlas Range, Morocco: Implications For Conservation and Management

Authors: Hakim Bachiri, Mohammed Znari, Moulay Abdeljalil Ait Baamranne


Population characteristics of Atlas Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia lervia) were investigated 20 years following the 1999 introduction of 10 individuals into the fenced nature reserve of Amassine, High Atlas range, Morocco, for promoting wildlife watching and tourism. Population age-sex structure and density were determined in late winter-early spring during four consecutive years (2016-2019) by direct observation before the dispersal of the herd. In this latter case, the line transect distance sampling was successfully applied. Population size increased from 37 to 62 animals during the four-year study period; the maximal population size being 82 individuals recorded in 2006. An estimated population density ranged from 0.25 to 0.41 Barbary sheep/ha during the study period. The adult sex ratio varied from 91 to 67 per 100 females. The apparent birth rate was 14 to 73/100 females. Juveniles and subadults comprised 27-43% of the population, adult males 26-31% and adult females 29-45%. The survival rate from birth to 1 year of age approximated 35%, for adult males was estimated to average 69%/year. The obtained results would be helpful for developing sustainable population management and habitat restoration plan and assessing the feasibility of potential reintroduction/restocking in other areas of the Atlas range.

Keywords: atlas mountains, barbary sheep, demography, management

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955 Economic Community of West African States Court of Justice and the Development of Human Rights Jurisprudence in Africa: A Difficult Take-off with a Bright and Visionary Landing

Authors: Timothy Fwa Yerima


This paper evaluates the development of human rights jurisprudence in Africa by the ECOWAS Court of Justice. It traces that though ECOWAS was not established with the aim of promoting and protecting human rights as the African Court of Human and Peoples’ Rights, no doubt, the 1991 ECOWAS Court Protocol and the 1993 ECOWAS Revised Treaty give the ECOWAS Court its human rights mandate. The paper, however, points out that despite the availability of these two Laws, the ECOWAS Court had difficulty in its human rights mandate, in view of the twin problems of lack of access to the Court by private parties and personal jurisdiction of the Court to entertain cases filed by private parties. The paper considers the 2005 Supplementary Protocol, not only as an effective legal framework in West African Sub-Region that tackles these problems in human rights cases but also a strong foundation upon which the Court has been developing human rights jurisprudence in Africa through the interpretation and application of this Law and other sources of Law of the Court. After a thorough analysis of some principles laid down by the ECOWAS Court so far, the paper observes that human rights jurisprudence in Africa is growing rapidly; depicting that though the ECOWAS Court initially had difficulty in its human rights mandate, today it has a bright and visionary landing. The paper concludes that West African Sub-Region will witness a more effective performance of the ECOWAS Court if some of its challenges are tackled.

Keywords: access, African human rights, ECOWAS court of justice, jurisprudence, personal jurisdiction

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954 The Biofertilizer Effect of Pseudomonas of Salt Soils of the North-West Algerian, Study of Comportment of Bean (Vicia Faba)

Authors: Djoudi Abdelhak, Djibaoui Rachid, Reguieg Yassaad Houcine


Our study focuses on the identification of some species of Pseudomonas (P4, P5, P7 and P8) isolated from saline soils in northwestern Algeria and the effect of their metabolites on the growth of Alternaria alternata the causative agent of the blight of the bean disease (Vicia faba). We are also interested in stimulating the growth of this plant species in saline conditions (60 mM/l NaCl) and the absence of salts. The analysis focuses on rates of inhibition of mycelial growth of Alternaria alternata strain and the rate of growth of plants inoculated with strains of Pseudomonas expressed by biometrics. According to the results of the in-vitro test, P5 and P8 species and their metabolites showed a significant effect on mycelia growth and production of spores of Alternaria alternata. The in-vivo test shows that the species P8 and P5 were significantly and positively influencing the growth in biometric parameters of the bean in saline and salt-free condition. Inoculation with strain P5 has promoted the growth of the bean in stem height, stem fresh weight and dry weight of stems of 108.59%, 115.28%, 104.33%, respectively, in the presence of salt Inoculation with strain P5 has fostered the growth of the bean stem fresh weight of 112.47% in the presence of salt The effect of Pseudomonas species on the development of Vicia faba and the growth of Alternaria alternata is considering new techniques and methods of biological production and crop protection.

Keywords: pseudomonas, vicia faba, alternaria alternata, promoting of plant growth

Procedia PDF Downloads 393
953 Community Benefitting through Tourism: DASTA-Thailand Model

Authors: Jutamas Wisansing, Thanakarn Vongvisitsin, Udom Hongchatikul


Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (DASTA) is a public organization, dedicating to sustainable tourism development in 6 designated areas in Thailand. This paper provides rich reflections from a decade of DASTA, formulating an advanced model to deepen our understanding of 2 key intertwining issues; 1) what are the new landscapes of actors for community based tourism and 2) who are the benefactors and beneficiaries of tourism development within the community? An action research approach was used, enabling the process and evidence-based cases to be better captured. The aim is to build theoretical foundation through 13 communities/cases, which have engaged in community based tourism pilot projects. Drawing from emic and qualitative research, specific and contextual phenomenon provides succinct patterns of ‘Community Benefitting through Tourism (CbtT)’ model. The re-definition of the 2 key issues helps shape the interlinking of actors; practicalities of inclusive tourism and inter-sectoral framework and its value chain will also be set forth. In tourism sector, community members could be active primarily on the supply side as employees, entrepreneurs and local heritage experts. CbtT when well defined stimulates the entire value chain of local economy while promoting social innovation through positive dialogue with wider actors. Collaboration with a new set of actors who are from the tourism-related businesses and non-tourism related businesses create better impacts on mutual benefits.

Keywords: community based tourism, community benefitting through tourism -CbtT DASTA model, sustainable tourism in thailand, value chain and inclusive business

Procedia PDF Downloads 300
952 Sediment Trapping by Seagrass Blades under Oscillatory Flow

Authors: Aina Barcelona, Carolyn Oldham, Jordi Colomer, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, Teresa Serra


Seagrass meadows increase the sedimentation within the canopy. However, there is still a lack of knowledge about how seagrasses impact the vertical distribution of sediment coming from external sources and reaches the meadow. This study aims to determine the number of particles retained by a seagrass meadow. Based on the hydrodynamics in the vertical direction, a meadow can be separated into different compartments: the blades, the seabed, within the canopy layer, and the above canopy layer. A set of laboratory experiments were conducted under different hydrodynamic conditions and canopy densities with the purpose to mimic the real field conditions. This study demonstrates and quantifies that seagrass meadows decrease the volume of the suspended sediment by two mechanisms: capturing the suspended sediment by the seagrass blades and promoting the particle sedimentation to the seabed. This study also demonstrates that the number of sediment particles trapped by single seagrass blades decreases with canopy density. However, when considering the trapping by the total number of blades, the sediment captured by all the blades of the meadow increases with canopy density. Furthermore, comparing with the bare seabed, this study demonstrated that there is a reduction in the suspended particles within the canopy, which implies an improvement in the water clarity. In addition, the particle sedimentation on the seabed increases with the canopy density compared with the bare seabed, making evident the contribution of the vegetation in enhancing sedimentation.

Keywords: seagrass, sediment capture, turbulent kinetic energy, oscillatory flow

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951 Expression-Based Learning as a Starting Point to Promote Students’ Creativity in K-12 Schools in China

Authors: Yanyue Yuan


In this paper, the author shares the findings of a pilot study that examines students’ creative expressions and their perceptions of creativity when engaged in project-based learning. The study is based on an elective course that the author co-designed and co-taught with a colleague to sixteen grade six and seven students over the spring semester in 2019. Using the Little Prince story as the main prompt, they facilitated students’ original creation of a storytelling concert that integrated script writing, music production, lyrics, songs, and visual design as a result of both individual and collaborative work. The author will share the specific challenges we met during the project, including learning cultures of the school, class management, teachers' and parents’ attitude, process-oriented versus product-oriented mindset, and facilities and logistical resources. The findings of this pilot study will inform the ongoing research initiative of exploring how we can foster creative learning in public schools in the Chinese context. While K-12 schools of China’s public education system are still dominated by exam-oriented and teacher-centered approaches, the author proposes that expression-based learning can be a starting point for promoting students’ creativity and can serve as experimental efforts to initiate incremental changes within the current education framework. The paper will also touch upon insights gained from collaborations between university and K-12 schools.

Keywords: creativity, expression-based learning, K-12, incremental changes

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950 Assessing the Walkability and Urban Design Qualities of Campus Streets

Authors: Zhehao Zhang


Walking has become an indispensable and sustainable way of travel for college students in their daily lives; campus street is an important carrier for students to walk and take part in a variety of activities, improving the walkability of campus streets plays an important role in optimizing the quality of campus space environment, promoting the campus walking system and inducing multiple walking behaviors. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of campus layout, facility distribution, and location site selection on the walkability of campus streets, and assess the street design qualities from the elements of imageability, enclosure, complexity, transparency, and human scale, and further examines the relationship between street-level urban design perceptual qualities and walkability and its effect on walking behavior in the campus. Taking Tianjin University as the research object, this paper uses the optimized walk score method based on walking frequency, variety, and distance to evaluate the walkability of streets from a macro perspective and measures the urban design qualities in terms of the calculation of street physical environment characteristics, as well as uses behavior annotation and street image data to establish temporal and spatial behavior database to analyze walking activity from the microscopic view. In addition, based on the conclusions, the improvement and design strategy will be presented from the aspects of the built walking environment, street vitality, and walking behavior.

Keywords: walkability, streetscapes, pedestrian activity, walk score

Procedia PDF Downloads 146
949 Assessment of Availability and Factors Associated with Improved Sanitation Facilities in Urban Kebeles of Dire Dawa City, Eastern Ethiopia in 2022

Authors: Meki Detamo, Ahmed


Access to improved sanitation facilities is crucial for promoting community sanitation worldwide. In Ethiopia, however, sanitation remains a major development challenge despite growing attention and efforts by governments and donors. This study aimed to assess the availability of improved sanitation facilities and associated factors in urban kebeles of Dire Dawa City, Eastern Ethiopia, in 2022. A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from March 6 to 30, 2022, using a multi-stage sampling technique to select 508 households. Data was collected through structured and pre-tested questionnaires using face-to-face interviews and observations and analyzed using SPSS Version 23. The availability of improved sanitation facilities was found to be remarkably high at 98.2% (95% CI: 97.0, 99.2), with 60.8% of households having a handwashing facility in or around the latrine, 86.0% using soap and water, and 89.0% using an improved water source for drinking. Logistic regression analysis revealed that households with a family size of less than four, those who owned their own house, and those who had self-initiated latrine construction were significantly associated with the availability of improved sanitation facilities. The study recommends the implementation of continuous refreshment training to emphasize the benefits of improved sanitation facilities in the urban community and family planning. This study provides valuable insights into the high availability of improved sanitation facilities in urban areas of Ethiopia and can inform future efforts to improve community sanitation.

Keywords: sanitation facilities, availability, improved, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

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948 Advanced Data Visualization Techniques for Effective Decision-making in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production

Authors: Deepak Singh, Rail Kuliev


This research article explores the significance of advanced data visualization techniques in enhancing decision-making processes within the oil and gas exploration and production domain. With the oil and gas industry facing numerous challenges, effective interpretation and analysis of vast and diverse datasets are crucial for optimizing exploration strategies, production operations, and risk assessment. The article highlights the importance of data visualization in managing big data, aiding the decision-making process, and facilitating communication with stakeholders. Various advanced data visualization techniques, including 3D visualization, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), interactive dashboards, and geospatial visualization, are discussed in detail, showcasing their applications and benefits in the oil and gas sector. The article presents case studies demonstrating the successful use of these techniques in optimizing well placement, real-time operations monitoring, and virtual reality training. Additionally, the article addresses the challenges of data integration and scalability, emphasizing the need for future developments in AI-driven visualization. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the immense potential of advanced data visualization in revolutionizing decision-making processes, fostering data-driven strategies, and promoting sustainable growth and improved operational efficiency within the oil and gas exploration and production industry.

Keywords: augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), interactive dashboards, real-time operations monitoring

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947 Sustainability Enhancement of Pedestrian Space Quality in Old Communities from the Perspective of Inclusiveness:Taking Cao Yang New Village, Shanghai as an Example

Authors: Feng Zisu


Community is the basic unit of the city, community pedestrian space is also an important part of the urban public space, and its quality improvement is also closely related to the residents' happiness and sense of belonging. Domestic and international research perspectives on community pedestrian space have gradually changed to inclusive design for the whole population, paying more attention to the equitable accessibility of urban space and the multiple composite enhancement of spatial connotation. In order to realize the inclusive and sustainable development of pedestrian space in old communities, this article selects Cao Yang New Village in Shanghai as a practice case, and based on the connotation of inclusiveness, the four dimensions of space, traffic, function and emotion are selected as the layers of inclusive connotation of pedestrian space in old communities. This article identifies the objective social needs, dynamic activity characteristics and subjective feelings of multiple subjects, and reconstructs the structural hierarchy of “spatial perception - behavioral characteristics - subjective feelings” of walking. It also proposes a governance strategy of “reconfiguring the pedestrian network, optimizing street quality, integrating ecological space and reshaping the community scene” from the aspects of quality of physical environment and quality of behavioral perception, aiming to provide new ideas for promoting the inclusive and sustainable development of pedestrian space in old communities.

Keywords: inclusivity, old community, pedestrian space, spatial quality, sustainable renovation

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946 The Role of Multinational Enterprises' Investments in Emerging Country's Economic Development, Case of Georgia

Authors: V. Charaia


From the strategic point of view, not all Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) are always positively benefiting the host economy, i.e. not all Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) are promoting local/host economies. FDI could have different impact on different sectors of the economy, based not only on annual investment amount, but MNE motivations and peculiarities of the host economy in particular. FDI analysis based only on its amount can lead to incorrect decisions, it is much more important to understand the essence of investment. Consequently, our research is oriented on MNE’s motivations, answering which sectors are most popular among international investors and why, what motivated them to invest into one or another business. Georgian economy for the last period of time is attracting more and more efficiency seeking investments, which could be translated as - concentrating production in a limited number of locations to supply various markets, while benefiting local economy with: new technologies, employment, exports diversification, increased income for the local economy and so on. Foreign investors and MNEs in particular are no longer and not so much interested in the resource seeking investments, which was the case for Georgia in the last decade of XX century. Despite the fact of huge progress for the Georgian economy, still there is a room for foreign investors to make a local market oriented investments. The local market is still rich in imported products, which should be replaced by local ones. And the last but not the least important issue is that approximately 30% of all FDIs in Georgia according to this research are “efficiency seeking” investments, which is an enormous progress and a hope for future Georgian success.

Keywords: investments, MNE, FDI motivations, Georgian economy

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945 Reasons for the Slow Uptake of Embodied Carbon Estimation in the Sri Lankan Building Sector

Authors: Amalka Nawarathna, Nirodha Fernando, Zaid Alwan


Global carbon reduction is not merely a responsibility of environmentally advanced developed countries, but also a responsibility of developing countries regardless of their less impact on global carbon emissions. In recognition of that, Sri Lanka as a developing country has initiated promoting green building construction as one reduction strategy. However, notwithstanding the increasing attention on Embodied Carbon (EC) reduction in the global building sector, they still mostly focus on Operational Carbon (OC) reduction (through improving operational energy). An adequate attention has not yet been given on EC estimation and reduction. Therefore, this study aims to identify the reasons for the slow uptake of EC estimation in the Sri Lankan building sector. To achieve this aim, 16 numbers of global barriers to estimate EC were identified through existing literature. They were then subjected to a pilot survey to identify the significant reasons for the slow uptake of EC estimation in the Sri Lankan building sector. A questionnaire with a three-point Likert scale was used to this end. The collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that 11 out of 16 challenges/ barriers are highly relevant as reasons for the slow uptake in estimating EC in buildings in Sri Lanka while the other five challenges/ barriers remain as moderately relevant reasons. Further, the findings revealed that there are no low relevant reasons. Eventually, the paper concluded that all the known reasons are significant to the Sri Lankan building sector and it is necessary to address them in order to upturn the attention on EC reduction.

Keywords: embodied carbon emissions, embodied carbon estimation, global carbon reduction, Sri Lankan building sector

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944 Current Challenges Associated with Women Education in Pakistan and the Proposed Solutions

Authors: Sanam Mujahid, Aliza Ahmad


Women education and empowerment has fundamental importance in the development of a civilized society however, in a developing country like Pakistan, there are serious challenges in this regard. Herein, we summarize the findings of 2012 study which revealed the key problems associated with women education and their proposed solutions. A survey tool was used to question female students and female faculty members in 20 different public sector universities of all four provinces of Pakistan. In this study, 1755 female students and 410 female faculty members responded. In addition to survey, semi-structured interview were also conducted with 25 female students and 10 female faculty members. Respondents of the survey emphasize the lack of adequate educational institutions in nearby vicinity, social exclusion including gender discrimination, shortage of female teachers, lack of resources and inefficient government policies are the major factors that influence female education. To solve these problems, the main recommendations by respondents include safe and secure learning environment for females in educational institutions, community and parental support, well qualified and sufficient number of female teachers. One of the most important proposals was the participation of females at policy level. Current study will provide a general layout to design the future educational strategies for promoting women education in all regions of Pakistan thus, developing towards modern educated society.

Keywords: women education, education strategies, developing countries, Pakistan

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943 Traditional Knowledge on Living Fences in Andean Linear Plantations

Authors: German Marino Rivera


Linear plantations are a common practice in several countries as living fences (LF) delimiting agroecosystems. They are composed of multipurpose perennial woods that provide assets, protection, and supply services. However, not much is known in some traditional communities like the Andean region, including the species composition and the social and ecological benefits of the species used. In the High Andean Colombian region, LF seems to be very typical and diverse. This study aimed to analyze the traditional knowledge about LF systems, including the species composition and their uses in rural communities of Alto Casanare, Colombia. Field measurements, interviews, guided tours, and species sampling were carried out in order to describe traditional practices and the species used in the LF systems. The use values were estimated through the Coefficient of Importance of the Species (CIS). A total of 26 farms engage in LF practices, covering an area of 9283.3 m. In these systems, 30 species were identified, belonging to 23 families. Alnus acuminata was the specie with the highest CIS. The species presented multipurpose uses for both economic and ecological purposes. The transmission of knowledge (TEK) about the used species is very heterogeneous among the farmers. Many species used were not documented, with reciprocal gaps between the literature and traditional species uses. Exchanging this information would increase the species' versatility, the socioeconomic aspects of these communities, increases the agrobiodiversity and ecological services provided by LF. The description of the TEK on LF provides a better understanding of the relationship of these communities with the natural resources, pointing out creative approaches to achieve local environment conservation in these agroecosystems and promoting socioeconomic development.

Keywords: ethnobotany, living fences, traditional communities, agroecology

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942 Experimental Investigation on the Anchor Behavior of Planar Clamping Anchor for Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Plate

Authors: Yongyu Duo, Xiaogang Liu, Qingrui Yue


The anchor plays a critical role in the utilization of the tensile strength of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) plate when it is applied for the prestressed retrofitted and cable structures. In this paper, the anchor behavior of planar clamping anchor (PCA) under different interface treatment forms and normal pressures was investigated by the uniaxial static tensile test. Two interface treatment forms were adopted, including pure friction and the coupling action of friction and bonding. The results indicated that the load-bearing capacity of PCA could be obviously improved by the coupling action of friction and bonding compared with the action of pure friction. Under the normal pressure of 11 MPa, 22 MPa, and 33 MPa, the load-bearing capacity of PCA was enhanced by 164.61%, 68.40%, and 52.78%, respectively, and the tensile strength of the CFRP plate was fully exploited when the normal pressure reached 44 MPa. In addition, the experimental coefficient of static friction between the galling CFRP plate and a sandblasted steel plate was in the range of 0.28-0.30, corresponding to various normal pressure. Moreover, the failure mode was determined by the interface treatment form and normal pressure. The research in this paper has important guiding significance to optimize the design of the mechanical clamping anchor, contributing to promoting the application of CFRP plate in reinforcement and cable structure.

Keywords: PCA, CFRP plate, interface treatment form, normal pressure, friction, coupling action

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941 Assessing Conceptions of Climate Change: An Exploratory Study among Japanese Early-Adolescents

Authors: Kelvin Tang


As the world is approaching global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, more atrocious consequences of climate change are projected to occur in the future. Consequently, it is today’s adolescents who will encounter the grand consequences of climate change. Therefore, nurturing adolescents that are well-informed, emotionally engaged, and motivated to take actions for combating climate change may be pivotal. Climate change education has a role in not only raising awareness, but also promoting behaviour change for climate change mitigation and adaptation. However, what kind of climate change education is suitable for whom? Requiring a learner-centred approach, tailoring climate change education requires a comprehensive understanding of the audience and their preconditions. In Japan, where climate change education has yet to be recognised as a field of environmental education, understanding climate change conceptions possessed by early adolescents is critical for a better design and more impactful implementation of climate change education. This exploratory study aims to investigate climate change conceptions among Japanese early adolescents from the perspective of cognition, affective, and conative dimensions. Questionnaire surveys were conducted targeting 423 students aged 12–14 in three public junior high schools located in Kashiwa City and Oita City. Findings suggest that the majority of Japanese early adolescents belong to groups that exhibit lower levels of cognition, affect, and conation in relation to climate change. The relationships among those dimensions were found to be positive and bidirectional. Moreover, several misconceptions about climate change and the effectiveness of its solutions were identified among the sample.

Keywords: climate change conceptions, climate change education, environmental education, adolescents, three learning dimensions, Japan

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940 Exam Stress and Emotional Eating Among Lebanese University Students: A Correlational Study

Authors: Marielle Mansour


Background: Integrating university students into an academic environment can be intense, with significant intellectual and emotional challenges. Stress, particularly during exam periods, plays a crucial role in students' eating habits, often influencing their food choices through mechanisms such as emotional eating. Objective: This study aims to understand the impact of exam stress on emotional eating among university students in Lebanon, Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 700 students aged 18 to 25 years in Lebanon, using online questionnaires to assess perceived stress using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and emotional eating behaviors with the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ). Data was analyzed to identify correlations between stress and emotional eating. Results: A significant positive correlation was observed between levels of perceived stress and increased emotional eating, with marked differences depending on participants' gender and field of study. This trend highlights the concerning impact of academic stress on students' food choices, including an increased prevalence of emotional eating among women and those studying in demanding disciplines like health sciences and engineering. Conclusion: This research contributes to the understanding of the complex links between academic stress and emotional eating behaviors among university students in Lebanon. To improve the mental and physical health of students, it is essential to implement tailored educational and support initiatives aimed at reducing stress and promoting balanced dietary choices in learning environments.

Keywords: exam stress, emotional eating, university students, stress management, Lebanon

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939 Nurses' Knowledge and Attitudes about Clinical Governance

Authors: Sedigheh Salemi, Mahnaz Sanjari, Maryam Aalaa, Mohammad Mirzabeigi


Clinical governance is the framework within which the health service provider is required to ongoing accountability and improvement of the quality of their services. This cross-sectional study was conducted in 661 nurses who work in government hospitals from 35 hospitals of 9 provinces in Iran. The study was approved by the Nursing Council and was carried out with the authorization of the Research Ethics Committee. The questionnaire included 24 questions in which 4 questions focused on clinical governance defining from the nurses' perspective. The reliability was evaluated by Cronbach's alpha (α=0/83). Statistical analyzes were performed, using SPSS version 16. Approximately 40% of nurses correctly answered that clinical governance is not "system of punishment and rewards for the staff". The most nurses believed that "clinical efficacy" is one of the main components of clinical governance. A few of nurses correctly responded that "Evidence Based Practice" and "management" is not part of clinical governance. The small number of nurses correctly answered that the "maintenance of patient records" and "to recognize the adverse effects" is not the role of nurse in clinical governance. Most "do not know" answer was to the "maintenance of patient records". The most nurses unanimously believed that the implementation of clinical governance led to "promoting the quality of care". About a third of nurses correctly stated that the implementation of clinical governance will not lead to "an increase in salaries and benefits of the medical team". As a member of the health team, nurses are responsible in terms of participation in quality improvement and it is necessary to create an environment in which clinical care will flourish and serve to preserve the high standards.

Keywords: clinical governance, nurses, salary, health team

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938 Attributes of Gratitude in Promoting Purpose in Life of Thai Adolescents

Authors: Karnsunaphat Balthip, Bunrome Suwanphahu


Purpose in life is one attribute of the concept of spirituality which is used in health promotion to promote holistic wellbeing. Purpose is a significant foundation of motivation and achievement that guides adolescents down positive life paths. Adolescents who have life purpose are more likely to achieve greater success and wellbeing in their lives. The current study used qualitative research methodology to describe the experiences that enhanced the purpose in life of 27 Thai adolescents from different backgrounds, living in urban areas in southern Thailand. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews and observation. Thematic analysis methods guided data analysis. The results showed that love and connectedness are important in enhancing purpose in life. They illustrate four attributes of love and connection reflecting the four attributes of gratitude that enhance purpose in life: (1) self-love, or gratitude to oneself, whereby participants endeavor to live life in a positive way by taking care of themselves based on moral and ethical values; (2) connectedness or gratitude to parents or significant others, whereby participants are committed to taking holistic care (physical, psychological, and spiritual) of their significant others; (3) connectedness or gratitude to peers, whereby participants support their peers to help them live their own lives in a positive way; and (4) connectedness or gratitude to the wider world (environment, society, nation and beyond), through a sense of altruism towards others. The findings provide helpful insights for parents, nurses, and other health professionals supporting adolescents to obtain a purpose in life.

Keywords: adolescent, gratitude, purpose in life, spirituality

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