Abstracts | Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2228

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

[Psychological and Behavioral Sciences]

Online ISSN : 1307-6892

2198 Multi-dimensional Approach to Resilience and Support in Advanced School-based Mental Health Service Delivery (MARS-SMHSD) Framework Development for Low-Resource Areas

Authors: Wan You Ning


Addressing the rising prevalence of mental health issues among youths, the Multi-dimensional Approach to Resilience and Support in Advanced School-based Mental Health Service Delivery (MARS-ASMHSD) framework proposes the implementation of advanced mental health services in low-resource areas to further instil mental health resilience among students in a school-based setting. Recognizing the unsustainability of direct service delivery due to rapidly growing demands and costs, the MARS-ASMHSD framework endorses the deinstitutionalization of mental healthcare and explores a tiered, multi-dimensional approach in mental healthcare provision, establishing advanced school-based mental health service delivery. The framework is developed based on sustainable and credible evidence-based practices and modifications of existing mental health service deliveries in Asia, including Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, and Taiwan. Dissemination of the framework model for implementation will enable a more progressive and advanced school-based mental health service delivery in low-resource areas. Through the evaluation of the mental health landscape and the role of stakeholders in the respective countries, the paper concludes with a multi-dimensional framework model for implementation in low-resource areas. A mixed-method independent research study is conducted to facilitate the framework's development.

Keywords: mental health, youths, school-based services, framework development

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2197 Validity and Reliability of Communication Activities of Daily Living- Second Edition and Assessment of Language-related Functional Activities: Comparative Evidence from Arab Aphasics

Authors: Sadeq Al Yaari, Ayman Al Yaari, Adham Al Yaari, Montaha Al Yaari, Aayah Al Yaari, Sajedah Al Yaari


Background: Validation of communication activities of daily living-second edition (CADL-2) and assessment of language-related functional activities (ALFA) tests is a critical investment decision, and activities related to language impairments often are underestimated. Literature indicates that age factors, and gender differences may affect the performance of the aphasics. Thus, understanding these influential factors is highly important to neuropsycholinguists and speech language pathologists (SLPs). Purpose: The goal of this study is twofold: (1) to in/validate CADL-2 and ALFA tests, and (2) to investigate whether or not the two assessment tests are reliable. Design: A comparative study is made between the results obtained from the analyses of the Arabic versions of CADL-2 and ALFA tests. Participants: The communication activities of daily-living and language-related functional activities were assessed from the obtained results of 100 adult aphasics (50 males, 50 females; ages 16 to 65). Procedures: Firstly, the two translated and standardized Arabic versions of CADL-2 and ALFA tests were introduced to the Arab aphasics under investigation. Armed with the new two versions of the tests, one of the researchers assessed the language-related functional communication and activities. Outcomes drawn from the obtained analysis of the comparative studies were then qualitatively and statistically analyzed. Main outcomes and Results: Regarding the validity of CADL-2 and ALFA, it is found that …. Is more valid in both pre-and posttests. Concerning the reliability of the two tests, it is found that ….is more reliable in both pre-and-posttests which undoubtedly means that …..is more trustable. Nor must we forget to indicate here that the relationship between age and gender was very weak due to that no remarkable gender differences between the two in both CADL-2 and ALFA pre-and-posttests. Conclusions & Implications: CADL-2 and ALFA tests were found to be valid and reliable tests. In contrast to previous studies, age and gender were not significantly associated with the results of validity and reliability of the two assessment tests. In clearer terms, age and gender patterns do not affect the validation of these two tests. Future studies might focus on complex questions including the use of CADL-2 and ALFA functionally; how gender and puberty influence the results in case the sample is large; the effects of each type of aphasia on the final outcomes, and measurements’ results of imaging techniques.

Keywords: CADL-2, ALFA, comparison, language test, arab aphasics, validity, reliability, neuropsycholinguistics, comparison

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2196 Narratives of Self-Renewal: Looking for A Middle Earth In-Between Psychoanalysis and the Search for Consciousness

Authors: Marilena Fatigante


Contemporary psychoanalysis is increasingly acknowledging the existential demands of clients in psychotherapy. A significant aspect of the personal crises that patients face today is often rooted in the difficulty to find meaning in their own existence, even after working through or resolving traumatic memories and experiences. Tracing back to the correspondence between Freud and Romain Rolland (1927), psychoanalysis could not ignore that investigation of the psyche also encompasses the encounter with deep, psycho-sensory experiences, which involve a sense of "being one with the external world as a whole", the well-known “oceanic feeling”, as Rolland posed it. Despite the recognition of Non-ordinary States of Consciousness (NSC) as catalysts for transformation in clinical practice, highlighted by neuroscience and results from psychedelic-assisted therapies, there is few research on how psychoanalytic knowledge can integrate with other treatment traditions. These traditions, commonly rooted in non -Western, unconventional, and non-formal psychological knowledge, emphasize the individual’s innate tendency toward existential integrity and transcendence of self-boundaries. Inspired by an autobiographical account, this paper examines narratives of 12 individuals, who engaged in psychoanalytic therapy and also underwent treatment involving a non-formal helping relationship with an expert guide in consciousness, which included experience of this nature. The guide relies on 35 yrs of experience in Psychological, multidisciplinary studies in Human Sciences and Art, and demonstrates knowledge of many wisdom traditions, ranging from Eastern to Western philosophy, including Psychoanalysis and its development in cultural perspective (e.g, Ethnopsychiatry). Analyses focused primarily on two dimensions that research has identified as central in assessing the degree of treatment “success” in the patients’ narrative accounts of their therapies: agency and coherence, defined respectively as the increase, expressed in language, of the client’s perceived ability to manage his/her own challenges and the capacity, inherent in “narrative” itself as a resource for meaning making (Bruner, 1990), to provide the subject with a sense of unity, endowing his /her life experience with temporal and logical sequentiality. The present study reports that, in all narratives from the participants, agency and coherence are described differently than in “common” psychotherapy narratives. Although the participants consistently identified themselves as responsible agentic subject, the sense of agency derived from the non-conventional guidance pathway is never reduced to a personal, individual accomplishment. Rather, the more a new, fuller sense of “Life” (more than “Self”) develops out of the guidance pathway they engage with the expert guide, the more they “surrender” their own sense of autonomy and self-containment. Something, which Safran (2016) identified as well talking about the sense of surrender and “grace” in psychoanalytic sessions. Secondly, narratives of individuals engaging with the expert guide describe coherence not as repairing or enforcing continuity but as enhancing their ability to navigate dramatic discontinuities, falls, abrupt leaps and passages marked by feelings of loss and bereavement. The paper ultimately explores whether valid criteria can be established to analyze experiences of non-conventional paths of self-evolution. These paths are not opposed or alternative to conventional ones, and should not be simplistically dismissed as exotic or magical.

Keywords: oceanic feeling, non conventional guidance, consciousness, narratives, treatment outcomes

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2195 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations in Organic Farming Practices and Farmers’ Subjective Well-Being: The Case of French Organic Farmers

Authors: Nguyen Thi Huong Nhai


This paper examines how different motivations to engage in organic farming may impact the farmers’ subjective well-being using a survey database from the French Agence Bio. Three measures representing the subjective well-being of farmers brought by their involvement in organic farming are used in this study: feelings of pride, satisfaction, and feeling of happiness. We focus on the effects of two different types of motivations: intrinsic motivations, such as preservation of human health and public health, concern about the environment, and autonomy in farming decisions; extrinsic motivations, such as fair price, income, and demand incentives. Results show that not all intrinsic motivations can increase farmers’s well-being. The intrinsic motivation relating to environment concern and aspiration seems to have the highest positive impact on the three proxies of SWB in our study. It is interesting to find out that the two extrinsic motivations (profitable price, satisfying the incentive of consumer and cooperative) are proven to have a negative influence. Some comparisons, explanations, and practical implications are also indicated in this research.

Keywords: intrinsic otivation, extrinsic motivation, subjective wellbeing, organic farmers

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2194 Important Books of Pschoneurolinguistics: Scientific-Based Approach

Authors: Sadeq Al Yaari, Ayman Al Yaari, Adham Al Yaari, Montaha Al Yaari, Aayah Al Yaari, Sajedah Al Yaari


Objective: The study aims to summarize the most important books in psychoneurolinguistics. Method: It is a survey study that listed the most important resouces and references in the field of psychoneurolinguistics for the researchers to benefit from them. Results Reliability and Validity of the books on psychoneurolinguistic research are based upon what type of topics and issues are addressed and the importance of these topics for researchers.Other standards are no more than peripheral criteria that include: Author, publishing house, edition, etc.

Keywords: books, resources, psychoneurolinguistics, scientific reserach, references

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2193 The Role of Attachment Styles, Gender Schemas, Sexual Self Schemas, and Body Exposures During Sexual Activity in Sexual Function, Marital Satisfaction, and Sexual Self-Esteem

Authors: Hossein Shareh, Farhad Seifi


The present study was to examine the role of attachment styles, gender schemas, sexual-self schemas, and body image during sexual activity in sexual function, marital satisfaction, and sexual self-esteem. The sampling method was among married women who were living in Mashhad; a snowball selected 765 people. Questionnaires and measures of adult attachment style (AAS), Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), sexual self-schema (SSS), body exposure during sexual activity questionnaire (BESAQ), sexual function female inventory (FSFI), a short form of sexual self-esteem (SSEI-W-SF) and marital satisfaction (Enrich) were completed by participants. Data analysis using Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression and case analysis was performed by SPSS-19 software. The results showed that there is a significant correlation (P <0.05) between attachment and sexual function (r=0.342), marital satisfaction (r=0.351) and sexual self-esteem (r =0.292). A correlation (P <0.05) was observed between sexual schema (r=0.342) and sexual esteem (r=0.31). A meaningful correlation (P <0.05) exists between gender stereotypes and sexual function (r=0.352). There was a significant inverse correlation (P <0.05) between body image and their performance during sexual activity (r=0.41). There is no significant relationship between gender schemas, sexual schemas, body image, and marital satisfaction, and no relation was found between gender schemas, body image, and sexual self-esteem. Also, the result of the regression showed that attachment styles, gender schemas, sexual self- schemas, and body exposures during sexual activity are predictable in sexual function, and marital satisfaction can be predicted by attachment style and gender schema. Somewhat, sexual self-esteem can be expected by attachment style and gender schemas.

Keywords: attachment styles, gender and sexual schemas, body image, sexual function, marital satisfaction, sexual self-esteem

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2192 Attachment Styles and Their Relationship with Parenting Styles and Early Childhood of Young Adults

Authors: Kanak Parmanandani


The present study aims to explore the impact of perceived parenthood styles in early nonage on attachment styles, and how it affects the emotional capacity of youthful grown-ups. Current studies suggest that there are 4 attachment styles. An existent gets attached to their significant other and important people, and understanding attachment styles helps to dissect a person’s nonage and duly understand an existent. Parenthood styles play a major part in children’s early development, and how they see the world and the people around them. A parent plays a huge part in the emotional development of a child. Both parents must be present to give their children a healthy terrain to grow up.

Keywords: parent styles, attachment styles, early development, parenting styles

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2191 Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Reducing Corona Disease Anxiety in the Staff Working in Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Shiraz

Authors: Gholam Reza Mirzaei


This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) in reducing corona disease anxiety in the staff working at Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Shiraz. The current research was a quasi-experimental study having pre-test and post-test with two experimental and control groups. The statistical population of the research included all the staff of Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Shiraz in 2021. From among the statistical population, 30 participants (N =15 in the experimental group and N =15 in the control group) were selected by available sampling. The materials used in the study comprised the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ) and Corona Disease Anxiety Scale (CDAS). Following data collection, the participants’ scores were analyzed using SPSS 20 at both descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (analysis of covariance) levels. The results of the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is effective in reducing Corona disease anxiety (mental and physical symptoms) in the staff working at Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Shiraz. The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on reducing mental symptoms was 25.5% and on physical symptoms was 13.8%. The mean scores of the experimental group in the sub-scales of Corona disease anxiety (mental and physical symptoms) in the post-test were lower than the mean scores of the control group.

Keywords: acceptance and commitment therapy, corona disease anxiety, hospital staff, Shiraz

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2190 Validity and Reliability of Assessment of Language-Related Functional Activities: Evidence from Arab Aphasics

Authors: Sadeq Al Yaari, Nassr Almaflehi, Ayman Al Yaari, Adham Al Yaari, Montaha Al Yaari, Aayah Al Yaari, Sajedah Al Yaari


Background: Assessment of language-related functional activities (ALFA) is of vital importance in assessing aphasics’ performance of both sexes. However, the validity and reliability of this language therapeutic test has never been validated in the Arabic medical literature. Purpose: The aim of this study was to validate the test by assessing the language-related functional activities of 100 gender aphasics based in a medical faculty. Design: ALFA Pre-and-posttest was administered twice in three weeks to test the language-related functional activities of 100 gender aphasics. Settings: Al Khars hospital in Al Ahsa’a, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Participants: Sixteen to eight-year-old participants (N = 100 men and women) were enrolled in this experiment. Again, the purpose was to assess their language-related functional activities using ALFA. Procedures: The first step was to translate the English version of ALFA test into the mother tongue of the patients (Arabic). Secondly, the translated text is reviewed and edited by three specialists of Arabic language. Having the test standardized, the third step was to assess language-related functional activities of the participants in natural environment. Assessment took place in three weeks. In the first week, a pre-test was administered to the participants at hand and after two weeks, a post-test was administered to identify whether or not significant differences between the two tests (pre-and-posttest) could be observed. Interventions: Outcomes of the results obtained from the analyses were broadly discussed. Linguistic and statistical comparisons were held to illustrate the findings of this study. Main outcomes and Results: The analysis of the obtained results indicated that the performance of the aphasic participants in the post-test did not differ from that of the pre-test (, respectively). Conclusions & Implications: ALFA was proved to be a valid and reliable test. Moreover, outlined results pointed out the importance of assessing not only gender aphasics’ language, but also their language-related functional activities. Further research is needed to explore how gender aphasics’ verbal and non-verbal performances interact.

Keywords: ALFA, language test, Arab aphasics, validity, reliability, psychoneurolinguistics.

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2189 Unique Interprofessional Mental Health Education Model: A Pre/Post Survey

Authors: Michele L. Tilstra, Tiffany J. Peets


Interprofessional collaboration in behavioral healthcare education is increasingly recognized for its value in training students to address diverse client needs. While interprofessional education (IPE) is well-documented in occupational therapy education to address physical health, limited research exists on collaboration with counselors to address mental health concerns and the psychosocial needs of individuals receiving care. Counseling education literature primarily examines the collaboration of counseling students with psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists. This pretest/posttest survey research study explored changes in attitudes toward interprofessional teams among 56 Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) (n = 42) and Counseling and Human Development (CHD) (n = 14) students participating in the Counselors and Occupational Therapists Professionally Engaged in the Community (COPE) program. The COPE program was designed to strengthen the behavioral health workforce in high-need and high-demand areas. Students accepted into the COPE program were divided into small MOT/CHD groups to complete multiple interprofessional multicultural learning modules using videos, case studies, and online discussion board posts. The online modules encouraged reflection on various behavioral healthcare roles, benefits of team-based care, cultural humility, current mental health challenges, personal biases, power imbalances, and advocacy for underserved populations. Using the Student Perceptions of Interprofessional Clinical Education- Revision 2 (SPICE-R2) scale, students completed pretest and posttest surveys using a 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Agree = 5 to Strongly Disagree = 1) to evaluate their attitudes toward interprofessional teamwork and collaboration. The SPICE-R2 measured three different factors: interprofessional teamwork and team-based practice (Team), roles/responsibilities for collaborative practice (Roles), and patient outcomes from collaborative practice (Outcomes). The mean total scores for all students improved from 4.25 (pretest) to 4.43 (posttest), Team from 4.66 to 4.58, Roles from 3.88 to 4.30, and Outcomes from 4.08 to 4.36. A paired t-test analysis for the total mean scores resulted in a t-statistic of 2.54, which exceeded both one-tail and two-tail critical values, indicating statistical significance (p = .001). When the factors of the SPICE-R2 were analyzed separately, only the Roles (t Stat=4.08, p =.0001) and Outcomes (t Stat=3.13, p = .002) were statistically significant. The item ‘I understand the roles of other health professionals’ showed the most improvement from a mean score for all students of 3.76 (pretest) to 4.46 (posttest). The significant improvement in students' attitudes toward interprofessional teams suggests that the unique integration of OT and CHD students in the COPE program effectively develops a better understanding of the collaborative roles necessary for holistic client care. These results support the importance of IPE through structured, engaging interprofessional experiences. These experiences are essential for enhancing students' readiness for collaborative practice and align with accreditation standards requiring interprofessional education in OT and CHD programs to prepare practitioners for team-based care. The findings contribute to the growing body of evidence supporting the integration of IPE in behavioral healthcare curricula to improve holistic client care and encourage students to engage in collaborative practice across healthcare settings.

Keywords: behavioral healthcare, counseling education, interprofessional education, mental health education, occupational therapy education

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2188 Destructive Groups: The Impact on Adolescent Mental Health and Social Integration

Authors: Dušica Kovačević


This study explores the influence of destructive groups on the mental health and social integration of high school students in Loznica, Serbia. Despite increasing concerns, there is a significant lack of research on the impact of these groups on adolescents in this region. This qualitative study aims to fill this gap by examining the prevalence of destructive groups, their psychological effects on students, and their broader social implications. Data were collected through surveys and in-depth interviews with high school students, educators, and mental health professionals. The study focuses on key mental health indicators, such as anxiety, depression, and identity formation, alongside social factors, including peer relationships and community engagement. Additionally, it defines coping mechanisms and supporting strategies employed by students affected by these groups. The findings reveal substantial psychological and social challenges faced by students exposed to destructive groups, including increased levels of anxiety and depression, disrupted identity development, and impaired social integration. Insights into the personal experiences of these students provide a detailed understanding of the groups’ impact, underscoring the need for targeted interventions. This research offers evidence-based recommendations for educators, mental health practitioners, and policymakers. It emphasizes the importance of developing effective educational programs and support services to enhance the well-being of high school advocates for proactive measures to protect adolescent mental health and promote healthy social values within educational and community settings.

Keywords: adolescents, mental health, destructive groups, social integration, qualitative study, high school students, Serbia

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2187 Unravelling the Impact of Job Resources: Alleviating Job-Related Anxiety to Forster Employee Creativity Within the Oil and Gas Industry

Authors: Nana Kojo Ayimadu Baafi, Kwesi Amponsah-Tawiah


The study investigated the relationship between job-related anxiety and employee creativity. The study further explored the role of job resources in moderating the relationship between job-related anxiety and employee creativity within the oil and gas industries. The study utilized a cross-sectional survey design. A non-probability sampling technique, specifically convenience sampling, was used to sample 1200 participants from multiple companies within the oil and gas industries. The collected data were analyzed using Regression analysis and PROCESS macro for the moderation analysis. The study empirically demonstrated a negative significant relationship between job-related anxiety and employee creativity. It also exhibited that job resources moderated the relationship between job-related anxiety and creativity. This study addresses gaps in previous studies by highlighting the significance of job resources in how job-related anxiety affects employee creativity.

Keywords: employee creativity, job-related anxiety, job resource, human resources

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2186 Internal Family Systems Parts-Work: A Revolutionary Approach to Reducing Suicide Lethality

Authors: Bill D. Geis


Even with significantly increased spending, suicide rates continue to climb—with alarming increases among traditionally low-risk groups. This has caused clinicians and researchers to call for a complete rethinking of all assumptions about suicide prevention, assessment, and intervention. A form of therapy--Internal Family Systems Therapy--affords tremendous promise in sustained diminishment of lethal suicide risk. Though a form of therapy that is most familiar to trauma therapists, Internal Family Systems Therapy, involving direct work with suicidal parts, is a promising therapy for meaningful and sustained reduction in suicide deaths. Developed by Richard Schwartz, Internal Family Systems Therapy proposes that we are all influenced greatly by internal parts, frozen by development adversities, and these often-contradictory parts contribute invisibly to mood, distress, and behavior. In making research videos of patients from our database and discussing their suicide attempts, it is clear that many persons who attempt suicide are in altered states at the time of their attempt and influenced by factors other than conscious intent. Suicide intervention using this therapy involves direct work with suicidal parts and other interacting parts that generate distress and despair. Internal Family Systems theory posits that deep experiences of pain, fear, aloneness, and distress are defended by a range of different parts that attempt to contain these experiences of pain through various internal activities that unwittingly push forward inhibition, fear, self-doubt, hopelessness, desires to cut and engage in destructive behavior, addictive behavior, and even suicidal actions. These suicidal parts are often created (and “frozen”) at young ages, and these very young parts do not understand the consequences of this influence. Experience suggests that suicidal parts can create impulsive risk behind the scenes when pain is high and emotional support reduced—with significant crisis potential. This understanding of latent suicide risk is consistent with many of our video accounts of serious suicidal acts—compiled in a database of 1104 subjects. Since 2016, consent has been obtained and records kept of 23 highly suicidal patients, with initial Intention-to-Die ratings (0= no intent, 10 = conviction to die) between 5 and 10. In 67% of these cases using IFST parts-work intervention, these highly suicidal patients’ risk was reduced to 0-1, and 83% of cases were reduced to 4 or lower. There were no suicide deaths. Case illustrations will be offered.

Keywords: suicide, internal family systems therapy, crisis management, suicide prevention

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2185 Coping Techniques, Repertoire, and Flexibility in Parental Adjustment to Pediatric Cancer

Authors: Michael Dolgin, Oz Hamtzani, Talma Kushnir


A literature review has shown that while parents of children with cancer experience increased levels of psychological distress associated with their child's medical condition, considerable variability in parental adjustment is evident. Of the factors that may account for this variability, little attention has been devoted to the simultaneous interaction of three coping constructs and their role in parental adjustment: (1) Coping techniques employed, (2) Repertoire of coping techniques, and (3) Flexibility in applying coping techniques. While these constructs have been studied individually in relation to adjustment in general, studies to date have not included them together within a single conceptual model and research design and evaluated them in a clinical population. The objective of the current study was to determine how these three coping technique constructs interact to impact parental adjustment to pediatric cancer. A cross-sectional sample of 145 parents of children in active cancer treatment completed standardized measures of coping techniques, repertoire, flexibility, and parental distress. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis demonstrated that 37% of the variance in parental distress was predicted by the use of avoidance-focused coping techniques [F(1,118)=69.843, p<.001], with an additional 3% predicted by coping repertoire [F(2,117)=7.63, p=.00] for a total of 40% variance explained. Coping flexibility was found to mediate the relationship between coping repertoire and parental distress. These findings suggest that coping techniques employed by parents (problem/emotion-focused vs. avoidance-focused), as well as coping repertoire, significantly impact parental adjustment. Flexibility in applying coping techniques within one’s coping repertoire further contributes to parental adjustment. Implications for further study and clinical intervention will be presented.

Keywords: coping techniques, repertoire, flexibility, adjustment

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2184 A Dual Debrief-Based Co-Autoethnography of a Humanitarian Delegation Member: Supporting Ukraine Refugee Mothers through Ambiguous Loss

Authors: Bilha Paryente, Rivi Frei Landau


Autoethnography - a combination of autobiography and ethnography - focuses on the intersection of personal experiences and the culture in which they take place and is considered a viable method for exploring human experiences. The Russo-Ukrainian war has resulted in millions of forcibly displaced asylum-seeking refugees facing ambiguous loss. Whereas much is known about refugees' support needs, little is known about the needs and experiences of the humanitarian delegation members (HDM) who assist them. Through a debrief-based co-autoethnographic account of a female HDM who supported Ukrainian refugee mothers and children on the Polish borders, we explored the lived experiences involved in such a mission. Specifically, we conducted a transnational dyadic autoethnography debrief-based co-autoethnography which included both verbal and photo-based debriefing (8 two-hour sessions) alongside a reflexive (10-day) field diary analysis. Content analysis revealed cognitive dilemmas, emotional struggles, and practical adaptations occurring within the HDM's three identity-related domains: personal, professional (psychologist), and ethnic. The methodology presented and demonstrated in this paper enhances our theoretical understanding of the challenges faced by HDMs and may contribute to better future design of HDM training. Practically, the findings of the current study suggest the need for a three-stage accompaniment for HDMs relating to their personal, professional, and ethnic identities and considering their cognitive, emotional, and adaptive aspects. First, before leaving, HDMs should be briefed on personal and professional aspects of their experiences and ways of coping with them, as well as ethnic and religious affiliation issues. Second, while volunteering every evening their dilemmas, emotional struggles, and ways of adapting should be addressed for the three layers of identities. And finally, shortly after their return, there should be a final meeting to discuss all aspects of their identities and layers of personality. In this way, HDMs can become more effective in the important mission they fulfill. We hope that future HDMs and the bodies that send them on humanitarian missions of paramount importance will adopt these recommendations and generate proactive insights for members of future delegations.

Keywords: autoethnography, refugees, humanitarian delegation, ambiguous loss, Russo-Ukraine War, parenting

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2183 Tracking the Mind's Mouth: Use of Smart Technology for Effective Teaching of Speaking to Pupils with Developmental Co-ordination Disorder

Authors: Sadeq Al Yaari, Muhammad Alkhunayn, Ayah Al Yaari, Ayman Al Yaari, Montaha Al Yaari, Adham Al Yaari, Sajedah Al Yaari, Fatehi Eissa


Developmental co-ordination disorder (DCD) (also known as dyspraxia) causes a child to speak less well than expected in social conversations. We propose that the smart speaking technology could help improve sound production mechanism at both phonetic and phonological levels, which leads to better articulation of an utterance. The participants are twelve privately beginner pupils aged between 6-12 years old and diagnosed with DCD (apraxia) divided into two groups: Experimental group (n=6) and control group (called apraxic control group) (n=6). A total of fifty typically developing and achieving (TD) pupils participated as control group 2 in both groups and were preassigned into two groups (27 pupils with the treatment group and 23 with the apraxic control group). Weekly quizzes were given to all participants each week for four continuous months and results were analyzed by psychoneurolinguists and a statistician. Although being taught by the same speech-language therapist (SLT), treatment group along with TD groups were taught a full-time speaking course with sociolinguistic themes covering both phonetic and phonological properties. The course lasted for a whole semester whereby smart speaking aids have become dominant while apraxic control group and its TD group were not. Compared with apraxic control group and its TD subgroup, results show obvious changes in speaking behavioral mechanism of the DCD experimental group and its TD subgroup. Improvement could be taken from the scores where the zero marks disappeared in the fourth week (end of the first month of treatment). Good marks (5 +/10) were seen starting from the eighth week and culminating with full marks in the week number 15 of treatment where some participants scored full mark. This study concludes to support the primacy of the smart educational technology for speaking purposes and also shows that such aids can expand the range of academic performance differential categories. Further research is required to evaluate the current demonizing of smart educational aids and weighting more reasonably the relationship specificity that speaking aids can offer to other language skills, as well as their limitations.

Keywords: smart educational technology, speaking aids, pupils with SCD, apraxia

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2182 A Model Outlining Feelings vs. Emotions and Why Distinction is Critical

Authors: Brendan Mooney


Context: Feelings and emotions are commonly misunderstood and the terms often used interchangeably, leading to potential negative impacts on individuals' mental well-being and relationships. The distinction between these two fundamentally different experiences of human life is crucial for effective psychological practice and communication. Research Aim: The aim of this study is to outline the disparities between feelings and emotions, emphasising the significance of this differentiation in psychological practice to enhance clients' observation, decision-making, problem-solving, and communication skills. Methodology: This research utilises a conceptual model developed by the author in 2017 based on clinical experience, client observations, and feedback. The model serves to guide effective clinical practice by providing clear definitions and understanding of feelings versus emotions. Case study examples were utilised to support the efficacy of the model. Findings: The study highlights that recognising and expressing feelings rather than emotions is more empowering and conducive to resolving unresolved issues, thereby fostering better psychological well-being and interpersonal relationships. Theoretical Importance: This research underscores the importance of clarifying fundamental definitions related to feelings and emotions in enhancing psychological interventions and preventing various relationship conflicts and individual issues. Data Collection and Analysis Procedures: Data was collected through the author's clinical experience and interactions with clients, informing the development of the Feeling Emotions Mental (FEM) model. Analysis involved synthesising observations and feedback to elucidate the distinctions between feelings and emotions. Questions Addressed: What are the disparities between feelings and emotions? How does the confusion between these two fundamentally different experiences of human life impact individuals' mental well-being and relationships? Why is it essential to differentiate between feelings and emotions in psychological practice? Conclusion: The study advocates for a clear understanding of feelings versus emotions to support clients in addressing unresolved issues and improving their overall psychological functioning and communication skills, thereby preventing potential conflicts and relationship challenges.

Keywords: couples, mental, misinformation, misunderstanding, relationships

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2181 Unity in Diversity: Exploring the Psychological Processes and Mechanisms of the Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation in Ethnic Inter-embedded Communities

Authors: Jiamin Chen, Liping Yang


In 2007, sociologist Putnam proposed a pessimistic forecast in the United States' "Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey," suggesting that "ethnic diversity would challenge social unity and undermine social cohesion." If this pessimistic assumption were proven true, it would indicate a risk of division in diverse societies. China, with 56 ethnic groups, is a multi-ethnic country. On May 26, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed "building ethnically inter-embedded communities to promote deeper development in interactions, exchanges, and integration among ethnic groups." Researchers unanimously agree that ethnic inter-embedded communities can serve as practical arenas and pathways for solidifying the sense of the Chinese national community However, there is no research providing evidence that ethnic inter-embedded communities can foster the sense of the Chinese national community, and the influencing factors remain unclear. This study adopts a constructivist grounded theory research approach. Convenience sampling and snowball sampling were used in the study. Data were collected in three communities in Kunming City. Twelve individuals were eventually interviewed, and the transcribed interviews totaled 187,000 words. The research has obtained ethical approval from the Ethics Committee of Nanjing Normal University (NNU202310030). The research analyzed the data and constructed theories, employing strategies such as coding, constant comparison, and theoretical sampling. The study found that: firstly, ethnic inter-embedded communities exhibit characteristics of diversity, including ethnic diversity, cultural diversity, and linguistic diversity. Diversity has positive functions, including increased opportunities for contact, promoting self-expansion, and increasing happiness; negative functions of diversity include highlighting ethnic differences, causing ethnic conflicts, and reminding of ethnic boundaries. Secondly, individuals typically engage in interactions within the community using active embedding and passive embedding strategies. Active embedding strategies include maintaining openness, focusing on similarities, and pro-diversity beliefs, which can increase external group identification, intergroup relational identity, and promote ethnic integration. Individuals using passive embedding strategies tend to focus on ethnic stereotypes, perceive stigmatization of their own ethnic group, and adopt an authoritarian-oriented approach to interactions, leading to a perception of more identity threats and ultimately rejecting ethnic integration. Thirdly, the commonality of the Chinese nation is reflected in the 56 ethnic groups as an "identity community" and "interest community," and both active and passive embedding paths affect individual understanding of the commonality of the Chinese nation. Finally, community work and environment can influence the embedding process. The research constructed a social psychological process and mechanism model for solidifying sense of the Chinese national community in ethnic inter-embedded communities. Based on this theoretical model, future research can conduct more micro-level psychological mechanism tests and intervention studies to enhance Chinese national cohesion.

Keywords: diversity, sense of the chinese national community, ethnic inter-embedded communities, ethnic group

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2180 Preschoolers’ Selective Trust in Moral Promises

Authors: Yuanxia Zheng, Min Zhong, Cong Xin, Guoxiong Liu, Liqi Zhu


Trust is a critical foundation of social interaction and development, playing a significant role in the physical and mental well-being of children, as well as their social participation. Previous research has demonstrated that young children do not blindly trust others but make selective trust judgments based on available information. The characteristics of speakers can influence children’s trust judgments. According to Mayer et al.’s model of trust, these characteristics of speakers, including ability, benevolence, and integrity, can influence children’s trust judgments. While previous research has focused primarily on the effects of ability and benevolence, there has been relatively little attention paid to integrity, which refers to individuals’ adherence to promises, fairness, and justice. This study focuses specifically on how keeping/breaking promises affects young children’s trust judgments. The paradigm of selective trust was employed in two experiments. A sample size of 100 children was required for an effect size of w = 0.30,α = 0.05,1-β = 0.85, using G*Power 3.1. This study employed a 2×2 within-subjects design to investigate the effects of moral valence of promises (within-subjects factor: moral vs. immoral promises), and fulfilment of promises (within-subjects factor: kept vs. broken promises) on children’s trust judgments (divided into declarative and promising contexts). In Experiment 1 adapted binary choice paradigms, presenting 118 preschoolers (62 girls, Mean age = 4.99 years, SD = 0.78) with four conflict scenarios involving the keeping or breaking moral/immoral promises, in order to investigate children’s trust judgments. Experiment 2 utilized single choice paradigms, in which 112 preschoolers (57 girls, Mean age = 4.94 years, SD = 0.80) were presented four stories to examine their level of trust. The results of Experiment 1 showed that preschoolers selectively trusted both promisors who kept moral promises and those who broke immoral promises, as well as their assertions and new promises. Additionally, the 5.5-6.5-year-old children are more likely to trust both promisors who keep moral promises and those who break immoral promises more than the 3.5- 4.5-year-old children. Moreover, preschoolers are more likely to make accurate trust judgments towards promisor who kept moral promise compared to those who broke immoral promises. The results of Experiment 2 showed significant differences of preschoolers’ trust degree: kept moral promise > broke immoral promise > broke moral promise ≈ kept immoral promise. This study is the first to investigate the development of trust judgement in moral promise among preschoolers aged 3.5-6.5. The results show that preschoolers can consider both valence and fulfilment of promises when making trust judgments. Furthermore, as preschoolers mature, they become more inclined to trust promisors who keep moral promises and those who break immoral promises. Additionally, the study reveals that preschoolers have the highest level of trust in promisors who kept moral promises, followed by those who broke immoral promises. Promisors who broke moral promises and those who kept immoral promises are trusted the least. These findings contribute valuable insights to our understanding of moral promises and trust judgment.

Keywords: promise, trust, moral judgement, preschoolers

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2179 Classroom Curriculum That Includes Wisdom Skills

Authors: Brian Fleischli, Shani Robins


In recent years, the implementation of wisdom skills, including emotional intelligence, mindfulness, empathy, compassion, gratitude, realism (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy), and humility, within K-12 educational settings has demonstrated significant benefits in reducing stress, anxiety, anger, and conflict among students. This study summarizes the findings of research conducted over several years, showcasing the positive outcomes associated with teaching these skills to elementary and high school students. Additionally, this overview includes an updated synthesis of current literature concerning the application and effectiveness of training these skill sets in K-12 schools. The research outcomes highlight substantial improvements in student well-being and behavior. Demonstrated with treatment group students exhibiting notable reductions in anger, anxiety, depression, and disruptive behaviors compared to control groups. For instance, fourth-grade students showed enhanced empathy, responsibility, and attention, particularly benefiting those with lower initial scores on these measures. Specific interaction effects suggest that older students and males particularly benefit from these interventions, showcasing the nuanced impact of wisdom skill training across different demographics. Furthermore, this presentation emphasizes the critical role of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) programs in addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by children and adolescents, including mental health issues, academic performance, and social behaviors. The integration of wisdom skills into school curricula not only fosters individual growth and emotional regulation but also enhances overall school climate and academic achievement. In conclusion, the findings contribute to the growing body of empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of teaching wisdom skills in educational settings. The success of these interventions underscores the potential for widespread implementation of evidence-based programs to promote emotional well-being and academic success among students nationwide.

Keywords: wisdom skills, CBT, cognitive behavioral training, mindfulness, empathy, anxiety

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2178 A Qualitative Study of Multiracial Experiences of Microaggressions in Mental Health Counseling and Counselor Education: Implications and Recommendations for Culturally Competent Training and Practice

Authors: C. Peeper McDonald


Despite the multiracial population growing exponentially in the world and especially in the U.S., there continues to be a lack of culturally responsive research addressing the unique experiences and needs of this population, especially within counseling and counselor education settings. It is evident that their unique racial microaggressive experiences need to be better understood within the field of professional counseling to not only underscore competent training and practice but also culturally responsive training and practice. The participants of this study were 13 (n=13) individuals from the United States who identified as multiracial and said they had a microaggressive experience with either their counselor or counseling professor. Data were gathered through one-on-one, semi-structured interviews. The analysis employed phenomenological methods based on the transcendental approach, resulting in themes that encapsulated the core of the participants' experiences, including multiracial microaggressions that are derogatory and perpetuate privilege/oppression; counselors and their training programs should embody safety, support, attentiveness, inter-personal sensitivity, and awareness of the impact on others; microaggressions negatively affect the counseling relationship and outcomes; awareness surrounding the emotional impact of microaggressions; strength-based responses and future responses to microaggressions; and advocacy and suggestions for counselors and counselor educators. These themes are discussed in detail, and recommendations for researchers, counselor educators, and professional counselors to improve training and practice are provided. This U.S. study's insights into the Multiracial experience of microaggressions within the mental health profession can inform global mental health practices by highlighting the need for culturally responsive counseling that recognizes and addresses racial nuances. Such knowledge is transferable to international settings where multiracial populations may also encounter similar challenges, aiding in the development of global standards for culturally competent counseling practices.

Keywords: culturally responsive training and practice, mental health, microaggressions, multiracial

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2177 A Comprehensive Review on the Effect of Corporal Punishment and Development of Defence Styles and Fear of Intimacy

Authors: Sandra Sasikumar, Noorjahan AI, Aurine Anthony


The background of this article is the frequently unacknowledged effects of corporal punishment in a child's life as they change into adulthood, how it may permutate into various dynamics and combinations and manifest in major areas like fear of intimacy and reactive and ineffective defending styles, which may eventually lead to much more interpersonal problems and in extreme cases psychopathology. Even though such studies require a longitudinal research design, there is a wealth of information on corporal punishment in the literature. Defense styles, or the coping mechanisms that individuals use to deal with stress and difficult emotions, can also be affected by corporal punishment. Individuals who have experienced corporal punishment may develop maladaptive defense styles, such as repression or denial, that can make it difficult for them to process and cope with their emotions. The fear of intimacy, or the fear of getting close to others, is another potential effect of corporal punishment. Individuals who have experienced physical discipline may develop a fear of physical touch, making it difficult for them to form close relationships. This fear can also lead to other mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. It is important to note that not everyone who experiences corporal punishment will develop these issues, and other factors can contribute to the development of these problems. However, corporal punishment can have a significant impact on an individual's mental and emotional well-being.

Keywords: corporal punishment, fear of intimacy, defense styles, attachment

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2176 Tractography Analysis and the Evolutionary Origin of Schizophrenia

Authors: Mouktafi Amine, Tahiri Asmaa


A substantial number of traditional medical research has been put forward to managing and treating mental disorders. At the present time, to our best knowledge, it is believed that a fundamental understanding of the underlying causes of the majority of psychological disorders needs to be explored further to inform early diagnosis, managing symptoms and treatment. The emerging field of evolutionary psychology is a promising prospect to address the origin of mental disorders, potentially leading to more effective treatments. Schizophrenia as a topical mental disorder has been linked to the evolutionary adaptation of the human brain represented in the brain connectivity and asymmetry directly linked to humans' higher brain cognition in contrast to other primates being our direct living representation of the structure and connectivity of our earliest common African ancestors. As proposed in the evolutionary psychology scientific literature, the pathophysiology of schizophrenia is expressed and directly linked to altered connectivity between the Hippocampal Formation (HF) and Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC). This research paper presents the results of the use of tractography analysis using multiple open access Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) datasets of healthy subjects, schizophrenia-affected subjects and primates to illustrate the relevance of the aforementioned brain regions' connectivity and the underlying evolutionary changes in the human brain. Deterministic fiber tracking and streamline analysis were used to generate connectivity matrices from the DWI datasets overlaid to compute distances and highlight disconnectivity patterns in conjunction with other fiber tracking metrics: Fractional Anisotropy (FA), Mean Diffusivity (MD) and Radial Diffusivity (RD).

Keywords: tractography, diffusion weighted imaging, schizophrenia, evolutionary psychology

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2175 A Comparative Study of Mechanisms across Different Online Social Learning Types

Authors: Xinyu Wang


In the context of the rapid development of Internet technology and the increasing prevalence of online social media, this study investigates the impact of digital communication on social learning. Through three behavioral experiments, we explore both affective and cognitive social learning in online environments. Experiment 1 manipulates the content of experimental materials and two forms of feedback, emotional valence, sociability, and repetition, to verify whether individuals can achieve online emotional social learning through reinforcement using two social learning strategies. Results reveal that both social learning strategies can assist individuals in affective, social learning through reinforcement, with feedback-based learning strategies outperforming frequency-dependent strategies. Experiment 2 similarly manipulates the content of experimental materials and two forms of feedback to verify whether individuals can achieve online knowledge social learning through reinforcement using two social learning strategies. Results show that similar to online affective social learning, individuals adopt both social learning strategies to achieve cognitive social learning through reinforcement, with feedback-based learning strategies outperforming frequency-dependent strategies. Experiment 3 simultaneously observes online affective and cognitive social learning by manipulating the content of experimental materials and feedback at different levels of social pressure. Results indicate that online affective social learning exhibits different learning effects under different levels of social pressure, whereas online cognitive social learning remains unaffected by social pressure, demonstrating more stable learning effects. Additionally, to explore the sustained effects of online social learning and differences in duration among different types of online social learning, all three experiments incorporate two test time points. Results reveal significant differences in pre-post-test scores for online social learning in Experiments 2 and 3, whereas differences are less apparent in Experiment 1. To accurately measure the sustained effects of online social learning, the researchers conducted a mini-meta-analysis of all effect sizes of online social learning duration. Results indicate that although the overall effect size is small, the effect of online social learning weakens over time.

Keywords: online social learning, affective social learning, cognitive social learning, social learning strategies, social reinforcement, social pressure, duration

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2174 Comparing Three Complementary Interventions (Mindfulness-Meditation, Gratitude, and Affirmations) in the Context of Stress

Authors: Regina Bowler


Rationale & Aims: Complementary interventions such as mindfulness-meditation, gratitude, and self-affirmation are often used by therapists to treat stress. Many studies have been conducted using these interventions either individually or adjunctively with regard to stress. However, there has been little work comparing these interventions to investigate which of them is the most effective in treating stress. This study aims to compare these interventions and to determine which of them has the strongest perceived and physiological impact on stress. Participants: 120 law students preparing to take the bar exam: 3 experimental groups of 30 individuals, 1 control group of 30 individuals. Methods: One day prior to administering the interventions, baseline salivary cortisol samples will be taken, and the participants will complete the perceived stress scale (Cohen et al., 1983). Thirty days prior to the bar exam, each experimental group will be given an intervention to practice. Interventions will be practiced once in the morning after waking and once at night at bedtime. In group one, each participant will do a recorded three-minute mindfulness meditation. In group two, each participant will practice gratitude by writing down three things he/she/they are grateful for. In group three, each participant will practice affirmation by writing three sentences affirming his/her/their core values. The control group will not have an intervention to practice. Starting experimental day 1, upon waking and prior to practicing the intervention, the participants will take a salivary cortisol sample. Then they will practice their given intervention. Every night, before going to bed, the participants will practice their given intervention for a second time. The participants will practice their interventions and take salivary cortisol samples for 28 days. After each seven-day period (days 7, 14, 21, 28), the participants will fill out a brief questionnaire about the effects their intervention has on their stress, daily life, and relationships with themselves and others. On day 29, the participants will take a final salivary cortisol sample and will fill out the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen et al., 1983). Applications of findings: Findings from this study would inform therapists of best practices when working with clients with stress. Moreover, therapists will gain knowledge of how individuals perceive these interventions and their impact on stress, daily life, somatic symptoms, and relationships with self and others. Thus, therapists will be able to administer these interventions with more precision to the stress-related contexts and issues their clients bring.

Keywords: stress, mindfulness-meditation, gratitude, affirmations, complementary interventions

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2173 Approach-Avoidance Conflict in the T-Maze: Behavioral Validation for Frontal EEG Activity Asymmetries

Authors: Eva Masson, Andrea Kübler


Anxiety disorders (AD) are the most prevalent psychological disorders. However, far from most affected individuals are diagnosed and receive treatment. This gap is probably due to the diagnosis criteria, relying on symptoms (according to the DSM-5 definition) with no objective biomarker. Approach-avoidance conflict tasks are one common approach to simulate such disorders in a lab setting, with most of the paradigms focusing on the relationships between behavior and neurophysiology. Approach-avoidance conflict tasks typically place participants in a situation where they have to make a decision that leads to both positive and negative outcomes, thereby sending conflicting signals that trigger the Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS). Furthermore, behavioral validation of such paradigms adds credibility to the tasks – with overt conflict behavior, it is safer to assume that the task actually induced a conflict. Some of those tasks have linked asymmetrical frontal brain activity to induced conflicts and the BIS. However, there is currently no consensus for the direction of the frontal activation. The authors present here a modified version of the T-Maze paradigm, a motivational conflict desktop task, in which behavior is recorded simultaneously to the recording of high-density EEG (HD-EEG). Methods: In this within-subject design, HD-EEG and behavior of 35 healthy participants was recorded. EEG data was collected with a 128 channels sponge-based system. The motivational conflict desktop task consisted of three blocks of repeated trials. Each block was designed to record a slightly different behavioral pattern, to increase the chances of eliciting conflict. This variety of behavioral patterns was however similar enough to allow comparison of the number of trials categorized as ‘overt conflict’ between the blocks. Results: Overt conflict behavior was exhibited in all blocks, but always for under 10% of the trials, in average, in each block. However, changing the order of the paradigms successfully introduced a ‘reset’ of the conflict process, therefore providing more trials for analysis. As for the EEG correlates, the authors expect a different pattern for trials categorized as conflict, compared to the other ones. More specifically, we expect an elevated alpha frequency power in the left frontal electrodes at around 200ms post-cueing, compared to the right one (relative higher right frontal activity), followed by an inversion around 600ms later. Conclusion: With this comprehensive approach of a psychological mechanism, new evidence would be brought to the frontal asymmetry discussion, and its relationship with the BIS. Furthermore, with the present task focusing on a very particular type of motivational approach-avoidance conflict, it would open the door to further variations of the paradigm to introduce different kinds of conflicts involved in AD. Even though its application as a potential biomarker sounds difficult, because of the individual reliability of both the task and peak frequency in the alpha range, we hope to open the discussion for task robustness for neuromodulation and neurofeedback future applications.

Keywords: anxiety, approach-avoidance conflict, behavioral inhibition system, EEG

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2172 Factors of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Prevalence of Social Support on Stress within Parental Depression

Authors: Calvin Chiu, Samar Saade Needham


The factors associated with the development of major depressive disorder (MDD) have been an ongoing area of concern within the field of psychopathology. Among parents, the rise in stress factors for individuals receiving less social support contributes to an increase in MDD cases. Understanding the causal aspects of MDD through the interworking of stress development within social support disparities provides critical insights into preventive measures for depressive symptoms. The present study seeks to assess the impact of social support on stress formation within MDD. Such that single parents lacking social support prompt an increase in stress formation, which proliferates the progression of MDD. Participants in this study were 450 ethnic minority mothers and fathers experiencing health inequities during pregnancy and early childhood. Perceived stress, social support, and depression are assessed by multi-item questionnaires that produce score ranges for general findings. Results indicated that lower social support scores resulted in higher depression scores, and higher perceived stress scores produced higher depression scores. Furthermore, single parents reported higher depression scores. These findings overlap with studies on paternal depression and suggest that MDD is a product of stress accumulation due to declining social support systems. Future studies may specify effective social support systems for decreasing stress accumulation in MDD formation in preventive strategies.

Keywords: major depressive disorder, stress formation, cognitive-behavioral outcomes, deficit-based behaviors

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2171 The Effects of Urban Public Spaces on Place Attachment in Large Cities: Examining Spatial Perception in Shenzhen’s Shekou Community as a Case Study

Authors: Xiaoxue Jin, Qiong Zhang


The rapid influx and ongoing flow of young migrants in large cities, alongside the emergence and evolution of new social media, have led to increased interpersonal alienation and weakened place attachment. In the interplay between individuals and space, urban public spaces play a pivotal role in meeting the multifaceted needs of individuals and fostering a sense of attachment. This article aims to investigate the relationship between the place characteristics of public spaces and individuals' needs and perceptions, with an aim to identify the factors influencing place attachment among the youth. This study is conducted in the Shekou community of Shenzhen, focusing on the youth residents to evaluate their place attachment levels and to analyze their perceptions of the place characteristics of selected public spaces. The influencing factors of public spaces on place attachment were sorted out through detailed data analysis. Research has found that rapid urbanization has led to spatial homogenization and spatial segregation caused by uneven resource distribution, which in turn diminishes the utilization of public spaces. The social characteristics of public spaces, such as the quality of social activities and spatial openness, are critical in forming place attachment. In this research, place characteristics impacting place attachment are categorized, aiming to reconstruct the characteristics of public space places and use them as a medium to explore the place attachment of young people, promote their independent creation and participation in public life, and enhance the dynamism between individuals and spaces.

Keywords: place attachment, place characteristics, public spaces, spatial perception

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2170 Intervention Program for Emotional Management in Disruptive Situations Through Self-Compassion and Compassion

Authors: M. Bassas, J. Grané-Morcillo, J. Segura, J. M. Soldevila


Mental health prevention is key in a society where, according to the World Health Organization, the fourth leading cause of death worldwide is suicide. Compassion is closely linked to personal growth. It shows once again that therapies based on prevention remain an urgent and social need. In this sense, a growing body of research demonstrates how cultivating a compassionate mind can help alleviate and prevent a variety of psychological problems. In the early 21st century, there has been a boom in third-generation compassion-based therapies, although there is a lack of empirical evidence of their efficacy. This study proposes a psychotherapy method (‘Being Method’), whose central axis revolves around emotional management through the cultivation of compassion. Therefore, the objective of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of this method with regard to the emotional changes experienced when we focus on what we are concerned about through the filter of compassion. The Being Method was born from the influence of Buddhist philosophy and contemporary psychology based mainly on Western rationalist currents. A quantitative cross-sectional study has been carried out in a sample of women between 18 and 53 years old (n=47; Mage=36.02; SDage= 11.86) interested in personal growth in which the following 6 measuring instruments were administered: Peace of mind Scale (PoM), Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS), 2 Sacles of the Compassionate Action and Engagement Scales (CAES), Coping Response Inventory for Adults (CRI-A) and Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies Evaluation Scale (MOLDES). Following an experimental method approach, participants were divided into an experimental and control group. Longitudinal analysis was also carried out through a pre-post program comparison. Pre-post comparison outcomes indicated significant differences (p<.05) between before and after the therapy in the variables Peace of Mind, Self-esteem, Happiness, Self-compassion (A-B), Compassion (A-B), in several mental molds, as well as in several coping strategies. Also, between-groups tests proved significantly higher means obtained in the experimental group. Thus, these outcomes highlighted the effectiveness of the therapy, improving all the analyzed dimensions. The social, clinical and research implications are discussed.

Keywords: being method, compassion, effectiveness, emotional management, intervention program, personal growth therapy

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2169 More than Words: Literature Review of Sexual Culture for People Who are Deaf

Authors: Eliza F. Dunn


Scripts are a hypothetical outline or roadmap to life as defined by culture. Sexual scripts are similarly a roadmap for what to expect in dating and sexual experiences. The articles for this review were found by searching three databases and refining 621 articles to 13 that are used in the results section. Some ways deaf sexual scripts vary from Traditional Sexual Scripts (TSS) are in the areas of gendered roles and sexual themes, which were both absent in deaf sexual scripts. Theories for why these differences exist are explored: the presence or absence of sexual education or the effects of intimate partner violence due to being a part of a disabled community. Finally, unique sexual flourishing for people who are d/Deaf found in studies was discussed, suggesting the needed perspective of resilience to be a focus of future research to fully understand deaf sexual scripts. Future research is discussed, noting the need for defining aspects of deaf sexual scripts in detail and studying the differences between these scripts and the TSS.

Keywords: deaf, deafness, sexual scripts, lift scripts, sexual flourishing

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