Search results for: family care team
7166 Stress and Overload in Mothers and Fathers of Hospitalized Children: A Comparative Study
Authors: Alessandra Turini Bolsoni Silva, Nilson Rogério Da Silva
The hospitalization process for long periods and the experience of invasive and painful clinical procedures can trigger a set of stressors in children, family members and professionals, leading to stress. Mothers are, in general, the main caregivers and, therefore, have a high degree of sadness and stress with an impact on mental health. However, the father, in the face of the mother's absence, needs to assume other responsibilities such as domestic activities and healthy children in addition to work activities. In addition, he has to deal with changes in family and work relationships during the child's hospitalization, with disagreements and changes in the relationship with the partner, changes in the relationship with the children, and finding it difficult to reconcile the new tasks as a caregiver and work. A consequence of the hospitalization process is the interruption of the routine activities of both the child and the family members responsible for the care, who can go through stressful moments due to the consequences of family breakdown, attention focused only on the child and sleepless nights. In this sense, both the mother and the father can have their health affected by their child's hospitalization. The present study aims to compare the prevalence of stress and overload in mothers and fathers of hospitalized children, as well as possible associations with activities related to care. The participants were 10 fathers and 10 mothers of children hospitalized in a hospital located in a medium-sized city in the interior of São Paulo. Three instruments were used for data collection: 1) Script to characterize the participants; 2) The Lipp Stress Symptom Inventory (ISSL, 2000) 3) Zarit Burden Interview Protocol – ZBT. Contact was made with the management of the hospital in order to present the objectives of the project, then authorization was requested for the participation of the parents; after an agreement, the time and place were convenient for the participant to carry out the interview. Thus, they signed the Free and Informed Consent Term. Data were analyzed according to the instrument application manuals and organized in Figures and Tables. The results revealed that fathers and mothers have their family and professional routine affected by the hospitalization of their children, with the consequent presence of stress and overload indicators. However, the study points to a greater presence of stress and overload in mothers due to their role as the main caregiver, often interrupting their professional life to exercise care. In the case of the father, the routine is changed due to taking on household chores and taking care of the other children, with the professional life being less affected. It is hoped that the data can guide future interventions that promote and develop strategies that favor care and, at the same time, preserve the health of caregivers and that include mothers and fathers, considering that both are affected, albeit in a different way.Keywords: stress, overload, caregivers, parents
Procedia PDF Downloads 667165 Women’s Financial Literacy and Family Financial Fragility
Authors: Pepur Sandra, Bulog Ivana, Rimac Smiljanić Ana
During the COVID-19 pandemic, stress and family financial fragility arose worldwide. Economic and health uncertainty created new pressure on the everyday life of families. The work from home, homeschooling, and care of other family members caused an increase in unpaid work and generated a new division of intrahousehold. As many times before, women have taken the higher burden. This paper analyzes family stress and finance during the COVID-19 pandemic. We propose that women's inclusion in paid and unpaid work and their financial literacy influence family finances. We build up our assumptions according to the two theories that explain intrahousehold family decision-making: traditional and barging models. The traditional model assumes that partners specialize in their roles in line with time availability. Consequently, partners less engaged in payable working activities will spend more time on domestic activities and vice versa. According to the bargaining model, each individual has their preferences, and the one with more household bargaining power, e.g., higher income, higher level of education, better employment, or higher financial knowledge, is likely to make family decisions and avoid unpaid work. Our results are based on an anonymous and voluntary survey of 869 valid responses from women older than 18 conducted in Croatia at the beginning of 2021. We found that families who experienced delays in settling current obligations before the pandemic were in a worse financial situation during the pandemic. However, all families reported problems settling current obligations during pandemic times regardless of their financial condition before the crisis. Women from families with financial issues reported higher levels of family and personal stress during the pandemic. Furthermore, we provide evidence that more women's unpaid work negatively affects the family's financial fragility during the pandemic. In addition, in families where women have better financial literacy and are more financially independent, families cope better with finance before and during pandemics.Keywords: family financial fragility, stress, unpaid work, women's financial literacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 807164 Transgenerational Entrepreneurship in Chinese Family Businesses: Proposal for a Model of Work-Life Synergy
Authors: Jenny Oliveros Lao Phillips, Arturo E. Osorio, José Alves
Family business are the dominant form of business in the world, and Chinese family business (CFB) is a unique type of family business that relies on collective action to survive. This paper argues that in CFBs, entrepreneurial actions are transgenerational collective endeavors, and successors are groomed as stewards of the family legacy. Work-life relationship in CFBs is about synergy and not balance because the family identity is the business identity, and vice-versa. Using five in-depth case studies, this research introduces an alternative understanding of CFBs and proposes a model of work-life synergy in transgenerational entrepreneurship based on discussion of five theory-based propositions. This model explains that through emphasizing on the business family’s shared value and entrepreneurial legacy, elements of trust, shared identity and stewardship of family members are enhanced which leads to collective action and goal of the business family, resulting in transgenerational entrepreneurship. Limitations and future research are presented.Keywords: Chinese family business, family legacy, stewardship, transgenerational entrepreneurship, work-life synergy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3017163 Low Back Pain and Patients Lifting Behaviors among Nurses Working in Al Sadairy Hospital, Aljouf
Authors: Fatma Abdel Moneim Al Tawil
Low back pain (LBP) among nurses has been the subject of research studies worldwide. However, evidence of the influence of patients lifting behaviors and LBP among nurses in Saudi Arabia remains scarce. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between LBP and nurses lifting behaviors. LBP questionnaire was distributed to 100 nurses working in Alsadairy Hospital distributed as Emergency unit(9),Coronary Care unit (9), Intensive Care Unit (7), Dialysis unit (30), Burn unit (5), surgical unit (11), Medical (14) and, X-ray unit (15). The questionnaire included demographic data, attitude scale, Team work scale, Back pain history and Knowledge scale. Regarding to emergency unit, there is appositive significant relation between teamwork scale and Knowledge as r = (0.807) and P =0.05. Regarding to ICU unit, there is a positive significant relation between teamwork scale and attitude scale as r= (0.781) and P =0.05. Regarding to Dialysis unit, there is a positive significant relation between attitude scale and teamwork scale as r=(0.443) and P =0.05. The findings suggest enhanced awareness of occupational safety with safe patient handling practices among nursing students must be emphasized and integrated into their educational curriculum. Moreover, back pain prevention program should incorporate the promotion of an active lifestyle and fitness training the implementation of institutional patient handling policies.Keywords: low back pain, lifting behaviors, nurses, team work
Procedia PDF Downloads 4357162 Negotiating Communication Options for Deaf-Disabled Children
Authors: Steven J. Singer, Julianna F. Kamenakis, Allison R. Shapiro, Kimberly M. Cacciato
Communication and language are topics frequently studied among deaf children. However, there is limited research that focuses specifically on the communication and language experiences of Deaf-Disabled children. In this ethnography, researchers investigated the language experiences of six sets of parents with Deaf-Disabled children who chose American Sign Language (ASL) as the preferred mode of communication for their child. Specifically, the researchers were interested in the factors that influenced the parents’ decisions regarding their child’s communication options, educational placements, and social experiences. Data collection in this research included 18 hours of semi-structured interviews, 20 hours of participant observations, over 150 pages of reflexive journals and field notes, and a 2-hour focus group. The team conducted constant comparison qualitative analysis using NVivo software and an inductive coding procedure. The four researchers each read the data several times until they were able to chunk it into broad categories about communication and social influences. The team compared the various categories they developed, selecting ones that were consistent among researchers and redefining categories that differed. Continuing to use open inductive coding, the research team refined the categories until they were able to develop distinct themes. Two team members developed each theme through a process of independent coding, comparison, discussion, and resolution. The research team developed three themes: 1) early medical needs provided time for the parents to explore various communication options for their Deaf-Disabled child, 2) without intervention from medical professionals or educators, ASL emerged as a prioritized mode of communication for the family, 3) atypical gender roles affected familial communication dynamics. While managing the significant health issues of their Deaf-Disabled child at birth, families and medical professionals were so fixated on tending to the medical needs of the child that the typical pressures of determining a mode of communication were deprioritized. This allowed the families to meticulously research various methods of communication, resulting in an informed, rational, and well-considered decision to use ASL as the primary mode of communication with their Deaf-Disabled child. It was evident that having a Deaf-Disabled child meant an increased amount of labor and responsibilities for parents. This led to a shift in the roles of the family members. During the child’s development, the mother transformed from fulfilling the stereotypical roles of nurturer and administrator to that of administrator and champion. The mother facilitated medical proceedings and educational arrangements while the father became the caretaker and nurturer of their Deaf-Disabled child in addition to the traditional role of earning the family’s primary income. Ultimately, this research led to a deeper understanding of the critical role that time plays in parents’ decision-making process regarding communication methods with their Deaf-Disabled child.Keywords: American Sign Language, deaf-disabled, ethnography, sociolinguistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1227161 Assessing the Impact of High Fidelity Human Patient Simulation on Teamwork among Nursing, Medicine and Pharmacy Undergraduate Students
Authors: S. MacDonald, A. Manuel, R. Law, N. Bandruak, A. Dubrowski, V. Curran, J. Smith-Young, K. Simmons, A. Warren
High fidelity human patient simulation has been used for many years by health sciences education programs to foster critical thinking, engage learners, improve confidence, improve communication, and enhance psychomotor skills. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of research on the use of high fidelity human patient simulation to foster teamwork among nursing, medicine and pharmacy undergraduate students. This study compared the impact of high fidelity and low fidelity simulation education on teamwork among nursing, medicine and pharmacy students. For the purpose of this study, two innovative teaching scenarios were developed based on the care of an adult patient experiencing acute anaphylaxis: one high fidelity using a human patient simulator and one low fidelity using case based discussions. A within subjects, pretest-posttest, repeated measures design was used with two-treatment levels and random assignment of individual subjects to teams of two or more professions. A convenience sample of twenty-four (n=24) undergraduate students participated, including: nursing (n=11), medicine (n=9), and pharmacy (n=4). The Interprofessional Teamwork Questionnaire was used to assess for changes in students’ perception of their functionality within the team, importance of interprofessional collaboration, comprehension of roles, and confidence in communication and collaboration. Student satisfaction was also assessed. Students reported significant improvements in their understanding of the importance of interprofessional teamwork and of the roles of nursing and medicine on the team after participation in both the high fidelity and the low fidelity simulation. However, only participants in the high fidelity simulation reported a significant improvement in their ability to function effectively as a member of the team. All students reported that both simulations were a meaningful learning experience and all students would recommend both experiences to other students. These findings suggest there is merit in both high fidelity and low fidelity simulation as a teaching and learning approach to foster teamwork among undergraduate nursing, medicine and pharmacy students. However, participation in high fidelity simulation may provide a more realistic opportunity to practice and function as an effective member of the interprofessional health care team.Keywords: acute anaphylaxis, high fidelity human patient simulation, low fidelity simulation, interprofessional education
Procedia PDF Downloads 2327160 A Continuous Real-Time Analytic for Predicting Instability in Acute Care Rapid Response Team Activations
Authors: Ashwin Belle, Bryce Benson, Mark Salamango, Fadi Islim, Rodney Daniels, Kevin Ward
A reliable, real-time, and non-invasive system that can identify patients at risk for hemodynamic instability is needed to aid clinicians in their efforts to anticipate patient deterioration and initiate early interventions. The purpose of this pilot study was to explore the clinical capabilities of a real-time analytic from a single lead of an electrocardiograph to correctly distinguish between rapid response team (RRT) activations due to hemodynamic (H-RRT) and non-hemodynamic (NH-RRT) causes, as well as predict H-RRT cases with actionable lead times. The study consisted of a single center, retrospective cohort of 21 patients with RRT activations from step-down and telemetry units. Through electronic health record review and blinded to the analytic’s output, each patient was categorized by clinicians into H-RRT and NH-RRT cases. The analytic output and the categorization were compared. The prediction lead time prior to the RRT call was calculated. The analytic correctly distinguished between H-RRT and NH-RRT cases with 100% accuracy, demonstrating 100% positive and negative predictive values, and 100% sensitivity and specificity. In H-RRT cases, the analytic detected hemodynamic deterioration with a median lead time of 9.5 hours prior to the RRT call (range 14 minutes to 52 hours). The study demonstrates that an electrocardiogram (ECG) based analytic has the potential for providing clinical decision and monitoring support for caregivers to identify at risk patients within a clinically relevant timeframe allowing for increased vigilance and early interventional support to reduce the chances of continued patient deterioration.Keywords: critical care, early warning systems, emergency medicine, heart rate variability, hemodynamic instability, rapid response team
Procedia PDF Downloads 1437159 Revisiting Hospital Ward Design Basics for Sustainable Family Integration
Authors: Ibrahim Abubakar Alkali, Abubakar Sarkile Kawuwa, Ibrahim Sani Khalil
The concept of space and function forms the bedrock for spatial configuration in architectural design. Thus, the effectiveness and functionality of an architectural product depends their cordial relationship. This applies to all buildings especially to a hospital ward setting designed to accommodate various complex and diverse functions. Health care facilities design, especially an inpatient setting, is governed by many regulations and technical requirements. It is also affected by many less defined needs, particularly, response to culture and the need to provide for patient families’ presence and participation. The spatial configuration of the hospital ward setting in developing countries has no consideration for the patient’s families despite the significant role they play in promoting recovery. Attempts to integrate facilities for patients’ families have always been challenging, especially in developing countries like Nigeria, where accommodation for inpatients is predominantly in an open ward system. In addition, the situation is compounded by culture, which significantly dictates healthcare practices in Africa. Therefore, achieving such a hospital ward setting that is patient and family-centered requires careful assessment of family care actions and transaction spaces so as to arrive at an evidence based solution. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify how hospital ward spaces can be reconfigured to provide for sustainable family integration. In achieving this aim, a qualitative approach using the principles of behavioral mapping was employed in male and female medical wards of the Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH) Gombe, Nigeria. The data obtained was analysed using classical and comparative content analysis. Patients’ families have been found to be a critical component of hospital ward design that cannot be undermined. Accordingly, bedsides, open yards, corridors and foyers have been identified as patient families’ transaction spaces that require design attention. Arriving at sustainable family integration can be achieved by revisiting the design requirements of the family transaction spaces based on the findings in order to avoid the rowdiness of the wards and uncoordinated sprawl.Keywords: caregiving, design basics, family integration, hospital ward, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3077158 Euthanasia in Dementia Cases: An Interview Study of Dutch Physicians' Experiences
Authors: J. E. Appel, R. N. Bouwmeester, L. Crombach, K. Georgieva, N. O’Shea, T. I. van Rijssel, L. Wingens
The Netherlands has a unique and progressive euthanasia law. Even people with advanced neurodegenerative diseases, like dementia, can request euthanasia when an Advanced Euthanasia Directive (AED) was written. Although the law sets some guidelines, in practice many complexities occur. Especially doctors experience difficult situations, as they have to decide whether euthanasia is justified. Research suggests that this leads to an emotional burden for them, due to feelings of isolation, fear of prosecution, as well as pressures from patient, family, or society. Existing literature, however, failed to address problems arising in dementia cases in particular, as well as possible sources of support. In order to investigate these issues, semi-structured in-depth interviews with 20 Dutch general practitioners and elderly care physicians will be conducted. Results are expected to be obtained by the end of December 2017.Keywords: dementia, euthanasia, general practitioners, elderly care physicians, palliative care
Procedia PDF Downloads 2147157 Discover Your Power: A Case for Contraceptive Self-Empowerment
Authors: Oluwaseun Adeleke, Samuel Ikan, Anthony Nwala, Mopelola Raji, Fidelis Edet
Background: The risks associated with each pregnancy is carried almost entirely by a woman; however, the decision about whether and when to get pregnant is a subject that several others contend with her to make. The self-care concept offers women of reproductive age the opportunity to take control of their health and its determinants with or without the influence of a healthcare provider, family, and friends. DMPA-SC Self-injection (SI) is becoming the cornerstone of contraceptive self-care and has the potential to expand access and create opportunities for women to take control of their reproductive health. Methodology: To obtain insight into the influences that interfere with a woman’s capacity to make contraceptive choices independently, the Delivering Innovations in Selfcare (DISC) project conducted two intensive rounds of qualitative data collection and triangulation that included provider, client, and community mobilizer interviews, facility observations, and routine program data collection. Respondents were sampled according to a convenience sampling approach and data collected analyzed using a codebook and Atlas-TI. The research team members came together for participatory analysis workshop to explore and interpret emergent themes. Findings: Insights indicate that women are increasingly finding their voice and independently seek services to prevent a deterioration of their economic situation and achieve personal ambitions. Women who hold independent decision-making power still prefer to share decision making power with their male partners. Male partners’ influence on women’s use of family planning and self-inject was most dominant. There were examples of men’s support for women’s use of contraception to prevent unintended pregnancy, as well as men withholding support. Other men outrightly deny their partners from obtaining contraceptive services and their partners cede this sexual and reproductive health right without objection. A woman’s decision to initiate family planning is affected by myths and misconceptions, many of which have cultural and religious origins. Some tribes are known for their reluctance to use contraception and often associate stigma with the pursuit of family planning (FP) services. Information given by the provider is accepted, and, in many cases, clients cede power to providers to shape their SI user journey. A provider’s influence on a client’s decision to self-inject is reinforced by their biases and concerns. Clients are inhibited by the presence of peers during group education at the health facility. Others are motivated to seek FP services by the interest expressed by peers. There is also a growing trend in the influence of social media on FP uptake, particularly Facebook fora. Conclusion: The convenience of self-administration at home is a benefit for those that contend with various forms of social influences as well as covert users. Beyond increasing choice and reducing barriers to accessing Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services, it can initiate the process of self-discovery and agency in the contraceptive user journey.Keywords: selfcare, self-empowerment, agency, DMPA-SC, contraception, family planning, influences
Procedia PDF Downloads 717156 Young Carers’ Dilemma: Family Responsibility, Bonding and Commitment to Supporting Their Mentally Ill Parent in Taiwan
Authors: Esabella Yuan
This study explored the recollections of young carers who lived with and cared for their mentally ill parent and how they managed life difficulties in Taiwan. 19 former young carers took part in the study, conducted from July to October 2021. The findings provided the unique view that all the participants acknowledged being taught by the mainstream culture to honour family value and prioritize the needs of parents over their own ones, they stepped in to care for the ill parent out of love and out of necessity through there having no-one to turn to, they were willing to assume long-term caring responsibilities, strikingly, a much more common experience was that the participants hided parental illness and young carer identity in the community through the fear of social discrimination attached to mental illness. As a result, these former young carers stayed in hidden circumstances and coped alone with caring challenges. The findings suggest that there needs multi-disciplinary services working together to recognize the needs of young carers and provide appropriate intervention to young carers based on a family-focus approach and ensure to serve the best interests of young carers and their families. It is to be hope that young carers can grow up safely and healthily within the community.Keywords: young carers, family well-being, mental health, parental mental illness
Procedia PDF Downloads 917155 Nursing Experience for a Lung Cancer Patient Undergoing First Time Concurrent Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy
Authors: Hui Ling Chen
This article describes the experience of caring for a 68-year-old lung cancer patient undergoing the initial stage of concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy during the period of October 21 to November 16. In this study, the author collected data through observation, interviews, medical examination, and the use of Roy’s adaptation model as a guide for data collection and assessment. This study confirmed that chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting, and radiation therapy impaired skin integrity. At the same time, the patient experienced an anxious reaction to the initial cancer diagnosis and the insertion of subcutaneous infusion ports at the start of medical treatment. Similarly, the patient’s wife shares his anxiety, not to mention the feeling of inadequacy from the lack of training in cancer care. In response, the nursing intervention strategy has included keeping the patient and his family informed of his treatment progress, transfer of cancer care knowledge, and providing them with spiritual support. For example, the nursing staff has helped them draw up a mutually agreeable dietary plan that best suits the wife’s cooking skills, provided them with knowledge in pre- and post-radiation skin care, as well as means to cope with nausea and vomiting reactions. The nursing staff has also worked on building rapport with the patient and his spouse, providing them with encouragement, caring attention and companionship. After the patient was discharged from the hospital, the nursing staff followed up with caring phone calls to help the patient and his family make life-style adjustments to normalcy. The author hopes that his distinctive nursing experience can be useful as a reference for the clinical care of lung cancer patients undergoing the initial stage of concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatment.Keywords: lung cancer, initiate diagnosis, concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy, nursing care
Procedia PDF Downloads 1417154 Results of an Educative Procedure by Nursing on Patients Subjected to a Transplant from Hematopoietic Parents
Authors: C. Catalina Zapata, Z. Claudia Montoya
Transplant from hematopoietic parents (THP) or medulla (MT) is a procedure used to replace the medulla that does not work as part of a disease or when it is destroyed either by a treatment of high medication doses against cancer or by radiation. The transplant process has three stages, a stage prior to transplant, during and after the transplant. It is held with the help of an interdisciplinary team, including nursing, carrying out mainly educative procedures to warrant the adhesion and the changes in lifestyles needed to whom will undergo this procedure. The aim of the study was to assess the results of an educative procedure by nursing, on adult patients subjected to a transplant from hematopoietic parents at a high complexity institution of Medellin city, Colombia. This study had an observational longitudinal design. According to the rules of protocol, the educative activity must be held on all patients joining the procedure. Four instruments were designed in order to collect all the information. One of them to measure the sociodemographic variables, another one to measure self-care practices, another one to measure transplant knowledge and its cares and the other one to measure the 30-day post-transplant complications. The last three instruments were applied before and after the educative procedure. A univaried analysis was carried out but the bivaried analysis was not carried out since there were not statistically meaningful differences before and after. Within the results, ten patients were evaluated. The average age was 38.2 (13.38 SD – standard deviation), 8/10 were men. Some self-care practices such us having pets and plants and consuming some specific food as well as little use of UV protection are all present in this type of patients and are not modified after the procedure. In measuring the knowledge, something stands out among the answers. It is the fact that some patients do not know what the medulla is, the nature of separating wastes at home and the need to consult about vomit and nausea. The most frequent complications during the first thirty days were: nausea, vomit, fever, and rash. They are considered to be expected within this period. Patients do not exhibit differences in their level of knowledge before and after the educative procedure by nursing. The patients’ self-care practices do not involve all the necessary ones to avoid complications. During the first 30 days, most of the complications are typical of the transplant process from hematopoietic parents.Keywords: bone marrow transplant, education, family, nursing, patients, Transplantation of hematopoietic progenitors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1277153 Business Survival During Economic Crises: A Comparison Between Family and Non-family Firms
Authors: A. Hayrapetyan, A. Simon, P. Marques, G. Renart
Business survival is a question of greatest interest for any economy. Firm characteristics that can explain or predict performance and, ultimately, business survival become of the greatest significance, as the sustainable longevity of any business can mean health for the future of the country. Family Firms (FFs) are one of the most ubiquitous forms of business worldwide, as more than half of European firms (60%) are considered as family firms. Therefore, the inherent characteristics of FFs are one of the possible explanatory variables for firm survival because FFs have strategic goals that differentiate them from other types of businesses. Although there is literature on the performance of FFs across generations, there are fewer studies on the factors that impact the survival of family and non-family FFs, as there is a lack of data on failed firms. To address this gap, this paper explores the differential survival of family firms versus non-family firms with a representative sample of companies of the region of Catalonia (Northeast of Spain) that were adhoc classified as family or nonfamily firms, as well as classified as failed or surviving, since no census data for family firms or for failed firms is available in Spain. By using the COX regression model on a representative sample of 629 family and non-family firms, this study investigates to what extent financial ratios, such as Liquidity, Solvency Rate can impact business survival, taking into consideration the socioemotional side of family firms, as well as revealing the differences between family and non-family firms. The findings show that the liquidity rate is significant for non-family firm survival, whereas not for family firms. On the other hand, FFs can benefit while having a higher solvency rate. Ultimately, this paper discovers that FFs increase their chances of survival when they are small, as the growth in size starts negatively impacting the socioemotional objectives of the firm. This study proves the existence of significant differences between family and non-family firms’ survival during economic crises, suggesting that the prioritization of emotional wealth creates distinct conditions for both types of firms.Keywords: COX regression, economy crises, family firm, non-family firm, survival
Procedia PDF Downloads 727152 Exploring the Critical Success Factors of Construction Stakeholders Team Effectiveness
Authors: Olusegun Akinsiku, Olukayode Oyediran, Koleola Odusami
A construction project is usually made up of a variety of stakeholders whose interests may positively or negatively impact on the outcome of the project execution. The variability of project stakeholders is apparent in their cultural differences, professional background and ethics, and differences in ideas. The need for the effectiveness of construction teams has been investigated as this is an important aspect to meeting client’s expectations in the construction industry. This study adopts a cross-sectional descriptive survey with the purpose of identifying the critical success factors (CSFs) associated with the team effectiveness of construction projects stakeholders, their relationship and the effects on construction project performance. The instrument for data collection was a designed questionnaire which was administered to construction professionals in the construction industry in Lagos State, Nigeria using proportionate stratified sampling. The highest ranked identified CSFs include “team trust”, “esprit de corps among members” and “team cohesiveness”. Using factor analysis and considering the effects of team cohesiveness on project performance, the identified CSFs were categorized into three groups namely cognitive attributes, behavior and processes attributes and affective attributes. All the three groups were observed to have a strong correlation with project performance. The findings of this study are useful in helping construction stakeholders benchmark the team effectiveness factors that will guarantee project success.Keywords: construction, critical success factors, performance, stakeholders, team effectiveness
Procedia PDF Downloads 1307151 Preparedness of Health System in Providing Continuous Health Care: A Case Study From Sri Lanka
Authors: Samantha Ramachandra, Avanthi Rupasinghe
Demographic transition from lower to higher percentage of elderly population eventually coupled with epidemiological transition from communicable to non-communicable diseases (NCD). Higher percentage of NCD overload the health system as NCD survivors claims continuous health care. The demands are challenging to a resource constrained setting but reorganizing the system may find solutions. The study focused on the facilities available and their utilization at outpatient department (OPD) setting of the public hospitals of Sri Lanka for continuous medical care. This will help in identifying steps of reorganizing the system to provide better care with the maximum utilization of available facilities. The study was conducted as a situation analysis with secondary data at hospital planning units. Variable were identified according to the world health organization (WHO) recommendation on continuous health care for elders in “age-friendly primary health care toolkit”. Data were collected from secondary and tertiary care hospitals of Sri Lanka where most of the continuous care services are available. Out of 58 secondary and tertiary care hospitals, 16 were included in the study to represent each hospital categories. Average number of patient attending for episodic treatment at OPD and Clinical follow-up of chronic conditions shows vast disparity according to the category of the hospital ranging from 3750 – 800 per day at OPD and 1250 – 200 per clinic session. Average time spent per person at OPD session is low, range from 1.54 - 2.28 minutes, the time was increasing as the hospital category goes down. 93.7% hospitals had special arrangements for providing acute care on chronic conditions such as catheter, feeding tube and wound care. 25% hospitals had special clinics for elders, 81.2% hospitals had healthy lifestyle clinics (HLC), 75% hospitals had physical rehabilitation facilities and 68.8% hospitals had facilities for counselling. Elderly clinics and HLC were mostly available at lower grade hospitals where as rehabilitation and counselling facilities were mostly available at bigger hospitals. HLC are providing health education for both patients and their family members, refer patients for screening of complication but not provide medical examinations, investigations or treatments even though they operate in the hospital setting. Physical rehabilitation is basically offered for patients with rheumatological conditions but utilization of centers for injury rehabilitation and rehabilitation of survivors following major illness such as myocardial infarctions, stroke, cancer is not satisfactory (12.5%). Human Resource distribution within hospital shows vast disparity and there are 103 physiotherapists in the biggest hospital where only 36 physiotherapists available at the next level hospital. Counselling facilities also provided mainly for the patient with psychological conditions (100%) but they were not providing counselling for newly diagnosed patients with major illnesses (0%). According to results, most of the public-sector hospitals in Sri Lanka have basic facilities required in providing continuous care but the utilization of services need more focus. Hospital administration or the government need to have initial steps in proper utilization of them in improving continuous health care incorporating team approach of rehabilitation. The author wishes to acknowledge that this paper was made possible by the support and guidance given by the “Australia Awards Fellowships Program for Sri Lanka – 2017,” which was funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia, and co-hosted by Monash University, Australia and the Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration.Keywords: continuous care, outpatient department, non communicable diseases, rehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1687150 Factors Associated with Skin Injuries Due to the Use of N95 Masks among Brazilian Nursing Professionals
Authors: Elucir Gir, Laelson Rochelle Milanês Sousa, Renata Karina Reis, Soraia Assad Nasbine Rabeh, Mayra Gonçalves Menegueti, Ana Cristina de Oliveira e Silva, Sheila Araújo Teles
Context and significance: Nursing team professionals faced challenges in combating the COVID-19 pandemic around the world. They were subjected to exhausting workloads and prolonged use of Personal Protective Equipment. Using N95 masks for long periods of time can cause skin changes. In this context, health professionals who worked on the front lines of fighting the pandemic were more exposed to possible physical and psychological changes. Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the factors associated with skin lesions resulting from the use of N95 masks among nursing team professionals. Method: The study was carried out in all regions of Brazil from October to December 2020, with professionals from the nursing team who worked in health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were recruited via social media, and information was collected electronically and stored on the Survey Monkey platform. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the sample, association tests (Chi-square), with a statistical significance level of p < 0.05. Factors associated with skin lesions resulting from the use of an N95 mask were determined by Binary Logistic Regression, with a significance level of 5% (α = 0.05). Results: 8,405 nursing professionals participated in the study, 5,492 nurses (65.3%), 2,747 nursing technicians (32.7%), and 7,084 females (84.3%). Female nursing team professionals were 1.4 times more likely to develop skin lesions due to the use of N95 masks when compared to males (OR 1.4 [CI95% 1.22 – 1.59] p < 0.001). The following protective factors were identified: nursing technician (ORA 0.608 [CI95% 0.43 – 0.86] p = 0.005) and not having provided assistance in field hospitals for COVID-19 (0.73 [CI95% 0.65-0.81] p<0.000). Conclusion: It was concluded that female nursing team professionals were more likely to have skin changes related to the use of N95 masks. The need for intervention studies is emphasized in order to explore measures to prevent these types of injuries. Descritores: Nursing professionals; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Brazil.Keywords: nursing professionals, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Brazil
Procedia PDF Downloads 757149 Family Succession and Cost of Bank Loans: Evidence from China
Authors: Tzu-Ching Weng, Hsin-Yi Chi
This study examines the effect of family succession on the cost of bank loans and non-price contractual terms. We use a unique dataset from China and find that lending banks are likely to charge high-interest rates and offer tight contractual terms, such as loan maturity and collateral requirement, for family succession firms. These findings indicate that information and default risks may arise after subsequent family successions. We also find that family succession firms can reduce the cost of bank loans by hiring top-tier auditors to enhance financial reporting credibility. This finding suggests that professional and high-quality auditors can provide extremely valuable services to family succession firms.Keywords: family succession, cost of bank loans, loan contract terms, top-tier auditor
Procedia PDF Downloads 867148 Shifting to Electronic Operative Notes in Plastic surgery
Authors: Samar Mousa, Galini Mavromatidou, Rebecca Shirley
Surgeons carry out numerous operations in the busy burns and plastic surgery department daily. Writing an accurate operation note with all the essential information is crucial for communication not only within the plastics team but also to the multi-disciplinary team looking after the patient, including other specialties, nurses and GPs. The Royal college of surgeons of England, in its guidelines of good surgical practice, mentioned that the surgeon should ensure that there are clear (preferably typed) operative notes for every procedure. The notes should accompany the patient into recovery and to the ward and should give sufficient detail to enable continuity of care by another doctor. The notes should include the Date and time, Elective/emergency procedure, Names of the operating surgeon and assistant, Name of the theatre anesthetist, Operative procedure carried out, Incision, Operative diagnosis, Operative findings, Any problems/complications, Any extra procedure performed and the reason why it was performed, Details of tissue removed, added or altered, Identification of any prosthesis used, including the serial numbers of prostheses and other implanted materials, Details of closure technique, Anticipated blood loss, Antibiotic prophylaxis (where applicable), DVT prophylaxis (where applicable), Detailed postoperative care instructions and Signature. Fourteen random days were chosen in December 2021 to assess the accuracy of operative notes and post-operative care. A total of 163 operative notes were examined. The average completion rates in all domains were 85.4%. An electronic operative note template was designed to cover all domains mentioned in the Royal College of surgeons' good surgical practice. It is kept in the hospital drive for all surgeons to use.Keywords: operative notes, plastic surgery, documentation, electronic
Procedia PDF Downloads 797147 Leader Self-sacrifice in Sports Organizations
Authors: Stefano Ruggieri, Rubinia C. Bonfanti
Research on leadership in sports organizations has proved extremely fruitful in recent decades, favoring the growing and diffusion of figures such as mental coaches, trainers, etc. Recent scholarly attention on organizations has been directed towards the phenomenon of leader self-sacrifice, wherein leaders who display such behavior are perceived by their followers as more effective, charismatic, and legitimate compared to those who prioritize self-interest. This growing interest reflects the importance of leaders who prioritize the collective welfare over personal gain, as they inspire greater loyalty, trust, and dedication among their followers, ultimately fostering a more cohesive and high-performing team environment. However, there is limited literature on the mechanisms through which self-sacrifice influences both group dynamics (such as cohesion and team identification) and individual factors (such as self-competence). The aim of the study is to analyze the impact of the leader self-sacrifice on cohesion, team identification and self-competence. Team identification is a crucial determinant of individual identity, delineated by the extent to which a team member aligns with a specific organizational team rather than broader social collectives. This association motivates members to synchronize their actions with the collective interests of the group, thereby fostering cohesion among its constituents, and cultivating a shared sense of purpose and unity within the team. In the domain of team sports, particularly soccer and water polo, two studies involving 447 participants (men = 238, women = 209) between 22 and 35 years old (M = 26.36, SD = 5.51) were conducted. The first study employed a correlational methodology to investigate the predictive capacity of self-sacrifice on cohesion, team identification, self-efficacy, and self-competence. The second study utilized an experimental design to explore the relationship between team identification and self-sacrifice. Together, these studies provided comprehensive insights into the multifaceted nature of leader self-sacrifice and its profound implications for group cohesion and individual well-being within organizational settings. The findings underscored the pivotal role of leader self-sacrifice in not only fostering stronger bonds among team members but also in enhancing critical facets of group dynamics, ultimately contributing to the overall effectiveness and success of the team.Keywords: cohesion, leadership, self-sacrifice, sports organizations, team-identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 487146 Demographic Characteristics as a Determinant of the use of Health Care Services: Case of Nsukka, Southwest Nigeria
Authors: Beatrice Adeoye
Studies have associated social and demographic characteristics as strong determinants of utilization of health care services; however, not much has been done to explore the dynamics of these variables in Nigeria. This empirical study explores the link between demographic factors and the future use of health care services in Nsukka, southeast Nigeria. A total of 543 respondents were selected using multi-stage sampling technique. The findings of the study showed that majority (56.9%) of the respondents were female while 43.1% were male. More of the respondents were married (50.3%) while 41.80/0 of the respondents were between ages 26-35. Testing the demographic characteristics regarding where people will prefer to go first for treatment with multiple regression, It is only Sex as a demographic variable that indicates positive association for future occurrence to where people will prefer to go first for treatment with 0.08 significance. Age and education indicates no association considering their level of significance. This result shows that sex is one of the determinant factors of where and when people will go for treatment. This is pointing out the realities regarding African society where in the family setting, it is the father that dictates the cause of action. Also to buttress these findings, cross tabulating age with who determines where and when to go for treatment, findings show that majority (58.9%) within age 26-35 said their spouses decide on where and when to go for treatment. Findings showed that patriarchy still plays an important role in the utilization of health care delivery among the people studied.Keywords: Demographic characters, Determinant, Health Care, treatment, self-medication, symptom,
Procedia PDF Downloads 3877145 Continuum of Maternal Care in Non Empowered Action Group States of India: Evidence from District Level Household Survey-IV
Authors: Rasikha Ramanand, Priyanka Dixit
Background: Continuum of maternal care which includes antenatal care, delivery care and postnatal care aids in averting maternal deaths. The objective of this paper is to identify the association between previous experiences of child death on Continuum of Care (CoC) of recent child. Further, the study aimed at understanding where the drop-out rate was high in the continuum. Methods: The study was based on the Nation-wide District Level Household and Facility Survey (DLHS-4) conducted during 2012-13, which provides information on antenatal care, delivery care, percentage of women who received JSY benefits, percentage of women who had any pregnancy, delivery, the place of delivery etc. The sample included women who were selected from the non-EAG states who delivered at least two children. The data were analyzed using SPSS 20.Binary Logistic regression was applied to the data in which the Continuum of Care (CoC) was the dependent variable while the independent variables were entered as the covariates. Results: A major finding of the study was the antenatal to delivery care period where the drop-out rates were high. Also, it was found that a large proportion of women did not receive any of the services along the continuum. Conclusions: This study has clearly established the relationship between previous history of child loss and continuum of maternal care.Keywords: antenatal care, continuum of care, child loss, delivery care, India, maternal health care, postnatal care
Procedia PDF Downloads 4037144 Barriers and Strategies for Effective Communication between Parents and Children in the Family
Authors: Sadhana Ghnayiem
This article deals with the issue of effective communication between parents and children and its impact on the family in general and on the child in particular. The aim of this article is to provide information to parents, students, anyone interested in family communication between parents and children, and to provide them with tools to deal with barriers to communication in the family unit. The article presented a literature review of the importance of effective communication in the family, the definition of the concept of communication, and was a reference to factors and barriers in communication between parents and children leading to conflict destructive to the extent that barriers to effective communication in the family unit. At the end of the article, strategies were introduced to motivate children to behave appropriately, and to equip parents best to foster the healthy development of their children when they can create an atmosphere of effective communication. From the literature review, it's found that effective communication between parents and children prevents problematic behavior and helps children understand how to communicate effectively with others. Communication between parents and children is the cornerstone of a happy family life and is the basis for positive interactions between parents and children and increases self-esteem in children.Keywords: children, communication, conflict, family
Procedia PDF Downloads 1977143 Extent of Knowledge, Preparedness and Perception on Telemedicine among Family Medicine Resident Physicians in Different Training Institutions in Cebu City, PH during COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: Kristine Joy Y. Sumanga, Clarissa Mae D. Derecho
Telemedicine is providing health care services using electronic means at a distance, including the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases as well as the research and evaluation and education of health care providers. The role of telemedicine in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic is vital, especially in the practice of medicine. General Objective: To determine the extent of knowledge, preparedness and perception of telemedicine among Family Medicine Resident Physicians in different training institutions in Cebu City during the Coronavirus Disease 19 pandemic. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional survey research study was conducted in four hospital training institutions in Cebu City. A total of 41 respondents gave their consent and were given the online survey questionnaire pertaining to the extent of knowledge, preparedness and perceptions on telemedicine, including respondents’ demographic data and problems encountered in Telemedicine. Results: Out of the 41 respondents, 56.10% were young adults (26 to 30 years old), mostly females (70.73%), single (68.29%), first-year residents (43.90%), employed at a government hospital (70.73%) and are in the traditional residency pathway (82.93%). On relevant experience, 82.93% experienced telemedicine during residency, with 100% on follow-up consultations, and 95% were consulted due to infections. Respondents’ extent of knowledge was average, while the extent of preparedness and perception were great. Problems with low connectivity (80.48%) were noted by most of the respondents. Conclusion: Resident physicians moderately understood the information about telemedicine but with a great extent of preparedness and perception. They are always prepared for telemedicine modality because they are fully aware of its existence and need in the delivery of health care services among their patients at the time of the pandemic. Challenges to low connectivity and handling patients’ data privacy were the major concerns met by the resident physicians in the use of telemedicine.Keywords: telemedicine, knowledge, preparedness, perception, family medicine, residents, COVID 19
Procedia PDF Downloads 797142 A Hybrid Heuristic for the Team Orienteering Problem
Authors: Adel Bouchakhchoukha, Hakim Akeb
In this work, we propose a hybrid heuristic in order to solve the Team Orienteering Problem (TOP). Given a set of points (or customers), each with associated score (profit or benefit), and a team that has a fixed number of members, the problem to solve is to visit a subset of points in order to maximize the total collected score. Each member performs a tour starting at the start point, visiting distinct customers and the tour terminates at the arrival point. In addition, each point is visited at most once, and the total time in each tour cannot be greater than a given value. The proposed heuristic combines beam search and a local optimization strategy. The algorithm was tested on several sets of instances and encouraging results were obtained.Keywords: team orienteering problem, vehicle routing, beam search, local search
Procedia PDF Downloads 4187141 Evaluation of a Staffing to Workload Tool in a Multispecialty Clinic Setting
Authors: Kristin Thooft
— Increasing pressure to manage healthcare costs has resulted in shifting care towards ambulatory settings and is driving a focus on cost transparency. There are few nurse staffing to workload models developed for ambulatory settings, less for multi-specialty clinics. Of the existing models, few have been evaluated against outcomes to understand any impact. This evaluation took place after the AWARD model for nurse staffing to workload was implemented in a multi-specialty clinic at a regional healthcare system in the Midwest. The multi-specialty clinic houses 26 medical and surgical specialty practices. The AWARD model was implemented in two specialty practices in October 2020. Donabedian’s Structure-Process-Outcome (SPO) model was used to evaluate outcomes based on changes to the structure and processes of care provided. The AWARD model defined and quantified the processes, recommended changes in the structure of day-to-day nurse staffing. Cost of care per patient visit, total visits, a total nurse performed visits used as structural and process measures, influencing the outcomes of cost of care and access to care. Independent t-tests were used to compare the difference in variables pre-and post-implementation. The SPO model was useful as an evaluation tool, providing a simple framework that is understood by a diverse care team. No statistically significant changes in the cost of care, total visits, or nurse visits were observed, but there were differences. Cost of care increased and access to care decreased. Two weeks into the post-implementation period, the multi-specialty clinic paused all non-critical patient visits due to a second surge of the COVID-19 pandemic. Clinic nursing staff was re-allocated to support the inpatient areas. This negatively impacted the ability of the Nurse Manager to utilize the AWARD model to plan daily staffing fully. The SPO framework could be used for the ongoing assessment of nurse staffing performance. Additional variables could be measured, giving a complete picture of the impact of nurse staffing. Going forward, there must be a continued focus on the outcomes of care and the value of nursingKeywords: ambulatory, clinic, evaluation, outcomes, staffing, staffing model, staffing to workload
Procedia PDF Downloads 1747140 The Basics of Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy and the Treatment of Various Physical and Mental Diseases
Authors: Mahta Mohamadkashi
The family is the most important source of security and health for the people of the society, and at the same time, it is the main field of creating all kinds of social and psychological problems. On the one hand, a family is a natural group with many goals and roles that are important and necessary for all family members. On the other hand, the family is a strong and organized group that recruits the therapist because of the goals that are concealed in its policy and procedures. The relationship between the environment and the family background with mental illnesses has been the focus of various researchers for a long time, and the research and experiments that have been conducted to show that the functioning of the family is related to the mental health of the members of the family. Currently, several theoretical perspectives with different approaches seek to explain and resolve psychological problems and family conflicts that can be mentioned. This research aims to investigate "cognitive-behavioral family therapy" by using the "family therapy" research method which is included the descriptive-analytical method and the method of collecting library information, with special reliance on Persian and Latin books and articles. for considering one of the important approaches of family therapy that we are going which have been known as data and its conditions that also includes requirements and limitations. For this purpose, in the beginning, brief background and introduction about family and family therapy are going to describe, and then the basics of cognitive-behavioral family therapy and the implementation process and various techniques of this approach can go through a big discussion. After that, we will apply this approach in the treatment of various physical and mental diseases in the form of related research, and we will examine the ups and downs of the implementation procedures, limitations, and future directions in this field. In general, This study emphasizes the role of the family system in the occurrence of psychological diseases and disorders and also validates the role of the family system in the treatment of those diseases and disorders. Also, cognitive-behavioral family therapy has been approved as an effective treatment approach for a variety of mental disorders.Keywords: cognitive-behavioral, family, family therapy, cognitive-behavioral family therapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1027139 Primary Care Physicians in Urgent Care Centres of the United Kingdom
Authors: Mohammad Ansari, Ahmed Ismail, Satinder Mann
Overcrowding in Emergency departments (ED) of United Kingdom has become a common problem. Urgent Care centres were developed nearly a decade ago to reduce pressure on EDs. Unfortunately, the development of Urgent Care centres has failed to produce the projected effects. It was thought that nearly 40% patients attending ED would go to Urgent Care centres and these would be staffed by Primary care Physicians. Data reveals that no more than 20% patients were seen by Primary Care Physicians even when the Urgent Care Centre was based in the ED. This study was carried out at the ED of George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton, UK where the Urgent Care centre was based in the ED and employed Primary Care Physicians with special interest in trauma for nearly one year. This was then followed by a Primary Care Physician and Advanced Nurse Practitioner. We compared the number of patients seen during these periods and the cost-effectiveness of the service.We randomly selected a week of patients seen by Primary Care Physicians with special interest in Trauma and by Primary Care Physicians and the Advanced Nurse Practitioner. We compared the number and type of patients seen during these two periods. Nearly 38% patients were seen by Primary care Physician with special interest in Trauma, whilst only 14.3% patients were seen by the Primary care Physician and Advanced Nurse Practitioner. The Primary Care Physicians with special interest in trauma were paid less. Our study confirmed that unless Primary Care Physicians are able to treat minor trauma and interpret x-rays, the urgent care service is not going to be cost effective. Numerous previous studies have shown that 15 to 20% patients attending ED can be treated by Primary Care Physicians who do not require any investigations for their management. It is advantageous to have Urgent Care Centres within the ED because if the patient deteriorates they can be transferred to ED. We recommend that the Urgent care Centres should be a part of ED. Our study shows that Urgent care Centres in the ED can be helpful and cost effective if staffed by either senior Emergency Physicians or Primary Care Physicians with special interest and experience in the management of minor trauma.Keywords: urgent care centres, primary care physician, advanced nurse practitioner, trauma
Procedia PDF Downloads 4277138 Impact of Acculturation Stress and Work-Family Conflict on the Health and Wellbeing of African Immigrants in the US: A Case Study of Ghanaian Immigrants
Authors: Rodlyn Remina Hines
Africans who migrate to the United States (U.S.) go through an acculturation period. When they join the U.S. workforce during the period they are still acquainting to the new geographic area and culture, they may experience work and family conflict in addition to the stressors of acculturation. This study investigated the impact of acculturation stress and work-family conflict on the health and wellbeing of African immigrants in the U.S. using a growing immigrant population. Ghanaian immigrants (n = 100, males= 43%; females= 56%) residing in New York and Massachusetts, United States (U.S.), were recruited via purposive sampling to investigate the role acculturation stress and work-family conflict play on the health and wellbeing of African immigrants in the U.S. Using the Sociocultural theory, three hypotheses were proposed: (1) High acculturation stress will lead to high work-family conflict, (2) High work-family conflict will result in poor health and wellbeing, and (3) Work-family conflict will mediate the relationship between acculturation stress and health and wellbeing. The results fully supported the first hypothesis and partially supported the second and third. High acculturation stress led to high work-family conflict. Although high work-family conflict resulted in poorer health and wellbeing, high family support mediated work-family conflict and health and wellbeing. Participants who reported poor health also reported a lack of family or other support and those who reported strong family or other support also reported excellent health and wellbeing even with high work-family conflict. The latter group did not expect their health and wellbeing to get worse. I draw on these findings to conclude that African immigrants in the U.S. experience significant acculturation stress and work-family conflict resulting in poor health and wellbeing during their acculturation period if there is a lack of family or other support. These findings have implications for practitioners and policymakers.Keywords: acculturation stress, work-family conflict, Ghanaian immigrants, health and wellbeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 877137 Risks and Values in Adult Safeguarding: An Examination of How Social Workers Screen Safeguarding Referrals from Residential Homes
Authors: Jeremy Dixon
Safeguarding adults forms a core part of social work practice. The Government in England and Wales has made efforts to standardise practices through The Care Act 2014. The Act states that local authorities have duties to make inquiries in cases where an adult with care or support needs is experiencing or at risk of abuse and is unable to protect themselves from abuse or neglect. Despite the importance given to safeguarding adults within law there remains little research about how social workers conduct such decisions on the ground. This presentation reports on findings from a pilot research study conducted within two social work teams in a Local Authority in England. The objective of the project was to find out how social workers interpreted safeguarding duties as laid out by The Care Act 2014 with a particular focus on how workers assessed and managed risk. Ethnographic research methods were used throughout the project. This paper focusses specifically on decisions made by workers in the assessment team. The paper reports on qualitative observation and interviews with five workers within this team. Drawing on governmentality theory, this paper analyses the techniques used by workers to manage risk from a distance. A high proportion of safeguarding referrals came from care workers or managers in residential care homes. Social workers conducting safeguarding assessments were aware that they had a duty to work in partnership with these agencies. However, their duty to safeguard adults also meant that they needed to view them as potential abusers. In making judgments about when it was proportionate to refer for a safeguarding assessment workers drew on a number of common beliefs about residential care workers which were then tested in conversations with them. Social workers held the belief that residential homes acted defensively, leading them to report any accident or danger. Social workers therefore encouraged residential workers to consider whether statutory criteria had been met and to use their own procedures to manage risk. In addition social workers carried out an assessment of the workers’ motives; specifically whether they were using safeguarding procedures as a shortcut for avoiding other assessments or as a means of accessing extra resources. Where potential abuse was identified social workers encouraged residential homes to use disciplinary policies as a means of isolating and managing risk. The study has implications for understanding risk within social work practice. It shows that whilst social workers use law to govern individuals, these laws are interpreted against cultural values. Additionally they also draw on assumptions about the culture of others.Keywords: adult safeguarding, governmentality, risk, risk assessment
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