Search results for: South Asian Indians
1354 Study of the Chemical Composition of Rye, Millet and Sorghum from Algeria
Authors: Soualem Mami Zoubida, Brixi Nassima, Beghdad Choukri, Belarbi Meriem
Cereals are the most important source of dietary fiber in the Nordic diet. The fiber in cereals is located mainly in the outer layers of the kernel; particularly in the bran. Improved diet can help unlock the door to good health. Whole grains are an important source of nutrients that are in short supply in our diet, including digestible carbohydrates, dietary fiber, trace minerals, and other compounds of interest in disease prevention, including phytoestrogens and antioxidants (1). The objective of this study is to know the composition of whole grain cereals (rye, millet, white, and red sorghum) which a majority pushes in the south of Algeria. This shows that the millet has a high rate of the sugar estimated at 67.6%. The high proportion of proteins has been found in the two varieties of sorghum and rye. The millet presents the great percentage in lipids compared with the others cereals. And at the last, a red sorghum has the highest rate of fiber(2). These nutrients, as well as other components of whole grain cereals, have, in terms of health, an increased effect if they are consumed together.Keywords: chemical composition, miller, Secale cereal, Sorghum bicolor
Procedia PDF Downloads 4151353 Topic Modelling Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Latent Semantic Indexing on SA Telco Twitter Data
Authors: Phumelele Kubheka, Pius Owolawi, Gbolahan Aiyetoro
Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms where users can share their opinions on different subjects. As of 2010, The Twitter platform generates more than 12 Terabytes of data daily, ~ 4.3 petabytes in a single year. For this reason, Twitter is a great source for big mining data. Many industries such as Telecommunication companies can leverage the availability of Twitter data to better understand their markets and make an appropriate business decision. This study performs topic modeling on Twitter data using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). The obtained results are benchmarked with another topic modeling technique, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI). The study aims to retrieve topics on a Twitter dataset containing user tweets on South African Telcos. Results from this study show that LSI is much faster than LDA. However, LDA yields better results with higher topic coherence by 8% for the best-performing model represented in Table 1. A higher topic coherence score indicates better performance of the model.Keywords: big data, latent Dirichlet allocation, latent semantic indexing, telco, topic modeling, twitter
Procedia PDF Downloads 1521352 Beef Cattle Farmers Perception toward Urea Mineral Molasses Block
Authors: Veronica Sri Lestari, Djoni Prawira Rahardja, Tanrigiling Rasyid, Aslina Asnawi, Ikrar Muhammad Saleh, Ilham Rasyid
Urea Mineral Molasses Block is very important for beef cattle, because it can increase beef production. The purpose of this research was to know beef cattle farmers’ perception towards Urea Mineral Molasses Block (UMMB). This research was conducted in Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia in 2016. The population of this research were all beef cattle farmers. Sample was chosen through purposive sampling. Data were collected through observation and face to face with deep interview using questionnaire. Variables of perception consisted of relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, observability and triability. There were 10 questions. The answer for each question was scored by 1, 2, 3 which refer to disagree, agree enough, strongly agree. The data were analyzed descriptively using frequency distribution. The research revealed that beef cattle farmers’ perception towards UMMB was categorized as strongly agree.Keywords: beef cattle, farmers, perception, urea mineral molasses block
Procedia PDF Downloads 3481351 Hydrogeochemical Characteristics of the Different Aquiferous Layers in Oban Basement Complex Area (SE Nigeria)
Authors: Azubuike Ekwere
The shallow and deep aquiferous horizons of the fractured and weathered crystalline basement Oban Massif of south-eastern Nigeria were studied during the dry and wet seasons. The criteria were ascertaining hydrochemistry relative to seasonal and spatial variations across the study area. Results indicate that concentrations of major cations and anions exhibit the order of abundance; Ca>Na>Mg>K and HCO3>SO4>Cl respectively, with minor variations across sampling seasons. Major elements Ca, Mg, Na and K were higher for the shallow aquifers than the deep aquifers across seasons. The major anions Cl, SO4, HCO3, and NO3 were higher for the deep aquifers compared to the shallow ones. Two water types were identified for both aquifer types: Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Ca-Na-Cl-SO4. Most of the parameters considered were within the international limits for drinking, domestic and irrigation purposes. Assessment by use of sodium absorption ratio (SAR), percent sodium (%Na) and the wilcox diagram reveals that the waters are suitable for irrigation purposes.Keywords: shallow aquifer, deep aquifer, seasonal variation, hydrochemistry, Oban massif, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 6621350 A Model Towards Creating Positive Accounting Classroom Conditions That Supports Successful Learning at School
Authors: Vine Petzer, Mirna Nel
An explanatory mixed method design was used to investigate accounting classroom conditions in the Further Education and Training (FET) Phase in South Africa. A descriptive survey research study with a heterogeneous group of learners and teachers was conducted in the first phase. In the qualitative phase, semi-structured individual interviews with learners and teachers, as well as observations in the accounting classroom, were employed to gain more in depth understanding of the learning conditions in the accounting classroom. The findings of the empirical research informed the development of a model for teachers in accounting, supporting them to use more effective teaching methods and create positive learning conditions for all learners to experience successful learning. A model towards creating positive Accounting classroom conditions that support successful learning was developed and recommended for education policy and decision-makers for use as a classroom intervention capacity building tool. The model identifies and delineates classroom practices that exert significant effect on learner attainment of quality education.Keywords: accounting classroom conditions, positive education, successful learning, teaching accounting
Procedia PDF Downloads 1461349 Communities’ Attitudes and Perceptions of Protected Areas in South Africa: Insights from the Somkhanda Game Reserve
Authors: Sakhile Nsukwini, Urmilla Bob
Meaningful community participation is essential to the long-term success of protected areas. Hence, it is important to understand what drives neighbouring communities’ attitudes and perceptions towards protected areas. This study sought to determine local community attitudes towards conservation and protected areas, as well as their perceptions of benefits and participation at Somkhanda Game Reserve. Semi-structured interviews were held with experienced park officials, while a structured household survey and focus group discussions were conducted across two surrounding villages. The results highlighted a number of interesting findings, including support for biodiversity conservation and protected areas balanced by considerable negativity towards the Somkhanda Game Reserve itself. It was also determined that despite stated co-management policies, community residents perceived there was little meaningful participation, and benefits were poorly communicated and unfairly distributed. Practical suggestions were made for cooperatively developing more effective participation with the communities, despite limited available resources.Keywords: communities, protected areas, perceptions, co-management, land restitution
Procedia PDF Downloads 1151348 Effects of Chemical and Organic Fertilizer Application on Yield of Herbaceous Crops in Succession
Authors: Tarantino E., Disciglio G., Gagliardi A., Gatta G., Tarantino A.
Fertilizer is a critical input for improving production and increasing crop yields. Consecutive experimental trials during six years (from 2010-2015) were carried out in Apulia region (south-eastern Italy) on seven crops grown in cylinder pots. The aim was to determinate the effects of chemical and organic fertilizer on marketable yield and other parameters of processing tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum L., cv Docet), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., cv Canasta), cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L., cv Casper), pepper (Capsicum annum L., cv Akron), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L., cv Tarquinia), eggplant (Solanum melongena L. cv Primato F1) and chard (Beta vulgaris L., Argentata). At harvest the quail-quantitative yield characteristics of each crop were determined. All of the experimental data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results showed that the yields for all of these crops were greater under the chemical system than the organic system whereas quite variable results were generally observed for the other characteristics of the yield.Keywords: fertilizers, herbaceous crops, yield characteristics, succession
Procedia PDF Downloads 5831347 Assessing the Experiences of South African and Indian Legal Profession from the Perspective of Women Representation in Higher Judiciary: The Square Peg in a Round Hole Story
Authors: Sricheta Chowdhury
To require a woman to choose between her work and her personal life is the most acute form of discrimination that can be meted out against her. No woman should be given a choice to choose between her motherhood and her career at Bar, yet that is the most detrimental discrimination that has been happening in Indian Bar, which no one has questioned so far. The falling number of women in practice is a reality that isn’t garnering much attention given the sharp rise in women studying law but is not being able to continue in the profession. Moving from a colonial misogynist whim to a post-colonial “new-age construct of Indian woman” façade, the policymakers of the Indian Judiciary have done nothing so far to decolonize itself from its rudimentary understanding of ‘equality of gender’ when it comes to the legal profession. Therefore, when Indian jurisprudence was (and is) swooning to the sweeping effect of transformative constitutionalism in the understanding of equality as enshrined under the Indian Constitution, one cannot help but question why the legal profession remained out of brushing effect of achieving substantive equality. The Airline industry’s discriminatory policies were not spared from criticism, nor were the policies where women’s involvement in any establishment serving liquor (Anuj Garg case), but the judicial practice did not question the stereotypical bias of gender and unequal structural practices until recently. That necessitates the need to examine the existing Bar policies and the steps taken by the regulatory bodies in assessing the situations that are in favor or against the purpose of furthering women’s issues in present-day India. From a comparative feminist point of concern, South Africa’s pro-women Bar policies are attractive to assess their applicability and extent in terms of promoting inclusivity at the Bar. This article intends to tap on these two countries’ potential in carving a niche in giving women an equal platform to play a substantive role in designing governance policies through the Judiciary. The article analyses the current gender composition of the legal profession while endorsing the concept of substantive equality as a requisite in designing an appropriate appointment process of the judges. It studies the theoretical framework on gender equality, examines the international and regional instruments and analyses the scope of welfare policies that Indian legal and regulatory bodies can undertake towards a transformative initiative in re-modeling the Judiciary to a more diverse and inclusive institution. The methodology employs a comparative and analytical understanding of doctrinal resources. It makes quantitative use of secondary data and qualitative use of primary data collected for determining the present status of Indian women legal practitioners and judges. With respect to quantitative data, statistics on the representation of women as judges and chief justices and senior advocates from their official websites from 2018 till present have been utilized. In respect of qualitative data, results of the structured interviews conducted through open and close-ended questions with retired lady judges of the higher judiciary and senior advocates of the Supreme Court of India, contacted through snowball sampling, are utilized.Keywords: gender, higher judiciary, legal profession, representation, substantive equality
Procedia PDF Downloads 841346 Geochemical Characterization of Geothermal Waters in Albania, Preliminary Results
Authors: Aurela Jahja, Katarzyna Wątor, Arjan Beqiraj, Piotr Rusiniak, Nevton Kodhelaj
Albanian geological terrains represent an important node of the Alpine – Mediterranean mountain belt and are divided into several predominantly NNW - SSE striking geotectonic units, which, based on the presence or lack of Cretaceous transgression and magmatic rocks, belong to Internal or External Albanides. The internal (Korabi, Mirdita and Gashi) units are characterized by the Lower Cretaceous discordance and the presence of abundant magmatic rocks whereas in the external (Alps, Krasta-Cukali, Kruja, Ionian, Sazani and Peri Adriatic Depression) units an almost continuous sedimentation from Triassic to Paleogene is evidenced. The internal and external units show relevant differences in both geothermal and heat flow density values. The gradient values vary from 15-21.3 to 36 mK/m, while the heat flow density ranges from 42 to 60 mW/m2, in the external (Preadriatic Depression) and internal (ophiolitic belt) units, respectively. The geothermal fluids, which are found in natural springs and deep oil wells of Albania, are located in four thermo-mineral provinces: a) Peshkopi (Korabi) province; b) Kruja province; c) Preadriatic basin province, and d) South Ionian province. Thirteen geothermal waters were sampled from 11 natural springs and 2 deep wells, of which 6 springs and 2 wells from Kruja, 1 spring from Peshkopia, 2 springs from Preadriatic basin and 2 springs South Ionian province. Temperature, pH and Electrical Conductivity were measured in situ, while in laboratory were analyzed by ICP method major anions and cations and several trace elements (B, Li, Sr, Rb, I, Br, etc.). The measured values of temperature, pH and electrical conductivity range within 17-63°C, 6.26-7.92 and 724- 26856µS/cm intervals, respectively. The chemical type of the Albania thermal waters is variable. In the Kruja province prevail the Cl-SO4-NaCa and Cl-Na-Ca water types; while SO4-Ca, HCO3-Ca and Cl-HCO3-Na-Ca, and Cl-Na are found in the provinces of Peshkopi, Ionian and Preadriatic basin, respectively. In the Cl-SO4-HCO3 triangular diagram most of the geothermal waters are close to the chloride corner that belong to “mature waters”, typical of geothermal deep and hot fluids. Only samples from the Ionian province are located within the region of high bicarbonate concentration and they can be classified as peripheral waters that may have mixed with cold groundwater. In the Na-Ca-Mg and Na-K-Mg triangular diagram the majority of waters fall in the corner of sodium, suggesting that their cation ratios are controlled by mineral-solution equilibrium. There is a linear relationship between Cl and B which indicates the mixing of geothermal water with cold water, where the low-chlorine thermal waters from Ionian basin and Preadriatic depression provinces are distinguished by high-chlorine thermal waters from Kruja province. The Cl/Br molar ration of the thermal waters from Kruja province ranges from 1000 to 2660 and separates them from the thermal waters of Ionian basin and Preadriatic depression provinces having Cl/Br molar ratio lower than 650. The apparent increase of Cl/Br molar ratio that correlates with the increasing of the chloride, is probably related with dissolution of the Halite.Keywords: geothermal fluids, geotectonic units, natural springs, deep wells, mature waters, peripheral waters
Procedia PDF Downloads 2191345 Water Quality at a Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine Sludge Entrenchment Site
Authors: Babatunde Femi Bakare
Groundwater quality was evaluated at a site for three years after the site was used for entrenchment of Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrine sludge. Analysis performed on the soil characteristics at the entrenchment site indicated that, the soils at the entrenchment site are predominantly sandy. Depth of the water table at the entrenchment site was found to be approximately five meters. Five monitoring boreholes were dug along the perimeter of the sludge trenches and water samples taken from these monitoring boreholes were analyzed for pH, conductivity, sodium ions, chloride ions, phosphate, nitrate, ammonia, and bacteriological analysis. The results obtained from the analysis conducted were compared with the South African Bureau of Standards for drinking water and it was found that the parameters analyzed falls below the specified range. The data obtained from this study indicate that, given the relatively high sludge loading rates, poor soil quality, and the duration of the groundwater quality monitoring, it is unlikely that contamination of groundwater at the entrenchment site will be a major concern. However, caution is advised in extrapolating these results to other locations.Keywords: boreholes, contamination, entrenchment, groundwater quality, VIP latrines
Procedia PDF Downloads 4101344 Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in Morocco
Authors: Abdelghani Qadem, Zouhair Qadem
Like the countries of the Mediterranean region, Morocco is likely to be at high risk of water scarcity due to climate change. Morocco, which is the subject of this study, is located between two climatic zones, temperate in the North tropical in the South, Morocco is distinguished by four types of climate: humid, sub-humid, semi-arid, and arid. The last decades attest to the progression of the semi-arid climate towards the North of the country. The IPCC projections, which have been made in this direction, show that there is an overall downward trend in rainfall contributions varying on average between 10% and 30% depending on the scenario selected and the region considered, they also show an upward trend in average annual temperatures. These trends will have a real impact on water resources, which will result in a drop in the volume of water resources varying between 7.6% and 40.6%. The present study aims to describe the meteorological conditions of Morocco in order to answer the problem dealing with the effect of climatic fluctuations on water resources and to assess water vulnerability in the face of climate change.Keywords: morocco, climate change, water resources, impact, water scarcity
Procedia PDF Downloads 861343 Elongation Factor 1 Alpha Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis for Anastrepha fraterculus Complex
Authors: Pratibha Srivastava, Ayyamperumal Jeyaprakash, Gary Steck
Exotic, invasive tephritid fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are a major concern to fruit and vegetable production in the USA. Timely detection and identification of these agricultural pests facilitate the possibility of eradication from newly invaded areas. They spread primarily as larvae in infested fruits carried in commerce or personal baggage. Identification of larval stages to species level is difficult but necessary to determine pest loads and their pathways into the USA. The main focus of this study is the New World genus, Anastrepha. Many of its constituent taxa are pests of major economic importance. This study is significant for national quarantine use, as morphological diagnostics to separate larvae of the various members remain poorly developed. Elongation factor 1 alpha sequences were amplified from Anastrepha fraterculus specimens collected from South America (Ecuador and Peru). Phylogenetic analysis was performed to characterize the Anastrepha fraterculus complex at a molecular level.Keywords: anastrepha, diptera, elongation factor, fruit fly
Procedia PDF Downloads 2061342 Microplastics in Two Bivalves of The Bay of Bengal Coast, Bangladesh
Authors: Showmitra Chowdhury, M. Shahadat Hossain, S. M. Sharifuzzaman, Sayedur Rahman Chowdhury, Subrata Sarker, M. Shah Nawaz Chowdhury
Microplastics were identified in mussel (Pernaviridis) and Oyster (Crassostrea madrasensis) from the south east coast of Bangladesh. Samples were collected from four sites of the coast based on their availability, and gastrointestinal tracts were assessed following isolation, floatation, filtration, microscopic observation, and polymer identification by micro-Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscope (μ-FTIR) for microplastics determination. A total of 1527 microplastics were identified from 130 samples. The amount of microplastics varied from 0.66 to 3.10 microplastics/g and from 3.20 to 27.60 items/individual. Crassostrea madrasensiscontained on average 1.64 items/g and exhibited the highest level of microplastics by weight. Fiber was the most dominant type, accounting for 72% of total microplastics. Polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyester, and nylon were the major polymer types. In both species, transparent/ black color and filamentous shape was dominant. The most common size ranges from 0.005 to 0.25mm and accounted for 39% to 67%. The study revealed microplastics pollution is widespread and relatively high in the bivalves of Bangladesh.Keywords: microplastics, bivalves, mussel, oyster, bay of bengal, Bangladesh
Procedia PDF Downloads 1111341 The Study of Chitosan beads Adsorption Properties for the Removal of Heavy Metals
Authors: Peter O. Osifo, Hein W. J. P. Neomagus
In this study, a predicted pH model was used to determine adsorption equilibrium properties of copper, lead, zinc and cadmium. Chitosan was prepared from the exoskeleton of Cape rock-lobsters, collected from the surroundings of Cape Town, South Africa. The beads were cross-linked with gluteraldehyde to restore its chemical stability in acid media. The chitosan beads were characterized; the beads water contents and pKa varied in the range of 90-96% and 4.3-6.0 respectively and the degree of crosslinking for the beads was 18%. A pH-model, which described the reversibility of the metal adsorbed onto the beads, was used to predict the equilibrium properties of copper, lead, zinc and cadmium adsorption onto the cross-linked beads. The model accounts for the effect of pH and the important model parameters; the equilibrium adsorption constant (Kads) and to a lesser extent the adsorbent adsorption capacity (qmax). The adsorption equilibrium constant for copper, lead, zinc and cadmium were found to be 2.58×10-3, 2.22×0-3, 9.55×0-3, and 4.79×0-3, respectively. The adsorbent maximum capacity was determined to be 4.2 mmol/g.Keywords: chitosan beads, adsorption, heavy metals, waste water
Procedia PDF Downloads 3801340 Beyond Learning Classrooms: An Undergraduate Experience at Instituto Politecnico Nacional Mexico
Authors: Jorge Sandoval Lezama, Arturo Ivan Sandoval Rodriguez, Jose Arturo Correa Arredondo
This work aims to share innovative educational experiences at IPN Mexico, that involve collaborative learning at institutional and global level through course competition and global collaboration projects. Students from universities in China, USA, South Korea, Canada and Mexico collaborate to design electric vehicles to solve global urban mobility problems. The participation of IPN students in the 2015-2016 global competition (São Paolo, Brazil and Cincinnati, USA) Reconfigurable Shared-Use Mobility Systems allowed to apply pedagogical strategies of groups of collaboration and of learning based on projects where they shared activities, commitments and goals, demonstrating that students were motivated to develop / self-generate their knowledge with greater meaning and understanding. One of the most evident achievements is that the students are self-managed, so the most advanced students train the students who join the project with CAD, CAE, CAM tools. Likewise, the motivation achieved is evident since in 2014 there were 12 students involved in the project, and there are currently more than 70 students.Keywords: collaboration projects, global competency, course competition, active learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2751339 Provenance and Paleoweathering Conditions of Doganhisar Clay Beds
Authors: Mehmet Yavuz Huseyinca
The clay beds are located at the south-southeast of Doğanhisar and northwest of Konya in the Central Anatolia. In the scope of preliminary study, three types of samples were investigated including basement phyllite (Bp) overlain by the clay beds, weathered phyllite (Wp) and Doğanhisar clay (Dc). The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values of Dc range from 81 to 88 with an average of 85. This value is higher than that of Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) and defines very intense chemical weathering in the source-area. On the other hand, the A-CN-K diagram indicates that Bp underwent high degree post-depositional K-metasomatism. The average reconstructed CIA value of the Bp prior to the K-metasomatism is mainly 81 which overlaps the CIA values of the Wp (83) and Dc (85). Similar CIA values indicate parallel weathering trends. Also, extrapolation of the samples back to the plagioclase-alkali feldspar line in the A-CN-K diagram suggests an identical provenance close to granite in composition. Hereby the weathering background of Dc includes two steps. First one is intense weathering process of a granitic source to Bp with post-depositional K-metasomatism and the latter is progressively weathering of Bp to premetasomatised conditions (formation of Wp) ending with Dc deposition.Keywords: clay beds, Doganhisar, provenance, weathering
Procedia PDF Downloads 3091338 A Study of Shigeru Ban's Environmentally-Sensitive Design Approach
Authors: Duygu Merve Bulut, Fehime Yesim Gurani
The Japanese architect Shigeru Ban has succeeded in bringing a different understanding to the modern architectural design approach with both the material selection and the techniques he used while combining the material with the design. Ban, who reflects his respect to people and nature with his designs, has encouraged that design should be done with economic materials, easily accessible and understandable for everyone. Because of this, Ban has attracted attention and appreciated in the architectural world with his environmentally-sensitive design ideology and humanitarian projects. In order to understand Ban’s environmentally-sensitive design approach, with this article, Ban’s projects which have used natural materials; the projects of Ban’s Japenese Pavilion in Germany, Papertainer Museum in South Korea, Centre Pompidou-Metz in France and Cardboard Cathedral in New Zealand were examined and analyzed. In the following parts, 'paper tube' technology that creates awareness in architectural area, which developed and applied by Ban; has been examined in terms of building material and structure of sustainable space design. As a result of this review, Ban’s approach is evaluated in terms of its contribution to the understanding of sustainable design.Keywords: ecological design, environmentally-sensitive design, paper tube, Shigeru Ban, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 5021337 Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas)
Authors: Oliver Echezona Ngwu
The research was conducted in 2011 cropping season at the Teaching and Research farm of the Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu, Nigeria to study the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the growth and yield of physic Nut (Jatropha curcas). There were five treatments namely, control, (no application of treatment), NPK 20:10:10, NPK 15:15;15, poultry droppings and goat dung. The treatments were laid out in a Randomized complete Block Design (RCBD) with five replications. The total land area used was 228m2 (19x12m) while the plot size was 3mx2 (6m2). The growth parameters measured were plant height, number of leaves, and leaf area, index (LAI). The results obtained showed that there were significant differences at P=0.05 among the different treatments in 30, to and 90 DAP. Based on the results T4 (poultry droppings) had higher effect at P=0.05 at 30, 60, 90 DAP than the other treatments when compared and is hereby recommended as the best type of fertilizer for the optimum growth and production of physic Nut (Jatropha Curcas) in South Eastern Nigeria.Keywords: organic, inorganic fertilizers, growth, yield, Jatropha curcas
Procedia PDF Downloads 2851336 Preliminary Investigations on the Development and Production of Topical Skin Ointments
Authors: C. C. Igwe, C. E. Ogbuadike
Bryophyllum pinnatum is a tropical plant used by the indigenous people of South-East Nigeria as a medicinal plant for the treatment of skin ulcer and is being explored for the production of topical herbal skin ointments. This preliminary study involves the extraction and characterization of bioactive compounds from this plant for anti-skin ulcer, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activity, as well as formulating topical herbal medications for skin ulcer. Thus extraction, percentage yield, moisture content analysis, solvent-solvent fractionation and GC-MS has been carried out on processed leaves sample of B. pinnatum. GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of seven compounds, namely: 1-Octene, 3, 7-dimethyl, 1-Tridecene, E-14-Hexadecenal, 3-Eicosene (E)-, 11-Tricosene, 1-Tridecyn-4-ol and Butanamide. Standardized herbal products have been produced from B. pinnatum extracts. The products are being evaluated for safety and efficacy tests to ascertain their toxicity (if any), anti-ulcer, antibiotic and antioxidant properties. Further work is on-going to characterize the bioactive principles present in the plant extracts.Keywords: anti-microbial, bioactive compounds, bryophyllum pinnatum, skin ulcer
Procedia PDF Downloads 791335 Progression Rate, Prevalence, Incidence of Black Band Disease on Stony (Scleractinia) in Barranglompo Island, South Sulawesi
Authors: Baso Hamdani, Arniati Massinai, Jamaluddin Jompa
Coral diseases are one of the factors affect reef degradation. This research had analysed the progression rate, incidence, and prevalence of Black Band Disease (BBD) on stony coral (Pachyseris sp.) in relation to the environmental parameters (pH, nitrate, phospate, Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM), and turbidity). The incidence of coral disease was measured weekly for 6 weeks using Belt Transect Method. The progression rate of BBD was measured manually. Furthermore, the prevalence and incidence of BBD were calculated each colonies infected. The relationship between environmental parameters and the progression rate, prevalence and incidence of BBD was analysed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed the average of progression rate is 0,07 ± 0,02 cm/ hari. The prevalence of BBD increased from 0,92% - 19,73% in 7 weeks observation with the average incidence of new infected colonies coral 0,2 - 0,65 colony/day The environment factors which important were pH, Nitrate, Phospate, DOM, and Turbidity.Keywords: progression rate, incidence, prevalence, Black Band Disease, Barranglompo
Procedia PDF Downloads 6461334 Relationship between Effective Classroom Management with Students’ Academic Achievement of EFL of STKIP YPUP
Authors: Eny Syatriana
The purpose of this study is to find out the effective instruction for classroom management, with the main identification of organizing and managing effective learning environments, to identify characteristics of effective lesson planning, identify resources and materials dealing with positive and effective classroom management. Knowing the effective instruction management is one of the characteristics of well managed teacher. The study was carried out in three randomly selected classes of STKIP YPUP in South Sulawesi. The design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey approach. Simple descriptive analysis was used. The major instrument used in this study were student questionnaire, teacher questionnaire, data were gathered with the research instrument and were analyzed, the research question were investigated and two hypothesis were duly tested using t-test statistics. Based on the findings of this research, it was concluded that effective classroom management skills or techniques have strong and positive influence on student achievement.Keywords: effective classroom management skills, students’ achievement, students academic, effective learning environments
Procedia PDF Downloads 3331333 The Impact of Technology on Computer Systems and Technology
Authors: Bishoy Abouelsoud Saad Amin
This paper examines the use of computer and its related health hazard among computer users in South-Western zone of Nigeria. Two hundred and eighteen (218) computer users constituted the population used to evaluate association between posture, extensive computer use and related health hazard. The instruments for the study are a questionnaire on demographics, lifestyle, body features and work ability index while mean rating, standard deviation and t test were used for data analysis. Identified health related hazard include damages to the eyesight, bad posture, arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, headache, stress and so on. The results showed that factors such as work demand, posture, closeness to computer screen and excessive working hours on computers constitute health hazards in both old and young computer users of various gender. It is therefore recommended that total number of hours spent with computer should be monitored and controlled.Keywords: computer game, metaphor, middle school students, virtual environments computer auditing, risk, measures to prevent, information management computer-related health hazard, musculoskeletal disorders, computer usage, work ability index
Procedia PDF Downloads 681332 Excavations in the Maadi Area Maadi-West the Stone House
Authors: Mohamed Bekheit Gad Khaleil
The Maadi was a civilization .It is considered one of the oldest civilizations in the world and an area of prehistoric times, especially the civilization (Nakada 1&2 ) It contains the oldest stone house in the history. Many excavations have been done in this area. This report was prepared under my supervision and in cooperation with the German institute .The stone building was redocumented, photographed and drawn once again . The stone building has been built carefully. The measurements for this building are (8m x 4m).and the depth of this building is 2m underground and an entrance located at the eastern part of the northern wall and it has three huge pits in the middle of the building seem to have contained wooden posts, most probably to support the roof. The use of the building is unclear. Circular impressions in front of the north wall and in the south-eastern part of the floor indicate that much of it was a storehouse for numerous vessels such as unique feature may have not only served for private domestic purposes. Before starting work in any site, instruction must be followed :- 1-Gather as much information about this place as possible . (Historical background - previous excavations - maps - pictures) 2-Writing, recording, describing and documenting 3- Draw a map of the site showing the place’s division system (trenches) 4- Safe ( Workers & The Place )Keywords: photographing, excavations, documentation, registration
Procedia PDF Downloads 421331 Dengue Prevention and Control in Kaohsiung City
Authors: Chiu-Wen Chang, I-Yun Chang, Wei-Ting Chen, Hui-Ping Ho, Ruei-Hun Chang, Joh-Jong Huang
Kaohsiung City is located in the tropical region where has Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus distributed; once the virus invades, it’s can easily trigger local epidemic. Besides, Kaohsiung City has a world-class airport and harbor, trade and tourism are close and frequently with every country, especially with the Southeast Asian countries which also suffer from dengue. Therefore, Kaohsiung City faces the difficult challenge of dengue every year. The objectives of this study was to enhance dengue clinical care, border management and vector surveillance in Kaohsiung City by establishing an larger scale, innovatively and more coordinated dengue prevention and control strategies in 2016, including (1) Integrated medical programs: facilitated 657 contract medical institutions, widely set up NS1 rapid test in clinics, enhanced triage and referrals system, dengue case daily-monitoring management (2) Border quarantine: comprehensive NS1 screening for foreign workers and fisheries when immigration, hospitalization and isolation for suspected cases, health education for high risk groups (foreign students, other tourists) (3) Mosquito control: Widely use Gravitrap to monitor mosquito density in environment, use NS1 rapid screening test to detect community dengue virus (4) Health education: create a dengue app for people to immediately inquire the risk map and nearby medical resources, routine health education to all districts to strengthen public’s dengue knowledge, neighborhood cleaning awards program. The results showed that after new integration of dengue prevention and control strategies fully implemented in Kaohsiung City, the number of confirmed cases in 2016 declined to 342 cases, the majority of these cases are the continuation epidemic in 2015; in fact, only two cases confirmed after the 2016 summer. Besides, the dengue mortality rate successfully decreased to 0% in 2016. Moreover, according to the reporting rate from medical institutions in 2014 and 2016, it dropped from 27.07% to 19.45% from medical center, and it decreased from 36.55% to 29.79% from regional hospital; however, the reporting rate of district hospital increased from 11.88% to 15.87% and also increased from 24.51% to 34.89% in general practice clinics. Obviously, it showed that under the action of strengthening medical management, it reduced the medical center’s notification ratio and improved the notification ratio of general clinics which achieved the great effect of dengue clinical management and dengue control.Keywords: dengue control, integrated control strategies, clinical management, NS1
Procedia PDF Downloads 2711330 Geothermal Prospect Prediction at Mt. Ciremai Using Fault and Fracture Density Method
Authors: Rifqi Alfadhillah Sentosa, Hasbi Fikru Syabi, Stephen
West Java is a province in Indonesia which has a number of volcanoes. One of those volcanoes is Mt. Ciremai, located administratively at Kuningan and Majalengka District, and is known for its significant geothermal potential in Java Island. This research aims to assume geothermal prospects at Mt. Ciremai using Fault and Fracture Density (FFD) Method, which is correlated to the geochemistry of geothermal manifestations around the mountain. This FFD method is using SRTM data to draw lineaments, which are assumed associated with fractures and faults in the research area. These faults and fractures were assumed as the paths for reservoir fluids to reached surface as geothermal manifestations. The goal of this method is to analyze the density of those lineaments found in the research area. Based on this FFD Method, it is known that area with high density of lineaments located on Mt. Kromong at the northern side of Mt. Ciremai. This prospect area is proven by its higher geothermometer values compared to geothermometer values calculated at the south area of Mt. Ciremai.Keywords: geothermal prospect, fault and fracture density, Mt. Ciremai, surface manifestation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3691329 Examining Historically Defined Periods in Autobiographical Memories for Transitional Events
Authors: Khadeeja Munawar, Shamsul Haque
We examined the plausibility of transition theory suggesting that memories of transitional events, which give rise to a significant and persistent change in the fabric of daily life, are organized around the historically defined autobiographical periods (H-DAPs). 141 Pakistani older adults retrieved 10 autobiographical memories (AMs) each to 10 cue words. As the history of Pakistan is dominated by various political and nationwide transitional events, it was expected that the participants would recall memories with H-DAPs references. The content analysis revealed that 0.7% of memories had H-DAP references and 0.4% memories mentioned major transitional events such as War/Natural Disaster. There was a vivid reminiscence bump between 10 - 20 years of age in lifespan distribution of AMs. There were 67.9% social-focused AMs. Significantly more self-focused memories were reported by individuals who endorsed themselves as conservatives. Only a few H-DAPs were reported, although the history of Pakistan was dominated by numerous political, historical and nationwide transitional events. Memories within and outside of the bump period were mostly positive. The participants rarely used historical/political or nationwide significant events or periods to date the memories elicited. The intense and nationwide (as well as region-wise) significant historical/political events spawned across decades in the lives of participants of the present study but these events did not produce H-DAPs. The findings contradicted the previous studies on H-DAPs and transition theory. The dominance of social-focused AMs in the present study is in line with the past studies comparing the memories of collectivist and individualist cultures (i.e., European Americans vs. Asian, African and Latin-American cultures). The past empirical evidence shows that conservative values and beliefs are adopted as a coping strategy to feel secure in the face of danger when future is dominated with uncertainty and to connect to likeminded others. In the present study, conservative political ideology is somehow assisting the participants in living a stable life midst of their complex social worlds. The reminiscence bump, as well as dominance of positive memories within and outside the bump period, are in line with the narrative/identity account which states that the events and experiences during adolescence and early adulthood assimilate into a person’s lifelong narratives. Hence these events are used as identity markers and are more easily recalled later in life. Also, according to socioemotional theory and the positivity effect, the participants evaluated past events more positively as they grow up and the intensity of negative emotions decreased with time.Keywords: autobiographical memory, historically defined autobiographical periods, narrative/identity account, Pakistan, reminiscence bump, SMS framework, transition theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2351328 Synoptic Analysis of a Heavy Flood in the Province of Sistan-Va-Balouchestan: Iran January 2020
Authors: N. Pegahfar, P. Ghafarian
In this research, the synoptic weather conditions during the heavy flood of 10-12 January 2020 in the Sistan-va-Balouchestan Province of Iran will be analyzed. To this aim, reanalysis data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), NCEP Global Forecasting System (GFS) analysis data, measured data from a surface station together with satellite images from the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) have been used from 9 to 12 January 2020. Atmospheric parameters both at the lower troposphere and also at the upper part of that have been used, including absolute vorticity, wind velocity, temperature, geopotential height, relative humidity, and precipitation. Results indicated that both lower-level and upper-level currents were strong. In addition, the transport of a large amount of humidity from the Oman Sea and the Red Sea to the south and southeast of Iran (Sistan-va-Balouchestan Province) led to the vast and unexpected precipitation and then a heavy flood.Keywords: Sistan-va-Balouchestn Province, heavy flood, synoptic, analysis data
Procedia PDF Downloads 1021327 Machine Learning Based Gender Identification of Authors of Entry Programs
Authors: Go Woon Kwak, Siyoung Jun, Soyun Maeng, Haeyoung Lee
Entry is an education platform used in South Korea, created to help students learn to program, in which they can learn to code while playing. Using the online version of the entry, teachers can easily assign programming homework to the student and the students can make programs simply by linking programming blocks. However, the programs may be made by others, so that the authors of the programs should be identified. In this paper, as the first step toward author identification of entry programs, we present an artificial neural network based classification approach to identify genders of authors of a program written in an entry. A neural network has been trained from labeled training data that we have collected. Our result in progress, although preliminary, shows that the proposed approach could be feasible to be applied to the online version of entry for gender identification of authors. As future work, we will first use a machine learning technique for age identification of entry programs, which would be the second step toward the author identification.Keywords: artificial intelligence, author identification, deep neural network, gender identification, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3241326 A Study on the Acquisition of Chinese Classifiers by Vietnamese Learners
Authors: Quoc Hung Le Pham
In the field of language study, classifier is an interesting research feature. In the world’s languages, some languages have classifier system, some do not. Mandarin Chinese and Vietnamese languages are a rich classifier system, however, because of the language system, the cognitive, cultural differences, so that the syntactic structure of classifier of them also dissimilar. When using Mandarin Chinese classifiers must collocate with nouns or verbs, in the lexical category it is not like nouns or verbs, belong to the open class. But some scholars believe that Mandarin Chinese measure words are similar to English and other Indo European languages. The word hanging on the structure and word formation (suffix), is a closed class. Compared to other languages, such as Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai and other Asian languages are still belonging to the classifier language’s second type, this type of language is classifier, it is in the majority of quantity must exist, and following deictic, anaphoric or quantity appearing together, not separation between its modified noun, also known as numeral classifier language. Main syntactic structure of Chinese classifiers are as follows: ‘quantity+measure+noun’, ‘pronoun+measure+noun’, ‘pronoun+quantity+measure+noun’, ‘prefix+quantity+measure +noun’, ‘quantity +adjective + measure +noun’, ‘ quantity (above 10 whole number), + duo (多)measure +noun’, ‘ quantity (around 10) + measure + duo (多) +noun’. Main syntactic structure of Vietnamese classifiers are: ‘quantity+measure+noun’, ‘ measure+noun+pronoun’, ‘quantity+measure+noun+pronoun’, ‘measure+noun+prefix+ quantity’, ‘quantity+measure+noun+adjective', ‘duo (多) +quanlity+measure+noun’, ‘quantity+measure+adjective+pronoun (quantity word could not be 1)’, ‘measure+adjective+pronoun’, ‘measure+pronoun’. In daily life, classifiers are commonly used, if Chinese learners failed to standardize this using catergory, because the negative impact might occur on their verbal communication. The richness of the Chinese classifier system contributes to the complexity in the study of the system by foreign learners, especially in the inter language of Vietnamese learners. As above mentioned, Vietnamese language also has a rich system of classifiers, however, the basic structure order of two languages are similar but both still have differences. These similarities and dissimilarities between Chinese and Vietnamese classifier systems contribute significantly to the common errors made by Vietnamese students while they acquire Chinese, which are distinct from the errors made by students from the other language background. This article from a comparative perspective of language, has an orientation towards Chinese and Vietnamese languages commonly used in classifiers semantics and structural form two aspects. This comparative study aims to identity Vietnamese students while learning Chinese classifiers may face some negative transference of mother language, beside that through the analysis of the classifiers questionnaire, find out the causes and patterns of the errors they made. As the preliminary analysis shows, Vietnamese students while learning Chinese classifiers made some errors such as: overuse classifier ‘ge’(个); misuse the other classifiers ‘*yi zhang ri ji’(yi pian ri ji), ‘*yi zuo fang zi’(yi jian fang zi), ‘*si zhang jin pai’(si mei jin pai); homonym words ‘dui, shuang, fu, tao’ (对、双、副、套), ‘ke, li’ (颗、粒).Keywords: acquisition, classifiers, negative transfer, Vietnamse learners
Procedia PDF Downloads 4541325 Learning Management System Technologies for Teaching Computer Science at a Distance Education Institution
Authors: Leila Goosen, Dalize van Heerden
The performance outcomes of first year Computer Science and Information Technology students across the world are of great concern, whether they are being taught in a face-to-face environment or via distance education. In the face-to-face environment, it is, however, somewhat easier to teach and support students than it is in a distance education environment. The face-to-face academic can more easily gauge the level of understanding and participation of students and implement interventions to address issues, which may arise. With the inroads that Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technologies are making, the world of online teaching and learning are rapidly expanding, bringing about technologies, which allows for similar interactions between online academics and their students as available to their face-to-face counter parts. At the University of South Africa (UNISA), the Learning Management System (LMS) is called myUNISA and it is deployed on a SAKAI platform. In this paper, we will take a look at some of the myUNISA technologies implemented in the teaching of a first year programming course, how they are implemented and, in some cases, we will indicate how this affects the performance outcomes of students.Keywords: computer science, Distance Education Technologies, Learning Management System, face-to-face environment
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