Search results for: cancer caring
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 2335

Search results for: cancer caring

1105 The Results of the Study of Clinical Forms of Actinic Keratosis in Uzbekistan

Authors: Ayubova Nargiza Mirzabixulaevna, Kiryakov Dmitriy Andreyevich


Relevance: According to experts from the World Health Organization, in 80% of cases, the causes of skin cancer are external factors: polluted air, radioactive substances, solar flares, and free radicals. In dermatology, one of the most common related to obligate diseases is actinic keratosis. Actinic keratosis (AC) is an area of abnormal proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes, which carry the risk of progression into invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. The purpose of the study is to study the prevalence of various forms of actinic keratosis among the population of Uzbekistan. Materials and methods of research: The study is based on the observation and clinical laboratory examination of 96 patients who were divided by gender and age. Women made up 45% and men made up 55%. The youngest patient was 43 years old, and the oldest was 92 years old. The control group consisted of 40 patients. The following clinical signs were evaluated: peeling, hyperkeratosis, erythema, pigmentation, atrophy. Results: Studies have shown that of all forms of actinic keratosis, erythematous (36%), hyperkeratotic (27%), pigmented (12%), cutaneous horn (7.0%), atrophic (7.0%), Actinic cheilitis (6%), lichenoid (5%) are common. Conclusion: Thus, the data we have obtained indicate that the main and pronounced clinical sign in the erythematous form is erythema and the hyperkeratic form is often found. With cutaneous horn, there is a sharp hyperkeratosis of the epidermis.

Keywords: actinic keratosis, patient, skin cancer, obligate diseases

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1104 Isolation and Identification of Cytotoxic Compounds from Fruticose Lichen Roccella montagnei, and It’s in Silico Docking Study against CDK-10

Authors: Tripti Mishra, Shipra Shukla, Sanjeev Meena, , Ruchi Singh, Mahesh Pal, D. K. Upreti, Dipak Datta


Roccella montagnei belongs to lichen family Roccelleceae growing luxuriantly along the coastal regions of India. As Roccella has been shown to be bioactive, we prepared methanolic extract and assessed its anticancer potential. The methanolic extract showed significant in vitro cytotoxic activity against four human cancer cell lines such as Colon (DLD-1, SW-620), Breast (MCF-7), Head and Neck (FaDu). This prompted us to isolate bioactive compounds through column chromatography. Two compounds Roccellic acid and Everninic acid have been isolated, out of which Everninic acid is reported for the first time. Both the compounds have been tested for in vitro cytotoxic activity in which Roccellic acid showed strong anticancer activity as compared to the Everninic acid. CDK-10 (Cyclin-dependent kinase) contributes to proliferation of cancer cells, and aberrant activity of these kinases has been reported in a wide variety of human cancers. These kinases, therefore, constitute biomarkers of proliferation and attractive pharmacological targets for the development of anticancer therapeutics. Therefore both the isolated compounds were tested for in silico molecular docking study against CDK-10 isomer enzyme to support the cytotoxic activity.

Keywords: cytotoxic activity, everninic acid, roccellic acid, R. montagnei

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1103 Breast Cancer Sensing and Imaging Utilized Printed Ultra Wide Band Spherical Sensor Array

Authors: Elyas Palantei, Dewiani, Farid Armin, Ardiansyah


High precision of printed microwave sensor utilized for sensing and monitoring the potential breast cancer existed in women breast tissue was optimally computed. The single element of UWB printed sensor that successfully modeled through several numerical optimizations was multiple fabricated and incorporated with woman bra to form the spherical sensors array. One sample of UWB microwave sensor obtained through the numerical computation and optimization was chosen to be fabricated. In overall, the spherical sensors array consists of twelve stair patch structures, and each element was individually measured to characterize its electrical properties, especially the return loss parameter. The comparison of S11 profiles of all UWB sensor elements is discussed. The constructed UWB sensor is well verified using HFSS programming, CST programming, and experimental measurement. Numerically, both HFSS and CST confirmed the potential operation bandwidth of UWB sensor is more or less 4.5 GHz. However, the measured bandwidth provided is about 1.2 GHz due to the technical difficulties existed during the manufacturing step. The configuration of UWB microwave sensing and monitoring system implemented consists of 12 element UWB printed sensors, vector network analyzer (VNA) to perform as the transceiver and signal processing part, the PC Desktop/Laptop acting as the image processing and displaying unit. In practice, all the reflected power collected from whole surface of artificial breast model are grouped into several numbers of pixel color classes positioned on the corresponding row and column (pixel number). The total number of power pixels applied in 2D-imaging process was specified to 100 pixels (or the power distribution pixels dimension 10x10). This was determined by considering the total area of breast phantom of average Asian women breast size and synchronizing with the single UWB sensor physical dimension. The interesting microwave imaging results were plotted and together with some technical problems arisen on developing the breast sensing and monitoring system are examined in the paper.

Keywords: UWB sensor, UWB microwave imaging, spherical array, breast cancer monitoring, 2D-medical imaging

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1102 Microencapsulation of Probiotic and Evaluation for Viability, Antimicrobial Property and Cytotoxic Activities of its Postbiotic Metabolites on MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Line

Authors: Nkechi V. Enwuru, Bullum Nkeki, Elizabeth A. Adekoya, Olumide A. Adebesin, Rebecca F. Peters, Victoria A. Aikhomu, Mendie E. U.


Background: Probiotics are live microbial feed supplement beneficial for host. Probiotics and their postbiotic products have been used to prevent or treat various health conditions. However, the products cell viability is often low due to harsh conditions subjected during processing, handling, storage, and gastrointestinal transit. These strongly influence probiotics’ benefits; thus, viability is essential for probiotics to produce health benefits for the host. Microencapsulation is a promising technique with considerable effects on probiotic survival. The study is aimed to formulate a microencapsulated probiotic and evaluate its viability, antimicrobial efficacy, and cytotoxic activity of its postbiotic on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. Method: Human and animal raw milk were sampled for lactic acid bacteria. The isolated bacteria were identified using conventional and VITEK 2 systems. The identified lactic acid bacterium was encapsulated using spray-dried and extrusion methods. The free, encapsulated, and chitosan-coated encapsulated probiotics were tested for viability in simulated-gastric intestinal (SGI) fluid and different storage conditions at refrigerated (4oC) and room (25oC) temperatures. The disintegration time and weight uniformity of the spray-dried hard gelatin capsules were tested. The antimicrobial property of free and encapsulated probiotics was tested against enteric pathogenic isolates from antiretroviral therapy (ART) treated HIV-positive patients. The postbiotic of the free cells was extracted, and its cytotoxic effect on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line was tested through an MTT assay. Result: The Lactobacillus plantarum was isolated from animal raw milk. Zero-size hard gelatin L. plantarum capsules with granules within a size range of 0.71–1.00 mm diameter was formulated. The disintegration time ranges from 2.14±0.045 to 2.91±0.293 minutes, while the average weight is 502.1mg. Simulated gastric solution significantly affected viability of both free and microcapsules. However, the encapsulated cells were more protected and viable due to impermeability in the microcapsules. Furthermore, the viability of free cells stored at 4oC and 25oC were less than 4 log CFU/g and 6 log CFU/g respectively after 12 weeks. However, the microcapsules stored at 4oC achieved the highest viability among the free and microcapsules stored at 25oC and the free cells stored at 4oC. Encapsulated cells were released in the simulated gastric fluid, viable and effective against the enteric pathogens tested. However, chitosan-coated calcium alginate encapsulated probiotics significantly inhibited Shigella flexneri, Candida albicans, and Escherichia coli. The Postbiotic Metabolites (PM) of L. plantarum produced a cytotoxic effect on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. The postbiotic showed significant cytotoxic activity similar to 5FU, a standard antineoplastic agent. The inhibition concentration of 50% growth (IC50) of postbiotic metabolite K3 is low and consistent with the IC50 of the positive control (Cisplatin). Conclusions: Lactobacillus plantarum postbiotic exhibited a cytotoxic effect on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and could be used as combined adjuvant therapy in breast cancer management. The microencapsulation technique protects the probiotics, improving their viability and delivery to the gastrointestinal tract. Chitosan enhances antibacterial efficacy; thus, chitosan-coated microencapsulated L. plantarum probiotics could be more effective and used as a combined therapy in HIV management of opportunistic enteric infection.

Keywords: probiotics, encapsulation, gastrointestinal conditions, antimicrobial effect, postbiotic, cytotoxicity effect

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1101 Synthesis and Characterization of pH-Sensitive Graphene Quantum Dot-Loaded Metal-Organic Frameworks for Targeted Drug Delivery and Fluorescent Imaging

Authors: Sayed Maeen Badshah, Kuen-Song Lin, Abrar Hussain, Jamshid Hussain


Liver cancer is a significant global health issue, ranking fifth in incidence and second in mortality. Effective therapeutic strategies are urgently needed to combat this disease, particularly in regions with high prevalence. This study focuses on developing and characterizing fluorescent organometallic frameworks as distinct drug delivery carriers with potential applications in both the treatment and biological imaging of liver cancer. This work introduces two distinct organometallic frameworks: the cake-shaped GQD@NH₂-MIL-125 and the cross-shaped M8U6/FM8U6. The GQD@NH₂-MIL-125 framework is particularly noteworthy for its high fluorescence, making it an effective tool for biological imaging. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis revealed specific diffraction peaks at 6.81ᵒ (011), 9.76ᵒ (002), and 11.69ᵒ (121), with an additional significant peak at 26ᵒ (2θ), corresponding to the carbon material. Morphological analysis using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) demonstrated that the framework has a front particle size of 680 nm and a side particle size of 55±5 nm. High-resolution TEM (HR-TEM) images confirmed the successful attachment of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) onto the NH2-MIL-125 framework. Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy identified crucial functional groups within the GQD@NH₂-MIL-125 structure, including O-Ti-O metal bonds within the 500 to 700 cm⁻¹ range, and N-H and C-N bonds at 1,646 cm⁻¹ and 1,164 cm⁻¹, respectively. BET isotherm analysis further revealed a specific surface area of 338.1 m²/g and an average pore size of 46.86 nm. This framework also demonstrated UV-active properties, as identified by UV-visible light spectra, and its photoluminescence (PL) spectra showed an emission peak around 430 nm when excited at 350 nm, indicating its potential as a fluorescent drug delivery carrier. In parallel, the cross-shaped M8U6/FM8U6 frameworks were synthesized and characterized using X-ray diffraction, which identified distinct peaks at 2θ = 7.4 (111), 8.5 (200), 9.2 (002), 10.8 (002), 12.1 (220), 16.7 (103), and 17.1 (400). FE-SEM, HR-TEM, and TEM analyses revealed particle sizes of 350±50 nm for M8U6 and 200±50 nm for FM8U6. These frameworks, synthesized from terephthalic acid (H₂BDC), displayed notable vibrational bonds, such as C=O at 1,650 cm⁻¹, Fe-O in MIL-88 at 520 cm⁻¹, and Zr-O in UIO-66 at 482 cm⁻¹. BET analysis showed specific surface areas of 740.1 m²/g with a pore size of 22.92 nm for M8U6 and 493.9 m²/g with a pore size of 35.44 nm for FM8U6. Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectra confirmed the stability of Ti-O bonds in the frameworks, with bond lengths of 2.026 Å for MIL-125, 1.962 Å for NH₂-MIL-125, and 1.817 Å for GQD@NH₂-MIL-125. These findings highlight the potential of these organometallic frameworks for enhanced liver cancer therapy through precise drug delivery and imaging, representing a significant advancement in nanomaterial applications in biomedical science.

Keywords: liver cancer cells, metal organic frameworks, Doxorubicin (DOX), drug release.

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1100 A Case of Bilateral Vulval Abscess with Pelvic Fistula in an Immunocompromised Patient with Colostomy: A Diagnostic Challenge

Authors: Paul Feyi Waboso


This case report presents a 57-year-old female patient with a history of colon cancer, colostomy, and immunocompromise, who presented with an unusual bilateral vulval abscess, more prominent on the left side. Due to the atypical presentation, an MRI was performed, revealing a pelvic collection and a fistulous connection between the pelvis and vulva. This finding prompted an urgent surgical intervention. This case highlights the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges of managing complex abscesses and fistulas in immunocompromised patients. Introduction: Vulval abscesses in immunocompromised individuals can present with atypical features and may be associated with complex pathologies. Patients with a history of cancer, colostomy, and immunocompromise are particularly prone to infections and may present with unusual manifestations. This report discusses a case of a large bilateral vulval abscess with an underlying pelvic fistula, emphasizing the importance of advanced imaging in cases with atypical presentations. Case Presentation: A 57-year-old female with a known history of colon cancer, treated with colostomy, presented with severe pain and swelling in the vulval area. Physical examination revealed bilateral vulval swelling, with the abscess on the left side appearing larger and more pronounced than on the right. Given her immunocompromised status and the unusual nature of the presentation, we requested an MRI of the pelvis, suspecting an underlying pathology beyond a typical abscess. Investigations: MRI imaging revealed a significant pelvic collection and identified a fistulous tract between the pelvis and the vulva. This confirmed that the vulval abscess was connected to a deeper pelvic infection, necessitating urgent intervention. Management: After consultation with the multidisciplinary team (MDT), it was agreed that the patient required surgical intervention, having had 48 hours of antibiotics. The patient underwent evacuation of the left-sided vulval abscess under spinal anesthesia. During surgery, the pelvic collection was drained of 200 ml of pus. Outcome and Follow-Up: Postoperative recovery was closely monitored due to the patient’s immunocompromised state. Follow-up imaging and clinical evaluation showed improvement in symptoms, with gradual resolution of infection. The patient was scheduled for regular follow-up visits to monitor for recurrence or further complications. Discussion: Bilateral vulval abscesses are uncommon and, in an immunocompromised patient, warrant thorough investigation to rule out deeper infectious or fistulous connections. This case underscores the utility of MRI in identifying complex fistulous tracts and highlights the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in managing such high-risk patients. Conclusion: This case illustrates a rare presentation of bilateral vulval abscess with an associated pelvic fistula.

Keywords: vulval abscess, MDT team, colon cancer with pelvic fistula, vulval skin condition

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1099 Quantification and Preference of Facial Asymmetry of the Sub-Saharan Africans' 3D Facial Models

Authors: Anas Ibrahim Yahaya, Christophe Soligo


A substantial body of literature has reported on facial symmetry and asymmetry and their role in human mate choice. However, major gaps persist, with nearly all data originating from the WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Developed) populations, and results remaining largely equivocal when compared across studies. This study is aimed at quantifying facial asymmetry from the 3D faces of the Hausa of northern Nigeria and also aimed at determining their (Hausa) perceptions and judgements of standardised facial images with different levels of asymmetry using questionnaires. Data were analysed using R-studio software and results indicated that individuals with lower levels of facial asymmetry (near facial symmetry) were perceived as more attractive, more suitable as marriage partners and more caring, whereas individuals with higher levels of facial asymmetry were perceived as more aggressive. The study conclusively asserts that all faces are asymmetric including the most beautiful ones, and the preference of less asymmetric faces was not just dependent on single facial trait, but rather on multiple facial traits; thus the study supports that physical attractiveness is not just an arbitrary social construct, but at least in part a cue to general health and possibly related to environmental context.

Keywords: face, asymmetry, symmetry, Hausa, preference

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1098 Nurses' and Patients’ Perception about Care: A Comparative Study

Authors: Evangelia Kotrotsiou, Mairy Gouva, Theodosios Paralikas, Maria Fiaka, Styliani Kotrotsiou, Maria Malliarou


The purpose of this research is to investigate the way nurses perceive the care provided in comparison to the way patients perceive it, taking into account existing literature. As far as the sample of research is concerned, it has come from the population of nurses working in the General Hospital of Thessaloniki, St. Paul and the patients of its surgical clinic. In the present study, the sample consists of 100 nurses and 88 patients. The questionnaire used was the Caring Nurse-Patient Interactions Scale: 23-Item Version, created by Cossette et al. (2006). In the case of both patients and nurses, a high score was observed in relational care in the case of the frequency of nursing care in daily practice, as well as the satisfaction of providing nursing care. Overall, patients rated higher clinical care in the case of the frequency of nursing care in daily practice, as well as the satisfaction of the clinical care they were given. On the other hand, nurses rated higher comfort care in the case of the frequency of nursing care in everyday practice, as well as relational care in the area of the importance of nursing care in everyday practice.

Keywords: nursing care, patient needs, patient satisfaction, care giving

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1097 Chemical Composition of Essential Oil and in vitro Antibacterial and Anticancer Activity of the Hydroalcolic Extract from Coronilla varia

Authors: A. A. Dehpour, B. Eslami, S. Rezaie, S. F. Hashemian, F. Shafie, M. Kiaie


The aims of study were investigation on chemical composition essential oil and the effect of extract of Coronilla varia on antimicrobial and cytotoxicity activity. The essential oils of Coronilla varia is obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by (GC/MS) for determining their chemical composition and identification of their components. Antibacterial activity of plant extract was determined by disc diffusion method. The effect of hydroalcolic extracts from Cornilla varia investigated on MCF7 cancer cell line by MTT assay. The major components were Caryophyllene Oxide (60.19%), Alphacadinol (4.13%) and Homoadantaneca Robexylic Acid (3.31%). The extracts from Coronilla varia had interesting activity against Proteus mirabilis in the concentration of 700 µg/disc and did not show any activity against Staphylococus aureus, Bacillus subtillis, Klebsiella pneumonia and Entrobacter cloacae. The positive control, Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol and Cenphalothin had shown zone of inhibition resistant all bacteria. Corohilla varia ethanol extract could inhibit the proliferation of MCF7 cell line in RPMI 1640 medium. IC50 5(mg/ml) was the optimum concentration of extract from Coronilla varia inhibition of cell line growth. The MCF7 cancer cell line and Proteus mirabilis were more sensitive to Coronilla varia ethanol extract.

Keywords: Coronilla varia, essential oil, antibacterial, anticancer, hela cell line

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1096 A Case-Control Study on Dietary Heme/Nonheme Iron and Colorectal Cancer Risk

Authors: Alvaro L. Ronco


Background and purpose: Although our country is a developing one, it has a typical Western meat-rich dietary style. Based on estimates of heme and nonheme iron contents in representative foods, we carried out the present epidemiologic study, with the aim of accurately analyzing dietary iron and its role on CRC risk. Subjects/methods: Patients (611 CRC incident cases and 2394 controls, all belonging to public hospitals of our capital city) were interviewed through a questionnaire including socio-demographic, reproductive and lifestyle variables, and a food frequency questionnaire of 64 items, which asked about food intake 5 years before the interview. The sample included 1937 men and 1068 women. Controls were matched by sex and age (± 5 years) to cases. Food-derived nutrients were calculated from available databases. Total dietary iron was calculated and classified by heme or nonheme source, following data of specific Dutch and Canadian studies, and additionally adjusted by energy. Odds Ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated through unconditional logistic regression, adjusting for relevant potential confounders (education, body mass index, family history of cancer, energy, infusions, and others). A heme/nonheme (H/NH) ratio was created and the interest variables were categorized into tertiles, for analysis purposes. Results: The following risk estimations correspond to the highest tertiles. Total iron intake showed no association with CRC risk neither among men (OR=0.83, ptrend =.18) nor among women (OR=1.48, ptrend =.09). Heme iron was positively associated among men (OR=1.88, ptrend < .001) and for the overall sample (OR=1.44, ptrend =.002), however, it was not associated among women (OR=0.91, ptrend =.83). Nonheme iron showed an inverse association among men (OR=0.53, ptrend < .001) and the overall sample (OR=0.78, ptrend =.04), but was not associated among women (OR=1.46, ptrend =.14). Regarding H/NH ratio, risks increased only among men (OR=2.12, ptrend < .001) but lacked of association among women (OR=0.81, ptrend =.29). Conclusions. We have observed different types of associations between CRC risk and high dietary heme, nonheme and H/NH iron ratio. Therefore, the source of the available iron might be of importance as a link to colorectal carcinogenesis, perhaps pointing to reconsider the animal/plant proportions of this vital mineral within diet. Nevertheless, the different associations observed for each sex, demand further studies in order to clarify these points.

Keywords: chelation, colorectal cancer, heme, iron, nonheme

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1095 Employed Mothers’ Narratives of Caring for their Children with Autism ( second submission for Mumbai)

Authors: Sharlene Fernandes


Literature has shed light on the challenges of mothers of children with ASD, one of which involves sacrificing their professional jobs to fulfill the demands of their caregiving roles. However, the voices of the mothers who pursue employment along with caregiving roles have been overlooked. This study aimed to address this issue by exploring the narratives of Employed Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder using the Narrative approach to inquiry. Through the view of Feminist Standpoint Theory, this study attempted to understand the role of sociocultural and systemic factors in shaping the lives of mothers. By employing the theoretical lens of Ethics of Care, this study explored how mothers balance care with their employment responsibilities, which are expected to be balanced seamlessly. Through narrative interviews, the study addressed the mothers' narratives on navigating work and caregiving, delving into their interpretations regarding expectations of care. The study gained valuable insights into the nuanced dynamics of employment, caregiving, and gender roles among mothers of children with Autism in the Indian context, implicating the urgent need for organizational policies, enhanced support systems, better quality therapeutic services, and inclusive school developments.

Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Caregivers, Employed Mothers, India, Narratives

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1094 Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Omega-3 Fish-Oil Supplements: Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid in Early-Stage Tumors

Authors: Corina Muscurel, Irina Stoian, Laura Gaman, Valeriu Atanasiu


Chronic inflammation predisposes cells to neoplastic transformation and is associated with angiogenesis. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) give rise to anti-inflammatory metabolites and decrease some inflammatory cytokines. The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of n-3 PUFAs intake on patients with tumors in early-stage (without regional or distant metastasis). There were two groups of patients: one group with colon tumors and one group with lung tumors. All patients took for 60 days daily supplements from fish-oil containing 600 mg eicosapentaenoic acid and 400 mg docosahexaenoic acid. The plasma markers were evaluated before and after PUFAs intake: ceruloplasmin (using p-phenylenediamine oxidase method), plasma total thiol groups (using dithiobis-nitrobenzoic acid method) and CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen using electrochemiluminescent immunoassay). The results reflect ceruloplasmin decrease (p < 0.05), plasma total thiol groups increase (not statistically significant) and CEA decrease (p < 0.05) after n-3 PUFAs intake. Conclusions: n-3 PUFAs intake is favorable in premalignant lesions or in early tumor stage and dietary fish-oil has anti-inflammatory effects and can contribute to reduce cancer progression.

Keywords: cancer, fish-oil, inflammation, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids

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1093 Mediation Models in Triadic Relationships: Illness Narratives and Medical Education

Authors: Yoko Yamada, Chizumi Yamada


Narrative psychology is based on the dialogical relationship between self and other. The dialogue can consist of divided, competitive, or opposite communication between self and other. We constructed models of coexistent dialogue in which self and other were positioned side by side and communicated sympathetically. We propose new mediation models for narrative relationships. The mediation models are based on triadic relationships that incorporate a medium or a mediator along with self and other. We constructed three types of mediation model. In the first type, called the “Joint Attention Model”, self and other are positioned side by side and share attention with the medium. In the second type, the “Triangle Model”, an agent mediates between self and other. In the third type, the “Caring Model”, a caregiver stands beside the communication between self and other. We apply the three models to the illness narratives of medical professionals and patients. As these groups have different views and experiences of disease or illness, triadic mediation facilitates the ability to see things from the other person’s perspective and to bridge differences in people’s experiences and feelings. These models would be useful for medical education in various situations, such as in considering the relationships between senior and junior doctors and between old and young patients.

Keywords: illness narrative, mediation, psychology, model, medical education

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1092 Development of Sustainable Composite Fabric from Orange Peel for Ladies’ Undergarments: A Different Approach Towards Eco-Friendly Textile Design

Authors: Abdul Hafeez, Samiya Shehzadi


This research paper presents a different approach towards eco-friendly textile design by developing a sustainable composite fabric from orange peel for ladies' undergarments. The research focuses on utilizing orange peel to develop a unique orange leather/composite (fabric) through a process involving heating, extracting, and subsequent sun-drying to obtain the composite. The sustainable composite fabric shows properties that are favorable to the development of environmentally friendly undergarments, which not only offer UV protection but also possess healing properties for the skin. Through comprehensive testing and analysis, it has been determined that the orange peel composite fabric has zero harmful effects on the skin, making it a safe and desirable material for intimate wear. Furthermore, the research suggests that the orange peel composite fabric has the potential to reduce the rate of cancer cell growth. While the exact mechanisms and factors contributing to this effect require further investigation, the initial findings indicate promising aspects of the fabric in terms of potential cancer-preventive properties. Research contribution to the field of sustainable textile design by introducing a usual and eco-friendly approach utilizing orange peel waste. This work opens up avenues for further exploration and development of innovative materials that are both sustainable and beneficial for human health.

Keywords: sustainability, composite textiles, extracting, undergarments, eco-friendly, orange peels

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1091 Targeting Glucocorticoid Receptor Eliminate Dormant Chemoresistant Cancer Stem Cells in Glioblastoma

Authors: Aoxue Yang, Weili Tian, Haikun Liu


Brain tumor stem cells (BTSCs) are resistant to therapy and give rise to recurrent tumors. These rare and elusive cells are likely to disseminate during cancer progression, and some may enter dormancy, remaining viable but not increasing. The identification of dormant BTSCs is thus necessary to design effective therapies for glioblastoma (GBM) patients. Glucocorticoids (GCs) are used to treat GBM-associated edema. However, glucocorticoids participate in the physiological response to psychosocial stress, linked to poor cancer prognosis. This raises concern that glucocorticoids affect the tumor and BTSCs. Identifying markers specifically expressed by brain tumor stem cells (BTSCs) may enable specific therapies that spare their regular tissue-resident counterparts. By ribosome profiling analysis, we have identified that glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 (GPD1) is expressed by dormant BTSCs but not by NSCs. Through different stress-induced experiments in vitro, we found that only dexamethasone (DEXA) can significantly increase the expression of GPD1 in NSCs. Adversely, mifepristone (MIFE) which is classified as glucocorticoid receptors antagonists, could decrease GPD1 protein level and weaken the proliferation and stemness in BTSCs. Furthermore, DEXA can induce GPD1 expression in tumor-bearing mice brains and shorten animal survival, whereas MIFE has a distinct adverse effect that prolonged mice lifespan. Knocking out GR in NSC can block the upregulation of GPD1 inducing by DEXA, and we find the specific sequences on GPD1 promotor combined with GR, thus improving the efficiency of GPD1 transcription from CHIP-Seq. Moreover, GR and GPD1 are highly co-stained on GBM sections obtained from patients and mice. All these findings confirmed that GR could regulate GPD1 and loss of GPD1 Impairs Multiple Pathways Important for BTSCs Maintenance GPD1 is also a critical enzyme regulating glycolysis and lipid synthesis. We observed that DEXA and MIFE could change the metabolic profiles of BTSCs by regulating GPD1 to shift the transition of cell dormancy. Our transcriptome and lipidomics analysis demonstrated that cell cycle signaling and phosphoglycerides synthesis pathways contributed a lot to the inhibition of GPD1 caused by MIFE. In conclusion, our findings raise concern that treatment of GBM with GCs may compromise the efficacy of chemotherapy and contribute to BTSC dormancy. Inhibition of GR can dramatically reduce GPD1 and extend the survival duration of GBM-bearing mice. The molecular link between GPD1 and GR may give us an attractive therapeutic target for glioblastoma.

Keywords: cancer stem cell, dormancy, glioblastoma, glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1, glucocorticoid receptor, dexamethasone, RNA-sequencing, phosphoglycerides

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1090 Deep Learning Approach for Colorectal Cancer’s Automatic Tumor Grading on Whole Slide Images

Authors: Shenlun Chen, Leonard Wee


Tumor grading is an essential reference for colorectal cancer (CRC) staging and survival prognostication. The widely used World Health Organization (WHO) grading system defines histological grade of CRC adenocarcinoma based on the density of glandular formation on whole slide images (WSI). Tumors are classified as well-, moderately-, poorly- or un-differentiated depending on the percentage of the tumor that is gland forming; >95%, 50-95%, 5-50% and <5%, respectively. However, manually grading WSIs is a time-consuming process and can cause observer error due to subjective judgment and unnoticed regions. Furthermore, pathologists’ grading is usually coarse while a finer and continuous differentiation grade may help to stratifying CRC patients better. In this study, a deep learning based automatic differentiation grading algorithm was developed and evaluated by survival analysis. Firstly, a gland segmentation model was developed for segmenting gland structures. Gland regions of WSIs were delineated and used for differentiation annotating. Tumor regions were annotated by experienced pathologists into high-, medium-, low-differentiation and normal tissue, which correspond to tumor with clear-, unclear-, no-gland structure and non-tumor, respectively. Then a differentiation prediction model was developed on these human annotations. Finally, all enrolled WSIs were processed by gland segmentation model and differentiation prediction model. The differentiation grade can be calculated by deep learning models’ prediction of tumor regions and tumor differentiation status according to WHO’s defines. If multiple WSIs were possessed by a patient, the highest differentiation grade was chosen. Additionally, the differentiation grade was normalized into scale between 0 to 1. The Cancer Genome Atlas, project COAD (TCGA-COAD) project was enrolled into this study. For the gland segmentation model, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) reached 0.981 and accuracy reached 0.932 in validation set. For the differentiation prediction model, ROC reached 0.983, 0.963, 0.963, 0.981 and accuracy reached 0.880, 0.923, 0.668, 0.881 for groups of low-, medium-, high-differentiation and normal tissue in validation set. Four hundred and one patients were selected after removing WSIs without gland regions and patients without follow up data. The concordance index reached to 0.609. Optimized cut off point of 51% was found by “Maxstat” method which was almost the same as WHO system’s cut off point of 50%. Both WHO system’s cut off point and optimized cut off point performed impressively in Kaplan-Meier curves and both p value of logrank test were below 0.005. In this study, gland structure of WSIs and differentiation status of tumor regions were proven to be predictable through deep leaning method. A finer and continuous differentiation grade can also be automatically calculated through above models. The differentiation grade was proven to stratify CAC patients well in survival analysis, whose optimized cut off point was almost the same as WHO tumor grading system. The tool of automatically calculating differentiation grade may show potential in field of therapy decision making and personalized treatment.

Keywords: colorectal cancer, differentiation, survival analysis, tumor grading

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1089 Elucidation of Dynamics of Murine Double Minute 2 Shed Light on the Anti-cancer Drug Development

Authors: Nigar Kantarci Carsibasi


Coarse-grained elastic network models, namely Gaussian network model (GNM) and Anisotropic network model (ANM), are utilized in order to investigate the fluctuation dynamics of Murine Double Minute 2 (MDM2), which is the native inhibitor of p53. Conformational dynamics of MDM2 are elucidated in unbound, p53 bound, and non-peptide small molecule inhibitor bound forms. With this, it is aimed to gain insights about the alterations brought to global dynamics of MDM2 by native peptide inhibitor p53, and two small molecule inhibitors (HDM201 and NVP-CGM097) that are undergoing clinical stages in cancer studies. MDM2 undergoes significant conformational changes upon inhibitor binding, carrying pieces of evidence of induced-fit mechanism. Small molecule inhibitors examined in this work exhibit similar fluctuation dynamics and characteristic mode shapes with p53 when complexed with MDM2, which would shed light on the design of novel small molecule inhibitors for cancer therapy. The results showed that residues Phe 19, Trp 23, Leu 26 reside in the minima of slowest modes of p53, pointing to the accepted three-finger binding model. Pro 27 displays the most significant hinge present in p53 and comes out to be another functionally important residue. Three distinct regions are identified in MDM2, for which significant conformational changes are observed upon binding. Regions I (residues 50-77) and III (residues 90-105) correspond to the binding interface of MDM2, including (α2, L2, and α4), which are stabilized during complex formation. Region II (residues 77-90) exhibits a large amplitude motion, being highly flexible, both in the absence and presence of p53 or other inhibitors. MDM2 exhibits a scattered profile in the fastest modes of motion, while binding of p53 and inhibitors puts restraints on MDM2 domains, clearly distinguishing the kinetically hot regions. Mode shape analysis revealed that the α4 domain controls the size of the cleft by keeping the cleft narrow in unbound MDM2; and open in the bound states for proper penetration and binding of p53 and inhibitors, which points to the induced-fit mechanism of p53 binding. P53 interacts with α2 and α4 in a synchronized manner. Collective modes are shifted upon inhibitor binding, i.e., second mode characteristic motion in MDM2-p53 complex is observed in the first mode of apo MDM2; however, apo and bound MDM2 exhibits similar features in the softest modes pointing to pre-existing modes facilitating the ligand binding. Although much higher amplitude motions are attained in the presence of non-peptide small molecule inhibitor molecules as compared to p53, they demonstrate close similarity. Hence, NVP-CGM097 and HDM201 succeed in mimicking the p53 behavior well. Elucidating how drug candidates alter the MDM2 global and conformational dynamics would shed light on the rational design of novel anticancer drugs.

Keywords: cancer, drug design, elastic network model, MDM2

Procedia PDF Downloads 130
1088 Timing and Probability of Presurgical Teledermatology: Survival Analysis

Authors: Felipa de Mello-Sampayo


The aim of this study is to undertake, from patient’s perspective, the timing and probability of using teledermatology, comparing it with a conventional referral system. The dynamic stochastic model’s main value-added consists of the concrete application to patients waiting for dermatology surgical intervention. Patients with low health level uncertainty must use teledermatology treatment as soon as possible, which is precisely when the teledermatology is least valuable. The results of the model were then tested empirically with the teledermatology network covering the area served by the Hospital Garcia da Horta, Portugal, links the primary care centers of 24 health districts with the hospital’s dermatology department via the corporate intranet of the Portuguese healthcare system. Health level volatility can be understood as the hazard of developing skin cancer and the trend of health level as the bias of developing skin lesions. The results of the survival analysis suggest that the theoretical model can explain the use of teledermatology. It depends negatively on the volatility of patients' health, and positively on the trend of health, i.e., the lower the risk of developing skin cancer and the younger the patients, the more presurgical teledermatology one expects to occur. Presurgical teledermatology also depends positively on out-of-pocket expenses and negatively on the opportunity costs of teledermatology, i.e., the lower the benefit missed by using teledermatology, the more presurgical teledermatology one expects to occur.

Keywords: teledermatology, wait time, uncertainty, opportunity cost, survival analysis

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1087 Multicellular Cancer Spheroids as an in Vitro Model for Localized Hyperthermia Study

Authors: Kamila Dus-Szachniewicz, Artur Bednarkiewicz, Katarzyna Gdesz-Birula, Slawomir Drobczynski


In modern oncology hyperthermia (HT) is defined as a controlled tumor heating. HT treatment temperatures range between 40–48 °C and can selectively damage heat-sensitive cancer cells or limit their further growth, usually with minimal injury to healthy tissues. Despite many advantages, conventional whole-body and regional hyperthermia have clinically relevant side effects, including cardiac and vascular disorders. Additionally, the lack of accessibility of deep-seated tumor sites and impaired targeting micrometastases renders HT less effective. It is believed that above disadvantages can significantly overcome by the application of biofunctionalized microparticles, which can specifically target tumor sites and become activated by an external stimulus to provide a sufficient cellular response. In our research, the unique optical tweezers system have enabled capturing the silica microparticles, primary cells and tumor spheroids in highly controllable and reproducible environment to study the impact of localized heat stimulation on normal and pathological cell and within multicellular tumor spheroid. High throughput spheroid model was introduced to better mimic the response to HT treatment on tumors in vivo. Additionally, application of local heating of tumor spheroids was performed in strictly controlled conditions resembling tumor microenvironment (temperature, pH, hypoxia, etc.), in response to localized and nonhomogeneous hyperthermia in the extracellular matrix, which promotes tumor progression and metastatic spread. The lack of precise control over these well- defined parameters in basic research leads to discrepancies in the response of tumor cells to the new treatment strategy in preclinical animal testing. The developed approach enables also sorting out subclasses of cells, which exhibit partial or total resistance to therapy, in order to understand fundamental aspects of the resistance shown by given tumor cells in response to given therapy mode and conditions. This work was funded by the National Science Centre (NCN, Poland) under grant no. UMO-2017/27/B/ST7/01255.

Keywords: cancer spheroids, hyperthermia, microparticles, optical tweezers

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1086 Knowledge of Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Mammography; A Study among Radiographers of Mammography Settings in Sri Lanka

Authors: H. S. Niroshani, W. M. Ediri Arachchi, R. Tudugala, U. J. M. A. L. Jayasinghe, U. M. U. J. Jayasekara, P. B. Hewavithana


Mammography is used as a screening tool for early diagnosis of breast cancer. It is also useful in refining the diagnosis of breast cancer either by assessment or work up after a suspicious area in the breast has been detected. In order to detect breast cancer accurately and at the earliest possible stage, the image must have an optimum contrast to reveal mass densities and spiculated fibrous structures radiating from them. In addition, the spatial resolution must be adequate to reveal the suffusion of micro calcifications and their shape. The above factors can be optimized by implementing an effective QA programme to enhance the accurate diagnosis of mammographic imaging. Therefore, the radiographer’s knowledge on QA is greatly instrumental in routine mammographic practice. The aim of this study was to assess the radiographer’s knowledge on Quality Assurance and Quality Control programmes in relation to mammographic procedures. A cross-sectional study was carried out among all radiographers working in each mammography setting in Sri Lanka. Pre-tested, anonymous self-administered questionnaires were circulated among the study population and duly filled questionnaires returned within a period of three months were taken into the account. The data on demographical information, knowledge on QA programme and associated QC tests, overall knowledge on QA and QC programmes were obtained. Data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS statistical software (version 20.0). The total response rate was 59.6% and the average knowledge score was 54.15±11.29 SD out of 100. Knowledge was compared on the basis of education level, special training of mammography, and the years of working experience in a mammographic setting of the individuals. Out of 31 subjects, 64.5% (n=20) were graduate radiographers and 35.5% (n=11) were diploma holders while 83.9% (n=26) of radiographers have been specially trained for mammography and 16.1% (n=5) have not been attended for any special training for mammography. It is also noted that 58.1% (n=18) of individuals possessed their experience of less than one year and rest 41.9% (n=13) of them were greater than that. Further, the results found that there is a significant difference (P < 0.05) in the knowledge of QA and overall knowledge on QA and QC programme in the categories of education level and working experience. Also, results imply that there was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in the knowledge of QC test among the groups of trained and non-trained radiographers. This study reveals that education level, working experience and the training obtained particularly in the field of mammography have a significant impact on their knowledge on QA and QC in mammography.

Keywords: knowledge, mammography, quality assurance, quality control

Procedia PDF Downloads 332
1085 Adult-Child Relationships: Nurturing Development and Well-Being

Authors: Obafemi Richard Jegede


The relationship between adults and children is pivotal for the social, emotional, and cognitive development of the latter. This paper explores the multifaceted dynamics of adult-child relationships, emphasizing their significance in fostering positive outcomes for children's well-being. It delves into dimensions such as attachment, communication, and parenting styles, addressing their impact on children's mental health and development. Furthermore, the role of supportive environments and interventions in enhancing adult-child relationships is examined. Understanding the complexities of these relationships is crucial for promoting healthy and nurturing interactions that contribute to children's holistic development. Positive interactions with caring adults promote children's self-regulation, empathy, and resilience, while negative or inconsistent relationships can lead to emotional distress and impaired social skills. Creating supportive environments that prioritize positive adult-child relationships is essential for promoting children's well-being. By comprehensively understanding the factors that shape adult-child relationships, we can better support children's development and well-being. This paper aims to provide insights into the complexities of adult-child relationships and their profound impact on children's development and overall well-being.

Keywords: impact on children's development, supportive environments and interventions, parenting style, communication between adult and children

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1084 Prospects of Acellular Organ Scaffolds for Drug Discovery

Authors: Inna Kornienko, Svetlana Guryeva, Natalia Danilova, Elena Petersen


Drug toxicity often goes undetected until clinical trials, the most expensive and dangerous phase of drug development. Both human cell culture and animal studies have limitations that cannot be overcome by improvements in drug testing protocols. Tissue engineering is an emerging alternative approach to creating models of human malignant tumors for experimental oncology, personalized medicine, and drug discovery studies. This new generation of bioengineered tumors provides an opportunity to control and explore the role of every component of the model system including cell populations, supportive scaffolds, and signaling molecules. An area that could greatly benefit from these models is cancer research. Recent advances in tissue engineering demonstrated that decellularized tissue is an excellent scaffold for tissue engineering. Decellularization of donor organs such as heart, liver, and lung can provide an acellular, naturally occurring three-dimensional biologic scaffold material that can then be seeded with selected cell populations. Preliminary studies in animal models have provided encouraging results for the proof of concept. Decellularized Organs preserve organ microenvironment, which is critical for cancer metastasis. Utilizing 3D tumor models results greater proximity of cell culture morphological characteristics in a model to its in vivo counterpart, allows more accurate simulation of the processes within a functioning tumor and its pathogenesis. 3D models allow study of migration processes and cell proliferation with higher reliability as well. Moreover, cancer cells in a 3D model bear closer resemblance to living conditions in terms of gene expression, cell surface receptor expression, and signaling. 2D cell monolayers do not provide the geometrical and mechanical cues of tissues in vivo and are, therefore, not suitable to accurately predict the responses of living organisms. 3D models can provide several levels of complexity from simple monocultures of cancer cell lines in liquid environment comprised of oxygen and nutrient gradients and cell-cell interaction to more advanced models, which include co-culturing with other cell types, such as endothelial and immune cells. Following this reasoning, spheroids cultivated from one or multiple patient-derived cell lines can be utilized to seed the matrix rather than monolayer cells. This approach furthers the progress towards personalized medicine. As an initial step to create a new ex vivo tissue engineered model of a cancer tumor, optimized protocols have been designed to obtain organ-specific acellular matrices and evaluate their potential as tissue engineered scaffolds for cultures of normal and tumor cells. Decellularized biomatrix was prepared from animals’ kidneys, urethra, lungs, heart, and liver by two decellularization methods: perfusion in a bioreactor system and immersion-agitation on an orbital shaker with the use of various detergents (SDS, Triton X-100) in different concentrations and freezing. Acellular scaffolds and tissue engineered constructs have been characterized and compared using morphological methods. Models using decellularized matrix have certain advantages, such as maintaining native extracellular matrix properties and biomimetic microenvironment for cancer cells; compatibility with multiple cell types for cell culture and drug screening; utilization to culture patient-derived cells in vitro to evaluate different anticancer therapeutics for developing personalized medicines.

Keywords: 3D models, decellularization, drug discovery, drug toxicity, scaffolds, spheroids, tissue engineering

Procedia PDF Downloads 301
1083 Transforming Breast Density Measurement with Artificial Intelligence: Population-Level Insights from BreastScreen NSW

Authors: Douglas Dunn, Ricahrd Walton, Matthew Warner-Smith, Chirag Mistry, Kan Ren, David Roder


Introduction: Breast density is a risk factor for breast cancer, both due to increased fibro glandular tissue that can harbor malignancy and the masking of lesions on mammography. Therefore, evaluation of breast density measurement is useful for risk stratification on an individual and population level. This study investigates the performance of Lunit INSIGHT MMG for automated breast density measurement. We analyze the reliability of Lunit compared to breast radiologists, explore density variations across the BreastScreen NSW population, and examine the impact of breast implants on density measurements. Methods: 15,518 mammograms were utilized for a comparative analysis of intra- and inter-reader reliability between Lunit INSIGHT MMG and breast radiologists. Subsequently, Lunit was used to evaluate 624,113 mammograms for investigation of density variations according to age and birth country, providing insights into diverse population subgroups. Finally, we compared breast density in 4,047 clients with implants to clients without implants, controlling for age and birth country. Results: Inter-reader variability between Lunit and Breast Radiologists weighted kappa coefficient was 0.72 (95%CI 0.71-0.73). Highest breast densities were seen in women with a North-East Asia background, whilst those of Aboriginal background had the lowest density. Across all backgrounds, density was demonstrated to reduce with age, though at different rates according to country of birth. Clients with implants had higher density relative to the age-matched no-implant strata. Conclusion: Lunit INSIGHT MMG demonstrates reasonable inter- and intra-observer reliability for automated breast density measurement. The scale of this study is significantly larger than any previous study assessing breast density due to the ability to process large volumes of data using AI. As a result, it provides valuable insights into population-level density variations. Our findings highlight the influence of age, birth country, and breast implants on density, emphasizing the need for personalized risk assessment and screening approaches. The large-scale and diverse nature of this study enhances the generalisability of our results, offering valuable information for breast cancer screening programs internationally.

Keywords: breast cancer, screening, breast density, artificial intelligence, mammography

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1082 ESDN Expression in the Tumor Microenvironment Coordinates Melanoma Progression

Authors: Roberto Coppo, Francesca Orso, Daniela Dettori, Elena Quaglino, Lei Nie, Mehran M. Sadeghi, Daniela Taverna


Malignant melanoma is currently the fifth most common cancer in the white population and it is fatal in its metastatic stage. Several research studies in recent years have provided evidence that cancer initiation and progression are driven by genetic alterations of the tumor and paracrine interactions between tumor and microenvironment. Scattered data show that the Endothelial and Smooth muscle cell-Derived Neuropilin-like molecule (ESDN) controls cell proliferation and movement of stroma and tumor cells. To investigate the role of ESDN in the tumor microenvironment during melanoma progression, murine melanoma cells (B16 or B16-F10) were injected in ESDN knockout mice in order to evaluate how the absence of ESDN in stromal cells could influence melanoma progression. While no effect was found on primary tumor growth, increased cell extravasation and lung metastasis formation was observed in ESDN knockout mice compared to wild type controls. In order to understand how cancer cells cross the endothelial barrier during metastatic dissemination in an ESDN-null microenvironment, structure, and permeability of lung blood vessels were analyzed. Interestingly, ESDN knockout mice showed structurally altered and more permeable vessels compared to wild type animals. Since cell surface molecules mediate the process of tumor cell extravasation, the expression of a panel of extravasation-related ligands and receptors was analyzed. Importantly, modulations of N-cadherin, E-selectin, ICAM-1 and VAP-1 were observed in ESDN knockout endothelial cells, suggesting the presence of a favorable tumor microenvironment which facilitates melanoma cell extravasation and metastasis formation in the absence of ESDN. Furthermore, a potential contribution of immune cells in tumor dissemination was investigated. An increased recruitment of macrophages in the lungs of ESDN knockout mice carrying subcutaneous B16-F10 tumors was found. In conclusion, our data suggest a functional role of ESDN in the tumor microenvironment during melanoma progression and the identification of the mechanisms that regulate tumor cell extravasation could lead to the development of new therapies to reduce metastasis formation.

Keywords: melanoma, tumor microenvironment, extravasation, cell surface molecules

Procedia PDF Downloads 335
1081 Computational Approaches to Study Lineage Plasticity in Human Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

Authors: Almudena Espin Perez, Tyler Risom, Carl Pelz, Isabel English, Robert M. Angelo, Rosalie Sears, Andrew J. Gentles


Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most deadly malignancies. The role of the tumor microenvironment (TME) is gaining significant attention in cancer research. Despite ongoing efforts, the nature of the interactions between tumors, immune cells, and stromal cells remains poorly understood. The cell-intrinsic properties that govern cell lineage plasticity in PDAC and extrinsic influences of immune populations require technically challenging approaches due to the inherently heterogeneous nature of PDAC. Understanding the cell lineage plasticity of PDAC will improve the development of novel strategies that could be translated to the clinic. Members of the team have demonstrated that the acquisition of ductal to neuroendocrine lineage plasticity in PDAC confers therapeutic resistance and is a biomarker of poor outcomes in patients. Our approach combines computational methods for deconvolving bulk transcriptomic cancer data using CIBERSORTx and high-throughput single-cell imaging using Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging (MIBI) to study lineage plasticity in PDAC and its relationship to the infiltrating immune system. The CIBERSORTx algorithm uses signature matrices from immune cells and stroma from sorted and single-cell data in order to 1) infer the fractions of different immune cell types and stromal cells in bulked gene expression data and 2) impute a representative transcriptome profile for each cell type. We studied a unique set of 300 genomically well-characterized primary PDAC samples with rich clinical annotation. We deconvolved the PDAC transcriptome profiles using CIBERSORTx, leveraging publicly available single-cell RNA-seq data from normal pancreatic tissue and PDAC to estimate cell type proportions in PDAC, and digitally reconstruct cell-specific transcriptional profiles from our study dataset. We built signature matrices and optimized by simulations and comparison to ground truth data. We identified cell-type-specific transcriptional programs that contribute to cancer cell lineage plasticity, especially in the ductal compartment. We also studied cell differentiation hierarchies using CytoTRACE and predict cell lineage trajectories for acinar and ductal cells that we believe are pinpointing relevant information on PDAC progression. Collaborators (Angelo lab, Stanford University) has led the development of the Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging (MIBI) platform for spatial proteomics. We will use in the very near future MIBI from tissue microarray of 40 PDAC samples to understand the spatial relationship between cancer cell lineage plasticity and stromal cells focused on infiltrating immune cells, using the relevant markers of PDAC plasticity identified from the RNA-seq analysis.

Keywords: deconvolution, imaging, microenvironment, PDAC

Procedia PDF Downloads 128
1080 Identification of Clinical Characteristics from Persistent Homology Applied to Tumor Imaging

Authors: Eashwar V. Somasundaram, Raoul R. Wadhwa, Jacob G. Scott


The use of radiomics in measuring geometric properties of tumor images such as size, surface area, and volume has been invaluable in assessing cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. In addition to analyzing geometric properties, radiomics would benefit from measuring topological properties using persistent homology. Intuitively, features uncovered by persistent homology may correlate to tumor structural features. One example is necrotic cavities (corresponding to 2D topological features), which are markers of very aggressive tumors. We develop a data pipeline in R that clusters tumors images based on persistent homology is used to identify meaningful clinical distinctions between tumors and possibly new relationships not captured by established clinical categorizations. A preliminary analysis was performed on 16 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) breast tissue segments downloaded from the 'Investigation of Serial Studies to Predict Your Therapeutic Response with Imaging and Molecular Analysis' (I-SPY TRIAL or ISPY1) collection in The Cancer Imaging Archive. Each segment represents a patient’s breast tumor prior to treatment. The ISPY1 dataset also provided the estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status data. A persistent homology matrix up to 2-dimensional features was calculated for each of the MRI segmentation. Wasserstein distances were then calculated between all pairwise tumor image persistent homology matrices to create a distance matrix for each feature dimension. Since Wasserstein distances were calculated for 0, 1, and 2-dimensional features, three hierarchal clusters were constructed. The adjusted Rand Index was used to see how well the clusters corresponded to the ER/PR/HER2 status of the tumors. Triple-negative cancers (negative status for all three receptors) significantly clustered together in the 2-dimensional features dendrogram (Adjusted Rand Index of .35, p = .031). It is known that having a triple-negative breast tumor is associated with aggressive tumor growth and poor prognosis when compared to non-triple negative breast tumors. The aggressive tumor growth associated with triple-negative tumors may have a unique structure in an MRI segmentation, which persistent homology is able to identify. This preliminary analysis shows promising results in the use of persistent homology on tumor imaging to assess the severity of breast tumors. The next step is to apply this pipeline to other tumor segment images from The Cancer Imaging Archive at different sites such as the lung, kidney, and brain. In addition, whether other clinical parameters, such as overall survival, tumor stage, and tumor genotype data are captured well in persistent homology clusters will be assessed. If analyzing tumor MRI segments using persistent homology consistently identifies clinical relationships, this could enable clinicians to use persistent homology data as a noninvasive way to inform clinical decision making in oncology.

Keywords: cancer biology, oncology, persistent homology, radiomics, topological data analysis, tumor imaging

Procedia PDF Downloads 136
1079 Antiangiogenic Potential of Phellodendron amurense Bark Extract Observed on Chorioallantoic Membrane

Authors: Ľudmila Ballová, Slavomír Kurhajec, Eva Petrovová, Jarmila Eftimová


Angiogenesis, a formation of new blood vessels from a pre-existing vasculature, plays an important role in pathologic processes such as the growth and metastasis of tumours. Tumours cannot grow beyond a few millimetres without blood supply from the newly formed blood vessels from the host tissue, a process called tumour-induced angiogenesis. The successful research of antiangiogenic treatment of cancer has focused on nutraceuticals with angiogenesis-modulating properties. Berberine, as a major active component of the bark of Phellodendron amurense Rupr., has shown antitumour activity by intervening into different steps of carcinogenesis. The influence of ethanolic extract of Phellodendron amurese bark on the angiogenesis was tested in vivo on chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). The irritancy of the CAM after the application of the crude bark extract dissolved in normal saline (10 mg/mL) was investigated on embryonic day 7. No significant signs of the irritancy, such as vasoconstriction, hyperaemia, haemorrhage or coagulation were observed which indicates the harmless character of the extract. A significant reduction in vessel sprouting and higher percentage of avascular zone was observed in the case of CAM treated with the extract in comparison with non-treated CAM (control), which is a proof of the antiangiogenic potential of the extract. These results could contribute to the development of novel drugs for the treatment of cancer or other diseases, in which angiogenesis plays a significant role.

Keywords: angiogenesis, berberine, chorioallantoic membrane, irritancy, phellodendron amurense

Procedia PDF Downloads 384
1078 Effects of Renin Angiotensin Pathway Inhibition on Efficacy of Anti-PD-1/PD-L1 Treatment in Metastatic Cancer

Authors: Philip Friedlander, John Rutledge, Jason Suh


Inhibition of programmed death-1 (PD-1) or its ligand PD-L1 confers therapeutic efficacy in a wide range of solid tumor malignancies. Primary or acquired resistance can develop through activation of immunosuppressive immune cells such as tumor-associated macrophages. The renin angiotensin system (RAS) systemically regulates fluid and sodium hemodynamics, but components are expressed on and regulate the activity of immune cells, particularly of myeloid lineage. We hypothesized that inhibition of RAS would improve the efficacy of PD-1/PD-L-1 treatment. A retrospective analysis was performed through a chart review of patients with solid metastatic malignancies treated with a PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor between 1/2013 and 6/2019 at Valley Hospital, a community hospital in New Jersey, USA. Efficacy was determined by medical oncologist documentation of clinical benefit in visit notes and by the duration of time on immunotherapy treatment. The primary endpoint was the determination of efficacy differences in patients treated with an inhibitor of RAS ( ace inhibitor, ACEi, or angiotensin blocker, ARB) compared to patients not treated with these inhibitors. To control for broader antihypertensive effects, efficacy as a function of treatment with beta blockers was assessed. 173 patients treated with PD-1/PD-L-1 inhibitors were identified of whom 52 were also treated with an ACEi or ARB. Chi-square testing revealed a statistically significant relationship between being on an ACEi or ARB and efficacy to PD-1/PD-L-1 therapy (p=0.001). No statistically significant relationship was seen between patients taking or not taking beta blocker antihypertensives (p= 0.33). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed statistically significant improvement in the duration of therapy favoring patients concomitantly treated with ACEi or ARB compared to patients not exposed to antihypertensives and to those treated with beta blockers. Logistic regression analysis revealed that age, gender, and cancer type did not have significant effects on the odds of experiencing clinical benefit (p=0.74, p=0.75, and p=0.81, respectively). We conclude that retrospective analysis of the treatment of patients with solid metastatic tumors with anti-PD-1/PD-L1 in a community setting demonstrates greater clinical benefit in the context of concomitant ACEi or ARB inhibition, irrespective of gender or age. This data supports the development of prospective assessment through randomized clinical trials.

Keywords: angiotensin, cancer, immunotherapy, PD-1, efficacy

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1077 Flame Spray Pyrolysis as a High-Throughput Method to Generate Gadolinium Doped Titania Nanoparticles for Augmented Radiotherapy

Authors: Malgorzata J. Rybak-Smith, Benedicte Thiebaut, Simon Johnson, Peter Bishop, Helen E. Townley


Gadolinium doped titania (TiO2:Gd) nanoparticles (NPs) can be activated by X-ray radiation to generate Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which can be effective in killing cancer cells. As such, treatment with these NPs can be used to enhance the efficacy of conventional radiotherapy. Incorporation of the NPs in to tumour tissue will permit the extension of radiotherapy to currently untreatable tumours deep within the body, and also reduce damage to neighbouring healthy cells. In an attempt to find a fast and scalable method for the synthesis of the TiO2:Gd NPs, the use of Flame Spray Pyrolysis (FSP) was investigated. A series of TiO2 NPs were generated with 1, 2, 5 and 7 mol% gadolinium dopant. Post-synthesis, the TiO2:Gd NPs were silica-coated to improve their biocompatibility. Physico-chemical characterisation was used to determine the size and stability in aqueous suspensions of the NPs. All analysed TiO2:Gd NPs were shown to have relatively high photocatalytic activity. Furthermore, the FSP synthesized silica-coated TiO2:Gd NPs generated enhanced ROS in chemico. Studies on rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cell lines (RD & RH30) demonstrated that in the absence of irradiation all TiO2:Gd NPs were inert. However, application of TiO2:Gd NPs to RMS cells, followed by irradiation, showed a significant decrease in cell proliferation. Consequently, our studies showed that the X-ray-activatable TiO2:Gd NPs can be prepared by a high-throughput scalable technique to provide a novel and affordable anticancer therapy.

Keywords: cancer, gadolinium, ROS, titania nanoparticles, X-ray

Procedia PDF Downloads 431
1076 Enhancement of Radiosensitization by Aptamer 5TR1-Functionalized AgNCs for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Authors: Xuechun Kan, Dongdong Li, Fan Li, Peidang Liu


Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is the most malignant subtype of breast cancer with a poor prognosis, and radiotherapy is one of the main treatment methods. However, due to the obvious resistance of tumor cells to radiotherapy, high dose of ionizing radiation is required during radiotherapy, which causes serious damage to normal tissues near the tumor. Therefore, how to improve radiotherapy resistance and enhance the specific killing of tumor cells by radiation is a hot issue that needs to be solved in clinic. Recent studies have shown that silver-based nanoparticles have strong radiosensitization, and silver nanoclusters (AgNCs) also provide a broad prospect for tumor targeted radiosensitization therapy due to their ultra-small size, low toxicity or non-toxicity, self-fluorescence and strong photostability. Aptamer 5TR1 is a 25-base oligonucleotide aptamer that can specifically bind to mucin-1 highly expressed on the membrane surface of TNBC 4T1 cells, and can be used as a highly efficient tumor targeting molecule. In this study, AgNCs were synthesized by DNA template based on 5TR1 aptamer (NC-T5-5TR1), and its role as a targeted radiosensitizer in TNBC radiotherapy was investigated. The optimal DNA template was first screened by fluorescence emission spectroscopy, and NC-T5-5TR1 was prepared. NC-T5-5TR1 was characterized by transmission electron microscopy, ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering. The inhibitory effect of NC-T5-5TR1 on cell activity was evaluated using the MTT method. Laser confocal microscopy was employed to observe NC-T5-5TR1 targeting 4T1 cells and verify its self-fluorescence characteristics. The uptake of NC-T5-5TR1 by 4T1 cells was observed by dark-field imaging, and the uptake peak was evaluated by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The radiation sensitization effect of NC-T5-5TR1 was evaluated through cell cloning and in vivo anti-tumor experiments. Annexin V-FITC/PI double staining flow cytometry was utilized to detect the impact of nanomaterials combined with radiotherapy on apoptosis. The results demonstrated that the particle size of NC-T5-5TR1 is about 2 nm, and the UV-visible absorption spectrum detection verifies the successful construction of NC-T5-5TR1, and it shows good dispersion. NC-T5-5TR1 significantly inhibited the activity of 4T1 cells and effectively targeted and fluoresced within 4T1 cells. The uptake of NC-T5-5TR1 reached its peak at 3 h in the tumor area. Compared with AgNCs without aptamer modification, NC-T5-5TR1 exhibited superior radiation sensitization, and combined radiotherapy significantly inhibited the activity of 4T1 cells and tumor growth in 4T1-bearing mice. The apoptosis level of NC-T5-5TR1 combined with radiation was significantly increased. These findings provide important theoretical and experimental support for NC-T5-5TR1 as a radiation sensitizer for TNBC.

Keywords: 5TR1 aptamer, silver nanoclusters, radio sensitization, triple-negative breast cancer

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