Search results for: observation scale
6894 Utilization of Watermelon Rind Extract as Green Anti-Scalent for Cooling Water Systems
Authors: Elsayed G. Zaki, Nora A. Hamad, Hadeel G. El-Shorbagy
The effect of watermelon rind extract as green inhibitors for the formation of calcium sulphate scale have been investigated using conductivity measurements concurrently with the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and optical microscopic examinations. Mineral scales were deposited from the brine solution by cathodic polarization of the steel surface. The results show up that the anti-scaling property of the extracts could be attributed to the presence of citrulline. In solution, citrulline retards calcium sulphate precipitation via formation of a complex with the calcium cations. Thin, smooth and non adherent film formed over the steel surface, under cathodic polarization, by the deposition of the calcium- citrulline complex. The stability of the aqueous extracts with time was also investigated.Keywords: anti-scaling, scale inhibitor, green extracts, water treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2776893 Case Study: The Analysis of Maturity of West Buru Basin and the Potential Development of Geothermal in West Buru Island
Authors: Kefi Rahmadio, Filipus Armando Ginting, Richard Nainggolan
This research shows the formation of the West Buru Basin and the potential utilization of this West Buru Basin as a geothermal potential. The research area is West Buru Island which is part of the West Buru Basin. The island is located in Maluku Province, with its capital city named Namlea. The island is divided into 10 districts, namely District Kepalamadan, Airbuaya District, Wapelau District, Namlea District, Waeapo District, Batabual District, Namrole District, Waesama District, Leksula District, and Ambalau District. The formation in this basin is Permian-Quarter. They start from the Formation Ghegan, Dalan Formation, Mefa Formation, Kuma Formation, Waeken Formation, Wakatin Formation, Ftau Formation and Leko Formation. These formations are composing this West Buru Basin. Determination of prospect area in the geothermal area with preliminary investigation stage through observation of manifestation, topographic shape and structure are found around prospect area. This is done because there is no data of earth that support the determination of prospect area more accurately. In Waepo area, electric power generated based on field observation and structural analysis, geothermal area of Waeapo was approximately 6 km², with reference to the SNI 'Classification of Geothermal Potential' (No.03-5012-1999), an area of 1 km² is assumed to be 12.5 MWe. The speculative potential of this area is (Q) = 6 x 12.5 MWe = 75 MWe. In the Bata Bual area, the geothermal prospect projected 4 km², the speculative potential of the Bata Bual area is worth (Q) = 4 x 12.5 MWe = 50 MWe. In Kepala Madan area, based on the estimation of manifestation area, there is a wide area of prospect in Kepala Madan area about 4 km². The geothermal energy potential of the speculative level in Kepala Madan district is (Q) = 4 x 12.5 MWe = 50 MWe. These three areas are the largest geothermal potential on the island of West Buru. From the above research, it can be concluded that there is potential in West Buru Island. Further exploration is needed to find greater potential. Therefore, researchers want to explain the geothermal potential contained in the West Buru Basin, within the scope of West Buru Island. This potential can be utilized for the community of West Buru Island.Keywords: West Buru basin, West Buru island, potential, Waepo, Bata Bual, Kepala Madan
Procedia PDF Downloads 2276892 Composite Behavior of Precast Concrete Coping with Internal Connector and Precast Girder
Authors: Junki Min, Heeyoung Lee, Wonseok Chung
Traditional marine concrete structures are difficult to construct and may cause environmental pollution. This study presents new concrete bridge system in the marine. The main feature of the proposed bridge is that precast girders and precast coping are applied to facilitate assembly and to improve constructability. In addition, the moment of the girder is reduced by continuation the joint. In this study, a full-scale joint specimen with a span of 7.0 m was fabricated and tested to evaluate the composite behavior of the joint. A finite element model was also developed and compared against the experimental results. All members of the test specimen behaved stably up to the design load. It was found that the precast joint of the proposed bridge showed the composite behavior efficiently before the failure.Keywords: finite element analysis, full-scale test, coping, joint performance, marine structure, precast
Procedia PDF Downloads 2056891 An Approach to Spatial Planning for Water Conservation: The Case of Kovada Sub-Watershed (Turkey)
Authors: Aybike Ayfer Karadağ
Today, the amount of water available is decreasing day by day due to global warming, environmental problems and population increase. To protect water resources, it is necessary to take a lot of measures from the global scale to the local scale. Some of these measures are related to spatial planning studies. In this study, the impact of water process analysis was assessed in the development of spatial planning for water conservation. The study was conducted in the Kovada sub-watershed (Isparta, Turkey). By means of water process analysis, the way to reach underground water of surface water in the study area is mapped. In this context, plant cover, soil and rock permeability were evaluated holistically with geographic information systems technologies. Then, on the map, water permeability is classified and this is spatially expressed. The findings show that the permeability of the water is different in the study case. As a result, the water permeability map needs to be included in the planning for water conservation planning.Keywords: water, conservation, spatial planning, water process analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2186890 An Adaptive Decomposition for the Variability Analysis of Observation Time Series in Geophysics
Authors: Olivier Delage, Thierry Portafaix, Hassan Bencherif, Guillaume Guimbretiere
Most observation data sequences in geophysics can be interpreted as resulting from the interaction of several physical processes at several time and space scales. As a consequence, measurements time series in geophysics have often characteristics of non-linearity and non-stationarity and thereby exhibit strong fluctuations at all time-scales and require a time-frequency representation to analyze their variability. Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is a relatively new technic as part of a more general signal processing method called the Hilbert-Huang transform. This analysis method turns out to be particularly suitable for non-linear and non-stationary signals and consists in decomposing a signal in an auto adaptive way into a sum of oscillating components named IMFs (Intrinsic Mode Functions), and thereby acts as a bank of bandpass filters. The advantages of the EMD technic are to be entirely data driven and to provide the principal variability modes of the dynamics represented by the original time series. However, the main limiting factor is the frequency resolution that may give rise to the mode mixing phenomenon where the spectral contents of some IMFs overlap each other. To overcome this problem, J. Gilles proposed an alternative entitled “Empirical Wavelet Transform” (EWT) which consists in building from the segmentation of the original signal Fourier spectrum, a bank of filters. The method used is based on the idea utilized in the construction of both Littlewood-Paley and Meyer’s wavelets. The heart of the method lies in the segmentation of the Fourier spectrum based on the local maxima detection in order to obtain a set of non-overlapping segments. Because linked to the Fourier spectrum, the frequency resolution provided by EWT is higher than that provided by EMD and therefore allows to overcome the mode-mixing problem. On the other hand, if the EWT technique is able to detect the frequencies involved in the original time series fluctuations, EWT does not allow to associate the detected frequencies to a specific mode of variability as in the EMD technic. Because EMD is closer to the observation of physical phenomena than EWT, we propose here a new technic called EAWD (Empirical Adaptive Wavelet Decomposition) based on the coupling of the EMD and EWT technics by using the IMFs density spectral content to optimize the segmentation of the Fourier spectrum required by EWT. In this study, EMD and EWT technics are described, then EAWD technic is presented. Comparison of results obtained respectively by EMD, EWT and EAWD technics on time series of ozone total columns recorded at Reunion island over [1978-2019] period is discussed. This study was carried out as part of the SOLSTYCE project dedicated to the characterization and modeling of the underlying dynamics of time series issued from complex systems in atmospheric sciencesKeywords: adaptive filtering, empirical mode decomposition, empirical wavelet transform, filter banks, mode-mixing, non-linear and non-stationary time series, wavelet
Procedia PDF Downloads 1396889 Mental Health Challenges, Internalizing and Externalizing Behavior Problems, and Academic Challenges among Adolescents from Broken Families
Authors: Fadzai Munyuki
Parental divorce is one of youth's most stressful life events and is associated with long-lasting emotional and behavioral problems. Over the last few decades, research has consistently found strong associations between divorce and adverse health effects in adolescents. Parental divorce has been hypothesized to lead to psychosocial development problems, mental health challenges, internalizing and externalizing behavior problems, and low academic performance among adolescents. This is supported by the Positive youth development theory, which states that a family setup has a major role to play in adolescent development and well-being. So, the focus of this research will be to test this hypothesized process model among adolescents in five provinces in Zimbabwe. A cross-sectional study will be conducted to test this hypothesis, and 1840 (n = 1840) adolescents aged between 14 to 17 will be employed for this study. A Stress and Questionnaire scale, a Child behavior checklist scale, and an academic concept scale will be used for this study. Data analysis will be done using Structural Equations Modeling. This study has many limitations, including the lack of a 'real-time' study, a few cross-sectional studies, a lack of a thorough and validated population measure, and many studies that have been done that have focused on one variable in relation to parental divorce. Therefore, this study seeks to bridge this gap between past research and current literature by using a validated population measure, a real-time study, and combining three latent variables in this study.Keywords: mental health, internalizing and externalizing behavior, divorce, academic achievements
Procedia PDF Downloads 786888 Energy Recovery from Swell with a Height Inferior to 1.5 m
Authors: A. Errasti, F. Doffagne, O. Foucrier, S. Kao, A. Meigne, H. Pellae, T. Rouland
Renewable energy recovery is an important domain of research in past few years in view of protection of our ecosystem. Several industrial companies are setting up widespread recovery systems to exploit wave energy. Most of them have a large size, are implanted near the shores and exploit current flows. However, as oceans represent 70% of Earth surface, a huge space is still unexploited to produce energy. Present analysis focuses on surface small scale wave energy recovery. The principle is exactly the opposite of wheel damper for a car on a road. Instead of maintaining the car body as non-oscillatory as possible by adapted control, a system is designed so that its oscillation amplitude under wave action will be maximized with respect to a boat carrying it in view of differential potential energy recuperation. From parametric analysis of system equations, interesting domains have been selected and expected energy output has been evaluated.Keywords: small scale wave, potential energy, optimized energy recovery, auto-adaptive system
Procedia PDF Downloads 2626887 Use of Cyber-Physical Devices for the Implementation of Virtual and Augmented Realities in Bridge Construction
Authors: Muhammmad Fawad
The bridge construction industry has been revolutionized by the applications of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). In this article, the author has focused on the field applications of digital technologies in structural, especially in bridge engineering. This research analyzed the use of VR/AR for the assessment of bridge concepts. For this purpose, the author has used Cyber-Physical Devices, i.e., Oculus Quest (OQ) for the implementation of VR, Trimble Microsoft HoloLens (THL), and Trimble Site Vision (TSV) for the implementation of AR/MR by visualizing the models of bridge planned to be constructed in Poland. The visualization of the models in Extended Reality (XR) is based on the development of BIM models of the bridge, which are further uploaded to the platforms required to implement these models in XR. This research helped to implement the models in MR so a bridge with a 1:1 scale at the exact location was placed, and authorities were presented with the possibility to visualize the exact scale and location of the bridge before its construction.Keywords: augmented reality, virtual reality, HoloLens, BIM, bridges
Procedia PDF Downloads 1236886 A Model Suggestion on Competitiveness and Sustainability of SMEs in Developing Countries
Authors: Ahmet Diken, Tahsin Karabulut
The factor which developing countries are in need is capital. Such countries make an effort to increase their income in order to meet their expenses for employment, infrastructure, superstructure investments, education, health and defense. The sole income of the countries is taxes collected from businesses. The businesses should drive profit and return in order to be able to toll. In a world where competition exists, different strategies may be followed by business in developing countries and they must specify their target markets. İn order to minimize cost and maximize profit, SMEs have to concentrate on target markets and select cost oriented strategy. In this study, a theoretical model is suggested that SME firms have to act as cluster between each other, and also must be optimal provider for large scale firms. SMEs’ policy must be supported by public. This relationship can benefit large scale firms to have brand over the world, and this organization increases value added for developing countries.Keywords: competitiveness, countries, SMEs developing, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3166885 Mechanical and Tribological Characterization of Squeeze Cast Al 6061 Alloy Reinforced with SiC and Al₂O₃ Particulates
Authors: Gurcan A. B., Baker T. N.
Due to economic and environmental requirements, it is becoming increasingly important to reduce vehicle weight. The first approach consisted in using light materials with high thermal conductivity, such as aluminium alloys. This choice allowed significant mass reduction and lower temperature but required recourse to ventilated discs. Among aluminium alloys, Al 6xxx series alloys enjoy the highest strength-to-weight ratio and, therefore, have found wide applications in the automobile and aerospace industries. However, these alloys lose their high strength rapidly when they are exposed to elevated temperatures. This rapid decline in the strength is directly related to the coarsening of very fine precipitates which are then not as effective in obstructing the dislocations. The incorporation of micro-scale and nano-scale particulates in aluminium systems can greatly enhance their mechanical characteristics.Keywords: mechanical and tribological behaviour, scanning electron microscope, optical test, mechanical properties test, experimental test
Procedia PDF Downloads 576884 Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Water Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems with DBPs Objetives
Authors: Mingyu Xie, Mietek Brdys
The paper develops a non-linear model predictive control (NMPC) of water quality in drinking water distribution systems (DWDS) based on the advanced non-linear quality dynamics model including disinfections by-products (DBPs). A special attention is paid to the analysis of an impact of the flow trajectories prescribed by an upper control level of the recently developed two-time scale architecture of an integrated quality and quantity control in DWDS. The new quality controller is to operate within this architecture in the fast time scale as the lower level quality controller. The controller performance is validated by a comprehensive simulation study based on an example case study DWDS.Keywords: model predictive control, hierarchical control structure, genetic algorithm, water quality with DBPs objectives
Procedia PDF Downloads 3186883 Role of Grey Scale Ultrasound Including Elastography in Grading the Severity of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - A Comparative Cross-sectional Study
Authors: Arjun Prakash, Vinutha H., Karthik N.
BACKGROUND: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common entrapment neuropathy with an estimated prevalence of 0.6 - 5.8% in the general adult population. It is caused by compression of the Median Nerve (MN) at the wrist as it passes through a narrow osteofibrous canal. Presently, the diagnosis is established by the clinical symptoms and physical examination and Nerve conduction study (NCS) is used to assess its severity. However, it is considered to be painful, time consuming and expensive, with a false-negative rate between 16 - 34%. Ultrasonography (USG) is now increasingly used as a diagnostic tool in CTS due to its non-invasive nature, increased accessibility and relatively low cost. Elastography is a newer modality in USG which helps to assess stiffness of tissues. However, there is limited available literature about its applications in peripheral nerves. OBJECTIVES: Our objectives were to measure the Cross-Sectional Area (CSA) and elasticity of MN at the carpal tunnel using Grey scale Ultrasonography (USG), Strain Elastography (SE) and Shear Wave Elastography (SWE). We also made an attempt to independently evaluate the role of Gray scale USG, SE and SWE in grading the severity of CTS, keeping NCS as the gold standard. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After approval from the Institutional Ethics Review Board, we conducted a comparative cross sectional study for a period of 18 months. The participants were divided into two groups. Group A consisted of 54 patients with clinically diagnosed CTS who underwent NCS, and Group B consisted of 50 controls without any clinical symptoms of CTS. All Ultrasound examinations were performed on SAMSUNG RS 80 EVO Ultrasound machine with 2 - 9 Mega Hertz linear probe. In both groups, CSA of the MN was measured on Grey scale USG, and its elasticity was measured at the carpal tunnel (in terms of Strain ratio and Shear Modulus). The variables were compared between both groups by using ‘Independent t test’, and subgroup analyses were performed using one-way analysis of variance. Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to evaluate the diagnostic performance of each variable. RESULTS: The mean CSA of the MN was 13.60 + 3.201 mm2 and 9.17 + 1.665 mm2 in Group A and Group B, respectively (p < 0.001). The mean SWE was 30.65 + 12.996 kPa and 17.33 + 2.919 kPa in Group A and Group B, respectively (p < 0.001), and the mean Strain ratio was 7.545 + 2.017 and 5.802 + 1.153 in Group A and Group B respectively (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The combined use of Gray scale USG, SE and SWE is extremely useful in grading the severity of CTS and can be used as a painless and cost-effective alternative to NCS. Early diagnosis and grading of CTS and effective treatment is essential to avoid permanent nerve damage and functional disability.Keywords: carpal tunnel, ultrasound, elastography, nerve conduction study
Procedia PDF Downloads 1026882 Exact Vibration Analysis of a Rectangular Nano-Plate Using Nonlocal Modified Sinusoidal Shear Deformation Theory
Authors: Korosh Khorshidi, Mohammad Khodadadi
In this paper, exact close form solution for out of plate free flexural vibration of moderately thick rectangular nanoplates are presented based on nonlocal modified trigonometric shear deformation theory, with assumptions of the Levy's type boundary conditions, for the first time. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of small-scale parameters on the frequency parameters of the moderately thick rectangular nano-plates. To describe the effects of small-scale parameters on vibrations of rectangular nanoplates, the Eringen theory is used. The Levy's type boundary conditions are combination of six different boundary conditions; specifically, two opposite edges are simply supported and any of the other two edges can be simply supported, clamped or free. Governing equations of motion and boundary conditions of the plate are derived by using the Hamilton’s principle. The present analytical solution can be obtained with any required accuracy and can be used as benchmark. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to other methods reported in the literature. Finally, the effect of boundary conditions, aspect ratios, small scale parameter and thickness ratios on nondimensional natural frequency parameters and frequency ratios are examined and discussed in detail.Keywords: exact solution, nonlocal modified sinusoidal shear deformation theory, out of plane vibration, moderately thick rectangular plate
Procedia PDF Downloads 3906881 Real-World Comparison of Adherence to and Persistence with Dulaglutide and Liraglutide in UAE e-Claims Database
Authors: Ibrahim Turfanda, Soniya Rai, Karan Vadher
Objectives— The study aims to compare real-world adherence to and persistence with dulaglutide and liraglutide in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) initiating treatment in UAE. Methods— This was a retrospective, non-interventional study (observation period: 01 March 2017–31 August 2019) using the UAE Dubai e-Claims database. Included: adult patients initiating dulaglutide/liraglutide 01 September 2017–31 August 2018 (index period) with: ≥1 claim for T2D in the 6 months before index date (ID); ≥1 claim for dulaglutide/liraglutide during index period; and continuous medical enrolment for ≥6 months before and ≥12 months after ID. Key endpoints, assessed 3/6/12 months after ID: adherence to treatment (proportion of days covered [PDC; PDC ≥80% considered ‘adherent’], per-group mean±standard deviation [SD] PDC); and persistence (number of continuous therapy days from ID until discontinuation [i.e., >45 days gap] or end of observation period). Patients initiating dulaglutide/liraglutide were propensity score matched (1:1) based on baseline characteristics. Between-group comparison of adherence was analysed using the McNemar test (α=0.025). Persistence was analysed using Kaplan–Meier estimates with log-rank tests (α=0.025) for between-group comparisons. This study presents 12-month outcomes. Results— Following propensity score matching, 263 patients were included in each group. Mean±SD PDC for all patients at 12 months was significantly higher in the dulaglutide versus the liraglutide group (dulaglutide=0.48±0.30, liraglutide=0.39±0.28, p=0.0002). The proportion of adherent patients favored dulaglutide (dulaglutide=20.2%, liraglutide=12.9%, p=0.0302), as did the probability of being adherent to treatment (odds ratio [97.5% CI]: 1.70 [0.99, 2.91]; p=0.03). Proportion of persistent patients also favoured dulaglutide (dulaglutide=15.2%, liraglutide=9.1%, p=0.0528), as did the probability of discontinuing treatment 12 months after ID (p=0.027). Conclusions— Based on the UAE Dubai e-Claims database data, dulaglutide initiators exhibited significantly greater adherence in terms of mean PDC versus liraglutide initiators. The proportion of adherent patients and the probability of being adherent favored the dulaglutide group, as did treatment persistence.Keywords: adherence, dulaglutide, effectiveness, liraglutide, persistence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1266880 An Investigation into the Correlation between Music Preferences and Emotional Regulation in Military Cadets
Authors: Chiu-Pin Wei
This research aims to explore the impact of music preferences on the emotional well-being of military academy students, recognizing the potential long-term implications for their high-stress careers post-graduation. Given the significance of positive emotion regulation in military personnel, this study focuses on understanding the types of music preferred by military cadets and analyzing how these preferences correlate with their emotional states. The study employs a quantitative approach, utilizing the Music Category Scale and Mood Scale to collect data. Statistical tools, such as Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS), are employed for inferential analysis, including t-tests for emotional responses to instrumental and vocal music, one-way variance analysis for different demographic factors (grades, genders, and music listening frequencies), and Pearson's correlation to examine the relationship between music preferences and moods of military students.Keywords: music preference, emotional regulation, military academic students, SPASS
Procedia PDF Downloads 696879 Agricultural Cooperative Model: A Panacea for Economic Development of Small Scale Business Famers in Ilesha, Osun State, Nigeria
Authors: Folasade Adegbaju, Olusola Arowolo, Olufisayo Onawumi
Owolowo ile – ege garri processing industry which is a small scale cassava processing industry, located in Ilesha, Osun State was purposively selected as a case study because it is a cooperative business. This industry was established in 1991 by eight men (8) who were mostly retirees. A researcher made questionnaire was used to collect information from thirty (30) respondents: the manager, four official staffs and 25 randomly selected processors in the industry. The study found that within twelve years of the utilization of their self raised initial capital of N240, 000 naira (Two hundred and forty thousand naira) this cassava – based industry had impacted on and attracted the involvement of many more people because within the period of the study (i.e. 2007-2011) the processors had quadrupled in number (e.g. 8 to 30), the facilities (equipment) in use had increased from one machine and a frying pot to many, this translated into being able to produce large quantities of fried garri, fufu and also starch for marketing to the people in Ilesha and neighbouring cities like Ibadan, Lagos, etc. This is indicative of economic growth. The industry also became a source of employment for community members in the sense that, as at the time of study four staffs were employed to work and coordinate the industry. It was observed that despite all odds of small-scale industry and the problem of people migrating from rural to urban area, this agro-based industry still existed successfully in the community, and many of such industry can be replicated by such agricultural cooperative groups nationwide so as to further boost the productivity as well as the economy of the area and nation at large. However, government and individual still have major roles to play in ensuring the growth and development of the nation in this respect.The local agricultural cooperative groups should form regional cooperative consortium with more networking for the farmers, in order to create more jobs for the young ones and to increase agricultural productivity in the country thus resulting in a better and more sustainable economy.Keywords: agricultural cooperative, cassava processing industry, model, small scale enterprise
Procedia PDF Downloads 2926878 Cultural Self-Efficacy of Child Protection Social Workers in Norway: Barriers and Opportunities in Working with Migrant Families
Authors: Justyna Mroczkowska
Social worker's ability to provide culturally sensitive assistance in child protection is taken for granted; given limited training opportunities and lack of clear guidance, practitioners report working with migrant families more demanding in comparison to working with native families. In this study, the author developed and factor analyzed the Norwegian Cultural Self-Efficacy Scale to describe the level of cultural capability among Norwegian child protection professionals. The study aimed to determine the main influencing factors to cultural efficacy and examine the relationship between self-efficacy and perceived difficulty in working with migrant families. The scale was administered to child protection workers in Norway (N=251), and the reliability of the scale measured by Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .904. The confirmatory factor analysis of social work cultural self-efficacy found support for four separate but correlated subscales: Assessment, Communication, Support Request, and Teamwork. Regression analyses found the experience in working with migrant families, training and support from external agencies, and colleague support to be significant predictors of cultural self-efficacy. Self-efficacy in assessment skills and self-efficacy in communication skills were moderately related to the perceived difficulty to work with migrant families. The findings conclude with previous research and highlight the need for both professional development programs and institutional resources to be provided to support the practitioner's preparation for multicultural practice in child protection.Keywords: child protection, cultural self-efficacy, cultural competency, migration, resources
Procedia PDF Downloads 1436877 Impact of Teacher’s Behavior in Class Room on Socialization and Mental Health of School Children: A Student’s Perspective
Authors: Umaiza Bashir, Ushna Farukh
The present study examined the perspective of school students regarding teacher’s behavioral pattern during a teaching in classroom and its influence on the students’ socialization particularly forming peer relationships with the development of emotional, behavioral problems in school children. To study these dimension of teacher-student classroom relationship, 210 school children (105 girls and 105 boys) within the age range of 14 to 18 years were taken from the government, private schools. The cross-sectional research design was used in which stratified random sampling was done. Teacher-student interaction scale was used to assess the teacher-student relationship in the classroom, which had two factors such as positive and negative interaction. Peer relationship scale was administered to investigate the socialization of students, and School Children Problem Scale was also given to the participants to explore their emotional, behavioral issues. The analysis of Pearson correlation showed that there is a significant positive relationship between negative teacher-student interaction and student’s emotional-behavioral as well as social problems. Another analysis of t-test revealed that boys perceived more positive interaction with teachers than girls (p < 0.01). Girls showed more emotional behavioral problems than boys (p < 0.001) Linear regression explained that age, gender, negative teacher’s interaction with students and victimization in social gathering predicts mental health problems in school children. This study suggests and highlights the need for the school counselors for the better mental health of students and teachers.Keywords: teacher-student interaction, school psychology, student’s emotional behavioral problems
Procedia PDF Downloads 1696876 Empowering South African Female Farmers through Organic Lamb Production: A Cost Analysis Case Study
Authors: J. M. Geyser
Lamb is a popular meat throughout the world, particularly in Europe, the Middle East and Oceania. However, the conventional lamb industry faces challenges related to environmental sustainability, climate change, consumer health and dwindling profit margins. This has stimulated an increasing demand for organic lamb, as it is perceived to increase environmental sustainability, offer superior quality, taste, and nutritional value, which is appealing to farmers, including small-scale and female farmers, as it often commands a premium price. Despite its advantages, organic lamb production presents challenges, with a significant hurdle being the high production costs encompassing organic certification, lower stocking rates, higher mortality rates and marketing cost. These costs impact the profitability and competitiveness or organic lamb producers, particularly female and small-scale farmers, who often encounter additional obstacles, such as limited access to resources and markets. Therefore, this paper examines the cost of producing organic lambs and its impact on female farmers and raises the research question: “Is organic lamb production the saving grace for female and small-scale farmers?” Objectives include estimating and comparing production costs and profitability or organic lamb production with conventional lamb production, analyzing influencing factors, and assessing opportunities and challenges for female and small-scale farmers. The hypothesis states that organic lamb production can be a viable and beneficial option for female and small-scale farmers, provided that they can overcome high production costs and access premium markets. The study uses a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data involves semi-structured interviews with ten female and small-scale farmers engaged in organic lamb production in South Africa. The interview covered topics such as farm characteristics, practices, cost components, mortality rates, income sources and empowerment indicators. Quantitative data used secondary published information and primary data from a female farmer. The research findings indicate that when a female farmer moves from conventional lamb production to organic lamb production, the cost in the first year of organic lamb production exceed those of conventional lamb production by over 100%. This is due to lower stocking rates and higher mortality rates in the organic system. However, costs start decreasing in the second year as stocking rates increase due to manure applications on grazing and lower mortality rates due to better worm resistance in the herd. In conclusion, this article sheds light on the economic dynamics of organic lamb production, particularly focusing on its impact on female farmers. To empower female farmers and to promote sustainable agricultural practices, it is imperative to understand the cost structures and profitability of organic lamb production.Keywords: cost analysis, empowerment, female farmers, organic lamb production
Procedia PDF Downloads 756875 Correlations between Pushing Skills and Pushing Perceptions, Second-Stage Labor Duration, Postpartum Fatigue, and Birth Satisfaction
Authors: Yu-Ching Huang
Background: Delivery bridges the antepartum and postpartum period. Subsequent fatigue can affect indices, including postpartum recovery and life quality. Milk secretion, breastfeeding quality, and newborn participation may be compromised. Correspondingly, using proper pushing skills during the second stage of labor has the potential to effectively reduce postpartum fatigue and enhance birth satisfaction in new mothers. Purpose: To compare the effects of using different pushing skills on maternal pushing perception, postpartum fatigue, and birth satisfaction. Methodology: The present study used a descriptive research approach and recruited 382 participants from a medical center in northern Taiwan. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, which included a demographic and obstetrics information datasheet, the Labor Pushing Experience Scale, a fatigue scale, and a birth satisfaction scale. Research Results: Using pushing skills (including upright position [t= 2.28, p < .05] and delayed pushing [t= -1.98, p < .05] during the second stage of labor was shown to enhance birth satisfaction in participants. Additionally, open glottis pushing ( t = 5.46, p < .001) resulted in a mean duration of second-stage labor that was 17.67 minutes less than that achieved using Valsalva pushing. Moreover, a better perceived pushing experience was associated with lower perceived postpartum fatigue (r = .46, p < .05) and higher birth satisfaction (r = -.16, p < .05). Finally, postpartum fatigue perception was negatively associated with birth satisfaction (r = -.16, p < .05). Conclusion and Clinical Application: The findings suggest that midwives should advocate that women adopt upright positions, delayed pushing, and open glottis pushing during the second stage of labor in order to enhance their birth satisfaction.Keywords: second stage labor duration of pushing skill, pushing experience perception, postpartum fatigue, birth satisfaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2676874 Synthesis of Filtering in Stochastic Systems on Continuous-Time Memory Observations in the Presence of Anomalous Noises
Authors: S. Rozhkova, O. Rozhkova, A. Harlova, V. Lasukov
We have conducted the optimal synthesis of root-mean-squared objective filter to estimate the state vector in the case if within the observation channel with memory the anomalous noises with unknown mathematical expectation are complement in the function of the regular noises. The synthesis has been carried out for linear stochastic systems of continuous-time.Keywords: mathematical expectation, filtration, anomalous noise, memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2476873 Structural Safety Assessment of Transmission Tower with High-Low Legs
Authors: Chi-Rung Jiang, Chun-Chung Chen, Sheng-Yuan Shiao, Fang-Yao Yeh
Transmission lines are essential for power systems which play a significant role in a city for the development of infrastructures. Once a tower on the transmission line is damaged or becomes unstable, small-scale transmission tower damage might cause a large-scale electric power failure, and consequently, the enormous economic losses will occur. This paper assesses the structural safety and considers the impact of earthquakes and winds, presents a preliminary study of transmission tower with high-low legs by building structural analysis models of towers. The result shows that the high-low legs towers do have some structural characteristics need to be considered, such as the length of the difference of high legs and low legs should be restricted and the deployment direction of legs must be carefully planned during the design of transmission towers. The outcome of this study is beneficial to power systems authorities.Keywords: power transition tower, structural analysis, high-low legs, safety assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2236872 Experience in Caring for a Patient with Terminal Aortic Dissection of Lung Cancer and Paralysis of the Lower Limbs after Surgery
Authors: Pei-Shan Liang
Objective: This article explores the care experience of a terminal lung cancer patient who developed lower limb paralysis after surgery for aortic dissection. The patient, diagnosed with aortic dissection during chemotherapy for lung cancer, faced post-surgical lower limb paralysis, leading to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness as they approached death with reduced mobility. Methods: The nursing period was from July 19 to July 27, during which the author, alongside the intensive care team and palliative care specialists, conducted a comprehensive assessment through observation, direct care, conversations, physical assessments, and medical record review. Gordon's eleven functional health patterns were used for a holistic evaluation, identifying four nursing health issues: "pain related to terminal lung cancer and invasive procedures," "decreased cardiac tissue perfusion due to hemodynamic instability," "impaired physical mobility related to lower limb paralysis," and "hopelessness due to the unpredictable prognosis of terminal lung cancer." Results: The medical team initially focused on symptom relief, administering Morphine 5mg in 0.9% N/S 50ml IVD q6h for pain management and continuing chemotherapy as prescribed. Open communication was employed to address the patient's physical, psychological, and spiritual concerns. Non-pharmacological interventions, including listening, caring, companionship, opioid medication, and distraction techniques like comfortable positioning and warm foot baths, were used to alleviate pain, reducing the pain score to 3 on the numeric rating scale and easing respiratory discomfort. The palliative care team was also involved, guiding the patient and family through the "Four Paths of Life," helping the patient achieve a good end-of-life experience and the family to experience a peaceful life. This process also served to promote the concept of palliative care, enabling more patients and families to receive high-quality and dignified care. The patient was encouraged to express inner anxiety through drawing or writing, which helped reduce the hopelessness caused by psychological distress and uncertainty about the disease's prognosis, as assessed by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, reaching a level of mild anxiety but acceptable without affecting sleep. Conclusion: What left a deep impression during the care process was the need for intensive care providers to consider the patient's psychological state, not just their physical condition, when the patient's situation changes. Family support and involvement often provide the greatest solace for the patient, emphasizing the importance of comfort and dignity. This includes oral care to maintain cleanliness and comfort, frequent repositioning to alleviate pressure and discomfort, and timely removal of invasive devices and unnecessary medications to avoid unnecessary suffering. The nursing process should also address the patient's psychological needs, offering comfort and support to ensure that they can face the end of life with peace and dignity.Keywords: intensive care, lung cancer, aortic dissection, lower limb paralysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 306871 Students Attitudes University of Tabuk Toward the Study at the Deanship of the Preparatory Year According to the Variables of the Academic and Gender
Authors: Awad Alhwiti
The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes students in Tabuk University towards the study in the deanship of the preparation year according to the study stream (scientific, literature) and gender (male, female).The sample of the study consisted of (219) males, (120) of them are in the scientific stream and (99) from the literature stream. Moreover, (238) females, (172) of them are in the scientific stream and (66) from the literature stream. The researcher developed valid and reliable instrument to measure their attitudes towards the study in the deanship of the preparation year. The scale of the study consisted of a group of paragraphs which take positive numbers from (1) to (13) in the meter, and a group of paragraphs which take negative number from (14) to (34) in the scale. The findings of the study showed that (13) items of the scale had a high degree of evaluation, while two items had an average evaluation degree. Meanwhile, (19) items had a low evaluation degree, and the trends in general where it came from (19) paragraphs negative, and (14) paragraphs positive. As the total means of Tabuk students attitudes towards the study in the deanship of the preparation year was (1.92) with a standard deviation of (0.64) with an average evaluation degree. The findings showed that there were significant statistical difference at the level of (α = 0.05) in the samples’ attitudes towards the study in the preparation year attributed to study stream (scientific, literature) on the favor of the scientific stream. While, there were no significant statistical difference at the level of (α = 0.05) in the samples’ attitudes towards the study in the preparation year attributed to and gender (male, female).Keywords: students attitudes, preparation year deanship, Tabuk University, education technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2556870 The Power of Spirituality: The Experience of the Swiss Bethlehem Mission Society in Taiwan
Authors: Weihsuan Lin
The Swiss Bethlehem Mission Society (BMS) in Taiwan has influenced and made an important contribution to religion and social work in Taidong. This German-speaking Catholic missionary society is located in Taidong, which is the political and economic periphery of Taiwan but is the cultural center of the Chinese and many different Austronesian ethnic groups, including Amis, Paiwan, Puyuma, Yami, Bunun, and Rukai. Through document analysis and fieldwork, this research aims to explore the result of the confrontation, exchange, and innovation between the BMS and other ethnic groups. Further, based upon Michael Foucault’s discussion of two modalities of constructing individuals, namely ‘discipline’ and ‘care of the self,’ this research will analyze the ‘discipline’ and ‘care of the self’ mechanisms of and between BMS Fathers, Brothers, and Church followers at the scale of individuals. At the scale of groups, the ‘autonomy’ and ‘been governed’ of the BMS in relationship to the Catholic Church in Taiwan and the world will also be examined.Keywords: Bethlehem Mission Society, Religion and Geography, Spirituality, Foucault
Procedia PDF Downloads 1766869 Study of Pipes Scaling of Purified Wastewater Intended for the Irrigation of Agadir Golf Grass
Authors: A. Driouiche, S. Mohareb, A. Hadfi
In Morocco’s Agadir region, the reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation of green spaces has faced the problem of scaling of the pipes of these waters. This research paper aims at studying the phenomenon of scaling caused by the treated wastewater from the Mzar sewage treatment plant. These waters are used in the irrigation of golf turf for the Ocean Golf Resort. Ocean Golf, located about 10 km from the center of the city of Agadir, is one of the most important recreation centers in Morocco. The course is a Belt Collins design with 27 holes, and is quite open with deep challenging bunkers. The formation of solid deposits in the irrigation systems has led to a decrease in their lifetime and, consequently, a loss of load and performance. Thus, the sprinklers used in golf turf irrigation are plugged in the first weeks of operation. To study this phenomenon, the wastewater used for the irrigation of the golf turf was taken and analyzed at various points, and also samples of scale formed in the circuits of the passage of these waters were characterized. This characterization of the scale was performed by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results of the physicochemical analysis of the waters show that they are full of bicarbonates (653 mg/L), chloride (478 mg/L), nitrate (412 mg/L), sodium (425 mg/L) and calcium (199mg/L). Their pH is slightly alkaline. The analysis of the scale reveals that it is rich in calcium and phosphorus. It is formed of calcium carbonate (CaCO₃), silica (SiO₂), calcium silicate (Ca₂SiO₄), hydroxylapatite (Ca₁₀P₆O₂₆), calcium carbonate and phosphate (Ca₁₀(PO₄) 6CO₃) and silicate calcium and magnesium (Ca₅MgSi₃O₁₂).Keywords: Agadir, irrigation, scaling water, wastewater
Procedia PDF Downloads 1226868 Relationship between Pushing Behavior and Subcortical White Matter Lesion in the Acute Phase after Stroke
Authors: Yuji Fujino, Kazu Amimoto, Kazuhiro Fukata, Masahide Inoue, Hidetoshi Takahashi, Shigeru Makita
Aim: Pusher behavior (PB) is a disorder in which stroke patients shift their body weight toward the affected side of the body (the hemiparetic side) and push away from the non-hemiparetic side. These patients often use further pushing to resist any attempts to correct their position to upright. It is known that the subcortical white matter lesion (SWML) usually correlates of gait or balance function in stroke patients. However, it is unclear whether the SWML influences PB. The purpose of this study was to investigate if the damage of SWML affects the severity of PB on acute stroke patients. Methods: Fourteen PB patients without thalamic or cortical lesions (mean age 73.4 years, 17.5 days from onset) participated in this study. Evaluation of PB was performed according to the Scale for Contraversive Pushing (SCP) for sitting and/or standing. We used modified criteria wherein the SCP subscale scores in each section of the scale were >0. As a clinical measurement, patients were evaluated by the Stroke Impairment Assessment Set (SIAS). For the depiction of SWML, we used T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery imaging. The degree of damage on SWML was assessed using the Fazekas scale. Patients were divided into two groups in the presence of SWML (SWML+ group; Fazekas scale grade 1-3, SWML- group; Fazekas scale grade 0). The independent t-test was used to compare the SCP and SIAS. This retrospective study was approved by the Ethics Committee. Results: In SWML+ group, the SCP was 3.7±1.0 points (mean±SD), the SIAS was 28.0 points (median). In SWML- group, the SCP was 2.0±0.2 points, and the SIAS was 31.5 points. The SCP was significantly higher in SWML+ group than in SWML- group (p<0.05). The SIAS was not significant in both groups (p>0.05). Discussion: It has been considered that the posterior thalamus is the neural structures that process the afferent sensory signals mediating graviceptive information about upright body orientation in humans. Therefore, many studies reported that PB was typically associated with unilateral lesions of the posterior thalamus. However, the result indicates that these extra-thalamic brain areas also contribute to the network controlling upright body posture. Therefore, SMWL might induce dysfunction through malperfusion in distant thalamic or other structurally intact neural structures. This study had a small sample size. Therefore, future studies should be performed with a large number of PB patients. Conclusion: The present study suggests that SWML can be definitely associated with PB. The patients with SWML may be severely incapacitating.Keywords: pushing behavior, subcortical white matter lesion, acute phase, stroke
Procedia PDF Downloads 2466867 Technology and Terror
Authors: Janet D. Fish
This paper will analyze how advanced information technology communications platform’s such as you tube, twitter, Facebook, and websites are being used in marketing cultural diversity on a global scale. The scope of this topic will encompass the use of marketing terror as a tool of educational understanding, accepting, and incorporating other ethnic groups into extremist Islamic cultural practices with an end goal of cultural assimilation. This paper will examine the impacts of various influences, such as globalism and technology on common public values and cultural diversity. Additionally, multiculturalism in public administration settings will be examined across cultures. Communications are a primary focus of review for this paper, the purpose of this review is to see how different technological platforms are currently being used as major tools of influence within the public sector. Technology and terror must become a primary concern for new public administrators in a modern world. While its existence is acknowledged, boundaries of legal recourse are currently few. Public administrators must understand the depth and reach of the future consequences of an unchecked process in the realm of technology and terror on a global scale.Keywords: inclusionism, exclusionism, technology, terror
Procedia PDF Downloads 3886866 Inferring the Ecological Quality of Seagrass Beds from Using Composition and Configuration Indices
Authors: Fabrice Houngnandan, Celia Fery, Thomas Bockel, Julie Deter
Getting water cleaner and stopping global biodiversity loss requires indices to measure changes and evaluate the achievement of objectives. The endemic and protected seagrass species Posidonia oceanica is a biological indicator used to monitor the ecological quality of marine Mediterranean waters. One ecosystem index (EBQI), two biotic indices (PREI, Bipo), and several landscape indices, which measure the composition and configuration of the P. oceanica seagrass at the population scale have been developed. While the formers are measured at monitoring sites, the landscape indices can be calculated for the entire seabed covered by this ecosystem. This present work aims to search on the link between these indices and the best scale to be used in order to maximize this link. We used data collected between 2014 to 2019 along the French Mediterranean coastline to calculate EBQI, PREI, and Bipo at 100 sites. From the P. oceanica seagrass distribution map, configuration and composition indices around these different sites in 6 different grid sizes (100 m x 100 to 1000 m x 1000 m) were determined. Correlation analyses were first used to find out the grid size presenting the strongest and most significant link between the different types of indices. Finally, several models were compared basis on various metrics to identify the one that best explains the nature of the link between these indices. Our results showed a strong and significant link between biotic indices and the best correlations between biotic and landscape indices within the 600 m x 600 m grid cells. These results showed that the use of landscape indices is possible to monitor the health of seagrass beds at a large scale.Keywords: ecological indicators, decline, conservation, submerged aquatic vegetation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1326865 Privatising Higher Education: Imparting Quality in Academics
Authors: Manish Khanna
Higher education seeks to preserve, transmit and advance knowledge. It is one of the most important instruments of change and progress. The observation of Kothari Commission (1964-66) is true even today; The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms. This, we believe, is no more rhetoric. In the world based on science and technology it is education that determines the level of prosperity, welfare, and security of the people. On the quality and number of persons coming out of our schools and colleges will depend our success in the great enterprise of national reconstruction.Keywords: higher education, quality in academics, Kothari commission, privatising higher education
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