Search results for: extremist groups
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 7049

Search results for: extremist groups

6419 Effects of Synchronous Music in Gymnastics' Motor Skill Performance among Undergraduate Female Students in Physical Education College

Authors: Sanaa Ali Ahmed Alrashid


The present study aimed to investigate the effect of synchronous music in gymnastics' motor skill performance among undergraduate female students in physical education college at Basra University. The researcher used an experimental design. 20 female students of physical education divided equally into two groups, (10)experimental group with music, (10) control group without music. All participants complete 8 weeks in testing. Data analysis based on T-test shows a significant difference at (α = 0.05) in all skills level between experimental and control groups in favor of the experimental group. Results of this study contribute to developing the role of synchronous music in improving gymnastic skills performance.

Keywords: performance, motor skill, music, synchronous

Procedia PDF Downloads 484
6418 Like a Bridge over Troubled Waters: The Value of Joint Learning Programs in Intergroup Identity-Based Conflict in Israel

Authors: Rachelly Ashwall, Ephraim Tabory


In an attempt to reduce the level of a major identity-based conflict in Israel between Ultra-orthodox and secular Jews, several initiatives in recent years have tried to bring members of the two societies together in facilitated joint discussion forums. Our study analyzes the impact of two types of such programs: joint mediation training classes and confrontation-based learning programs that are designed to facilitate discussions over controversial issues. These issues include claims about an unequal shouldering of national obligations such as military service, laws requiring public observance of the Sabbath, and discrimination against women, among others. The study examines the factors that enabled the two groups to reduce their social distance, and increase their understanding of each other, and develop a recognition and tolerance of the other group's particular social identity. The research conducted over a course of two years involved observations of the activities of the groups, interviews with the participants, and analysis of the social media used by the groups. The findings demonstrate the progression from a mutual initial lack of knowledge about habits, norms, and attitudes of the out-group to an increasing desire to know, understand and more readily accept the identity of a previously rejected outsider. Participants manifested more respect, concern for and even affection for those whose identity initially led them to reject them out of hand. We discuss the implications for seemingly intractable identity-based conflict in fragile societies.

Keywords: identity-based conflict, intergroup relations, joint mediation learning, out-group recognition, social identity

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6417 A Cross Culture Analysis of Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapies: Highly Effective for Gastropathic Disorders among Three Ethnic Communities of South West Pakistan

Authors: Sheikh Z. Ul Abidin, Raees Khan, Rainer W. Bussmann, Mushtaq Ahmad, Shayan Jamshed, Humera Jabeen, Ajmal Khan


Gastropathic disorders are increasing rapidly and millions patients are reported every years across the world. Herbal medicines and traditional phytotherapies are very effective for many diseases including gastropathic ailments. Many communities and study region have their own unique remedies for such diseases. The current study was aimed to investigate and document high valued medicinal plants and folk remedies for different gastropathic disorders among the three ethnic groups of three regions in South West Pakistan. A total of 104 semi-structured interviews involving experts of traditional knowledge in 21 localities of the three regions (D.I. Khan, Zhob and Mianwali) were conducted. The interviews were especially focused on the documentation of folk herbal remedies. The collected data was analyzed using different quantitative methods. The highly effective plants from all localities were identified with the help of local interviewers and collected for proper taxonomic identification. A total of 56 medicinal plants and 33 effective recipes for 12 gastropathic diseases were documented from all the three ethnic groups in 21 localities. Fabaceae and Asteraceae were most prominently used for different gastropathic diseases. Diarrhea, vomiting and dysentery were the most commonly diseases treated with herbal remedies. It was observed that the three communities shared knowledge about the use of medicinal plants, 35 species were commonly reported from all three areas. However, each community had also their own unique uses of medicinal plants, e.g. 23 plants species were only used in Zhob, 20 plant species were only reported in D.I. Khan and 16 species in Mianwali. The present study reveals that different communities and ethnic groups share some traditional knowledge and also have their own unique knowledge of plants utilization. Gastropathic disorder is increasing very rapidly and the traditional cross-cultural knowledge of medicinal plants use can be very effective for its cure.

Keywords: cross cultural, ethnic groups, gastropathy, phytotherapies, South West Pakistan

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6416 Power-Sharing Politics: A Panacea to Conflict Resolution and Stability in Africa

Authors: Emmanuel Dangana Monday


Africa as a continent has been ravaged and bedeviled by series of political conflicts associated with politics and power-sharing maneuvering. As a result it has become the most unstable continent in the world in terms of power distribution and stable political culture. This paper examines the efficacy of conscious and deliberate power-sharing strategies to settle or resolve political conflicts in Africa in the arrangements of creation of states, revenue and resources allocation, and office distribution systems. The study is concerned with the spatial impact of conflicts generated in some renowned African countries in which power-sharing would have been a solution. Ethno-regional elite groups are identified as the major actors in the struggles for the distribution of territorial, economic and political powers in Africa. The struggle for power has become so intense that it has degenerated to conflicts and wars of inter and intra-political classes and parties respectively. Secondary data and deductive techniques were used in data collection and analysis. It is discovered that power-sharing has become an indispensable tool to curb the incessant political and power crisis in Africa. It is one of the finest tolerable modality of mediating elite’ competition, since it reflects the interests of both the dominant and the perceived marginalized groups. The study recommends that countries and regions of political, ethnic and religious differences in Africa should employed power-sharing strategy in order to avoid unnecessary political tension and resultant crisis. Interest groups should always come to the negotiation table to reach a realistic, durable and expected compromise to secure a peacefully resolute Africa.

Keywords: Africa, power-sharing, conflicts, politics and political stability

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6415 A Comparative Study to Evaluate Changes in Intraocular Pressure with Thiopentone Sodium and Etomidate in Patients Undergoing Surgery for Traumatic Brain Injury

Authors: Vasudha Govil, Prashant Kumar, Ishwar Singh, Kiranpreet Kaur


Traumatic brain injury leads to elevated intracranial pressure. Intraocular pressure (IOP) may also be affected by intracranial pressure. Increased venous pressure in the cavernous sinus is transmitted to the episcleral veins, resulting in an increase in IOP. All drugs used in anesthesia induction can change IOP. Irritation of the gag reflex after usage of the endotracheal tube can also increase IOP; therefore, the administration of anesthetic drugs, which make the lowest change in IOP, is important, while cardiovascular depression must also be avoided. Thiopentone decreases IOP by 40%, whereas etomidate decreases IOP by 30-60% for up to 5 minutes. Hundred patients (age 18-55 years) who underwent emergency craniotomy for TBI are selected for the study. Patients are randomly assigned to two groups of 50 patients each accord¬ing to the drugs used for induction: group T was given thiopentone sodium (5mg kg-1) and group E was given etomi¬date (0.3mg kg-1). Preanaesthesia intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured using Schiotz tonometer. Induction of anesthesia was achieved with etomidate (0.3mg kg-1) or thiopentone (5mg kg-1) along with fentanyl (2 mcg kg-1). Intravenous rocuronium (0.9mg kg-1) was given to facilitate intubation. Intraocular pressure was measured after 1 minute of induction agent administration and 5 minutes after intubation. Maintainance of anesthesia was done with isoflurane in 50% nitrous oxide with fresh gas flow of 5 litres. At the end of the surgery, the residual neuromuscular block was reversed and the patient was shifted to ward/ICU. Patients in both groups were comparable in terms of demographic profile. There was no significant difference between the groups for the hemody¬namic and respiratory variables prior to thiopentone or etomidate administration. Intraocular pressure in thiopentone group in left eye and right eye before induction was 14.97±3.94 mmHg and 14.72±3.75 mmHg respectively and for etomidate group was 15.28±3.69 mmHg and 15.54±4.46 mmHg respectively. After induction IOP decreased significantly in both the eyes (p<0.001) in both the groups. After 5 min of intubation IOP was significantly less than the baseline in both the eyes but it was more than the IOP after induction with the drug. It was found that there was no statistically significant difference in IOP between the two groups at any point of time. Both the drugs caused a significant decrease in IOP after induction and after 5 minutes of endotracheal intubation. The mechanism of decrease in IOP by intravenous induction agents is debatable. Systemic hypotension after the induction of anaesthesia has been shown to cause a decrease in intra-ocular pressure. A decrease in the tone of the extra-ocular muscles can also result in a decrease in intra-ocular pressure. We observed that it is appropriate to use etomidate as an induction agent when elevation of intra-ocular pressure is undesirable owing to the cardiovascular stability it confers in the patients.

Keywords: etomidate, intraocular pressure, thiopentone, traumatic

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6414 Effect of Post Circuit Resistance Exercise Glucose Feeding on Energy and Hormonal Indexes in Plasma and Lymphocyte in Free-Style Wrestlers

Authors: Miesam Golzadeh Gangraj, Younes Parvasi, Mohammad Ghasemi, Ahmad Abdi, Saeid Fazelifar


The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of glucose feeding on energy and hormonal indexes in plasma and lymphocyte immediately after wrestling – base techniques circuit exercise (WBTCE) in young male freestyle wrestlers. Sixteen wrestlers (weight = 75/45 ± 12/92 kg, age = 22/29 ± 0/90 years, BMI = 26/23 ± 2/64 kg/m²) were randomly divided into two groups: control (water), glucose (2 gr per kg body weight). Blood samples were obtained before, immediately, and 90 minutes of the post-exercise recovery period. Glucose (2 g/kg of body weight, 1W/5V) and water (equal volumes) solutions were given immediately after the second blood sampling. Data were analyzed by using an ANOVA (a repeated measure) and a suitable post hoc test (LSD). A significant decrease was observed in lymphocytes glycogen immediately after exercise (P < 0.001). In the experimental group, increase Lymphocyte glycogen concentration (P < 0.028) than in the control group in 90 min post-exercise. Plasma glucose concentrations increased in all groups immediately after exercise (P < 0.05). Plasma insulin concentrations in both groups decreased immediately after exercise, but at 90 min after exercise, its level was significantly increased only in glucose group (P < 0.001). Our results suggested that WBTCE protocol could be affected cellular energy sources and hormonal response. Furthermore, Glucose consumption can increase the lymphocyte glycogen and better energy within the cell.

Keywords: glucose feeding, lymphocyte, Wrestling – base techniques circuit , exercise

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6413 Comparison of Virtual and Face to Face Training Program in Reducing Pain and Quality of Life of Female Students with Dysmenorrhea

Authors: Nilofar Mohammadi Ahvazi, Somayeh Ansari, Mohammad Hossein Haghighizadeh, Zahra Abbaspoor


Introduction: Dysmenorrhea is one of the common causes of decreased efficiency at work, education and decreased quality of life of women. The aim of this study was to compare virtual and face-to-face training programs in reducing pain and improving the quality of life of female students with primary dysmenorrhea in Ahvaz. Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 112 female students living in the dormitories of Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences with moderate to severe primary dysmenorrhea were divided into two face-to-face and virtual groups using blocks of size 4. The educational intervention was carried out in two groups at a specific hour before the start of the first menstrual cycle. Data were collected with the help of a quality-of-life questionnaire (Sf-36), visual analog scale (VAS), and McGill questionnaire and were analyzed using descriptive and analytical tests with the help of SPSS version 25 software. Findings: The average age of the research subjects was 25.93±2.00, and the average duration of dysmenorrhea in each period was 2.49 days. There was no statistically significant difference in the quality of life of the students before the intervention, but after the educational intervention, a statistically significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of the quality of life and its dimensions (p<0.001). They were the same before the intervention, But after the intervention, the difference became significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: The virtual training method, like face-to-face training, can improve the quality of life and reduce the severity of primary dysmenorrhea pain in students. Therefore, depending on the conditions, both educational methods can be used.

Keywords: primary dysmenorrhea, face-to-face training, virtual, training

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6412 Stemming the Decline of Cultural Festivals as a Way of Preserving the Nigerian Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Kuteb and Idoma Cultural Festivals

Authors: Inalegwu Stephany Akipu


A cultural festival is characterized by feasting and celebration, with a day or period that has been set aside solely for this reason. Often expressed by an organized series of acts and performances, it forms a very important part of man’s cultural heritage. Nigeria is a country with many ethnic groups and diverse languages. Each of these ethnic groups has a plethora of festivals that depict their culture which is exhibited in many forms ranging from dancing to feasting and celebration. Being a very important aspect of man’s life, it is pertinent to document and optimally harness it. However, there is a significant decline of these practices in some areas in Nigeria while some areas have registered a total loss of same. It is the aim of this paper therefore, to appraise the factors responsible for this and also, to project ways of resuscitating these festivals which by the way are viable tools for revenue generation through tourism. Not only do festivals serve as a source of revenue, they also aid in national integration which in turn further enhances sustainable development. The interest of this paper will focus on the Kuteb people of Taraba State and the Idoma people of Benue State. The methodologies applied include primary (oral interviews) and secondary (consultation of written records on the subject matter) sources of data. It finally concludes by comparing the approaches that are in use by the ethnic groups in Nigeria who have successfully preserved this aspect their culture and suggestions are made as to how to apply same approaches to these two communities that form the subject of this paper.

Keywords: festival, cultural heritage, Nigeria, national integration, sustainable development

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6411 Plaque Removal Efficacy of Different Dental Care Products during Fixed Orthodontic Appliance Therapy

Authors: Zeynep Karakoc, Hasan Ilhan Mutaf


Plaque removal efficacy of different dental brushes and mouth wash during fixed orthodontic appliance therapy was evaluated in this single-blind, crossover and prospective study. Thirty orthodontic patients aged 18 and over undergoing fixed appliance therapy at the end of leveling stage were divided into three groups. Subjects brushed their teeth with a toothbrush under standardized conditions for a period of 30 days prior to inter-dental care products. The same procedure was repeated each time with a different, randomly assigned inter-dental care products in a crossover design. (Inter-dental brush, powered inter-dental brush and mouth wash). At start and end of each removal period, plaque indexes of participants were scored. Each brush achieved statistically significant plaque removal; however, there were no statistical differences among groups for all surfaces of teeth when the plaque score was evaluated. The mouth wash group presented significant improvement in reduction of visible plaque on mesial and distal surfaces of posterior teeth. (-60.9 %, P< .001) Plaque removal for right and left side of mouth showed no significant differences within groups, only mouth wash was more efficient in right side than left side. It is concluded that effectiveness of plaque removal may not be related to the kind of inter-dental products directly. However, toothbrush when used with inter-dental care products is significantly better at removing plaque deposits from fixed appliance patients.

Keywords: orthodontics, dental care, brush, plaque

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6410 Performance and Physiological Responses of Broiler Chickens to Diets Supplemented with Propolis in Breeding, to in Ovo Propolis Feeding or to Propolis Supplementation of Diets for Their Chicks

Authors: Kalbiye Konanc, Ergin Ozturk


To examine the effects of an ethanol liquid extract obtained from raw bee propolis (PE) on fattening performance and physiology such as vaccine-antibody relationship, microbial profile, immune status and some blood parameters of broiler chickens were used a total of 600 broiler (Ross 308) chicks, obtained from eggs of 288, 38-weeks-old broiler breeding. There were 6 groups: CC (Parent-Control and Offspring-Control, CP (Parent-Control and Offspring-propolis extract, Cip (Parent-Control and Offspring-in-ovo propolis extract), Cis (Parent-Control and Chickens-in-ovo saline), PeC (Parent-propolis extract and Offspring-Control), PeP (Parent-Propolis extract and Offspring-Propolis extract). Each group was consisted of 10 replications with 10 broiler offspring, and the experiment was lasted for 6 weeks with ethanol-extracted propolis concentration is 400 ppm/kg diet. While the highest feed consumptions at 0-21 days and 0-42 days were found in PeC, the best feed conversion ratio at 0-42 days was found in CP group. The live weight gains were found not to be different among the groups. The highest alanine aminotransferase activities were found in CC and CP and aspartate aminotransferase activities in PeP and PeC groups. The highest triglyceride and total antioxidant levels were found highest in CC and the highest total oxidant level in Cip group. IgA level in hatched eggs and IgM value after slaughtering were highest in Cip group. The best immune response was obtained for 21st day Newcastle Disease vaccine in CC and Cis groups and for 28th day Infectious Bursal Disease vaccine in CP group. The highest total aerobic microorganism and the lowest total fungi count were found in PeP group. In conclusion, it was determined that in-ovo propolis ethanol extract (Cip) increased the maternal antibody levels, that had not consistent effects on blood biochemical parameters except for triglyceride, that led to decrease in E. coli counts and that it can provide strong immune response against Infectious Bursal Disease.

Keywords: bee propolis, in-ovo feeding, immune parameters, poultry, maternal antibody, microorganisms

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6409 Research on Spatial Distribution of Service Facilities Based on Innovation Function: A Case Study of Zhejiang University Zijin Co-Maker Town

Authors: Zhang Yuqi


Service facilities are the boosters for the cultivation and development of innovative functions in innovative cluster areas. At the same time, reasonable service facilities planning can better link the internal functional blocks. This paper takes Zhejiang University Zijin Co-Maker Town as the research object, based on the combination of network data mining and field research and verification, combined with the needs of its internal innovative groups. It studies the distribution characteristics and existing problems of service facilities and then proposes a targeted planning suggestion. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) From the perspective of view, the town is rich in general life-supporting services, but lacking of provision targeted and distinctive service facilities for innovative groups; (2) From the perspective of scale structure, small-scale street shops are the main business form, lack of large-scale service center; (3) From the perspective of spatial structure, service facilities layout of each functional block is too fragile to fit the characteristics of 2aggregation- distribution' of innovation and entrepreneurial activities; (4) The goal of optimizing service facilities planning should be guided for fostering function of innovation and entrepreneurship and meet the actual needs of the innovation and entrepreneurial groups.

Keywords: the cultivation of innovative function, Zhejiang University Zijin Co-Maker Town, service facilities, network data mining, space optimization advice

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6408 Effects of Clozapine and Risperidone Antipsychotic Drugs on the Expression of CACNA1C and Behavioral Changes in Rat ‘Ketamine Model of Schizophrenia

Authors: Mehrnoosh Azimi Sanavi, Hamed Ghazvini, Mehryar Zargari, Hossein Ghalehnoei, Zahra Hosseini-khah


Objectives: Calcium Voltage-Gated Channel Subunit Alpha1 C (CACNA1C) is one of the most important genes associated with schizophrenia. Methods: 45 male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups: saline, control, ketamine, clozapine, and risperidone. Animals in ketamine, risperidone, and clozapine groups received ketamine (30 mg/ kg-i.p.) for 10 days. After the last injection of ketamine, we started injecting clozapine (7.5 mg/kg-i.p.) risperidone (1 mg/kg-i.p.) for up to 28 days. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, open field, social interaction, and elevated plus-maze tests, and gene expression in the hippocampus were performed. Results: The results of the social interaction test revealed a significant decrease in cumulative time with ketamine compared with the saline group and an increase with clozapine and risperidone compared with the ketamine group. Moreover, results from the elevated plus-maze test demonstrated a critical decrease in open-arm time and an increase in close-arm time with ketamine compared with saline, as well as an increase in open-arm time with risperidone compared with ketamine. Further results revealed a significant increase in rearing and grooming with ketamine compared to saline, as well as a decrease with risperidone and clozapine compared to ketamine. There were no significant differences in CACNA1C gene expression between groups in the rat hippocampus. In brief, the results of this study indicated that clozapine and risperidone could partially improve cognitive impairments in the rat. However, our findings demonstrated that this treatment is not related to CACNA1C gene expression.

Keywords: schizophrenia, ketamine, clozapine, risperidone

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6407 Application of Soft Sets to Non-Associative Rings

Authors: Inayatur Rehman


Molodtstove developed the theory of soft sets which can be seen as an effective tool to deal with uncertainties. Since the introduction of this concept, the application of soft sets has been restricted to associative algebraic structures (groups, semi groups, associative rings, semi-rings etc.). Acceptably, though the study of soft sets, where the base set of parameters is a commutative structure, has attracted the attention of many researchers for more than one decade. But on the other hand there are many sets which are naturally endowed by two compatible binary operations forming a non-associative ring and we may dig out examples which investigate a non-associative structure in the context of soft sets. Thus it seems natural to apply the concept of soft sets to non-commutative and non-associative structures. In present paper, we make a new approach to apply Molodtsoves notion of soft sets to LA-ring (a class of non-associative ring). We extend the study of soft commutative rings from theoretical aspect.

Keywords: soft sets, LA-rings, soft LA-rings, soft ideals, soft prime ideals, idealistic soft LA-rings, LA-ring homomorphism

Procedia PDF Downloads 465
6406 The Impact of Cooperative Learning on Numerical Methods Course

Authors: Sara Bilal, Abdi Omar Shuriye, Raihan Othman


Numerical Methods is a course that can be conducted using workshops and group discussion. This study has been implemented on undergraduate students of level two at the Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia. The Numerical Method course has been delivered to two Sections 1 and 2 with 44 and 22 students in each section, respectively. Systematic steps have been followed to apply the student centered learning approach in teaching Numerical Method course. Initially, the instructor has chosen the topic which was Euler’s Method to solve Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) to be learned. The students were then divided into groups with five members in each group. Initial instructions have been given to the group members to prepare their subtopics before meeting members from other groups to discuss the subtopics in an expert group inside the classroom. For the time assigned for the classroom discussion, the setting of the classroom was rearranged to accommodate the student centered learning approach. Teacher strength was by monitoring the process of learning inside and outside the class. The students have been assessed during the migrating to the expert groups, recording of a video explanation outside the classroom and during the final examination. Euler’s Method to solve the ODE was set as part of Question 3(b) in the final exam. It is observed that none of the students from both sections obtained a zero grade in Q3(b), compared to Q3(a) and Q3(c). Also, for Section 1(44 students), 29 students obtained the full mark of 7/7, while only 10 obtained 7/7 for Q3(a) and no students obtained 6/6 for Q3(c). Finally, we can recommend that the Numerical Method course be moved toward more student-centered Learning classrooms where the students will be engaged in group discussion rather than having a teacher one man show.

Keywords: teacher centered learning, student centered learning, mathematic, numerical methods

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6405 The Effect of 12-Week Pilates Training on Flexibility and Level of Perceived Exertion of Back Muscles among Karate Players

Authors: Seyedeh Nahal Sadiri, Ardalan Shariat


Developing flexibility, by using pilates, would be useful for karate players by reducing the stiffness of muscles and tendons. This study aimed to determine the effects of 12-week pilates training on flexibility, and level of perceived exertion of back muscles among karate players. In this experimental study, 29 male karate players (age: 16-18 years) were randomized to pilates (n=15), and control (n=14) groups and the assessments were done in baseline and after 12-week intervention. Both groups completed 12-week of intervention (2 hours of training, 3 times weekly). The experimental group performed 30 minutes pilates within their warm-up and preparation phase, where the control group only attended their usual karate training. Digital backward flexmeter was used to evaluate the trunk extensors flexibility, and digital forward flexmeter was used to measure the trunk flexors flexibility. Borg CR-10 Scale was also used to determine the perceived exertion of back muscles. Independent samples t-test and paired sample t-test were used to analyze the data. There was a significant difference between the mean score of experimental and control groups in the level of backward trunk flexibility (P < 0.05), forward trunk flexibility (P < 0.05) after 12-week intervention. The results of Borg CR-10 scale showed a significant improvement in pilates group (P < 0.05). Karate instructors, coaches, and athletes can integrate pilates exercises with karate training in order to improve the flexibility, and level of perceived exertion of back muscles.

Keywords: pilates training, karate players, flexibility, Borg CR-10

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6404 Expression of PGC-1 Alpha Isoforms in Response to Eccentric and Concentric Resistance Training in Healthy Subjects

Authors: Pejman Taghibeikzadehbadr


Background and Aim: PGC-1 alpha is a transcription factor that was first detected in brown adipose tissue. Since its discovery, PGC-1 alpha has been known to facilitate beneficial adaptations such as mitochondrial biogenesis and increased angiogenesis in skeletal muscle following aerobic exercise. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the expression of PGC-1 alpha isoforms in response to eccentric and concentric resistance training in healthy subjects. Materials and Methods: Ten healthy men were randomly divided into two groups (5 patients in eccentric group - 5 in eccentric group). Isokinetic contraction protocols included eccentric and concentric knee extension with maximum power and angular velocity of 60 degrees per second. The torques assigned to each subject were considered to match the workload in both protocols, with a rotational speed of 60 degrees per second. Contractions consisted of a maximum of 12 sets of 10 repetitions for the right leg, a rest time of 30 seconds between each set. At the beginning and end of the study, biopsy of the lateral broad muscle tissue was performed. Biopsies were performed in both distal and proximal directions of the lateral flank. To evaluate the expression of PGC1α-1 and PGC1α-4 genes, tissue analysis was performed in each group using Real-Time PCR technique. Data were analyzed using dependent t-test and covariance test. SPSS21 software and Exell 2013 software were used for data analysis. Results: The results showed that intra-group changes of PGC1α-1 after one session of activity were not significant in eccentric (p = 0.168) and concentric (p = 0.959) groups. Also, inter-group changes showed no difference between the two groups (p = 0.681). Also, intra-group changes of PGC1α-4 after one session of activity were significant in an eccentric group (p = 0.012) and concentric group (p = 0.02). Also, inter-group changes showed no difference between the two groups (p = 0.362). Conclusion: It seems that the lack of significant changes in the desired variables due to the lack of exercise pressure is sufficient to stimulate the increase of PGC1α-1 and PGC1α-4. And with regard to reviewing the answer, it seems that the compatibility debate has different results that need to be addressed.

Keywords: eccentric contraction, concentric contraction, PGC1α-1 و PGC1α-4, human subject

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6403 Light and Electron Microscopy Study of Acrylamide-Induced Hypothalamic Neuropathy

Authors: Keivan Jmahidi, Afshin Zahedi


To evaluate neurotoxic effects of ACR on hypothalamus of rat, amino-cupric silver staining technique of de Olmos and electron microscopic examination were conducted. For this purpose 60 adult male Wistar rats (± 250 g) were selected. Randomly assigned groups of rats (10 rats per exposure group, as A, B, C, D, E) were exposed to 0.5, 5, 50, 100 and 500 mg/kg per day×11days i.p. respectively. The remaining 10 rats were housed in group F as control group. Control rats received daily i.p. injections of 0.9% saline (3ml/kg). As indices of developing neurotoxicity, daily weight gain, gait scores and landing hindlimb foot splay (LHF) were determined. After 11 days, two rats for silver stain, and two rats for EM, were randomly selected, dissected and proper samples were collected from hypothalamus. Rats in groups D and E died within 1-2 hours due to sever toxemia. In histopathological studies no argyrophilic neurons or processes were observed in stained sections obtained from hypothalamus of rats belong to groups A, B and F, while moderate to severe argyrophilic changes were observed in different nuclei and regions of stained sections obtained from hypothalamus of rats belong to group C. In ultrastructural studies some variations in the myelin sheet of injured axons including decompactation, interlaminar space formation, disruption of the laminar sheet, accumulation of neurofilaments, vacculation and clumping inside the axolem, and finaly complete disappearance of laminar sheet were observed.

Keywords: acrylamide (ACR), amino-cupric silver staining technique of de Olmos, argyrophilia, hypothalamic neuropathy

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6402 The Link between Anthropometry and Fat-Based Obesity Indices in Pediatric Morbid Obesity

Authors: Mustafa M. Donma, Orkide Donma


Anthropometric measurements are essential for obesity studies. Waist circumference (WC) is the most frequently used measure, and along with hip circumference (HC), it is used in most equations derived for the evaluation of obese individuals. Morbid obesity is the most severe clinical form of obesity, and such individuals may also exhibit some clinical findings leading to metabolic syndrome (MetS). Then, it becomes a requirement to discriminate morbid obese children with (MOMetS+) and without (MOMetS-) MetS. Almost all obesity indices can differentiate obese (OB) children from children with normal body mass index (N-BMI). However, not all of them are capable of making this distinction. A recently introduced anthropometric obesity index, waist circumference + hip circumference/2 ((WC+HC)/2), was confirmed to differ OB children from those with N-BMI, however it has not been tested whether it will find clinical usage for the differential diagnosis of MOMetS+ and MOMetS-. This study was designed to find out the availability of (WC+HC)/2 for the purpose and to compare the possible preponderance of it over some other anthropometric or fat-based obesity indices. Forty-five MOMetS+ and forty-five MOMetS- children were included in the study. Participants have submitted informed consent forms. The study protocol was approved by the Non-interventional Ethics Committee of Tekirdag Namik Kemal University. Anthropometric measurements were performed. Body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip circumference (W/H), (WC+HC)/2, trunk-to-leg fat ratio (TLFR), trunk-to-appendicular fat ratio (TAFR), trunk fat+leg fat/2 ((trunk+leg fat)/2), diagnostic obesity notation model assessment index-2 (D2I) and fat mass index (FMI) were calculated for both groups. Study data was analyzed statistically, and 0.05 for p value was accepted as the statistical significance degree. Statistically higher BMI, WC, (WC+HC)/2, (trunk+leg fat)/2 values were found in MOMetS+ children than MOMetS- children. No statistically significant difference was detected for W/H, TLFR, TAFR, D2I, and FMI between two groups. The lack of difference between the groups in terms of FMI and D2I pointed out the fact that the recently developed fat-based index; (trunk+leg fat)/2 gives much more valuable information during the evaluation of MOMetS+ and MOMetS- children. Upon evaluation of the correlations, (WC+HC)/2 was strongly correlated with D2I and FMI in both MOMetS+ and MOMetS- groups. Neither D2I nor FMI was correlated with W/H. Strong correlations were calculated between (WC+HC)/2 and (trunk+leg fat)/2 in both MOMetS- (r=0.961; p<0.001) and MOMetS+ (r=0.936; p<0.001) groups. Partial correlations between (WC+HC)/2 and (trunk+leg fat)/2 after controlling the effect of basal metabolic rate were r=0.726; p<0.001 in MOMetS- group and r=0.932; p<0.001 in MOMetS+ group. The correlation in the latter group was higher than the first group. In conclusion, recently developed anthropometric obesity index (WC+HC)/2 and fat-based obesity index (trunk+leg fat)/2 were of preponderance over the previously introduced classical obesity indices such as W/H, D2I and FMI during the differential diagnosis of MOMetS+ and MOMetS- children.

Keywords: children, hip circumference, metabolic syndrome, morbid obesity, waist circumference

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6401 Social Identification among Employees: A System Dynamic Approach

Authors: Muhammad Abdullah, Salman Iqbal, Mamoona Rasheed


Social identity among people is an important source of pride and self-esteem, consequently, people struggle to preserve a positive perception of their groups and collectives. The purpose of this paper is to explain the process of social identification and to highlight the underlying causal factors of social identity among employees. There is a little research about how the social identity of employees is shaped in Pakistan’s organizational culture. This study is based on social identity theory. This study uses Systems’ approach as a research methodology. The feedback loop approach is applied to explain the underlying key elements of employee behavior that collectively form social identity among social groups in corporate arena. The findings of this study reveal that effective, evaluative and cognitive components of an individual’s personality are associated with the social identification. The system dynamic feedback loop approach has revealed the underlying structure that is associated with social identity, social group formation, and effective component proved to be the most associated factor. This may also enable to understand how social groups become stable and individuals act according to the group requirements. The value of this paper lies in the understanding gained about the underlying key factors that play a crucial role in social group formation in organizations. It may help to understand the rationale behind how employees socially categorize themselves within organizations. It may also help to design effective and more cohesive teams for better operations and long-term results. This may help to share knowledge among employees as well. The underlying structure behind the social identification is highlighted with the help of system modeling.

Keywords: affective commitment, cognitive commitment, evaluated commitment, system thinking

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6400 Caste of Women: An Inquiry into the Differences in Inter-Caste Marriages in an Adivasi Samaj

Authors: Dhiraj Kumar


The paper attempts to argue that the regulation of the rural lower caste woman’s life-world is at the core of the reproduction of hierarchy in an Adivasi samaj (society). It has been established in studies on caste and Adivasi that the two societies are distinct and operate through different structures, norms, rituals, beliefs, etc. This is as opposed to the colonial and certain post-independence anthropology in/of India that collapsed the two into single categories for analysis. However, how the two seemingly different social structures affect each other has attracted little attention. The paper is inspired by an action-research at Gadh-Bansla, an Adivasi village in the Kanker district of Chhattisgarh that houses different caste groups – OBCs and SCs, as well as two different Adivasi groups: Gond and Halba. The action-research, taken place across a year, has worked with six families of the different groups present (i.e., Gond, Halba, OBCs, and SCs) in which inter-caste marriages have taken place. Through in-depth interviews and free association discussions with these six families, the paper presents the ways in which the samaj and caste society have interacted. It has been observed that there is a difference in treatment in marriages between a lower caste woman marrying into an upper caste or Halba household, and an upper caste or Halba woman marrying into a lower caste household. While the upper caste woman is easily accepted into the Adivasi samaj and the husband’s family, the same does not hold true for the lower caste woman. The lower caste woman has to face humiliation through untouchability, fine on the family, or in some cases excommunication of the couple. The paper concludes with a need to use caste as a central analytic to understand gender discrimination even in Adivasi contexts.

Keywords: caste, Adivasi, Samaj, humiliation, woman

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6399 The Optimum Aeration Time of Wastewater Treatment by Surface Aerators in Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University

Authors: Anat Thanpinta


This research aimed to study on the efficiency of wastewater treatment by comparing the different aeration times of surface aerators in Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. In doing so, the operation of surface aerators was divided into 2 groups which included the groups of 8 hours (8-0/opened-closed) and 4 hours (2-2/opened-closed) of aeration time per day. As a result of the study, it was found that the efficiency of wastewater treatment in the forms of DO, BOD, turbidity and NO2- by 8 hours (8-0/opened-closed) and 4 hours (2-2/opened-closed) of aeration time per day of surface aerators was not statistically different [Sig. = .644, .488, .716 and .054 > α (.05)] while the efficiency in the forms of NO3- and P was significantly different at the statistical level of .01 [Sig. = .001 and .000 < α (.01)].

Keywords: aeration time, surface aerator, wastewater treatment, efficiency

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6398 Frequency of Surgical Complications in Diabetic Patients after Kidney Transplantation

Authors: Hakan Duger, Alparslan Ersoy, Canan Ersoy


The improvement of surgical techniques in recent years has reduced the frequency of postoperative complications in kidney transplant recipients. Novel immunosuppressive agents have reduced rates of graft loss due to acute rejection to less than 1%. However, surgical complications may still lead graft loss and morbidity in recipients. Because of potent immunosuppression, impaired wound healing and complications are frequent after transplantation. We compared the frequency of post-operative surgical complications in diabetic and non-diabetic patients after kidney transplantation. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study conducted in consecutive patients (213 females, 285 males, median age 39 years) who underwent kidney transplant surgery at our center between December 2005 and October 2015. The patients were divided into two groups: diabetics (46 ± 10 year, 26 males, 16 females) and non-diabetics (39 ± 12 year, 259 males, 197 females). Characteristics of both groups were obtained from medical records. Results: We performed 225 living and 273 deceased donor transplantations. Renal replacement type was hemodialysis in 60.8%, peritoneal dialysis in 17.3% and preemptive in 12%. The mean body mass indexes of the recipients were 24 ± 4.6 kg/m², donor age was 48.6 ± 14.3 years, cold ischemic time was 11.3 ± 6.1 hours, surgery time was 4.9 ± 1.2 hours, and recovery time was 54±31 min. The mean hospitalization duration was 19.1 ± 13.5 days. The frequency of postoperative surgical complications was 43.8%. There was no significant difference between the ratios of post-operative surgical complications in non-diabetic (43.5%) and diabetic (47.4%) groups (p=0.648). Post-operative surgical complications were lymphocele (24.6% vs. 23.7%), delayed wound healing (13.2% vs. 7.6%), hematoma (7.8% vs.15.8 %), urinary leak (4.6% vs. 5.3%), hemorrhage (5.1% vs. 0%), hydronephrosis (2.2% vs. 0%), renal artery thrombosis (1.5% vs. 0%), renal vein thrombosis (1% vs. 2.6%), urinoma (0.7% vs. 0%), urinary obstruction (0.5% vs. 0%), ureteral stenosis (0.5% vs. 0%) and ureteral reflux (0.2% vs. 0%) in non-diabetic and diabetic groups, respectively (p > 0.05). Mean serum creatinine levels in non-diabetics and diabetics were 1.43 ± 0.81 and 1.61 ± 0.96 mg/dL at 1st month (p=0.198). At the 6th month, the mean graft and patient survival times in patients with post-operative surgical complications were significantly lower than in those who did not (162.9 ± 3.4 vs. 175.6 ± 1.5 days, p=0.008, and 171 ± 2.9 vs. 176.1 ± 1.6 days, p=0.047, respectively). However, patient survival durations of non-diabetic (173 ± 27) and diabetic (177 ± 13 day) groups were comparable (p=0.396). Conclusion: As a result, we concluded that surgical complications such as lymphocele and delayed wound healing were common and that frequency of these complications in diabetic recipients did not differ from non-diabetic one. All persons involved in the postoperative care of kidney transplant recipients be aware of the potential surgical complications for rapid diagnosis and treatment.

Keywords: kidney transplantation, diabetes mellitus, surgery, complication

Procedia PDF Downloads 179
6397 Evaluation of Non-Pharmacological Method-Transcervical Foley Catheter and Misoprostol to Intravaginal Misoprostol for Preinduction Cervical Ripening

Authors: Krishna Dahiya, Esha Charaya


Induction of labour is a common obstetrical intervention. Around 1 in every 4 patient undergo induction of labour for different indications Purpose: To study the efficacy of the combination of Foley bulb and vaginal misoprostol in comparison to vaginal misoprostol alone for cervical ripening and induction of labour. Methods: A prospective randomised study was conducted on 150 patients with term singleton pregnancy admitted for induction of labour. Seventy-five patients were induced with both Foley bulb, and vaginal misoprostol and another 75 were given vaginal misoprostol alone for induction of labour. Both groups were then compared with respect to change in Bishop score, induction to the active phase of labour interval, induction delivery interval, duration of labour, maternal complications and neonatal outcomes. Data was analysed using statistical software SPSS version 11.5. Tests with P,.05 were considered significant. Results: The two groups were comparable with respect to maternal age, parity, gestational age, indication for induction, and initial Bishop scores. Both groups had a significant change in Bishop score (2.99 ± 1.72 and 2.17 ± 1.48 respectively with statistically significant difference (p=0.001 S, 95% C.I. -0.1978 to 0.8378). Mean induction to delivery interval was significantly lower in the combination group (11.76 ± 5.89 hours) than misoprostol group (14.54 ± 7.32 hours). Difference was of 2.78 hours (p=0.018,S, 95% CI -5.1042 to -0.4558). Induction to delivery interval was significantly lower in nulliparous women of combination group (13.64 ± 5.75 hours) than misoprostol group (18.4±7.09 hours), and the difference was of 4.76 hours (p=0.002, S, 95% CI 1.0465 to 14.7335). There was no difference between the groups in the mode of delivery, infant weight, Apgar score and intrapartum complications. Conclusion: From the present study it was concluded that addition of Foley catheter to vaginal misoprostol have the synergistic effect and results in early cervical ripening and delivery. These results suggest that the combination may be used to achieve timely and safe delivery in the presence of an unfavorable cervix. A combination of the Foley bulb and vaginal misoprostol resulted in a shorter induction-to-delivery time when compared with vaginal misoprostol alone without increasing labor complications.

Keywords: Bishop score, Foley catheter, induction of labor, misoprostol

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6396 Effect of Satureja khuzestanica Jamzad Supplementation on Inflammatory and Antioxidant Indicators in Type 2 Diabetes Patients: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial Study

Authors: Maryam Bordbar, Yaser Mokhayeri, Sajjad Roosta, Fatemeh Ghasemi, Saeed Choobkar, Hamidreza Nikbakht, Ebrahim Falahi


Objective: Diabetes mellitus type 2 is the most common metabolic disorder that is growing exponentially worldwide. Satureja Khuzestanica Jamzad is a native plant of Iran that grows widely in the south of Iran. Its antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects have been documented in animal studies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of consumption daily S. khuzestanica on inflammatory and antioxidant indicators in type 2 diabetic patients. Methods and Materials: In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 67 patients with type 2 diabetes were included and divided into two groups. One group received S. khuzestanica (capsule containing 500 mg) and the other group received placebo (500 mg talcum powder) once a day for 12 weeks. After the intervention, the inflammatory and antioxidant indicators of the two groups were compared. Results: In comparison to placebo groups, there was a significant difference in levels of total antioxidant capacity, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, and glutathione peroxidase; these antioxidant indicators were higher in the intervention group (P<0.05). Moreover, a considerable decrease in weight, CRP and IL-6 levels were observed in patients in the S.Khuzestanica group. Conclusion: Our findings may provide novel complementary treatments without adverse effects for diabetes complications.

Keywords: Satureja khuzestanica Jamzad, diabetes mellitus, antioxidant indicators, IL-6, C-reactive protein

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6395 Diagnostic Evaluation of Urinary Angiogenin (ANG) and Clusterin (CLU) as Biomarker for Bladder Cancer

Authors: Marwa I. Shabayek, Ola A. Said, Hanan A. Attaia, Heba A. Awida


Bladder carcinoma is an important worldwide health problem. Both cystoscopy and urine cytology used in detecting bladder cancer suffer from drawbacks where cystoscopy is an invasive method and urine cytology shows low sensitivity in low grade tumors. This study validates easier and less time-consuming techniques to evaluate the value of combined use of angiogenin and clusterin in comparison and combination with voided urine cytology in the detection of bladder cancer patients. This study includes malignant (bladder cancer patients, n= 50), benign (n=20), and healthy (n=20) groups. The studied groups were subjected to cystoscopic examination, detection of bilharzial antibodies, urine cytology, and estimation of urinary angiogenin and clusterin by ELISA. The overall sensitivity and specifcity were 66% and 75% for angiogenin, 70% and 82.5% for clusterin and 46% and 80% for voided urine cytology. Combined sensitivity of angiogenin and clusterin with urine cytology increased from 82 to 88%.

Keywords: angiogenin, bladder cancer, clusterin, cytology

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6394 A Comparative Study on the Hypoglycemic Effects of Hydroalcoholic Extracts from Silybum marianum, Camellia sinensis (Green Tea), and Urtica dioica Plants in Diabetic Rats

Authors: Sogand Moshfeghi, Alireza Biglari


Diabetes is an endocrine disorder that is commonly treated with insulin. However, long-term usage of insulin and hypoglycemic chemical drugs can result in various side effects. Therefore, it is crucial to explore effective compounds with minimal side effects for diabetes treatment. This study aimed to compare the hypoglycemic effects of hydroalcoholic extracts derived from Silybum marianum, Camellia sinensis (green tea), and Urtica dioica plants. Male Wistar rats were allocated to 5 groups. Group 1 received normal Salin. Other groups were diabetic (induced by Streptozotocin 65 mg/kg Ip), group 2 received normal Salin (Ip, qod. 21 days). Group 3 received Silybum Marianum L, hydroalcoholic extract (100 mg/kg, ip.qod, 21 days). Group 4 received Camellia sinesis L, hydroalcoholic extract (100mg/kg,ip,qod,21 days), and group 5 received Urtica dioica L. hydroalcoholic extract (100mg/kg, ip,qod,21 days). Blood samples were collected at 14 and 21 days after the initial injection to evaluate the blood glucose levels. On the fourteenth day, the blood glucose levels for the diabetic groups were as follows: Group 2: 424.7±34.5, Group 3: 390.7±10.5, Group 4: 350.4±16.9, and Group 5: 340±20.5. On the 21st day, the respective blood glucose levels were: Group 2: 432±5.0, Group 3: 410.16±5.0, Group 4: 264.3±17.5, and Group 5: 270.7±24.5. Statistical analysis using the Tukey Anova test indicated that on the fourteenth day, both the green tea and Urtica groups exhibited significant hypoglycemic effects. Furthermore, on the 21st day, Urtica dioica extract demonstrated comparable effects to Camellia Sinensis extract, while Silybum Marianum extract did not significantly lower blood glucose levels compared to the diabetic group. In conclusion, the hydroalcoholic extracts from Camellia sinensis and Urtica dioica plants exhibited promising hypoglycemic effects in diabetic rats. These findings provide valuable insights into the potential use of natural plant extracts as alternative or complementary treatments for diabetes, warranting further investigation to harness their therapeutic benefit effectively.

Keywords: Camellia sinesis, glucose, Silybum marianum, Urtica dioica

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6393 Effect of Collection Technique of Blood on Clinical Pathology

Authors: Marwa Elkalla, E. Ali Abdelfadil, Ali. Mohamed. M. Sami, Ali M. Abdel-Monem


To assess the impact of the blood collection technique on clinical pathology markers and to establish reference intervals, a study was performed using normal, healthy C57BL/6 mice. Both sexes were employed, and they were randomly assigned to different groups depending on the phlebotomy technique used. The blood was drawn in one of four ways: intracardiac (IC), caudal vena cava (VC), caudal vena cava (VC) plus a peritoneal collection of any extravasated blood, or retroorbital phlebotomy (RO). Several serum biochemistries, such as a liver function test, a complete blood count with differentials, and a platelet count, were analysed from the blood and serum samples analysed. Red blood cell count, haemoglobin (p >0.002), hematocrit, alkaline phosphatase, albumin, total protein, and creatinine were all significantly greater in female mice. Platelet counts, specific white blood cell numbers (total, neutrophil, lymphocyte, and eosinophil counts), globulin, amylase, and the BUN/creatinine ratio were all greater in males. The VC approach seemed marginally superior to the IC approach for the characteristics under consideration and was linked to the least variation among both sexes. Transaminase levels showed the greatest variation between study groups. The aspartate aminotransferase (AST) values were linked with decreased fluctuation for the VC approach, but the alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values were similar between the IC and VC groups. There was a lot of diversity and range in transaminase levels between the MC and RO groups. We found that the RO approach, the only one tested that allowed for repeated sample collection, yielded acceptable ALT readings. The findings show that the test results are significantly affected by the phlebotomy technique and that the VC or IC techniques provide the most reliable data. When organising a study and comparing data to reference ranges, the ranges supplied here by collection method and sex can be utilised to determine the best approach to data collection. The authors suggest establishing norms based on the procedures used by each individual researcher in his or her own lab.

Keywords: clinical, pathology, blood, effect

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6392 Infrared Spectroscopy Fingerprinting of Herbal Products- Application of the Hypericum perforatum L. Supplements

Authors: Elena Iacob, Marie-Louise Ionescu, Elena Ionescu, Carmen Elena Tebrencu, Oana Teodora Ciuperca


Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) is an advanced technique frequently used to authenticate both raw materials and final products using their specific fingerprints and to determine plant extracts biomarkers based on their functional groups. In recent years the market for Hypericum has grown rapidly and also has grown the cases of adultery/replacement, especially for Hypericum perforatum L.specie. Presence/absence of same biomarkers provides preliminary identification of Hypericum species in safe use in the manufacture of food supplements. The main objective of the work was to characterize the main biomarkers of Hypericum perforatum L. (St. John's wort) and identify this species in herbal food supplements after specific FT-IR fingerprint. An experimental program has been designed in order to test: (1) raw material (St. John's wort); (2)intermediate raw materials (St. John's wort dry extract ); (3) the finished products: tablets based on powders, on extracts, on powder and extract, hydroalcoholic solution from herbal mixture based on St. John's wort. The analyze using FTIR infrared spectroscopy were obtained raw materials, intermediates and finished products spectra, respectively absorption bands corresponding and similar with aliphatic and aromatic structures; examination was done individually and through comparison between Hypericum perforatum L. plant species and finished product The tests were done in correlation with phytochemical markers for authenticating the specie Hypericum perforatum L.: hyperoside, rutin, quercetin, isoquercetin, luteolin, apigenin, hypericin, hyperforin, chlorogenic acid. Samples were analyzed using a Shimatzu FTIR spectrometer and the infrared spectrum of each sample was recorded in the MIR region, from 4000 to 1000 cm-1 and then the fingerprint region was selected for data analysis. The following functional groups were identified -stretching vibrations suggests existing groups in the compounds of interest (flavones–rutin, hyperoside, polyphenolcarboxilic acids - chlorogenic acid, naphtodianthrones- hypericin): oxidril groups (OH) free alcohol type: rutin, hyperoside, chlorogenic acid; C = O bond from structures with free carbonyl groups of aldehyde, ketone, carboxylic, ester: hypericin; C = O structure with the free carbonyl of the aldehyde groups, ketone, carboxylic acid, esteric/C = O free bonds present in chlorogenic acid; C = C bonds of the aromatic ring (condensed aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds) present in all compounds of interest; OH phenolic groups: present in all compounds of interest, C-O-C groups from glycoside structures: rutin, hyperoside, chlorogenic acid. The experimental results show that: (I)The six fingerprint region analysis indicated the presence of specific functional groups: (1) 1000 - 1130 cm-1 (C-O–C of glycoside structures); (2) 1200-1380 cm-1 (carbonyl C-O or O-H phenolic); (3) 1400-1450 cm-1 (C=C aromatic); (4) 1600- 1730 cm-1 (C=O carbonyl); (5) 2850 - 2930 cm-1 (–CH3, -CH2-, =CH-); (6) 338-3920 cm-1 (OH free alcohol type); (II)Comparative FT-IR spectral analysis indicate the authenticity of the finished products ( tablets) in terms of Hypericum perforatum L. content; (III)The infrared spectroscopy is an adequate technique for identification and authentication of the medicinal herbs , intermediate raw material and in the food supplements less in the form of solutions where the results are not conclusive.

Keywords: Authentication, FT-IR fingerprint, Herbal supplements, Hypericum perforatum L.

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6391 Exploring the Importance of Different Product Cues on the Selection for Chocolate from the Consumer Perspective

Authors: Ezeni Brzovska, Durdana Ozretic-Dosen


The purpose of this paper is to deepen the understanding of the product cues that influence purchase decision for a specific product category – chocolate, and to identify demographic differences in the buying behavior. ANOVA was employed for analyzing the significance level for nine product cues, and the survey showed statistically significant differences among different age and gender groups, and between respondents with different levels of education. From the theoretical perspective, the study adds to the existing knowledge by contributing with the research results from the new environment (Southeast Europe, Macedonia), which has been neglected so far. Establishing the level of significance for the product cues that affect buying behavior in the chocolate consumption context might help managers to improve marketing decision-making, and better meet consumer needs through identifying opportunities for packaging innovations and/or personalization toward different target groups.

Keywords: chocolate consumption context, chocolate selection, demographic characteristics, product cues

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6390 The Effect of Aerobics and Yogic Exercise on Selected Physiological and Psychological Variables of Middle-Aged Women

Authors: A. Pallavi, N. Vijay Mohan


A nation can be economically progressive only when the citizens have sufficient capacity to work efficiently to increase the productivity. So, good health must be regarded as a primary need of the community. This helps the growth and development of the body and the mind, which in turn leads to progress and prosperity of the nation. An optimum growth is a necessity for an efficient existence in a biologically adverse and economically competitive world. It is also necessary for the execution of daily routine work. Yoga is a method or a system for the complete development of the personality in a human being. It can be further elaborated as an all-around and complete development of the body, mind, morality, intellect and soul of a being. Sri Aurobindo defines yoga as 'a methodical effort towards self-perfection by the development of the potentialities in the individual.' Aerobic exercise as any activity that uses large muscle groups, can be maintained continuously, and is rhythmic I nature. It is a type of exercise that overloads the heart and lungs and causes them to work harder than at rest. The important idea behind aerobic exercise today, is to get up and get moving. There are more activities that ever to choose from, whether it is a new activity or an old one. Find something you enjoy doing that keeps our heart rate elevated for a continuous time period and get moving to a healthier life. Middle aged selected and served as the subjects for the purpose of this study. The selected subjects were in the age group of 30 to 40 years. By going through the literature and after consulting the experts in yoga and aerobic training, the investigator had chosen the variables which are specifically related to the middle-aged men. The selected physiological variables are pulse rate, diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure; percent body fat and vital capacity. The selected psychological variables are job anxiety, occupational stress. The study was formulated as a random group design consisting of aerobic exercise and yogic exercises groups. The subjects (N=60) were at random divided into three equal groups of twenty middle-aged men each. The groups were assigned the names as follows: 1. Experimental group I- aerobic exercises group, 2. Experimental group II- yogic exercises, 3. Control group. All the groups were subjected to pre-test prior to the experimental treatment. The experimental groups participated in their respective duration of twenty-four weeks, six days in a week throughout the study. The various tests administered were: prior to training (pre-test), after twelfth week (second test) and twenty-fourth weeks (post-test) of the training schedule.

Keywords: pulse rate, diastolic blood pressure, systolic blood pressure; percent body fat and vital capacity, psychological variables, job anxiety, occupational stress, aerobic exercise, yogic exercise

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