Search results for: axial pain
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 1675

Search results for: axial pain

1135 Rare Differential Diagnostic Dilemma

Authors: Angelis P. Barlampas


Theoretical background Disorders of fixation and rotation of the large intestine, result in the existence of its parts in ectopic anatomical positions. In case of symptomatology, the clinical picture is complicated by the possible symptomatology of the neighboring anatomical structures and a differential diagnostic problem arises. Target The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the difficulty of revealing the real cause of abdominal pain, in cases of anatomical variants and the decisive contribution of imaging and especially that of computed tomography. Methods A patient came to the emergency room, because of acute pain in the right hypochondrium. Clinical examination revealed tenderness in the gallbladder area and a positive Murphy's sign. An ultrasound exam depicted a normal gallbladder and the patient was referred for a CT scan. Results Flexible, unfixed ascending colon and cecum, located in the anatomical region of the right mesentery. Opacities of the surrounding peritoneal fat and a small linear concentration of fluid can be seen. There was an appendix of normal anteroposterior diameter with the presence of air in its lumen and without clear signs of inflammation. There was an impression of possible inflammatory swelling at the base of the appendix, (DD phenomenon of partial volume; e.t.c.). Linear opacities of the peritoneal fat in the region of the second loop of the duodenum. Multiple diverticula throughout the colon. Differential Diagnosis The differential diagnosis includes the following: Inflammation of the base of the appendix, diverticulitis of the cecum-ascending colon, a rare case of second duodenal loop ulcer, tuberculosis, terminal ileitis, pancreatitis, torsion of unfixed cecum-ascending colon, embolism or thrombosis of a vascular intestinal branch. Final Diagnosis There is an unfixed cecum-ascending colon, which is exhibiting diverticulitis.

Keywords: unfixed cecum-ascending colon, abdominal pain, malrotation, abdominal CT, congenital anomalies

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1134 Evaluation of Intraoral Complications of Buccal Mucosa Graft in Augmentation Urethroplasty

Authors: Dahna Alkahtani, Faryal Suraya, Fadah Alanazi


Background: Buccal mucosal graft for urethral augmentation has surpassed other grafting options, and is now considered the standard of choice for substitution Urethroplasty. The graft has gained its popularity due to its excellent short and long-term results, easy harvesting as well as its ability in withstanding wet environments. However, although Buccal mucosal grafts are an excellent option, it is not free of complications, potential intraoral complications are bleeding, pain, swelling, injury to the nerve resulting in numbness, lip deviation or retraction. Objectives: The current study aims to evaluate the intraoral complications of buccal mucosa grafts harvested from one cheek, and used in Augmentation Urethroplasty. Methodology: The study was conducted retrospectively using the medical records of patients who underwent open augmentation urethroplasty with a buccal mucosa graft at King Khalid University Hospital, Saudi Arabia. Data collection of demographics included the type of graft used, presence or absence of strictures and its etiological factors. Pre-operative and post-operative evaluations were carried out on the subjects including the medical history, physical examination, uroflowmetry, retrograde urethrography, voiding cystourethrography and urine cultures were also noted. Further, the quality of life and complications of the procedure including the presence or occurrence of bleeding within 3-days post-procedure, the severity of pain, oral swelling after grafting, length of return to normal daily diet, painful surgical site, intake of painkillers, presence or absence of speech disturbance, numbness in the cheeks and lips were documented. Results: Thirty-two male subjects with ages ranging from 15 years to 72 years were included in the current study. Following the procedure, a hundred percent of the subjects returned to their normal daily diet by the sixth postoperative day. Further, the majority of the patients reported experiencing mild pain accounting for 61.3%, and 90.3% of the subjects reported using painkillers to control the pain. Surgical wound Pain was reportedly more common at the perineal site as 48.4% of the subjects experienced it; on the other hand, 41.9% of the patients experienced pain in the oral mucosa. The presence of speech disorders, as assessed through medical history, was found to be present in 3.2% of patients. The presence of numbness in the cheeks and lips was found in 3.2% of patients. Other complications such as parotid duct injury, delayed wound healing, non-healing wound and suture granuloma were rare as 90.3% of the subjects denied experiencing any of them, there were nonetheless reports of parotid duct injury by 6.5% of the patients, and non-healing wound by the 3.2% of patients. Conclusion: Buccal Mucosa Graft in Augmentation Urethroplasty is an ideal source of allograft, although not entirely painless; it is considerably safe with minimal intra-oral complication and undetectable strain on the patients’ quality of life.

Keywords: augmentation, buccal, graft, oral

Procedia PDF Downloads 180
1133 Comparison between High Resolution Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders Causing Ankle Pain

Authors: Engy S. El-Kayal, Mohamed M. S. Arafa


There are various causes of ankle pain including traumatic and non-traumatic causes. Various imaging techniques are available for assessment of AP. MRI is considered to be the imaging modality of choice for ankle joint evaluation with an advantage of its high spatial resolution, multiplanar capability, hence its ability to visualize small complex anatomical structures around the ankle. However, the high costs and the relatively limited availability of MRI systems, as well as the relatively long duration of the examination all are considered disadvantages of MRI examination. Therefore there is a need for a more rapid and less expensive examination modality with good diagnostic accuracy to fulfill this gap. HRU has become increasingly important in the assessment of ankle disorders, with advantages of being fast, reliable, of low cost and readily available. US can visualize detailed anatomical structures and assess tendinous and ligamentous integrity. The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of HRU with MRI in the assessment of patients with AP. We included forty patients complaining of AP. All patients were subjected to real-time HRU and MRI of the affected ankle. Results of both techniques were compared to surgical and arthroscopic findings. All patients were examined according to a defined protocol that includes imaging the tendon tears or tendinitis, muscle tears, masses, or fluid collection, ligament sprain or tears, inflammation or fluid effusion within the joint or bursa, bone and cartilage lesions, erosions and osteophytes. Analysis of the results showed that the mean age of patients was 38 years. The study comprised of 24 women (60%) and 16 men (40%). The accuracy of HRU in detecting causes of AP was 85%, while the accuracy of MRI in the detection of causes of AP was 87.5%. In conclusions: HRU and MRI are two complementary tools of investigation with the former will be used as a primary tool of investigation and the latter will be used to confirm the diagnosis and the extent of the lesion especially when surgical interference is planned.

Keywords: ankle pain (AP), high-resolution ultrasound (HRU), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ultrasonography (US)

Procedia PDF Downloads 193
1132 Designing and Prototyping Permanent Magnet Generators for Wind Energy

Authors: T. Asefi, J. Faiz, M. A. Khan


This paper introduces dual rotor axial flux machines with surface mounted and spoke type ferrite permanent magnets with concentrated windings; they are introduced as alternatives to a generator with surface mounted Nd-Fe-B magnets. The output power, voltage, speed and air gap clearance for all the generators are identical. The machine designs are optimized for minimum mass using a population-based algorithm, assuming the same efficiency as the Nd-Fe-B machine. A finite element analysis (FEA) is applied to predict the performance, emf, developed torque, cogging torque, no load losses, leakage flux and efficiency of both ferrite generators and that of the Nd-Fe-B generator. To minimize cogging torque, different rotor pole topologies and different pole arc to pole pitch ratios are investigated by means of 3D FEA. It was found that the surface mounted ferrite generator topology is unable to develop the nominal electromagnetic torque, and has higher torque ripple and is heavier than the spoke type machine. Furthermore, it was shown that the spoke type ferrite permanent magnet generator has favorable performance and could be an alternative to rare-earth permanent magnet generators, particularly in wind energy applications. Finally, the analytical and numerical results are verified using experimental results.

Keywords: axial flux, permanent magnet generator, dual rotor, ferrite permanent magnet generator, finite element analysis, wind turbines, cogging torque, population-based algorithms

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1131 Axial, Bending Interaction Diagrams of Reinforced Concrete Columns Exposed to Chloride Attack

Authors: Rita Greco, Giuseppe Carlo Marano


Chloride induced reinforcement corrosion is widely accepted to be the most frequent mechanism causing premature degradation of reinforced concrete members, whose economic and social consequences are growing up continuously. Prevention of these phenomena has a great importance in structural design, and modern Codes and Standard impose prescriptions concerning design details and concrete mix proportion for structures exposed to different external aggressive conditions, grouped in environmental classes. This paper focuses on reinforced concrete columns load carrying capacity degradation over time due to chloride induced steel pitting corrosion. The structural element is considered to be exposed to marine environment and the effects of corrosion are described by the time degradation of the axial-bending interaction diagram. Because chlorides ingress and consequent pitting corrosion propagation are both time-dependent mechanisms, the study adopts a time-variant predictive approach to evaluate the residual strength of corroded reinforced concrete columns at different lifetimes. Corrosion initiation and propagation process is modelled by taking into account all the parameters, such as external environmental conditions, concrete mix proportion, concrete cover and so on, which influence the time evolution of the corrosion phenomenon and its effects on the residual strength of RC columns.

Keywords: pitting corrosion, strength deterioration, diffusion coefficient, surface chloride concentration, concrete structures, marine environment

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1130 Tension-Free Vaginal Tape Secur (TVT Secur) versus Tension-Free Vaginal Tape-Obturator (TVT-O) from inside to outside in Surgical Management of Genuine Stress Urinary Incontinence

Authors: Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim Hassanin, Hany Hassan Mostafa, Mona Mohamed Shaban, Ahlam El Said Kamel


Background: New so-called minimally invasive devices have been developed to limit groin pain after sling placement for treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) to minimize the risk of postoperative pain and organ perforation. A new generation of suburethral slings was described that avoided skin incision to pull out and tension the sling. Evaluation of this device through prospective short-term series has shown controversial results compared with other tension-free techniques. The aim of this study is to compare success rates and complications for tension-free vaginal tape secur (TVT secur) and trans-obturator sub urethral tape inside-out technique (TVT-O) for treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Materials and Methods: Fifty patients with genuine SUI were divided into two groups: group S (n=25) were operated upon using (TVT secur) and group O (n=25) were operated upon using trans-obturator suburethral tape inside-out technique (TVT-O). Success rate, quality of life and postoperative complications such as groin pain, urgency, urine retention and vaginal tape erosion were reported in both groups at one, three, and six months after surgery. Results: As regards objective cure rate at one, three, six months intervals; there was a significant difference between group S (56%, 64%, and 60%), and group O (80%, 88%, and 88%) respectively (P <0.05). As regards subjective cure rate at one, three, six months intervals; there was a significant difference between group S (44%, 44%, and 48%), and group O (76%, 80%, and 80%) respectively (P <0.05). Quality of life (QoL) parameters improved significantly in cured patients with no difference between both groups. As regards complications, group O had a higher frequency of complications than group S; groin pain (12% vs 12% p= 0.05), urgency (4% (1 case) vs 0%), urine retention (8% (2 cases) vs 0%), vaginal tape erosion (4% (1 case) vs 0%). No cases were complicated with wound infection. Conclusion: Compared to TVT secur, TVT-O showed higher subjective and objective cure rates after six months but higher rate of complications. Both techniques were comparable as regards improvement of quality of life after surgery.

Keywords: stress urinary incontinence, trans-vaginal tape-obturator, TVT Secur, TVT-O

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1129 A Rare Cause of Abdominal Pain Post Caesarean Section

Authors: Madeleine Cox


Objective: discussion of diagnosis of vernix caseosa peritonitis, recovery and subsequent caesarean seciton Case: 30 year old G4P1 presented in labour at 40 weeks, planning a vaginal birth afterprevious caesarean section. She underwent an emergency caesarean section due to concerns for fetal wellbeing on CTG. She was found to have a thin lower segment with a very small area of dehiscence centrally. The operation was uncomplicated, and she recovered and went home 2 days later. She then represented to the emergency department day 6 post partum feeling very unwell, with significant abdominal pain, tachycardia as well as urinary retention. Raised white cell count of 13.7 with neutrophils of 11.64, CRP of 153. An abdominal ultrasound was poorly tolerated by the patient and did not aide in the diagnosis. Chest and abdominal xray were normal. She underwent a CT chest and abdomen, which found a small volume of free fluid with no apparent collection. Given no obvious cause of her symptoms were found and the patient did not improve, she had a repeat CT 2 days later, which showed progression of free fluid. A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed with general surgeons, which reveled turbid fluid, an inflamed appendix which was removed. The patient improved remarkably post operatively. The histology showed periappendicitis with acute appendicitis with marked serosal inflammatory reaction to vernix caseosa. Following this, the patient went on to recover well. 4 years later, the patient was booked for an elective caesarean section, on entry into the abdomen, there were very minimal adhesions, and the surgery and her subsequent recovery was uncomplicated. Discussion: this case represents the diagnostic dilemma of a patient who presents unwell without a clear cause. In this circumstance, multiple modes of imaging did not aide in her diagnosis, and so she underwent diagnostic surgery. It is important to evaluate if a patient is or is not responding to the typical causes of post operative pain and adjust management accordingly. A multiteam approach can help to provide a diagnosis for these patients. Conclusion: Vernix caseosa peritonitis is a rare cause of acute abdomen post partum. There are few reports in the literature of the initial presentation and no reports on the possible effects on future pregnancies. This patient did not have any complications in her following pregnancy or delivery secondary to her diagnosis of vernix caseosa peritonitis. This may assist in counselling other women who have had this uncommon diagnosis.

Keywords: peritonitis, obstetrics, caesarean section, pain

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1128 Evaluating the Seismic Stress Distribution in the High-Rise Structures Connections with Optimal Bracing System

Authors: H. R. Vosoughifar, Seyedeh Zeinab. Hosseininejad, Nahid Shabazi, Seyed Mohialdin Hosseininejad


In recent years, structure designers advocate further application of energy absorption devices for lateral loads damping. The Un-bonded Braced Frame (UBF) system is one of the efficient damping systems, which is made of a smart combination of steel and concrete or mortar. In this system, steel bears the earthquake-induced axial force as compressive or tension forces without loss of strength. Concrete or mortar around the steel core acts as a constraint for brace and prevents brace buckling during seismic axial load. In this study, the optimal bracing system in the high-rise structures has been evaluated considering the seismic stress distribution in the connections. An actual 18-story structure was modeled using the proper Finite Element (FE) software where braced with UBF, Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBF) and Concentrically Braced Frame (CBF) systems. Nonlinear static pushover and time-history analyses are then performed so that the acquired results demonstrate that the UBF system reduces drift values in the high-rise buildings. Further statistical analyses show that there is a significant difference between the drift values of UBF system compared with those resulted from the EBF and CBF systems. Hence, the seismic stress distribution in the connections of the proposed structure which braced with UBF system was investigated.

Keywords: optimal bracing system, high-rise structure, finite element analysis (FEA), seismic stress

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1127 Behavior of Composite Reinforced Concrete Circular Columns with Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer I-Section

Authors: Hiba S. Ahmed, Abbas A. Allawi, Riyadh A. Hindi


Pultruded materials made of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) come in a broad range of shapes, such as bars, I-sections, C-sections, and other structural sections. These FRP materials are starting to compete with steel as structural materials because of their great resistance, low self-weight, and cheap maintenance costs-especially in corrosive conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) of the hybrid columns built by combining (GFRP) profiles with concrete columns because of their low cost and high structural efficiency. To achieve the aims of this study, nine circular columns with a diameter of (150 mm) and a height of (1000mm) were cast using normal concrete with compression strength equal to (35 MPa). The research involved three different types of reinforcement: hybrid circular columns type (IG) with GFRP I-section and 1% of the reinforcement ratio of steel bars, hybrid circular columns type (IS) with steel I-section and 1% of the reinforcement ratio of steel bars, (where the cross-section area of I-section for GFRP and steel was the same), compared with reference column (R) without I-section. To investigate the ultimate capacity, axial and lateral deformation, strain in longitudinal and transverse reinforcement, and failure mode of the circular column under different loading conditions (concentric and eccentric) with eccentricities of 25 mm and 50 mm, respectively. In the second part, an analytical finite element model will be performed using ABAQUS software to validate the experimental results.

Keywords: composite, columns, reinforced concrete, GFRP, axial load

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1126 Analysis of Waterjet Propulsion System for an Amphibious Vehicle

Authors: Nafsi K. Ashraf, C. V. Vipin, V. Anantha Subramanian


This paper reports the design of a waterjet propulsion system for an amphibious vehicle based on circulation distribution over the camber line for the sections of the impeller and stator. In contrast with the conventional waterjet design, the inlet duct is straight for water entry parallel and in line with the nozzle exit. The extended nozzle after the stator bowl makes the flow more axial further improving thrust delivery. Waterjet works on the principle of volume flow rate through the system and unlike the propeller, it is an internal flow system. The major difference between the propeller and the waterjet occurs at the flow passing the actuator. Though a ducted propeller could constitute the equivalent of waterjet propulsion, in a realistic situation, the nozzle area for the Waterjet would be proportionately larger to the inlet area and propeller disc area. Moreover, the flow rate through impeller disk is controlled by nozzle area. For these reasons the waterjet design is based on pump systems rather than propellers and therefore it is important to bring out the characteristics of the flow from this point of view. The analysis is carried out using computational fluid dynamics. Design of waterjet propulsion is carried out adapting the axial flow pump design and performance analysis was done with three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code. With the varying environmental conditions as well as with the necessity of high discharge and low head along with the space confinement for the given amphibious vehicle, an axial pump design is suitable. The major problem of inlet velocity distribution is the large variation of velocity in the circumferential direction which gives rise to heavy blade loading that varies with time. The cavitation criteria have also been taken into account as per the hydrodynamic pump design. Generally, waterjet propulsion system can be parted into the inlet, the pump, the nozzle and the steering device. The pump further comprises an impeller and a stator. Analytical and numerical approaches such as RANSE solver has been undertaken to understand the performance of designed waterjet propulsion system. Unlike in case of propellers the analysis was based on head flow curve with efficiency and power curves. The modeling of the impeller is performed using rigid body motion approach. The realizable k-ϵ model has been used for turbulence modeling. The appropriate boundary conditions are applied for the domain, domain size and grid dependence studies are carried out.

Keywords: amphibious vehicle, CFD, impeller design, waterjet propulsion

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1125 Intraoperative Inter Pectoral and Sub Serratus Nerve Blocks Reduce Post Operative Opiate Requirements in Breast Augmentation Surgery

Authors: Conor Mccartney, Mark Lee


Background: An essential component in ambulatory breast augmentation surgery is good analgesia. The demographic undergoing this operation is usually fit, low risk with few comorbidities. These patients do not require long-term hospitalization and do not want to spend excessive time in the hospital for financial reasons. Opiate analgesia can have significant side effects such as nausea, vomiting and sedation. Reducing volumes of postoperative opiates allows faster ambulation and discharge from day surgery. We have developed two targeted nerve blocks that can be applied by the operating surgeon in a matter of seconds under direct vision, not requiring imaging. Anecdotally we found that these targeted nerve blocks reduced opiate requirements and allowed accelerated discharge and faster return to normal activities. This was then tested in a prospective randomized, double-blind trial. Methods: 20 patients were randomized into saline (n = 10) or Ropivicaine adrenaline solution (n = 10). The operating surgeon and anesthetist were blinded to the solution. All patients were closely followed up and morphine equivalents were accurately recorded. Follow-up pain scores were recorded using the Overall Benefit of Analgesia pain questionnaire. Findings: The Ropivicaine nerve blocks significantly reduced opiate requirements postoperatively (p<0.05). Pain scores were significantly decreased in the study group (p<0.05). There were no side effects attributable to the nerve blocks. Conclusions: Intraoperative targeted nerve blocks significantly reduce postoperative opiate requirements in breast augmentation surgery. This results in faster recovery and higher patient satisfaction.

Keywords: breast augmentation, nerve block, postoperative recovery, opiate analgesia, inter pectoral block, sub serratus block

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1124 Chronic Left Sciatic Nerve Injury and Subsequent Complications Following Delayed Hip Dislocation Treatment in a 34-Year Old Male: A Case Report

Authors: Hamida Memon, Muhammad Sanan


A 34-year-old male with no prior health issues presented with a wound in his left leg exhibiting active pus discharge, intense inflammation, pain radiating from the buttocks to the knee, foot drop, and skin darkening. Four years prior, he sustained an untreated dislocation of the hip joint and acetabulum from a road traffic accident. Initial nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) revealed severe axonotomesis of the left sciatic nerve and reduced compound muscle action potential in the left common peroneal nerve. Despite normal venous flow, edema and cellulitis were noted. Follow-up NCS/EMG in 2022 showed improvement, but in 2023, the patient experienced recurrent infection and underwent surgical intervention with tissue culture. Postoperative care included antibiotics and pain management. NCS/EMG in 2024 indicated decreased nerve amplitudes and conduction velocities, consistent with moderate axonotmesis and ongoing recovery, alongside incidental right S1 radiculopathy. General lab tests and abdominal imaging were normal. The patient was treated with Pregabalin and Neurobion for neuropathic pain and nerve support and is currently under observation by a tertiary sector hospital for treatment. This case underscores the critical importance of prompt treatment for hip dislocations to prevent long-term complications such as neuropathy and avascular necrosis. Delays in treatment significantly increase the risk of severe outcomes, highlighting the need for timely intervention. Overall, the case illustrates the challenges of managing complex nerve injuries and the importance of comprehensive care for optimal recovery.

Keywords: sciatic nerve neuropathy, hip dislocation, acetabular fracture, radiculopathy

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1123 CFD-Parametric Study in Stator Heat Transfer of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine

Authors: Alireza Rasekh, Peter Sergeant, Jan Vierendeels


This paper copes with the numerical simulation for convective heat transfer in the stator disk of an axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) electrical machine. Overheating is one of the main issues in the design of AFMPs, which mainly occurs in the stator disk, so that it needs to be prevented. A rotor-stator configuration with 16 magnets at the periphery of the rotor is considered. Air is allowed to flow through openings in the rotor disk and channels being formed between the magnets and in the gap region between the magnets and the stator surface. The rotating channels between the magnets act as a driving force for the air flow. The significant non-dimensional parameters are the rotational Reynolds number, the gap size ratio, the magnet thickness ratio, and the magnet angle ratio. The goal is to find correlations for the Nusselt number on the stator disk according to these non-dimensional numbers. Therefore, CFD simulations have been performed with the multiple reference frame (MRF) technique to model the rotary motion of the rotor and the flow around and inside the machine. A minimization method is introduced by a pattern-search algorithm to find the appropriate values of the reference temperature. It is found that the correlations are fast, robust and is capable of predicting the stator heat transfer with a good accuracy. The results reveal that the magnet angle ratio diminishes the stator heat transfer, whereas the rotational Reynolds number and the magnet thickness ratio improve the convective heat transfer. On the other hand, there a certain gap size ratio at which the stator heat transfer reaches a maximum.

Keywords: AFPM, CFD, magnet parameters, stator heat transfer

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1122 Delivery of Ginseng Extract Containing Phytosome Loaded Microsphere System: A Preclinical Approach for Treatment of Neuropathic Pain in Rodent Model

Authors: Nitin Kumar


Purpose: The current research work focuses mainly on evolving a delivery system for ginseng extract (GE), which in turn will ameliorate the neuroprotective potential by means of enhancing the ginsenoside (Rb1) bio-availability (BA). For more noteworthy enhancement in oral bioavailability (OBA) along with pharmacological properties, the drug carriers’ performance can be strengthened by utilizing phytosomes-loaded microspheres (PM) delivery system. Methods: For preparing the disparate phytosome complexes (F1, F2, and F3), an aqueous extract of ginseng roots (GR) along with phospholipids were reacted in disparate ratio. Considering the outcomes, F3 formulation (spray-dried) was chosen for preparing the phytosomes powder (PP), PM, and extract microspheres (EM). PM was made by means of loading of F3 into Gum Arabic (GA) in addition to maltodextrin polymer mixture, whereas EM was prepared by means of the addition of extract directly into the same polymer mixture. For investigating the neuroprotective effect (NPE) in addition to their pharmacokinetic (PK) properties, PP, PM, and EM formulations were assessed. Results: F3 formulation gave enhanced entrapment efficiency (EE) (i.e., 50.61%) along with good homogeneity of spherical shaped particle size (PS) (42.58 ± 1.4 nm) with least polydispersity index (PDI) (i.e., 0.193 ± 0.01). The sustained release (up to 24 h) of ginsenoside Rb1 (GRb1) is revealed by the dissolution study of PM. A significantly (p < 0.05) greater anti-oxidant (AO) potential of PM can well be perceived as of the diminution in the lipid peroxidase level in addition to the rise in the glutathione superoxide dismutase (SOD) in addition to catalase levels. It also showed a greater neuroprotective potential exhibiting significant (p < 0.05) augmentation in the nociceptive threshold together with the diminution in damage to nerves. A noteworthy enhancement in the relative BA (157.94%) of GRb1 through the PM formulation can well be seen in the PK studies. Conclusion: It is exhibited that the PM system is an optimistic and feasible strategy to enhance the delivery of GE for the effectual treatment of neuropathic pain.

Keywords: ginseng, neuropathic, phytosome, pain

Procedia PDF Downloads 187
1121 The Effect of Exercise Therapy and Electroacupuncture on Some Clinical Outcomes in People with Post Total Hip Arthroplasty

Authors: Marzieh Yassin, Masoud Rashed, Soheil Mansour Sohani, Reza Salehi


Background: Hip arthroplasty is one of the surgical methods to improve symptoms in patients with hip osteoarthritis. The use of electroacupuncture and TENS reduces pain, increases range of motion and improves performance. Methods: In this clinical trial study, 30 patients after hip arthroplasty were randomly divided into two groups: electroacupuncture (n=16) with exercise therapy and TENS with exercise therapy (n=14). Severity of pain, quality of life, range of motion, edema and function were evaluated in two groups before and after the interventions. Interventions of 10 sessions (three sessions per week) were conducted for two groups. The significance level in all tests was below 0.05. Results: The results showed that both groups improved all of the symptoms after the intervention (p≤0.05), although there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of effectiveness (p≥0.05). Conclusion: The results showed that both methods improve symptoms in patients after surgery. According to this study, electroacupuncture is suggested as a new method effective for the treatment of people with post-Total Hip Arthroplasty.

Keywords: electroacupuncture, physical performance, total hip arthroplasty, TENS

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1120 Catered Lunch Suspected Outbreak in a Garment Factory, Sleman District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2017

Authors: Rieski Prihastuti, Meliana Depo, Trisno A. Wibowo, Misinem


On October 19, 2017, Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital reported 38 garment employees with nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea after they had lunch on October 18, 2017, to Sleman District Health Office. Objectives of this study were to ensure the outbreak and identify source and route of transmission. Case-control study was conducted to analyze food items that caused the outbreak. A case was defined as a person who got symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea with/without vomiting, fever, and headache after they had lunch on October 18, 2017. Samples included leftover lunch box, vomit, tap water and drinking water had been sent to the laboratory. Data were analyzed descriptively as frequency table and analyzed by using chi-square in bivariate analysis. All of 196 garment employee was included in this study. The common symptoms of this outbreak were abdominal pain (84.4%), diarrhea (72.8%), nausea (61.6%), headache (52.8%), vomiting (12.8%), and fever (6.4%) with median incubation period 13 hours (range 1-34 hours). Highest attack rate and odds ratio was found in grilled chicken (Attack Rate 58,49%) with Odds Ratio 11,023 (Confidence Interval 95% 1.383 - 87.859; p value 0,005). Almost all samples showed mold, except drinking water. Based on its sign and symptoms, also incubation period, diarrheal Bacillus cereus and Clostridium perfringens were suspected to be the causative agent of the outbreak. Limitation of this study was improper sample handling and no sample of food handler and stools in the food caterer. Outbreak investigation training needed to be given to the hospital worker, and monitoring should be done to the food caterer to prevent another outbreak.

Keywords: disease outbreak, foodborne disease, food poisoning, outbreak

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1119 Balanced Ischemia Misleading to a False Negative Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (Stress) Test

Authors: Devam Sheth


Nuclear imaging with stress myocardial perfusion (stress test) is the preferred first line investigation for noninvasive evaluation of ischaemic heart condition. The sensitivity of this test is close to 90 % making it a very reliable test. However, rarely it gives a false negative result which can be explained by the phenomenon termed as “balanced ischaemia”. We present the case of a 78 year Caucasian female without any significant past cardiac history, who presents with chest pain and shortness of breath since one day. The initial ECG and cardiac enzymes were non-impressive. Few hours later, she had some substernal chest pain along with some ST segment depression in the lateral leads. Stress test comes back negative for any significant perfusion defects. However, given her typical symptoms, she underwent a cardiac catheterization which revealed significant triple vessel disease mandating her to get a bypass surgery. This unusual phenomenon of false nuclear stress test in the setting of positive ECG changes can be explained only by balanced ischemia wherein due to global myocardial ischemia, the stress test fails to reveal relative perfusion defects in the affected segments.

Keywords: balanced, false positive, ischemia, myocardial perfusion imaging

Procedia PDF Downloads 302
1118 Bioincision of Gmelina Arborea Roxb. Heartwood with Inonotus Dryophilus (Berk.) Murr. for Improved Chemical Uptake and Penetration

Authors: A. O. Adenaiya, S. F. Curling, O. Y. Ogunsanwo, G . A. Ormondroyd


Treatment of wood with chemicals in order to prolong its service life may prove difficult in some refractory wood species. This impermeability in wood is usually due to biochemical changes which occur during heartwood formation. Bioincision, which is a short-term, controlled microbial decomposition of wood, is one of the promising approaches capable of improving the amenability of refractory wood to chemical treatments. Gmelina Arborea, a mainstay timber species in Nigeria, has impermeable heartwood due to the excessive tyloses which occlude its vessels. Therefore, the chemical uptake and penetration in Gmelina arborea heartwood bioincised with Inonotus dryophilus fungus was investigated. Five mature Gmelina Arborea trees were harvested at the Departmental plantation in Ajibode, Ibadan, Nigeria and a bolt of 300 cm was obtained from the basal portion of each tree. The heartwood portion of the bolts was extracted and converted into dimensions 20 mm x 20 mm x 60 mm and subsequently conditioned (200C at 65% Relative Humidity). Twenty wood samples each were bioincised with the white-rot fungus Inonotus dryophilus (ID, 999) for 3, 5, 7 and 9 weeks using standard procedure, while a set of sterile control samples were prepared. Ten of each bioincised and control sample were pressure-treated with 5% tanalith preservative, while the other ten of each bioincised and control samples were pressure-treated with a liquid dye for easy traceability of the chemical in the wood, both using a full cell treatment process. The bioincised and control samples were evaluated for their Weight Loss before chemical treatment (WL, %), Preservative Absorption (PA, Kg/m3), Preservative Retention (PR, Kg/m3), Axial Absorption (AA, Kg/m3), Lateral Absorption (LA, Kg/m3), Axial Penetration Depth (APD, mm), Radial Penetration Depth (RPD, mm), and Tangential Penetration Depth (TPD, mm). The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA at α0.05. Results show that the weight loss was least in the samples bioincised for three weeks (0.09%) and highest after 7 weeks of bioincision (0.48%). The samples bioincised for 3 weeks had the least PA (106.72 Kg/m3) and PR (5.87 Kg/m3), while the highest PA (134.9 Kg/m3) and PR were observed after 7 weeks of bioincision (7.42 Kg/m3). The AA ranged from 27.28 Kg/m3 (3 weeks) to 67.05 Kg/m3 (5 weeks), while the LA was least after 5 weeks of incubation (28.1 Kg/m3) and highest after 9 weeks (71.74 Kg/m3). Significantly lower APD was observed in control samples (6.97 mm) than in the samples bioincised after 9weeks (19.22 mm). The RPD increased from 0.08 mm (control samples) to 3.48 mm (5 weeks), while TPD ranged from 0.38 mm (control samples) to 0.63 mm (9 weeks), implying that liquid flow in the wood was predominantly through the axial pathway. Bioincising G. arborea heartwood with I. dryophilus fungus for 9 weeks is capable of enhancing chemical uptake and deeper penetration of chemicals in the wood through the degradation of the occluding vessel tyloses, which is accompanied by a minimal degradation of the polymeric wood constituents.

Keywords: Bioincision, chemical uptake, penetration depth, refractory wood, tyloses

Procedia PDF Downloads 106
1117 An Unexpected Hand Injury with Pluridigital Fractures Due to Premature Explosion of a Ramadan Cannon

Authors: Hakan Akgul


Purpose: The use of firecrackers (i.e., Ramadan Cannon) during the month of Ramadan is a traditional way of indicating that the fasting period is over in Muslim countries. Here, we report the rehabilitation of a case of hand injury with pluridigital fractures due to premature explosion of a Ramadan cannon. Materials and Methods: A 48-year old man admitted to the Emergency Department due to left hand injury as a result of a premature explosion of a Ramadan cannon. The patient was immediately taken to operation room because of the multiple fractures, tendon loss, and soft tissue loss in the left hand. Range of motion (ROM) of joints was measured with goniometer, pain and oedema were measured and splinting was performed. Results: Rehabilitation team took over the patient at postoperative 9th week. During the 3 month rehabilitation, range of motion increased, oedema was taken under control, pain was reduced, the colour of the skin turned to the normal tone. According to the visual analog scale (VAS), pain decreased from 9 to 4. Oedema, around the metacarpofalangeal (MCP) joints, decreased from 27,5 cm to 23,5 cm. Total active range of motion of the wrist increased from 5 degrees to 50 degrees.Total active range of motion of supination and pronation increased from 55 degrees to 70 degrees. Discussion: The rehabilitation of multiple hand injury is quite difficult. Different aspects of trauma should be taken into consideration when rehabilitation is planned. Factors such as waiting for the bone union, wound healing, and use of external fixators may delay rehabilitation process. Joint mobilization, massage for reducing oedema and preventing scar tissue, exercise within the range of motion are efficient measures. Poor patient compliance to treatment may lead to poor outcome. First of all, oedema and scar formation must be taken under control. Removing fixators should not be delayed depending on the bone union, and exercise within the range of motion should be started.

Keywords: explosion, fracture, hand, injury

Procedia PDF Downloads 243
1116 Dynamic Balance and Functional Performance in Total Hip Arthroplasty

Authors: Mahmoud Ghazy, Ahmed R. Z. Baghdadi


Background: With the perceived pain and poor function experienced following total hip Arthroplasty (THA), patients usually feel un-satisfied. Methods: Thirty patients with THA (group I) and thirty indicated for arthroplasty but weren’t operated on yet (group II) participated in the study. The mean age was 54.53±3.44 and 55.33±2.32 years and BMI 35.7±3.03 and 35.73±1.03 kg/m2 for group I and III respectively. The Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Timed Up-and-Go (TUG) and Stair-Climbing (SC) tests were used for assessment. Assessments were conducted four weeks pre- and post-operatively and three months post-operatively with the control group being assessed at the same time intervals. The post-operative rehabilitation involved hospitalization (1st week), home-based (2nd-4th weeks), and outpatient clinic (5th-12th weeks) programs. Results: group I had significantly lower TUG and SC time compared with group II four weeks and three months post-operatively. Moreover, the BBS scores increased significantly and the pain scores and TUG and SC time decreased significantly four weeks and three months post-operatively compared with four weeks pre- operatively in group. But no significant differences in BBS scores four weeks and three months post-operatively in group I compared with group II. Interpretation/Conclusion : Patients with THA still have defects in proprioception, so they needs more concentration on proprioception training.

Keywords: dynamic balance, functional performance, hip arthroplasty, total

Procedia PDF Downloads 372
1115 Efficacy of Ergonomics Ankle Support on Squatting Pushing Skills during the Second Stage of Labor

Authors: Yu-Ching Lin, Meei-Ling Gau, Ghi-Hwei Kao, Hung-Chang Lee


Objective: To compare the pushing experiences and birth outcomes of three different pushing positions during the second stage of labor. The three positions were: semi-recumbent, squatting, and squatting with the aid of ergonomically designed ankle supports. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted at a regional teaching hospital in northern Taiwan. Data were collected from 168 primiparous women in their 38th to 42nd gestational week. None of the participants received epidural analgesia during labor and all were free of pregnancy and labor-related complications. Intervention: During labor, after full cervical dilation and when the fetal head had descended to at least the +1 station and had turned to the occiput anterior position, the experimental group was asked to push in the squatting position while wearing the ergonomically designed ankle supports; comparison group A was asked to push in the squatting position without the use of these supports; and comparison group B was asked to push in a standard semi-recumbent position. Measures: The participants completed a demographic and obstetrics datasheet, the Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ-SF), and the Labor Pushing Experience scale within 4-hours postpartum. Conclusion: In terms of delivery time, the duration between the start of pushing to crowning for the experimental group (squatting with ankle supports) averaged 25.52 minutes less (F =6.02, p< .05) than the time for comparison group B (semi-recumbent). Furthermore, the duration between the start of pushing to infant birth averaged 25.21 minutes less for the experimental group than for comparison group B (F =6.14, p< .05). Moreover, the experimental group had a lower average VAS pain score (5.05±3.22) than comparison group B and the average McGill pain score for the experimental group was lower than both comparison groups (F=18.12, p< .001). In summary, the participants in the group that delivered from a squatting position with ankle supports had better labor pushing experiences than their peers in the comparison groups. Results: In comparison to both unsupported squatting and semi-recumbent pushing, squatting with the aid of ergonomically designed ankle supports reduced pushing times, ameliorated labor pain, and improved the pushing experience. Clinical application and suggestion: The squatting with ankle-support intervention introduced in the present study may significantly reduce tiredness and difficulties in maintaining balance as well as increase pushing efficiency. Thus, this intervention may reduce the caring needs of women during the second stage of labor. This intervention may be introduced in midwifery education programs and in clinical practice as a method to improve the care of women during the second stage of labor.

Keywords: second stage of labor, pushing, squatting with ankle supports, squatting

Procedia PDF Downloads 275
1114 Study of Non-hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Authors: Zidani Abla


Lymphoma is a common type of cancer that affects the lymphatic system, including the lymph nodes, spleen and other associated organs. There are two main types of lymphoma: Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The epidemiological, clinical and biological features of lymphoma are poorly studied in Algeria. The main objective of our study is to investigate the epidemiological, clinical, paraclinical, etiological, evolutionary and biological characteristics of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) in the hematology department of the University Hospital Center (HUC) of Batna. This is a study of 10 patients diagnosed at Batna University Hospital. 70% were male and 30% female (sex ratio M/F= 2.33). Median age was 51.7 years. Pain, especially abdominal pain, was the main reason for consultation. Stage IV predominated (40%), followed by stage III (20%). Abdominal adenopathies (34%) were the most abundant. Secondary hepatic localization was predominant. Large B-cell NHL predominated, accounting for 60% of cases, followed by small B-cell NHL (30%). Serology for hepatitis B and C, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was negative. Biologically, a predominance of hyperleukocytosis, polynuclear neutrophilic leukocytosis, lymphopenia and hypoalbuminemia were present in the majority of cases. In summary, our results remain to be compared with other works for other periods and other regions in order to generalize lymphoma percentages for the entire Algerian population.

Keywords: non Hodgkin's lymphoma, epidemiology, clinic, biology

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1113 'Disability' and Suffering: The Case of Workers Affected by Repetitive Strain Injury/Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder in a Removal from Work Situation in Santos, São Paulo, Brazil

Authors: Maria Do Carmo Baracho De Alencar, Marciene Campos Fialho, Maria Do Carmo Vitório Ramos


The subjects affected by Repetitive Strain Injury/Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorder (RSI/WRMSD) face an everyday life marked by pain, feelings of worthlessness and incapacity caused by the disease, and aggravated often because of discrimination society. Aim: To investigate the experiences and feelings of workers affected by RSI/WRMSD in removal from work situations and to understand the repercussions on mental health. Methods: Clinical records of workers were consulted, opened from July 1, 2014, to July 1, 2015, at the Reference Center for Worker's Health, in Santos city-SP. Selection of workers affected by RSI /WRMSD and who had experienced the removal from work situation due to the disease, and invitation to participate in the study. Semi-structured and individual interviews were carried out based on a pre-elaborated script, and for thematic content analysis. Results: Of a total of 502 medical records, 157 were selected, and of these, 18 workers participated in the interviews, both gender, most of them with low education level, aged between 35 and 56 years, and from different professions. Diseases affected several physical body regions and some workers had more than one body region affected by chronic pain. In the testimonies emerged the psychic suffering by the process of illness at work, fear of dismissal, invisibility of pain, in medical expertise attendance, by the incapacity to perform tasks that were easily achievable, with feelings of uselessness, revolt, and injustice, among others. Conclusion: The workers need to be readapted to new life situations, and the study promotes reflections on the need for more interdisciplinary actions and of the Psychology to the workers affected by RSI/ WRMSD.

Keywords: repetitive strain injury, cumulative trauma disorder, absence from work, mental health, occupational health

Procedia PDF Downloads 160
1112 Abdominal Pregnancy with a Live Newborn in a Low Resource Setting: A Case Report

Authors: Olivier Mulisya, Guelord Barasima, Henry Mark Lugobe, Philémon Matumo, Bienfait Mumbere Vahwere, Hilaire Mutuka, Zawadi Léocadie, Wesley Lumika


Abdominal pregnancy is defined as pregnancy anywhere within the peritoneal cavity, exclusive of tubal, ovarian, or broad ligament locations. It is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy with high morbidity and mortality for both the mother and the fetus. Diagnosis can be frequently missed in most poor-resource settings because of poor antenatal coverage, low socioeconomic status in most of the patients as well as lack of adequate medical resources. Clinical diagnosis can be very difficult and an ultrasound scan is very helpful during the early stages of gestation but can also be disappointing in the later stages. We report a case of a 25-year-old woman with severe abdominal pain not amended with any medication. A clinical picture of shock lead to an emergency laparotomy which confirmed the diagnosis of abdominal pregnancy. The ministry of health in developing countries should make an effort to make routine early ultrasounds accessible to pregnant women, and obstetricians should keep in mind the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, irrespective of the gestational age.

Keywords: abdominal pregnancy, live new bron, ultrasound imaging, abdominal pain

Procedia PDF Downloads 99
1111 The Prevalence of Herbal Medicine Practice and Associated Factors among Cancer Patients Receiving Palliative Care at Mobile Hospice Mbarara

Authors: Harriet Nalubega, Eddie Mwebesa


In Uganda, over 90% of people use herbal remedies. Herbal medicine use has been associated with delayed clinical appointments, presentation with advanced cancers, financial constraints, and misdiagnosis. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of herbal medicine use and practices amongst cancer patients receiving Palliative Care at Mobile Hospice Mbarara (MHM) and the associated challenges. This was a mixed-methods prospective study conducted in 2022 at MHM, where patients were interviewed, and a questionnaire was completed. 87% of the patients had used herbal medicine. Of these, 83% were female, and 59% had not received formal education. 27% of patients had used herbal remedies for a year or more. 51% of patients who were consuming herbs stopped using them after starting palliative care treatment. Motivations for herbal medicine use were in the hope for a cure in 59%, for pain relief in 30%, and peer influence in 10%. There is a high prevalence of herbal medicine use in Palliative Care. Female gender and lack of formal education were disproportionately associated with herbal remedy use. Most patients consume herbal remedies in search of a cure or to relieve severe pain. Education of cancer patients about herbal remedy use may improve treatment outcomes in Palliative Care.

Keywords: prevalence, herbal medicine, cancer patients, palliative care

Procedia PDF Downloads 137
1110 Microglia Activity and Induction of Mechanical Allodynia after Mincle Receptor Ligand Injection in Rat Spinal Cord

Authors: Jihoon Yang, Jeong II Choi


Mincle is expressed in macrophages and is members of immunoreceptors induced after exposure to various stimuli and stresses. Mincle receptor activation promotes the production of these substances by increasing the transcription of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Cytokines, which play an important role in the initiation and maintenance of such inflammatory pain diseases, have a significant effect on sensory neurons in addition to their enhancement and inhibitory effects on immune and inflammatory cells as mediators of cell interaction. Glial cells in the central nervous system play a critical role in development and maintenance of chronic pain states. Microglia are tissue-resident macrophages in the central nervous system, and belong to a group of mononuclear phagocytes. In the central nervous system, mincle receptor is present in neurons and glial cells of the brain.This study was performed to identify the Mincle receptor in the spinal cord and to investigate the effect of Mincle receptor activation on nociception and the changes of microglia. Materials and Methods: C-type lectins(Mincle) was identified in spinal cord of Male Sprague–Dawley rats. Then, mincle receptor ligand (TDB), via an intrathecal catheter. Mechanical allodynia was measured using von Frey test to evaluate the effect of intrathecal injection of TDB. Result: The present investigation shows that the intrathecal administration of TDB in the rat produces a reliable and quantifiable mechanical hyperalgesia. In addition, The mechanical hyperalgesia after TDB injection gradually developed over time and remained until 10 days. Mincle receptor is identified in the spinal cord, mainly expressed in neuronal cells, but not in microglia or astrocyte. These results suggest that activation of mincle receptor pathway in neurons plays an important role in inducing activation of microglia and inducing mechanical allodynia.

Keywords: mincle, spinal cord, pain, microglia

Procedia PDF Downloads 161
1109 Machine Learning Prediction of Compressive Damage and Energy Absorption in Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Tubular Structures

Authors: Milad Abbasi


Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite structures are increasingly being utilized in the automotive industry due to their lightweight and specific energy absorption capabilities. Although it is impossible to predict composite mechanical properties directly using theoretical methods, various research has been conducted so far in the literature for accurate simulation of CFRP structures' energy-absorbing behavior. In this research, axial compression experiments were carried out on hand lay-up unidirectional CFRP composite tubes. The fabrication method allowed the authors to extract the material properties of the CFRPs using ASTM D3039, D3410, and D3518 standards. A neural network machine learning algorithm was then utilized to build a robust prediction model to forecast the axial compressive properties of CFRP tubes while reducing high-cost experimental efforts. The predicted results have been compared with the experimental outcomes in terms of load-carrying capacity and energy absorption capability. The results showed high accuracy and precision in the prediction of the energy-absorption capacity of the CFRP tubes. This research also demonstrates the effectiveness and challenges of machine learning techniques in the robust simulation of composites' energy-absorption behavior. Interestingly, the proposed method considerably condensed numerical and experimental efforts in the simulation and calibration of CFRP composite tubes subjected to compressive loading.

Keywords: CFRP composite tubes, energy absorption, crushing behavior, machine learning, neural network

Procedia PDF Downloads 154
1108 Ultrasound Markers in Evaluation of Hernias

Authors: Aniruddha Kulkarni


In very few cases of external hernias we require imaging modalities as on most occasions clinical examination tests are good enough. Ultrasound will help in chronic abdominal or groin pain, equivocal clinical results & complicated hernias. Ultrasound is useful in assessment of cause of raised intrabdominal pressure. In certain cases will comment about etiology, complications and chronicicty of lesion. Screening of rest of abdominal organs too is important advantage being real time modality. Cost effectiveness, no radiation allows modality be used repeatedly in indicated cases. Sonography is better accepted by patients too as it is cost effective. Best advanced tissue harmonic equipment and increasing expertise making it popular. Ultrasound can define surgical anatomy, rent size, contents, etiological /recurrence factors in great detail and with authority hence accidental findings in a planned surgical procedure can be easily avoided. Clinical dynamic valselva and reducibility test can better documented by real time ultrasound study. In case of recurrence, Sonography will help in assessing the hernia details better as being dynamic real time investigation. Ultrasound signs in case of internal hernias are well comparable with CT findings.

Keywords: laparoscopic repair, Hernia, CT findings, chronic pain

Procedia PDF Downloads 497
1107 Impact of the Dog-Technic for D1-D4 and Longitudinal Stroke Technique for Diaphragm on Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) in Asthmatic Patients

Authors: Victoria Eugenia Garnacho-Garnacho, Elena Sonsoles Rodriguez-Lopez, Raquel Delgado-Delgado, Alvaro Otero-Campos, Jesus Guodemar-Perez, Angelo Michelle Vagali, Juan Pablo Hervas-Perez


Asthma is a heterogeneous disease which has always had a drug treatment. Osteopathic treatment that we propose is aimed, seen through a dorsal manipulation (Dog Technic D1-D4) and a technique for diaphragm (Longitudinal Stroke) forced expiratory flow in spirometry changes there are in particular that there is an increase in the volumes of the Peak Flow and Post intervention and effort and that the application of these two techniques together is more powerful if we applied only a Longitudinal (Stroke). Also rating if this type of treatment will have repercussions on breathlessness, a very common symptom in asthma. And finally to investigate if provided vertebra pain decreased after a manipulation. Methods—Participants were recruited between students and professors of the University, aged 18-65, patients (n = 18) were assigned randomly to one of the two groups, group 1 (longitudinal Stroke and manipulation dorsal Dog Technic) and group 2 (diaphragmatic technique, Longitudinal Stroke). The statistical analysis is characterized by the comparison of the main indicator of obstruction of via area PEF (peak expiratory flow) in various situations through the peak flow meter Datospir Peak-10. The measurements were carried out in four phases: at rest, after the stress test, after the treatment, after treatment and the stress test. After each stress test was evaluated, through the Borg scale, the level of Dyspnea on each patient, regardless of the group. In Group 1 in addition to these parameters was calculated using an algometer spinous pain before and after the manipulation. All data were taken at the minute. Results—12 Group 1 (Dog Technic and Longitudinal Stroke) patients responded positively to treatment, there was an increase of 5.1% and 6.1% of the post-treatment PEF and post-treatment, and effort. The results of the scale of Borg by which we measure the level of Dyspnea were positive, a 54.95%, patients noted an improvement in breathing. In addition was confirmed through the means of both groups group 1 in which two techniques were applied was 34.05% more effective than group 2 in which applied only a. After handling pain fell by 38% of the cases. Conclusions—The impact of the technique of Dog-Technic for D1-D4 and the Longitudinal Stroke technique for diaphragm in the volumes of peak expiratory flow (PEF) in asthmatic patients were positive, there was a change of the PEF Post intervention and post-treatment, and effort and showed the most effective group in which only a technique was applied. Furthermore this type of treatment decreased facilitated vertebrae pain and was efficient in the improvement of Dyspnea and the general well-being of the patient.

Keywords: ANS, asthma, manipulation, manual therapy, osteopathic

Procedia PDF Downloads 288
1106 Effects of Tramadol Administration on the Ovary of Adult Rats and the Possible Recovery after Tramadol Withdrawal: A Light and Electron Microscopic Study

Authors: Heba Kamal Mohamed


Introduction: Tramadol is a weak -opioid receptor agonist with an analgesic effect because of the inhibition of uptake of norepinephrine and serotonin. Nowadays, tramadol hydrochloride is frequently used as a pain reliever. Tramadol is recommended for the management of acute and chronic pain of moderate to severe intensity associated with a variety of diseases or problems, including osteoarthritis, diabetic neuropathy, neuropathic pain, and even perioperative pain in human patients. In obstetrics and gynecology, tramadol is used extensively to treat postoperative pain. Aim of the study: This study was undertaken to investigate the histological (light and electron microscopic) and immunohistochemical effects of long term tramadol treatment on the ovary of adult rats and the possible recovery after tramadol withdrawal. Design: Experimental study. Materials and methods: Thirty adult female albino rats were used in this study. They were classified into three main groups (10 rats each). Group I served as the control group. Group II, rats were subcutaneously injected with tramadol 40 mg/kg three times per week for 8 weeks. Group III, rats were subcutaneously injected with tramadol 40 mg/kg three times per week for 8 weeks then were kept for another 8 weeks without treatment for recovery. At the end of the experiment rats were sacrificed and bilateral oophorectomy was carried out; the ovaries were processed for histological study (light and electron microscopic) and immunohistochemical reaction for caspase-3 (apoptotic protein). Results: Examination of the ovary of tramadol-treated rats (group II) revealed many atretic ovarian follicles, some follicles showed detachment of the oocyte from surrounding granulosa cells and others showed loss of the oocyte. Many follicles revealed degenerated vacuolated oocytes and vacuolated theca folliculi cells. Granulosa cells appeared shrunken, disrupted and loosely attached with vacuolated cytoplasm and pyknotic nuclei. Some follicles showed separation of granulosa cells from the theca folliculi layer. The ultrastructural study revealed the presence of granulosa cells with electron dense indented nuclei, damaged mitochondria and granular vacuolated cytoplasm. Other cells showed accumulation of large amount of lipid droplets in their cytoplasm. Some follicles revealed rarifaction of the cytoplasm of oocytes and absent zona pellucida. Moreover, apoptotic changes were detected by immunohistochemical staining in the form of increased staining intensity to caspase-3 (apoptotic protein). With Masson's Trichrome stain, there was an increased collagen fibre deposition in the ovarian cortical stroma. The wall of blood vessels appeared thickened. In the withdrawal group (group III), there was a little improvement in the histological and immunohistochemical changes. Conclusion: Tramadol had serious deleterious effects on ovarian structure. Thus, it should be used with caution, especially when a long term treatment is indicated. Withdrawal of tramadol led to a little improvement in the structural impairment of the ovary.

Keywords: tramadol, ovary, withdrawal, rats

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