Search results for: Patient Health Questionnaire 9
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 14517

Search results for: Patient Health Questionnaire 9

14247 Patient Perspectives on Telehealth During the Pandemic in the United States

Authors: Manal Sultan Alhussein, Xiang Michelle Liu


Telehealth is an advanced technology using digital information and telecommunication facilities that provide access to health services from a distance. It slows the transmission factor of COVID-19, especially for elderly patients and patients with chronic diseases during the pandemic. Therefore, understanding patient perspectives on telehealth services and the factors impacting their option of telehealth service will shed light on the measures that healthcare providers can take to improve the quality of telehealth services. This study aimed to evaluate perceptions of telehealth services among different patient groups and explore various aspects of telehealth utilization in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. An online survey distributed via social media platforms was used to collect research data. In addition to the descriptive statistics, both correlation and regression analyses were conducted to test research hypotheses. The empirical results highlighted that the factors such as accessibility to telehealth services and the type of specialty clinics that the patients required play important roles in the effectiveness of telehealth services they received. However, the results found that patients’ waiting time to receive telehealth services and their annual income did not significantly influence their desire to select receiving healthcare services via telehealth. The limitations of the study and future research directions are discussed.

Keywords: telehealth, patient satisfaction, pandemic, healthcare, survey

Procedia PDF Downloads 114
14246 A Saudi Woman with Tokophobia: A Case Report

Authors: Wid Kattan, Rahaf Albarraq


Background: Tokophobia is a pathological fear of pregnancy that can lead to the avoidance of childbirth. It is classified as primary or secondary. This report describes a patient with tokophobia, as well as her presentation, risk factors, comorbidities, and treatment. Case Presentation: A 43-year-old Saudi woman experienced tokophobia upon becoming pregnant for the fifth time. She was assessed in two clinical interviews by a consultant psychiatrist specializing in women’s mental health. In addition, she completed several questionnaires for assessment of different aspects of her mental health: overall depression, perinatal depression, generalized anxiety, maternal functioning, and fear of childbirth (FOC). Several risk factors and comorbidities that may have contributed to the development of tokophobia in this patient were discussed, including traumatic experiences in previous deliveries, the unplanned nature of the pregnancy, perinatal depression, and pronounced symptoms of anxiety. A collaborative decision to perform a C-section was made, in line with obstetric guidelines and good mental health practice. Full symptomatic recovery was achieved immediately after delivery. Conclusions: We hope to increase clinical awareness of the assessment and management of tokophobia, which is a relatively new concept and, as yet, understudied.

Keywords: tokophobia, fear of childbirth, mental health, anxiety, case report, depression, fear of delivery, psychiatry, cesarean section, perinatal depression

Procedia PDF Downloads 143
14245 Quality of Life of Elderly with Vascular Illness and the Level of Depression in 4 Barangays in Malabon, Philippines

Authors: Marilou P. Angeles


Seniors are a growing number of population all over the world, and they are getting sick with illnesses like diabetes, high blood, and high cholesterol. It is necessary to see the relationship of their physical illness and its effect on their quality of life. Having chronic illnesses also can affect the mood of the elderly; becoming cranky, lonely, not eating, etc. Therefore, there is a need to study the relationship of the quality of life of the elderly and the level of depression. Depression for elderly is known as late onset depression or vascular depression since it is tied to the vascular illnesses they are experiencing, although this is not homogeneous. There is heterogeneity in seniors. The purpose of the study is to determine how keep the satisfaction in life i.e., quality of life of seniors, as long as possible. This study was made in 4 barangays in Longos, Potrero, Tonsuya and Catmon, in Malabon, Metro Manila, Philippines. These Filipino seniors are availing of free medicines for their diabetes, high blood, and high cholesterol ailments in the barangay health centers, given freely by the Department of Health. Two instruments were used; quality of life (CASP-19) and patient health questionnaire(PHQ-19). The quality of life questionnaire was based on the theory of Abraham Maslow, human: beings are motivated to action by needs, starting from the lowest, physiological to the highest self-transcendence. Severity of depression is determined by PHQ-9, and according to the unified model of depression by Aaron Beck and Kurt B. Bredemeier, depression happens when a person cannot cope with life has not able to satisfy his needs as a person. The Pearson R correlation was used to determine the significance of the relationship between quality of life and depression. Finding is there is negative relationship between quality of life and depression. It means that a high value of quality of life lowers or minimizes depression. CASP-19 found that the Filipino elderly were in control, independent, enjoying their lives even if they are poor, and this is shown by the significant results. Self-transcendence, a need to give back to others, is important for Filipino elderly. Although the seniors have difficulty with money and they were affected by their illnesses, they are full of optimism, they are ignoring their physical pain because they are focusing on helping their loved ones (i.e., self-transcendence), their children and grandchildrenothers, and if problems come, they are resilient accepting of the challenges, because they have strong faith in God. They are also having pleasures interacting with their friends and neighbors who, like them, have the same health problems. And these two coping strategies for the elderlies allow them to live a meaningful life, a life high in quality. Thus, where there is high quality of life, there is none or minimal depression. Recommendation for future study is finding the relationship of spirituality to quality of life of seniors.

Keywords: CASP-19, depression, quality of life, PHQ-9, senior citizen

Procedia PDF Downloads 148
14244 Development of a Miniature and Low-Cost IoT-Based Remote Health Monitoring Device

Authors: Sreejith Jayachandran, Mojtaba Ghods, Morteza Mohammadzaheri


The modern busy world is running behind new embedded technologies based on computers and software; meanwhile, some people forget to do their health condition and regular medical check-ups. Some of them postpone medical check-ups due to a lack of time and convenience, while others skip these regular evaluations and medical examinations due to huge medical bills and hospital expenses. Engineers and medical experts have come together to give birth to a new device in the telemonitoring system capable of monitoring, checking, and evaluating the health status of the human body remotely through the internet for the needs of all kinds of people. The remote health monitoring device is a microcontroller-based embedded unit. Various types of sensors in this device are connected to the human body, and with the help of an Arduino UNO board, the required analogue data is collected from the sensors. The microcontroller on the Arduino board processes the analogue data collected in this way into digital data and transfers that information to the cloud, and stores it there, and the processed digital data is instantly displayed through the LCD attached to the machine. By accessing the cloud storage with a username and password, the concerned person’s health care teams/doctors and other health staff can collect this data for the assessment and follow-up of that patient. Besides that, the family members/guardians can use and evaluate this data for awareness of the patient's current health status. Moreover, the system is connected to a Global Positioning System (GPS) module. In emergencies, the concerned team can position the patient or the person with this device. The setup continuously evaluates and transfers the data to the cloud, and also the user can prefix a normal value range for the evaluation. For example, the blood pressure normal value is universally prefixed between 80/120 mmHg. Similarly, the RHMS is also allowed to fix the range of values referred to as normal coefficients. This IoT-based miniature system (11×10×10) cm³ with a low weight of 500 gr only consumes 10 mW. This smart monitoring system is manufactured with 100 GBP, which can be used not only for health systems, it can be used for numerous other uses including aerospace and transportation sections.

Keywords: embedded technology, telemonitoring system, microcontroller, Arduino UNO, cloud storage, global positioning system, remote health monitoring system, alert system

Procedia PDF Downloads 90
14243 COVID-19: The Cause or the Confounder

Authors: Praveenkumar Natarajan


A 59-year-old male with no known co-morbidities was admitted to a private hospital for complaints of fever and cough and was diagnosed to haveCOVID-19. CT of the thorax revealed the involvement of 50% of the lungs. Screening ECG and ECHO were normal. The patient was treated with oxygen therapy and drugs and was discharged after 12 days of admission. Post-discharge, the patient remained symptom-free and continued his work. After one month, the patient developed a fever for three days, for which he took antipyretics. Subsequently, the patient developed sudden onset breathlessness, which rapidly progressed to grade 4 NYHA, and developed a cough as well. Suspecting COVID-19 reinfection, the patient visited a nearby hospital, where COVID–19 rt-PCR swabs turned out to be positive, and was referred to our hospital. On receiving, the patient had diffuse lung crepitations and a diastolic murmur in the neo-aortic area. CT thorax revealed pulmonary edema with areas of consolidation. ECHO revealed vegetation on the aortic valve with severe aortic regurgitation. Blood cultures were taken, which revealed the growth of Enterococcus faecalis. The diagnosis of infective endocarditis was made, and the patient was started on appropriate treatment. COVID–19 has effects on various systems, including the cardiovascular system. Even though infective endocarditis is common in the elderly with valvular heart disease, this patient had developed infective endocarditis in an apparently normal aortic valve. Infective endocarditis and COVID–19 can have similar presentations leading to diagnostic difficulties. COVID–19, affecting the heart valves causing valvulitis and predisposing them to the development of infective endocarditis, is also an area to be explored.

Keywords: aortic regurgitation, COVID-19, infective endocarditis, valvulitis

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14242 Developing a SOA-Based E-Healthcare Systems

Authors: Hend Albassam, Nouf Alrumaih


Nowadays we are in the age of technologies and communication and there is no doubt that technologies such as the Internet can offer many advantages for many business fields, and the health field is no execution. In fact, using the Internet provide us with a new path to improve the quality of health care throughout the world. The e-healthcare offers many advantages such as: efficiency by reducing the cost and avoiding duplicate diagnostics, empowerment of patients by enabling them to access their medical records, enhancing the quality of healthcare and enabling information exchange and communication between healthcare organizations. There are many problems that result from using papers as a way of communication, for example, paper-based prescriptions. Usually, the doctor writes a prescription and gives it to the patient who in turn carries it to the pharmacy. After that, the pharmacist takes the prescription to fill it and give it to the patient. Sometimes the pharmacist might find difficulty in reading the doctor’s handwriting; the patient could change and counterfeit the prescription. These existing problems and many others heighten the need to improve the quality of the healthcare. This project is set out to develop a distributed e-healthcare system that offers some features of e-health and addresses some of the above-mentioned problems. The developed system provides an electronic health record (EHR) and enables communication between separate health care organizations such as the clinic, pharmacy and laboratory. To develop this system, the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is adopted as a design approach, which helps to design several independent modules that communicate by using web services. The layering design pattern is used in designing each module as it provides reusability that allows the business logic layer to be reused by different higher layers such as the web service or the website in our system. The experimental analysis has shown that the project has successfully achieved its aims toward solving the problems related to the paper-based healthcare systems and it enables different health organization to communicate effectively. It implements four independent modules including healthcare provider, pharmacy, laboratory and medication information provider. Each module provides different functionalities and is used by a different type of user. These modules interoperate with each other using a set of web services.

Keywords: e-health, services oriented architecture (SOA), web services, interoperability

Procedia PDF Downloads 305
14241 The Bioequivalent: A Medical Drug Search Tool Based on a Collaborative Database

Authors: Rosa L. Figueroa, Joselyn A. Hernández


During the last couple of years, the Ministry of Health have been developing new health policies in order to regulate and improve in benefit of the patient the pharmaceutical system in our country. However, there are still some deficiencies in how medicines have been accessed, distributed, and sold. Therefore, it is necessary to empower the patient by offering new instances to improve access to drug information. This work introduces ‘the bioequivalent’ a medical drug search tool created to increase both diffusion and getting information about the therapeutic equivalence of medicines for the patient. The development of the search tool started with a study on the availability of sources of drug information accessible to the patient where advantages and disadvantages were analyzed. The information obtained was used to feed the functional design of the new tool. The design of the new tool shows an external interface that includes a header, body, sidebar and footer. The header has a menu containing ‘Home,’ ‘Who we are,’ and ‘Mission and vision.’ The Body contains the medical drug search tool, and the Sidebar is for the user logging in. It could be anonym, registered user, as well as, administrator. Anonym user could only use the tool. Registered users could add some information on existing medicines in the database; however, adding information will be restricted and limited to specific items and subject to administrator approval because the information added must be endorsed by the Chilean Public Health Institute. On the other hand, the administrator will have all the privileges, including creating or deleting drugs or information about them. The Bioequivalent was tested on different mobile devices, and no fails have been found. Moreover, a small survey was answered by ten people who tested the tool, and all of them agree that the tool was useful to get information about bioequivalent drugs, and they would recommend the tool to others. Nevertheless, an 80% of people who tested the tool says it was easy to use, and a 70% indicates that additional help is not required. These results are evidence that ‘the Bioequivalent’ may contribute to the knowledge about the therapeutic bioequivalence and bioequivalent drugs existing in Chile. As future work, the tool will be developed to make it available to the public for a first testing stage in a more massive scenario.

Keywords: collaborative database, bioequivalent drugs, search tool, web platform

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14240 The Relationship between Job Stress and Handover Effectiveness of Nurses

Authors: Rujnan Tuna, Ayse Cil Akinci


Work life takes up an important place in human life, and an employed person faces many stimuli from internal and external environments and is affected by them in a positive or negative way. Also, the handover process, which is the process of sharing information about the patient with other health professionals, is an important criterion to maintain patient care and enhance the quality of care provided. Handover is a key component for sustaining daily basic clinical practices and is also essential to maintain the safe patient care. This investigation followed a descriptive and correlation design in order to establish job stress and the handover efficiency of nurses and the relationship in between. The study was conducted with 192 nurses working in a public hospital in Istanbul between January and March 2017. Descriptive information form, Job Stressors Scale, and Handover Evaluation Scale were used to collect the data of the study. The data were analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 statistical software. Approvals from participants, managers of institution, and ethics committee were taken for the study. As a result of the research, it was found that job stress was above the median value, and the highest score in the ‘work role conflict’ subdimension. Also, it was found that the effectiveness of the nurses' handover effectiviness was above the median value and the highest score in the ‘quality of information’ subdimension. In the study, there was a negatively weak correlation between ‘work role overload’ subdimension of Job Stressors Scale and ‘interaction and support’ subdimension of Handover Evaluation Scale. There is a need for further study in order to maintain patient safety.

Keywords: handover, job stress, nurse, patient

Procedia PDF Downloads 169
14239 Determining the Relationship Between Maternal Stress and Depression and Child Obesity: The Mediating Role of Maternal Self-efficacy

Authors: Alireza Monzavi Chaleshtori, Mahnaz Aliakbari Dehkordi, Maryam Aliakbari, Solmaz Seyed Mostafaii


Objective: Considering the growing obesity among children and the role of mother's psychological factors as well as the need to prevent childhood obesity, this study aimed to investigate the mediating role of mother's self-efficacy in the relationship between mother's stress and depression and child obesity. Method: For this purpose, in a descriptive-correlation study, 222 mothers and children aged 1 to 5 years in Tehran, who had the opportunity to answer an online questionnaire, were selected by random sampling and to the depression scales of the Kroenke and Spitzer Patient Health Questionnaire, Cohen's stress and Self-efficacy of Berkeley mothers answered. Pearson correlation test and path analysis were used for data analysis. Findings: The findings showed that maternal depression had an indirect and significant effect on child obesity, and the effect of stress and depression on child obesity was indirect and non-significant. Therefore, the model has a good fit with the research data, and stress and depression indirectly predicted child obesity with the mediating role of self-efficacy. Conclusion: The hypothesized model tested based on mother's stress and depression with the mediating role of mother's self-efficacy was a good model in explaining the prediction of child obesity. Based on the findings of this research, a practical framework can be provided to explain the psychological factors of the mother in relation to child obesity and its treatment.

Keywords: stress, self-efficacy, child obesity, depression

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14238 Nurse's Professional Space: Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic of Ottawa's Montfort Hospital 1976-2002

Authors: Silvia Maria Moya


After the Great Depression, the number of admissions to psychiatric facilities saw a significant increase. This increase, coupled with the arrival of new antipsychotic drugs, prepared the ground to the psychiatric deinstitutionalization movement in North America. Community services became an essential part of care where the role of the nurse also became crucial in the management of patients. Looking through the archives of the Department of Psychiatry at the Ottawa Montfort Hospital, this project aims to assess the role of the nurse in a multidisciplinary team in a period of psychiatric deinstitutionalization. This research focuses on the different roles of the mental health nurse during the second half of the twentieth century. The case study, used as a methodological approach allows in-depth analysis of the journey of a female patient with long hospital course. The analysis of the document ‘psychiatric evaluation’ on the medical records of outpatient Montfort Hospital – where, on a regular basis, different health professionals of the multidisciplinary team write their notes – allow us to better understand the difficulties of the patient, their problems, their family and work relationships and the evolution of their self-esteem, but most importantly, it allows us to identify the importance of the different nurse`s roles in the team and in the mental health setting. This project therefore reveals that the nurse occupies a larger professional space than the other professionals in the multidisciplinary team and highlights the role of mental health nurses with patients and their families and their leadership role within a multidisciplinary team.

Keywords: mental health, nursing, deinstitutionalization, professional space

Procedia PDF Downloads 363
14237 The Relationship between Resilient Qualities and Health Management in Video Testimonials of Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer

Authors: A. Sainvil, J. Mallela, L. M. Pereira


Adolescents and young adults (AYA) diagnosed with cancer are tasked with managing their health through treatment, a time when reliance on and independence from parents may change in unexpected ways. Resilience allows patients to cope and manage their own health through treatment, promoting motivation and a healthier lifestyle. The film acts as a source of reflection through the cancer journey, which may have an impact on how patients cope. The current research investigated relationships between resilient linguistic qualities of the video narratives and attitudes toward personal health management. N=24 patients diagnosed between ages 11-18 were recruited. First, participants provided demographic information, then made a video testimonial about their cancer experience. After filming, participants then completed a questionnaire on the perceived benefits for themselves and others for making the video. Videos were transcribed and analyzed for thematic content via codebook and for linguistic qualities, indicating resilience with the use of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count Analysis Program (LIWC). Linear regressions were then calculated to explore relationships between resilient qualities, thematic content, and participants’ perceptions of their medical team and willingness to care for themselves. Participants who spoke with greater narrator connectedness were more likely to change their view of their medical team (β=.628 p=.034). When a participant believed that providers were likely to view their video, they were marginally more likely to want to take better care of themselves (β=.367, p=.078). Participants who spoke in depth about their health reported higher intention to take better care of themselves (β=.785, p=.033). AYAs with cancer who showcased certain resilient qualities within their narrative were more likely to consider taking better care of themselves. Additionally, the more patients reflected on their health, the more they wanted to take better care of themselves. These relationships were stronger when a patient believed that a provider would watch their video. Study findings highlight the utility of film in uncovering aspects of resilience and coping that may lead to healthier behaviors in AYAs with cancer.

Keywords: adolescents, cancer, resilience, health management

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14236 Extending Theory of Planned Behavior to Modelling Chronic Patients’ Acceptance of Health Information: An Information Overload Perspective

Authors: Shu-Lien Chou, Chung-Feng Liu


Self-health management of chronic illnesses plays an important part in chronic illness treatments. However, various kinds of health information (health education materials) which government or healthcare institutions provide for patients may not achieve the expected outcome. One of the critical reasons affecting patients’ use intention could be patients’ perceived Information overload regarding the health information. This study proposed an extended model of Theory of Planned Behavior, which integrating perceived information overload as another construct to explore patients’ use intention of the health information for self-health management. The independent variables are attitude, subject norm, perceived behavior control and perceived information overload while the dependent variable is behavior intention to use the health information. The cross-sectional study used a structured questionnaire for data collection, focusing on the chronic patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), who are the potential users of the health information, in a medical center in Taiwan. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics of the basic information distribution of the questionnaire respondents, and the Partial Least Squares (PLS) structural equation model to study the reliability and construct validity for testing our hypotheses. A total of 110 patients were enrolled in this study and 106 valid questionnaires were collected. The PLS analysis result indicates that the patients’ perceived information overload of health information contributes the most critical factor influencing the behavioral intention. Subjective norm and perceived behavioral control of TPB constructs had significant effects on patients’ intentions to use health information also, whereas the attitude construct did not. This study demonstrated a comprehensive framework, which extending perceived information overload into TPB model to predict patients’ behavioral intention of using heath information. We expect that the results of this study will provide useful insights for studying health information from the perspectives of academia, governments, and healthcare providers.

Keywords: chronic patients, health information, information overload, theory of planned behavior

Procedia PDF Downloads 438
14235 Prescribed Organization of Nursing Work and Psychosocial Risks: A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors: Katerine Moraes dos Satons, Gisele Massante Peixoto Tracera, Regina Célia Gollner Zeitoune


To analyze the psychosocial risks related to the organization of nursing work in outpatient clinics of university hospitals. Cross-sectional epidemiological study developed in 11 outpatient units linked to the three public universities of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Participants were 388 nursing professionals who worked in patient care at the time of the research. Data were collected from July to December 2018, using a self-applicable instrument. A questionnaire was used for sociodemographic, occupational and health characterization, and the Work Organization Scale. The bivariate analyses were performed using the odds ratio (OR), with a confidence interval of 95%, significance level of 5%. The organization of nursing work received an assessment of medium psychosocial risk by the professionals participating in the research, demanding interventions in the short and medium term. There was no association between sociodemographic, occupational and health characteristics and the organization of outpatient work. Interventional measures should be performed in the psychosocial risk factors presented in this research, with a view to improving the work environment, so that the importance of maintaining satisfactory material conditions is considered, as well as the adequate quantity of human resources. In addition, it aims to expand the spaces of nursing participation in decision- making, strengthening its autonomy as a profession.

Keywords: occupational risks, nursing, nursing team, worker’s health, psychosocial risks

Procedia PDF Downloads 97
14234 Lessons Learned in Implementing Programs to Delay Diabetic Nephropathy Management in Primary Health Care: Case Study in Sakon Nakhon Province

Authors: Sasiwan Tassana-iem, Sumattana Glangkarn


Diabetic nephropathy is a major complication in diabetic patients whom as the glomerular filtration rate falls. The affects their quality of life and results in loss of money for kidney replacement therapy costs. There is an existing intervention, but the prevalence remains high, thus this research aims to study lessons learned in implementing programs to delay diabetic nephropathy management in primary health care. Method: The target settings are, 24 sub-district health promoting hospital in Sakon Nakhon province. Participants included the health care professionals, head of the sub-district health promoting hospital and the person responsible for managing diabetic nephropathy in each hospital (n= 50). There are 400 patients with diabetes mellitus in an area. Data were collected using questionnaires, patient records data, interviews and focus groups and analyzed by statistics and content analysis. Result: Reflection of participants that the interventions to delay diabetic nephropathy management in each area, the Ministry of Public Health has a policy to screen and manage this disease. The implementing programs aimed to provide health education, innovative teaching media used in communication to educate. Patients and caregivers had misunderstanding about the actual causes and prevention of this disease and how to apply knowledge suitable for daily life. Conclusion: The obstacles to the success of the implementing programs to delay diabetic nephropathy management in primary health care were most importantly, the patient needs self-care and should be evaluated for health literacy. This is crucial to promote health literacy; to access and understand health information as well to decide their health-related choices based on health information which will promote and maintain a good health. This preliminary research confirms that situation of diabetic nephropathy still exists. The results of this study will lead to the development of delay in diabetic nephropathy implementation among patients in the province studied.

Keywords: diabetic nephropathy, chronic kidney disease, primary health care, implementation

Procedia PDF Downloads 201
14233 Imputing Missing Data in Electronic Health Records: A Comparison of Linear and Non-Linear Imputation Models

Authors: Alireza Vafaei Sadr, Vida Abedi, Jiang Li, Ramin Zand


Missing data is a common challenge in medical research and can lead to biased or incomplete results. When the data bias leaks into models, it further exacerbates health disparities; biased algorithms can lead to misclassification and reduced resource allocation and monitoring as part of prevention strategies for certain minorities and vulnerable segments of patient populations, which in turn further reduce data footprint from the same population – thus, a vicious cycle. This study compares the performance of six imputation techniques grouped into Linear and Non-Linear models on two different realworld electronic health records (EHRs) datasets, representing 17864 patient records. The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) are used as performance metrics, and the results show that the Linear models outperformed the Non-Linear models in terms of both metrics. These results suggest that sometimes Linear models might be an optimal choice for imputation in laboratory variables in terms of imputation efficiency and uncertainty of predicted values.

Keywords: EHR, machine learning, imputation, laboratory variables, algorithmic bias

Procedia PDF Downloads 85
14232 Clinical Advice Services: Using Lean Chassis to Optimize Nurse-Driven Telephonic Triage of After-Hour Calls from Patients

Authors: Eric Lee G. Escobedo-Wu, Nidhi Rohatgi, Fouzel Dhebar


It is challenging for patients to navigate through healthcare systems after-hours. This leads to delays in care, patient/provider dissatisfaction, inappropriate resource utilization, readmissions, and higher costs. It is important to provide patients and providers with effective clinical decision-making tools to allow seamless connectivity and coordinated care. In August 2015, patient-centric Stanford Health Care established Clinical Advice Services (CAS) to provide clinical decision support after-hours. CAS is founded on key Lean principles: Value stream mapping, empathy mapping, waste walk, takt time calculations, standard work, plan-do-check-act cycles, and active daily management. At CAS, Clinical Assistants take the initial call and manage all non-clinical calls (e.g., appointments, directions, general information). If the patient has a clinical symptom, the CAS nurses take the call and utilize standardized clinical algorithms to triage the patient to home, clinic, urgent care, emergency department, or 911. Nurses may also contact the on-call physician based on the clinical algorithm for further direction and consultation. Since August 2015, CAS has managed 228,990 calls from 26 clinical specialties. Reporting is built into the electronic health record for analysis and data collection. 65.3% of the after-hours calls are clinically related. Average clinical algorithm adherence rate has been 92%. An average of 9% of calls was escalated by CAS nurses to the physician on call. An average of 5% of patients was triaged to the Emergency Department by CAS. Key learnings indicate that a seamless connectivity vision, cascading, multidisciplinary ownership of the problem, and synergistic enterprise improvements have contributed to this success while striving for continuous improvement.

Keywords: after hours phone calls, clinical advice services, nurse triage, Stanford Health Care

Procedia PDF Downloads 176
14231 Modeling Waiting and Service Time for Patients: A Case Study of Matawale Health Centre, Zomba, Malawi

Authors: Moses Aron, Elias Mwakilama, Jimmy Namangale


Spending more time on long queues for a basic service remains a common challenge to most developing countries, including Malawi. For health sector in particular, Out-Patient Department (OPD) experiences long queues. This puts the lives of patients at risk. However, using queuing analysis to under the nature of the problems and efficiency of service systems, such problems can be abated. Based on a kind of service, literature proposes different possible queuing models. However, unlike using generalized assumed models proposed by literature, use of real time case study data can help in deeper understanding the particular problem model and how such a model can vary from one day to the other and also from each case to another. As such, this study uses data obtained from one urban HC for BP, Pediatric and General OPD cases to investigate an average queuing time for patients within the system. It seeks to highlight the proper queuing model by investigating the kind of distributions functions over patient’s arrival time, inter-arrival time, waiting time and service time. Comparable with the standard set values by WHO, the study found that patients at this HC spend more waiting times than service times. On model investigation, different days presented different models ranging from an assumed M/M/1, M/M/2 to M/Er/2. As such, through sensitivity analysis, in general, a commonly assumed M/M/1 model failed to fit the data but rather an M/Er/2 demonstrated to fit well. An M/Er/3 model seemed to be good in terms of measuring resource utilization, proposing a need to increase medical personnel at this HC. However, an M/Er/4 showed to cause more idleness of human resources.

Keywords: health care, out-patient department, queuing model, sensitivity analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 437
14230 Study to Understand the Social Implications of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Patients Belonging to Low Socio-Economic Status

Authors: Rudraksh Kesharwani, Ritika Agarkar


Sexually transmitted diseases are a major public health concern affecting both the mortality and the morbidity of a population. It is among the most serious causes of the diseases affecting the quality of life of a individual leading to a significant decrease in their health. In India, STIs have been a significant public health concern due to various reasons, including a large population, limited access to healthcare in certain areas, stigma around discussing sexual health, and insufficient sex education. Some common STIs in India include HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and herpes. This research report aims to determine the percentage of people infected with sexually transmitted infections (STI) worrying about it’s impact on their day to day activity, specifically focusing on it’s impact on the mentaland sexual health of the patient infected along with his/her partner.

Keywords: sexual health, mental health, sexually transmitted disease, sexual taboos

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14229 Management of Recurrent Temporomandibular Joint True Bony Ankylosis : A Case Report

Authors: Mahmoud A. Amin, Essam Taman, Ahmed Omran, Mahmoud Shawky, Ahmed Mekawy, Abdallah M. Kotkat, Saber Younes, Nehad N. Ghonemy, Amin Saad, Ezz-Aleslam, Abdullah M. Elosh


Introduction: TMJ is a one-of-a-kind, complicated synovial joint that helps with masticatory function by allowing the mandible to open and close the mouth. True ankylosis is a situation in which condylar movement is limited by a mechanical defect in the joint, whereas false ankylosis is a condition in which there is a restriction in mandibular movement due to muscular spasm myositis ossificans, and coronoid process hyperplasia. Ankylosis is characterized by the inability to open the mouth due to fusion of the TMJ condyle to the base of the skull as a result of trauma, infection, or systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (the most common) and psoraisis. Ankylosis causes facial asymmetry and affects the patient psychologically as well as speech, difficult mastication, poor oral hygiene, malocclusion, and other factors. TMJ is a technically challenging joint; hence TMJ ankylosis management is complicated. Case presentation: this case is a male patient 25 years old reported to our maxillofacial clinic in Damietta faculty of medicine, Al-Azhar University with the inability to open the mouth at all, with a history of difficulty of mouth breathing and eating foods, there was a history of falling from height at 2006, and the patient underwent corrective surgery before with no improvement because the ankylosis was relapsed short period after the previous operations with that done out of our hospital inter-incisor distant ZERO so, this condition need mandatory management. Clinical examination and radiological investigations were done after complete approval from the patient and his brother; tracheostomy was done for our patient before the operation. The patient entered the operation in our hospital and drastic improvement in mouth opening was noticed, helping to restore the physical psychological health of the patient.

Keywords: temporomandibular joint, TMJ, Ankylosis, mouth opening, physiotherapy, condylar plate

Procedia PDF Downloads 154
14228 Comparison of the Hospital Patient Safety Culture between Bulgarian, Croatian and American: Preliminary Results

Authors: R. Stoyanova, R. Dimova, M. Tarnovska, T. Boeva, R. Dimov, I. Doykov


Patient safety culture (PSC) is an essential component of quality of healthcare. Improving PSC is considered a priority in many developed countries. Specialized software platform for registration and evaluation of hospital patient safety culture has been developed with the support of the Medical University Plovdiv Project №11/2017. The aim of the study is to assess the status of PSC in Bulgarian hospitals and to compare it to that in USA and Croatian hospitals. Methods: The study was conducted from June 01 to July 31, 2018 using the web-based Bulgarian Version of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture Questionnaire (B-HSOPSC). Two hundred and forty-eight medical professionals from different hospitals in Bulgaria participated in the study. To quantify the differences of positive scores distributions for each of the 42 HSOPSC items between Bulgarian, Croatian and USA samples, the x²-test was applied. The research hypothesis assumed that there are no significant differences between the Bulgarian, Croatian and US PSCs. Results: The results revealed 14 significant differences in the positive scores between the Bulgarian and Croatian PSCs and 15 between the Bulgarian and the USA PSC, respectively. Bulgarian medical professionals provided less positive responses to 12 items compared with Croatian and USA respondents. The Bulgarian respondents were more positive compared to Croatians on the feedback and communication of medical errors (Items - C1, C4, C5) as well as on the employment of locum staff (A7) and the frequency of reported mistakes (D1). Bulgarian medical professionals were more positive compared with their USA colleagues on the communication of information at shift handover and across hospital units (F5, F7). The distribution of positive scores on items: ‘Staff worries that their mistakes are kept in their personnel file’ (RA16), ‘Things ‘fall between the cracks’ when transferring patients from one unit to another’ (RF3) and ‘Shift handovers are problematic for patients in this hospital’ (RF11) were significantly higher among Bulgarian respondents compared with Croatian and US respondents. Conclusions: Significant differences of positive scores distribution were found between Bulgarian and USA PSC on one hand and between Bulgarian and Croatian on the other. The study reveals that distribution of positive responses could be explained by the cultural, organizational and healthcare system differences.

Keywords: patient safety culture, healthcare, HSOPSC, medical error

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14227 Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guideline to Prevent Infection During Intubation in Suspected or Confirmed Covid-19 Patients

Authors: Sarinra Thongmee, Adithep Mingsuan, Chanyapak Polkhet, Supattra Wongsuk, Krittaphon Prakobsaeng


The purposes of this research and development was to develop and evaluation of clinical nursing practice guideline (CNPG) for the prevention of infection during intubation in patient withsuspected or confirmedCOVID-19 patient. This study was developed by using the evidence based practice model of Soukup (2000) as a conceptual framework. The study consisted of 4 steps: 1) situational analysis of intubation service in patients with confirmed COVID-19, 2) development the CNPG, 3) apply the NPG to trial, and 4) evaluation of the NPG. Thesample consisted of 52 nurse anesthetists and 25 infected or suspected COVID-19 patients. The research instrument consisted of 1) CNPG, 2) the nurses anesthetist opinion questionnaire to the guideline, 3) the evaluation practice form, and 4) the nurse anesthetist knowledge test on nursing care of patients infected with COVID-19. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, and Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test. The results found that this developed NPG consists of 4 sections: 1) NPG for Preventing Airborne Infection Prevention2) preparation of anesthetic and intubation equipments 3) roles and duties of the intubation team 4) guidelines for intubation in suspected or confirmed COVID-19patients. The result found that 1) provider: using NPG in providers revealed that nurse anesthetist had higher mean of knowledge scores than before using NPG statistically significant at the 0.05 level (p<0.01) and able to follow the NPG 100% in all activities. The anesthetic team was not infected with COVID-19from intubation outside operating room.2) Client: the patient was safe, no complications from intubation. Summary CNPG to prevent infection in intubation of suspected or confirmedCOVID-19 patient was appropriate and applicable to practice.

Keywords: nursing practice guideline, prevention of infection, endotracheal intubation, COVID-19

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14226 Prospective Study to Determine the Efficacy of Day Hospital Care to Improve Treatment Adherence for Hospitalized Schizophrenic Patients

Authors: Jin Hun Choi, So Hyun Ahn, Seong Keun Wang, Ik-Seung Chee, Jung Lan Kim, Sun Woo Lee


Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of day hospital care in hospitalized schizophrenic patients in terms of treatment adherence and treatment outcomes. Methods: Among schizophrenic patients hospitalized between 2011 and 2012, 23 day hospital care patient and 40 control subjects were included in the study. All candidates underwent Beck Cognitive Insight Scale, Drug Attitude Inventory, World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment and Psychological Well-Being Scale when their symptoms were stabilized during hospitalization, and after being discharged, 23 patients received day hospital care for two months and then changed to out-patient care while 40 patients received out-patient care immediately after discharge. At the point of two months of out-patient care, the treatment adherence of the two groups was evaluated; tracking observation was performed until February, 2013, and survival rates were compared between the two groups. Results: Treatment adherence was higher in the day hospital care group than in the control group. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed a higher survival rate for the day hospital care group compared to the control group. Levels of cognitive insight and quality of life were higher after day hospital care than before day hospital care in the day hospital care group. Conclusions: Through the study, it was confirmed that when hospitalized schizophrenic patients received continuous day hospital care after being discharged, they received further out-patient care more faithfully. The study is considered to aid in the understanding regarding schizophrenic patients’ treatment adherence issues and improvement of treatment outcomes.

Keywords: schizophrenia, day hospital care, adherence, outcomes

Procedia PDF Downloads 356
14225 Optimism, Skepticism, and Uncertainty: A Qualitative Study on the Knowledge and Perceived Impact of the Affordable Care Act among Adult Patients Seeking Care in a Free Clinic

Authors: Mike Wei, Mario Cedillo, Jiahui Lin, Carol Lorraine Storey-Johnson, Carla Boutin-Foster


Purpose: The extent to which health insurance enrollment succeeds under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) rests heavily on the ability to reach the uninsured and motivate them to enroll. We sought to identify perceptions about the ACA among uninsured patients at a free clinic in New York City. Background: The ACA holds tremendous promise for reducing the number of uninsured Americans. As of April 2014, nearly 8 million people had signed up for health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Despite this early success, future and continued enrollment rests heavily on the degree of public awareness. Reaching eligible individuals and increasing their awareness and understanding remains a fundamental challenge to realizing the full potential of the ACA. Reaching out to uninsured patients who are seeking care through safety net facilities such as free clinics may provide important avenues for reaching potential enrollees. This project focuses on the experience at the free clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College, the Weill Cornell Community Clinic (WCCC), and seeks to understand perceptions about the ACA among its patient population. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of all patients who visited the free clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College, the Weill Cornell Community Clinic, from July 2013 to May 2014. Patients who provided informed consent at their visit and completed a semi-structured questionnaire were included (N=62). The questionnaire comprised of questions about demographic characteristics and open-ended questions about their knowledge and perception of the impact of the ACA. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the population demographics. Qualitative coding techniques were used for open-ended items. Results: Approximately one third of patients surveyed never had health insurance. Of the remaining 65%, 20% lost their insurance within the past year. Only 55% had heard about the ACA, and only 10% knew about the Health Benefits Exchange. Of those who had heard about the ACA, sentiments were tinged with optimistic misperceptions, such as “it will be free health care for all.” While optimistic, most of the responses focused on the economic implications of the ACA. Conclusions: These findings reveal the immense amount of misconception and lack of understanding with regards to the ACA. As such, the study highlights the need to educate and address the concerns of those who remain skeptical or uncertain about the implications of the ACA.

Keywords: Affordable Care Act, demographics, free clinics, underserved.

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14224 Patient Perspectives on the Role of Orthopedic Nurse Practitioners: A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors: Merav Ben Natan, May Revach, Or Sade, Yaniv Yonay, Yaron Berkovich


Background: The inclusion of nurse practitioners (NPs) specializing in orthopedics holds promise for enhancing the quality of care for orthopedic patients. Understanding patients’ perspectives on this role is crucial for evaluating the feasibility and acceptance of integrating NPs into orthopedic settings. This study aims to explore the receptiveness of orthopedic patients to treatment by orthopedic NPs and examines potential associations between patients’ willingness to engage with NPs, their familiarity with the NP role, perceptions of nursing, and satisfaction with orthopedic nursing care. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved patients admitted to an orthopedic department at a central Israeli hospital between January and February 2023. Data was collected using a validated questionnaire consisting of five sections, reviewed by content experts. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS and included descriptive statistics, independent samples t-tests, Pearson correlations, and linear regression. Results: Participants in the study showed a moderate willingness to receive treatment from orthopedic NPs, with more than two-thirds expressing strong openness. Patients were generally receptive to NPs performing various clinical tasks, though there was less enthusiasm for NPs’ involvement in medication management and preoperative evaluations. Positive attitudes towards nurses and familiarity with the NP role were significant predictors of patient receptiveness to NP treatment. Conclusion: Patient acceptance of orthopedic NPs varies across different aspects of care. While there is a general willingness to receive care from NPs, these nuanced preferences must be considered when implementing NPs in orthopedic settings. Awareness and positive perceptions of the NP role play crucial roles in shaping patients’ willingness to engage with NPs.

Keywords: orthopedic nurse practitioners, patient receptiveness, perceptions of nursing, clinical tasks

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14223 Cooperative Jamming for Implantable Medical Device Security

Authors: Kim Lytle, Tim Talty, Alan Michaels, Jeff Reed


Implantable medical devices (IMDs) are medically necessary devices embedded in the human body that monitor chronic disorders or automatically deliver therapies. Most IMDs have wireless capabilities that allow them to share data with an offboard programming device to help medical providers monitor the patient’s health while giving the patient more insight into their condition. However, serious security concerns have arisen as researchers demonstrated these devices could be hacked to obtain sensitive information or harm the patient. Cooperative jamming can be used to prevent privileged information leaks by maintaining an adequate signal-to-noise ratio at the intended receiver while minimizing signal power elsewhere. This paper uses ray tracing to demonstrate how a low number of friendly nodes abiding by Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) transmission regulations can enhance IMD communication security in an office environment, which in turn may inform how companies and individuals can protect their proprietary and personal information.

Keywords: implantable biomedical devices, communication system security, array signal processing, ray tracing

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14222 Irritable Bowel Syndrome Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors Among Medical Students And Intern Doctors in Sudan

Authors: Zainab Alghali Elsaid Muhammed


Background : IBS is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by a variety of symptoms that occur concurrently. It is very common and is associated with high levels of psychiatric comorbidities, all of which have a negative impact on the patient's quality of life. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, excess gas, and bloating are common symptoms of IBS. Objectives : The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of IBS among medical students and intern doctors in Sudan, as well as the risk factors associated with it. Study design: This cross-sectional study was carried out in Sudan from April to July 2022. All participants completed a six-part online questionnaire. The ROME IV criteria questionnaire was used to make an IBS diagnosis. Participants completed the hospital anxiety and depression questionnaire in order to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Results : 600 participants filled out the questionnaire. The overall prevalence of IBS was found to be 42%, with females being the most affected. Intern doctors had higher IBS rates (30.0%) than medical students, but this was not statistically significant. Single status (p =0.079), good GPAs (p =0.00), had significant associations with IBS occurrence. Other significantly associated habits were sleeping less than 8 hours (p =0.013), two cups or less of coffee per day (p = 0.109), No smoking (p =0.001), and No exercise (p =0.00, IBS participants were also found to have a significant relationship with abnormal anxiety (p =0.00) and borderline depression (p=0.0156). Conclusion : The high prevalence of IBS in this study suggests that medical students and interns are unable to recognize their symptoms. The main IBS predictors in this study were suffering from anxiety or depression, having an insufficient income, sleeping less than 8 hours per day, working/ studying more than 8 hours per day, and not performing any type of exercise.

Keywords: irritable bowel syndrome, sudan, HADS, rome IV, medical students

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14221 Innovative Approaches in Dental Implantology: Enhancing Osseointegration and Patient Outcomes

Authors: Apameh Moslem Gheshlaghi


This research explores advancements in dental implantology with a focus on improving osseointegration and long-term patient outcomes. It highlights cutting-edge materials, surface modifications, and minimally invasive surgical techniques. The study also evaluates the role of digital dentistry and 3D printing in revolutionizing implant design and placement. Findings demonstrate significant improvements in patient satisfaction, procedural efficiency, and overall success rates, paving the way for more predictable and sustainable practices in modern dentistry.

Keywords: dental implants, osseointegration, digital dentistry, 3D printing

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14220 Planning the Journey of Unifying Medical Record Numbers in Five Facilities and the Expected Challenges: Case Study in Saudi Arabia

Authors: N. Al Khashan, H. Al Shammari, W. Al Bahli


Patients who are eligible to receive treatment at the National Guard Health Affairs (NGHA), Saudi Arabia will typically have four medical record numbers (MRN), one in each of the geographical areas. More hospitals and primary healthcare facilities in other geographical areas will launch soon which means more MRNs. When patients own four MRNs, this will cause major drawbacks in patients’ quality of care such as creating new medical files in different regions for relocated patients and using referral system among regions. Consequently, the access to a patient’s medical record from other regions and the interoperability of health information between the four hospitals’ information system would be challenging. Thus, there is a need to unify medical records among these five facilities. As part of the effort to increase the quality of care, a new Hospital Information Systems (HIS) was implemented in all NGHA facilities by the end of 2016. NGHA’s plan is put to be aligned with the Saudi Arabian national transformation program 2020; whereby 70% citizens and residents of Saudi Arabia would have a unified medical record number that enables transactions between multiple Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) vendors. The aim of the study is to explore the plan, the challenges and barriers of unifying the 4 MRNs into one Enterprise Patient Identifier (EPI) in NGHA hospitals by December 2018. A descriptive study methodology was used. A journey map and a project plan are created to be followed by the project team to ensure a smooth implementation of the EPI. It includes the following: 1) Approved project charter, 2) Project management plan, 3) Change management plan, 4) Project milestone dates. Currently, the HIS is using the regional MRN. Therefore, the HIS and all integrated health care systems in all regions will need modification to move from MRN to EPI without interfering with patient care. For now, the NGHA have successfully implemented an EPI connected with the 4 MRNs that work in the back end in the systems’ database.

Keywords: consumer health, health informatics, hospital information system, universal medical record number

Procedia PDF Downloads 198
14219 The Effect of Health Promoting Programs on Patient's Life Style after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft–Hospitalized in Shiraz Hospitals

Authors: Azizollah Arbabisarjou, Leila Safabakhsh, Mozhgan Jahantigh, Mahshid Nazemzadeh, Shahindokht Navabi


Background: Health promotion is an essential strategy for reduction of health disparities. Health promotion includes all activities that encourage optimum physical, spiritual, and mental function. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of a Health Promotion Program (HPP) on behavior in terms of the dimensions of the Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP) in patients after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG). Methods and Materials: In this clinical trial study, 80 patients who had undergone CABG surgery (2011-2012) were selected and randomly divided in two groups: Experimental and Control that investigated by (HPLP II). Then the experimental group was educated about diet, walking and stress management. The program process was followed up for 3months and after that all variables were investigated again. The overall score and the scores for the six dimensions of the HPLP (self-actualization, health responsibility, exercise, nutrition, interpersonal support and stress management) were measured in the pre- and post-test periods. Statistical analysis was performed using Student's t-test and paired t-test. Results: Results showed that Score of stress management (p=.036), diet (p=.002), Spiritual Growth (p=.001) and interrelationship (p=002) increase in experimental group after intervention .Average scores after 3 months in the control group had no significant changes; except responsibility for health (p < .05). Results of the study revealed that comparison the scores of the experimental group were significantly different from the control group in all lifestyle aspects except for spiritual growth. Conclusion: This study showed that Health promoting program on lifestyle and health promotion in patients who suffer from CAD could enhance patient's awareness of healthy behaviors and improves the quality of life.

Keywords: coronary artery bypass graft, health promotion, lifestyle, education

Procedia PDF Downloads 463
14218 A Lung Cancer Patient Grief Counseling Nursing Experience

Authors: Syue-Wen Lin


Objective: This article explores the nursing experience of a 64-year-old female lung cancer patient who underwent a thoracoscopic left lower lobectomy and treatment. The patient has a history of diabetes. The nursing process included cancer treatment, postoperative pain management, wound care and healing, and family grief counseling. Methods: The nursing period is from March 11 to March 15, 2024. During this time, strict aseptic wound dressing procedures and advanced wound care techniques are employed to promote wound healing and prevent infection. Postoperatively, due to the development of aspiration pneumonia and worsening symptoms, re-intubation was necessary. Given the patient's advanced cancer and deteriorating condition, the nursing team provided comprehensive grief counseling and care tailored to both the patient's physical and psychological needs, as well as the emotional needs of the family. Considering the complexity of the patient's condition, including advanced cancer, palliative care was also integrated into the overall nursing process to alleviate discomfort and provide psychological support. Results: Using Gordon's Functional Health Patterns for assessment, including evaluating the patient's medical history, physical assessment, and interviews, to provide individualized nursing care, it is important to collect data that will help understand the patient's physical, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions. The interprofessional critical care team collaborates with the hospice team to help understand the psychological state of the patient's family and develop a comprehensive approach to care. Family meetings should be convened, and support should be provided to patients during the final stages of their lives. Additionally, the combination of cancer care, pain management, wound care, and palliative care ensures comprehensive support for the patient throughout her recovery, thereby improving her quality of life. Conclusion: Lung cancer and aspiration pneumonia present significant challenges to patients, and the nursing team not only provides critical care but also addresses individual patient needs through cancer care, pain management, wound care, and palliative care interventions. These measures have effectively improved the quality of life of patients, provided compassionate palliative care to terminally ill patients, and allowed them to spend the last mile of their lives with their families. Nursing staff work closely with families to develop comprehensive care plans to ensure patients receive high-quality medical care as well as psychological support and a comfortable recovery environment.

Keywords: grief counseling, lung cancer, palliative care, nursing experience

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