Abstracts | Nutrition and Food Engineering
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 1758

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

[Nutrition and Food Engineering]

Online ISSN : 1307-6892

1488 Sudanese Dietitian’s Role in the Provision of Parenteral Nutrition: The Past, Present, and Future

Authors: Reem Osama Yousif Ali, Osama Yousif Ali Al Gibali


Introduction: Balanced nutrition is undeniably essential for maintaining health, body functions, and integrity of cell metabolism; however, some sick patients cannot tolerate oral or enteral feeding to meet their nutritional needs, so partial or total parenteral nutrition (PN) may be the most suitable alternative route in such situations. Dietitians are fundamental personnel among the medical team to ensure the proper provision of PN service, which was introduced in Sudan in the 1980s. Objective: The study aimed to recognize the dietitians' awareness of parenteral nutrition and their role in providing this service in Sudan – Khartoum State. Methodology: Formulated questionnaire forms composed of twelve questions were distributed to the dietitians working in four tertiary level hospitals. Results: The majority (75%) of the responded dietitians had reasonable knowledge about the importance of PN, its advantages, and its indications. Sixty percent of them were mindful of the PN side effects. Most of the dietitians were aware of the different assessment measurements and PN calculations and were exposed in their clinical practice to patients who were in need of PN, but only a few of them (about 30%) had the actual chance to participate in the formulation and application of PN therapy. The unavailability of the multidisciplinary team, lack of the required equipment and financial support, and associated complications were basic obstacles to the provision of long-term PN service in Khartoum state hospitals. Conclusion: Although dietitians in Khartoum state hospitals have good information about PN definition, indications, accesses, and assessment measures, they do not have enough knowledge and clinical exposure that make them confident to provide the PN service. Establishing a few models of parenteral nutrition units in tertiary hospitals will be of great help, as well as providing the dietitian's training in the area of parenteral nutrition. Further study can explore more requirements to run this service.

Keywords: nutrition support, dietitian, Sudan, parenteral nutrition, nutrition support team

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1487 A Study to Examine the Use of Traditional Agricultural Practices to Fight the Effects of Climate Change

Authors: Rushva Parihar, Anushka Barua


The negative repercussions of a warming planet are already visible, with biodiversity loss, water scarcity, and extreme weather events becoming ever so frequent. The agriculture sector is perhaps the most impacted, and modern agriculture has failed to defend farmers from the effects of climate change. This, coupled with the added pressure of higher demands for food production caused due to population growth, has only compounded the impact. Traditional agricultural practices that are routed in indigenous knowledge have long safeguarded the delicate balance of the ecosystem through sustainable production techniques. This paper uses secondary data to explore these traditional processes (like Beejamrita, Jeevamrita, sheep penning, earthen bunding, and others) from around the world that have been developed over centuries and focuses on how they can be used to tackle contemporary issues arising from climate change (such as nutrient and water loss, soil degradation, increased incidences of pests). Finally, the resulting framework has been applied to the context of Indian agriculture as a means to combat climate change and improve food security, all while encouraging documentation and transfer of local knowledge as a shared resource among farmers.

Keywords: sustainable food systems, traditional agricultural practices, climate smart agriculture, climate change, indigenous knowledge

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1486 Pediatricians as a Key Channel of Influence for Infant Formula Purchases

Authors: Matthew Heidman, Susan Dallabrida, Analice Costa


For infant caregivers, choosing an infant formula for their child can be a difficult task in an already stressful environment of caring for a newborn. There exist several channels that influence purchasing decision of infant formula such as, friends and family and their experiences, health care professionals, social media influencers, as well as standard media marketing. This study sought to identify the key channels by which caregivers obtain information regarding infant formula and help them make their purchasing decision. A digital survey was issued for 90 days in the US (n=121) and 30 days in Mexico (n=88) targeting respondents with children ≤4 years of age. Respondents were asked two key questions regarding the influences on their purchasing decisions: 1) “When choosing a formula brand, what do you do to help you make your decision?”, and 2) “When choosing a formula brand, what is most important to you?”. A list of potential answers was provided for each question and respondents were asked to select all that apply to them. Lastly, respondents were provided a 5-point Likert scale and asked to respond to the statement 3) “I am more likely to buy a particular formula brand if my pediatrician recommends it to me”. For question 1, in the US and Mexico, 76% and 95% of respondents respectively, selected “I ask my pediatrician” which represented the top selection. For question 2, 52% and 45% of respondents respectively, selected “On package “Pediatrician Recommended” claim…” which also represented the top selection. For statement 3, 82% and 89% of respondents respectively, stated that they either “somewhat agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement. For infant caregivers, the pediatrician is a very important channel of influence when it comes to purchasing decision of infant formula. Caregivers clearly see the pediatrician as the arbiter of their child’s nutrition and seek their recommendations for infant formula use. For infant formula manufacturers, it is important that they see the pediatrician as the gatekeeper to this market, and they put resources into medical marketing communication to this health care professional group to ensure success.

Keywords: infant formula, pediatrician, purchasing driver, caregiver

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1485 Caregiver Training Results in Accurate Reporting of Stool Frequency

Authors: Matthew Heidman, Susan Dallabrida, Analice Costa


Background:Accuracy of caregiver reported outcomes is essential for infant growth and tolerability study success. Crying/fussiness, stool consistencies, and other gastrointestinal characteristics are important parameters regarding tolerability, and inter-caregiver reporting can see a significant amount of subjectivity and vary greatly within a study, compromising data. This study sought to elucidate how caregiver reported questions related to stool frequency are answered before and after a short amount of training and how training impacts caregivers’ understanding, and how they would answer the question. Methods:A digital survey was issued for 90 daysin the US (n=121) and 30 days in Mexico (n=88), targeting respondents with children ≤4 years of age. Respondents were asked a question in two formats, first without a line of training text and second with a line of training text. The question set was as follows, “If your baby had stool in his/her diaper and you changed the diaper and 10 min later there was more stool in the diaper, how many stools would you report this as?” followed by the same question beginning with “If you were given the instruction that IF there are at least 5 minutes in between stools, then it counts as two (2) stools…”.Four response items were provided for both questions, 1) 2 stools, 2) 1stool, 3) it depends on how much stool was in the first versus the second diaper, 4) There is not enough information to be able to answer the question. Response frequencies between questions were compared. Results: Responses to the question without training saw some variability in the US, with 69% selecting “2 stools”,11% selecting “1 stool”, 14% selecting “it depends on how much stool was in the first versus the second diaper”, and 7% selecting “There is not enough information to be able to answer the question” and in Mexico respondents selected 9%, 78%, 13%, and 0% respectively. However, responses to the question after training saw more consolidation in the US, with 85% of respondents selecting“2 stools,” representing an increase in those selecting the correct answer. Additionally in Mexico, with 84% of respondents selecting “1 episode” representing an increase in the those selecting the correct response. Conclusions: Caregiver reported outcomes are critical for infant growth and tolerability studies, however, they can be highly subjective and see a high variability of responses without guidance. Training is critical to standardize all caregivers’ perspective regarding how to answer questions accurately in order to provide an accurate dataset.

Keywords: infant nutrition, clinical trial optimization, stool reporting, decentralized clinical trials

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1484 The Potential of Extending the Shelf Life of Meat by Encapsulation with Red Clay

Authors: Onuoha Ogbonnaya Gideon, Ishaq Hafsah Yusuf


Introduction: Meat is a perishable food of good nutrition. Meat ranks among the most significant, nutritious, and favored food items available to most locals. It is a good source of protein (17-19%), depending on sources, and contains appreciable amounts of fat and moisture. However, it has a very short shelf life due mainly to its high moisture, fat, and other nutrient contents. Meat spoilage can result from microbial proliferation as well as inherent enzymes in the meat tissues. Bacteria contamination and permeability to both oxygen and water vapor are major concerns associated with spoilage of meat and its storage. Packaging is fundamental in the preservation and presentation of food. Red clay is a very common substance; hydrous aluminum phyllosilicate, sometimes with varying amounts of iron, magnesium, alkali metals, alkaline earth, and cation formed from sedimentary rocks. Furthermore, red clay is an extremely absorbent material and develops plasticity when wet due to the molecular film of water surrounding the clay particles but can become hard, impervious, brittle, and non-brittle and non-plastic when dry. In developing countries, the high cost of refrigeration technologies and most other methods of preserving meat are exorbitant and thus can be substituted with the less expensive and readily available red clay for the preservation of meat. Methodology: 1000g of lean meat was diced into cubes of 10g each. The sample was then divided into four groups labelled raw meat (RMC); raw in 10% brine solution (RMB), boiled meat (BMC), and fried meat (FMC). It was then encapsulated with 2mm thick red clay and then heated in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 600OC for 30min. The samples were kept on a bench top for 30 days, and a storage study was carried out. Results: Our findings showed a decrease in value during storage for the physiochemical properties of all the sample; pH values decreased [RMC (7.05-7.6), RMB (8.46-7.0), BMC (6.0-5.0), FMC (4.08-3.9)]; free fatty acid content decreased with storage time [RMC (32.6%-31%), RMB (30.2%-28.6%), BMC (30.5%-27.4%), FMC (25.6%-23.8%)]; total soluble solid value decreased [RMC16.20-15.07, RMB (17.22-16.04), BMC (17.05-15.54), FMC (15.3-14.9)]. Conclusion: This result shows that encapsulation with red clay reduced all the values analyzed and thus has the potential to extend the shelf life of stored meat.

Keywords: red clay, encapsulating, shelf life, physicochemical properties, lean meat

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1483 Production and Quality Assessment of Antioxidant-Rich Biscuit Produced from Pearl Millet and Orange Peel Flour Blends

Authors: Oloniyo Rebecca Olajumoke


The unstable free radicals molecules oxidize cells throughout the body to cause oxidative stress, which has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases. Thus, the consumption of antioxidant-rich snacks could help to reduce the production of these free radicals in the body. This study aimed at producing antioxidant–rich biscuits from an underutilized pearl millet and agricultural waste from orange peel flour (PMF and OPF, respectively) blends. Biscuits were produced from PMF, and OPF blends using various proportions (95:05; 90:10; 85:15; 80:20 with 100% PMF as control. The functional properties of the flours, as well as the antioxidant properties, physical evaluation, and consumer acceptability of the biscuits, were evaluated. The functional properties of the composite flour showed an increase in oil absorption capacity (7.73-8.80 g/ml), water absorption capacity (6.82-7.21 g/ml), foaming (3.91-5.88 g/ml), and emulsification (52.85-58.82 g/ml) properties. The increased addition of OPF significantly (p<0.05) increased the antioxidant properties of the biscuits produced from the composite flour. For instance, the ferric reducing properties (0.10-0.4 mgAAE/g), total flavonoid (1.20-8.12 mg QE/g), and ABTS radical scavenging (1.17-2.19 mmol/TEAC/g) of the composite flours were increasingly comparable to those of 100% PMF. The physical parameters of the biscuit were significantly different (p<0.05) from one another. The addition of OPF into PMF reduced the weight, diameter, and spread ratio of biscuits produced while contrarily increasing the height of the biscuit. The incorporation of OPF at 5% (95:05) substitution yielded a consumedly acceptable biscuit product. The significant increase in antioxidant properties with an increase in OPF during the production of biscuits would therefore increase the nutritional value and potential health benefits.

Keywords: orange peel, biscuit, antioxidant, pearl millet

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1482 Sector-Wide Collaboration to Reduce Food Waste

Authors: Carolyn Cameron


Stop Food Waste Australia is working with the industry to co-design sector action plans to prevent and reduce food waste across the supply chain. We are a public-private partnership, funded in 2021 by the Australian national government under the 2017 National Food Waste Strategy. Our partnership has representatives from all levels of government, industry associations from farm to fork, and food rescue groups. Like many countries, Australia has adopted the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target of 12.3 to halve food waste by 2030. A seminal 2021 study, the National Food Waste Feasibility Report, developed a robust national baseline, illustrating hotspots in commodities and across the supply chain. This research found that the consumption stages – households, food service, and institutions - account for over half of all food waste, and 22% of food produced never leaves the farm gate. Importantly the study found it is feasible for Australia to meet SDG 12.3, but it will require unprecedented action by governments, industry, and the community. Sector Action Plans (Plan) are one of the four main initiatives of Stop Food Waste Australia, including a voluntary commitment, a coordinated food waste communications hub, and robust monitoring and reporting framework. These plans provide a systems-based approach to reducing food loss and waste while realising multiple benefits for supply chain partners and other collaborators. Each plan is being co-designed with the key stakeholders most able to directly control or influence the root cause(s) of food waste hotspots and to take action to reduce or eliminate food waste in their value chain.  The initiatives in the Plans are fit-for-purpose, reflecting current knowledge and recognising priorities may refocus over time. To date, sector action plans have been developed with the Food Rescue, Cold Chain, Bread and Bakery, and Dairy Sectors. Work is currently underway on Meat and Horticulture, and we are also developing supply-chain stage plans for food services and institutions. The study will provide an overview of Australia’s food waste baseline and challenges, the important role of sector action plans in reducing food waste, and case studies of implementation outcomes.

Keywords: co-design, horticulture, sector action plans, voluntary

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1481 Synergistic Effect of Cold Plasma on Antioxidant Properties and Fatty Acid Composition of Rice Bran

Authors: Rohit Thirumdas, Annapure U. S.


Low-pressure air plasma is used to investigate the antioxidant properties and fatty acid composition of rice bran at different power levels (40 W and 60 W). We observed partial hydrogenation of rice bran oil after the treatment. The fatty acid composition analysis by gas chromatography showed an increase of 28.2% in palmitic acid and a 29.4% decrease in linoleic acid. FTIR spectrum shows no new peak formation, which confirms negligible amounts of trans-fatty acids. There is a decrease in peroxide value and iodine value, which can be correlated to an increase in saturated fatty acids. The total polyphenolic content was observed to be increased by 20.1% after the treatment. There is an increase in reducing power and DPPH % inhibition of rice bran due to plasma treatment. This study shows cold plasma treatment can be considered an alternative technology for the hydrogenation of oils, replacing traditional toxic processes.

Keywords: cold plasma, rice bran, fatty acid composition, hydrogenation of oils, antioxidant properties

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1480 Effect of Gum Extracts on the Textural and Bread-Making Properties of a Composite Flour Based on Sour Cassava Starch (Manihot esculenta), Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and Cowpea Flour (Vigna unguiculata)

Authors: Marie Madeleine Nanga Ndjang, Julie Mathilde Klang, Edwin M. Mmutlane, Derek Tantoh Ndinteh, Eugenie Kayitesi, Francois Ngoufack Zambou


Gluten intolerance and the unavailability of wheat flour in some parts of the world have led to the development of gluten-free bread. However, gluten-free bread generally results in a low specific volume, and to remedy this, the use of hydrocolloids and bases has proved to be very successful. Thus, the present study aims to determine the optimal proportions of gum extract of Triumffetapentendraand sodium bicarbonate in breadmaking of a composite flour based on sour cassava starch, peanut, and cowpea flour. To achieve this, a BoxBenkhendesign was used, the variable being the amount of extract gums, the amount of bicarbonate, and the amount of water. The responses evaluated were the specific volume and texture properties (Hardness, Cohesiveness, Consistency, Elasticity, and Masticability). The specific volume was done according to standard methods of AACC and the textural properties by a texture analyzer. It appears from this analysis that the specific volume is positively influenced by the incorporation of extract gums, bicarbonate, and water. The hardness, consistency, and plasticity increased with the incorporation rate of extract gums but reduced with the incorporation rate of bicarbonate and water. On the other hand, Cohesion and elasticity increased with the incorporation rate of bicarbonate and water but reduced with the incorporation of extract gum. The optimate proportions of extract gum, bicarbonate, and water are 0.28;1.99, and 112.5, respectively. This results in a specific volume of 1.51; a hardness of 38.51; a cohesiveness of 0.88; a consistency of 32.86; an elasticity of 5.57, and amasticability of 162.35. Thus, this analysis suggests that gum extracts and sodium bicarbonate can be used to improve the quality of gluten-free bread.

Keywords: box benkhen design, bread-making, gums, textures properties, specific volume

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1479 Understanding Face-to-Face Household Gardens’ Profitability and Local Economic Opportunity Pathways

Authors: Annika Freudenberger, Sin Sokhong


In just a few years, the Face-to-Face Victory Gardens Project (F2F) in Cambodia has developed a high-impact project that has provided immediate and tangible benefits to local families. This has been accomplished with a relatively hands-off approach that relies on households’ own motivation and personal investments of time and resources -which is both unique and impressive in the landscape of NGO and government initiatives in the area. Households have been growing food both for their own consumption and to sell or exchange. Not all targeted beneficiaries are equally motivated and maximizing their involvement, but there is a clear subset of households -particularly those who serve as facilitators- whose circumstances have been transformed as a result of F2F. A number of household factors and contextual economic factors affect families’ income generation opportunities. All the households we spoke with became involved with F2F with the goal of selling some proportion of their produce (i.e., not exclusively for their own consumption). For some, this income is marginal and supplemental to their core household income; for others, it is substantial and transformative. Some engage directly with customers/buyers in their immediate community, while others sell in larger nearby markets, and others link up with intermediary vendors. All struggle, to a certain extent, to compete in a local economy flooded with cheap produce imported from large-scale growers in neighboring provinces, Thailand, and Vietnam, although households who grow and sell herbs and greens popular in Khmer cuisine have found a stronger local market. Some are content with the scale of their garden, the income they make, and the current level of effort required to maintain it; others would like to expand but are faced with land constraints and water management challenges. Households making a substantial income from selling their products have achieved success in different ways, making it difficult to pinpoint a clear “model” for replication. Within our small sample size of interviewees, it seems as though the families with a clear passion for their gardens and high motivation to work hard to bring their products to market have succeeded in doing so. Khmer greens and herbs have been the most successful; they are not high-value crops, but they are fairly easy to grow, and there is a constant demand. These crops are also not imported as much, so prices are more stable than those of crops such as long beans. Although we talked to a limited number of individuals, it also appears as though successful families either restricted their crops to those that would grow well in drought or flood conditions (depending on which they are affected by most); or benefit already from water management infrastructure such as water tanks which helps them diversify their crops and helps them build their resilience.

Keywords: food security, Victory Gardens, nutrition, Cambodia

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1478 Effect of Packaging Material and Water-Based Solutions on Performance of Radio Frequency Identification for Food Packaging Applications

Authors: Amelia Frickey, Timothy (TJ) Sheridan, Angelica Rossi, Bahar Aliakbarian


The growth of large food supply chains demanded improved end-to-end traceability of food products, which has led to companies being increasingly interested in using smart technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)-enabled packaging to track items. As technology is being widely used, there are several technological or economic issues that should be overcome to facilitate the adoption of this track-and-trace technology. One of the technological challenges of RFID technology is its sensitivity to different environmental form factors, including packaging materials and the content of the packaging. Although researchers have assessed the performance loss due to the proximity of water and aqueous solutions, there is still the need to further investigate the impacts of food products on the reading range of RFID tags. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are not enough studies to determine the correlation between RFID tag performance and food beverages properties. The goal of this project was to investigate the effect of the solution properties (pH and conductivity) and different packaging materials filled with food-like water-based solutions on the performance of an RFID tag. Three commercially available ultra high-frequency RFID tags were placed on three different bottles and filled with different concentrations of water-based solutions, including sodium chloride, citric acid, sucrose, and ethanol. Transparent glass, Polyethylneterephtalate (PET), and Tetrapak® were used as the packaging materials commonly used in the beverage industries. Tag readability (Theoretical Read Range, TRR) and sensitivity (Power on Tag Forward, PoF) were determined using an anechoic chamber. First, the best place to attach the tag for each packaging material was investigated using empty and water-filled bottles. Then, the bottles were filled with the food-like solutions and tested with the three different tags and the PoF and TRR at the fixed frequency of 915MHz. In parallel, the pH and conductivity of solutions were measured. The best-performing tag was then selected to test the bottles filled with wine, orange, and apple juice. Despite various solutions altering the performance of each tag, the change in tag performance had no correlation with the pH or conductivity of the solution. Additionally, packaging material played a significant role in tag performance. Each tag tested performed optimally under different conditions. This study is the first part of comprehensive research to determine the regression model for the prediction of tag performance behavior based on the packaging material and the content. More investigations, including more tags and food products, are needed to be able to develop a robust regression model. The results of this study can be used by RFID tag manufacturers to design suitable tags for specific products with similar properties.

Keywords: smart food packaging, supply chain management, food waste, radio frequency identification

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1477 Effect of Packaging Treatment and Storage Condition on Stability of Low Fat Chicken Burger

Authors: Mohamed Ahmed Kenawi Abdallah


Chemical composition, cooking loss, shrinkage value, texture coefficient indices, Feder value, microbial examination, and sensory evaluation were done in order to examine the effect of adding 15% germinated quinoa seeds flour as extender to chicken wings meat to produce low fat chicken burger, packaged in two different packing materials and stored frozen for nine months. The data indicated reduction in the moisture content, crude either extract, and increase in the ash content, pH value, and total acidity for the samples extended by quinoa flour compared with the control one. The data showed that the extended samples with quinoa flour had the lowest values of TBA, cooking loss, and shrinkage value compared with the control ones. The data also revealed that, the sample contained quinoa flour had total bacterial count and psychrophilic bacterial count lower than the control sample. In addition, it has higher evaluation values for overall acceptability than the control one.

Keywords: chicken wings, low fat chicken burger, quinoa flour, vacuum packaging.

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1476 Development of a Process Method to Manufacture Spreads from Powder Hardstock

Authors: Phakamani Xaba, Robert Huberts, Bilainu Oboirien


It has been over 200 years since margarine was discovered and manufactured using liquid oil, liquified hardstock oils and other oil phase & aqueous phase ingredients. Henry W. Bradley first used vegetable oils in liquid state and around 1871, since then; spreads have been traditionally manufactured using liquified oils. The main objective of this study was to develop a process method to produce spreads using spray dried hardstock fat powders as a structing fats in place of current liquid structuring fats. A high shear mixing system was used to condition the fat phase and the aqueous phase was prepared separately. Using a single scraped surface heat exchanger and pin stirrer, margarine was produced. The process method was developed for to produce spreads with 40%, 50% and 60% fat . The developed method was divided into three steps. In the first step, fat powders were conditioned by melting and dissolving them into liquid oils. The liquified portion of the oils were at 65 °C, whilst the spray dried fat powder was at 25 °C. The two were mixed using a mixing vessel at 900 rpm for 4 minutes. The rest of the ingredients i.e., lecithin, colorant, vitamins & flavours were added at ambient conditions to complete the fat/ oil phase. The water phase was prepared separately by mixing salt, water, preservative, acidifier in the mixing tank. Milk was also separately prepared by pasteurizing it at 79°C prior to feeding it into the aqueous phase. All the water phase contents were chilled to 8 °C. The oil phase and water phase were mixed in a tank, then fed into a single scraped surface heat exchanger. After the scraped surface heat exchanger, the emulsion was fed in a pin stirrer to work the formed crystals and produce margarine. The margarine produced using the developed process had fat levels of 40%, 50% and 60%. The margarine passed all the qualitative, stability, and taste assessments. The scores were 6/10, 7/10 & 7.5/10 for the 40%, 50% & 60% fat spreads, respectively. The success of the trials brought about differentiated knowledge on how to manufacture spreads using non micronized spray dried fat powders as hardstock. Manufacturers do not need to store structuring fats at 80-90°C and even high in winter, instead, they can adapt their processes to use fat powders which need to be stored at 25 °C. The developed process method used one scrape surface heat exchanger instead of the four to five currently used in votator based plants. The use of a single scraped surface heat exchanger translated to about 61% energy savings i.e., 23 kW per ton of product. Furthermore, it was found that the energy saved by implementing separate pasteurization was calculated to be 6.5 kW per ton of product produced.

Keywords: margarine emulsion, votator technology, margarine processing, scraped sur, fat powders

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1475 Development of a Multi-User Country Specific Food Composition Table for Malawi

Authors: Averalda van Graan, Joelaine Chetty, Malory Links, Agness Mwangwela, Sitilitha Masangwi, Dalitso Chimwala, Shiban Ghosh, Elizabeth Marino-Costello


Food composition data is becoming increasingly important as dealing with food insecurity and malnutrition in its persistent form of under-nutrition is now coupled with increasing over-nutrition and its related ailments in the developing world, of which Malawi is not spared. In the absence of a food composition database (FCDB) inherent to our dietary patterns, efforts were made to develop a country-specific FCDB for nutrition practice, research, and programming. The main objective was to develop a multi-user, country-specific food composition database, and table from existing published and unpublished scientific literature. A multi-phased approach guided by the project framework was employed. Phase 1 comprised a scoping mission to assess the nutrition landscape for compilation activities. Phase 2 involved training of a compiler and data collection from various sources, primarily; institutional libraries, online databases, and food industry nutrient data. Phase 3 subsumed evaluation and compilation of data using FAO and IN FOODS standards and guidelines. Phase 4 concluded the process with quality assurance. 316 Malawian food items categorized into eight food groups for 42 components were captured. The majority were from the baby food group (27%), followed by a staple (22%) and animal (22%) food group. Fats and oils consisted the least number of food items (2%), followed by fruits (6%). Proximate values are well represented; however, the percent missing data is huge for some components, including Se 68%, I 75%, Vitamin A 42%, and lipid profile; saturated fat 53%, mono-saturated fat 59%, poly-saturated fat 59% and cholesterol 56%. A multi-phased approach following the project framework led to the development of the first Malawian FCDB and table. The table reflects inherent Malawian dietary patterns and nutritional concerns. The FCDB can be used by various professionals in nutrition and health. Rising over-nutrition, NCD, and changing diets challenge us for nutrient profiles of processed foods and complete lipid profiles.

Keywords: analytical data, dietary pattern, food composition data, multi-phased approach

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1474 Jurisprudential Terms of Istiḥālah (Transformation) in Cosmetic Products (An Analytical Study)

Authors: Hassan Sher


God has made this world with all of his essences and beautified it with his countless blessings. In Islam, no doubt, beauty is a very important characteristic but also an aspect of the body and the heart. In a world where the standards of beauty seem to change from year to year according to trends and norms. Moreover, in this world, many people want to look good and feel satisfied and will be willing to go through many ways for their ideal look. likewise, several products came into use for beautifying, cleansing, and promoting attractiveness. These products include components of cosmetics, they are utilized for health and beauty purposes. There are concerns regarding the existence of harmful or ḥarām chemicals, but With the advancement in (technology), it results in the transformation of unlawful and forbidden cosmetic products into permissible several new ingredients and products. The process of transforming certain items or products from one form to another, Muslim jurists tend to use terms like Istiḥālah (transformation).Istiḥālah is an Islamic principle unknown to many Muslims. LinguisticallyIstiḥālah carries the meaning of a transformation or a change in the nature of a thing into something else.According to the religious contact, Istiḥālah signifies a turning of a matter from a state of impurity or inedibility into a matter of different nature, name, properties, and characteristics (colour, taste, and smell) (Zuhayli, 1997). This principle, which is unanimously accepted by Muslim scholars, are breaths of fresh air to Muslims suffering from the suffocation of excessive prohibition. This will allow the invention to be utilized fully. This research tends to highlight the different ideological concepts of Istiḥālah from the perspective of Islamic Shariah and jurisprudence and its application in cosmetic products. However, the study focuses on the issues related to alcohol and pig ingredients in beauty products.

Keywords: istiḥālah. harām, jurisprudence, cosmetic, pig

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1473 A Study on Household Food Security and Dietary Diversity in Urban Centers of Thrissur

Authors: Sandra Thomas


This study tries to analyse the level of food security and dietary diversity among households of different socio-economic classes in the urban centers of Thrissur. The study revealed that there is no much difference in purchasing patterns of food articles among the socio-economic classes indicating a very high level of both physical and economic accessibility of food. On analysing the dietary diversity of the households none of the households scored below five and fifty-three per cent of the households scored eleven or twelve indicating higher diversity in diet. It was also found that income and education are the two important factors that influence the level of household food security.

Keywords: food security, dietary diversity, household level, socio-economic classes

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1472 Effect of Air Temperatures (°C) and Slice Thickness (mm) on Drying Characteristics and Some Quality Properties of Omani Banana

Authors: Atheer Al-Maqbali, Mohammed Al-Rizeiqi, Pankaj Pathare


There is an ever-increased demand for the consumption of banana products in Oman and elsewhere in the region due to the nutritional value and the decent taste of the product. There are approximately 3,751 acres of land designated for banana cultivation in the Sultanate of Oman, which produces approximately 18,447 tons of banana product. The fresh banana product is extremely perishable, resulting in a significant post-harvest economic loss. Since the product has high sensory acceptability, the drying method is a common method for processing fresh banana products. This study aims to use the drying technology in the production of dried bananas to preserve the largest amount of natural color and delicious taste for the consumer. The study also aimed to assess the shelf stability of both water activity (aw) and color (L*, a*, b*) for fresh and finished dried bananas by using a Conventional Air Drying System. Water activity aw, color characteristic L a b, and product’s hardness were analyzed for 3mm, 5mm, and7 mm thickness at different temperaturesoC. All data were analyzed statistically using STATA 13.0, and α ≤ 0.05 was considered for the significance level. The study is useful to banana farmers to improve cultivation, food processors to optimize producer’s output and policy makers in the optimization of banana processing and post-harvest management of the products.

Keywords: banana, drying, oman, quality, thickness, hardness, color

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1471 Whey Protein in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Authors: Zyrah Lou R. Samar, Genecarlo Liwanag


Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is the more prevalent type, caused by a combination of insulin resistance and inadequate insulin response to hyperglycemia1. Aside from pharmacologic interventions, medical nutrition therapy is an integral part of the management of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Whey protein, which is one of the best protein sources, has been investigated for its applicability in improving glycemic control in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted to measure the magnitude of the effect of whey protein on glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this review is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of whey protein in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: A systematic electronic search for studies in the PubMed and Cochrane Collaboration database was done. Included in this review were randomized controlled trials of whey protein enrolling patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Three reviewers independently searched, assessed, and extracted data from the individual studies. Results: A systematic literature search on online databases such as Cochrane Central Registry, PubMed, and Herdin Plus was conducted in April to September 2021 to identify eligible studies. The search yielded 21 randomized controlled trials after removing duplicates. Only 5 articles were included after reviewing the full text, which met the criteria for selection. Conclusion: Whey protein supplementation significantly reduced fasting blood glucose. However, it did not reduce post-prandial blood glucose, HbA1c level, and weight when compared with the placebo. There has been a considerate heterogeneity across all studies, which may have contributed/confounded its effects. A larger sample size and better inclusion, and a more specific study may be included in the future reviews.

Keywords: whey protein, diabetes, nutrition, fasting blood sugar, postprandial glucose, HbA1c, weight reduction

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1470 Food Design as a University-Industry Collaboration Project: An Experience Design on Controlling Chocolate Consumption and Long-Term Eating Behavior

Authors: Büşra Durmaz, Füsun Curaoğlu


While technology-oriented developments in the modern world change our perceptions of time and speed, they also force our food consumption patterns, such as getting pleasure from what we eat and eating slowly. The habit of eating quickly and hastily causes not only the feeling of not understanding the taste of the food eaten but also the inability to postpone the feeling of satiety and, therefore, many health problems. In this context, especially in the last ten years, in the field of industrial design, food manufacturers for healthy living and consumption have been collaborating with industrial designers on food design. The consumers of the new century, who are in an uncontrolled time intensity, receive support from small snacks as a source of happiness and pleasure in the little time intervals they can spare. At this point, especially chocolate has been a source of happiness for its consumers as a source of both happiness and pleasure for hundreds of years. However, when the portions have eaten cannot be controlled, a pleasure food such as chocolate can cause both health problems and many emotional problems, especially the feeling of guilt. Fast food, which is called food that is prepared and consumed quickly, has been increasing rapidly around the world in recent years. This study covers the process and results of a chocolate design based on the user experience of a university-industry cooperation project carried out within the scope of Eskişehir Technical University graduation projects. The aim of the project is a creative product design that will enable the user to experience chocolate consumption with a healthy eating approach. For this, while concepts such as pleasure, satiety, and taste are discussed; A survey with 151 people and semi-structured face-to-face interviews with 7 people during the experience design process within the scope of the user-oriented design approach, mainly literature review, within the scope of main topics such as mouth anatomy, tongue structure, taste, the functions of the eating action in the brain, hormones and chocolate, video A case study based on the research paradigm of Qualitative Research was structured within the scope of different research processes such as analysis and project diaries. As a result of the research, it has been reached that the melting in the mouth is the preferred experience of the users in order to spread the experience of eating chocolate for a long time based on pleasure while eating chocolate with healthy portions. In this context, researches about the production of sketches, mock-ups and prototypes of the product are included in the study. As a result, a product packaging design has been made that supports the active role of the senses such as sight, smell and hearing, where consumption begins, in order to consume chocolate by melting and to actively secrete the most important stimulus salivary glands in order to provide a healthy and long-term pleasure-based consumption.

Keywords: chocolate, eating habit, pleasure, saturation, sense of taste

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1469 Identification of Nutrient Sensitive Signaling Pathways via Analysis of O-GlcNAcylation

Authors: Michael P. Mannino, Gerald W. Hart


The majority of glucose metabolism proceeds through glycolytic pathways such as glycolysis or pentose phosphate pathway, however, about 5% is shunted through the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway, producing uridine diphosphate N-acetyl glucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc). This precursor can then be incorporated into complex oligosaccharides decorating the cell surface or remain as an intracellular post-translational-modification (PTM) of serine/threonine residues (O-GlcNAcylation, OGN), which has been identified on over 4,000 cytosolic or nuclear proteins. Intracellular OGN has major implications on cellularprocesses, typically by modulating protein localization, protein-protein interactions, protein degradation, and gene expression. Additionally, OGN is known to have an extensive cross-talk with phosphorylation, be in a competitive or cooperative manner. Unlike other PTMs there are only two cycling enzymes that are capable of adding or removing the GlcNAc moiety, O-linked N-aceytl glucosamine Transferase (OGT) and O-linked N-acetyl glucoamidase (OGA), respectively. The activity of OGT has been shown to be sensitive to cellular UDP-GlcNAc levels, even changing substrate affinity. Owing to this and that the concentration of UDP-GlcNAc is related to the metabolisms of glucose, amino acid, fatty acid, and nucleotides, O-GlcNAc is often referred to as a nutrient sensing rheostat. Indeed OGN is known to regulate several signaling pathways as a result of nutrient levels, such as insulin signaling. Dysregulation of OGN is associated with several disease states such as cancer, diabetes, and neurodegeneration. Improvements in glycomics over the past 10-15 years has significantly increased the OGT substrate pool, suggesting O-GlcNAc’s involvement in a wide variety of signaling pathways. However, O-GlcNAc’s role at the receptor level has only been identified in a case-by-case basis of known pathways. Examining the OGN of the plasma membrane (PM) may better focus our understanding of O-GlcNAc-effected signaling pathways. In this current study, PM fractions were isolated from several cell types via ultracentrifugation, followed by purification and MS/MS analysis in several cell lines. This process was repeated with or without OGT/OGA inhibitors or with increased/decreased glucose levels in media to ascertain the importance of OGN. Various pathways are followed up on in more detailed studies employing methods to localize OGN at the PM specifically.

Keywords: GlcNAc, nutrient sensitive, post-translational-modification, receptor

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1468 The Impact of the Genetic Groups of Microorganisms on the Production of Mousy-Compounds

Authors: Pierre Moulis, Markus Herderich, Doris Rauhut, Patricia Ballestra


Nowadays, it is starting to be more frequent to detect wines with mousy off-flavor. The reasons behind this could be the significant decrease in sulphur dioxide, the increase in pH, and the trend for spontaneous fermentation in wine. This off-flavor can be produced by Brettanomyces bruxellensis or some Lactic acid bacteria. So far there is no study working on the influence of the genetic group on the production of these microorganisms. Objectives: The objectives of this research are to increase knowledge and to have a better understanding of the microbiological phenomena related to the production of the mousy off-flavor in the wine. Methodologies: In this research, microorganisms were screened in an N-heterocycle assay medium (this medium contained all known precursors) and the production of mousy compounds was quantified by Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (SBSE-GC-MS). Main contributions: Brettanomyces bruxellensis and Oenococcus oeni could produce mousiness at a different amount depending on the strain. But there is no group effect.

Keywords: mousy off-flavor, wine, Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Oenococcus oeni

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1467 Measuring Elemental Sulfur in Late Manually-Treated Grape Juice in Relation to Polyfunctional Mercaptan Formation in Sauvignon Blanc Wines

Authors: Bahareh Sarmadi, Paul A. Kilmartin, Leandro D. Araújo, Brandt P. Bastow


Aim: Sauvignon blanc is the most substantial variety cultivated in almost 62% of all producing vineyards of New Zealand. The popularity of New Zealand Sauvignon blanc is due to its unique taste. It is the most famous wine characterized by its aroma profile derived from mercaptans. 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol (3MH) and 3-mercaptohexyl acetate (3MHA) are two of the most important volatile mercaptans found in Sauvignon blanc wines. “Viticultural” and “Enological” factors such as machine-harvesting, the most common harvesting practice used in New Zealand, can be among the reasons for this distinct flavor. Elemental sulfur is commonly sprayed in the fields to protect berries against powdery mildew. Although it is not the only source of sulfur, this practice creates a source of elemental sulfur that can be transferred into the must and eventually into wines. Despite the clear effects of residual elemental sulfur present in the must on the quality and aroma of the final wines, its measurement before harvest or fermentation is not a regular practice in the wineries. This can be due to the lack of accessible and applicable methods for the equipment at most commercial wineries. This study aims to establish a relationship between the number and frequency of elemental sulfur applications and the concentration of polyfunctional mercaptans in the final wines. Methods: An apparatus was designed to reduce elemental sulfur to sulfide, then an ion-selective electrode to measure sulfide concentration. During harvest 2022, we explored a wider range of residual elemental sulfur levels than what typically applies in the vineyards. This has been done through later manual elemental sulfur applications in the vineyard. Additional sulfur applications were made 20, 10 and 5 days prior to harvesting the treated grapes, covering long and short pre-harvest intervals (PHI). The grapes were processed into juice and fermented into wine; then, they were analyzed to find the correlation between polyfunctional mercaptans concentrations in the wines and residual elemental sulfur in the juice samples. Results: The research showed that higher 3MH/3MHA was formed when elemental sulfur was applied more frequent in the vineyards and supported the proposed pathway in which elemental sulfur is a source of 3MH formation in wines.

Keywords: sauvignon blanc, elemental sulfur, polyfunctional mercaptans, varietal thiols

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1466 Time Temperature Indicator for Monitoring Freshness of Packed Pasteurized Milk

Authors: Rajeshwar S. Matche, Subhash V. Pawde, Suraj P, Sachin R. Chaudhari


Time Temperature Indicator’s (TTI) are trending approach in a food packaging that will be insightful to have safe and hygienic food products. Currently, available TTI in the market are mostly a product specific and sometime even difficult to handle especially in supply chain as these are pre-activated and require specific storage conditions. In the present study, research focus is on the development of a cost-effective lactic acid based TTI that can work over a wide range of temperature and can be activated at time of packaging or on demand. The correlation between activation energies of colour change of the developed indicator and packed pasteurized milk spoilage with respect to time and temperature was established. Developed lactic acid based TTI strips have range of activation energy from 10.13 to 24.20 KJ/mol. We found that the developed TTI strip’s with activation energy 12.42, and 14.41KJ/mol can be correlated with spoilage activation energy of packed pasteurized milk which was 25.71 KJ/mol with factor of 2 at storage temperature 4°C. The implementation of these TTI on packed pasteurized milk allow us see visual colour change during the storage and can be fruitful to monitoring quality of the milk and understand its freshness especially in a cold supply chain, viz distributor and road vendor etc.

Keywords: pasteurised packed milk, time temperature indicator, spoilage, freshness

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1465 Evaluating Antimicrobial Activity of Selenium Nanoparticles Against Food-Borne Bacteria

Authors: Qunying Yuan, Manjula Bomma, Adrian Rhoden, Zhigang Xiao


Selenium is an essential micronutrient for all mammals and plays an important role in maintaining human physiological functions. The potential applications of selenium as food supplements, cancer-prevention, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents have been investigated in biomedicine and food sciences. Nanoscale of selenium is of particular interest due to its better biocompatibility, higher bioavailability, lower toxicity, more homogeneous distribution, and presumptive controlled release of substances. The objective of this study is to explore whether selenium nanoparticle (SeNP) has the potential to be used as a food preservative to reduce food spoilage. SeNPs were synthesized through ascorbic acid reduction of sodium selenite using the bovine serum albumin (BSA) as capping and stabilizing agent. The chemically synthesized SeNPs had a spherical conformation and a size of 22.8 ± 4.7 nm. FTIR analysis confirmed that the nanoparticles were covered with BSA. We further tested the antimicrobial activity of these SeNPs against common food-borne bacteria. Colony forming unit assay showed that SeNPs exhibited good inhibition on the growth of Listeria Monocytogens (ATCC15313), Staphylococcus epidermidis (ATCC 700583) starting at 0.5µg/mL, but only a moderate inhibitory effect on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC12600) and Vibrio alginolyticus (ATCC 33787) at a concentration higher than 10µg/mL and 2.5µg/mL, respectively. There was a mild effect against the growth Salmonella enterica (ATCC19585) when the concentration reached 15µg/mL. No inhibition was observed in the growth of Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 19433). Surprisingly, SeNPs appeared to promote the growth of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (ATCC43996) and Salmonella enterica (ATCC49284) at 30 µg/mL and above. Our preliminary data suggested that the chemically synthesized SeNPs may be able to inhibit some food-borne bacteria, and SeNP as a food preservative should be used with caution. We will explore the mechanisms of the inhibitory action of chemically synthesized SeNPs on bacterial growth and whether the SeNPs are able to inhibit the development of biofilm and antibiotic resistance.

Keywords: antimicrobial, food-borne bacteria, nanoparticles, selenium

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1464 Lentil Protein Fortification in Cranberry Squash

Authors: Sandhya Devi A


The protein content of the cranberry squash (protein: 0g) may be increased by extracting protein from the lentils (9 g), which is particularly linked to a lower risk of developing heart disease. Using the technique of alkaline extraction from the lentils flour, protein may be extracted. Alkaline extraction of protein from lentil flour was optimized utilizing response surface approach in order to maximize both protein content and yield. Cranberry squash may be taken if a protein fortification syrup is prepared and processed into the squash.

Keywords: alkaline extraction, cranberry squash, protein fortification, response surface methodology

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1463 Dietary Vitamin D Intake and the Bladder Cancer Risk: A Pooled Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies

Authors: Iris W. A. Boot, Anke Wesselius, Maurice P. Zeegers


Diet may play an essential role in the aetiology of bladder cancer (BC). Vitamin D is involved in various biological functions which have the potential to prevent BC development. Besides, vitamin D also influences the uptake of calcium and phosphorus , thereby possibly indirectly influencing the risk of BC. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relation between vitamin D intake and BC risk. Individual dietary data were pooled from three cohort studies. Food item intake was converted to daily intakes of vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus. Pooled multivariate hazard ratios (HRs), with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were obtained using Cox-regression models. Analyses were adjusted for gender, age and smoking status (Model 1), and additionally for the food groups fruit, vegetables and meat (Model 2). Dose–response relationships (Model 1) were examined using a nonparametric test for trend. In total, 2,871 cases and 522,364 non-cases were included in the analyses. The present study showed an overall increased BC risk for high dietary vitamin D intake (HR: 1.14, 95% CI: 1.03-1.26). A similar increase BC risk with high vitamin D intake was observed among women and for the non-muscle invasive BC subtype, (HR: 1.41, 95% CI: 1.15-1.72, HR: 1.13, 95% CI: 1.01-1.27, respectively). High calcium intake decreased the BC risk among women (HR: 0.81, 95% CI: 0.67-0.97). A combined inverse effect on BC risk was observed for low vitamin D intake and high calcium intake (HR: 0.67, 95% CI: 0.48-0.93), while a positive effect was observed for high vitamin D intake in combination with low, moderate and high phosphorus (HR: 1.31, 95% CI: 1.09-1.59, HR: 1.17, 95% CI: 1.01-1.36, HR: 1.16, 95% CI: 1.03-1.31, respectively). Combining all nutrients showed a decreased BC risk for low vitamin D intake, high calcium and moderate phosphor intake (HR: 0.37, 95% CI: 0.18-0.75), and an increased BC risk for moderate intake of all the nutrients (HR: 1.18, 95% CI: 1.02-1.38), for high vitamin D and low calcium and phosphor intake (HR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.01-1.62), and for moderate vitamin D and calcium and high phosphorus intake (HR: 1.27, 95% CI: 1.01-1.59). No significant dose-response analyses were observed. The findings of this study show an increased BC risk for high dietary vitamin D intake and a decreased risk for high calcium intake. Besides, the study highlights the importance of examining the effect of a nutrient in combination with complementary nutrients for risk assessment. Future research should focus on nutrients in a wider context and in nutritional patterns.

Keywords: bladder cancer, nutritional oncology, pooled cohort analysis, vitamin D

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1462 Anticancer Activity of Milk Fat Rich in Conjugated Linoleic Acid Against Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Cells in Female Swiss Albino Mice

Authors: Diea Gamal Abo El-Hassan, Salwa Ahmed Aly, Abdelrahman Mahmoud Abdelgwad


The major conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers have anticancer effect, especially breast cancer cells, inhibits cell growth and induces cell death. Also, CLA has several health benefits in vivo, including antiatherogenesis, antiobesity, and modulation of immune function. The present study aimed to assess the safety and anticancer effects of milk fat CLA against in vivo Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) in female Swiss albino mice. This was based on acute toxicity study, detection of the tumor growth, life span of EAC bearing hosts, and simultaneous alterations in the hematological, biochemical, and histopathological profiles. Materials and Methods: One hundred and fifty adult female mice were equally divided into five groups. Groups (1-2) were normal controls, and Groups (3-5) were tumor transplanted mice (TTM) inoculated intraperitoneally with EAC cells (2×106 /0.2 mL). Group (3) was (TTM positive control). Group (4) TTM fed orally on balanced diet supplemented with milk fat CLA (40 mg CLA/kg body weight). Group (5) TTM fed orally on balanced diet supplemented with the same level of CLA 28 days before tumor cells inoculation. Blood samples and specimens from liver and kidney were collected from each group. The effect of milk fat CLA on the growth of tumor, life span of TTM, and simultaneous alterations in the hematological, biochemical, and histopathological profiles were examined. Results: For CLA treated TTM, significant decrease in tumor weight, ascetic volume, viable Ehrlich cells accompanied with increase in life span were observed. Hematological and biochemical profiles reverted to more or less normal levels and histopathology showed minimal effects. Conclusion: The present study proved the safety and anticancer efficiency of milk fat CLA and provides a scientific basis for its medicinal use as anticancer attributable to the additive or synergistic effects of its isomers.

Keywords: anticancer activity, conjugated linoleic acid, Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, % increase in life span, mean survival time, tumor transplanted mice.

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1461 Attempts for the Synthesis of Indol-Ring Fluorinated Tryptophan Derivatives to Enhance the Activity of Antimicrobial Peptides

Authors: Anita K. Kovacs, Peter Hegyes, Zsolt Bozso, Gabor Toth


Fluorination has been used extensively by the pharmaceutical industry as a strategy to improve the pharmacokinetics of drugs due to its effectiveness in increasing the potency of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Multiple-fluorinated indole-ring-containing tryptophan derivatives have the potential of having better antimicrobial activity than the widely used mono-fluorinated indole-ring containing tryptophan derivatives, but they are not available commercially. Therefore, our goal is to synthesize multiple-fluorinated indole-ring containing tryptophan derivatives to incorporate them into AMPs to enhance their antimicrobial activity. During our work, we are trying several methods (classical organic synthesis, enzymic synthesis, and solid phase peptide synthesis) for the synthesis of the said compounds, with mixed results. With classical organic synthesis (four different routes), we did not get the desired results. The reaction of serin with substituted indole in the presence of acetic anhydride led to racemic tryptophane; with the reaction of protected serin with indole in the presence of nickel complex was unsuccessful; the reaction of serin containing protected dipeptide with disuccinimidyl carbonate we achieved a tryptophane containing dipeptide, its chiral purity is being examined; the reaction of alcohol with substituted indole in the presence of copper complex was successful, but it was only a test reaction, we could not reproduce the same result with serine. The undergoing tryptophan-synthase method has shown some potential, but our work has not been finished yet. The successful synthesis of the desired multiple-fluorinated indole-ring-containing tryptophan will be followed by solid phase peptide synthesis in order to incorporate it into AMPs to enhance their antimicrobial activity. The successful completion of these phases will mean the possibility of manufacturing new, effective AMPs.

Keywords: halogenation, fluorination, tryptophan, enhancement of antimicrobial activity

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1460 Fluorometric Aptasensor: Evaluation of Stability and Comparison to Standard Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

Authors: J. Carlos Kuri, Varun Vij, Raymond J. Turner, Orly Yadid-Pecht


Celiac disease (CD) is an immune system disorder that is triggered by ingesting gluten. As a gluten-free (GF) diet has become a concern of many people for health reasons, a gold standard had to be nominated. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has taken the seat of this role. However, multiple limitations were discovered, and with that, the desire for an alternative method now exists. Nucleic acid-based aptamers have become of great interest due to their selectivity, specificity, simplicity, and rapid-testing advantages. However, fluorescence-based aptasensors have been tagged as unstable, but lifespan details are rarely stated. In this work, the lifespan stability of a fluorescence-based aptasensor is shown over an 8-week-long study displaying the accuracy of the sensor and false negatives. This study follows 22 different samples, including GF and gluten-rich (GR) and soy sauce products, off-the-shelf products, and reference material from laboratories, giving a total of 836 tests. The analysis shows an accuracy of correctly classifying GF and GR products of 96.30% and 100%, respectively when the protocol is augmented with molecular sieves. The overall accuracy remains around 94% within the first four weeks and then decays to 63%.

Keywords: aptasensor, PEG, rGO, FAM, RM, ELISA

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1459 Awarness the Effect of Quality Food and Nutrition on Health Will Help Develop a Healthy Lifestyle

Authors: Hamnah Nisar


As food is something which is particularly important for survival, in fact, it improves the quality of life and promotes health. Quality food is a key to a healthy life. Consumption of food depends on the knowledge we have regarding the nutrients it contains. Moreover, the awareness and knowledge about something is an initial stage for its improvement. We cannot work on anything unless we have knowledge about it. The pros and cons, effects, causes, dos, and don'ts, especially for an important things like food, are a necessity to learn. That is why my research would be all about analyzing what difference awareness makes on people and how making people more aware about a certain thing can help them improve their lifestyles and bring a positive change for them. The research would be done through questionnaires and interviews among two classes, one would be the upper class and the other would-be lower class. Because the upper class can easily access learning facilities and can know about the new things than the lower class. The questions would be related to what kind of food do they consume, what health issues they face, or what health issues are common among their regions. The results of the research would be helpful to know firstly the effects of awareness and education regarding food on health, how a basic thing like knowledge can have a significant effect on health and can be the cause of several diseases.

Keywords: nutrition, awareness, quality food, knowledge

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