Search results for: short columns
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 3345

Search results for: short columns

2115 A Rare Atypical Presentation of Iichthyosis Follicularis, Alopecia, and Photophobia Syndrome

Authors: D. R. Apoorva


Ichthyosis follicularis, alopecia, and photophobia (IFAP) syndrome is a rare oculocutaneous disorder of genetic origin. This disorder results from mutations in the membrane-bound transcription factor protease site, two genes that impair cholesterol homeostasis, and the ability to cope with endoplasmic reticulum stress. We report a rare case of IFAP syndrome with an atypical presentation, and it was interesting to note that the child had patchy non-scarring alopecia over the scalp along with unilateral madarosis. To our best knowledge, this unique presentation has not been described earlier. The child presented with photophobia and unilateral ptosis. The child also had short stature and intellectual disability. Skin histopathology was nonspecific and consisted of dilated hair follicles with keratin plugs extending above the skin surface. This rare oculocutaneous disorder requires proper documentation so that identification of its variants may be possible in the future. Early recognition of atypical presentations can help in preventing cardiovascular complications, which remain the major cause of death.

Keywords: alopecia, photophobia, ichthyosis follicularis, IFAP syndrome

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2114 Reducing Flood Risk in a Megacity: Using Mobile Application and Value Capture for Flood Risk Prevention and Risk Reduction Financing

Authors: Dedjo Yao Simon, Takahiro Saito, Norikazu Inuzuka, Ikuo Sugiyama


The megacity of Abidjan is a coastal urban area where the number of floods reported and the associated impacts are on a rapid increase due to climate change, an uncontrolled urbanization, a rapid population increase, a lack of flood disaster mitigation and citizens’ awareness. The objective of this research is to reduce in the short and long term period, the human and socio-economic impact of the flood. Hydrological simulation is applied on free of charge global spatial data (digital elevation model, satellite-based rainfall estimate, landuse) to identify the flood-prone area and to map the risk of flood. A direct interview to a sample residents is used to validate the simulation results. Then a mobile application (Flood Locator) is prototyped to disseminate the risk information to the citizen. In addition, a value capture strategy is proposed to mobilize financial resource for disaster risk reduction (DRRf) to reduce the impact of the flood. The town of Cocody in Abidjan is selected as a case study area to implement this research. The mapping of the flood risk reveals that population living in the study area is highly vulnerable. For a 5-year flood, more than 60% of the floodplain is affected by a water depth of at least 0.5 meters; and more than 1000 ha with at least 5000 buildings are directly exposed. The risk becomes higher for a 50 and 100-year floods. Also, the interview reveals that the majority of the citizen are not aware of the risk and severity of flooding in their community. This shortage of information is overcome by the Flood Locator and by an urban flood database we prototype for accumulate flood data. Flood Locator App allows the users to view floodplain and depth on a digital map; the user can activate the GPS sensor of the mobile to visualize his location on the map. Some more important additional features allow the citizen user to capture flood events and damage information that they can send remotely to the database. Also, the disclosure of the risk information could result to a decrement (-14%) of the value of properties locate inside floodplain and an increment (+19%) of the value of property in the suburb area. The tax increment due to the higher tax increment in the safer area should be captured to constitute the DRRf. The fund should be allocated to the reduction of flood risk for the benefit of people living in flood-prone areas. The flood prevention system discusses in this research will minimize in the short and long term the direct damages in the risky area due to effective awareness of citizen and the availability of DRRf. It will also contribute to the growth of the urban area in the safer zone and reduce human settlement in the risky area in the long term. Data accumulated in the urban flood database through the warning app will contribute to regenerate Abidjan towards the more resilient city by means of risk avoidable landuse in the master plan.

Keywords: abidjan, database, flood, geospatial techniques, risk communication, smartphone, value capture

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2113 A Survey of Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning

Authors: Pingping Lin, Xudong Luo, Yifan Fan


Sentiment analysis is a very active research topic. Every day, Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, and other social media, as well as significant e-commerce websites, generate a massive amount of comments, which can be used to analyse peoples opinions or emotions. The existing methods for sentiment analysis are based mainly on sentiment dictionaries, machine learning, and deep learning. The first two kinds of methods rely on heavily sentiment dictionaries or large amounts of labelled data. The third one overcomes these two problems. So, in this paper, we focus on the third one. Specifically, we survey various sentiment analysis methods based on convolutional neural network, recurrent neural network, long short-term memory, deep neural network, deep belief network, and memory network. We compare their futures, advantages, and disadvantages. Also, we point out the main problems of these methods, which may be worthy of careful studies in the future. Finally, we also examine the application of deep learning in multimodal sentiment analysis and aspect-level sentiment analysis.

Keywords: document analysis, deep learning, multimodal sentiment analysis, natural language processing

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2112 Energy Use, Emissions, Economic Growth and Trade: Evidence from Mauritius

Authors: B. Seetanah, H. Neeliah


This paper investigates the relationship among energy, emissions and economic growth in Mauritius in the presence of trade activities, with capital and labour as other control variables. Using annual data from 1960 to 2011, it is found that the variables are non-stationary and cointegrated. The relationship among the various variables are thus examined in a dynamic VECM framework. Our empirical results comply with the growth hypothesis. Output elasticities of 0.17, 0.25 and 0.43 show that increases in energy consumption cause increases in economic growth, capital accumulation and trade in the long run. We also found that CO2 negatively affects output, but has no significant effect on trade. Findings for the long-run generally tend to tally with those in the short-run. Interestingly we found that energy consumption has a significant impact on CO2 emissions. Our results tend to suggest that implementing energy conservation strategies to mitigate the negative impact of CO2 emissions can dent economic growth, and that promoting cleaner energy production could be a better alternative for Mauritius.

Keywords: energy, emissions, economic growth, export, VECM

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2111 A Case Study of Meaningful Learning in Play for Young Children

Authors: Baoliang Xu


The future of education should focus on creating meaningful learning for learners. Play is a basic form and an important means of carrying out kindergarten educational activities, which promotes the creation and development of meaningful learning and is of great importance in the harmonious physical and mental development of young children. Through literature research and case studies, this paper finds that: meaningful learning has the characteristics of contextuality, interaction and constructiveness; teachers should pay great attention to the guidance of children's games, fully respect children's autonomy and create a prepared game environment; children's meaningful learning exists in games and hidden in things that interest them, and "the generation of questions The "generation of questions" fuels the depth of children's meaningful learning, and teachers' professional support helps children's meaningful learning to develop continuously. In short, teachers' guidance of young children's play should be emphasized to effectively provide scaffolding instruction to promote meaningful learning in a holistic manner.

Keywords: meaningful learning, young childhood, game, case study

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2110 Design of a Telemetry, Tracking, and Command Radio-Frequency Receiver for Small Satellites Based on Commercial Off-The-Shelf Components

Authors: A. Lovascio, A. D’Orazio, V. Centonze


From several years till now the aerospace industry is developing more and more small satellites for Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) missions. Such satellites have a low cost of making and launching since they have a size and weight smaller than other types of satellites. However, because of size limitations, small satellites need integrated electronic equipment based on digital logic. Moreover, the LEOs require telecommunication modules with high throughput to transmit to earth a big amount of data in a short time. In order to meet such requirements, in this paper we propose a Telemetry, Tracking & Command module optimized through the use of the Commercial Off-The-Shelf components. The proposed approach exploits the major flexibility offered by these components in reducing costs and optimizing the performance. The method has been applied in detail for the design of the front-end receiver, which has a low noise figure (1.5 dB) and DC power consumption (smaller than 2 W). Such a performance is particularly attractive since it allows fulfilling the energy budget stringent constraints that are typical for LEO small platforms.

Keywords: COTS, LEO, small-satellite, TT&C

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2109 Numerical Simulation of Wishart Diffusion Processes

Authors: Raphael Naryongo, Philip Ngare, Anthony Waititu


This paper deals with numerical simulation of Wishart processes for a single asset risky pricing model whose volatility is described by Wishart affine diffusion processes. The multi-factor specification of volatility will make the model more flexible enough to fit the stock market data for short or long maturities for better returns. The Wishart process is a stochastic process which is a positive semi-definite matrix-valued generalization of the square root process. The aim of the study is to model the log asset stock returns under the double Wishart stochastic volatility model. The solution of the log-asset return dynamics for Bi-Wishart processes will be obtained through Euler-Maruyama discretization schemes. The numerical results on the asset returns are compared to the existing models returns such as Heston stochastic volatility model and double Heston stochastic volatility model

Keywords: euler schemes, log-asset return, infinitesimal generator, wishart diffusion affine processes

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2108 Role of Physical Appearance in Associating People with a Group Identity

Authors: Gurleen Kaur


Being tall-short, fat-thin, black-white, etc. is an inevitable part of how people perceive you. This association of people with your external appearance carves out an identity for you. This paper will look at the reasons why people relate a person to a particular categorization on the basis of his/her physical appearance. The paper delves into reasons for this categorization into groups: Subconscious grouping, personal gain, ease of relating to the group, and social acceptance. Development of certain unique physical features also leads to a person relating himself to a collective identity. Thus, this paper will support the fact that physical appearance plays a crucial role in categorization of people into groups and hence forming a group identity for them. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part will discuss what physical appearance is and how is it linked to our daily lives. The second part will talk about why it works i.e. why this factor of external appearance is important in formation of identity. The last part will talk about the factors which lead to categorization of identity because of physical appearance.

Keywords: group identity, physical appearance, subconscious grouping, collective identity

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2107 Liquid-Liquid Transitions in Strontium Tellurite Melts

Authors: Rajinder Kaur, Atul Khanna


Transparent glass-ceramic and crystalline samples of the system: xSrO-(100-x)TeO2; x = 7.5 and 8.5 mol% were prepared by quenching the melts in the temperature range of 700 to 950oC. A very interesting effect of the temperature on the glass-forming ability (GFA) of strontium tellurite melts is observed,and it is found that the melts produce transparent glass-ceramics when it is solidified from lower temperatures in the range of 700-750oC, however, when the melts are cooled from higher temperatures in the range of 850-950oC, the GFA is significantly reduced andanti-glass and/or crystalline phases are produced on solidification.The effect of temperature on GFA of strontium tellurite melts is attributed to short-range structural transformations: TeO₄TeO₃ which procceds towards the right side with an increrase in temperature. This isomerization reaction lowers the melt viscosity and enhances the crystallization tedendency. It is concluded that the high-temperature strontium tellurite meltsfreeze faster into crystalline phases as compared to the melts at a lower temperature; the latter supercooland solidify into glassy phases.

Keywords: anti-glasss, ceramic, supercool liquid, raman spectroscopy

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2106 Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer in Laser Irradiated Biological Samplebased on Dual-Phase-Lag Heat Conduction Model Using Lattice Boltzmann Method

Authors: Shashank Patidar, Sumit Kumar, Atul Srivastava, Suneet Singh


Present work is concerned with the numerical investigation of thermal response of biological tissues during laser-based photo-thermal therapy for destroying cancerous/abnormal cells with minimal damage to the surrounding normal cells. Light propagation through the biological sample is mathematically modelled by transient radiative transfer equation. In the present work, application of the Lattice Boltzmann Method is extended to analyze transport of short-pulse radiation in a participating medium.In order to determine the two-dimensional temperature distribution inside the tissue medium, the RTE has been coupled with Penne’s bio-heat transfer equation based on Fourier’s law by several researchers in last few years.

Keywords: lattice Boltzmann method, transient radiation transfer equation, dual phase lag model

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2105 Fine Grained Action Recognition of Skateboarding Tricks

Authors: Frederik Calsius, Mirela Popa, Alexia Briassouli


In the field of machine learning, it is common practice to use benchmark datasets to prove the working of a method. The domain of action recognition in videos often uses datasets like Kinet-ics, Something-Something, UCF-101 and HMDB-51 to report results. Considering the properties of the datasets, there are no datasets that focus solely on very short clips (2 to 3 seconds), and on highly-similar fine-grained actions within one specific domain. This paper researches how current state-of-the-art action recognition methods perform on a dataset that consists of highly similar, fine-grained actions. To do so, a dataset of skateboarding tricks was created. The performed analysis highlights both benefits and limitations of state-of-the-art methods, while proposing future research directions in the activity recognition domain. The conducted research shows that the best results are obtained by fusing RGB data with OpenPose data for the Temporal Shift Module.

Keywords: activity recognition, fused deep representations, fine-grained dataset, temporal modeling

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2104 Structural Analysis of Archaeoseismic Records Linked to the 5 July 408 - 410 AD Utica Strong Earthquake (NE Tunisia)

Authors: Noureddine Ben Ayed, Abdelkader Soumaya, Saïd Maouche, Ali Kadri, Mongi Gueddiche, Hayet Khayati-Ammar, Ahmed Braham


The archaeological monument of Utica, located in north-eastern Tunisia, was founded (8th century BC) By the Phoenicians as a port installed on the trade route connecting Phoenicia and the Straits of Gibraltar in the Mediterranean Sea. The flourishment of this city as an important settlement during the Roman period was followed by a sudden abandonment, disuse and progressive oblivion in the first half of the fifth century AD. This decadence can be attributed to the destructive earthquake of 5 July 408 - 410 AD, affecting this historic city as documented in 1906 by the seismologist Fernand De Montessus De Ballore. The magnitude of the Utica earthquake was estimated at 6.8 by the Tunisian National Institute of Meteorology (INM). In order to highlight the damage caused by this earthquake, a field survey was carried out at the Utica ruins to detect and analyse the earthquake archaeological effects (EAEs) using structural geology methods. This approach allowed us to highlight several structural damages, including: (1) folded mortar pavements, (2) cracks affecting the mosaic and walls of a water basin in the "House of the Grand Oecus", (3) displaced columns, (4) block extrusion in masonry walls, (5) undulations in mosaic pavements, (6) tilted walls. The structural analysis of these EAEs and data measurements reveal a seismic cause for all evidence of deformation in the Utica monument. The maximum horizontal strain of the ground (e.g. SHmax) inferred from the building oriented damage in Utica shows a NNW-SSE direction under a compressive tectonic regime. For the seismogenic source of this earthquake, we propose the active E-W to NE-SW trending Utique - Ghar El Melh reverse fault, passing through the Utica Monument and extending towards the Ghar El Melh Lake, as the causative tectonic structure. The active fault trace is well supported by instrumental seismicity, geophysical data (e.g., gravity, seismic profiles) and geomorphological analyses. In summary, we find that the archaeoseismic records detected at Utica are similar to those observed at many other archaeological sites affected by destructive ancient earthquakes around the world. Furthermore, the calculated orientation of the average maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) closely match the state of the actual stress field, as highlighted by some earthquake focal mechanisms in this region.

Keywords: Tunisia, utica, seimogenic fault, archaeological earthquake effects

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2103 Long-Persistent Luminescent MAl2O4:Eu;Dy Phoshors Synthesized by Combustion

Authors: Yusuf Ziya Halefoğlu


Phosphorescence, classically, excitation effects (radiation, electron beam, electric field, temperature, etc.) is the name given after the elimination of materials that glow in the visible region. This event continues to glow after the elimination of the effect of excitation is called phosphorescence. In this study were synthesized by the method of the combustion lanthanide doped alkaline earth aluminates. High temperature and long reaction time required and the sol-gel method of combustion according to the methods of solid state synthesis temperature lower than the short reaction time, a small particle size, convenience, and is superior in terms of being secured. Their microstructures and its effect on the photoluminescence properties were studied. Phosphorescence is derived in the dark when produced materials are held in sunlight or under ultraviolet light typically at 365-520 nm wavelength range. In this study, the optimal ratio of rare earth elements, in terms of brightness and glow duration was examined by SEM, XRD and photoluminescence analysis.

Keywords: persistence luminescence, phosphorescence, trap depth, combustion method

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2102 Using the Timepix Detector at CERN Accelerator Facilities

Authors: Andrii Natochii


The UA9 collaboration in the last two years has installed two different types of detectors to investigate the channeling effect in the bent silicon crystals with high-energy particles beam on the CERN accelerator facilities: Cherenkov detector CpFM and silicon pixel detector Timepix. In the current work, we describe the main performances of the Timepix detector operation at the SPS and H8 extracted beamline at CERN. We are presenting some detector calibration results and tuning. Our research topics also cover a cluster analysis algorithm for the particle hits reconstruction. We describe the optimal acquisition setup for the Timepix device and the edges of its functionality for the high energy and flux beam monitoring. The measurements of the crystal parameters are very important for the future bent crystal applications and needs a track reconstruction apparatus. Thus, it was decided to construct a short range (1.2 m long) particle telescope based on the Timepix sensors and test it at H8 SPS extraction beamline. The obtained results will be shown as well.

Keywords: beam monitoring, channeling, particle tracking, Timepix detector

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2101 A Short History of Recorder Education in Taiwan: A Qualitative Research about the Process of the Recorder Move into the Compulsory Schooling System

Authors: Jen-Fu Lee


From the 1980s, the ministry of education in Taiwan moves the instrument ‘Recorder’ into the 9-year compulsory schooling system. The recorder is widely popularized successfully in Taiwan. The research aims to document the history of how the recorder came into Taiwan, what the process of the recorder moving into the schooling system is; what the meaning for the recorder moving into the schooling system is by searching the papers about the recorder in Taiwan and interviewing the people who had participated the process. The research discovers that the recorder in Taiwan was popularized nongovernmental by Shang-Ren, Wang. Shang-Ren, Wang imported 200 recorders from Japan in 1982 and then founded a publishing house which publishes the books and sheets about the recorder in 1983. The reason of Shang-Ren, Wang committed to popularizing the recorder is to spread the Orff Approach in Taiwan. Except for the technique of playing the recorder, the knowledge of the history of the recorder and the role that it plays in Early Music is not available in school. The recorder only plays a ‘Cheap and Easy’ instrument which is suitable for the schooling system in Taiwan, cannot develop to a professional instrument.

Keywords: recorder, Taiwan, Shang-Ren, Wang, compulsory schooling system

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2100 Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms Approach for Word Correction and Prediction

Authors: Rodrigo S. Fonseca, Antônio C. P. Veiga


Aiming at helping people with some movement limitation that makes typing and communication difficult, there is a need to customize an assistive tool with a learning environment that helps the user in order to optimize text input, identifying the error and providing the correction and possibilities of choice in the Portuguese language. The work presents an Orthographic and Grammatical System that can be incorporated into writing environments, improving and facilitating the use of an alphanumeric keyboard, using a prototype built using a genetic algorithm in addition to carrying out the prediction, which can occur based on the quantity and position of the inserted letters and even placement in the sentence, ensuring the sequence of ideas using a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural network. The prototype optimizes data entry, being a component of assistive technology for the textual formulation, detecting errors, seeking solutions and informing the user of accurate predictions quickly and effectively through machine learning.

Keywords: genetic algorithm, neural networks, word prediction, machine learning

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2099 Design of an Automated Deep Learning Recurrent Neural Networks System Integrated with IoT for Anomaly Detection in Residential Electric Vehicle Charging in Smart Cities

Authors: Wanchalerm Patanacharoenwong, Panaya Sudta, Prachya Bumrungkun


The paper focuses on the development of a system that combines Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and deep learning algorithms for anomaly detection in residential Electric Vehicle (EV) charging in smart cities. With the increasing number of EVs, ensuring efficient and reliable charging systems has become crucial. The aim of this research is to develop an integrated IoT and deep learning system for detecting anomalies in residential EV charging and enhancing EV load profiling and event detection in smart cities. This approach utilizes IoT devices equipped with infrared cameras to collect thermal images and household EV charging profiles from the database of Thailand utility, subsequently transmitting this data to a cloud database for comprehensive analysis. The methodology includes the use of advanced deep learning techniques such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) algorithms. IoT devices equipped with infrared cameras are used to collect thermal images and EV charging profiles. The data is transmitted to a cloud database for comprehensive analysis. The researchers also utilize feature-based Gaussian mixture models for EV load profiling and event detection. Moreover, the research findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed system in detecting anomalies and critical profiles in EV charging behavior. The system provides timely alarms to users regarding potential issues and categorizes the severity of detected problems based on a health index for each charging device. The system also outperforms existing models in event detection accuracy. This research contributes to the field by showcasing the potential of integrating IoT and deep learning techniques in managing residential EV charging in smart cities. The system ensures operational safety and efficiency while also promoting sustainable energy management. The data is collected using IoT devices equipped with infrared cameras and is stored in a cloud database for analysis. The collected data is then analyzed using RNN, LSTM, and feature-based Gaussian mixture models. The approach includes both EV load profiling and event detection, utilizing a feature-based Gaussian mixture model. This comprehensive method aids in identifying unique power consumption patterns among EV owners and outperforms existing models in event detection accuracy. In summary, the research concludes that integrating IoT and deep learning techniques can effectively detect anomalies in residential EV charging and enhance EV load profiling and event detection accuracy. The developed system ensures operational safety and efficiency, contributing to sustainable energy management in smart cities.

Keywords: cloud computing framework, recurrent neural networks, long short-term memory, Iot, EV charging, smart grids

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2098 Durability of Lime Treated Soil Reinforced by Natural Fibre under Bending Force

Authors: Vivi Anggraini, Afshin Asadi, Bujang B. K. Huat


Earth structures constructed of marine clay soils have tendency to crack. In order to improve the flexural strength and brittleness, a technique of mixing short fibers is introduced to the soil lime mixture. Coir fiber was used in this study as reinforcing elements. An experimental investigation consisting primarily of flexural tensile tests was conducted to examine the influence of coir fibers on the flexural behaviour of the reinforced soils. The test results demonstrated that the coir fibers were effective in improving the flexural strength and young’s modulus of all soils were examined and ductility after peak strength for reinforced marine clay soil was treated by lime. 5% lime treated soil and 1% coir fiber reinforced soil specimen’s demonstrated good strength and durability when submerged in water and retained 45% of their air-cured strengths.

Keywords: flexural strength, durabilty, lime, coir fibers, bending force, ductility

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2097 Identification and Characterization of Small Peptides Encoded by Small Open Reading Frames using Mass Spectrometry and Bioinformatics

Authors: Su Mon Saw, Joe Rothnagel


Short open reading frames (sORFs) located in 5’UTR of mRNAs are known as uORFs. Characterization of uORF-encoded peptides (uPEPs) i.e., a subset of short open reading frame encoded peptides (sPEPs) and their translation regulation lead to understanding of causes of genetic disease, proteome complexity and development of treatments. Existence of uORFs within cellular proteome could be detected by LC-MS/MS. The ability of uORF to be translated into uPEP and achievement of uPEP identification will allow uPEP’s characterization, structures, functions, subcellular localization, evolutionary maintenance (conservation in human and other species) and abundance in cells. It is hypothesized that a subset of sORFs are translatable and that their encoded sPEPs are functional and are endogenously expressed contributing to the eukaryotic cellular proteome complexity. This project aimed to investigate whether sORFs encode functional peptides. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and bioinformatics were thus employed. Due to probable low abundance of sPEPs and small in sizes, the need for efficient peptide enrichment strategies for enriching small proteins and depleting the sub-proteome of large and abundant proteins is crucial for identifying sPEPs. Low molecular weight proteins were extracted using SDS-PAGE from Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK293) cells and Strong Cation Exchange Chromatography (SCX) from secreted HEK293 cells. Extracted proteins were digested by trypsin to peptides, which were detected by LC-MS/MS. The MS/MS data obtained was searched against Swiss-Prot using MASCOT version 2.4 to filter out known proteins, and all unmatched spectra were re-searched against human RefSeq database. ProteinPilot v5.0.1 was used to identify sPEPs by searching against human RefSeq, Vanderperre and Human Alternative Open Reading Frame (HaltORF) databases. Potential sPEPs were analyzed by bioinformatics. Since SDS PAGE electrophoresis could not separate proteins <20kDa, this could not identify sPEPs. All MASCOT-identified peptide fragments were parts of main open reading frame (mORF) by ORF Finder search and blastp search. No sPEP was detected and existence of sPEPs could not be identified in this study. 13 translated sORFs in HEK293 cells by mass spectrometry in previous studies were characterized by bioinformatics. Identified sPEPs from previous studies were <100 amino acids and <15 kDa. Bioinformatics results showed that sORFs are translated to sPEPs and contribute to proteome complexity. uPEP translated from uORF of SLC35A4 was strongly conserved in human and mouse while uPEP translated from uORF of MKKS was strongly conserved in human and Rhesus monkey. Cross-species conserved uORFs in association with protein translation strongly suggest evolutionary maintenance of coding sequence and indicate probable functional expression of peptides encoded within these uORFs. Translation of sORFs was confirmed by mass spectrometry and sPEPs were characterized with bioinformatics.

Keywords: bioinformatics, HEK293 cells, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, ProteinPilot, Strong Cation Exchange Chromatography, SDS-PAGE, sPEPs

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2096 Design of an Electric Vehicle Model with a Dynamo Drive Setup Using Model-Based Development (MBD) (EV Using MBD)

Authors: Gondu Vykunta Rao, Madhuri Bayya, Aruna Bharathi M., Paramesw Chidamparam, B. Murali


The increase in software content in today’s electric vehicles is increasing attention to having vast, unique topographies from low emission to high efficiency, whereas the chemical batteries have huge short comes, such as limited cycle life, power density, and cost. As for understanding and visualization, the companies are turning toward the virtual vehicle to test their design in software which is known as a simulation in the loop (SIL). In this project, in addition to the electric vehicle (EV) technology, we are adding a dynamo with the vehicle for regenerative braking. Traditionally the principle of dynamos is used in lighting the purpose of the bicycle. Here by using the same mechanism, we are running the vehicle as well as charging the vehicle from system-level simulation to the model in the loop and then to the Hardware in Loop (HIL) by using model-based development.

Keywords: electric vehicle, simulation in the loop (SIL), model in loop (MIL), hardware in loop (HIL), dynamos, model-based development (MBD), permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), current control (CC), field-oriented control (FOC), regenerative braking

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2095 Reframing Service Sector Privatisation Quality Conception with the Theory of Deferred Action

Authors: Mukunda Bastola, Frank Nyame-Asiamah


Economics explanation for privatisation, drawing on neo-liberal market structures and technical efficiency principles has failed to address social imbalance and, distribute the efficiency benefits accrued from privatisation equitably among service users and different classes of people in society. Stakeholders’ interest, which cover ethical values and changing human needs are ignored due to shareholders’ profit maximising strategy with higher service charges. The consequence of these is that, the existing justifications for privatisation have fallen short of customer quality expectations because the underlying plan-based models fail to account for the nuances of customer expectations. We draw on the theory of deferred action to develop a context-based privatisation model, the deferred-based privatisation model, to explain how privatisation could be strategised for the emergent reality of the wider stakeholders’ interests and everyday quality demands of customers which are unpredictable.

Keywords: privatisation, service quality, shareholders, deferred action, deferred-based privatisation model

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2094 How can Introducing Omani Literature in Foreign Language Classrooms Influence students' Motivation in Learning the Language?

Authors: Ibtisam Mohammed Al-Quraini


This paper examines how introducing Omani literature in foreign language classrooms can influence the students' motivation in learning the language. The data was collected through the questionnaire which was administered to two samples (A and B) of the participants. Sample A was comprised of 30 female students from English department who are specialist in English literature in college of Arts and Social Science. Sample B in contrast was comprised of 10 female students who their major is English from college of Education. Results show that each genre in literature has different influence on the students' motivation in learning the language which proves that literacy texts are powerful. Generally, Omani English teachers tend to avoid teaching literature because they think that it is a difficult method to use in teaching field. However, the advantages and the influences of teaching poetries, short stories, and plays are discussed. Recommendations for current research and further research are also discussed at the end.

Keywords: education, foreign language, English, Omani literature, poetry, story, play

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2093 Studying the Behavior of Asphalt Mix and Their Properties in the Presence of Nano Materials

Authors: Aman Patidar, Dipankar Sarkar, Manish Pal


Due to rapid development, increase in the traffic load, higher traffic volume and seasonal variation in temperature, asphalt pavement shows distresses like rutting, fatigue and thermal cracking etc. because of this pavement fails during service life so that bitumen needs to be modified with some additive. In this study VG30 grade bitumen modify with addition of nanosilica with 1% to 5% (increment of 1%) by weight of bitumen. Hot mix asphalt (HMA) have higher mixing, laying and rolling temperatures which leads to higher consumption of fuel. To address this issue, a nano material named ZycoTherm which is chemical warm mix asphalt (WMA) additive is added to bitumen. Nanosilica modification (NSMB) results in the increase in stability compared to unmodified bitumen (UMB). WMA modified mix shows slightly higher stability than UMB and NSMB in a lower bitumen content. The Retained stability and tensile strength ratio (TSR) is more than 75% and 80% respectively for both mixes. Nanosilica with WMA has more resistant to temperature susceptibility, moisture susceptibility and short term aging than NSMB.

Keywords: HMA, nanosilica, NSMB, temperature, TSR, UMB, WMA

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2092 A Comparison Between Different Discretization Techniques for the Doyle-Fuller-Newman Li+ Battery Model

Authors: Davide Gotti, Milan Prodanovic, Sergio Pinilla, David Muñoz-Torrero


Since its proposal, the Doyle-Fuller-Newman (DFN) lithium-ion battery model has gained popularity in the electrochemical field. In fact, this model provides the user with theoretical support for designing the lithium-ion battery parameters, such as the material particle or the diffusion coefficient adjustment direction. However, the model is mathematically complex as it is composed of several partial differential equations (PDEs) such as Fick’s law of diffusion, the MacInnes and Ohm’s equations, among other phenomena. Thus, to efficiently use the model in a time-domain simulation environment, the selection of the discretization technique is of a pivotal importance. There are several numerical methods available in the literature that can be used to carry out this task. In this study, a comparison between the explicit Euler, Crank-Nicolson, and Chebyshev discretization methods is proposed. These three methods are compared in terms of accuracy, stability, and computational times. Firstly, the explicit Euler discretization technique is analyzed. This method is straightforward to implement and is computationally fast. In this work, the accuracy of the method and its stability properties are shown for the electrolyte diffusion partial differential equation. Subsequently, the Crank-Nicolson method is considered. It represents a combination of the implicit and explicit Euler methods that has the advantage of being of the second order in time and is intrinsically stable, thus overcoming the disadvantages of the simpler Euler explicit method. As shown in the full paper, the Crank-Nicolson method provides accurate results when applied to the DFN model. Its stability does not depend on the integration time step, thus it is feasible for both short- and long-term tests. This last remark is particularly important as this discretization technique would allow the user to implement parameter estimation and optimization techniques such as system or genetic parameter identification methods using this model. Finally, the Chebyshev discretization technique is implemented in the DFN model. This discretization method features swift convergence properties and, as other spectral methods used to solve differential equations, achieves the same accuracy with a smaller number of discretization nodes. However, as shown in the literature, these methods are not suitable for handling sharp gradients, which are common during the first instants of the charge and discharge phases of the battery. The numerical results obtained and presented in this study aim to provide the guidelines on how to select the adequate discretization technique for the DFN model according to the type of application to be performed, highlighting the pros and cons of the three methods. Specifically, the non-eligibility of the simple Euler method for longterm tests will be presented. Afterwards, the Crank-Nicolson and the Chebyshev discretization methods will be compared in terms of accuracy and computational times under a wide range of battery operating scenarios. These include both long-term simulations for aging tests, and short- and mid-term battery charge/discharge cycles, typically relevant in battery applications like grid primary frequency and inertia control and electrical vehicle breaking and acceleration.

Keywords: Doyle-Fuller-Newman battery model, partial differential equations, discretization, numerical methods

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2091 Cognitive Behavior Therapy with a Migrant Pakistani in Malaysia: A Single Case Study of Conversion Disorder

Authors: Fahad R. Choudhry., Khadeeja Munawar


This clinical case presents a 24 years old, Muslim Pakistani girl with a history of conversion disorder. Her symptoms comprised fits, restlessness, numbness in legs, poor coordination and balance, burning during urination and retention. A cognitive-behavioral model was used for conceptualizing her problem and devising a management plan based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and culturally adapted coping statements. She took 13 therapy sessions and was presented with idiosyncratic case conceptualization. Psychoeducation, coping statements, extinction, verbal challenging, and behavioral activation techniques were practiced in a collaborative way for cognitive restructuring of the client. Focus of terminal sessions was on anger management. The client needed a couple of more sessions in order to help her manage her anger. However, the therapy was terminated on the part of the client after attainment of short term goals. The client reported to have a 75 % improvement in her overall condition and remained compliant throughout the therapy.

Keywords: cognitive behavioral therapy, conversion disorder, female, Muslim, Pakistani

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2090 Evaluation of Iron Application Method to Remediate Coastal Marine Sediment

Authors: Ahmad Seiar Yasser


Sediment is an important habitat for organisms and act as a store house for nutrients in aquatic ecosystems. Hydrogen sulfide is produced by microorganisms in the water columns and sediments, which is highly toxic and fatal to benthic organisms. However, the irons have the capacity to regulate the formation of sulfide by poising the redox sequence and to form insoluble iron sulfide and pyrite compounds. Therefore, we conducted two experiments aimed to evaluate the remediation efficiency of iron application to organically enrich and improve sediments environment. Experiments carried out in the laboratory using intact sediment cores taken from Mikawa Bay, Japan at every month from June to September 2017 and October 2018. In Experiment 1, after cores were collected, the iron powder or iron hydroxide were applied to the surface sediment with 5 g/ m2 or 5.6 g/ m2, respectively. In Experiment 2, we experimentally investigated the removal of hydrogen sulfide using (2mm or less and 2 to 5mm) of the steelmaking slag. Experiments are conducted both in the laboratory with the same boundary conditions. The overlying water were replaced with deoxygenated filtered seawater, and cores were sealed a top cap to keep anoxic condition with a stirrer to circulate the overlying water gently. The incubation experiments have been set in three treatments included the control, and each treatment replicated and were conducted with the same temperature of the in-situ conditions. Water samples were collected to measure the dissolved sulfide concentrations in the overlying water at appropriate time intervals by the methylene blue method. Sediment quality was also analyzed after the completion of the experiment. After the 21 days incubation, experimental results using iron powder and ferric hydroxide revealed that application of these iron containing materials significantly reduced sulfide release flux from the sediment into the overlying water. The average dissolved sulfides concentration in the overlying water of the treatment group was significantly decrease (p = .0001). While no significant difference was observed between the control group after 21 day incubation. Therefore, the application of iron to the sediment is a promising method to remediate contaminated sediments in a eutrophic water body, although ferric hydroxide has better hydrogen sulfide removal effects. Experiments using the steelmaking slag also clarified the fact that capping with (2mm or less and 2 to 5mm) of slag steelmaking is an effective technique for remediation of bottom sediments enriched organic containing hydrogen sulfide because it leads to the induction of chemical reaction between Fe and sulfides occur in sediments which did not occur in conditions naturally. Although (2mm or less) of slag steelmaking has better hydrogen sulfide removal effects. Because of economic reasons, the application of steelmaking slag to the sediment is a promising method to remediate contaminated sediments in the eutrophic water body.

Keywords: sedimentary, H2S, iron, iron hydroxide

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2089 PEA Design of the Direct Control for Training Motor Drives

Authors: Abdulatif Abdulsalam Mohamed Shaban


This paper states that the art of Procedure Entry Array (PEA) plan with a focus on control system applications. This paper begins with an impression of PEA technology development, followed by an arrangement of design technologies, and the use of programmable description languages and system-level design tools. They allow a practical approach based on a unique model for complete engineering electronics systems. There are three main design rules are implemented in the system. These are algorithm based fine-tuning, modularity, and the control act and the architectural constraints. An overview of contributions and limits of PEAs is also given, followed by a short survey of PEA-based gifted controllers for recent engineering systems. Finally, two complete and timely case studies are presented to illustrate the benefits of a PEA implementation when using the proposed system modelling and devise attitude. These consist of the direct control for training motor drives and the control of a diesel-driven stand-alone generator with the help of logical design.

Keywords: control (DC), engineering electronics systems, training motor drives, procedure entry array

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2088 Discrimination against Women in Workplace: A Case Study on Hotel Dress Code

Authors: A. R. Anwar


The development of discrimination case which is now extended to the issue of female workers dress code in the hotel industry seen as a challenging topic and a solution is needed. Discrimination generally gives a negative impact on the victim and has a direct impact on female workers if it involves the issue of this dress code. Hence it is not appropriate if these genders are subjected to discrimination that prohibits them from wearing a hijab and required to wear a short skirt during working hours. On this basis, this study discusses the major problems pertaining to dress code faced by female workers in the Malaysian hotel industry. An interview with qualified parties from human resource department in each selected hotels has been conducted in which later generated the findings and supported by materials that obtained from libraries, archives and other databases. Through the research findings, several recommendations were introduced to reduce and eliminate the discrimination issue in Malaysian working sector particularly in the hotel industry in order to achieve the equality among men and women in the workplace.

Keywords: discrimination, dress code in the hotel, impact on female workers, equality

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2087 Replacing an Old PFN System with a Solid State Modulator without Changing the Klystron Transformer

Authors: Klas Elmquist, Anders Larsson


Until the year 2000, almost all short pulse modulators in the accelerator world were made with the pulse forming network (PFN) technique. The pulse forming network systems have since then been replaced with solid state modulators that have better efficiency, better stability, and lower cost of ownership, and they are much smaller. In this paper, it is shown that it is possible to replace a pulse forming network system with a solid-state system without changing the klystron tank and the klystron transformer. The solid-state modulator uses semiconductors switching at 1 kV level. A first pulse transformer transforms the voltage up to 10 kV. The 10 kV pulse is finally fed into the original transformer that is placed under the klystron. A flatness of 0.8 percent and stability of 100 PPM is achieved. The test is done with a CPI 8262 type of klystron. It is also shown that it is possible to run such a system with long cables between the transformers. When using this technique, it will be possible to keep original sub-systems like filament systems, vacuum systems, focusing solenoid systems, and cooling systems for the klystron. This will substantially reduce the cost of an upgrade and prolong the life of the klystron system.

Keywords: modulator, solid-state, PFN-system, thyratron

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2086 Effect of Kenaf Fibres on Starch-Grafted-Polypropylene Biopolymer Properties

Authors: Amel Hamma, Allesandro Pegoretti


Kenaf fibres, with two aspect ratios, were melt compounded with two types of biopolymers named starch grafted polypropylene, and then blends compression molded to form plates of 1 mm thick. Results showed that processing induced variation of fibres length which is quantified by optical microscopy observations. Young modulus, stress at break and impact resistance values of starch-grafted-polypropylenes were remarkably improved by kenaf fibres for both matrixes and demonstrated best values when G906PJ were used as matrix. These results attest the good interfacial bonding between the matrix and fibres even in the absence of any interfacial modification. Vicat Softening Point and storage modules were also improved due to the reinforcing effect of fibres. Moreover, short-term tensile creep tests have proven that kenaf fibres remarkably improve the creep stability of composites. The creep behavior of the investigated materials was successfully modeled by the four parameters Burgers model.

Keywords: creep behaviour, kenaf fibres, mechanical properties, starch-grafted-polypropylene

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