Search results for: rhythm patterns
2083 Care Experience of a Female Breast Cancer Patient Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy
Authors: Ting-I Lin
Purpose: This article explores the care experience of a 34-year-old female breast cancer patient who was admitted to the intensive care unit after undergoing a modified radical mastectomy. The patient discovered a lump in her right breast during a self-examination and, after mammography and ultrasound-guided biopsy, was diagnosed with a malignant tumor in the right breast. The tumor measured 1.5 x 1.4 x 2 cm, and the patient underwent a modified radical mastectomy. Postoperatively, she exhibited feelings of inferiority due to changes in her appearance. Method: During the care period, we engaged in conversations, observations, and active listening, using Gordon's Eleven Functional Health Patterns for a comprehensive assessment. In collaboration with the critical care team, a psychologist, and an oncology case manager, we conducted an interdisciplinary discussion and reached a consensus on key nursing issues. These included pain related to postoperative tumor excision and disturbed body image due to changes in appearance after surgery. Result: During the care period, a private space was provided to encourage the patient to express her feelings about her altered body image. Communication was conducted through active listening and a non-judgmental approach. The patient's anxiety level, as measured by the depression and anxiety scale, decreased from moderate to mild, and she was able to sleep for 6-8 hours at night. The oncology case manager was invited to provide education on breast reconstruction using breast models and videos to both the patient and her husband. This helped rebuild the patient's confidence. With the patient's consent, a support group was arranged where a peer with a similar experience shared her journey, offering emotional support and encouragement. This helped alleviate the psychological stress and shock caused by the cancer diagnosis. Additionally, pain management was achieved through adjusting the dosage of analgesics, administering Ultracet 37.5 mg/325 mg 1# Q6H PO, along with distraction techniques and acupressure therapy. These interventions helped the patient relax and alleviate discomfort, maintaining her pain score at a manageable level of 3, indicating mild pain. Conclusion: Disturbance in body image can cause significant psychological stress for patients. Through support group discussions, encouraging patients to express their feelings, and providing appropriate education on breast reconstruction and dressing techniques, the patient's self-concept was positively reinforced, and her emotions were stabilized. This led to renewed self-worth and confidence.Keywords: breast cancer, modified radical mastectomy, acupressure therapy, Gordon's 11 functional health patterns
Procedia PDF Downloads 332082 Impact of Transitioning to Renewable Energy Sources on Key Performance Indicators and Artificial Intelligence Modules of Data Center
Authors: Ahmed Hossam ElMolla, Mohamed Hatem Saleh, Hamza Mostafa, Lara Mamdouh, Yassin Wael
Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries, and its potential to revolutionize renewable energy and data center operations is immense. By harnessing AI's capabilities, we can optimize energy consumption, predict fluctuations in renewable energy generation, and improve the efficiency of data center infrastructure. This convergence of technologies promises a future where energy is managed more intelligently, sustainably, and cost-effectively. The integration of AI into renewable energy systems unlocks a wealth of opportunities. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to forecast weather patterns, solar irradiance, and wind speeds, enabling more accurate energy production planning. AI-powered systems can optimize energy storage and grid management, ensuring a stable power supply even during intermittent renewable generation. Moreover, AI can identify maintenance needs for renewable energy infrastructure, preventing costly breakdowns and maximizing system lifespan. Data centers, which consume substantial amounts of energy, are prime candidates for AI-driven optimization. AI can analyze energy consumption patterns, identify inefficiencies, and recommend adjustments to cooling systems, server utilization, and power distribution. Predictive maintenance using AI can prevent equipment failures, reducing energy waste and downtime. Additionally, AI can optimize data placement and retrieval, minimizing energy consumption associated with data transfer. As AI transforms renewable energy and data center operations, modified Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will emerge. Traditional metrics like energy efficiency and cost-per-megawatt-hour will continue to be relevant, but additional KPIs focused on AI's impact will be essential. These might include AI-driven cost savings, predictive accuracy of energy generation and consumption, and the reduction of carbon emissions attributed to AI-optimized operations. By tracking these KPIs, organizations can measure the success of their AI initiatives and identify areas for improvement. Ultimately, the synergy between AI, renewable energy, and data centers holds the potential to create a more sustainable and resilient future. By embracing these technologies, we can build smarter, greener, and more efficient systems that benefit both the environment and the economy.Keywords: data center, artificial intelligence, renewable energy, energy efficiency, sustainability, optimization, predictive analytics, energy consumption, energy storage, grid management, data center optimization, key performance indicators, carbon emissions, resiliency
Procedia PDF Downloads 362081 Finite Element and Experimental Investigation of Ductile Crack Growth of Surface Cracks
Authors: Osama A. Terfas, Abdelhakim A. Hameda, Abdusalam A. Alktiwi
An investigation on ductile crack growth of shallow semi-elliptical surface cracks with a/w=0.2, a/c=0.33 under bending was carried out, where a is the crack depth, w is the plate thickness and c is the crack length at surface. Finite element analysis and experiments were modelling and the crack growth model were verified with experimental data. The results showed that the initial crack shape was no longer maintained as the crack developed under ductile tearing. The maximum growth at the deepest point at early stages was stopped when the crack depth reached half thickness and growth occurred beneath surface. Excellent agreement in the crack shape patterns was observed between the experiments and the crack growth model.Keywords: crack growth, ductile tearing, mean stress, surface cracks
Procedia PDF Downloads 4902080 A Discovery on the Symmetrical Pattern of Mirror Primes in P²: Applications in the Formal Proof of the Goldbach Conjecture
Authors: Yingxu Wang
The base 6 structure and properties of mirror primes are discovered in this work towards the proof of Goldbach Conjecture. This paper reveals a fundamental pattern on pairs of mirror primes adjacent to any even number nₑ > 2 with symmetrical distances on both sides determined by a methodology of Mirror Prime Decomposition (MPD). MPD leads to a formal proof of the Goldbach conjecture, which states that the conjecture holds because any pivot even number, nₑ > 2, is a sum of at least an adjacent pair of primes divided by 2. This work has not only revealed the analytic pattern of base 6 primes but also proven the infinitive validation of the Goldbach conjecture.Keywords: number theory, primes, mirror primes, double recursive patterns, Goldbach conjecture, formal proof, mirror-prime decomposition, applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 522079 Environment Patterns and Mental Health of Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: The Role of Activity Profiles
Authors: Shiau-Fang Chao, Yu-Chih Chen
Owing to physical limitations and restrained lifestyle, older long-term care (LTC) residents are more likely to be affected by their environment than their community-dwelling counterparts. They also participate fewer activities and experience worse mental health than healthy older adults. This study adopts the ICF model to determine the extent to which the clustered patterns of LTC environment and activity participation are associated with older residents’ mental health. Method: Data were collected from a stratified equal probability sample of 634 older residents in 155 LTC institutions in Taiwan. Latent profile analysis (LPA) and latent class analysis (LCA) were conducted to explore the profiles for environment and activity participation. Multilevel modeling was performed to elucidate the relationships among environment profiles, activity profiles, and mental health. Results: LPA identified three mutually exclusive environment profiles (Low-, Moderate-, and High-Support Environment) based on the physical, social, and attitudinal environmental domains, consolidated from 12 environmental measures. LCA constructed two distinct activity profiles (Low- and High-Activity Participation) across seven activity domains (outdoor, volunteer-led leisure, spiritual, household chores, interpersonal exchange, social, and sedentary activity) that were factored from 20 activities. Compared to the Low-Support Environment class, older adults in the Moderate- and High-Support Environment classes had better mental health. Older residents in the Moderate- and High-Support Environment classes were more likely to be in the “High Activity” class, which in turn, exhibited better mental health. Conclusion: This study advances the current knowledge through rigorous methods and study design. The study findings lead to several conclusions. First, this study supports the use of ICF framework to institutionalized older individuals with functional limitations and demonstrates that both measures of environment and activity participation can be refined from multiple indicators. Second, environmental measures that encompass the physical, social, and attitudinal domains would provide a more comprehensive assessment on the place where an older individual embeds. Third, simply counting activities in which an older individual participates or considering a certain type of activity may not capture his or her way of life. Practitioners should not only focus on group or leisure activities within the institutions; rather, more efforts should be made to consider residents’ preferences for everyday life and support their remaining ability by encouraging continuous participation in activities they still willing and capable to perform. Fourth, environment and activity participation are modifiable factors which have greater potential to strengthen older LTC residents’ mental health, and activity participation should be considered in the link between environment and mental health. A combination of enhanced physical, social, and attitudinal environments, and continual engagement in various activities may optimize older LTC residents’ mental health.Keywords: activity, environment, mental health, older LTC residents
Procedia PDF Downloads 2012078 The Effect of Corporate Governance on Earnings Management: When Firms Report Increasing Earnings
Authors: Su-Ping Liu, Yue Tian, Yifan Shen
This study investigates the effect of corporate governance on earnings management when firms have reported a long stream of earnings increases (hereafter referred to as earnings beaters). We expect that good quality of corporate governance decreases the probability of income-increasing earnings management. We employ transparent tools to capture firms’ opportunistic management behavior, specifically, the repurchase of stock. In addition, we use corporate governance proxies to measure the degree of corporate governance, including board size, board independence, CEO duality, and the frequency of meeting. The results hold after the controlling of variables that suggested in prior literature. We expect that the simple technique, that is, firms’ degree of corporate governance, to be used as an inexpensive first step in detecting earnings management.Keywords: corporate governance, earnings management, earnings patterns, stock repurchase
Procedia PDF Downloads 1792077 Gender Differences in Research Output, Funding and Collaboration
Authors: Ashkan Ebadi, Andrea Schiffauerova
In spite of the global efforts toward gender equality, female researchers are still underrepresented in professional scientific activities. The gender gap is more seen in engineering and math-intensive technological scientific fields thus calling for a specific attention. This paper focuses on the Canadian funded researchers who are active in natural sciences and engineering, and analyses the gender aspects of researchers’ performance, their scientific collaboration patterns as well as their share of the federal funding within the period of 2000 to 2010. Our results confirm the existence of gender disparity among the examined Canadian researchers. Although it was observed that male researchers have been performing better in terms of number of publications, the impact of the research was almost the same for both genders. In addition, it was observed that research funding is more biased towards male researchers and they have more control over their scientific community as well.Keywords: bibliometrics, collaboration, funding, gender differences, research output
Procedia PDF Downloads 2792076 Common Laws Principles: A Way to Solve Global Environmental Change
Authors: Neelam Kadyan
Global environmental change is happening at an alarming rate in the present world. Floods, Tsunamis’, Avalanches, Change in Weather patterns, Rise in sea temperature, Landslides, are only few evidences of this change. To regulate such alarming growth of global change in environment certain regulatory system or mechanism is required. Nuisance,negligence,absolute liability,strict liability and trespass are some of the effective common law principles which are helpful in environmental problems. What we need today is sufficient law and adequate machinery to enforce the legal standards. Without law environmental standards cannot be enforced and once again there is need to adopt the common law approach in solving the problem of environmental change as through this approach the affected person can get compensation and as the same time it puts check on wrongdoer.Keywords: global environmental problems, nuisance, negligence, trespass, strict liability, absolute liability
Procedia PDF Downloads 5672075 Exploring the Spatial Characteristics of Mortality Map: A Statistical Area Perspective
Authors: Jung-Hong Hong, Jing-Cen Yang, Cai-Yu Ou
The analysis of geographic inequality heavily relies on the use of location-enabled statistical data and quantitative measures to present the spatial patterns of the selected phenomena and analyze their differences. To protect the privacy of individual instance and link to administrative units, point-based datasets are spatially aggregated to area-based statistical datasets, where only the overall status for the selected levels of spatial units is used for decision making. The partition of the spatial units thus has dominant influence on the outcomes of the analyzed results, well known as the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). A new spatial reference framework, the Taiwan Geographical Statistical Classification (TGSC), was recently introduced in Taiwan based on the spatial partition principles of homogeneous consideration of the number of population and households. Comparing to the outcomes of the traditional township units, TGSC provides additional levels of spatial units with finer granularity for presenting spatial phenomena and enables domain experts to select appropriate dissemination level for publishing statistical data. This paper compares the results of respectively using TGSC and township unit on the mortality data and examines the spatial characteristics of their outcomes. For the mortality data between the period of January 1st, 2008 and December 31st, 2010 of the Taitung County, the all-cause age-standardized death rate (ASDR) ranges from 571 to 1757 per 100,000 persons, whereas the 2nd dissemination area (TGSC) shows greater variation, ranged from 0 to 2222 per 100,000. The finer granularity of spatial units of TGSC clearly provides better outcomes for identifying and evaluating the geographic inequality and can be further analyzed with the statistical measures from other perspectives (e.g., population, area, environment.). The management and analysis of the statistical data referring to the TGSC in this research is strongly supported by the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology. An integrated workflow that consists of the tasks of the processing of death certificates, the geocoding of street address, the quality assurance of geocoded results, the automatic calculation of statistic measures, the standardized encoding of measures and the geo-visualization of statistical outcomes is developed. This paper also introduces a set of auxiliary measures from a geographic distribution perspective to further examine the hidden spatial characteristics of mortality data and justify the analyzed results. With the common statistical area framework like TGSC, the preliminary results demonstrate promising potential for developing a web-based statistical service that can effectively access domain statistical data and present the analyzed outcomes in meaningful ways to avoid wrong decision making.Keywords: mortality map, spatial patterns, statistical area, variation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2602074 Air–Water Two-Phase Flow Patterns in PEMFC Microchannels
Authors: Ibrahim Rassoul, A. Serir, E-K. Si Ahmed, J. Legrand
The acronym PEM refers to Proton Exchange Membrane or alternatively Polymer Electrolyte Membrane. Due to its high efficiency, low operating temperature (30–80 °C), and rapid evolution over the past decade, PEMFCs are increasingly emerging as a viable alternative clean power source for automobile and stationary applications. Before PEMFCs can be employed to power automobiles and homes, several key technical challenges must be properly addressed. One technical challenge is elucidating the mechanisms underlying water transport in and removal from PEMFCs. On one hand, sufficient water is needed in the polymer electrolyte membrane or PEM to maintain sufficiently high proton conductivity. On the other hand, too much liquid water present in the cathode can cause “flooding” (that is, pore space is filled with excessive liquid water) and hinder the transport of the oxygen reactant from the gas flow channel (GFC) to the three-phase reaction sites. The experimental transparent fuel cell used in this work was designed to represent actual full scale of fuel cell geometry. According to the operating conditions, a number of flow regimes may appear in the microchannel: droplet flow, blockage water liquid bridge /plug (concave and convex forms), slug/plug flow and film flow. Some of flow patterns are new, while others have been already observed in PEMFC microchannels. An algorithm in MATLAB was developed to automatically determine the flow structure (e.g. slug, droplet, plug, and film) of detected liquid water in the test microchannels and yield information pertaining to the distribution of water among the different flow structures. A video processing algorithm was developed to automatically detect dynamic and static liquid water present in the gas channels and generate relevant quantitative information. The potential benefit of this software allows the user to obtain a more precise and systematic way to obtain measurements from images of small objects. The void fractions are also determined based on images analysis. The aim of this work is to provide a comprehensive characterization of two-phase flow in an operating fuel cell which can be used towards the optimization of water management and informs design guidelines for gas delivery microchannels for fuel cells and its essential in the design and control of diverse applications. The approach will combine numerical modeling with experimental visualization and measurements.Keywords: polymer electrolyte fuel cell, air-water two phase flow, gas diffusion layer, microchannels, advancing contact angle, receding contact angle, void fraction, surface tension, image processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3132073 Sol-Gel Derived Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Nanoparticles for Dental Applications: Synthesis and Characterization
Authors: Anastasia Beketova, Emmanouil-George C. Tzanakakis, Ioannis G. Tzoutzas, Eleana Kontonasaki
In restorative dentistry, yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) nanoparticles can be applied as fillers to improve the mechanical properties of various resin-based materials. Using sol-gel based synthesis as simple and cost-effective method, nano-sized YSZ particles with high purity can be produced. The aim of this study was to synthesize YSZ nanoparticles by the Pechini sol-gel method at different temperatures and to investigate their composition, structure, and morphology. YSZ nanopowders were synthesized by the sol-gel method using zirconium oxychloride octahydrate (ZrOCl₂.8H₂O) and yttrium nitrate hexahydrate (Y(NO₃)₃.6H₂O) as precursors with the addition of acid chelating agents to control hydrolysis and gelation reactions. The obtained powders underwent TG_DTA analysis and were sintered at three different temperatures: 800, 1000, and 1200°C for 2 hours. Their composition and morphology were investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy with associated with Energy Dispersive X-ray analyzer (SEM-EDX), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) methods, and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). FTIR and XRD analysis showed the presence of pure tetragonal phase in the composition of nanopowders. By increasing the calcination temperature, the crystallinity of materials increased, reaching 47.2 nm for the YSZ1200 specimens. SEM analysis at high magnifications and DLS analysis showed submicron-sized particles with good dispersion and low agglomeration, which increased in size as the sintering temperature was elevated. From the TEM images of the YSZ1000 specimen, it can be seen that zirconia nanoparticles are uniform in size and shape and attain an average particle size of about 50 nm. The electron diffraction patterns clearly revealed ring patterns of polycrystalline tetragonal zirconia phase. Pure YSZ nanopowders have been successfully synthesized by the sol-gel method at different temperatures. Their size is small, and uniform, allowing their incorporation of dental luting resin cements to improve their mechanical properties and possibly enhance the bond strength of demanding dental ceramics such as zirconia to the tooth structure. This research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund- ESF) through the Operational Programme 'Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014- 2020' in the context of the project 'Development of zirconia adhesion cements with stabilized zirconia nanoparticles: physicochemical properties and bond strength under aging conditions' (MIS 5047876).Keywords: dental cements, nanoparticles, sol-gel, yttria-stabilized zirconia, YSZ
Procedia PDF Downloads 1482072 A Phenomenological Exploration of Alcohol Consumption Patterns and Problems Among Male Students at the University of Kwazulu-Natal
Authors: Isaiah Phillip Smith
It is reported that alcohol consumption accounts for 3 million annual deaths globally, thus, it is a significant public health challenge internationally. The excessive consumption of alcohol is argued in literature to be related to problematic behaviors like crime, accident, fighting, violence, and unprotected sex, among others. Alcohol consumption among university students in South Africa particularly is considered endemic – with a prevalence rate of 25.27%, 32.34%, and 23.34% across universities, colleges, and high schools. Adopting the tenets of social learning and ecological theories, the culture of drinking amongst male university students is critically explored. This study found that age, gender, early exposure to alcohol, and peer pressure are significant factors contributing to alcohol consumption amongst university students. While participants acknowledged that moderate and responsible consumption of alcohol is necessary, they agree that it does not translate to responsible drinking behaviours.Keywords: alcohol, drinking, university, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 1422071 Structural and Electromagnetic Properties of CoFe2O4-ZrO2 Nanocomosites
Authors: Ravinder Reddy Butreddy, Sadhana Katlakunta
The nanocomposites of CoFe2O4-xZrO2 with different loadings of ZrO2 (x = 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1 and 1.5) were prepared using ball mill method. All the samples were prepared at 980°C/1h using microwave sintering method. The x-ray diffraction patterns show the existence of tetragonal/monoclinic phase of ZrO2 and cubic phase of CoFe2O4. The effects of ZrO2 on structural and microstructural properties of CoFe2O4 composite ceramics were investigated. It is observed that the density of the composite decreases and porosity increases with x. The magnetic properties such as saturation magnetization (Ms), and Coercive field were calculated at room temperature. The Ms is decreased with x while coercive field is increased with x. The dielectric parameters exhibit the relaxation behavior in high-frequency region and showing increasing trend with ZrO2 concentration, showing suitableKeywords: dielectric properties, magnetic properties, microwave sintering, nanocomposites
Procedia PDF Downloads 2402070 Mathematical Based Forecasting of Heart Attack
Authors: Razieh Khalafi
Myocardial infarction (MI) or acute myocardial infarction (AMI), commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow stops to part of the heart causing damage to the heart muscle. An ECG can often show evidence of a previous heart attack or one that's in progress. The patterns on the ECG may indicate which part of your heart has been damaged, as well as the extent of the damage. In chaos theory, the correlation dimension is a measure of the dimensionality of the space occupied by a set of random points, often referred to as a type of fractal dimension. In this research by considering ECG signal as a random walk we work on forecasting the oncoming heart attack by analyzing the ECG signals using the correlation dimension. In order to test the model a set of ECG signals for patients before and after heart attack was used and the strength of model for forecasting the behavior of these signals were checked. Results shows this methodology can forecast the ECG and accordingly heart attack with high accuracy.Keywords: heart attack, ECG, random walk, correlation dimension, forecasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 5432069 Causal Modeling of the Glucose-Insulin System in Type-I Diabetic Patients
Authors: J. Fernandez, N. Aguilar, R. Fernandez de Canete, J. C. Ramos-Diaz
In this paper, a simulation model of the glucose-insulin system for a patient undergoing diabetes Type 1 is developed by using a causal modeling approach under system dynamics. The OpenModelica simulation environment has been employed to build the so called causal model, while the glucose-insulin model parameters were adjusted to fit recorded mean data of a diabetic patient database. Model results under different conditions of a three-meal glucose and exogenous insulin ingestion patterns have been obtained. This simulation model can be useful to evaluate glucose-insulin performance in several circumstances, including insulin infusion algorithms in open-loop and decision support systems in closed-loop.Keywords: causal modeling, diabetes, glucose-insulin system, diabetes, causal modeling, OpenModelica software
Procedia PDF Downloads 3312068 Chinese Acupuncture: A Potential Treatment for Autism Rat Model via Improving Synaptic Function
Authors: Sijie Chen, Xiaofang Chen, Juan Wang, Yingying Zhang, Yu Hong, Wanyu Zhuang, Xinxin Huang, Ping Ou, Longsheng Huang
Purpose: Autistic symptom improvement can be observed in children treated with acupuncture, but the mechanism is still being explored. In the present study, we used scalp acupuncture to treat autism rat model, and then their improvement in the abnormal behaviors and specific mechanisms behind were revealed by detecting animal behaviors, analyzing the RNA sequencing of the prefrontal cortex(PFC), and observing the ultrastructure of PFC neurons under the transmission electron microscope. Methods: On gestational day 12.5, Wistar rats were given valproic acid (VPA) by intraperitoneal injection, and their offspring were considered to be reliable rat models of autism. They were randomized to VPA or VPA-acupuncture group (n=8). Offspring of Wistar pregnant rats that were simultaneously injected with saline were randomly selected as the wild-type group (WT). VPA_acupuncture group rats received acupuncture intervention at 23 days of age for 4 weeks, and the other two groups followed without intervention. After the intervention, all experimental rats underwent behavioral tests. Immediately afterward, they were euthanized by cervical dislocation, and their prefrontal cortex was isolated for RNA sequencing and transmission electron microscopy. Results: The main results are as follows: 1. Animal behavioural tests: VPA group rats showed more anxiety-like behaviour and repetitive, stereotyped behaviour than WT group rats. While VPA group rats showed less spatial exploration ability, activity level, social interaction, and social novelty preference than WT group rats. It was gratifying to observe that acupuncture indeed improved these abnormal behaviors of autism rat model. 2. RNA-sequencing: The three groups of rats differed in the expression and enrichment pathways of multiple genes related to synaptic function, neural signal transduction, and circadian rhythm regulation. Our experiments indicated that acupuncture can alleviate the major symptoms of ASD by improving these neurological abnormalities. 3. Under the transmission electron microscopy, several lysosomes and mitochondrial structural abnormalities were observed in the prefrontal neurons of VPA group rats, which were manifested as atrophy of the mitochondrial membran, blurring or disappearance of the mitochondrial cristae, and even vacuolization. Moreover, the number of synapses and synaptic vesicles was relatively small. Conversely, the mitochondrial structure of rats in the WT group and VPA_acupuncture was normal, and the number of synapses and synaptic vesicles was relatively large. Conclusion: Acupuncture effectively improved the abnormal behaviors of autism rat model and the ultrastructure of the PFC neurons, which might worked by improving their abnormal synaptic function, synaptic plasticity and promoting neuronal signal transduction.Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, acupuncture, animal behavior, RNA sequencing, transmission electron microscope
Procedia PDF Downloads 462067 International Trade, Food Security, and Climate Change in an Era of Liberal Trade
Authors: M. Barsa
This paper argues that current liberal trade regimes have had the unfortunate effect of concentrating food production by area and by crop. While such hyper-specialization and standardization might be efficient under ordinary climate conditions, the increasing severity of climate shocks makes such a food production system especially vulnerable. Examining domestic US crop production, and the fact that similar patterns are evident worldwide, this paper explores the vulnerabilities of several major crops and suggests that the academic arguments surrounding increasing liberalization of trade are ill-suited to the climate challenges to come. Indeed, a case can be made that protectionist measures—especially by developing countries whose agricultural sectors are vulnerable to the cheap US and European exports—are increasingly necessary to scatter food production geographically and to retain a resilient diversity of crop varieties.Keywords: climate change, crop resilience, diversity, international trade
Procedia PDF Downloads 1312066 The Environmental Impact of Sustainability Dispersion of Chlorine Releases in Coastal Zone of Alexandra: Spatial-Ecological Modeling
Authors: Mohammed El Raey, Moustafa Osman Mohammed
The spatial-ecological modeling is relating sustainable dispersions with social development. Sustainability with spatial-ecological model gives attention to urban environments in the design review management to comply with Earth’s System. Naturally exchange patterns of ecosystems have consistent and periodic cycles to preserve energy flows and materials in Earth’s System. The probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) technique is utilized to assess the safety of industrial complex. The other analytical approach is the Failure-Safe Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for critical components. The plant safety parameters are identified for engineering topology as employed in assessment safety of industrial ecology. In particular, the most severe accidental release of hazardous gaseous is postulated, analyzed and assessment in industrial region. The IAEA- safety assessment procedure is used to account the duration and rate of discharge of liquid chlorine. The ecological model of plume dispersion width and concentration of chlorine gas in the downwind direction is determined using Gaussian Plume Model in urban and ruler areas and presented with SURFER®. The prediction of accident consequences is traced in risk contour concentration lines. The local greenhouse effect is predicted with relevant conclusions. The spatial-ecological model is also predicted the distribution schemes from the perspective of pollutants that considered multiple factors of multi-criteria analysis. The data extends input–output analysis to evaluate the spillover effect, and conducted Monte Carlo simulations and sensitivity analysis. Their unique structure is balanced within “equilibrium patterns”, such as the biosphere and collective a composite index of many distributed feedback flows. These dynamic structures are related to have their physical and chemical properties and enable a gradual and prolonged incremental pattern. While this spatial model structure argues from ecology, resource savings, static load design, financial and other pragmatic reasons, the outcomes are not decisive in artistic/ architectural perspective. The hypothesis is an attempt to unify analytic and analogical spatial structure for development urban environments using optimization software and applied as an example of integrated industrial structure where the process is based on engineering topology as optimization approach of systems ecology.Keywords: spatial-ecological modeling, spatial structure orientation impact, composite structure, industrial ecology
Procedia PDF Downloads 822065 Dominican Representation in Introductory Level Spanish Textbooks in the United States
Authors: Sheridan Wigginton
This research project investigates the representation of Dominicans and Dominican culture in nine widely-used Spanish textbooks in universities and colleges in the United States. The project uses the “culture” standard established by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages to examine the texts. The organization, commonly referred to by its acronym ACTFL, describes products as books, tools, foods, laws, music, and games; practices as patterns of social interactions; and perspectives as meanings, attitudes, values, and ideas. The content analysis of the texts will also specifically include visual analysis of the physical representation of the people depicted in Dominican-themed culture activities to more clearly integrate issues of color and national identity into the discussion.Keywords: blackness, culture, Dominican republic, foreign language education, national identity, Spanish, textbooks
Procedia PDF Downloads 912064 River's Bed Level Changing Pattern Due to Sedimentation, Case Study: Gash River, Kassala, Sudan
Authors: Faisal Ali, Hasssan Saad Mohammed Hilmi, Mustafa Mohamed, Shamseddin Musa
The Gash rivers an ephemeral river, it usually flows from July to September, it has a braided pattern with high sediment content, of 15200 ppm in suspension, and 360 kg/sec as bed load. The Gash river bed has an average slope of 1.3 m/Km. The objectives of this study were: assessing the Gash River bed level patterns; quantifying the annual variations in Gash bed level; and recommending a suitable method to reduce the sediment accumulation on the Gash River bed. The study covered temporally the period 1905-2013 using datasets included the Gash river flows, and the cross sections. The results showed that there is an increasing trend in the river bed of 5 cm3 per year. This is resulted in changing the behavior of the flood routing and consequently the flood hazard is tremendously increased in Kassala city.Keywords: bed level, cross section, gash river, sedimentation
Procedia PDF Downloads 5432063 Study of Nano Clay Based on Pet
Authors: F. Zouai, F. Z. Benabid, S. Bouhelal, D. Benachoura
A (PET)/clay nano composites has been successfully performed in one step by reactive melt extrusion. The PEN was first mixed in the melt state with different amounts of functionalized clay. It was observed that the composition PET/4 wt% clay showed total exfoliation. These completely exfoliated composition called nPET, was used to prepare new nPET nano composites in the same mixing batch. The nPEN was compared to neat PET. The nanocomposites were characterized by different techniques: differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS). The micro and nanostructure/properties relationships were investigated. From the different WAXS patterns, it is seen that all samples are amorphous phase. In addition, nPET blends present lower Tc values and higher Tm values than the corresponding neat PET. The present study allowed establishing good correlations between the different measured properties.Keywords: PET, montmorillonite, nanocomposites, exfoliation, reactive melt-mixing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4042062 Grammatical Parallelism in the Qurʼān
Authors: Yehudit Dror
Parallelism¬, or as it is called in Arabic, al-muqābala, occupies a central position in the rhetorical discipline of ʻilm al-bayān. Parallelism is used as a figure of textual ornamentation or embellishment and can be divided into several types that are based on the semantics of parallelism and its formative structure. Parallelism in Arabic has received a considerable amount of attention from the Arab rhetorician, which enables understanding the essence of parallelism in Arabic – its types, structure and meaning. However, there are some lacunae in their descriptions concerning the function and thematic restrictions of parallelism in the Qur’ān. In my presentation, which focuses on grammatical parallelism where the two stichos of the parallelism are the same with respect to syntax and morphology, I will show that parallelism has some important roles in the textual arrangement; it may, for example, conclude a thematic section, indicate a turning point in the text or to clarify what has been said previously. In addition, it will be shown that parallelism is not used randomly in the Qurʼān but rather is restricted to repeated themes which carry the most important messages of the Qurʼān, such as God's Might or behavioral patterns of the believers and the non-believers; or it can be used as a stylistic device.Keywords: grammatical parallelism, half-line, symmetry, Koran
Procedia PDF Downloads 3352061 Effect of Ionized Plasma Medium on the Radiation of a Rectangular Microstrip Antenna on Ferrite Substrate
Authors: Ayman Al Sawalha
This paper presents theoretical investigations on the radiation of rectangular microstrip antenna printed on a magnetized ferrite substrate Ni0.62Co0.02Fe1.948O4 in the presence of ionized plasma medium. The theoretical study of rectangular microstrip antenna in free space is carried out by applying the transmission line model combining with potential function techniques while hydrodynamic theory is used for it is analysis in plasma medium. By taking the biased and unbiased ferrite cases, far-field radiation patterns in free space and plasma medium are obtained which in turn are applied in computing radiated power, directivity, quality factor and bandwidth of antenna. It is found that the presence of plasma medium affects the performance of rectangular microstrip antenna structure significantly.Keywords: ferrite, microstrip antenna, plasma, radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3242060 Shade Effect on Photovoltaic Systems: A Comparison between String and Module-Based Solution
Authors: Iyad M. Muslih, Yehya Abdellatif
In general, shading will reduce the electrical power produced from PV modules and arrays in locations where shading is unavoidable or caused by dynamic moving parts. This reduction is based on the shade effect on the I-V curve of the PV module or array and how the DC/AC inverter can search and control the optimum value of power from this module or array configuration. This is a very complicated task due to different patterns of shaded PV modules and arrays. One solution presented by the inverter industry is to perform the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) at the module level rather than the series string level. This solution is supposed to reduce the shade effect on the total harvested energy. However, this isn’t necessarily the best solution to reduce the shade effect as will be shown in this study.Keywords: photovoltaic, shade effect, I-V curve, MPPT
Procedia PDF Downloads 4142059 A New Mathematical Method for Heart Attack Forecasting
Authors: Razi Khalafi
Myocardial Infarction (MI) or acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow stops to part of the heart causing damage to the heart muscle. An ECG can often show evidence of a previous heart attack or one that's in progress. The patterns on the ECG may indicate which part of your heart has been damaged, as well as the extent of the damage. In chaos theory, the correlation dimension is a measure of the dimensionality of the space occupied by a set of random points, often referred to as a type of fractal dimension. In this research by considering ECG signal as a random walk we work on forecasting the oncoming heart attack by analysing the ECG signals using the correlation dimension. In order to test the model a set of ECG signals for patients before and after heart attack was used and the strength of model for forecasting the behaviour of these signals were checked. Results show this methodology can forecast the ECG and accordingly heart attack with high accuracy.Keywords: heart attack, ECG, random walk, correlation dimension, forecasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 5072058 Sustainable Micro Architecture: A Pattern for Urban Release Areas
Authors: Saber Fatourechian
People within modern cities have faced macro urban values spreads rapidly through current style of living. Unexpected phenomena without any specific features of micro scale, humanity and urban social/cultural patterns. The gap between micro and macro scale is unidentified and people could not recognize where they are especially in the interaction between life and city. Urban life details were verified. Micro architecture is a pattern in which human activity derives from human needs in an unconscious position. Sustainable attitude via micro architecture causes flexibility in decision making through micro urbanism essentially impacts macro scale. In this paper the definition of micro architecture and its relation with city and human activity are argued, there after the interaction between micro and macro scale is presented as an effective way for urban sustainable development.Keywords: micro architecture, sustainability, human activity, city
Procedia PDF Downloads 5052057 Agri-Tourism as a Sustainable Adaptation Option for Climate Change Impacts on Small Scale Agricultural Sector
Authors: Rohana Pandukabhya Mahaliyanaarachchi, Maheshwari Sangeetha Elapatha, Mohamed Esham, Banagala Chathurika Maduwanthi
The global climate change has become one of the imperative issues for the smallholder dominated agricultural sector and nature based tourism sector in Sri Lanka. Thus addressing this issue is notably important. The main objective of this study was to investigate the potential of agri-tourism as a sustainable adaptation option to mitigate some of the negative impacts of climate change in small scale agricultural sector in Sri Lanka. The study was carried out in two different climatic zones in Sri Lanka namely Low Country Dry Zone and Up Country Wet Zone. A case study strategy followed by structured and unstructured interviewers through cross-sectional surveys were adapted to collect data. The study revealed that there had been a significant change in the climate in regard to the rainfall patterns in both climatic zones resulting unexpected rains during months and longer drought periods. This results the damages of agricultural production, low yields and subsequently low income. However, to mitigate these adverse effects, farmers have mainly focused on using strategies related to the crops and farming patterns rather than diversifying their business by adopting other entrepreneurial activities like agri-tourism. One of the major precursor for this was due to lesser awareness on the concept of agri-tourism within the farming community. The study revealed that the respondents of both climatic zones do have willingness and potential to adopt agri-tourism. One key important factor identified was that farming or agriculture was the main livelihood of the respondents, which is one of the vital precursor needed to start up an agri-tourism enterprise. Most of the farmers in the Up Country Wet Zone had an inclination to start a farm guest house or a farm home stay whereas the farmers in the Low Country Dry Zone wish to operate farm guest house, farm home stay or farm restaurant. They also have an interest to open up a road side farm product stall to facilitate the direct sales of the farm. Majority of the farmers in both climatic zones showed an interest to initiate an agri-tourism business as a complementary enterprise where they wished to give an equal share to both farming and agri-tourism. Thus this revealed that the farmers have identified agri-tourism as a vital concept and have given the equal importance as given to farming. This shows that most of the farmers have understood agri-tourism as an alternative income source that can mitigate the adverse effects of climatic change. This study emphasizes that agri-tourism as an alternative income source that can mitigate the adverse effects of climatic change on small scale agriculture sector.Keywords: adaptation, agri-tourism, climate change, small scale agriculture
Procedia PDF Downloads 1552056 Multi-Agent TeleRobotic Security Control System: Requirements Definitions of Multi-Agent System Using The Behavioral Patterns Analysis (BPA) Approach
Authors: Assem El-Ansary
This paper illustrates the event-oriented Behavioral Pattern Analysis (BPA) modeling approach in developing an Multi-Agent TeleRobotic Security Control System (MTSCS). The event defined in BPA is a real-life conceptual entity that is unrelated to any implementation. The major contributions of this research are the Behavioral Pattern Analysis (BPA) modeling methodology, and the development of an interactive software tool (DECISION), which is based on a combination of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the ELECTRE Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods.Keywords: analysis, multi-agent, TeleRobotics control, security, modeling methodology, software modeling, event-oriented, behavioral pattern, use cases
Procedia PDF Downloads 4392055 Diagnosis of Diabetes Using Computer Methods: Soft Computing Methods for Diabetes Detection Using Iris
Authors: Piyush Samant, Ravinder Agarwal
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) techniques are quite popular and effective for chronic diseases. Iridology is more than 150 years old CAM technique which analyzes the patterns, tissue weakness, color, shape, structure, etc. for disease diagnosis. The objective of this paper is to validate the use of iridology for the diagnosis of the diabetes. The suggested model was applied in a systemic disease with ocular effects. 200 subject data of 100 each diabetic and non-diabetic were evaluated. Complete procedure was kept very simple and free from the involvement of any iridologist. From the normalized iris, the region of interest was cropped. All 63 features were extracted using statistical, texture analysis, and two-dimensional discrete wavelet transformation. A comparison of accuracies of six different classifiers has been presented. The result shows 89.66% accuracy by the random forest classifier.Keywords: complementary and alternative medicine, classification, iridology, iris, feature extraction, disease prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 4082054 A Review of Spatial Analysis as a Geographic Information Management Tool
Authors: Chidiebere C. Agoha, Armstong C. Awuzie, Chukwuebuka N. Onwubuariri, Joy O. Njoku
Spatial analysis is a field of study that utilizes geographic or spatial information to understand and analyze patterns, relationships, and trends in data. It is characterized by the use of geographic or spatial information, which allows for the analysis of data in the context of its location and surroundings. It is different from non-spatial or aspatial techniques, which do not consider the geographic context and may not provide as complete of an understanding of the data. Spatial analysis is applied in a variety of fields, which includes urban planning, environmental science, geosciences, epidemiology, marketing, to gain insights and make decisions about complex spatial problems. This review paper explores definitions of spatial analysis from various sources, including examples of its application and different analysis techniques such as Buffer analysis, interpolation, and Kernel density analysis (multi-distance spatial cluster analysis). It also contrasts spatial analysis with non-spatial analysis.Keywords: aspatial technique, buffer analysis, epidemiology, interpolation
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