Search results for: hybrid lattice Boltzmann method
19559 Electronic, Structure and Magnetic Properties of KXF3(X= Fe, Co, Mn, V) from Ab Initio Calculations
Authors: M. Ibrir, S. Berri, S. Lakel, D. Maouche And Y. Medkour
We have performed first-principle calculations of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of KFeF3, KCoF3, KMnF3, KVF3, using full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FP-LAPW) scheme within GGA. Features such as the lattice constant, bulk modulus and its pressure derivative are reported. Also, we have presented our results of the band structure and the density of states. The magnetic moments of KFeF3, KCoF3, KMnF3, KVF3 compounds are in most came from the exchange-splitting of X-3d orbital.Keywords: Ab initio calculations, electronic structure, magnetic materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 42119558 Effect of Texturised Soy Protein and Yeast on the Instrumental and Sensory Quality of Hybrid Beef Meatballs
Authors: Simona Grasso, Gabrielle Smith, Sophie Bowers, Oluseyi Moses Ajayi, Mark Swainson
Hybrid meat analogues are meat products whereby a proportion of meat has been partially replaced by more sustainable protein sources. These products could bridge the gap between meat and meat-free products, providing convenience, and allowing consumers to continue using meat products as they conventionally would, while lowering their overall meat intake. The study aimed to investigate the effect of introducing texturized soy protein (TSP) at different levels (15% and 30%) with and without nutritional yeast as flavour enhancer on the sensory and instrumental quality of beef meatballs, compared to a soy and yeast-free control. Proximate analysis, yield, colour, instrumental texture, and sensory quality were investigated. The addition of soy and yeast did not have significant effects on the overall protein content, but the total fat and moisture content went down with increasing soy substitution. Samples with 30% TSP had significantly higher yield than the other recipes. In terms of colour, a* redness values tended to go down and b* yellowness values tended to go up with increasing soy addition. The addition of increasing levels of soy and yeast modified the structure of meatballs resulting in a progressive decrease in hardness and chewiness compared to control. Sixty participants assessed the samples using Check-all-that-apply (CATA) questions and hedonic scales. The texture of all TSP-containing samples received significantly higher acceptability scores than control, while 15% TSP with yeast received significantly higher flavour and overall acceptability scores than control. Control samples were significantly more often associated than the other recipes to the term 'hard' and the least associated to 'soft' and 'crumbly and easy to cut'. All recipes were similarly associated to the terms 'weak meaty', 'strong meaty', 'characteristic' and 'unusual'. Correspondence analysis separated the meatballs in three distinct groups: 1) control; 2) 30%TSP with yeast; and 3) 15%TSP, 15%TSP with yeast and 30%TSP located together on the sensory map, showing similarity. Adding 15-30% TSP with or without yeast inclusion could be beneficial for the development of future meat hybrids with acceptable sensory quality. These results can provide encouragement for the use of the hybrid concept by the meat industry to promote the partial substitution of meat in flexitarians’ diets.Keywords: CATA, hybrid meat products, texturised soy protein, yeast
Procedia PDF Downloads 16519557 The Effect of Hybrid SPD Process on Mechanical Properties, Drawability, and Plastic Anisotropy of DC03 Steel
Authors: Karolina Kowalczyk-Skoczylas
The hybrid SPD process called DRECE (Dual Rolls Equal Channel Extrusion) combines the concepts of ECAP method and CONFORM extrusion, and is intended for processing sheet-metal workpieces. The material in the fоrm оf a metal strip is subjected tо plastic defоrmation by passing thrоugh the shaping tоol at a given angle α. Importantly, in this process the dimensions of the metal strip dо nоt change after the pass is cоmpleted. Subsequent DRECE passes allоw fоr increasing the effective strain in the tested material. The methоd has a significant effect оn the micrоstructure and mechanical prоperties оf the strip. The experimental tests have been conducted on the unconventional DRECE device in VŠB Ostrava, the Czech Republic. The DC03 steel strips have been processed in several passes - up to six. Then, both Erichsen cupping tests as well as static tensile tests have been performed to evaluate the effect of DRECE process on drawability, plastic anisotropy and mechanical properties of the investigated steel. Both yield strength and ultimate tensile strength increase significantly after consecutive passes. Drawability decreases slightly after the first and second pass. Then it stabilizes on a reasonably high level, which means that the steel is characterized by useful drawability for technological processes. It was investigated in the material is characterized by a normal anisotropy. In the microstructure, an intensification of the development of microshear bands and their mutual intersection is observed, which leads to the fragmentation of the grain into smaller volumes and, consequently, to the formation of an ultrafine grained structure. "The project was co-financed by the European Union within the programme "The European Funds for Śląsk (Silesia) 2021-2027".Keywords: SPD process, low carbon steel, mechanical properties, plastic deformation, microstructure evolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 2019556 Hybrid Materials on the Basis of Magnetite and Magnetite-Gold Nanoparticles for Biomedical Application
Authors: Mariia V. Efremova, Iana O. Tcareva, Anastasia D. Blokhina, Ivan S. Grebennikov, Anastasia S. Garanina, Maxim A. Abakumov, Yury I. Golovin, Alexander G. Savchenko, Alexander G. Majouga, Natalya L. Klyachko
During last decades magnetite nanoparticles (NPs) attract a deep interest of scientists due to their potential application in therapy and diagnostics. However, magnetite nanoparticles are toxic and non-stable in physiological conditions. To solve these problems, we decided to create two types of hybrid systems based on magnetite and gold which is inert and biocompatible: gold as a shell material (first type) and gold as separate NPs interfacially bond to magnetite NPs (second type). The synthesis of the first type hybrid nanoparticles was carried out as follows: Magnetite nanoparticles with an average diameter of 9±2 nm were obtained by co-precipitation of iron (II, III) chlorides then they were covered with gold shell by iterative reduction of hydrogen tetrachloroaurate with hydroxylamine hydrochloride. According to the TEM, ICP MS and EDX data, final nanoparticles had an average diameter of 31±4 nm and contained iron even after hydrochloric acid treatment. However, iron signals (K-line, 7,1 keV) were not localized so we can’t speak about one single magnetic core. Described nanoparticles covered with mercapto-PEG acid were non-toxic for human prostate cancer PC-3/ LNCaP cell lines (more than 90% survived cells as compared to control) and had high R2-relaxivity rates (>190 mМ-1s-1) that exceed the transverse relaxation rate of commercial MRI-contrasting agents. These nanoparticles were also used for chymotrypsin enzyme immobilization. The effect of alternating magnetic field on catalytic properties of chymotrypsin immobilized on magnetite nanoparticles, notably the slowdown of catalyzed reaction at the level of 35-40 % was found. The synthesis of the second type hybrid nanoparticles also involved two steps. Firstly, spherical gold nanoparticles with an average diameter of 9±2 nm were synthesized by the reduction of hydrogen tetrachloroaurate with oleylamine; secondly, they were used as seeds during magnetite synthesis by thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl in octadecene. As a result, so-called dumbbell-like structures were obtained where magnetite (cubes with 25±6 nm diagonal) and gold nanoparticles were connected together pairwise. By HRTEM method (first time for this type of structure) an epitaxial growth of magnetite nanoparticles on gold surface with co-orientation of (111) planes was discovered. These nanoparticles were transferred into water by means of block-copolymer Pluronic F127 then loaded with anti-cancer drug doxorubicin and also PSMA-vector specific for LNCaP cell line. Obtained nanoparticles were found to have moderate toxicity for human prostate cancer cells and got into the intracellular space after 45 minutes of incubation (according to fluorescence microscopy data). These materials are also perspective from MRI point of view (R2-relaxivity rates >70 mМ-1s-1). Thereby, in this work magnetite-gold hybrid nanoparticles, which have a strong potential for biomedical application, particularly in targeted drug delivery and magnetic resonance imaging, were synthesized and characterized. That paves the way to the development of special medicine types – theranostics. The authors knowledge financial support from Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (14.607.21.0132, RFMEFI60715X0132). This work was also supported by Grant of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation К1-2014-022, Grant of Russian Scientific Foundation 14-13-00731 and MSU development program 5.13.Keywords: drug delivery, magnetite-gold, MRI contrast agents, nanoparticles, toxicity
Procedia PDF Downloads 38219555 Synthesis of LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ Doped Co, Ni, Cr and Its Characterization as Lithium Battery Cathode
Authors: Dyah Purwaningsih, Roto Roto, Hari Sutrisno
Manganese dioxide (MnO₂) and its derivatives are among the most widely used materials for the positive electrode in both primary and rechargeable lithium batteries. The MnO₂ derivative compound of LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ (M: Co, Ni, Cr) is one of the leading candidates for positive electrode materials in lithium batteries as it is abundant, low cost and environmentally friendly. Over the years, synthesis of LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ (M: Co, Ni, Cr) has been carried out using various methods including sol-gel, gas condensation, spray pyrolysis, and ceramics. Problems with these various methods persist including high cost (so commercially inapplicable) and must be done at high temperature (environmentally unfriendly). This research aims to: (1) synthesize LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ (M: Co, Ni, Cr) by reflux technique; (2) develop microstructure analysis method from XRD Powder LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ data with the two-stage method; (3) study the electrical conductivity of LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄. This research developed the synthesis of LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ (M: Co, Ni, Cr) with reflux. The materials consisting of Mn(CH₃COOH)₂. 4H₂O and Na₂S₂O₈ were refluxed for 10 hours at 120°C to form β-MnO₂. The doping of Co, Ni and Cr were carried out using solid-state method with LiOH to form LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄. The instruments used included XRD, SEM-EDX, XPS, TEM, SAA, TG/DTA, FTIR, LCR meter and eight-channel battery analyzer. Microstructure analysis of LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ was carried out on XRD powder data by two-stage method using FullProf program integrated into WinPlotR and Oscail Program as well as on binding energy data from XPS. The morphology of LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ was studied with SEM-EDX, TEM, and SAA. The thermal stability test was performed with TG/DTA, the electrical conductivity was studied from the LCR meter data. The specific capacity of LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ as lithium battery cathode was tested using an eight-channel battery analyzer. The results showed that the synthesis of LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ (M: Co, Ni, Cr) was successfully carried out by reflux. The optimal temperature of calcination is 750°C. XRD characterization shows that LiMn₂O₄ has a cubic crystal structure with Fd3m space group. By using the CheckCell in the WinPlotr, the increase of Li/Mn mole ratio does not result in changes in the LiMn₂O₄ crystal structure. The doping of Co, Ni and Cr on LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ (x = 0.02; 0.04; 0; 0.6; 0.08; 0.10) does not change the cubic crystal structure of Fd3m. All the formed crystals are polycrystals with the size of 100-450 nm. Characterization of LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ (M: Co, Ni, Cr) microstructure by two-stage method shows the shrinkage of lattice parameter and cell volume. Based on its range of capacitance, the conductivity obtained at LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄ (M: Co, Ni, Cr) is an ionic conductivity with varying capacitance. The specific battery capacity at a voltage of 4799.7 mV for LiMn₂O₄; Li₁.₀₈Mn₁.₉₂O₄; LiCo₀.₁Mn₁.₉O₄; LiNi₀.₁Mn₁.₉O₄ and LiCr₀.₁Mn₁.₉O₄ are 88.62 mAh/g; 2.73 mAh/g; 89.39 mAh/g; 85.15 mAh/g; and 1.48 mAh/g respectively.Keywords: LiMₓMn₂₋ₓO₄, solid-state, reflux, two-stage method, ionic conductivity, specific capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 19519554 Computational Analysis of Adaptable Winglets for Improved Morphing Aircraft Performance
Authors: Erdogan Kaygan, Alvin Gatto
An investigation of adaptable winglets for enhancing morphing aircraft performance is described in this paper. The concepts investigated consist of various winglet configurations fundamentally centered on a baseline swept wing. The impetus for the work was to identify and optimize winglets to enhance the aerodynamic efficiency of a morphing aircraft. All computations were performed with Athena Vortex Lattice modelling with varying degrees of twist and cant angle considered. The results from this work indicate that if adaptable winglets were employed on aircraft’s improvements in aircraft performance could be achieved.Keywords: aircraft, drag, twist, winglet
Procedia PDF Downloads 58519553 Book Exchange System with a Hybrid Recommendation Engine
Authors: Nilki Upathissa, Torin Wirasinghe
This solution addresses the challenges faced by traditional bookstores and the limitations of digital media, striking a balance between the tactile experience of printed books and the convenience of modern technology. The book exchange system offers a sustainable alternative, empowering users to access a diverse range of books while promoting community engagement. The user-friendly interfaces incorporated into the book exchange system ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for users. Intuitive features for book management, search, and messaging facilitate effortless exchanges and interactions between users. By streamlining the process, the system encourages readers to explore new books aligned with their interests, enhancing the overall reading experience. Central to the system's success is the hybrid recommendation engine, which leverages advanced technologies such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models. By analyzing user input, the engine accurately predicts genre preferences, enabling personalized book recommendations. The hybrid approach integrates multiple technologies, including user interfaces, machine learning models, and recommendation algorithms, to ensure the accuracy and diversity of the recommendations. The evaluation of the book exchange system with the hybrid recommendation engine demonstrated exceptional performance across key metrics. The high accuracy score of 0.97 highlights the system's ability to provide relevant recommendations, enhancing users' chances of discovering books that resonate with their interests. The commendable precision, recall, and F1score scores further validate the system's efficacy in offering appropriate book suggestions. Additionally, the curve classifications substantiate the system's effectiveness in distinguishing positive and negative recommendations. This metric provides confidence in the system's ability to navigate the vast landscape of book choices and deliver recommendations that align with users' preferences. Furthermore, the implementation of this book exchange system with a hybrid recommendation engine has the potential to revolutionize the way readers interact with printed books. By facilitating book exchanges and providing personalized recommendations, the system encourages a sense of community and exploration within the reading community. Moreover, the emphasis on sustainability aligns with the growing global consciousness towards eco-friendly practices. With its robust technical approach and promising evaluation results, this solution paves the way for a more inclusive, accessible, and enjoyable reading experience for book lovers worldwide. In conclusion, the developed book exchange system with a hybrid recommendation engine represents a progressive solution to the challenges faced by traditional bookstores and the limitations of digital media. By promoting sustainability, widening access to printed books, and fostering engagement with reading, this system addresses the evolving needs of book enthusiasts. The integration of user-friendly interfaces, advanced machine learning models, and recommendation algorithms ensure accurate and diverse book recommendations, enriching the reading experience for users.Keywords: recommendation systems, hybrid recommendation systems, machine learning, data science, long short-term memory, recurrent neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 9619552 Investigation of Solar Concentrator Prototypes under Tunisian Conditions
Authors: Moncef Balghouthi, Mahmoud Ben Amara, Abdessalem Ben Hadj Ali, Amenallah Guizani
Concentrated solar power technology constitutes an interesting option to meet a part of future energy demand, especially when considering the high levels of solar radiation and clearness index that are available particularly in Tunisia. In this work, we present three experimental prototypes of solar concentrators installed in the research center of energy CRTEn in Tunisia. Two are medium temperature parabolic trough solar collector used to drive a cooling installation and for steam generation. The third is a parabolic dish concentrator used for hybrid generation of thermal and electric power. Optical and thermal evaluations were presented. Solutions and possibilities to construct locally the mirrors of the concentrator were discussed. In addition, the enhancement of the performances of the receivers by nano selective absorption coatings was studied. The improvement of heat transfer between the receiver and the heat transfer fluid was discussed for each application.Keywords: solar concentrators, optical and thermal evaluations, cooling and process heat, hybrid thermal and electric generation
Procedia PDF Downloads 25519551 Passive Vibration Isolation Analysis and Optimization for Mechanical Systems
Authors: Ozan Yavuz Baytemir, Ender Cigeroglu, Gokhan Osman Ozgen
Vibration is an important issue in the design of various components of aerospace, marine and vehicular applications. In order not to lose the components’ function and operational performance, vibration isolation design involving the optimum isolator properties selection and isolator positioning processes appear to be a critical study. Knowing the growing need for the vibration isolation system design, this paper aims to present two types of software capable of implementing modal analysis, response analysis for both random and harmonic types of excitations, static deflection analysis, Monte Carlo simulations in addition to study of parameter and location optimization for different types of isolation problem scenarios. Investigating the literature, there is no such study developing a software-based tool that is capable of implementing all those analysis, simulation and optimization studies in one platform simultaneously. In this paper, the theoretical system model is generated for a 6-DOF rigid body. The vibration isolation system of any mechanical structure is able to be optimized using hybrid method involving both global search and gradient-based methods. Defining the optimization design variables, different types of optimization scenarios are listed in detail. Being aware of the need for a user friendly vibration isolation problem solver, two types of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are prepared and verified using a commercial finite element analysis program, Ansys Workbench 14.0. Using the analysis and optimization capabilities of those GUIs, a real application used in an air-platform is also presented as a case study at the end of the paper.Keywords: hybrid optimization, Monte Carlo simulation, multi-degree-of-freedom system, parameter optimization, location optimization, passive vibration isolation analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 56519550 Theoretical Method for Full Ab-Initio Calculation of Rhenium Carbide Compound
First principles calculations are carried out to investigate the structural, electronic, and elastic properties of the utraincompressible materials, namely, noble metal carbide of Rhenium carbide (ReC) in four phases, the rocksalt (NaCl-B1), zinc blende (ZB-B2), the tungsten carbide(Bh) (WC), and the nickel arsenide (NiAs-B8).The ground state properties such as the equilibrium lattice constant, elastic constants, the bulk modulus its pressure derivate, and the hardness of ReC in these phases are systematically predicted by calculations from first–principles. The corresponding calculated bulk modulus is comparable with that of diamond, especially for the B8 –type rhenium carbide (ReC), the incompressibility along the c axis is demonstrated to exceed the linear incompressibility of diamond. Our calculations confirm in the nickel arsenide (B8) structure the ReC is found to be stable with a large bulk modulus B=440 GPa and the tungsten carbide (WC) structure becomes the most more favourable with to respect B3 and B1 structures, which ReC- WC is meta-stable. Furthermore, the highest bulk modulus values in the zinc blende (B3), rock salt (B1), tungsten carbide (WC), and the nickel arsenide (B8) structures (294GPa, 401GPa, 415GPa and 447 GPa, respectively) indicates that ReC is a hard material, and is superhard compound H(B8)= 36 GPa compared with the H(diamond)=96 GPa and H(c BN)=63.10 GPa.Keywords: DFT, FP-LMTO, mechanical properties, elasticity, high pressure, thermodynamic properties, hard material
Procedia PDF Downloads 44219549 A Study on the Synthesis and Antioxidant Activity of Hybrid Pyrazoline Integrated with Pyrazole and Thiazole Nuclei
Authors: Desta Gebretekle Shiferaw, Balakrishna Kalluraya
Pyrazole is an aromatic five-membered heterocycle with two nitrogen and three carbon atoms in its ring structure. According to the literature, pyrazoline, pyrazole, and thiazole-containing moieties are found in various drug structures and are responsible for nearly all pharmacological effects. The pyrazoline linked to pyrazole moiety carbothioamides was synthesized via the reaction of pyrazole-bearing chalcones (3-(5-chloro-3-methyl-¹-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-¹-(substituted aryl) prop-2-ene-¹-one derivatives) with a nucleophile thiosemicarbohyrazide by heating in ethanol using fused sodium acetate as a catalyst. Then the carbothioamide derivatives were converted into the pyrazoline hybrid to pyrazole and thiazole derivatives by condensing with substituted phenacyl bromide in alcohol in a basic medium. Next, the chemical structure of the newly synthesized molecules was confirmed by IR, 1H-NMR, and mass spectral data. Further, they were screened for their in vitro antioxidant activity. Compared to butylated hydroxy anisole (BHA)., the antioxidant data showed that the synthesized compounds had good to moderate activity.Keywords: pyrazoline-pyrazole carbothioamide derivatives, pyrazoline-pyrazole-thiazole derivatives, spectral studies, antioxidant activity
Procedia PDF Downloads 7419548 Four-Electron Auger Process for Hollow Ions
Authors: Shahin A. Abdel-Naby, James P. Colgan, Michael S. Pindzola
A time-dependent close-coupling method is developed to calculate a total, double and triple autoionization rates for hollow atomic ions of four-electron systems. This work was motivated by recent observations of the four-electron Auger process in near K-edge photoionization of C+ ions. The time-dependent close-coupled equations are solved using lattice techniques to obtain a discrete representation of radial wave functions and all operators on a four-dimensional grid with uniform spacing. Initial excited states are obtained by relaxation of the Schrodinger equation in imaginary time using a Schmidt orthogonalization method involving interior subshells. The radial wave function grids are partitioned over the cores on a massively parallel computer, which is essential due to the large memory requirements needed to store the coupled-wave functions and the long run times needed to reach the convergence of the ionization process. Total, double, and triple autoionization rates are obtained by the propagation of the time-dependent close-coupled equations in real-time using integration over bound and continuum single-particle states. These states are generated by matrix diagonalization of one-electron Hamiltonians. The total autoionization rates for each L excited state is found to be slightly above the single autoionization rate for the excited configuration using configuration-average distorted-wave theory. As expected, we find the double and triple autoionization rates to be much smaller than the total autoionization rates. Future work can be extended to study electron-impact triple ionization of atoms or ions. The work was supported in part by grants from the American University of Sharjah and the US Department of Energy. Computational work was carried out at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) in Berkeley, California, USA.Keywords: hollow atoms, autoionization, auger rates, time-dependent close-coupling method
Procedia PDF Downloads 15419547 An Investigation on Interface Shear Resistance of Twinwall Units for Tank Structures
Authors: Jaylina Rana, Chanakya Arya, John Stehle
Hybrid precast twinwall concrete units, mainly used in basement, core and crosswall construction, are now being adopted in water retaining tank structures. Their use offers many advantages compared with conventional in-situ concrete alternatives, however, the design could be optimised further via a deeper understanding of the unique load transfer mechanisms in the system. In the tank application, twinwall units, which consist of two precast concrete biscuits connected by steel lattices and in-situ concrete core, are subject to bending. Uncertainties about the degree of composite action between the precast biscuits and hence flexural performance of the units necessitated laboratory tests to investigate the interface shear resistance. Testing was also required to assess both the leakage performance and buildability of a variety of joint details. This paper describes some aspects of this novel approach to the design/construction of tank structures as well as selected results from some of the tests that were carried out.Keywords: hybrid construction, twinwall, precast construction, composite action
Procedia PDF Downloads 48419546 Comparison of Methods for Detecting and Quantifying Amplitude Modulation of Wind Farm Noise
Authors: Phuc D. Nguyen, Kristy L. Hansen, Branko Zajamsek
The existence of special characteristics of wind farm noise such as amplitude modulation (AM) contributes significantly to annoyance, which could ultimately result in sleep disturbance and other adverse health effects for residents living near wind farms. In order to detect and quantify this phenomenon, several methods have been developed which can be separated into three types: time-domain, frequency-domain and hybrid methods. However, due to a lack of systematic validation of these methods, it is still difficult to select the best method for identifying AM. Furthermore, previous comparisons between AM methods have been predominantly qualitative or based on synthesised signals, which are not representative of the actual noise. In this study, a comparison between methods for detecting and quantifying AM has been carried out. The results are based on analysis of real noise data which were measured at a wind farm in South Australia. In order to evaluate the performance of these methods in terms of detecting AM, an approach has been developed to select the most successful method of AM detection. This approach uses a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve which is based on detection of AM in audio files by experts.Keywords: amplitude modulation, wind farm noise, ROC curve
Procedia PDF Downloads 14519545 A Hybrid Pareto-Based Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Multi-Objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems
Authors: Aydin Teymourifar, Gurkan Ozturk
In this paper, a new hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed for the multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling problem that is very important and hard combinatorial problem. The Pareto approach is used for solving the multi-objective problem. Several new local search heuristics are integrated into an algorithm based on the critical block concept to enhance the performance of the algorithm. The algorithm is compared with the recently published multi-objective algorithms based on benchmarks selected from the literature. Several metrics are used for quantifying performance and comparison of the achieved solutions. The algorithms are also compared based on the Weighting summation of objectives approach. The proposed algorithm can find the Pareto solutions more efficiently than the compared algorithms in less computational time.Keywords: swarm-based optimization, local search, Pareto optimality, flexible job shop scheduling, multi-objective optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 37019544 Optimization of Agricultural Water Demand Using a Hybrid Model of Dynamic Programming and Neural Networks: A Case Study of Algeria
Authors: M. Boudjerda, B. Touaibia, M. K. Mihoubi
In Algeria agricultural irrigation is the primary water consuming sector followed by the domestic and industrial sectors. Economic development in the last decade has weighed heavily on water resources which are relatively limited and gradually decreasing to the detriment of agriculture. The research presented in this paper focuses on the optimization of irrigation water demand. Dynamic Programming-Neural Network (DPNN) method is applied to investigate reservoir optimization. The optimal operation rule is formulated to minimize the gap between water release and water irrigation demand. As a case study, Foum El-Gherza dam’s reservoir system in south of Algeria has been selected to examine our proposed optimization model. The application of DPNN method allowed increasing the satisfaction rate (SR) from 12.32% to 55%. In addition, the operation rule generated showed more reliable and resilience operation for the examined case study.Keywords: water management, agricultural demand, dam and reservoir operation, Foum el-Gherza dam, dynamic programming, artificial neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 11619543 Transmission Line Congestion Management Using Hybrid Fish-Bee Algorithm with Unified Power Flow Controller
Authors: P. Valsalal, S. Thangalakshmi
There is a widespread changeover in the electrical power industry universally from old-style monopolistic outline towards a horizontally distributed competitive structure to come across the demand of rising consumption. When the transmission lines of derestricted system are incapable to oblige the entire service needs, the lines are overloaded or congested. The governor between customer and power producer is nominated as Independent System Operator (ISO) to lessen the congestion without obstructing transmission line restrictions. Among the existing approaches for congestion management, the frequently used approaches are reorganizing the generation and load curbing. There is a boundary for reorganizing the generators, and further loads may not be supplemented with the prevailing resources unless more private power producers are added in the system by considerably raising the cost. Hence, congestion is relaxed by appropriate Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices which boost the existing transfer capacity of transmission lines. The FACTs device, namely, Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is preferred, and the correct placement of UPFC is more vital and should be positioned in the highly congested line. Hence, the weak line is identified by using power flow performance index with the new objective function with proposed hybrid Fish – Bee algorithm. Further, the location of UPFC at appropriate line reduces the branch loading and minimizes the voltage deviation. The power transfer capacity of lines is determined with and without UPFC in the identified congested line of IEEE 30 bus structure and the simulated results are compared with prevailing algorithms. It is observed that the transfer capacity of existing line is increased with the presented algorithm and thus alleviating the congestion.Keywords: available line transfer capability, congestion management, FACTS device, Hybrid Fish-Bee Algorithm, ISO, UPFC
Procedia PDF Downloads 38419542 Introduction to Techno-Sectoral Innovation System Modeling and Functions Formulating
Authors: S. M. Azad, H. Ghodsi Pour, F. Roshannafasa
In recent years ‘technology management and policymaking’ is one of the most important problems in management science. In this field, different generations of innovation and technology management are presented which the earliest one is Innovation System (IS) approach. In a general classification, innovation systems are divided in to 4 approaches: Technical, sectoral, regional, and national. There are many researches in relation to each of these approaches in different academic fields. Every approach has some benefits. If two or more approaches hybrid, their benefits would be combined. In addition, according to the sectoral structure of the governance model in Iran, in many sectors such as information technology, the combination of three other approaches with sectoral approach is essential. Hence, in this paper, combining two IS approaches (technical and sectoral) and using system dynamics, a generic model is presented for a sample of software industry. As a complimentary point, this article is introducing a new hybrid approach called Techno-Sectoral Innovation System. This TSIS model is accomplished by Changing concepts of the ‘functions’ which came from Technological IS literature and using them into sectoral system as measurable indicators.Keywords: innovation system, technology, techno-sectoral system, functional indicators, system dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 44019541 Development and Characterization of Acoustic Energy Harvesters for Low Power Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Waheed Gul, Muhammad Zeeshan, Ahmad Raza Khan, Muhammad Khurram
Wireless Sensor Nodes (WSNs) have developed significantly over the years and have significant potential in diverse applications in the fields of science and technology. The inadequate energy accompanying WSNs is a key constraint of WSN skills. To overcome this main restraint, the development and expansion of effective and reliable energy harvesting systems for WSN atmospheres are being discovered. In this research, low-power acoustic energy harvesters are designed and developed by applying different techniques of energy transduction from the sound available in the surroundings. Three acoustic energy harvesters were developed based on the piezoelectric phenomenon, electromagnetic transduction, and hybrid, respectively. The CAD modelling, lumped modelling and Finite Element Analysis of the harvesters were carried out. The voltages were obtained using FEA for each Acoustic Harvester. Characterization of all three harvesters was carried out and the power generated by the piezoelectric harvester, electromagnetic harvester and Hybrid Acoustic Energy harvester are 2.25x10-9W, 0.0533W and 0.0232W, respectively.Keywords: energy harvesting, WSNs, piezoelectric, electromagnetic, power
Procedia PDF Downloads 7119540 Design of a Graphical User Interface for Data Preprocessing and Image Segmentation Process in 2D MRI Images
Authors: Enver Kucukkulahli, Pakize Erdogmus, Kemal Polat
The 2D image segmentation is a significant process in finding a suitable region in medical images such as MRI, PET, CT etc. In this study, we have focused on 2D MRI images for image segmentation process. We have designed a GUI (graphical user interface) written in MATLABTM for 2D MRI images. In this program, there are two different interfaces including data pre-processing and image clustering or segmentation. In the data pre-processing section, there are median filter, average filter, unsharp mask filter, Wiener filter, and custom filter (a filter that is designed by user in MATLAB). As for the image clustering, there are seven different image segmentations for 2D MR images. These image segmentation algorithms are as follows: PSO (particle swarm optimization), GA (genetic algorithm), Lloyds algorithm, k-means, the combination of Lloyds and k-means, mean shift clustering, and finally BBO (Biogeography Based Optimization). To find the suitable cluster number in 2D MRI, we have designed the histogram based cluster estimation method and then applied to these numbers to image segmentation algorithms to cluster an image automatically. Also, we have selected the best hybrid method for each 2D MR images thanks to this GUI software.Keywords: image segmentation, clustering, GUI, 2D MRI
Procedia PDF Downloads 37719539 A Review on the Potential of Electric Vehicles in Reducing World CO2 Footprints
Authors: S. Alotaibi, S. Omer, Y. Su
The conventional Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) based vehicles are a threat to the environment as they account for a large proportion of the overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the world. Hence, it is required to replace these vehicles with more environment-friendly vehicles. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are promising technologies which offer both human comfort “noise, pollution” as well as reduced (or no) emissions of GHGs. In this paper, different types of EVs are reviewed and their advantages and disadvantages are identified. It is found that in terms of fuel economy, Plug-in Hybrid EVs (PHEVs) have the best fuel economy, followed by Hybrid EVs (HEVs) and ICE vehicles. Since Battery EVs (BEVs) do not use any fuel, their fuel economy is estimated as price per kilometer. Similarly, in terms of GHG emissions, BEVs are the most environmentally friendly since they do not result in any emissions while HEVs and PHEVs produce less emissions compared to the conventional ICE based vehicles. Fuel Cell EVs (FCEVs) are also zero-emission vehicles, but they have large costs associated with them. Finally, if the electricity is provided by using the renewable energy technologies through grid connection, then BEVs could be considered as zero emission vehicles.Keywords: electric vehicles, zero emission car, fuel economy, CO₂ footprint
Procedia PDF Downloads 15019538 On the Solution of Fractional-Order Dynamical Systems Endowed with Block Hybrid Methods
Authors: Kizito Ugochukwu Nwajeri
This paper presents a distinct approach to solving fractional dynamical systems using hybrid block methods (HBMs). Fractional calculus extends the concept of derivatives and integrals to non-integer orders and finds increasing application in fields such as physics, engineering, and finance. However, traditional numerical techniques often struggle to accurately capture the complex behaviors exhibited by these systems. To address this challenge, we develop HBMs that integrate single-step and multi-step methods, enabling the simultaneous computation of multiple solution points while maintaining high accuracy. Our approach employs polynomial interpolation and collocation techniques to derive a system of equations that effectively models the dynamics of fractional systems. We also directly incorporate boundary and initial conditions into the formulation, enhancing the stability and convergence properties of the numerical solution. An adaptive step-size mechanism is introduced to optimize performance based on the local behavior of the solution. Extensive numerical simulations are conducted to evaluate the proposed methods, demonstrating significant improvements in accuracy and efficiency compared to traditional numerical approaches. The results indicate that our hybrid block methods are robust and versatile, making them suitable for a wide range of applications involving fractional dynamical systems. This work contributes to the existing literature by providing an effective numerical framework for analyzing complex behaviors in fractional systems, thereby opening new avenues for research and practical implementation across various disciplines.Keywords: fractional calculus, numerical simulation, stability and convergence, Adaptive step-size mechanism, collocation methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 4819537 Determination of the Structural Parameters of Calcium Phosphate for Biomedical Use
Authors: María Magdalena Méndez-González, Miguel García Rocha, Carlos Manuel Yermo De la Cruz
Calcium phosphate (Ca5(PO4)3(X)) is widely used in orthopedic applications and is widely used as powder and granules. However, their presence in bone is in the form of nanometric needles 60 nm in length with a non-stoichiometric phase of apatite contains CO3-2, Na+, OH-, F-, and other ions in a matrix of collagen fibers. The crystal size, morphology control and interaction with cells are essential for the development of nanotechnology. The structural results of calcium phosphate, synthesized by chemical precipitation with crystal size of 22.85 nm are presented in this paper. The calcium phosphate powders were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), infrared spectroscopy and FT-IR transmission electron microscopy. Network parameters, atomic positions, the indexing of the planes and the calculation of FWHM (full width at half maximum) were obtained. The crystal size was also calculated using the Scherer equation d (hkl) = cλ/βcosѲ. Where c is a constant related to the shape of the crystal, the wavelength of the radiation used for a copper anode is 1.54060Å, Ѳ is the Bragg diffraction angle, and β is the width average peak height of greater intensity. Diffraction pattern corresponding to the calcium phosphate called hydroxyapatite phase of a hexagonal crystal system was obtained. It belongs to the space group P63m with lattice parameters a = 9.4394 Å and c = 6.8861 Å. The most intense peak is obtained 2Ѳ = 31.55 (FWHM = 0.4798), with a preferred orientation in 121. The intensity difference between the experimental data and the calculated values is attributable to the temperature at which the sintering was performed. The intensity of the highest peak is at angle 2Ѳ = 32.11. The structure of calcium phosphate obtained was a hexagonal configuration. The intensity changes in the peaks of the diffraction pattern, in the lattice parameters at the corners, indicating the possible presence of a dopant. That each calcium atom is surrounded by a tetrahedron of oxygen and hydrogen was observed by infrared spectra. The unit cell pattern corresponds to hydroxyapatite and transmission electron microscopic crystal morphology corresponding to the hexagonal phase with a preferential growth along the c-plane was obtained.Keywords: structure, nanoparticles, calcium phosphate, metallurgical and materials engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 50619536 Garnet-based Bilayer Hybrid Solid Electrolyte for High-Voltage Cathode Material Modified with Composite Interface Enabler on Lithium-Metal Batteries
Authors: Kumlachew Zelalem Walle, Chun-Chen Yang
Solid-state lithium metal batteries (SSLMBs) are considered promising candidates for next-generation energy storage devices due to their superior energy density and excellent safety. However, recent findings have shown that the formation of lithium (Li) dendrites in SSLMBs still exhibits a terrible growth ability, which makes the development of SSLMBs have to face the challenges posed by the Li dendrite problem. In this work, an inorganic/organic mixture coating material (g-C3N4/ZIF-8/PVDF) was used to modify the surface of lithium metal anode (LMA). Then the modified LMA (denoted as g-C₃N₄@Li) was assembled with lithium nafion (LiNf) coated commercial NCM811 (LiNf@NCM811) using a bilayer hybrid solid electrolyte (Bi-HSE) that incorporated 20 wt.% (vs. polymer) LiNf coated Li6.05Ga0.25La3Zr2O11.8F0.2 ([email protected]) filler faced to the positive electrode and the other layer with 80 wt.% (vs. polymer) filler content faced to the g-C₃N₄@Li. The garnet-type Li6.05Ga0.25La3Zr2O11.8F0.2 (LG0.25LZOF) solid electrolyte was prepared via co-precipitation reaction process from Taylor flow reactor and modified using lithium nafion (LiNf), a Li-ion conducting polymer. The Bi-HSE exhibited high ionic conductivity of 6.8 10–4 S cm–1 at room temperature, and a wide electrochemical window (0–5.0 V vs. Li/Li+). The coin cell was charged between 2.8 to 4.5 V at 0.2C and delivered an initial specific discharge capacity of 194.3 mAh g–1 and after 100 cycles it maintained 81.8% of its initial capacity at room temperature. The presence of a nano-sheet g-C3N4/ZIF-8/PVDF as a composite coating material on the LMA surface suppress the dendrite growth and enhance the compatibility as well as the interfacial contact between anode/electrolyte membrane. The g-C3N4@Li symmetrical cells incorporating this hybrid electrolyte possessed excellent interfacial stability over 1000 h at 0.1 mA cm–2 and a high critical current density (1 mA cm–2). Moreover, the in-situ formation of Li3N on the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer as depicted from the XPS result also improves the ionic conductivity and interface contact during the charge/discharge process. Therefore, these novel multi-layered fabrication strategies of hybrid/composite solid electrolyte membranes and modification of the LMA surface using mixed coating materials have potential applications in the preparation of highly safe high-voltage cathodes for SSLMBs.Keywords: high-voltage cathodes, hybrid solid electrolytes, garnet, graphitic-carbon nitride (g-C3N4), ZIF-8 MOF
Procedia PDF Downloads 6919535 Evaluation of a Hybrid Configuration for Active Space Radiation Bio-Shielding
Authors: Jiahui Song, Ravindra P. Joshi
One of the biggest obstacles to human space exploration of the solar system is the risk posed by prolonged exposure to space radiation. It is generally agreed that particles with energies around 1-2 GeV per nucleon are the most damaging to humans. Passive shielding techniques entail using solid material to create a shield that prevents particles from penetrating a given region by absorbing the energy of incident particles. Previous techniques resulted in adding ‘dead mass’ to spacecraft, which is not an economically viable solution. Additionally, collisions of the incoming ionized particles with traditional passive protective material lead to secondary radiation. This study develops an enhanced hybrid active space radiation bio-shielding concept, a combination of the electrostatic and magnetostatic shielding, by varying the size of the magnetic ring, and by having multiple current-carrying rings, to mitigate the biohazards of severe space radiation for the success of deep-space explorations. The simulation results show an unprecedented reduction of 1GeV GCR (Galactic Cosmic Rays) proton transmission to about 15%.Keywords: bio-shielding, electrostatic, magnetostatic, radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 39519534 Excitation Dependent Luminescence in Cr³+ Doped MgAl₂O₄ Nanocrystals
Authors: Savita, Pargam Vashishtha, Govind Gupta, Ankush Vij, Anup Thakur
The ligand field dependent visible as well as NIR emission of the Cr³+dopant in spinel hosts has attracted immense attention in tuning the color emitted by the material. In this research, Mg1-xCrxAl₂O₄(x=0.5, 1, 3, 5, and 10 mol%) nanocrystals have been synthesizedby solution combustion method. The synthesized nanocrystals possessed a single phase cubic structure. The strong absorption by host lattice defects (antisite defects, F centres) andd-d transitions of Cr³+ ions lead to radiative emission in the visible and NIR region, respectively. The red-NIR emission in photoluminescence spectra inferred the octahedral symmetry of Cr³+ ions and anticipated the site distortion by the presence ofCr³+ clusters and antisite defects in the vicinity of Cr³+ ions. The thermoluminescence response of UV and γ-irradiated Cr doped MgAl2O4 samples revealed the formation of various shallow and deep defects with doping Cr³+ions. The induced structural cation disorder with an increase in doping concentration caused photoluminescence quenching beyond 3 mol% Cr³+ doping. The color tuning exhibited by Cr doped MgAl₂O₄ nanocrystals by varying Cr³+ ion concentration and excitation wavelength find its applicability in solid state lighting.Keywords: antisite defects, cation disorder, color tuning, combustion synthesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 18019533 Effects of Seed Culture and Attached Growth System on the Performance of Anammox Hybrid Reactor (AHR) Treating Nitrogenous Wastewater
Authors: Swati Tomar, Sunil Kumar Gupta
The start-up of anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation) process in hybrid reactor delineated four distinct phases i.e. cell lysis, lag phase, activity elevation and stationary phase. Cell lysis phase was marked by death and decay of heterotrophic denitrifiers resulting in breakdown of organic nitrogen into ammonium. Lag phase showed initiation of anammox activity with turnover of heterotrophic denitrifiers, which is evident from appearance of NO3-N in the effluent. In activity elevation phase, anammox became the dominant reaction, which can be attributed to consequent reduction of NH4-N into N2 with increased NO3-N in the effluent. Proper selection of mixed seed culture at influent NO2-/NH4+ ratio (1:1) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1 day led to early startup of anammox within 70 days. Pseudo steady state removal efficiencies of NH4+ and NO2- were found as 94.3% and 96.4% respectively, at nitrogen loading rate (NLR) of 0.35 kg N/m3d at an HRT of 1 day. Analysis of the data indicated that attached growth system contributes an additional 11% increase in the ammonium removal and results in an average of 29% reduction in sludge washout rate. Mass balance study of nitrogen indicated that 74.1% of total input nitrogen is converted into N2 gas followed by 11.2% being utilized in biomass development. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation of the granular sludge clearly showed the presence of cocci and rod shaped microorganisms intermingled on the external surface of the granules. The average size of anammox granules (1.2-1.5 mm) with an average settling velocity of 45.6 m/h indicated a high degree of granulation resulting into formation of well compacted granules in the anammox process.Keywords: anammox, hybrid reactor, startup, granulation, nitrogen removal, mixed seed culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 18619532 Simulation of 1D Dielectric Barrier Discharge in Argon Mixtures
Authors: Lucas Wilman Crispim, Patrícia Hallack, Maikel Ballester
This work aims at modeling electric discharges in gas mixtures. The mathematical model mimics the ignition process in a commercial spark-plug when a high voltage is applied to the plug terminals. A longitudinal unidimensional Cartesian domain is chosen for the simulation region. Energy and mass transfer are considered for a macroscopic fluid representation, while energy transfer in molecular collisions and chemical reactions are contemplated at microscopic level. The macroscopic model is represented by a set of uncoupled partial differential equations. Microscopic effects are studied within a discrete model for electronic and molecular collisions in the frame of ZDPlasKin, a plasma modeling numerical tool. The BOLSIG+ solver is employed in solving the electronic Boltzmann equation. An operator splitting technique is used to separate microscopic and macroscopic models. The simulation gas is a mixture of atomic Argon neutral, excited and ionized. Spatial and temporal evolution of such species and temperature are presented and discussed.Keywords: CFD, electronic discharge, ignition, spark plug
Procedia PDF Downloads 16219531 Presentation of a Mix Algorithm for Estimating the Battery State of Charge Using Kalman Filter and Neural Networks
Authors: Amin Sedighfar, M. R. Moniri
Determination of state of charge (SOC) in today’s world becomes an increasingly important issue in all the applications that include a battery. In fact, estimation of the SOC is a fundamental need for the battery, which is the most important energy storage in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), smart grid systems, drones, UPS and so on. Regarding those applications, the SOC estimation algorithm is expected to be precise and easy to implement. This paper presents an online method for the estimation of the SOC of Valve-Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries. The proposed method uses the well-known Kalman Filter (KF), and Neural Networks (NNs) and all of the simulations have been done with MATLAB software. The NN is trained offline using the data collected from the battery discharging process. A generic cell model is used, and the underlying dynamic behavior of the model has used two capacitors (bulk and surface) and three resistors (terminal, surface, and end), where the SOC determined from the voltage represents the bulk capacitor. The aim of this work is to compare the performance of conventional integration-based SOC estimation methods with a mixed algorithm. Moreover, by containing the effect of temperature, the final result becomes more accurate.Keywords: Kalman filter, neural networks, state-of-charge, VRLA battery
Procedia PDF Downloads 19319530 A Hybrid Multi-Pole Fe₇₈Si₁₃B₉+FeSi₃ Soft Magnetic Core for Application in the Stators of the Low-Power Permanent Magnet Brushless Direct Current Motors
Authors: P. Zackiewicz, M. Hreczka, R. Kolano, A. Kolano-Burian
New types of materials applied as the stators in the Permanent Magnet Brushless Direct Current motors used in the heart supporting pumps are presented. The main focus of this work is the research on the fabrication of a hybrid nine-pole soft magnetic core consisting of a soft magnetic carrier ring with rectangular notches, made from the FeSi3 strip, and nine soft magnetic poles. This soft magnetic core is made in three stages: (a) preparation of the carrier rings from soft magnetic material with the lowest possible power losses and suitable stiffness, (b) preparation of trapezoidal soft magnetic poles from Metglas 2605 SA1 type ribbons, and (c) making durable connection between the poles and the carrier ring, capable of withstanding a four-times greater tearing force than that present during normal operation of the motor pump. All magnetic properties measurements were made using Remacomp C-1200 (Magnet Physik, Germany) and 450 Gaussometer (Lake Shore, USA) and the electrical characteristics were measured using laboratory generator DF1723009TC (NDN, Poland). Specific measurement techniques used to determine properties of the hybrid cores were presented. Obtained results allow developing the fabrication technology with an account of the intended application of these cores in the stators of the low-power PMBLDC motors used in implanted heart operation supporting pumps. The proposed measurement methodology is appropriate for assessing the quality of the stators.Keywords: amorphous materials, heart supporting pump, PMBLDC motor, soft magnetic materials
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