Search results for: lemma_pos (a token where lemma and pos of word are joined by underscore)
1092 Frequency of the English Phrasal Verbs Used by Iranian Learners as a Reference to the Style of Writing Adopted by the Learners
Authors: Hamzeh Mazaherylaghab, Mehrangiz Vahabian, Seyyedeh Zahra Asghari
The present study initially focused on the frequency of phrasal verbs used by Iranian learners of English. The results then needed to be compared to the findings from native speaker corpora. After the extraction of phrasal verbs from learner and native-speaker corpora the findings were analysed. The results showed that Iranian learners avoided using phrasal verbs in many cases. Some of the findings proved to be significant. It was also found that the learners used the single-word counterparts of the avoided phrasal verbs to compensate for their lack of knowledge in many cases. Semantic complexity and Lack of L1 counterpart may have been the main reasons for avoidance, but despite the avoidance phenomenon, the learners displayed a tendency to use many other phrasal verbs which may have been due to the increase in the number of multi-word verbs in Persian. The overall scores confirmed the fact that the language produced by the learners illustrates signs of more formal style in comparison with the native speakers of English by using less phrasal verbs and more formal single word verbs instead.Keywords: corpus, corpora, LOCNESS, phrasal verbs, single-word verb
Procedia PDF Downloads 2031091 Discovering Word-Class Deficits in Persons with Aphasia
Authors: Yashaswini Channabasavegowda, Hema Nagaraj
Aim: The current study aims at discovering word-class deficits concerning the noun-verb ratio in confrontation naming, picture description, and picture-word matching tasks. A total of ten persons with aphasia (PWA) and ten age-matched neurotypical individuals (NTI) were recruited for the study. The research includes both behavioural and objective measures to assess the word class deficits in PWA. Objective: The main objective of the research is to identify word class deficits seen in persons with aphasia, using various speech eliciting tasks. Method: The study was conducted in the L1 of the participants, considered to be Kannada. Action naming test and Boston naming test adapted to the Kannada version are administered to the participants; also, a picture description task is carried out. Picture-word matching task was carried out using e-prime software (version 2) to measure the accuracy and reaction time with respect to identification verbs and nouns. The stimulus was presented through auditory and visual modes. Data were analysed to identify errors noticed in the naming of nouns versus verbs, with respect to the Boston naming test and action naming test and also usage of nouns and verbs in the picture description task. Reaction time and accuracy for picture-word matching were extracted from the software. Results: PWA showed a significant difference in sentence structure compared to age-matched NTI. Also, PWA showed impairment in syntactic measures in the picture description task, with fewer correct grammatical sentences and fewer correct usage of verbs and nouns, and they produced a greater proportion of nouns compared to verbs. PWA had poorer accuracy and lesser reaction time in the picture-word matching task compared to NTI, and accuracy was higher for nouns compared to verbs in PWA. The deficits were noticed irrespective of the cause leading to aphasia.Keywords: nouns, verbs, aphasia, naming, description
Procedia PDF Downloads 1031090 The Patterns of Cross-Sentence: An Event-Related Potential Study of Mathematical Word Problem
Authors: Tien-Ching Yao, Ching-Ching Lu
Understanding human language processing is one of the main challenges of current cognitive neuroscience. The aims of the present study were to use a sentence decision task combined with event-related potentials to investigate the psychological reality of "cross-sentence patterns." Therefore, we take the math word problems the experimental materials and use the ERPs' P600 component to verify. In this study, the experimental material consisted of 200 math word problems with three different conditions were used ( multiplication word problems、division word problems type 1、division word problems type 2 ). Eighteen Mandarin native speakers participated in the ERPs study (14 of whom were female). The result of the grand average waveforms suggests a later posterior positivity at around 500ms - 900ms. These findings were tested statistically using repeated measures ANOVAs at the component caused by the stimulus type of different questions. Results suggest that three conditions present significant (P < 0.05) on the Mean Amplitude, Latency, and Peak Amplitude. The result showed the characteristic timing and posterior scalp distribution of a P600 effect. We interpreted these characteristic responses as the psychological reality of "cross-sentence patterns." These results provide insights into the sentence processing issues in linguistic theory and psycholinguistic models of language processing and advance our understanding of how people make sense of information during language comprehension.Keywords: language processing, sentence comprehension, event-related potentials, cross-sentence patterns
Procedia PDF Downloads 1501089 Secure Text Steganography for Microsoft Word Document
Authors: Khan Farhan Rafat, M. Junaid Hussain
Seamless modification of an entity for the purpose of hiding a message of significance inside its substance in a manner that the embedding remains oblivious to an observer is known as steganography. Together with today's pervasive registering frameworks, steganography has developed into a science that offers an assortment of strategies for stealth correspondence over the globe that must, however, need a critical appraisal from security breach standpoint. Microsoft Word is amongst the preferably used word processing software, which comes as a part of the Microsoft Office suite. With a user-friendly graphical interface, the richness of text editing, and formatting topographies, the documents produced through this software are also most suitable for stealth communication. This research aimed not only to epitomize the fundamental concepts of steganography but also to expound on the utilization of Microsoft Word document as a carrier for furtive message exchange. The exertion is to examine contemporary message hiding schemes from security aspect so as to present the explorative discoveries and suggest enhancements which may serve a wellspring of information to encourage such futuristic research endeavors.Keywords: hiding information in plain sight, stealth communication, oblivious information exchange, conceal, steganography
Procedia PDF Downloads 2431088 Pragmatic Development of Chinese Sentence Final Particles via Computer-Mediated Communication
Authors: Qiong Li
This study investigated in which condition computer-mediated communication (CMC) could promote pragmatic development. The focal feature included four Chinese sentence final particles (SFPs), a, ya, ba, and ne. They occur frequently in Chinese, and function as mitigators to soften the tone of speech. However, L2 acquisition of SFPs is difficult, suggesting the necessity of additional exposure to or explicit instruction on Chinese SFPs. This study follows this line and aims to explore two research questions: (1) Is CMC combined with data-driven instruction more effective than CMC alone in promoting L2 Chinese learners’ SFP use? (2) How does L2 Chinese learners’ SFP use change over time, as compared to the production of native Chinese speakers? The study involved 19 intermediate-level learners of Chinese enrolled at a private American university. They were randomly assigned to two groups: (1) the control group (N = 10), which was exposed to SFPs through CMC alone, (2) the treatment group (N = 9), which was exposed to SFPs via CMC and data-driven instruction. Learners interacted with native speakers on given topics through text-based CMC over Skype. Both groups went through six 30-minute CMC sessions on a weekly basis, with a one-week interval after the first two CMC sessions and a two-week interval after the second two CMC sessions (nine weeks in total). The treatment group additionally received a data-driven instruction after the first two sessions. Data analysis focused on three indices: token frequency, type frequency, and acceptability of SFP use. Token frequency was operationalized as the raw occurrence of SFPs per clause. Type frequency was the range of SFPs. Acceptability was rated by two native speakers using a rating rubric. The results showed that the treatment group made noticeable progress over time on the three indices. The production of SFPs approximated the native-like level. In contrast, the control group only slightly improved on token frequency. Only certain SFPs (a and ya) reached the native-like use. Potential explanations for the group differences were discussed in two aspects: the property of Chinese SFPs and the role of CMC and data-driven instruction. Though CMC provided the learners with opportunities to notice and observe SFP use, as a feature with low saliency, SFPs were not easily noticed in input. Data-driven instruction in the treatment group directed the learners’ attention to these particles, which facilitated the development.Keywords: computer-mediated communication, data-driven instruction, pragmatic development, second language Chinese, sentence final particles
Procedia PDF Downloads 4181087 Gender Agreement in Italian Compounds with Capo-
Authors: Irene Lami, Silvia Micheli, Jan Radimský, Joost van de Weijer
The present study examines gender agreement in Italian compounds with "capo-". Compounds containing "capo-" as the first element is highly productive in Italian and are attested from the earliest stages of the language, with "capo" indicating a prominent role in a group. This type of compound has become progressively more productive over time, establishing itself in the language to indicate human referents with a leadership role over someone or something belonging to both subordinate and coordinate compound categories. In light of the debates on the use of inclusive language, especially with regard to female professional titles in Italian, the gender agreement of the word "capo" is investigated, which in addition to social resistance, also encounters etymological resistance. Regarding the gender agreement of the word "capo-" as the first element of compounds, in addition to social and etymological resistances, morphological constraints must also be considered. In our experiment, 190 native informants were asked to match the gender of the given the word in a sentence, thinking of female referents. The results confirm a scalar hypothesis of gender agreement (i.e., titles traditionally attributed to women > titles traditionally attributed to men > the word "capo" in isolation > the word "capo-" as an element of subordinate compound > the word “capo-“ as an element of a coordinate compound). A significant interplay with number marking is also shown, as words are inflected in gender when the trait +plural is present. Moreover, the results show that, contrary to what is prescriptively established, speakers do inflect the word "capo" according to gender, in limited instances, even when this is found as a compound element, even though to a lesser extent than words that only have social hinders and not etymological or morphological ones. The results appear to show that, although a morphological obstacle is visible, sociolinguistic claims seem to be able to divert these obstacles. This study appears particularly suitable for replication tests over the next few decades, which, if society opens up further to claims of inclusiveness, could further corroborate this trend.Keywords: compounds, gender inflection, Italian, morphology
Procedia PDF Downloads 581086 A Structural Model to Examine Hotel Image and Overall Satisfaction on Future Behavior of Customers
Authors: Nimit Soonsan
Hotel image is a key business issue in today’s hotel market and has been increasingly been recognized as a valuable and inimitable source of competitive advantage by many hotel. The current study attempted to develop and test a relationship of hotel image, overall satisfaction, and future behavior. Based on the above concepts, this paper hypothesizes the correlations among four constructs, namely, hotel image and overall satisfaction as antecedents of future behavior that positive word-of-mouth and intention to revisit. This study surveyed for a sample of 244 international customers staying budget hotel in Phuket, Thailand and using a structural equation modeling identified relationship between hotel image, overall satisfaction and future behavior. The major finding of structural equation modeling indicates that hotel image directly affects overall satisfaction and indirectly affects future behavior that positive word-of-mouth and intention to revisit. In addition, overall satisfaction had significant influence on future behavior that positive word-of-mouth and intention to revisit, and the mediating role of overall satisfaction is also confirmed in this study. Managerial implications are provided, limitations noted, and future research directions suggested.Keywords: hotel image, satisfaction, word-of-mouth, revisit
Procedia PDF Downloads 2421085 A Modest Proposal for Deep-Sixing Propositions in the Philosophy of Language
Authors: Patrick Duffley
Hanks (2021) identifies three Frege-inspired commitments concerning propositions that are widely shared across the philosophy of language: (1) propositions are the primary, inherent bearers of representational properties and truth-conditions; (2) propositions are neutral representations possessing a ‘content’ that is devoid of ‘force; (3) propositions can be entertained or expressed without being asserted. Hanks then argues that the postulate of neutral content must be abandoned, and the primary bearers of truth-evaluable representation must be identified as the token acts of assertoric predication that people perform when they are thinking or speaking about the world. Propositions are ‘types of acts of predication, which derive their representational features from their tokens.’ Their role is that of ‘classificatory devices that we use for the purposes of identifying and individuating mental states and speech acts,’ so that ‘to say that Russell believes that Mont Blanc is over 4000 meters high is to classify Russell’s mental state under a certain type, and thereby distinguish that mental state from others that Russell might possess.’ It is argued in this paper that there is no need to classify an utterance of 'Russell believes that Mont Blanc is over 4000 meters high' as a token of some higher-order utterance-type in order to identify what Russell believes; the meanings of the words themselves and the syntactico-semantic relations between them are sufficient. In our view what Hanks has accomplished in effect is to build a convincing argument for dispensing with propositions completely in the philosophy of language. By divesting propositions of the role of being the primary bearers of representational properties and truth-conditions and fittingly transferring this role to the token acts of predication that people perform when they are thinking or speaking about the world, he has situated truth in its proper place and obviated any need for abstractions like propositions to explain how language can express things that are true. This leaves propositions with the extremely modest role of classifying mental states and speech acts for the purposes of identifying and individuating them. It is demonstrated here however that there is no need whatsoever to posit such abstract entities to explain how people identify and individuate such states/acts. We therefore make the modest proposal that the term ‘proposition’ be stricken from the vocabulary of philosophers of language.Keywords: propositions, truth-conditions, predication, Frege, truth-bearers
Procedia PDF Downloads 731084 A Neural Approach for the Offline Recognition of the Arabic Handwritten Words of the Algerian Departments
Authors: Salim Ouchtati, Jean Sequeira, Mouldi Bedda
In this work we present an off line system for the recognition of the Arabic handwritten words of the Algerian departments. The study is based mainly on the evaluation of neural network performances, trained with the gradient back propagation algorithm. The used parameters to form the input vector of the neural network are extracted on the binary images of the handwritten word by several methods: the parameters of distribution, the moments centered of the different projections and the Barr features. It should be noted that these methods are applied on segments gotten after the division of the binary image of the word in six segments. The classification is achieved by a multi layers perceptron. Detailed experiments are carried and satisfactory recognition results are reported.Keywords: handwritten word recognition, neural networks, image processing, pattern recognition, features extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 5141083 The Impact of the Lexical Quality Hypothesis and the Self-Teaching Hypothesis on Reading Ability
Authors: Anastasios Ntousas
The purpose of the following paper is to analyze the relationship between the lexical quality and the self-teaching hypothesis and their impact on the reading ability. The following questions emerged, is there a correlation between the effective reading experience that the lexical quality hypothesis proposes and the self-teaching hypothesis, would the ability to read by analogy facilitate and create stable, synchronized four-word representational, and would word morphological knowledge be a possible extension of the self-teaching hypothesis. The lexical quality hypothesis speculates that words include four representational attributes, phonology, orthography, morpho-syntax, and meaning. Those four-word representations work together to make word reading an effective task. A possible lack of knowledge in one of the representations might disrupt reading comprehension. The degree that the four-word features connect together makes high and low lexical word quality representations. When the four-word representational attributes connect together effectively, readers have a high lexical quality of words; however, when they hardly have a strong connection with each other, readers have a low lexical quality of words. Furthermore, the self-teaching hypothesis proposes that phonological recoding enables printed word learning. Phonological knowledge and reading experience facilitate the acquisition and consolidation of specific-word orthographies. The reading experience is related to strong reading comprehension. The more readers have contact with texts, the better readers they become. Therefore, their phonological knowledge, as the self-teaching hypothesis suggests, might have a facilitative impact on the consolidation of the orthographical, morphological-syntax and meaning representations of unknown words. The phonology of known words might activate effectively the rest of the representational features of words. Readers use their existing phonological knowledge of similarly spelt words to pronounce unknown words; a possible transference of this ability to read by analogy will appear with readers’ morphological knowledge. Morphemes might facilitate readers’ ability to pronounce and spell new unknown words in which they do not have lexical access. Readers will encounter unknown words with similarly phonemes and morphemes but with different meanings. Knowledge of phonology and morphology might support and increase reading comprehension. There was a careful selection, discussion of theoretical material and comparison of the two existing theories. Evidence shows that morphological knowledge improves reading ability and comprehension, so morphological knowledge might be a possible extension of the self-teaching hypothesis, the fundamental skill to read by analogy can be implemented to the consolidation of word – specific orthographies via readers’ morphological knowledge, and there is a positive correlation between effective reading experience and self-teaching hypothesis.Keywords: morphology, orthography, reading ability, reading comprehension
Procedia PDF Downloads 1291082 Compounding and Blending in English and Hausa Languages
Authors: Maryam Maimota
Words are the basic building blocks of a language. In everyday usage of a language, words are used and new words are formed and reformed in order to contain and accommodate all entities, phenomena, qualities and every aspect of the entire human life. This research study seeks to examine and compare some of the word formation processes and how they are used in forming new words in English and Hausa languages. The study focuses its main attention on blending and compounding as word formation processes and how the processes are used adequately in the formation of words in both English and Hausa languages. The research aims to find out, how compounding and blending are used, as processes of word formation in these two languages. And also, to investigate the word formation processes involved in compounding and blending in these languages, and the nature of words that are formed. Therefore, the research tries to find the answers to the following research questions; What types of compound and blended forms are found and how they are formed in the English and Hausa languages? How these compounded and blended forms functioned in both English and Hausa languages in different context such as in phrases and sentences structures? Findings of the study reveal that, there exist new kind of words formed in Hausa and English language under blending, which previous findings did not either reveal or explain in detail. Similarly, there are a lot of similarities found in the way these blends and compounds forms in the two languages, however, the data available shows that, blends in the Hausa language are more, when compared to the blends in English. The data of this study will be gathered based on discourse found in newspaper, articles, novels, and written literature of the Hausa and English languages.Keywords: blending, compounding, morphology, word formation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3831081 Differences in Word Choice between Male and Female Translators: Analyzing Persian Translations of “A Man Called Ove”
Authors: Roya Alipour
The present study concentrates on answering the question of whether there are unintentional differences between genders in the translation of emotive and non-emotive texts, resulting in female translators preferring more expressive words when translating emotive texts in comparison to their male counterparts. The works of four translators, two males and two females, who had translated Fredrik Backman’s novel: A Man Called Ove, from English into Persian were used as samples of the study. To answer the research question, qualitative method was used, and the data were collected by analyzing some words, phrases and sentences as the bases for analysis. It was concluded that although there were obvious differences in word choice in translations, no specific pattern was found that showed gender might affect translation of emotive and non-emotive texts.Keywords: translation, gender, word choice, translator, A Man Called Ove
Procedia PDF Downloads 821080 New Ways of Vocabulary Enlargement
Authors: S. Pesina, T. Solonchak
Lexical invariants, being a sort of stereotypes within the frames of ordinary consciousness, are created by the members of a language community as a result of uniform division of reality. The invariant meaning is formed in person’s mind gradually in the course of different actualizations of secondary meanings in various contexts. We understand lexical the invariant as abstract language essence containing a set of semantic components. In one of its configurations it is the basis or all or a number of the meanings making up the semantic structure of the word.Keywords: lexical invariant, invariant theories, polysemantic word, cognitive linguistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3221079 A Study Investigating Word Association Behaviour in People with Acquired Language and Communication Disorders
Authors: Angela Maria Fenu
The aim of this study was to better characterize the nature of word association responses in people with aphasia. The participants selected for the experimental group were 4 individuals with mild Broca’s aphasia. The control group consisted of 51 cognitively intact age- and gender-matched individuals. The participants were asked to perform a word association task in which they had to say the first word they thought of when hearing each cue. The cue words (n= 16) were the translation in Italian of the set of English cue words of a published study. The participants from the experimental group were administered the word association test every two weeks for a period of two months when they received speech-language therapy A combination of analytical approaches to measure the data was used. To analyse different patterns of word association responses in both groups, the nature of the relationship between the cue and the response was examined: responses were divided into five categories of association. To investigate the similarity between aphasic and non-aphasic subjects, the stereotypy of responses was examined.While certain stimulus words (nouns, adjectives) elicited responses from Broca’s aphasics that tended to resemble those made by non-aphasic subjects; others (adverbs, verbs) showed the tendency to elicit responses different from the ones given by normal subjects. This suggests that some mechanisms underlying certain types of associations are degraded in aphasics individuals, while others display little evidence of disruption. The high number of paradigmatic associations given in response to a noun or an adjective might imply that the mechanisms, largely semantic, underlying paradigmatic associations are relatively preserved in Broca’s aphasia, but it might also mean that some words are more easily processed depending on their grammatical class (nouns, adjectives). The most significant variation was noticed when the grammatical class of the cue word was an adverb. Unlike the normal individuals, the experimental subjects gave the most idiosyncratic associations, which are often produced when the attempt to give a paradigmatic response fails. In turn, the failure to retrieve paradigmatic responses when the cue is an adverb might suggest that Broca’s aphasics are more sensitive to this grammatical class.The findings from this study suggest that, from research on word associations in people with aphasia, important data can arise concerning the specific lexical retrieval impairments that characterize the different types of aphasia and the various treatments that might positively influence the kinds of word association responses affected by language disruption.Keywords: aphasia therapy, clinical linguistics, word-association behaviour, mental lexicon
Procedia PDF Downloads 901078 Perceiving Casual Speech: A Gating Experiment with French Listeners of L2 English
Authors: Naouel Zoghlami
Spoken-word recognition involves the simultaneous activation of potential word candidates which compete with each other for final correct recognition. In continuous speech, the activation-competition process gets more complicated due to speech reductions existing at word boundaries. Lexical processing is more difficult in L2 than in L1 because L2 listeners often lack phonetic, lexico-semantic, syntactic, and prosodic knowledge in the target language. In this study, we investigate the on-line lexical segmentation hypotheses that French listeners of L2 English form and then revise as subsequent perceptual evidence is revealed. Our purpose is to shed further light on the processes of L2 spoken-word recognition in context and better understand L2 listening difficulties through a comparison of skilled and unskilled reactions at the point where their working hypothesis is rejected. We use a variant of the gating experiment in which subjects transcribe an English sentence presented in increments of progressively greater duration. The spoken sentence was “And this amazing athlete has just broken another world record”, chosen mainly because it included common reductions and phonetic features in English, such as elision and assimilation. Our preliminary results show that there is an important difference in the manner in which proficient and less-proficient L2 listeners handle connected speech. Less-proficient listeners delay recognition of words as they wait for lexical and syntactic evidence to appear in the gates. Further statistical results are currently being undertaken.Keywords: gating paradigm, spoken word recognition, online lexical segmentation, L2 listening
Procedia PDF Downloads 4641077 The Effects of Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth and Webcare on Thai Online Consumer Behavior
Authors: Pongsatorn Tantrabundit, Lersak Phothong, Ong-art Chanprasitchai
Due to the emergence of the Internet, it has extended the traditional Word-of-Mouth (WOM) to a new form called “Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM).” Unlike traditional WOM, eWOM is able to present information in various ways by applying different components. Each eWOM component generates different effects on online consumer behavior. This research investigates the effects of Webcare (responding message) from product/ service providers on negative eWOM by applying two types of products (search and experience). The proposed conceptual model was developed based on the combination of the stages in consumer decision-making process, theory of reasoned action (TRA), theory of planned behavior (TPB), the technology acceptance model (TAM), the information integration theory and the elaboration likelihood model. The methodology techniques used in this study included multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and multiple regression analysis. The results suggest that Webcare does slightly increase Thai online consumer’s perceptions on perceived eWOM trustworthiness, information diagnosticity and quality. For negative eWOM, we also found that perceived eWOM Trustworthiness, perceived eWOM diagnosticity and quality have a positive relationship with eWOM influence whereas perceived valence has a negative relationship with eWOM influence in Thai online consumers.Keywords: consumer behavior, electronic word-of-mouth, online review, online word-of-mouth, Thai online consumer, webcare
Procedia PDF Downloads 2061076 Formation of Blends in Hausa Language
Authors: Maryam Maimota Shehu
Words are the basic building blocks of a language. In everyday usage of a language, words are used, and new words are formed and reformed to contain and accommodate all entities, phenomena, qualities and every aspect of the entire life. Despite the fact that many studies have been conducted on morphological processes in The Hausa language. Most of the works concentrated on borrowing, affixation, reduplication and derivation, but blending has been neglected to the extent that some of the Hausa linguists claim that, blending does not exist in the language. Therefore, the current study investigates and examines blending as one of the word formation processes' in the language. The study focuses its main attention on blending as a word-formation process and how this process is used adequately in the formation of words in The Hausa language. To achieve the aims, the research answered these questions: 1) is blending used as a process of word formation in Hausa? 2) What are the words formed using this process? This study utilizes the Natural Morphology Theory proposed by Dressler, (1985) which was adopted by Belly (2007). The data of this study have been collected from newspaper articles, novels, and written literature of Hausa language. Based on the findings, this study found out that, there exist new kind of words formed in The Hausa language under blending, which previous findings did not either reveal or explain in detail. Another part of the finding shows that some of the words change their grammatical classes and meaning while blended.Keywords: morphology, word formation, blending in hausa language, language
Procedia PDF Downloads 4221075 Evaluation of Features Extraction Algorithms for a Real-Time Isolated Word Recognition System
Authors: Tomyslav Sledevič, Artūras Serackis, Gintautas Tamulevičius, Dalius Navakauskas
This paper presents a comparative evaluation of features extraction algorithm for a real-time isolated word recognition system based on FPGA. The Mel-frequency cepstral, linear frequency cepstral, linear predictive and their cepstral coefficients were implemented in hardware/software design. The proposed system was investigated in the speaker-dependent mode for 100 different Lithuanian words. The robustness of features extraction algorithms was tested recognizing the speech records at different signals to noise rates. The experiments on clean records show highest accuracy for Mel-frequency cepstral and linear frequency cepstral coefficients. For records with 15 dB signal to noise rate the linear predictive cepstral coefficients give best result. The hard and soft part of the system is clocked on 50 MHz and 100 MHz accordingly. For the classification purpose, the pipelined dynamic time warping core was implemented. The proposed word recognition system satisfies the real-time requirements and is suitable for applications in embedded systems.Keywords: isolated word recognition, features extraction, MFCC, LFCC, LPCC, LPC, FPGA, DTW
Procedia PDF Downloads 4971074 Automatic Speech Recognition Systems Performance Evaluation Using Word Error Rate Method
Authors: João Rato, Nuno Costa
The human verbal communication is a two-way process which requires a mutual understanding that will result in some considerations. This kind of communication, also called dialogue, besides the supposed human agents it can also be performed between human agents and machines. The interaction between Men and Machines, by means of a natural language, has an important role concerning the improvement of the communication between each other. Aiming at knowing the performance of some speech recognition systems, this document shows the results of the accomplished tests according to the Word Error Rate evaluation method. Besides that, it is also given a set of information linked to the systems of Man-Machine communication. After this work has been made, conclusions were drawn regarding the Speech Recognition Systems, among which it can be mentioned their poor performance concerning the voice interpretation in noisy environments.Keywords: automatic speech recognition, man-machine conversation, speech recognition, spoken dialogue systems, word error rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 3221073 Students' Errors in Translating Algebra Word Problems to Mathematical Structure
Authors: Ledeza Jordan Babiano
Translating statements into mathematical notations is one of the processes in word problem-solving. However, based on the literature, students still have difficulties with this skill. The purpose of this study was to investigate the translation errors of the students when they translate algebraic word problems into mathematical structures and locate the errors via the lens of the Translation-Verification Model. Moreover, this qualitative research study employed content analysis. During the data-gathering process, the students were asked to answer a six-item algebra word problem questionnaire, and their answers were analyzed by experts through blind coding using the Translation-Verification Model to determine their translation errors. After this, a focus group discussion was conducted, and the data gathered was analyzed through thematic analysis to determine the causes of the students’ translation errors. It was found out that students’ prevalent error in translation was the interpretation error, which was situated in the Attribute construct. The emerging themes during the FGD were: (1) The procedure of translation is strategically incorrect; (2) Lack of comprehension; (3) Algebra concepts related to difficulty; (4) Lack of spatial skills; (5) Unprepared for independent learning; and (6) The content of the problem is developmentally inappropriate. These themes boiled down to the major concept of independent learning preparedness in solving mathematical problems. This concept has subcomponents, which include contextual and conceptual factors in translation. Consequently, the results provided implications for instructors and professors in Mathematics to innovate their teaching pedagogies and strategies to address translation gaps among students.Keywords: mathematical structure, algebra word problems, translation, errors
Procedia PDF Downloads 501072 Electronic-Word of Mouth(e-WoM): Preliminary Study of Malaysian Undergrad Students Smartphone Online Review
Authors: Norshakirah Ab.Aziz, Nurul Atiqah Jamaluddin
Consequently, electronic word-of-mouth (e-WoM) becomes one of the resources in the decision making process and considered a valuable marketing channel for consumers and organizations. Admittedly, there is increasing concern on the accuracy and genuine of e-WoM content because consumers prefer to look out product or service information available online. Thus, the focus of this study is to propose a model and guidelines how to select trusted online review content according to domain chosen –undergrad students smartphone online review. Undeniable, mobile devices like smartphone has now become a necessity in today are daily life to complete our daily chores. The model and guideline focused on product competency review and the message integrity. In other words, this study aims to enable consumers to identify trusted online review content, which helps them in buying decisions.Keywords: electronic word of mouth, e-WoM, WoM, online review
Procedia PDF Downloads 3281071 Reduplication in Dhiyan: An Indo-Aryan Language of Assam
Authors: S. Sulochana Singha
Dhiyan or Dehan is the name of the community and language spoken by the Koch-Rajbangshi people of Barak Valley of Assam. Ethnically, they are Mongoloids, and their language belongs to the Indo-Aryan language family. However, Dhiyan is absent in any classification of Indo-Aryan languages. So the classification of Dhiyan language under the Indo-Aryan language family is completely based on the shared typological features of the other Indo-Aryan languages. Typologically, Dhiyan is an agglutinating language, and it shares many features of Indo-Aryan languages like presence of aspirated voiced stops, non-tonal, verb-person agreement, adjectives as different word class, prominent tense and subject object verb word order. Reduplication is a productive word-formation process in Dhiyan. Besides it also expresses plurality, intensification, and distributive. Generally, reduplication in Dhiyan can be at the morphological or lexical level. Morphological reduplication in Dhiyan involves expressives which includes onomatopoeias, sound symbolism, idiophones, and imitatives. Lexical reduplication in the language can be formed by echo formations and word reduplication. Echo formation in Dhiyan is formed by partial repetition from the base word which can be either consonant alternation or vowel alternation. The consonant alternation is basically found in onset position while the alternation of vowel is basically found in open syllable particularly in final syllable. Word reduplication involves reduplication of nouns, interrogatives, adjectives, and numerals which further can be class changing or class maintaining reduplication. The process of reduplication can be partial or complete whether it is lexical or morphological. The present paper is an attempt to describe some aspects of the formation, function, and usage of reduplications in Dhiyan which is mainly spoken in ten villages in the Eastern part of Barak River in the Cachar District of Assam.Keywords: Barak-Valley, Dhiyan, Indo-Aryan, reduplication
Procedia PDF Downloads 2171070 Use of Pragmatic Cues for Word Learning in Bilingual and Monolingual Children
Authors: Isabelle Lorge, Napoleon Katsos
BACKGROUND: Children growing up in a multilingual environment face challenges related to the need to monitor the speaker’s linguistic abilities, more frequent communication failures, and having to acquire a large number of words in a limited amount of time compared to monolinguals. As a result, bilingual learners may develop different word learning strategies, rely more on some strategies than others, and engage cognitive resources such as theory of mind and attention skills in different ways. HYPOTHESIS: The goal of our study is to investigate whether multilingual exposure leads to improvements in the ability to use pragmatic inference for word learning, i.e., to use speaker cues to derive their referring intentions, often by overcoming lower level salience effects. The speaker cues we identified as relevant are (a) use of a modifier with or without stress (‘the WET dax’ prompting the choice of the referent which has a dry counterpart), (b) referent extension (‘this is a kitten with a fep’ prompting the choice of the unique rather than shared object), (c) referent novelty (choosing novel action rather than novel object which has been manipulated already), (d) teacher versus random sampling (assuming the choice of specific examples for a novel word to be relevant to the extension of that new category), and finally (e) emotional affect (‘look at the figoo’ uttered in a sad or happy voice) . METHOD: To this end, we implemented on a touchscreen computer a task corresponding to each of the cues above, where the child had to pick the referent of a novel word. These word learning tasks (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) were adapted from previous word learning studies. 113 children have been tested (54 reception and 59 year 1, ranging from 4 to 6 years old) in a London primary school. Bilingual or monolingual status and other relevant information (age of onset, proficiency, literacy for bilinguals) is ascertained through language questionnaires from parents (34 out of 113 received to date). While we do not yet have the data that will allow us to test for effect of bilingualism, we can already see that performances are far from approaching ceiling in any of the tasks. In some cases the children’s performances radically differ from adults’ in a qualitative way, which means that there is scope for quantitative and qualitative effects to arise between language groups. The findings should contribute to explain the puzzling speed and efficiency that bilinguals demonstrate in acquiring competence in two languages.Keywords: bilingualism, pragmatics, word learning, attention
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401069 The Impact of Purpose as a Principal Leadership Skill on the Performance Select Township Schools in South Africa
Authors: Pepe Marais, Krishna Govender
This study aimed to investigate the impact of “purpose” as a principal leadership skill on the performance of two township schools using a quantitative research design and collecting data from the school principals, teachers and matric learners, using the 28-scale Servant Leadership Test as well as Gallup’s Q12 Employee Engagement survey. The questionnaires addressed the key objectives, namely, the extent to which the principals of the participating schools exhibited servant leadership and their understanding of “purpose” as one word in leadership and how teachers and learners perceived the impact of a “one-word” purpose-driven leader on the performance of the selected schools. Although no relationship could be demonstrated between ‘’purpose’’ and the performance of the two township schools, it became evident that a significant increase in Servant Leadership leads to a significant increase in engagement and performance, as measured by the matric pass rate. It is recommended that workshops be facilitated with principals and teachers in order to entrench ‘’purpose’’ deeper throughout the schools. In addition, Servant Leadership training has to be conduced to increase the leadership ability of the school principals. Future research in the area of ‘’purpose as one word’’, as well as Servant Leadership as a principal skillset within South Africa’s public school leadership, is recommended.Keywords: school leadership, servant leadership, one-word purpose, engagement, leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 1261068 A Study of the Views of Information Technologies Teachers regarding In-Service Training
Authors: Halit Arslan, Ismail Sahin, Ahmet Oguz Akturk, Ismail Celik
Today, the means of following the developments in the area of science and technology is to keep up with the pace of the advancements in this area. As is in every profession, apart from their personal efforts, the training of teachers in the period after they start their careers is only possible through in-service training. The aim of the present study is to determine the views of Information Technologies (IT) teachers regarding the in-service training courses organized by the Ministry of National Education. In this study, in which quantitative research methods and techniques were employed, the views of 196 IT teachers were collected by using the “Views on In-service Training” questionnaire developed by the authors of the paper. Independent groups t-test was used to determine whether the views of IT teachers regarding in-service training differed depending on gender, age and professional seniority. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to investigate whether the views of IT teachers regarding in-service training differed depending on the number of in-service training courses they joined and the type of in-service training course they wanted to take. According to the findings obtained in the study, the views of IT teachers on in-service training did not show a significant difference depending on gender and age, whereas those views differed depending on professional seniority, the number of in-service training courses they joined and the type of in-service training course they wanted to take.Keywords: in-service training, IT teachers, professional development, personal development
Procedia PDF Downloads 4171067 Resume Ranking Using Custom Word2vec and Rule-Based Natural Language Processing Techniques
Authors: Subodh Chandra Shakya, Rajendra Sapkota, Aakash Tamang, Shushant Pudasaini, Sujan Adhikari, Sajjan Adhikari
Lots of efforts have been made in order to measure the semantic similarity between the text corpora in the documents. Techniques have been evolved to measure the similarity of two documents. One such state-of-art technique in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) is word to vector models, which converts the words into their word-embedding and measures the similarity between the vectors. We found this to be quite useful for the task of resume ranking. So, this research paper is the implementation of the word2vec model along with other Natural Language Processing techniques in order to rank the resumes for the particular job description so as to automate the process of hiring. The research paper proposes the system and the findings that were made during the process of building the system.Keywords: chunking, document similarity, information extraction, natural language processing, word2vec, word embedding
Procedia PDF Downloads 1591066 Occasional Word-Formation in Postfeminist Fiction: Cognitive Approach
Authors: Kateryna Nykytchenko
Modern fiction and non-fiction writers commonly use their own lexical and stylistic devices to capture a reader’s attention and bring certain thoughts and feelings to his reader. Among such devices is the appearance of one of the neologic notions – individual author’s formations: occasionalisms or nonce words. To a significant extent, the host of examples of new words occurs in chick lit genre which has experienced exponential growth in recent years. Chick Lit is a new-millennial postfeminist fiction which focuses primarily on twenty- to thirtysomething middle-class women. It brings into focus the image of 'a new woman' of the 21st century who is always fallible, funny. This paper aims to investigate different types of occasional word-formation which reflect cognitive mechanisms of conveying women’s perception of the world. Chick lit novels of Irish author Marian Keyes present genuinely innovative mixture of forms, both literary and nonliterary which is displayed in different types of occasional word-formation processes such as blending, compounding, creative respelling, etc. Crossing existing mental and linguistic boundaries, adopting herself to new and overlapping linguistic spaces, chick lit author creates new words which demonstrate the result of development and progress of language and the relationship between language, thought and new reality, ultimately resulting in hybrid word-formation (e.g. affixation or pseudoborrowing). Moreover, this article attempts to present the main characteristics of chick-lit fiction genre with the help of the Marian Keyes’s novels and their influence on occasionalisms. There has been a lack of research concerning cognitive nature of occasionalisms. The current paper intends to account for occasional word-formation as a set of interconnected cognitive mechanisms, operations and procedures meld together to create a new word. The results of the generalized analysis solidify arguments that the kind of new knowledge an occasionalism manifests is inextricably linked with cognitive procedure underlying it, which results in corresponding type of word-formation processes. In addition, the findings of the study reveal that the necessity of creating occasionalisms in postmodern fiction novels arises from the need to write in a new way keeping up with a perpetually developing world, and thus the evolution of the speaker herself and her perception of the world.Keywords: Chick Lit, occasionalism, occasional word-formation, cognitive linguistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1821065 Leveraging Large Language Models to Build a Cutting-Edge French Word Sense Disambiguation Corpus
Authors: Mouheb Mehdoui, Amel Fraisse, Mounir Zrigui
With the increasing amount of data circulating over the Web, there is a growing need to develop and deploy tools aimed at unraveling semantic nuances within text or sentences. The challenges in extracting precise meanings arise from the complexity of natural language, while words usually have multiple interpretations depending on the context. The challenge of precisely interpreting words within a given context is what the task of Word Sense Disambiguation meets. It is a very old domain within the area of Natural Language Processing aimed at determining a word’s meaning that it is going to carry in a particular context, hence increasing the correctness of applications processing the language. Numerous linguistic resources are accessible online, including WordNet, thesauri, and dictionaries, enabling exploration of diverse contextual meanings. However, several limitations persist. These include the scarcity of resources for certain languages, a limited number of examples within corpora, and the challenge of accurately detecting the topic or context covered by text, which significantly impacts word sense disambiguation. This paper will discuss the different approaches to WSD and review corpora available for this task. We will contrast these approaches, highlighting the limitations, which will allow us to build a corpus in French, targeted for WSD.Keywords: semantic enrichment, disambiguation, context fusion, natural language processing, multilingual applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 151064 The Lexical Eidos as an Invariant of a Polysemantic Word
Authors: S. Pesina, T. Solonchak
Phenomenological analysis is not based on natural language, but ideal language which is able to be a carrier of ideal meanings – eidos representing typical structures or essences. For this purpose, it’s necessary to release from the spatio-temporal definiteness of a subject and then state its noetic essence (eidos) by means of free fantasy generation. Herewith, as if a totally new objectness is created - the universal, confirming the thesis that thinking process takes place in generalizations passing by numerous means through the specific to the general and from the general through the specific to the singular.Keywords: lexical eidos, phenomenology, noema, polysemantic word, semantic core
Procedia PDF Downloads 2771063 Formation of Clipped Forms in Hausa Language
Authors: Maryam Maimota Shehu
Words are the basic building blocks of a language. In everyday usage of a language, words are used, and new words are formed and reformed in order to contain and accommodate all entities, phenomena, qualities and every aspect of the entire life. Despite the fact that many studies have been conducted on morphological processes in Hausa language. Most of the works concentrated on borrowing, affixation, reduplication and derivation, but clipping has been neglected to the extent that only a few scholars sited some examples in the language. Therefore, the current study investigates and examines clipping as one of the word formation processes fully found in the language. The study focuses its main attention on clipping as a word-formation process and how this process is used adequately in the formation of words and their occurrence in Hausa sentences. In order to achieve the aims, the research answered these questions: 1) is clipping used as process of word formation in Hausa? 2) What are the words formed using this process? This study utilizes the Natural Morphology Theory proposed by Dressler, (1985) which was adopted by belly (2007). The data of this study have been collected from newspaper articles, novels, and written literature of Hausa language. Based on the findings, this study found out that, there exist many kinds of words formed in Hausa language using clipping in sentence and discuss, which previous findings did not either reveals, or explain in detail. Other part of the finding shows that clipping in Hausa language occurs on nouns, verbs, adjectives, reduplicated words and compounds while retains their meanings and grammatical classes.Keywords: clipping, Hausa language, morphology, word formation processes
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