Search results for: nonlinear technique
6924 Experimental Evaluation of Foundation Settlement Mitigations in Liquefiable Soils using Press-in Sheet Piling Technique: 1-g Shake Table Tests
Authors: Md. Kausar Alam, Ramin Motamed
The damaging effects of liquefaction-induced ground movements have been frequently observed in past earthquakes, such as the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES) in New Zealand and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan. To reduce the consequences of soil liquefaction at shallow depths, various ground improvement techniques have been utilized in engineering practice, among which this research is focused on experimentally evaluating the press-in sheet piling technique. The press-in sheet pile technique eliminates the vibration, hammering, and noise pollution associated with dynamic sheet pile installation methods. Unfortunately, there are limited experimental studies on the press-in sheet piling technique for liquefaction mitigation using 1g shake table tests in which all the controlling mechanisms of liquefaction-induced foundation settlement, including sand ejecta, can be realistically reproduced. In this study, a series of moderate scale 1g shake table experiments were conducted at the University of Nevada, Reno, to evaluate the performance of this technique in liquefiable soil layers. First, a 1/5 size model was developed based on a recent UC San Diego shaking table experiment. The scaled model has a density of 50% for the top crust, 40% for the intermediate liquefiable layer, and 85% for the bottom dense layer. Second, a shallow foundation is seated atop an unsaturated sandy soil crust. Third, in a series of tests, a sheet pile with variable embedment depth is inserted into the liquefiable soil using the press-in technique surrounding the shallow foundations. The scaled models are subjected to harmonic input motions with amplitude and dominant frequency properly scaled based on the large-scale shake table test. This study assesses the performance of the press-in sheet piling technique in terms of reductions in the foundation movements (settlement and tilt) and generated excess pore water pressures. In addition, this paper discusses the cost-effectiveness and carbon footprint features of the studied mitigation measures.Keywords: excess pore water pressure, foundation settlement, press-in sheet pile, soil liquefaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 986923 A Case Study on the Seismic Performance Assessment of the High-Rise Setback Tower Under Multiple Support Excitations on the Basis of TBI Guidelines
Authors: Kamyar Kildashti, Rasoul Mirghaderi
This paper describes the three-dimensional seismic performance assessment of a high-rise steel moment-frame setback tower, designed and detailed per the 2010 ASCE7, under multiple support excitations. The vulnerability analyses are conducted based on nonlinear history analyses under a set of multi-directional strong ground motion records which are scaled to design-based site-specific spectrum in accordance with ASCE41-13. Spatial variation of input motions between far distant supports of each part of the tower is considered by defining time lag. Plastic hinge monotonic and cyclic behavior for prequalified steel connections, panel zones, as well as steel columns is obtained from predefined values presented in TBI Guidelines, PEER/ATC72 and FEMA P440A to include stiffness and strength degradation. Inter-story drift ratios, residual drift ratios, as well as plastic hinge rotation demands under multiple support excitations, are compared to those obtained from uniform support excitations. Performance objectives based on acceptance criteria declared by TBI Guidelines are compared between uniform and multiple support excitations. The results demonstrate that input motion discrepancy results in detrimental effects on the local and global response of the tower.Keywords: high-rise building, nonlinear time history analysis, multiple support excitation, performance-based design
Procedia PDF Downloads 2856922 Optimal Design of Storm Water Networks Using Simulation-Optimization Technique
Authors: Dibakar Chakrabarty, Mebada Suiting
Rapid urbanization coupled with changes in land use pattern results in increasing peak discharge and shortening of catchment time of concentration. The consequence is floods, which often inundate roads and inhabited areas of cities and towns. Management of storm water resulting from rainfall has, therefore, become an important issue for the municipal bodies. Proper management of storm water obviously includes adequate design of storm water drainage networks. The design of storm water network is a costly exercise. Least cost design of storm water networks assumes significance, particularly when the fund available is limited. Optimal design of a storm water system is a difficult task as it involves the design of various components, like, open or closed conduits, storage units, pumps etc. In this paper, a methodology for least cost design of storm water drainage systems is proposed. The methodology proposed in this study consists of coupling a storm water simulator with an optimization method. The simulator used in this study is EPA’s storm water management model (SWMM), which is linked with Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization method. The model proposed here is a mixed integer nonlinear optimization formulation, which takes care of minimizing the sectional areas of the open conduits of storm water networks, while satisfactorily conveying the runoff resulting from rainfall to the network outlet. Performance evaluations of the developed model show that the proposed method can be used for cost effective design of open conduit based storm water networks.Keywords: genetic algorithm (GA), optimal design, simulation-optimization, storm water network, SWMM
Procedia PDF Downloads 2506921 Transmission Line Inspection Using Drones
Authors: Jae Kyung Lee, Joon Young Park
Maintenance on power transmission lines requires a lot of works. Sometimes they should be maintained on live-line environment with high altitude. Therefore, there always exist risks of falling from height and electric shock. To decline those risks, drones are recently applying on the electric power industry. This paper presents new operational technology while inspecting power transmission line. This paper also describes a technique for creating a flight path of a drone for transmission line inspection and a technique for controlling the drones of different types. Its technical and economical feasibilities have confirmed through experiments.Keywords: drones, transmission line, inspection, control system
Procedia PDF Downloads 3536920 Laser Ultrasonic Imaging Based on Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique Algorithm
Authors: Sundara Subramanian Karuppasamy, Che Hua Yang
In this work, the laser ultrasound technique has been used for analyzing and imaging the inner defects in metal blocks. To detect the defects in blocks, traditionally the researchers used piezoelectric transducers for the generation and reception of ultrasonic signals. These transducers can be configured into the sparse and phased array. But these two configurations have their drawbacks including the requirement of many transducers, time-consuming calculations, limited bandwidth, and provide confined image resolution. Here, we focus on the non-contact method for generating and receiving the ultrasound to examine the inner defects in aluminum blocks. A Q-switched pulsed laser has been used for the generation and the reception is done by using Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV). Based on the Doppler effect, LDV provides a rapid and high spatial resolution way for sensing ultrasonic waves. From the LDV, a series of scanning points are selected which serves as the phased array elements. The side-drilled hole of 10 mm diameter with a depth of 25 mm has been introduced and the defect is interrogated by the linear array of scanning points obtained from the LDV. With the aid of the Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) algorithm, based on the time-shifting principle the inspected images are generated from the A-scan data acquired from the 1-D linear phased array elements. Thus the defect can be precisely detected with good resolution.Keywords: laser ultrasonics, linear phased array, nondestructive testing, synthetic aperture focusing technique, ultrasonic imaging
Procedia PDF Downloads 1346919 Selection of Appropriate Classification Technique for Lithological Mapping of Gali Jagir Area, Pakistan
Authors: Khunsa Fatima, Umar K. Khattak, Allah Bakhsh Kausar
Satellite images interpretation and analysis assist geologists by providing valuable information about geology and minerals of an area to be surveyed. A test site in Fatejang of district Attock has been studied using Landsat ETM+ and ASTER satellite images for lithological mapping. Five different supervised image classification techniques namely maximum likelihood, parallelepiped, minimum distance to mean, mahalanobis distance and spectral angle mapper have been performed on both satellite data images to find out the suitable classification technique for lithological mapping in the study area. Results of these five image classification techniques were compared with the geological map produced by Geological Survey of Pakistan. The result of maximum likelihood classification technique applied on ASTER satellite image has the highest correlation of 0.66 with the geological map. Field observations and XRD spectra of field samples also verified the results. A lithological map was then prepared based on the maximum likelihood classification of ASTER satellite image.Keywords: ASTER, Landsat-ETM+, satellite, image classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3966918 Laser Shock Peening of Additively Manufactured Nickel-Based Superalloys
Authors: Michael Munther, Keivan Davami
One significant roadblock for additively manufactured (AM) parts is the buildup of residual tensile stresses during the fabrication process. These residual stresses are formed due to the intense localized thermal gradients and high cooling rates that cause non-uniform material expansion/contraction and mismatched strain profiles during powder-bed fusion techniques, such as direct metal laser sintering (DMLS). The residual stresses adversely affect the fatigue life of the AM parts. Moreover, if the residual stresses become higher than the material’s yield strength, they will lead to acute geometric distortion. These are limiting the applications and acceptance of AM components for safety-critical applications. Herein, we discuss laser shock peening method as an advanced technique for the manipulation of the residual stresses in AM parts. An X-ray diffraction technique is used for the measurements of the residual stresses before and after the laser shock peening process. Also, the hardness of the structures is measured using a nanoindentation technique. Maps of nanohardness and modulus are obtained from the nanoindentation, and a correlation is made between the residual stresses and the mechanical properties. The results indicate that laser shock peening is able to induce compressive residual stresses in the structure that mitigate the tensile residual stresses and increase the hardness of AM IN718, a superalloy, almost 20%. No significant changes were observed in the modulus after laser shock peening. The results strongly suggest that laser shock peening can be used as an advanced post-processing technique to optimize the service lives of critical components for various applications.Keywords: additive manufacturing, Inconel 718, laser shock peening, residual stresses
Procedia PDF Downloads 1286917 Validation of the Linear Trend Estimation Technique for Prediction of Average Water and Sewerage Charge Rate Prices in the Czech Republic
Authors: Aneta Oblouková, Eva Vítková
The article deals with the issue of water and sewerage charge rate prices in the Czech Republic. The research is specifically focused on the analysis of the development of the average prices of water and sewerage charge rate in the Czech Republic in the years 1994-2021 and on the validation of the chosen methodology relevant for the prediction of the development of the average prices of water and sewerage charge rate in the Czech Republic. The research is based on data collection. The data for this research was obtained from the Czech Statistical Office. The aim of the paper is to validate the relevance of the mathematical linear trend estimate technique for the calculation of the predicted average prices of water and sewerage charge rates. The real values of the average prices of water and sewerage charge rates in the Czech Republic in the years 1994-2018 were obtained from the Czech Statistical Office and were converted into a mathematical equation. The same type of real data was obtained from the Czech Statistical Office for the years 2019-2021. Prediction of the average prices of water and sewerage charge rates in the Czech Republic in the years 2019-2021 were also calculated using a chosen method -a linear trend estimation technique. The values obtained from the Czech Statistical Office and the values calculated using the chosen methodology were subsequently compared. The research result is a validation of the chosen mathematical technique to be a suitable technique for this research.Keywords: Czech Republic, linear trend estimation, price prediction, water and sewerage charge rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 1206916 Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Structures Using Adaptive Gaussian Springs Based Applied Element Method
Authors: Mai Abdul Latif, Yuntian Feng
Applied Element Method (AEM) is a method that was developed to aid in the analysis of the collapse of structures. Current available methods cannot deal with structural collapse accurately; however, AEM can simulate the behavior of a structure from an initial state of no loading until collapse of the structure. The elements in AEM are connected with sets of normal and shear springs along the edges of the elements, that represent the stresses and strains of the element in that region. The elements are rigid, and the material properties are introduced through the spring stiffness. Nonlinear dynamic analysis has been widely modelled using the finite element method for analysis of progressive collapse of structures; however, difficulties in the analysis were found at the presence of excessively deformed elements with cracking or crushing, as well as having a high computational cost, and difficulties on choosing the appropriate material models for analysis. The Applied Element method is developed and coded to significantly improve the accuracy and also reduce the computational costs of the method. The scheme works for both linear elastic, and nonlinear cases, including elasto-plastic materials. This paper will focus on elastic and elasto-plastic material behaviour, where the number of springs required for an accurate analysis is tested. A steel cantilever beam is used as the structural element for the analysis. The first modification of the method is based on the Gaussian Quadrature to distribute the springs. Usually, the springs are equally distributed along the face of the element, but it was found that using Gaussian springs, only up to 2 springs were required for perfectly elastic cases, while with equal springs at least 5 springs were required. The method runs on a Newton-Raphson iteration scheme, and quadratic convergence was obtained. The second modification is based on adapting the number of springs required depending on the elasticity of the material. After the first Newton Raphson iteration, Von Mises stress conditions were used to calculate the stresses in the springs, and the springs are classified as elastic or plastic. Then transition springs, springs located exactly between the elastic and plastic region, are interpolated between regions to strictly identify the elastic and plastic regions in the cross section. Since a rectangular cross-section was analyzed, there were two plastic regions (top and bottom), and one elastic region (middle). The results of the present study show that elasto-plastic cases require only 2 springs for the elastic region, and 2 springs for the plastic region. This showed to improve the computational cost, reducing the minimum number of springs in elasto-plastic cases to only 6 springs. All the work is done using MATLAB and the results will be compared to models of structural elements using the finite element method in ANSYS.Keywords: applied element method, elasto-plastic, Gaussian springs, nonlinear
Procedia PDF Downloads 2256915 Developing Islamic Module Project for Preschool Teachers Using Modified Delphi Technique
Authors: Mazeni Ismail, Nurul Aliah, Hasmadi Hassan
The purpose of this study is to gather the consensus of experts regarding the use of moral guidance amongst preschool teachers vis-a-vis the Islamic Project module (I-Project Module). This I-Project Module seeks to provide pertinent data on the assimilation of noble values in subject-matter teaching. To obtain consensus for the various components of the module, the Modified Delphi technique was used to develop the module. 12 subject experts from various educational fields of Islamic education, early childhood education, counselling and language fully participated in the development of this module. The Modified Delphi technique was administered in two mean cycles. The standard deviation value derived from questionnaires completed by the participating panel of experts provided the value of expert consensus reached. This was subsequently analyzed using SPSS version 22. Findings revealed that the panel of experts reached a discernible degree of agreement on five topics outlined in the module, viz; content (mean value 3.36), teaching strategy (mean value 3.28), programme duration (mean value 3.0), staff involved and attention-grabbing strategy of target group participating in the value program (mean value 3.5), and strategy to attract attention of target group to utilize i-project (mean value 3.0). With regard to the strategy to attract the attention of the target group, the experts proposed for creative activities to be added in order to enhance teachers’ creativity.Keywords: Modified Delphi Technique, Islamic project, noble values, teacher moral guidance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1846914 An Application of a Machine Monitoring by Using the Internet of Things to Improve a Preventive Maintenance: Case Study of an Automated Plastic Granule-Packing Machine
Authors: Anek Apipatkul, Paphakorn Pitayachaval
Preventive maintenance is a standardized procedure to control and prevent risky problems affecting production in order to increase work efficiency. Machine monitoring also routinely works to collect data for a scheduling maintenance period. This paper is to present the application of machine monitoring by using the internet of things (IOTs) and a lean technique in order to manage with complex maintenance tasks of an automated plastic granule packing machine. To organize the preventive maintenance, there are several processes that the machine monitoring was applied, starting with defining a clear scope of the machine, establishing standards in maintenance work, applying a just-in-time (JIT) technique for timely delivery in the maintenance work, solving problems on the floor, and also improving the inspection process. The result has shown that wasted time was reduced, and machines have been operated as scheduled. Furthermore, the efficiency of the scheduled maintenance period was increased by 95%.Keywords: internet of things, preventive maintenance, machine monitoring, lean technique
Procedia PDF Downloads 1046913 A Problem in Microstretch Thermoelastic Diffusive Medium
Authors: Devinder Singh, Arvind Kumar, Rajneesh Kumar
The general solution of the equations for a homogeneous isotropic microstretch thermo elastic medium with mass diffusion for two dimensional problems is obtained due to normal and tangential forces. The integral transform technique is used to obtain the components of displacements, microrotation, stress and mass concentration, temperature change and mass concentration. A particular case of interest is deduced from the present investigation.Keywords: normal force, tangential force, microstretch, thermoelastic, the integral transform technique, deforming force, microstress force, boundary value problem
Procedia PDF Downloads 6196912 Unveiling the Black Swan of the Inflation-Adjusted Real Excess Returns-Risk Nexus: Evidence From Pakistan Stock Exchange
Authors: Mohammad Azam
The purpose of this study is to investigate risk and real excess portfolio returns using inflation adjusted risk-free rates, a measuring technique that focuses on the momentum augmented Fama-French six-factor model and use monthly data from 1994 to 2022. With the exception of profitability, the data show that market, size, value, momentum, and investment factors are all strongly associated to excess portfolio stock returns using ordinary lease square regression technique. According to the Gibbons, Ross, and Shanken test, the momentum augmented Fama-French six-factor model outperforms the market. This technique discovery may be utilised by academics and professionals to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the Pakistan Stock Exchange across a broad stock pattern for investing decisions and portfolio construction.Keywords: real excess portfolio returns, momentum augmented fama & french five-factor model, GRS-test, pakistan stock exchange
Procedia PDF Downloads 1026911 Numerical Study of Base Drag Reduction Using Locked Vortex Flow Management Technique for Lower Subsonic Regime
Authors: Kailas S. Jagtap, Karthik Sundarraj, Nirmal Kumar, S. Rajnarasimha, Prakash S. Kulkarni
The issue of turbulence base streams and the drag related to it have been of important attention for rockets, missiles, and aircraft. Different techniques are used for base drag reduction. This paper presents the numerical study of numerous drag reduction technique. The base drag or afterbody drag of bluff bodies can be reduced easily using locked vortex drag reduction technique. For bluff bodies having a cylindrical shape, the base drag is much larger compared to streamlined bodies. For such bodies using splitter plates, the vortex can be trapped between the base and the plate, which results in smooth flow. Splitter plate with round and curved corner shapes has influence in drag reduction. In this paper, the comparison is done between single splitter plate as different positions and with the bluff body. Base drag for the speed of 30m/s can be reduced about 20% to 30% by using single splitter plate as compared to the bluff body.Keywords: base drag, bluff body, splitter plate, vortex flow, ANSYS, fluent
Procedia PDF Downloads 1806910 A Framework for Incorporating Non-Linear Degradation of Conductive Adhesive in Environmental Testing
Authors: Kedar Hardikar, Joe Varghese
Conductive adhesives have found wide-ranging applications in electronics industry ranging from fixing a defective conductor on printed circuit board (PCB) attaching an electronic component in an assembly to protecting electronics components by the formation of “Faraday Cage.” The reliability requirements for the conductive adhesive vary widely depending on the application and expected product lifetime. While the conductive adhesive is required to maintain the structural integrity, the electrical performance of the associated sub-assembly can be affected by the degradation of conductive adhesive. The degradation of the adhesive is dependent upon the highly varied use case. The conventional approach to assess the reliability of the sub-assembly involves subjecting it to the standard environmental test conditions such as high-temperature high humidity, thermal cycling, high-temperature exposure to name a few. In order to enable projection of test data and observed failures to predict field performance, systematic development of an acceleration factor between the test conditions and field conditions is crucial. Common acceleration factor models such as Arrhenius model are based on rate kinetics and typically rely on an assumption of linear degradation in time for a given condition and test duration. The application of interest in this work involves conductive adhesive used in an electronic circuit of a capacitive sensor. The degradation of conductive adhesive in high temperature and humidity environment is quantified by the capacitance values. Under such conditions, the use of established models such as Hallberg-Peck model or Eyring Model to predict time to failure in the field typically relies on linear degradation rate. In this particular case, it is seen that the degradation is nonlinear in time and exhibits a square root t dependence. It is also shown that for the mechanism of interest, the presence of moisture is essential, and the dominant mechanism driving the degradation is the diffusion of moisture. In this work, a framework is developed to incorporate nonlinear degradation of the conductive adhesive for the development of an acceleration factor. This method can be extended to applications where nonlinearity in degradation rate can be adequately characterized in tests. It is shown that depending on the expected product lifetime, the use of conventional linear degradation approach can overestimate or underestimate the field performance. This work provides guidelines for suitability of linear degradation approximation for such varied applicationsKeywords: conductive adhesives, nonlinear degradation, physics of failure, acceleration factor model.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1356909 Direct-Displacement Based Design for Buildings with Non-Linear Viscous Dampers
Authors: Kelly F. Delgado-De Agrela, Sonia E. Ruiz, Marco A. Santos-Santiago
An approach is proposed for the design of regular buildings equipped with non-linear viscous dissipating devices. The approach is based on a direct-displacement seismic design method which satisfies seismic performance objectives. The global system involved is formed by structural regular moment frames capable of supporting gravity and lateral loads with elastic response behavior plus a set of non-linear viscous dissipating devices which reduce the structural seismic response. The dampers are characterized by two design parameters: (1) a positive real exponent α which represents the non-linearity of the damper, and (2) the damping coefficient C of the device, whose constitutive force-velocity law is given by F=Cvᵃ, where v is the velocity between the ends of the damper. The procedure is carried out using a substitute structure. Two limits states are verified: serviceability and near collapse. The reduction of the spectral ordinates by the additional damping assumed in the design process and introduced to the structure by the viscous non-linear dampers is performed according to a damping reduction factor. For the design of the non-linear damper system, the real velocity is considered instead of the pseudo-velocity. The proposed design methodology is applied to an 8-story steel moment frame building equipped with non-linear viscous dampers, located in intermediate soil zone of Mexico City, with a dominant period Tₛ = 1s. In order to validate the approach, nonlinear static analyses and nonlinear time history analyses are performed.Keywords: based design, direct-displacement based design, non-linear viscous dampers, performance design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1936908 Feasibility of Voluntary Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold Radiotherapy Technique Implementation without Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold-Assisting Device
Authors: Auwal Abubakar, Shazril Imran Shaukat, Noor Khairiah A. Karim, Mohammed Zakir Kassim, Gokula Kumar Appalanaido, Hafiz Mohd Zin
Background: Voluntary deep inspiration breath-hold radiotherapy (vDIBH-RT) is an effective cardiac dose reduction technique during left breast radiotherapy. This study aimed to assess the accuracy of the implementation of the vDIBH technique among left breast cancer patients without the use of a special device such as a surface-guided imaging system. Methods: The vDIBH-RT technique was implemented among thirteen (13) left breast cancer patients at the Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI), Universiti Sains Malaysia. Breath-hold monitoring was performed based on breath-hold skin marks and laser light congruence observed on zoomed CCTV images from the control console during each delivery. The initial setup was verified using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) during breath-hold. Each field was delivered using multiple beam segments to allow a delivery time of 20 seconds, which can be tolerated by patients in breath-hold. The data were analysed using an in-house developed MATLAB algorithm. PTV margin was computed based on van Herk's margin recipe. Results: The setup error analysed from CBCT shows that the population systematic error in lateral (x), longitudinal (y), and vertical (z) axes was 2.28 mm, 3.35 mm, and 3.10 mm, respectively. Based on the CBCT image guidance, the Planning target volume (PTV) margin that would be required for vDIBH-RT using CCTV/Laser monitoring technique is 7.77 mm, 10.85 mm, and 10.93 mm in x, y, and z axes, respectively. Conclusion: It is feasible to safely implement vDIBH-RT among left breast cancer patients without special equipment. The breath-hold monitoring technique is cost-effective, radiation-free, easy to implement, and allows real-time breath-hold monitoring.Keywords: vDIBH, cone beam computed tomography, radiotherapy, left breast cancer
Procedia PDF Downloads 576907 The Study of X- Bracing on Limit State Behaviour of Buckling Restrained Brace (BRB) in Steel Frames Using Pushover Analysis
Authors: Peyman Shadman Heidari, Hamid Bastani, Pouya Shadman Heidari
Nowadays, using energy dampers in structures is highly considered for the dissipation and absorption of earthquake energy. The main advantage of using energy damper is absorbing the earthquake energy in some sections apart from the structure frame. Among different types of dampers, hysteresis dampers are of special place because of low cost, high reliability and the lack of mechanical parts. In this paper, a special kind of hysteresis damper is considered under the name of buckling brace, which is provided with the aim of the study and investigation of cross braces in boundary behaviour of steel frames using nonlinear static analysis. In this paper, ninety three models of steel frames with cross braces of buckling type are processed with different bays and heights and their plasticity index, behaviour coefficient, distribution type and the number of plastic hinges formed were calculated. Finally, the mean behaviour coefficient was compared with standard behaviour coefficient of 2800 and the suitable mode of braces placing in improving nonlinear behaviour and suitable distribution of plastic hinges were presented. In addition, it was determined that for some placing mode of braces the behaviour coefficient will increase to 15 times of recommended 2800 standard coefficient and in some placing modes, the braced bays will show considerable difference with suggested 2800 standard behaviour coefficient relative to each other.Keywords: buckling restrained brace, plasticity index, behaviour coefficient, resistance coefficient, plastic joints
Procedia PDF Downloads 5146906 Investigation on Correlation of Earthquake Intensity Parameters with Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Authors: Semra Sirin Kiris
Nonlinear dynamic analysis is permitted to be used for structures without any restrictions. The important issue is the selection of the design earthquake to conduct the analyses since quite different response may be obtained using ground motion records at the same general area even resulting from the same earthquake. In seismic design codes, the method requires scaling earthquake records based on site response spectrum to a specified hazard level. Many researches have indicated that this limitation about selection can cause a large scatter in response and other charecteristics of ground motion obtained in different manner may demonstrate better correlation with peak seismic response. For this reason influence of eleven different ground motion parameters on the peak displacement of reinforced concrete systems is examined in this paper. From conducting 7020 nonlinear time history analyses for single degree of freedom systems, the most effective earthquake parameters are given for the range of the initial periods and strength ratios of the structures. In this study, a hysteresis model for reinforced concrete called Q-hyst is used not taken into account strength and stiffness degradation. The post-yielding to elastic stiffness ratio is considered as 0.15. The range of initial period, T is from 0.1s to 0.9s with 0.1s time interval and three different strength ratios for structures are used. The magnitude of 260 earthquake records selected is higher than earthquake magnitude, M=6. The earthquake parameters related to the energy content, duration or peak values of ground motion records are PGA(Peak Ground Acceleration), PGV (Peak Ground Velocity), PGD (Peak Ground Displacement), MIV (Maximum Increamental Velocity), EPA(Effective Peak Acceleration), EPV (Effective Peak Velocity), teff (Effective Duration), A95 (Arias Intensity-based Parameter), SPGA (Significant Peak Ground Acceleration), ID (Damage Factor) and Sa (Spectral Response Spectrum).Observing the correlation coefficients between the ground motion parameters and the peak displacement of structures, different earthquake parameters play role in peak displacement demand related to the ranges formed by the different periods and the strength ratio of a reinforced concrete systems. The influence of the Sa tends to decrease for the high values of strength ratio and T=0.3s-0.6s. The ID and PGD is not evaluated as a measure of earthquake effect since high correlation with displacement demand is not observed. The influence of the A95 is high for T=0.1 but low related to the higher values of T and strength ratio. The correlation of PGA, EPA and SPGA shows the highest correlation for T=0.1s but their effectiveness decreases with high T. Considering all range of structural parameters, the MIV is the most effective parameter.Keywords: earthquake parameters, earthquake resistant design, nonlinear analysis, reinforced concrete
Procedia PDF Downloads 1536905 Critical Path Segments Method for Scheduling Technique
Authors: Sherif M. Hafez, Remon F. Aziz, May S. A. Elalim
Project managers today rely on scheduling tools based on the Critical Path Method (CPM) to determine the overall project duration and the activities’ float times which lead to greater efficiency in planning and control of projects. CPM was useful for scheduling construction projects, but researchers had highlighted a number of serious drawbacks that limit its use as a decision support tool and lacks the ability to clearly record and represent detailed information. This paper discusses the drawbacks of CPM as a scheduling technique and presents a modified critical path method (CPM) model which is called critical path segments (CPS). The CPS scheduling mechanism addresses the problems of CPM in three ways: decomposing the activity duration of separated but connected time segments; all relationships among activities are converted into finish–to–start relationship; and analysis and calculations are made with forward path. Sample cases are included to illustrate the shortages in CPM, CPS full analysis and calculations are explained in details, and how schedules can be handled better with the CPS technique.Keywords: construction management, scheduling, critical path method, critical path segments, forward pass, float, project control
Procedia PDF Downloads 3536904 Incorporating Multiple Supervised Learning Algorithms for Effective Intrusion Detection
Authors: Umar Albalawi, Sang C. Suh, Jinoh Kim
As internet continues to expand its usage with an enormous number of applications, cyber-threats have significantly increased accordingly. Thus, accurate detection of malicious traffic in a timely manner is a critical concern in today’s Internet for security. One approach for intrusion detection is to use Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Several methods based on ML algorithms have been introduced over the past years, but they are largely limited in terms of detection accuracy and/or time and space complexity to run. In this work, we present a novel method for intrusion detection that incorporates a set of supervised learning algorithms. The proposed technique provides high accuracy and outperforms existing techniques that simply utilizes a single learning method. In addition, our technique relies on partial flow information (rather than full information) for detection, and thus, it is light-weight and desirable for online operations with the property of early identification. With the mid-Atlantic CCDC intrusion dataset publicly available, we show that our proposed technique yields a high degree of detection rate over 99% with a very low false alarm rate (0.4%).Keywords: intrusion detection, supervised learning, traffic classification, computer networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 3536903 Performance Analysis of SAC-OCDMA System using Different Detectors
Authors: Somaya A. Abd El Mottaleb, Ahmed Abd El Aziz, Heba A. Fayed, Moustafa H. Aly
In this paper, we present the performance of spectral amplitude coding optical code division multiple access using different detectors at different transmission distances using single photodiode detection technique. Modified double weight codes are used as signature codes. Simulation results show that the system using avalanche photo detector can move distance longer than that using positive intrinsic negative photo detector.Keywords: avalanche photodiode, modified double weight, multiple access technique, single photodiode.
Procedia PDF Downloads 6066902 Application of Analytical Method for Placement of DG Unit for Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems
Authors: G. V. Siva Krishna Rao, B. Srinivasa Rao
The main aim of the paper is to implement a technique using distributed generation in distribution systems to reduce the distribution system losses and to improve voltage profiles. The fuzzy logic technique is used to select the proper location of DG and an analytical method is proposed to calculate the size of DG unit at any power factor. The optimal sizes of DG units are compared with optimal sizes obtained using the genetic algorithm. The suggested method is programmed under Matlab software and is tested on IEEE 33 bus system and the results are presented.Keywords: DG Units, sizing of DG units, analytical methods, optimum size
Procedia PDF Downloads 4746901 On the Well-Posedness of Darcy–Forchheimer Power Model Equation
Authors: Johnson Audu, Faisal Fairag
In a bounded subset of R^d, d=2 or 3, we consider the Darcy-Forchheimer power model with the exponent 1 < m ≤ 2 for a single-phase strong-inertia fluid flow in a porous medium. Under necessary compatibility condition, and some mild regularity assumptions on the interior and the boundary data, we prove the existence and uniqueness of solution (u, p) in L^(m+1 ) (Ω)^d X (W^(1,(m+1)/m) (Ω)^d ⋂L_0^2 (Ω)^d) and its stability.Keywords: porous media, power law, strong inertia, nonlinear, monotone type
Procedia PDF Downloads 3176900 Application of Interval Valued Picture Fuzzy Set in Medical Diagnosis
Authors: Palash Dutta
More frequently uncertainties are encountered in medical diagnosis and therefore it is the most important and interesting area of applications of fuzzy set theory. In this present study, an attempt has been made to extend Sanchez’s approach for medical diagnosis via interval valued picture fuzzy sets and exhibit the technique with suitable case studies. In this article, it is observed that a refusal can be expressed in the databases concerning the examined objects. The technique is performing diagnosis on the basis of distance measures and as a result, this approach makes it possible to introduce weights of all symptoms and consequently patient can be diagnosed directly.Keywords: medical diagnosis, uncertainty, fuzzy set, picture fuzzy set, interval valued picture fuzzy set
Procedia PDF Downloads 3856899 Identification of Mx Gene Polymorphism in Indragiri Hulu duck by PCR-RFLP
Authors: Restu Misrianti
The amino acid variation of Asn (allele A) at position 631 in Mx gene was specific to positive antiviral to avian viral desease. This research was aimed at identifying polymorphism of Mx gene in duck using molecular technique. Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique was used to select the genotype of AA, AG and GG. There were thirteen duck from Indragiri Hulu regency (Riau Province) used in this experiment. DNA amplification results showed that the Mx gene in duck is found in a 73 bp fragment. Mx gene in duck did not show any polymorphism. The frequency of the resistant allele (AA) was 0%, while the frequency of the susceptible allele (GG) was 100%.Keywords: duck, Mx gene, PCR, RFLP
Procedia PDF Downloads 3256898 Enhanced Cluster Based Connectivity Maintenance in Vehicular Ad Hoc Network
Authors: Manverpreet Kaur, Amarpreet Singh
The demand of Vehicular ad hoc networks is increasing day by day, due to offering the various applications and marvelous benefits to VANET users. Clustering in VANETs is most important to overcome the connectivity problems of VANETs. In this paper, we proposed a new clustering technique Enhanced cluster based connectivity maintenance in vehicular ad hoc network. Our objective is to form long living clusters. The proposed approach is grouping the vehicles, on the basis of the longest list of neighbors to form clusters. The cluster formation and cluster head selection process done by the RSU that may results it reduces the chances of overhead on to the network. The cluster head selection procedure is the vehicle which has closest speed to average speed will elect as a cluster Head by the RSU and if two vehicles have same speed which is closest to average speed then they will be calculate by one of the new parameter i.e. distance to their respective destination. The vehicle which has largest distance to their destination will be choosing as a cluster Head by the RSU. Our simulation outcomes show that our technique performs better than the existing technique.Keywords: VANETs, clustering, connectivity, cluster head, intelligent transportation system (ITS)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2486897 Laser Cooling of Internal Degrees of Freedom of Molecules: Cesium Case
Authors: R. Horchani
Optical pumping technique with laser fields combined with photo-association of ultra-cold atoms leads to control on demand the vibrational and/or the rotational population of molecules. Here, we review the basic concepts and main steps should be followed, including the excitation schemes and detection techniques we use to achieve the ro-vibrational cooling of Cs2 molecules. We also discuss the extension of this technique to other molecules. In addition, we present a theoretical model used to support the experiment. These simulations can be widely used for the preparation of various experiments since they allow the optimization of several important experimental parameters.Keywords: cold molecule, photo-association, optical pumping, vibrational and rotational cooling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3026896 Minimizing Fresh and Wastewater Using Water Pinch Technique in Petrochemical Industries
Authors: Wasif Mughees, Malik Al-Ahmad, Muhammad Naeem
This research involves the design and analysis of pinch-based water/wastewater networks to minimize water utility in the petrochemical and petroleum industries. A study has been done on Tehran Oil Refinery to analyze feasibilities of regeneration, reuse and recycling of water network. COD is considered as a single key contaminant. Amount of freshwater was reduced about 149m3/h (43.8%) regarding COD. Re-design (or retrofitting) of water allocation in the networks was undertaken. The results were analyzed through graphical method and mathematical programming technique which clearly demonstrated that amount of required water would be determined by mass transfer of COD.Keywords: minimization, water pinch, water management, pollution prevention
Procedia PDF Downloads 4506895 An Investigation of Surface Texturing by Ultrasonic Impingement of Micro-Particles
Authors: Nagalingam Arun Prasanth, Ahmed Syed Adnan, S. H. Yeo
Surface topography plays a significant role in the functional performance of engineered parts. It is important to have a control on the surface geometry and understanding on the surface details to get the desired performance. Hence, in the current research contribution, a non-contact micro-texturing technique has been explored and developed. The technique involves ultrasonic excitation of a tool as a prime source of surface texturing for aluminum alloy workpieces. The specimen surface is polished first and is then immersed in a liquid bath containing 10% weight concentration of Ti6Al4V grade 5 spherical powders. A submerged slurry jet is used to recirculate the spherical powders under the ultrasonic horn which is excited at an ultrasonic frequency and amplitude of 40 kHz and 70 µm respectively. The distance between the horn and workpiece surface was remained fixed at 200 µm using a precision control stage. Texturing effects were investigated for different process timings of 1, 3 and 5 s. Thereafter, the specimens were cleaned in an ultrasonic bath for 5 mins to remove loose debris on the surface. The developed surfaces are characterized by optical and contact surface profiler. The optical microscopic images show a texture of circular spots on the workpiece surface indented by titanium spherical balls. Waviness patterns obtained from contact surface profiler supports the texturing effect produced from the proposed technique. Furthermore, water droplet tests were performed to show the efficacy of the proposed technique to develop hydrophilic surfaces and to quantify the texturing effect produced.Keywords: surface texturing, surface modification, topography, ultrasonic
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