Search results for: Rockwell B hardness
325 Effect of Vanadium Addition to Aluminum Grain Refined by Ti or Ti + B on Its Microstructure, Mechanical Behavior, Fatigue Strength and Life
Authors: Adnan I. O. Zaid
As aluminum solidifies in columnar structure with large grain size which reduces its surface quality and mechanical strength; therefore it is normally grain refined either by titanium or titanium + boron (Ti or Ti + B). In this paper, the effect of addition of either Ti or Ti + B to commercially pure aluminum on its grain size, Vickers hardness, mechanical strength and fatigue strength and life is presented and discussed. Similarly, the effect of vanadium addition to Al grain refined by Ti or Ti+ B is presented and discussed. Two binary master alloys Al-Ti and Al-Vi were laboratory prepared from which five different micro-alloys in addition to the commercially pure aluminum namely Al-Ti, Al-Ti-B, Al-V, Al-Ti-V and Al-Ti-B-V were prepared for the investigation. Finally, the effect of their addition on the fatigue cracks initiation and propagation, using scanning electron microscope, SEM, is also presented and discussed. Photomirographs and photoscans are included in the paper.Keywords: aluminum, fatigue, grain refinement, titanium, titanium+boron, vanadium
Procedia PDF Downloads 486324 Comparison of Numerical and Laboratory Results of Pull-Out Test on Soil–Geogrid Interactions
Authors: Parisa Ahmadi Oliaei, Seyed Abolhassan Naeini
The knowledge of soil–reinforcement interaction parameters is particularly important in the design of reinforced soil structures. The pull-out test is one of the most widely used tests in this regard. The results of tensile tests may be very sensitive to boundary conditions, and more research is needed for a better understanding of the Pull-out response of reinforcement, so numerical analysis using the finite element method can be a useful tool for the understanding of the Pull-out response of soil-geogrid interaction. The main objective of the present study is to compare the numerical and experimental results of Pull- out a test on geogrid-reinforced sandy soils interactions. Plaxis 2D finite element software is used for simulation. In the present study, the pull-out test modeling has been done on sandy soil. The effect of geogrid hardness was also investigated by considering two different types of geogrids. The numerical results curve had a good agreement with the pull-out laboratory results.Keywords: plaxis, pull-out test, sand, soil- geogrid interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 172323 Thermomechanical Processing of a CuZnAl Shape-Memory Alloy
Authors: Pedro Henrique Alves Martins, Paulo Guilherme Ferreira De Siqueira, Franco De Castro Bubani, Maria Teresa Paulino Aguilar, Paulo Roberto Cetlin
Cu-base shape-memory alloys (CuZnAl, CuAlNi, CuAlBe, etc.) are promising engineering materials for several unconventional devices, such as sensors, actuators, and mechanical vibration dampers. Brittleness is one of the factors that limit the commercial use of these alloys, as it makes thermomechanical processing difficult. In this work, a method for the hot extrusion of a 75.50% Cu, 16,74% Zn, 7,76% Al (weight %) alloy is presented. The effects of the thermomechanical processing in the microstructure and the pseudoelastic behavior of the alloy are assessed by optical metallography, compression and hardness tests. Results show that hot extrusion is a suitable method to obtain severe cross-section reductions in the CuZnAl shape-memory alloy studied. The alloy maintained its pseudoelastic effect after the extrusion and the modifications in the mechanical behavior caused by precipitation during hot extrusion can be minimized by a suitable precipitate dissolution heat treatment.Keywords: hot extrusion, pseudoelastic, shape-memory alloy, thermomechanical processing
Procedia PDF Downloads 374322 Formulation Development and Evaluation of Floating Tablets of Venlafaxine Hydrochloride
Authors: Gajera Lalit, Shah Pranav, Shah Shailesh
Venlafaxine hydrochloride has a short elimination half-life of 5 ± 2 hr, and absorption window in the upper part of gastrointestinal tract. The conventional tablets need to be administered two to three times a day and possess an oral bioavailability of 45%. The purpose of this study was to formulate gastroretentive effervescent floating tablets of Venlafaxine HCl. Different grades of HPMC namely K15M, K4M, K100M and E15LV were employed as swelling polymers whereas sodium bicarbonate was employed as gas generating agent. The direct compression method was employed for the formulation of tablets. The tablets were evaluated in terms of hardness, friability, weight variation, drug content, water uptake, in-vitro floating behavior and in-vitro drug release study. All the formulations exhibited very short floating lag time of < 1 min and total floating time of 12 hr. Formulation L3 containing 25 mg and 75 mg of HPMC E15 LV and HPMC K15M respectively exhibited complete drug release within 12 hrs.Keywords: venlafaxine HCl, hydroxyl propyl methylcellulose, floating gastro retentive tablets, in-vitro drug release, non-fickian diffusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 543321 Mechanical Analysis and Characterization of Friction Stir Processed Aluminium Alloy
Authors: Jaswinder Kumar, Kulbir Singh Sandhu
Friction stir processing (FSP) is a solid-state surface processing technique. A single-pass FSP was performed on Aluminum alloy at combinations of different tool rotational speeds with cylindrical threaded pin profiled tool. The effect of these parameters on tribological properties was studied. The wear resistance is found to be increased from base metal to a single pass FSP sample. The results revealed that with an increase in tool rotational speed, the wear rate increases. The high heat generation causes matrix softening, which results in an increased wear rate; on the other hand, high heat generation leads to coarse grains, which also affected tribological properties. Furthermore, Microstructure results showed that FSPed alloy has a more refined grain structure as compare to the base material, which may be resulted in enhancement of hardness and resistance to wear in FSP.Keywords: friction stir processing, aluminium alloy, microhardness, microstructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 110320 Development of Al-5%Cu/Si₃N₄, B₄C or BN Composites for Piston Applications
Authors: Ahmed Lotfy, Andrey V. Pozdniakov, Vadim C. Zolotorevskiy
The purpose of this research is to provide a competitive alternative to aluminum silicon alloys used in automotive applications. This alternative was created by developing three types of composites Al-5%Cu- (B₄C, BN or Si₃N₄) particulates with a low coefficient of thermal expansion. Stir casting was used to synthesis composites containing 2, 5 and 7 wt. % of B₄C, Si₃N₄ and 2, 5 of BN followed by squeeze casting. The squeeze casting process decreased the porosity of the final composites. The composites exhibited a fairly uniform particle distribution throughout the matrix alloy. The microstructure and XRD results of the composites suggested a significant reaction occurred at the interface between the particles and alloy. Increasing the aging temperature from 200 to 250°C decreased the hardness values of the matrix and the composites and decreased the time required to reach the peak. Turner model was used to calculate the expected values of thermal expansion coefficient CTE of matrix and its composites. Deviations between calculated and experimental values of CTE were not exceeded 10%. Al-5%Cu-B₄C composites experimentally showed the lowest values of CTE (17-19)·10-6 °С-1 and (19-20) ·10-6 °С-1 in the temperature range 20-100 °С and 20-200 °С respectively.Keywords: aluminum matrix composites, coefficient of thermal expansion, X-ray diffraction, squeeze casting, electron microscopy,
Procedia PDF Downloads 408319 Preparation and Properties of PP/EPDM Reinforced with Graphene
Authors: M. Haghnegahdar, G. Naderi, M. H. R. Ghoreishy
Polypropylene(PP)/Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) samples (80/20) containing 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 (expressed in mass fraction) graphene were prepared using melt compounding method to investigate microstructure, mechanical properties, and thermal stability as well as electrical resistance of samples. X-Ray diffraction data confirmed that graphene platelets are well dispersed in PP/EPDM. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, impact strength and hardness demonstrated increasing trend by graphene loading which exemplifies substantial reinforcing nature of this kind of nano filler and it's good interaction with polymer chains. At the same time it is found that thermo-oxidative degradation of PP/EPDM nanocomposites is noticeably retarded with the increasing of graphene content. Electrical surface resistivity of the nanocomposite was dramatically changed by forming electrical percolation threshold and leads to change electrical behavior from insulator to semiconductor. Furthermore, these results were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Keywords: nanocomposite, graphene, microstructure, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 330318 Failure Analysis of a Medium Duty Vehicle Leaf Spring
Authors: Gül Çevik
This paper summarizes the work conducted to assess the root cause of the failure of a medium commercial vehicle leaf spring failed in service. Macro- and micro-fractographic analyses by scanning electron microscope as well as material verification tests were conducted in order to understand the failure mechanisms and root cause of the failure. Findings from the fractographic analyses indicated that failure mechanism is fatigue. Crack initiation was identified to have occurred from a point on the top surface near to the front face and to the left side. Two other crack initiation points were also observed, however, these cracks did not propagate. The propagation mode of the fatigue crack revealed that the cyclic loads resulting in crack initiation and propagation were unidirectional bending. Fractographic analyses have also showed that the root cause of the fatigue crack initiation and propagation was loading the part above design stress. Material properties of the part were also verified by chemical composition analysis, microstructural analysis by optical microscopy and hardness tests.Keywords: leaf spring, failure analysis, fatigue, fractography
Procedia PDF Downloads 134317 Experimentation and Analysis of Reinforced Basalt and Carbon Fibres Composite Laminate Mechanical Properties
Authors: Vara Prasad Vemu
The aim of the present work is to investigate the mechanical properties and water absorption capacity of carbon and basalt fibers mixed with matrix epoxy. At present, there is demand for nature friendly products. Basalt reinforced composites developed recently, and these mineral amorphous fibres are a valid alternative to carbon fibres for their lower cost and to glass fibres for their strength. The present paper describes briefly on basalt and carbon fibres (uni-directional) which are used as reinforcement materials for composites. The matrix epoxy (LY 556-HY 951) is taken into account to assess its influence on the evaluated parameters. In order to use reinforced composites for structural applications, it is necessary to perform a mechanical characterization. With this aim experiments like tensile strength, flexural strength, hardness and water absorption are performed. Later the mechanical properties obtained from experiments are compared with ANSYS software results.Keywords: carbon fibre, basalt fibre, uni-directional, reinforcement, mechanical tests, water absorption test, ANSYS
Procedia PDF Downloads 198316 Structural Characterization and Hot Deformation Behaviour of Al3Ni2/Al3Ni in-situ Core-shell intermetallic in Al-4Cu-Ni Composite
Authors: Ganesh V., Asit Kumar Khanra
An in-situ powder metallurgy technique was employed to create Ni-Al3Ni/Al3Ni2 core-shell-shaped aluminum-based intermetallic reinforced composites. The impact of Ni addition on the phase composition, microstructure, and mechanical characteristics of the Al-4Cu-xNi (x = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 wt.%) in relation to various sintering temperatures was investigated. Microstructure evolution was extensively examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. Initially, under sintering conditions, the formation of "Single Core-Shell" structures was observed, consisting of Ni as the core with Al3Ni2 intermetallic, whereas samples sintered at 620°C exhibited both "Single Core-Shell" and "Double Core-Shell" structures containing Al3Ni2 and Al3Ni intermetallics formed between the Al matrix and Ni reinforcements. The composite achieved a high compressive yield strength of 198.13 MPa and ultimate strength of 410.68 MPa, with 24% total elongation for the sample containing 10 wt.% Ni. Additionally, there was a substantial increase in hardness, reaching 124.21 HV, which is 2.4 times higher than that of the base aluminum. Nanoindentation studies showed hardness values of 1.54, 4.65, 21.01, 13.16, 5.52, 6.27, and 8.39GPa corresponding to α-Al matrix, Ni, Al3Ni2, Ni and Al3Ni2 interface, Al3Ni, and their respective interfaces. Even at 200°C, it retained 54% of its room temperature strength (90.51 MPa). To investigate the deformation behavior of the composite material, experiments were conducted at deformation temperatures ranging from 300°C to 500°C, with strain rates varying from 0.0001s-1 to 0.1s-1. A sine-hyperbolic constitutive equation was developed to characterize the flow stress of the composite, which exhibited a significantly higher hot deformation activation energy of 231.44 kJ/mol compared to the self-diffusion of pure aluminum. The formation of Al2Cu intermetallics at grain boundaries and Al3Ni2/Al3Ni within the matrix hindered dislocation movement, leading to an increase in activation energy, which might have an adverse effect on high-temperature applications. Two models, the Strain-compensated Arrhenius model and the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model, were developed to predict the composite's flow behavior. The ANN model outperformed the Strain-compensated Arrhenius model with a lower average absolute relative error of 2.266%, a smaller root means square error of 1.2488 MPa, and a higher correlation coefficient of 0.9997. Processing maps revealed that the optimal hot working conditions for the composite were in the temperature range of 420-500°C and strain rates between 0.0001s-1 and 0.001s-1. The changes in the composite microstructure were successfully correlated with the theory of processing maps, considering temperature and strain rate conditions. The uneven distribution in the shape and size of Core-shell/Al3Ni intermetallic compounds influenced the flow stress curves, leading to Dynamic Recrystallization (DRX), followed by partial Dynamic Recovery (DRV), and ultimately strain hardening. This composite material shows promise for applications in the automobile and aerospace industries.Keywords: core-shell structure, hot deformation, intermetallic compounds, powder metallurgy
Procedia PDF Downloads 22315 Effect of Rapeseed Press Cake on Extrusion System Parameters and Physical Pellet Quality of Fish Feed
Authors: Anna Martin, Raffael Osen
The demand for fish from aquaculture is constantly growing. Concurrently, due to a shortage of fishmeal caused by extensive overfishing, fishmeal substitution by plant proteins is getting increasingly important for the production of sustainable aquafeed. Several research studies evaluated the impact of plant protein meals, concentrates or isolates on fish health and fish feed quality. However, these protein raw materials often require elaborate and expensive manufacturing and their availability is limited. Rapeseed press cake (RPC) – a side product of de-oiling processes – exhibits a high potential as a plant-based fishmeal alternative in fish feed for carnivorous species due to its availability, low costs and protein content. In order to produce aquafeed with RPC, it is important to systematically assess i) inclusion levels of RPC with similar pellet qualities compared to fishmeal containing formulations and ii) how extrusion parameters can be adjusted to achieve targeted pellet qualities. However, the effect of RPC on extrusion system parameters and pellet quality has only scarcely been investigated. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of feed formulation, extruder barrel temperature (90, 100, 110 °C) and screw speed (200, 300, 400 rpm) on extrusion system parameters and the physical properties of fish feed pellets. A co-rotating pilot-scale twin screw extruder was used to produce five iso-nitrogenous feed formulations: a fish meal based reference formulation including 16 g/100g fishmeal and four formulations in which fishmeal was substituted by RPC to 25, 50, 75 or 100 %. Extrusion system parameters, being product temperature, pressure at the die, specific mechanical energy (SME) and torque, were monitored while samples were taken. After drying, pellets were analyzed regarding to optical appearance, sectional and longitudinal expansion, sinking velocity, bulk density, water stability, durability and specific hardness. In our study, the addition of minor amounts of RPC already had high impact on pellet quality parameters, especially on expansion but only marginally affected extrusion system parameters. Increasing amounts of RPC reduced sectional expansion, sinking velocity, bulk density and specific hardness and increased longitudinal expansion compared to a reference formulation without RPC. Water stability and durability were almost not affected by RPC addition. Moreover, pellets with rapeseed components showed a more coarse structure than pellets containing only fishmeal. When the adjustment of barrel temperature and screw speed was investigated, it could be seen that the increase of extruder barrel temperature led to a slight decrease of SME and die pressure and an increased sectional expansion of the reference pellets but did almost not affect rapeseed containing fish feed pellets. Also changes in screw speed had little effects on the physical properties of pellets however with raised screw speed the SME and the product temperature increased. In summary, a one-to-one substitution of fishmeal with RPC without the adjustment of extrusion process parameters does not result in fish feed of a designated quality. Therefore, a deeper knowledge of raw materials and their behavior under thermal and mechanical stresses as applied during extrusion is required.Keywords: extrusion, fish feed, press cake, rapeseed
Procedia PDF Downloads 149314 Effects of Camel Casein Hydrolysate Addition on Rheological Properties of Yoghurt
Authors: A. A. Al-Saleh, E. A. Ismail, A. A. Metwalli
Effects of camel and cow casein hydrolysates by trypsin enzyme on rheological and sensory properties and growth of starter culture of the yoghurts made from cow milk have been investigated. The hydrolysates strongly decreased the fermentation and coagulation time of the yoghurts. The rate of pH decrease was higher with camel casein hydrolysate in comparison with cow casein hydrolysate at all concentrations used (0.5; 1.0 and 1.5%). Viscosities of the yoghurt made with hydrolysates significantly (p<0.05) decreased compared to control samples. The addition of the hydrolysates significantly (p <0.05) increased the hardness and adhesiveness of the yoghurts. No significant differences in water holding capacity of control and treated samples were obsereved at 0.5 and 1.0% casein hydrolysate addition. However, increasing casein hydrolysate addition to 1.5% decreased water holding capacity of yoghurt samples. The sensory evaluation scores of the yoghurts were significantly (p<0.05) improved with the addition of casein hydrolysates.Keywords: yoghurt, camel casein hydrolysates, cow casein hydrolysate, sensory evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 412313 Optimization of Submerged Arc Welding Parameters for Joining SS304 and MS1018
Authors: Jasvinder Singh, Manjinder Singh
Welding of dissimilar materials is a complicated process due to the difference in melting point of two materials. Thermal conductivity and coefficient of thermal expansion of dissimilar materials also different; therefore, residual stresses produced in the weldment and base metal are the most critical problem associated with the joining of dissimilar materials. Tensile strength and impact toughness also reduced due to the residual stresses. In the present research work, an attempt has been made to weld SS304 and MS1018 dissimilar materials by submerged arc welding (SAW). By conducting trail, runs most effective parameters welding current, Arc voltage, welding speed and nozzle to plate distance were selected to weld these materials. The fractional factorial technique was used to optimize the welding parameters. Effect on tensile strength (TS), fracture toughness (FT) and microhardness of weldment were studied. It was concluded that by optimizing welding current, voltage and welding speed the properties of weldment can be enhanced.Keywords: SAW, Tensile Strength (TS), fracture toughness, micro hardness
Procedia PDF Downloads 538312 Optimization of Processing Parameters of Acrylonitrile–Butadiene–Styrene Sheets Integrated by Taguchi Method
Authors: Fatemeh Sadat Miri, Morteza Ehsani, Seyed Farshid Hosseini
The present research is concerned with the optimization of extrusion parameters of ABS sheets by the Taguchi experimental design method. In this design method, three parameters of % recycling ABS, processing temperature and degassing time on mechanical properties, hardness, HDT, and color matching of ABS sheets were investigated. The variations of this research are the dosage of recycling ABS, processing temperature, and degassing time. According to experimental test data, the highest level of tensile strength and HDT belongs to the sample with 5% recycling ABS, processing temperature of 230°C, and degassing time of 3 hours. Additionally, the minimum level of MFI and color matching belongs to this sample, too. The present results are in good agreement with the Taguchi method. Based on the outcomes of the Taguchi design method, degassing time has the most effect on the mechanical properties of ABS sheets.Keywords: ABS, process optimization, Taguchi, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 73311 Rolling Contact Fatigue Failure Analysis of Ball Bearing in Gear Box
Authors: Piyas Palit, Urbi Pal, Jitendra Mathur, Santanu Das
Bearing is an important machinery part in the industry. When bearings fail to meet their expected life the consequences are increased downtime, loss of revenue and missed the delivery. This article describes the failure of a gearbox bearing in rolling contact fatigue. The investigation consists of visual observation, chemical analysis, characterization of microstructures using optical microscopes and hardness test. The present study also considers bearing life as well as the operational condition of bearings. Surface-initiated rolling contact fatigue, leading to a surface failure known as pitting, is a life-limiting failure mode in many modern machine elements, particularly rolling element bearings. Metallography analysis of crack propagation, crack morphology was also described. Indication of fatigue spalling in the ferrography test was also discussed. The analysis suggested the probable reasons for such kind of failure in operation. This type of spalling occurred due to (1) heavier external loading condition or (2) exceeds its service life.Keywords: bearing, rolling contact fatigue, bearing life
Procedia PDF Downloads 173310 The Mechanism of Calcium Carbonate Scale Deposition Affected by Carboxymethyl Chitosan
Authors: Genaro Bolívar, Manuel Mas, Maria Tortolero, Jorge Salazar
Due to the extensive use of water injection for oil displacement and pressure maintenance in oil fields, many reservoirs experience the problem of scale deposition when injection water starts to break through. In most cases the scaled-up wells are caused by the formation of sulfate and carbonate scales of calcium and strontium. Due to their relative hardness and low solubility, there are limited processes available for their removal and preventive measures such as the “squeeze” inhibitor treatment have to be taken. It is, therefore, important to gain a proper understanding of the kinetics of scale formation and its detrimental effects on formation damage under both inhibited and uninhibited conditions. Recently, the production of chitosan was started in our country and in the PDVSA-Intevep laboratories was synthesized and evaluated the properties of carboxymethyl chitosan (CMQ) as chelating agent of Ca2 + ions in water injection. In this regard, the characterization of the biopolymer by 13C - NMR, FTIR, TGA, and TM0374-2007 standard laboratory test has demonstrated the ability to remove up to 70% calcium ions in solution and shows a behavior that approaches that of commercial products.Keywords: carboxymethyl chitosan, scale, calcium carbonate scale deposition, water injection
Procedia PDF Downloads 439309 Mechanical Performances and Viscoelastic Behaviour of Starch-Grafted-Polypropylene/Kenaf Fibres Composites
Authors: A. Hamma, A. Pegoretti
The paper focuses on the evaluation of mechanical performances and viscoelastic behaviour of starch-grafted-PP reinforced with kenaf fibres. Investigations were carried out on composites prepared by melt compounding and compression molding. Two aspects have been taken into account, the effects of various fibres loading rates (10, 20 and 30 wt.%) and the fibres aspect ratios (L/D=30 and 160). Good fibres/matrix interaction has been evidenced by SEM observations. However, processing induced variation of fibre length quantified by optical microscopy observations. Tensile modulus and ultimate properties, hardness and tensile impact stress, were found to remarkably increase with fibre loading. Moreover, short term tensile creep tests have proven that kenaf fibres improved considerably the creep stability. Modelling of creep behaviour by a four parameter Burger model was successfully used. An empirical equation involving Halpin-Tsai semi empirical model was also used to predict the elastic modulus of composites.Keywords: mechanical properties, creep, fibres, thermoplastic composites, starch-grafted-PP
Procedia PDF Downloads 261308 A Comparative Study of Microstructure, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of A359 Composites Reinforced with SiC, Si3N4 and AlN Particles
Authors: Essam Shalaby, Alexander Churyumov, Malak Abou El-Khair, Atef Daoud
A comparative study of the thermal and mechanical behavior of squeezed A359 composites containing 5, 10 and 15 wt.% SiC, (SiC+ Si3N4) and AlN particulates was investigated. Stir followed by squeeze casting techniques are used to produce A359 composites. It was noticed that, A359/AlN composites have high thermal conductivity as compared to A359 alloy and even to A359/SiC or A359/(SiC+Si3N4) composites. Microstructures of the composites have shown homogeneous and even distribution of reinforcements within the matrix. Interfacial reactions between particles and matrix were investigated using X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. The presence of particles led not only to increase peak hardness of the composites but also to accelerate the aging kinetics. As compared with A359 matrix alloy, compression test of the composites has exhibited a significant increase in the yield and the ultimate compressive strengths with a relative reduction in the failure strain. Those light weight composites have a high potential to be used for automotive and aerospace applications.Keywords: metal-matrix composite, squeeze, microstructure, thermal conductivity, compressive properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 382307 Recycling of Plastic Waste into Composites Using Kaolin as Reinforcement
Authors: Gloria P. Manu, Johnson K. Efavi, Abu Yaya, Grace K. Arkorful, Frank Godson
Plastics have been used extensively in both food and water packaging and other applications because of their inherent properties of low bulk densities and inertness as well as its low cost. Waste management of these plastics after usage is troubling in Ghana. One way of addressing the environmental problems associated with these plastic wastes is by recycling into useful products such as composites for energy and construction applications using natural or local materials as reinforcement. In this work, composites have been formed from waste low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and kaolin at temperatures as low as 70 ֯C using low-cost solvents like kerosene. Chemical surface modifications have been employed to improve the interfacial bonding resulting in the enhancement of properties of the composites. Kaolin particles of sizes ≤ 90µm were dispersed in the polyethylene matrix. The content of the LDPE was varied between 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 %wt. Results obtained indicated that all the composites exhibited impressive compressive and flexural strengths with the 50%wt. composition having the highest strength. The hardness value of the composites increased as the polyethylene composition reduces and that of the kaolin increased. The average density and water of absorption of the composites were 530kg/m³ and 1.3% respectively.Keywords: polyethylene, recycling, waste, composite, kaolin
Procedia PDF Downloads 174306 Comparative Study of Mechanical and Corrosion Behaviors on Heat Treated Steel Alloys
Authors: Mario Robinson, Moe Rabea
This research examines the effects of heat treatment processes on the mechanical properties and corrosion resistanceof1045 and 4140 Steel Alloysfor industrial applications. Heat treatment processes of full annealing, normalizing, quenching, and tempering are carried out on the alloy samples. The mechanical and corrosion resistance tests of the heat treated samples are carried out, and the results obtained are related to their SEMmorphologies analysis. The results show that the heat treatment processes have an effect on the tensile strength, impact, and a significant effect on the corrosion resistance of the alloy samples. With respect to the strain characteristics, significant improvement in the ductility of the samples is recorded in the full annealing and alloy tempered samples. Thus, for application requiring strength and ductility, such as in aerospace industries, this tempered heat treated alloy could be used. In addition, the quenched sample shows a significant improvement in hardness.Keywords: heat treatment, corrosion resistance, steel, industrial appilcations
Procedia PDF Downloads 178305 Utilization of Mustard Leaves (Brassica juncea) Powder for the Development of Cereal Based Extruded Snacks
Authors: Maya S. Rathod, Bahadur Singh Hathan
Mustard leaves are rich in folates, vitamin A, K and B-complex. Mustard greens are low in calories and fats and rich in dietary fiber. They are rich in potassium, manganese, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium and low in sodium. It is very rich in antioxidants and Phytonutrients. For the optimization of process variables (moisture content and mustard leave powder), the experiments were conducted according to central composite Face Centered Composite design of RSM. The mustard leaves powder was replaced with composite flour (a combination of rice, chickpea and corn in the ratio of 70:15:15). The extrudate was extruded in a twin screw extruder at a barrel temperature of 120°C. The independent variables were mustard leaves powder (2-10 %) and moisture content (12-20 %). Responses analyzed were bulk density, water solubility index, water absorption index, lateral expansion, hardness, antioxidant activity, total phenolic content and overall acceptability. The optimum conditions obtained were 7.19 g mustard leaves powder in 100 g premix having 16.8 % moisture content (w.b).Keywords: extrusion, mustard leaves powder, optimization, response surface methodology
Procedia PDF Downloads 546304 Tribological Study of TiC Powder Cladding on 6061 Aluminum Alloy
Authors: Yuan-Ching Lin, Sin-Yu Chen, Pei-Yu Wu
This study reports the improvement in the wear performance of A6061 aluminum alloy clad with mixed powders of titanium carbide (TiC), copper (Cu) and aluminum (Al) using the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) method. The wear performance of the A6061 clad layers was evaluated by performing pin-on-disc mode wear test. Experimental results clearly indicate an enhancement in the hardness of the clad layer by about two times that of the A6061 substrate without cladding. Wear test demonstrated a significant improvement in the wear performance of the clad layer when compared with the A6061 substrate without cladding. Moreover, the interface between the clad layer and the A6061 substrate exhibited superior metallurgical bonding. Due to this bonding, the clad layer did not spall during the wear test; as such, massive wear loss was prevented. Additionally, massive oxidized particulate debris was generated on the worn surface during the wear test; this resulted in three-body abrasive wear and reduced the wear behavior of the clad surface.Keywords: GTAW、A6061 aluminum alloy, 、surface modification, tribological study, TiC powder cladding
Procedia PDF Downloads 463303 Mechanical Behaviour of Sisal Fibre Reinforced Cement Composites
Authors: M. Aruna
Emphasis on the advancement of new materials and technology has been there for the past few decades. The global development towards using cheap and durable materials from renewable resources contributes to sustainable development. An experimental investigation of mechanical behaviour of sisal fiber-reinforced concrete is reported for making a suitable building material in terms of reinforcement. Fibre reinforced composite is one such material, which has reformed the concept of high strength. Sisal fibres are abundantly available in the hot areas. The sisal fiber has emerged as a reinforcing material for concretes, used in civil structures. In this work, properties such as hardness and tensile strength of sisal fibre reinforced cement composites with 6, 12, 18, and 24% by weight of sisal fibres were assessed. Sisal fiber reinforced cement composite slabs with long sisal fibers were manufactured using a cast hand layup technique. Mechanical response was measured under tension. The high energy absorption capacity of the developed composite system was reflected in high toughness values under tension respectively.Keywords: sisal fibre, fiber-reinforced concrete, mechanical behaviour, composite materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 260302 Estimation of Grinding Force and Material Characterization of Ceramic Matrix Composite
Authors: Lakshminarayanan, Vijayaraghavan, Krishnamurthy
The ever-increasing demand for high efficiency in automotive and aerospace applications requires new materials to suit to high temperature applications. The Ceramic Matrix Composites nowadays find its applications for high strength and high temperature environments. In this paper, Al2O3 and Sic ceramic materials are taken in particulate form as matrix and reinforcement respectively. They are blended together in Ball Milling and compacted in Cold Compaction Machine by powder metallurgy technique. Scanning Electron Microscope images are taken for the samples in order to find out proper blending of powders. Micro harness testing is also carried out for the samples in Vickers Micro Hardness Testing Equipment. Surface grinding of the samples is also carried out in Surface Grinding Machine in order to find out grinding force estimates. The surface roughness of the grounded samples is also taken in Surface Profilometer. These are yielding promising results.Keywords: ceramic matrix composite, cold compaction, material characterization, particulate and surface grinding
Procedia PDF Downloads 243301 Influence of Water Physicochemical Properties and Vegetation Type on the Distribution of Schistosomiasis Intermediate Host Snails in Nelson Mandela Bay
Authors: Prince S. Campbell, Janine B. Adams, Melusi Thwala, Opeoluwa Oyedele, Paula E. Melariri
Schistosomiasis is an infectious water-borne disease that holds substantial medical and veterinary importance and is transmitted by Schistosoma flatworms. The transmission and spread of the disease are geographically and temporally confined to water bodies (rivers, lakes, lagoons, dams, etc.) inhabited by its obligate intermediate host snails and human water contact. Human infection with the parasite occurs via skin penetration subsequent to exposure to water infested with schistosome cercariae. Environmental factors play a crucial role in the spread of the disease, as the survival of intermediate host snails is dependent on favourable conditions. These factors include physical and chemical components of water, including pH, salinity, temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, water hardness, total dissolved solids, and velocity, as well as biological factors such as predator-prey interactions, competition, food availability, and the presence and density of aquatic vegetation. This study evaluated the physicochemical properties of the water bodies, vegetation type, distribution, and habitat presence of the snail intermediate host. A quantitative cross-sectional research design approach was employed in this study. Eight sampling sites were selected based on their proximity to residential areas. Snails and water physicochemical properties were collected over different seasons for 9 months. A simple dip method was used for surface water samples and measurements were done using multiparameter meters. Snails captured using a 300 µm mesh scoop net and predominant plant species were gathered and transported to experts for identification. Vegetation composition and cover were visually estimated and recorded at each sampling point. Data was analysed using R software (version 4.3.1). A total of 844 freshwater snails were collected, with Physa genera accounting for 95.9% of the snails. Bulinus and Biomphalaria snails, which serve as intermediate hosts for the disease, accounted for (0.9%) and (0.6%) respectively. Indicator macrophytes such as Eicchornia crassipes, Stuckenia pectinate, Typha capensis, and floating macroalgae were found in several water bodies. A negative and weak correlation existed between the number of snails and physicochemical properties such as electrical conductivity (r=-0.240), dissolved oxygen (r=-0.185), hardness (r=-0.210), pH (r=-0.235), salinity (r=-0.242), temperature (r=-0.273), and total dissolved solids (r=-0.236). There was no correlation between the number of snails and turbidity (r=-0.070). Moreover, there was a negative and weak correlation between snails and vegetation coverage (r=-0.127). Findings indicated that snail abundance marginally declined with rising physicochemical concentrations, and the majority of snails were located in regions with less vegetation cover. The reduction in Bulinus and Biomphalaria snail populations may also be attributed to other factors, such as competition among the snails. Snails of the Physa genus were abundant due to their noteworthy resilience in difficult environments. These snails have the potential to function as biological control agents in areas where the disease is endemic, as they outcompete other snails, including schistosomiasis intermediate host snails.Keywords: intermediate host snails, physicochemical properties, schistosomiasis, vegetation type
Procedia PDF Downloads 25300 Nanoindentation Behaviour and Microstructural Evolution of Annealed Single-Crystal Silicon
Authors: Woei-Shyan Lee, Shuo-Ling Chang
The nanoindentation behaviour and phase transformation of annealed single-crystal silicon wafers are examined. The silicon specimens are annealed at temperatures of 250, 350 and 450ºC, respectively, for 15 minutes and are then indented to maximum loads of 30, 50 and 70 mN. The phase changes induced in the indented specimens are observed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and micro-Raman scattering spectroscopy (RSS). For all annealing temperatures, an elbow feature is observed in the unloading curve following indentation to a maximum load of 30 mN. Under higher loads of 50 mN and 70 mN, respectively, the elbow feature is replaced by a pop-out event. The elbow feature reveals a complete amorphous phase transformation within the indented zone, whereas the pop-out event indicates the formation of Si XII and Si III phases. The experimental results show that the formation of these crystalline silicon phases increases with an increasing annealing temperature and indentation load. The hardness and Young’s modulus both decrease as the annealing temperature and indentation load are increased.Keywords: nanoindentation, silicon, phase transformation, amorphous, annealing
Procedia PDF Downloads 377299 Soil Degradation Resulting from Migration of Ion Leachate in Gosa Dumpsite, Abuja
Authors: S. Ebisintei, M. A. Olutoye, A. S. Kovo, U. G. Akpan
The effect of soil degradation due to ion leachate migration using dumpsite located at Idu industrial area of Abuja was investigated. It was done to assess the health and environmental pollution consequences caused by heavy metals’ concentration in the soil on inhabitants around the settlement. Soil samples collected from four cardinal points and at the center during the dry and wet season were pretreated, digested and heavy metal concentrations present were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The concentrations of Pb, Cu, Mn, Ni, and Cr, were determined and also for control sample obtained 300 m away from the dumpsite. Water samples were collected from three wells to test for physiochemical properties of pH, COD, BOD, DO, hardness, conductivity, and alkalinity. The result showed a significant difference in concentration of toxic heavy metals in the dumpsite as compared to the control sample. A mathematical model was developed to predict the heavy metal concentrations beyond the sampling point. The results indicate that metal concentrations in both dry and wet season were above the WHO, and SON set standards. The trend, if unrestrained, portends danger to human life, reduces agricultural productivity and sustainability.Keywords: soil degradation, ion leachate, productivity, environment, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 347298 The Effect of Geometrical Ratio and Nanoparticle Reinforcement on the Properties of Al-based Nanocomposite Hollow Sphere Structures
Authors: Mostafa Amirjan
In the present study, the properties of Al-Al2O3 nanocomposite hollow sphere structures were investigated. For this reason, the Al-based nanocomposite hollow spheres with different amounts of nano alumina reinforcement (0-10wt %) and different ratio of thickness to diameter (t/D: 0.06-0.3) were prepared via a powder metallurgy method. Then, the effect of mentioned parameters was studied on physical and quasi static mechanical properties of their related prepared structures (open/closed cell) such as density, hardness, strength and energy absorption. It was found that as the t/D ratio increases the relative density, compressive strength and energy absorption increase. The highest values of strength and energy absorption were obtained from the specimen with 5 wt. % of nanoparticle reinforcement, t/D of 0.3 (t=1 mm, D=400µm) as 22.88 MPa and 13.24 MJ/m3, respectively. The moderate specific strength of prepared composites in the present study showed the good consistency with the properties of others low carbon steel composite with similar structure.Keywords: hollow sphere structure foam, nanocomposite, thickness and diameter (t/D ), powder metallurgy
Procedia PDF Downloads 453297 Effects of Spray Dryer Atomizer Speed on Casein Micelle Size in Whole Fat Milk Powder and Physicochemical Properties of White Cheese
Authors: Mohammad Goli, Akram Sharifi, Mohammad Yousefi Jozdani, Seyed Ali Mortazavi
An industrial spray dryer was used, and the effects of atomizer speed on the physicochemical properties of milk powder, the textural and sensory characteristics of white cheese made from this milk powder, were evaluated. For this purpose, whole milk was converted into powder by using three different speeds (10,000, 11,000, and 12,000 rpm). Results showed that with increasing atomizer speed in the spray dryer, the average size of casein micelle is significantly decreased (p < 0.05), whereas no significant effect is observed on the chemical properties of milk powder. White cheese characteristics indicated that with increasing atomizer speed, texture parameters, such as hardness, mastication, and gumminess, were significantly reduced (p < 0.05). Sensory evaluation also revealed that cheese samples prepared with dried milk produced at 12,000 rpm were highly accepted by panelists. Overall, the findings suggested that 12,000 rpm is the optimal atomizer speed for milk powder production.Keywords: spray drying, powder technology, atomizer speed, particle size, white cheese physical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 469296 Effect of Copper Ions Doped-Hydroxyapatite 3D Fiber Scaffold
Authors: Adil Elrayah, Jie Weng, Esra Suliman
The mineral in human bone is not pure stoichiometric calcium phosphate (Ca/P) as it is partially substituted by in organic elements. In this study, the copper ions (Cu2+) substituted hydroxyapatite (CuHA) powder has been synthesized by the co-precipitation method. The CuHA powder has been used to fabricate CuHA fiber scaffolds by sol-gel process and the following sinter process. The resulted CuHA fibers have slightly different microstructure (i.e. porosity) compared to HA fiber scaffold, which is denser. The mechanical properties test was used to evaluate CuHA, and the results showed decreases in both compression strength and hardness tests. Moreover, the in vitro used endothelial cells to evaluate the angiogenesis of CuHA. The result illustrated that the viability of endothelial cell on CuHA fiber scaffold surfaces tends to antigenic behavior. The results obtained with CuHA scaffold give this material benefit in biological applications such as antimicrobial, antitumor, antigens, compacts, filling cavities of the tooth and for the deposition of metal implants anti-tumor, anti-cancer, bone filler, and scaffold.Keywords: fiber scaffold, copper ions, hydroxyapatite, in vitro, mechanical property
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