Search results for: youth personal decision aid
6602 Restraint and Seclusion: Individual and Environmental Characteristics of the Educators Super Users
Authors: Caroline A. Mathieu, Steve Geoffrion, Alexandre Dumais, Denis Lafortune
In Quebec, troubled youths stay in a rehabilitation Center (RC), and educators in RC’S are particularly at risk of exposure to workplace violence. In order to manage youth violence and protect youth safety or their own, educators can resort to restraint and seclusion (R&S) strategies. To our best knowledge, in the literature, no study was found on the topic of R&S super users either in psychiatry or in a rehabilitation center. The objective of this study is to explore the differences between R&S super users and normal users among educators in terms of individual and environmental characteristics, over an eight weeks period. The 278 participants were volunteers recruited from 36 units that foster around 8 to 12 youths per unit, in a suburb of Montreal; Quebec, Canada. The results indicate that among the variables that were studied, only fear of violence and past exposure to violence at work characterized the R&S super users. These results suggest that exposure to violence in the workplace might increase the anticipation and fear of violence from a youth; this is concordant with the results indicating that these variables are the ones separating normal users from super users.Keywords: seclusion and restraint, violence, youth, educators
Procedia PDF Downloads 1946601 Self-Education, Recognition and Well-Being Insights into Qualitative-Reconstructive Educational Research on the Value of Non-formal Education in the Adolescence
Authors: Sandra Biewers Grimm
International studies such as Pisa have shown an increasing social inequality in the education system, which is determined in particular by social origin and migration status. This is especially the case in the Luxembourg school system, which creates challenges for many young people due to the multilingualism in the country. While the international and also the national debate on education in the immediate aftermath of the publications of the Pisa results mainly focused on the further development of school-based learning venues and formal educational processes, it initially remained largely unclear what role exactly out-of-school learning venues and non-formal and informal learning processes could play in this further development. This has changed in the meantime. Both in the political discourses and in the scientific disciplines, those voices have become louder that draw attention to the important educational function and the enormous educational potential of out-of-school learning places as a response to the crisis of the formal education system and more than this. Youth work as an actor and approach of non-formal education is particularly in demand here. Due to its principles of self-education, participation and openness, it is considered to have a special potential in supporting the acquisition of important key competencies. In this context, the study "Educational experiences in non-formal settings" at CCY takes a differentiated look behind the scenes of education-oriented youth work and describes on the basis of empirical data what and how young people learn in youth centers and which significance they attach to these educational experiences for their subjective life situation. In this sense, the aim of the study is to reconstruct the subjective educational experiences of young people in Open Youth Work as well as to explore the value that these experiences have for young people. In doing so, it enables scientifically founded conclusions about the educational potential of youth work from the user's perspective. Initially, the study focuses on defining the concept of education in the context of non-formal education and thus sets a theoretical framework for the empirical analysis. This socio-educational term of education differs from the relevant conception of education in curricular, formal education as the acquisition of knowledge. It also differs from the operationalization of education as competence, or the differentiation into cultural, social and personal or into factual, social or methodological competence, which is often used in the European context and which has long been interpreted as a "social science reading of the question of education" (XX). Now the aim is to define a "broader" concept of education that goes beyond the normative and educational policy dimensions of a "non-formal education" and includes the classical socio-educational dimensions. Furthermore, the study works with different methods of empirical social research: In addition to ethnographic observation and an online survey, group discussions were conducted with the young people. The presentation gives an insight into the context, the methodology and the results of this study.Keywords: non-formal education, youth research, qualitative research, educational theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1646600 Explication of the Relationship between Historical Trauma, Culture Loss, and Native American Youth Suicide: A Review of Related Literature
Authors: Julie A. LaRose
Native American youth, ages 10-24, have the highest rate of suicide in the United States. The hopelessness experienced by the native American youth is linked to psychosocial reasons more than biological or intrapsychic reasons. Two significant social determinants of health that diminish their hope include historical trauma and cultural loss. Intergenerational grief is caused by historical trauma from hundreds of years of colonization, broken treaties, and forced migration, leading to land, resources, and sovereignty loss. Forced acculturation through boarding schools that native children were required to attend led to the loss of traditions and culture. The result is hopelessness. This paper reviewed peer-reviewed research literature, government reports, non-government organizations reports, and video and written publications by Native Americans. Building hope through healing historical trauma and embracing cultural traditions may reduce suicide rates among Native American youth.Keywords: culture loss, historical trauma, Native American, suicide, suicide rates
Procedia PDF Downloads 1236599 Theoretical Aspects and Practical Approach in the Research of the Human Capital of Student Volunteer Community
Authors: Kalinina Anatasiia, Pevnaya Mariya
The article concerns theoretical basis in the research of student volunteering, identifies references of student volunteering as a social community, classifies human capital indicators of student volunteers. Also there are presented the results of research of 450 student volunteers in Russia concerning the correlation between international volunteering and indicators of human capital of youth. Findings include compared characteristics of human capital of “potential” and “real” international student volunteers. Factor analysis revealed two categories of active students categories of active students.Keywords: human capital, international volunteering, student volunteering, social community, youth volunteering, youth politics
Procedia PDF Downloads 5596598 Rejoinders to the Expression of Reprimand among Jordanian Youth: A Pragmatic Study
Authors: Nisreen Al-Khawaldeh
The study investigates the expressions voiced by Jordanian youth as rejoinders to the expressions of reprimands. It also explores the impact sociocultural variables exert on such types of rejoinders. To our best knowledge, this study is the first of its kind. Despite the significance and sensitivity of such type of communicative act, there is a scarcity of research on it, and it has not been investigated in the Jordanian context. Data collected from observation of naturally occurring data. Data have been qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed in light of the rapport management approach (RMA). The analysis revealed different types of rejoinders, among which was the expression of apology, admitting responsibility, and trying to manage and fix the situation were the most used strategies. Variation in the types of strategies was attributed to the influence of the sociocultural variables. Promising ideas were recommended for future research.Keywords: gender, rejoinder to reprimand, Jordanian youth, rapport management approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 1966597 Krembo Wings Youth Movement for Children with and without Disabilities: An Inclusive Model from an Educational Perspective to a Professional Approach
Authors: Claudia Koby, Merav Boaz, Meirav Zaiger Kober
Krembo Wings is an all-inclusive youth movement which brings children and youth with any disability together with their able-bodied peers (counselors) for weekly fun and educational social activities. Krembo Wings utilizes a socio-educational framework to create and lead social change through members with and without disabilities. All the work that Krembo Wings engages in stems from its central goal of promoting inclusion and integration using social and psychological theories to develop its unique model and approach. The key to Krembo Wings' approach in promoting inclusion is active participation – each member, with and without disabilities, is enabled to participate to their fullest capacity in the youth movement and its activities. In order for this to be achieved, all activities are adjustable and are modified to fit the abilities of each member. Additionally, youth counselors – most of whom are members without disabilities – go through extensive training in order to act as 'intermediaries' for their partner with disabilities, enabling and facilitating their partner's participation in a way that allows them to be as independent and active as possible. The relationship is one of friendship and not of caretaking. There is always a nurse on-hand to tend to any caretaking needs. Two essential elements of Krembo Wings' model is the broadening of concepts – shifting and changing the understanding of certain concepts such as what it means to be 'independent' or 'able' – and the development of a unique language – creating a language which both reflects and shapes reality. These elements of Krembo Wings' model foster the development of the values of acceptance and appreciation of those who are 'different'. It instills in members and counselors a new way of perceiving the world, one in which inclusion and integration are achievable and natural. Krembo Wings is certain that implementation of this model will promote the participation and inclusion of individuals with disabilities in society while promoting diversity. This model can serve as a platform which can be replicated and adjusted to suit any environment.Keywords: innovative model for inclusion, socio-educational movement, youth leadership, youth with and without disabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 1286596 Preventing Discharge to No Fixed Address-Youth (NFA-Y)
Authors: Cheryl Forchuk, Sandra Fisman, Steve Cordes, Dan Catunto, Katherine Krakowski, Melissa Jeffrey, John D’Oria
The discharge of youth aged 16-25 from hospital into homelessness is a prevalent issue despite research indicating social, safety, health and economic detriments on both the individual and community. Lack of stable housing for youth discharged into homelessness results in long-term consequences, including exacerbation of health problems and costly health care service use and hospital readmission. People experiencing homelessness are four times more likely to be readmitted within one month of discharge and hospitals must spend $2,559 more per client. Finding safe housing for these individuals is imperative to their recovery and transition back to the community. People discharged from hospital to homelessness experience challenges, including poor health outcomes and increased hospital readmissions. Youth are the fastest-growing subgroup of people experiencing homelessness in Canada. The needs of youth are unique and include supports related to education, employment opportunities, and age-related service barriers. This study aims to identify the needs of youth at risk of homelessness by evaluating the efficacy of the “Preventing Discharge to No Fixed Address – Youth” (NFA-Y) program, which aims to prevent youth from being discharged from hospital into homelessness. The program connects youth aged 16-25 who are inpatients at London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Health Care London to housing and financial support. Supports are offered through collaboration with community partners: Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Canadian Mental Health Association Elgin Middlesex, City of London Coordinated Access, Ontario Works, and Salvation Army’s Housing Stability Bank. This study was reviewed and approved by Western University’s Research Ethics Board. A series of interviews are being conducted with approximately ninety-three youth participants at three time points: baseline (pre-discharge), six, and twelve months post-discharge. Focus groups with participants, health care providers, and community partners are being conducted at three-time points. In addition, administrative data from service providers will be collected and analyzed. Since homelessness has a detrimental effect on recovery, client and community safety, and healthcare expenditure, locating safe housing for psychiatric patients has had a positive impact on treatment, rehabilitation, and the system as a whole. If successful, the findings of this project will offer safe policy alternatives for the prevention of homelessness for at-risk youth, help set them up for success in their future years, and mitigate the rise of the homeless youth population in Canada.Keywords: youth homelessness, no-fixed address, mental health, homelessness prevention, hospital discharge
Procedia PDF Downloads 1056595 The Use of Online Courses as a Tool for Teaching in Education for Youth and Adults
Authors: Elineuda Do Socorro Santos Picanço Sousa, Ana Kerlly Souza da Costa
This paper presents the analysis of the information society as a plural, inclusive and participatory society, where it is necessary to give all citizens, especially young people, the right skills in order to develop skills so that they can understand and use information through of contemporary technologies; well as carry out a critical analysis, using and producing information and all sorts of messages and / or informational language codes. This conviction inspired this article, whose aim is to present current trends in the use of technology in distance education applied as an alternative and / or supplement to classroom teaching for Youth and Adults, concepts and actions, seeking to contribute to its development in the state of Amapá and specifically, the Center for Professional of Amapá Teaching Professor Josinete Oliveira Barroso - CEPAJOB.Keywords: youth and adults education, Ead. Professional Education, online courses, CEPAJOB
Procedia PDF Downloads 6426594 Sharing Personal Information for Connection: The Effect of Social Exclusion on Consumer Self-Disclosure to Brands
Authors: Jiyoung Lee, Andrew D. Gershoff, Jerry Jisang Han
Most extant research on consumer privacy concerns and their willingness to share personal data has focused on contextual factors (e.g., types of information collected, type of compensation) that lead to consumers’ personal information disclosure. Unfortunately, the literature lacks a clear understanding of how consumers’ incidental psychological needs may influence consumers’ decisions to share their personal information with companies or brands. In this research, we investigate how social exclusion, which is an increasing societal problem, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, leads to increased information disclosure intentions for consumers. Specifically, we propose and find that when consumers become socially excluded, their desire for social connection increases, and this desire leads to a greater willingness to disclose their personal information with firms. The motivation to form and maintain interpersonal relationships is one of the most fundamental human needs, and many researchers have found that deprivation of belongingness has negative consequences. Given the negative effects of social exclusion and the universal need to affiliate with others, people respond to exclusion with a motivation for social reconnection, resulting in various cognitive and behavioral consequences, such as paying greater attention to social cues and conforming to others. Here, we propose personal information disclosure as another form of behavior that can satisfy such social connection needs. As self-disclosure can serve as a strategic tool in creating and developing social relationships, those who have been socially excluded and thus have greater social connection desires may be more willing to engage in self-disclosure behavior to satisfy such needs. We conducted four experiments to test how feelings of social exclusion can influence the extent to which consumers share their personal information with brands. Various manipulations and measures were used to demonstrate the robustness of our effects. Through the four studies, we confirmed that (1) consumers who have been socially excluded show greater willingness to share their personal information with brands and that (2) such an effect is driven by the excluded individuals’ desire for social connection. Our findings shed light on how the desire for social connection arising from exclusion influences consumers’ decisions to disclose their personal information to brands. We contribute to the consumer disclosure literature by uncovering a psychological need that influences consumers’ disclosure behavior. We also extend the social exclusion literature by demonstrating that exclusion influences not only consumers’ choice of products but also their decision to disclose personal information to brands.Keywords: consumer-brand relationship, consumer information disclosure, consumer privacy, social exclusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 1256593 Impact of Brand Origin on Brand Loyalty: A Case of Personal Care Products in Pakistan
Authors: Aimen Batool Bint-E-Rashid, Syed Muhammad Dawood Ali Shah, Muhammad Usman Farooq, Mahgul Anwar
As the world is progressing, the needs and demands of the consumer market are also changing. Nowadays the trends of consumer purchase decisions are dependent upon multiple factors. This study aims to identify the influential impact of country of origin over the perception and devotion towards daily personal care products specifically in reference to the knowledge and awareness regarding that particular brand in Pakistan. To corroborate this study, a 30-item brand origin questionnaire has been used with 300 purchase decision makers belonging to different age groups. To illustrate this study, a model has been developed based on brand origin, brand awareness and brand loyalty. Correlation and regression analysis have been used to find out the results which conclude the findings on the perspective of Pakistan’s consumer market as that brand origin has a direct relationship with brand loyalty provided that the consumer has a positive brand awareness. Support for the fact that brand origin impacts brand loyalty through brand awareness has been presented in this study.Keywords: brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand origin, personal care products, P&G, Unilever
Procedia PDF Downloads 2426592 The Level of Administrative Creativity and Its Obstacles From the Point of View of Workers in Youth Centers in Jordan
Authors: Basheer Ahmad Al-Alwan
This study aimed to assess the extent of administrative creativity and identify its barriers from the perspective of employees working in youth centers in Jordan. The sample comprised 156 individuals employed in youth centers within the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Data collection involved the utilization of two measures: the administrative creativity scale and the obstacles to administrative work scale. Correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyses were conducted. The findings revealed a high level of administrative creativity, as indicated by a mean score of 3.82 and a standard deviation of 0.51. Furthermore, statistically significant gender-based differences in administrative creativity were observed, favoring males, with a mean score of 3.32 for males compared to 2.91 for females. The results also demonstrated statistically significant differences in the level of administrative creativity based on experience, with the highest mean score observed for individuals with 5 to less than 10 years of experience. Regarding the obstacles to administrative creativity, the findings revealed an average level, with a mean score of 2.86 and a standard deviation of 0.791. Based on these results, the study recommends the promotion of a culture of creativity among employees and the provision of a broader scope of authority to foster an environment conducive to administrative creativity. Additionally, it suggests offering training courses encompassing the annual plan for these centers and minimizing obstacles that hinder the creative process among employees in Jordanian youth centers.Keywords: administrative creativity, obstacles, workers in youth centers, Jordan
Procedia PDF Downloads 896591 Development of a System for Fitting Clothes and Accessories Using Augmented Reality
Authors: Dinmukhamed T., Vassiliy S.
This article suggests the idea of fitting clothes and accessories based on augmented reality. A logical data model has been developed, taking into account the decision-making module (colors, style, type, material, popularity, etc.) based on personal data (age, gender, weight, height, leg size, hoist length, geolocation, photogrammetry, number of purchases of certain types of clothing, etc.) and statistical data of the purchase history (number of items, price, size, color, style, etc.). Also, in order to provide information to the user, it is planned to develop an augmented reality system using a QR code. This system of selection and fitting of clothing and accessories based on augmented reality will be used in stores to reduce the time for the buyer to make a decision on the choice of clothes.Keywords: augmented reality, online store, decision-making module, like QR code, clothing store, queue
Procedia PDF Downloads 1596590 A Study of the Effects of Zimbabwean Youth Migration on Musina Area, South Africa
Authors: R. Chinyakata, N. R. Raselekoane
Migration has always been part of human history. Migration is spurred by globalisation which connects nations by encouraging the flow of goods, services, ideas and people across borders. Migration does not only involve movement of adults from one country to another. It also affects and involves the youth as they are the most mobile group. Musina area, like many other border areas, experiences a variety of challenges as a result of the influx of people from the neighbouring Zimbabwe and other African countries. Of great concern about this migration is the fact that the host country or area may become unsafe and unstable as a result of huge influx of migrants. There may also be tensions between local people and migrants over the resources. The study sought to investigate the effects of the Zimbabwean youth migration on Musina area. The study was undertaken in Musina area which is situated 18km from the Beit-Bridge border post. A qualitative research approach was used. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. Non-probability quota sampling technique was used to select the respondents. The study sample consisted of sixteen female and male respondents. Thematic coding was used to analyse the data. Ethical considerations such as informed consent, confidentiality, anonymity and voluntary participation were taken into account to protect the participants. The study found that the effects of the Zimbabwean youth migration on the Musina area include, among others, tensions between locals and the Zimbabwean youth migrants over resources, job and business opportunities, overcrowding and crime. Multi-pronged strategies which involve different stakeholders should be applied to address tensions over job and business opportunities, overcrowding and crime in the Musina area.Keywords: host country, effects, migrant, migration, Musina, youth, Zimbabwe
Procedia PDF Downloads 2456589 Adolescents Psychological Well Being in Relation to Bullying/CB Victimization: The Mediating Effect of Resilience and Self-Concept
Authors: Dorit Olenik-Shemesh, Tali Heiman
Aggressive peer behaviors, particularly bullying and cyberbullying (CB) victimization during adolescence, are strongly and consistently linked to decreased levels of subjective well-being, potentially hindering a healthy and consistent developmental process. These negative effects might be expressed in emotional, physical, and behavioral difficulties. Adolescents victims of bullying/CB present more depressive moods, more loneliness, and more suicidal thoughts, while adolescents who had never been victims of bullying and CB acts present higher levels of well-being. These difficulties in their lives may be both a consequence of and a partial explanation for bullying/CB victimization. Interpersonal behavior styles and psychosocial factors may interact to create a vicious cycle in which adolescents place themselves at risk, which might explain the reduced well-being reported among victims. Yet, to the best of our knowledge, almost no study has examined the effect of two key variables in adolescents' lives, resilience and self-concept, in the relationship between bullying/CB victimization and low levels of psychological well-being among adolescents. Resilience is defined as the individual's capacity of maintaining stable functioning and make adjustments in the face of adversity; a capacity that promotes efficiently coping with environmental stressors and protects from psycho-social difficulties when facing various challenges. Self-concept relates to the way we perceive ourselves, influenced by many forces, including our interactions with the surroundings; a collection of beliefs about oneself. Accordingly, the current study has examined the possible mediating effect of these two main positive personal variables, resilience, and self-concept, through a mediation model analysis. 507 middle school students aged 11–16 (53% boys, 47% girls) completed questionnaires regarding bullying and CB behaviors, psychological well-being, resilience, and self-concept. A mediation model analysis was performed, whereas the hypothesized mediation model was accepted in full. More specifically, it was found that both self-concept and resilience mediated the relationship between bullying/CB victimization and a sense of well-being. High levels of both variables might buffer against a potential decrease in well-being associated with youth bullying/CB victimization. No gender differences were found, except a small stronger effect of resilience on well-being for boys. The study results suggest focusing on specific personal positive variables when developing youth intervention programs, creating an infrastructure for new programs that address increasing resilience and self-concept in schools and family-school contexts. Such revamped programs could diminish bullying/CB acts and the harmful negative implications for youth well-being. Future studies that will incorporate longitudinal data may further deepen the understanding of these examined relationships.Keywords: adolescents, well being, bullying/CB victimization, resilience, self-concept
Procedia PDF Downloads 126588 Questioning Ethiopia's University Education Philosophy: A Policy towards Disempowering the Country's Youth
Authors: Sisay Tamrat Ayalew
This paper aims to explore the two contradictory debates about the educational philosophy of universities in the context of Ethiopia. It also explores how the understanding of the philosophy of the university is shaped by environmental factors and exacerbates the marginalization of youth. On the one hand, universities are perceived as places where knowledge can solve a certain practical problem. On the other hand, universities are places where knowledge is produced and disseminated irrespective of its immediate use value. This study found that understanding the philosophy of education varies across time and place. In the Ethiopian context, there is neither a disinterested pursuit of knowledge nor an instrumentalist epistemology nor a synthesis of the two. It disregards the value of knowledge altogether and overly simplifies the philosophy of instrumentalist epistemology to the extent of buying and selling certificates, even in the absence of formal training.Keywords: philosophy of universities, marginalized youth, diploma mill, instrumentalist epistemology, disinterested pursuit
Procedia PDF Downloads 736587 Second-Generation Mozambican Migrant Youth’s Identity and Sense of Belonging in South Africa: The Case of Rural Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga
Authors: Betty Chiyangwa
This paper explores the complexities surrounding second-generation Mozambican migrant youth’s identity and sense of belonging in post-apartheid South Africa, Bushbuckridge. Established in 1884, Bushbuckridge is one of the earliest districts to accommodate first-generation Mozambicans who migrated to South Africa in the 1970s. This is a single case study informed by data from 24 semi-structured interviews and narratives with migrant youth (18-34 years) born and raised in South Africa to Mozambican parent(s) living in Bushbuckridge. Drawing from Sen’s Capability and Crenshaw’s Intersectionality approaches, this paper contributes to the existing body of knowledge on South to South migration by demonstrating how the role of participants’ identity status influences their agency and capability. The subject of youth migrants is often under-researched in the context of migration in South African thus, their opinions and views have often been marginalized in sociology. Through exploring participants’ experiences, this paper reveals that lack of identity status was described to be a huge hindrance to participants to identify as South Africans and they explained that is a constant distortion of their sense of belonging. Un-documentation status restricts participants and threatens their mobility and hinders their agency to access human rights and perpetuates social inequalities as well as hampering future aspirations. This paper concludes there is a strong association between identity status and levels of social integration. The development of a multi-layered comprehensive model in enhancing participants’ identity is recommended. This model encourages a collaborative effort from multiple stakeholders in enhancing and harnessing migrant youth capabilities in host societies.Keywords: migrant youth, mozambique, second-generation, south africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 1486586 The Role of Midwives in Promoting Childbearing in Respect to the Law of Population Youth in Iran
Authors: Parvin Abedi, Poorandokht Afshari
Introduction: In 2022, the Youth Law of the Population was notified to all organizations, including the Iranian Ministry of Health. Some of the articles of this law are about the role of midwives in health and treatment to promote childbearing. In this regard, articles number 45, 48, 49, and 50 are related to midwifery work that will be reviewed in this article. Methods: In this review, the law of population youth was reviewed. In this regard, the statistics of midwives working in the treatment and health sector were collected and analyzed according to the population youth law. Results: Nearly 47 000 midwives are working in the public and private sectors of the country and in the healthcare sector; according to Article 49, which states that there should be one midwife for every two parturient women, about 12,000 midwives are needed in the treatment department and about 8,000 midwives are needed in the health department. In Article 50 it is mentioned to modify tariffs and efficiency in order to increase natural childbirth, and in this field, insurance organizations should have sufficient cooperation with payments. The tariff for midwifery services has been increased, but it is not enough for the stressful job of midwifery. The labor incentive for delivery by midwives is also low. Conclusion: Midwives are one of the fundamental pillars of the law of the population, and without increasing the motivation of midwives, it is not possible to increase the rate of natural childbirth and make childbirth pleasant.Keywords: law of the population, midwife, motivation, childbearing
Procedia PDF Downloads 456585 A Ratio-Weighted Decision Tree Algorithm for Imbalance Dataset Classification
Authors: Doyin Afolabi, Phillip Adewole, Oladipupo Sennaike
Most well-known classifiers, including the decision tree algorithm, can make predictions on balanced datasets efficiently. However, the decision tree algorithm tends to be biased towards imbalanced datasets because of the skewness of the distribution of such datasets. To overcome this problem, this study proposes a weighted decision tree algorithm that aims to remove the bias toward the majority class and prevents the reduction of majority observations in imbalance datasets classification. The proposed weighted decision tree algorithm was tested on three imbalanced datasets- cancer dataset, german credit dataset, and banknote dataset. The specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy metrics were used to evaluate the performance of the proposed decision tree algorithm on the datasets. The evaluation results show that for some of the weights of our proposed decision tree, the specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy metrics gave better results compared to that of the ID3 decision tree and decision tree induced with minority entropy for all three datasets.Keywords: data mining, decision tree, classification, imbalance dataset
Procedia PDF Downloads 1396584 Clinical Correlates of Suicide Attempts in Trauma-Exposed Youth
Authors: Sandra Landy
Traumatic experiences in youth are a major risk factor for future suicidality. With suicide steadily increasing over the last 20 years as one of the top three leading causes of death in children and adolescents, it is essential to examine the aspects of trauma that contribute to suicidality. A quantitative secondary data analysis of a prospective, multicenter 24-month observational study of youth who have experienced traumatic experiences was utilized to determine the relationship between bullying and suicide attempts, cyberbullying and suicide attempts, and number of traumas and suicide attempts. Data was analyzed with the Spearman-rank correlation test to determine the relationships. Findings supported past research establishing a relationship between bulling, including cyberbullying, and suicide attempts, as well as increasing number of traumatic experiences and suicide attempts. Further large scale studies may be beneficial to support these findings.Keywords: adolescent(s), suicide, trauma, bullying, cyberbullying
Procedia PDF Downloads 466583 Exploring Perceptions of Non-Energy Benefits and Energy Efficiency Investment in the Malaysian Industrial Sector
Authors: Siti Noor Baiti Binti Mustafa
Energy management studies regarding energy efficiency investments in Malaysia has yet to address the lack of empirical research that examines pro- sustainability behavior of managers in the industrial sector and how it influences energy efficiency investment decision-making. This study adopts the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to examine the relationship between personal attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (PBC), the intention of energy efficiency investments, and how perceptions of Non-Energy Benefits (NEB) influence these intentions among managers in the industrial sector in Malaysia. Managers from various sub-sectors in the industrial sector were selected from a sample of companies that are participants of the Government-led program named the Energy Audit Conditional Grant (EACG) that aimed to promote energy efficiency. Data collection was conducted through an online semi-structured, open-ended questionnaire and then later interviewed. The results of this explorative sequential qualitative study showed that perceived behavioral control was a significant predictor of energy efficiency investment intentions as compared to factors such as attitude and subjective norms. The level of awareness and perceptions towards NEB further played a significant factor in influencing energy efficiency investment decision-making as well. Various measures and policy recommendations are provided together with insights on factors that influence decision-makers intention to invest in energy efficiency, whilst new knowledge on NEB perceptions will be useful to enhance the attractiveness of energy-efficient investments.Keywords: energy efficiency investments, non-energy benefits, theory of planned behavior, personal attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, Malaysia industrial sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 1266582 Prevalence and Pattern of Drug Usage among Youth in Ogbomoso, Nigeria
Authors: Samson F. Agberotimi, Rachel B. Asagba, Choja Oduaran
Disturbing rate of use of different substances such as cannabis, alcohol, as well as pharmaceutical drugs among Nigerian youth in recent times has been affirmed in the literature. There is, however, a paucity of literature addressing the pattern of usage of such drugs, especially for clinical relevance and intervention planning. The present study investigated the prevalence and pattern of drug usage among youth in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey involving 92 purposively selected participants comprising of 82 males and 10 females aged between 15 and 24 years was conducted. A measure of drug involvement and demographic characteristics was administered to the participants. Descriptive analysis was done using the SPSS v.21. Cannabis (79.4%), alcohol (77.2%), codeine (70.7%), tobacco (65.2%) and tramadol (47.8%) are the five most frequently used substances. However, the majority of the users of tobacco (68.3%) and alcohol (62.0%) are casual users indicating a mild level of use of the substances among the participants. On the other hand, 49.2% of the codeine users, 27.3% of the tramadol users, and 21.9% of the cannabis users reported harmful/intensive levels of use. Furthermore, the results revealed individuals at the pathological level of use as 28.8% for cannabis, 25.0% for tramadol, and 21.6% for codeine, and thus require clinical/therapeutic intervention. In conclusion, cannabis remains the most frequently used substance among youths. However, there appears to be a shift from the use of conventional psychoactive substances to pharmaceutical/prescription drugs such as codeine and tramadol. The findings of this study raised the need for both preventive and therapeutic interventions addressing the problem of substance use disorder among youth in contemporary society.Keywords: Ogbomoso, pattern of drug use, prevalence of drug use, youth
Procedia PDF Downloads 1706581 Self-Determination Theory at the Workplace: Associations between Need Satisfaction and Employment Outcomes
Authors: Wendy I. E. Wesseling
The unemployment rate has been on the rise since the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008. Especially labor market entrants suffer from economic downfall. Despite the abundance of programs and agencies that help to reintegrate unemployed youth, considerable less research attention has been paid to 'fit' between these programs and its participants that ensure a durable labor market transition. According to Self-Determination Theory, need satisfaction is associated with better (mental) adjustment. As such, three hypothesis were formulated: when workers’ needs for competence (H1), relatedness (H2), and autonomy (H3) are satisfied in the workplace, they are more likely to remain employed at the same employer. To test these assumptions, a sample of approximately 800 young people enrolled in a youth unemployment policy participated in a longitudinal study. The unemployment policy was aimed at the development of generic and vocational competences, and had a maximum duration of six months. Need satisfaction during the program was measured, as well as their employment outcomes up to 12 months after completion of the policy. All hypotheses were (partly) supported. Some limitations should be noted. First, since our sample consisted primarily of highly educated white graduates, it remains to be tested whether our results generalize to other groups of unemployed youth. Moreover, we are unable to conclude whether the results are due to the intervention, participants (selection effect), or both, because of the lack of a control group.Keywords: need satisfaction, person-job fit, self-determination theory, youth unemployment policy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2576580 Adolescents’ Role in Family Buying Decision Making
Authors: Harleen Kaur, Deepika Jindal Singla
Buying decision making is a complicated process, in which consumer’s decision is under the impact of others. The buying decision making is directed in a way that they have to act as customers in the society. Media and family are key socialising agents for adolescents’. Moreover, changes in the socio-cultural environment in India necessitate that adolescents’ influence in family’s buying decision-making should be investigated. In comparison to Western society, Indian is quite different, when compared in terms of family composition and structure, behaviour, values and norms which effect adolescents’ buying decision-making.Keywords: adolescents, buying behavior, Indian urban families, consumer socialization
Procedia PDF Downloads 4816579 Influence of Online Sports Events on Betting among Nigerian Youth
Authors: Babajide Olufemi Diyaolu
The opportunity provided by advances in technology as regards sports betting is so numerous that even at one's comfort, with the use of a phone, Nigerian youth are found engaging in all kinds of betting. Today it is more difficult to differentiate a true fan as there are quite a number of them that became fans as a result of betting on live games. This study investigated the influence of online sports events on betting among Nigerian youth. A descriptive survey research design was used, and the population consists of all Nigerian youth that engages in betting and live within the southwest zone of Nigeria. A simple random sampling technique was used to pick three states from the southwest zone of Nigeria. Two thousand five hundred respondents comprising males and female were sampled from the three states. A structured questionnaire on online sports event contribution to sports betting (OSECSB) was used. The Instrument consists of three sections. Section A seeks information on the demographic data of the respondents. Section B seeks information on online sports events, while section C is used to extract information on sports betting. The modified instrument, which consists of 14 items, has a reliability coefficient of 0.74. The hypothesis was tested at 0.05 significance level. The completed questionnaire was collated, coded, and analyzed using descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentage and pie chart, and inferential statistics of multiple regressions. The findings of this study revealed that online sports betting is a significant predictor of an increase in sports betting among Nigerian youth. The media and television, as well as globalization and the internet coupled with social media and various online platforms, have all contributed to the immense increase in sports betting. The increase in the advertisement of the betting platform during live matches, especially football, is becoming more alarming. In most organized international events, the media attention, as well as sponsorship right, are now been given to one or two betting platforms. There is a need for all stakeholders to put in place school-based intervention programs to reorientate our youth about the consequences of addiction to betting. Such programs must include meta-analyses and emotional control towards sports betting.Keywords: betting platform, Nigerian fans, Nigerian youth, sports betting
Procedia PDF Downloads 756578 A Critical Appraisal of the Philosophy of University and Its Debates: The Creation of Disempowered Youth in the Ethiopian Education Sector
Authors: Sisaye Tamrat Ayalew
This paper focuses on the educational philosophy of universities in Ethiopia and the debates surrounding it. It highlights the contradictory views on the role of universities, with some perceiving them as practical problem-solving institutions and others emphasizing the production and dissemination of knowledge. The aim of this study is to critically explore the debates around the educational philosophy of universities in Ethiopia. It also seeks to examine how the understanding of this philosophy contributes to the marginalization of youth in the country. This research adopts a phenomenological qualitative research design. It aims to understand the impact of socio-economic and political factors on university education and how youth from disadvantaged backgrounds experience marginalization in the job market. The study reveals that the understanding of educational philosophy varies across different contexts and over time. In the Ethiopian context, the philosophy of universities lacks a disinterested pursuit of knowledge and instrumentalist epistemology. Instead, it oversimplifies the philosophy to the point of devaluing knowledge and treating certificates as commodities, even in the absence of formal training. In conclusion, this research highlights the need for a critical appraisal of the educational philosophy of universities in Ethiopia. It emphasizes the negative impact of an oversimplified and commodified approach to knowledge on the empowerment of youth. By bringing attention to these issues, this study contributes to the broader understanding of the role of universities in society and calls for reforms in the Ethiopian education sector to promote empowerment rather than disempowerment.Keywords: philosophy of universities, marginalized youth, diploma mill, instrumentalist epistemology, disinterested pursuit
Procedia PDF Downloads 766577 Strategic Decision Making Practice in Croatia: Which Decision Making Style is More Effective?
Authors: Ivana Bulog
Decision making is a vital part of the business world and any other field of human endeavor. Which way a business organization will take, and where that way will lead it, depends on broad range of decisions made by managers in the managerial structure. Strategic decisions are of the greatest importance for organizational success. Although much empirical research has been done trying to describe and explain its nature and effectiveness, knowledge about strategic decision making is still incomplete. This paper explores the nature of strategic decision making in particular setting - in Croatian companies. The main focus of this research is on the style that decision makers on strategic management level are following when making decisions of life importance for their companies. Two main decision making style that explain the way decision maker collects and processes available information and performs all the activities in strategic decision making process were empirical tested: rational and intuitive one. Besides analyzing their existence on strategic management level in Croatian companies, their effectiveness is analyzed as well. Results showed that decision makers at strategic management level are following both styles somewhat equally in order to function effectively, and that intuitive style is more effective when considering decisions outcomes.Keywords: decision making style, decision making effectiveness, strategic decisions, management sciences
Procedia PDF Downloads 3826576 Dietary Micronutritient and Health among Youth in Algeria
Authors: Allioua Meryem
Similar to much of the developing world, Algeria is currently undergoing an epidemiological transition. While mal- and under-nutrition and infectious diseases used to be the main causes of poor health, today there is a higher proportion of chronic, non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, etc. According to estimates for Algeria from the World Health Organization (WHO), NCDs accounted for 63% of all deaths in 2010. The objective of this study was the assessment of eating habits and anthropometric characteristics in a group of youth aged 15 to 19 years in Tlemcen. This study was conducted on a total effective of 806 youth enrolled in a descriptive cross-sectional study; the classification of nutritional status has been established by international standards IOTF, youth were defined as obese if they had a BMI ≥ 95th percentile, and youth with 85th ≤ BMI ≤ 95th percentile were defined as overweight. Wc is classified by the criteria HD, Wc with moderate risk ≥ 90th percentile and Wc with high risk ≥ 95th percentile. The dietary assessment was based on a 24-hour dietary recall assisted by food records. USDA’S nutrient database for Nutrinux® program was used to analyze dietary intake. Nutrients adequacy ratio was calculated by dividing daily individual intake to dietary recommended intake DRI for each nutrient. 9% of the population was overweight, 3% was obese, 7.5% had abdominal obesity, foods eaten in moderation are chips, cookies, chocolate 1-3 times/day and increased consumption of fried foods in the week, almost half of youth consume sugary drinks more than 3 times per week, we observe a decreased intake of energy, protein (P < 0.001, P = 0.003), SFA (P = 0.018), the NAR of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin E, folate, niacin, and thiamin reflecting less consumption of fruit, vegetables, milk, and milk products. Youth surveyed have eating habits at risk of developing obesity and chronic disease.Keywords: food intake, health, anthropometric characteristics, Algeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 5406575 Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data Versus Quality Data Assurance in the Healthcare System Case Report
Authors: Elizabeta Krstić Vukelja
Digitization of personal data is a consequence of the development of information and communication technologies that create a new work environment with many advantages and challenges, but also potential threats to privacy and personal data protection. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council is becoming a law and obligation that should address the issues of personal data protection and information security. The existence of the Regulation leads to the conclusion that national legislation in the field of virtual environment, protection of the rights of EU citizens and processing of their personal data is insufficiently effective. In the health system, special emphasis is placed on the processing of special categories of personal data, such as health data. The healthcare industry is recognized as a particularly sensitive area in which a large amount of medical data is processed, the digitization of which enables quick access and quick identification of the health insured. The protection of the individual requires quality IT solutions that guarantee the technical protection of personal categories. However, the real problems are the technical and human nature and the spatial limitations of the application of the Regulation. Some conclusions will be drawn by analyzing the implementation of the basic principles of the Regulation on the example of the Croatian health care system and comparing it with similar activities in other EU member states.Keywords: regulation, healthcare system, personal dana protection, quality data assurance
Procedia PDF Downloads 426574 The Effectiveness of an Injury Prevention Workshop in Increasing Knowledge and Understanding in Grass-Root Youth Coaches
Authors: Mark De Ste Croix, Jonathan Hughes, Francisco Ayala, Michal Lehnert
There are well-known challenges to implementing injury prevention training for youth players but no data are available on the knowledge and understanding of deliverers of such programmes at grass root level. To increase adoption and adherence to such programmes coach knowledge and understanding of injury risk and prevention is essential. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine grass-root coaches knowledge and understanding of injury risk and prevention in youth players. 68 grass root coaches (18 females and 50 males) who were attending a one-day injury prevention workshop completed a modified validated questionnaire exploring knowledge and understanding of injury risk and prevention in youth players. Only 59% of coaches agreed that youth players are at a high risk of suffering an injury. There were high levels of agreement that injuries can have negative impacts on team performance (75%) and can cause physical problems in later life (85%), however only around half of coaches felt that injuries affect youth players current quality of life (59%). There was strong agreement that it is possible to prevent injuries in youth players (84%), but coaches were generally unaware of programs to help prevent injuries (84%), and only 9% used some form of injury prevention program. Despite this, nearly all coaches felt that their coaching could benefit from a greater understanding of growth and maturation (91%), injury prevention programmes (91%) and specific exercises (93%) for youth athletes. 17% of coaches rated their knowledge of injury prevention as good/very good at the start of the workshop and this increased to 94% at the end of the workshop. 62% of coaches identified their attitude towards injury prevention as indifferent at the start of the workshop compared with only 1% at the end. Only 14% of coaches at the start of the workshop were confident to deliver an injury prevention session but 83% stated they were confident by the end of the workshop. Finally, 98% of coaches felt that the workshop provided them with the confidence and the knowledge to deliver an injury prevention session and 98% suggested that they would implement injury prevention into their coaching. These data suggest that there is a lack of understanding of grass root coaches that children are a high-risk group for injuries, and that such injuries impact on current quality of life. Despite understanding that injuries can be prevented most grass root coaches do not have the knowledge to implement injury prevention into their coaching and very few do. There is a common consensus amongst these coaches that a greater understanding of such programmes will enhance their coaching. The injury prevention workshop appears to have increased the knowledge and changed the attitude of coaches towards injury prevention. All coaches felt that the workshop provided them with the tools to adopt, implement and deliver injury prevention in their coaching. These data highlight that there is a clear need for education regarding injury risk and prevention to be embedded within the coach education pathway, especially at grass root level.Keywords: coach education, injury prevention, knowledge, and understanding, youth
Procedia PDF Downloads 1716573 Voices from Inside and the Power of Art to Transform and Restore
Authors: Karen Miner-Romanoff
Few art programs for incarcerated juveniles exist; however, evaluation results indicate decreased recidivism and behavior problems. This paper reports on an on-going study of a promising art program for incarcerated adolescents with community exhibits and charitable sale of their work. Voices from Inside, a partnership between Franklin University and the Ohio Department of Youth Services, sponsored three exhibits in 2012, 2013, and 2014. In 2013, youth exhibitor survey results (response rate 47%, 16 of 34) showed that 81% cited as benefits cooperation with others, task completion, and increased self-esteem from public recognition and art sales. Community attendee survey results (response rate 29.5%, 59 of 200) showed positive attitude changes toward juvenile offenders, from 40% to 53%. Qualitative responses were similarly positive. The 2014 youth exhibitor sample was larger (response rate 58%, 29 of 50) and showed that 93% cited positive benefits including increase in self-esteem, decrease in stress, pride or recognition of the ability to reach a goal from completing, exhibiting and selling their art to benefit a charity for at-risk youth. This year, the research was able to conduct ten one-on-one interviews inside of the youth facilities, and qualitative responses were even more positive with one youth explaining, “This art represents my joy, my tears, my pain and my hope.” Community attendee survey results (response rate 50%, 86 of 170) were transformative in that that they indicated significant impression on attitudes toward juvenile offenders and their rehabilitative needs with one attendee stating that the event had an, “Immense impact for me bringing into focus the humanity and value these youth still have for us and society.” Future research indicates a need for a correlation study to determine the extent to which these art programs reduce behavioral incidents inside of the facility and long-term reduction in reoffending rates. Generally, further study of juvenile offenders’ art for rehabilitation and restorative justice, the power of art to transform, and university-community partnerships implementing art programs for juvenile offenders should continue.Keywords: art, juvenile, incarcerated, restorative justice
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