Search results for: digital holography
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2830

Search results for: digital holography

1420 Digitalized Public Sector Practices: Opportunities for Open Innovation in Rwanda

Authors: Reem Abou Refaie, Christoph Meinel


The paper explores the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the internal as well as external digitalized work practices of public service providers as part of a Public-Private Partnership Model. It focuses on the effect of uncertainty on generating Open Innovation practices. Our inquiry relies on semi-structured interviews (n=14) from a case study of Rwanda’s Public Service Delivery System in the context of research cooperation with IremboGov, the country’s One-Stop-Shop Platform for public services. It presents four propositions on harnessing opportunities for OI in the context of the public sector beyond the pandemic response. Practitioners can find characterizations of OI opportunities and gain insights on fostering OI in Public Sector Organizations.

Keywords: open innovation, digital transformation, public sector, Rwanda

Procedia PDF Downloads 130
1419 From Servicescape to Servicespace: Qualitative Research in a Post-Cartesian Retail Context

Authors: Chris Houliez


This study addresses the complex dynamics of the modern retail environment, focusing on how the ubiquitous nature of mobile communication technologies has reshaped the shopper experience and tested the limits of the conventional "servicescape" concept commonly used to describe retail experiences. The objective is to redefine the conceptualization of retail space by introducing an approach to space that aligns with a retail context where physical and digital interactions are increasingly intertwined. To offer a more shopper-centric understanding of the retail experience, this study draws from phenomenology, particularly Henri Lefebvre’s work on the production of space. The presented protocol differs from traditional methodologies by not making assumptions about what constitutes a retail space. Instead, it adopts a perspective based on Lefebvre’s seminal work, which posits that space is not a three-dimensional container commonly referred to as “servicescape” but is actively produced through shoppers’ spatial practices. This approach allows for an in-depth exploration of the retail experience by capturing the everyday spatial practices of shoppers without preconceived notions of what constitutes a retail space. The designed protocol was tested with eight participants during 209 hours of day-long field trips, immersing the researcher into the shopper's lived experience by combining multiple data collection methods, including participant observation, videography, photography, and both pre-fieldwork and post-fieldwork interviews. By giving equal importance to both locations and connections, this study unpacked various spatial practices that contribute to the production of retail space. These findings highlight the relative inadequacy of some traditional retail space conceptualizations, which often fail to capture the fluid nature of contemporary shopping experiences. The study's emphasis on the customization process, through which shoppers optimize their retail experience by producing a “fully lived retail space,” offers a more comprehensive understanding of consumer shopping behavior in the digital age. In conclusion, this research presents a significant shift in the conceptualization of retail space. By employing a phenomenological approach rooted in Lefebvre’s theory, the study provides a more efficient framework to understand the retail experience in the age of mobile communication technologies. Although this research is limited by its small sample size and the demographic profile of participants, it offers valuable insights into the spatial practices of modern shoppers and their implications for retail researchers and retailers alike.

Keywords: shopper behavior, mobile telecommunication technologies, qualitative research, servicescape, servicespace

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1418 'Enjoying the Czech Traditions with All Sences!': Tourism Product Promotion

Authors: Tomas Seidl


'Enjoy the Czech traditions with all sences!' is the main communication headline of one of the major current marketing project representing the intangible cultural heritage of the Czech Republic to its visitors. The project CZ.1.06/4.1.00/12.08915 and CZ.1.06/4.1.00/12.08916 which is solved in the period 2013-2015 is co-financed form the EU financial sources from the Integrated Operational Programme. The primary goal of the project was to analyze the dislocation and potential of the intangible cultural heritage in the Czech Republic. Further goal was to prepare a useful regionalization. An as solution based on the outcomes the creative and media strategy was created and prepared. The processor – CzechTourism expect the following web and mobile application development and successful marketing campaign in 2015.

Keywords: traditions, intangible cultural heritage, Czech Republic, CzechTourism, digital performance

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1417 3D Model Completion Based on Similarity Search with Slim-Tree

Authors: Alexis Aldo Mendoza Villarroel, Ademir Clemente Villena Zevallos, Cristian Jose Lopez Del Alamo


With the advancement of technology it is now possible to scan entire objects and obtain their digital representation by using point clouds or polygon meshes. However, some objects may be broken or have missing parts; thus, several methods focused on this problem have been proposed based on Geometric Deep Learning, such as GCNN, ACNN, PointNet, among others. In this article an approach from a different paradigm is proposed, using metric data structures to index global descriptors in the spectral domain and allow the recovery of a set of similar models in polynomial time; to later use the Iterative Close Point algorithm and recover the parts of the incomplete model using the geometry and topology of the model with less Hausdorff distance.

Keywords: 3D reconstruction method, point cloud completion, shape completion, similarity search

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1416 Together - A Decentralized Application Connects Ideas and Investors

Authors: Chandragiri Nagadeep, M. V. V. S. Durga, Sadu Mahikshith


Future generation is depended on new ideas and innovations that develops the country economical growth and technology standards so, Startups plays an important role in satisfying above goals. Startups includes support which is given by investing into it by investors but, single digit investors can’t keep supporting one startup and lot of security problems occurs while transferring large funds to startup’s bank account. Targeting security and most supportive funding, TogEther solves these issues by providing a platform where “Crowd Funding” is available in a decentralized way such that funding is done with digital currency called cryptocurrency where transactions are done in a secured way using “Block Chain Technology”. Not only Funding but also Ideas along with their documents can be presented and hosted with help of IPFS (Inter Planetary File System).

Keywords: blockchain, ethereum, web3, reactjs, interplanetary file system, funding

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1415 Validating the Contract between Microservices

Authors: Parveen Banu Ansari, Venkatraman Chinnappan, Paramasivam Shankar


Contract testing plays a pivotal role in the current landscape of microservices architecture. Testing microservices at the initial stages of development helps to identify and rectify issues before they escalate to higher levels, such as UI testing. By validating microservices through contract testing, you ensure the integration quality of APIs, enhancing the overall reliability and performance of the application. Contract testing, being a collaborative effort between testers and developers, ensures that the microservices adhere to the specified contracts or agreements. This proactive approach significantly reduces defects, streamlines the development process, and contributes to the overall efficiency and robustness of the application. In the dynamic and fast-paced world of digital applications, where microservices are the building blocks, embracing contract testing is indeed a strategic move for ensuring the quality and reliability of the entire system.

Keywords: validation, testing, contract, agreement, microservices

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1414 Learn through AR (Augmented Reality)

Authors: Prajakta Musale, Bhargav Parlikar, Sakshi Parkhi, Anshu Parihar, Aryan Parikh, Diksha Parasharam, Parth Jadhav


AR technology is basically a development of VR technology that harnesses the power of computers to be able to read the surroundings and create projections of digital models in the real world for the purpose of visualization, demonstration, and education. It has been applied to education, fields of prototyping in product design, development of medical models, battle strategy in the military and many other fields. Our Engineering Design and Innovation (EDAI) project focuses on the usage of augmented reality, visual mapping, and 3d-visualization along with animation and text boxes to help students in fields of education get a rough idea of the concepts such as flow and mechanical movements that may be hard to visualize at first glance.

Keywords: spatial mapping, ARKit, depth sensing, real-time rendering

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1413 Morphological Rules of Bangla Repetition Words for UNL Based Machine Translation

Authors: Nawab Yousuf Ali, S. Golam, A. Ameer, Ashok Toru Roy


This paper develops new morphological rules suitable for Bangla repetition words to be incorporated into an inter lingua representation called Universal Networking Language (UNL). The proposed rules are to be used to combine verb roots and their inflexions to produce words which are then combined with other similar types of words to generate repetition words. This paper outlines the format of morphological rules for different types of repetition words that come from verb roots based on the framework of UNL provided by the UNL centre of the Universal Networking Digital Language (UNDL) foundation.

Keywords: Universal Networking Language (UNL), universal word (UW), head word (HW), Bangla-UNL Dictionary, morphological rule, enconverter (EnCo)

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1412 Role of Machine Learning in Internet of Things Enabled Smart Cities

Authors: Amit Prakash Singh, Shyamli Singh, Chavi Srivastav


This paper presents the idea of Internet of Thing (IoT) for the infrastructure of smart cities. Internet of Thing has been visualized as a communication prototype that incorporates myriad of digital services. The various component of the smart cities shall be implemented using microprocessor, microcontroller, sensors for network communication and protocols. IoT enabled systems have been devised to support the smart city vision, of which aim is to exploit the currently available precocious communication technologies to support the value-added services for function of the city. Due to volume, variety, and velocity of data, it requires analysis using Big Data concept. This paper presented the various techniques used to analyze big data using machine learning.

Keywords: IoT, smart city, embedded systems, sustainable environment

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1411 TRNG Based Key Generation for Certificateless Signcryption

Authors: S.Balaji, R.Sujatha, M. Ramakrishnan


Signcryption is a cryptographic primitive that fulfills both the functions of digital signature and public key encryption simultaneously in low cost when compared with the traditional signature-then-encryption approach. In this paper, we propose a novel mouse movement based key generation technique to generate secret keys which is secure against the outer and insider attacks. Tag Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) process is implemented using True Random Number Generator (TRNG) method. This TRNG based key is used for data encryption in the Data Encapsulation Mechanism (DEM). We compare the statistical reports of the proposed system with the previous methods which implements TKEM based on pseudo random number generator

Keywords: pseudo random umber generator, signcryption, true random number generator, node deployment

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1410 Different Levels of Mixed Reality: Mixed Reality as a Tool to Change the Visitor's Experience in the Museum

Authors: Hector Valverde Martínez


In this text, the application possibilities of developments in MR are explored as an element within the museographic space that affects the visitor-museum relationship to satisfy the needs of knowledge and recreation that visitors have to improve the experience. The emphasis points out the way in which it is thinking from the digital to understand the possibilities in the design of museum experiences, and are analyzed the strategies used inside and outside the museum space are exemplified from the use of MR and their impact on the visitors' experience to reach different levels of depth of knowledge in an exhibition; the exploration of limits in the creation of atmospheres that allow visitors to feel immersed in a completely different reality from the one they live to better understand the topics addressed in the exhibition, and strategies that are used to encourage museum audiences to actively participate and extend the experience of the museum beyond its walls.

Keywords: mixed realities, experience, visitor, museums

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1409 A Pedagogical Study of Computational Design in a Simulated Building Information Modeling-Cloud Environment

Authors: Jaehwan Jung, Sung-Ah Kim


Building Information Modeling (BIM) provides project stakeholders with various information about property and geometry of entire component as a 3D object-based parametric building model. BIM represents a set of Information and solutions that are expected to improve collaborative work process and quality of the building design. To improve collaboration among project participants, the BIM model should provide the necessary information to remote participants in real time and manage the information in the process. The purpose of this paper is to propose a process model that can apply effective architectural design collaborative work process in architectural design education in BIM-Cloud environment.

Keywords: BIM, cloud computing, collaborative design, digital design education

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1408 MapReduce Algorithm for Geometric and Topological Information Extraction from 3D CAD Models

Authors: Ahmed Fradi


In a digital world in perpetual evolution and acceleration, data more and more voluminous, rich and varied, the new software solutions emerged with the Big Data phenomenon offer new opportunities to the company enabling it not only to optimize its business and to evolve its production model, but also to reorganize itself to increase competitiveness and to identify new strategic axes. Design and manufacturing industrial companies, like the others, face these challenges, data represent a major asset, provided that they know how to capture, refine, combine and analyze them. The objective of our paper is to propose a solution allowing geometric and topological information extraction from 3D CAD model (precisely STEP files) databases, with specific algorithm based on the programming paradigm MapReduce. Our proposal is the first step of our future approach to 3D CAD object retrieval.

Keywords: Big Data, MapReduce, 3D object retrieval, CAD, STEP format

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1407 Content Creation as Performance

Authors: D. van der Merwe


Walter Benjamin observed a marked difference in test performances versus final performances, with special regard to film and the cinema setting versus the stage as the site of performance, exhibition, and consumption. The attention given to film is justifiable and valid given its position as the best example of media convergence of Benjamin’s era, that of late modernity. In contemporary terms, however, the film has been supplanted by content as the prime example of convergence at work, and the digital domain, materialized in the form of the mobile internet, as the substituted site for the cinema. By examining the performance of the polymediated self within social media content, this paper hopes to establish the practice of content creation as a cultural artefact evidencing exhibition value on par with -or at least comparable with- performance art.

Keywords: content creation, convergence, stage performance, test performance, polymediation, Walter Benjamin

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1406 Designing a Cyclic Redundancy Checker-8 for 32 Bit Input Using VHDL

Authors: Ankit Shai


CRC or Cyclic Redundancy Check is one of the most common, and one of the most powerful error-detecting codes implemented on modern computers. Most of the modern communication protocols use some error detection algorithms in digital networks and storage devices to detect accidental changes to raw data between transmission and reception. Cyclic Redundancy Check, or CRC, is the most popular one among these error detection codes. CRC properties are defined by the generator polynomial length and coefficients. The aim of this project is to implement an efficient FPGA based CRC-8 that accepts a 32 bit input, taking into consideration optimal chip area and high performance, using VHDL. The proposed architecture is implemented on Xilinx ISE Simulator. It is designed while keeping in mind the hardware design, complexity and cost factor.

Keywords: cyclic redundancy checker, CRC-8, 32-bit input, FPGA, VHDL, ModelSim, Xilinx

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1405 3D Text Toys: Creative Approach to Experiential and Immersive Learning for World Literacy

Authors: Azyz Sharafy


3D Text Toys is an innovative and creative approach that utilizes 3D text objects to enhance creativity, literacy, and basic learning in an enjoyable and gamified manner. By using 3D Text Toys, children can develop their creativity, visually learn words and texts, and apply their artistic talents within their creative abilities. This process incorporates haptic engagement with 2D and 3D texts, word building, and mechanical construction of everyday objects, thereby facilitating better word and text retention. The concept involves constructing visual objects made entirely out of 3D text/words, where each component of the object represents a word or text element. For instance, a bird can be recreated using words or text shaped like its wings, beak, legs, head, and body, resulting in a 3D representation of the bird purely composed of text. This can serve as an art piece or a learning tool in the form of a 3D text toy. These 3D text objects or toys can be crafted using natural materials such as leaves, twigs, strings, or ropes, or they can be made from various physical materials using traditional crafting tools. Digital versions of these objects can be created using 2D or 3D software on devices like phones, laptops, iPads, or computers. To transform digital designs into physical objects, computerized machines such as CNC routers, laser cutters, and 3D printers can be utilized. Once the parts are printed or cut out, students can assemble the 3D texts by gluing them together, resulting in natural or everyday 3D text objects. These objects can be painted to create artistic pieces or text toys, and the addition of wheels can transform them into moving toys. One of the significant advantages of this visual and creative object-based learning process is that students not only learn words but also derive enjoyment from the process of creating, painting, and playing with these objects. The ownership and creation process further enhances comprehension and word retention. Moreover, for individuals with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), or other learning difficulties, the visual and haptic approach of 3D Text Toys can serve as an additional creative and personalized learning aid. The application of 3D Text Toys extends to both the English language and any other global written language. The adaptation and creative application may vary depending on the country, space, and native written language. Furthermore, the implementation of this visual and haptic learning tool can be tailored to teach foreign languages based on age level and comprehension requirements. In summary, this creative, haptic, and visual approach has the potential to serve as a global literacy tool.

Keywords: 3D text toys, creative, artistic, visual learning for world literacy

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1404 Stochastic Simulation of Random Numbers Using Linear Congruential Method

Authors: Melvin Ballera, Aldrich Olivar, Mary Soriano


Digital computers nowadays must be able to have a utility that is capable of generating random numbers. Usually, computer-generated random numbers are not random given predefined values such as starting point and end points, making the sequence almost predictable. There are many applications of random numbers such business simulation, manufacturing, services domain, entertainment sector and other equally areas making worthwhile to design a unique method and to allow unpredictable random numbers. Applying stochastic simulation using linear congruential algorithm, it shows that as it increases the numbers of the seed and range the number randomly produced or selected by the computer becomes unique. If this implemented in an environment where random numbers are very much needed, the reliability of the random number is guaranteed.

Keywords: stochastic simulation, random numbers, linear congruential algorithm, pseudorandomness

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1403 The Role of Citizen Journalism on the Rising of Public Awareness in the Kurdistan Region Government-Iraq

Authors: Abdulsamad Qadir Hussien


The development of new technology in recent years has offered ordinary people various online digital platform tools and internet access to provide news stories, information, and subjects of public interest in the Kurdistan Region Government-Iraq (KRI). This shifting aspect has offered more chances for ordinary people to engage with other individuals on many issues in order to discuss and argue matters relating to their everyday lives. The key purpose of this research project will examine the role of citizen journalism in the increase of public awareness in the Kurdish community in the KRi; particularly, citizen journalism provides a new opportunity for ordinary people to raise their voices about problems and public matters in the KRI. The sample of this research project encompasses ordinary people who use social media platforms as sources of information and news concerning the KRI government policy. In the research project, the focus is on the ordinary people who are interacting with the blogs, posts, and footage that are produced by citizen journalism. The questionnaire was sent to more than 1,000 participants in the Kurdish community; this aspect produces statistically acceptable numbers to obtain a significant result for this research project. The sampling process is mainly based on the survey method in this study. The online questionnaire form includes many sections, which are divided into four key sections. The first section contains socio-demographic questions, including gender, age, and level of education. The research project applied the survey method in order to gather data and information surrounding the role of citizen journalism in increasing awareness of individuals in the Kurdish community. For this purpose, the researcher designed a questionnaire as the primary tool for the data collection process from ordinary people who use social media as a source of news and information. During the research project, online questionnaires were mailed in two ways – via Facebook and email – to participants in the Kurdish community, and this questionnaire looked for answers to questions from ordinary people, such as to what extent citizen journalism helps users to obtain information and news about public affairs and government policy. The research project found that citizen journalism has an essential role in increasing awareness of the Kurdish community, especially mainstream journalism has helped ordinary people to raise their voices in the KRI. Furthermore, citizen journalism carries more advantages as digital sources of news, footage, and information related to public affairs. This study provides useful tools to fore the news stories that are unreachable to professional journalists in the KRI.

Keywords: citizen journalism, public awareness, demonstration and democracy, social media news

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1402 Spatial Behavioral Model-Based Dynamic Data-Driven Diagram Information Model

Authors: Chiung-Hui Chen


Diagram and drawing are important ways to communicate and the reproduce of architectural design, Due to the development of information and communication technology, the professional thinking of architecture and interior design are also change rapidly. In development process of design, diagram always play very important role. This study is based on diagram theories, observe and record interaction between man and objects, objects and space, and space and time in a modern nuclear family. Construct a method for diagram to systematically and visualized describe the space plan of a modern nuclear family toward a intelligent design, to assist designer to retrieve information and check/review event pattern of past and present.

Keywords: digital diagram, information model, context aware, data analysis

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1401 The Correspondence between Self-regulated Learning, Learning Efficiency and Frequency of ICT Use

Authors: Maria David, Tunde A. Tasko, Katalin Hejja-Nagy, Laszlo Dorner


The authors have been concerned with research on learning since 1998. Recently, the focus of our interest is how prevalent use of information and communication technology (ICT) influences students' learning abilities, skills of self-regulated learning and learning efficiency. Nowadays, there are three dominant theories about the psychic effects of ICT use: According to social optimists, modern ICT devices have a positive effect on thinking. As to social pessimists, this effect is rather negative. And, regarding the views of biological optimists, the change is obvious, but these changes can fit into the mankind's evolved neurological system as did writing long ago. Mentality of 'digital natives' differ from that of elder people. They process information coming from the outside world in an other way, and different experiences result in different cerebral conformation. In this regard, researchers report about both positive and negative effects of ICT use. According to several studies, it has a positive effect on cognitive skills, intelligence, school efficiency, development of self-regulated learning, and self-esteem regarding learning. It is also proven, that computers improve skills of visual intelligence such as spacial orientation, iconic skills and visual attention. Among negative effects of frequent ICT use, researchers mention the decrease of critical thinking, as permanent flow of information does not give scope for deeper cognitive processing. Aims of our present study were to uncover developmental characteristics of self-regulated learning in different age groups and to study correlations of learning efficiency, the level of self-regulated learning and frequency of use of computers. Our subjects (N=1600) were primary and secondary school students and university students. We studied four age groups (age 10, 14, 18, 22), 400 subjects of each. We used the following methods: the research team developed a questionnaire for measuring level of self-regulated learning and a questionnaire for measuring ICT use, and we used documentary analysis to gain information about grade point average (GPA) and results of competence-measures. Finally, we used computer tasks to measure cognitive abilities. Data is currently under analysis, but as to our preliminary results, frequent use of computers results in shorter response time regarding every age groups. Our results show that an ordinary extent of ICT use tend to increase reading competence, and had a positive effect on students' abilities, though it didn't show relationship with school marks (GPA). As time passes, GPA gets worse along with the learning material getting more and more difficult. This phenomenon draws attention to the fact that students are unable to switch from guided to independent learning, so it is important to consciously develop skills of self-regulated learning.

Keywords: digital natives, ICT, learning efficiency, reading competence, self-regulated learning

Procedia PDF Downloads 362
1400 Web and Smart Phone-based Platform Combining Artificial Intelligence and Satellite Remote Sensing Data to Geoenable Villages for Crop Health Monitoring

Authors: Siddhartha Khare, Nitish Kr Boro, Omm Animesh Mishra


Recent food price hikes may signal the end of an era of predictable global grain crop plenty due to climate change, population expansion, and dietary changes. Food consumption will treble in 20 years, requiring enormous production expenditures. Climate and the atmosphere changed owing to rainfall and seasonal cycles in the past decade. India's tropical agricultural relies on evapotranspiration and monsoons. In places with limited resources, the global environmental change affects agricultural productivity and farmers' capacity to adjust to changing moisture patterns. Motivated by these difficulties, satellite remote sensing might be combined with near-surface imaging data (smartphones, UAVs, and PhenoCams) to enable phenological monitoring and fast evaluations of field-level consequences of extreme weather events on smallholder agriculture output. To accomplish this technique, we must digitally map all communities agricultural boundaries and crop kinds. With the improvement of satellite remote sensing technologies, a geo-referenced database may be created for rural Indian agriculture fields. Using AI, we can design digital agricultural solutions for individual farms. Main objective is to Geo-enable each farm along with their seasonal crop information by combining Artificial Intelligence (AI) with satellite and near-surface data and then prepare long term crop monitoring through in-depth field analysis and scanning of fields with satellite derived vegetation indices. We developed an AI based algorithm to understand the timelapse based growth of vegetation using PhenoCam or Smartphone based images. We developed an android platform where user can collect images of their fields based on the android application. These images will be sent to our local server, and then further AI based processing will be done at our server. We are creating digital boundaries of individual farms and connecting these farms with our smart phone application to collect information about farmers and their crops in each season. We are extracting satellite-based information for each farm from Google earth engine APIs and merging this data with our data of tested crops from our app according to their farm’s locations and create a database which will provide the data of quality of crops from their location.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, satellite remote sensing, crop monitoring, android and web application

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1399 New HCI Design Process Education

Authors: Jongwan Kim


Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is a subject covering the study, plan, and design of interactions between humans and computers. The prevalent use of digital mobile devices is increasing the need for education and research on HCI. This work is focused on a new education method geared towards reducing errors while developing application programs that incorporate role-changing brainstorming techniques during HCI design process. The proposed method has been applied to a capstone design course in the last spring semester. Students discovered some examples about UI design improvement and their error discovering and reducing capability was promoted. An UI design improvement, PC voice control for people with disabilities as an assistive technology examplar, will be presented. The improvement of these students' design ability will be helpful to the real field work.

Keywords: HCI, design process, error reducing education, role-changing brainstorming, assistive technology

Procedia PDF Downloads 490
1398 Improvement Image Summarization using Image Processing and Particle swarm optimization Algorithm

Authors: Hooman Torabifard


In the last few years, with the progress of technology and computers and artificial intelligence entry into all kinds of scientific and industrial fields, the lifestyles of human life have changed and in general, the way of humans live on earth has many changes and development. Until now, some of the changes has occurred in the context of digital images and image processing and still continues. However, besides all the benefits, there have been disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is the multiplicity of images with high volume and data; the focus of this paper is on improving and developing a method for summarizing and enhancing the productivity of these images. The general method used for this purpose in this paper consists of a set of methods based on data obtained from image processing and using the PSO (Particle swarm optimization) algorithm. In the remainder of this paper, the method used is elaborated in detail.

Keywords: image summarization, particle swarm optimization, image threshold, image processing

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1397 Memetic Marketing: An Emerging Online Marketing Trend and the Case with #TFWGucci Meme Campaign

Authors: Vehbi Gorgulu


The primary objective of the current study is to explore how brand managers can employ Internet memes as a marketing tool. Internet memes are marked for their sarcastic and entertaining content and their amateur/DIY natures. The current study focuses on #TFWGucci, a collaborative marketing project enacted by Gucci, which is marked for being one of the first structured collaborative memetic marketing campaigns in the world. By embracing a qualitative approach, the study will explore production and meaning making processes of #TFWGucci campaign via analysis of sample campaign contents. The study will provide hints and insights for digital marketers on how to employ memetic marketing strategies in successful ways.

Keywords: meme, internet meme, online marketing, memetic marketing, #TFWGucci

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1396 Wavelet Based Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm for Image Encryption

Authors: Ajish Sreedharan


With the fast evolution of digital data exchange, security information becomes much important in data storage and transmission. Due to the increasing use of images in industrial process, it is essential to protect the confidential image data from unauthorized access. As encryption process is applied to the whole image in AES ,it is difficult to improve the efficiency. In this paper, wavelet decomposition is used to concentrate the main information of image to the low frequency part. Then, AES encryption is applied to the low frequency part. The high frequency parts are XORed with the encrypted low frequency part and a wavelet reconstruction is applied. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has high efficiency, and satisfied security suits for image data transmission.

Keywords: discrete wavelet transforms, AES, dynamic SBox

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1395 Face App: AI-Powered Photo Editing

Authors: Reema Zagzoog, Bedour Al-Abbadi, Haneen Iskandar


FaceApp, a popular photo editing app, has taken the world by storm with its ability to transform faces using advanced AI. This project dives deep into the app's features, analyzing its impact and user perception. By collecting and analyzing user feedback and app metrics, we explored how AI is used to manipulate facial features, such as age, gender, and expression. We dissected the realism of these transformations and the appeal they hold for users. Additionally, we investigated the most popular editing tools within the app, gaining insights into user preferences and behavior. Through a blend of quantitative and qualitative analysis, we uncovered key findings that shed light on the effectiveness of AI-powered photo editing. Our research provides valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, offering implications for future developments in the field of digital image processing.

Keywords: features, AI-powered photo editing, facial, analyze

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1394 Estimation of Stress Intensity Factors from near Crack Tip Field

Authors: Zhuang He, Andrei Kotousov


All current experimental methods for determination of stress intensity factors are based on the assumption that the state of stress near the crack tip is plane stress. Therefore, these methods rely on strain and displacement measurements made outside the near crack tip region affected by the three-dimensional effects or by process zone. In this paper, we develop and validate an experimental procedure for the evaluation of stress intensity factors from the measurements of the out-of-plane displacements in the surface area controlled by 3D effects. The evaluation of stress intensity factors is possible when the process zone is sufficiently small, and the displacement field generated by the 3D effects is fully encapsulated by K-dominance region.

Keywords: digital image correlation, stress intensity factors, three-dimensional effects, transverse displacement

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1393 An Operational Model for eMarketing Technology Deployment in Higher Education in the UK

Authors: Amitave Banik


The terms “eMarketing,” “online marketing,” and “Internet marketing” are frequently interchanged and can often be considered synonymous. eMarketing technologies, tactics, tools and strategies can help UK universities to achieve potential competitive benefits. In UK universities, the uptake of eMarketing has been relatively limited, and the complexity of managing eMarketing has become more challenging. Many UK universities are only at an early stage of developing their online marketing capabilities and have not yet to identify their core digital marketing tools and techniques. This research investigates eMarketing adoption and deployment initiatives and provides insights into how to successfully develop and implement these initiatives in UK universities. Moreover, this research puts forward a provisional conceptual framework for eMarketing strategy implementation that relates strategy objectives and operational requirements to technology utilization. The research conducted the epistemological assumptions relate to “how things really are” and “how things really work” in an assumed reality. The methodological assumptions relate to the process of building the conceptual framework and assessing what it can provide about the “real” world. Based on the concept, the framework recognizes the various eMarketing channels, eMarketing techniques and eMarketing strategies that are used to reach the widest student base. A qualitative research method, based on narrative in-depth case studies, includes an empirical investigation at the University of Gloucestershire, University of Wales Trinity St David, University of Westminster, and London Metropolitan Business school. The selection of case/ university provides additional value because there is no previous study studied at this level. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews have been conducted to gather data from selected universities’ academics and professional services staff. Narrative inquiry has been employed as a tool for analysis of conversations and interviews. Framework analysis used to identify common themes to build/ innovate an operational model from the original provisional conceptual framework. The proposed operational model will provide appropriate eMarketing strategies that create and sustain a competitive business development (business expansion and market growth). Besides, it will offer to one or several segments of customers and its network of partners for creating, marketing and building up relationships to generate profitable and sustainable revenue streams. In this context, the operational model will serve as an instructional-technological interactions roadmap, outlining essential components to guide the eMarketing technological deployment in UK universities.

Keywords: eMarketing, digital technologies, marketing mix, eMarketing plan, strategies, tactics, conceptual framework, operational model, higher education organizations

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1392 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Only Process Corner Monitoring Circuit

Authors: Davit Mirzoyan, Ararat Khachatryan


A process corner monitoring circuit (PCMC) is presented in this work. The circuit generates a signal, the logical value of which depends on the process corner only. The signal can be used in both digital and analog circuits for testing and compensation of process variations (PV). The presented circuit uses only metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistors, which allow increasing its detection accuracy, decrease power consumption and area. Due to its simplicity the presented circuit can be easily modified to monitor parametrical variations of only n-type and p-type MOS (NMOS and PMOS, respectively) transistors, resistors, as well as their combinations. Post-layout simulation results prove correct functionality of the proposed circuit, i.e. ability to monitor the process corner (equivalently die-to-die variations) even in the presence of within-die variations.

Keywords: detection, monitoring, process corner, process variation

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1391 Commercialization of Film Festivals: An Autobiographical Analysis

Authors: Önder M. Özdem


Producing and circulating films of professional standards have become technically easier with the development and widespread use of digital recording and distribution technologies. Additionally, film festivals on common platforms have rapidly increased in numbers and diversity. On the one hand, no-charge applications result in excessive submissions; thus, it complicates the evaluation and selection process. On the other hand, festival’s high submission fees may make the distribution of films with a limited budget very difficult. Inspired by the author’s engagement with the film industry as both a pre-jury member of an international film festival and an applicant to many festivals, this study discusses the causes and consequences of the increasing commercialization of film festivals. The author’s double identity, both as a jury and an applicant, provides a comparative perspective through which one can unfold the different dimensions and dynamics in the film production and distribution processes.

Keywords: commercialization, film distribution, film festivals, film production

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