Search results for: best interests of the child
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 2261

Search results for: best interests of the child

851 Teaching English as a Second Language to Primary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Authors: Puteri Zarina M. K., Haddi J. K., Zolkepli N., Shu M. H. B., Hosshan H., Saad M. A.


This paper provides an overview of the current state of ESL instruction for children with autism in Malaysia. Equal rights, independence, and active participation are guaranteed by the 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Every child is entitled to receive education in an inclusive atmosphere that embraces diversity and ensures equal opportunity for all. The primary objective of the research was to investigate if English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers employ distinct instructional methods and strategies while teaching children diagnosed with autism. Moreover, the objective was to assess the similarities in the challenges faced by teachers when teaching ESL to children with autism in Malaysia. The study aimed to increase understanding of the challenges faced by ESL teachers in teaching autistic students. The study was structured as a qualitative research endeavour. A total of twelve (12) ESL teachers from selected primary schools in Malaysia were involved in this study. The research findings accurately depict the actual state of teaching ESL to autistic children. They confirm the imperative need for additional support in order to facilitate the successful integration of these children into the educational system.

Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, ESL, inclusion, Malaysia, special educational needs

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850 Assessing Teachers’ Interaction with Children in Early Childhood Education (ECE). Cambodian Preschool Teachers’ Beliefs and Intensions

Authors: Shahid Karim, Alfredo Bautista, Kerry Lee


The association between teachers’ beliefs and practices has been extensively studied across the levels of education. Yet, there is a lack of context-specific evidence on the relationship between teachers’ beliefs and intentions regarding their interaction with children in early childhood education settings. Given the critical role of teachers’ beliefs in their practices, the present study examined Cambodian preschool teachers’ beliefs and intentions related to their interaction with children and what factors affect the relationship. Data was collected through a self-reported Beliefs and Intentions Questionnaire (BTQ) from preschool teachers teaching at different types of preschools in Cambodia. Four hundred nine preschool teachers teaching in public, private and community schools participated in the study through an online survey administered on Qualtrics. The quantitative analysis of the data revealed that teachers’ beliefs predict their intentions in preschool. Teachers’ teaching experience, level of education and professional training moderated the relationship between their beliefs and intentions. Differences existed between the groups of teachers teaching in different types of preschools and genders. Implications of the findings related to policy and preschool teachers’ professional development are discussed.

Keywords: teacher-child interaction, teaching beliefs, teaching intentions, preschool teaching accreditations, Cambodia

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849 Gamipulation: Exploring Covert Manipulation through Gamification in the Context of Education

Authors: Aguiar-Castillo Lidia, Perez-Jimenez Rafael


The integration of gamification in educational settings aims to enhance student engagement and motivation through game design elements in learning activities. This paper introduces "Gamipulation," the subtle manipulation of students via gamification techniques serving hidden agendas without explicit consent. It highlights the need to distinguish between beneficial and exploitative uses of gamification in education, focusing on its potential to psychologically manipulate students for purposes misaligned with their best interests. Through a literature review and expert interviews, this study presents a conceptual framework outlining gamipulation's features. It examines ethical concerns like gradually introducing desired behaviors, using distraction to divert attention from significant learning objectives, immediacy of rewards fostering short-term engagement over long-term learning, infantilization of students, and exploitation of emotional responses over reflective thinking. Additionally, it discusses ethical issues in collecting and utilizing student data within gamified environments.  Key findings suggest that while gamification can enhance motivation and engagement, there's a fine line between ethical motivation and unethical manipulation. The study emphasizes the importance of transparency, respect for student autonomy, and alignment with educational values in gamified systems. It calls for educators and designers to be aware of gamification's manipulative potential and strive for ethical implementation that benefits students. In conclusion, this paper provides a framework for educators and researchers to understand and address gamipulation's ethical challenges. It encourages developing ethical guidelines and practices to ensure gamification in education remains a tool for positive engagement and learning rather than covert manipulation.

Keywords: gradualness, distraction, immediacy, infantilization, emotion

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848 Combining in vitro Protein Expression with AlphaLISA Technology to Study Protein-Protein Interaction

Authors: Shayli Varasteh Moradi, Wayne A. Johnston, Dejan Gagoski, Kirill Alexandrov


The demand for a rapid and more efficient technique to identify protein-protein interaction particularly in the areas of therapeutics and diagnostics development is growing. The method described here is a rapid in vitro protein-protein interaction analysis approach based on AlphaLISA technology combined with Leishmania tarentolae cell-free protein production (LTE) system. Cell-free protein synthesis allows the rapid production of recombinant proteins in a multiplexed format. Among available in vitro expression systems, LTE offers several advantages over other eukaryotic cell-free systems. It is based on a fast growing fermentable organism that is inexpensive in cultivation and lysate production. High integrity of proteins produced in this system and the ability to co-express multiple proteins makes it a desirable method for screening protein interactions. Following the translation of protein pairs in LTE system, the physical interaction between proteins of interests is analysed by AlphaLISA assay. The assay is performed using unpurified in vitro translation reaction and therefore can be readily multiplexed. This approach can be used in various research applications such as epitope mapping, antigen-antibody analysis and protein interaction network mapping. The intra-viral protein interaction network of Zika virus was studied using the developed technique. The viral proteins were co-expressed pair-wise in LTE and all possible interactions among viral proteins were tested using AlphaLISA. The assay resulted to the identification of 54 intra-viral protein-protein interactions from which 19 binary interactions were found to be novel. The presented technique provides a powerful tool for rapid analysis of protein-protein interaction with high sensitivity and throughput.

Keywords: AlphaLISA technology, cell-free protein expression, epitope mapping, Leishmania tarentolae, protein-protein interaction

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847 Transformer-Driven Multi-Category Classification for an Automated Academic Strand Recommendation Framework

Authors: Ma Cecilia Siva


This study introduces a Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)-based machine learning model aimed at improving educational counseling by automating the process of recommending academic strands for students. The framework is designed to streamline and enhance the strand selection process by analyzing students' profiles and suggesting suitable academic paths based on their interests, strengths, and goals. Data was gathered from a sample of 200 grade 10 students, which included personal essays and survey responses relevant to strand alignment. After thorough preprocessing, the text data was tokenized, label-encoded, and input into a fine-tuned BERT model set up for multi-label classification. The model was optimized for balanced accuracy and computational efficiency, featuring a multi-category classification layer with sigmoid activation for independent strand predictions. Performance metrics showed an F1 score of 88%, indicating a well-balanced model with precision at 80% and recall at 100%, demonstrating its effectiveness in providing reliable recommendations while reducing irrelevant strand suggestions. To facilitate practical use, the final deployment phase created a recommendation framework that processes new student data through the trained model and generates personalized academic strand suggestions. This automated recommendation system presents a scalable solution for academic guidance, potentially enhancing student satisfaction and alignment with educational objectives. The study's findings indicate that expanding the data set, integrating additional features, and refining the model iteratively could improve the framework's accuracy and broaden its applicability in various educational contexts.

Keywords: tokenized, sigmoid activation, transformer, multi category classification

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846 Alterations of Gut Microbiota and Its Metabolomics in Child with 6PPDQ, PBDE, PCB, and Metal (Loid) Exposure

Authors: Xia Huo


The composition and metabolites of the gut microbiota can be altered by environmental pollutants. However, the effect of co-exposure to multiple pollutants on the human gut microbiota has not been sufficiently studied. In this study, gut microorganisms and their metabolites were compared between 33 children from Guiyu and 34 children from Haojiang. The exposure level was assessed by estimating the daily intake (EDI) of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 6PPD-quinone (6PPDQ), and metal(loid)s in dust. Significant correlations were found between the EDIs of 6PPDQ, BDE28, PCB52, Ni, Cu, and both the alpha diversity index and specific metabolites in single-element models. The study found that the Bayesian kernel machine regression (BKMR) model showed a negative correlation between the EDIs of five pollutants (6PPDQ, BDE28, PCB52, Ni, and Cu) and the Chao 1 index, particularly beyond the 55th percentile. Furthermore, the EDIs of these five pollutants were positively correlated with the levels of the metabolite 2,4-diaminobutyric acid while negatively correlated with the levels of d-erythro-sphingosine and d-threitol. Our research suggests that exposure to 6PPDQ, BDE28, PCB52, Ni, and Cu in kindergarten dust is associated with alterations in the gut microbiota and its metabolites. These alterations may be associated with neurodevelopmental abnormalities in children.

Keywords: gut microbiota, 6PPDQ, PBDEs, PCBs, metal(loid)s, BKMR

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845 Conceptualizing Clashing Values in the Field of Media Ethics

Authors: Saadia Izzeldin Malik


Lack of ethics is the crisis of the 21-century. Today’s global world is filled with economic, political, environmental, media/communication, and social crises that all generated by the eroding fabric of ethics and moral values that guide human’s decisions in all aspects of live. Our global world is guided by liberal western democratic principles and liberal capitalist economic principles that define and reinforce each other. In economic terms, capitalism has turned world economic systems into one market place of ideas and products controlled by big multinational corporations that not only determine the conditions and terms of commodity production and commodity exchange between countries, but also transform the political economy of media systems around the globe. The citizen (read the consumer) today is the target of persuasion by all types of media at a time when her/his interests should be, ethically and in principle, the basic significant factor in the selection of media content. It is very important in this juncture of clashing media values –professional and commercial- and wide spread ethical lapses of media organizations and media professionals to think of a perspective to theorize these conflicting values within a broader framework of media ethics. Thus, the aim of this paper is to, epistemologically, bring to the center a perspective on media ethics as a basis for reconciliation of clashing values of the media. The paper focuses on conflicting ethical values in current media debate; namely ownership of media vs. press freedom, individual right for privacy vs. public right to know, and global western consumerism values vs. media values. The paper concludes that a framework to reconcile conflicting values of media ethics should focus on the “individual” journalist and his/her moral development as well as focus on maintaining ethical principles of the media as an institution with a primary social responsibility for the “public” it serves.

Keywords: ethics, media, journalism, social responsibility, conflicting values, global

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844 21st Century Biotechnological Research and Development Advancements for Industrial Development in India

Authors: Monisha Isaac


Biotechnology is a discipline which explains the use of living organisms and systems to construct a product, or we can define it as an application or technology developed to use biological systems and organisms processes for a specific use. Particularly, it includes cells and its components use for new technologies and inventions. The tools developed can be further used in diverse fields such as agriculture, industry, research and hospitals etc. The 21st century has seen a drastic development and advancement in biotechnology in India. Significant increase in Government of India’s outlays for biotechnology over the past decade has been observed. A sectoral break up of biotechnology-based companies in India shows that most of the companies are agriculture-based companies having interests ranging from tissue culture to biopesticides. Major attention has been given by the companies in health related activities and in environmental biotechnology. The biopharmaceutical, which comprises of vaccines, diagnostic, and recombinant products is the most reliable and largest segment of the Indian Biotech industry. India has developed its vaccine markets and supplies them to various countries. Then there are the bio-services, which mainly comprise of contract researches and manufacturing services. India has made noticeable developments in the field of bio industries including manufacturing of enzymes, biofuels and biopolymers. Biotechnology is also playing a crucial and significant role in the field of agriculture. Traditional methods have been replaced by new technologies that mainly focus on GM crops, marker assisted technologies and the use of biotechnological tools to improve the quality of fertilizers and soil. It may only be a small contributor but has shown to have huge potential for growth. Bioinformatics is a computational method which helps to store, manage, arrange and design tools to interpret the extensive data gathered through experimental trials, making it important in the design of drugs.

Keywords: biotechnology, advancement, agriculture, bio-services, bio-industries, bio-pharmaceuticals

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843 Rodents Control in Poultry Production; Harnessing Conflicting Animal Welfare Interests in Developing Countries

Authors: O. M. Alabi, F. A. Aderemi, M. O. Ayoola


An aspect of biosecurity measures to ensure good welfare for chickens is rodents’ control. Rats and mice are rodents commonly found in poultry houses in most of the African countries. More than 20,000 species of rat have been identified in Africa among which are; Black house rats (Rattus rattus), East African mole rat (Tachyorcytes splendens), Naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber), Zambian mole rat (Fukomys mechowii), African grass rat (Arvicanthis niloticus), Nigerian mole rat (Cryptomys foxi), Target rat (Stochomys longicaudatus) and West African Shaggy rat (Dasymis rufulus). Apart from being destructive, rats and mice are voracious in that they compete with chickens for feed and water thereby causing economical losses to the farmer, they are also vectors to many pathogens of poultry diseases such as Salmonellosis, colibacillosis, ascaridiasis, coryza, pasteurellosis and mycoplasmosis. As bad as these rodents are to the poultry farmers, they are good sources of animal protein to local hunters and other farmers in most African countries. Rat is considered a delicacy in Nigeria and many other African countries hence the need to investigate into how the rats species will not go into extinction. Rodents are usually controlled by poultry farmers with the use of rodenticides which can either be anticoagulant or stomach poison, and with the use of baits. However, elimination of rats and mice is being considered as callous act against these species of animal and their natural existence as human food also. This paper therefore suggests that sanitation methods such as feed removal from rats and mice, controlling feed and water spillage, proper disposal of waste eggs, dead birds and garbage, keeping the surroundings of the poultry clean; rodent proofing by making it difficult for rodents to enter the poultry houses are some of the humane ways of controlling rodents in poultry production to avoid improving the welfare of a particular animal at the expense of the other.

Keywords: management, poultry, rodents, welfare

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842 Massively Parallel Sequencing Improved Resolution for Paternity Testing

Authors: Xueying Zhao, Ke Ma, Hui Li, Yu Cao, Fan Yang, Qingwen Xu, Wenbin Liu


Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technologies allow high-throughput sequencing analyses with a relatively affordable price and have gradually been applied to forensic casework. MPS technology identifies short tandem repeat (STR) loci based on sequence so that repeat motif variation within STRs can be detected, which may help one to infer the origin of the mutation in some cases. Here, we report on one case with one three-step mismatch (D18S51) in family trios based on both capillary electrophoresis (CE) and MPS typing. The alleles of the alleged father (AF) are [AGAA]₁₇AGAG[AGAA]₃ and [AGAA]₁₅. The mother’s alleles are [AGAA]₁₉ and [AGAA]₉AGGA[AGAA]₃. The questioned child’s (QC) alleles are [AGAA]₁₉ and [AGAA]₁₂. Given that the sequence variants in repeat regions of AF and mother are not observed in QC’s alleles, the QC’s allele [AGAA]₁₂ was likely inherited from the AF’s allele [AGAA]₁₅ by loss of three repeat [AGAA]. Besides, two new alleles of D18S51 in this study, [AGAA]₁₇AGAG[AGAA]₃ and [AGAA]₉AGGA[AGAA]₃, have not been reported before. All the results in this study were verified using Sanger-type sequencing. In summary, the MPS typing method can offer valuable information for forensic genetics research and play a promising role in paternity testing.

Keywords: family trios analysis, forensic casework, ion torrent personal genome machine (PGM), massively parallel sequencing (MPS)

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841 The Problem of Legal Regulation of Joint Physical Custody: The Polish Perspective

Authors: Katarzyna Kamińska


The main purpose of the work is to present the results of the studies regarding joint physical custody in the Polish legal system. The issues addressed fit into the ongoing process of modernising family law regulations and their adaptation to changing social reality in Poland. The Polish legislator now faces a dilemma: whether to introduce into Polish law a developed substantive or procedural regulation of joint physical custody and then whether it should be considered a legal presumption. Joint physical custody after divorce or separation is theoretically possible in Poland. It can either follow from the court’s independent proposal based on the assessment of the circumstances or from the parenting plan submitted by parents wishing to jointly retain full parental authority. However, joint physical custody does not result directly from the Polish Family and Guardianship Code. Therefore, there is real legal uncertainty in this matter, which leads to different treatment of citizens by the public authorities and courts. Another problem is that joint physical custody is misunderstood by the Polish courts. The main thesis of the work is that joint physical custody does not only mean the system of symmetrical child care (50/50), and the possibility to award joint physical custody will require the courts to carefully weigh the pros and cons of such an arrangement in each individual case.

Keywords: joint physical custody, shared parenting, divorce, separation, parental authority

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840 How Autonomous Vehicles Transform Urban Policies and Cities

Authors: Adrián P. Gómez Mañas


Autonomous vehicles have already transformed urban policies and cities. This is the main assumption of our research, which aims to understand how the representations of the possible arrival of autonomous vehicles already transform priorities or actions in transport and more largely, urban policies. This research is done within the framework of a Ph.D. doctorate directed by Professor Xavier Desjardins at the Sorbonne University of Paris. Our hypotheses are: (i) the perspectives, representations, and imaginaries on autonomous vehicles already affect the stakeholders of urban policies; (ii) the discourses on the opportunities or threats of autonomous vehicles reflect the current strategies of the stakeholders. Each stakeholder tries to integrate a discourse on autonomous vehicles that allows them to change as little as possible their current tactics and strategies. The objective is to eventually make a comparison between three different cases: Paris, United Arab Emirates, and Bogota. We chose those territories because their contexts are very different, but they all have important interests in mobility and innovation, and they all have started to reflect on the subject of self-driving mobility. The main methodology used is to interview actors of the metropolitan area (local officials, leading urban and transport planners, influent experts, and private companies). This work is supplemented with conferences, official documents, press articles, and websites. The objective is to understand: 1) What they know about autonomous vehicles and where does their knowledge come from; 2) What they expect from autonomous vehicles; 3) How their ideas about autonomous vehicles are transforming their action and strategy in managing daily mobility, investing in transport, designing public spaces and urban planning. We are going to present the research and some preliminary results; we will show that autonomous vehicles are often viewed by public authorities as a lever to reach something else. We will also present that speeches are very influenced by local context (political, geographical, economic, etc.), creating an interesting balance between global and local influences. We will analyze the differences and similarities between the three cases and will try to understand which are the causes.

Keywords: autonomous vehicles, self-driving mobility, urban planning, urban mobility, transport, public policies

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839 “Who Will Marry Me?”: The Marital Status of Disabled Women in India

Authors: Sankalpa Satapathy


The stigma attached to disability is very high in India and given its patriarchal society women and their interests have always been pushed to the background. The identity of disabled women is compromised under the social construction of disability which lowers their self-esteem and hampers their development. Disability policies in India have focused on provision of educational and employment opportunities to make them economically productive members of the society. This preoccupation with the materialistic spheres of lives of the disabled has led to a neglect of the private sphere concerning intimate social relationships and motherhood. This paper seeks to bring to forefront the private lives of disabled women. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with twenty seven women with physical disability (congenital/acquired) from Odisha, a state in India. Sampling was done in a manner to include women from various strata of the society to allow meaningful analysis. In a society where paramount importance is attached to wifehood and motherhood, the chances of marriage for disabled women were very low compared to disabled men. Majority believed that marriage and having a family was meant for non disabled women and had decided against getting married. Socialization process was found to be a major factor in determining the ideas and aspirations of disabled women. They were clearly sidelined by their families on the issue of marriage. Education and employment levels did not seem to increase the appeal of disabled women to prospective suitors. But not all the women interviewed were closed to the idea of intimate relationships and marriage. Disabled women who were married or hoped to get married in future were found to have a better body image and greater self motivation. It is interesting to understand the means by which these women, who have been brought up to internalize ideas of their unattractiveness, undesirability, asexuality and inability to care, established identities which have so long been denied to them. With these stories of personal triumphs an attempt is made for reclamation of private spheres which have been abandoned by disability policies and make them gender sensitive.

Keywords: disability, gender, marriage, relationships

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838 Promoting Early Learning of Children under Five Years in an Economically Disadvantaged Community in Sri Lanka through Health Promotion Approach

Authors: Najith Duminda Galmangoda Guruge, Nadeeka Rathnayake, Vinodani Wimalasena, Dinesha Wijesooriya


Investing in Early Learning can improve children’ interests for education and makes them ready for school. Children in economically disadvantaged communities may have reduced readiness for schools. Health Promotion approach enables communities including disadvantaged to control over their health. Mothers of children under the age five in ‘Alapathwewa’ community (n=40) were selected as the sample with the aim to promote early learning of children to improve their school readiness. Mothers in ‘Morakeewa’ community (n=40) were the control. Interventions were for a period of 2 years and children of these mothers were followed up to school entry. Importance of early learning and possibility of providing quality learning environments for children at a low cost was discussed with mothers in an experimental setting by facilitators. Mothers were enabled to make age-appropriate baby rooms which provide learning opportunities. Collective community playhouses and play areas were developed by mothers to provide opportunities for children to interact and learn with each other. Mothers started discussing with each other and sharing experiences. The progress was monitored by mothers at regular intervals. Data regarding school competencies of children were obtained from school teachers. School teachers measured thirteen competencies of children on a scale of ‘very good, good, moderate and weak’. All children in the experimental group were in ‘very good’ level in two competencies, ‘communicate friendly with others’ and ‘express ideas well’. Children in the experimental group reported a significantly higher achievement of all thirteen competencies (p < .05) than children in control. Providing quality early learning environments for children even in economically disadvantaged settings makes them ready for schools. Through a Health Promotion approach, early learning experiences for children can be provided at a low cost.

Keywords: disadvantaged, early learning, economically, health promotion

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837 Thematic English Textbook on Tasks Designed for a Public Educational Brazilian Context: Issues and Contributions

Authors: Fernanda Goulart, Rita de Cássia Barbirato


Task-based language teaching has received attention among researchers as it has been pointed out with the potential to provide more significant opportunities for using the target language and therefore generate successful language acquisition. Nevertheless, in the Brazilian context, few studies have analyzed the potential of tasks in English language acquisition. There is also a need for textbooks to meet the needs of Brazilian students. This work is part of doctoral research in its initial phase. It aims to demonstrate and discuss thematic textbook samples on tasks designed to be applied among high school and undergraduate students in a public technological educational context in São Paulo State, Brazil. It is a qualitative study. The data collection process for course design and textbook development initially included a survey administered to 159 students. Questions related to students’ English background knowledge, main learning interests, and needs. Most students reported difficulties communicating in English and showed a strong interest in a communicative English course. The theme “Cultural diversity” was chosen among other options provided. The textbook was then designed and comprised nine task cycles divided into four sequences. Cycles were composed of pre-tasks, tasks, and post-tasks. The main findings of this first phase of the research revealed that designing a task-based textbook is not easy and requires the necessary steps and lots of effort to meet students’ language needs. Several revisions were needed before the conclusion of the final version of the textbook. The material will be further applied in a three-month English course. In this presentation, we hope to contribute to discussions in research on task-based teaching. Also, we intend to support teachers with their knowledge of tasks and thematic material development in this field.

Keywords: task-based language teaching, language acquisition, English language teaching, task cycles

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836 The Politics and Consequences of Decentralized Vocational Education: The Modified System of Vocational Studies in Ghana

Authors: Nkrumak Micheal Atta Ofori


The Vocational System is a decentralized Studies System implemented in Ghana as vocation studies strategy for grassroot that focuses on providing individuals with the specific skills, knowledge, and training necessary for a particular trade, craft, profession, or occupation. This article asks how devolution of vocational studies to local level authorities produces responsive and accountable representation and sustainable vocational learning under the vocational Studies System. It focuses on two case studies: Asokore Mampong and Atwima kwanwoma Municipal. Then, the paper asks how senior high school are developing new material and social practices around the vocational studies System to rebuild their livelihoods and socio-economic wellbeing. Here, the article focusses on Kumasi District, drawing lessons for the two other cases. The article shows how the creation of representative groups under the Vocational Studies System provides the democratic space necessary for effective representation of community aspirations. However, due to elite capture, the interests of privilege few people are promoted. The state vocational training fails to devolve relevant and discretionary resources to local teachers and do not follow the prescribed policy processes of the Vocational Studies System. Hence, local teachers are unable to promote responsive and accountable representation. Rural communities continue to show great interest in the Vocational Studies System, but the interest is bias towards gaining access to vocational training schools for advancing studies. There is no active engagement of the locals in vocational training, and hence, the Vocational Studies System exists only to promote individual interest of communities. This article shows how ‘failed’ interventions can gain popular support for rhetoric and individual gains.

Keywords: vocational studies system, devolution of vocational studies, local-level authorities, senior high schools and vocational learning, community aspirations and representation

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835 Legacy of Colonialism in Canada’s Immigration Policy: Experiences of Skilled, Racialized Immigrants in the Canadian Labour Market

Authors: Karun K. Karki


Globalization has intensified the transnational movement of people, mainly from the Global South to the Global North. In this context of transnationalism, migration is framed within the national interests required for economic prosperity. More specifically, the competition for the ‘best and the brightest of highly educated immigrants from around the world can be perceived as evidence that countries in the North are competing in the knowledge-based global economy. Canada is not an exception. Since the early 1970s, Canada has successfully admitted, on average, 200,000 to 280,000 immigrants annually for permanent residency, primarily for economic development, family reunification and humanitarian affairs. Among these three components, economic class immigrants are the highest priority in its immigration policy. Although Canada admits highly qualified immigrant professionals with the expectation of easily integrating them, many highly skilled immigrants are marginalized in the labour market due to a myriad of layered structural and institutional barriers that prevent them from working in the professions for which they were trained in their country of origin. More than 67% of highly skilled immigrants are more likely to be in jobs for which they are formally overqualified. The deteriorating employment situation of highly educated immigrants, particularly the immigrants of racialized groups, needs analytical scrutiny of the immigration policy of Canada. In this paper, author examine how the historical legacy of colonialism still continues in Canada’s immigration policymaking and how this legacy has impacted developing countries in the global South. Author argue that the Canadian immigration policy is based on the notion of exploiting/dominating smaller countries and immigrants from these countries. Such colonial policies have systematically ‘Othered’ immigrants based on their race, ethnicity, gender, culture, and linguistic characteristics. Recommendations are made to revisit contemporary immigration and settlement policies to effectively integrate immigrants into Canadian society.

Keywords: colonialism, Canadian immigration policy, racialized immigrants, skilled immigrants

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834 Privacy Preservation Concerns and Information Disclosure on Social Networks: An Ongoing Research

Authors: Aria Teimourzadeh, Marc Favier, Samaneh Kakavand


The emergence of social networks has revolutionized the exchange of information. Every behavior on these platforms contributes to the generation of data known as social network data that are processed, stored and published by the social network service providers. Hence, it is vital to investigate the role of these platforms in user data by considering the privacy measures, especially when we observe the increased number of individuals and organizations engaging with the current virtual platforms without being aware that the data related to their positioning, connections and behavior is uncovered and used by third parties. Performing analytics on social network datasets may result in the disclosure of confidential information about the individuals or organizations which are the members of these virtual environments. Analyzing separate datasets can reveal private information about relationships, interests and more, especially when the datasets are analyzed jointly. Intentional breaches of privacy is the result of such analysis. Addressing these privacy concerns requires an understanding of the nature of data being accumulated and relevant data privacy regulations, as well as motivations for disclosure of personal information on social network platforms. Some significant points about how user's online information is controlled by the influence of social factors and to what extent the users are concerned about future use of their personal information by the organizations, are highlighted in this paper. Firstly, this research presents a short literature review about the structure of a network and concept of privacy in Online Social Networks. Secondly, the factors of user behavior related to privacy protection and self-disclosure on these virtual communities are presented. In other words, we seek to demonstrates the impact of identified variables on user information disclosure that could be taken into account to explain the privacy preservation of individuals on social networking platforms. Thirdly, a few research directions are discussed to address this topic for new researchers.

Keywords: information disclosure, privacy measures, privacy preservation, social network analysis, user experience

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833 Guidelines for Enhancing the Learning Environment by the Integration of Design Flexibility and Immersive Technology: The Case of the British University in Egypt’s Classrooms

Authors: Eman Ayman, Gehan Nagy


The learning environment has four main parameters that affect its efficiency which they are: pedagogy, user, technology, and space. According to Morrone, enhancing these parameters to be adaptable for future developments is essential. The educational organization will be in need of developing its learning spaces. Flexibility of design an immersive technology could be used as tools for this development. when flexible design concepts are used, learning spaces that can accommodate a variety of teaching and learning activities are created. To accommodate the various needs and interests of students, these learning spaces are easily reconfigurable and customizable. The immersive learning opportunities offered by technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive displays, on the other hand, transcend beyond the confines of the traditional classroom. These technological advancements could improve learning. This thesis highlights the problem of the lack of innovative, flexible learning spaces in educational institutions. It aims to develop guidelines for enhancing the learning environment by the integration of flexible design and immersive technology. This research uses a mixed method approach, both qualitative and quantitative: the qualitative section is related to the literature review theories and case studies analysis. On the other hand, the quantitative section will be identified by the results of the applied studies of the effectiveness of redesigning a learning space from its traditional current state to a flexible technological contemporary space that will be adaptable to many changes and educational needs. Research findings determine the importance of flexibility in learning spaces' internal design as it enhances the space optimization and capability to accommodate the changes and record the significant contribution of immersive technology that assists the process of designing. It will be summarized by the questionnaire results and comparative analysis, which will be the last step of finalizing the guidelines.

Keywords: flexibility, learning space, immersive technology, learning environment, interior design

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832 Genuine Domestic Change or Fake Compliance: Political Pervasiveness in the Serbian Media

Authors: Aleksandra Dragojlov


Since the election of Aleksandar Vučić and the Progressives, Serbia has witnessed a slow decline in media freedom, which has been worse than in the 1990s. Although the government adopted a package of three laws in August 2014 to bring the media landscape up to European standards, the implementation of the laws has been limited and marginal, with the progressives engaging in fake compliance. The adoption of the new media strategy for 2020-2025 in 2020 has not led to genuine domestic reform and compliance with EU conditionality. In fact, the EU Commission and journalists’ associations in Serbia have criticised the decline in Serbia’s media freedom citing continued attacks on journalists and indirect political and economic control through advertising and project co-financing, which continue to be features of the Serbian media landscape. In the absence of clear and credible EU conditionality, the decline of media freedom is in the eye of the beholder, where the gap between public engagements with Serbian politicians and the critical stance of progress reports regarding the degradation of the media have enabled Serbian elites to exploit this ambiguity to continue their strategy of fake compliance vis-a-vis rule of law. This study used a mixed methods approach combining both primary and secondary sources with those semi-structured interviews via Zoom, email, and in person with EU and Serbian officials and journalists. Our findings add to the studies where the lack of clear and credible conditionality has allowed Serbia politicians to exploit them in a manner that would suit their own interests, finding new means to retain their control over the media. We argued and concluded that it is this discrepancy between public engagements with Serbia and the progress reports in the area of freedom of expression that has not led to genuine domestic media reforms in Serbia and instead allowed Serbian elites to engage in a strategy of fake and even non-compliance towards media freedom conditionality.

Keywords: media freedom, EU conditionality, Serbia, fake compliance, EU integration, Chapter 23, justice and fundamental rights

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831 Sea Border Dispute between Greece and Turkey in the Mediterrenean: Implications for Turkey’s Maritime Security and Its Military Spending

Authors: Aslihan Caliskan


The term Mediterranean comes from the Latin “mediterraneus” (Medius, "middle" plus Terra, "land, earth"). For the ancient Romans, the Mediterranean was the center of the earth as they knew it. The desire to gain control of the Mediterranean has led to disputes between many nations throughout history, some of which continue to this day. The recent major natural gas discoveries in the Mediterranean have aggravated ongoing tensions in some neighboring countries. The sea border dispute between Turkey and Greece & Greek-Cypriot side is one of the most critical conflicts in the Mediterranean Sea region. This unresolved dispute has many implications for all countries involved, as well as for third parties that have direct or indirect interests in the region. The research question of this context is what are the implications of this controversial sea border problem on the maritime security of Turkey and its military spending. In this paper, the quantitative method is used. Records from the Turkish Defense Ministry, data from the Turkish naval forces have been obtained. In addition, literature research and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) application cases were evaluated, and an incident analysis was carried out. This research shows that the sea border dispute issue has a significant impact on the Turkish military both in terms of the structures required to ensure maritime and border security, as well as rising military costs and its macroeconomic implications. The paper begins with a brief overview of relevant principles and methods applied for delimiting th esea borders. The paper continues with a brief description and a background of the sea border dispute between Turkey and Greece & Greek-Cypriot side in the light of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). An analysis of the implications of the dispute on Turkey’s maritime security and its military spending is provided in the following chapters. The paper ends with concluding remarks of the author, including suggestions for the way forward.

Keywords: sea border security, mediterranean sea, greece-turkey dispute, limitation of sea, united nations convention on the law of the sea (UNCLOS)

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830 Beyond Empathy: From Justice to Reconciliation

Authors: Nissim Avissar


This paper aims to question the practice of bringing together people belonging to groups in conflict with the aim of bridging differences through universal empathy and interpersonal connections. It is argued that in cases where one group has the power, and the other is in a struggle to change the balance assuming universal equality between the groups and encouraging emphatic understanding is a non-emphatic practice. Accordingly, a new concept is posited–justice-sensitive empathy, conditioning empathy in such situations on the acknowledgement of an imbalance of power/injustice. With this reframing in mind, educational practices promoting social justice are discussed. In order to create conditions for justice-seeking or politically sensitive empathy, we need to go beyond the conventional definitions of empathy and offer other means and possibilities. Three possibilities are discussed. The first focuses on intra-group (as opposed to inter-group) processes within each group. It means temporary and tactical separation that may allow each group to focus on its own needs and values and perhaps to return to the dialogue more confidently. The second option emphasizes the notion of "constructive conflict," which means that each side still aspires to promote his own interests but without demolishing the other side (which is a rival but also an unwanted and forced partner). Here, alongside the "obligation to resist" and to act to promote justice as we view and understand it, we have to take into account the other side. The third and last option relates to the practice of Restorative Justice. This practice originated in the Truth and Reconciliation committees in South Africa, but it is now widely used in other contexts. Those committees had the authority to punish (or pardon) people; however, their main purpose was to seek truth and, from there, nourish reconciliation. This is the main idea of restorative justice; it seeks justice for the sake of restoring relationships. All the above options involve action and are aware of power relations (i.e., politics). They all seek justice. They may create conditions for the more conventional empathic practice to evolve, but no less than that, they are examples of justice-seeking and politically sensitive empathetic practice.

Keywords: education, empathy, justice, reconciliation

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829 Descriptive Analysis of the Relationship between State and Civil Society in Hegel's Political Thought

Authors: Garineh Keshishyan Siraki


Civil society is one of the most important concepts of the twentieth century and even so far. Modern and postmodern thinkers have provided different definitions of civil society. Of course, the concept of civil society has undergone many changes over time. The relationship between government and civil society is one of the relationships that attracted the attention of many contemporary thinkers. Hegel, the thinker we discussed in this article also explores the relationship between these concepts and emphasizing the dialectical method, he has drawn three lines between family, state, and civil society. In Hegel's view, the creation of civil society will lead to a reduction of social conflict and increased social cohesion. The importance of the issue is due to the study of social cohesion and the ways to increase it. The importance of the issue is due to the study of social cohesion and the ways to increase it. This paper, which uses a descriptive-analytic method to examine Hegel's dialectical theory of civil society, after examining the relationship between the family and the state and finding the concept of civil society as the interface and the interconnected circle of these two, investigates tripartite economic, legal, and pluralistic systems. In this article, after examining the concepts of the market, the right and duty, the individual interests and the development of the exchange economy, Hegel's view is to examine the concept of freedom and its relation with civil society. The results of this survey show that, in Hegel's thought, the separation between the political system and the social system is a natural and necessary thing. In Hegel's view, because of those who are in society, they have selfish features; the community is in tension and contradiction. Therefore, the social realms within which conflicts emerge must be identified and controlled by specific mechanisms. It can also be concluded that the government can act to reduce social conflicts by legislating, using force or forming trade unions. The bottom line is that Hegel wants to reconcile between the individual, the state and civil society and it is not possible to rely on ethics.

Keywords: civil society, cohesion system, economic system, family, the legal system, state

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828 People Vote with Their Feet: The 'Parallel Polis' in South Africa as a Reaction to the Neo-Patrimonial State

Authors: A. Kok


The South African experience of the general upsurge in protest movements internationally is characterised by a tension between a neo-patrimonial state on the one hand, and a society with growing middle-class needs and interests on the other. This tension translates into local community service delivery protests – often violent in nature – that have been steadily increasing in number since 2008, student uprisings that have reached their height in October 2015, and various continuing local social #MustFall movements that are geared towards addressing government corruption and transforming neo-liberal structures. As a result, growing citizen (and non-citizen) revolt in South Africa has seen the (i) creeping securitization of the neo-patrimonial state and (ii) the 'top-down' misuse of a current 'bottom-up' people’s ideology, decoloniality, in an attempt by a faction in the ruling party (representing the neo-patrimonial state) to legitimize its actions and consolidate its power. The neo-patrimonial state’s creeping securitization and ideological positioning lead to a further mistrust of public institutions, people’s disengagement with traditional politics, and the creation of a 'parallel polis' by citizens and non-citizens that bypasses the official and oftentimes corrupt structures of the state. By applying the concept 'parallel polis' – originally developed by Václav Benda in connection with the movement Charter 77 in former Czechoslovakia – to a South African case study, it is illustrated that, even in the absence of overt oppression and the use of terror by a ruling elite, entrenched neo-patrimonialism can be potent enough to fuel the creation of various independent parallel public spheres (or, as a whole, understood as a 'parallel polis') to bypass dysfunctional state channels. A flourishing parallel polis offers possibilities for political, social and economic renewal. This is especially relevant in the consolidation of South Africa’s relatively young democracy.

Keywords: decoloniality, neo-patrimonialism, 'parallel polis', protest movements, South Africa, state securitization

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827 Hopes of out of School Children with Disabilities for Educational Inclusion

Authors: Afaf Manzoor, Abdul Hameed


Hopes to attend school is the most effective means to overcome the burden of disability and become a self-reliant, productive citizen. The objectives of the study were to develop a valid and reliable scale to measure hopes of out of school children with disabilities and find an association between hopes and various demographic factors such as type of disability, gender, socio-economic status, and locale, etc. Child Hope theory by Snyder (2003) was used as a framework to develop a measure for the hopes of children. According to this theory, hope is defined as a set of cognition that includes self- perception which establish routes to achieve desired goals (pathways) and motivation for achieving the goals (agency). By applying this theory, inclusion hope scale was developed and validated. The data were collected from 361 out of school children with disabilities living in three districts (Lahore, Sheikupura, Kasur) of Lahore Division by using the cluster sampling technique. Findings of the study indicated that children with intellectual challenges were more hopeless as compared to other types of disabilities. Similarly, children living in urban areas have better hopes for inclusion in school. However, no gender disparity was found in terms of being hopeful to attend schools. The study also includes recommendations to improve hopes for educational inclusion among out of school children with disabilities.

Keywords: out of school children, disability, hopes, inclusion

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826 Exploring Twitter Data on Human Rights Activism on Olympics Stage through Social Network Analysis and Mining

Authors: Teklu Urgessa, Joong Seek Lee


Social media is becoming the primary choice of activists to make their voices heard. This fact is coupled by two main reasons. The first reason is the emergence web 2.0, which gave the users opportunity to become content creators than passive recipients. Secondly the control of the mainstream mass media outlets by the governments and individuals with their political and economic interests. This paper aimed at exploring twitter data of network actors talking about the marathon silver medalists on Rio2016, who showed solidarity with the Oromo protesters in Ethiopia on the marathon race finish line when he won silver. The aim is to discover important insight using social network analysis and mining. The hashtag #FeyisaLelisa was used for Twitter network search. The actors’ network was visualized and analyzed. It showed the central influencers during first 10 days in August, were international media outlets while it was changed to individual activist in September. The degree distribution of the network is scale free where the frequency of degrees decay by power low. Text mining was also used to arrive at meaningful themes from tweet corpus about the event selected for analysis. The semantic network indicated important clusters of concepts (15) that provided different insight regarding the why, who, where, how of the situation related to the event. The sentiments of the words in the tweets were also analyzed and indicated that 95% of the opinions in the tweets were either positive or neutral. Overall, the finding showed that Olympic stage protest of the marathoner brought the issue of Oromo protest to the global stage. The new research framework is proposed based for event-based social network analysis and mining based on the practical procedures followed in this research for event-based social media sense making.

Keywords: human rights, Olympics, social media, network analysis, social network ming

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825 The Impact of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Dividend Policy

Authors: Tahar Tayachi, Ahlam Alrehaili


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the corporate board characteristics and the dividend policy among firms on the Saudi Stock Exchange. Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper uses a sample of 103 nonfinancial firms over a time period of 4 years from 2015 to 2018. To investigate how corporate governance mechanisms such as board independence, the board size, frequency of meetings, and free cash flow impact dividends, the study uses Logit and Tobit models. Findings: This paper finds that board size, board independence, and frequency of board meetings have no influence on a firm’s decision to pay dividends, while board size has a significantly positive impact on the levels of cash dividends paid to investors. This study also finds that the level of free cash flows has a positively significant influence on both the decision to pay dividends and the magnitude of dividend payouts. Research Limitations/Implications: This paper attempts to study the effectiveness of dividend policy among some firms on the Saudi Stock Exchange. Practical Implications: The findings reveal that board characteristics, which represent one of the crucial mechanisms of corporate governance, were found to be complementary to corporate laws and regulations imposed on the Saudi market in 2015. The findings also imply that capital market authorities should revise their corporate regulations and ensure that protection laws are adequate and strong enough to protect the interests of all shareholders. Originality/Value: This paper is among the few studies focusing on dividend policy in Saudi Arabia. Finally, these findings suggest that the improvements in corporate laws in Saudi Arabia led to such an outcome, and it has become prevalent in dividend policy decisions and behaviors of Saudi firms.

Keywords: agency theory, Tobit, corporate governance, dividend payout, Logit

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824 Developing a Complete Profile: Vocational Assessment, Rehabilitation, and Management for Adults with Intellectual Disability in India

Authors: Virakti Dhaval Shah


Advances in technology and the changes in lifestyle and work expectations amid the COVID-19 pandemic are requiring changes to vocational assessment, provision of vocational training, and identification of job matches for individuals with intellectual disability. Vocational assessment involves the assessment of interests, skills, abilities, and strengths/weaknesses, as well as a detailed understanding of healthcare, familial, social, community, workplace-related and policy-level protective and risk factors impacting the individual. In India, vocational assessment procedures such as interviews play a major role in vocational placement today. Unfortunately, many of the most widely used vocational assessment instruments in India were developed in the 1970s to 2000s and have not been revised since. Hence, there is a dire need to update existing tools and prepare a structured approach for vocational service providers to meet the unique employment needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities. To address this need, this project designed a multi-domain assessment toolkit for a structured approach to vocational assessment, training, and job placement for individuals with intellectual disabilities in India. Methods included conducting an empirical review of the available tools currently in use in India for the vocational assessment of persons with intellectual disabilities. Domains addressed in the instrument review were organized into a structured system, and additional items related to contemporary technology, pandemic-related experiences of persons with disabilities, and changes in lifestyle and work expectations due to the pandemic were added. Items assessing behaviors, provision of vocational training, and identification of job matches for individuals with intellectual disabilities were developed. The proposed tool has the potential to benefit organizations working with and preparing individuals with intellectual disabilities to find successful employment by undertaking a structured approach to vocational assessment, rehabilitation, training, and placement. It can be particularly useful for guiding new professionals doing vocational rehabilitation in India.

Keywords: intellectual disability, rehabilitation, vocational assessment, vocational rehabilitation

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823 Effect of Media on Psycho-Social Interaction among the Children with Their Parents of Urban People in Dhaka

Authors: Nazma Sultana


Social media has become an important part of our daily life. It has a significance influences on the people who use them in their daily life frequently. The number of people using social network sites has been increasing continuously. For this frequent utilization has started to affect our social life. This study examine whether the use of social network sites affects the psychosocial interaction between children and their parents. At first parents introduce their children to the internet and different type of device in their early childhood. Many parents use device for feeding their children by watching rhyme or cartoon. As a result children are habituate with it. In Bangladesh 70% people are heavy internet users. About 23 percent of them spend more than five hours on the social networking sites a day. Media are increasing pervasive in the lives of children-roughly the average child today spends nearly about 45 hours per week with media, compared with 17 hours with parents and 30 hours in school. According to a social learning theory, children & adolescents learn by observing & imitating what they see on screen particularly when these behaviors are realistic or are rewarded. The influence of the media on the psychosocial development of children is profound. Thus it is important for parents to provide guidance on age-appropriate use of all media, including television, radio, music, video games and the internet.

Keywords: social media, psychosocial, Technology, Parent, Social Relationship, Adolescents, Teenage, Youth

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822 Anticipating the Change: Visions and Perspectives towards a Post-Car World

Authors: Farzaneh Bahrami


Different indicators, such as modal shares in mobility practices or car ownership, may suggest that the century of car dominance - at least in Europe and North America - is already behind us. If the emergence of the car had radical spatial and social consequences, what would be the implications of its gradual disappearance - which could be expected in the context of ecological consciousness, economic and energetic constraints as a result of both urban policies as well as lifestyle choices? To what extend shall urban experts account for this limited but visible transition from car-dominated systems towards alternative models of mobility in which the individual-motorized mobility (car) is not central; what models of urbanity could be imagined to support such a transformation? We have examined a selection of projects at different scales and within different contexts - new planned cities, dense urban areas or territories of dispersion – whose visions involve a significant shift from the current car system. We have been looking into their tools, strategies and different measures of car reduction, as well as their varied approaches to public space as an inevitable corollary to this change. The car’s dominance was formerly questioned by advocates of public space, rather than through interests in ecological urban design or other urban planning concerns. In the 60s already a universal longing for the qualities of traditional urban space led to a critique of the proliferation of fast roads, and thus the car’s colonization of everyday life. Reclamation of public space as the city’s quintessential social territory reappears today in contemporary discourses and reinforces the shift-provoking trends towards a new urbanity freed from car dominance. In a hypothetical process of the progressive phasing-out of the car, we shall expect fundamental transformations in spatial practices of the city, accompanied by the physical configuration of its public spaces. What will be the main characteristics of the new emerging spaces of sociability and where shall we encounter them? This contribution is an ongoing research within the framework of Post-Car World, an interdisciplinary project that explores the future of mobility through the role of the car.

Keywords: mobility, urbanity, future visions, public space

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