Search results for: textile building
3336 The Psychological and Behavioral Problems of Children of the First Years and Their Interest in School Education
Authors: Amina Salem Attia
This east project consists in studying The child's mental health is the medium through which he expresses his thoughts, so pay attention to it because it is an essential building block in the process of building the child's future personality, where it gives him a balance between feelings and mental thoughts, and since the family is the child's first guardian, it greatly affects his personality and psychological development. As the disturbed environment contributes to behavioral deviations and mental disorders, unlike the stable environment, which plays a major role in developing the child's abilities and forming his psychologically sound attitudes, this should not be forgotten about the role of the school, it is also the second social institution after the family and has a major impact on the child's mental health as it contributes It is important in forming the child's personality and developing his skills and achieving his healthy psychological development, by providing him with psychological care and helping him to solve his problems by using models that are valid for the behavior that is taught to him or that the teachers present in their daily behavior with him.Keywords: psychological, behavioral problems, children, school education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1393335 Energy Efficiency Line Guides for School Buildings in Florence in a Postgraduate Master Course
Authors: Lucia Ceccherini Nelli, Alessandra Donato
The ABITA Master course of the University of Florence offered by the Department of Architecture covers nearly all the energy-relevant issues that can arise in public and private companies and sectors. The main purpose of the Master course, active since 2003, is to analyse the energy consumption of building technologies, components, and structures at the conceptual design stage, so it could be very helpful, for designers, when making decisions related to the selection of the most suitable design alternatives and for the materials choice that will be used in an energy-efficient building. The training course provides a solid basis for increasing the knowledge and skills of energy managers and is developed with an emphasis on practical experiences related to the knowledge through case studies, measurements, and verification of energy-efficient solutions in buildings, in the industry and in the cities. The main objectives are: i)To raise the professional standards of those engaged in energy auditing, ii) To improve the practice of energy auditors by encouraging energy auditing professionals in a continuing education program of professional development, iii) Implement in the use of instrumentations for the typical measurements, iv) To propose an integrated methodology that links energy analysis tools with green building certification systems. This methodology will be applied at the early design stage of a project’s life. The final output of the practical training is to achieve an elevated professionalism in the study of environmental design and Energy management in buildings. The results are the redaction of line guides instruction for the energy refurbishment of Public schools in Florence. The school heritage of the Municipality of Florence requires interventions for the control of energy performance, as old construction buildings are often made without taking into account the necessary envelope performance. For this reason, every year, the Master's course aims to study groups of public schools to enable the Municipality to carry out energy redevelopment interventions on the existing building heritage. The future challenges of the education and training program are related to follow-up activities, the development of interactive tools and the curriculum's customization to meet the constantly growing needs of energy experts from industry.Keywords: expert in energy, energy auditing, public buildings, thermal analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1903334 Students’ Assessment of Teachers’ Attitude in Universities in Ondo State, Nigeria
Authors: Omoniyi A. Olubunmi, Omoniyi Olayide M.
This study was designed to assess the attitudes of Nigerian university teachers by their students in terms of teachers’ attitude to work, teaching and students. The study was a survey, and made use of the researcher’s designed questionnaire tagged Students’ Assessment Teachers Inventory (SATI), comprising 20 items, was used to collect data. The respondents were 300 students which were randomly selected from three universities in Ondo State. The SATI elicited information on different aspects of teachers’ attitude to work, teaching and students. The study was guided by two hypotheses. Data collected were analyzed using Pearson-r. The result showed that there was a significant relationship between teachers’ attitude to work (r = 0.343, p<0.01), teaching (r = 0.594, p<0.01) and students (r = 0.487, p<0.01). The study concluded that teachers’ attitudes to teaching profession in higher institutions in Ondo State were not favorable and this could be improved through capacity building for effective pedagogical skills, conducive environment, well equipped libraries and laboratories, and provision of incentives for university teachers.Keywords: capacity building, pedagogical skills, teachers’ attitude, students’ assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2923333 An Epistemic Approach to Confidence Through Objectivity in Assurance of Safety-Critical Complex Systems
Authors: Odd Ivar Haugen
This paper presents a framework for assessing the objectivity of the assurance effort for safety-critical complex systems. Assurance is the process of building justified confidence that a system will behave as expected. Objectivity, as a property of the inquiry process, is key to generating this confidence. The framework identifies three main dimensions of objectivity: the methods and processes used to generate system and assurance artefacts, the reasoning and values underlying those artefacts, and the social processes that enable agreement on their validity. Each dimension contributes to overall objectivity, however, not as a set of independent dimensions. Objectivity is not a binary but a matter of degree, and different levels are required depending on the criticality of the system. The framework provides guidance on how to apply the concept of objectivity to different aspects of the assurance effort, from identifying stakeholders and their concerns to communicating risk. Requirement identification and refinement, verification, and risk communication are illustrations of its use in various assurance activities. Overall, this work offers a systematic approach to building justified confidence in the safety of complex engineered systems.Keywords: assurance, objectivity, risk, uncertainty, knowledge, system safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 163332 Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of the Biosorption of Textile Dye (Yellow Bemacid) onto Brahea edulis
Authors: G. Henini, Y. Laidani, F. Souahi, A. Labbaci, S. Hanini
Environmental contamination is a major problem being faced by the society today. Industrial, agricultural, and domestic wastes, due to the rapid development in the technology, are discharged in the several receivers. Generally, this discharge is directed to the nearest water sources such as rivers, lakes, and seas. While the rates of development and waste production are not likely to diminish, efforts to control and dispose of wastes are appropriately rising. Wastewaters from textile industries represent a serious problem all over the world. They contain different types of synthetic dyes which are known to be a major source of environmental pollution in terms of both the volume of dye discharged and the effluent composition. From an environmental point of view, the removal of synthetic dyes is of great concern. Among several chemical and physical methods, adsorption is a promising technique due to the ease of use and low cost compared to other applications in the process of discoloration, especially if the adsorbent is inexpensive and readily available. The focus of the present study was to assess the potentiality of Brahea edulis (BE) for the removal of synthetic dye Yellow bemacid (YB) from aqueous solutions. The results obtained here may transfer to other dyes with a similar chemical structure. Biosorption studies were carried out under various parameters such as mass adsorbent particle, pH, contact time, initial dye concentration, and temperature. The biosorption kinetic data of the material (BE) was tested by the pseudo first-order and the pseudo-second-order kinetic models. Thermodynamic parameters including the Gibbs free energy ΔG, enthalpy ΔH, and entropy ΔS have revealed that the adsorption of YB on the BE is feasible, spontaneous, and endothermic. The equilibrium data were analyzed by using Langmuir, Freundlich, Elovich, and Temkin isotherm models. The experimental results show that the percentage of biosorption increases with an increase in the biosorbent mass (0.25 g: 12 mg/g; 1.5 g: 47.44 mg/g). The maximum biosorption occurred at around pH value of 2 for the YB. The equilibrium uptake was increased with an increase in the initial dye concentration in solution (Co = 120 mg/l; q = 35.97 mg/g). Biosorption kinetic data were properly fitted with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The best fit was obtained by the Langmuir model with high correlation coefficient (R2 > 0.998) and a maximum monolayer adsorption capacity of 35.97 mg/g for YB.Keywords: adsorption, Brahea edulis, isotherm, yellow Bemacid
Procedia PDF Downloads 1773331 Softening Finishing: Teaching and Learning Materials
Authors: C.W. Kan
Softening applied on textile products based on several reasons. First, the synthetic detergent removes natural oils and waxes, thus lose the softness. Second, compensate the harsh handle of resin finishing. Also, imitate natural fibres and improve the comfort of fabric are the reasons to apply softening. There are different types of softeners for softening finishing of textiles, nonionic softener, anionic softener, cationic softener and silicone softener. The aim of this study is to illustrate the proper application of different softeners and their final softening effect in textiles. The results could also provide guidance note to the students in learning this topic. Acknowledgment: Authors would like to thank the financial support from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for this work.Keywords: learning materials, softening, textiles, effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 2173330 Family Models in Contemporary Multicultural Society: Exploratory Study Applied to Immigrants of Second and Third Generations
Authors: Danièle Peto
A qualitative research based on twenty-eight semi-structured interviews of students in Social Work, in Brussels (Belgium), showed specific results for the Arab and Muslim students: second and third generations immigrants build their identity on the basis of a mix of differentiation with and recognition of their parents' culture of origin. Building a bridge between Modernity and Tradition, they claim active citizenship; at the same time they show and live by values and religious believes which reinforce the link to their parents’ origins. But they present those values and believes as their own rational choices among other choices, all available and rich for our multicultural society. The way they speak of themselves is highly modern. But, they still have to build a third way to find a place for themselves in society: one allowing them to live their religion as a partially public matter (when the Occidental society leaves no such place for religion) while ensuring, at the same time, the development of independent critical thought. On this basis, other semi-structured interviews are being laid with Social workers working with families from diverse ethnic backgrounds. They will verify the reality of those identity and cultural bricolages when those young adults of second and third generations build their own family. In between the theoretical models of traditional family and modern family, shall we find a new model, hybrid and more or less stable, combining some aspects of the former and the latter? The exploratory research phase focuses on three aspects of building a family life in this context : the way those generations play, discursively or not, in between their parents and the society in which they grew up; the importance of intercultural dialogue in this process of building; and testing the hypothesis that some families, in our society, show a special way of courting Modernity.Keywords: family models, identity bricolages, intercultural, modernity and tradition
Procedia PDF Downloads 3023329 Building Teacher Capacity: Including All Students in Mathematics Experiences
Authors: Jay-R M. Mendoza
In almost all mathematics classrooms, students demonstrated discrepancies in their knowledge, skills, and understanding. OECD reports predicted that this continued to aggravate as not all teachers were sufficiently trained to handle this concentration. In response, the paper explored the potential of reSolve’s professional learning module 3 (PLM3) as an affordable and accessible professional development (PD) resource. Participants’ hands-on experience and exposure to PLM3 were audio recorded. After it was transcribed and examined and their work samples were analysed, there were four issues emerged: (1) criticality of conducting preliminary data collections and increasing the validity of inferences about what students can and cannot do by addressing the probabilistic nature of their performance; (2) criticality of the conclusion: a > b and/or (a-b) ∈ Z⁺ among students’ algebraic reasoning; (3) enabling and extending prompts provided by reSolve were found useful; and (4) dynamic adaptation of reSolve PLM3 through developing transferable skills and collaboration among teachers. PLM3 provided valuable insights on assessment, teaching, and planning to include all students in mathematics experiences.Keywords: algebraic reasoning, building teacher capacity, including all students in mathematics experiences, professional development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1243328 Dehydration of Residues from WTP for Application in Building Materials and Reuse of Water from the Waste Treatment: A Feasible Solution to Complete Treatment Systems
Authors: Marco Correa, Flavio Araujo, Paulo Scalize, Antonio Albuquerque
The increasing reduction of the volumes of surface water sources which supply most municipalities, as well as the continued rise of demand for treated water, combined with the disposal of effluents from washing of decanters and filters of the water treatment plants, generates a continuous search for correct environmentally solutions to these problems. The effluents generated by the water treatment industry need to be suitably processed for return to the environment or re-use. This article shows an alternative for the dehydration of sludge from the water treatment plants (WTP) and eventual disposal of sludge drained. Using the simple design methodology, we present a case study for a drainage in tanks geotextile, full-scale, which involve five sludge drainage tanks from WTP of the Rio Verde City. Aiming to the reutilization the water drained from the sludge and enabling its reuse both at the beginning of the treatment process at the WTP and in less noble services as for watering the gardens of the local town hall. The sludge will be used to production of building materials.Keywords: re-use, residue, sustainable, water treatment plants, sludge
Procedia PDF Downloads 4923327 Architectural Engineering and Executive Design: Modelling Procedures, Scientific Tools, Simulation Processing
Authors: Massimiliano Nastri
The study is part of the scientific references on executive design in engineering and architecture, understood as an interdisciplinary field aimed at anticipating and simulating, planning and managing, guiding and instructing construction operations on site. On this basis, the study intends to provide an analysis of a theoretical, methodological, and guiding character aimed at constituting the disciplinary sphere of the executive design, often in the absence of supporting methodological and procedural guidelines in engineering and architecture. The basic methodologies of the study refer to the investigation of the theories and references that can contribute to constituting the scenario of the executive design as the practice of modelling, visualization, and simulation of the construction phases, through the practices of projection of the pragmatic issues of the building. This by proposing a series of references, interrelations, and openings intended to support (for intellectual, procedural, and applicative purposes) the executive definition of the project, aimed at activating the practices of cognitive acquisition and realization intervention within reality.Keywords: modelling and simulation technology, executive design, discretization of the construction, engineering design for building
Procedia PDF Downloads 803326 The Development of the Quality Management Processes for the Building and Environment of the Basic Education Schools
Authors: Suppara Charoenpoom
The objectives of this research was to design and develop a quality management of the school buildings and environment. A quantitative and qualitative mixed research methodology was used. The population sample included 14 directors of primary schools. Two research tools were used. The first research tool included an in-depth interview and questionnaire. The second research tool included the Quality Business Process and Quality Work Procedure, and a Key Performance Indicator of each activity. The statistics included mean and standard deviation. The findings for the development of a quality management process of buildings and environment administration of the basic schools consisted of one quality business process (QBP) and seven quality work processes (QWP). The result from the experts’ evaluation revealed that the process and implementation of quality management of the school buildings and environment has passed the inspection process with consensus. This implies that the process of quality management of the school buildings and environment is suitable for implementation. Moreover, the level of agreement in the feasibility of the implementation of this plan had the mean in the range of 0.64-1.00 which suggests the design of the new plan is acceptable.Keywords: process, building, environment, management
Procedia PDF Downloads 2423325 The Impact of Bim Technology on the Whole Process Cost Management of Civil Engineering Projects in Kenya
Authors: Nsimbe Allan
The study examines the impact of Building Information Modeling (BIM) on the cost management of engineering projects, focusing specifically on the Mombasa Port Area Development Project. The objective of this research venture is to determine the mechanisms through which Building Information Modeling (BIM) facilitates stakeholder collaboration, reduces construction-related expenses, and enhances the precision of cost estimation. Furthermore, the study investigates barriers to execution, assesses the impact on the project's transparency, and suggests approaches to maximize resource utilization. The study, selected for its practical significance and intricate nature, conducted a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) using credible databases, including ScienceDirect and IEEE Xplore. To constitute the diverse sample, 69 individuals, including project managers, cost estimators, and BIM administrators, were selected via stratified random sampling. The data were obtained using a mixed-methods approach, which prioritized ethical considerations. SPSS and Microsoft Excel were applied to the analysis. The research emphasizes the crucial role that project managers, architects, and engineers play in the decision-making process (47% of respondents). Furthermore, a significant improvement in cost estimation accuracy was reported by 70% of the participants. It was found that the implementation of BIM resulted in enhanced project visibility, which in turn optimized resource allocation and facilitated the process of budgeting. In brief, the study highlights the positive impacts of Building Information Modeling (BIM) on collaborative decision-making and cost estimation, addresses challenges related to implementation, and provides solutions for the efficient assimilation and understanding of BIM principles.Keywords: cost management, resource utilization, stakeholder collaboration, project transparency
Procedia PDF Downloads 693324 Estimation of Gaseous Pollutants at Kalyanpur, Dhaka City
Authors: Farhana Tarannum
Ambient (outdoor) air pollution is now recognized as an important problem, both nationally and worldwide. The concentrations of gaseous pollutants (SOx, NOx, CO and O3) have been determined from samples collected at Kallyanpur along Shamoli corridor in Dhaka city. Pollutants were determined in a sample collected at ground level and a roof of a 7-storied building. These pollutants are emitted largely from stationary sources like fossil fuel fired power plants, industrial plants, and manufacturing facilities as well as mobile sources. The incomplete combustion of fuel, wood and the Sulphur containing fuel used in the vehicles are one of the main causes of CO and SOx respectively in our natural environment. When the temperature of combustion in high enough and some of that nitrogen reacts with oxygen in the air, various nitrogen oxides (NOx) are then formed. The VOCs react with NOx in the presence of sunlight to form O3. UV Visible spectrophotometric method has been used for the determination of SOx, NOx and O3. The sensor type device was used for the estimation of CO. It was found that the air pollutants (CO, SOx, NOx and O3) of a sample collected at the roof of a building were lower compared to the ground level; it indicated that ground level people are mostly affected by the gaseous pollutants.Keywords: gaseous pollutants, UV-visible spectrophotometry, ambient air quality, Dhaka city
Procedia PDF Downloads 3473323 Description of a Structural Health Monitoring and Control System Using Open Building Information Modeling
Authors: Wahhaj Ahmed Farooqi, Bilal Ahmad, Sandra Maritza Zambrano Bernal
In view of structural engineering, monitoring of structural responses over time is of great importance with respect to recent developments of construction technologies. Recently, developments of advanced computing tools have enabled researcher’s better execution of structural health monitoring (SHM) and control systems. In the last decade, building information modeling (BIM) has substantially enhanced the workflow of planning and operating engineering structures. Typically, building information can be stored and exchanged via model files that are based on the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard. In this study a modeling approach for semantic modeling of SHM and control systems is integrated into the BIM methodology using the IFC standard. For validation of the modeling approach, a laboratory test structure, a four-story shear frame structure, is modeled using a conventional BIM software tool. An IFC schema extension is applied to describe information related to monitoring and control of a prototype SHM and control system installed on the laboratory test structure. The SHM and control system is described by a semantic model applying Unified Modeling Language (UML). Subsequently, the semantic model is mapped into the IFC schema. The test structure is composed of four aluminum slabs and plate-to-column connections are fully fixed. In the center of the top story, semi-active tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) is installed. The TLCD is used to reduce effects of structural responses in context of dynamic vibration and displacement. The wireless prototype SHM and control system is composed of wireless sensor nodes. For testing the SHM and control system, acceleration response is automatically recorded by the sensor nodes equipped with accelerometers and analyzed using embedded computing. As a result, SHM and control systems can be described within open BIM, dynamic responses and information of damages can be stored, documented, and exchanged on the formal basis of the IFC standard.Keywords: structural health monitoring, open building information modeling, industry foundation classes, unified modeling language, semi-active tuned liquid column damper, nondestructive testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1543322 Registration of Multi-Temporal Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images for Facility Monitoring
Authors: Dongyeob Han, Jungwon Huh, Quang Huy Tran, Choonghyun Kang
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been used for surveillance, monitoring, inspection, and mapping. In this paper, we present a systematic approach for automatic registration of UAV images for monitoring facilities such as building, green house, and civil structures. The two-step process is applied; 1) an image matching technique based on SURF (Speeded up Robust Feature) and RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus), 2) bundle adjustment of multi-temporal images. Image matching to find corresponding points is one of the most important steps for the precise registration of multi-temporal images. We used the SURF algorithm to find a quick and effective matching points. RANSAC algorithm was used in the process of finding matching points between images and in the bundle adjustment process. Experimental results from UAV images showed that our approach has a good accuracy to be applied to the change detection of facility.Keywords: building, image matching, temperature, unmanned aerial vehicle
Procedia PDF Downloads 2933321 The Role of Brand Loyalty in Generating Positive Word of Mouth among Malaysian Hypermarket Customers
Authors: S. R. Nikhashemi, Laily Haj Paim, Ali Khatibi
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test a hypothesized model explaining Malaysian hypermarket customers’ perceptions of brand trust (BT), customer perceived value (CPV) and perceived service quality (PSQ) on building their brand loyalty (CBL) and generating positive word-of-mouth communication (WOM). Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from 374 Malaysian hypermarket customers from Mydin, Tesco, Aeon Big and Giant in Kuala Lumpur, a metropolitan city of Malaysia. The data strongly supported the model exhibiting that BT, CPV and PSQ are prerequisite factors in building customer brand loyalty, while PSQ has the strongest effect on prediction of customer brand loyalty compared to other factors. Besides, the present study suggests the effect of the aforementioned factors via customer brand loyalty strongly contributes to generate positive word of mouth communication.Keywords: brand trust, perceived value, Perceived Service Quality, Brand loyalty, positive word of mouth communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 4833320 Conductive and Stretchable Graphene Nanoribbon Coated Textiles
Authors: Lu Gan, Songmin Shang, Marcus Chun Wah Yuen
A conductive and stretchable cotton fabric was prepared in this study through coating the graphene nanoribbon onto the cotton fabric. The mechanical and electrical properties of the prepared cotton fabric were then investigated. As shown in the results, the graphene nanoribbon coated cotton fabric had an improvement in both mechanical strength and electrical conductivity. Moreover, the resistance of the cotton fabric had a linear dependence on the strain applied to it. The prepared graphene nanoribbon coated cotton fabric has great application potentials in smart textile industry.Keywords: conductive fabric, graphene nanoribbon, coating, enhanced properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3563319 Evaluating Energy Transition of a complex of buildings in a historic site of Rome toward Zero-Emissions for a Sustainable Future
Authors: Silvia Di Turi, Nicolandrea Calabrese, Francesca Caffari, Giulia Centi, Francesca Margiotta, Giovanni Murano, Laura Ronchetti, Paolo Signoretti, Lisa Volpe, Domenico Palladino
Recent European policies have been set ambitious targets aimed at significantly reducing CO2 emissions by 2030, with a long-term vision of transforming existing buildings into Zero-Emissions Buildings (ZEmB) by 2050. This vision represents a key point for the energy transition as the whole building stock currently accounts for 36% of total energy consumption across the Europe, mainly due to their poor energy performance. The challenge towards Zero-Emissions Buildings is particularly felt in Italy, where a significant number of buildings with historical significance or situated within protected/constrained areas can be found. Furthermore, an estimated 70% of the national building stock are built before 1976, indicating a widespread issue of poor energy performance. Addressing the energy ineƯiciency of these buildings is crucial to refining a comprehensive energy renovation approach aimed at facilitating their energy transition. In this framework the current study focuses on analysing a challenging complex of buildings to be totally restored through significant energy renovation interventions. The goal is to recover these disused buildings situated in a significant archaeological zone of Rome, contributing to the restoration and reintegration of this historically valuable site, while also oƯering insights useful for achieving zeroemission requirements for buildings within such contexts. In pursuit of meeting the stringent zero-emission requirements, a comprehensive study was carried out to assess the complex of buildings, envisioning substantial renovation measures on building envelope and plant systems and incorporating renewable energy system solutions, always respecting and preserving the historic site. An energy audit of the complex of buildings was performed to define the actual energy consumption for each energy service by adopting the hourly calculation methods. Subsequently, significant energy renovation interventions on both building envelope and mechanical systems have been examined respecting the historical value and preservation of site. These retrofit strategies have been investigated with threefold aims: 1) to recover the existing buildings ensuring the energy eƯiciency of the whole complex of buildings, 2) to explore which solutions have allowed achieving and facilitating the ZEmB status, 3) to balance the energy transition requirements with the sustainable aspect in order to preserve the historic value of the buildings and site. This study has pointed out the potentiality and the technical challenges associated with implementing renovation solutions for such buildings, representing one of the first attempt towards realizing this ambitious target for this type of building.Keywords: energy conservation and transition, complex of buildings in historic site, zero-emission buildings, energy efficiency recovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 773318 Tracing a Timber Breakthrough: A Qualitative Study of the Introduction of Cross-Laminated-Timber to the Student Housing Market in Norway
Authors: Marius Nygaard, Ona Flindall
The Palisaden student housing project was completed in August 2013 and was, with its eight floors, Norway’s tallest timber building at the time of completion. It was the first time cross-laminated-timber (CLT) was utilized at this scale in Norway. The project was the result of a concerted effort by a newly formed management company to establish CLT as a sustainable and financially competitive alternative to conventional steel and concrete systems. The introduction of CLT onto the student housing market proved so successful that by 2017 more than 4000 individual student residences will have been built using the same model of development and construction. The aim of this paper is to identify the key factors that enabled this breakthrough for CLT. It is based on an in-depth study of a series of housing projects and the role of the management company who both instigated and enabled this shift of CLT from the margin to the mainstream. Specifically, it will look at how a new building system was integrated into a marketing strategy that identified a market potential within the existing structure of the construction industry and within the economic restrictions inherent to student housing in Norway. It will show how a key player established a project model that changed both the patterns of cooperation and the information basis for decisions. Based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with managers, contractors and the interdisciplinary teams of consultants (architects, structural engineers, acoustical experts etc.) this paper will trace the introduction, expansion and evolution of CLT-based building systems in the student housing market. It will show how the project management firm’s position in the value chain enabled them to function both as a liaison between contractor and client, and between contractor and producer. A position that allowed them to improve the flow of information. This ensured that CLT was handled on equal terms to other structural solutions in the project specifications, enabling realistic pricing and risk evaluation. Secondly, this paper will describe and discuss how the project management firm established and interacted with a growing network of contractors, architects and engineers to pool expertise and broaden the knowledge base across Norway’s regional markets. Finally, it will examine the role of the client, the building typology, and the industrial and technological factors in achieving this breakthrough for CLT in the construction industry. This paper gives an in-depth view of the progression of a single case rather than a broad description of the state of the art of large-scale timber building in Norway. However, this type of study may offer insights that are important to the understanding not only of specific markets but also of how new technologies should be introduced in big and well-established industries.Keywords: cross-laminated-timber (CLT), industry breakthrough, student housing, timber market
Procedia PDF Downloads 2233317 A Study on Factors Affecting (Building Information Modelling) BIM Implementation in European Renovation Projects
Authors: Fatemeh Daneshvartarigh
New technologies and applications have radically altered construction techniques in recent years. In order to anticipate how the building will act, perform, and appear, these technologies encompass a wide range of visualization, simulation, and analytic tools. These new technologies and applications have a considerable impact on completing construction projects in today's (architecture, engineering and construction)AEC industries. The rate of changes in BIM-related topics is different worldwide, and it depends on many factors, e.g., the national policies of each country. Therefore, there is a need for comprehensive research focused on a specific area with common characteristics. Therefore, one of the necessary measures to increase the use of this new approach is to examine the challenges and obstacles facing it. In this research, based on the Delphi method, at first, the background and related literature are reviewed. Then, using the knowledge obtained from the literature, a primary questionnaire is generated and filled by experts who are selected using snowball sampling. It covered the experts' attitudes towards implementing BIM in renovation projects and their view of the benefits and obstacles in this regard. By analyzing the primary questionnaire, the second group of experts is selected among the participants to be interviewed. The results are analyzed using Theme analysis. Six themes, including Management support, staff resistance, client willingness, Cost of software and implementation, the difficulty of implementation, and other reasons, are obtained. Then a final questionnaire is generated from the themes and filled by the same group of experts. The result is analyzed by the Fuzzy Delphi method, showing the exact ranking of the obtained themes. The final results show that management support, staff resistance, and client willingness are the most critical barrier to BIM usage in renovation projects.Keywords: building information modeling, BIM, BIM implementation, BIM barriers, BIM in renovation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1673316 Water Heating System with Solar Energy from Solar Panel as Absorber to Reduce the Reduction of Efficiency Solar Panel Use
Authors: Mas Aji Rizki Widjayanto, Rizka Yunita
The building which has an efficient and low-energy today followed by the developers. It’s not because trends on the building nowaday, but rather because of its positive effects in the long term, where the cost of energy per month to be much cheaper, along with the high price of electricity. The use of solar power (Photovoltaic System) becomes one source of electrical energy for the apartment so that will efficiently use energy, water, and other resources in the operations of the apartment. However, more than 80% of the solar radiation is not converted into electrical energy, but reflected and converted into heat energy. This causes an increase on the working temperature of solar panels and consequently decrease the efficiency of conversion to electrical energy. The high temperature solar panels work caused by solar radiation can be used as medium heat exchanger or heating water for the apartments, so that the working temperature of the solar panel can be lowered to reduce the reduction on the efficiency of conversion to electrical energy.Keywords: photovoltaic system, efficient, heat energy, heat exchanger, efficiency of conversion
Procedia PDF Downloads 3523315 Auditing of Building Information Modeling Application in Decoration Engineering Projects in China
Authors: Lan Luo
In China’s construction industry, it is a normal practice to separately subcontract the decoration engineering part from construction engineering, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) is also done separately. Application of BIM in decoration engineering should be integrated with other disciplines, but Chinese current practice makes this very difficult and complicated. Currently, there are three barriers in the auditing of BIM application in decoration engineering in China: heavy workload; scarcity of qualified professionals; and lack of literature concerning audit contents, standards, and methods. Therefore, it is significant to perform research on what (contents) should be evaluated, in which phase, and by whom (professional qualifications) in BIM application in decoration construction so that the application of BIM can be promoted in a better manner. Based on this consideration, four principles of BIM auditing are proposed: Comprehensiveness of information, accuracy of data, aesthetic attractiveness of appearance, and scheme optimization. In the model audit, three methods should be used: Collision, observation, and contrast. In addition, BIM auditing at six stages is discussed and a checklist for work items and results to be submitted is proposed. This checklist can be used for reference by decoration project participants.Keywords: audit, evaluation, dimensions, methods, standards, BIM application in decoration engineering projects
Procedia PDF Downloads 3433314 Enhancement of Visual Comfort Using Parametric Double Skin Façade
Authors: Ahmed A. Khamis, Sherif A. Ibrahim, Mahmoud El Khatieb, Mohamed A. Barakat
Parametric design is an icon of the modern architectural that facilitate taking complex design decisions counting on altering various design parameters. Double skin facades are one of the parametric applications for using parametric designs. This paper opts to enhance different daylight parameters of a selected case study office building in Cairo using parametric double skin facade. First, the design and optimization process executed utilizing Grasshopper parametric design software which is a plugin in rhino. The daylighting performance of the base case building model was compared with the one used the double façade showing an enhancement in daylighting performance indicators like glare and task illuminance in the modified model, execution drawings are made for the optimized design to be executed through Revit, followed by computerized digital fabrication stages of the designed model with various scales to reach the final design decisions using Simplify 3D for mock-up digital fabricationKeywords: parametric design, double skin facades, digital fabrication, grasshopper, simplify 3D
Procedia PDF Downloads 1213313 Clients’ Priorities in Delivery of Green Projects: South African Perspective
Authors: C. Mothobiso, D. Root
Purpose: This study attempts to identify the clients’ main priorities when delivering green projects. The aim is to compare if the clients have the same interest that are similar in delivery of convectional buildings as compared to green buildings. The main purpose is to find why other clients are investing in green buildings while others are reluctant and adopting green building at a slow pace. Design/methodology/approach: A sample of construction professional accredited by the Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) was sent a questionnaire to participate in the research. Since GBSCSA accredited professionals have knowledge and experience about the green buildings, they are chosen as the sample. The research is qualitative because it evaluates the perceptions and knowledge around the subject matter. Research limitations: The research focuses only on the South African construction clients. Findings: Findings reveal that private clients invest more on green buildings as compared to government and parastatal entities. Private clients prioritise on maximising returns on investments and they mainly invest on buildings that save energies and have low life cycle costs. Private clients are perceived to be more knowledgeable about the benefits of green building project as compared to government and Parastatals clients. Shortage of expertise and managerial skill leads to low adaptation of green buildings in the government and parastatal projects. Other factors, which seem to disintegrate the adoption of green buildings, are the readiness of supply chain within the industry and inappropriate procurements strategies adopted by clients. The evaluation of the clients’ priorities will enable the design team to come up with innovative ways to approach the design process so that clients’ priorities and needs are identified and met. Practical implications: The findings are indicating that clients’ needs and priorities have a huge impact on the delivery of the project in terms of time, quality and cost of the project.Keywords: construction clients, design team, green construction and project deliver
Procedia PDF Downloads 2713312 An Enhanced AODV Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
Authors: Apidet Booranawong, Wiklom Teerapabkajorndet
An enhanced ad-hoc on-demand distance vector routing (E-AODV) protocol for control system applications in wireless sensor and actuator networks (WSANs) is proposed. Our routing algorithm is designed by considering both wireless network communication and the control system aspects. Control system error and network delay are the main selection criteria in our routing protocol. The control and communication performance is evaluated on multi-hop IEEE 802.15.4 networks for building-temperature control systems. The Gilbert-Elliott error model is employed to simulate packet loss in wireless networks. The simulation results demonstrate that the E-AODV routing approach can significantly improve the communication performance better than an original AODV routing under various packet loss rates. However, the control performance result by our approach is not much improved compared with the AODV routing solution.Keywords: WSANs, building temperature control, AODV routing protocol, control system error, settling time, delay, delivery ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 3403311 Value Generation of Construction and Demolition Waste Originated in the Building Rehabilitation to Improve Energy Efficiency; From Waste to Resources
Authors: Mercedes Del Rio Merino, Jaime Santacruz Astorqui, Paola Villoria Saez, Carmen Viñas Arrebola
The lack of treatment of the waste from construction and demolition waste (CDW) is a problem that must be solved immediately. It is estimated that in the world not to use CDW generates an increase in the use of new materials close to 20% of the total value of the materials used. The problem is even greater in case these wastes are considered hazardous because the final deposition of them may also generate significant contamination. Therefore, the possibility of including CDW in the manufacturing of building materials, represents an interesting alternative to ensure their use and to reduce their possible risk. In this context and in the last years, many researches are being carried out in order to analyze the viability of using CDW as a substitute for the traditional raw material of high environmental impact. Even though it is true, much remains to be done, because these works generally characterize materials but not specific applications that allow the agents of the construction to have the guarantees required by the projects. Therefore, it is necessary the involvement of all the actors included in the life cycle of these new construction materials, and also to promote its use for, for example, definition of standards, tax advantages or market intervention is necessary. This paper presents the main findings reached in "Waste to resources (W2R)" project since it began in October 2014. The main goal of the project is to develop new materials, elements and construction systems, manufactured from CDW, to be used in improving the energy efficiency of buildings. Other objectives of the project are: to quantify the CDW generated in the energy rehabilitation works, specifically wastes from the building envelope; and to study the traceability of CDW generated and promote CDW reuse and recycle in order to get close to the life cycle of buildings, generating zero waste and reducing the ecological footprint of the construction sector. This paper determines the most important aspects to consider during the design of new constructive solutions, which improve the energy efficiency of buildings and what materials made with CDW would be the most suitable for that. Also, a survey to select best practices for reducing "close to zero waste" in refurbishment was done. Finally, several pilot rehabilitation works conform the parameters analyzed in the project were selected, in order to apply the results and thus compare the theoretical with reality. Acknowledgements: This research was supported by the Spanish State Secretariat for Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under "Waste 2 Resources" Project (BIA2013-43061-R).Keywords: building waste, construction and demolition waste, recycling, resources
Procedia PDF Downloads 2513310 Wind Interference Effects on Various Plan Shape Buildings Under Wind Load
Authors: Ritu Raj, Hrishikesh Dubey
This paper presents the results of the experimental investigations carried out on two intricate plan shaped buildings to evaluate aerodynamic performance of the building. The purpose is to study the associated environment arising due to wind forces in isolated and interference conditions on a model of scale 1:300 with a prototype having 180m height. Experimental tests were carried out at the boundary layer wind tunnel considering isolated conditions with 0° to 180° isolated wind directions and four interference conditions of twin building (separately for both the models). The research has been undertaken in Terrain Category-II, which is the most widely available terrain in India. A comparative assessment of the two models is performed out in an attempt to comprehend the various consequences of diverse conditions that may emerge in real-life situations, as well as the discrepancies amongst them. Experimental results of wind pressure coefficients of Model-1 and Model-2 shows good agreement with various wind incidence conditions with minute difference in the magnitudes of mean Cp. On the basis of wind tunnel studies, it is distinguished that the performance of Model-2 is better than Model-1in both isolated as well as interference conditions for all wind incidences and orientations respectively.Keywords: interference factor, tall buildings, wind direction, mean pressure-coefficients
Procedia PDF Downloads 1303309 Reliability Analysis of Construction Schedule Plan Based on Building Information Modelling
Authors: Lu Ren, You-Liang Fang, Yan-Gang Zhao
In recent years, the application of BIM (Building Information Modelling) to construction schedule plan has been the focus of more and more researchers. In order to assess the reasonable level of the BIM-based construction schedule plan, that is whether the schedule can be completed on time, some researchers have introduced reliability theory to evaluate. In the process of evaluation, the uncertain factors affecting the construction schedule plan are regarded as random variables, and probability distributions of the random variables are assumed to be normal distribution, which is determined using two parameters evaluated from the mean and standard deviation of statistical data. However, in practical engineering, most of the uncertain influence factors are not normal random variables. So the evaluation results of the construction schedule plan will be unreasonable under the assumption that probability distributions of random variables submitted to the normal distribution. Therefore, in order to get a more reasonable evaluation result, it is necessary to describe the distribution of random variables more comprehensively. For this purpose, cubic normal distribution is introduced in this paper to describe the distribution of arbitrary random variables, which is determined by the first four moments (mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis). In this paper, building the BIM model firstly according to the design messages of the structure and making the construction schedule plan based on BIM, then the cubic normal distribution is used to describe the distribution of the random variables due to the collecting statistical data of the random factors influencing construction schedule plan. Next the reliability analysis of the construction schedule plan based on BIM can be carried out more reasonably. Finally, the more accurate evaluation results can be given providing reference for the implementation of the actual construction schedule plan. In the last part of this paper, the more efficiency and accuracy of the proposed methodology for the reliability analysis of the construction schedule plan based on BIM are conducted through practical engineering case.Keywords: BIM, construction schedule plan, cubic normal distribution, reliability analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1493308 Study on the Demolition Waste Management in Malaysia Construction Industry
Authors: Gunalan Vasudevan
The Malaysia construction industry generates a large quantity of construction and demolition waste nowadays. In the handbook for demolition work only comprised small portion of demolition waste management. It is important to study and determine the ways to provide a practical guide for the professional in the building industry about handling the demolition waste. In general, demolition defined as tearing down or wrecking of structural work or architectural work of the building and other infrastructures work such as road, bridge and etc. It’s a common misconception that demolition is nothing more than taking down a structure and carrying the debris to a landfill. On many projects, 80-90% of the structure is kept for reuse or recycling which help the owner to save cost. Demolition contractors required a lot of knowledge and experience to minimize the impact of demolition work to the existing surrounding area. For data collecting method, postal questionnaires and interviews have been selected to collect data. Questionnaires have distributed to 80 respondents from the construction industry in Klang Valley. 67 of 80 respondents have replied the questionnaire while 4 people have interviewed. Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package for Social Science version 17.0 were used to analyze the data collected.Keywords: demolition, waste management, construction material, Malaysia
Procedia PDF Downloads 4453307 Beggar-Thy-Neighbor's Beach: Pricing Adaptation to Sea-Level Rise
Authors: Arlan Zandro Brucal, John Lynham
With the accelerated sea-level rise (SLR) increasingly becoming a concern, demand for coastal management and protection is expected to grow. Among the coastal management and protection methods, building seawalls are among the most controversial due to the negative externalities they impose on beachgoers and neighboring properties. This paper provides estimates of the external cost associated with building seawalls on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. Using hedonic pricing approach on real properties sold between 1980-2010 and aerial photographs of seawalls in 1995, the paper finds that (1) while seawalls do increase the value of protected properties, the share of armored properties appear to be negatively correlated with property sale prices, suggesting that the positive effect of seawalls tend to decline as more and more rely on this coastal management method; and (2) the value of beachfront properties tend to decline as they get approach seawalls. Results suggest that policymakers should devise a policy that would internalize the externalities associated with private-sector adaptation to climate change.Keywords: private sector climate change adaptation, externalities, sea-level rise, hedonic pricing
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