Search results for: antibiotic therapy
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 2360

Search results for: antibiotic therapy

1220 A New Gateway for Rheumatoid Arthritis: COXIBs with a Safety Cardiovascular Profile

Authors: Malvina Hoxha, Valerie Capra, Carola Buccellati, Angelo Sala, Clara Cena, Roberta Fruttero, Massimo Bertinaria, G. Enrico Rovati


Today COXIBs are used in the treatment of arthritis and many other painful conditions in selected patients with high gastrointestinal risk and low CV risk. Previously we found a new mechanism of action of a traditional NSAID (diclofenac) and a COXIB (lumiracoxib) that possess weak competitive antagonism at the TP receptor. We hypothesize that modifying the structure of a known specific inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COXIB), so that it becomes also a more potent thromboxane antagonist will preserve the anti-inflammatory and gastrointestinal safety typical of COXIBs and prevent the cardiovascular risk associated with long term therapy.

Keywords: cyclooxygenase, inflammation, lumiracoxib, thromboxane A2

Procedia PDF Downloads 303
1219 New Recombinant Netrin-a Protein of Lucilia Sericata Larvae by Bac to Bac Expression Vector System in Sf9 Insect Cell

Authors: Hamzeh Alipour, Masoumeh Bagheri, Abbasali Raz, Javad Dadgar Pakdel, Kourosh Azizi, Aboozar Soltani, Mohammad Djaefar Moemenbellah-Fard


Background: Maggot debridement therapy is an appropriate, effective, and controlled method using sterilized larvae of Luciliasericata (L.sericata) to treat wounds. Netrin-A is an enzyme in the Laminins family which secreted from salivary gland of L.sericata with a central role in neural regeneration and angiogenesis. This study aimed to production of new recombinant Netrin-A protein of Luciliasericata larvae by baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) in SF9. Material and methods: In the first step, gene structure was subjected to the in silico studies, which were include determination of Antibacterial activity, Prion formation risk, homology modeling, Molecular docking analysis, and Optimization of recombinant protein. In the second step, the Netrin-A gene was cloned and amplified in pTG19 vector. After digestion with BamH1 and EcoR1 restriction enzymes, it was cloned in pFastBac HTA vector. It was then transformed into DH10Bac competent cells, and the recombinant Bacmid was subsequently transfected into insect Sf9 cells. The expressed recombinant Netrin-A was thus purified in the Ni-NTA agarose. This protein evaluation was done using SDS-PAGE and western blot, respectively. Finally, its concentration was calculated with the Bradford assay method. Results: The Bacmid vector structure with Netrin-A was successfully constructed and then expressed as Netrin-A protein in the Sf9 cell lane. The molecular weight of this protein was 52 kDa with 404 amino acids. In the in silico studies, fortunately, we predicted that recombinant LSNetrin-A have Antibacterial activity and without any prion formation risk.This molecule hasa high binding affinity to the Neogenin and a lower affinity to the DCC-specific receptors. Signal peptide located between amino acids 24 and 25. The concentration of Netrin-A recombinant protein was calculated to be 48.8 μg/ml. it was confirmed that the characterized gene in our previous study codes L. sericata Netrin-A enzyme. Conclusions: Successful generation of the recombinant Netrin-A, a secreted protein in L.sericata salivary glands, and because Luciliasericata larvae are used in larval therapy. Therefore, the findings of the present study could be useful to researchers in future studies on wound healing.

Keywords: blowfly, BEVS, gene, immature insect, recombinant protein, Sf9

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1218 Evaluation of the Influence of Graphene Oxide on Spheroid and Monolayer Culture under Flow Conditions

Authors: A. Zuchowska, A. Buta, M. Mazurkiewicz-Pawlicka, A. Malolepszy, L. Stobinski, Z. Brzozka


In recent years, graphene-based materials are finding more and more applications in biological science. As a thin, tough, transparent and chemically resistant materials, they appear to be a very good material for the production of implants and biosensors. Interest in graphene derivatives also resulted at the beginning of research about the possibility of their application in cancer therapy. Currently, the analysis of their potential use in photothermal therapy and as a drug carrier is mostly performed. Moreover, the direct anticancer properties of graphene-based materials are also tested. Nowadays, cytotoxic studies are conducted on in vitro cell culture in standard culture vessels (macroscale). However, in this type of cell culture, the cells grow on the synthetic surface in static conditions. For this reason, cell culture in macroscale does not reflect in vivo environment. The microfluidic systems, called Lab-on-a-chip, are proposed as a solution for improvement of cytotoxicity analysis of new compounds. Here, we present the evaluation of cytotoxic properties of graphene oxide (GO) on breast, liver and colon cancer cell line in a microfluidic system in two spatial models (2D and 3D). Before cell introduction, the microchambers surface was modified by the fibronectin (2D, monolayer) and poly(vinyl alcohol) (3D, spheroids) covering. After spheroid creation (3D) and cell attachment (2D, monolayer) the selected concentration of GO was introduced into microsystems. Then monolayer and spheroids viability/proliferation using alamarBlue® assay and standard microplate reader was checked for three days. Moreover, in every day of the culture, the morphological changes of cells were determined using microscopic analysis. Additionally, on the last day of the culture differential staining using Calcein AM and Propidium iodide were performed. We were able to note that the GO has an influence on all tested cell line viability in both monolayer and spheroid arrangement. We showed that GO caused higher viability/proliferation decrease for spheroids than a monolayer (this was observed for all tested cell lines). Higher cytotoxicity of GO on spheroid culture can be caused by different geometry of the microchambers for 2D and 3D cell cultures. Probably, GO was removed from the flat microchambers for 2D culture. Those results were also confirmed by differential staining. Comparing our results with the studies conducted in the macroscale, we also proved that the cytotoxic properties of GO are changed depending on the cell culture conditions (static/ flow).

Keywords: cytotoxicity, graphene oxide, monolayer, spheroid

Procedia PDF Downloads 126
1217 Results of Operation of Online Medical Care System

Authors: Mahsa Houshdar, Seyed Mehdi Samimi Ardestani , ُSeyed Saeed Sadr


Introduction: Online Medicare is a method in which parts of a medical process - whether its diagnostics, monitoring or the treatment itself will be done by using online services. This system has been operated in one boy’s high school, one girl’s high school and one high school in deprived aria. Method: At the first step the students registered for using the system. It was not mandatory and not free. They participated in estimating depression scale, anxiety scale and clinical interview by online medical care system. During this estimation, we could find the existence and severity of depression and anxiety in each one of the participants, also we could find the consequent needs of each one, such as supportive therapy in mild depression or anxiety, need to visited by psychologist in moderate cases, need to visited by psychiatrist in moderate-severe cases, need to visited by psychiatrist and psychologist in severe cases and need to perform medical lab examination tests. The lab examination tests were performed on persons specified by the system. The lab examinations were included: serum level of vitamin D, serum level of vitamin B12, serum level of calcium, fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, thyroid function tests and CBC. All of the students were solely treated by vitamins or minerals therapy and/ or treatment of medical problem (such as hypothyroidism). After a few months, we came back to high schools and estimated the existence and severity of depression and anxiety in treated students. With comparing these results, the affectability of the system could be prof. Results: Totally, we operate this project in 1077 participants in 243 of participant, the lab examination test were performed. In girls high schools: the existence and severity of depression significantly deceased (P value= 0.018<0.05 & P value 0.004< 0.05), but results about anxiety was not significant. In boys high schools: the existence and severity of depression significantly decreased (P value= 0.023<0.05 & P value = 0.004< 0.05 & P value= 0.049< 0.05). In boys high schools: the existence and severity of anxiety significantly decreased (P value= 0.041<0.05 & P value = 0.046< 0.05 &) but in one high school results about anxiety was not significant. In high school in deprived area the students did not have any problem paying for participating in the project, but they could not pay for medical lab examination tests. Thus, operation of the system was not possible in deprived area without a sponsor. Conclusion: This online medical system was successful in creating medical and psychiatric profile without attending physician. It was successful in decreasing depression without using antidepressants, but it was partially successful in decreasing anxiety.

Keywords: depression, diabetes, online medicare, vitamin D deficiency

Procedia PDF Downloads 325
1216 Development of Technologies for the Treatment of Nutritional Problems in Primary Care

Authors: Marta Fernández Batalla, José María Santamaría García, Maria Lourdes Jiménez Rodríguez, Roberto Barchino Plata, Adriana Cercas Duque, Enrique Monsalvo San Macario


Background: Primary Care Nursing is taking more autonomy in clinical decisions. One of the most frequent therapies to solve is related to the problems of maintaining a sufficient supply of food. Nursing diagnoses related to food are addressed by the nurse-family and community as the first responsible. Objectives and interventions are set according to each patient. To improve the goal setting and the treatment of these care problems, a technological tool is developed to help nurses. Objective: To evaluate the computational tool developed to support the clinical decision in feeding problems. Material and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out at the Meco Health Center, Madrid, Spain. The study population consisted of four specialist nurses in primary care. These nurses tested the tool on 30 people with ‘need for nutritional therapy’. Subsequently, the usability of the tool and the satisfaction of the professional were sought. Results: A simple and convenient computational tool is designed for use. It has 3 main entrance fields: age, size, sex. The tool returns the following information: BMI (Body Mass Index) and caloric consumed by the person. The next step is the caloric calculation depending on the activity. It is possible to propose a goal of BMI or weight to achieve. With this, the amount of calories to be consumed is proposed. After using the tool, it was determined that the tool calculated the BMI and calories correctly (in 100% of clinical cases). satisfaction on nutritional assessment was ‘satisfactory’ or ‘very satisfactory’, linked to the speed of operations. As a point of improvement, the options of ‘stress factor’ linked to weekly physical activity. Conclusion: Based on the results, it is clear that the computational tools of decision support are useful in the clinic. Nurses are not only consumers of computational tools, but can develop their own tools. These technological solutions improve the effectiveness of nutrition assessment and intervention. We are currently working on improvements such as the calculation of protein percentages as a function of protein percentages as a function of stress parameters.

Keywords: feeding behavior health, nutrition therapy, primary care nursing, technology assessment

Procedia PDF Downloads 228
1215 Tumor Cell Detection, Isolation and Monitoring Using Bi-Layer Magnetic Microfluidic Chip

Authors: Amir Seyfoori, Ehsan Samiei, Mohsen Akbari


The use of microtechnology for detection and high yield isolation of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) has shown enormous promise as an indication of clinical metastasis prognosis and cancer treatment monitoring. The Immunomagnetic assay has been also coupled to microtechnology to improve the selectivity and efficiency of the current methods of cancer biomarker isolation. In this way, generation and configuration of the local high gradient magnetic field play essential roles in such assay. Additionally, considering the intrinsic heterogeneity of cancer cells, real-time analysis of isolated cells is necessary to characterize their responses to therapy. Totally, on-chip isolation and monitoring of the specific tumor cells is considered as a pressing need in the way of modified cancer therapy. To address these challenges, we have developed a bi-layer magnetic-based microfluidic chip for enhanced CTC detection and capturing. Micromagnet arrays at the bottom layer of the chip were fabricated using a new method of magnetic nanoparticle paste deposition so that they were arranged at the center of the chain microchannel with the lowest fluid velocity zone. Breast cancer cells labelled with EPCAM-conjugated smart microgels were immobilized on the tip of the micromagnets with greater localized magnetic field and stronger cell-micromagnet interaction. Considering different magnetic nano-powder usage (MnFe2O4 & gamma-Fe2O3) and micromagnet shapes (ellipsoidal & arrow), the capture efficiency of the systems was adjusted while the higher CTC capture efficiency was acquired for MnFe2O4 arrow micromagnet as around 95.5%. As a proof of concept of on-chip tumor cell monitoring, magnetic smart microgels made of thermo-responsive poly N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid (PNIPAM-AA) composition were used for both purposes of targeted cell capturing as well as cell monitoring using antibody conjugation and fluorescent dye loading at the same time. In this regard, magnetic microgels were successfully used as cell tracker after isolation process so that by raising the temperature up to 37⁰ C, they released the contained dye and stained the targeted cell just after capturing. This microfluidic device was able to provide a platform for detection, isolation and efficient real-time analysis of specific CTCs in the liquid biopsy of breast cancer patients.

Keywords: circulating tumor cells, microfluidic, immunomagnetic, cell isolation

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1214 A Study Investigating Word Association Behaviour in People with Acquired Language and Communication Disorders

Authors: Angela Maria Fenu


The aim of this study was to better characterize the nature of word association responses in people with aphasia. The participants selected for the experimental group were 4 individuals with mild Broca’s aphasia. The control group consisted of 51 cognitively intact age- and gender-matched individuals. The participants were asked to perform a word association task in which they had to say the first word they thought of when hearing each cue. The cue words (n= 16) were the translation in Italian of the set of English cue words of a published study. The participants from the experimental group were administered the word association test every two weeks for a period of two months when they received speech-language therapy A combination of analytical approaches to measure the data was used. To analyse different patterns of word association responses in both groups, the nature of the relationship between the cue and the response was examined: responses were divided into five categories of association. To investigate the similarity between aphasic and non-aphasic subjects, the stereotypy of responses was examined.While certain stimulus words (nouns, adjectives) elicited responses from Broca’s aphasics that tended to resemble those made by non-aphasic subjects; others (adverbs, verbs) showed the tendency to elicit responses different from the ones given by normal subjects. This suggests that some mechanisms underlying certain types of associations are degraded in aphasics individuals, while others display little evidence of disruption. The high number of paradigmatic associations given in response to a noun or an adjective might imply that the mechanisms, largely semantic, underlying paradigmatic associations are relatively preserved in Broca’s aphasia, but it might also mean that some words are more easily processed depending on their grammatical class (nouns, adjectives). The most significant variation was noticed when the grammatical class of the cue word was an adverb. Unlike the normal individuals, the experimental subjects gave the most idiosyncratic associations, which are often produced when the attempt to give a paradigmatic response fails. In turn, the failure to retrieve paradigmatic responses when the cue is an adverb might suggest that Broca’s aphasics are more sensitive to this grammatical class.The findings from this study suggest that, from research on word associations in people with aphasia, important data can arise concerning the specific lexical retrieval impairments that characterize the different types of aphasia and the various treatments that might positively influence the kinds of word association responses affected by language disruption.

Keywords: aphasia therapy, clinical linguistics, word-association behaviour, mental lexicon

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1213 Bioprospecting of Marine Actinobacteria: The Leading Way for Industrially Important Enzymes and Bioactive Natural Products

Authors: Ramesh Subramani, Mathivanan Narayanasamy, William Aalbersberg


It is well accepted by last 35 years of research and on-going programmes that marine environment harbours abundant and unique biodiversity, which is currently playing as an important source in bioprospecting. It has become apparent that marine microorganisms are lead in the biodiscovery. Among marine organisms, actinobacteria are a target phylum for discovering novel antibiotics against increasing the multi-drug resistant human pathogens because of these taxa representing for novel genera and species. Marine actinomycetes are a proven source of new antibiotic leads and novel enzymes with important industrial applications. A total of 183 streptomycete and 25 non-streptomycete strains were isolated from different marine samples collected from north-eastern part of the Indian Ocean. Among them, 111 isolates displayed antibacterial activity against human pathogens and 151 exhibited antifungal activity against phytopathogens. Importantly, most of them produced various extracellular enzymes and 58 of them produced exopolysaccharides. Totally eight small bioactive compounds and a thermostable alkaline protease have been purified from a selected strain, Streptomyces fungicidicus. Besides, our on-going studies on non-streptomycete strains (rare actinomycetes) are most likely promising resource for new and unique compounds against current emerging drug-resistant pathogens. We have just recognised the chemical diversity in marine microorganisms. Therefore it is worthwhile to continue the exploration of marine microorganisms for new drug leads, novel enzymes and other bioprospecting research.

Keywords: bioactive compounds, industrial enzymes, marine actinobacteria, microbial metabolites, marine natural products

Procedia PDF Downloads 279
1212 Kinetic and Removable of Amoxicillin Using Aliquat336 as a Carrier via a HFSLM

Authors: Teerapon Pirom, Ura Pancharoen


Amoxicillin is an antibiotic which is widely used to treat various infections in both human beings and animals. However, when amoxicillin is released into the environment, it is a major problem. Amoxicillin causes bacterial resistance to these drugs and failure of treatment with antibiotics. Liquid membrane is of great interest as a promising method for the separation and recovery of the target ions from aqueous solutions due to the use of carriers for the transport mechanism, resulting in highly selectivity and rapid transportation of the desired metal ions. The simultaneous processes of extraction and stripping in a single unit operation of liquid membrane system are very interesting. Therefore, it is practical to apply liquid membrane, particularly the HFSLM for industrial applications as HFSLM is proved to be a separation process with lower capital and operating costs, low energy and extractant with long life time, high selectivity and high fluxes compared with solid membranes. It is a simple design amenable to scaling up for industrial applications. The extraction and recovery for (Amoxicillin) through the hollow fiber supported liquid membrane (HFSLM) using aliquat336 as a carrier were explored with the experimental data. The important variables affecting on transport of amoxicillin viz. extractant concentration and operating time were investigated. The highest AMOX- extraction percentages of 85.35 and Amoxicillin stripping of 80.04 were achieved with the best condition at 6 mmol/L [aliquat336] and operating time 100 min. The extraction reaction order (n) and the extraction reaction rate constant (kf) were found to be 1.00 and 0.0344 min-1, respectively.

Keywords: aliquat336, amoxicillin, HFSLM, kinetic

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1211 Significant Factor of Magnetic Resonance for Survival Outcome in Rectal Cancer Patients Following Neoadjuvant Combined Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy: Stratification of Lateral Pelvic Lymph Node

Authors: Min Ju Kim, Beom Jin Park, Deuk Jae Sung, Na Yeon Han, Kichoon Sim


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the significant magnetic resonance (MR) imaging factors of lateral pelvic lymph node (LPLN) on the assessment of survival outcomes of neoadjuvant combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy (CRT) in patients with mid/low rectal cancer. Materials and Methods: The institutional review board approved this retrospective study of 63 patients with mid/low rectal cancer who underwent MR before and after CRT and patient consent was not required. Surgery performed within 4 weeks after CRT. The location of LPLNs was divided into following four groups; 1) common iliac, 2) external iliac, 3) obturator, and 4) internal iliac lymph nodes. The short and long axis diameters, numbers, shape (ovoid vs round), signal intensity (homogenous vs heterogenous), margin (smooth vs irregular), and diffusion-weighted restriction of LPLN were analyzed on pre- and post-CRT images. For treatment response using size, lymph node groups were defined as group 1) short axis diameter ≤ 5mm on both MR, group 2) > 5mm change into ≤ 5mm after CRT, and group 3) persistent size > 5mm before and after CRT. Clinical findings were also evaluated. The disease-free survival and overall survival rate were evaluated and the risk factors for survival outcomes were analyzed using cox regression analysis. Results: Patients in the group 3 (persistent size >5mm) showed significantly lower survival rates than the group 1 and 2 (Disease-free survival rates of 36.1% and 78.8, 88.8%, p < 0.001). The size response (group 1-3), multiplicity of LPLN, the level of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), patient’s age, T and N stage, vessel invasion, perineural invasion were significant factors affecting disease-free survival rate or overall survival rate using univariate analysis (p < 0.05). The persistent size (group 3) and multiplicity of LPLN were independent risk factors among MR imaging features influencing disease-free survival rate (HR = 10.087, p < 0.05; HR = 4.808, p < 0.05). Perineural invasion and T stage were shown as independent histologic risk factors (HR = 16.594, p < 0.05; HR = 15.891, p < 0.05). Conclusion: The persistent size greater than 5mm and multiplicity of LPLN on both pre- and post-MR after CRT were significant MR factors affecting survival outcomes in the patients with mid/low rectal cancer.

Keywords: rectal cancer, MRI, lymph node, combined chemoradiotherapy

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1210 Psoriasis Diagnostic Test Development: Exploratory Study

Authors: Salam N. Abdo, Orien L. Tulp, George P. Einstein


The purpose of this exploratory study was to gather the insights into psoriasis etiology, treatment, and patient experience, for developing psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis diagnostic test. Data collection methods consisted of a comprehensive meta-analysis of relevant studies and psoriasis patient survey. Established meta-analysis guidelines were used for the selection and qualitative comparative analysis of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis research studies. Only studies that clearly discussed psoriasis etiology, treatment, and patient experience were reviewed and analyzed, to establish a qualitative data base for the study. Using the insights gained from meta-analysis, an existing psoriasis patient survey was modified and administered to collect additional data as well as triangulate the results. The hypothesis is that specific types of psoriatic disease have specific etiology and pathophysiologic pattern. The following etiology categories were identified: bacterial, environmental/microbial, genetic, immune, infectious, trauma/stress, and viral. Additional results, obtained from meta-analysis and confirmed by patient survey, were the common age of onset (early to mid-20s) and type of psoriasis (plaque; mild; symmetrical; scalp, chest, and extremities, specifically elbows and knees). Almost 70% of patients reported no prescription drug use due to severe side effects and prohibitive cost. These results will guide the development of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis diagnostic test. The significant number of medical publications classified psoriatic arthritis disease as inflammatory of an unknown etiology. Thus numerous meta-analyses struggle to report any meaningful conclusions since no definitive results have been reported to date. Therefore, return to the basics is an essential step to any future meaningful results. To date, medical literature supports the fact that psoriatic disease in its current classification could be misidentifying subcategories, which in turn hinders the success of studies conducted to date. Moreover, there has been an enormous commercial support to pursue various immune-modulation therapies, thus following a narrow hypothesis/mechanism of action that is yet to yield resolution of disease state. Recurrence and complications may be considered unacceptable in a significant number of these studies. The aim of the ongoing study is to focus on a narrow subgroup of patient population, as identified by this exploratory study via meta-analysis and patient survey, and conduct an exhaustive work up, aiming at mechanism of action and causality before proposing a cure or therapeutic modality. Remission in psoriasis has been achieved and documented in medical literature, such as immune-modulation, phototherapy, various over-the-counter agents, including salts and tar. However, there is no psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis diagnostic test to date, to guide the diagnosis and treatment of this debilitating and, thus far, incurable disease. Because psoriasis affects approximately 2% of population, the results of this study may affect the treatment and improve the quality of life of a significant number of psoriasis patients, potentially millions of patients in the United States alone and many more millions worldwide.

Keywords: biologics, early diagnosis, etiology, immune disease, immune modulation therapy, inflammation skin disorder, phototherapy, plaque psoriasis, psoriasis, psoriasis classification, psoriasis disease marker, psoriasis diagnostic test, psoriasis marker, psoriasis mechanism of action, psoriasis treatment, psoriatic arthritis, psoriatic disease, psoriatic disease marker, psoriatic patient experience, psoriatic patient quality of life, remission, salt therapy, targeted immune therapy

Procedia PDF Downloads 119
1209 Designing Program for Developing Self-Esteem of Gifted Children

Authors: Mohammad Jamalallail


Self-esteem implies a person’s overall self-worth, self-respect, and self-value. It helps a person to maintain good mental health, personality, and achievement. Gifted students face some emotional problems, sometimes, which cause decreases in their self-esteem. Such emotional problems include loneliness, anxiety, and depression as examples. For this reason, designing a counseling program is necessary for gifted students who need a high level of self-esteem. The available counseling programs focused on developmental aspect only to the best of the writer’s knowledge. While the proposed program focuses on both clinical and developmental counseling by applying psychoanalytic play therapy. The proposed program consists of; Theoretical background such as; Behavior, and RET. It also consists of counseling procedures and therapeutic interventions.

Keywords: self-esteem, gifted, program, design

Procedia PDF Downloads 428
1208 Sulfamethoxazole Degradation by Conventional Fenton and Microwave-Assisted Fenton Reaction

Authors: Derradji Chebli, Abdallah Bouguettoucha, Zoubir Manaa, Amrane Abdeltif


Pharmaceutical products, such as sulfamethoxazole (SMX) are rejected in the environment at trace level by human and animals (ng/L to mg/L), in their original form or as byproducts. Antibiotics are toxic contaminants for the aquatic environment, owing to their adverse effects on the aquatic life and humans. Even at low concentrations, they can negatively impact biological water treatment leading to the proliferation of antibiotics-resistant pathogens. It is therefore of major importance to develop efficient methods to limit their presence in the aquatic environment. In this aim, advanced oxidation processes (AOP) appear relevant compared to other methods, since they are based on the production of highly reactive free radicals, and especially ●OH. The objective of this work was to evaluate the degradation of SMX by microwave-assisted Fenton reaction (MW/Fe/H2O2). Hydrogen peroxide and ferrous ions concentrations, as well as the microwave power were optimized. The results showed that the SMX degradation by MW/Fe/H2O2 followed a pseudo-first order kinetic. The treatment of 20 mg/L initial SMX by the Fenton reaction in the presence of microwave showed the positive impact of this latter owing to the higher degradation yields observed in a reduced reaction time if compared to the conventional Fenton reaction, less than 5 min for a total degradation. In addition, increasing microwave power increased the degradation kinetics. Irrespective of the application of microwave, the optimal pH for the Fenton reaction remained 3. Examination of the impact of the ionic strength showed that carbonate and sulfate anions increased the rate of SMX degradation.

Keywords: antibiotic, degradation, elimination, fenton, microwave, polluant

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1207 Poly (N-Isopropyl Acrylamide-Co-Acrylic Acid)-Graft-Polyaspartate Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Molecular Imaging and Therapy

Authors: Van Tran Thi Thuy, Dukjoon Kim


A series of pH- and thermosensitive poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) were synthesized by radical polymerization and grafted on poly succinimide backbones. The poly succinimide derivatives synthesized were coated on iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles for potential applications in drug delivery systems with theranostic and molecular imaging. The structure of polymer shell was confirmed by FT-IR, H-NMR spectroscopies. Its thermal behavior was tested by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The particle size and its distribution are measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The mean diameter of the core-shell structure is from 20 to 80 nm.

Keywords: magnetic, nano, PNIPAM, polysuccinimide

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1206 Dependence of Premature Births from Periodontal Status of Pregnant Women

Authors: Sonila Robo, Ilma Robo, Eduart Kapaj, Saimir Heta


Background: Early birth is 37 weeks or less, pregnancy maturity! Clinically active presence, or positive culture of vaginal secretions, means excessive production of cytokines and prostaglandins also encountered in amniotic fluid. Bacterial vaginosis appears with their clinical outbreak in a combination of bacteria. Some of these bacteria are basic members in the creation of bacterial plaque. Objective: The purpose of this study is to find the link between the presence of specific bacteria in the mouth, bacterial vaginosis as one of the causes of premature birth, and the latter. Methods: The study was applied to 30 pregnant women in the burden pathology ward at Fier maternity, divided into two groups. The first group consisting of 20 women in the 2-month period, August-September. The number of women in the ward was 10 days maximum! All women were treated with cortisone and serum IV, magnesium sulphate, antibiotic prophylaxis! Results: 55% of women were under the age of 25 and 45% of women were over the age of 25. The age effect is mentioned for classifying the diseases that causes Actinomyces. Under the age of 25, a teenager and a 25-year-old are chronically ill. The final index was G2! All females were positive for the presence of salicylic acid in saliva and vaginal secretions. Conclusions:Premature birth is a complex process with some gynecological reasons, but in high percentage of cases there is coverage with the presence of infection by Actinomyces Actinomycetemcomitans in the oral cavity, which depending on the age causes two different types of periodontitis with special characteristics.

Keywords: early birth, periodontal status, bacterial vaginosis, actinomyces actinomycetemcomitans

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1205 Effects of Ethanolic Purslane Shoot and Seed Extracts on Doxorubicin-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats

Authors: Osama M. Ahmed, Walaa G. Hozayen, Haidy Tamer Abo Sree


Doxorubicin (DOX), an anthracycline antibiotic is a broad-spectrum antineoplastic agent, which is commonly used in the treatment of uterine, ovarian, breast and lung cancers, Hodgkin's disease and soft tissue sarcomas as well as in several other cancer types. The effect of doxorubicin (4 mg/kg b.w.week) without or with oral administration of ethanolic purslane (Portulaca oleracea) shoot (leaves and stems) extract (50 mg/kg b.w. day) or ethanolic purslane seeds extract (50 mg/kg co-treatments for 6 weeks was evaluated in adult male rats. Serum ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, total bilirubin, total protein, and albumin levels were assayed. Lipid peroxidation (indexed by MDA) and antioxidants like hepatic glutathine, glutathione transferase, peroxidase, SOD, and CAT were assessed. There was an increase in serum levels of ALT, AST, ALP, GGT and total bilirubin. In addition, hepatic glutathine, glutathione transferase, peroxidase, SOD, and CAT activities were decreased while lipid peroxidation in the liver was increased. Co-administration of ethanolic purslane and seed extracts successfully improved the adverse changes in the liver functions with an increase in antioxidants activities and reduction of lipid peroxidation. In conclusion, it can be supposed that dietary purslane extract supplementation may provide a cushion for a prolonged therapeutic option against DOX hepatopathy without harmful side effects. However, further clinical studies are required to assess the safety and efficacy of these extract in human beings.

Keywords: doxorubicin, purslane, hepatotoxicity, antioxidants

Procedia PDF Downloads 524
1204 Numerical Reproduction of Hemodynamic Change Induced by Acupuncture to ST-36

Authors: Takuya Suzuki, Atsushi Shirai, Takashi Seki


Acupuncture therapy is one of the treatments in traditional Chinese medicine. Recently, some reports have shown the effectiveness of acupuncture. However, its full acceptance has been hindered by the lack of understanding on mechanism of the therapy. Acupuncture applied to Zusanli (ST-36) enhances blood flow volume in superior mesenteric artery (SMA), yielding peripheral vascular resistance – regulated blood flow of SMA dominated by the parasympathetic system and inhibition of sympathetic system. In this study, a lumped-parameter approximation model of blood flow in the systemic arteries was developed. This model was extremely simple, consisting of the aorta, carotid arteries, arteries of the four limbs and SMA, and their peripheral vascular resistances. Here, the individual artery was simplified to a tapered tube and the resistances were modelled by a linear resistance. We numerically investigated contribution of the peripheral vascular resistance of SMA to the systemic blood distribution using this model. In addition to the upstream end of the model, which correlates with the left ventricle, two types of boundary condition were applied; mean left ventricular pressure which correlates with blood pressure (BP) and mean cardiac output which corresponds to cardiac index (CI). We examined it to reproduce the experimentally obtained hemodynamic change, in terms of the ratio of the aforementioned hemodynamic parameters from their initial values before the acupuncture, by regulating the peripheral vascular resistances and the upstream boundary condition. First, only the peripheral vascular resistance of SMA was changed to show contribution of the resistance to the change in blood flow volume in SMA, expecting reproduction of the experimentally obtained change. It was found, however, this was not enough to reproduce the experimental result. Then, we also changed the resistances of the other arteries together with the value given at upstream boundary. Here, the resistances of the other arteries were changed simultaneously in the same amount. Consequently, we successfully reproduced the hemodynamic change to find that regulation of the upstream boundary condition to the value experimentally obtained after the stimulation is necessary for the reproduction, though statistically significant changes in BP and CI were not observed in the experiment. It is generally known that sympathetic and parasympathetic tones take part in regulation of whole the systemic circulation including the cardiac function. The present result indicates that stimulation to ST-36 could induce vasodilation of peripheral circulation of SMA and vasoconstriction of that of other arteries. In addition, it implies that experimentally obtained small changes in BP and CI induced by the acupuncture may be involved in the therapeutic response.

Keywords: acupuncture, hemodynamics, lumped-parameter approximation, modeling, systemic vascular resistance

Procedia PDF Downloads 224
1203 Functional Neurocognitive Imaging (fNCI): A Diagnostic Tool for Assessing Concussion Neuromarker Abnormalities and Treating Post-Concussion Syndrome in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients

Authors: Parker Murray, Marci Johnson, Tyson S. Burnham, Alina K. Fong, Mark D. Allen, Bruce McIff


Purpose: Pathological dysregulation of Neurovascular Coupling (NVC) caused by mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is the predominant source of chronic post-concussion syndrome (PCS) symptomology. fNCI has the ability to localize dysregulation in NVC by measuring blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signaling during the performance of fMRI-adapted neuropsychological evaluations. With fNCI, 57 brain areas consistently affected by concussion were identified as PCS neural markers, which were validated on large samples of concussion patients and healthy controls. These neuromarkers provide the basis for a computation of PCS severity which is referred to as the Severity Index Score (SIS). The SIS has proven valuable in making pre-treatment decisions, monitoring treatment efficiency, and assessing long-term stability of outcomes. Methods and Materials: After being scanned while performing various cognitive tasks, 476 concussed patients received an SIS score based on the neural dysregulation of the 57 previously identified brain regions. These scans provide an objective measurement of attentional, subcortical, visual processing, language processing, and executive functioning abilities, which were used as biomarkers for post-concussive neural dysregulation. Initial SIS scores were used to develop individualized therapy incorporating cognitive, occupational, and neuromuscular modalities. These scores were also used to establish pre-treatment benchmarks and measure post-treatment improvement. Results: Changes in SIS were calculated in percent change from pre- to post-treatment. Patients showed a mean improvement of 76.5 percent (σ= 23.3), and 75.7 percent of patients showed at least 60 percent improvement. Longitudinal reassessment of 24 of the patients, measured an average of 7.6 months post-treatment, shows that SIS improvement is maintained and improved, with an average of 90.6 percent improvement from their original scan. Conclusions: fNCI provides a reliable measurement of NVC allowing for identification of concussion pathology. Additionally, fNCI derived SIS scores direct tailored therapy to restore NVC, subsequently resolving chronic PCS resulting from mTBI.

Keywords: concussion, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), neurovascular coupling (NVC), post-concussion syndrome (PCS)

Procedia PDF Downloads 360
1202 To Compare Norepinephrine and Norepinephrine with Methylene Blue for the Management of Septic Shock

Authors: K. Rajarajeswaran, Krishna Prasad


Introduction: Refractory shock is a typical consequence of sepsis that does not improve with standard vasopressor therapy. A possible adjuvant therapeutic option for treating refractory shock in sepsis is methylene blue. This study looked at the effects of intravenous methylene blue plus norepinephrine given as a single bolus infusion on mortality and hemodynamic improvement in patients suffering from refractory shock. Methodology: This six-month observational prospective study was carried out at an intensive care unit, teaching hospital, and medical college. It involved 112 patients who had been diagnosed with refractory septic shock and needed vasopressor medication. Group B received injection norepinephrine 0.01 µg/kg/min infusion alone, while Group A received injection methylene blue 2 mg/kg iv single bolus (fixed dose) in addition to injection norepinephrine 0.01 µg/kg/min infusion. Both groups' noradrenaline doses were titrated to reach the desired MAP of 60–75 mm Hg. The amount of norepinephrine needed to sustain a MAP of more than 60 mm Hg was the data gathered. Serum lactate, procalcitonin level, C-reactive protein, length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU), sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score, and duration of mechanical ventilation, incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI), and mortality were compared. Results: A total of 112 patients with refractory shock were included in the study. With the use of IV methylene blue, 36 (59.3%) patients showed significant improvement in MAP within 2 hours (77.12 ± 8.90 vs 74.28 ± 21.84, p = 0.005). Responders were 4.009 times more likely to have vasopressor-free time within 24 hours (19.5% vs 6.1%, p = 0.022, odds ratio 5.017, 95% confidence interval, 1.110–14.283). The serum lactate was lower, and urine output was higher in group I than in group II (p <0.05). Group I had a significantly greater reduction in SOFA score in 12 hours than group II. However, there was no significant difference in terms of mortality, length of ICU stay, ventilator free days, and incidence of AKI. In the responder group, there was a significant increase in the MAP and decrease in vasopressor requirement pre- and post-infusion of methylene blue (p < 0.05). Responder had shorter vasopressor-free days as compared with non-responder (5.44 vs 6.99, p = 0.007). Conclusion: When administered as adjuvant therapy, a single-dose bolus infusion of Methylene Blue plus Norepinephrine may aid in meeting early resuscitation goals for the management of patients with septic shock. But the patients' death rate, ICU stay duration, ventilator-free days, or incidence of AKI were unchanged.

Keywords: norepinephrine, methylene blue, shock, vasopressor

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1201 Case Report of a Secretory Carcinoma of the Salivary Gland: Clinical Management Following High-Grade Transformation

Authors: Wissam Saliba, Mandy Nicholson


Secretory carcinoma (SC) is a rare type of salivary gland cancer. It was first realized as a distinct type of malignancy in 2010and wasinitially termed “mammary analogue secretory carcinoma” because of similarities with secretory breast cancer. The name was later changed to SC. Most SCs originate in parotid glands, and most harbour a rare gene mutation: ETV6-NTRK3. This mutation is rare in common cancers and common in rare cancers; it is present in most secretory carcinomas. Disease outcomes for SC are usually described as favourable as many cases of SC are lowgrade (LG), and cancer growth is slow. In early stages, localized therapy is usually indicated (surgery and/or radiation). Despitea favourable prognosis, a sub-set of casescan be much more aggressive.These cases tend to be of high-grade(HG).HG casesare associated with a poorer prognosis.Management of such cases can be challenging due to limited evidence for effective systemic therapy options. This case report describes the clinical management of a 46-year-oldmale patient with a unique case of SC. He was initially diagnosed with a low/intermediate grade carcinoma of the left parotid gland in 2009; he was treated with surgery and adjuvant radiation. Surgical pathology favoured primary salivary adenocarcinoma, and 2 lymph nodes were positive for malignancy. SC was not yet realized as a distinct type of cancerat the time of diagnosis, and the pathology reportvalidated this gap by stating that the specimen lacked features of the defined types of salivary carcinoma.Slow-growing pulmonary nodules were identified in 2017. In 2020, approximately 11 years after the initial diagnosis, the patient presented with malignant pleural effusion. Pathology from a pleural biopsy was consistent with metastatic poorly differentiated cancer of likely parotid origin, likely mammary analogue secretory carcinoma. The specimen was sent for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS); ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion was confirmed, and systemic therapy was initiated.One cycle ofcarboplatin/paclitaxel was given in June 2020. He was switched to Larotrectinib (NTRK inhibitor (NTRKi)) later that month. Larotrectinib continued for approximately 9 months, with discontinuation in March 2021 due to disease progression. A second-generation NTRKi (Selitrectinib) was accessed and prescribedthrough a single patient study. Selitrectinib was well tolerated. The patient experienced a complete radiological response within~4 months. Disease progression occurred once again in October 2021. Progression was slow, and Selitrectinib continuedwhile the medical team performed a thorough search for additional treatment options. In January 2022, a liver lesion biopsy was performed, and NGS showed an NTRKG623R solvent-front resistance mutation. Various treatment pathways were considered. The patient pursuedanother investigational NTRKi through a clinical trial, and Selitrectinib was discontinued in July 2022. Excellent performance status was maintained throughout the entire course of treatment.It can be concluded that NTRK inhibitors provided satisfactory treatment efficacy and tolerance for this patient with high-grade transformation and NTRK gene fusion cancer. In the future, more clinical research is needed on systemic treatment options for high-grade transformations in NTRK gene fusion SCs.

Keywords: secretory carcinoma, high-grade transformations, NTRK gene fusion, NTRK inhibitor

Procedia PDF Downloads 108
1200 The Balancing of the Parental Responsibilities and Right and the Best Interest of the Child within the Parent-Child Relationship

Authors: R. Prinsloo


Amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSC) have been shown to contribute towards the amelioration of Acute Renal Failure (ARF), but the mechanisms underlying the renoprotective effect are largely unknown. Therefore, the main goal of the current study was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of AFSC in a cisplatin-induced rat model of ARF and to investigate the underlying mechanisms responsible for its renoprotective effect. To study the therapeutic efficacy of AFSC, ARF was induced in Wistar rats by an intra-peritoneal injection of cisplatin, and five days after administration, the rats were randomized into two groups and injected with either AFSC or normal saline intravenously. On day 8 and 12 after cisplatin injection, i.e., day 3 and day7 post-therapy respectively, the blood biochemical parameters, histopathological changes, apoptosis, and expression of pro-apoptotic, anti-apoptotic and autophagy-related proteins in renal tissues were studied in both groups of rats. Administration of AFSC in ARF rats resulted in improvement of renal function and attenuation of renal damage as reflected by significant decrease in blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine levels, tubular cell apoptosis as assessed by Bax/Bcl2 ratio, and expression of the pro-apoptotic proteins viz. PUMA, Bax, cleaved caspase-3 and cleaved caspase-9 as compared to saline-treated group. Furthermore, in the AFSC-treated group as compared to saline-treated group, there was a significant increase in the activation of autophagy as evident by increased expression of LC3-II, ATG5, ATG7, Beclin1 and phospho-AMPK levels with a concomitant decrease in phospho-p70S6K and p62 expression levels. To further confirm whether the protective effects of AFSC on cisplatin-induced apoptosis were dependent on autophagy, chloroquine, an autophagy inhibitor was administered by the intra-peritoneal route. Chloroquine administration led to significant reduction in the anti-apoptotic effects of the AFSC therapy and further deterioration in the renal structure and function caused by cisplatin. Collectively, our results put forth that AFSC ameliorates cisplatin-induced ARF through induction of autophagy and inhibition of apoptosis. Furthermore, the protective effects of AFSC were blunted by chloroquine, highlighting that activation of autophagy is an important mechanism of action for the protective role of AFSC in cisplatin-induced renal injury.

Keywords: best interest of the child, children's rights, parent and child relationship, parental responsibilities and rights

Procedia PDF Downloads 105
1199 Optimization and Evaluation of 177lu-Dotatoc as a Potential Agent for Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy

Authors: H. Yousefnia, MS. Mousavi-Daramoroudi, S. Zolghadri, F. Abbasi-Davani


High expression of somatostatin receptors on a wide range of human tumours makes them as potential targets for peptide receptor radionuclide tomography. A series of octreotide analogues were synthesized while [DOTA-DPhe1, Tyr3]octreotide (DOTATOC) indicated advantageous properties in tumour models. In this study, 177Lu-DOTATOC was prepared with the radiochemical purity of higher than 99% in 30 min at the optimized condition. Biological behavior of the complex was studied after intravenous injection into the Syrian rats. Major difference uptake was observed compared to 177LuCl3 solution especially in somatostatin receptor-positive tissues such as pancreas and adrenal.

Keywords: Biodistribution, 177Lu, Octreotide, Syrian rats

Procedia PDF Downloads 449
1198 Clinical Outcomes of Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis Receiving Extended and Standard Meropenem Infusion in Malaysian Hospitals

Authors: Fahmi Hassan, Noorizan Abdul Aziz, Yahaya Hassan, Hazlinda Abu Hassan


Sepsis incidence in critical care settings is a major problem in health care. Extended antibiotic infusion is thought to be superior to traditional dosing especially when treating critically ill patients with sepsis. We compared clinical outcomes of critically ill patients with sepsis receiving 30-minute meropenem infusion and three-hour meropenem infusion. A retrospective case-control study was conducted among septic patients treated with meropenem infusion in ICUs of three hospitals. Patients included in the study received either extended or standard meropenem infusion as per the practice of individual settings. Outcomes and clinical data were retrospectively collected from the electronic databases and patients’ files. A total of 108 patients received extended meropenem infusion while another 117 patients received standard meropenem infusion. Patients receiving the extended meropenem infusion were found to have a significantly lower shorter length of hospital and ICU stay. It was also found that among those receiving extended meropenem infusion, 54.7% (64/117) had a reduction of SAPS II score, while only 44% (48/108) of patients receiving standard meropenem infusion had reduced scores. This study will strengthen the evidence in using extended meropenem infusion as a standard practice in critical care settings. As this is the first study of its kind done in Malaysia, it proves that prolonged meropenem infusion may be beneficial to critically ill patients with sepsis. However, randomized clinical trials with large sample size should be carried out in local settings in order to minimize other confounders that may influence with the result of the study.

Keywords: antibiotics, beta lactams, critical care, extended infusion, meropenem

Procedia PDF Downloads 408
1197 Clonal Dissemination of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates in Kermanshah Hospitals, West of Iran

Authors: Alisha Akya, Afsaneh salami


Background and Objective: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen associated with nosocomial infections. One of the major concerns for the treatment of P. aeruginosa infections is its resistant to a variety of antibiotics. The purpose of this study was to assess the dissemination of p. aeruginosa isolates obtained from major hospitals in Kermanshah, west of Iran. Materials and Methods: Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed using the minimal inhibitory concentrations. Mettalo-beta-lactamase was investigated using the double disk diffusion (DDST) test and PCR. Molecular typing was performed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Results: The 60 P. aeruginosa isolates, 30 (50%) were resistant to gentamicin, 38 (63/3%) to piperacilin, 42 (70%) to ceftazidime, and 45 (75%) to cefepime. Twenty-nine (48/3%) isolates were MBLs producer based on the DDST test. Five (8/3%) isolates were positive for VIM gene and 4 of them were from burn specimens. PFGE analysis among MBLs producers revealed 12 distinct genotype patterns. A pattern covering the highest number of strains was determined as the dominant clone. Conclusions: Our study showed that P. aeruginosa strains can be spread between patients in hospitals or acquired from different environmental sources. P. aeruginosa isolates were highly resistant to antibiotics and, therefore, the susceptibility of isolates to antibiotics should be tested before treatment. Given the clinical significance of MBLs producing isolates, identification of these organisms is essential in the hospitals in order to get a better therapeutic response and control of bacterial dissemination.

Keywords: clonal dissemination, mettalo-beta-lactamase, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PFGE

Procedia PDF Downloads 327
1196 Targeting Methionine Metabolism In Gastric Cancer; Promising To Improve Chemosensetivity With Non-hetrogeneity

Authors: Nigatu Tadesse, Li Juan, Liuhong Ming


Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most common and fourth deadly cancer in the world with limited treatment options at late advanced stage in which surgical therapy is not recommended with chemotherapy remain as the mainstay of treatment. However, the occurrence of chemoresistance as well as intera-tumoral and inter-tumoral heterogeneity of response to targeted and immunotherapy underlined a clear unmet treatment need in gastroenterology. Several molecular and cellular alterations ascribed for chemo resistance in GC including cancer stem cells (CSC) and tumor microenvironment (TME) remodeling. Cancer cells including CSC bears higher metabolic demand and major changes in TME involves alterations of gut microbiota interacting with nutrients metabolism. Metabolic upregulation in lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, fatty acids biosynthesis pathways identified as a common hall mark in GC. Metabolic addiction to methionine metabolism occurs in many cancer cells to promote the biosynthesis of S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM), a universal methyl donor molecule for high rate of transmethylation in GC and promote cell proliferation. Targeting methionine metabolism found to promotes chemo-sensitivity with treatment non-heterogeneity. Methionine restriction (MR) promoted the arrest of cell cycle at S/G2 phase and enhanced downregulation of GC cells resistance to apoptosis (including ferroptosis), which suggests the potential of synergy with chemotherapies acting at S-phase of the cell cycle as well as inducing cell apoptosis. Accumulated evidences showed both the biogenesis as well as intracellular metabolism of exogenous methionine could be safe and effective target for therapy either alone or in combination with chemotherapies. This review article provides an over view of the upregulation in methionine biosynthesis pathway and the molecular signaling through the PI3K/Akt/mTOR-c-MYC axis to promote metabolic reprograming through activating the expression of L-type aminoacid-1 (LAT1) transporter and overexpression of Methionine adenosyltransferase 2A(MAT2A) for intercellular metabolic conversion of exogenous methionine to SAM in GC, and the potential of targeting with novel therapeutic agents such as methioninase (METase), Methionine adenosyltransferase 2A (MAT2A), c-MYC, methyl like transferase 16 (METTL16) inhibitors that are currently under clinical trial development stages and future perspectives.

Keywords: gastric cancer, methionine metabolism, pi3k/akt/mtorc1-c-myc axis, gut microbiota, MAT2A, c-MYC, METTL16, methioninase

Procedia PDF Downloads 51
1195 Epidemiological and Clinical Profile of Patients with Chorioamnionitis

Authors: Isabel Cristina Ortiz Trujillo, Lina Maria Martinez Sanchez, Felipe Hernández Restrepo, Daniel Gallego Gonzalez, Natalia Vargas Grisales, Camilo Andrés Agudelo Vélez


Chorioamnionitis, is a pregnancy infection, causes different fetal and maternal symptoms. Streptococcus agalactiae present in the normal vaginal microflora of some women, favouring its abnormal multiplication during pregnancy, causing perinatal morbidity and mortality. Objective. Describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of the patients with diagnosis of clinical chorioanmionitis. Methodology. Descriptive, cross-sectional study. The population was patients with diagnosis of clinical chorioanmionitis. The information was taken from the medical records. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee. We used the program SPSS ® version 17.0 (SPSS Inc; Chicago, Illinois, USA) for the information analysis, descriptive statistics were used. Results. 78 patients in total with clinical chorioamnionitis, with a mean age of 26.3 ±5, 8 years old, the 69.2% primigravid women. 2.6% of women had positive culture for Streptococcus agalactiae in urine sample during current pregnancy and 30.7% had received some kind of antibiotics during current pregnancy. The 57.7% had 37 to 40 weeks of gestation in the current pregnancy it was calculated more frequently by ultrasound (66.7% in first quarter, 11.5% in the second and 1.9% in the third). In a 60.3% way of termination of pregnancy was vaginal and a 35.9 percent were caesarean section. Among the women in the study, a 30.8% had premature rupture of membranes. Conclusion. The chorioamnionitis continues to be an important cause of antibiotic use during pregnancy or labour and the decision to do a caesarean, with highest percentage in pregnancies-preterm and preterm premature rupture of membranes.

Keywords: chorioamnionitis, Streptococcus agalactiae, pregnancy complications, infectious

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1194 Vitamin D Intoxication with Hypercalcemia Due to Overuse of Supplement

Authors: Sara Ataei, Mohammad Bagher Oghazian, Mania Radfar


We describe a patient with hypercalcemia associated with the injection of high doses vitamin D as supplement for a period of six months. A 76-year-old woman had been taking an intramuscular injection of vitamin D 300,000 IU every ten days for six months. She was hospitalized with symptoms of hypercalcemia: chronic constipation, unstable gait, a chronic generalized musculoskeletal pain and increased fatigue. On admission her 25 (OH) vitamin D and Calcium levels were 559 nmol/L and 13.85 mg/dL respectively, and Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) level was 7.1 pg/mL. Immediately she received diuresis therapy with saline and furosemide in conjunction with calcitonin and pamidronate. At discharge her serum calcium level was 11.5 mg/dL. To lower endogenous overproduction of calcitriol, prednisolone 20 mg/day for 10 days was administered at discharge time.

Keywords: vitamin D, hypercalcemia, vitamin D toxicity, parathyroid hormone

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1193 Totally Implantable Venous Access Device for Long Term Parenteral Nutrition in a Patient with High Output Enterocutaneous Fistula Due to Advanced Malignancy

Authors: Puneet Goyal, Aarti Agarwal


Background and Objective: Nutritional support is an integral part of palliative care of advanced non-resectable abdominal malignancy patients, though is frequently neglected aspect. Non-Healing high output Entero-cutaneous fistulas sometimes require long term parenteral nutrition, to take care of catabolism and replacement of nutrients. We present a case of inoperable pancreatic malignancy with high output entero-cutaneous fistula, which was provided parenteral nutritional support with the use of Totally Implantable Venous Access Device (TIVAD). Method and Results: 55 year old man diagnosed with carcinoma pancreas had developed high entero-cutaneous fistula. His tumor was found to be inoperable and was on total parenteral nutrition through routine central line. This line was difficult to maintain as he required it for a long term TPN. He was planned to undergo Totally Implantable Venous Access Device (TIVAD) implantation. 8Fr single lumen catheter with Groshong non-return Valve (Bard Access Systems, Inc. USA) was inserted through right internal jugular vein, under fluoroscopic guidance. The catheter was tunneled subcutaneously and brought towards infraclavicular pocket, cut at appropriate length and connected to port and locked. Port was sutured in floor of pocket. Free flow of blood aspirated, flushed with heparinized saline. There was no kink observed in entire length of catheter under fluoroscopy. Skin over infraclavicular pocket was sutured. Long term catheter care and associated risks were explained to patient and relatives. Patient continued to receive total parenteral nutrition as well as other supportive therapy though TIVAD for next 6 weeks, till his demise. Conclusion: TIVADs are standard of care for long term venous access solutions in cancer patients requiring chemotherapy. In this case, we extended its use for providing parenteral nutrition and other supportive therapy. TIVADs can be implanted in advanced cancer patients for providing venous access solution required for various palliative treatments and medications. This will help in improving quality of life and satisfaction amongst terminally ill cancer patients.

Keywords: parenteral nutrition, totally implantable venous access device, long term venous access, interventions in anesthesiology

Procedia PDF Downloads 248
1192 The Role of Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) in 99mTc-HIDA with Morphine Provocation Scan for the Investigation of Type III Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (SOD)

Authors: Ibrahim M Hassan, Lorna Que, Michael Rutland


Type I SOD is usually diagnosed by anatomical imaging such as ultrasound, CT and MRCP. However, the types II and III SOD yield negative results despite the presence of significant symptoms. In particular, the type III is difficult to diagnose due to the absence of significant biochemical or anatomical abnormalities. Nuclear Medicine can aid in this diagnostic dilemma by demonstrating functional changes in the bile flow. Low dose Morphine (0.04mg/Kg) stimulates the tone of the sphincter of Oddi (SO) and its usefulness has been shown in diagnosing SOD by causing a delay in bile flow when compared to a non morphine provoked - baseline scan. This work expands on that process by using sublingual GTN at 60 minutes post tracer and morphine injection to relax the SO and induce an improvement in bile outflow, and in some cases show immediate relief of morphine induced abdominal pain. The criteria for positive SOD are as follows: if during the first hour of the morphine provocation showed (1) delayed intrahepatic biliary ducts tracer accumulation; plus (2) delayed appearance but persistent retention of activity in the common bile duct, and (3) delayed bile flow into the duodenum. In addition, patients who required GTN within the first hour to relieve abdominal pain were regarded as highly supportive of the diagnosis. Retrospective analysis of 85 patients (pts) (78F and 6M) referred for suspected SOD (type III) who had been intensively investigated because of recurrent right upper quadrant or abdominal pain post cholecystectomy. 99mTc-HIDA scan with morphine-provocation is performed followed by GTN at 60 minutes post tracer injection and a further thirty minutes of dynamic imaging are acquired. 30 pts were negative. 55 pts were regarded as positive for SOD and 38/55 (60%) of these patients with an abnormal result were further evaluated with a baseline 99mTc-HIDA. As expected, all 38 pts showed better bile flow characteristics than during the morphine provocation. 20/55 (36%) patients were treated by ERCP sphincterotomy and the rest were managed conservatively by medical therapy. In all cases regarded as positive for SOD, the sublingual GTN at 60 minutes showed immediate improvement in bile flow. 11/55(20%) who developed severe post-morphine abdominal pain were relieved by GTN almost instantaneously. We propose that GTN is a useful agent in the diagnosis of SOD when performing 99mTc-HIDA scan and that the satisfactory response to the sublingual GTN could offer additional information in patients who have severe pain at the time the procedure or when presenting to the emergency unit because of biliary pain. And also in determining whether a trial of medical therapy may be used before considering surgery.


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1191 Intelligent CRISPR Design for Bone Regeneration

Authors: Yu-Chen Hu


Gene editing by CRISPR and gene regulation by microRNA or CRISPR activation have dramatically changed the way to manipulate cellular gene expression and cell fate. In recent years, various gene editing and gene manipulation technologies have been applied to control stem cell differentiation to enhance tissue regeneration. This research will focus on how to develop CRISPR, CRISPR activation (CRISPRa), CRISPR inhibition (CRISPRi), as well as bi-directional CRISPR-AI gene regulation technologies to control cell differentiation and bone regeneration. Moreover, in this study, CRISPR/Cas13d-mediated RNA editng for miRNA editing and bone regeneration will be discussed.

Keywords: gene therapy, bone regeneration, stem cell, CRISPR, gene regulation

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