Search results for: esophagus squamous cell carcinoma
2914 Effect of Current Density, Temperature and Pressure on Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyser Stack
Authors: Na Li, Samuel Simon Araya, Søren Knudsen Kær
This study investigates the effects of operating parameters of different current density, temperature and pressure on the performance of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) water electrolysis stack. A 7-cell PEM water electrolysis stack was assembled and tested under different operation modules. The voltage change and polarization curves under different test conditions, namely current density, temperature and pressure, were recorded. Results show that higher temperature has positive effect on overall stack performance, where temperature of 80 ℃ improved the cell performance greatly. However, the cathode pressure and current density has little effect on stack performance.Keywords: PEM electrolysis stack, current density, temperature, pressure
Procedia PDF Downloads 2032913 Phosphorus Recovery Optimization in Microbial Fuel Cell
Authors: Abdullah Almatouq
Understanding the impact of key operational variables on concurrent energy generation and phosphorus recovery in microbial fuel cell is required to improve the process and reduce the operational cost. In this study, full factorial design (FFD) and central composite designs (CCD) were employed to identify the effect of influent COD concentration and cathode aeration flow rate on energy generation and phosphorus (P) recovery and to optimise MFC power density and P recovery. Results showed that influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration and cathode aeration flow rate had a significant effect on power density, coulombic efficiency, phosphorus precipitation efficiency and phosphorus precipitation rate at the cathode. P precipitation was negatively affected by the generated current during the batch duration. The generated energy was reduced due to struvite being precipitated on the cathode surface, which might obstruct the mass transfer of ions and oxygen. Response surface mathematical model was used to predict the optimum operating conditions that resulted in a maximum power density and phosphorus precipitation efficiency of 184 mW/m² and 84%, and this corresponds to COD= 1700 mg/L and aeration flow rate=210 mL/min. The findings highlight the importance of the operational conditions of energy generation and phosphorus recovery.Keywords: energy, microbial fuel cell, phosphorus, struvite
Procedia PDF Downloads 1572912 Role of Nano Gelatin and Hydrogel Based Scaffolds in Odontogenic Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells
Authors: Husain S. Yawer, Vasim Raja Panwar, Nidhi Priya
The objective of this study is to evaluate and compare the role of nano-gelatin and Bioengineered Scaffolds on the attachment, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). Tooth decay and early fall have each been one of the most prevailing dental disorders which cause physical and emotional suffering and compromise the patient's quality of life. The design of novel scaffolding materials will be based on mimicking the architecture of natural dental extracellular matrix which may provide as in vivo environments for proper cell growth. This methodology will involve the combination of nano-fibred gelatin as well as biodegradable hydrogel based tooth scaffold. We have measured and optimized the Dental Pulp Stem Cells growth profile in cultures carried out on collagen-coated plastic surface, however, for tissue regeneration study, we aim to develop an enhanced microenvironment for stem cell growth and dental tissue regeneration. We believe biomimetic cell adhesion and scaffolds might provide a near in vivo growth environment for proper growth and differentiation of human DPSCs, which further help in dentin/pulp tissue regeneration.Keywords: nano-gelatin, stem cells, dental pulp, scaffold
Procedia PDF Downloads 3302911 Biocompatible Porous Titanium Scaffolds Produced Using a Novel Space Holder Technique
Authors: Yunhui Chen, Damon Kent, Matthew Dargusch
Synthetic scaffolds are a highly promising new approach to replace both autografts and allografts to repair and remodel damaged bone tissue. Biocompatible porous titanium scaffold was manufactured through a powder metallurgy approach. Magnesium powder was used as space holder material which was compacted with titanium powder and removed during sintering. Evaluation of the porosity and mechanical properties showed a high level of compatibility with human bone. Interconnectivity between pores is higher than 95% for porosity as low as 30%. The elastic moduli are 39 GPa, 16 GPa and 9 GPa for 30%, 40% and 50% porosity samples which match well to that of natural bone (4-30 GPa). The yield strengths for 30% and 40% porosity samples of 315 MPa and 175 MPa are superior to that of human bone (130-180 MPa). In-vitro cell culture tests on the scaffold samples using Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs) demonstrated their biocompatibility and indicated osseointegration potential. The scaffolds allowed cells to adhere and spread both on the surface and inside the pore structures. With increasing levels of porosity/interconnectivity, improved cell proliferation is obtained within the pores. It is concluded that samples with 30% porosity exhibit the best biocompatibility. The results suggest that porous titanium scaffolds generated using this manufacturing route have excellent potential for hard tissue engineering applications.Keywords: scaffolds, MG-63 cell culture, titanium, space holder
Procedia PDF Downloads 2362910 A Case of Mantle Cell Lymphoma Presenting With GI Symptoms and Noted to Have Extranodal Involvement of the Stomach and Colon on Presentation
Authors: Saba Amreen Syeda, Summaiah Asim, Syeda, Hafsa, Essam Quraishi
Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) is a relatively uncommon type of lymphoma that comprises approximately 7 percent of non hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL), Classic MCL presents mostly in lymph nodes and occasionally in extranodal sites. About 26 % of MCL is present primarily in the Gastrointestinal tract. While both the upper GI tract and the lower GI tract could be involved, it is rare to present with concurrent upper and lower GI involvement with MCL. We present the case of a 51-year-old Asian Indian male that presented to our clinic with complaints of chronic diarrhea for the last one year, progressively worsening over the past three months. The Patient also reported black stool as well as bright red blood per rectum. Patient reported severe fatigue on minimal exertion. On a physical exam, the patient was noted to have matted lymphadenopathy in the neck. Patient was noted to be anemic with a hemoglobin to be 8 g/dl. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy was performed. EGD showed a large 4 cm ulcer in the gastric antrum with thick heaped up edges. There was bleeding on contact. Colonoscopy showed a large 35 mm multilobulated polyp in the ascending colon, which was biopsied. The patient was also noted to have nodular proctitis in the mid rectum. This was localized and extended to about 5 cm. This area was biopsied as well. Biopsies from the stomach, colon, as well as the rectum, returned with findings of mantle cell lymphoma on pathology. Lymphoid cells in the biopsy were stained strongly positive for CD 20, cyclin D1, and CD 5. There was the absence of stain for CD 3 and CD 10. The IHC stain for CD 23 was negative. Biopsies from neck LAD were obtained and were also positive for MCL. The patient was referred to oncology for staging and treatment.Keywords: mantle cell lymphoma, GI bleed, diarrhea, gastric ulcer, colon polyp
Procedia PDF Downloads 1592909 Simulation of Carbon Nanotubes/GaAs Hybrid PV Using AMPS-1D
Authors: Nima E. Gorji
The performance and characteristics of a hybrid heterojunction single-walled carbon nanotube and GaAs solar cell is modelled and numerically simulated using AMPS-1D device simulation tool. The device physics and performance parameters with different junction parameters are analysed. The results suggest that the open-circuit voltage changes very slightly by changing the work function, acceptor and donor density while the other electrical parameters reach to an optimum value. Increasing the concentration of a discrete defect density in the absorber layer decreases the electrical parameters. The current-voltage characteristics, quantum efficiency, band gap and thickness variation of the photovoltaic response will be quantitatively considered.Keywords: carbon nanotube, GaAs, hybrid solar cell, AMPS-1D modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3302908 Medium Design and Optimization for High Β-Galactosidase Producing Microbial Strains from Dairy Waste through Fermentation
Authors: Ashish Shukla, K. P. Mishra, Pushplata Tripathi
This paper investigates the production and optimization of β-galactosidase enzyme using synthetic medium by isolated wild strains (S1, S2) mutated strains (M1, M2) through SSF and SmF. Among the different cell disintegration methods used, the highest specific activity was obtained when the cells were permeabilized using isoamyl alcohol. Wet lab experiments were performed to investigate the effects of carbon and nitrogen substrates present in Vogel’s medium on β-galactosidase enzyme activity using S1, S2, and M1, M2 strains through SSF. SmF experiments were performed for effects of carbon and nitrogen sources in YLK2Mg medium on β-galactosidase enzyme activity using S1, S2 and M1, M2 strains. Effect of pH on β-galactosidase enzyme production was also done using S1, S2, and M1, M2 strains. Results were found to be very appreciable in all the cases.Keywords: β-galactosidase, cell disintegration, permeabilized, SSF, SmF
Procedia PDF Downloads 2732907 Determining Cellular Biomarkers Sensitive to Low Damaging Exposure
Authors: Svetlana Guryeva, Inna Kornienko, Elena Petersen
At present, translational medicine is a rapidly developing branch of biomedicine. The main idea of translational medicine is a practical application of fundamental research. One of the possible applications for translational medicine is researching therapies that improve human age-related organism condition. To fill the gap between experiments and clinical practice, it is necessary to create the standardized system for the investigation of different effects on cellular aging models. In this study, primary human fibroblasts derived from patients of different ages were used as a cellular aging model. The senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity, lipofuscin, γ-H2AX, the reactive oxygen species level, and cell death markers (annexin V/propidium iodide) were used as biomarkers of the cell functional state. The effects of damaging exposures (oxidative stress and heat shock), potential positive factors (metformin and acetaminophen), and their combinations were investigated using the described biomarkers. Oxidative stress and heat shock caused the increase in the levels of all biomarkers, and only the cells from young patients partly coped with stress 3 days after the exposures. Metformin improved the state of pretreatment cells from young and old patients. The acetaminophen did not show significant changes in the biomarker levels compare to the action of metformin. This study proved the opportunity to develop a standardized screening system based on biomarkers of the cell functional state to identify potential positive or negative effects of some physical and chemical exposures. Moreover, such a system can be useful for the aims of regenerative medicine to determine the effect of cell pretreatment before transplantation.Keywords: biomarkers, primary fibroblasts, regenerative medicine, senescence, test system, translational medicine
Procedia PDF Downloads 4042906 Operation System for Aluminium-Air Cell: A Strategy to Harvest the Energy from Secondary Aluminium
Authors: Binbin Chen, Dennis Y. C. Leung
Aluminium (Al) -air cell holds a high volumetric capacity density of 8.05 Ah cm-3, benefit from the trivalence of Al ions. Additional benefits of Al-air cell are low price and environmental friendliness. Furthermore, the Al energy conversion process is characterized of 100% recyclability in theory. Along with a large base of raw material reserve, Al attracts considerable attentions as a promising material to be integrated within the global energy system. However, despite the early successful applications in military services, several problems exist that prevent the Al-air cells from widely civilian use. The most serious issue is the parasitic corrosion of Al when contacts with electrolyte. To overcome this problem, super-pure Al alloyed with various traces of metal elements are used to increase the corrosion resistance. Nevertheless, high-purity Al alloys are costly and require high energy consumption during production process. An alternative approach is to add inexpensive inhibitors directly into the electrolyte. However, such additives would increase the internal ohmic resistance and hamper the cell performance. So far these methods have not provided satisfactory solutions for the problem within Al-air cells. For the operation of alkaline Al-air cell, there are still other minor problems. One of them is the formation of aluminium hydroxide in the electrolyte. This process decreases ionic conductivity of electrolyte. Another one is the carbonation process within the gas diffusion layer of cathode, blocking the porosity of gas diffusion. Both these would hinder the performance of cells. The present work optimizes the above problems by building an Al-air cell operation system, consisting of four components. A top electrolyte tank containing fresh electrolyte is located at a high level, so that it can drive the electrolyte flow by gravity force. A mechanical rechargeable Al-air cell is fabricated with low-cost materials including low grade Al, carbon paper, and PMMA plates. An electrolyte waste tank with elaborate channel is designed to separate the hydrogen generated from the corrosion, which would be collected by gas collection device. In the first section of the research work, we investigated the performance of the mechanical rechargeable Al-air cell with a constant flow rate of electrolyte, to ensure the repeatability experiments. Then the whole system was assembled together and the feasibility of operating was demonstrated. During experiment, pure hydrogen is collected by collection device, which holds potential for various applications. By collecting this by-product, high utilization efficiency of aluminum is achieved. Considering both electricity and hydrogen generated, an overall utilization efficiency of around 90 % or even higher under different working voltages are achieved. Fluidic electrolyte could remove aluminum hydroxide precipitate and solve the electrolyte deterioration problem. This operation system provides a low-cost strategy for harvesting energy from the abundant secondary Al. The system could also be applied into other metal-air cells and is suitable for emergency power supply, power plant and other applications. The low cost feature implies great potential for commercialization. Further optimization, such as scaling up and optimization of fabrication, will help to refine the technology into practical market offerings.Keywords: aluminium-air cell, high efficiency, hydrogen, mechanical recharge
Procedia PDF Downloads 2842905 Hot Carrier Photocurrent as a Candidate for an Intrinsic Loss in a Single Junction Solar Cell
Authors: Jonas Gradauskas, Oleksandr Masalskyi, Ihor Zharchenko
The advancement in improving the efficiency of conventional solar cells toward the Shockley-Queisser limit seems to be slowing down or reaching a point of saturation. The challenges hindering the reduction of this efficiency gap can be categorized into extrinsic and intrinsic losses, with the former being theoretically avoidable. Among the five intrinsic losses, two — the below-Eg loss (resulting from non-absorption of photons with energy below the semiconductor bandgap) and thermalization loss —contribute to approximately 55% of the overall lost fraction of solar radiation at energy bandgap values corresponding to silicon and gallium arsenide. Efforts to minimize the disparity between theoretically predicted and experimentally achieved efficiencies in solar cells necessitate the integration of innovative physical concepts. Hot carriers (HC) present a contemporary approach to addressing this challenge. The significance of hot carriers in photovoltaics is not fully understood. Although their excessive energy is thought to indirectly impact a cell's performance through thermalization loss — where the excess energy heats the lattice, leading to efficiency loss — evidence suggests the presence of hot carriers in solar cells. Despite their exceptionally brief lifespan, tangible benefits arise from their existence. The study highlights direct experimental evidence of hot carrier effect induced by both below- and above-bandgap radiation in a singlejunction solar cell. Photocurrent flowing across silicon and GaAs p-n junctions is analyzed. The photoresponse consists, on the whole, of three components caused by electron-hole pair generation, hot carriers, and lattice heating. The last two components counteract the conventional electron-hole generation-caused current required for successful solar cell operation. Also, a model of the temperature coefficient of the voltage change of the current–voltage characteristic is used to obtain the hot carrier temperature. The distribution of cold and hot carriers is analyzed with regard to the potential barrier height of the p-n junction. These discoveries contribute to a better understanding of hot carrier phenomena in photovoltaic devices and are likely to prompt a reevaluation of intrinsic losses in solar cells.Keywords: solar cell, hot carriers, intrinsic losses, efficiency, photocurrent
Procedia PDF Downloads 672904 CD97 and Its Role in Glioblastoma Stem Cell Self-Renewal
Authors: Niklas Ravn-Boess, Nainita Bhowmick, Takamitsu Hattori, Shohei Koide, Christopher Park, Dimitris Placantonakis
Background: Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and deadly primary brain malignancy in adults. Tumor propagation, brain invasion, and resistance to therapy critically depend on GBM stem-like cells (GSCs); however, the mechanisms that regulate GSC self-renewal are incompletely understood. Given the aggressiveness and poor prognosis of GBM, it is imperative to find biomarkers that could also translate into novel drug targets. Along these lines, we have identified a cell surface antigen, CD97 (ADGRE5), an adhesion G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), that is expressed on GBM cells but is absent from non-neoplastic brain tissue. CD97 has been shown to promote invasiveness, angiogenesis, and migration in several human cancers, but its frequency of expression and functional role in regulating GBM growth and survival, and its potential as a therapeutic target has not been investigated. Design: We assessed CD97 mRNA and protein expression in patient derived GBM samples and cell lines using publicly available RNA-sequencing datasets and flow cytometry, respectively. To assess CD97 function, we generated shRNA lentiviral constructs that target a sequence in the CD97 extracellular domain (ECD). A scrambled shRNA (scr) with no predicted targets in the genome was used as a control. We evaluated CD97 shRNA lentivirally transduced GBM cells for Ki67, Annexin V, and DAPI. We also tested CD97 KD cells for their ability to self-renew using clonogenic tumorsphere formation assays. Further, we utilized synthetic Abs (sAbs) generated against the ECD of CD97 to test for potential antitumor effects using patient-derived GBM cell lines. Results: CD97 mRNA expression was expressed at high levels in all GBM samples available in the TCGA cohort. We found high levels of surface CD97 protein expression in 6/6 patient-derived GBM cell cultures, but not human neural stem cells. Flow cytometry confirmed downregulation of CD97 in CD97 shRNA lentivirally transduced cells. CD97 KD induced a significant reduction in cell growth in 3 independent GBM cell lines representing mesenchymal and proneural subtypes, which was accompanied by reduced (~20%) Ki67 staining and increased (~30%) apoptosis. Incubation of GBM cells with sAbs (20 ug/ ml) against the ECD of CD97 for 3 days induced GSC differentiation, as determined by the expression of GFAP and Tubulin. Using three unique GBM patient derived cultures, we found that CD97 KD attenuated the ability of GBM cells to initiate sphere formation by over 300 fold, consistent with an impairment in GSC self-renewal. Conclusion: Loss of CD97 expression in patient-derived GBM cells markedly decreases proliferation, induces cell death, and reduces tumorsphere formation. sAbs against the ECD of CD97 reduce tumorsphere formation, recapitulating the phenotype of CD97 KD, suggesting that sAbs that inhibit CD97 function exhibit anti-tumor activity. Collectively, these findings indicate that CD97 is necessary for the proliferation and survival of human GBM cells and identify CD97 as a promising therapeutically targetable vulnerability in GBM.Keywords: adhesion GPCR, CD97, GBM stem cell, glioblastoma
Procedia PDF Downloads 1382903 Research on the Role of Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Beta in Promoting Dedifferentiation and Pulmonary Metastasis of Osteosarcoma Under Hypoxic Microenvironment
Authors: Enjie Xu, Zhen Huang, Kunpeng Zhu, Jianping Hu, Xiaolong Ma, Yongjie Wang, Jiazhuang Zhu, Chunlin Zhang
Abstract: Hypoxia and dedifferentiation of osteosarcoma (OS) cells leads to poor prognosis. We plan to identify the role of hypoxia on dedifferentiation and the associated signaling pathways. We performed a sphere formation assay and determined spheroid cells as dedifferentiated cells by detecting stem cell-like markers. RNAi assay was used to explore the expression relationship between hypoxia inducible factor 1 subunit alpha (HIF1A) and platelet derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFRB). We obtained PDGFRB knockdown and overexpression cells through lentiviral infection experiments and the effects of PDGFRB on cytoskeleton rearrangement and cell adhesion were explored by immunocytochemistry. Wound-healing experiments, transwell assays, and animal trials were employed to investigate the effect of PDGFRB on OS metastasis. Dedifferentiated OS cells were found to exhibit high expression of HIF1A and PDGFRB, and HIF1A promoted the expression of PDGFRB, subsequently activated ras homolog family member A (RhoA), and increased the phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC). PDGFRB also enhanced the phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK). The OS cell morphology and vinculin distribution were altered by PDGFRB. PDGFRB also promoted cell dedifferentiation and had a significant impact on the metastasis of OS cells both in vitro and in vivo. Our results demonstrated that HIF1A up-regulated PDGFRB under hypoxic conditions, and PDGFRB regulated the actin cytoskeleton by activating RhoA and subsequently phosphorylating MLC, thereby promoting OS dedifferentiation and pulmonary metastasis.Keywords: osteosarcoma, dedifferentiation, metastasis, cytoskeleton rearrangement, PDGFRB, hypoxia
Procedia PDF Downloads 472902 Flow Field Optimization for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Authors: Xiao-Dong Wang, Wei-Mon Yan
The flow field design in the bipolar plates affects the performance of the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. This work adopted a combined optimization procedure, including a simplified conjugate-gradient method and a completely three-dimensional, two-phase, non-isothermal fuel cell model, to look for optimal flow field design for a single serpentine fuel cell of size 9×9 mm with five channels. For the direct solution, the two-fluid method was adopted to incorporate the heat effects using energy equations for entire cells. The model assumes that the system is steady; the inlet reactants are ideal gases; the flow is laminar; and the porous layers such as the diffusion layer, catalyst layer and PEM are isotropic. The model includes continuity, momentum and species equations for gaseous species, liquid water transport equations in the channels, gas diffusion layers, and catalyst layers, water transport equation in the membrane, electron and proton transport equations. The Bulter-Volumer equation was used to describe electrochemical reactions in the catalyst layers. The cell output power density Pcell is maximized subjected to an optimal set of channel heights, H1-H5, and channel widths, W2-W5. The basic case with all channel heights and widths set at 1 mm yields a Pcell=7260 Wm-2. The optimal design displays a tapered characteristic for channels 1, 3 and 4, and a diverging characteristic in height for channels 2 and 5, producing a Pcell=8894 Wm-2, about 22.5% increment. The reduced channel heights of channels 2-4 significantly increase the sub-rib convection and widths for effectively removing liquid water and oxygen transport in gas diffusion layer. The final diverging channel minimizes the leakage of fuel to outlet via sub-rib convection from channel 4 to channel 5. Near-optimal design without huge loss in cell performance but is easily manufactured is tested. The use of a straight, final channel of 0.1 mm height has led to 7.37% power loss, while the design with all channel widths to be 1 mm with optimal channel heights obtained above yields only 1.68% loss of current density. The presence of a final, diverging channel has greater impact on cell performance than the fine adjustment of channel width at the simulation conditions set herein studied.Keywords: optimization, flow field design, simplified conjugate-gradient method, serpentine flow field, sub-rib convection
Procedia PDF Downloads 2972901 Activation of Mitophagy and Autophagy in Familial Forms of Parkinson's Disease, as a Potential Strategy for Cell Protection
Authors: Nafisa Komilova, Plamena Angelova, Andrey Abramov, Ulugbek Mirkhodjaev
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder which is induced by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain. The mechanism of neurodegeneration is associated with the aggregation of misfolded proteins, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial disfunction. Considering this, the process of removal of unwanted organelles or proteins by autophagy is vitally important in neurons, and activation of these processes could be protective in PD. Short-time acidification of cytosol can activate mitophagy and autophagy, and here we used sodium pyruvate and sodium lactate in human fibroblasts with PD mutations (Pink1, Pink1/Park2, α-syn triplication, A53T) to induce changes in intracellular pH. We have found that both lactate and pyruvate in millimolar concentrations can induce short-time acidification of cytosol in these cells. It induced activation of mitophagy and autophagy in control and PD fibroblasts and protected against cell death. Importantly, the application of lactate to acute brain slices of control and Pink1 knockout mice also induced a reduction of pH in neurons and astrocytes that increase the level of mitophagy. Thus, acidification of cytosol by compounds which play important role in cell metabolism also can activate mitophagy and autophagy and protect cells in the familial form of PD.Keywords: Parkinson's disease, mutations, mitophagy, autophagy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1972900 Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy of Nasopharyngeal Carcinomas: Patterns of Loco Regional Relapse
Authors: Omar Nouri, Wafa Mnejja, Nejla Fourati, Fatma Dhouib, Wicem Siala, Ilhem Charfeddine, Afef Khanfir, Jamel Daoud
Background and objective: Induction chemotherapy (IC) followed by concomitant chemo radiotherapy with intensity modulated radiation (IMRT) technique is actually the recommended treatment modality for locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPC). The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic factors predicting loco regional relapse with this new treatment protocol. Patients and methods: A retrospective study of 52 patients with NPC treated between June 2016 and July 2019. All patients received IC according to the protocol of the Head and Neck Radiotherapy Oncology Group (Gortec) NPC 2006 (3 TPF courses) followed by concomitant chemo radiotherapy with weekly cisplatin (40 mg / m2). Patients received IMRT with integrated simultaneous boost (SIB) of 33 daily fractions at a dose of 69.96 Gy for high-risk volume, 60 Gy for intermediate risk volume and 54 Gy for low-risk volume. Median age was 49 years (19-69) with a sex ratio of 3.3. Forty five tumors (86.5%) were classified as stages III - IV according to the 2017 UICC TNM classification. Loco regional relapse (LRR) was defined as a local and/or regional progression that occurs at least 6 months after the end of treatment. Survival analysis was performed according to Kaplan-Meier method and Log-rank test was used to compare anatomy clinical and therapeutic factors that may influence loco regional free survival (LRFS). Results: After a median follow up of 42 months, 6 patients (11.5%) experienced LRR. A metastatic relapse was also noted for 3 of these patients (50%). Target volumes coverage was optimal for all patient with LRR. Four relapses (66.6%) were in high-risk target volume and two (33.3%) were borderline. Three years LRFS was 85,9%. Four factors predicted loco regional relapses: histologic type other than undifferentiated (UCNT) (p=0.027), a macroscopic pre chemotherapy tumor volume exceeding 100 cm³ (p=0.005), a reduction in IC doses exceeding 20% (p=0.016) and a total cumulative cisplatin dose less than 380 mg/m² (p=0.0.34). TNM classification and response to IC did not impact loco regional relapses. Conclusion: For nasopharyngeal carcinoma, tumors with initial high volume and/or histologic type other than UCNT, have a higher risk of loco regional relapse. Therefore, they require a more aggressive therapeutic approaches and a suitable monitoring protocol.Keywords: loco regional relapse, modulation intensity radiotherapy, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, prognostic factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1282899 Using of Cavitational Disperser for Porous Ceramic and Concrete Material Preparation
Authors: Andrei Shishkin, Aleksandrs Korjakins, Viktors Mironovs
Present paper describes method of obtaining clay ceramic foam (CCF) and foam concrete (FC), by direct foaming with high speed mixer-disperser (HSMD). Three foaming agents (FA) are compared for the FC and CCF production: SCHÄUMUNGSMITTEL W 53 FLÜSSIG (Zschimmer & Schwarz Gmbh, Germany), SCF-1245 (Sika, test sample, Latvia) and FAB-12 (Elade, Latvija). CCF were obtained at 950, 1000°C, 1150°C and 1150°C firing temperature and have mechanical compressive strength 1.2, 2.55, and 4.3 MPa and porosity 79.4, 75.1, 71.6%, respectively. Obtained FC has 6-14 MPa compressive strength and porosity 44-55%. The goal of this work was the development of a sustainable and durable ceramic cellular structures using HSMD.Keywords: ceramic foam, foam concrete, clay foam, open cell, close cell, direct foaming
Procedia PDF Downloads 8082898 Biological Activities of Flaxseed Peptides (Linusorbs)
Authors: Youn Young Shim, Ji Hye Kim, Jae Youl Cho, Martin J. T. Reaney
Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is gaining popularity in the food industry as a superfood due to its health-promoting properties. The flax plant synthesizes an array of biologically active cyclic peptides or linusorbs (LOs, a.k.a. cyclolinopeptides) from three or more ribosome-derived precursors. [1–9-NαC]-linusorb B3 and [1–9-NαC]-linusorb B2, suppress immunity, induce apoptosis in human epithelial cancer cell line (Calu-3) cells, and inhibit T-cell proliferation, but the mechanism of LOs action is unknown. Using gene expression analysis in nematode cultures and human cancer cell lines, we have observed that LOs exert their activity, in part, through induction of apoptosis. Specific LOs’ properties include: 1) distribution throughout the body after flaxseed consumption; 2) induce heat shock protein (HSP) 70A production as an indicator of stress and address the issue in Caenorhabditis elegans (exposure of nematode cultures to [1–9-NαC]-linusorb B3 induced a 30% increase in production of the HSP 70A protein); 3) induce apoptosis in Calu-3 cells; and 4) modulate regulatory genes in microarray analysis. These diverse activities indicate that LOs might induce apoptosis in cancer cells or act as versatile platforms to deliver a variety of biologically active molecules for cancer therapy.Keywords: flaxseed, linusorb, cyclic peptide, orbitides, heat shock protein, apoptosis, anti-cancer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1382897 Mathematical Simulation of Performance Parameters of Pulse Detonation Engine
Authors: Subhash Chander, Tejinder Kumar Jindal
Due to its simplicity, Pulse detonation engine technology has recently emerged as a future aerospace propulsion technology. In this paper, we studied various parameters affecting the performance of Pulse detonation engine (PDE) like tube length for proper deflagration to detonation transition (DDT), tube diameter (combustion tube), tube length, Shelkin spiral, Cell size, Equivalence ratio of fuel used etc. We have discussed various techniques for reducing the length of pulse tube by using various DDT enhancing devices. The effect of length of the tube from 40 mm to 3000 mm and diameter from 10 mm to 100 mm has been analyzed. The fuel used is C2H2 and oxidizer is O2. The results are processed in MATLAB for drawing valid conclusions.Keywords: pulse detonation engine (PDE), deflagration to detonation (DDT), Schelkin spiral, cell size (λ)
Procedia PDF Downloads 5732896 Development of Functional Cosmetic Materials from Demilitarized Zone Habiting Plants
Authors: Younmin Shin, Jin Kyu Kim, Mirim Jin, Jeong June Choi
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is a peace region located between South and North Korea border to avoid accidental armed conflict. Because human accessing to the area was forced to be prohibited for more than 60 years, DMZ is one of the cleanest land keeping wild lives as nature itself in South Korea. In this study, we evaluated the biological efficacies of plants (SS, PC, and AR) inhabiting in DMZ for the development of functional cosmetics. First, we tested the cytotoxicity of plant extracts in keratinocyte and melanocyte, which are the major cell components of skin. By 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay with the cell lines, we determined the safety concentrations of the extracts for the efficacy tests. Next, we assessed the anti-wrinkle cosmetic function of SS by demonstrating that SS treatment decreased the expression of Matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) in UV-irradiated keratinocytes via real-time PCR. The suppressive effect of SS was greatly potentiated by combination with other DMZ-inhabiting plants, PC and AR. The expression of tyrosinase, which is one the main enzyme that producing melanin in melanocyte, was also down-regulated by the DMZ-inhabiting SS extract. Wound healing activity was also investigated by in vitro test with HaCat cell line, a human fibroblast cell line. All the natural materials extracted form DMZ habiting plants accelerated the recovery of the cells. These results suggested that DMZ is a treasure island of functional plants and DMZ-inhabiting natural products are warranted to develop functional cosmetic materials. This study was carried out with the support of R&D Program for Forest Science Technology (Project No. 2017027A00-1819-BA01) provided by Korea Forest Service (Korea Forestry Promotion Institute).Keywords: anti-wrinkle, Demilitarized Zone, functional cosmetics, whitening
Procedia PDF Downloads 1442895 A Novel Epitope Prediction for Vaccine Designing against Ebola Viral Envelope Proteins
Authors: Manju Kanu, Subrata Sinha, Surabhi Johari
Viral proteins of Ebola viruses belong to one of the best studied viruses; however no effective prevention against EBOV has been developed. Epitope-based vaccines provide a new strategy for prophylactic and therapeutic application of pathogen-specific immunity. A critical requirement of this strategy is the identification and selection of T-cell epitopes that act as vaccine targets. This study describes current methodologies for the selection process, with Ebola virus as a model system. Hence great challenge in the field of ebola virus research is to design universal vaccine. A combination of publicly available bioinformatics algorithms and computational tools are used to screen and select antigen sequences as potential T-cell epitopes of supertypes Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) alleles. MUSCLE and MOTIF tools were used to find out most conserved peptide sequences of viral proteins. Immunoinformatics tools were used for prediction of immunogenic peptides of viral proteins in zaire strains of Ebola virus. Putative epitopes for viral proteins (VP) were predicted from conserved peptide sequences of VP. Three tools NetCTL 1.2, BIMAS and Syfpeithi were used to predict the Class I putative epitopes while three tools, ProPred, IEDB-SMM-align and NetMHCII 2.2 were used to predict the Class II putative epitopes. B cell epitopes were predicted by BCPREDS 1.0. Immunogenic peptides were identified and selected manually by putative epitopes predicted from online tools individually for both MHC classes. Finally sequences of predicted peptides for both MHC classes were looked for common region which was selected as common immunogenic peptide. The immunogenic peptides were found for viral proteins of Ebola virus: epitopes FLESGAVKY, SSLAKHGEY. These predicted peptides could be promising candidates to be used as target for vaccine design.Keywords: epitope, b cell, immunogenicity, ebola
Procedia PDF Downloads 3152894 Effects of Bipolar Plate Coating Layer on Performance Degradation of High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
Authors: Chen-Yu Chen, Ping-Hsueh We, Wei-Mon Yan
Over the past few centuries, human requirements for energy have been met by burning fossil fuels. However, exploiting this resource has led to global warming and innumerable environmental issues. Thus, finding alternative solutions to the growing demands for energy has recently been driving the development of low-carbon and even zero-carbon energy sources. Wind power and solar energy are good options but they have the problem of unstable power output due to unpredictable weather conditions. To overcome this problem, a reliable and efficient energy storage sub-system is required in future distributed-power systems. Among all kinds of energy storage technologies, the fuel cell system with hydrogen storage is a promising option because it is suitable for large-scale and long-term energy storage. The high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell (HT-PEMFC) with metallic bipolar plates is a promising fuel cell system because an HT-PEMFC can tolerate a higher CO concentration and the utilization of metallic bipolar plates can reduce the cost of the fuel cell stack. However, the operating life of metallic bipolar plates is a critical issue because of the corrosion phenomenon. As a result, in this work, we try to apply different coating layer on the metal surface and to investigate the protection performance of the coating layers. The tested bipolar plates include uncoated SS304 bipolar plates, titanium nitride (TiN) coated SS304 bipolar plates and chromium nitride (CrN) coated SS304 bipolar plates. The results show that the TiN coated SS304 bipolar plate has the lowest contact resistance and through-plane resistance and has the best cell performance and operating life among all tested bipolar plates. The long-term in-situ fuel cell tests show that the HT-PEMFC with TiN coated SS304 bipolar plates has the lowest performance decay rate. The second lowest is CrN coated SS304 bipolar plate. The uncoated SS304 bipolar plate has the worst performance decay rate. The performance decay rates with TiN coated SS304, CrN coated SS304 and uncoated SS304 bipolar plates are 5.324×10⁻³ % h⁻¹, 4.513×10⁻² % h⁻¹ and 7.870×10⁻² % h⁻¹, respectively. In addition, the EIS results indicate that the uncoated SS304 bipolar plate has the highest growth rate of ohmic resistance. However, the ohmic resistance with the TiN coated SS304 bipolar plates only increases slightly with time. The growth rate of ohmic resistances with TiN coated SS304, CrN coated SS304 and SS304 bipolar plates are 2.85×10⁻³ h⁻¹, 3.56×10⁻³ h⁻¹, and 4.33×10⁻³ h⁻¹, respectively. On the other hand, the charge transfer resistances with these three bipolar plates all increase with time, but the growth rates are all similar. In addition, the effective catalyst surface areas with all bipolar plates do not change significantly with time. Thus, it is inferred that the major reason for the performance degradation is the elevated ohmic resistance with time, which is associated with the corrosion and oxidation phenomena on the surface of the stainless steel bipolar plates.Keywords: coating layer, high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell, metallic bipolar plate, performance degradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2822893 Apoptosis Activity of Persea declinata (Bl.) Kosterm Bark Methanolic Crude Extract
Authors: P. Narrima, C. Y. Looi, M. A. Mohd, H. M. Ali
Persea declinata (Bl.) Kosterm is a member of the Lauraceae family, widely distributed in Southeast Asia. It is from the same genus with avocado (Persea americana Mill), which is widely consumed as food and for medicinal purposes. In the present study, we examined the anticancer properties of Persea declinata (Bl.) Kosterm bark methanolic crude extract (PDM). PDM exhibited a potent antiproliferative effect in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells, with an IC50 value of 16.68 µg/mL after 48h of treatment. We observed that PDM caused cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis in MCF-7 cells, as exhibited by increased population at G0/G1 phase, higher lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, and DNA fragmentation. Mechanistic studies showed that PDM caused significant elevation in ROS production, leading to perturbation of mitochondrial membrane potential, cell permeability, and activation of caspases-3/7. On the other hand, real-time PCR and Western blot analysis showed that PDM treatment increased the expression of the proapoptotic molecule, Bax, but decreased the expression of prosurvival proteins, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, in a dose-dependent manner. These findings imply that PDM could inhibit proliferation in MCF-7 cells via cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induction, indicating its potential as a therapeutic agent worthy of further development.Keywords: antiproliferative, apoptosis, MCF-7 human breast cancer, Persea declinata
Procedia PDF Downloads 2432892 In vitro Study of Laser Diode Radiation Effect on the Photo-Damage of MCF-7 and MCF-10A Cell Clusters
Authors: A. Dashti, M. Eskandari, L. Farahmand, P. Parvin, A. Jafargholi
Breast Cancer is one of the most considerable diseases in the United States and other countries and is the second leading cause of death in women. Common breast cancer treatments would lead to adverse side effects such as loss of hair, nausea, and weakness. These complications arise because these cancer treatments damage some healthy cells while eliminating the cancer cells. In an effort to address these complications, laser radiation was utilized and tested as a targeted cancer treatment for breast cancer. In this regard, tissue engineering approaches are being employed by using an electrospun scaffold in order to facilitate the growth of breast cancer cells. Polycaprolacton (PCL) was used as a material for scaffold fabricating because of its biocompatibility, biodegradability, and supporting cell growth. The specific breast cancer cells have the ability to create a three-dimensional cell cluster due to the spontaneous accumulation of cells in the porosity of the scaffold under some specific conditions. Therefore, we are looking for a higher density of porosity and larger pore size. Fibers showed uniform diameter distribution and final scaffold had optimum characteristics with approximately 40% porosity. The images were taken by SEM and the density and the size of the porosity were determined with the Image. After scaffold preparation, it has cross-linked by glutaraldehyde. Then, it has been washed with glycine and phosphate buffer saline (PBS), in order to neutralize the residual glutaraldehyde. 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromidefor (MTT) results have represented approximately 91.13% viability of the scaffolds for cancer cells. In order to create a cluster, Michigan Cancer Foundation-7 (MCF-7, breast cancer cell line) and Michigan Cancer Foundation-10A (MCF-10A, human mammary epithelial cell line) cells were cultured on the scaffold in 24 well plate for five days. Then, we have exposed the cluster to the laser diode 808 nm radiation to investigate the effect of laser on the tumor with different power and time. Under the same conditions, cancer cells lost their viability more than the healthy ones. In conclusion, laser therapy is a viable method to destroy the target cells and has a minimum effect on the healthy tissues and cells and it can improve the other method of cancer treatments limitations.Keywords: breast cancer, electrospun scaffold, polycaprolacton, laser diode, cancer treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1442891 Combining in vitro Protein Expression with AlphaLISA Technology to Study Protein-Protein Interaction
Authors: Shayli Varasteh Moradi, Wayne A. Johnston, Dejan Gagoski, Kirill Alexandrov
The demand for a rapid and more efficient technique to identify protein-protein interaction particularly in the areas of therapeutics and diagnostics development is growing. The method described here is a rapid in vitro protein-protein interaction analysis approach based on AlphaLISA technology combined with Leishmania tarentolae cell-free protein production (LTE) system. Cell-free protein synthesis allows the rapid production of recombinant proteins in a multiplexed format. Among available in vitro expression systems, LTE offers several advantages over other eukaryotic cell-free systems. It is based on a fast growing fermentable organism that is inexpensive in cultivation and lysate production. High integrity of proteins produced in this system and the ability to co-express multiple proteins makes it a desirable method for screening protein interactions. Following the translation of protein pairs in LTE system, the physical interaction between proteins of interests is analysed by AlphaLISA assay. The assay is performed using unpurified in vitro translation reaction and therefore can be readily multiplexed. This approach can be used in various research applications such as epitope mapping, antigen-antibody analysis and protein interaction network mapping. The intra-viral protein interaction network of Zika virus was studied using the developed technique. The viral proteins were co-expressed pair-wise in LTE and all possible interactions among viral proteins were tested using AlphaLISA. The assay resulted to the identification of 54 intra-viral protein-protein interactions from which 19 binary interactions were found to be novel. The presented technique provides a powerful tool for rapid analysis of protein-protein interaction with high sensitivity and throughput.Keywords: AlphaLISA technology, cell-free protein expression, epitope mapping, Leishmania tarentolae, protein-protein interaction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2392890 Adaptive Cooperative Scheme Considering the User Location
Authors: Bit-Na Kwon, Hyun-Jee Yang, Dong-Hyun Ha, Hyoung-Kyu Song
In this paper, an adaptive cooperative scheme in the cell edge is proposed. The proposed scheme considers the location of a user and applies the suitable cooperative scheme. In cellular systems, the performance of communication is degraded if the user is located in the cell edge. In conventional scheme, two base stations are used in order to obtain diversity gain. However, the performance of communication is not sufficiently improved since the distance between each base station and a user is still distant. Therefore, we propose a scheme that the relays are used and the cooperative scheme is adaptively applied according to the user location. Through simulation results, it is confirmed that the proposed scheme has better performance than the conventional scheme.Keywords: adaptive transmission, cooperative communication, diversity gain, OFDM
Procedia PDF Downloads 5722889 The Creation of a Yeast Model for 5-oxoproline Accumulation
Authors: Pratiksha Dubey, Praveen Singh, Shantanu Sen Gupta, Anand K. Bachhawat
5-oxoproline (pyroglutamic acid) is a cyclic lactam of glutamic acid. In the cell, it can be produced by several different pathways and is metabolized into glutamate with the help of the 5-oxoprolinase enzyme (OPLAH or OXP1). The inhibition of 5-oxoprolinase enzyme in mammals was found to result in heart failure and is thought to be a consequence of oxidative stress [1]. To analyze the consequences of 5-oxoproline accumulation more clearly, we are generating models for 5-oxoproline accumulation in yeast. The 5-oxoproline accumulation model in yeast is being developed by two different strategies. The first one is by overexpression of the mouse -glutamylcyclotransferase enzyme. It degrades -glu-met dipeptide into 5-oxoproline and methionine taken by the cell from the medium. The second strategy is by providing high concentration of 5-oxoproline externally to the yeast cells. The intracellular 5-oxoproline levels in both models are being evaluated. In addition, the metabolic and cellular consequences are being investigated.Keywords: 5-oxoproline, pyroglutamic acid, yeast, genetics
Procedia PDF Downloads 872888 Cytotoxic Activity of Parkia javanica Merr. and Parkia speciosa Hassk. against Human Cancer Cell Lines
Authors: Srisopa Ruangnoo, Arunporn Itharat
The ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Parkia javanica Merr. germinating seeds and Parkia speciosa Hassk. seeds were evaluated for cytotoxic activity against three different types of human cancer cell lines including colon cancer (LS174T), breast cancer (MCF-7) and prostate cancer (PC3) using sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay. The fresh plant parts were divided into 2 parts. The first part was extracted by maceration with 95% ethanol for 3 days and then filtered, and the filtrates were evaporated by rotary evaporator. The other part was squeezed and filtered. Then the filtrates were dried by freeze dryer. The screening found that the aqueous extract of P. javanica Merr. germinating seeds exhibited more than 70% inhibition (at concentration 50 µg/ml) against all types of human cancer cells. The aqueous extract of P. javanica Merr. germinating seeds showed the highest cytotoxic activity against MCF-7 with the IC50 value as 5.63 µg/ml. The aqueous extract of P. javanica Merr. germinating seeds also showed high cytotoxic activity against PC3 and LS174T with the IC50 values as 10.79 and 11.40 µg/ml, respectively. In conclusion, P. javanica Merr. germinating seed is a natural source of anticancer activity and further research to isolate active compounds from this plant should be undertaken.Keywords: cytotoxic activity, Parkia javanica Merr., Parkia speciosa Hassk., human cancer cell lines
Procedia PDF Downloads 4082887 Comparison of Physical and Chemical Effects on Senescent Cells
Authors: Svetlana Guryeva, Inna Kornienko, Andrey Usanov, Dmitry Usanov, Elena Petersen
Every day cells in our organism are exposed to various factors: chemical agents, reactive oxygen species, ionizing radiation, and others. These factors can cause damage to DNA, cellular membrane, intracellular compartments, and proteins. The fate of cells depends on the exposure intensity and duration. The prolonged and intense exposure causes the irreversible damage accumulation, which triggers the permanent cell cycle arrest (cellular senescence) or cell death programs. In the case of low dose of impacts, it can lead to cell renovation and to cell functional state improvement. Therefore, it is a pivotal question to investigate the factors and doses that result in described positive effects. In order to estimate the influence of different agents, the proliferation index and levels of cell death markers (annexin V/propidium iodide), senescence-associated β-galactosidase, and lipofuscin were measured. The experiments were conducted on primary human fibroblasts of the 8th passage. According to the levels of mentioned markers, these cells were defined as senescent cells. The effect of low-frequency magnetic field was investigated. Different modes of magnetic field exposure were tested. The physical agents were compared with chemical agents: metformin (10 mM) and taurine (0.8 mM and 1.6 mM). Cells were incubating with chemicals for 5 days. The highest decrease in the level of senescence-associated β-galactosidase (21%) and lipofuscin (17%) was observed in the primary senescent fibroblasts after 5 days after double treatments with 48 h intervals with low-frequency magnetic field. There were no significant changes in the proliferation index after magnetic field application. The cytotoxic effect of magnetic field was not observed. The chemical agent taurine (1.6 mM) decreased the level of senescence-associated β-galactosidase (23%) and lipofuscin (22%). Metformin improved the activity of senescence-associated β-galactosidase on 15% and the level of lipofuscin on 19% in this experiment. According to these results, the effect of double treatment with 48 h interval with low-frequency magnetic field and the effect of taurine (1.6 mM) were comparable to the effect of metformin, for which anti-aging properties are proved. In conclusion, this study can become the first step towards creation of the standardized system for the investigation of different effects on senescent cells.Keywords: biomarkers, magnetic field, metformin, primary fibroblasts, senescence, taurine
Procedia PDF Downloads 2812886 Histological Grade Concordance between Core Needle Biopsy and Corresponding Surgical Specimen in Breast Carcinoma
Authors: J. Szpor, K. Witczak, M. Storman, A. Orchel, D. Hodorowicz-Zaniewska, K. Okoń, A. Klimkowska
Core needle biopsy (CNB) is well established as an important diagnostic tool in diagnosing breast cancer and it is now considered the initial method of choice for diagnosing breast disease. In comparison to fine needle aspiration (FNA), CNB provides more architectural information allowing for the evaluation of prognostic and predictive factors for breast cancer, including histological grade—one of three prognostic factors used to calculate the Nottingham Prognostic Index. Several studies have previously described the concordance rate between CNB and surgical excision specimen in determination of histological grade (HG). The concordance rate previously ascribed to overall grade varies widely across literature, ranging from 59-91%. The aim of this study is to see how the data looks like in material at authors’ institution and are the results as compared to those described in previous literature. The study population included 157 women with a breast tumor who underwent a core needle biopsy for breast carcinoma and a subsequent surgical excision of the tumor. Both materials were evaluated for the determination of histological grade (scale from 1 to 3). HG was assessed only in core needle biopsies containing at least 10 well preserved HPF with invasive tumor. The degree of concordance between CNB and surgical excision specimen for the determination of tumor grade was assessed by Cohen’s kappa coefficient. The level of agreement between core needle biopsy and surgical resection specimen for overall histologic grading was 73% (113 of 155 cases). CNB correctly predicted the grade of the surgical excision specimen in 21 cases for grade 1 tumors (Kappa coefficient κ = 0.525 95% CI (0.3634; 0.6818), 52 cases for grade 2 (Kappa coefficient κ = 0.5652 95% CI (0.458; 0.667) and 40 cases for stage 3 tumors (Kappa coefficient κ = 0.6154 95% CI (0.4862; 0.7309). The highest level of agreement was observed in grade 3 malignancies. In 9 of 42 (21%) discordant cases, the grade was higher in the CNB than in the surgical excision. This composed 6% of the overall discordance. These results correspond to the noted in the literature, showing that underestimation occurs more frequently than overestimation. This study shows that authors’ institution’s histologic grading of CNBs and surgical excisions shows a fairly good correlation and is consistent with findings in previous reports. Despite the inevitable limitations of CNB, CNB is an effective method for diagnosing breast cancer and managing treatment options. Assessment of tumour grade by CNB is useful for the planning of treatment, so in authors’ opinion it is worthy to implement it in daily practice.Keywords: breast cancer, concordance, core needle biopsy, histological grade
Procedia PDF Downloads 2302885 Designing of Multi-Epitope Peptide Vaccines for Fasciolosis (Fasciola gigantica) using Immune Epitope and Analysis Resource (IEDB) Server
Authors: Supanan Chansap, Werachon Cheukamud, Pornanan Kueakhai, Narin Changklungmoa
Fasciola species (Fasciola spp.) is caused fasciolosis in ruminants such as cattle, sheep, and buffalo. Fasciola gigantica (F.gigantica) commonly infects tropical regions. Fasciola hepatica (F.hepatica) in temperate regions. Liver fluke infection affects livestock economically, for example, reduced milk and meat production, weight loss, sterile animals. Currently, Triclabendazole is used to treat liver flukes. However, liver flukes have also been found to be resistant to drugs in countries. Therefore, vaccination is an attractive alternative to prevent liver fluke infection. Peptide vaccines are new vaccine technologies that mimic epitope antigens that trigger an immune response. An interesting antigen used in vaccine production is catepsin L, a family of proteins that play an important role in the life of the parasite in the host. This study aims to identify immunogenic regions of protein and construct a multi-epidetope vaccine using an immunoinformatic tool. Fasciola gigantica Cathepsin L1 (FgCatL1), Fasciola gigantica Cathepsin L1G (FgCatL1G), and Fasciola gigantica Cathepsin L1H (FgCatL1H) were predicted B-cell and Helper T lymphocytes (HTL) by Immune Epitope and Analysis Resource (IEDB) servers. Both B-cell and HTL epitopes aligned with cathepsin L of the host and Fasciola hepatica (F. hepatica). Epitope groups were selected from non-conserved regions and overlapping sequences with F. hepatica. All overlapping epitopes were linked with the GPGPG and KK linker. GPGPG linker was linked between B-cell epitope. KK linker was linked between HTL epitope and B-cell and HTL epitope. The antigenic scores of multi-epitope peptide vaccine was 0.7824. multi-epitope peptide vaccine was non-allergen, non-toxic, and good soluble. Multi-epitope peptide vaccine was predicted tertiary structure and refinement model by I-Tasser and GalaxyRefine server, respectively. The result of refine structure model was good quality that was generated by Ramachandran plot analysis. Discontinuous and linear B-cell epitopes were predicted by ElliPro server. Multi-epitope peptide vaccine model was two and seven of discontinuous and linear B-cell epitopes, respectively. Furthermore, multi-epitope peptide vaccine was docked with Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR-2). The lowest energy ranged from -901.3 kJ/mol. In summary, multi-epitope peptide vaccine was antigenicity and probably immune response. Therefore, multi-epitope peptide vaccine could be used to prevent F. gigantica infections in the future.Keywords: fasciola gigantica, Immunoinformatic tools, multi-epitope, Vaccine
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