Search results for: atom transfer radical polymerization
2900 Ancient Iran Water Technologies
Authors: Akbar Khodavirdizadeh, Ali Nemati Babaylou, Hassan Moomivand
The history of human access to water technique has been one of the factors in the formation of human civilizations in the ancient world. The technique that makes surface water and groundwater accessible to humans on the ground has been a clever technique in human life to reach the water. In this study, while examining the water technique of ancient Iran using the Qanats technique, the water supply system of different regions of the ancient world were also studied and compared. Six groups of the ancient region of ancient Greece (Archaic 480-750 BC and Classical 223-480 BC), Urartu in Tuspa (600-850 BC), Petra (106-168 BC), Ancient Rome (265 BC), and the ancient United States (1450 BC) and ancient Iranian water technologies were studied under water supply systems. Past water technologies in these areas: water transmission systems in primary urban centers, use of water structures in water control, use of bridges in water transfer, construction of waterways for water transfer, storage of rainfall, construction of various types of pottery- ceramic, lead, wood and stone pipes have been used in water transfer, flood control, water reservoirs, dams, channel, wells, and Qanat. The central plateau of Iran is one of the arid and desert regions. Archaeological, geomorphological, and paleontological studies of the central region of the Iranian plateau showed that without the use of Qanats, the possibility of urban civilization in this region was difficult and even impossible. Zarch aqueduct is the most important aqueduct in Yazd region. Qanat of Zarch is a plain Qanat with a gallery length of 80 km; its mother well is 85 m deep and has 2115 well shafts. The main purpose of building the Qanat of Zārch was to access the groundwater source and transfer it to the surface of the ground. Regarding the structure of the aqueduct and the technique of transferring water from the groundwater source to the surface, it has a great impact on being different from other water techniques in the ancient world. The results show that the use of water technologies in ancient is very important to understand the history of humanity in the use of hydraulic techniques.Keywords: ancient water technologies, groundwaters, qanat, human history, Ancient Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 1122899 Epitaxial Growth of Crystalline Polyaniline on Reduced Graphene Oxide
Authors: D. Majumdar, M. Baskey, S. K. Saha
Graphene has already been identified as a promising material for future carbon based electronics. To develop graphene technology, the fabrication of a high quality P-N junction is a great challenge. In the present work, we have described a simple and general technique to grow single crystalline polyaniline (PANI) films on graphene sheets using in situ polymerization via the oxidation-reduction of aniline monomer and graphene oxide, respectively, to fabricate a high quality P-N junction, which shows diode-like behavior with a remarkably low turn-on voltage (60 mV) and high rectification ratio (1880:1) up to a voltage of 0.2 Volt. The origin of these superior electronic properties is the preferential growth of a highly crystalline PANI film as well as lattice matching between the d-values [~2.48 Å] of graphene and {120} planes of PANI.Keywords: epitaxial growth, PANI, reduced graphene oxide, rectification ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 2892898 Computational Modeling of Heat Transfer from a Horizontal Array Cylinders for Low Reynolds Numbers
Authors: Ovais U. Khan, G. M. Arshed, S. A. Raza, H. Ali
A numerical model based on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach is developed to investigate heat transfer across a longitudinal row of six circular cylinders. The momentum and energy equations are solved using the finite volume discretization technique. The convective terms are discretized using a second-order upwind methodology, whereas diffusion terms are discretized using a central differencing scheme. The second-order implicit technique is utilized to integrate time. Numerical simulations have been carried out for three different values of free stream Reynolds number (ReD) 100, 200, 300 and two different values of dimensionless longitudinal pitch ratio (SL/D) 1.5, 2.5 to demonstrate the fluid flow and heat transfer behavior. Numerical results are validated with the analytical findings reported in the literature and have been found to be in good agreement. The maximum percentage error in values of the average Nusselt number obtained from the numerical and analytical solutions is in the range of 10% for the free stream Reynolds number up to 300. It is demonstrated that the average Nusselt number for the array of cylinders increases with increasing the free stream Reynolds number and dimensionless longitudinal pitch ratio. The information generated would be useful in the design of more efficient heat exchangers or other fluid systems involving arrays of cylinders.Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, array of cylinders, longitudinal pitch ratio, finite volume method, incompressible navier-stokes equations
Procedia PDF Downloads 852897 Evaluation of Genetic Fidelity and Phytochemical Profiling of Micropropagated Plants of Cephalantheropsis obcordata: An Endangered Medicinal Orchid
Authors: Gargi Prasad, Ashiho A. Mao, Deepu Vijayan, S. Mandal
The main objective of the present study was to optimize and develop an efficient protocol for in vitro propagation of a medicinally important orchid Cephalantheropsis obcordata (Lindl.) Ormerod along with genetic stability analysis of regenerated plants. This plant has been traditionally used in Chinese folk medicine and the decoction of whole plant is known to possess anticancer activity. Nodal segments used as explants were inoculated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with various concentrations of isopentenyl adenine (2iP). The rooted plants were successfully acclimatized in the greenhouse with 100% survival rate. Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers were used to assess the genetic fidelity of in vitro raised plants and the mother plant. It was revealed that monomorphic bands showing the absence of polymorphism in all in vitro raised plantlets analyzed, confirming the genetic uniformity among the regenerants. Phytochemical analysis was done to compare the antioxidant activities and HPLC fingerprinting assay of 80% aqueous ethanol extract of the leaves and stem of in vitro and in vivo grown C. obcordata. The extracts of the plants were examined for their antioxidant activities by using free radical 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging method, 2,2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging ability, reducing power capacity, estimation of total phenolic content, flavonoid content and flavonol content. A simplified method for the detection of ascorbic acid, phenolic acids and flavonoids content was also developed by using reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). This is the first report on the micropropagation, genetic integrity study and quantitative phytochemical analysis of in vitro regenerated plants of C. obcordata.Keywords: Cephalantheropsis obcordata, genetic fidelity, ISSR markers, HPLC
Procedia PDF Downloads 1572896 Energy Consumption Statistic of Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds through Computational Fluid Dynamics-Discrete Element Method Simulations
Authors: Lei Bi, Yunpeng Jiao, Chunjiang Liu, Jianhua Chen, Wei Ge
Two energy paths are proposed from thermodynamic viewpoints. Energy consumption means total power input to the specific system, and it can be decomposed into energy retention and energy dissipation. Energy retention is the variation of accumulated mechanical energy in the system, and energy dissipation is the energy converted to heat by irreversible processes. Based on the Computational Fluid Dynamics-Discrete Element Method (CFD-DEM) framework, different energy terms are quantified from the specific flow elements of fluid cells and particles as well as their interactions with the wall. Direct energy consumption statistics are carried out for both cold and hot flow in gas-solid fluidization systems. To clarify the statistic method, it is necessary to identify which system is studied: the particle-fluid system or the particle sub-system. For the cold flow, the total energy consumption of the particle sub-system can predict the onset of bubbling and turbulent fluidization, while the trends of local energy consumption can reflect the dynamic evolution of mesoscale structures. For the hot flow, different heat transfer mechanisms are analyzed, and the original solver is modified to reproduce the experimental results. The influence of the heat transfer mechanisms and heat source on energy consumption is also investigated. The proposed statistic method has proven to be energy-conservative and easy to conduct, and it is hopeful to be applied to other multiphase flow systems.Keywords: energy consumption statistic, gas-solid fluidization, CFD-DEM, regime transition, heat transfer mechanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 692895 Effect of Magnetic Field on Mixed Convection Boundary Layer Flow over an Exponentially Shrinking Vertical Sheet with Suction
Authors: S. S. P. M. Isa, N. M. Arifin, R. Nazar, N. Bachok, F. M. Ali, I. Pop
A theoretical study has been presented to describe the boundary layer flow and heat transfer on an exponentially shrinking sheet with a variable wall temperature and suction, in the presence of magnetic field. The governing nonlinear partial differential equations are converted into ordinary differential equations by similarity transformation, which are then solved numerically using the shooting method. Results for the skin friction coefficient, local Nusselt number, velocity profiles as well as temperature profiles are presented through graphs and tables for several sets of values of the parameters. The effects of the governing parameters on the flow and heat transfer characteristics are thoroughly examined.Keywords: exponentially shrinking sheet, magnetic field, mixed convection, suction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3322894 Effect of Electropolymerization Method in the Charge Transfer Properties and Photoactivity of Polyaniline Photoelectrodes
Authors: Alberto Enrique Molina Lozano, María Teresa Cortés Montañez
Polyaniline (PANI) photoelectrodes were electrochemically synthesized through electrodeposition employing three techniques: chronoamperometry (CA), cyclic voltammetry (CV), and potential pulse (PP) methods. The substrate used for electrodeposition was a fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass with dimensions of 2.5 cm x 1.3 cm. Subsequently, structural and optical characterization was conducted utilizing Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and UV-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy, respectively. The FTIR analysis revealed variations in the molar ratio of benzenoid to quinonoid rings within the PANI polymer matrix, indicative of differing oxidation states arising from the distinct electropolymerization methodologies employed. In the optical characterization, differences in the energy band gap (Eg) values and positions of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) were observed, attributable to variations in doping levels and structural irregularities introduced during the electropolymerization procedures. To assess the charge transfer properties of the PANI photoelectrodes, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) experiments were carried out within a 0.1 M sodium sulfate (Na₂SO₄) electrolyte. The results displayed a substantial decrease in charge transfer resistance with the PANI coatings compared to uncoated substrates, with PANI obtained through cyclic voltammetry (CV) presenting the lowest charge transfer resistance, contrasting PANI obtained via chronoamperometry (CA) and potential pulses (PP). Subsequently, the photoactive response of the PANI photoelectrodes was measured through linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and chronoamperometry. The photoelectrochemical measurements revealed a discernible photoactivity in all PANI-coated electrodes. However, PANI electropolymerized through CV displayed the highest photocurrent. Interestingly, PANI derived from chronoamperometry (CA) exhibited the highest degree of stable photocurrent over an extended temporal interval.Keywords: PANI, photocurrent, photoresponse, charge separation, recombination
Procedia PDF Downloads 652893 Policy to Improve in vitro Fertilization Outcome in Women with Poor Ovarian Response: Frozen Embryo Transfer (ET) of Accumulated Vitrified Embryos vs. Frozen ET of Accumulated Vitrified Embryos plus Fresh ET
Authors: Hwang Kwon
Objective: To assess the efficacy of embryo transfer (ET) of accumulated vitrified embryos and compare pregnancy outcomes between ET of thawed embryos following accumulation of vitrified embryos (frozen ET) and ET of fresh and thawed frozen embryos following accumulation of vitrified embryos (fresh ET + frozen ET). Study design: Patients were poor ovarian responders defined according to the Bologna criteria as well as a subgroup of women whose previous IVF-ET cycle through controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) yielded one or no embryos. Sixty-four frozen ETs were performed following accumulation of vitrified embryos (ACCE )(ACCE Frozen) and 51 fresh + frozen ETs were performed following accumulation of vitrified embryos (ACCE Fresh + Frozen). Positive βhCG rate, clinical pregnancy rate, ongoing pregnancy rate, and good quality embryos (%, ±SD) were compared between two groups. Results: There were more good quality embryos in the ACCE Fresh + Frozen group than in the ACCE Frozen group: 60±34.7 versus 42.9±28.9, respectively (p=0.03). Positive βhCG rate [18/64(28.2%) vs. 13/51(25.5%); p=0.75] and clinical pregnancy rate [12/64 (18.8%) vs. 11/51 (10.9%); p=0.71] were comparable between the two groups. Conclusion: Accumulation of vitrified embryos is an effective method in patients with poor ovarian response who fulfill the Bologna criteria. Pregnancy outcomes were comparable between the two groups.Keywords: accumulation of embryos, frozen embryo transfer, poor responder, Bologna criteria
Procedia PDF Downloads 2302892 Isolation and Structural Elucidation of 20 Hydroxyecdystone from Vitex doniana Sweet Stem Bark
Authors: Mustapha A. Tijjani, Fanna I. Abdulrahman, Irfan Z. Khan, Umar K. Sandabe, Cong Li
Air dried sample V. doniana after collection and identification was extracted with ethanol and further partition with chloroform, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. Ethanolic extract (11.9g) was fractionated on a silica gel accelerated column chromatography using solvents such as n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. Each eluent fractions (150ml aliquots) were collected and monitored with thin layer chromatography. Fractions with similar Rf values from same solvents system were pooled together. Phytochemical test of all the fractions were performed using standard procedure. Complete elution yielded 48 fractions (150ml/fraction) which were pooled to 24 fractions base on the Rf values. It was further recombined and 12 fractions were obtained on the basis on Rf values and coded Vd1 to Vd12 fractions. Vd8 was further eluted with ethylacetate and methanol and gave fourteen sub fractions Vd8-a, -Vd8-m. Fraction Vd8-a (56mg) gave a white crystal compound coded V1. It was further checked on TLC and observed under ultraviolet lamp and was found to give a single spot. The Rf values were calculated to be 0.433. The melting point was determined using Gallenkamp capillary melting point apparatus and found to be 241-243°C uncorrected. Characterization of the isolated compound coded V1 was done using FT-infra-red spectroscopy, HNMR, 13CNMR(1and 2D) and HRESI-MS. The IR spectrum of compound V1 shows prominent peaks that corresponds to OHstr (3365cm-1) and C=0 (1652cm-1) etc. This spectrum suggests that among the functional moiety in compound V1 are the carbonyl and hydroxyl group. The 1H NMR (400 MHz) spectrum of compound V1 in DMSO-d6 displayed five singlet signals at δ 0.72 (3H, s, H-18), 0.79 (3H, s, H-19), 1.03 (3H, s, H-21), 1.04 (3H, s, H-26), 1.06 (3H, s, H-27) each integrating for three protons indicating the five methyl functional groups present in the compound. It further showed a broad singlet at δ 5.58 integrated for 1 H due to an olefinic H-atom adjacent to the carbonyl carbon atom. Three signals at δ 3.10 (d, J = 9.0 Hz, H-22), 3.59 (m, 1H, 2H-a) and 3.72 (m, 1H, 3H-e), each integrating for one proton is due to oxymethine protons indicating that three oxymethine H-atoms are present in the compound. These all signals are characteristic to the ecdysteroid skeletons. The 13C-NMR spectrum showed the presence of 27 carbon atoms, suggesting that may be steroid skeleton. The DEPT-135 experiment showed the presence of five CH3, eight CH2, and seven CH groups, and seven quaternary C-atoms. The molecular formula was established as C27H44O7 by high resolution electron spray ionization-mass spectroscopy (HRESI-MS) positive ion mode m/z 481.3179. The signals in mass spectrum are 463, 445, and 427 peaks corresponding to losses of one, two, three, or four water molecules characteristic for ecdysterone skeleton reported in the literature. Based on the spectral analysis (HNMR, 13CNMR, DEPT, HMQC, IR, HRESI-MS) the compound V1 is thus concluded to have ecdysteriod skeleton and conclusively conforms with 2β, 3β 14α, 20R, 22R, 25-hexahydroxy-5 β cholest-7-ene-6- one, or 2, 3, 14, 20, 22, 25 hexahydroxy cholest-7-ene-6-one commonly known as 20-hydroxyecdysone.Keywords: vitex, phytochemical, purification, isolation, chromatography, spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3562891 Analyzing the Heat Transfer Mechanism in a Tube Bundle Air-PCM Heat Exchanger: An Empirical Study
Authors: Maria De Los Angeles Ortega, Denis Bruneau, Patrick Sebastian, Jean-Pierre Nadeau, Alain Sommier, Saed Raji
Phase change materials (PCM) present attractive features that made them a passive solution for thermal comfort assessment in buildings during summer time. They show a large storage capacity per volume unit in comparison with other structural materials like bricks or concrete. If their use is matched with the peak load periods, they can contribute to the reduction of the primary energy consumption related to cooling applications. Despite these promising characteristics, they present some drawbacks. Commercial PCMs, as paraffines, offer a low thermal conductivity affecting the overall performance of the system. In some cases, the material can be enhanced, adding other elements that improve the conductivity, but in general, a design of the unit that optimizes the thermal performance is sought. The material selection is the departing point during the designing stage, and it does not leave plenty of room for optimization. The PCM melting point depends highly on the atmospheric characteristics of the building location. The selection must relay within the maximum, and the minimum temperature reached during the day. The geometry of the PCM container and the geometrical distribution of these containers are designing parameters, as well. They significantly affect the heat transfer, and therefore its phenomena must be studied exhaustively. During its lifetime, an air-PCM unit in a building must cool down the place during daytime, while the melting of the PCM occurs. At night, the PCM must be regenerated to be ready for next uses. When the system is not in service, a minimal amount of thermal exchanges is desired. The aforementioned functions result in the presence of sensible and latent heat storage and release. Hence different types of mechanisms drive the heat transfer phenomena. An experimental test was designed to study the heat transfer phenomena occurring in a circular tube bundle air-PCM exchanger. An in-line arrangement was selected as the geometrical distribution of the containers. With the aim of visual identification, the containers material and a section of the test bench were transparent. Some instruments were placed on the bench for measuring temperature and velocity. The PCM properties were also available through differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) tests. An evolution of the temperature during both cycles, melting and solidification were obtained. The results showed some phenomena at a local level (tubes) and on an overall level (exchanger). Conduction and convection appeared as the main heat transfer mechanisms. From these results, two approaches to analyze the heat transfer were followed. The first approach described the phenomena in a single tube as a series of thermal resistances, where a pure conduction controlled heat transfer was assumed in the PCM. For the second approach, the temperature measurements were used to find some significant dimensionless numbers and parameters as Stefan, Fourier and Rayleigh numbers, and the melting fraction. These approaches allowed us to identify the heat transfer phenomena during both cycles. The presence of natural convection during melting might have been stated from the influence of the Rayleigh number on the correlations obtained.Keywords: phase change materials, air-PCM exchangers, convection, conduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1802890 Model Order Reduction Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
Authors: Khaled Salah
Model order reduction has been one of the most challenging topics in the past years. In this paper, a hybrid solution of genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing algorithm (SA) are used to approximate high-order transfer functions (TFs) to lower-order TFs. In this approach, hybrid algorithm is applied to model order reduction putting in consideration improving accuracy and preserving the properties of the original model which are two important issues for improving the performance of simulation and computation and maintaining the behavior of the original complex models being reduced. Compared to conventional mathematical methods that have been used to obtain a reduced order model of high order complex models, our proposed method provides better results in terms of reducing run-time. Thus, the proposed technique could be used in electronic design automation (EDA) tools.Keywords: genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, model reduction, transfer function
Procedia PDF Downloads 1432889 Synthesis and Electromagnetic Property of Li₀.₃₅Zn₀.₃Fe₂.₃₅O₄ Grafted with Polyaniline Fibers
Authors: Jintang Zhou, Zhengjun Yao, Tiantian Yao
Li₀.₃₅Zn₀.₃Fe₂.₃₅O₄(LZFO) grafted with polyaniline (PANI) fibers was synthesized by in situ polymerization. FTIR, XRD, SEM, and vector network analyzer were used to investigate chemical composition, micro-morphology, electromagnetic properties and microwave absorbing properties of the composite. The results show that PANI fibers were grafted on the surfaces of LZFO particles. The reflection loss exceeds 10 dB in the frequency range from 2.5 to 5 GHz and from 15 to 17GHz, and the maximum reflection loss reaches -33 dB at 15.9GHz. The enhanced microwave absorption properties of LZFO/PANI-fiber composites are mainly ascribed to the combined effect of both dielectric loss and magnetic loss and the improved impedance matching.Keywords: Li₀.₃₅Zn₀.₃Fe₂.₃₅O₄, polyaniline, electromagnetic properties, microwave absorbing properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4332888 Numerical Prediction of Entropy Generation in Heat Exchangers
Authors: Nadia Allouache
The concept of second law is assumed to be important to optimize the energy losses in heat exchangers. The present study is devoted to the numerical prediction of entropy generation due to heat transfer and friction in a double tube heat exchanger partly or fully filled with a porous medium. The goal of this work is to find the optimal conditions that allow minimizing entropy generation. For this purpose, numerical modeling based on the control volume method is used to describe the flow and heat transfer phenomena in the fluid and the porous medium. Effects of the porous layer thickness, its permeability, and the effective thermal conductivity have been investigated. Unexpectedly, the fully porous heat exchanger yields a lower entropy generation than the partly porous case or the fluid case even if the friction increases the entropy generation.Keywords: heat exchangers, porous medium, second law approach, turbulent flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 3002887 Ag (I) Catalyzed Domino Carbonyl and Alkyne Activation: A Smooth Entry to 2, 2′-Di-Substituted 3, 3′-Bisindolylarylmethanes
Authors: Swastik Karmakar, Prasanta Das, Shital K. Chattopadhyay
An efficient synthesis of symmetrical 2, 2′-Di-substituted 3, 3′-bisindolylarylmethanes (BIAMs) having different aryl and hetero-aryl moieties has been developed by Ag(I)-catalyzed indolyzation and a sequential deoxygenative addition involving o-alkynylanilines and aryl/hetero-aryl aldehydes as substrates. Alkyne and carbonyl units could be activated by Ag (I) simultaneously which results in a domino 5-endo-dig indole annulation, addition of C3 of this indole nucleus to the carbonyl carbon in addition to second indole annulation, and its dehydroxylative addition to the same carbonyl carbon to furnish BIAMs in excellent yield. As 3, 3′-bisindolylmethanes (BIMs) are biologically significant scaffolds, this moiety with further substitutions at the indole core could find some important use in medicinal chemistry. The methodology developed is atom-economic and involves more accessible silver salts, which could be useful for large-scale synthesis.Keywords: alkyne, 3, 3′-Bisindolylarylmethanes, carbonyl, domino, 5-endo-dig indole annulation, silver catalyst
Procedia PDF Downloads 2102886 Assessment of the Properties of Microcapsules with Different Polymeric Shells Containing a Reactive Agent for their Suitability in Thermoplastic Self-healing Materials
Authors: Małgorzata Golonka, Jadwiga Laska
Self-healing polymers are one of the most investigated groups of smart materials. As materials engineering has recently focused on the design, production and research of modern materials and future technologies, researchers are looking for innovations in structural, construction and coating materials. Based on available scientific articles, it can be concluded that most of the research focuses on the self-healing of cement, concrete, asphalt and anticorrosion resin coatings. In our study, a method of obtaining and testing the properties of several types of microcapsules for use in self-healing polymer materials was developed. A method to obtain microcapsules exhibiting various mechanical properties, especially compressive strength was developed. The effect was achieved by using various polymer materials to build the shell: urea-formaldehyde resin (UFR), melamine-formaldehyde resin (MFR), melamine-urea-formaldehyde resin (MUFR). Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) was used as the core material due to the possibility of its polymerization according to the ring-opening olefin metathesis (ROMP) mechanism in the presence of a solid Grubbs catalyst showing relatively high chemical and thermal stability. The ROMP of dicyclopentadiene leads to a polymer with high impact strength, high thermal resistance, good adhesion to other materials and good chemical and environmental resistance, so it is potentially a very promising candidate for the self-healing of materials. The capsules were obtained by condensation polymerization of formaldehyde with urea, melamine or copolymerization with urea and melamine in situ in water dispersion, with different molar ratios of formaldehyde, urea and melamine. The fineness of the organic phase dispersed in water, and consequently the size of the microcapsules, was regulated by the stirring speed. In all cases, to establish such synthesis conditions as to obtain capsules with appropriate mechanical strength. The microcapsules were characterized by determining the diameters and their distribution and measuring the shell thickness using digital optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, as well as confirming the presence of the active substance in the core by FTIR and SEM. Compression tests were performed to determine mechanical strength of the microcapsules. The highest repeatability of microcapsule properties was obtained for UFR resin, while the MFR resin had the best mechanical properties. The encapsulation efficiency of MFR was much lower compared to UFR, though. Therefore, capsules with a MUFR shell may be the optimal solution. The chemical reaction between the active substance present in the capsule core and the catalyst placed outside the capsules was confirmed by FTIR spectroscopy. The obtained autonomous repair systems (microcapsules + catalyst) were introduced into polyethylene in the extrusion process and tested for the self-repair of the material.Keywords: autonomic self-healing system, dicyclopentadiene, melamine-urea-formaldehyde resin, microcapsules, thermoplastic materials
Procedia PDF Downloads 472885 Knowledge Transformation Flow (KTF) of Visually Impaired Students: The Virtual Knowledge System as a New Service Innovation
Authors: Chatcai Tangsri, Onjaree Na-Takuatoong
This paper aims to present the key factors that support the decision to use the technology and to present the knowledge transformation flow of visually impaired students after the use of virtual knowledge system as proposed as a new service innovation to universities in Thailand. Correspondents of 27 visually impaired students are involved in this research. Total of 25 students are selected from the University that mainly conducts non-classroom teaching environment; while another 2 visually impaired students are selected from classroom teaching environment. All of them are fully involved in the study along 8 weeks duration. All correspondents are classified into 5 small groups in various conditions. The research results revealed that the involvement from knowledge facilitator can push out for the behavioral actual use of the virtual knowledge system although there is no any developed intention to use behaviors. Secondly, the situations that the visually impaired students inadequate of the knowledge sources that usually provided by assistants i.e. peers, audio files etc. In this case, they will use the virtual knowledge system for both knowledge access and knowledge transfer request. With this evidence, the need of knowledge would play a stronger role than all technology acceptance factors. Finally, this paper revealed that the knowledge transfer in the normal method that students have a chance to physically meet up is still confirmed as their preference method. In term of other aspects of technology acceptance, it will be discussed together with challenges and recommendations at the end of this paper.Keywords: knowledge system, visually impaired students, higher education, knowledge management enable technology, synchronous/asynchronous knowledge access, synchronous/asynchronous knowledge transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 3562884 The Influence of Step and Fillet Shape on Nozzle Endwall Heat Transfer
Authors: Jeong Ju Kim, Hee Yoon Chung, Dong Ho Rhee, Hyung Hee Cho
There is a gap at combustor-turbine interface where leakage flow comes out to prevent hot gas ingestion into the gas turbine nozzle platform. The leakage flow protects the nozzle endwall surface from the hot gas coming from combustor exit. For controlling flow’s stream, the gap’s geometry is transformed by changing fillet radius size. During the operation, step configuration is occurred that was unintended between combustor-turbine platform interface caused by thermal expansion or mismatched assembly. In this study, CFD simulations were performed to investigate the effect of the fillet and step on heat transfer and film cooling effectiveness on the nozzle platform. The Reynolds-averaged Navier-stokes equation was solved with turbulence model, SST k-omega. With the fillet configuration, predicted film cooling effectiveness results indicated that fillet radius size influences to enhance film cooling effectiveness. Predicted film cooling effectiveness results at forward facing step configuration indicated that step height influences to enhance film cooling effectiveness. We suggested that designer change a combustor-turbine interface configuration which was varied by fillet radius size near endwall gap when there was a step at combustor-turbine interface. Gap shape was modified by increasing fillet radius size near nozzle endwall. Also, fillet radius and step height were interacted with the film cooling effectiveness and heat transfer on endwall surface.Keywords: gas turbine, film cooling effectiveness, endwall, fillet
Procedia PDF Downloads 3642883 The Biocompatibility and Osteogenic Potential of Experimental Calcium Silicate Based Root Canal Sealer, Capseal
Authors: Seok Woo Chang
Aim: Capseal I and Capseal II are calcium silicate and calcium phosphate based experimental root canal sealer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility and mineralization potential of Capseal I and Capseal II. Materials and Methods: The biocompatibility and mineralization-related gene expression (alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bone sialoprotein (BSP), and osteocalcin (OCN)) of Capseal I and Capseal II were compared using methylthiazol tetrazolium assay and reverse transcription-polymerization chain reaction analysis, respectively. The results were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test. P-value of < 0.05 was considered significant. Result: Both Capseal I and Capseal II were favorable in biocompatibility and influenced the messenger RNA expression of ALP and BSP. Conclusion: Within the limitation of this study, Capseal is biocompatible and have mineralization promoting potential, and thus could be a promising root canal sealer.Keywords: biocompatibility, mineralization-related gene expression, Capseal I, Capseal II
Procedia PDF Downloads 2812882 Functionalized PU Foam for Water Filtration
Authors: Nidal H. Abu-Zahra, Subhashini Gunashekar
Polyurethane foam is functionalized with Sulfonic acid groups to remove lead ions (Pb2+) from drinking water through a action exchange process. The synthesis is based on addition polymerization of the -NCO groups of an isocyanine with the –OH groups of a polio to form the urethane. Toluene-diisocyanateis reacted with Polypropylene glycol to form a linear pre-polymer, which is further polymerized using a chain extender, N, N-bis(2-hydorxyethyl)-2-aminoethane-sulfonic acid (BES). BES acts as a functional group site to exchange Pb2+ ions. A set of experiments was designed to study the effect of various processing parameters on the performance of the synthesized foam. The maximum Pb2+ ion exchange capacity of the foam was found to be 47ppb/g from a 100ppb Pb2+ solution over a period of 60 minutes. A multistage batch filtration process increased the lead removal to 50-54ppb/3g of foam over a period of 90 minutes.Keywords: adsorption, functionalized, ion exchange, polyurethane, sulfonic
Procedia PDF Downloads 2462881 Optimized Design, Material Selection, and Improvement of Liners, Mother Plate, and Stone Box of a Direct Charge Transfer Chute in a Sinter Plant: A Computational Approach
Authors: Anamitra Ghosh, Neeladri Paul
The present work aims at investigating material combinations and thereby improvising an optimized design of liner-mother plate arrangement and that of the stone box, such that it has low cost, high weldability, sufficiently capable of withstanding the increased amount of corrosive shear and bending loads, and having reduced thermal expansion coefficient at temperatures close to 1000 degrees Celsius. All the above factors have been preliminarily examined using a computational approach via ANSYS Thermo-Structural Computation, a commercial software that uses the Finite Element Method to analyze the response of simulated design specimens of liner-mother plate arrangement and the stone box, to varied bending, shear, and thermal loads as well as to determine the temperature gradients developed across various surfaces of the designs. Finally, the optimized structural designs of the liner-mother plate arrangement and that of the stone box with improved material and better structural and thermal properties are selected via trial-and-error method. The final improvised design is therefore considered to enhance the overall life and reliability of a Direct Charge Transfer Chute that transfers and segregates the hot sinter onto the cooler in a sinter plant.Keywords: shear, bending, thermal, sinter, simulated, optimized, charge, transfer, chute, expansion, computational, corrosive, stone box, liner, mother plate, arrangement, material
Procedia PDF Downloads 1112880 Computational Analysis on Thermal Performance of Chip Package in Electro-Optical Device
Authors: Long Kim Vu
The central processing unit in Electro-Optical devices is a Field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chip package allowing flexible, reconfigurable computing but energy consumption. Because chip package is placed in isolated devices based on IP67 waterproof standard, there is no air circulation and the heat dissipation is a challenge. In this paper, the author successfully modeled a chip package which various interposer materials such as silicon, glass and organics. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was utilized to analyze the thermal performance of chip package in the case of considering comprehensive heat transfer modes: conduction, convection and radiation, which proposes equivalent heat dissipation. The logic chip temperature varying with time is compared between the simulation and experiment results showing the excellent correlation, proving the reasonable chip modeling and simulation method.Keywords: CFD, FPGA, heat transfer, thermal analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1842879 Rheological Properties of Thermoresponsive Poly(N-Vinylcaprolactam)-g-Collagen Hydrogel
Authors: Serap Durkut, A. Eser Elcin, Y. Murat Elcin
Stimuli-sensitive polymeric hydrogels have received extensive attention in the biomedical field due to their sensitivity to physical and chemical stimuli (temperature, pH, ionic strength, light, etc.). This study describes the rheological properties of a novel thermoresponsive poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)-g-collagen hydrogel. In the study, we first synthesized a facile and novel synthetic carboxyl group-terminated thermo-responsive poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)-COOH (PNVCL-COOH) via free radical polymerization. Further, this compound was effectively grafted with native collagen, by utilizing the covalent bond between the carboxylic acid groups at the end of the chains and amine groups of the collagen using cross-linking agent (EDC/NHS), forming PNVCL-g-Col. Newly-formed hybrid hydrogel displayed novel properties, such as increased mechanical strength and thermoresponsive characteristics. PNVCL-g-Col showed low critical solution temperature (LCST) at 38ºC, which is very close to the body temperature. Rheological studies determine structural–mechanical properties of the materials and serve as a valuable tool for characterizing. The rheological properties of hydrogels are described in terms of two dynamic mechanical properties: the elastic modulus G′ (also known as dynamic rigidity) representing the reversible stored energy of the system, and the viscous modulus G″, representing the irreversible energy loss. In order to characterize the PNVCL-g-Col, the rheological properties were measured in terms of the function of temperature and time during phase transition. Below the LCST, favorable interactions allowed the dissolution of the polymer in water via hydrogen bonding. At temperatures above the LCST, PNVCL molecules within PNVCL-g-Col aggregated due to dehydration, causing the hydrogel structure to become dense. When the temperature reached ~36ºC, both the G′ and G″ values crossed over. This indicates that PNVCL-g-Col underwent a sol-gel transition, forming an elastic network. Following temperature plateau at 38ºC, near human body temperature the sample displayed stable elastic network characteristics. The G′ and G″ values of the PNVCL-g-Col solutions sharply increased at 6-9 minute interval, due to rapid transformation into gel-like state and formation of elastic networks. Copolymerization with collagen leads to an increase in G′, as collagen structure contains a flexible polymer chain, which bestows its elastic properties. Elasticity of the proposed structure correlates with the number of intermolecular cross-links in the hydrogel network, increasing viscosity. However, at 8 minutes, G′ and G″ values sharply decreased for pure collagen solutions due to the decomposition of the elastic and viscose network. Complex viscosity is related to the mechanical performance and resistance opposing deformation of the hydrogel. Complex viscosity of PNVCL-g-Col hydrogel was drastically changed with temperature and the mechanical performance of PNVCL-g-Col hydrogel network increased, exhibiting lesser deformation. Rheological assessment of the novel thermo-responsive PNVCL-g-Col hydrogel, exhibited that the network has stronger mechanical properties due to both permanent stable covalent bonds and physical interactions, such as hydrogen- and hydrophobic bonds depending on temperature.Keywords: poly(N-vinylcaprolactam)-g-collagen, thermoresponsive polymer, rheology, elastic modulus, stimuli-sensitive
Procedia PDF Downloads 2442878 Femtochemistry of Iron(III) Carboxylates in Aqueous Solutions
Authors: Ivan P. Pozdnyakov, Alexey A. Melnikov, Nikolai V. Tkachenko
Photochemical reactions with participation of iron (III) carboxylates are important for environmental photochemistry and have a great potential of application in water purification (Advanced Oxidation Processes, photo-Fenton and Fenton-like processes). In spite of this information about excited states and primary intermediates in photochemistry of Fe(III) complexes with carboxylic acids is scarce. This talk presents and discusses the results of several recent authors' publications in a field of ultra fast spectroscopy of natural Fe(III) carboxylates.Keywords: carboxylates, iron complexes, photochemistry, radical complexes, ultrafast processes
Procedia PDF Downloads 4562877 Numerical Investigation of Flow Boiling within Micro-Channels in the Slug-Plug Flow Regime
Authors: Anastasios Georgoulas, Manolia Andredaki, Marco Marengo
The present paper investigates the hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics of slug-plug flows under saturated flow boiling conditions within circular micro-channels. Numerical simulations are carried out, using an enhanced version of the open-source CFD-based solver ‘interFoam’ of OpenFOAM CFD Toolbox. The proposed user-defined solver is based in the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method for interface advection, and the mentioned enhancements include the implementation of a smoothing process for spurious current reduction, the coupling with heat transfer and phase change as well as the incorporation of conjugate heat transfer to account for transient solid conduction. In all of the considered cases in the present paper, a single phase simulation is initially conducted until a quasi-steady state is reached with respect to the hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer development. Then, a predefined and constant frequency of successive vapour bubbles is patched upstream at a certain distance from the channel inlet. The proposed numerical simulation set-up can capture the main hydrodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of slug-plug flow regimes within circular micro-channels. In more detail, the present investigation is focused on exploring the interaction between subsequent vapour slugs with respect to their generation frequency, the hydrodynamic characteristics of the liquid film between the generated vapour slugs and the channel wall as well as of the liquid plug between two subsequent vapour slugs. The proposed investigation is carried out for the 3 different working fluids and three different values of applied heat flux in the heated part of the considered microchannel. The post-processing and analysis of the results indicate that the dynamics of the evolving bubbles in each case are influenced by both the upstream and downstream bubbles in the generated sequence. In each case a slip velocity between the vapour bubbles and the liquid slugs is evident. In most cases interfacial waves appear close to the bubble tail that significantly reduce the liquid film thickness. Finally, in accordance with previous investigations vortices that are identified in the liquid slugs between two subsequent vapour bubbles can significantly enhance the convection heat transfer between the liquid regions and the heated channel walls. The overall results of the present investigation can be used to enhance the present understanding by providing better insight of the complex, underpinned heat transfer mechanisms in saturated boiling within micro-channels in the slug-plug flow regime.Keywords: slug-plug flow regime, micro-channels, VOF method, OpenFOAM
Procedia PDF Downloads 2672876 Out-of-Plane Free Vibrations of Circular Rods
Authors: Faruk Firat Çalim, Nurullah Karaca, Hakan Tacettin Türker
In this study, out-of-plane free vibrations of a circular rods is investigated theoretically. The governing equations for naturally twisted and curved spatial rods are obtained using Timoshenko beam theory and rewritten for circular rods. Effects of the axial and shear deformations are considered in the formulations. Ordinary differential equations in scalar form are solved analytically by using transfer matrix method. The circular rods of the mass matrix are obtained by using straight rod of consistent mass matrix. Free vibrations frequencies obtained by solving eigenvalue problem. A computer program coded in MATHEMATICA language is prepared. Circular beams are analyzed through various examples for free vibrations analysis. Results are compared with ANSYS results based on finite element method and available in the literature.Keywords: circular rod, out-of-plane free vibration analysis, transfer matrix method
Procedia PDF Downloads 3102875 Identifying Enablers and Barriers of Healthcare Knowledge Transfer: A Systematic Review
Authors: Yousuf Nasser Al Khamisi
Purpose: This paper presents a Knowledge Transfer (KT) Framework in healthcare sectors by applying a systematic literature review process to the healthcare organizations domain to identify enablers and barriers of KT in Healthcare. Methods: The paper conducted a systematic literature search of peer-reviewed papers that described key elements of KT using four databases (Medline, Cinahl, Scopus, and Proquest) for a 10-year period (1/1/2008–16/10/2017). The results of the literature review were used to build a conceptual framework of KT in healthcare organizations. The author used a systematic review of the literature, as described by Barbara Kitchenham in Procedures for Performing Systematic Reviews. Findings: The paper highlighted the impacts of using Knowledge Management (KM) concept at a healthcare organization in controlling infectious diseases in hospitals, improving family medicine performance and enhancing quality improvement practices. Moreover, it found that good-coding performance is analytically linked with a knowledge sharing network structure rich in brokerage and hierarchy rather than in density. The unavailability or ignored of the latest evidence on more cost-effective or more efficient delivery approaches leads to increase the healthcare costs and may lead to unintended results. Originality: Search procedure produced 12,093 results, of which 3523 were general articles about KM and KT. The titles and abstracts of these articles had been screened to segregate what is related and what is not. 94 articles identified by the researchers for full-text assessment. The total number of eligible articles after removing un-related articles was 22 articles.Keywords: healthcare organisation, knowledge management, knowledge transfer, KT framework
Procedia PDF Downloads 1392874 Dy³+/Eu³+ Co-Activated Gadolinium Aluminate Borate Phosphor: Enhanced Luminescence and Color Output Tuning
Authors: Osama Madkhali
GdAl₃(BO₃)₄ phosphors, incorporating Dy³+ and Dy³+/Eu³+ activators, were successfully synthesized via the gel combustion method. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) was utilized to ascertain phase purity and assess the impact of dopant concentration on the crystallographic structure. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements revealed that luminescence properties' intensity and lifetime varied with Dy³+ and Eu³+ ion concentrations. The relationship between luminescence intensity and doping concentration was explored in the context of the energy transfer process between Eu³+ and Dy³+ ions. An increase in Eu³+ co-doping concentrations resulted in a decrease in luminescence lifetime. Energy transfer efficiency was significantly enhanced from 26% to 84% with Eu³+ co-doping, as evidenced by decay curve analysis. These findings position GdAl₃(BO₃)4: Dy³+, Eu³+ phosphors as promising candidates for LED applications in solid-state lighting and displays.Keywords: GdAl₃(BO₃)₄ phosphors, Dy³+/Eu³+ co-doping, photoluminescence (PL) measurements, luminescence properties, LED applications, solid-state lighting
Procedia PDF Downloads 562873 Smart Meter Incorporating UWB Technology
Authors: T. A. Khan, A. B. Khan, M. Babar, T. A. Taj, Imran Ijaz Imran
Smart Meter is a key element in the evolving concept of Smart Grid, which plays an important role in interaction between the consumer and the supplier. In general, the smart meter is an intelligent digital energy meter that measures the consumption of electrical energy and provides other additional services as compared to the conventional energy meters. One of the important element that makes a meter smart and different is its communication module. Smart meters usually have two way and real-time communication between the consumer and the supplier through which its transfer data and information. In this paper, Ultra Wide Band (UWB) is recommended as communication platform because of its high data-rate and presents the physical layer, which could be easily incorporated in existing Smart Meters. The physical layer is simulated in MATLAB Simulink and the results are provided.Keywords: Ultra Wide Band (UWB), Smart Meter, MATLAB, transfer data
Procedia PDF Downloads 5182872 Effect of Thermal Radiation on Flow, Heat, and Mass Transfer of a Nanofluid over a Stretching Horizontal Cylinder Embedded in a Porous Medium with Suction/Injection
Authors: Elsayed M. A. Elbashbeshy, T. G. Emam, M. S. El-Azab, K. M. Abdelgaber
The effect of thermal radiation on flow, heat and mass transfer of an incompressible viscous nanofluid over a stretching horizontal cylinder embedded in a porous medium with suction/injection is discussed numerically. The governing boundary layer equations are reduced to a system of ordinary differential equations. Mathematica has been used to solve such system after obtaining the missed initial conditions. Comparison of obtained numerical results is made with previously published results in some special cases, and found to be in a good agreement.Keywords: laminar flow, boundary layer, stretching horizontal cylinder, thermal radiation, suction/injection, nanofluid
Procedia PDF Downloads 3822871 Quantum Statistical Mechanical Formulations of Three-Body Problems via Non-Local Potentials
Authors: A. Maghari, V. M. Maleki
In this paper, we present a quantum statistical mechanical formulation from our recently analytical expressions for partial-wave transition matrix of a three-particle system. We report the quantum reactive cross sections for three-body scattering processes 1 + (2,3)-> 1 + (2,3) as well as recombination 1 + (2,3) -> 2 + (3,1) between one atom and a weakly-bound dimer. The analytical expressions of three-particle transition matrices and their corresponding cross-sections were obtained from the three-dimensional Faddeev equations subjected to the rank-two non-local separable potentials of the generalized Yamaguchi form. The equilibrium quantum statistical mechanical properties such partition function and equation of state as well as non-equilibrium quantum statistical properties such as transport cross-sections and their corresponding transport collision integrals were formulated analytically. This leads to obtain the transport properties, such as viscosity and diffusion coefficient of a moderate dense gas.Keywords: statistical mechanics, nonlocal separable potential, three-body interaction, faddeev equations
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