Search results for: mental construction
Commenced in January 2007
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Search results for: mental construction

4807 Promoting Affordable Housing Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Nigeria: Addressing Ethical Concerns in Construction and Exploring Solutions

Authors: Shem Ikoojo Ayegba, Ye Qi


Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can potentially be a transformative mechanism for advancing affordable housing in Nigeria., considering the current housing deficit between 17 – 24 million. Nevertheless, their effectiveness is marred by persistent unethical practices such as corruption and the utilization of subpar materials. Through a comprehensive mixed-methods approach, this study delves into the ethical quandaries within Nigerian housing construction and their cascading effects on the success of PPPs. Semi-structured interviews encompassing seasoned construction professionals and an in-depth content analysis of ongoing housing policies and projects in Nigeria reveal a culture of corruption across the value chain. This malaise is exacerbated by glaring deficiencies in oversight and a lack of transparent practices. A robust statistical survey involving diverse professionals, including engineers, architects, and project managers, echoes these findings, emphasizing that a frail institutional framework facilitates the persistence of substandard material use, professional negligence, and rampant bribery. Such compromised construction standards place residents in potential jeopardy and impede the achievement of broader sustainability objectives. This study propounds a suite of policy interventions to pave the way for thriving affordable housing PPPs: initiating transparent bidding processes, establishing non-negotiable quality benchmarks for construction materials, and incorporating independent third-party audits throughout the building phase. Furthermore, cultivating a culture of professional integrity through targeted ethics training for all construction personnel is imperative. This research furnishes pragmatic strategies that can radically enhance the potency of housing PPPs, thereby ensuring safe, durable, and affordable housing solutions for Nigeria's underserved populace.

Keywords: public-private partnerships, affordable housing, unethical practicies, housing policies, construction ethics

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4806 Recycled Use of Solid Wastes in Building Material: A Review

Authors: Oriyomi M. Okeyinka, David A. Oloke, Jamal M. Khatib


Large quantities of solid wastes being generated worldwide from sources such as household, domestic, industrial, commercial and construction demolition activities, leads to environmental concerns. Utilization of these wastes in making building construction materials can reduce the magnitude of the associated problems. When these waste products are used in place of other conventional materials, natural resources and energy are preserved and expensive and/or potentially harmful waste disposal is avoided. Recycling which is regarded as the third most preferred waste disposal option, with its numerous environmental benefits, stand as a viable option to offset the environmental impact associated with the construction industry. This paper reviews the results of laboratory tests and important research findings, and the potential of using these wastes in building construction materials with focus on sustainable development. Research gaps, which includes; the need to develop standard mix design for solid waste based building materials; the need to develop energy efficient method of processing solid waste use in concrete; the need to study the actual behavior or performance of such building materials in practical application and the limited real life application of such building materials have also been identified. Therefore a research is being proposed to develop an environmentally friendly, lightweight building block from recycled waste paper, without the use of cement, and with properties suitable for use as walling unit. This proposed research intends to incorporate, laboratory experimentation and modeling to address the identified research gaps.

Keywords: recycling, solid wastes, construction, building materials

Procedia PDF Downloads 387
4805 Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Project Psychopedagogical Practices: Construction Proceedings and Validation

Authors: Cristina Costa-Lobo, Sandra Fernandes, Miguel Magalhães, José Dinis-Carvalho, Alfredo Regueiro, Ana Carvalho


This paper is a report on the findings of the construction and the validation of a questionnaire monetized in a portuguese higher education context with undergraduate students. The Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Project Psychopedagogical Practices consists of six scales: Critical appraisal of the project, Developed Learning and Skills, Teamwork, Teacher and Tutor Roles, Evaluation of Student Performance, and Project Effectiveness as a Teaching-Learning Methodology. The proceedings of its construction are analyzed, and the validity and internal consistency analysis are described. Findings indicate good indicators of validity, good fidelity and an interpretable factorial structure.

Keywords: entrepreneurship project, higher education, psychopedagogical practices, teacher and tutor roles

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4804 The Regional Expression of New Rural Dwellings Design in Linhai, Zhejiang: A Case of New Rural Dwellings Design in Badie Village

Authors: Fan Zhang


In the process of urbanization in China, the new rural construction is in the ascendant, which is becoming more and more popular. Under the driving effect of rural urbanization, the house pattern and tectonic methods of traditional vernacular houses have shown great differences from the family structure and values of contemporary peasant families. Therefore, it is particularly important to find a prototype, form and strategy, to make a balance between the traditional memory and modern functional requirements. In order for research to combine the regional culture with modern life, under the situation of the current batch production of new rural residence, Badie village, in Linhai, Zhejiang province, is taken as the case. This paper aims to put forward a prototype which can not only meet the demand of modern life but also ensure the continuation of traditional culture and historical context for the new rural dwellings design. This research not only helps to extend the local context in the construction of the new site but also contributes to the fusion of old and new rural dwellings in the old site construction. Through the study and research of this case, the research methodology and results can be drawn as reference for the new rural construction in other areas.

Keywords: badie village, design strategy, new rural dwellings, regional context, regional expression

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4803 Resort to Religious and Faith Healing Practices in the Pathway to Care for Mental Illness: A Study among Mappila Muslims of Malabar, Kerala

Authors: K. P. Farsana


Belief in supernatural causation of mental illnesses and resort to religious and faith healing as the method of intervention still continue in many parts of the world. The proposed study intended to find out the belief and causation on health and illness and utilization of religious and faith healing, its implications, and associated socio-cultural and religious factors among Mappila Muslims of Malabar, Kerala, a southern state of India.Thangals are the endogamous community in Kerala, of Yemeni heritage who claim direct descent from the Prophet Mohammed’s family. Because of their sacrosanct status, many Thangal works as religious healers in Malabar, Northern Kerala. Using the case of one Thangal healer as an illustration of the many religious healers in Kerala who engage in the healing practices, it is intended, in this paper to illustrate the religious and ritual healing practices among Mappila Muslims of Malabar. It was found that the majority of the Mappila Muslims believed in supernatural causation on illness, and majority of them consulted religious and faith healers for various health problems before seeking professional help, and a considerable proportion continued to believe in the healing efficiency of the religious and faith healing. A significant proportion of the population found religious and faith healing practices are supportive and more acceptable within the community. Religion and belief system play an important role in the heath seeking behavior of a person.

Keywords: religious and faith healing, mental illness, Mappila Muslims, Malabar

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4802 The Sinful Pig: Social Construction of Hogs through Corpus Analysis in Czech

Authors: Zdeněk Joukl


The word for pig in Czech (prase) seems to be one of the most negatively connotated words denoting animals. This paper represents an analysis of the largest Czech corpora, including a diachronic corpus. Besides corpus-analytical tools, sentiment analysis methods and tools such as LIWC and word clouds are used to better capture the usage of the words for pigs in Czech. The most frequent collocations across domains are identified and extracted with context to be used for sentiment analysis, which reveals an almost exclusive negative sentiment or culinary context. The animal is burdened with a disproportionately high number of meanings representing negatively viewed human characteristics or behaviors (dirtiness, fatness, sweating, inebriation, aggressive driving, greediness or chauvinism are among the most frequent ones). The diachronic view helps us understand how this extreme bias came to existence both through institutional construction and human-animal relations.

Keywords: corpus analysis, pig, sentiment, social construction

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4801 Ranking the Factors That Influence the Construction Project Success: The Jordanian Perspective

Authors: Ghanim A. Bekr


Project success is what must be done for the project to be acceptable to the client, stakeholders and end-users who will be affected by the project. The study of project success and the critical success factors (CSFs) are the means adopted to improve the effectiveness of project. This research is conducted to make an attempt to identify which variables influence the success of project implementation. This study has selected, through an extensive literature review and interviews, (83) factors categorized in (7) groups that the questionnaire respondents were asked to score. The responses from 66 professionals with an average of 15 years of experience in different types of construction projects in Jordan were collected and analyzed using SPSS and most important factors for success for various success criteria are presented depending on the relative importance index to rank the categories. The research revealed the significant groups of factors are: Client related factors, Contractor’s related factors, Project Manager (PM) related factors, and Project management related factors. In addition the top ten sub factors are: Assertion of the client towards short time of the project, availability of skilled labor, Assertion of the client towards high level of the quality, capability of the client in taking risk, previous experience of the PM in similar projects, previous experience of the contractor in similar projects, decision making by the client/ the client’s representative at the right time, assertion of client towards low cost of project, experience in project management in previous projects, and flow of the information among parties. The results would be helpful to construction project professionals in taking proactive measures for successful completion of construction projects in Jordan.

Keywords: construction projects, critical success factors, Jordan, project success

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4800 Barriers to Social Sustainability in Afghan Residential Building Construction: An Exploratory Factor Analysis

Authors: Mohammad Qasim Mohammadi, Mohammad Arif Rohman


Although socially sustainable building is becoming increasingly popular worldwide, past studies indicate that when policymakers support sustainable building development, the social dimension is often given insufficient attention or entirely disregarded. There are not many studies that focus on the problems of socially sustainable buildings in Afghanistan. This research investigates the factors that may hinder social sustainability implementation in residential building construction. The study will gather data from construction professionals by purposive sampling and employ Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Varimax for analysis. The results will undergo rigorous examination and thorough discussion. The expected results in this research will analyze the underlying barrier structure (factors) that hinder social sustainability, and each of these factors will represent a set of observed variables. In addition, the factor loadings show which barriers pose the greatest challenges. The primary goal of this study is to provide valuable insights into the impediment factors of social sustainability within the residential building environment, aiming to inform decision-making in the industry and encourage the adoption of more socially sustainable construction practices.

Keywords: social sustainability, residential building, barriers, drivers, afghanistan, factor analysis

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4799 Assembly Solution for Modular Buildings: Development of a Plug-In Self-Locking Device Designed for Light-Framed Structures

Authors: Laurence Picard, André Bégin-Drolet, Pierre Blanchet


The prefabricated construction industry has been operating in North America for several years now and differs from traditional construction by its much shorter project timelines, lower costs, and increased build quality. Faced with the global housing crisis, prefabrication should be the first choice for erecting buildings quickly and at a low cost. However, the reality is quite different; manufacturers focus their operations mainly on single-home construction. This is explained by the lack of a suitable and efficient assembly solution for erecting large-scale buildings. Indeed, it is difficult to maintain the coveted advantages of prefabrication with a laborious on-site assembly and a colossal load of additional operations such as the installation of fasteners and the internal finishing. In the desire to maximize the benefits of prefabrication and make it a smart choice even for large buildings, an automated connection solution is developed. The plug-in self-locking device was developed accordingly to the product design phases: on-site observations, the definition of the problem and product requirements, solution generation, prototyping, fabricating and testing.

Keywords: assembly solution, automation, construction productivity, modular connection, modular buildings, plug-in device, self-lock mechanism

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4798 A Study on Exploring and Prioritizing Critical Risks in Construction Project Assessment

Authors: A. Swetha


This study aims to prioritize and explore critical risks in construction project assessment, employing the Weighted Average Index method and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Through extensive literature review and expert interviews, project assessment risk factors were identified across Budget and Cost Management Risk, Schedule and Time Management Risk, Scope and Planning Risk, Safety and Regulatory Compliance Risk, Resource Management Risk, Communication and Stakeholder Management Risk, and Environmental and Sustainability Risk domains. A questionnaire was distributed to stakeholders involved in construction activities in Hyderabad, India, with 180 completed responses analyzed using the Weighted Average Index method to prioritize risk factors. Subsequently, PCA was used to understand relationships between these factors and uncover underlying patterns. Results highlighted dependencies on critical resources, inadequate risk assessment, cash flow constraints, and safety concerns as top priorities, while factors like currency exchange rate fluctuations and delayed information dissemination ranked lower but remained significant. These insights offer valuable guidance for stakeholders to mitigate risks effectively and enhance project outcomes. By adopting systematic risk assessment and management approaches, construction projects in Hyderabad and beyond can navigate challenges more efficiently, ensuring long-term viability and resilience.

Keywords: construction project assessment risk factor, risk prioritization, weighted average index, principal component analysis, project risk factors

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4797 'Pacta Sunt Servanda': Which Form of Contract to Use in the Construction Industry

Authors: Ahmed Stifi, Sascha Gentes


The contract in its simplest definition is an agreement involving parties with a number of documents which may be as little as a marriage contract involving two parties or as big as a contract of construction and operation of a nuclear power plant involving companies and stakeholders with hundreds or even thousands of documents. All parties in the construction industry, not only the contract experts, agree that the success of a project is linked primarily to the form of contract regulating the relationship between stakeholders of the project. Therefore it is essential for the construction industry to study, analyze and improve its contracts forms continuously. However, it should be mentioned that different contract forms are developed to suit the construction evolution in term of its machinery, materials and construction process. There exist some similarities in some clauses and variations in many of these forms depending upon the type of project, the kind of clients and more importantly the laws and regulations governing the transaction in the country where the project is carried out. This paper will discuss the most important forms of construction contracts starting from national level, intended to the contract form in Germany and moving on to the international level introducing FIDIC contracts and its different forms, some newly developed contracts forms namely the integrated form of agreement, the new engineering contract and the project alliance agreement. The result of the study shows that many of the contract’s paragraphs are similar and the main difference comes in the approach of the relationship between the parties. Is it based on co-operation and mutual trust, or in some cases a load of responsibility for a particular party which increases the problems and disputes that affects the success of the project negatively. Thus we can say that the form of the contract, that plays an essential role in the approach of the project management, which is ultimately the key factor for the success of the project. So we advise to use a form of contract, which enhance the mutual trust between the project parties, contribute to support the cooperation between them, distribute responsibility and risks on an equitable basis and build on the principle “win-win". In additional to the conventional role of the contract it should integrate all parties into one team to achieve the target value of the project.

Keywords: contract, FIDIC, integrated form of agreement, new engineering contract, project alliance agreemen

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4796 Reclaiming Properties of Bituminous Concrete Using Cold Mix Design Technology

Authors: Pradeep Kumar, Shalinee Shukla


Pavement plays a vital role in the socio-economic development of a country. Bituminous roads construction with conventional paving grade bitumen obtained from hot mix plant creates pollution and involves emission of greenhouse gases, also the construction of pavements at very high temperature is not feasible or desirable for high rainfall and snowfall areas. This problem of overheating can be eliminated by the construction of pavements with the usage of emulsified cold mixes which will eliminate emissions and help in the reduction of fuel requirement at mixing plant, which leads to energy conservation. Cold mix is a mixture of unheated aggregate and emulsion or cutback and filler. The primary objective of this research is to assess the volumetric mix design parameters of recycled aggregates with cold mixing technology and also to assess the impact of additives on volumetric mix characteristics. In this present study, bituminous pavement materials are reclaimed using cold mix technology, and Marshall specimens are prepared with the help of slow setting type 2 (SS-2) cationic bitumen emulsion as a binder for recycled aggregates. This technique of road construction is more environmentally friendly and can be done in adverse weather conditions.

Keywords: cold mixes, bitumen emulsion, recycled aggregates, volumetric properties

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4795 Experimental Investigation on High Performance Concrete with Silica Fume and Ceramic Waste

Authors: P. Vinayagam, A. Madhanagopal


This experimental investigation focuses on the study of the strength of concrete with ceramic waste as coarse aggregate. It is not a new concept of using alternate materials for aggregates. Pottery and ceramics have been an important part of human culture for thousands of years. The ceramic waste from ceramic and construction industries is a major contribution to construction demolition waste (CDW), representing a serious environmental, technical, and economical problem of today’s society. The major sources of ceramic waste are ceramic industry, building construction and building demolition. In ceramic industries, a significant part of the losses in the manufacturing of ceramic elements is not returned to the production process. In building construction, ceramic waste is produced during transportation to the building site, on the execution of several construction elements and on subsequent works. This waste is regionally deposited in dumping grounds, without any separation or reuse. In this study an attempt has been made to find the suitability of the ceramic industrial wastes as a possible replacement for conventional crushed stone coarse aggregate in high performance concrete. In this study, glazed stoneware pipe waste was used as coarse aggregates. In this investigation, physical properties of ceramic waste coarse aggregates were studied. Experiments were carried out to determine the strength of high performance concrete with silica fume and ceramic stoneware pipe waste coarse aggregate of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% different replacement ratios in comparison with those of corresponding conventional concrete mixes.

Keywords: ceramic waste, coarse aggregate replacement, glazed stoneware pipe waste, silica fume

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4794 Dependency on Social Media and Psychological Well-Being among Young Adults: Case Study of University Students in Pakistan

Authors: Ghazala Yasmeen, Zahid Yousaf


Frequent social media use has significantly changed people's life and communication styles during the last two decades. Social media use has multiple dimensions, and there are nuanced relationships between it and how it affects different societal subgroups. With the increased popularity and rapid growth of social networking sites, people are experiencing potential social media addiction, which causes severe mental health problems. How social media is dramatically influencing the lives and mental health of its users, and particularly of the students, creating psychological issues, e.g., isolation, depression, and anxiety, will be the primary objective of this study. This research will address the problems confronted by many students who are regular social media users and can undergo mental distress. This study aims to explore how social media use can lead to isolation, depression, and anxiety. This research will also investigate the effects of cyber-bullying on social, emotional, and psychological wellbeing. For this purpose, the researcher will use the survey technique as a method of inquiry. Ryff's theory of Psychological wellbeing will be used as a theoretical framework to explore the association between social media addiction and psychological effects among users. For data collection, the researcher will use the quantitative research method through a survey questionnaire from three universities in Pakistan from the public and private sectors. This study will imply a two-stage random sampling technique. At first, the researcher will select 20% of students from universities. In the second stage, 20% of students using different social networking sites will be chosen, and draw a representative sample from these will be. The intended study will use questionnaires comprising two portions. The first section will consist of social media engagement by the students, following impacts on their mental health and reported attitude towards psychological wellbeing. This study will spotlight the considerations of parents, educationists, and policymakers to take measures against the devastating effects of cyber-crimes on young adults.

Keywords: anxiety, depression, isolation, social media, wellbeing

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4793 Engaging Local Communities on Large-Scale Construction Project

Authors: Melissa Teo


It is increasingly important that project managers develop greater capabilities to better manage the social, cultural, political, environmental and economic impacts on proposed construction projects. These challenges are best resolved in consultation with communities rather than in conflict with them. This is particularly important on controversial projects which are projects that have obtained government sanctioned ‘development approval’ but not ‘community approval’. While a rich body of research and intellectual frameworks exist in the fields of urban geography and planning to understand and manage community concerns during the pre-development approval stages of new projects, current theoretical frameworks guiding community engagement in project management are inadequate. A new and innovative research agenda is needed to guide thinking about the role of local communities in the construction process and is an important research gap that needs to be filled. Within this context, this research aims to assess the effectiveness of strategies adopted by project teams to engage with local communities so as to capture lessons learnt to apply to future projects. This paper reports a research methodology which uses Arnstein’s model of participation to better understand how power differentials between the project team and local communities can influence the adoption of community engagement strategies. A case study approach is utilizing interviews and documentary analysis of a large-scale controversial construction project in Queensland, Australia is presented. The findings will result in a number of recommendations to guide community engagement practices on future projects.

Keywords: community engagement, construction, case study, project management

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4792 Effects of Physical Activity Used as Treatment in Community Mental Health Services

Authors: John Olav Bjornestad, Bjorn Tore Johansen


The number of people suffering from mental illnesses is increasing, and such illness is currently one of the major causes of disability and poor health. The reason for this is most likely a lack of physical activity. The purpose of this study was to discover if physical activity was an effective mode of treatment for psychiatric patients at an out-patient treatment facility. The study included an exploration of whether or not patients having physical activity included as an integral part of their treatment (to a greater degree than do patients who are physically inactive) would achieve 1) an improvement in their physical condition 2) a reduction in symptomatic pressure and 3) an increase in their health-related quality of life. The intervention period lasted a total of 12 weeks. The training group completed a minimum of 2 training sessions per week with an intensity of 60-75% of maximum heart rate. The participants’ health-related quality of life (SF-36), symptomatic pressure (SCL-90-R) and physical condition (UKK-walking test) were measured before and after intervention. Twenty participants were pre-tested, and out of this initial group, nine patients completed the intervention program and participated thereafter in post-testing. The results showed that participants on average improved their physical condition, reduced their symptomatic pressure and increased their health-related quality of life over the course of the intervention period. The training group experienced significant changes in their symptomatic pressure (the anxiety dimension) and health-related quality of life (the mental health dimension) from the pre-testing stage to the post-testing one. Furthermore, there was a significant connection between symptomatic pressure and health-related quality of life. The patients who were admitted to the psychiatric out-patient clinic were in a physical condition that was significantly poorer than that of persons of the same age in the remainder of the population. Experiences from the study and the relatively large defection from it demonstrate that there is a great need for close follow-up of psychiatric patients’ physical activity levels when physical activity and lifestyle changes are included as part of their treatment program.

Keywords: health-related quality, mental health, physical activity, physical condition

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4791 Jung GPT: Unveiling the Therapeutic Potential of Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Eman Alhajjar, Albatool Jamjoom, Fatmah Bugshan


This research aims to investigate the artificial intelligence (AI) application Jung GPT and how helpful it is, as a therapy AI, to users. Jung GPT has the potential to make mental health care more accessible and cheaper while also providing tailored support and advice. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for human therapists. Jung GPT is instructed to understand a wide range of concepts, including emojis, sensitive subjects, and various languages. Furthermore, participants were asked to fill out a survey based on their experience with Jung GPT. Additionally, analysis of the responses indicated that Jung GPT was helpful in identifying and exploring challenges, and the use of Jung GPT by participants in the future is highly possible. The results demonstrate that Jung GPT does help in recognizing challenges or problems within the users. On this basis, it is recommended that individuals use Jung GPT to explore their thoughts, feelings, and challenges. Moreover, further research is needed to better evaluate the effectiveness of Jung GPT.

Keywords: Jung GPT, artificial intelligence, therapy, mental health, AI application

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4790 Strategies for Medium Sized Construction Firms to Survive the Current Economic Conditions That Is Compounded by the Most Recent COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria

Authors: Aloysius Colman Chukwuemeka Ezeabasili, Chibuike Patrick Ezeabasili


Medium Sized Construction Companies in Nigeria are those employing 50-250 workers that are mostly involved in roads, Commercial and domestic building Construction, among others. These companies are in the majority and contribute immensely to infrastructural development in Nigeria. Despite the last eight years of economic downturn and the past years of COVID-19 pandemic, signs of these Companies recovering from the economic recession and pandemic seem bright. Nigeria has recorded 213,000 confirmed cases 3968 deaths from COVID-19 as at now. These medium sized companies are currently trying to explore various opportunities to grow their businesses to achieve competitive advantages over others by studying and improving on their bidding efficiency, Strategies for selecting businesses, bidding markup Strategies, and cash flow. These strategies were studied through the recruitment of construction experts and professionals. Many of them have acquired new technologies that have impacted positively on their strategies. The impact of these technologies like the BIM, e-tendering, conditions of contract, and claim management strategies are advantages to them and has given them good advantages over their peers. Monte Carlo solution, Swot analysis, and average bid methods have also clearly added advantages to bidding practices. New and existing strategies are Scrutinized, and training of young Nigerians in advanced countries to acquire knowledge in best practices have elevated some of these companies. The Covid-19 has not been very harsh to Nigeria, and the country is surely not as devastated as the advanced countries. Nigeria has therefore been able to cope with the combination of the downturn and the pandemic.

Keywords: medium sized construction companies, competitive advantage, new bidding technologies, Nigeria

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4789 The Use of Cross-cultural Approaches (CCAs) in Psychotherapy in Addressing Mental Health Issues Amongst Women of Ethnic Minority

Authors: Adaku Thelma Olatise


Mental health disparities among women from diverse ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds remain a pressing concern, particularly as current psychotherapeutic models often fail to address the unique challenges these groups face. This is of particular concern since epidemiological studies across various countries and cultures consistently demonstrate higher prevalence rates of common mental disorders amongst these groups of women because of a lack of access to culturally oriented psychotherapeutic services. This literature review aims to examine how CCAs in psychotherapy can address the specific ethnic, cultural, and religious challenges women encounter in accessing mental health care. A search of relevant articles was conducted through PsycARTICLES and PubMed databases, using terms such as ‘mental health’, ‘women’, ‘culture’, and ‘ethnic minorities’. Supplementary searches on Google Scholar were also performed to capture literature not covered by traditional databases. While the importance of cross-cultural approaches in psychotherapy has become more apparent because people from diverse ethnic backgrounds inevitably perceive the world through different lenses, influencing their interpretations of human behavior and norms, there is a notable gap in the literature in understanding the influences of using of CCAs in psychotherapy amongst women of an ethnic minority. This gap not only reflects a poor understanding of the complex stressors faced by these women—such as familial, communal, and societal expectations—but also highlights the lack of support and culturally adapted interventions available to them. Even though scholars have posited that aligning treatment approaches with patients' cultural backgrounds is important to enhance therapeutic effectiveness, and the acknowledgment of culture is crucial in psychotherapy theory and practice. As well as the increasing global focus on psychotherapy applications that integrate non-Western practices, such as spiritual healing and community-based interventions, the adaptation of these approaches in mainstream mental health care has remained limited. This review found that the expectations and experiences of ethnic minority women were heavily influenced by family and community pressures. However, there were limited evidence-based, culturally oriented psychotherapeutic interventions tailored to ethnic minority women. This gap extends to inadequate representation of minority groups in clinical research, as well as a lack of culturally validated mental health outcome measures. Furthermore, studies have shown that psychotherapeutic models have largely been Western-oriented and Euro-centric because of socially constructed hierarchies. The origin of psychology from the Western world has predominantly reflected Western cultural traditions, shaped by historical, linguistic, and sociopolitical influences. These factors have led to a lack of recognition of therapeutic approaches from minority ethnic groups and the biases that emanate from hegemonic cultural beliefs and power dynamics influence the decisions about which psychotherapeutic modalities to integrate and practice. Therefore, this plethora of factors adds to the challenges women from ethnically and culturally diverse backgrounds face in accessing mental health services at the individual, familial, community, and societal levels. In conclusion, a cross-cultural approach is urgently needed within psychotherapy to address these challenges, ensuring that treatment frameworks are both culturally sensitive and gender responsive. Only by considering the lived experiences of minority women, particularly in relation to their cultural and religious contexts, can mental health services provide the appropriate care necessary to support their well-being.

Keywords: mental health, women, culture, ethnicity

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4788 Multi-Stakeholder Involvement in Construction and Challenges of Building Information Modeling Implementation

Authors: Zeynep Yazicioglu


Project development is a complex process where many stakeholders work together. Employers and main contractors are the base stakeholders, whereas designers, engineers, sub-contractors, suppliers, supervisors, and consultants are other stakeholders. A combination of the complexity of the building process with a large number of stakeholders often leads to time and cost overruns and irregular resource utilization. Failure to comply with the work schedule and inefficient use of resources in the construction processes indicate that it is necessary to accelerate production and increase productivity. The development of computer software called Building Information Modeling, abbreviated as BIM, is a major technological breakthrough in this area. The use of BIM enables architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical projects to be drawn in coordination. BIM is a tool that should be considered by every stakeholder with the opportunities it offers, such as minimizing construction errors, reducing construction time, forecasting, and determination of the final construction cost. It is a process spreading over the years, enabling all stakeholders associated with the project and construction to use it. The main goal of this paper is to explore the problems associated with the adoption of BIM in multi-stakeholder projects. The paper is a conceptual study, summarizing the author’s practical experience with design offices and construction firms working with BIM. In the transition period to BIM, three of the challenges will be examined in this paper: 1. The compatibility of supplier companies with BIM, 2. The need for two-dimensional drawings, 3. Contractual issues related to BIM. The paper reviews the literature on BIM usage and reviews the challenges in the transition stage to BIM. Even on an international scale, the supplier that can work in harmony with BIM is not very common, which means that BIM's transition is continuing. In parallel, employers, local approval authorities, and material suppliers still need a 2-D drawing. In the BIM environment, different stakeholders can work on the same project simultaneously, giving rise to design ownership issues. Practical applications and problems encountered are also discussed, providing a number of suggestions for the future.

Keywords: BIM opportunities, collaboration, contract issues about BIM, stakeholders of project

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4787 A Systematic Review on Development of a Cost Estimation Framework: A Case Study of Nigeria

Authors: Babatunde Dosumu, Obuks Ejohwomu, Akilu Yunusa-Kaltungo


Cost estimation in construction is often difficult, particularly when dealing with risks and uncertainties, which are inevitable and peculiar to developing countries like Nigeria. Direct consequences of these are major deviations in cost, duration, and quality. The fundamental aim of this study is to develop a framework for assessing the impacts of risk on cost estimation, which in turn causes variabilities between contract sum and final account. This is very important, as initial estimates given to clients should reflect the certain magnitude of consistency and accuracy, which the client builds other planning-related activities upon, and also enhance the capabilities of construction industry professionals by enabling better prediction of the final account from the contract sum. In achieving this, a systematic literature review was conducted with cost variability and construction projects as search string within three databases: Scopus, Web of science, and Ebsco (Business source premium), which are further analyzed and gap(s) in knowledge or research discovered. From the extensive review, it was found that factors causing deviation between final accounts and contract sum ranged between 1 and 45. Besides, it was discovered that a cost estimation framework similar to Building Cost Information Services (BCIS) is unavailable in Nigeria, which is a major reason why initial estimates are very often inconsistent, leading to project delay, abandonment, or determination at the expense of the huge sum of money invested. It was concluded that the development of a cost estimation framework that is adjudged an important tool in risk shedding rather than risk-sharing in project risk management would be a panacea to cost estimation problems, leading to cost variability in the Nigerian construction industry by the time this ongoing Ph.D. research is completed. It was recommended that practitioners in the construction industry should always take into account risk in order to facilitate the rapid development of the construction industry in Nigeria, which should give stakeholders a more in-depth understanding of the estimation effectiveness and efficiency to be adopted by stakeholders in both the private and public sectors.

Keywords: cost variability, construction projects, future studies, Nigeria

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4786 Construction and Demolition Waste Management in Indian Cities

Authors: Vaibhav Rathi, Soumen Maity, Achu R. Sekhar, Abhijit Banerjee


Construction sector in India is extremely resource and carbon intensive. It contributes to significantly to national greenhouse emissions. At the resource end the industry consumes significant portions of the output from mining. Resources such as sand and soil are most exploited and their rampant extraction is becoming constant source of impact on environment and society. Cement is another resource that is used in abundance in building and construction and has a direct impact on limestone resources. Though India is rich in cement grade limestone resource, efforts have to be made for sustainable consumption of this resource to ensure future availability. Use of these resources in high volumes in India is a result of rapid urbanization. More cities have grown to a population of million plus in the last decade and million plus cities are growing further. To cater to needs of growing urban population of construction activities are inevitable in the coming future thereby increasing material consumption. Increased construction will also lead to substantial increase in end of life waste generation from Construction and Demolition (C&D). Therefore proper management of C&D waste has the potential to reduce environmental pollution as well as contribute to the resource efficiency in the construction sector. The present study deals with estimation, characterisation and documenting current management practices of C&D waste in 10 Indian cities of different geographies and classes. Based on primary data the study draws conclusions on the potential of C&D waste to be used as an alternative to primary raw materials. The estimation results show that India generates 716 million tons of C&D waste annually, placing the country as second largest C&D waste generator in the world after China. The study also aimed at utilization of C&D waste in to building materials. The waste samples collected from various cities have been used to replace 100% stone aggregates in paver blocks without any decrease in strength. However, management practices of C&D waste in cities still remains poor instead of notification of rules and regulations notified for C&D waste management. Only a few cities have managed to install processing plant and set up management systems for C&D waste. Therefore there is immense opportunity for management and reuse of C&D waste in Indian cities.

Keywords: building materials, construction and demolition waste, cities, environmental pollution, resource efficiency

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4785 Converting Scheduling Time into Calendar Date Considering Non-Interruptible Construction Tasks

Authors: Salman Ali Nisar, Suzuki Koji


In this paper we developed a new algorithm to convert the project scheduling time into calendar date in order to handle non-interruptible activities not to be split by non-working days (such as weekend and holidays). In a construction project some activities might require not to be interrupted even on non-working days, or to be finished on the end day of business days. For example, concrete placing work might be required to be completed by the end day of weekdays i.e. Friday, and curing in the weekend. This research provides an algorithm that imposes time constraint for start and finish times of non-interruptible activities. The algorithm converts working days, which is obtained by Critical Path Method (CPM), to calendar date with consideration of the start date of a project. After determining the interruption by non-working days, the start time of a certain activity should be postponed, if there is enough total float value. Otherwise, the duration is shortened by hiring additional resources capacity or/and using overtime work execution. Then, time constraints are imposed to start time and finish time of the activity. The algorithm is developed in Excel Spreadsheet for microcomputer and therefore we can easily get a feasible, calendared construction schedule for such a construction project with some non-interruptible activities.

Keywords: project management, scheduling, critical path method, time constraint, non-interruptible tasks

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4784 A Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis of a Crisis Text Messaging Service in Order to Analyse the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health in Ireland

Authors: Hamda Ajmal, Karen Young, Ruth Melia, John Bogue, Mary O'Sullivan, Jim Duggan, Hannah Wood


The Covid-19 pandemic led to a range of public health mitigation strategies in order to suppress the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The drastic changes in everyday life due to lockdowns had the potential for a significant negative impact on public mental health, and a key public health goal is to now assess the evidence from available Irish datasets to provide useful insights on this issue. Text-50808 is an online text-based mental health support service, established in Ireland in 2020, and can provide a measure of revealed distress and mental health concerns across the population. The aim of this study is to explore statistical associations between public mental health in Ireland and the Covid-19 pandemic. Uniquely, this study combines two measures of emotional wellbeing in Ireland: (1) weekly text volume at Text-50808, and (2) emotional wellbeing indicators reported by respondents of the Amárach public opinion survey, carried out on behalf of the Department of Health, Ireland. For this analysis, a multivariate graphical exploratory data analysis (EDA) was performed on the Text-50808 dataset dated from 15th June 2020 to 30th June 2021. This was followed by time-series analysis of key mental health indicators including: (1) the percentage of daily/weekly texts at Text-50808 that mention Covid-19 related issues; (2) the weekly percentage of people experiencing anxiety, boredom, enjoyment, happiness, worry, fear and stress in Amárach survey; and Covid-19 related factors: (3) daily new Covid-19 case numbers; (4) daily stringency index capturing the effect of government non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) in Ireland. The cross-correlation function was applied to measure the relationship between the different time series. EDA of the Text-50808 dataset reveals significant peaks in the volume of texts on days prior to level 3 lockdown and level 5 lockdown in October 2020, and full level 5 lockdown in December 2020. A significantly high positive correlation was observed between the percentage of texts at Text-50808 that reported Covid-19 related issues and the percentage of respondents experiencing anxiety, worry and boredom (at a lag of 1 week) in Amárach survey data. There is a significant negative correlation between percentage of texts with Covid-19 related issues and percentage of respondents experiencing happiness in Amárach survey. Daily percentage of texts at Text-50808 that reported Covid-19 related issues to have a weak positive correlation with daily new Covid-19 cases in Ireland at a lag of 10 days and with daily stringency index of NPIs in Ireland at a lag of 2 days. The sudden peaks in text volume at Text-50808 immediately prior to new restrictions in Ireland indicate an association between a rise in mental health concerns following the announcement of new restrictions. There is also a high correlation between emotional wellbeing variables in the Amárach dataset and the number of weekly texts at Text-50808, and this confirms that Text-50808 reflects overall public sentiment. This analysis confirms the benefits of the texting service as a community surveillance tool for mental health in the population. This initial EDA will be extended to use multivariate modeling to predict the effect of additional Covid-19 related factors on public mental health in Ireland.

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, data analysis, digital health, mental health, public health, digital health

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4783 Meanings and Construction: Evolution of Inheriting the Traditions in Chinese Modern Architecture in the 1980s

Authors: Wei Wang


Queli Hotel, Xixi Scenery Spot Reception and Square Pagoda Garden are three important landmarks of localized Chinese modern architecture (LCMA) in the architectural design context of "Inheriting the Traditions in Modern Architecture" in the 1980s. As the most representative cases of LCMA in the 1980s, they interpret the traditions of Chinese garden and imperial roof from different perspectives. Based on the research text, conceptual drawings, construction drawings and site investigation, this paper extracts two groups of prominent contradictions in practice ("Pattern-Material-Structure" and "Type-Topography-Body") for keyword-based analysis to compare and examine different choices and balances by architects. Based on this, this paper attempts to indicate that the ideographic form derived from macro-narrative and the innovative investigation in construction is a pair of inevitable contradictions that must be handled and coordinated in these practices. The collision of the contradictions under specific conditions results in three cognitive attitudes and practical strategies towards traditions: Formal symbolism, spatial abstraction and construction-based narrative. These differentiated thoughts about Localization and Chineseness reflect various professional ideologies and value standpoints in the transition of Chinese Architecture discipline in the 1980s. The great variety in this particular circumstance suggests tremendous potential and possibilities of the future LCMA.

Keywords: construction, meaning, Queli Hotel, square pagoda garden, tradition, Xixi scenery spot reception

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4782 Comparison of Fuel Cell Installation Methods at Large Commercial and Industrial Sites

Authors: Masood Sattari


Using fuel cell technology to generate electricity for large commercial and industrial sites is a growing segment in the fuel cell industry. The installation of these systems involves design, permitting, procurement of long-lead electrical equipment, and construction involving multiple utilities. The installation of each fuel cell system requires the same amount of coordination as the construction of a new structure requiring a foundation, gas, water, and electricity. Each of these components provide variables that can delay and possibly eliminate a new project. As the manufacturing process and efficiency of fuel cell systems improves, so must the installation methods to prevent a ‘bottle-neck’ in the installation phase of the deployment. Installation methodologies to install the systems vary among companies and this paper will examine the methodologies, describe the benefits and drawbacks for each, and provide guideline for the industry to improve overall installation efficiency.

Keywords: construction, installation, methodology, procurement

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4781 A Study on the Health Intervention Mechanism of Built Environment in Urban Parks under the Perspective of Stress Adjustment

Authors: Ruoyu Mao


The fast-paced and high-stress lifestyle of modern cities is an important cause of mental health problems and chronic physical diseases, and at the same time, all kinds of health problems will react to physical and mental stress, further aggravating the health risks; therefore, stress adjustment should be considered as an important perspective of the spatial environment to intervene in the health of the population. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the structural and therapeutic characteristics of the built environment of urban parks, to analyse the path of its effect on the stress adjustment of the population, and to summarise the mechanism of the built environment of urban parks to intervene in the health of the population from the perspective of stress adjustment.

Keywords: stress adjustment, health interventions, urban parks, built environments

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4780 The Effect of Theory of Mind Training on Adolescents with Low Social Cognition and Eudaimonic Well-Being

Authors: Leema Jacob


The concept of psychological well-being is complex and has familiar use not only in psychology but also in the area of lifespan development. Eudaimonic well-being is finding a purpose and meaning in life, and this depends on both the individual and society, especially during adolescence; the social-cognitive environment can be decisive. The social environment of adolescents, including family, school, and friends, is recognized as an essential context for successful human life. The development of mature social relationships is also undoubtedly important. Theory of Mind is an emerging domain in cognitive neuroscience that involves the ability to attribute mental states to oneself and others. ToM skills training constitutes a new aspect of the adolescent’s social development, including four domains: cognitive ToM, affective ToM, and an inter-intra-personal understanding of social norms. Still, little effort has been made to promote this training as a modality to foster their psychological well-being. This study aims to use the eudaimonic approach to evaluate psychological well-being with a quasi-experimental research design (pre-post-test). The major objective of the study was to identify the effect of ToM skills training on the eudaimonic well-being of adolescents with low social cognition. The data was analyzed to find their effect size from a sample of 74 adolescents from India between 17 and 19 years old. The result revealed that ToM skills training has a positive outcome on the well-being of adolescents post-training. The results are discussed based on the effect of ToM skills training on psychological well-being during adolescence, as well as on the importance of focusing on mental health as a developmental asset that can potentially influence mental well-being in the future.

Keywords: ToM training, adolescents, eudaimonic well-being, social cognition

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4779 Understanding and Measuring Stigma, Barriers and Attitudes Associated with Seeking Psychological Help Among Young Adults in Czech Republic

Authors: Tereza Hruskova


200 million people globally experience serious mental health problems, and only one third seek professional help, and help-seeking is described as a last resort. Adolescents and young adults have a high prevalence of mental illness. Mental stigma is a key element in the decision to seek help and is divided into (i) self-stigma (self-stigmatization), including internal beliefs, low self-esteem, and lower quality of life, and (ii) public stigma (social stigma) containing stereotypes, beliefs and society's disapproval of help-seeking having a negative effect on help-seeking and our attitudes. Previous research has mainly focused on examining the construct of help seeking, avoidance, and delaying separately and trying to find out why people do not seek help in time and what obstacles stand in the way. Barriers are not static and may change over time and the stage of help-seeking. Attitudes are closely related to self-stigma and social stigma and predict whether a person will seek help. Barriers (stigmatization, a sense of humiliation, insufficient recognition of the problem, preferences, solving it alone, and distrust of a professional) and facilitators (previous experience with mental problems, social support, and help from others) are factors influencing help-seeking. The current research on the Czech population of young adults responds to the gap between a person with mental health problems and actually seeking professional help. The aim of the study is to describe in detail the individual constructs and factors, to understand the person seeking help, and to define possible obstacles on this path of seeking help. A sample of approximately 250 participants (age 18-35) would take part in the online questionnaire, conducted in May-June 2023, and would be administered a demographic questionnaire and four scales measuring attitudes (Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help – Short form), barriers (Barrier to Help Seeking Scale), self-stigma (Self Stigma of Seeking Help) and stigmatization (Perceptions of Stigmatization by Others for seeking help). Firstly, all four scales would be translated into the Czech language. The aim is (I) to determine the validity and reliability of the Czech translation of the scales, (II) to examine the factors of the scales on the Czech population and compare them retrospectively with the results of reliability and validity from the original language of the scales and (III) to examine the connections between attitudes towards seeking, avoidance or delaying the search for professional psychological help due to the demographic and individual differences of the participants, barriers, self-stigmatization and social stigmatization. We expect to carry out the first study on the given topic in the Czech Republic, to identify and better understand the factors leading to the avoidance of seeking professional help and to reveal the relationships between stigmatization, attitudes and barriers leading to the avoidance or postponement of seeking professional help. The belief is to find out whether the Czech population of young adults differs from the data found on the foreign population in individual constructs, as cultural differences in individual countries were found.

Keywords: mental health, stigma, problems, seeking psychological help

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4778 Causes of Variation Orders in the Egyptian Construction Industry: Time and Cost Impacts

Authors: A. Samer Ezeldin, Jwanda M. El Sarag


Variation orders are of great importance in any construction project. Variation orders are defined as any change in the scope of works of a project that can be an addition omission, or even modification. This paper investigates the variation orders that occur during construction projects in Egypt. The literature review represents a comparison of causes of variation orders among Egypt, Tanzania, Nigeria, Malaysia and the United Kingdom. A classification of occurrence of variation orders due to owner related factors, consultant related factors and other factors are signified in the literature review. These classified events that lead to variation orders were introduced in a survey with 19 events to observe their frequency of occurrence, and their time and cost impacts. The survey data was obtained from 87 participants that included clients, consultants, and contractors and a database of 42 scenarios was created. A model is then developed to help assist project managers in predicting the frequency of variations and account for a budget for any additional costs and minimize any delays that can take place. Two experts with more than 25 years of experience were given the model to verify that the model was working effectively. The model was then validated on a residential compound that was completed in July 2016 to prove that the model actually produces acceptable results.

Keywords: construction, cost impact, Egypt, time impact, variation orders

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