Search results for: lattice Boltzmann method
18320 Numerical Modeling of Wave Run-Up in Shallow Water Flows Using Moving Wet/Dry Interfaces
Authors: Alia Alghosoun, Michael Herty, Mohammed Seaid
We present a new class of numerical techniques to solve shallow water flows over dry areas including run-up. Many recent investigations on wave run-up in coastal areas are based on the well-known shallow water equations. Numerical simulations have also performed to understand the effects of several factors on tsunami wave impact and run-up in the presence of coastal areas. In all these simulations the shallow water equations are solved in entire domain including dry areas and special treatments are used for numerical solution of singularities at these dry regions. In the present study we propose a new method to deal with these difficulties by reformulating the shallow water equations into a new system to be solved only in the wetted domain. The system is obtained by a change in the coordinates leading to a set of equations in a moving domain for which the wet/dry interface is the reconstructed using the wave speed. To solve the new system we present a finite volume method of Lax-Friedrich type along with a modified method of characteristics. The method is well-balanced and accurately resolves dam-break problems over dry areas.Keywords: dam-break problems, finite volume method, run-up waves, shallow water flows, wet/dry interfaces
Procedia PDF Downloads 14618319 Screening of Strategic Management Criterions in Hospitals Using Delphi-Fuzzy Method
Authors: Helia Moayedi, Mahdi Moaidi
Nowadays, the managing and planning of hospitals is facing many problems. Failure to recognize the main criteria for strategic management to ensure long-term hospital performance can lead to many health problems. To achieve this goal, a qualitative-quantitate method titled Delphi-Fuzzy has been applied. This strategy makes it possible for experts to screen among the most important criteria in strategic management. To conduct this operation, a statistical society consisting of 20 experts in Ahwaz hospitals has been questioned. The final model confirms the key criterions after three stages of Delphi. This model provides the possibility to focus on the basic criteria and can determine the organization’s main orientation.Keywords: Delphi-fuzzy method, hospital management, long-term planning, qualitative-quantitate method, screening of strategic criteria, strategic planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 13218318 Effectiveness of Buteyko Method in Asthma Control and Quality of Life of School-Age Children
Authors: Romella C. Lina, Matthew Daniel V. Leysa, Zarah D. F. Libozada, Maria Francesca I. Lirio, Angelo A. Liwag, Gabriel D. Ramos, Margaret M. Natividad
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Buteyko Method in asthma control and quality of life of school-age children wherein a pretest-posttest design was utilized to measure the changes after the administration of Buteyko Method. Fourteen (14) subjects with bronchial asthma, aged 7-11 participated in the study. They were equally divided into two groups: the control group received no intervention while the experimental group was asked to attend sessions of Buteyko Method lecture and demonstration. The experimental group was visited for three (3) consecutive weeks to monitor their progress and compliance. Both groups were asked to answer ACQ pre- and post-intervention and PAQLQ before the start of the intervention phase and every week during the follow-up visits. In comparing the asthma control pre-test and post-test mean scores of the control group, no significant difference was noted (p=0.177) while the experimental group showed a significant difference after the administration of Buteyko Method (p=0.002). Moreover, the quality of life pre-test and post-test mean scores of the control group showed no significant difference in any week within one month of follow-up (p=0.736, 0.604, 0.689) while the experimental group showed a significant difference on the third week (p = 0.035) and fourth week (p=0.002) but no significant difference on the second week (p=0.111). Therefore, the use of Buteyko Method within 3-4 weeks as an adjunct to conventional management of asthma helps in improving asthma control and quality of life of school-age children.Keywords: Buteyko Method, asthma, school-age children, asthma control, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 42418317 Analysis of Three-Dimensional Cracks in an Isotropic Medium by the Semi-Analytical Method
Authors: Abdoulnabi Tavangari, Nasim Salehzadeh
We presume a cylindrical medium that is under a uniform loading and there is a penny shaped crack located in the center of cylinder. In the crack growth analysis, the Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) is a fundamental prerequisite. In the present study, according to the RITZ method and by considering a cylindrical coordinate system as the main coordinate and a local polar coordinate, the mode-I SIF of threedimensional penny-shaped crack is obtained. In this method the unknown coefficients will be obtained with minimizing the potential energy that is including the strain energy and the external force work. By using the hook's law, stress fields will be obtained and then by using the Irvine equations, the amount of SIF will be obtained near the edge of the crack. This question has been solved for extreme medium in the Tada handbook and the result of the present research has been compared with that.Keywords: three-dimensional cracks, penny-shaped crack, stress intensity factor, fracture mechanics, Ritz method
Procedia PDF Downloads 39718316 Half-Circle Fuzzy Number Threshold Determination via Swarm Intelligence Method
Authors: P. W. Tsai, J. W. Chen, C. W. Chen, C. Y. Chen
In recent years, many researchers are involved in the field of fuzzy theory. However, there are still a lot of issues to be resolved. Especially on topics related to controller design such as the field of robot, artificial intelligence, and nonlinear systems etc. Besides fuzzy theory, algorithms in swarm intelligence are also a popular field for the researchers. In this paper, a concept of utilizing one of the swarm intelligence method, which is called Bacterial-GA Foraging, to find the stabilized common P matrix for the fuzzy controller system is proposed. An example is given in in the paper, as well.Keywords: half-circle fuzzy numbers, predictions, swarm intelligence, Lyapunov method
Procedia PDF Downloads 68718315 RFID and Intelligence: A Smart Authentication Method for Blind People
Authors: V. Vishu, R. Manimegalai
A combination of Intelligence and Radio frequency identification to bring an enhanced authentication method for the improvement of visually challenged people. The main goal is to provide an improved authentication by combining Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm and Intelligence. Here the encryption key will be generated as a combination of intelligent information from sensors and tag values. The main challenges are security, privacy and cost. Besides, the method was created to evaluate the amount of interaction between sensors and significant influence on the level of visually challenged people’s mental and physical states. The proposal is to apply various ideas on independent living or to assist them for a good life.Keywords: AES, encryption, intelligence, smart key
Procedia PDF Downloads 24318314 Efficient Modeling Technique for Microstrip Discontinuities
Authors: Nassim Ourabia, Malika Ourabia
A new and efficient method is presented for the analysis of arbitrarily shaped discontinuities. The technique obtains closed form expressions for the equivalent circuits which are used to model these discontinuities. Then it would be easy to handle and to characterize complicated structures like T and Y junctions, truncated junctions, arbitrarily shaped junctions, cascading junctions, and more generally planar multiport junctions. Another advantage of this method is that the edge line concept for arbitrary shape junctions operates with real parameters circuits. The validity of the method was further confirmed by comparing our results for various discontinuities (bend, filters) with those from HFSS as well as from other published sources.Keywords: CAD analysis, contour integral approach, microwave circuits, s-parameters
Procedia PDF Downloads 51618313 The Dynamics of Unsteady Squeezing Flow between Parallel Plates (Two-Dimensional)
Authors: Jiya Mohammed, Ibrahim Ismail Giwa
Unsteady squeezing flow of a viscous fluid between parallel plates is considered. The two plates are considered to be approaching each other symmetrically, causing the squeezing flow. Two-dimensional rectangular Cartesian coordinate is considered. The Navier-Stokes equation was reduced using similarity transformation to a single fourth order non-linear ordinary differential equation. The energy equation was transformed to a second order coupled differential equation. We obtained solution to the resulting ordinary differential equations via Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM). HPM deforms a differential problem into a set of problem that are easier to solve and it produces analytic approximate expression in the form of an infinite power series by using only sixth and fifth terms for the velocity and temperature respectively. The results reveal that the proposed method is very effective and simple. Comparisons among present and existing solutions were provided and it is shown that the proposed method is in good agreement with Variation of Parameter Method (VPM). The effects of appropriate dimensionless parameters on the velocity profiles and temperature field are demonstrated with the aid of comprehensive graphs and tables.Keywords: coupled differential equation, Homotopy Perturbation Method, plates, squeezing flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 47518312 A Trapezoidal-Like Integrator for the Numerical Solution of One-Dimensional Time Dependent Schrödinger Equation
Authors: Johnson Oladele Fatokun, I. P. Akpan
In this paper, the one-dimensional time dependent Schrödinger equation is discretized by the method of lines using a second order finite difference approximation to replace the second order spatial derivative. The evolving system of stiff ordinary differential equation (ODE) in time is solved numerically by an L-stable trapezoidal-like integrator. Results show accuracy of relative maximum error of order 10-4 in the interval of consideration. The performance of the method as compared to an existing scheme is considered favorable.Keywords: Schrodinger’s equation, partial differential equations, method of lines (MOL), stiff ODE, trapezoidal-like integrator
Procedia PDF Downloads 41818311 Influence of the Coarse-Graining Method on a DEM-CFD Simulation of a Pilot-Scale Gas Fluidized Bed
Authors: Theo Ndereyimana, Yann Dufresne, Micael Boulet, Stephane Moreau
The DEM (Discrete Element Method) is used a lot in the industry to simulate large-scale flows of particles; for instance, in a fluidized bed, it allows to predict of the trajectory of every particle. One of the main limits of the DEM is the computational time. The CGM (Coarse-Graining Method) has been developed to tackle this issue. The goal is to increase the size of the particle and, by this means, decrease the number of particles. The method leads to a reduction of the collision frequency due to the reduction of the number of particles. Multiple characteristics of the particle movement and the fluid flow - when there is a coupling between DEM and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). The main characteristic that is impacted is the energy dissipation of the system, to regain the dissipation, an ADM (Additional Dissipative Mechanism) can be added to the model. The objective of this current work is to observe the influence of the choice of the ADM and the factor of coarse-graining on the numerical results. These results will be compared with experimental results of a fluidized bed and with a numerical model of the same fluidized bed without using the CGM. The numerical model is one of a 3D cylindrical fluidized bed with 9.6M Geldart B-type particles in a bubbling regime.Keywords: additive dissipative mechanism, coarse-graining, discrete element method, fluidized bed
Procedia PDF Downloads 7118310 An Inverse Heat Transfer Algorithm for Predicting the Thermal Properties of Tumors during Cryosurgery
Authors: Mohamed Hafid, Marcel Lacroix
This study aimed at developing an inverse heat transfer approach for predicting the time-varying freezing front and the temperature distribution of tumors during cryosurgery. Using a temperature probe pressed against the layer of tumor, the inverse approach is able to predict simultaneously the metabolic heat generation and the blood perfusion rate of the tumor. Once these parameters are predicted, the temperature-field and time-varying freezing fronts are determined with the direct model. The direct model rests on one-dimensional Pennes bioheat equation. The phase change problem is handled with the enthalpy method. The Levenberg-Marquardt Method (LMM) combined to the Broyden Method (BM) is used to solve the inverse model. The effect (a) of the thermal properties of the diseased tissues; (b) of the initial guesses for the unknown thermal properties; (c) of the data capture frequency; and (d) of the noise on the recorded temperatures is examined. It is shown that the proposed inverse approach remains accurate for all the cases investigated.Keywords: cryosurgery, inverse heat transfer, Levenberg-Marquardt method, thermal properties, Pennes model, enthalpy method
Procedia PDF Downloads 20118309 Establishment and Application of Numerical Simulation Model for Shot Peen Forming Stress Field Method
Authors: Shuo Tian, Xuepiao Bai, Jianqin Shang, Pengtao Gai, Yuansong Zeng
Shot peen forming is an essential forming process for aircraft metal wing panel. With the development of computer simulation technology, scholars have proposed a numerical simulation method of shot peen forming based on stress field. Three shot peen forming indexes of crater diameter, shot speed and surface coverage are required as simulation parameters in the stress field method. It is necessary to establish the relationship between simulation and experimental process parameters in order to simulate the deformation under different shot peen forming parameters. The shot peen forming tests of the 2024-T351 aluminum alloy workpieces were carried out using uniform test design method, and three factors of air pressure, feed rate and shot flow were selected. The second-order response surface model between simulation parameters and uniform test factors was established by stepwise regression method using MATLAB software according to the results. The response surface model was combined with the stress field method to simulate the shot peen forming deformation of the workpiece. Compared with the experimental results, the simulated values were smaller than the corresponding test values, the maximum and average errors were 14.8% and 9%, respectively.Keywords: shot peen forming, process parameter, response surface model, numerical simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 8918308 Experiment of Geophysical Exploration in Egypt
Authors: Ramadan Fayez Zowaid Hussein
Exploration geophysics is an applied branch of geophysics, and it is very important to use such a method in Egypt and not just Egypt but in Africa and the Middle East. This research aims to work deeply on the importance of this method, and this paper focuses more on the benefits of the exploration of geophysics and how to apply it to scientific methods. It helps to discover earthquakes and assist in seismology. It also helps to map the surface structure of a region and also magnetic techniques, including aeromagnetic surveys to map magnetic anomalies. This is known that having a great experience in this field as it was very interesting reading a lot and searching about this matter and this technology, and all was found made this fantastic: as the method is existing and we do not use it. It costs a lot, but one believes that this method is very important; for example, in discovering earthquakes, check the surface of the ground easily; it makes us see the surface of the ground clearly so we can find the elements of the earth easily. In conclusion, geophysical exploration use is very important, and it must be highlighted and considered to be discussed in the Middle East, not just in the Middle East but also in Africa.Keywords: geophysics, magnetic, gravitational, hydrocarbon exploration
Procedia PDF Downloads 8918307 An Implementation of Multi-Media Applications in Teaching Structural Design to Architectural Students
Authors: Wafa Labib
Teaching methods include lectures, workshops and tutorials for the presentation and discussion of ideas have become out of date; were developed outside the discipline of architecture from the college of engineering and do not satisfy the architectural students’ needs and causes them many difficulties in integrating structure into their design. In an attempt to improve structure teaching methods, this paper focused upon proposing a supportive teaching/learning tool using multi-media applications which seeks to better meet the architecture student’s needs and capabilities and improve the understanding and application of basic and intermediate structural engineering and technology principles. Before introducing the use of multi-media as a supportive teaching tool, a questionnaire was distributed to third year students of a structural design course who were selected as a sample to be surveyed forming a sample of 90 cases. The primary aim of the questionnaire was to identify the students’ learning style and to investigate whether the selected method of teaching could make the teaching and learning process more efficient. Students’ reaction on the use of this method was measured using three key elements indicating that this method is an appropriate teaching method for the nature of the students and the course as well.Keywords: teaching method, architecture, learning style, multi-media
Procedia PDF Downloads 44018306 Appraisal of Humanitarian Supply Chain Risks Using Best-Worst Method
Authors: Ali Mohaghar, Iman Ghasemian Sahebi, Alireza Arab
In the last decades, increasing in human and natural disaster occurrence had very irreparable effects on human life. Hence, one of the important issues in humanitarian supply chain management is identifying and prioritizing the different risks and finding suitable solutions for encountering them at the time of disaster occurrence. This study is an attempt to provide a comprehensive review of humanitarian supply chain risks in a case study of Tehran Red Crescent Societies. For this purpose, Best-Worst method (BWM) has been used for analyzing the risks of the humanitarian supply chain. 22 risks of the humanitarian supply chain were identified based on the literature and interviews with four experts. According to BWM method, the importance of each risk was calculated. The findings showed that culture contexts, little awareness of people, and poor education system are the most important humanitarian supply chain risks. This research provides a useful guideline for managers so that they can benefit from the results to prioritize their solutions.Keywords: Best-Worst Method, humanitarian logistics, humanitarian supply chain, risk management
Procedia PDF Downloads 31118305 Development and Validation of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for the Determination and Pharmacokinetic Study of Linagliptin in Rat Plasma
Authors: Hoda Mahgoub, Abeer Hanafy
Linagliptin (LNG) belongs to dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor class. DPP-4 inhibitors represent a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in adults. The aim of this work was to develop and validate an accurate and reproducible HPLC method for the determination of LNG with high sensitivity in rat plasma. The method involved separation of both LNG and pindolol (internal standard) at ambient temperature on a Zorbax Eclipse XDB C18 column and a mobile phase composed of 75% methanol: 25% formic acid 0.1% pH 4.1 at a flow rate of 1.0 mL.min-1. UV detection was performed at 254nm. The method was validated in compliance with ICH guidelines and found to be linear in the range of 5–1000ng.mL-1. The limit of quantification (LOQ) was found to be 5ng.mL-1 based on 100µL of plasma. The variations for intra- and inter-assay precision were less than 10%, and the accuracy values were ranged between 93.3% and 102.5%. The extraction recovery (R%) was more than 83%. The method involved a single extraction step of a very small plasma volume (100µL). The assay was successfully applied to an in-vivo pharmacokinetic study of LNG in rats that were administered a single oral dose of LNG. The maximum concentration (Cmax) was found to be 927.5 ± 23.9ng.mL-1. The area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC0-72) was 18285.02 ± In conclusion, the good accuracy and low LOQ of the bioanalytical HPLC method were suitable for monitoring the full pharmacokinetic profile of LNG in rats. The main advantages of the method were the sensitivity, small sample volume, single-step extraction procedure and the short time of analysis.Keywords: HPLC, linagliptin, pharmacokinetic study, rat plasma
Procedia PDF Downloads 24118304 Vibration Analysis and Optimization Design of Ultrasonic Horn
Authors: Kuen Ming Shu, Ren Kai Ho
Ultrasonic horn has the functions of amplifying amplitude and reducing resonant impedance in ultrasonic system. Its primary function is to amplify deformation or velocity during vibration and focus ultrasonic energy on the small area. It is a crucial component in design of ultrasonic vibration system. There are five common design methods for ultrasonic horns: analytical method, equivalent circuit method, equal mechanical impedance, transfer matrix method, finite element method. In addition, the general optimization design process is to change the geometric parameters to improve a single performance. Therefore, in the general optimization design process, we couldn't find the relation of parameter and objective. However, a good optimization design must be able to establish the relationship between input parameters and output parameters so that the designer can choose between parameters according to different performance objectives and obtain the results of the optimization design. In this study, an ultrasonic horn provided by Maxwide Ultrasonic co., Ltd. was used as the contrast of optimized ultrasonic horn. The ANSYS finite element analysis (FEA) software was used to simulate the distribution of the horn amplitudes and the natural frequency value. The results showed that the frequency for the simulation values and actual measurement values were similar, verifying the accuracy of the simulation values. The ANSYS DesignXplorer was used to perform Response Surface optimization, which could shows the relation of parameter and objective. Therefore, this method can be used to substitute the traditional experience method or the trial-and-error method for design to reduce material costs and design cycles.Keywords: horn, natural frequency, response surface optimization, ultrasonic vibration
Procedia PDF Downloads 11718303 A Study on Weight-Reduction of Double Deck High-Speed Train Using Size Optimization Method
Authors: Jong-Yeon Kim, Kwang-Bok Shin, Tae-Hwan Ko
The purpose of this paper is to suggest a weight-reduction design method for the aluminum extrusion carbody structure of a double deck high-speed train using size optimization method. The size optimization method was used to optimize thicknesses of skin and rib of the aluminum extrusion for the carbody structure. Thicknesses of 1st underframe, 2nd underframe, solebar and roof frame were selected by design variables in order to conduct size optimization. The results of the size optimization analysis showed that the weight of the aluminum extrusion could be reduced by 0.61 tons (5.60%) compared to the weight of the original carbody structure.Keywords: double deck high-speed train, size optimization, weigh-reduction, aluminum extrusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 29218302 COVID–19 Impact on Passenger and Cargo Traffic: A Case Study
Authors: Maja Čović, Josipa Bojčić, Bruna Bacalja, Gorana Jelić Mrčelić
The appearance of the COVID-19 disease and its fast-spreading brought global pandemic and health crisis. In order to prevent the further spreading of the virus, the governments had implemented mobility restriction rules which left a negative mark on the world’s economy. Although there is numerous research on the impact of COVID-19 on marine traffic around the world, the objective of this paper is to consider the impact of COVID-19 on passenger and cargo traffic in Port of Split, in the Republic of Croatia. Methods used to make the theoretical and research part of the paper are descriptive method, comparative method, compilation, inductive method, deductive method, and statistical method. Paper relies on data obtained via Port of Split Authority and analyses trends in passenger and cargo traffic, including the year 2020, when the pandemic broke. Significant reductions in income, disruptions in transportation and traffic, as well as other maritime services are shown in the paper. This article also observes a significant decline in passenger traffic, cruising traffic and also observes the dynamic of cargo traffic inside the port of Split.Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, passenger traffic, ports, trends, cargo traffic
Procedia PDF Downloads 21618301 Development of the Analysis and Pretreatment of Brown HT in Foods
Authors: Hee-Jae Suh, Mi-Na Hong, Min-Ji Kim, Yeon-Seong Jeong, Ok-Hwan Lee, Jae-Wook Shin, Hyang-Sook Chun, Chan Lee
Brown HT is a bis-azo dye which is permitted in EU as a food colorant. So far, many studies have focused on HPLC using diode array detection (DAD) analysis for detection of this food colorant with different columns and mobile phases. Even though these methods make it possible to detect Brown HT, low recovery, reproducibility, and linearity are still the major limitations for the application in foods. The purpose of this study was to compare various methods for the analysis of Brown HT and to develop an improved analytical methods including pretreatment. Among tested analysis methods, best resolution of Brown HT was observed when the following solvent was applied as a eluent; solvent A of mobile phase was 0.575g NH4H2PO4, and 0.7g Na2HPO4 in 500mL water added with 500mL methanol. The pH was adjusted using phosphoric acid to pH 6.9 and solvent B was methanol. Major peak for Brown HT appeared at the end of separation, 13.4min after injection. This method exhibited relatively high recovery and reproducibility compared with other methods. LOD (0.284 ppm), LOQ (0.861 ppm), resolution (6.143), and selectivity (1.3) of this method were better than those of ammonium acetate solution method which was most frequently used. Precision and accuracy were verified through inter-day test and intra-day test. Various methods for sample pretreatments were developed for different foods and relatively high recovery over 80% was observed in all case. This method exhibited high resolution and reproducibility of Brown HT compared with other previously reported official methods from FSA and, EU regulation.Keywords: analytic method, Brown HT, food colorants, pretreatment method
Procedia PDF Downloads 48018300 Photoluminescence in Cerium Doped Fluorides Prepared by Slow Precipitation Method
Authors: Aarti Muley, S. J. Dhoblae
CaF₂ and BaF₂ doped with cerium were prepared by slow precipitation method with different molar concentration and different cerium concentration. Both the samples were also prepared by direct method for comparison. The XRD of BaF₂:Ce shows that it crystallizes to BCC structure. The peak matches with JCPDS file no. 4-0452. Also, The XRD pattern of CaF₂:Ce matches well with the JCPDS file number 75- 0363 and crystallized to BCC phase. In CaF₂, the double-humped photoluminescence spectra were observed at 320nm and 340nm when the sample was prepared by the direct precipitation method, and the ratio between these peaks is unity. However when the sample prepared by slow precipitation method the double-humped emission spectra of CaF₂:Ce was observed at 323nm and 340nm. The ratio between these peaks is 0.58, and the optimum concentration is obtained for 0.1 molar CaF₂ with Ce concentration 1.5%. When the cerium concentration is increased by 2% the peak at 323nm vanishes, and the emission was observed at 342nm with the shoulder at 360nm. In this case, the intensity reduces drastically. The excitation is observed at 305nm with a small peak at 254nm. One molar BaF₂ doped with 0.1% of cerium was synthesized by direct precipitation method gives double humped spectra at 308nm and 320nm, when it is prepared with slow precipitation method with the cerium concentration 0.05m%, 0.1m%, 0.15m%, 0.2m% the broad emission is observed around 325nm with the shoulder at 350nm. The excitation spectra are narrow and observed at 290nm. As the percentage of cerium is increased further again shift is observed. The emission spectra were observed at 360nm with a small peak at 330nm. The phenomenon of shifting of emission spectra at low concentration of cerium can directly relate with the particle size and reported for nanomaterials also.Keywords: calcium fluoride, barium fluoride, photoluminescence, slow precipitation method
Procedia PDF Downloads 10918299 Vibration Analysis of Pendulum in a Viscous Fluid by Analytical Methods
Authors: Arash Jafari, Mehdi Taghaddosi, Azin Parvin
In this study, a vibrational differential equation governing on swinging single-degree-of-freedom pendulum in a viscous fluid has been investigated. The damping process is characterized according to two different regimes: at first, damping in stationary viscous fluid, in the second, damping in flowing viscous fluid with constant velocity. Our purpose is to enhance the ability of solving the mentioned nonlinear differential equation with a simple and innovative approach. Comparisons are made between new method and Numerical Method (rkf45). The results show that this method is very effective and simple and can be applied for other nonlinear problems.Keywords: oscillating systems, angular frequency and damping ratio, pendulum at fluid, locus of maximum
Procedia PDF Downloads 33918298 Investigation of the Effect of Teaching Thinking and Research Lesson by Cooperative and Traditional Methods on Creativity of Sixth Grade Students
Authors: Faroogh Khakzad, Marzieh Dehghani, Elahe Hejazi
The present study investigates the effect of teaching a Thinking and Research lesson by cooperative and traditional methods on the creativity of sixth-grade students in Piranshahr province. The statistical society includes all the sixth-grade students of Piranshahr province. The sample of this studytable was selected by available sampling from among male elementary schools of Piranshahr. They were randomly assigned into two groups of cooperative teaching method and traditional teaching method. The design of the study is quasi-experimental with a control group. In this study, to assess students’ creativity, Abedi’s creativity questionnaire was used. Based on Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, the reliability of the factor flow was 0.74, innovation was 0.61, flexibility was 0.63, and expansion was 0.68. To analyze the data, t-test, univariate and multivariate covariance analysis were used for evaluation of the difference of means and the pretest and posttest scores. The findings of the research showed that cooperative teaching method does not significantly increase creativity (p > 0.05). Moreover, cooperative teaching method was found to have significant effect on flow factor (p < 0.05), but in innovation and expansion factors no significant effect was observed (p < 0.05).Keywords: cooperative teaching method, traditional teaching method, creativity, flow, innovation, flexibility, expansion, thinking and research lesson
Procedia PDF Downloads 31918297 The Effect of Goal Setting on Psychological Status and Freestyle Swimming Performance in Young Competitive Swimmers
Authors: Sofiene Amara, Mohamed Ali Bahri, Sabri Gaied Chortane
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of personal goal setting on psychological parameters (cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety, and self-confidence) and the 50m freestyle performance. 30 young swimmers participated in this investigation, and was divided into three groups, the first group (G1, n = 10, 14 ± 0.7 years old) was prepared for the competition without a fixed target (method 1), the second group (G2, n = 10, 14 ± 0.9 years old) was oriented towards a vague goal 'Do your best' (method 2), while the third group (G3, n = 10, 14 ± 0, 5 years old) was invited to answer a goal that is difficult to reach according to a goal-setting interval (GST) (method 3). According to the statistical data of the present investigation, the cognitive and somatic anxiety scores in G1 and G3 were higher than in G2 (G1-G2, G3-G2: cognitive anxiety, P = 0.000, somatic anxiety: P = 0.000 respectively). On the other hand, the self-confidence score was lower in G1 compared with the other two groups (G1-G2, G3-G2: P = 0.02, P = 0.03 respectively). Our assessment also shows that the 50m freestyle time performance was improved better by method 3 (pre and post-Test: P = 0.006, -2.5sec, 7.83%), than by method 2 (pre and Post-Test: P = 0.03; -1sec; 3.24%), while, performance remained unchanged in G1 (P > 0.05). To conclude, the setting of a difficult goal by GST is more effective to improve the chronometric performance in the 50m freestyle, but at the same time increased the values of the cognitive and somatic anxiety. For this, the mental trainers and the staff technical, invited to develop models of mental preparation associated with this method of setting a goal to help swimmers on the psychological level.Keywords: cognitive anxiety, goal setting, performance of swimming freestyle, self-confidence, somatic anxiety
Procedia PDF Downloads 13018296 Oxidative Dehydrogenation and Hydrogenation of Malic Acid over Transition Metal Oxides
Authors: Gheorghiţa Mitran, Adriana Urdă, Mihaela Florea, Octavian Dumitru Pavel, Florentina Neaţu
Oxidative dehydrogenation and hydrogenation reactions of L-malic acid are interesting ways for its transformation into valuable products, including oxaloacetic, pyruvic and malonic acids but also 1,4-butanediol and 1,2,4-butanetriol. Keto acids have a range of applicationsin many chemical syntheses as pharmaceuticals, food additives and cosmetics. 3-Hydroxybutyrolactone and 1,2,4-butanetriol are used for the synthesis of chiral pharmaceuticals and other fine chemicals, while 1,4-butanediol can be used for organic syntheses, such as polybutylene succinate (PBS), polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), and for production of tetrahydrofuran (THF). L-malic acid is a non-toxic and natural organic acid present in fruits, and it is the main component of wine alongside tartaric acid representing about 90% of the wine total acidity. Iron oxides dopped with cobalt (CoxFe3-xO4; x= 0; 0.05; 0.1; 0.15) were studied as catalysts in these reactions. There is no mention in the literature of non-noble transition metal catalysts for these reactions. The method used for catalysts preparation was coprecipitation, whileBET XRD, XPS, FTIR and UV-VIS spectroscopy were used for the physicochemical properties evaluation.TheXRD patterns revealed the presence of α-Fe2O3 rhombohedral hematite structure, with cobalt atoms well dispersed and embedded in this structure. The studied samples are highly crystalline, with a crystallite size ranged from 58 to 65 nm. The optical absorption properties were investigated using UV-Vis spectroscopy, emphasizing the presence of bands that correspond with the reported hematite nanoparticle. Likewise, the presence of bands corresponding to lattice vibration of hexagonal hematite structurehas been evidenced in DRIFT spectra. Oxidative dehydrogenation of malic acid was studied using as solvents for malic acid ethanol or water(2, 5 and 10% malic acid in 5 mL solvent)at room temperature, while the hydrogenation reaction was evaluated in water as solvent (5%), in the presence of 1% catalyst. The oxidation of malic acid into oxaloacetic acid is the first step, after that, oxaloacetic acid is rapidly decarboxylated to malonic acid or pyruvic acid, depending on the active site. The concentration of malic acid in solution, it, in turn, has an influence on conversionthis decreases when the concentration of malic acid in the solution is high. The spent catalysts after the oxidative dehydrogenation of malic acid in ethanol were characterized by DRIFT spectroscopy and the presence of oxaloacetic, pyruvic and malonicacids, along with unreacted malic acidwere observed on the surface. The increase of the ratio of Co/Fe on the surface has an influence on the malic acid conversion and on the pyruvic acid yield, while the yield of malonic acid is influenced by the percentage of iron on the surface (determined from XPS). Oxaloacetic acid yield reaches a maximumat one hour of reaction, being higher when ethanol is used as a solvent, after which it suddenly decreases. The hydrogenation of malic acid occurs by consecutive reactions with the production of 3-hydroxy-butyrolactone, 1,2,4-butanetriol and 1,4-butanediol. Malic acid conversion increases with cobalt loading increasing up to Co/Fe ratio of 0.1, after which it has a slight decrease, while the yield in 1,4-butanediol is directly proportional to the cobalt content.Keywords: malic acid, oxidative dehydrogenation, hydrogenation, oxaloacetic acid
Procedia PDF Downloads 18418295 Nanostructure Formation and Characterization of Eco-Friendly Banana Peels Nanosorbent
Authors: Opeyemi Atiba-Oyewo, Maurice S. Onya, Christian Wolkersdorfer
Nanostructure formation and characterization of eco-friendly banana peels nanosorbent are thoroughly described in this paper. The transformation of material during mechanical milling to enhance certain properties such as changes in microstructure and surface area to solve the current problems involving water pollution and water quality were studied. The mechanical milling was employed using planetary continuous milling machine and ethanol as process control agent, the sample were taken at time interval between 10 h to 30 h to examine the structural changes. The samples were characterised by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Brunauer Emmett and teller (BET). Results revealed that the three typical structures with different grain-size, lattice strain and shapes were observed, and the deformation mechanisms in these structures were found to be different, further particles fracturing results to surface area increment which was confirmed by Brunauer Emmett and teller (BET) analysis. X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows high densities of dislocations in large crystallites, implying that dislocation slip is the dominant deformation mechanism. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the morphological properties of the materials at different milling time, nanostructure of the particles and fibres were confirmed by Transmission electron microscopy and FT-IR identified the functional groups responsible for its capacity to coordinate and remove metal ions, such as the carboxylic and amine groups at absorption bands of 1730 and 889 cm-1, respectively. However, the choice of this sorbent material for the sorption of any contaminants will depend on the composition of the effluent to be treated.Keywords: banana peels, eco-friendly, mechanical milling, nanosorbent, nanostructure water quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 25618294 Strain-Driven Bidirectional Spin Orientation Control in Epitaxial High Entropy Oxide Films
Authors: Zhibo Zhao, Horst Hahn, Robert Kruk, Abhisheck Sarkar
High entropy oxides (HEOs), based on the incorporation of multiple-principal cations into the crystal lattice, offer the possibility to explore previously inaccessible oxide compositions and unconventional properties. Here it is demonstrated that despite the chemical complexity of HEOs external stimuli, such as epitaxial strain, can selectively stabilize certain magneto-electronic states. Epitaxial (Co₀.₂Cr₀.₂Fe₀.₂Mn₀.₂Ni₀.₂)₃O₄-HEO thin films are grown in three different strain states: tensile, compressive, and relaxed. A unique coexistence of rocksalt and spinel-HEO phases, which are fully coherent with no detectable chemical segregation, is revealed by transmission electron microscopy. This dual-phase coexistence appears as a universal phenomenon in (Co₀.₂Cr₀.₂Fe₀.₂Mn₀.₂Ni₀.₂)₃O₄ epitaxial films. Prominent changes in the magnetic anisotropy and domain structure highlight the strain-induced bidirectional control of magnetic properties in HEOs. When the films are relaxed, their magnetization behavior is isotropic, similar to that of bulk materials. However, under tensile strain, the hardness of the out-of-plane (OOP) axis increases significantly. On the other hand, compressive straining results in an easy OOP magnetization and a maze-like magnetic domain structure, indicating perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Generally, this study emphasizes the adaptability of the high entropy design strategy, which, when combined with coherent strain engineering, opens additional prospects for fine-tuning properties in oxides.Keywords: high entropy oxides, thin film, strain tuning, perpendicular magnetic anistropy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4818293 Exact Solutions for Steady Response of Nonlinear Systems under Non-White Excitation
Authors: Yaping Zhao
In the present study, the exact solutions for the steady response of quasi-linear systems under non-white wide-band random excitation are considered by means of the stochastic averaging method. The non linearity of the systems contains the power-law damping and the cross-product term of the power-law damping and displacement. The drift and diffusion coefficients of the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov (FPK) equation after averaging are obtained by a succinct approach. After solving the averaged FPK equation, the joint probability density function and the marginal probability density function in steady state are attained. In the process of resolving, the eigenvalue problem of ordinary differential equation is handled by integral equation method. Some new results are acquired and the novel method to deal with the problems in nonlinear random vibration is proposed.Keywords: random vibration, stochastic averaging method, FPK equation, transition probability density
Procedia PDF Downloads 50618292 The Effect of Conservative Tillage on Physical Properties of Soil and Yield of Rainfed Wheat
Authors: Abolfazl Hedayatipoor, Mohammad Younesi Alamooti
In order to study the effect of conservative tillage on a number of physical properties of soil and the yield of rainfed wheat, an experiment in the form of a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications was conducted in a field in Aliabad County, Iran. The study treatments included: T1) Conventional method, T2) Combined moldboard plow method, T3) Chisel-packer method, and T4) Direct planting method. During early October, the study soil was prepared based on these treatments in a field which was used for rainfed wheat farming in the previous year. The apparent specific gravity of soil, weighted mean diameter (WMD) of soil aggregates, soil mechanical resistance, and soil permeability were measured. Data were analyzed in MSTAT-C. Results showed that the tillage practice had no significant effect on grain yield (p < 0.05). Soil permeability was 10.9, 16.3, 15.7 and 17.9 mm/h for T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively.Keywords: rainfed agriculture, conservative tillage, energy consumption, wheat
Procedia PDF Downloads 20718291 Quality by Design in the Optimization of a Fast HPLC Method for Quantification of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate
Authors: Pedro J. Rolim-Neto, Leslie R. M. Ferraz, Fabiana L. A. Santos, Pablo A. Ferreira, Ricardo T. L. Maia-Jr., Magaly A. M. Lyra, Danilo A F. Fonte, Salvana P. M. Costa, Amanda C. Q. M. Vieira, Larissa A. Rolim
Initially developed as an antimalarial agent, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) sulfate is often used as a slow-acting antirheumatic drug in the treatment of disorders of connective tissue. The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) 37 provides a reversed-phase HPLC method for quantification of HCQ. However, this method was not reproducible, producing asymmetric peaks in a long analysis time. The asymmetry of the peak may cause an incorrect calculation of the concentration of the sample. Furthermore, the analysis time is unacceptable, especially regarding the routine of a pharmaceutical industry. The aiming of this study was to develop a fast, easy and efficient method for quantification of HCQ sulfate by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) based on the Quality by Design (QbD) methodology. This method was optimized in terms of peak symmetry using the surface area graphic as the Design of Experiments (DoE) and the tailing factor (TF) as an indicator to the Design Space (DS). The reference method used was that described at USP 37 to the quantification of the drug. For the optimized method, was proposed a 33 factorial design, based on the QbD concepts. The DS was created with the TF (in a range between 0.98 and 1.2) in order to demonstrate the ideal analytical conditions. Changes were made in the composition of the USP mobile-phase (USP-MP): USP-MP: Methanol (90:10 v/v, 80:20 v/v and 70:30 v/v), in the flow (0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 mL) and in the oven temperature (30, 35, and 40ºC). The USP method allowed the quantification of drug in a long time (40-50 minutes). In addition, the method uses a high flow rate (1,5 mL.min-1) which increases the consumption of expensive solvents HPLC grade. The main problem observed was the TF value (1,8) that would be accepted if the drug was not a racemic mixture, since the co-elution of the isomers can become an unreliable peak integration. Therefore, the optimization was suggested in order to reduce the analysis time, aiming a better peak resolution and TF. For the optimization method, by the analysis of the surface-response plot it was possible to confirm the ideal setting analytical condition: 45 °C, 0,8 mL.min-1 and 80:20 USP-MP: Methanol. The optimized HPLC method enabled the quantification of HCQ sulfate, with a peak of high resolution, showing a TF value of 1,17. This promotes good co-elution of isomers of the HCQ, ensuring an accurate quantification of the raw material as racemic mixture. This method also proved to be 18 times faster, approximately, compared to the reference method, using a lower flow rate, reducing even more the consumption of the solvents and, consequently, the analysis cost. Thus, an analytical method for the quantification of HCQ sulfate was optimized using QbD methodology. This method proved to be faster and more efficient than the USP method, regarding the retention time and, especially, the peak resolution. The higher resolution in the chromatogram peaks supports the implementation of the method for quantification of the drug as racemic mixture, not requiring the separation of isomers.Keywords: analytical method, hydroxychloroquine sulfate, quality by design, surface area graphic
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