Search results for: place harmony
3069 Designing and Implementing a Tourist-Guide Web Service Based on Volunteer Geographic Information Using Open-Source Technologies
Authors: Javad Sadidi, Ehsan Babaei, Hani Rezayan
The advent of web 2.0 gives a possibility to scale down the costs of data collection and mapping, specifically if the process is done by volunteers. Every volunteer can be thought of as a free and ubiquitous sensor to collect spatial, descriptive as well as multimedia data for tourist services. The lack of large-scale information, such as real-time climate and weather conditions, population density, and other related data, can be considered one of the important challenges in developing countries for tourists to make the best decision in terms of time and place of travel. The current research aims to design and implement a spatiotemporal web map service using volunteer-submitted data. The service acts as a tourist-guide service in which tourists can search interested places based on their requested time for travel. To design the service, three tiers of architecture, including data, logical processing, and presentation tiers, have been utilized. For implementing the service, open-source software programs, client and server-side programming languages (such as OpenLayers2, AJAX, and PHP), Geoserver as a map server, and Web Feature Service (WFS) standards have been used. The result is two distinct browser-based services, one for sending spatial, descriptive, and multimedia volunteer data and another one for tourists and local officials. Local official confirms the veracity of the volunteer-submitted information. In the tourist interface, a spatiotemporal search engine has been designed to enable tourists to find a tourist place based on province, city, and location at a specific time of interest. Implementing the tourist-guide service by this methodology causes the following: the current tourists participate in a free data collection and sharing process for future tourists, a real-time data sharing and accessing for all, avoiding a blind selection of travel destination and significantly, decreases the cost of providing such services.Keywords: VGI, tourism, spatiotemporal, browser-based, web mapping
Procedia PDF Downloads 983068 Hermitical Landscapes: The Congregation of Saint Paul of Serra De Ossa
Authors: Rolando Volzone
The Congregation of Saint Paul of Serra de Ossa (Ossa Mountain) was founded in 1482, originated by the eremitic movement of the homens da pobre vida (poor life men), which is documented since 1366. The community of hermits expanded up to the first half of the 15th century, mostly in southern Portugal in the Alentejo region. In 1578, following a process of institutionalization led by the Church, an autonomous congregation was set up, affiliated in the Hungarian Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit, until 1834, when the decree of dissolution of the religious orders disbanded all the convents and monasteries in Portugal. The architectural evidences that reached our days as a legacy of the hermitical movement in Serra de Ossa, although studied and analysed from an historical point of view, are still little known with respect to the architectural characteristics of its physical implantation and its relationship with the natural systems. This research intends to expose the appropriation process of the locus eremus as a starting point for the interpretation of this landscape, evidencing the close relationship between the religious experience and the physical space chosen to reach the perfection of the soul. The locus eremus is thus determined not only by practical aspects such as the absolute and relative location, orography, existence of water resources, or the King’s favoring to the religious and settlement action of the hermits, but also by spiritual aspects related to the symbolism of the physical elements present and the solitary walk of these men. These aspects, combined with the built architectural elements and other exerted human action, may be fertile ground for the definition of a hypothetical hermitical landscape based on the sufficiently distinctive characteristics that sustain it. The landscape built by these hermits is established as a cultural and material heritage, and its preservation is of utmost importance. They deeply understood this place and took advantage of its natural resources, manipulating them in an ecological and economically sustainable way, respecting the place, without overcoming its own genius loci but becoming part of it.Keywords: architecture, congregation of Saint Paul of Serra de Ossa, heremitical landscape, locus eremus
Procedia PDF Downloads 2343067 The Seeds of Limitlessness: Dambudzo Marechera's Utopian Thinking
Authors: Emily S. M. Chow
The word ‘utopia’ was coined by Thomas More in Utopia (1516). Its Greek roots ‘ou’ means ‘not’ and ‘topos’ means ‘place.’ In other words, it literally refers to ‘no-place.’ However, the possibility of having an alternative and better future society has always been appealing. In fact, at the core of every utopianism is the search for a future alternative state with the anticipation of a better life. Nonetheless, the practicalities of such ideas have never ceased to be questioned. At times, building a utopia presents itself as a divisive act. In addition to the violence that must be employed to sweep away the old regime in order to make space for the new, all utopias carry within them the potential for bringing catastrophic consequences to human life. After all, every utopia seeks to remodel the individual in a very particular way for the benefit of the masses. In this sense, utopian thinking has the potential both to create and destroy the future. While writing during a traumatic transitional period in Zimbabwe’s history, Dambudzo Marechera witnessed an age of upheavals in which different parties battled for power over Zimbabwe. Being aware of the fact that all institutionalized narratives, be they originated from the governance of the UK, Ian Smith’s white minority regime or Zimbabwe’s revolutionary parties, revealed themselves to be nothing more than fiction, Marechera realized the impossibility of determining reality absolutely. As such, this thesis concerns the writing of the Zimbabwean maverick, Dambudzo Marechera. It argues that Marechera writes a unique vision of utopia. In short, for Marechera utopia is not a static entity but a moment of perpetual change. He rethinks utopia in the sense that he phrases it as an event that ceaselessly contests institutionalized and naturalized narratives of a post-colonial self and its relationship to society. Marechera writes towards a vision of an alternative future of the country. Yet, it is a vision that does not constitute a fully rounded sense of utopia. Being cautious about the world and the operation of power upon the people, rather than imposing his own utopian ideals, Marechera chooses to instead peeling away the narrative constitution of the self in relation to society in order to turn towards a truly radical utopian thinking that empowers the individual.Keywords: African literature, Marechera, post-colonial literature, utopian studies
Procedia PDF Downloads 4133066 Identification of the Usage of Some Special Places in the Prehistoric Site of Tapeh Zagheh through Multi-Elemental Chemical Analysis of the Soil Samples
Authors: Iraj Rezaei, Kamal Al Din Niknami
Tapeh Zagheh is an important prehistoric site located in the central plateau of Iran, which has settlement layers of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods. For this research, 38 soil samples were collected from different parts of the site, as well as two samples from its outside as witnesses. Then the samples were analyzed by XRF. The purpose of this research was to identify some places with special usage for human activities in Tapeh Zagheh by measuring the amount of some special elements in the soil. The result of XRF analysis shows a significant amount of P and K in samples No.3 (fourth floor) and No.4 (third floor), probably due to certain activities such as food preparation and consumption. Samples No.9 and No.10 can be considered suitable examples of the hearths of the prehistoric period in the central plateau of Iran. The color of these samples was completely darkened due to the presence of ash, charcoal, and burnt materials. According to the XRF results, the soil of these hearths has very high amounts of elements such as P, Ca, Mn, S, K, and significant amounts of Ti, Fe, and Na. In addition, the elemental composition of sample No. 14, which was taken from a home waster, also has very high amounts of P, Mn, Mg, Ti, and Fe and high amounts of K and Ca. Sample No. 11, which is related to soil containing large amounts of waster of the kiln, along with a very strong increase in Cl and Na, the amount of elements such as K, Mg, and S has also increased significantly. It seems that the reason for the increase of elements such as Ti and Fe in some Tapeh Zagheh floors (for example, samples number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) was the use of materials such as ocher mud or fire ash in the composition of these floors. Sample No. 13, which was taken from an oven located in the FIX trench, has very high amounts of Mn, Ti, and Fe and high amounts of P and Ca. Sample No. 15, which is related to House No. VII (probably related to a pen or a place where animals were kept) has much more phosphate compared to the control samples, which is probably due to the addition of animal excrement and urine to the soil. Sample No. 29 was taken from the north of the industrial area of Zagheh village (place of pottery kilns). The very low amount of index elements in sample No. 29 shows that the industrial activities did not extend to the mentioned point, and therefore, the range of this point can be considered as the boundary between the residential part of the Zagheh village and its industrial part.Keywords: prehistory, multi-elemental analysis, Tapeh Zagheh, XRF
Procedia PDF Downloads 923065 Impact of Cultural Intelligence on Decision Making Styles of Managers: A Turkish Case
Authors: Fusun Akdag
Today, as business becomes increasingly global, managers/leaders of multinational companies or local companies work with employees or customers from a variety of cultural backgrounds. To do this effectively, they need to develop cultural competence. Therefore, cultural intelligence (CQ) becomes a vitally important aptitude and skill, especially for leaders. The organizational success or failure depends upon the way, the kind of leadership which has been provided to its members. The culture we are born into deeply effects our values, beliefs, and behavior. Cultural intelligence (CQ) focuses on how well individuals can relate and work across cultures. CQ helps minimize conflict and maximize performance of a diverse workforce. The term 'decision,' refers to a commitment to a course of action that is intended to serve the interests and values of particular people. One dimension of culture that has received attention is individualism-collectivism or, independence-interdependence. These dimensions are associated with different conceptualizations of the 'self.' Individualistic cultures tend to value personal goal pursuit as opposed to pursuit of others’ goals. Collectivistic cultures, by contrast, view the 'self' as part of a whole. Each person is expected to work with his or her in-group toward goals, generally pursue group harmony. These differences underlie cross-cultural variation in decision-making, such as the decision modes people use, their preferences, negotiation styles, creativity, and more. The aim of this study is determining the effect of CQ on decision making styles of male and female managers in Turkey, an emergent economy framework. The survey is distributed to gather data from managers at various companies. The questionnaire consists of three parts: demographics, The Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) to measure the four dimensions of cultural intelligence and General Decision Making Style (GMDS) Inventory to measure the five subscales of decision making. The results will indicate the Turkish managers’ score at metacognitive, cognitive, motivational and behavioral aspects of cultural intelligence and to what extent these scores affect their rational, avoidant, dependent, intuitive and spontaneous decision making styles since business leaders make dozens of decisions every day that influence the success of the company and also having an impact on employees, customers, shareholders and the market.Keywords: cultural intelligence, decision making, gender differences, management styles,
Procedia PDF Downloads 3713064 A Journey to the Past: Hoşap Castle in Van
Authors: Muhammet Kurucu
Hoşap Castle, located in Gürpınar, Van, is one of the most important symbols of the city because it hosted sacred memories of its time. Besides the location and construction features of Güzelsu, in resort city of Van, Hoşap Castle is a great place with an architecture consisting of an outer fortress and the inner fortress. It is one of the Ottoman castles and was built in the 17th century by Sarı Süleyman who was known as bey of Mahmudi. Although some parts of Hoşap Castle have been destroyed by natural disasters, it has survived until today without total collapse and most places with excavations are revealed. In this study, present condition of the Hoşap Castle is observed and introduced briefly.Keywords: Güzelsu, Hoşap Castle, natural disasters, restoration, Van
Procedia PDF Downloads 2773063 Primary Study of the Impact of the Riverfront Urban Transformations Inside Egyptian Cities in Future Urban Design Process: Case Study of North Asyut City
Authors: Islam Abouelhamd
Rives have long been recognized as one of the most important natural resources, They are important to ensure human health, civilization, and sustainable development, and the importance of rivers as the focal point of cities was established from the early times of civilization and will remain so. Urban design of Riverfront has been an issue of wide concern and extensive discussion since the 1970s, however, Cities seek a riverfront that is a place of public enjoyment, They want a Riverfront where there is ample visual and physical public access to both the water and the land, they want a place that contributes to the quality of life in all of its aspects; economic, social, and cultural, on another hand, Successful urban design of Riverfront requires an understanding of development processes, dimensions of urban design and an appreciation of the distinctiveness of Riverfront locations. A close association between cities and river is inherently over the history of civilization, and in fact, many urban cities in Egypt are located close to Nile River areas. Always trying to use the land closer to the river to take advantage of the benefits it provides, And in spite of the significant role played by the littoral fronts in the life of the city, the riverfronts have remained generally in Egypt and especially in Asyut city neglected. According to the knowledge gained from the literature review, review of case studies and the historical researches of Asyut Riverfront, this research aims to identify the urban transformations of Asyut riverfront and expect the Opportunities and Challenges which will play an important part of the future urban design issues and researches will prepare, especially in the case study area (northern areas of Asyut riverfront). After that, the case study data, historical framework and International experiences were collected and analyzed to Produce Primary indicators of the expectations of the riverfront urban design process inside the case study area, In addition to preparing the conclusions of the theoretical framework and recommendations for the paper.Keywords: civilization, sustainable development, riverfront, urban transformations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1773062 A Study of Relationship between Leadership Style and Organisational Culture in Private Organisations
Authors: Shreya Sirohi, Vineeta Sirohi
In the 21st century, the nature of work has become quite complex and dynamic, and in response to this, the organizational culture continues to change and develop new perspectives. Organizational culture and leadership are important elements of any organization. Organization’s performance and success to a large extent, depend upon these two factors. The ability of a leader lies in confronting with the challenge of evolving and adapting the culture of the organization as per the situational demands. Leadership and organizational culture are conceptually intertwined. Leadership is a key ingredient for the successful transformation of any organization, and a favorable organizational culture helps to motivate the employees towards their work. Organizational culture and leadership style plays a crucial role in achieving the specified objectives of an organization. The harmony between culture and leader within organization undoubtedly affects relationships, processes, and employee performance. The present investigation aimed to study the Leadership style and Organisational Culture of private organizations and the relationship between the two. The study was carried out on a sample of 100 employees from five private organizations located in the cities of Gurgaon and Delhi in India. The data was collected by employing organisational culture profile and multifactor leadership questionnaire. The findings of the study indicate that the selected organizations had dominant transformation leadership style, whereas the organizational culture varied from one organization to another. However, technocratic culture was found to be prominent, followed by entrepreneurial organizational culture. A low positive correlation was found between leadership style and organizational culture. The transformational leaders have a positive and significant relationship with employee’s satisfaction, productivity, and organization’s culture. The leaders practicing transformational leadership style inspire their followers, are innovative and are aware of their needs as well as of their followers. Such leadership style has a positive impact both on employees and working culture. Employees of such organization are able to come up with innovative ideas and are efficient in handling situations and making effective decisions. However, low correlation is self indicative of the fact that a single leadership style or a single culture type alone cannot contribute solely towards the growth of an organization. There is a need to blend the culture types and leadership styles suiting the needs of the organization. Organisational culture represents the deeper values and beliefs of the employees and influences organizational performance; hence, the leader has a crucial role to play in creating and managing organizational culture in aligning to the requirements of the present era of competitiveness, globalization and technological advancement.Keywords: leadership style, organizational culture, technocratic, transformational
Procedia PDF Downloads 1403061 Study of Geological Structure for Potential Fresh-Groundwater Aquifer Determination around Cidaun Beach, Cianjur Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia
Authors: Ilham Aji Dermawan, M. Sapari Dwi Hadian, R. Irvan Sophian, Iyan Haryanto
The study of the geological structure in the surrounding area of Cidaun, Cianjur Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia was conducted around the southern coast of Java Island. This study aims to determine the potentially structural trap deposits of freshwater resources in the study area, according to that the study area is an area directly adjacent to the beach, where the water around it did not seem fresh and brackish due to the exposure of sea water intrusion. This study uses the method of geomorphological analysis and geological mapping by taking the data directly in the field within 10x10 km of the research area. Geomorphological analysis was done by calculating the watershed drainage density value and roundness of watershed value ratio. The goal is to determine the permeability of the sub-soil conditions, rock constituent, and the flow of surface water. While the field geological mapping aims to take the geological structure data and then will do the reconstruction to determine the geological conditions of research area. The result, from geomorphology aspects, that the considered area of potential groundwater consisted of permeable surface material, permeable sub-soil, and low of water run-off flow. It is very good for groundwater recharge area. While the results of geological reconstruction after conducted of geological mapping is joints that present were initiated for the Cipandak Fault that cuts Cipandak River. That fault across until the Cibako Syncline fold through the Cibako River. This syncline is expected to place of influent groundwater aquifer. The tip of Cibako River then united with Cipandak River, where the Cipandak River extends through Cipandak Syncline fold axis in the southern regions close to its estuary. This syncline is expected to place of influent groundwater aquifer too.Keywords: geological structure, groundwater, hydrogeology, influent aquifer, structural trap
Procedia PDF Downloads 2053060 Migrantional Entrepreneurship: Ethnography of a Journey That Changes Lives and the Territory
Authors: Francesca Alemanno
As a complex socio-spatial phenomenon, migration is a practice that also contains a strong imaginative component with respect to the place that, through displacement, one person wants to reach. Every migrant has undertaken his journey having in his mind an image of the displacement he was about to make, of its implications and finally, of the place or city in which he was or would have liked to land. Often, however, the imaginary that has come to build before departure does not fully correspond to the reality of landing; this discrepancy, which can be more or less wide, plays an important role in the relationship that is established with the territory and in the evolution, therefore, of the city itself. In this sense, therefore, the clash that occurs between the imagined and the real is one of the factors that can contribute to making the entry of a migrant into new territory as critical as it can be. Starting from this perspective, the experiences of people who derive from a migratory context and who, over time, manage to create a bond with the land of reception, are taken into account as stories of resistance as they are necessarily charged with a force that is capable of driving difficult and articulated processes of change. The phenomenon of migrant entrepreneurship that is taken into consideration by this abstract plays a very important role because it highlights the story of many people who have managed to build such a close bond with the new territory of arrival that they can imagine and then realize the construction of their own personal business. The margin of contrast between the imagined city and the one that will be inhabited will be observed through the narratives of those who, through the realization of his business project has acted directly on the reality in which he landed. The margin of contrast that exists between the imagined city and the one actually inhabited, together with the implications that this may have on real life, has been observed and analyzed through a period of fieldwork, practicing ethnography, through the narratives of people who find themselves living in a new city as a result of a migration path, and has been contextualized with the support of semi-structured interviews and field notes. At the theoretical level, the research is inserted into a constructionist framework, particularly suited to detect and analyze processes of change, construction of the imaginary and its own modification, being able to capture the consequent repercussions of this process on the conceptual, emotional and practical level.Keywords: entrepreneurship, imagination, migration, resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 1533059 Synthesis and Characterization of a Type Oxide Ca1-x Srx MnO3
Authors: A. Guemache, M. Omari
Oxides with formula Ca1-xSrx MnO3(0≤x≤0.2) were synthesized using co precipitation method. The identification of the obtained phase was carried out using infrared spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction. Thermogravimetric and differential analysis was permitted to characterize different transformations of precursors which take place during one heating cycle. The study of electrochemical behavior was carried out by cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy. The obtained results show that apparent catalytic activity improved when increasing the concentration of strontium. Anodic current densities varies from 1.3 to 5.9 mA/cm2 at the rate scan of 20 mV.s-1 and a potential 0.8 V for oxides with composition x=0 to 0.2.Keywords: oxide, co-precipitation, thermal analysis, electrochemical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3633058 An Architecture of Ingenuity and Empowerment
Authors: Timothy Gray
This paper will present work and discuss lessons learned during a semester-long travel study based in Southeast Asia, which was run in the Spring Semester of 2019 and again in the summer of 2023. The first travel group consisted of fifteen students, and the second group consisted of twelve students ranging from second-year to graduate level, student participants majoring in either architecture or planning. Students worked in interdisciplinary teams, each team beginning their travel study, living together in a separate small town for over a month in (relatively) remote conditions in rural Thailand. Students became intimately familiar with these towns, forged strong personal relationships, and built reservoirs of knowledge one conversation at a time. Rather than impose external ideas and solutions, students were asked to learn from and be open to lessons from the people and the place. The following design statement was used as a point of departure for their investigations: It is our shared premise that architecture exists in small villages and towns of Southeast Asia in the ingenuity of the people, that architecture exists in a shared language of making, modifying, and reusing. It is a modest but vibrant architecture, an architecture that is alive and evolving, an architecture that is small in scale, accessible, and one that emerges from the people. It is an architecture that can exist in a modified bicycle, a woven bamboo bridge, or a self-built community. Students were challenged to engage in existing conditions as design professionals, both empowering and lending coherence to the energies that already existed in the place. As one of the student teams noted in their design narrative: “During our field study, we had the unique opportunity to tour a number of informal settlements and meet and talk to residents through interpreters. We found that many of the residents work in nearby factories for dollars a day. Others find employment in self-generated informal economies such as hand carving and textiles. Despite extreme poverty, we found these places to be vibrant and full of life as people navigate these challenging conditions to live lives with purpose and dignity.” Students worked together with local community members and colleagues to develop a series of varied proposals that emerged from their interrogations of place and partnered with community members and professional colleagues in the development of these proposals. Project partners included faculty and student colleagues Yangon University, the mayor's Office, Planning Department Officials and religious leaders in Sawankhalok, Thailand, and community leaders in Natonchan, Thailand, to name a few. This paper will present a series of student community-based design projects that emerged from these conditions. The paper will also discuss this model of travel study as a way of building an architecture which uses social and cultural issues as a catalyst for design. The paper will discuss lessons relative to sustainable development that the Western students learned through their travels in Southeast Asia.Keywords: travel study, CAPasia, architecture of empowerment, modular housing
Procedia PDF Downloads 493057 Critical Appraisal, Smart City Initiative: China vs. India
Authors: Suneet Jagdev, Siddharth Singhal, Dhrubajyoti Bordoloi, Peesari Vamshidhar Reddy
There is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes a Smart City. It means different things to different people. The definition varies from place to place depending on the level of development and the willingness of people to change and reform. It tries to improve the quality of resource management and service provisions for the people living in the cities. Smart city is an urban development vision to integrate multiple information and communication technology (ICT) solutions in a secure fashion to manage the assets of a city. But most of these projects are misinterpreted as being technology projects only. Due to urbanization, a lot of informal as well government funded settlements have come up during the last few decades, thus increasing the consumption of the limited resources available. The people of each city have their own definition of Smart City. In the imagination of any city dweller in India is the picture of a Smart City which contains a wish list of infrastructure and services that describe his or her level of aspiration. The research involved a comparative study of the Smart City models in India and in China. Behavioral changes experienced by the people living in the pilot/first ever smart cities have been identified and compared. This paper discussed what is the target of the quality of life for the people in India and in China and how well could that be realized with the facilities being included in these Smart City projects. Logical and comparative analyses of important data have been done, collected from government sources, government papers and research papers by various experts on the topic. Existing cities with historically grown infrastructure and administration systems will require a more moderate step-by-step approach to modernization. The models were compared using many different motivators and the data is collected from past journals, interacting with the people involved, videos and past submissions. In conclusion, we have identified how these projects could be combined with the ongoing small scale initiatives by the local people/ small group of individuals and what might be the outcome if these existing practices were implemented on a bigger scale.Keywords: behavior change, mission monitoring, pilot smart cities, social capital
Procedia PDF Downloads 2903056 Tale of Massive Distressed Migration from Rural to Urban Areas: A Study of Mumbai City
Authors: Vidya Yadav
Migration is the demographic process that links rural to urban areas, generating or spurring the growth of cities. Evidence shows the role of the city as a production processes. It looks the city as a power of centre, and a centre of change. It has been observed that not only the professionals want to settle down in an urban area but rural labourers are also coming to cities for employment. These are the people who are compelled to migrate to metropolises because of lack of employment opportunities in their place of residence. However, the cities also fail to provide adequate employment because of limited job opportunity creation and capital-intensive industrialization. So these masses of incoming migrants are force to take up whatever employment absorption is available to them particularly in urban informal activities. Ultimately with this informal job they are compelled to stay in the slum areas, which is another form of deprived housing colonies. The paper seeks to examine the evidences of poverty induced migration from rural to urban areas (particularly in urban agglomeration). The present paper utilizes an abundant rich source of census migration data (D-Series) of 1991-2001. Result shows that Mumbai remain as the most attractive place to migrate. The migrants are mainly from the major states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha, and Rajasthan. Male dominated migration is related mostly for employment and females due to marriages. The picture of occupational absorption of migrants who moved for employment, cross classified with educational status. Result shows that illiterate males are primarily engaged in low grade production processing work. Illiterate’s females engaged in service sectors; but these are actually very low grade services in urban informal sectors in India like maid servants, domestic help, hawkers, vendors or vegetables sellers. Among the higher educational level, a small percentage of males and females got absorbed in professional or clerical work but the percentage has been increased in the period 1991-2001.Keywords: informal, job, migration, urban
Procedia PDF Downloads 2853055 The Restrictions of the Householder’s ‘Double Two-Thirds Principles’ in Decision-Making for Elevators Addition to Existing Condominium
Authors: Haifeng Shi, Kun Song, Yili Zhao
In China, with the extensive promotion of the ‘aging in place’ pension policy as the background, most of the elders will choose to remain in their current homes and communities, finding out of preference or necessity that they will need to remodel their homes to fit their changing needs. This generation elder born in the 1960s to 1970s almost live in the same form of housing-condominium built from 1982 to 2012. Based on the survey of existing multi-family housing, especially in Tianjin, it is found that the current ‘double two-thirds principles’ is becoming the threshold for modification to existing house, particularly in the project of elevators addition to existing condominium (built from 1982 to 2016 without elevators below 6 floors according to the previous building code). Firstly, this article concludes the local policies of elevator addition nationwide, most of which has determined the importance and necessity of the community-based self-organization principle in the operation of the elevator addition. Secondly, by comparing the three existing community management systems (owners' congress, property management system and community committee) in instances, find that the community-based ‘two-thirds’ principle is not conducive to implement for multi-owned property renovation in the community or common accessibility modification in the building. However, analysis the property and other community management related laws, pointing out the shortcomings of the existing community-based ‘two-thirds’ decision-making norms. The analyzation showed that the unit-based and ‘100% principle’ method is more capable of common accessibility in the condominium in China. Differing from existing laws, the unit-based principle will be effective for the process of decision-making and ‘100% principle’ will protect closely profit-related householders for condominium modification in the multi-owned area. These three aspects of the analysis suggest that the establishment of the unit-based self-organization mechanism is a preferred and inevitable method to solve the problem of elevators addition to the existing condominium in China.Keywords: aging in place, condominium, modification, multi own
Procedia PDF Downloads 1503054 The Lexical Eidos as an Invariant of a Polysemantic Word
Authors: S. Pesina, T. Solonchak
Phenomenological analysis is not based on natural language, but ideal language which is able to be a carrier of ideal meanings – eidos representing typical structures or essences. For this purpose, it’s necessary to release from the spatio-temporal definiteness of a subject and then state its noetic essence (eidos) by means of free fantasy generation. Herewith, as if a totally new objectness is created - the universal, confirming the thesis that thinking process takes place in generalizations passing by numerous means through the specific to the general and from the general through the specific to the singular.Keywords: lexical eidos, phenomenology, noema, polysemantic word, semantic core
Procedia PDF Downloads 2773053 Miniaturization of I-Slot Antenna with Improved Efficiency and Gain
Authors: Mondher Labidi, Fethi Choubani
In this paper, novel miniaturization technique of antenna is proposed using I-slot. Using this technique, gain of antenna can increased for 4dB (antenna only) to 6.6dB for the proposed I-slot antenna and a frequency shift of about 0.45 GHz to 1 GHz is obtained. Also a reduction of the shape size of the antenna is achieved (about 38 %) to operate in the Wi-Fi (2.45 GHz) band.RF Moreover the frequency shift can be controlled by changing the place or the length of the I-slot. Finally the proposed miniature antenna with an improved radiation efficiency and gain was built and tested.Keywords: slot antenna, miniaturization, RF, electrical equivalent circuit (EEC)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2873052 Small Town Big Urban Issues the Case of Kiryat Ono, Israel
Authors: Ruth Shapira
Introduction: The rapid urbanization of the last century confronts planners, regulatory bodies, developers and most of all – the public with seemingly unsolved conflicts regarding values, capital, and wellbeing of the built and un-built urban space. This is reflected in the quality of the urban form and life which has known no significant progress in the last 2-3 decades despite the on-growing urban population. It is the objective of this paper to analyze some of these fundamental issues through the case study of a relatively small town in the center of Israel (Kiryat-Ono, 100,000 inhabitants), unfold the deep structure of qualities versus disruptors, present some cure that we have developed to bridge over and humbly suggest a practice that may be generic for similar cases. Basic Methodologies: The OBJECT, the town of Kiryat Ono, shall be experimented upon in a series of four action processes: De-composition, Re-composition, the Centering process and, finally, Controlled Structural Disintegration. Each stage will be based on facts, analysis of previous multidisciplinary interventions on various layers – and the inevitable reaction of the OBJECT, leading to the conclusion based on innovative theoretical and practical methods that we have developed and that we believe are proper for the open ended network, setting the rules for the contemporary urban society to cluster by. The Study: Kiryat Ono, was founded 70 years ago as an agricultural settlement and rapidly turned into an urban entity. In spite the massive intensification, the original DNA of the old small town was still deeply embedded, mostly in the quality of the public space and in the sense of clustered communities. In the past 20 years, the recent demand for housing has been addressed to on the national level with recent master plans and urban regeneration policies mostly encouraging individual economic initiatives. Unfortunately, due to the obsolete existing planning platform the present urban renewal is characterized by pressure of developers, a dramatic change in building scale and widespread disintegration of the existing urban and social tissue. Our office was commissioned to conceptualize two master plans for the two contradictory processes of Kiryat Ono’s future: intensification and conservation. Following a comprehensive investigation into the deep structures and qualities of the existing town, we developed a new vocabulary of conservation terms thus redefying the sense of PLACE. The main challenge was to create master plans that should offer a regulatory basis to the accelerated and sporadic development providing for the public good and preserving the characteristics of the PLACE consisting of a tool box of design guidelines that will have the ability to reorganize space along the time axis in a coherent way. In Conclusion: The system of rules that we have developed can generate endless possible patterns making sure that at each implementation fragment an event is created, and a better place is revealed. It takes time and perseverance but it seems to be the way to provide a healthy framework for the accelerated urbanization of our chaotic present.Keywords: housing, architecture, urban qualities, urban regeneration, conservation, intensification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3623051 Constructivism and Situational Analysis as Background for Researching Complex Phenomena: Example of Inclusion
Authors: Radim Sip, Denisa Denglerova
It’s impossible to capture complex phenomena, such as inclusion, with reductionism. The most common form of reductionism is the objectivist approach, where processes and relationships are reduced to entities and clearly outlined phases, with a consequent search for relationships between them. Constructivism as a paradigm and situational analysis as a methodological research portfolio represent a way to avoid the dominant objectivist approach. They work with a situation, i.e. with the essential blending of actors and their environment. Primary transactions are taking place between actors and their surroundings. Researchers create constructs based on their need to solve a problem. Concepts therefore do not describe reality, but rather a complex of real needs in relation to the available options how such needs can be met. For examination of a complex problem, corresponding methodological tools and overall design of the research are necessary. Using an original research on inclusion in the Czech Republic as an example, this contribution demonstrates that inclusion is not a substance easily described, but rather a relationship field changing its forms in response to its actors’ behaviour and current circumstances. Inclusion consists of dynamic relationship between an ideal, real circumstances and ways to achieve such ideal under the given circumstances. Such achievement has many shapes and thus cannot be captured by description of objects. It can be expressed in relationships in the situation defined by time and space. Situational analysis offers tools to examine such phenomena. It understands a situation as a complex of dynamically changing aspects and prefers relationships and positions in the given situation over a clear and final definition of actors, entities, etc. Situational analysis assumes creation of constructs as a tool for solving a problem at hand. It emphasizes the meanings that arise in the process of coordinating human actions, and the discourses through which these meanings are negotiated. Finally, it offers “cartographic tools” (situational maps, socials worlds / arenas maps, positional maps) that are able to capture the complexity in other than linear-analytical ways. This approach allows for inclusion to be described as a complex of phenomena taking place with a certain historical preference, a complex that can be overlooked if analyzed with a more traditional approach.Keywords: constructivism, situational analysis, objective realism, reductionism, inclusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 1493050 The Aspect of Animal Welfare in Garut Ram’s Event (Seni Ketangkasan Domba Garut) in Indonesia
Authors: Aliyatul Widyan, Denie Heriyadi, An An Nurmeidiansyah
Garut Sheep is a commodity of sheep originally from West Java Indonesia, specifically it has combination rumpung ears less than 4 cm or ngadaun hiris (4-8cm) with ngabuntut bagong, or ngabuntut beurit. West Java culture diversity one of those is the Garut Ram’s Art and Fighting Contest. Garut Ram’s Art and Fighting Contest is an activity of competitive fighting between sheep which comes from Garut. The method used is a survey method in which watching and directly interviewing the farmers who competed in the event. This activity had some aspects of animal welfare in the context of the assessment of the fighting sheep, which are health 10%, performance and body conformation called adeg-adeg 25%, courage 10%, technical field 30% called with teknik pamidangan, technical crash 25%, the health assessment is the assessment conducted during registration by showing a letter issued by related agency declaring that the sheep is eligible to compete in the event, and then when the fighting time the health also will be assessed. Adeg-adeg assessed an aspect of conformity assessment of body posture Garut ram from the physical performance is assessed on the body posture, horn, and the face. Technical of pamidangan assessed by the harmony of music and the movement of sheep to carry out the attack. Courage is assessed based on a mental condition and stamina when the fighting time, in addition to the assessments the activity has some other the component of culture and arts, such as, the audience called bobotoh, the clothes worn called pangsi, tarumpah or sandals, belts, and totopong, hats called laken, instructor of the match, and nayaga or group of people who play traditional Sundanese music to accompany this activity. Art aspect of animal welfare of this activity included the percentage of stroke technique is only around 25%, it makes the beauty of this art is not only measured by the Technical crash but also health, courage, and technique in the field has the highest mark in the assessment with 75 %, the event is certainly very different from sports such as boxing, taekwondo, karate or other martial sports which 100% only based on stroke or crash technique. Local culture value of Garut Ram’s Art and Fighting Contest results in the art of the local animal welfare.Keywords: Garut sheep, Indonesia, the art of Garut Ram’s Art and Fighting Contest , animal welfare
Procedia PDF Downloads 3083049 The Responsible Lending Principle in the Spanish Proposal of the Mortgage Credit Act
Authors: Noelia Collado-Rodriguez
The Mortgage Credit Directive 2014/17/UE should have been transposed the 21st of March of 2016. However, in Spain not only we did not meet the deadline, but currently we just have a preliminary draft of the so-called Mortgage Credit Act. Before we analyze the preliminary draft from the standpoint of the responsible lending principle, we should point out that this preliminary draft is not a consumer law statute. Through the text of the preliminary draft we cannot see any reference to the consumer, but we see references to the borrower. Furthermore, and more important, the application of this statute would not be, according to its text, circumscribed to borrowers who address the credit to a personal purpose. Instead, it seems that the preliminary draft aims to be one more of the rules of banking transparency that already exists in the Spanish legislation. In this sense, we can also mention that the sanctions contained in the preliminary draft are referred to these laws of banking ordination and oversight – where the rules of banking transparency belong –. This might be against the spirit of the Mortgage Credit Directive, which allows the extension of its scope to credits aimed to acquire other immovable property beyond the residential one. However, the borrower has to be a consumer accordingly with the Directive. It is quite relevant that the prospective Spanish Mortgage Credit Act might not be a consumer protection statute; specially, from the perspective of the responsible lending principle. The responsible lending principle is a consumer law principle, which is based on the structural weakness of the consumer’s position in the relationship with the creditor. Therefore, it cannot surprise that the Spanish preliminary draft does not state any of the pre contractual conducts that express the responsible lending principle. We are referring to the lender’s duty to provide adequate explanations; the consumer’s suitability test; the lender’s duty to assess consumer’s creditworthiness; the consultation of databases to perform the creditworthiness assessment; and the most important, the lender’s prohibition to grant credit in case of a negative creditworthiness assessment. The preliminary draft just entitles the Economy Ministry to enact provisions related to those topics. Thus, the duties and rules derived from the responsible lending principle included in the EU Directive will not have legal character in Spain, being mere administrative regulations. To conclude, the two main questions that come up after reading the Spanish Mortgage Credit Act preliminary draft are, in the first place, what kind of consequences might arise from the Mortgage Credit Act if finally it is not a consumer law statute. And in the second place, what might be the consequences for the responsible lending principle of being developed by administrative regulations instead of by legislation.Keywords: consumer credit, consumer protection, creditworthiness assessment, responsible lending
Procedia PDF Downloads 2903048 Type of Dam Construction and It’s Challengings
Authors: Mokhtar Nikgoo
Definition of dam: A dam is one of the most important and widely used engineering structures, which means stopping or changing the course of water on a river. A lake is formed behind the dam, which is called (reservoir). Water is stored in the tank to be used when needed. The dam building industry is a great service to mankind in the use of water and land resources. If they build the dam in a suitable place, they will prevent floods. The water that collects behind the dam and in the dam's lake and reservoir is a valuable reserve for drinking by people and animals. Dry agricultural lands are also irrigated with this water. In addition, in many dams, the pressure caused by the water fall is directed by turbines, and the turbines move the power generation devices and provide power from electricityKeywords: dam, shaft, gallery, spillway, power plant
Procedia PDF Downloads 623047 Experimental and Numerical Modeling of Dynamic Axial Crushing of a Composite Glass/PEHD
Authors: Mahmoudi Noureddine, Kaou Abdellah
Energy absorption is a major requirement for automotive structures. Although crashworthy structures of composite based glass fiber have exhibited energy absorption greater than similar at other composites structures, the crush process in many cases is accompanied by fracture, rather than by plastic deformation. The crash experiments show that the tubes are crushed in progressive manner start from one end of the tubes and delamination takes place between the layers. To better understand details of the crash process, ABAQUS finite element code is used.Keywords: Energy absorption, crash, PEHD
Procedia PDF Downloads 4993046 Anatolian Geography: Traditional Medicine and Its Herbs
Authors: Hüseyin Biçer
There are more than a thousand endemic plants growing in Turkey. On the other hand, apart from these plantsAnatolia is home to more plant diversitythan the neighboring countries due to its transitional zone. These plants become a part of traditional medicine in the hope of curing the people with whom they have lived for thousands of years. No matter how important the climate is for the plant, the diseases of the region have an important place in the plant's life. While the plants used for tea are in the foreground in regions with heavy winters, the use of raw plants and fruits is common in some gastrointestinal problems. The aim of this study is explaining using the area of endemic plants in Anatolia.Keywords: anatolian traditional medicine, traditional medicine, anatolian medicine, herbs
Procedia PDF Downloads 1813045 Human Rights Legislations and Evolution Effect on Attitudes
Authors: Sherin Kamal Zaki Kallini
The ratification of an global human rights prison instrument affords signatory States with an opportunity to count on a hard and fast of obligations and rights for the gain of their residents, imparting expanded possibilities, possibilities, and manner to access an improved best of existence – to be, to appear, and to become. developed countries commonly experience cultural, political, social, monetary, prison, and regulatory alterations in reaction to this transition. In a methodologically proactive technique, mechanisms undergo a visible and understandable manner of qualitative and quantitative exchange. Conversely, in countries undergoing improvement, the response to such ratification varies. some display high quality coverage modifications, whilst others stay stagnant or regress. Cameroon falls into the second one category, no matter efforts, as it legally prohibits 50% of its populace with disabilities from obtaining the reputation of a person with a incapacity. The overarching goal of this communique is to spotlight those deficiencies and their adverse outcomes on various components of existence, fostering recognition among beneficiaries and advocating for extra inclusive alterations within the united states. Our task employs a popular and participatory methodological approach by related to beneficiaries and their groups in its training. it is also inclusive, representing the diversity of disabilities and tasty natural and criminal folks from numerous backgrounds. active consultations occur at all tiers of the sports. anticipated consequences include raising focus globally among countries, worldwide cooperation businesses, NGOs, and other inclusive improvement actors. We are looking for their support for nearby advocacy efforts to absolutely enforce the United countries convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities (CRPD). concurrently, we hope they specific harmony with the sufferers in Cameroon who have been left behind and endorse legal reforms to align domestic and global rules with the promotion and safety of incapacity rights.Keywords: sustainable development, human rights, the right to development, the human rights-based approach to development, environmental rights, economic development, social sustainability human rights protection, human rights violations, workers’ rights, justice, security.
Procedia PDF Downloads 113044 Research on Energy Field Intervening in Lost Space Renewal Strategy
Authors: Tianyue Wan
Lost space is the space that has not been used for a long time and is in decline, proposed by Roger Trancik. And in his book Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design, the concept of lost space is defined as those anti-traditional spaces that are unpleasant, need to be redesigned, and have no benefit to the environment and users. They have no defined boundaries and do not connect the various landscape elements in a coherent way. With the rapid development of urbanization in China, the blind areas of urban renewal have become a chaotic lost space that is incompatible with the rapid development of urbanization. Therefore, lost space needs to be reconstructed urgently under the background of infill development and reduction planning in China. The formation of lost space is also an invisible division of social hierarchy. This paper tries to break down the social class division and the estrangement between people through the regeneration of lost space. Ultimately, it will enhance vitality, rebuild a sense of belonging, and create a continuous open public space for local people. Based on the concept of lost space and energy field, this paper clarifies the significance of the energy field in the lost space renovation. Then it introduces the energy field into lost space by using the magnetic field in physics as a prototype. The construction of the energy field is support by space theory, spatial morphology analysis theory, public communication theory, urban diversity theory and city image theory. Taking Wuhan’s Lingjiao Park of China as an example, this paper chooses the lost space on the west side of the park as the research object. According to the current situation of this site, the energy intervention strategies are proposed from four aspects: natural ecology, space rights, intangible cultural heritage and infrastructure configuration. And six specific lost space renewal methods are used in this work, including “riveting”, “breakthrough”, “radiation”, “inheritance”, “connection” and “intersection”. After the renovation, space will be re-introduced into the active crow. The integration of activities and space creates a sense of place, improve the walking experience, restores the vitality of the space, and provides a reference for the reconstruction of lost space in the city.Keywords: dynamic vitality intervention, lost space, space vitality, sense of place
Procedia PDF Downloads 1133043 Determinants of Quality of Life Among Refugees Aging Out of Place
Authors: Jonix Owino
Aging Out of Place refers to the physical and emotional experience of growing older in a foreign or unfamiliar environment. Refugees flee their home countries and migrate to foreign countries such as the United States for safety. The emotional and psychological distress experienced by refugees who are compelled to leave their home countries can compromise their ability to adapt to new countries, thereby affecting their well-being. In particular, implications of immigration may be felt more acutely in later life stages, especially when life-long attachments have been made in the country of origin. However, aging studies in the United States have failed to conceptualize refugee aging experiences, more so for refugees who entered the country as adults. Specifically, little is known about the quality of life among aging refugees. Research studies on whether the quality of life varies among refugees by sociodemographic factors are limited. Research studies examining the role of social connectedness in aging refugees’ quality of life are also sparse. As such, the present study seeks to investigate the sociodemographic (i.e., age, sex, country of origin, and length of residence) and social connection factors associated with quality of life among aging refugees. The study consisted of a total of 108 participants from ages 50 years and above. The refugees represented in the study were from Bhutan, Burundi, and Somalia and were recruited from an upper Midwestern region of the United States. The participants completed an in-depth survey assessing social factors and well-being. Hierarchical regression was used for analysis. The results showed that females, older individuals, and refugees who were from Africa reported lower quality of life. Length of residence was not associated with quality of life. Furthermore, when controlling for sociodemographic factors, greater social integration was significantly associated with a higher quality of life, whereas lower loneliness was significantly associated with a higher quality of life. The results also indicated a significant interaction between loneliness and sex in predicting quality of life. This suggests that greater loneliness was associated with reduced quality of life for female refugees but not males. The present study highlights cultural variations within refugee groups which is important in determining how host communities can best support aging refugees’ well-being and develop social programs that can effectively cater to issues of aging among refugees.Keywords: aging refugees, quality of life, social integration, migration and integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 1013042 Neighbourhood Walkability and Quality of Life: The Mediating Role of Place Adherence and Social Interaction
Authors: Michał Jaśkiewicz
The relation between walkability, place adherence, social relations and quality of life was explored in a Polish context. A considerable number of studies have suggested that environmental factors may influence the quality of life through indirect pathways. The list of possible psychological mediators includes social relations and identity-related variables. Based on the results of Study 1, local identity is a significant mediator in the relationship between neighbourhood walkability and quality of life. It was assumed that pedestrian-oriented neighbourhoods enable residents to interact and that these spontaneous interactions can help to strengthen a sense of local identity, thus influencing the quality of life. We, therefore, conducted further studies, testing the relationship experimentally in studies 2a and 2b. Participants were exposed to (2a) photos of walkable/non-walkable neighbourhoods or (2b) descriptions of high/low-walkable neighbourhoods. They were then asked to assess the walkability of the neighbourhoods and to evaluate their potential social relations and quality of life in these places. In both studies, social relations with neighbours turned out to be a significant mediator between walkability and quality of life. In Study 3, we implemented the measure of overlapping individual and communal identity (fusion with the neighbourhood) and willingness to collective action as mediators. Living in a walkable neighbourhood was associated with identity fusion with that neighbourhood. Participants who felt more fused expressed greater willingness to engage in collective action with other neighbours. Finally, this willingness was positively related to the quality of life in the city. In Study 4, we used commuting time (an aspect of walkability related to the time that people spend travelling to work) as the independent variable. The results showed that a shorter average daily commuting time was linked to more frequent social interactions in the neighbourhood. Individuals who assessed their social interactions as more frequent expressed a stronger city identification, which was in turn related to quality of life. To sum up, our research replicated and extended previous findings on the association between walkability and well-being measures. We introduced potential mediators of this relationship: social interactions in the neighbourhood and identity-related variables.Keywords: walkability, quality of life, social relations, analysis of mediation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3273041 Crime Prevention with Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Mehrnoosh Abouzari, Shahrokh Sahraei
Today, with the increase in quantity and quality and variety of crimes, the discussion of crime prevention has faced a serious challenge that human resources alone and with traditional methods will not be effective. One of the developments in the modern world is the presence of artificial intelligence in various fields, including criminal law. In fact, the use of artificial intelligence in criminal investigations and fighting crime is a necessity in today's world. The use of artificial intelligence is far beyond and even separate from other technologies in the struggle against crime. Second, its application in criminal science is different from the discussion of prevention and it comes to the prediction of crime. Crime prevention in terms of the three factors of the offender, the offender and the victim, following a change in the conditions of the three factors, based on the perception of the criminal being wise, and therefore increasing the cost and risk of crime for him in order to desist from delinquency or to make the victim aware of self-care and possibility of exposing him to danger or making it difficult to commit crimes. While the presence of artificial intelligence in the field of combating crime and social damage and dangers, like an all-seeing eye, regardless of time and place, it sees the future and predicts the occurrence of a possible crime, thus prevent the occurrence of crimes. The purpose of this article is to collect and analyze the studies conducted on the use of artificial intelligence in predicting and preventing crime. How capable is this technology in predicting crime and preventing it? The results have shown that the artificial intelligence technologies in use are capable of predicting and preventing crime and can find patterns in the data set. find large ones in a much more efficient way than humans. In crime prediction and prevention, the term artificial intelligence can be used to refer to the increasing use of technologies that apply algorithms to large sets of data to assist or replace police. The use of artificial intelligence in our debate is in predicting and preventing crime, including predicting the time and place of future criminal activities, effective identification of patterns and accurate prediction of future behavior through data mining, machine learning and deep learning, and data analysis, and also the use of neural networks. Because the knowledge of criminologists can provide insight into risk factors for criminal behavior, among other issues, computer scientists can match this knowledge with the datasets that artificial intelligence uses to inform them.Keywords: artificial intelligence, criminology, crime, prevention, prediction
Procedia PDF Downloads 773040 Implementation of Traffic Engineering Using MPLS Technology
Authors: Vishal H. Shukla, Sanjay B. Deshmukh
Traffic engineering, at its center, is the ability of moving traffic approximately so that traffic from a congested link is moved onto the unused capacity on another link. Traffic Engineering ensures the best possible use of the resources. Now to support traffic engineering in the today’s network, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is being used which is very helpful for reliable packets delivery in an ongoing internet services. Here a topology is been implemented on GNS3 to focus on the analysis of the communication take place from one site to other through the ISP. The comparison is made between the IP network & MPLS network based on Bandwidth & Jitter which are one of the performance parameters using JPERF simulator.Keywords: GNS3, JPERF, MPLS, traffic engineering, VMware
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