Search results for: upaniṣadic texts in ancient India
747 Study of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere during Sudden Stratospheric Warming Episodes
Authors: Jinee Gogoi, Som K. Sharma, Kalyan Bhuyan
The atmospheric layers are coupled to each other with the different dynamical, electrical, radiative and chemical processes. A large scale thermodynamical phenomenon in winter polar regions which affects the middle atmosphere vigorously is Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW). Two major SSW events were occurred during 1998-1999; one in December 1998 which is associated with vortex displacement and another in February- March 1999 associated with vortex splitting. Lidar study of these two major events from Mt. Abu (24.36⁰N, 72.45⁰E, ~1670 m amsl) has shown that though SSWs are mostly observed over high and mid latitudes, their effects can also be seen over India. We have studied ionospheric variations (primarily fₒF₂, h’F and hpF₂) over Ahmedabad (23.1⁰N, 72.58⁰E) during these events. Ionospheric disturbances have been found after four-five days of peak temperature. An increase (decrease) in critical frequency (fₒF₂) during morning (afternoon) has been noticed which may be in response to the updrift (down drift). Effects are stronger during displacement event (1998) than during the splitting event (1999). We have also studied some recent events occurred during 2006 (January), 2009 (January) and 2013 (January) using temperature data from Sounding of Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) satellite. Though some modeling work supports the hypothesis that planetary waves are responsible for atmosphere-ionosphere coupling, there is still more significant works to do to understand how exactly the coupling can take place.Keywords: sudden stratospheric warming (SSW), polar vortex, ionosphere, critical frequency
Procedia PDF Downloads 249746 Reading Comprehension in Profound Deaf Readers
Authors: S. Raghibdoust, E. Kamari
Research show that reduced functional hearing has a detrimental influence on the ability of an individual to establish proper phonological representations of words, since the phonological representations are claimed to mediate the conceptual processing of written words. Word processing efficiency is expected to decrease with a decrease in functional hearing. In other words, it is predicted that hearing individuals would be more capable of word processing than individuals with hearing loss, as their functional hearing works normally. Studies also demonstrate that the quality of the functional hearing affects reading comprehension via its effect on their word processing skills. In other words, better hearing facilitates the development of phonological knowledge, and can promote enhanced strategies for the recognition of written words, which in turn positively affect higher-order processes underlying reading comprehension. The aims of this study were to investigate and compare the effect of deafness on the participants’ abilities to process written words at the lexical and sentence levels through using two online and one offline reading comprehension tests. The performance of a group of 8 deaf male students (ages 8-12) was compared with that of a control group of normal hearing male students. All the participants had normal IQ and visual status, and came from an average socioeconomic background. None were diagnosed with a particular learning or motor disability. The language spoken in the homes of all participants was Persian. Two tests of word processing were developed and presented to the participants using OpenSesame software, in order to measure the speed and accuracy of their performance at the two perceptual and conceptual levels. In the third offline test of reading comprehension which comprised of semantically plausible and semantically implausible subject relative clauses, the participants had to select the correct answer out of two choices. The data derived from the statistical analysis using SPSS software indicated that hearing and deaf participants had a similar word processing performance both in terms of speed and accuracy of their responses. The results also showed that there was no significant difference between the performance of the deaf and hearing participants in comprehending semantically plausible sentences (p > 0/05). However, a significant difference between the performances of the two groups was observed with respect to their comprehension of semantically implausible sentences (p < 0/05). In sum, the findings revealed that the seriously impoverished sentence reading ability characterizing the profound deaf subjects of the present research, exhibited their reliance on reading strategies that are based on insufficient or deviant structural knowledge, in particular in processing semantically implausible sentences, rather than a failure to efficiently process written words at the lexical level. This conclusion, of course, does not mean to say that deaf individuals may never experience deficits at the word processing level, deficits that impede their understanding of written texts. However, as stated in previous researches, it sounds reasonable to assume that the more deaf individuals get familiar with written words, the better they can recognize them, despite having a profound phonological weakness.Keywords: deafness, reading comprehension, reading strategy, word processing, subject and object relative sentences
Procedia PDF Downloads 339745 Technologies in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Indian Towns
Authors: Gargi Ghosh
Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is an obligatory function of the local self-government as per the Indian constitution, and this paper gives a glimpse of the system in Indian towns focusing on its present state and use of technology in the system. The paper analyses the MSWM characteristics in 35 towns in the southern state of Karnataka. The lifestyle in these towns was found to be very sustainable with minimal disposal and considerable reuse. Average per capita waste generated in the towns ranged from 300 gm/person to 500 gm/person. The waste collection efficiency varied from 60% to 80%. The waste shows equal share of organic and non-organic waste composition with a low calorific value. Lack of capacity of the municipal body in terms of manpower, assets & knowledge and social consciousness were found to be two major issues in the system. Technical solutions in use in India at present are composting, organic re-reprocessing, bio-methanation, waste to energy etc. The tonnage of waste generated ranged from 8 TPD to 80 TPD. The feasibility of technology has been analysed in the context of the above characteristics. It was found that low calorific value and mixed nature of waste made waste to energy and bio methanation processes unsuitable. Composting – windrow and closed door was found best to treat the bulk of the waste. Organic–re-processors was planned for phase 2 of MSWM program in the towns with effective implementation of segregation at source. GPS and RFID technology was recommended for monitoring the collection process and increasing accountability of the citizens for effective implementation.Keywords: solid waste management, Indian towns, waste management technology, waste charateristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 322744 Evaluation of Strategies to Mitigate the Carbon Emissions from MSW: A Case Study
Authors: N. Anusree, P. Sughosh, G. L. Sivakumar Babu
Municipalities throughout the world are marred with serious issues related to the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) collection, treatment, and safe disposal. While the Waste Management sector contributes around 3-9 % of the overall anthropogenic methane emission, measures towards mitigating these emissions are rarely given attention in developing countries. In the case of Bangalore, India, around 5680 tons of MSW is generated in a day, and its collection and treatment efficiency are around 90-95 % and 26.4 %, respectively. About 33.4 % of the waste collected is directly landfilled without any treatment, further aggravating the situation. The potential of reducing the emissions emanating from the MSW of Bangalore city without any severe consequences on the current MSW management practices is evaluated in this study. Three emission scenarios consisting of the baseline condition (current practices – Case-1), the application of biocovers for methane oxidation in the dumpsites (case-2), and the diversion of Organic Fraction of MSW (OFMSW) along with the application of biocovers (case-3) are evaluated and compared with each other. The emissions are calculated based on the aerobic and anaerobic stochiometric relations for the three scenarios. Laboratory scale column studies are carried out to determine the methane oxidation potential of three different biocover material (digested MBT (mechanically biologically treated) waste, Fresh MBT waste, and charcoal amended with fresh MBT waste). The results shown that around 40 % and 83 % reduction in carbon emissions can be achieved in case 3 and 2 in comparison to the baseline condition. The study clearly shows that with minor changes in the waste management practices, substantial reductions in the carbon emissions can be attained in Bangalore City.Keywords: MSW, biocover, composting, carbon emission
Procedia PDF Downloads 130743 Genomic and Proteomic Variation in Glycine Max Genotypes towards Salinity
Authors: Faheema Khan
In order to investigate the influence of genetic background on salt tolerance in Soybean (Glycine max) ten soybean genotypes released/notified in India were selected. (Pusa-20, Pusa-40, Pusa-37, Pusa-16, Pusa-24, Pusa-22, BRAGG, PK-416, PK-1042, and DS-9712). The 10-day-old seedlings were subjected to 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150 mM NaCl for 15 days. Plant growth, leaf osmotic adjustment, and RAPD analysis were studied. In comparison to control plants, the plant growth in all genotypes was decreased by salt stress, respectively. Salt stress decreased leaf osmotic potential in all genotypes however the maximum reduction was observed in genotype Pusa-24 followed by PK-416 and Pusa-20. The difference in osmotic adjustment between all the genotypes was correlated with the concentrations of ion examined such as Na+ and the leaf proline concentration. These results suggest that the genotypic variation for salt tolerance can be partially accounted for by plant physiological measures. The genetic polymorphisms between soybean genotypes differing in response to salt stress were characterized using 25 RAPD primers. These primers generated a total of 1640 amplification products, among which 1615 were found to be polymorphic. A very high degree of polymorphism (98.30%) was observed. UPGMA cluster analysis of genetic similarity indices grouped all the genotypes into two major clusters. Intra-clustering within the two clusters precisely grouped the 10 genotypes in sub-cluster as expected from their physiological findings. Our results show that RAPD technique is a sensitive, precise and efficient tool for genomic analysis in soybean genotypes.Keywords: glycine max, NaCl, RAPD, proteomics
Procedia PDF Downloads 586742 Effects of Dust Storm Events on Tuberculosis Incidence Rate in Northwest of China
Authors: Yun Wang, Ruoyu Wang, Tuo Chen, Guangxiu Liu, Guodong Chen, Wei Zhang
Tuberculosis (TB) is a major public health problem in China. China has the world's second largest tuberculosis epidemic (after India). Xinjiang almost has the highest annual attendance rate of TB in China, and the province is also famous because of its severe dust storms. The epidemic timing starts in February and ends in July, and the dust storm mainly distribute throughout the spring and early summer, which strongly indicate a close linkage between causative agent of TB and dust storm events. However, mechanisms responsible for the observed patterns are still not clearly indentified. By comparing the information on cases of TB from Centers for Disease Control of China annual reports with dust storm atmosphere datasets, we constructed the relationship between the large scale annual occurrence of TB in Xinjiang, a Northwest province of China, and dust storm occurrence. Regional atmospheric indexes of dust storm based on surface wind speed show a clear link between population dynamics of the disease and the climate disaster: the onset of epidemics and the dust storm defined by the atmospheric index share the same mean year. This study is the first that provides a clear demonstration of connections that exist between TB epidemics and dust storm events in China. The development of this study will undoubtedly help early warning for tuberculosis epidemic onset in China and help nationwide and international public health institutions and policy makers to better control TB disease in Norwest China.Keywords: dust storm, tuberculosis, Xinjiang province, epidemic
Procedia PDF Downloads 449741 Impact of Social Stress on Mental Health: A Study on Sanitation Workers of India and Social Work
Authors: Farhat Nigar
Social stress is stress which arises from one's relationships with others and from the social environment. When a person finds that they are not capable of coping with a situation, stress arises. Sanitation workers faces a lot of discrimination from the society which leads to stress and have severe impact on their mental health. Sanitation workers face lot of work pressure which sometimes leads to mental health problems, but there is lack of proper data of sanitation workers dealing with mental health problems which is a big obstacle before evolving policies for the welfare of sewage and septic tank workers which needs attention. The objective of the study is to find out the effect of social stress on the mental health of sanitation workers and to explore the scope of social work in coping with mental health problems of workers. This descriptive and analytical study was conducted on 100 sanitation workers of Aligarh city through convenience sampling. Data were collected from respondents by schedule and interview method. Most of the respondents said that they don’t enjoy equal status in society and at the workplace as well which leads to stress. Many of them said that social stress leads to poor performance in the workplace. Some of the workers feel depressed when their work is not appreciated and recognized in society. Majority of respondents has stress in financial and employment-related difficulties. Thus it can be said that social stress has several impacts on mental health which leads to poor performance, lack of confidence, and motivation which sometimes leads to depression. Social work can play a very important and challenging role in overcoming these difficulties by providing education, motivation and guiding them and by making them aware of their rights and duties.Keywords: discrimination, health, stress, sanitation workers
Procedia PDF Downloads 149740 The Difference in Basic Skills among Different Positional Players in Football
Authors: Habib Sk, Ashoke Kumar Biswas
Football is a team game. Eleven players of each team are arranged in different positions of play to serve the specific task during a game situation. Some such basic positions in a soccer game are (i) goal keepers (ii) defenders (iii) midfielders and (iv) forwards. Irrespective of the position, it is required for all football players to learn and get skilled in basic soccer skills like passing, receiving, heading, throwing, dribbling, etc. The purpose of the study was to find out the difference in these basic soccer skills among positional players in football if any. A total of thirty-nine (39) teen aged football players between 13 to 19 years were selected from Hooghly district in West Bengal, India, as subjects. Out of them, there were seven (7) goal keepers, twelve (12) defenders, thirteen (13) midfielders, and seven (7) forwards. Passing, dribbling, tackling, heading, and receiving were the selected basic soccer skills. The performance of the subjects of different positional groups in different selected soccer skills was tested using a standard test for each. On the basis of results obtained through statistical analysis of data, following results were obtained: i) there was significant difference among the groups in passing, dribbling and heading but not in receiving; ii) the goal keepers and defenders were the weakest in all selected soccer skills; iii) midfielders were found better in receiving than other three skills of passing, dribbling and heading; and iv) the forward group of players was found to be the better in passing, dribbling and heading but weakest in receiving than other groups.Keywords: performance, difference, skill, fundamental, soccer, position
Procedia PDF Downloads 146739 An Exploratory Study on Experiences of Menarche and Menstruation among Adolescent Girls
Authors: Bhawna Devi, Girishwar Misra, Rajni Sahni
Menarche and menstruation is a nearly universal experience in adolescent girls’ lives, yet based on several observations it has been found that it is rarely explicitly talked about, and remains poorly understood. By menarche, girls are likely to have been influenced not only by cultural stereotypes about menstruation, but also by information acquired through significant others. Their own expectations about menstruation are likely to influence their reports of menarcheal experience. The aim of this study is to examine how girls construct meaning around menarche and menstruation in social interactions and specific contexts along with conceptualized experiences which is ‘owned’ by individual girls. Twenty adolescent girls from New Delhi (India), between the ages of 12 to 19 years (mean age = 15.1) participated in the study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to capture the nuances of menarche and menstrual experiences of these twenty adolescent girls. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. From the detailed analysis of transcribed data main themes that emerged were- Menarche: A Trammeled Sky to Fly, Menarche as Flashbulb Memory, Hidden Secret: Shame and Fear, Hallmark of Womanhood, Menarche as Illness. Therefore, the finding unfolds that menarche and menstruation were largely constructed as embarrassing, shameful and something to be hidden, specifically within the school context and in general when they are outside of their home. Menstruation was also constructed as illness that programmed ‘feeling of weaknesses’ into them. The production and perpetuation of gender-related difference narratives was also evident. Implications for individuals, as well as for the subjugation of girls and women, are discussed, and it is argued that current negative representations of, and practices in relation to, menarche and menstruation need to be challenged.Keywords: embarrassment, gender-related difference, hidden secret, illness, menarche and menstruation
Procedia PDF Downloads 146738 Antioxidant Properties and Nutritive Value of Raw and Cooked Pool barb (Puntius sophore) of Eastern Himalayas
Authors: Chungkham Sarojnalini, Wahengbam Sarjubala Devi
Antioxidant properties and nutritive values of raw and cooked Pool barb, Puntius sophore (Hamilton-Buchanan) of Eastern Himalayas, India were determined. Antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of the raw, steamed, fried and curried Pool barb was evaluated by using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging assay. In DPPH scavenging assay the IC50 value of the raw, steamed, fried and curried Pool barb was 1.66 microgram/ml, 16.09 microgram/ml, 8.99 microgram/ml, 0.59 microgram/ml whereas the IC50 of the reference ascorbic acid was 46.66 microgram/ml. This results shows that the fish have high antioxidant activity. Protein content was found highest in raw (20.50±0.08%) and lowest in curried (18.66±0.13%). Moisture content in raw, fried and curried was 76.35±0.09, 46.27±0.14 and 57.46±0.24 respectively. Lipid content was recorded 2.46±0.14% in raw and 21.76±0.10% in curried. Ash content varies from 12.57±0.11 to 22.53±0.07%. The total aminoacids were varied from 36.79±0.02 and 288.43±0.12 mg/100 g. Eleven essential mineral elements were found abundant in all the samples. The samples had a considerable amount of Fe ranging from 152.17 to 320.39 milligram/100 gram, Ca 902.06 to 1356.02 milligram/100 gram, Zn 91.07 to 138.14 milligram/100 gram, K 193.25 to 261.56 milligram/100 gram, Mg 225.06 to 229.10 milligram/100 gram. Ni was not detected in the curried fish. The Mg and K contents were significantly decreased in frying method; however the Fe, Cu, Ca, Co and Mn content were increased significantly in all the cooked samples. The Mg and Na contents were significantly increased in curried sample and the Cr content was decreased significantly (p<0.05) in all the cooked samples.Keywords: antioxidant property, pool barb, minerals, aminoacids, proximate composition, cooking methods
Procedia PDF Downloads 222737 Impact of Story-Telling through Indian Textiles: Mata Ni Pachedi and Pabuji Ki Phad
Authors: Lavina N. Bhaskar, Ashima Tiwari
In the endeavour of connecting culture to stories, textile to narratives and people to material, authors analyse the impact of narratives in two popular Indian textiles namely - Mata Ni Pachedi and Pabuji Ki Phad. These textiles narrate people’s tale or Folk tale. Each textile has a style or format in which the story is told (and it is visual). Mata Ni Pachedi, when translated into the English language literally means behind the mother goddess. Mata Ni Pachedi is an Indian textile from the province of Gujarat which constitutes an entire temple of the goddess, with the idol herself in it. On the other hand, Pabuji ki Phad is scroll painting of folk deities of Rajasthan, narrated by Bhopas (the Priest singers of Rajasthan). These textiles narrate stories of ordinary people with extraordinary courage, of social reform, and people’s belief in the divine. Authors take to task their years of craft-cluster study conducted in the past and use existing literature to map their journey in the preliminary phase of research. And then carried out an ethnographic study by visiting the origins of these textiles in Rajasthan and Gujrat (in India), met artisans and their families who are still practicing these dying art form, in order to understand the format and impact of textile story-telling. This research paper talks about the narrative in Indian textiles; the stories in them, artisans and their life as metaphorical representations of the People in Mata Ni Pachedi and Pabuji Ki Phad.Keywords: cultural derivatives, folk-tale, Indo-Narratives, Indology
Procedia PDF Downloads 408736 Sustainability of Ecotourism Related Activities in the Town of Yercaud: A Modeling Study
Authors: Manoj Gupta Charan Pushparaj
Tourism related activities are getting popular day by day and tourism has become an integral part of everyone’s life. Ecotourism initiatives have grown enormously in the past decade, and the concept of ecotourism has shown to bring great benefits in terms of environment conservation and to improve the livelihood of local people. However, the potential of ecotourism to sustain improving the livelihood of the local population in the remote future is a topic of active debate. A primary challenge that exists in this regard is the enormous costs of limiting the impacts of tourism related activities on the environment. Here we employed systems modeling approach using computer simulations to determine if ecotourism activities in the small hill town of Yercaud (Tamil Nadu, India) can be sustained over years in improving the livelihood of the local population. Increasing damage to the natural environment as a result of tourism-related activities have plagued the pristine hill station of Yercaud. Though ecotourism efforts can help conserve the environment and enrich local population, questions remain if this can be sustained in the distant future. The vital state variables in the model are the existing tourism foundation (labor, services available to tourists, etc.,) in the town of Yercaud and its natural environment (water, flora and fauna). Another state variable is the textile industry that drives the local economy. Our results would help to understand if environment conservation efforts are sustainable in Yercaud and would also offer suggestions to make it sustainable over the course of several years.Keywords: ecotourism, simulations, modeling, Yercaud
Procedia PDF Downloads 275735 Revealing the Intersections: Theater, Mythology, and Cross-Cultural Psychology in Creative Expression
Authors: Nadia K. Thalji
In the timeless tapestry of human culture, theater, mythology, and psychology intersect to weave narratives that transcend temporal and spatial boundaries. For millennia, actors have stood as guardians of intuitive wisdom, their craft serving as a conduit for the collective unconscious. This paper embarks on a journey through the realms of creative expression, melding the insights of cross-cultural psychology with the mystical allure of serendipity and synchronicity. At the nexus of these disciplines lies the enigmatic process of active imagination, a gateway to the depths of the psyche elucidated by Jung. Within the hallowed confines of the black box theater at the Department of Performing Arts, UFRGS University in Brazil, this study unfolds. Over the span of four months, a cadre of artists embarked on a voyage of exploration, harnessing the powers of imagery, movement, sound, and dreams to birth a performance that resonated with the echoes of ancient wisdom. Drawing inspiration from the fabled Oracle of Delphi and the priestesses who once dwelled within its sacred precincts, the production delves into the liminal spaces where myth and history intertwine. Through the alchemy of storytelling, participants navigate the labyrinthine corridors of cultural memory, unraveling the threads that bind the past to the present. Central to this endeavor is the phenomenon of synchronicity, wherein seemingly disparate elements coalesce in a dance of cosmic resonance. Serendipity becomes a guiding force, leading actors and audience alike along unexpected pathways of discovery. As the boundaries between performer and spectator blur, the performance becomes a crucible wherein individual narratives merge to form a collective tapestry of shared experience. Yet, beneath the surface of spectacle lies a deeper truth: the exploration of the spiritual dimensions of artistic expression. Through intuitive inquiry and embodied practice, artists tap into reservoirs of insight that transcend rational comprehension. In the communion of minds and bodies, the stage becomes a sacred space wherein the numinous unfolds in all its ineffable glory. In essence, this paper serves as a testament to the transformative power of the creative act. Across cultures and epochs, the theater has served as a crucible wherein humanity grapples with the mysteries of existence. Through the lens of cross-cultural psychology, we glimpse the universal truths that underlie the myriad manifestations of human creativity. As we navigate the turbulent currents of modernity, the wisdom of the ancients beckons us to heed the call of the collective unconscious. In the synthesis of myth and meaning, we find solace amidst the chaos, forging connections that transcend the boundaries of time and space. And in the sacred precincts of the theater, we discover the eternal truth that art is, and always shall be, the soul's journey into the unknown.Keywords: theater, mythology, cross-cultural, synchronicity, creativity, serendipity, spiritual
Procedia PDF Downloads 58734 Ionian Sea Aquarium-Museum in Kefallinia Island, Greece: A Hub Developing the Underwater Natural and Cultural Resources in the Ionian Sea and Advancing the Ocean Literacy to the Public
Authors: Ferentinos George, Papatheodorou George, Belmonte Genuario, Geraga Maria, Christodoulou Dimitris, Fakiris Elias, Iatrou Margarita, Kordella Stravroula, Prevenios Michail, Mentogianis Vassilis, Sotiropoulos Makis
The Ionian Sea Aquarium-Museum in Kefallinia Island, Greece and its twinning with that of Santa Maria al Bagno in the Salento peninsula, Italy, are recently established Hubs in the Ionian Sea funded by the European Territorial Cooperation Programme, Greece-Italy 2007-2013. The objectives of the Ionian Sea Aquarium-Museum are: (i) exhibiting to the public the underwater natural and cultural treasures of the seas surrounding the island, (ii) the functioning of a recreational/vocational hub for all educational levels but also for sea users and stakeholders, to raise their awareness of the seas and engage them in the European notion of the Blue Growth of the Seas and (iii) setting up diving parks in sites of natural and cultural importance. The natural heritage in the Aquarium-Museum is exhibited in five tanks displaying the two most important benthic habitats in the Mediterranean Sea, that is, the Posidonia oceanica and the Coralligene assemblages with the associated rich fauna. The cultural heritage is exhibited in: (i) Dioramas displaying scale model replicas of the three best preserved ancient and historic wrecks. -The Fiscardo Roman wreck dating between 1st cent B.C. and 2nd cent. A.D., which is one of the largest and best preserved in the Mediterranean Sea. -The HMS PERSEUS British submarine, which is known for the second deepest submarine escape from all sunken submarines in WW II, and -A wooden wreck, the Italian ship Alma probably, which was requisitioned by the German army and used for transporting supplies and ammunition. (ii) Documentaries: The first two present the complete story from launching to sinking of: the HMS PERSEUS British submarine, the SS Ardena which is associated with the Italian Aqui Division killed by the German forces in Kefallinia and made known from the book and film “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin” and the third documentary deals with the birth place of seafaring in the world, which took place in the Greek. Archipelago by Neanderthals and modern humans between 115 and 35 thousand years ago. The Aquarium-Museum starts from next year (a) educational programmes for schools and tourists to discover the natural and cultural treasures around Kefallinia island, (b) recreational/vocational holiday activities centered on eco-diving and get involved in mapping and monitoring NATURA 2000 sites around the island and thus actively engaged in the Blue Growth of the seas and (c) summer schools aimed at under/post-graduate students, who are interested in marine archaeology and geo-habitat mapping and are looking for a job in the sustainable management of the seas. The exhibition themes in the Aquarium-Museum as well as the recreational /vocational and educational activities are prepared by the Oceanus Net laboratories of Patras University and were selected after surveying the seafloor using the latest state of art sonar and camera technologies.Keywords: aquarium-museum, cultural and natural treasures, ionian sea, Kefallinia Island
Procedia PDF Downloads 590733 The Amalgamation of Fashion and Art: A Camaraderie of the Creative Abilities
Authors: Brar Prabhdip
Art and fashion are coupled by a common bridge which is ‘Creativity’. For centuries art has influenced fashion and has been inspirational for modern-day national as well as international designers. Italian artists during the Renaissance period were highly influenced by art. 20th and 21st-century artists have often found themselves the muses of major fashion houses. Many times artists and designers like Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, and Dior, Prada, respectively, have collaborated and successfully created prints, textiles, and silhouettes that have dazzled the art and fashion world. This paper nudges deeper and discourses the statement pieces of remarkable designers that have been influenced by art and adorned by international celebrities. Indian designer Manish Arora has been able to design a remarkable position for himself in the international fashion world. His clothes are avant-garde and favoured choice of celebrities like Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. The Manish Arora collaboration with Berlin-based artist Amrie Hoffstater has carved its space for a new segment. The latest collaboration, despite being in the pandemic, is between Sabyasachi (India) and Bergdorfs Goodman (New York). It boasts of the traditional Colonial Indian sensibility juxtaposed with the eclectic Western American mix for the new-age wearer. A qualitative and exploratory research design is steered towards both art and fashion as they reflect social, economic, and political changes. Social issues are highlighted through these platforms. Secondary data has been used for this paper to explain how designers have bridged the way for how one could wear fashion as a piece of art in and of itself. Conclusively we reach the perfect camaraderie between art and fashion.Keywords: art, artist, collaboration, designer, fashion, relationship commas
Procedia PDF Downloads 88732 3G or 4G: A Predilection for Millennial Generation of Indian Society
Authors: Rishi Prajapati
3G is the abbreviation of third generation of wireless mobile telecommunication technologies. 3G is a mode that finds application in wireless voice telephony, mobile internet access, fixed wireless internet access, video calls and mobile TV. It also provides mobile broadband access to smartphones and mobile modems in laptops and computers. The first 3G networks were introduced in 1998, followed by 4G networks in 2008. 4G is the abbreviation of fourth generation of wireless mobile telecommunication technologies. 4G is termed to be the advanced form of 3G. 4G was firstly introduced in South Korea in 2007. Many abstracts have floated researches that depicted the diversity and similarity between the third and the fourth generation of wireless mobile telecommunications technology, whereas this abstract reflects the study that focuses on analyzing the preference between 3G versus 4G given by the elite group of the Indian society who are known as adolescents or the Millennial Generation aging from 18 years to 25 years. The Millennial Generation was chosen for this study as they have the easiest access to the latest technology. A sample size of 200 adolescents was selected and a structured survey was carried out which had several closed ended as well as open ended questions, to aggregate the result of this study. It was made sure that the effect of environmental factors on the subjects was as minimal as possible. The data analysis comprised of primary data collection reflecting it as quantitative research. The rationale behind this research is to give brief idea of how 3G and 4G are accepted by the Millennial Generation in India. The findings of this research would materialize a framework which depicts whether Millennial Generation would prefer 4G over 3G or vice versa.Keywords: fourth generation, wireless telecommunication technology, Indian society, millennial generation, market research, third generation
Procedia PDF Downloads 271731 Landslide Vulnerability Assessment in Context with Indian Himalayan
Authors: Neha Gupta
Landslide vulnerability is considered as the crucial parameter for the assessment of landslide risk. The term vulnerability defined as the damage or degree of elements at risk of different dimensions, i.e., physical, social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Himalaya region is very prone to multi-hazard such as floods, forest fires, earthquakes, and landslides. With the increases in fatalities rates, loss of infrastructure, and economy due to landslide in the Himalaya region, leads to the assessment of vulnerability. In this study, a methodology to measure the combination of vulnerability dimension, i.e., social vulnerability, physical vulnerability, and environmental vulnerability in one framework. A combined result of these vulnerabilities has rarely been carried out. But no such approach was applied in the Indian Scenario. The methodology was applied in an area of east Sikkim Himalaya, India. The physical vulnerability comprises of building footprint layer extracted from remote sensing data and Google Earth imaginary. The social vulnerability was assessed by using population density based on land use. The land use map was derived from a high-resolution satellite image, and for environment vulnerability assessment NDVI, forest, agriculture land, distance from the river were assessed from remote sensing and DEM. The classes of social vulnerability, physical vulnerability, and environment vulnerability were normalized at the scale of 0 (no loss) to 1 (loss) to get the homogenous dataset. Then the Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) was used to assign individual weights to each dimension and then integrate it into one frame. The final vulnerability was further classified into four classes from very low to very high.Keywords: landslide, multi-criteria analysis, MCA, physical vulnerability, social vulnerability
Procedia PDF Downloads 301730 Critically Analyzing the Application of Big Data for Smart Transportation: A Case Study of Mumbai
Authors: Tanuj Joshi
Smart transportation is fast emerging as a solution to modern cities’ approach mobility issues, delayed emergency response rate and high congestion on streets. Present day scenario with Google Maps, Waze, Yelp etc. demonstrates how information and communications technologies controls the intelligent transportation system. This intangible and invisible infrastructure is largely guided by the big data analytics. On the other side, the exponential increase in Indian urban population has intensified the demand for better services and infrastructure to satisfy the transportation needs of its citizens. No doubt, India’s huge internet usage is looked as an important resource to guide to achieve this. However, with a projected number of over 40 billion objects connected to the Internet by 2025, the need for systems to handle massive volume of data (big data) also arises. This research paper attempts to identify the ways of exploiting the big data variables which will aid commuters on Indian tracks. This study explores real life inputs by conducting survey and interviews to identify which gaps need to be targeted to better satisfy the customers. Several experts at Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA), Mumbai Metro and Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) were interviewed regarding the Information Technology (IT) systems currently in use. The interviews give relevant insights and requirements into the workings of public transportation systems whereas the survey investigates the macro situation.Keywords: smart transportation, mobility issue, Mumbai transportation, big data, data analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 179729 An Operators’ Real-sense-based Fire Simulation for Human Factors Validation in Nuclear Power Plants
Authors: Sa-Kil Kim, Jang-Soo Lee
On March 31, 1993, a severe fire accident took place in a nuclear power plant located in Narora in North India. The event involved a major fire in the turbine building of NAPS unit-1 and resulted in a total loss of power to the unit for 17 hours. In addition, there was a heavy ingress of smoke in the control room, mainly through the intake of the ventilation system, forcing the operators to vacate the control room. The Narora fire accident provides us lessons indicating that operators could lose their mind and predictable behaviors during a fire. After the Fukushima accident, which resulted from a natural disaster, unanticipated external events are also required to be prepared and controlled for the ultimate safety of nuclear power plants. From last year, our research team has developed a test and evaluation facility that can simulate external events such as an earthquake and fire based on the operators’ real-sense. As one of the results of the project, we proposed a unit real-sense-based facility that can simulate fire events in a control room for utilizing a test-bed of human factor validation. The test-bed has the operator’s workstation shape and functions to simulate fire conditions such as smoke, heat, and auditory alarms in accordance with the prepared fire scenarios. Furthermore, the test-bed can be used for the operators’ training and experience.Keywords: human behavior in fire, human factors validation, nuclear power plants, real-sense-based fire simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 283728 Impacts of Nomophobia on Daily Performance: Validity, Reliability and Prevalence Estimates among Undergraduate Dental Students in Bhubaneswar, India
Authors: Ramesh Nagarajappa, Upasana Mohapatra
Considered a modern phobia, Nomophobia (NO MObile PHOne PhoBIA) is a term that describes the irrational fear or anxiety of being unable to access one’s own mobile phone. Objectives: To develop and validate the nomophobia questionnaire, administering it to a sample of adolescents representing undergraduate dental students. To assess the prevalence of Nomophobia, determine the usage pattern of mobile phones, and evaluate the impact due to lack of access to mobile phones among undergraduate dental students. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 302 undergraduate students at Bhubaneswar through a self-administered questionnaire via Google Forms consisting of 19 items evaluating the pattern and anxiety related to usage of mobile phones. Responses were recorded on a 5-point Likert scale. Kruskal Wallis, Mann-Whitney U, and Chi-square tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: Test-Retest reliability showed kappa of k=0.86 and Internal consistency Chronbach’s-Alpha to be α=0.82. Prevalence of nomophobia (score ≥ 58) was 32.1%, and students at risk of being nomophobic (score 39-57) was 61.9%. It was highest in males (32.6%) and amongst the interns (41.9%) and lowest (25.5%) amongst the second-year students. Participants felt nervous/insecure if their phones were away from them because of the fear that somebody might have accessed their data (3.07±1.93) and or tried to contact them (3.09±1.13), which were not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusions: Effect of mobile phone on dental students and the fear of not having their phones with them is increasing elaborately, that needs to be controlled, which if not achieved, would negatively hamper their academic performance and their being in the society.Keywords: addiction, dental students, mobile phone, nomophobia
Procedia PDF Downloads 150727 A Study on Exploring and Prioritizing Critical Risks in Construction Project Assessment
Authors: A. Swetha
This study aims to prioritize and explore critical risks in construction project assessment, employing the Weighted Average Index method and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Through extensive literature review and expert interviews, project assessment risk factors were identified across Budget and Cost Management Risk, Schedule and Time Management Risk, Scope and Planning Risk, Safety and Regulatory Compliance Risk, Resource Management Risk, Communication and Stakeholder Management Risk, and Environmental and Sustainability Risk domains. A questionnaire was distributed to stakeholders involved in construction activities in Hyderabad, India, with 180 completed responses analyzed using the Weighted Average Index method to prioritize risk factors. Subsequently, PCA was used to understand relationships between these factors and uncover underlying patterns. Results highlighted dependencies on critical resources, inadequate risk assessment, cash flow constraints, and safety concerns as top priorities, while factors like currency exchange rate fluctuations and delayed information dissemination ranked lower but remained significant. These insights offer valuable guidance for stakeholders to mitigate risks effectively and enhance project outcomes. By adopting systematic risk assessment and management approaches, construction projects in Hyderabad and beyond can navigate challenges more efficiently, ensuring long-term viability and resilience.Keywords: construction project assessment risk factor, risk prioritization, weighted average index, principal component analysis, project risk factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 42726 Management Practices in Hypertension: Results of Win-Over-A Pan India Registry
Authors: Abhijit Trailokya, Kamlesh Patel
Background: Hypertension is a common disease seen in clinical practice and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Many patients require combination therapy for the management of hypertension. Objective: To evaluate co-morbidities, risk factors and management practices of hypertension in Indian population. Material and methods: A total of 1596 hypertensive adult patients received anti-hypertensive medications were studied in a cross-sectional, multi-centric, non-interventional, observational registry. Statistical analysis: Categories or nominal data was expressed as numbers with percentages. Continuous variables were analyzed by descriptive statistics using mean, SD, and range Chi square test was used for in between group comparison. Results: The study included 73.50% males and 26.50% females. Overweight (50.50%) and obesity (30.01%) was common in the hypertensive patients (n=903). A total of 54.76% patients had history of smoking. Alcohol use (33.08%), sedentary life style (32.96%) and history of tobacco chewing (17.92%) were the other lifestyle habits of hypertensive patients. Diabetes (36.03%) and dyslipidemia (39.79%) history was common in these patients. Family history of hypertension and diabetes was seen in 82.21% and 45.99% patients respectively. Most (89.16%) patients were treated with combination of antihypertensive agents. ARBs were the by far most commonly used agents (91.98%) followed by calcium channel blockers (68.23%) and diuretics (60.21%). ARB was the most (80.35%) preferred agent as monotherapy. ARB was also the most common agent as a component of dual therapy, four drug and five drug combinations. Conclusion: Most of the hypertensive patients need combination treatment with antihypertensive agents. ARBs are the most preferred agents as monotherapy for the management of hypertension. ARBs are also very commonly used as a component of combination therapy during hypertension management.Keywords: antihypertensive, hypertension, management, ARB
Procedia PDF Downloads 521725 Pathological Observations of Intestinal Coccidiosis in Camel (Camelus dromedarius)
Authors: Abhilasha Dadhich, Manisha Mathur, Sanjay Kumar, Hemant Dadhich
The camel (Camelus dromedarius) is an important animal component of the fragile desert eco-system of India. Apart from others, impaired milk and meat production decrease in performance and even death are some of the major consequences of parasitic disease like coccidiosis in camel. Coccidiosis which is an acute invasion and destruction of intestinal mucosa by protozoa of the genera Eimeria or isospora spp. Post-Mortem examinations of 5 carcasses of dromedary of different age groups aged from 2 to 5 years were conducted. The history indicated that the camels were suffering from diarrhoea, dysentery, pyrexia, inappetence, weight loss, and emaciation. Post mortem examinations showed macroscopic and microscopic alterations in the small intestine, particularly in jejunum and ileum regions. The mucosae were congested, and haemorrhagic on which there were numerous whitish-grey nodular foci were observed. The affected intestinal tissue specimens were preserved in 10% formal saline and processed mechanically for paraffin embedding by acetone and benzene technique. The sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin method of staining for histopathological examinations. Histologically, typical lesions such as congestion and haemorrhages were present. The intestinal villi were oedematous; mucosa degenerated and desquamated, along with infiltration of eosinophils and macrophages. Crypts of lieberkuhn were obliterated due to presence of schizonts in lamina propria. Older camels served as the source of spread of coccidial infection and were also predisposed to secondary infections.Keywords: camel, coccidiosis, Eimeria, histopathology
Procedia PDF Downloads 192724 A Corpus-based Study of Adjuncts in Colombian English as a Second Language (ESL) Argumentative Essays
Authors: E. Velasco
Meeting high standards of writing in a Second Language (L2) is extremely important for many students who wish to undertake studies at universities in both English and non-English speaking countries. University lecturers in English speaking countries continue to express dissatisfaction with the apparent poor quality of essay writing skills displayed by English as a Second Language (ESL) students, whose essays are often criticised for their lack of cohesion and coherence. These critiques have extended to contexts such as Colombia, where many ESL students are criticised for their inability to write high-quality academic texts in L2-English, particularly at the tertiary level. If Colombian ESL students are expected to meet high standards of writing when studying locally and abroad, it makes sense to carry out specific research that can perhaps lead to recommendations to support their quest for improving argumentative strategies. Employing Corpus Linguistics methods within a Learner Corpus Research framework, and a combination of Log-Likelihood and Bayes Factor measures, this paper investigated argumentative essays written by Colombian ESL students. The study specifically aimed to analyse conjunctive adjuncts in argumentative essays to find out how Colombian ESL students connect their ideas in discourse. Results suggest that a) Colombian ESL learners need explicit instruction on specific areas of conjunctive adjuncts to counteract overuse, underuse and misuse; b) underuse of endophoric and evidential adjuncts highlights gaps between IELTS-like essays and good quality tertiary-level essays and published papers, and these gaps are linked to prior knowledge brought into writing task, rhetorical functions in writing, and research processes before writing takes place; c) both Colombian ESL learners and L1-English writers (in a reference corpus) overuse some adjuncts and underuse endophoric and evidential adjuncts, when compared to skilled L1-English and L2-English writers, so differences in frequencies of adjuncts has little to do with the writers’ L1, and differences are rather linked to types of essays writers produce (e.g. ESL vs. university essays). Ender Velasco: The pedagogical recommendations deriving from the study are that: a) Colombian ESL learners need to be shown that overuse is not the only way of giving cohesion to argumentative essays and there are other alternatives to cohesion (e.g., implicit adjuncts, lexical chains and collocations); b) syllabi and classroom input need to raise awareness of gaps in writing skills between IELTS-like and tertiary-level argumentative essays, and of how endophoric and evidential adjuncts are used to refer to anaphoric and cataphoric sections of essays, and to other people’s work or ideas; c) syllabi and classroom input need to include essay-writing tasks based on previous research/reading which learners need to incorporate into their arguments, and tasks that raise awareness of referencing systems (e.g., APA); d) classroom input needs to include explicit instruction on use of punctuation, functions and/or syntax with specific conjunctive adjuncts such as for example, for that reason, although, despite and nevertheless.Keywords: argumentative essays, colombian english as a second language (esl) learners, conjunctive adjuncts, corpus linguistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 85723 Place Attachment and Residential Satisfaction in Old Residential Buildings: A Case of Pune City
Authors: Vaishali Anagal, Vasudha Gokhale, Sharvey Dhongde
Old buildings have significance in many aspects. The manifold significance may include historic, architectural and cultural aspects. In a cultural city like Pune, India, numerous residential buildings exist in the core city whose age may range between 60-100 years. These represent the city’s history and culture. Most of them are still in use as residential buildings with adaptations in various degrees. Some of these buildings are enlisted as ‘Heritage Buildings’ by local municipal authority. However, there are number of buildings that have heritage value although they are not enlisted as heritage sites. A lot of these buildings have already been pulled down for several reasons such as end of technical life, inadequacy for users, increasing floor area ratios, inflating land prices and changing lifestyles etc. Literature suggest that place attachment and residential satisfaction are positively related. It also indicates that length of residency is positively correlated with the place attachment. Residential satisfaction is associated with number of factors including socio demographic characteristics of users, housing characteristics, neighborhood characteristics and behavioral characteristics. This research paper poses an inquiry about the dynamics of co-relation between place attachment and residential satisfaction in case of old residential buildings. The motive of this enquiry is to examine if place attachment can serve as a strong ground for restoration of these old buildings and evade the devastation of emblems of cultural heritage of the city. The methodology includes questionnaire survey of users as well as a qualitative assessment regarding place attachment and residential satisfaction. About 20 residential buildings in the core city of Pune are selected for this purpose. The results of survey are analyzed and conclusions are drawn.Keywords: place attachment, residential satisfaction, old residential buildings, housing characteristics, cultural heritage
Procedia PDF Downloads 245722 Variability in Saturation Flow and Traffic Performance at Urban Signalized Intersection
Authors: P. N. Salini, B. Anish Kini, R. Ashalatha
At signalized intersections with heterogeneous traffic, the percentage share of different vehicle categories have a bearing on the inter-vehicle space utilization, which eventually impacts the saturation flow. This paper analyzed the impact of the percentage share of various vehicle categories in the traffic stream on the saturation flow at signalized intersections by video graphing major intersections with varying geometry in Kerala, India. It was found that as the percentage share of two-wheelers increases, the saturation flow at signalized intersections increases and vice-versa for the percentage share of cars. The effect of bus blockage and parking maneuvers on the saturation flow were also studied. As the distance of bus blockage increases from the stop line, the effect on the saturation flow decreases, while with more buses stopping at the same bus stop, the saturation flow reduces further. The study revealed that with higher kerbside parking maneuvers on the upstream, the saturation flow reduces, and with an increase in the distance of the parking maneuver from the stop line, the effect on the saturation flow decreases. The adjustment factors for bus blockage due to bus stops within 75m downstream and parking maneuvers within 75m upstream of the intersection have been established for mixed traffic conditions. These adjustment factors could empower the urban planners, enforcement personnel and decision-makers to estimate the reduction in the capacity of signalized intersections for suggesting improvements in the form of parking restrictions/ bus stop relocation for existing intersections or make design changes for planned intersections.Keywords: signalized intersection, saturation flow, adjustment factors, capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 126721 Case Study Approach Using Scenario Analysis to Analyze Unabsorbed Head Office Overheads
Authors: K. C. Iyer, T. Gupta, Y. M. Bindal
Head office overhead (HOOH) is an indirect cost and is recovered through individual project billings by the contractor. Delay in a project impacts the absorption of HOOH cost allocated to that particular project and thus diminishes the expected profit of the contractor. This unabsorbed HOOH cost is later claimed by contractors as damages. The subjective nature of the available formulae to compute unabsorbed HOOH is the difficulty that contractors and owners face and thus dispute it. The paper attempts to bring together the rationale of various HOOH formulae by gathering contractor’s HOOH cost data on all of its project, using case study approach and comparing variations in values of HOOH using scenario analysis. The case study approach uses project data collected from four construction projects of a contractor in India to calculate unabsorbed HOOH costs from various available formulae. Scenario analysis provides further variations in HOOH values after considering two independent situations mainly scope changes and new projects during the delay period. Interestingly, one of the findings in this study reveals that, in spite of HOOH getting absorbed by additional works available during the period of delay, a few formulae depict an increase in the value of unabsorbed HOOH, neglecting any absorption by the increase in scope. This indicates that these formulae are inappropriate for use in case of a change to the scope of work. Results of this study can help both parties in deciding on an appropriate formula more objectively, considering the events on a project causing the delay and contractor's position in respect of obtaining new projects.Keywords: absorbed and unabsorbed overheads, head office overheads, scenario analysis, scope variation
Procedia PDF Downloads 166720 Promotion of the Arabic language in India: MES Mampad College - A Torchbearer
Authors: Junaid C, Sabique MK
Introduction: MES Mamapd College is an autonomous college established in 1964 affiliated with the University of Calicut run by the Muslim Educational Society Kerala. The department of Arabic of the college is having a pivotal role in promoting Arabic language learning, teaching, research, and other allied academic activities. State of Problem: Department of Arabic of the college introduced before the academic committee the culture of international seminars. The department connected the academic community with foreign scholars and introduced industry-academia collaboration programs which are beneficial to the job seekers. These practices and innovations should be documented. Objectives: Create awareness of innovative practices implemented for the promotion of the Arabic language. Infuse confidence in learners in learning of Arabic language. Showcase the distinctive academic programs initiated by the department Methodology: Data will be collected from archives, souvenirs, and reports. Survey methods and interviews with authorities and beneficiaries will be collected for the data analysis. Major results: MES Mampad College introduced before its stakeholders different unique academic practices related to the Arabic language and literature. When the unprecedented pandemic situation pulled back all of the academic community, the department come forward with numerous academic initiatives utilizing the virtual space. Both arenas will be documented. Conclusion: This study will help to make awareness on the promotion of the Arabic language studies and related practices initiated by the department of Arabic MES Mampad College. These practices and innovations can be modeled and replicated.Keywords: teaching Arabic language, MES mampad college, Arabic webinars, pandemic impacts in literature
Procedia PDF Downloads 86719 Urban Dust Influence on the Foliar Surface and Biochemical Constituents of Selected Plants in the National Capital Region of Delhi, India
Authors: G. P. Gupta, B. Kumar, S. Singh, U. C. Kulshrestha
Very high loadings of atmospheric dust in the Indian region contribute to remarkably higher levels of particulate matter. During dry weather conditions which prevail most of the year, dustfall is deposited onto the foliar surfaces affecting their morphology, stomata and biochemical constituents. This study reports chemical characteristics of dustfall, its effect on foliar morphology and biochemical constituents of two medicinal plants i.e. Morus (Morus alba) and Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) in the urban environment of National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi at two sites i.e. Jawaharlal Nehru University (residential) and Sahibabad (industrial). Atmospheric dust was characterized for major anions (F-, Cl-, NO3-, SO4--) and cations (Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg++, Ca++) along with the biochemical parameters Chl a, Chl b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid, total soluble sugar, relative water content (RWC), pH, and ascorbic acid. The results showed that the concentrations of major ions in dustfall were higher at the industrial site as compared to the residential site due to the higher level of anthropogenic activities. Both the plant species grown at industrial site had significantly lower values of chlorophyll ‘a’, chlorophyll ‘b’, total chlorophyll, carotenoid but relatively higher values of total soluble sugar and ascorbic acid indicating stressful conditions due to industrial and vehicular emissions.Keywords: dustfall, urban environment, biochemical constituents, atmospheric dust
Procedia PDF Downloads 305718 Understanding Gender-Based Violence through an Adolescent Lens: Qualitative Findings from Delhi, India
Authors: Pratishtha Singh
Gender-based violence (GBV) or gendered violence refers to violence inflicted on a person because of their gender. Majority of men who perpetrate gender-based violence, first do so during their teenage years. Further, the first sexual experience of most girls is coerced. In order to reduce the widespread occurrence of GBV, it is vital to intervene and reach people, especially boys, when their attitudes and beliefs about sexuality and gender are developing. This study aims to understand GBV through an adolescent lens, focusing on their knowledge, attitudes and experiences regarding gendered abuse. This is a cross-sectional, qualitative study. The respondents are Delhi based students in grades 11th and 12th, recruited via snowball sampling. Sixteen in-depth, telephonic interviews were carried out in the month of April, 2020. The data was transcribed verbatim into MS Word and qualitative coding was undertaken in Atlas.ti 8. Twelve out of sixteen respondents admitted experiencing sexual GBV. Out of these, a little more than half of the victims reported it to somebody. Thematic analysis revealed key themes of: (i) Introduction and reinforcement of a patriarchal structure (ii) Violence in teen dating (iii) Acceptability and normalization of violence and (iv) Justice System. Findings reflect a process wherein GBV becomes an intricate part of adolescents’ lives. Participants showed a moderately well-informed understanding of gendered abuse whereas attitudes reflected a complex combination of internalized patriarchy and a desire to bring positive societal reform. The results of this study highlight a need for health promoting, gender-equitable interventions.Keywords: adolescents, gender, health, violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 128