Search results for: critical language awareness
10955 Primary Level Teachers’ Response to Gender Representation in Textbook Contents
Authors: Pragya Paneru
This paper explores ten primary teachers’ views on gender representation in primary-level textbooks altogether. Data was collected from the teachers who taught in private schools in Kailali and Kathmandu District. This research uses a semi-structured interview method to obtain information regarding teachers’ attitudes toward gender representations in textbook content. The interview data were analysed by using critical skills of qualitative research analysis methods, as suggested by Saldana and Omasta (2018). The findings revealed that most of the teachers were unaware and regarded gender issues as insignificant to discuss in primary-level classes. Most of them responded to the questions personally and claimed that there were no gender issues in their classrooms. Some of the teachers connected gender issues with contexts other than textbook representations, such as school discrimination in the distribution of salary among male and female teachers, school practices of awarding girls rather than boys as the most disciplined students, following girls’ first rule in the assembly marching, encouraging only girls in the stage shows, and involving students in gender-specific activities such as decorating works for girls and physical tasks for boys. The interview also revealed teachers’ covert gendered attitudes in their remarks. Nevertheless, most of the teachers accepted that gender-biased contents have an impact on learners, and this problem can be solved with more gender-centred research in the education field, discussions, and training to increase awareness regarding gender issues. Agreeing with the suggestion of teachers, this paper recommends proper training and awareness regarding how to confront gender issues in textbooks.Keywords: content analysis, gender equality, school education, critical awareness
Procedia PDF Downloads 9510954 Negative Self-Awareness and Its Effect on Crime
Authors: Guinevere Servis
This paper hypothesizes that withdrawal from positive self-awareness, and the increase of counterfactual-thinking and self-handicapping can help provide ample justification for an individual before, during and/or after committing a crime. The understanding of who someone is, one’s perspective on the world, and why they think the way they do is key to therapy in preventing recidivism. Developing habits to escape self-awareness, by using self-handicapping and counterfactual ideologies, may provide the necessary thinking patterns to decide disobeying the law is a worthy act to pursue. An increase in self-awareness is hypothesized to decrease the likelihood of recidivism, and ways of thinking that withdraw from self awareness can increase the likelihood of it. Especially for those who have been disadvantaged in life and disobeyed the law, self-handicapping and counterfactual thinking can also help to justify one's wrongdoing. The understanding of how a criminal views their disadvantages in the world, and one’s thinking patterns are hypothesized to help one better understand the entire scope on why a crime was committed and thus reduce the likelihood of recidivism. Utilizing therapy for prisoners to increase self-awareness of both thought and action can lead to a healthy, happier life and reduce the likelihood of reoffending. By discussing the terms associated with self-awareness theory and other psychological topics such as self-handicapping, counterfactual thinking, this paper argues the actions towards increasing positive self-awareness can help decrease likelihood of recidivism. Adversely, hypothesizing that increasing the ways of thinking that withdraw one from self-awareness, through counterfactual thinking and self-handicapping, can inherently increase the likelihood of recidivism. Evaluating these findings to further understand the needed changes in correctional institutions is fundamental to reducing crime, benefiting the criminal, the victim(s) and their family, and the state.Keywords: crime, self-awareness theory, correctional institutions, self-regulate, counterfactual thinking, recidivism
Procedia PDF Downloads 10210953 Art, Space and Nature in Design: Analysing the Perception of Landscape Architecture Students
Authors: M. Danial Ismail, Turkan Sultan Yasar Ismail, Mehmet Cetin
Eco-design issues are seldom addressed as a major importance in most projects in Turkey. Cities undergo a rapid urban expansion with less awareness and focus on green spaces. The aim of this paper is firstly to analyse the graduating landscape architecture students of Kastamonu University’s perception on the new course content that discusses the relationship of art, space and nature in the context of landscape architectural design using the perception analysis methodology. Secondly, this paper also addresses how these elements synthesize together in an artistic perception in concept and form. In this study, a new coursework subject was introduced as a part of the curriculum for the 4th year students of the undergraduate program and project proposals dealing with the concept of art, space and nature were discussed and graded. Simulations of contemporary art installations in gallery spaces are built upon the concept of critical awareness to ecological problems. These concepts and simulations are important as they will influence future developments and projects. This paper will give an insight to scholars and professionals regarding new concepts of multidisciplinary education strategies and its positive effects on critical and creative design thinking within the scope of ecological design.Keywords: art, ecological design, landscape architecture curriculum, space and nature
Procedia PDF Downloads 34710952 English Language Teachers' Perceptions of Educational Research
Authors: Pinar Sali, Esim Gursoy, Ebru Atak Damar
Teachers’ awareness of and involvement in educational research (ER) is regarded as an indispensable aspect of professional growth and development. It is also believed to be a catalyst for effective teaching and learning. This strong emphasis on the significance of teacher research engagement has sparked inquiry into how teachers construe ER and whether or not they practice it. However, there seems to exist a few researches on teachers’ perceptions of and experience with ER in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). The present study thus attempts to fill this gap in the ELT literature and aims to unearth English language teachers’ perceptions of ER. Understanding these perceptions would undoubtedly aid in the development of strategies to promote teacher interest and involvement in research. The participants of the present study are 70 English language teachers in public and private schools in Turkey. A mixed-method approach has been used in the study. Both qualitative and quantitative data have been gathered by means of a questionnaire consisting of two parts. The first part of the questionnaire consists of 20 close-ended items of Teachers’ Attitude Scale Towards Educational Research (TASTER). The second part of the questionnaire has been developed by the researchers via an extensive literature review and consists of a mixture of close- and open-ended questions. In addition, 15 language teachers have been interviewed for an in-depth understanding of the results. Descriptive statistics and dual comparisons have been employed for the quantitative data, and the qualitative data have been analyzed by means of content analysis. The present study provides intriguing information as to the English language teachers’ perceptions of the usefulness and practicality of ER as well as the value they attain to it. The findings are discussed in relation to language teacher education. The research has implications for the teacher education process, teacher trainers and policy makers.Keywords: attitudes toward educational research, educational research, language teachers, teacher research
Procedia PDF Downloads 25610951 Sociolinguistic and Critical Discourse Analysis of Nigerian Proverbs: The Differences between the Representation of the Genders
Authors: Crescentia Ugwuona
Considering the importance of proverbs in socio-cultural life through socialization in any given society, it is deemed important for people to understand the hidden meanings that proverbs may convey. So far, there has been hardly any systematic research in the representation of different genders in Nigeria. Although there are writings on the representation of women in Nigerian proverbs, they are based on the writers’ introspection. Beyond that, investigators often tend to overlook the representations of men in proverbs. This study therefore explores from the perspective of sociolinguistics and critical discourse analysis (CDA) how different genders (men and women) are represented in Nigerian proverbs with particular reference to Igbo-Nigerians; with the aim of uncovering hidden gender inequalities that exist in them. The analysis reveals that Igbo proverbs consistently perpetuate an ideology of gender inequality, that is, male proverbs depict male achievements, power, bravery, and male supremacy; while that of female connotes their submissions to cultural and traditional female domestic roles, chastity, less competent, and women subjugation. The study alerts to how gendered language in proverbs can reflect, create, and sustain gender inequality in societies; and contributes to an education aimed at gender equality, emancipator practice of appropriate language in proverbs, respect for human rights; and of the need to develop strategies for addressing the problem.Keywords: critical discourse analysis, gender representation, gender stereotypes, Igbo-Nigerian, sociolinguistics analysis, proverbs
Procedia PDF Downloads 27710950 The Impact of Content Familiarity of Receptive Skills on Language Learning
Authors: Sara Fallahi
This paper reviews the importance of content familiarity of receptive skills and offers solutions to the issue of content unfamiliarity in language learning materials. Presently, language learning materials are mainly comprised of global issues and target language speakers’ culture(s) in receptive skills. This might leadlearners to focus on content rather than the language. As a solution, materials on receptive skills can be developed with a focus on learners’culture and social concerns, especially in the beginner levels of learning. Language learners often learn their target language through the receptive skills of listening and reading before language production ensues through speaking and writing. Students’ journey from receptive skills to productive skills is mainly concentrated on by teachers. There are barriers to language learning, such as time and energy, that can hinder learners’ understanding and ability to build the required background knowledge of the content. This is generated due to learners’ unfamiliarity with the skill’s content. Therefore, materials that improve content familiarity will help learners improve their language comprehension, learning, and usage. This presentation will conclude with practical solutions to help teachers and learners more authentically integrate language and culture to elevate language learning.Keywords: language learning, listening content, reading content, content familiarity, ESL books, language learning books, cultural familiarity
Procedia PDF Downloads 11910949 Cognitive Linguistic Features Underlying Spelling Development in a Second Language: A Case Study of L2 Spellers in South Africa
Authors: A. Van Staden, A. Tolmie, E. Vorster
Research confirms the multifaceted nature of spelling development and underscores the importance of both cognitive and linguistic skills that affect sound spelling development such as working and long-term memory, phonological and orthographic awareness, mental orthographic images, semantic knowledge and morphological awareness. This has clear implications for many South African English second language spellers (L2) who attempt to become proficient spellers. Since English has an opaque orthography, with irregular spelling patterns and insufficient sound/grapheme correspondences, L2 spellers can neither rely, nor draw on the phonological awareness skills of their first language (for example Sesotho and many other African languages), to assist them to spell the majority of English words. Epistemologically, this research is informed by social constructivism. In addition the researchers also hypothesized that the principles of the Overlapping Waves Theory was an appropriate lens through which to investigate whether L2 spellers could significantly improve their spelling skills via the implementation of an alternative route to spelling development, namely the orthographic route, and more specifically via the application of visual imagery. Post-test results confirmed the results of previous research that argues for the interactive nature of different cognitive and linguistic systems such as working memory and its subsystems and long-term memory, as learners were systematically guided to store visual orthographic images of words in their long-term lexicons. Moreover, the results have shown that L2 spellers in the experimental group (n = 9) significantly outperformed L2 spellers (n = 9) in the control group whose intervention involved phonological awareness (and coding) including the teaching of spelling rules. Consequently, L2 learners in the experimental group significantly improved in all the post-test measures included in this investigation, namely the four sub-tests of short-term memory; as well as two spelling measures (i.e. diagnostic and standardized measures). Against this background, the findings of this study look promising and have shown that, within a social-constructivist learning environment, learners can be systematically guided to apply higher-order thinking processes such as visual imagery to successfully store and retrieve mental images of spelling words from their output lexicons. Moreover, results from the present study could play an important role in directing research into this under-researched aspect of L2 literacy development within the South African education context.Keywords: English second language spellers, phonological and orthographic coding, social constructivism, visual imagery as spelling strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 36110948 The Effect of Critical Activity on Critical Path and Project Duration in Precedence Diagram Method
The additional relationships i.e., start-to-start, finish-to-finish, and start-to-finish, between activity in Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) provides a more flexible schedule than traditional Critical Path Method (CPM). But, changing the duration of critical activities in the PDM network will have an anomalous effect on the critical path and the project completion date. In this study, we classified the critical activities in two groups i.e., 1. activity on single critical path and 2. activity on multi-critical paths, and six classes i.e., normal, reverse, neutral, perverse, decrease-reverse and increase-normal, based on their effects on project duration in PDM. Furthermore, we determined the maximum float of time by which the duration each type of critical activities can be changed without effecting the project duration. This study would help the project manager to clearly understand the behavior of each critical activity on critical path, and he/she would be able to change the project duration by shortening or lengthening activities based on project budget and project deadline.Keywords: construction management, critical path method, project scheduling network, precedence diagram method
Procedia PDF Downloads 22410947 The Instruction of Imagination: A Theory of Language as a Social Communication Technology
Authors: Daniel Dor
The research presents a new general theory of language as a socially-constructed communication technology, designed by cultural evolution for a very specific function: the instruction of imagination. As opposed to all the other systems of intentional communication, which provide materials for the interlocutors to experience, language allows speakers to instruct their interlocutors in the process of imagining the intended meaning-instead of experiencing it. It is thus the only system that bridges the experiential gaps between speakers. This is the key to its enormous success.Keywords: experience, general theory of language, imagination, language as technology, social essence of language
Procedia PDF Downloads 58710946 Cultural Understanding in Chinese Language Education for Foreigners: A Quest for Better Integration
Authors: Linhan Sun
With the gradual strengthening of China's economic development, more and more people around the world are learning Chinese due to economic and trade needs, which has also promoted the research related to Chinese language education for foreigners. Because the Chinese language system is different from the Western language system, learning Chinese is not easy for many learners. In addition, language learning cannot be separated from the learning and understanding of culture. How to integrate cultural learning into the curriculum of Chinese language education for foreigners is the focus of this study. Through a semi-structured in-depth interview method, 15 foreigners who have studied or are studying Chinese participated in this study. This study found that cultural learning and Chinese as a foreign language are relatively disconnected. In other words, learners were able to acquire a certain degree of knowledge of the Chinese language through textbooks or courses but did not gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture.Keywords: Chinese language education, Chinese culture, qualitative methods, intercultural communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 17210945 Challenges of Teaching English Language in Polytechnics
Authors: Jyoti Sanjay Pathrikar
The 21st century is marked by increased industrialization and a great spurt of technical institutes in almost all parts of the country. In this changing scenario, teaching English language to the students of polytechnic institutes, situated in the small towns of the country is a great challenge as well as responsibility. The learners have very strong vernacular roots and their adaptation to the English language is really slow, as a result teaching English language to them is a herculean task. The students of polytechnics get admission despite of low grades, the base of English has to be prepared at the plus two level, the influence of the local language looms large and the reluctance to learn the English language is obvious. However, the needs of the industries have to be kept in mind and the prospective engineers have to be taught the language. There is an urgent need to devise new ways of teaching the language keeping in mind the requirements of the industry, the capability of the students and maintaining the sanctity of the language. A way has to be carved out.Keywords: industrialization, herculean, prospective, sanctity, vernacular
Procedia PDF Downloads 44610944 Using Happening Performance in Vocabulary Teaching
Authors: Mustafa Gultekin
It is believed that drama can be used in language classes to create a positive atmosphere for students to use the target language in an interactive way. Thus, drama has been extensively used in many settings in language classes. Although happening has been generally used as a performance art of theatre, this new kind of performance has not been widely known in language teaching area. Therefore, it can be an innovative idea to use happening in language classes, and thus a positive environment can be created for students to use the language in an interactive way. Happening can be defined as an art performance that puts emphasis on interaction in an audience. Because of its interactive feature, happening can also be used in language classes to motivate students to use the language in an interactive environment. The present study aims to explain how a happening performance can be applied to a learning environment to teach vocabulary in English. In line with this purpose, a learning environment was designed for a vocabulary presentation lesson. At the end of the performance, students were asked to compare the traditional way of teaching and happening performance in terms of effectiveness. It was found that happening performance provided the students with a more creative and interactive environment to use the language. Therefore, happening can be used in language classrooms as an innovative tool for education.Keywords: English, happening, language learning, vocabulary teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 36710943 The Implementation of Word Study Wall in an Online English Word Memorization Class
Authors: Yidan Shao
With the advancement of the economy, technology promotes online teaching, and learning has become one of the common features in the educational field. Meanwhile, the dramatic expansion of the online environment provides opportunities for more learners, including second language learners. A greater command of vocabulary improves students’ learning capacity, and word acquisition and development play a critical role in learning. Furthermore, the Word Wall is an effective tool to improve students’ knowledge of words, which works for a wide range of age groups. Therefore, this study is going to use the Word Wall as an intervention to examine whether it can bring some memorization changes in an online English language class for a second language learner based on the word morphology method. The participant will take ten courses in the experiment as it plans. The findings show that the Word Wall activity plays a slight role in improving word memorizing, but it does affect instant memorization. If longer periods and more comprehensive designs of research can be applied, it is expected to have more value.Keywords: second language acquisition, word morphology, word memorization, the Word Wall
Procedia PDF Downloads 12010942 A Study on Pre-Service English Language Teacher's Language Self-Efficacy and Goal Orientation
Authors: Ertekin Kotbas
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is on the front burner of many countries in the world, in particular for English Language Teaching departments that train EFL teachers. Under the head of motivational theories in foreign language education, there are numerous researches in literature. However; researches comprising English Language Self-Efficacy and Teachers’ Learning Goal Orientation which has a positive impact on learning teachings skills are scarce. Examination of these English Language self-efficacy beliefs and Learning Goal Orientations of Pre-Service EFL Teachers may broaden the horizons, in consideration the importance of self-efficacy and goal orientation on learning and teaching activities. At this juncture, the present study aims to investigate the relationship between English Language Self-Efficacy and Teachers’ Learning Goal Orientation from Turkish context.Keywords: English language, learning goal orientation, self-efficacy, pre-service teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 49310941 L2 Learning and Teaching through Digital Tools
Authors: Bâlc Denisa-Maria
This paper aims to present some ways of preserving a language heritage in the global era. Teaching a second language to foreign students does not imply only teaching the grammar and the vocabulary in order to reach the 4 skills, but it means constant work on developing strategies to make the students aware of the heritage that the language they learn has. Teachers and professors need to be aware of the fact that language is in constant change, they need to adjust their techniques to the digital era, but they also have to be aware of the changes, the good and the bad parts of globalizations. How is it possible to preserve the patrimony of a certain language in a globalized era? What transformations does a language face in time? What does it mean to preserve the heritage of a language through L2 teaching? What makes a language special? What impact does it have on the foreign students? How can we, as teachers, preserve the heritage of our language? Would it be everything about books, films, music, cultural events or what else? How is it possible to include digital programs in your teaching and preserving the patrimony of a language at the same time? How does computational linguistics help us in teaching a certain language? All these questions will be tackled during the essay, with special accent on the definition of a language heritage, the new perspectives for teachers/ professors, everything in a multimodal and complex way of presenting the context. The objectives of this research are: - to present some ways of preserving the heritage of a certain language against globalization - to illustrate what preservation means for L2 teaching - to encourage teachers to be aware of their language patrimony The main contributions of my research are on moving the discussion of preserving a certain language patrimony in the context of L2 teaching.Keywords: preservation, globalization, language heritage, L2 teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 6310940 Numerical Solution of 1-D Shallow Water Equations at Junction for Sub-Critical and Super-Critical Flow
Authors: Mohamed Elshobaki, Alessandro Valiani, Valerio Caleffi
In this paper, we solve 1-D shallow water equation for sub-critical and super-critical water flow at junction. The water flow at junction has been studied for the last 50 years from the physical-hydraulic point of views and for numerical computations need more attention. For numerical simulation, we need to establish an inner boundary condition at the junction to avoid an oscillation which rise from the waves interactions at the junction. Indeed, we introduce a new boundary condition at the junction based on the mass conservation, total head, and the admissible wave relations between the flow parameters in the three branches to predict the water depths and discharges at the junction. These boundary conditions are valid for sub-critical flow and super-critical flow.Keywords: numerical simulation, junction flow, sub-critical flow, super-critical flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 51110939 Creating a Critical Digital Pedagogy Context: Challenges and Potential of Designing and Implementing a Blended Learning Intervention for Adult Refugees in Greece
Authors: Roula Kitsiou, Sofia Tsioli, Eleni Gana
The current sociopolitical realities (displacement, encampment, and resettlement) refugees experience in Greece are a quite complex issue. Their educational and social ‘integration’ is characterized by transition, insecurity, and constantly changing needs. Based on the current research data, technology and more specifically mobile phones are one of the most important resources for refugees, regardless of their levels of conventional literacy. The proposed paper discusses the challenges encountered during the design and implementation of the educational Action 16 ‘Language Education for Adult Refugees’. Action 16 is one of the 24 Actions of the Project PRESS (Provision of Refugee Education and Support Scheme), funded by the Hellenic Open University (2016-2017). Project PRESS had two main objectives: a) to address the educational and integration needs of refugees in transit, who currently reside in Greece, and b) implement research-based educational interventions in online and offline sites. In the present paper, the focus is on reflection and discussion about the challenges and the potential of integrating technology in language learning for a target-group with many specific needs, which have been recorded in field notes among other research tools (ethnographic data) used in the context of PRESS. Action 16, explores if and how technology enhanced language activities in real-time and place mediated through teachers, as well as an autonomous computer-mediated learning space (moodle platform and application) builds on and expands the linguistic, cultural and digital resources and repertoires of the students by creating collaborative face-to-face and digital learning spaces. A broader view on language as a dynamic puzzle of semiotic resources and processes based on the concept of translanguaging is adopted. Specifically, designing the blended learning environment we draw on the construct of translanguaging a) as a symbolic means to valorize students’ repertoires and practices, b) as a method to reach to specific applications of a target-language that the context brings forward (Greek useful to them), and c) as a means to expand refugees’ repertoires. This has led to the creation of a learning space where students' linguistic and cultural resources can find paths to expression. In this context, communication and learning are realized by mutually investing multiple aspects of the team members' identities as educational material designers, teachers, and students on the teaching and learning processes. Therefore, creativity, humour, code-switching, translation, transference etc. are all possible means that can be employed in order to promote multilingual communication and language learning towards raising intercultural awareness in a critical digital pedagogy context. The qualitative analysis includes critical reflection on the developed educational material, team-based reflexive discussions, teachers’ reports data, and photographs from the interventions. The endeavor to involve women and men with a refugee background into a blended learning experience was quite innovative especially for the Greek context. It reflects a pragmatist ethos of the choices made in order to respond to the here-and-now needs of the refugees, and finally it was a very challenging task that has led all actors involved into Action 16 to (re)negotiations of subjectivities and products in a creative and hopeful way.Keywords: blended learning, integration, language education, refugees
Procedia PDF Downloads 12810938 Native Speaker's Role in Improving the Speaking Skills of Second Language Learners
Authors: May George
Native speakers can play a significant role in improving second language learners speaking skills through weekly interaction. Speaking is one of the important skills that second language learners need to practice in order to be able to communicate the language. This study will examine Talkaboard as an important tool to achieve better outcomes in speaking a language. The subject of the study will be 16 advanced Arabic language learners at the college level. There will be a pre-test and post-test to examine the conversation outcomes using the Talkaborad tool. The students will be asked to write a summary and talk about their weekly conversation experience with the native speaker in class. The teacher will use a check list to determine the progress made in speaking the Arabic language. The results of this study will provide language teachers with information related to the native speakers’ role in language and the progress the second language learners made after interacting with native speakers.Keywords: speaking, language, interaction, culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 48710937 The Use of Digital Stories in the Development of Critical Literacy
Authors: Victoria Zenotz
For Fairclough (1989) critical literacy is a tool to enable readers and writers to build up meaning in discourse. More recently other authors (Leu et al., 2004) have included the new technology context in their definition of literacy. In their view being literate nowadays means to “successfully use and adapt to the rapidly changing information and communication technologies and contexts that continuously emerge in our world and influence all areas of our personal and professional lives.” (Leu et al., 2004: 1570). In this presentation the concept of critical literacy will be related to the creation of digital stories. In the first part of the presentation concepts such as literacy and critical literacy are examined. We consider that real social practices will help learners may improve their literacy level. Accordingly, we show some research, which was conducted at a secondary school in the north of Spain (2013-2014), to illustrate how the “writing” of digital stories may contribute to the development of critical literacy. The use of several instruments allowed the collection of data at the different stages of their creative process including watching and commenting models for digital stories, planning a storyboard, creating and selecting images, adding voices and background sounds, editing and sharing the final product. The results offer some valuable insights into learners’ literacy progress.Keywords: literacy, computer assisted language learning, esl
Procedia PDF Downloads 40010936 Investigating Educator Perceptions of Body-Rich Language on Student Self-Image, Body-Consciousness and School Climate
Authors: Evelyn Bilias-Lolis, Emily Louise Winter
Schools have a responsibility to implement school-wide frameworks that actively prevent, detect, and support all aspects of child development and learning. Such efforts can range from individual or classroom-level supports to school-wide primary prevention practices for the school’s infrastructure or climate. This study assessed the perceptions of educators across a variety of disciplines in Connecticut (i.e., elementary and secondary education, special education, school psychology, and school social work) on the perceived impact of their beliefs, language, and behavior about food and body consciousness on student self-image and school climate. Participants (N=50) completed a short electronic questionnaire measuring perceptions of how their behavior can influence their students’ opinions about themselves, their emerging self-image, and the overall climate of the school community. Secondly, the beliefs that were directly assessed in the first portion of the survey were further measured through the use of applied social vignettes involving students directly or as bystanders. Preliminary findings are intriguing. When asked directly, 100% of the respondents reported that what they say to students directly could influence student opinions about themselves and 98% of participants further agreed that their behavior both to and in front of students could impact a student’s developing self-image. Likewise, 82% of the sample agreed that their personal language and behavior affect the overall climate of a school building. However, when the above beliefs were assessed via applied social vignettes depicting routine social exchanges, results were significantly more widespread (i.e., results were evenly dispersed among levels of agreement and disagreement across participants in all areas). These preliminary findings offer humble but critical implications for informing integrated school wellness frameworks that aim to create body-sensitive school communities. Research indicates that perceptions about body image, attitudes about eating, and the onset of disordered eating practices surface in school-aged years. Schools provide a natural setting for instilling foundations for child wellness as a natural extension of existing school climate reform efforts. These measures do not always need to be expansive or extreme. Rather, educators have a ripe opportunity to become champions for health and wellness through increased self-awareness and subtle shifts in language and behavior. Future psychological research needs to continue to explore this line of inquiry using larger and more varied samples of educators in order to identify needs in teacher training and development that can yield positive and preventative health outcomes for children.Keywords: body-sensitive schools, integrated school health, school climate reform, teacher awareness
Procedia PDF Downloads 15810935 A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Impact of the Linguistic Behavior of the Soccer Moroccan Coach in Light of Motivation Theory and Discursive Psychology
Authors: Abdelaadim Bidaoui
As one of the most important linguistic inquiries, the topic of the intertwined relationship between language, the mind, and the world has attracted many scholars. In the fifties, Sapir and Whorf advocated the hypothesis that language shapes our cultural realities as an early attempt to provide answers to this linguistic inquiry. Later, discursive psychology views the linguistic behavior as “a dynamic form of social practice which constructs the social world, individual selves and identity.” (Jorgensen & Phillips 2002, 118). Discursive psychology also considers discourse as a trigger of social action and change. Building on discursive psychology and motivation theory, this paper examines the impact of linguistic behavior of the Moroccan coach Walid Reggragui on the Moroccan team’s exceptional performance in Qatar 2022 Soccer World Cup. The data used in the research is based on interviews conducted by the Moroccan coach prior and during the World Cup. Using a discourse analysis of the linguistic behavior of Reggragui, this paper shows how the linguistic behavior of Reggragui provided support for the three psychological needs: sense of belonging, competence, and autonomy. As any CDA research, this paper uses a triangulated theoretical framework that includes language, cognition and society.Keywords: critical discourse analysis, motivation theory, discursive psychology, linguistic behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 9110934 Improving Machine Learning Translation of Hausa Using Named Entity Recognition
Authors: Aishatu Ibrahim Birma, Aminu Tukur, Abdulkarim Abbass Gora
Machine translation plays a vital role in the Field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), breaking down language barriers and enabling communication across diverse communities. In the context of Hausa, a widely spoken language in West Africa, mainly in Nigeria, effective translation systems are essential for enabling seamless communication and promoting cultural exchange. However, due to the unique linguistic characteristics of Hausa, accurate translation remains a challenging task. The research proposes an approach to improving the machine learning translation of Hausa by integrating Named Entity Recognition (NER) techniques. Named entities, such as person names, locations, organizations, and dates, are critical components of a language's structure and meaning. Incorporating NER into the translation process can enhance the quality and accuracy of translations by preserving the integrity of named entities and also maintaining consistency in translating entities (e.g., proper names), and addressing the cultural references specific to Hausa. The NER will be incorporated into Neural Machine Translation (NMT) for the Hausa to English Translation.Keywords: machine translation, natural language processing (NLP), named entity recognition (NER), neural machine translation (NMT)
Procedia PDF Downloads 4610933 Determining the Target Level of Knowledge of English as a Foreign Language in Higher Education
Authors: Zorana Z. Jurinjak, Nataša B. Lukić, Christos G. Alexopoulos
Although in the last few decades, English as a foreign language has been a compulsory subject in almost all colleges and universities in Serbia, students who enter the first year come with different levels of knowledge, which is immense task and a burden on teachers not only which literature and how to conduct classes in heterogeneous groups but also how to evaluate and assess the progress.This paper aims to discuss the issue of determining the target level of knowledge of English as a foreign language in higher education in Serbia due to the great need for these levels to equalize. The research was conducted at several colleges and universities where first-year students took a placement test, and we also carried out a review and comparison of the literature used in teaching English in those schools. We hope that this research will not only raise the awareness of those in charge when making curriculums, but also that ways will be found to assimilate these differences in knowledge and establish the criteria in assessment.Keywords: higher education, EFL, levels of knowledge, evaluation, assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1310932 Commodification of the Chinese Language: Investigating Language Ideology in the Chinese Complementary Schools’ Online Discourse
Authors: Yuying Liu
Despite the increasing popularity of Chinese and the recognition of the growing commodifying ideology of Chinese language in many contexts (Liu and Gao, 2020; Guo, Shin and Shen 2020), the ideological orientations of the Chinese diaspora community towards the Chinese language remain under-researched. This research contributes seeks to bridge this gap by investigating the micro-level language ideologies embedded in the Chinese complementary schools in the Republic of Ireland. Informed by Ruíz’s (1984) metaphorical representations of language, 11 Chinese complementary schools’ websites were analysed as discursive texts that signal the language policy and ideology to prospective learners and parents were analysed. The results of the analysis suggest that a move from a portrayal of Chinese as linked to student heritage identity, to the commodification of linguistic and cultural diversity, is evident. It denotes the growing commodifying ideology among the Chinese complementary schools in the Republic of Ireland. The changing profile of the complementary school, from serving an ethnical community to teaching Chinese as a foreign language for the wider community, indicates the possibility of creating the a positive synergy between the Complementary school and the mainstream education. This study contributes to the wider discussions of language ideology and language planning, with regards to modern language learning and heritage language maintenance.Keywords: the Chinese language;, Chinese as heritage language, Chinese as foreign language, Chinese community schools
Procedia PDF Downloads 13710931 The Challenge of Teaching French as a Foreign Language in a Multilingual Community
Authors: Carol C. Opara, Olukemi E. Adetuyi-Olu-Francis
The teaching of French language, like every other language, has its numerous challenges. A multilingual community, however, is a linguistic environment housing diverse languages, each with its peculiarity, both pros, and cones. A foreign language will have to strive hard for survival in an environment where various indigenous languages, as well as an established official language, exist. This study examined the challenges and prospects of the teaching of French as a foreign language in a multilingual community. A 22-item questionnaire was used to elicit information from 40 Nigerian Secondary school teachers of French. One of the findings of this study showed that the teachers of the French language are not motivated. Also, the linguistic environment is not favourable for the teaching and learning of French language in Nigeria. One of the recommendations was that training and re-training of teachers of French should be of utmost importance to the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Education.Keywords: challenges, french as foreign language, multilingual community, teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 22310930 The Application of the Security Audit Method on the Selected Objects of Critical Infrastructure
Authors: Michaela Vašková
The paper is focused on the application of the security audit method on the selected objects of the critical infrastructure. The emphasis is put on security audit method to find gaps in the critical infrastructure security. The theoretical part describes objects of the critical infrastructure. The practical part describes using the security audit method. The main emphasis was put on the protection of the critical infrastructure in the Czech Republic.Keywords: crisis management, critical infrastructure, object of critical infrastructure, security audit, extraordinary event
Procedia PDF Downloads 43110929 Sustainable Manufacturing Framework for Small and Medium Enterprises
Authors: Rajan Deglurkar
The research carried out in this piece of work is on 'Framework of Sustainable Manufacturing for Small and Medium Enterprises'. It consists of elucidation of concepts about sustainable manufacturing and sustainable product development with critical review performed on seven techniques of sustainable manufacturing. The work also covers the survey about critical review of awareness in the market with respect to the manufacturers and the consumers. The factors and challenges for sustainable manufacturing implementation are reviewed and simple framework is constructed for the small and medium enterprise for successful implementation of sustainable manufacturing and sustainable product.Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable manufacturing, resource efficiency, framework for sustainable manufacturing
Procedia PDF Downloads 51710928 The English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices of Infusing Critical Thinking Skills to Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension
Authors: Michael Amale Kirko, Abebe Gebretsadik
In the 21st century, developing students’ critical thinking skills has become a prime concern in higher education institutions. Cognizant of this fact, the Ethiopian higher education policy document used critical thinking as one of the guiding principles. The study aims to explore how English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers perceive and practice critical thinking skills (CTS) in teaching reading to improve reading comprehension at Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia. A descriptive survey study used an exploratory mixed-methods approach. The study involved 20 EFL instructors and 40 2nd-year English majoring students. The numerical data were collected using teacher and student surveys and classroom observations; the qualitative data were obtained through content analysis and interviews. Teacher survey results indicated that teachers' perceptions are above average (mean = 3.41). And the result of classroom observations showed the practice CTS in class was below average (mean=2.61). The content analysis result revealed instructors utilized fewer higher-order thinking questions during class activities, quizzes, midterm, and final exams. The teachers perceived that teacher, student, and material-related challenges were hindering the practice of CT to improve students’ reading comprehension. Finally, spearman’s rho output showed r=0.97 and p<0.05. Therefore, the results showed that the EFL teachers’ practices of CTS to improve students’ reading comprehension were less frequent; there was a strong, positive, and statistically significant relationship between the teachers’ perceptions and practices of CTS in reading class.Keywords: perceptions, critical thinking skills, practices, infusing thinking skills, reading comprehension
Procedia PDF Downloads 7710927 A Detailed Study of Sexism in Mizo Language
Authors: H. C. Laltleipuii, Lalruatdiki Siakeng
Mizo is a language spoken by the natives of Mizoram in North-East India. The Mizo society is a patriarchal society and hence is encumbered with trails of sexism in its language. Sexist language expresses discrimination on the basis of gender. While women are primarily affected, it is not however limited to just the female gender. This paper focuses on the sexist language that reflects the discrimination of women in the male-dominated, male-centered society of the Mizo. The main purpose of this paper is to emphasize with details, sexism that can be found in three aspects of language: in the naming of animate and inanimate objects or words in general, in the idioms and phrases and proverbs. This study will also take into account the gender neutral terms that are in use in the language.Keywords: gender, Mizo, patriarchy, sexism
Procedia PDF Downloads 41210926 Morpheme Based Parts of Speech Tagger for Kannada Language
Authors: M. C. Padma, R. J. Prathibha
Parts of speech tagging is the process of assigning appropriate parts of speech tags to the words in a given text. The critical or crucial information needed for tagging a word come from its internal structure rather from its neighboring words. The internal structure of a word comprises of its morphological features and grammatical information. This paper presents a morpheme based parts of speech tagger for Kannada language. This proposed work uses hierarchical tag set for assigning tags. The system is tested on some Kannada words taken from EMILLE corpus. Experimental result shows that the performance of the proposed system is above 90%.Keywords: hierarchical tag set, morphological analyzer, natural language processing, paradigms, parts of speech
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