Search results for: internet of health things
9700 Cyber Aggression, Cyber Bullying and the Dark Triad: Effect on Workplace Behavior and Performance
Authors: Anishya Obhrai Madan
In an increasingly connected world, where speed of communication attempts to match the speed of thought and thus intentions; conflict gets actioned faster using media like the internet and telecommunication technology. This has led to a new form of aggression: “cyber bullying”. The present paper attempts to integrate existing theory on bullying, and the dark triad personality traits in a work environment and extrapolate it to the cyber context.Keywords: conflict at work, cyber bullying, dark triad of personality, toxic employee
Procedia PDF Downloads 2309699 Profile of Cortisol in Bali's Crossbreed Cows for 120 Hours Shipping Using Traditional Vessel
Authors: Hindar Panguji, Nichlah Rifqiyah, Irkham Widiono, Pudji Astuti
Many transportations of livestock in Indonesia is still managed traditionally. Transportation involves several things that may cause stress, from a certain treatment or other factors, either externally or internally, that act as stressors. This study aimed to determine the profile of cortisol and IL-6 in female Bali breeding cattle transported for 120 hours using 100 GT traditional vessels with two floors and a capacity of 300-400 heads. Before transportation, all of the animals have got the vaccination. Blood samples from thirty cows were taken before transportation, during loading, during docking, and after transportation. ELISA method was used to analyze the concentration of cortisol and IL6. The averages of cortisol concentration before transportation, during loading, docking, and after transportation were 78.21±27.96 ng/mL, 90.78±30.91 ng/mL, 69.90±53.92 ng/mL and 69.34±32.03 ng/mL respectively. The average concentration of IL-6 before, during, docking and after transportation were 259.86±70.16 pg/mL, 315.41±64.21 pg/mL, 410.13±247.43 pg/mL dan 424.81±98.86 pg/mL. It was concluded there were no differences in cortisol concentrations and level of IL6 of each cow at different stages of transportation (p > 0.05) It would be possible that vaccination could reduce the fluctuation of cortisol.Keywords: shipping, Bali's breed cows, vessel, cortisol, IL6
Procedia PDF Downloads 2239698 Importance of Health and Social Capital to Employment Status of Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Authors: Belayet Hossain, Laura Lamb
The study investigates the importance of health and social capital in determining the labour force status of Canada’s Indigenous population using data from 2006 Aboriginal Peoples Survey. An instrumental variable ordered probit model has been specified and estimated. The study finds that health status and social capital are important in determining Indigenous peoples’ employment status along with other factors. The results of the study imply that human resource development initiatives of Indigenous Peoples need to be broadened by including health status and social capital. Poor health and low degree of inclusion of the Indigenous Peoples need to be addressed in order to improve employment status of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples.Keywords: labour force, human capital, social capital, aboriginal people, Canada
Procedia PDF Downloads 3009697 Nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention on Health Screening Outcomes for Singaporean Employees: A Worksite Based Randomised Controlled Trial
Authors: Elaine Wong
This research protocol aims to explore and justify the need for nutrition and physical activity intervention to improve health outcomes among SME (Small Medium Enterprise) employees. It was found that the worksite is an ideal and convenient setting for employees to take charge of their health thru active participation in health programmes since they spent a great deal of time at their workplace. This study will examine the impact of both general or/and targeted health interventions in both SME and non-SME companies utilizing the Workplace Health Promotion (WHP) grant over a 12 months period and assessed the improvement in chronic health disease outcomes in Singapore. Random sampling of both non-SME and SME companies will be conducted to undergo health intervention and statistical packages such as Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 25 will be used to examine the impact of both general and targeted interventions on employees who participate and those who do not participate in the intervention and their effects on blood glucose (BG), blood lipid, blood pressure (BP), body mass index (BMI), and body fat percentage. Using focus groups and interviews, the data results will be transcribed to investigate enablers and barriers to workplace health intervention revealed by employees and WHP coordinators that could explain the variation in the health screening results across the organisations. Dietary habits and physical activity levels of the employees participating and not participating in the intervention will be collected before and after intervention to assess any changes in their lifestyle practices. It makes economic sense to study the impact of these interventions on health screening outcomes across various organizations that are existing grant recipients to justify the sustainability of these programmes by the local government. Healthcare policy makers and employers can then tailor appropriate and relevant programmes to manage these escalating chronic health disease conditions which is integral to the competitiveness and productivity of the nation’s workforce.Keywords: chronic diseases, health screening, nutrition and fitness intervention , workplace health
Procedia PDF Downloads 1499696 Methodologies, Findings, Discussion, and Limitations in Global, Multi-Lingual Research: We Are All Alone - Chinese Internet Drama
Authors: Patricia Portugal Marques de Carvalho Lourenco
A three-phase methodological multi-lingual path was designed, constructed and carried out using the 2020 Chinese Internet Drama Series We Are All Alone as a case study. Phase one, the backbone of the research, comprised of secondary data analysis, providing the structure on which the next two phases would be built on. Phase one incorporated a Google Scholar and a Baidu Index analysis, Star Network Influence Index and top two drama reviews, along with an article written about the drama and scrutiny of Chinese related blogs and websites. Phase two was field research elaborated across Latin Europe, and phase three was social media focused, having into account that perceptions are going to be memory conditioned based on past ideas recall. Overall, research has shown the poor cultural expression of Chinese entertainment in Latin Europe and demonstrated the inexistence of Chinese content in French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish Business to Consumer retailers; a reflection of their low significance in Latin European markets and the short-life cycle of entertainment products in general, bubble-gum, disposable goods without a mid to long-term effect in consumers lives. The process of conducting comprehensive international research was complex and time-consuming, with data not always available in Mandarin, the researcher’s linguistic deficiency, limited Chinese Cultural Knowledge and cultural equivalence. Despite steps being taken to minimize the international proposed research, theoretical limitations concurrent to Latin Europe and China still occurred. Data accuracy was disputable; sampling, data collection/analysis methods are heterogeneous; ascertaining data requirements and the method of analysis to achieve a construct equivalence was challenging and morose to operationalize. Secondary data was also not often readily available in Mandarin; yet, in spite of the array of limitations, research was done, and results were produced.Keywords: research methodologies, international research, primary data, secondary data, research limitations, online dramas, china, latin europe
Procedia PDF Downloads 689695 The Relationship between Adolescent Self Well Being and Cyber Bully/Victim Being
Authors: Nesrin Demir, Betül Demirbağ
In recent years, the type and content of bullying in schools changes together with technological development. Many studies attribute bullying movement to virtual platform to the widespread use of social media and internet. The main goal of this research is to determine if there is a correlation between subjective well-being as a popular conception of Positive Psychology and being cyber bully/victim. For this purpose, 287 students from various public high schools in Malatya have reached. As assessment tool, Cyber Bully/Victim Scale and Self Well Being Scale for Adolescents were used. Results were discussed in the relevant literature.Keywords: cyber bully, cyber victim, school counseling, subjective well-being
Procedia PDF Downloads 4159694 Implementation of Chlorine Monitoring and Supply System for Drinking Water Tanks
Authors: Ugur Fidan, Naim Karasekreter
Healthy and clean water should not contain disease-causing micro-organisms and toxic chemicals and must contain the necessary minerals in a balanced manner. Today, water resources have a limited and strategic importance, necessitating the management of water reserves. Water tanks meet the water needs of people and should be regularly chlorinated to prevent waterborne diseases. For this purpose, automatic chlorination systems placed in water tanks for killing bacteria. However, the regular operation of automatic chlorination systems depends on refilling the chlorine tank when it is empty. For this reason, there is a need for a stock control system, in which chlorine levels are regularly monitored and supplied. It has become imperative to take urgent measures against epidemics caused by the fact that most of our country is not aware of the end of chlorine. The aim of this work is to rehabilitate existing water tanks and to provide a method for a modern water storage system in which chlorination is digitally monitored by turning the newly established water tanks into a closed system. A sensor network structure using GSM/GPRS communication infrastructure has been developed in the study. The system consists of two basic units: hardware and software. The hardware includes a chlorine level sensor, an RFID interlock system for authorized personnel entry into water tank, a motion sensor for animals and other elements, and a camera system to ensure process safety. It transmits the data from the hardware sensors to the host server software via the TCP/IP protocol. The main server software processes the incoming data through the security algorithm and informs the relevant unit responsible (Security forces, Chlorine supply unit, Public health, Local Administrator) by e-mail and SMS. Since the software is developed base on the web, authorized personnel are also able to monitor drinking water tank and report data on the internet. When the findings and user feedback obtained as a result of the study are evaluated, it is shown that closed drinking water tanks are built with GRP type material, and continuous monitoring in digital environment is vital for sustainable health water supply for people.Keywords: wireless sensor networks (WSN), monitoring, chlorine, water tank, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 1619693 Alternative Sources of Funding Tertiary Institution in Nigeria
Authors: Mark Omu
Education has remained the greatest fulcrum on which the developmental aspirations of societies and the world over is Anchored. This has been the case from the antiquity. As a result of recognition of this fact, education occupies a crucial and centripetal position at different epochs of societal formation and transformation. This paper recognized the all-embracing role of education to society and it utilized the literary research and review of literature to espouse on the role of alternative sources of financing education. This position was borne out of the dwindling resources available to education. Especially to finance teaching, learning, research and retraining of staffers. This paper found among other things that alternative funding of education is possible and it can be achieved through selling of its research products like entrepreneurial skills, collaborative ventures in public private partnership, philanthropic of endowments, etc. These are capable of bridging the financial gap currently bedevilling the educational sectors.Keywords: alternative sources, funding, tertiary, education, society, partnership, Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 4119692 Social Media and Political Mobilization in Nigeria: A Study in E-Participation
Authors: Peter Amobi Chiamogu
Communication has subsisted as the basis for mass mobilization and political education through history with the media as a generic concept. Revolutions in ICTs have occasioned a limitless environment for the dissemination of information and ideas especially with the use of a seemingly pervasive access, penetration and use of the internet which has engendered a connected society. This study seeks to analyze the prospects and challenges for the adaptation of social media for free election and how this process can enhance public policy making, implementation and evaluation in a developing state.Keywords: social media, e-participation, political mobilization, public policy, electioneering
Procedia PDF Downloads 3549691 Sexual Health Experiences of Older Men: Health Care Professionals' Perspectives
Authors: Andriana E. Tran, Anna Chur-Hansen
Sexual health is an important aspect of overall wellbeing. This study aimed to explore the sexual health experiences of men aged 50 years and over from the perspective of health care professional participants who were specializing in sexual health care and who consulted with older men. A total of ten interviews were conducted. Eleven themes were identified regarding men’s experiences with sexual health care as reported by participants. 1) Biologically focused: older male clients focus largely on the biological aspect of their sexual health without consideration of other factors which might affect their functioning. 2) Psychological concerns: there is an interaction between mental and sexual health but older male clients do not necessarily see this. 3) Medicalization of sexual functioning: advances in medicine that aid with erectile difficulties which consequently mean that older men tend to favor a medical solution to their sexual concerns. 4) Masculine identity: sexual health concerns are linked to older male clients’ sense of masculinity. 5) Penile functionality: most concerns that older male clients have center on their penile functionality. 6) Relationships: many male clients seek sexual help as they believe it improves relationships. Conversely, having supportive partners may mean older male clients focus less on the physicality of sex. 7) Grief and loss: men experience grief and loss – the loss of their sexual functioning, grief from loss of a long-term partner, and loss of intimacy and privacy when moving from independent living to residential care. 8) Social stigma: older male clients experience stigma around aging sexuality and sex in general. 9) Help-seeking behavior: older male clients will usually seek mechanistic solution for biological sexual concerns, such as medication used for penile dysfunction. 10) Dismissed by health care professionals: many older male clients seek specialist sexual health care without the knowledge of their doctors as they feel dismissed due to lack of expertise, lack of time, and the doctor’s personal attitudes and characteristics. Finally, 11) Lack of resources: there is a distinct lack of resources and training to understand sexuality for healthy older men. These findings may inform future research, professional training, public health campaigns and policies for sexual health in older men.Keywords: ageing, biopsychosocial model, men's health, sexual health
Procedia PDF Downloads 1749690 Evidence Based Approach on Beliefs and Perceptions on Mental Health Disorder and Substance Abuse: The Role of a Social Worker
Authors: Helena Baffoe
The US has developed numerous programs over the past 50 years to enhance the lives of those who suffer from mental health illnesses and substance abuse, as well as the effectiveness of their treatments. Despite these advances over the past 50 years, there hasn't been a corresponding improvement in American public attitudes and beliefs about mental health disorders and substance abuse. Highly publicized acts of violence frequently elicit comments that blame the perpetrator's perceived mental health disorder since such people are thought to be substance abusers. Despite these strong public beliefs and perception about mental disorder and substance abuse, concreate empirical evidence that entail this perception is lacking, and evidence of their effectiveness has not been integrated. A rich data was collected from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) with a hypothesis that people who are diagnosed with a mental health disorder are likely to be diagnosed with substance abuse using logit regression analysis and Instrumental Variable. It was found that depressive, anxiety, and trauma/stressor mental disorders constitute the most common mental disorder in the United States, and the study could not find statistically significant evidence that being diagnosed with these leading mental health disorders in the United States does necessarily imply that such a patient is diagnosed with substances abuse. Thus, the public has a misconception of mental health and substance abuse issues, and social workers' responsibilities are outlined in order to assist ameliorate this attitude and perception.Keywords: mental health disorder, substance use, empirical evidence, logistic regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 799689 Understanding Knowledge, Skills and Competency Needs in Digital Health for Current and Future Health Workforce
Authors: Sisira Edirippulige
Background: Digital health education and training (DHET) is imperative for preparing current and future clinicians to work competently in digitally enabled environments. Despite rapid integration of digital health in modern health services, systematic education and training opportunities for health workers is still lacking. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate healthcare professionals’ perspectives and expectations regarding the knowledge, skills and competency needs in digital health for current and future healthcare workforce. Methods: A qualitative study design with semi-structured individual interviews was employed. A purposive sample method was adopted to collect relevant information from the health workers. Inductive thematic analysis was used to analyse data. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) was followed when we reported this study. Results: Two themes emerged while analysing the data: (1) what to teach in DHET and (2) how to teach DHET. Overall, healthcare professionals agreed that DHET is important for preparing current and future clinicians for working competently in digitally enabled environments. Knowledge relating to what is digital health, types of digital health, use of technology and human factors in digital health were considered as important to be taught in DHET. Skills relating to digital health consultations, clinical information system management and remote monitoring were considered important to be taught. Blended learning which combined e-learning and classroom-based teaching, simulation sessions and clinical rotations were suggested by healthcare professionals as optimal approaches to deliver the above-mentioned content. Conclusions: This study is the first of its kind to investigate health professionals’ perspectives and expectations relating to the knowledge, skills and competency needs in digital health for current and future healthcare workforce. Healthcare workers are keen to acquire relevant knowledge, skills and competencies related to digital health. Different modes of education delivery is of interest to fit in with busy schedule of health workers.Keywords: digital health, telehealth, telemedicine, education, curriculum
Procedia PDF Downloads 1509688 Effect of Distance to Health Facilities on Maternal Service Use and Neonatal Mortality in Ethiopia
Authors: Getiye Dejenu Kibret, Daniel Demant, Andrew Hayen
Introduction: In Ethiopia, more than half of newborn babies do not have access to Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EmONC) services. Understanding the effect of distance to health facilities on service use and neonatal survival is crucial to recommend policymakers and improve resource distribution. We aimed to investigate the effect of distance to health services on maternal service use and neonatal mortality. Methods: We implemented a data linkage method based on geographic coordinates and calculated straight-line (Euclidean) distances from the Ethiopian 2016 demographic and health survey clusters to the closest health facility. We computed the distance in ESRI ArcGIS Version 10.3 using the geographic coordinates of DHS clusters and health facilities. Generalised Structural Equation Modelling (GSEM) was used to estimate the effect of distance on neonatal mortality. Results: Poor geographic accessibility to health facilities affects maternal service usage and increases the risk of newborn mortality. For every ten kilometres (km) increase in distance to a health facility, the odds of neonatal mortality increased by 1.33% (95% CI: 1.06% to 1.67%). Distance also negatively affected antenatal care, facility delivery and postnatal counselling service use. Conclusions: A lack of geographical access to health facilities decreases the likelihood of newborns surviving their first month of life and affects health services use during pregnancy and immediately after birth. The study also showed that antenatal care use was positively associated with facility delivery service use and that both positively influenced postnatal care use, demonstrating the interconnectedness of the continuum of care for maternal and neonatal care services. Policymakers can leverage the findings from this study to improve accessibility barriers to health services.Keywords: acessibility, distance, maternal health service, neonatal mortality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1149687 Smart Mobility Planning Applications in Meeting the Needs of the Urbanization Growth
Authors: Caroline Atef Shoukry Tadros
Massive Urbanization growth threatens the sustainability of cities and the quality of city life. This raised the need for an alternate model of sustainability, so we need to plan the future cities in a smarter way with smarter mobility. Smart Mobility planning applications are solutions that use digital technologies and infrastructure advances to improve the efficiency, sustainability, and inclusiveness of urban transportation systems. They can contribute to meeting the needs of Urbanization growth by addressing the challenges of traffic congestion, pollution, accessibility, and safety in cities. Some example of a Smart Mobility planning application are Mobility-as-a-service: This is a service that integrates different transport modes, such as public transport, shared mobility, and active mobility, into a single platform that allows users to plan, book, and pay for their trips. This can reduce the reliance on private cars, optimize the use of existing infrastructure, and provide more choices and convenience for travelers. MaaS Global is a company that offers mobility-as-a-service solutions in several cities around the world. Traffic flow optimization: This is a solution that uses data analytics, artificial intelligence, and sensors to monitor and manage traffic conditions in real-time. This can reduce congestion, emissions, and travel time, as well as improve road safety and user satisfaction. Waycare is a platform that leverages data from various sources, such as connected vehicles, mobile applications, and road cameras, to provide traffic management agencies with insights and recommendations to optimize traffic flow. Logistics optimization: This is a solution that uses smart algorithms, blockchain, and IoT to improve the efficiency and transparency of the delivery of goods and services in urban areas. This can reduce the costs, emissions, and delays associated with logistics, as well as enhance the customer experience and trust. ShipChain is a blockchain-based platform that connects shippers, carriers, and customers and provides end-to-end visibility and traceability of the shipments. Autonomous vehicles: This is a solution that uses advanced sensors, software, and communication systems to enable vehicles to operate without human intervention. This can improve the safety, accessibility, and productivity of transportation, as well as reduce the need for parking space and infrastructure maintenance. Waymo is a company that develops and operates autonomous vehicles for various purposes, such as ride-hailing, delivery, and trucking. These are some of the ways that Smart Mobility planning applications can contribute to meeting the needs of the Urbanization growth. However, there are also various opportunities and challenges related to the implementation and adoption of these solutions, such as the regulatory, ethical, social, and technical aspects. Therefore, it is important to consider the specific context and needs of each city and its stakeholders when designing and deploying Smart Mobility planning applications.Keywords: smart mobility planning, smart mobility applications, smart mobility techniques, smart mobility tools, smart transportation, smart cities, urbanization growth, future smart cities, intelligent cities, ICT information and communications technologies, IoT internet of things, sensors, lidar, digital twin, ai artificial intelligence, AR augmented reality, VR virtual reality, robotics, cps cyber physical systems, citizens design science
Procedia PDF Downloads 749686 Impact of Nurses' Migration to Nursing Management in Selected Health Institutions in the Philippines
Authors: Maria Luisa T. Uayan
The global need for qualified nurses to take care of the clients with various health needs is an incessant occurrence that persistently cause migration of nurses from developing to developed countries. The pull-push theory of migration greatly affects health care delivery systems of sending countries which is the same way affects nursing management. The exodus of nurses prepared to provide the much needed leadership at the bedside leaves the country in clusters giving health care institutions limited time to develop the next front-line managers that will assure quality patient care. This paper focuses on the extent and consequences of the massive recurring migration phenomena that is felt ONLY IN THE PHILIPPINE health care arena. It deals with the causes, problems, and effects of the cyclical loss of competent Filipina nurses in terms of emigration. Also, it will highlights the difficulties confronted by nursing service departments and health care teams when more experienced nurses set out for the “greener pastures” and patients are placed under the care of novice nurses. Fundamentally, it will emphasize the impact of suffering the loss of competent nurse managers in the Philippine health care institutions and provide contemporary recommendations on how to responsd accordingly to this very timely issue.Keywords: Migration, Nurse Manager, Philippines
Procedia PDF Downloads 3639685 Building Climate Resilience in the Health Sector in Developing Countries: Experience from Tanzania
Authors: Hussein Lujuo Mohamed
Introduction: Public health has always been influenced by climate and weather. Changes in climate and climate variability, particularly changes in weather extremes affect the environment that provides people with clean air, food, water, shelter, and security. Tanzania is not an exception to the threats of climate change. The health sector is mostly affected due to emergence and proliferation of infectious diseases, thereby affecting health of the population and thus impacting achievement of sustainable development goals. Methodology: A desk review on documented issues pertaining to climate change and health in Tanzania was done using Google search engine. Keywords included climate change, link, health, climate initiatives. In cases where information was not available, documents from Ministry of Health, Vice Presidents Office-Environment, Local Government Authority, Ministry of Water, WHO, research, and training institutions were reviewed. Some of the reviewed documents from these institutions include policy brief papers, fieldwork activity reports, training manuals, and guidelines. Results: Six main climate resilience activities were identified in Tanzania. These were development and implementation of climate resilient water safety plans guidelines both for rural and urban water authorities, capacity building of rural and urban water authorities on implementation of climate-resilient water safety plans, and capacity strengthening of local environmental health practitioners on mainstreaming climate change and health into comprehensive council health plans. Others were vulnerability and adaptation assessment for the health sector, mainstreaming climate change in the National Health Policy, and development of risk communication strategy on climate. In addition information, education, and communication materials on climate change and to create awareness were developed aiming to sensitize and create awareness among communities on climate change issues and its effect on public health. Conclusion: Proper implementation of these interventions will help the country become resilient to many impacts of climate change in the health sector and become a good example for other least developed countries.Keywords: climate, change, Tanzania, health
Procedia PDF Downloads 1219684 Investigation of the Relationship between Physical Activity and Stress and Mental Health in the Elderly
Authors: Mohamad Reza Khodabakhsh
Physical activity is important because it affects the stress and mental health of the elderly. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between the physical activity of the elderly and stress and mental health. The current research is correlational research, and the studied population includes all the elderly who are engaged in sports in the parks of Mashhad city in 2021. The whole community consists of 200 people. Sampling was done by the headcount method. The tool used in this research is a questionnaire. The physical activity questionnaire is Likert. General GHQ is based on the self-report method. The study method is correlation type to find the relationship between predictor and predicted variables, and the multiple regression method was used for the relationships between the sub-components. And the results showed that physical activity has the effect of reducing the stress of the elderly and improving their mental health. In general, the results of this research indicate the confirmation of the research hypotheses.Keywords: relationship, physical activity, stress, mental health, elderly
Procedia PDF Downloads 1009683 Does Exercise Training Moderate the Effects of Ageing on Health
Authors: Elizabeth A. Haruna, Bulus Kpame, Kankanala Venkateswarlu
The interaction of health and athletic performance with biologic aging has been an interesting and intriguing area for research. There has been a general acknowledgement of its importance to major public health and elite performance outcomes. There are many questions unanswered about the mechanisms of effects and dose-response changes. An attempt has been made in this paper to highlight potentially positive effects of regular training on the aging process and its effects on health. Age associated decline in health and performance results from the combination of the aging process itself, inactive lifestyle and primary diseases. An attempt is made in this paper to critically review what is known and what is unknown about evidence based changes, common to disuse and aging. Mechanisms responsible for the slowing decline in muscle mass and muscle force (sarcopenia) down of age – associated, weakness and fatigability due to year round athletic training have been discussed. It is in this regard we have attempted to share our views on advances made so far in understanding the impact of aging on health. We also attempted to explain how the biological effects of aging are minimized during appropriate year round athletic training. On the basis of available research evidence it was concluded that exercise training significantly slow down the deleterious effects of aging on health.Keywords: aging, atrophy, sarcopenia, plyometric training
Procedia PDF Downloads 4169682 Developing a Framework for Online Auction Effectiveness
Authors: Chechen Liao, Pui-Lai To, Chiao-Ying Chen
An introduction of internet auction has significantly widened the pool of consumers who participate in auctions and increased the number of companies attempting to sell their products in an auction format. Previous research on auctions has focused almost exclusively on the behavior of professional bidders. In this study, we focus on the characteristic of seller, auction parameter and the effect of supply and demand, and examine these impacts on auction effectiveness. In particular, a framework for online auction effectiveness was developed. The framework will help researchers and practitioner to find ways to improve online auction effectiveness.Keywords: Auction Effectiveness, Framework Developing, Online Auction, Selling Strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 3399681 How To Get Students’ Attentions?: Little Tricks From 15 English Teachers In Labuan
Authors: Suriani Oxley
All teachers aim to conduct a successful and an effective teaching. Teacher will use a variety of teaching techniques and methods to ensure that students achieve the learning objectives but often the teaching and learning processes are interrupted by a number of things such as noisy students, students not paying attention, the students play and so on. Such disturbances must be addressed to ensure that students can concentrate on their learning activities. This qualitative study observed and captured a video of numerous tricks that teachers in Labuan have implemented in helping the students to pay attentions in the classroom. The tricks are such as Name Calling, Non-Verbal Clues, Body Language, Ask Question, Offer Assistance, Echo Clapping, Call and Response & Cues and Clues. All of these tricks are simple but yet interesting language learning strategies that helped students to focus on their learning activities.Keywords: paying attention, observation, tricks, learning strategies, classroom
Procedia PDF Downloads 5679680 Impact of Health Indicators on Economic Growth: Application of Ardl Model on Pakistan’s Data Set
Authors: Sheraz Ahmad Choudhary
Health plays a vital role in the growth. The study examined the effect of health indicator on the growth of Pakistan. ARDL model is used to check the growth rate which is affected by the health by using the time series date of Pakistan from 1990 to 2017. Health indicator, fertility rate, life expectancy, foreign direct investment, and infant mortality rate are variables Where the unit root is applied to check the stationarity of the model. consequences find a significant relationship between GDP, foreign direct investment, fertility rate, and life expectancy in the short run, whereas mortality rate effected negatively to economic growth but have significant values. In the long run, foreign direct investment (FDI) and fertility rate(FR) have significantly influenced the GDP. The results show thateconomic growth is positively stimulated by most of the health indicators. The study accomplishes that nations can achieve a high level of economic growth by increasing wellbeing human capital.Keywords: economic growth, health expenditures, fertility rate, human capital, life expectancy, foreign direct investment, and infant mortality rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 1309679 Exploring Mental Health Triggers, Challenges, and Support Across Different Roles in the UK Construction Industry: Perspectives from Clients, Consultants, and Contractors
Authors: Abigail Amoah, George Ofori, George Agyekum-Mensah, Matthew Brian Wright, Job Momoh
The objective of this study was to examine the mental health triggers, challenges, and support for mental health needs within the UK construction industry, which is seen as one of the high-pressure working environments with jobs that can be physically demanding and, traditionally, suffer from ‘Macho’ culture. The sector makes a substantial contribution to the UK’s economy, but despite this economic significance, mental health issues are still thoroughly attended to due to stigmatisation. Through semi-structured interviews with clients, consultants, and contractors, the research helps to understand better how mental health is perceived by these key stakeholders in the UK construction industry. Clients identify high-pressure deadlines and financial risks as major stressors, consultants point to the incessant workload culture coupled with project constraints, and contractors emphasize insufficient resource concerns and physical demands. this study reveals significant organisational and cultural barriers to mental health. The study proposes the following recommendations: the need to implement bespoke mental health programmes for the industry, better communication channels, and implementing industry-standard policies to enhance a supportive environment. These specifications provide actionable insights to support well-being and productivity within the sector.Keywords: construction industry, mental health, supportive mechanisms, workplace stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 349678 Involvement of Community Pharmacists in Public Health Services in Asir Region, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Mona Almanasef, Dalia Almaghaslah, Geetha Kandasamy, Rajalakshimi Vasudevan, Sadia Batool
Background: Community pharmacists are one of the most accessible healthcare practitioners worldwide and their services are used by a large proportion of the population. Expanding the roles of community pharmacists could contribute to reducing pressure on general health practice and other areas of health services. This research aimed to evaluate the contribution of community pharmacists in the provision of public health services and to investigate the perceived barriers to the provision of these services in Saudi Arabia. Materials and Methods: This study followed a cross-sectional design using an online anonymous self-administered questionnaire. The study took place in the Asir region, Saudi Arabia, between September 2019 and February 2020. A convenience sampling strategy was used to select and recruit the study participants. The questionnaire was adapted from previous research and involved three sections: demographics, involvement in public health services and barriers to practicing public health roles. Results: The total number of respondents was 193. The proportion of respondents who reported that they were “very involved” or “involved” in each service was 61.7% for weight management, 60.6% for sexual health, 57.5% for healthy eating, 53.4% for physical activity promotion, 51.3% for dental health, 46.1% for smoking cessation, 39.4% for screening for diabetes, 35.7% for screening for hypertension, 31.1% for alcohol dependence and drug misuse counseling, 30.6% for screening for dyslipidaemia, and 21.8% for vaccination and immunization. Most of the barriers in the current research were rated as having low relevance to the provision of public health services. Conclusion: Findings in the current research suggest that community pharmacists in the Asir region have varying levels of involvement in public health roles. Further research needs to be undertaken to understand the barriers to the provision of public health services and what strategies would be beneficial for enhancing the public health role of community pharmacists in Saudi Arabia.Keywords: community pharmacist, public health, Asir region, Saudi Arabia
Procedia PDF Downloads 1059677 Using the Dokeos Platform for Industrial E-Learning Solution
Authors: Kherafa Abdennasser
The application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to the training area led to the creation of this new reality called E-learning. That last one is described like the marriage of multi- media (sound, image and text) and of the internet (diffusion on line, interactivity). Distance learning became an important totality for training and that last pass in particular by the setup of a distance learning platform. In our memory, we will use an open source platform named Dokeos for the management of a distance training of GPS called e-GPS. The learner is followed in all his training. In this system, trainers and learners communicate individually or in group, the administrator setup and make sure of this system maintenance.Keywords: ICT, E-learning, learning plate-forme, Dokeos, GPS
Procedia PDF Downloads 4789676 Representation of How Patriarchy Affects Mental Health in Qala and Black Swan
Authors: Mokshida Bhat
This paper examines the representation of patriarchy in the movies 'Qala' and 'Black Swan' and how it affects the mental health of women. Both movies portray female characters who are subject to patriarchal attitudes and structures that limit their choices and opportunities and contribute to negative mental health outcomes. In 'Qala' the central character Qala confronts the patriarchal attitudes of her family and community, which contribute to feelings of frustration and despair. In 'Black Swan' the main character Nina is subject to the demands and expectations of a patriarchal system that leads to anxiety, paranoia, and disconnection from her own body and emotions. Both movies highlight the harmful impact of patriarchal attitudes on women's mental health, including feelings of disempowerment, objectification, and self-doubt. The paper suggests that these negative outcomes can be addressed through a rejection of patriarchal norms and an assertion of one's own agency and identity. Overall, this paper demonstrates the importance of recognizing the role of patriarchy in contributing to mental health struggles for women and the need for more diverse and empowering representations of women in media.Keywords: patriarchy, mental health, depression, PTSD, mental health in Indian cinema, patriarchy in Indian cinema, feminism and patriarchy, sexism
Procedia PDF Downloads 569675 How Do Sports Positively Affect Students’ Mental Health in Post-secondary Education Programs: Research Proposal
Authors: Zachary Smith, Riette Bloomfield, Taylor Dukate, Joshua Halterman, Noah Phillips
College students have stressful lives, classes, work, and home life; it all adds up to anxiety and stress. Most students can manage the stress, but some can’t and need help. Mental health issues are on the rise among college-age students, which could lead to other health issues, depression, or even suicidal thoughts. There needs to be an outlet for these students, and one suggestion is participating in sports or exercise/recreation activities. “Strong body, strong mind” is a concept that has been researched for many decades now. While that has been preached, depression and anxiety have still been at an all-time high in college students within the last five years. College students are expected to stay on top of their academic coursework, obtain and keep relationships, adjust to living independently, and economic strain. As p oor mental health becomes inherent, struggles academically, dropping out of school, becoming involved in immoral situations, or as far as committing suicide, can be seen shortly after. This research proposal examines the positive impact of sports on students' mental health in post-secondary education programs. The study aims to investigate how participation in college sports can alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression, improve mood and focus, and contribute to better academic performance. With the increasing prevalence of mental health issues among college students and the growing emphasis on mental health awareness, this research is significant for understanding and managing collegiate sports programs. Overall, sports help with mental and physical health for all ages.Keywords: mental health, sports, college students, recreation programs
Procedia PDF Downloads 489674 A Survey on General Health Status of Paddy Field Workers in Mazandaran Province Using the GHQ-28 Questionnaire
Authors: Sharifirad M., Poursaeed A., Lashgarara F., Mirdamadi S. M.
Introduction: Paddy farming has been reported as one of the most important causes of non-fatal injuries and occupational accidents among farmers. The ignorance of the health of farmers can cause harm to farmers and lead to disability. As a result, these health consequences can result in less exploitation and economic growth in households. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the general health status of paddy field workers in Mazandaran province, Iran. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study evaluated 384 paddy farmers in Mazandaran province, Iran, who were selected using stratified random sampling. The required data were collected using the standard questionnaire of GHQ-28 with four domains of somaticsymptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction, and symptoms of depression. The obtained data were then analyzed using SPSS software (version 25) through Spearman, Kendall, Mann-Whitney, and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Findings: The highest number of participants in this study was in the age group of 50-59 years, with a mean age of 46.9 years. According to the results, the total general health score was obtained at 64.3% for the subjects. Moreover, the scores of four areas of general health were determined at 91.1% (depression symptoms), 73.4% (social dysfunction), 48.7% (anxiety symptoms and insomnia), and 47.1% (somatic symptoms) in descending order. Discussions& Conclusions: The general health of the studied population was not in a good range. In addition, the most observed disorder in the general health of paddy farmers was related to the symptoms of depression, followed by somatic symptoms.Keywords: general-health, mazandaran, paddyfield
Procedia PDF Downloads 1709673 Impact of Rapid Urbanization on Health Sector in India
Authors: Madhvi Bhayani
Introduction: Due to the rapid pace of urbanization, the urban health issues have become one of the significant threats to future development in India. It also poses serious repercussions on the citizen’s health. As urbanization in India is increasing at an unprecedented rate and it has generated the urban health crisis among the city dwellers especially the urban poor. The increasing proportion of the urban poor and vulnerable to the health indicators worse than the rural counterparts, they face social and financial barriers in accessing healthcare services and these conditions make human health at risk. The Local as well as the State and National governments are alike tackling with the challenges of urbanization as it has become very essential for the government to provide the basic necessities and better infrastructure that make life in cities safe and healthy. Thus, the paper argues that if no major realistic steps are taken with immediate effect, the citizens will face a huge burden of health hazards. Aim: This paper attempts to analyze the current infrastructure, government planning, and its future policy, it also discusses the challenges and outcomes of urbanization on health and its impact on it and it will also predict the future trend with regard to disease burden in the urban areas. Methods: The paper analyzes on the basis of the secondary data by taking into consideration the connection between the Rapid Urbanization and Public Health Challenges, health and health care system and its services delivery to the citizens especially to the urban poor. Extensive analyses of government census reports, health information and policy, the government health-related schemes, urban development and based on the past trends, the future status of urban infrastructure and health outcomes are predicted. The social-economic and political dimensions are also taken into consideration from regional, national and global perspectives, which are incorporated in the paper to make realistic predictions for the future. Findings and Conclusion: The findings of the paper show that India suffers a lot due to the double burden of rapidly increasing in diseases and also growing health inequalities and disparities in health outcomes. Existing tools of governance of urban health are falling short to provide the better health care services. They need to strengthen the collaboration and communication among the state, national and local governments and also with the non-governmental partners. Based on the findings the policy implications are then described and areas for future research are defined.Keywords: health care, urbanization, urban health, service delivery
Procedia PDF Downloads 2119672 Empirical Evidence to Beliefs and Perceptions on Mental Health Disorder and Substance Abuse: The Role of a Social Worker
Authors: Helena Baffoe
The US has developed numerous programs over the past 50 years to enhance the lives of those who suffer from mental health illnesses and substance abuse, as well as the effectiveness of their treatments. Despite these advances over the past 50 years, there hasn't been a corresponding improvement in American public attitudes and beliefs about mental health disorders and substance abuse. Highly publicized acts of violence frequently elicit comments that blame the perpetrator's perceived mental health disorder since such people are thought to be substance abusers. Despite these strong public beliefs and perception about mental disorder and substance abuse, concreate empirical evidence that entail this perception is lacking, and evidence of their effectiveness has not been integrated. A rich data was collected from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) with a hypothesis that people who are diagnosed with a mental health disorder are likely to be diagnosed with substance abuse using logit regression analysis and Instrumental Variable. It was found that depressive, anxiety, and trauma/stressor mental disorders constitute the most common mental disorder in the United States, and the study could not find statistically significant evidence that being diagnosed with these leading mental health disorders in the United States does necessarily imply that such a patient is diagnosed with substances abuse. Thus, the public has a misconception of mental health and substance abuse issues, and social workers' responsibilities are outlined in order to assist ameliorate this attitude and perception.Keywords: mental health disorder, substance abuse, role of a social worker, evidence based research
Procedia PDF Downloads 679671 The Role of Electronic Banking Technology in the Modernization of Algerian Banking System
Authors: Azzi Mohammed Amin
In the last decade Algeria has investigated in a scale of economic reforms including different areas, among these; reforms in the banking system. This was mainly through the implementation of some regulations that facilitate the shift to market economy and guarantee integration into global economy. The most important new ideas that have emerged in this area are perhaps to find a possibility of integrating the so called e-banking. Based on what has already been stated, we will try in this study to highlight the significant role of electronic banking services as novel trends in the modernization and development of Algerian banks.Keywords: banking technology, Internet banks, modernization of banks, virtual banks
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