Search results for: forensic tools
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 4268

Search results for: forensic tools

3098 Experimental Evaluation of UDP in Wireless LAN

Authors: Omar Imhemed Alramli


As Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is transfer protocol in the transportation layer in Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI model) or in TCP/IP model of networks. The UDP aspects evaluation were not recognized by using the pcattcp tool on the windows operating system platform like TCP. The study has been carried out to find a tool which supports UDP aspects evolution. After the information collection about different tools, iperf tool was chosen and implemented on Cygwin tool which is installed on both Windows XP platform and also on Windows XP on virtual box machine on one computer only. Iperf is used to make experimental evaluation of UDP and to see what will happen during the sending the packets between the Host and Guest in wired and wireless networks. Many test scenarios have been done and the major UDP aspects such as jitter, packet losses, and throughput are evaluated.

Keywords: TCP, UDP, IPERF, wireless LAN

Procedia PDF Downloads 357
3097 Economic Characteristics of Bitcoin: "An Analytical Study"

Authors: Abdelhalem Shahen


The world is now experiencing a digital revolution and greatly accelerated technological developments, in addition to the transition from the economy in its traditional form to the digital economy, which has resulted in the emergence of new tools that are appropriate to those developments, and from this, this paper attempts to explore the economic characteristics of the bitcoin currency that circulated recently. Due to the many advantages that distinguish it from money in its traditional forms, which have a range of economic effects. The study found that Bitcoin is among the technological innovations, which contain a set of characteristics that are worth studying, those that make it the focus of attention, such as the digital currency, the peer-to-peer property, Lower and Faster Transaction Costs, transparency, decentralized control, privacy, and Double-Spending, as well as security and Cryptographic, and finally mining.

Keywords: Digital Economics, Digital Currencies, Bitcoin, Features of Bitcoin

Procedia PDF Downloads 138
3096 A Cognitive Schema of Architectural Designing Activity

Authors: Abdelmalek Arrouf


This article sets up a cognitive schema of the architectural designing activity. It begins by outlining, theoretically, an a priori model of its general cognitive mechanisms. The obtained theoretical framework represents the designing activity as a complex system composed of three interrelated subsystems of cognitive actions: a subsystem of meaning production, one of morphology production and finally a subsystem of navigation between the two formers. A protocol analysis that uses statistical and informational tools is then used to measure the validity of the built schema. The model thus achieved shows that the designer begins by conceiving abstract meanings, which he then translates into shapes. That’s why we call it a semio-morphic model of the designing activity.

Keywords: designing actions, model of the design process, morphosis, protocol analysis, semiosis

Procedia PDF Downloads 172
3095 Application of Directed Acyclic Graphs for Threat Identification Based on Ontologies

Authors: Arun Prabhakar


Threat modeling is an important activity carried out in the initial stages of the development lifecycle that helps in building proactive security measures in the product. Though there are many techniques and tools available today, one of the common challenges with the traditional methods is the lack of a systematic approach in identifying security threats. The proposed solution describes an organized model by defining ontologies that help in building patterns to enumerate threats. The concepts of graph theory are applied to build the pattern for discovering threats for any given scenario. This graph-based solution also brings in other benefits, making it a customizable and scalable model.

Keywords: directed acyclic graph, ontology, patterns, threat identification, threat modeling

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3094 Leadership and Whether It Stems from Innate Abilities or from Situation

Authors: Salwa Abdelbaki


This research investigated how leaders develop, asking whether they have been leaders due to their innate abilities or they gain leadership characteristics through interactions based on requirements of a situation. If the first is true, then a leader should be successful in any situation. Otherwise, a leader may succeed only in a specific situation. A series of experiments were carried out on three groups including of males and females. First; a group of 148 students with different specializations had to select a leader. Another group of 51 students had to recall their previous experiences and their knowledge of each other to identify who were leaders in different situations. Then a series of analytic tools were applied to the identified leaders and to the whole groups to find out how leaders were developed. A group of 40 young children was also experimented with to find young leaders among them and to analyze their characteristics.

Keywords: leadership, innate characteristics, situation, leadership theories

Procedia PDF Downloads 290
3093 JREM: An Approach for Formalising Models in the Requirements Phase with JSON and NoSQL Databases

Authors: Aitana Alonso-Nogueira, Helia Estévez-Fernández, Isaías García


This paper presents an approach to reduce some of its current flaws in the requirements phase inside the software development process. It takes the software requirements of an application, makes a conceptual modeling about it and formalizes it within JSON documents. This formal model is lodged in a NoSQL database which is document-oriented, that is, MongoDB, because of its advantages in flexibility and efficiency. In addition, this paper underlines the contributions of the detailed approach and shows some applications and benefits for the future work in the field of automatic code generation using model-driven engineering tools.

Keywords: conceptual modelling, JSON, NoSQL databases, requirements engineering, software development

Procedia PDF Downloads 379
3092 A Combined AHP-GP Model for Selecting Knowledge Management Tool

Authors: Ahmad Sarfaraz, Raiyad Herwies


In this paper, a multi-criteria decision making analysis is used to help any organization selects the best KM tool that fits and serves its needs. The AHP model is used based on a previous study to highlight and identify the main criteria and sub-criteria that are incorporated in the selection process. Different KM tools alternatives with different criteria are compared and weighted accurately to be incorporated in the GP model. The main goal is to combine the GP model with the AHP model to ensure that selecting the KM tool considers the resource constraints. Two important issues are discussed in this paper: how different factors could be taken into consideration in forming the AHP model, and how to incorporate the AHP results into the GP model for better results.

Keywords: knowledge management, analytical hierarchy process, goal programming, multi-criteria decision making

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3091 Opto-Mechanical Characterization of Aspheric Lenses from the Hybrid Method

Authors: Aliouane Toufik, Hamdi Amine, Bouzid Djamel


Aspheric optical components are an alternative to the use of conventional lenses in the implementation of imaging systems for the visible range. Spherical lenses are capable of producing aberrations. Therefore, they are not able to focus all the light into a single point. Instead, aspherical lenses correct aberrations and provide better resolution even with compact lenses incorporating a small number of lenses. Metrology of these components is very difficult especially when the resolution requirements increase and insufficient or complexity of conventional tools requires the development of specific approaches to characterization. This work is part of the problem existed because the objectives are the study and comparison of different methods used to measure surface rays hybrid aspherical lenses.

Keywords: manufacture of lenses, aspherical surface, precision molding, radius of curvature, roughness

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3090 Impact of Research-Informed Teaching and Case-Based Teaching on Memory Retention and Recall in University Students

Authors: Durvi Yogesh Vagani


This research paper explores the effectiveness of Research-informed teaching and Case-based teaching in enhancing the retention and recall of memory during discussions among university students. Additionally, it investigates the impact of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools on the quality of research conducted by students and its correlation with better recollection. The study hypothesizes that Case-based teaching will lead to greater recall and storage of information. The research gap in the use of AI in educational settings, particularly with actual participants, is addressed by leveraging a multi-method approach. The hypothesis is that the use of AI, such as ChatGPT and Bard, would lead to better retention and recall of information. Before commencing the study, participants' attention levels and IQ were assessed using the Digit Span Test and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, respectively, to ensure comparability among participants. Subsequently, participants were divided into four conditions, each group receiving identical information presented in different formats based on their assigned condition. Following this, participants engaged in a group discussion on the given topic. Their responses were then evaluated against a checklist. Finally, participants completed a brief test to measure their recall ability after the discussion. Preliminary findings suggest that students who utilize AI tools for learning demonstrate improved grasping of information and are more likely to integrate relevant information into discussions compared to providing extraneous details. Furthermore, Case-based teaching fosters greater attention and recall during discussions, while Research-informed teaching leads to greater knowledge for application. By addressing the research gap in AI application in education, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of effective teaching methodologies and the role of technology in student learning outcomes. The implication of the present research is to tailor teaching methods based on the subject matter. Case-based teaching facilitates application-based teaching, and research-based teaching can be beneficial for theory-heavy topics. Integrating AI in education. Combining AI with research-based teaching may optimize instructional strategies and deepen learning experiences. This research suggests tailoring teaching methods in psychology based on subject matter. Case-based teaching suits practical subjects, facilitating application, while research-based teaching aids understanding of theory-heavy topics. Integrating AI in education could enhance learning outcomes, offering detailed information tailored to students' needs.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, attention, case-based teaching, memory recall, memory retention, research-informed teaching

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3089 Capture Zone of a Well Field in an Aquifer Bounded by Two Parallel Streams

Authors: S. Nagheli, N. Samani, D. A. Barry


In this paper, the velocity potential and stream function of capture zone for a well field in an aquifer bounded by two parallel streams with or without a uniform regional flow of any directions are presented. The well field includes any number of extraction or injection wells or a combination of both types with any pumping rates. To delineate the capture envelope, the potential and streamlines equations are derived by conformal mapping method. This method can help us to release constrains of other methods. The equations can be applied as useful tools to design in-situ groundwater remediation systems, to evaluate the surface–subsurface water interaction and to manage the water resources.

Keywords: complex potential, conformal mapping, image well theory, Laplace’s equation, superposition principle

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3088 Age Estimation from Upper Anterior Teeth by Pulp/Tooth Ratio Using Peri-Apical X-Rays among Egyptians

Authors: Fatma Mohamed Magdy Badr El Dine, Amr Mohamed Abd Allah


Introduction: Age estimation of individuals is one of the crucial steps in forensic practice. Different traditional methods rely on the length of the diaphysis of long bones of limbs, epiphyseal-diaphyseal union, fusion of the primary ossification centers as well as dental eruption. However, there is a growing need for the development of precise and reliable methods to estimate age, especially in cases where dismembered corpses, burnt bodies, purified or fragmented parts are recovered. Teeth are the hardest and indestructible structure in the human body. In recent years, assessment of pulp/tooth area ratio, as an indirect quantification of secondary dentine deposition has received a considerable attention. However, scanty work has been done in Egypt in terms of applicability of pulp/tooth ratio for age estimation. Aim of the Work: The present work was designed to assess the Cameriere’s method for age estimation from pulp/tooth ratio of maxillary canines, central and lateral incisors among a sample from Egyptian population. In addition, to formulate regression equations to be used as population-based standards for age determination. Material and Methods: The present study was conducted on 270 peri-apical X-rays of maxillary canines, central and lateral incisors (collected from 131 males and 139 females aged between 19 and 52 years). The pulp and tooth areas were measured using the Adobe Photoshop software program and the pulp/tooth area ratio was computed. Linear regression equations were determined separately for canines, central and lateral incisors. Results: A significant correlation was recorded between the pulp/tooth area ratio and the chronological age. The linear regression analysis revealed a coefficient of determination (R² = 0.824 for canine, 0.588 for central incisor and 0.737 for lateral incisor teeth). Three regression equations were derived. Conclusion: As a conclusion, the pulp/tooth ratio is a useful technique for estimating age among Egyptians. Additionally, the regression equation derived from canines gave better result than the incisors.

Keywords: age determination, canines, central incisors, Egypt, lateral incisors, pulp/tooth ratio

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3087 Investigating Reading Comprehension Proficiency and Self-Efficacy among Algerian EFL Students within Collaborative Strategic Reading Approach and Attributional Feedback Intervention

Authors: Nezha Badi


It has been shown in the literature that Algerian university students suffer from low levels of reading comprehension proficiency, which hinder their overall proficiency in English. This low level is mainly related to the methodology of teaching reading which is employed by the teacher in the classroom (a teacher-centered environment), as well as students’ poor sense of self-efficacy to undertake reading comprehension activities. Arguably, what is needed is an approach necessary for enhancing students’ self-beliefs about their abilities to deal with different reading comprehension activities. This can be done by providing them with opportunities to take responsibility for their own learning (learners’ autonomy). As a result of learning autonomy, learners’ beliefs about their abilities to deal with certain language tasks may increase, and hence, their language learning ability. Therefore, this experimental research study attempts to assess the extent to which an integrated approach combining one particular reading approach known as ‘collaborative strategic reading’ (CSR), and teacher’s attributional feedback (on students’ reading performance and strategy use) can improve the reading comprehension skill and the sense of self-efficacy of EFL Algerian university students. It also seeks to examine students’ main reasons for their successful or unsuccessful achievements in reading comprehension activities, and whether students’ attributions for their reading comprehension outcomes can be modified after exposure to the instruction. To obtain the data, different tools including a reading comprehension test, questionnaires, an observation, an interview, and learning logs were used with 105 second year Algerian EFL university students. The sample of the study was divided into three groups; one control group (with no treatment), one experimental group (CSR group) who received a CSR instruction, and a second intervention group (CSR Plus group) who received teacher’s attribution feedback in addition to the CSR intervention. Students in the CSR Plus group received the same experiment as the CSR group using the same tools, except that they were asked to keep learning logs, for which teacher’s feedback on reading performance and strategy use was provided. The results of this study indicate that the CSR and the attributional feedback intervention was effective in improving students’ reading comprehension proficiency and sense of self-efficacy. However, there was not a significant change in students’ adaptive and maladaptive attributions for their success and failure d from the pre-test to the post-test phase. Analysis of the perception questionnaire, the interview, and the learning logs shows that students have positive perceptions about the CSR and the attributional feedback instruction. Based on the findings, this study, therefore, seeks to provide EFL teachers in general and Algerian EFL university teachers in particular with pedagogical implications on how to teach reading comprehension to their students to help them achieve well and feel more self-efficacious in reading comprehension activities, and in English language learning more generally.

Keywords: attributions, attributional feedback, collaborative strategic reading, self-efficacy

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3086 An Architectural Model of Multi-Agent Systems for Student Evaluation in Collaborative Game Software

Authors: Monica Hoeldtke Pietruchinski, Andrey Ricardo Pimentel


The teaching of computer programming for beginners has been presented to the community as a not simple or trivial task. Several methodologies and research tools have been developed; however, the problem still remains. This paper aims to present multi-agent system architecture to be incorporated to the educational collaborative game software for teaching programming that monitors, evaluates and encourages collaboration by the participants. A literature review has been made on the concepts of Collaborative Learning, Multi-agents systems, collaborative games and techniques to teach programming using these concepts simultaneously.

Keywords: architecture of multi-agent systems, collaborative evaluation, collaboration assessment, gamifying educational software

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3085 The Degree Project-Course in Swedish Teacher Education – Deliberative and Transformative Perspectives on the Formative Assessment Practice

Authors: Per Blomqvist


The overall aim of this study is to highlight how the degree project-course in teacher education has developed over time at Swedish universities, above all regarding changes in the formative assessment practices in relation to student's opportunities to take part in writing processes that can develop both their independent critical thinking, subject knowledge, and academic writing skills. Theoretically, the study is based on deliberative and transformative perspectives of teaching academic writing in higher education. The deliberative perspective is motivated by the fact that it is the universities and their departments' responsibility to give the students opportunities to develop their academic writing skills, while there is little guidance on how this can be implemented. The transformative perspective is motivated by the fact that education needs to be adapted to the student's prior knowledge and developed in relation to the student group. Given the academisation of education and the new student groups, this is a necessity. The empirical data consists of video recordings of teacher groups' conversations at three Swedish universities. The conversations were conducted as so-called collective remembering interviews, a method to stimulate the participants' memory through social interaction, and focused on addressing issues on how the degree project-course in teacher education has changed over time. Topic analysis was used to analyze the conversations in order to identify common descriptions and expressions among the teachers. The result highlights great similarities in how the degree project-course has changed over time, both from a deliberative and a transformative perspective. The course is characterized by a “strong framing,” where the teachers have great control over the work through detailed instructions for the writing process and detailed templates for the text. This is justified by the fact that the education has been adapted based on the student teachers' lack of prior subject knowledge. The strong framing places high demands on continuous discussions between teachers about, for example, which tools the students have with them and which linguistic and textual tools are offered in the education. The teachers describe that such governance often leads to conflicts between teachers from different departments because reading and writing are always part of cultural contexts and are linked to different knowledge, traditions, and values. The problem that is made visible in this study raises questions about how students' opportunities to develop independence and make critical judgments in academic writing are affected if the writing becomes too controlled and if passing students becomes the main goal of education.

Keywords: formative assessment, academic writing, degree project, higher education, deliberative perspective, transformative perspective

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3084 A Risk-Based Modeling Approach for Successful Adoption of CAATTs in Audits: An Exploratory Study Applied to Israeli Accountancy Firms

Authors: Alon Cohen, Jeffrey Kantor, Shalom Levy


Technology adoption models are extensively used in the literature to explore drivers and inhibitors affecting the adoption of Computer Assisted Audit Techniques and Tools (CAATTs). Further studies from recent years suggested additional factors that may affect technology adoption by CPA firms. However, the adoption of CAATTs by financial auditors differs from the adoption of technologies in other industries. This is a result of the unique characteristics of the auditing process, which are expressed in the audit risk elements and the risk-based auditing approach, as encoded in the auditing standards. Since these audit risk factors are not part of the existing models that are used to explain technology adoption, these models do not fully correspond to the specific needs and requirements of the auditing domain. The overarching objective of this qualitative research is to fill the gap in the literature, which exists as a result of using generic technology adoption models. Followed by a pretest and based on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 16 Israeli CPA firms of different sizes, this study aims to reveal determinants related to audit risk factors that influence the adoption of CAATTs in audits and proposes a new modeling approach for the successful adoption of CAATTs. The findings emphasize several important aspects: (1) while large CPA firms developed their own inner guidelines to assess the audit risk components, other CPA firms do not follow a formal and validated methodology to evaluate these risks; (2) large firms incorporate a variety of CAATTs, including self-developed advanced tools. On the other hand, small and mid-sized CPA firms incorporate standard CAATTs and still need to catch up to better understand what CAATTs can offer and how they can contribute to the quality of the audit; (3) the top management of mid-sized and small CPA firms should be more proactive and updated about CAATTs capabilities and contributions to audits; and (4) All CPA firms consider professionalism as a major challenge that must be constantly managed to ensure an optimal CAATTs operation. The study extends the existing knowledge of CAATTs adoption by looking at it from a risk-based auditing approach. It suggests a new model for CAATTs adoption by incorporating influencing audit risk factors that auditors should examine when considering CAATTs adoption. Since the model can be used in various audited scenarios and supports strategic, risk-based decisions, it maximizes the great potential of CAATTs on the quality of the audits. The results and insights can be useful to CPA firms, internal auditors, CAATTs developers and regulators. Moreover, it may motivate audit standard-setters to issue updated guidelines regarding CAATTs adoption in audits.

Keywords: audit risk, CAATTs, financial auditing, information technology, technology adoption models

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3083 Exploring Health Care Self-Advocacy of Queer Patients

Authors: Tiffany Wicks


Queer patients can face issues with self-advocating due to the factors of implicit provider bias, lack of tools and resources to self-advocate, and lack of comfortability in self-advocating based on prior experiences. In this study, five participants who identify as queer discussed their interactions with their healthcare providers. This exploratory study revealed that there is a need for healthcare provider education to reduce implicit bias and judgments about queer patients. There is also an important need for peer advocates in order to further inform healthcare promotion and decision-making before and during provider visits in an effort for a better outcome. Through this exploration, queer patients voiced their experiences and concerns to inform a need for change in healthcare collaboration between providers and patients in the queer community.

Keywords: queer, LGBT, patient, self-advocacy, healthcare

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3082 Stability and Boundedness Theorems of Solutions of Certain Systems of Differential Equations

Authors: Adetunji A. Adeyanju., Mathew O. Omeike, Johnson O. Adeniran, Biodun S. Badmus


In this paper, we discuss certain conditions for uniform asymptotic stability and uniform ultimate boundedness of solutions to some systems of Aizermann-type of differential equations by means of second method of Lyapunov. In achieving our goal, some Lyapunov functions are constructed to serve as basic tools. The stability results in this paper, extend some stability results for some Aizermann-type of differential equations found in literature. Also, we prove some results on uniform boundedness and uniform ultimate boundedness of solutions of systems of equations study.

Keywords: Aizermann, boundedness, first order, Lyapunov function, stability

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3081 Implementation of a Low-Cost Driver Drowsiness Evaluation System Using a Thermal Camera

Authors: Isa Moazen, Ali Nahvi


Driver drowsiness is a major cause of vehicle accidents, and facial images are highly valuable to detect drowsiness. In this paper, we perform our research via a thermal camera to record drivers' facial images on a driving simulator. A robust real-time algorithm extracts the features using horizontal and vertical integration projection, contours, contour orientations, and cropping tools. The features are included four target areas on the cheeks and forehead. Qt compiler and OpenCV are used with two cameras with different resolutions. A high-resolution thermal camera is used for fifteen subjects, and a low-resolution one is used for a person. The results are investigated by four temperature plots and evaluated by observer rating of drowsiness.

Keywords: advanced driver assistance systems, thermal imaging, driver drowsiness detection, feature extraction

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3080 On Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Emerging Trends Processes in Advanced Manufacturing

Authors: Agarana Michael C., Akinlabi Esther T., Pule Kholopane


Innovation in manufacturing process technologies and associated product design affects the prospects for manufacturing today and in near future. In this study some theoretical methods, useful as tools in advanced manufacturing, are considered. In particular, some basic Mathematical, Operational Research, Heuristic, and Statistical techniques are discussed. These techniques/methods are very handy in many areas of advanced manufacturing processes, including process planning optimization, modelling and analysis. Generally the production rate requires the application of Mathematical methods. The Emerging Trends Processes in Advanced Manufacturing can be enhanced by using Mathematical Modelling and Optimization techniques.

Keywords: mathematical modelling, optimization, emerging trends, advanced manufacturing

Procedia PDF Downloads 299
3079 Positive Outcomes of Internship for Students Majoring in Mathematics

Authors: Irina Peterburgsky


We have been working on finding internship positions for our math and computer science majors. Among many other positive outcomes of internship for students majoring in mathematics, there are: students see new applications of mathematics to real life and see new scientific problems; they learn new methods, tools, etc. that they have not seen in their classes; they appreciate the power of mathematics that increases their interest in learning mathematics; they make decisions to take more advanced math courses; students understand better what their potentials, strong points, and limitations are; learn what work ethic is; learn how to work as a member of a team at a workplace; understand better how to offer their help and how to ask for help; start building their professional relationship; build self-confidence as young professionals, and what is the most important - they get a better understanding of their goals in their future professional careers.

Keywords: internship, mathematics, positive outcoms for students, workplace

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3078 The Use of Mobile Phones as a Direct Marketing Tool and Consumer Attitudes

Authors: Abdülcelil Mücahid Zengin, Göksel Şimşek


Mobile phones are one of the direct marketing tools that can be used to reach todays hard to reach consumers. Mobile phones are very personal devices and they are always carried with the consumer, where ever they go. This creates an opportunity for marketers to create personalized marketing communications messages and send them on the right time and place. This study examines consumer attitudes toward mobile marketing, especially toward SMS marketing. Unlike similar studies, this study does not focus on the young, but includes consumers who are in the 18-70 age range to the field research. According to the results, it has been concluded that most participants think SMS marketing is disturbing. Most important problems with SMS marketing are about getting subscribed to message lists without the permission of the receiver; the high number of messages sent; and the irrelevancy of the message content.

Keywords: direct marketing, mobile phones mobile marketing, sms advertising, sms marketing

Procedia PDF Downloads 348
3077 Exploring the Intersection of Categorification and Computation in Algebraic Combinatorial Structures

Authors: Gebreegziabher Hailu Gebrecherkos


This study explores the intersection of categorification and computation within algebraic combinatorial structures, aiming to deepen the understanding of how categorical frameworks can enhance computational methods. We investigate the role of higher-dimensional categories in organizing and analyzing combinatorial data, revealing how these structures can lead to new computational techniques for solving complex problems in algebraic combinatory. By examining examples such as species, posets, and operads, we illustrate the transformative potential of categorification in generating new algorithms and optimizing existing ones. Our findings suggest that integrating categorical insights with computational approaches not only enriches the theoretical landscape but also provides practical tools for tackling intricate combinatorial challenges, ultimately paving the way for future research in both fields.

Keywords: categorification, computation, algebraic structures, combinatorics

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3076 Process Capability Analysis by Using Statistical Process Control of Rice Polished Cylinder Turning Practice

Authors: S. Bangphan, P. Bangphan, T.Boonkang


Quality control helps industries in improvements of its product quality and productivity. Statistical Process Control (SPC) is one of the tools to control the quality of products that turning practice in bringing a department of industrial engineering process under control. In this research, the process control of a turning manufactured at workshops machines. The varying measurements have been recorded for a number of samples of a rice polished cylinder obtained from a number of trials with the turning practice. SPC technique has been adopted by the process is finally brought under control and process capability is improved.

Keywords: rice polished cylinder, statistical process control, control charts, process capability

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3075 The Effect of Mobile Technology Use in Education: A Meta-Analysis Study

Authors: Şirin Küçük, Ayşe Kök, İsmail Şahin


Mobile devices are very popular and useful tools for assisting people in daily life. With the advancement of mobile technologies, the issue of mobile learning has been widely investigated in education. Many researches consider that it is important to integrate pedagogical and technical strengths of mobile technology into learning environments. For this reason, the purpose of this research is to examine the effect of mobile technology use in education with meta-analysis method. Meta-analysis is a statistical technique which combines the findings of independent studies in a specific subject. In this respect, the articles will be examined by searching the databases for researches which are conducted between 2005 and 2014. It is expected that the results of this research will contribute to future research related to mobile technology use in education.

Keywords: mobile learning, meta-analysis, mobile technology, education

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3074 AI Applications in Accounting: Transforming Finance with Technology

Authors: Alireza Karimi


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping various industries, and accounting is no exception. With the ability to process vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, AI is revolutionizing how financial professionals manage, analyze, and report financial information. In this article, we will explore the diverse applications of AI in accounting and its profound impact on the field. Automation of Repetitive Tasks: One of the most significant contributions of AI in accounting is automating repetitive tasks. AI-powered software can handle data entry, invoice processing, and reconciliation with minimal human intervention. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of errors, leading to more accurate financial records. Pattern Recognition and Anomaly Detection: AI algorithms excel at pattern recognition. In accounting, this capability is leveraged to identify unusual patterns in financial data that might indicate fraud or errors. AI can swiftly detect discrepancies, enabling auditors and accountants to focus on resolving issues rather than hunting for them. Real-Time Financial Insights: AI-driven tools, using natural language processing and computer vision, can process documents faster than ever. This enables organizations to have real-time insights into their financial status, empowering decision-makers with up-to-date information for strategic planning. Fraud Detection and Prevention: AI is a powerful tool in the fight against financial fraud. It can analyze vast transaction datasets, flagging suspicious activities and reducing the likelihood of financial misconduct going unnoticed. This proactive approach safeguards a company's financial integrity. Enhanced Data Analysis and Forecasting: Machine learning, a subset of AI, is used for data analysis and forecasting. By examining historical financial data, AI models can provide forecasts and insights, aiding businesses in making informed financial decisions and optimizing their financial strategies. Artificial Intelligence is fundamentally transforming the accounting profession. From automating mundane tasks to enhancing data analysis and fraud detection, AI is making financial processes more efficient, accurate, and insightful. As AI continues to evolve, its role in accounting will only become more significant, offering accountants and finance professionals powerful tools to navigate the complexities of modern finance. Embracing AI in accounting is not just a trend; it's a necessity for staying competitive in the evolving financial landscape.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, accounting automation, financial analysis, fraud detection, machine learning in finance

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3073 A Study of Classification Models to Predict Drill-Bit Breakage Using Degradation Signals

Authors: Bharatendra Rai


Cutting tools are widely used in manufacturing processes and drilling is the most commonly used machining process. Although drill-bits used in drilling may not be expensive, their breakage can cause damage to expensive work piece being drilled and at the same time has major impact on productivity. Predicting drill-bit breakage, therefore, is important in reducing cost and improving productivity. This study uses twenty features extracted from two degradation signals viz., thrust force and torque. The methodology used involves developing and comparing decision tree, random forest, and multinomial logistic regression models for classifying and predicting drill-bit breakage using degradation signals.

Keywords: degradation signal, drill-bit breakage, random forest, multinomial logistic regression

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3072 Poetry as Valuable Tool for Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Pollution

Authors: Benjamin Anabaraonye


Our environment is our entitlement, and it is our duty to guard it for the safety of our society. It is, therefore, in our best interest to explore the necessary tools required to tackle the issues of environmental pollution which are major causes of climate change. Poetry has been discovered through our study as a valuable tool for tackling climate change and environmental pollution. This study explores the science of poetry and how important it is for scientists and engineers to develop their creativity to obtain relevant skills needed to tackle these global challenges. Poetry has been discovered as a great tool for climate change education which in turn brings about climate change adaptation and mitigation. This paper is, therefore, a clarion and urgent call for us to rise to our responsibility for a sustainable future.

Keywords: climate change, education, environment, poetry

Procedia PDF Downloads 206
3071 The Marketing Mix in Small Sized Hotels: A Case of Pattaya, Thailand

Authors: Anyapak Prapannetivuth


The purpose of this research is to investigate the marketing mix that is perceived to be important for the small sized hotels in Pattaya. Unlike previous studies, this research provides insights through a review of the marketing activities performed by the small sized hotels. Nine owners and marketing manager of small sized hotels and resorts, all local Chonburi people, were selected for an in-depth interview. A snowball sampling process was employed. The research suggests that seven marketing mixes (e.g. Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical Evidence and Process) were commonly used by these hotels, however, three types – People, price and physical evidence were considered most important by the owners.

Keywords: marketing mix, marketing tools, small sized hotels, pattaya

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3070 A Comparative Study of Standard, Casted, and Riveted Eye Design of a Mono Leaf Spring Using CAE Tools

Authors: Gian Bhushan, Vinkel Arora, M. L. Aggarwal


The objective of the present study is to determine better eye end design of a mono leaf spring used in light motor vehicle. A conventional 65Si7 spring steel leaf spring model with standard eye, casted and riveted eye end are considered. The CAD model of the leaf springs is prepared in CATIA and analyzed using ANSYS. The standard eye, casted, and riveted eye leaf springs are subjected to similar loading conditions. The CAE analysis of the leaf spring is performed for various parameters like deflection and Von-Mises stress. Mass reduction of 62.9% is achieved in case of riveted eye mono leaf spring as compared to standard eye mono leaf spring for the same loading conditions.

Keywords: CAE, leaf spring, standard, casted, riveted eye

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3069 Solving Momentum and Energy Equation by Using Differential Transform Techniques

Authors: Mustafa Ekici


Natural convection is a basic process which is important in a wide variety of practical applications. In essence, a heated fluid expands and rises from buoyancy due to decreased density. Numerous papers have been written on natural or mixed convection in vertical ducts heated on the side. These equations have been proved to be valuable tools for the modelling of many phenomena such as fluid dynamics. Finding solutions to such equations or system of equations are in general not an easy task. We propose a method, which is called differential transform method, of solving a non-linear equations and compare the results with some of the other techniques. Illustrative examples shows that the results are in good agreement.

Keywords: differential transform method, momentum, energy equation, boundry value problem

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