Search results for: code properties
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 10269

Search results for: code properties

9159 Effects of Carbon Black/Graphite Ratio for Electrical Conduction and Frictional Resistance of Nanocomposite Sol-Gel Coatings

Authors: Julien Acquadro, Sophie Noel, Frédéric Houze, Philippe Teste, Pascal Chretien, Clément Genet, Edouard Breniaux, Marie-Joël Menu, Florence Ansart, Marie Gressier


This paper presents the study results of the electrical and tribological properties of nanocomposite hybrid sol-gel coatings developed for industrial applications on electrical connector housings. The electrical properties of coatings are provided by conductive fillers. The coatings presented in this study are formulated with different types of conductive carbon fillers, in this case carbon black and graphite particles. The coatings are deposited on a high-phosphorous nickel substrate by a dip-coating process. The authors have investigated the effects of the carbon black/graphite ratio on the coating's electrical and tribological properties. Electrical characterizations with a 4-probe method and AFM measurements as well as tribological tests by micro-friction shed light on the role of the black carbon/graphite ratio on the final properties of the sol-gel nanocomposite coatings. This study shows that the amount of carbon black mainly drives the coatings' electrical conduction property, while graphite's lubrication properties bring interest to reduce the values of friction coefficients (at a contact pressure of 800 MPa). In the industrial field of electrical connectors, such coatings aim at replacing cadmium and chromium (VI) protection, as recommended by REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) and RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment) regulations (Annex XVII of REACH).

Keywords: carbon conductive fillers, electrical conduction, sol-gel coatings, tribology

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9158 Formulation of Mortars with Marine Sediments

Authors: Nor-Edine Abriak, Mouhamadou Amar, Mahfoud Benzerzour


The transition to a more sustainable economy is directed by a reduction in the consumption of raw materials in equivalent production. The recovery of byproducts and especially the dredged sediment as mineral addition in cements matrix represents an alternative to reduce raw material consumption and construction sector’s carbon footprint. However, the efficient use of sediment requires adequate and optimal treatment. Several processing techniques have so far been applied in order to improve some physicochemical properties. The heat treatment by calcination was effective in removing the organic fraction and activates the pozzolanic properties. In this article, the effect of the optimized heat treatment of marine sediments in the physico-mechanical and environmental properties of mortars are shown. A finding is that the optimal substitution of a portion of cement by treated sediments by calcination at 750 °C helps to maintain or improve the mechanical properties of the cement matrix in comparison with a standard reference mortar. The use of calcined sediment enhances mortar behavior in terms of mechanical strength and durability. From an environmental point of view and life cycle, mortars formulated containing treated sediments are considered inert with respect to the inert waste storage facilities reference (ISDI-France).

Keywords: sediment, calcination, cement, reuse

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9157 Wear and Mechanical Properties of Nodular Iron Modified with Copper

Authors: J. Ramos, V. Gil, A. F. Torres


The nodular iron is a material that has shown great advantages respect to other materials (steel and gray iron) in the production of machine elements. The engineering industry, especially automobile, are potential users of this material. As it is known, the alloying elements modify the properties of steels and castings. Copper has been investigated as a structural modifier of nodular iron, but studies of its mechanical and tribological implications still need to be addressed for industrial use. With the aim of improving the mechanical properties of nodular iron, alloying elements (Mn, Si, and Cu) are added in order to increase their pearlite (or ferrite) structure according to the percentage of the alloying element. In this research (using induction furnace process) nodular iron with three different percentages of copper (residual, 0,5% and 1,2%) was obtained. Chemical analysis was performed by optical emission spectrometry and microstructures were characterized by Optical Microscopy (ASTM E3) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The study of mechanical behavior was carried out in a mechanical test machine (ASTM E8) and a Pin on disk tribometer (ASTM G99) was used to assess wear resistance. It is observed that copper increases the pearlite structure improving the wear behavior; tension behavior. This improvement is observed in higher proportion with 0,5% due to the fact that too much increase of pearlite leads to ductility loss.

Keywords: copper, mechanical properties, nodular iron, pearlite structure, wear

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9156 Microstructural and Tribological Properties of Thermally Sprayed High Entropy Alloys Coating

Authors: Abhijith N. V., Abhijit Pattnayak, Deepak Kumar


Nowadays, a group of alloys, namely high entropy alloys (HEA), because of their excellent properties. However, the fabrication of HEAs requires multistage techniques, especially mill-ing, sieving, compaction, sintering, inert media, etc. These processes are laborious, costly, time-oriented, and unsuitable for commercial application. This study adopted a single-stage process-based HVOF thermal spray to develop HEA coating on SS304L substrates. The wear behavior of the deposited HEA coating was explored under different milling time durations (5h, 10h, and 15h, respectively). The effect of feedstock preparation, microstructure, surface chemistry, and mechanical and metallurgical properties on wear resistance was also investigated. The microstructure and composition of both coating and feedstock were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. Finally, the phase distribution was correlated by X-ray diffraction (XRD ) analysis. The results showed that 15h milled powder coating indicated better tribological than the base substrate and 5h,10h milled powder coating. A chemically stable Body Centered Cubic (BCC) solid solution phase was generated within the 15h milled powder-coated system, which resulted in superior tribological properties.

Keywords: high entropy alloys coating, wear mechanism, HVOF coating, microstructure

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9155 Study on the Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Fiber-Reinforced Polypropylene Based Composites: Effect of Gamma Radiation

Authors: Kamrun N. Keya, Nasrin A. Kona, Ruhul A. Khan


Bamboo fiber (BF) reinforced polypropylene (PP) based composites were fabricated by a conventional compression molding technique. In this investigation, bamboo composites were manufactured using different percentages of fiber, which were varying from 25-65% on the total weight of the composites. To fabricate the BF/PP composites untreated and treated fibers were selected. A systematic study was done to observe the physical, mechanical, and interfacial behavior of the composites. In this study, mechanical properties of the composites such as tensile, impact, and bending properties were observed precisely. Maximum tensile strength (TS) and bending strength (BS) were found for 50 wt% fiber composites, 65 MPa, and 85.5 MPa respectively, whereas the highest tensile modulus (TM) and bending modulus (BM) was examined, 5.73 GPa and 7.85 GPa respectively. The BF/PP based composites were treated with irradiated under gamma radiation (the source strength 50 kCi Cobalt-60) of various doses (i.e. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 kGy doses). The effect of gamma radiation on the composites was also investigated, and it found that the effect of 30.0 kGy (i.e. units for radiation measurement is 'gray', kGy=kilogray) gamma dose showed better mechanical properties than other doses. After flexural testing, fracture sides of the untreated and treated both composites were studied by scanning electron microscope (SEM). SEM results of the treated BF/PP based composites showed better fiber-matrix adhesion and interfacial bonding than untreated BF/PP based composites. Water uptake and soil degradation tests of untreated and treated composites were also investigated.

Keywords: bamboo fiber, polypropylene, compression molding technique, gamma radiation, mechanical properties, scanning electron microscope

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9154 The Effect of Supplementary Cementitious Materials on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self-Compacting Concretes

Authors: Akram Salah Eddine Belaidi, Said Kenai, El-Hadj Kadri, Benchaâ Benabed, Hamza Soualhi


Self-compacting concrete (SCC) was developed in the middle of the 1980’s in Japan. SCC flows alone under its dead weight and consolidates itself without any entry of additional compaction energy and without segregation. As an integral part of a SCC, self-compacting mortars (SCM) may serve as a basis for the mix design of concrete since the measurement of the rheological properties of SCCs. This paper discusses the effect of using natural pozzolana (PZ) and marble powder (MP) in two alternative systems ratios PZ/MP = 1 and 1/3 of the performance of the SCC. A total of 11 SCC’s were prepared having a constant water-binder (w/b) ratio of 0.40 and total cementitious materials content of 475 kg/m3. Then, the fresh properties of the mortars were tested for mini-slump flow diameter and mini-V-funnel flow time for SCMs and Slumps flow test, L-Box height ratio, V-Funnel flow time and sieve stability for SCC. Moreover, the development in the compressive strength was determined at 3, 7, 28, 56, and 90 days. Test results have shown that using of ternary blends improved the fresh properties of the mixtures. The compressive strength of SCC at 90 days with 30% of PZ and MP was similar to those of ordinary concrete use in situ.

Keywords: self-compacting mortar, self-compacting concrete, natural pozzolana, marble powder, rheology, compressive strength

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9153 The Influence of Coarse Aggregate Morphology on Concrete Workability: A Case Study with Algerian Crushed Limestone

Authors: Ahmed Boufedah Badissi, Ahmed Beroual, Farid Boursas


This research aims to elucidate the role of coarse aggregate in influencing the fresh properties of normal-strength concrete. Specifically, it is aimed to identify the optimal gradation of coarse aggregate to enhance workability. While existing literature discusses the impact of aggregate granularity on concrete workability, more numerical data or models need to quantify the relationship between workability, granularity, and coarse aggregate shape. The main objective is to create a model that describes how coarse aggregate morphology contributes to fresh concrete properties. To investigate the effect of coarse aggregate gradation on Normal Strength Concrete (NSC) workability, various combinations of coarse aggregates (4/22.4 mm) were produced in the laboratory, utilizing three elementary classes: finer coarse aggregate 4/8 mm (Fca), medium coarse aggregate 8/16 mm (Mca), and coarser coarse aggregate 16/22.4 mm (Cca). We introduced a factor, FCR (Finer to Coarser coarse aggregate Ratio), as a numerical parameter to provide a quantitative evaluation and more detailed results analysis. Quantitative characterization parameters for coarse aggregate morphology were established, exploring the influence of particle size distribution, specific surface, and aggregate shape on workability. The research findings are significant for establishing correlations between coarse aggregate morphology and concrete properties. FCR emerges as a valuable tool for predicting the impact of aggregate gradation variations on concrete. The results of this study create a valuable database for construction professionals and concrete producers, affirming that the fresh properties of NSC are intricately linked to coarse aggregate morphology, particularly gradation.

Keywords: morphology, coarse aggregate, workability, fresh properties, gradation

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9152 Modelling Interactions between Saturated and Unsaturated Zones by Hydrus 1D, Plain of Kairouan, Central Tunisia

Authors: Mariem Saadi, Sabri Kanzari, Adel Zghibi


In semi-arid areas like the Kairouan region, the constant irrigation with saline water and the overuse of groundwater resources, soils and aquifers salinization has become an increasing concern. In this study, a methodology has been developed to evaluate the groundwater contamination risk based on the unsaturated zone hydraulic properties. Two soil profiles with different ranges of salinity, one located in the north of the plain and another one in the south of plain (each 30 m deep) and both characterized by direct recharge of the aquifer were chosen. Simulations were conducted with Hydrus-1D code using measured precipitation data for the period 1998-2003 and calculated evapotranspiration for both chosen profiles. Four combinations of initial conditions of water content and salt concentration were used for the simulation process in order to find the best match between simulated and measured values. The success of the calibration of Hydrus-1D allowed the investigation of some scenarios in order to assess the contamination risk under different natural conditions. The aquifer risk contamination is related to the natural conditions where it increased while facing climate change and temperature increase and decreased in the presence of a clay layer in the unsaturated zone. Hydrus-1D was a useful tool to predict the groundwater level and quality in the case of a direct recharge and in the absence of any information related to the soil layers except for the texture.

Keywords: Hydrus-1D, Kairouan, salinization, semi-arid region, solute transport, unsaturated zone

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9151 Fuel Properties of Distilled Tire Pyrolytic Oil and Its Blends with Biodiesel and Commercial Diesel Fuel

Authors: Moshe Mello, Hilary Rutto, Tumisang Seodigeng


Tires are extremely challenging to recycle due to the available chemically cross-linked polymer which constitutes their nature and therefore, they are neither fusible nor soluble and consequently, cannot be remoulded into other shapes without serious degradation. Pyrolysis of tires produces four valuable products namely; char, steel, tire pyrolytic oil (TPO) and non-condensable gases. TPO has been reported to have similar properties to commercial diesel fuel (CDF). In this study, distillation of TPO was carried out in a batch distillation column and biodiesel was produced from waste cooking oil. FTIR analysis proved that TPO can be used as a fuel due to the available compounds detected and GC analysis displayed 94% biodiesel concentration from waste cooking oil. Different blends of TPO/biodiesel, TPO/CDF and biodiesel/CDF were prepared at different ratios. Fuel properties such as viscosity, density, flash point, and calorific value were studied. Viscosity and density models were also studied to measure the quality of different blends.

Keywords: biodiesel, distillation, pyrolysis, tire

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9150 Exploration of the Nonlinear Viscoelastic Behavior of Yogurt Using Lissajous Curves

Authors: Hugo Espinosa-Andrews


Introduction: Yogurt is widely accepted worldwide due to its high nutritional value, consistency, and texture. Their rheological properties play a significant role in consumer acceptance and are related to the manufacturing process and formulation. Typically, the viscoelastic characteristics of yogurts are studied using the small amplitude oscillatory shear test; however, the initial stages of flow and oral processing are described in the nonlinear zone, in which a large amplitude oscillatory stress test is applied. The objective of this work was to analyze the nonlinear viscoelastic behavior of commercial yogurts using Lissajous curves. Methods: Two commercial yogurts were purchased in a local store in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico: a natural Greek-style yogurt and a low-fat traditional yogurt. Viscoelastic properties were evaluated using a large amplitude oscillatory stress procedure (LAOS). A crosshatch geometry of 40 mm and a truncation of 1000 µm were used. Stress sweeps were performed at 6.28 rad/s from 1 to 250 Pa at 5°C. The nonlinear viscoelastic properties were analyzed using the Lissajous curves. Results: The yogurts showed strain-viscoelastic behavior related to deformation-dependent materials. In the low-strain region, the elastic modulus predominated over the viscous modulus, showing gel-elastic properties. The sol-gel transitions were observed at approximately 66.5 Pa for the Greek yogurt, double that detected for traditional yogurt. The viscoelastic behavior of the yogurts was characteristic of weak excess deformation: behavior indicating a stable molecular structure at rest, and moderate structure at medium shear-forces. The normalized Lissajous curves characterized viscoelastic transitions of the yogurt as the stress increased. Greater viscoelasticity deformation was observed in Greek yogurt than in traditional yogurt, which is related to the presence of a protein network with a greater degree of crosslinking. Conclusions: The yogurt composition influences the viscoelastic properties of the material. Yogurt with the higher percentage of protein has greater viscoelastic and viscous properties, which describe a product of greater consistency and creaminess.

Keywords: yogurt, viscoelastic properties, LAOS, elastic modulus

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9149 Preparation of IPNs and Effect of Swift Heavy Ions Irradiation on their Physico-Chemical Properties

Authors: B. S Kaith, K. Sharma, V. Kumar, S. Kalia


Superabsorbent are three-dimensional networks of linear or branched polymeric chains which can uptake large volume of biological fluids. The ability is due to the presence of functional groups like –NH2, -COOH and –OH. Such cross-linked products based on natural materials, such as cellulose, starch, dextran, gum and chitosan, because of their easy availability, low production cost, non-toxicity and biodegradability have attracted the attention of Scientists and Technologists all over the world. Since natural polymers have better biocompatibility and are non-toxic than most synthetic one, therefore, such materials can be applied in the preparation of controlled drug delivery devices, biosensors, tissue engineering, contact lenses, soil conditioning, removal of heavy metal ions and dyes. Gums are natural potential antioxidants and are used as food additives. They have excellent properties like high solubility, pH stability, non-toxicity and gelling characteristics. Till date lot of methods have been applied for the synthesis and modifications of cross-linked materials with improved properties suitable for different applications. It is well known that ion beam irradiation can play a crucial role to synthesize, modify, crosslink or degrade polymeric materials. High energetic heavy ions irradiation on polymer film induces significant changes like chain scission, cross-linking, structural changes, amorphization and degradation in bulk. Various researchers reported the effects of low and heavy ion irradiation on the properties of polymeric materials and observed significant improvement in optical, electrical, chemical, thermal and dielectric properties. Moreover, modifications induced in the materials mainly depend on the structure, the ion beam parameters like energy, linear energy transfer, fluence, mass, charge and the nature of the target material. Ion-beam irradiation is a useful technique for improving the surface properties of biodegradable polymers without missing the bulk properties. Therefore, a considerable interest has been grown to study the effects of SHIs irradiation on the properties of synthesized semi-IPNs and IPNs. The present work deals with the preparation of semi-IPNs and IPNs and impact of SHI like O7+ and Ni9+ irradiation on optical, chemical, structural, morphological and thermal properties along with impact on different applications. The results have been discussed on the basis of Linear Energy Transfer (LET) of the ions.

Keywords: adsorbent, gel, IPNs, semi-IPNs

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9148 Geometric and Algebraic Properties of the Eigenvalues of Monotone Matrices

Authors: Brando Vagenende, Marie-Anne Guerry


For stochastic matrices of any order, the geometric description of the convex set of eigenvalues is completely known. The purpose of this study is to investigate the subset of the monotone matrices. This type of matrix appears in contexts such as intergenerational occupational mobility, equal-input modeling, and credit ratings-based systems. Monotone matrices are stochastic matrices in which each row stochastically dominates the previous row. The monotonicity property of a stochastic matrix can be expressed by a nonnegative lower-order matrix with the same eigenvalues as the original monotone matrix (except for the eigenvalue 1). Specifically, the aim of this research is to focus on the properties of eigenvalues of monotone matrices. For those matrices up to order 3, there already exists a complete description of the convex set of eigenvalues. For monotone matrices of order at least 4, this study gives, through simulations, more insight into the geometric description of their eigenvalues. Furthermore, this research treats in a geometric and algebraic way the properties of eigenvalues of monotone matrices of order at least 4.

Keywords: eigenvalues of matrices, finite Markov chains, monotone matrices, nonnegative matrices, stochastic matrices

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9147 Thiazolo [5,4-d] Thiazole Based Polymers and Investigation of Optical Properties for Electronic Applications

Authors: Zeynep Dikmen, Vural Bütün


Electron donor or acceptor capability to participate in electron conjugation is the requirement for an electroactive material. Conjugated molecules and polymers bearing heterocyclic units have potential as optically electroactive materials. Thiazolo thiazole based compounds have attention for last two decades, because they have attractive electronic and optical properties, these compounds are useful for electronic application areas such as dye sentisized solar cells (DSSCs), organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) and field effect transistors (FETs). Thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole is bicyclic aromatic structure contains N and S atoms which act as electron donor. A new electron accepting or donating group bound to thiazolo [5,4-d] thiazole fused ring can change the electronic, spectroscopic, stability and dyeing properties of the new material. Polyphenylene(thiazolo [5,4-d] thiazole) (p-PhTT) compound was synthesized via condensation reaction of terephthalaldehyde with dithiooxamide. The chemical structure was determined with solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy. Optical properties (i.e. absorbance and band gap) was determined via solid UV-vis spectroscopy. The insoluble polymer was quarternized with 4-vinylbenzyl chloride (VBC). Colorless VBC changed into a yellow liquid. AgNO3 complex were prepared and optical properties were investigated with UV-Vis, fluorescence spectroscopy and X-ray spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry studies were examined in this research. This structure exhibits good absorbance and fluorescence in UV-vis region. Synthesis scheme of PyTT and preparation of metal complexes are given. PyTT has absorbance at ~360 nm and fluorescence at ~420 nm.

Keywords: thiazolo thiazole, quarternized polymers, polymeric ligands, Ag complexes

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9146 Perforation Analysis of the Aluminum Alloy Sheets Subjected to High Rate of Loading and Heated Using Thermal Chamber: Experimental and Numerical Approach

Authors: A. Bendarma, T. Jankowiak, A. Rusinek, T. Lodygowski, M. Klósak, S. Bouslikhane


The analysis of the mechanical characteristics and dynamic behavior of aluminum alloy sheet due to perforation tests based on the experimental tests coupled with the numerical simulation is presented. The impact problems (penetration and perforation) of the metallic plates have been of interest for a long time. Experimental, analytical as well as numerical studies have been carried out to analyze in details the perforation process. Based on these approaches, the ballistic properties of the material have been studied. The initial and residual velocities laser sensor is used during experiments to obtain the ballistic curve and the ballistic limit. The energy balance is also reported together with the energy absorbed by the aluminum including the ballistic curve and ballistic limit. The high speed camera helps to estimate the failure time and to calculate the impact force. A wide range of initial impact velocities from 40 up to 180 m/s has been covered during the tests. The mass of the conical nose shaped projectile is 28 g, its diameter is 12 mm, and the thickness of the aluminum sheet is equal to 1.0 mm. The ABAQUS/Explicit finite element code has been used to simulate the perforation processes. The comparison of the ballistic curve was obtained numerically and was verified experimentally, and the failure patterns are presented using the optimal mesh densities which provide the stability of the results. A good agreement of the numerical and experimental results is observed.

Keywords: aluminum alloy, ballistic behavior, failure criterion, numerical simulation

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9145 Investigation Of Eugan's, Optical Properties With Dft

Authors: Bahieddine. Bouabdellah, Benameur. Amiri, Abdelkader.nouri


Europium-doped gallium nitride (EuGaN) is a promising material for optoelectronic and thermoelectric devices. This study investigates its optical properties using density functional theory (DFT) with the FP-LAPW method and MBJ+U correction. The simulation substitutes a gallium atom with europium in a hexagonal GaN lattice (6% doping). Distinct absorption peaks are observed in the optical analysis. These results highlight EuGaN's potential for various applications and pave the way for further research on rare earth-doped materials.

Keywords: eugan, fp-lapw, dft, wien2k, mbj hubbard

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9144 Optical and Dielectric Properties of Self-Assembled 0D Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Insulator

Authors: S. Kassou, R. El Mrabet, A. Belaaraj, P. Guionneau, N. Hadi, T. Lamcharfi


The organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite-like [C6H5C2H4NH3]2ZnCl4 (PEA-ZnCl4) was synthesized by saturated solutions method. X-ray powder diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, UV-visible transmittance, and capacitance meter measurements have been used to characterize the structure, the functional groups, the optical parameters, and the dielectric constants of the material. The material has a layered structure. The optical transmittance (T %) was recorded and applied to deduce the absorption coefficient (α) and optical band gap (Eg). The hybrid shows an insulator character with a direct band gap about 4.46 eV, and presents high dielectric constants up to a frequency of about 105 Hz, which suggests a ferroelectric behavior. The reported optical and dielectric properties can help to understand the fundamental properties of perovskite materials and also to be used for optimizing or designing new devices.

Keywords: dielectric constants, optical band gap (eg), optical parameters, Raman spectroscopy, self-assembly organic inorganic hybrid

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9143 Numerical Simulation of Large-Scale Landslide-Generated Impulse Waves With a Soil‒Water Coupling Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Model

Authors: Can Huang, Xiaoliang Wang, Qingquan Liu


Soil‒water coupling is an important process in landslide-generated impulse waves (LGIW) problems, accompanied by large deformation of soil, strong interface coupling and three-dimensional effect. A meshless particle method, smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) has great advantages in dealing with complex interface and multiphase coupling problems. This study presents an improved soil‒water coupled model to simulate LGIW problems based on an open source code DualSPHysics (v4.0). Aiming to solve the low efficiency problem in modeling real large-scale LGIW problems, graphics processing unit (GPU) acceleration technology is implemented into this code. An experimental example, subaerial landslide-generated water waves, is simulated to demonstrate the accuracy of this model. Then, the Huangtian LGIW, a real large-scale LGIW problem is modeled to reproduce the entire disaster chain, including landslide dynamics, fluid‒solid interaction, and surge wave generation. The convergence analysis shows that a particle distance of 5.0 m can provide a converged landslide deposit and surge wave for this example. Numerical simulation results are in good agreement with the limited field survey data. The application example of the Huangtian LGIW provides a typical reference for large-scale LGIW assessments, which can provide reliable information on landslide dynamics, interface coupling behavior, and surge wave characteristics.

Keywords: soil‒water coupling, landslide-generated impulse wave, large-scale, SPH

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9142 The Response of Optical Properties to Temperature in Three-Layer Micro Device Under Influence of Casimir Force

Authors: Motahare Aali, Fatemeh Tajik


Here, we investigate the sensitivity the Casimir force and consequently dynamical actuation of a three-layer microswitch to some ambient conditions. In fact, we have considered the effect of optical properties on the stable operation of the microswitch for both good (e.g. metals) and poor conductors via a three layer Casimir oscillator. Indeed, gold (Au) has been chosen as a good conductor which is widely used for Casimir force measurements, and highly doped conductive silicon carbide (SiC) has been considered as a poor conductor which is a promising material for device operating under harsh environments. Also, the intervening stratum is considered ethanol or water. It is also supposed that the microswitches are frictionless and autonomous. Using reduction factor diagrams and bifurcation curves, it has been shown how performance of the microswitches is sensitive to temperature and intervening stratum, moreover it is investigated how the conductivity of the components can affect this sensitivity.

Keywords: Casimir force, optical properties, Lifshitz theory, dielectric function

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9141 Advanced Bio-Composite Materials Based on Biopolymer Blends and Cellulose Nanocrystals

Authors: Zineb Kassab, Nassima El Miri, A. Aboulkas, Abdellatif Barakat, Mounir El Achaby


Recently, more attention has been given to biopolymers with a focus on sustainable development and environmental preservation. Following this tendency, the attempt has been made to replace polymers derived from petroleum with superior biodegradable polymers (biopolymers). In this context, biopolymers are considered potential replacements for conventional plastic materials. However, some of their properties must be improved for better competitiveness, especially regarding their mechanical, thermal and barrier properties. Bio-nanocomposite technology using nanofillers has already been proven as an effective way to produce new materials with specific properties and high performances. With the emergence of nanostructured bio-composite materials, incorporating elongated rod-like cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) has attracted more and more attention in the field of nanotechnology. This study is aimed to develop bio-composite films of biopolymer matrices [Carboxymethyle cellulose (CMC), Starch (ST), Chitosan (CS) and Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)] reinforced with cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) using the solution casting method. The CNC were extracted at a nanometric scale from lignocellulosic fibers via sulfuric acid hydrolysis and then characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), confocal microscopy, infrared spectroscopy (IR), atomic force and transmission electron microscopies (AFM and TEM) techniques. The as extracted CNC were used as a reinforcing phase to produce a variety of bio-composite films at different CNC loading (0.5-10 wt %) with specific properties. The rheological properties of film-forming solutions (FFS) of bio-composites were studied, and their relation to the casting process was evaluated. Then, the structural, optical transparency, water vapor permeability, thermal stability and mechanical properties of all prepared bio-composite films were evaluated and studied in this report. The high performances of these bio-composite films are expected to have potential in biomaterials or packaging applications.

Keywords: biopolymer composites, cellulose nanocrystals, food packaging, lignocellulosic fibers

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9140 Reclaimed Tire and Carbon Black Mixture Effect on Mechanical Properties of Rubber Blends SBR/NR/BRcis Uses as Damping Materials

Authors: Samir Hassan AL-Nesrawy, Mohammed Al-Maamori, A. S. Hassani


Rebound resilience for various elastomeric composites has been measured by Tripsometer devise, in order to investigate the effect of mix of C.B & Reclaim loading on elastomeric materials to absorb or damping vibration or shocks by fenders uses in the Iraqi berths. After having been certain about attaining the physical and mechanical properties of the new samples which are similar to the levels of their standard ones, damping properties for the new samples have been measured and compared with those of the standard fenders. The new samples included four rubber blends from (SBR/NR/BR-cis) and four loading levels of mix carbon black (type N-375) and reclaim to become sixteen compound contain SBR(100,60,60,60), NR(0,10,20,30), BRcis(30,20,10,0) and loading level for C.B, Reclaim (10,20,30,40). Damping measurements have been carried out by the method Free Vibration Resilience Pendulum method (by using Wallace R2-Dunlop Tripsometer) and from this Resilience Pendulum method, both the resilience percentage value (R%) and time decay (t0) have been measured at 50oC. We found that the results of this method proved that the increment of C.B, Reclaim level in these robber composite lead to decreasing the resiliency (R%) and damping time.

Keywords: damping materials, carbon black mixture effect, mechanical properties, rubber blends SBR/NR/BRcis

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9139 Full-Potential Investigation of the Electronic and Magnetic Properties of CdCoTe and CdMnTe Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

Authors: A.Zitouni, S.Bentata, B.Bouadjemi, T.Lantri, W. Benstaali, Z.Aziz, S.Cherid


We investigate the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of the diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) CdCoTe and CdMnTe in the zinc blende phase with 25% of Co and Mn. The calculations are performed by the recent ab initio full potential augmented plane waves (FP_L/APW) method within the spin polarized density-functional theory (DFT) and the generalized gradient approximation GGA. Structural properties are determined from the total energy calculations and we found that these compounds are stable in the ferromagnetic phase. We discuss the electronic structures, total and partial densities of states and total magnetic moments. The calculated densities of states presented in this study identify the half-metallic of CdCoTe and CdMnTe.

Keywords: electronic structure, half-metallic, magnetic moment, total and partial densities of states

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9138 Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of Polymer Based PVDF-TrFE Composites with CNT Fillers

Authors: J. Belovickis, V. Samulionis, J. Banys, M. V. Silibin, A. V. Solnyshkin, A. V. Sysa


Ferroelectric polymers exhibit good flexibility, processability and low cost of production. Doping of ferroelectric polymers with nanofillers may modify its dielectric, elastic or piezoelectric properties. Carbon nanotubes are one of the ingredients that can improve the mechanical properties of polymer based composites. In this work, we report on both the ultrasonic and the dielectric properties of the copolymer polyvinylidene fluoride/tetrafluoroethylene (P(VDF-TrFE)) of the composition 70/30 mol% with various concentrations of carbon nanotubes (CNT). Experimental study of ultrasonic wave attenuation and velocity in these composites has been performed over wide temperature range (100 K – 410 K) using an ultrasonic automatic pulse-echo tecnique. The temperature dependences of ultrasonic velocity and attenuation showed anomalies attributed to the glass transition and paraelectric-ferroelectric phase transition. Our investigations showed mechanical losses to be dependent on the volume fraction of the CNTs within the composites. The existence of broad hysteresis of the ultrasonic wave attenuation and velocity within the nanocomposites is presented between cooling and heating cycles. By the means of dielectric spectroscopy, it is shown that the dielectric properties may be tuned by varying the volume fraction of the CNT fillers.

Keywords: carbon nanotubes, polymer composites, PVDF-TrFE, ultrasonic spectroscopy

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9137 The Istrian Istrovenetian-Croatian Bilingual Corpus

Authors: Nada Poropat Jeletic, Gordana Hrzica


Bilingual conversational corpora represent a meaningful and the most comprehensive data source for investigating the genuine contact phenomena in non-monitored bi-lingual speech productions. They can be particularly useful for bilingual research since some features of bilingual interaction can hardly be accessed with more traditional methodologies (e.g., elicitation tasks). The method of language sampling provides the resources for describing language interaction in a bilingual community and/or in bilingual situations (e.g. code-switching, amount of languages used, number of languages used, etc.). To capture these phenomena in genuine communication situations, such sampling should be as close as possible to spontaneous communication. Bilingual spoken corpus design is methodologically demanding. Therefore this paper aims at describing the methodological challenges that apply to the corpus design of the conversational corpus design of the Istrian Istrovenetian-Croatian Bilingual Corpus. Croatian is the first official language of the Croatian-Italian officially bilingual Istria County, while Istrovenetian is a diatopic subvariety of Venetian, a longlasting lingua franca in the Istrian peninsula, the mother tongue of the members of the Italian National Community in Istria and the primary code of informal everyday communication among the Istrian Italophone population. Within the CLARIN infrastructure, TalkBank is being used, as it provides relevant procedures for designing and analyzing bilingual corpora. Furthermore, it allows public availability allows for easy replication of studies and cumulative progress as a research community builds up around the corpus, while the tools developed within the field of corpus linguistics enable easy retrieval and analysis of information. The method of language sampling employed is kept at the level of spontaneous communication, in order to maximise the naturalness of the collected conversational data. All speakers have provided written informed consent in which they agree to be recorded at a random point within the period of one month after signing the consent. Participants are administered a background questionnaire providing information about the socioeconomic status and the exposure and language usage in the participants social networks. Recording data are being transcribed, phonologically adapted within a standard-sized orthographic form, coded and segmented (speech streams are being segmented into communication units based on syntactic criteria) and are being marked following the CHAT transcription system and its associated CLAN suite of programmes within the TalkBank toolkit. The corpus consists of transcribed sound recordings of 36 bilingual speakers, while the target is to publish the whole corpus by the end of 2020, by sampling spontaneous conversations among approximately 100 speakers from all the bilingual areas of Istria for ensuring representativeness (the participants are being recruited across three generations of native bilingual speakers in all the bilingual areas of the peninsula). Conversational corpora are still rare in TalkBank, so the Corpus will contribute to BilingBank as a highly relevant and scientifically reliable resource for an internationally established and active research community. The impact of the research of communities with societal bilingualism will contribute to the growing body of research on bilingualism and multilingualism, especially regarding topics of language dominance, language attrition and loss, interference and code-switching etc.

Keywords: conversational corpora, bilingual corpora, code-switching, language sampling, corpus design methodology

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9136 Structural, Magnetic, and Dielectric Studies of Tetragonally Ordered Sm₂Fe₂O₇ Pyrochlore Nanostructures for Spintronic Application

Authors: S. Nqayi


Understanding the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of nanomaterials is essential for developing next-generation electronic and spintronic devices, contributing to the progress of nanoscience and nanotechnology applications. Multiferroic materials, with intimately coupled ferroic-order parameters, are widely considered to breed fascinating physical properties and provide unique opportunities for the development of next-generation devices, like multistate non-volatile memory. In this study, we are set to investigate the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the frustrated Feᴵᴵ/Smⱽᴵ sublattice in relation to the widely studied perovskites for spintronics applications. The atomic composition, microstructure, crystallography, magnetization, thermal, and dielectric properties of a pyrochlore Sm₂Fe₂O₇ system synthesized using sol-gel methods are currently being investigated. Precursor powders were dissolved in citric acid monohydrate to obtain a solution. The obtained solution was stirred and heated using a magnetic stirrer to obtain the gel phase. Then, the gel was dried at 200°C to remove water and organic compounds and form an orange powder. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirms that the structure crystallized as a pyrochlore structure with a tetragonal F4mm (107) symmetry. The presence of Fe³⁺/Fe⁴⁺ mixed states is also revealed by XPS analysis.

Keywords: nanostructures, multiferroic materials, pyrochlores, spintronics

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9135 Effect of Fermentation Time on Some Functional Properties of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) Seed Flour

Authors: Ocheme B. Ocheme, Omobolanle O. Oloyede, S. James, Eleojo V. Akpa


The effect of fermentation time on some functional properties of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) seed flour was examined. Fermentation, an effective processing method used to improve nutritional quality of plant foods, tends to affect the characteristics of food components and their behaviour in food systems just like other processing methods. Hence the need for this study. Moringa seeds were fermented naturally by soaking in potable water and allowing it to stand for 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours. At the end of fermentation, the seeds were oven dried at 600C for 12 hours and then milled into flour. Flour obtained from unfermented seeds served as control: hence a total of five flour samples. The functional properties were analyzed using standard methods. Fermentation significantly (p<0.05) increased the water holding capacity of Moringa seed flour from 0.86g/g - 2.31g/g. The highest value was observed after 48 hours of fermentation The same trend was observed for oil absorption capacity with values between 0.87 and 1.91g/g. Flour from unfermented Moringa seeds had a bulk density of 0.60g/cm3 which was significantly (p<0.05) higher than the bulk densities of flours from seeds fermented for 12, 24 and 48. Fermentation significantly (p<0.05) decreased the dispersibility of Moringa seed flours from 36% to 21, 24, 29 and 20% after 12, 24, 48 and 72 hours of fermentation respectively. The flours’ emulsifying capacities increased significantly (p<0.05) with increasing fermentation time with values between 50 – 68%. The flour obtained from seeds fermented for 12 hours had a significantly (p<0.05) higher foaming capacity of 16% while the flour obtained from seeds fermented for 0, 24 and 72 hours had the least foaming capacities of 9%. Flours from seeds fermented for 12 and 48 hours had better functional properties than flours from seeds fermented for 24 and 72 hours.

Keywords: fermentation, flour, functional properties, Moringa

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9134 Study of Mechanical Properties of Glutarylated Jute Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Composites

Authors: V. Manush Nandan, K. Lokdeep, R. Vimal, K. Hari Hara Subramanyan, C. Aswin, V. Logeswaran


Natural fibers have attained the potential market in the composite industry because of the huge environmental impact caused by synthetic fibers. Among the natural fibers, jute fibers are the most abundant plant fibers which are manufactured mainly in countries like India. Even though there is a good motive to utilize the natural supplement, the strength of the natural fiber composites is still a topic of discussion. In recent days, many researchers are showing interest in the chemical modification of the natural fibers to increase various mechanical and thermal properties. In the present study, jute fibers have been modified chemically using glutaric anhydride at different concentrations of 5%, 10%, 20%, and 30%. The glutaric anhydride solution is prepared by dissolving the different quantity of glutaric anhydride in benzene and dimethyl-sulfoxide using sodium formate catalyst. The jute fiber mats have been treated by the method of retting at various time intervals of 3, 6, 12, 24, and 36 hours. The modification structure of the treated fibers has been confirmed with infrared spectroscopy. The degree of modification increases with an increase in retention time, but higher retention time has damaged the fiber structure. The unmodified fibers and glutarylated fibers at different retention times are reinforced with epoxy matrix under room temperature. The tensile strength and flexural strength of the composites are analyzed in detail. Among these, the composite made with glutarylated fiber has shown good mechanical properties when compared to those made of unmodified fiber.

Keywords: flexural properties, glutarylation, glutaric anhydride, tensile properties

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9133 Excitation Experiments of a Cone Loudspeaker and Vibration-Acoustic Analysis Using FEM

Authors: Y. Hu, X. Zhao, T. Yamaguchi, M. Sasajima, Y. Koike


To focus on the vibration mode of a cone loudspeaker, which acts as an electroacoustic transducer, excitation experiments were performed using two types of loudspeaker units: one employing an impulse hammer and the other a sweep signal. The on-axis sound pressure frequency properties of the loudspeaker were evaluated, and the characteristic properties of the loudspeakers were successfully determined in both excitation experiments. Moreover, under conditions identical to the experiment conditions, a coupled analysis of the vibration-acoustics of the cone loudspeaker was performed using an acoustic analysis software program that considers the impact of damping caused by air viscosity. The result of sound pressure frequency properties with the numerical analysis are the most closely match that measured in the excitation experiments over a wide range of frequency bands.

Keywords: anechoic room, finite element method, impulse hammer, loudspeaker, reverberation room, sweep signal

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9132 Evaluating the Effect of Structural Reorientation to Thermochemical and Energetic Properties of 1,4-Diamino-3,6-Dinitropyrazolo[4,3- C]Pyrazole

Authors: Lamla Thungathaa, Conrad Mahlasea, Lisa Ngcebesha


1,4-Diamino-3,6-dinitropyrazolo[4,3-c]pyrazole (LLM-119) and its structural isomer 3,6-dinitropyrazolo[3,4-c]pyrazole-1,4(6H)-diamine were designed by structural reorientation of the fused pyrazole rings and their respective substituents (-NO2 and -NH2). Structural reorientation involves structural rearrangement which result in different structural isomers, employing this approach, six structural isomers of LLM-119 were achieved. The effect of structural reorientation (isomerisation and derivatives) on the enthalpy of formation, detonation properties, impact sensitivity, and density of these molecules is studied Computationally. The computational method used are detailed in the document and they yielded results that are close to the literature values with a relative error of 2% for enthalpy of formation, 2% for density, 0.05% for detonation velocity, and 4% for detonation pressure. The correlation of the structural reorientation to the calculated thermochemical and detonation properties of the molecules indicated that molecules with a -NO2 group attached to a Carbon atom and -NH2 connected to a Nitrogen atom maximize the enthalpy of formation and detonation velocity. The joining of pyrazole molecules has less effect on these parameters. It was seen that density and detonation pressure improved when both –NO2 or -NH2 functional groups were on the same side of the molecular structure. The structural reorientation gave rise to 3,4-dinitropyrazolo[3,4-c]pyrazole-1,6-diamine which exhibited optimal density and detonation performance compared to other molecules.

Keywords: LLM-119, fused rings, azole, structural isomers, detonation properties

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9131 Microwave-Assisted Eradication of Wool

Authors: M. Salama, K. Haggag, H. El-Sayed


An environmentally and ecologically acceptable method for eradication of wool fabrics based on microwave irradiation (MWI) was described. The process would be a suitable alternative for mothproofing of wool using toxic degradative chemical or biological methods. The effect of microwave irradiation and exposure time on the extent of eradication of wool fabrics from moth larvae was monitored. The inherent properties of the MW-irradiated wool fabrics; viz. tensile properties, alkali solubility, and yellowing index, were not adversely altered.

Keywords: microwave, wool, fabric, moth, eradication, resistance

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9130 Mechanical Properties of the Palm Fibers Reinforced HDPE Composites

Authors: Daniella R. Mulinari, Araujo J. F. Marina, Gabriella S. Lopes


Natural fibers are used in polymer composites to improve mechanical properties, substituting inorganic reinforcing agents produced by non-renewable resources. The present study investigates the tensile, flexural and impact behaviors of palm fibers-high density polyethylene (HDPE) composite as a function of volume fraction. The surface of the fibers was modified by mercerization treatments to improve the wetting behavior of the apolar HDPE. The treatment characterization was obtained by scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Results evidence that a good adhesion interfacial between fibers-matrix causing an increase strength and modulus flexural as well as impact strength in the modified fibers/HDPE composites when compared to the pure HDPE and unmodified fibers reinforced composites.

Keywords: palm fibers, polymer composites, mechanical properties, high density polyethylene (HDPE)

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