Search results for: art and design students
16456 The Challenges Faced in Learning English as a Second Language in Sri Lanka: A Case Study of Ordinary Level Students in Kurunegala District
Authors: H. L. M. Fawzan
Undoubtedly, learning English as a second language (ESL) is considered a challenging task. It is more difficult for students in far-away districts when compared with the students in the capital cities, where learning resources are easily available and where the environment is conducive to learning. Thus, this study is an analysis of the challenges faced by learners in learning English as the second language within kurunegala district in Sri Lanka. Even though various efforts have been taken by the Sri Lankan Educationalists for improving the situation of English language teaching for the past few decades, a disappointing situation still exist in the achievements of English learning among Sri Lankan students. So, it is necessary to explore real reasons behind the poor achievements of the students in the English Language. It is also an attempt to highlight what can be done to improve the situation significantly. Kurunegala is far away from the capital city of Sri Lanka and is a densely populated district. In the year 2020, state university admission was 45.87% from the Kurunegala district (Department of Examinations). The researcher strived to examine some of the likely challenges faced when teaching English in secondary schools in Kurunegala. The data was collected using a questionnaire from 35 students from schools within the Kurunegala education division. The result of the study reveals that students were highly motivated to learn English for their prospects and expectations such as local and international communication, academic advancement, and employment prospects.Keywords: english, teaching, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka, challenges
Procedia PDF Downloads 15216455 Investigation of the Psychological and Sociological Consequences of Facebook Usage towards Saudi Arabia University Students
Authors: Abdullah Alassiri
Prompted by the widespread saturation of Facebook usage in Saudi Arabia, among university students to socialize with online members, this study investigated the usage, self-presentation, psychological and sociological consequences of the Facebook social networking site among undergraduate students in Saudi Arabia. The problem statement of this study was addressed by answering the following questions: 1) What motivation do undergraduate students have for joining Facebook? 2) How do undergraduate students consume Facebook? 3) In what condition do undergraduate students need Facebook? 4) How do undergraduate students manage their self-presentation via Facebook? 5) What are the experiences obtained by the undergraduate students from Facebook psychologically? 6) What are the experiences obtained by the undergraduate students from Facebook sociologically? 7) How have Facebook activities affected the lifestyle of the undergraduate students?. These questions were answered by analyzing in-depth interview data collected from twenty male undergraduate students between the ages of 18 and 24 years selected from King Saud University (KSU) and King Khalid University (KKU) Saudi Arabia. Using thematic analysis, informants data were coded ‘R1 to R20’, validated and was transcribed to minimize error from translating into the study items from Arabic back to the English Language. Using purposive sampling method, informant perspective within the research context were explored. Data collection was confined to students’ motivations for engaging in online activities, self-presentation, psychological and sociological consequences to their everyday life was investigated based on the theoretical and philosophical perspective underpinnings media and gratification paradigm and social influence theory. The findings contributed to the development of important study themes that supported the development of a new research framework. Based on the analysis, all the study questions were answered. The findings of this study showed that the students use Facebook for the purpose of interacting with others, getting information and as knowledge sources. In terms of self-presentation, this study revealed that the students portray themselves in the real and not fake image while socializing with others. Psychological and sociological consequences from the usage of Facebook are recorded ranging from cheerful to stress and from loneliness to having many friends. As a conclusion, this study conclusively drew that Facebook is a very persuasive medium of communication among the University students in Saudi Arabia that bridges across socio-cultural boundaries and unite students to interact as a community.Keywords: Saudi Arabia, Facebook, undergraduate students, social network
Procedia PDF Downloads 16616454 Introducing Principles of Land Surveying by Assigning a Practical Project
Authors: Introducing Principles of Land Surveying by Assigning a Practical Project
A practical project is used in an engineering surveying course to expose sophomore and junior civil engineering students to several important issues related to the use of basic principles of land surveying. The project, which is the design of a two-lane rural highway to connect between two arbitrary points, requires students to draw the profile of the proposed highway along with the existing ground level. Areas of all cross-sections are then computed to enable quantity computations between them. Lastly, Mass-Haul Diagram is drawn with all important parts and features shown on it for clarity. At the beginning, students faced challenges getting started on the project. They had to spend time and effort thinking of the best way to proceed and how the work would flow. It was even more challenging when they had to visualize images of cut, fill and mixed cross sections in three dimensions before they can draw them to complete the necessary computations. These difficulties were then somewhat overcome with the help of the instructor and thorough discussions among team members and/or between different teams. The method of assessment used in this study was a well-prepared-end-of-semester questionnaire distributed to students after the completion of the project and the final exam. The survey contained a wide spectrum of questions from students' learning experience when this course development was implemented to students' satisfaction of the class instructions provided to them and the instructor's competency in presenting the material and helping with the project. It also covered the adequacy of the project to show a sample of a real-life civil engineering application and if there is any excitement added by implementing this idea. At the end of the questionnaire, students had the chance to provide their constructive comments and suggestions for future improvements of the land surveying course. Outcomes will be presented graphically and in a tabular format. Graphs provide visual explanation of the results and tables, on the other hand, summarize numerical values for each student along with some descriptive statistics, such as the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for each student and each question as well. In addition to gaining experience in teamwork, communications, and customer relations, students felt the benefit of assigning such a project. They noticed the beauty of the practical side of civil engineering work and how theories are utilized in real-life engineering applications. It was even recommended by students that such a project be exercised every time this course is offered so future students can have the same learning opportunity they had.Keywords: land surveying, highway project, assessment, evaluation, descriptive statistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 23116453 Studying the Effectiveness of Using Narrative Animation on Students’ Understanding of Complex Scientific Concepts
Authors: Atoum Abdullah
The purpose of this research is to determine the extent to which computer animation and narration affect students’ understanding of complex scientific concepts and improve their exam performance, this is compared to traditional lectures that include PowerPoints with texts and static images. A mixed-method design in data collection was used, including quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was collected using a pre and post-test method and a close-ended questionnaire. Qualitative data was collected through an open-ended questionnaire. A pre and posttest strategy was used to measure the level of students’ understanding with and without the use of animation. The test included multiple-choice questions to test factual knowledge, open-ended questions to test conceptual knowledge, and to label the diagram questions to test application knowledge. The results showed that students on average, performed significantly higher on the posttest as compared to the pretest on all areas of acquired knowledge. However, the increase in the posttest score with respect to the acquisition of conceptual and application knowledge was higher compared to the increase in the posttest score with respect to the acquisition of factual knowledge. This result demonstrates that animation is more beneficial when acquiring deeper, conceptual, and cognitive knowledge than when only factual knowledge is acquired.Keywords: animation, narration, science, teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 17016452 Indigenizing the Curriculum: Teaching at the Ifugao State University, Philippines
Authors: Nancy Ann P. Gonzales, Serafin L. Ngohayon
The Nurturing Indigenous Knowledge Experts (NIKE) among the young generation in Ifugao was a project in Ifugao, Philippines spearheaded by the Ifugao State University (IFSU) and was sponsored by the UNESCO Association in Japan. Through the project, he Ifugao Indigenous Knowledge Workbook was developed. It contains nine chapters. The workbook was pilot-tested to students who had IK classes. The descriptive survey method of research was used. A questionnaire was used to gather data from first year Bachelor of Elementary Education and Bachelor of Political Science students. Frequency count, percentage and mean were computed. T-test was used to determine if there exists significant difference on knowledge gained before and after IK was taught to the students. Results revealed that the respondents have an increased level of IK in all the areas covered in the NIKE workbook after they enrolled in their classes. It is alarming to note that the students are knowledgeable about IK but they are not practicing it. However, according to the respondents, they will apply their IK through teaching after graduation.Keywords: curriculum, elders, Indigenous knowledge, and students
Procedia PDF Downloads 35716451 Teachers’ and Students’ Causal Explanations for Classroom Misbehavior: Similarities and Differences
Authors: Rachel C. F. Sun
This study aimed to examine the similarities and differences between teachers’ and students’ causal explanations of classroom misbehavior. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve teachers and eighteen Grade 7-9 students. The qualitative data were analyzed, in which the attributed causes of classroom misbehavior were categorized into student, family, school, and peer factors. Findings showed that both interviewed teachers and students shared similarity in attributing to student factors, such as ‘fun and pleasure seeking’ and ‘attention seeking’ as the leading causes of misbehavior. However, the students accounted to school factors, particularly ‘boring lessons’ as the next attributed causes, while the teachers accounted to family factors, such as ‘lack of parent demandingness’. By delineating the factors at student, family, school, and peer levels, these findings help drawing corresponding implications for preventing and mitigating misbehavior in school.Keywords: causal explanation, misbehavior, student, teacher
Procedia PDF Downloads 35816450 Status of Participative Governance Practices in Higher Education: Implications for Stakeholders' Transformative Role-Assumption
Authors: Endalew Fufa Kufi
The research investigated the role of stakeholders such as students, teachers and administrators in the practices of good governance in higher education by looking into the special contributions of top-officials, teachers and students in ensuring workable ties and productive interchanges in Adama Science and Technology University. Attention was given to participation, fairness and exemplariness as key indicators of good governance. The target university was chosen for its familiarity for the researcher to get dependable data, access to respondent and management of the processing of data. Descriptive survey design was used for the purpose of describing concerned roles the stakeholders in the university governance in order to reflect on the nature of participation of the practices. Centres of the research were administration where supportive groups such as central administrators and underlying service-givers had parts and academia where teachers and students were target. Generally, 60 teachers, 40 students and 15 administrative officers were referents. Data were collected in the form of self-report through open-ended questionnaires. The findings indicated that, while vertical interchanges in terms of academic and administrative routines were had normal flow on top-down basis, planned practices of stakeholders in decision-making and reasonably communicating roles and changes in decisions with top-officials were not efficiently practiced. Moreover, the practices of good modelling were not witnessed to have existed to the fullest extent. Rather, existence of a very wide gap between the academic and administrative staffs was witnessed as was reflected the case between teachers and students. The implication was such that for shortage in participative atmosphere and weaning of fairness in governance, routine practices have been there as the vicious circles of governance.Keywords: governance, participative, stakeholders, transformative, role-assumption
Procedia PDF Downloads 39916449 The Use of Manipulative Strategies: Machiavellianism among the University Students
Authors: Karla Hrbackova, Anna Petr Safrankova, Jakub Hladik
Machiavellianism as social phenomenon reveals certain methods of communication that man puts in contact with other people in both personal and working life (and work with clients). Especially at the helping-profession students is honesty, openness or low motivation for personal benefit important part of the profession. The aim of a study is to expose intercultural differences influence of Machiavellianism between Czech and Slovak university students and to determine whether these differences manifest themselves differently among students focusing on management and social profession (by helping degrees). The research involved 1120 university students from the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic. The measurement of Machiavellianism used a test Mach IV. The test contained 20 statements divided into four central dimensions of Machiavellianism: flattery, deception and falsehood, immorality and cynicism. We found out, that Czech and Slovak's student expressed a similar attitude toward Machiavellianism as a means of manipulation in the interpersonal relationship, but this is not true in all dimensions. Czech and Slovak's students perceive differently flattery, deception and falsehood and cynicism too. In addition to specific features of cultural conditionality, we found out differences depending on the helping profession. Students focusing on managerial occupation (lower level of helping) tend towards greater acceptance of the use flattery as a means of communication than students specializing in the social profession (high-grade assisting). If they are an intercultural and interdisciplinary influences combined and effect on the perception of Machiavellianism together, then their significant importance for the perception of flattery and cynicism. The result will help us to reveal certain specific traits that students apply communication and with whom we can continue to work during their training.Keywords: use of manipulative strategies, Machiavellianism, helping-profession students, professional training of students
Procedia PDF Downloads 38516448 Examining the Decision-Making Process of Hong Kong High School Students Regarding University Choices after 2019
Authors: Yuanyuan Song
Following the 2019 protests in Hong Kong, significant shifts occurred within society. This study aims to explore whether these events have had an impact on the university preferences of high school students. To delve into these questions, this research immerses itself in the forefront of Hong Kong's educational landscape. It encompasses field studies, interviews, and questionnaires administered to a diverse range of Hong Kong students, as well as their parents and teachers. The findings uncover that the majority of local Hong Kong students and parents possess a limited understanding of mainland China, and this perception has further soured since 2019. Interestingly, the inclination towards pursuing overseas education, particularly in countries like the UK and Australia, has experienced a steady rise. This trend persists despite the fact that esteemed Chinese universities extend preferential admissions policies to Hong Kong students.Keywords: higher education, university choices, educational sociology, education in Hongkong
Procedia PDF Downloads 14216447 Students’ Perception and Patterns of Listening Behaviour in an Online Forum Discussion
Authors: K. L. Wong, I. N. Umar
Online forum is part of a Learning Management System (LMS) environment in which students share opinions. This study attempts to investigate the perceptions of students towards online forum and their patterns of listening behaviour during the forum interaction. The students’ perceptions were measured using a questionnaire, in which seven dimensions were used including online experience, benefits of forum participation, cost of participation, perceived ease of use, usefulness, attitude and intention. Meanwhile, their patterns of listening behaviours were obtained using the log file extracted from the LMS. A total of 25 postgraduate students undertaking a course were involved in this study, and their activities in the forum session were recorded by the LMS and used as a log file. The results from the questionnaire analysis indicated that the students perceived that the forum is easy to use, useful, and bring benefits to them. Also, they showed positive attitude towards online forum, and they have the intention to use it in future. Based on the log data, the participants were also divided into six clusters of listening behaviour, in which they are different in terms of temporality, breadth, depth and speaking level. The findings were compared to previous clusters grouping and future recommendations are also discussed.Keywords: e-learning, learning management system, listening behavior, online forum
Procedia PDF Downloads 43416446 The Influence of COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Policies Towards Chinese International Students
Authors: Xuefan Li, Donghua Li, Juanjuan Li
This study explores the changes in policies toward Chinese students studying abroad in different countries during the pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic periods. Interviews and questionnaire surveys were conducted with participating institutions at the China International Education Exhibition. The results indicate that institutions were impacted by the pandemic differently, with a gradual recovery in the two years following the initial outbreak. Institutions encourage and support Chinese students to resume offline studies during the post-pandemic period. The impact of the pandemic on the recruitment of Chinese students by international institutions varied, with different measures being adopted by different institutions. Compared with universities, colleges were more affected in terms of student employment rates. Some institutions were able to respond quickly and effectively to the pandemic due to their online teaching platforms. Overall, this study is expected to provide insights into the changes in policies toward Chinese students studying abroad during the pandemic and highlights the diverse responses of international institutions.Keywords: international education, Chinese international education, COVID-19 pandemic, international institutions
Procedia PDF Downloads 8816445 Using Podcasts as an Educational Medium to Deliver Education to Pre-Registered Mental Health Nursing Students
Authors: Jane Killough
A podcast series was developed to support learning amongst first-year undergraduate mental health nursing students. Many first-year students do not have any clinical experience and find it difficult to engage with theory, which can present as cumbersome. Further, it can be challenging to relate abstract concepts to everyday mental health practice. Mental health professionals and service users from practice were interviewed on a range of core topics that are key to year one learning. The podcasts were made available, and students could access these recordings at their convenience to fit in with busy daily routines. The aim was to enable meaningful learning by providing access to those who have lived experience and who can, in effect, bring to life the theory being taught in university and essentially bridge the theory and practice gap while fostering working relationships between practice and academics. The student experience will be evaluated using a logic model.Keywords: education, mental health nursing students, podcast, practice, undergraduate
Procedia PDF Downloads 15216444 Point-of-Decision Design (PODD) to Support Healthy Behaviors in the College Campuses
Authors: Michelle Eichinger, Upali Nanda
Behavior choices during college years can establish the pattern of lifelong healthy living. Nearly 1/3rd of American college students are either overweight (25 < BMI < 30) or obese (BMI > 30). In addition, overweight/obesity contributes to depression, which is a rising epidemic among college students, affecting academic performance and college drop-out rates. Overweight and obesity result in an imbalance of energy consumption (diet) and energy expenditure (physical activity). Overweight/obesity is a significant contributor to heart disease, diabetes, stroke, physical disabilities and some cancers, which are the leading causes of death and disease in the US. There has been a significant increase in obesity and obesity-related disorders such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia among people in their teens and 20s. Historically, the evidence-based interventions for obesity prevention focused on changing the health behavior at the individual level and aimed at increasing awareness and educating people about nutrition and physical activity. However, it became evident that the environmental context of where people live, work and learn was interdependent to healthy behavior change. As a result, a comprehensive approach was required to include altering the social and built environment to support healthy living. College campus provides opportunities to support lifestyle behavior and form a health-promoting culture based on some key point of decisions such as stairs/ elevator, walk/ bike/ car, high-caloric and fast foods/balanced and nutrient-rich foods etc. At each point of decision, design, can help/hinder the healthier choice. For example, stair well design and motivational signage support physical activity; grocery store/market proximity influence healthy eating etc. There is a need to collate the vast information that is in planning and public health domains on a range of successful point of decision prompts, and translate it into architectural guidelines that help define the edge condition for critical point of decision prompts. This research study aims to address healthy behaviors through the built environment with the questions, how can we make the healthy choice an easy choice through the design of critical point of decision prompts? Our hypothesis is that well-designed point of decision prompts in the built environment of college campuses can promote healthier choices by students, which can directly impact mental and physical health related to obesity. This presentation will introduce a combined health and architectural framework aimed to influence healthy behaviors through design applied for college campuses. The premise behind developing our concept, point-of-decision design (PODD), is healthy decision-making can be built into, or afforded by our physical environments. Using effective design intervention strategies at these 'points-of-decision' on college campuses to make the healthy decision the default decision can be instrumental in positively impacting health at the population level. With our model, we aim to advance health research by utilizing point-of-decision design to impact student health via core sectors of influences within college settings, such as campus facilities and transportation. We will demonstrate how these domains influence patterns/trends in healthy eating and active living behaviors among students. how these domains influence patterns/trends in healthy eating and active living behaviors among students.Keywords: architecture and health promotion, college campus, design strategies, health in built environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 22416443 Development of Flipped Classroom in Chemistry on 'Acid-Base' for Enrichment Science Classroom Students
Authors: Waratthaya Maneerattana, Piyarat Dornbundit
The study aimed to develop flipped classroom in Chemistry on ‘acid-base’ for high school students and study efficiency of students on academic achievement and problem-solving skills. The evaluating result from the experts showed that developed flipped classroom was ranked in high score level. The flipped classroom efficiency E1/E2 was higher than the criteria of 70/70. The flipped classroom was used by 24 students in grade 11 in the second semester of the academic year 2016 at Bodindecha (Sing Singhaseni) School. Sampling group was chosen using a purposive sampling approach. The results revealed that academic achievement and problem solving skills of students after studying flipped classroom was significantly higher at .05 level.Keywords: flipped classroom, acid-base, academic achievement, problem solving skill
Procedia PDF Downloads 31416442 Screen Casting Instead of Illegible Scribbles: Making a Mini Movie for Feedback on Students’ Scholarly Papers
Authors: Kerri Alderson
There is pervasive awareness by post secondary faculty that written feedback on course assignments is inconsistently reviewed by students. In order to support student success and growth, a novel method of providing feedback was sought, and screen casting - short, narrated “movies” of audio visual instructor feedback on students’ scholarly papers - was provided as an alternative to traditional means. An overview of the teaching and learning experience as well as the user-friendly software utilized will be presented. This study covers an overview of this more direct, student-centered medium for providing feedback using technology familiar to post secondary students. Reminiscent of direct personal contact, the personalized video feedback is positively evaluated by students as a formative medium for student growth in scholarly writing.Keywords: education, pedagogy, screen casting, student feedback, teaching and learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 12016441 COVID-19 and College Students: Insights into Coping Schemas and Resilience
Authors: Yassir Semmar
The ability to cope during trying times is essential for psychological well-being. 101 college students attending a northeastern university in the United States took part in a study that examined their coping schemas and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first aim was to determine the types of coping strategies and resilience domains that students most frequently relied on. The second purpose was to investigate whether demographic variables correlated with certain coping schemas and resilience scales. First year students were particularly more vulnerable to the stressors brought by the pandemic as they frequently resorted to more maladaptive strategies in comparison to their older peers. The latter were deemed more resilient in the sense of feeling in control, staying focused, and regulating their emotions. Participants from different racial backgrounds appeared to differ in the extent to which they sought support from others. Students who were employed part-time felt less optimistic and knowledgeable about where to seek assistance and how to cope with various stressors as compared to their unemployed counterparts. Implications are discussed in terms of developing a holistic, proactive approach to identifying, understanding, and effectively responding to the unique needs of our diverse student population from an equity-mindedness stance.Keywords: COVID-19, coping schemas, resilience, wellbeing, college students
Procedia PDF Downloads 2416440 Awakeness, Awareness and Learning Mathematics for Arab Students: A Pilot Study
Authors: S. Rawashdi, D. Bshouty
This paper aimed at discussing how to urge middle and high school Arab students in Israel to be aware of the importance of and investing in learning mathematics. In the first phase of the study, three questionnaires were passed to two nine-grade classes, one on Awareness, one on Awakeness and one on Learning. One of the two classes was an outstanding class from a public school (PUBS) of 31 students, and the other a heterogeneous class from a private school (PRIS) with 31 students. The Learning questionnaire which was administrated to the Awareness and Awareness topics was passed to PRIS and the Awareness and Awareness Questionnaires were passed to the PUBS class After two months we passed the post-questionnaire to both classes to validate the long-term impact of the study. The findings of the study show that awakeness and awareness processes have an effect on the math learning process, on its context in students' daily lives and their growing interest in learning math.Keywords: awakeness, awareness, learning mathematics, pupils
Procedia PDF Downloads 14116439 The Attitude of Education College Students Towards Using the Web Portal of the Academic System
Authors: Ibrahim Alhumaidan
As King Saud University believes in the critical role played by technology and its effectiveness in achieving quality, speed of achievement, facilitating follow-up and enhancing responsibility undertaking; the university is keen on activating its e-services for the purpose of attaining the primary requirements of achievement and perfection. The web portal of the student's academic system comes as one of the most important practices in technological and e-transaction aspects. It enables students to carry out their processes–registration, addition, evaluation, viewing their results, and scholastic accomplishments, etc.– through the relevant web portal. The aim of this study is to recognize Education College students' attitude -as one of King's University Colleges- regarding the usage of the academic system web portal, its effectiveness in saving time and effort, and, efficiency in enhancing student's planning skills. The study society is all students of college of education in King Saud University and the sample has been chosen randomly from them. The study tool is a questionnaire designed to learn about students' views about using the web portal; as the researcher used the surveying methodology to achieve the aim of the study.Keywords: web portal, academic system, education faculty, students, planning skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 29116438 Determining the Information Technologies Usage and Learning Preferences of Construction
Authors: Naci Büyükkaracığan, Yıldırım Akyol
Information technology is called the technology which provides transmission of information elsewhere regardless of time, location, distance. Today, information technology is providing the occurrence of ground breaking changes in all areas of our daily lives. Information can be reached quickly to millions of people with help of information technology. In this Study, effects of information technology on students for educations and their learning preferences were demonstrated with using data obtained from questionnaires administered to students of 2015-2016 academic year at Selcuk University Kadınhanı Faik İçil Vocational School Construction Department. The data was obtained by questionnaire consisting of 30 questions that was prepared by the researchers. SPSS 21.00 package programme was used for statistical analysis of data. Chi-square tests, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were used in the data analysis for Descriptiving statistics. In a study conducted with the participation of 61 students, 93.4% of students' reputation of their own information communication device (computer, smart phone, etc.) That have been shown to be at the same rate and to the internet. These are just a computer of itself, then 45.90% of the students. The main reasons for the students' use of the Internet, social networking sites are 85.24%, 13.11% following the news of the site, as seen. All student assignments in information technology, have stated that they use in the preparation of the project. When students acquire scientific knowledge in the profession regarding their preferred sources evaluated were seen exactly when their preferred internet. Male students showed that daily use of information technology while compared to female students was statistically significantly less. Construction Package program where students are eager to learn about the reputation of 72.13% and 91.80% identified in the well which they agreed that an indispensable element in the professional advancement of information technology.Keywords: information technologies, computer, construction, internet, learning systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 29816437 Parental Involvement in Schooling of Female Students and its Impact on Their Achievement at Elementary Level
Authors: Aroona Hashmi
Parental Involvement is a strategic key to both traditional and contemporary way of ‘face-to-face’ schooling, including public/private schools and home schooling. Present research is destined to find out whether this connection happens in Pakistani schools, a land which faces educational hurdles. This study aims to find out the parental involvement in schooling of female students and its impact on their achievement at elementary level. In this study quantitative research approach is used. Survey is conducted by utilizing reliable and valid instrument named as Parental Involvement Project Questionnaire (PIP). A stratified random sampling technique applied to select twenty schools in total from District Lahore. Schools were selected from public and private sectors. All selected schools were registered with Punjab Examination Commission (PEC), therefore standardized tests are conducted by PEC for class 8 every year in Punjab province, Pakistan. In total 1000 students and their 1000 parents constituted the sample. Data were analyzed by using SPSS version 17. T-test and Regression was applied to independent samples to test the null hypotheses. The result of this study indicated that parents of female students showed more involvement as compared to parents of male students at elementary level. There was significant difference in the impact of parental involvement on achievement of female students and male students i.e. there was more impact of parental involvement found on achievement of female students as compared to male students.Keywords: parental involvement, achievement, schooling, elementary level, PEC
Procedia PDF Downloads 37216436 The Study of Factors Affecting Social Responsibility among Undergraduate Students of the Faculty of Management Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University
Authors: Somtop Keawchuer
The purpose of the research is to study the level of social responsibility among the undergraduate students of the faculty of Management Science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. The research also studies the factors affecting social responsibility of the undergraduate students. The research methodology applied a self-administered questionnaire as a quantitative method. A convenience sampling was used to distribute the questionnaire. Finally, 350 questionnaires were received for data analysis. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics including regression analysis for hypothesis testing. The results indicated that the level of social responsibility of the students was at a good level. In addition, internal and external factors were related to social responsibility of the undergraduate students with the statistical significance level of 0.05.Keywords: internal and external factors, social responsibility, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, undergraduate students
Procedia PDF Downloads 27416435 The Perceived Role of the Cooperating Teacher: Differing Perspectives on Enactment
Authors: Mary Isobelle Mullaney
The purpose of this research was to explore the attitudes of student Art and Design teachers (n=79) and their cooperating teachers in the Republic of Ireland (n=83) as to their interpretation of the role in teacher education. The role is outlined in terms of how the Teaching Council defines the role and then how the students and teachers see it being fulfilled. While overall teachers rated themselves as fulfilling the role expected of them, the interpretation varied greatly, with considerable deficits reported regarding guidance given in planning, observation of the student teacher, and feedback given. Overall, students saw teachers as fulfilling their role effectively, though there was considerable variation reported in experiences. A focus group was conducted in order to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of the underlying factors influencing these discrepancies.Keywords: Irish post primary teaching, cooperating teacher, student teacher, teacher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 6216434 STEAM and Project-Based Learning: Equipping Young Women with 21st Century Skills
Authors: Sonia Saddiqui, Maya Marcus
UTS STEAMpunk Girls is an educational program for young women (aged 12-16), to empower them to be more informed and active members of the 21st century workforce. With the number of STEM graduates on the decline, especially among young women, an additional aim of the program is to trial a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences, Mathematics), inter-disciplinary approach to improving STEM engagement. In-line with UNESCO’s recent focus on promoting ‘transversal competencies’ in future graduates, the program utilised co-design, project-based learning, entrepreneurial processes, and inter-disciplinary learning. The program consists of two phases. Taking a participatory design approach, the first phase (co-design workshops) provided valuable insight into student perspectives around engaging young women in STEM and inter-disciplinary thinking. The workshops positioned 26 young women from three schools as subject matter experts (SMEs), providing a platform for them to share their opinions, experiences and findings around the STEAM disciplines. The second (pilot) phase put the co-design phase findings into practice, with 64 students from four schools working in groups to articulate problems with real-world implications, and utilising design-thinking to solve them. The pilot phase utilised project-based learning to engage young women in entrepreneurial and STEAM frameworks and processes. Scalable program design and educational resources were trialed to determine appropriate mechanisms for engaging young women in STEM and in STEAM thinking. Across both phases, data was collected via longitudinal surveys to obtain pre-program, baseline attitudinal information, and compare that against post-program responses. Preliminary findings revealed students’ improved understanding of the STEM disciplines, industries and professions, improved awareness of STEAM as a concept, and improved understanding regarding inter-disciplinary and design thinking. Program outcomes will be of interest to high-school educators in both STEM and the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences fields, and will hopefully inform future programmatic approaches to introducing inter-disciplinary STEAM learning in STEM curriculum.Keywords: co-design, STEM, STEAM, project-based learning, inter-disciplinary
Procedia PDF Downloads 19916433 Technological Loneliness; The Effect on Loneliness of Internet Addiction of University Students; The Case of Turkey
Authors: Adem Pala, Mustafa Biner
Nowadays, despite the fact that technology and internet shorten the virtual distance, too much use and misuse of internet create distance among people. There is a considerable number of people living in the same house even sitting at the same table but busy themselves with mobiles and computers for long hours without talking to each other. Internet usage is very common among young people especially university students. Evolving out of this problem, internet addiction of university students and effect on their loneliness, and relationship between them consist of the purpose of this study. The study is important because it discusses what can be done in order to make the young people more social via determining the university students’ loneliness and their internet addiction. The study was carried out with 440 university students studying at different universities and departments. The group consists of 200 female and 240 male students with average of age 20,9. In the study, 19 questions, “internet addiction scale” consisting of 3 subscales, and UCLA loneliness scale were used as data collection tools. As a result, it is found out that the loneliness of individuals with internet addiction is higher than the other individuals. The males’ loneliness related to internet addiction is higher than the females; on the other hand, it is determined females feel more lonesome in general loneliness. It is thought that the findings of the study will determine the individuals under risk, prevent them, help researchers and people doing clinical studies during rehabilitation progress.Keywords: internet addiction, loneliness, Turkey, university students
Procedia PDF Downloads 33016432 Using Audio-Visual Aids and Computer-Assisted Language Instruction to Overcome Learning Difficulties of Vocabulary in Students of Special Needs
Authors: Sadeq Al Yaari, Ayman Al Yaari, Adham Al Yaari, Montaha Al Yaari, Aayah Al Yaari, Sajedah Al Yaar
Objectives: To assess the effect of using audio-visual aids and computer-assisted/ aided language instruction (CALI) in the performance of students of special needs studying vocabulary course. Methods: The performance of forty students of special needs (males and females) who used audiovisual aids and CALI in their vocabulary course at al-Malādh school for students of special needs was compared to that of another group (control group) of the same number and age (8-18). Again, subjects in the experimental group were given lessons using audio-visual aids and CALI, while those in the control group were given lessons using ordinary educational aids only, although both groups almost shared the same features (class environment, speech language therapist (SLT), etc.). Pre-andposttest was given at the beginning and end of the semester and a qualitative and quantitative analysis followed. Results & conclusions: Results of the present experimental study's pre-and-posttests indicated that the performance of the students in the first group was higher than that of those of the second group (34.27%, 73.82% vs. 33.57%, 34.92%, respectively). Compared with females, males’ performance was higher (1515 scores vs. 1438 scores). Such findings suggest that the presence of these audiovisual aids and CALI in the classes of students of special needs, especially if they are studying vocabulary building course is very important due to their usefulness in the improvement of performance of the students of special needs.Keywords: language components, vocabulary, audio-visual aids, CALI, special needs, students, SLTs
Procedia PDF Downloads 5516431 Mental Health Awareness and Help Seeking Among Adolescents in Kerala
Authors: Fathima M. A., Milu Maria Anto
Aim: The current study aims to explore the understanding about Mental Health and the likelihood to seek help for mental health problems among adolescents in the state of Kerala (India). Method: A cross sectional exploratory design was used. Samples were selected using convenience sampling. Ninety nine high school and higher secondary school students who had enrolled in the program “Responsible Adolescents (READ)” organized by MKMS Education from Kerala participated in this study. The data for the present study was collected using google forms prior to the commencement of the READ programme. Open-ended questions were used to explore the understanding of participants about mental health, mental health problems, causes of mental health problems and the role of mental health professionals. The likelihood to seek help (from friends, parents, teachers and mental health professionals) for mental health problems was assessed using a visual analogue scale. Further open-ended questions were used to identify what changes in teachers and parents will make them feel more comfortable to approach them when they need help. Content analysis was used to identify themes and coded data was further analyzed using correlation. Results: The results show that students have a fair idea about what Mental Health is. Even though the majority is familiar with the names of mental health disorders, relatively fewer students identify it as irregularity in mental functions such as thoughts, emotions and behaviors. The students tend to attribute symptoms of mental health problems as the cause of mental health problems. Very few students have the understanding that biological variations and adverse childhood experiences are primary causes for the development of mental health problems. Less than half of the students were aware of the role of psychiatrists and psychologists in mental health treatment. The students were more likely to seek help from parents and friends during distress. They had a medium inclination to seek help from mental health professionals and showed even lower likelihood to seek help from teachers. The majority of the students responded that they would be more comfortable approaching teachers if they were more open-minded and approachable as well as non-judgmental and non-dismissive. Conclusion: Findings show that there is inadequate awareness among adolescents about mental health problems and their causes. There is a lack of understanding about the roles of two main mental health professionals which can pose a big hurdle in accessing adequate help from the appropriate professional at the right time. The low likelihood to seek help from teachers for mental health problems is very concerning. The major barriers reported by the students in seeking help from teachers were the judgmental and dismissive approach. The findings throw light on the current level of awareness about mental health and mental health help-seeking, which can be utilized in framing mental health awareness programs for students as well as teachers.Keywords: Mental Health Awareness, Adolescent Mental Health, Help Seeking Behavior, School Mental Health
Procedia PDF Downloads 26916430 The Impact of Financial Literacy, Perception of Debt, and Perception of Risk Toward Student Willingness to Use Online Student Loan
Authors: Irni Rahmayani Johan, Ira Kamelia
One of the impacts of the rapid advancement of technology is the rise of digital finance, including peer-to-peer lending (P2P). P2P lending has been widely marketed, including an online student loan that used the P2P platform. This study aims to analyze the effect of financial literacy, perception of debt, and perception of risk toward student willingness to use the online student loan (P2P lending). Using a cross-sectional study design, in collecting the data this study employed an online survey method, with a total sample of 280 undergraduate students of IPB university, Indonesia. This study found that financial literacy, perception of debt, perception of risk, and interest in using online student loans are categorized as low level. While the level of knowledge is found to be the lowest, the first-year students showed a higher level in terms of willingness to use the online student loan. In addition, the second year students recorded a positive perception toward debt. This study showed that level of study, attendance in personal finance course, and student’ GPA is positively related to financial knowledge. While debt perception is negatively related to financial attitudes. Similarly, the negative relationship is found between risk perception and the willingness to use the online student loan. The determinant factor of the willingness to use online student loans is the level of study, debt perception, financial risk perception, and time risk perception. Students with a higher level of study are more likely to have a lower interest in using online student loans. Moreover, students who perceived debt as a financial stimulator, as well as those with higher level of financial risk perceptions and time risk perceptions, tend to show more interest to use the loan.Keywords: financial literacy, willingness to use, online student loan, perception of risk, perception of debt
Procedia PDF Downloads 14616429 Values in Higher Education: A Case Study of Higher Education Students
Authors: Bahadır Erişti
Values are the behavioral procedures of society based communication and interaction process that includes social and cultural backgrounds. The policy of learning and teaching in higher education is oriented towards constructing knowledge and skills, based on theorist framework of cognitive and psychomotor aspects. This approach makes people not to develop generosity, empathy, affection, solidarity, justice, equality and so on. But the sensorial gains of education system provide the integrity of society interaction. This situation carries out the necessity of values education’s in higher education. The current study aims to consider values education from the viewpoint of students in higher education. Within the framework of the current study, an open ended survey based scenario of higher education students was conducted with the students’ social, cognitive, affective and moral developments. In line with this purpose, the following situations of the higher education system were addressed based on the higher education students’ viewpoint: The views of higher education students’ regarding values that are tried to be gained at the higher education system; The higher education students’ suggestions regarding values education at the higher education system; The views of the higher education students’ regarding values that are imposed at the higher education system. In this study, descriptive qualitative research method was used. The study group of the research is composed of 20 higher education postgraduate students at Curriculum and Instruction Department of Educational Sciences at Anadolu University. An open-ended survey was applied for the purpose of collecting qualitative data. As a result of the study, value preferences, value judgments and value systems of the higher education students were constructed on prioritizes based on social, cultural and economic backgrounds and statues. Multi-dimensional process of value education in higher education need to be constructed on higher education-community-cultural background cooperation. Thus, the act of judgement upon values between higher education students based on the survey seems to be inherent in the system of education itself. The present study highlights the students’ value priorities and importance of values in higher education. If the purpose of the higher education system gains on values, it is possible to enable society to promote humanity.Keywords: higher education, value, values education, values in higher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 34016428 Predictors of Academic Dishonesty among Serially Frustrated Students in Ogun State, Southwest, Nigeria
Authors: Oyesoji Aremu, Taiwo Williams
This study examined some factors (academic self-efficacy, locus of control, motivation and gender) that could predict academic dishonesty among serially frustrated students in Ogun State, South West, Nigeria. Serial academically frustrated students are students who are unable to attain and meet academic expectations set by themselves or significant others. A sample of 250 undergraduate students selected from two faculties from a University in Ogun State,South West Nigeria took part in the study. Multiple regression analysis was employed to determine the joint and relative contributions of the independent variables to the prediction of the dependent variable. T-test was used to test the hypothesis determining the gender difference between the independent variables (academic self-efficacy, locus of control and motivation) and academic dishonesty of serial academically frustrated male and female students. The results of the study showed all the independent variables jointly contributed to predicting academic dishonesty, while only academic self-efficacy and motivation had relative contributions to the dependent measure. There was no significant difference in the academic self-efficacy and motivation among males and females on academic dishonesty of the serial academically frustrated students but locus of control showed a significant difference between male and female students on academic dishonesty. Implications for counseling of the findings are discussed in the study.Keywords: academic dishonesty, serially frustrated students, academic self-efficacy, locus of control
Procedia PDF Downloads 25516427 Psychological Dominance During and Afterward of COVID-19 Impact of Online-Offline Educational Learning on Students
Authors: Afrin Jaman Bonny, Mehrin Jahan, Zannatul Ferdhoush, Mumenunnessa Keya, Md. Shihab Mahmud, Sharun Akter Khushbu, Sheak Rashed Haider Noori, Sheikh Abujar
In 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had led all the educational institutions to move to online learning platforms to ensure safety as well as the continuation of learning without any disruption to students’ academic life. But after the reopening of those educational institutions suddenly in Bangladesh, it became a vital demand to observe students take on this decision and how much they are comfortable with the new habits. When all educational institutions were ordered to re-open after more than a year, data was collected from students of all educational levels. A Google Form was used to conduct this online survey, and a total of 565 students participated without being pressured. The survey reveals the students' preferences for online and offline education systems, as well as their mental health at the time including their behavior to get back to offline classes depending on getting vaccinated or not. After evaluating the findings, it is clear that respondents' choices vary depending on gender and educational level, with female and male participants experiencing various mental health difficulties and attitudes toward returning to offline classes. As a result of this study, the student’s overall perspective on the sudden reopening of their educational institutions has been analyzed.Keywords: covid-19 epidemic, educational proceeding, university students, school/college students, physical activity, online platforms, mental health, psychological distress
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