Search results for: hybrid concrete anchor piles
2872 An Criterion to Minimize FE Mesh-Dependency in Concrete Plate Subjected to Impact Loading
Authors: Kwak, Hyo-Gyung, Gang, Han Gul
In the context of an increasing need for reliability and safety in concrete structures under blast and impact loading condition, the behavior of concrete under high strain rate condition has been an important issue. Since concrete subjected to impact loading associated with high strain rate shows quite different material behavior from that in the static state, several material models are proposed and used to describe the high strain rate behavior under blast and impact loading. In the process of modelling, in advance, mesh dependency in the used finite element (FE) is the key problem because simulation results under high strain-rate condition are quite sensitive to applied FE mesh size. It means that the accuracy of simulation results may deeply be dependent on FE mesh size in simulations. This paper introduces an improved criterion which can minimize the mesh-dependency of simulation results on the basis of the fracture energy concept, and HJC (Holmquist Johnson Cook), CSC (Continuous Surface Cap) and K&C (Karagozian & Case) models are examined to trace their relative sensitivity to the used FE mesh size. To coincide with the purpose of the penetration test with a concrete plate under a projectile (bullet), the residual velocities of projectile after penetration are compared. The correlation studies between analytical results and the parametric studies associated with them show that the variation of residual velocity with the used FE mesh size is quite reduced by applying a unique failure strain value determined according to the proposed criterion.Keywords: high strain rate concrete, penetration simulation, failure strain, mesh-dependency, fracture energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 5222871 Computational Modeling of Thermal Comfort and CO2 Distribution in Common Room-Lecture Room by Using Hybrid Air Ventilation System, Thermoelectric-PV-Silica Gel under IAQ Standard
Authors: Jirod Chaisan, Somchai Maneewan, Chantana Punlek, Ninnart Rachapradit, Surapong Chirarattananon, Pattana Rakkwamsuk
In this paper, simulation modeling of heat transfer, air flow and distribution emitted from CO2 was performed in a regenerated air. The study room was divided in 3 types: common room, small lecture room and large lecture room under evaluated condition in two case: released and unreleased CO2 including of used hybrid air ventilation system for regenerated air under Thailand climate conditions. The carbon dioxide was located on the center of the room and released rate approximately 900-1200 ppm corresponded with indoor air quality standard (IAQs). The indoor air in the thermal comfort zone was calculated and simulated with the numerical method that using real data from the handbook guideline. The results of the study showed that in the case of hybrid air ventilation system explained thermal and CO2 distribution due to the system was adapted significantly in the comfort zone. The results showed that when CO2 released on the center of the other room, the CO2 high concentration in comfort zone so used hybrid air ventilation that decreased CO2 with regeneration air including of reduced temperature indoor. However, the study is simulation modeling and guideline only so the future should be the experiment of hybrid air ventilation system for evaluated comparison of the systems.Keywords: air ventilation, indoor air quality, thermal comfort, thermoelectric, photovoltaic, dehumidify
Procedia PDF Downloads 4842870 Performance Enhancement of Hybrid Racing Car by Design Optimization
Authors: Tarang Varmora, Krupa Shah, Karan Patel
Environmental pollution and shortage of conventional fuel are the main concerns in the transportation sector. Most of the vehicles use an internal combustion engine (ICE), powered by gasoline fuels. This results into emission of toxic gases. Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) powered by electric machine and ICE is capable of reducing emission of toxic gases and fuel consumption. However to build HEV, it is required to accommodate motor and batteries in the vehicle along with engine and fuel tank. Thus, overall weight of the vehicle increases. To improve the fuel economy and acceleration, the weight of the HEV can be minimized. In this paper, the design methodology to reduce the weight of the hybrid racing car is proposed. To this end, the chassis design is optimized. Further, attempt is made to obtain the maximum strength with minimum material weight. The best configuration out of the three main configurations such as series, parallel and the dual-mode (series-parallel) is chosen. Moreover, the most suitable type of motor, battery, braking system, steering system and suspension system are identified. The racing car is designed and analyzed in the simulating software. The safety of the vehicle is assured by performing static and dynamic analysis on the chassis frame. From the results, it is observed that, the weight of the racing car is reduced by 11 % without compromising on safety and cost. It is believed that the proposed design and specifications can be implemented practically for manufacturing hybrid racing car.Keywords: design optimization, hybrid racing car, simulation, vehicle, weight reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2962869 Comparative Mesh Sensitivity Study of Different Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Turbulence Models in OpenFOAM
Authors: Zhuoneng Li, Zeeshan A. Rana, Karl W. Jenkins
In industry, to validate a case, often a multitude of simulation are required and in order to demonstrate confidence in the process where users tend to use a coarser mesh. Therefore, it is imperative to establish the coarsest mesh that could be used while keeping reasonable simulation accuracy. To date, the two most reliable, affordable and broadly used advanced simulations are the hybrid RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes)/LES (Large Eddy Simulation) and wall modelled LES. The potentials in these two simulations will still be developed in the next decades mainly because the unaffordable computational cost of a DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation). In the wall modelled LES, the turbulence model is applied as a sub-grid scale model in the most inner layer near the wall. The RANS turbulence models cover the entire boundary layer region in a hybrid RANS/LES (Detached Eddy Simulation) and its variants, therefore, the RANS still has a very important role in the state of art simulations. This research focuses on the turbulence model mesh sensitivity analysis where various turbulence models such as the S-A (Spalart-Allmaras), SSG (Speziale-Sarkar-Gatski), K-Omega transitional SST (Shear Stress Transport), K-kl-Omega, γ-Reθ transitional model, v2f are evaluated within the OpenFOAM. The simulations are conducted on a fully developed turbulent flow over a flat plate where the skin friction coefficient as well as velocity profiles are obtained to compare against experimental values and DNS results. A concrete conclusion is made to clarify the mesh sensitivity for different turbulence models.Keywords: mesh sensitivity, turbulence models, OpenFOAM, RANS
Procedia PDF Downloads 2632868 Ab initio Simulation of Y2O3 -Doped Cerium Using Heyd–Scuseria–Ernzerhof HSE Hybrid Functional and DFT+U Approaches
Authors: M. Taibeche, L. Guerbous, M. Kechouane, R. Nedjar, T. Zergoug
It is known that Y2O3 Material is the most important among the sesquioxides within the general class of refractory ceramics. Indeed, this compound has many applications such as sintering optical windows, components for rare-earth doped lasers as well as inorganic scintillators in the detection scintillation. In particular Eu2+ and Ce3+ are favored dopants in many the scintillators due to its allowed optical 5d-4f transition. In this work, we present new results concerning structural and electronic properties of Ce-doped Y2O3, investigated by density functional theory (DFT), using the Heyd–Scuseria–Ernzerhof (HSE) hybrid functional and DFT+U two approaches. When, we compared the results from the two methods we obtain a good agreement available experimental data. Furthermore, the effect of cerium on the material has also been studied and discussed in the same framework.Keywords: DFT, vienne ab initio simulation packages, scintillators, Heyd–Scuseria–Ernzerhof (HSE) hybrid functional
Procedia PDF Downloads 5202867 Climate Change Effect on the Dynamic Modulus Property of Asphalt Concrete in Southern England Using UKCP09
Authors: David Idiata
This paper is directed at using the UKCP09 climate change projection tool to predict the effect of climate change on the dynamic modulus of asphalt concrete is Southern England knowing that there is a pressing challenge directly facing infrastructure in the urban cities in the world today due to climate change. Climate change causes change in the environment which in turn impacts on the long-term structural performance of structures. From the projection values obtained, it was discovered that as the temperature increases, the dynamic modulus reduces and this effect was more on the South West which have temperature range of 36.8 oC to 48.3 oC and dynamic modulus range of 2,212 MPa to 1256 MPa.Keywords: dynamic modulus, asphalt concrete, UKCP09, Southern England
Procedia PDF Downloads 3602866 Effect of Waste Foundry Slag and Alccofine on Durability Properties of High Strength Concrete
Authors: Devinder Sharma, Sanjay Sharma, Ajay Goyal, Ashish Kapoor
The present research paper discussed the durability properties of high strength concrete (HSC) using Foundry Slag(FD) as partial substitute for fine aggregates (FA) and Alccofine (AF) in addition to portland pozzolana (PPC) cement. Specimens of Concrete M100 grade with water/binder ratio 0.239, with Foundry Slag (FD) varying from 0 to 50% and with optimum quantity of AF(15%) were casted and tested for durability properties such as Water absorption, water permeability, resistance to sulphate attack, alkali attack and nitrate attack of HSC at the age of 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days. Substitution of fine aggregates (FA) with up to 45% of foundry slag(FD) content and cement with 15% substitution and addition of alccofine showed an excellent resistance against durability properties at all ages but showed a decrease in these properties with 50% of FD contents. Loss of weight in concrete samples due to sulphate attack, alkali attack and nitrate attack of HSC at the age of 365 days was compared with loss in compressive strength. Correlation between loss in weight and loss in compressive strength in all the tests was found to be excellent.Keywords: alccofine, alkali attack, foundry slag, high strength concrete, nitrate attack, water absorption, water permeability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3312865 Influence and Interaction of Temperature, H2S and pH on Concrete Sewer Pipe Corrosion
Authors: Anna Romanova, Mojtaba Mahmoodian, Morteza A. Alani
Concrete sewer pipes are known to suffer from a process of hydrogen sulfide gas induced sulfuric acid corrosion. This leads to premature pipe degradation, performance failure and collapses which in turn may lead to property and health damage. The above work reports on a field study undertaken in working sewer manholes where the parameters of effluent temperature and pH as well as ambient temperature and concentration of hydrogen sulfide were continuously measured over a period of two months. Early results suggest that effluent pH has no direct effect on hydrogen sulfide build up; on average the effluent temperature is 3.5°C greater than the ambient temperature inside the manhole and also it was observed that hydrogen sulfate concentration increases with increasing temperature.Keywords: concrete corrosion, hydrogen sulfide gas, temperature, sewer pipe
Procedia PDF Downloads 5742864 Using of Cavitational Disperser for Porous Ceramic and Concrete Material Preparation
Authors: Andrei Shishkin, Aleksandrs Korjakins, Viktors Mironovs
Present paper describes method of obtaining clay ceramic foam (CCF) and foam concrete (FC), by direct foaming with high speed mixer-disperser (HSMD). Three foaming agents (FA) are compared for the FC and CCF production: SCHÄUMUNGSMITTEL W 53 FLÜSSIG (Zschimmer & Schwarz Gmbh, Germany), SCF-1245 (Sika, test sample, Latvia) and FAB-12 (Elade, Latvija). CCF were obtained at 950, 1000°C, 1150°C and 1150°C firing temperature and have mechanical compressive strength 1.2, 2.55, and 4.3 MPa and porosity 79.4, 75.1, 71.6%, respectively. Obtained FC has 6-14 MPa compressive strength and porosity 44-55%. The goal of this work was the development of a sustainable and durable ceramic cellular structures using HSMD.Keywords: ceramic foam, foam concrete, clay foam, open cell, close cell, direct foaming
Procedia PDF Downloads 8082863 A Rapid Reinforcement Technique for Columns by Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composite Materials
Authors: Faruk Elaldi
There are lots of concrete columns and beams around in our living cities. Those columns are mostly open to aggressive environmental conditions and earthquakes. Mostly, they are deteriorated by sand, wind, humidity and other external applications at times. After a while, these beams and columns need to be repaired. Within the scope of this study, for reinforcement of concrete columns, samples were designed and fabricated to be strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced composite materials and conventional concrete encapsulation and followed by, and they were put into the axial compression test to determine load-carrying performance before column failure. In the first stage of this study, concrete column design and mold designs were completed for a certain load-carrying capacity. Later, the columns were exposed to environmental deterioration in order to reduce load-carrying capacity. To reinforce these damaged columns, two methods were applied, “concrete encapsulation” and the other one “wrapping with carbon fiber /epoxy” material. In the second stage of the study, the reinforced columns were applied to the axial compression test and the results obtained were analyzed. Cost and load-carrying performance comparisons were made and it was found that even though the carbon fiber/epoxy reinforced method is more expensive, this method enhances higher load-carrying capacity and reduces the reinforcement processing period.Keywords: column reinforcement, composite, earth quake, carbon fiber reinforced
Procedia PDF Downloads 1842862 Analysis of Cooperative Hybrid ARQ with Adaptive Modulation and Coding on a Correlated Fading Channel Environment
Authors: Ibrahim Ozkan
In this study, a cross-layer design which combines adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) and hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) techniques for a cooperative wireless network is investigated analytically. Previous analyses of such systems in the literature are confined to the case where the fading channel is independent at each retransmission, which can be unrealistic unless the channel is varying very fast. On the other hand, temporal channel correlation can have a significant impact on the performance of HARQ systems. In this study, utilizing a Markov channel model which accounts for the temporal correlation, the performance of non-cooperative and cooperative networks are investigated in terms of packet loss rate and throughput metrics for Chase combining HARQ strategy.Keywords: cooperative network, adaptive modulation and coding, hybrid ARQ, correlated fading
Procedia PDF Downloads 1452861 Greatly Improved Dielectric Properties of Poly'vinylidene fluoride' Nanocomposites Using Ag-BaTiO₃ Hybrid Nanoparticles as Filler
Authors: K. Silakaew, P. Thongbai
There is an increasing need for high–permittivity polymer–matrix composites (PMC) owing to the rapid development of the electronics industry. Unfortunately, the dielectric permittivity of PMC is still too low ( < 80). Moreover, the dielectric loss tangent is usually high (tan > 0.1) when the dielectric permittivity of PMC increased. In this research work, the dielectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)–based nanocomposites can be significantly improved by incorporating by silver–BaTiO3 (Ag–BT) ceramic hybrid nanoparticles. The Ag–BT/PVDF nanocomposites were fabricated using various volume fractions of Ag–BT hybrid nanoparticles (fAg–BT = 0–0.5). The Ag–BT/PVDF nanocomposites were characterized using several techniques. The main phase of Ag and BT can be detected by the XRD technique. The microstructure of the Ag–BT/PVDF nanocomposites was investigated to reveal the dispersion of Ag–BT hybrid nanoparticles because the dispersion state of a filler can have an effect on the dielectric properties of the nanocomposites. It was found that the filler hybrid nanoparticles were well dispersed in the PVDF matrix. The phase formation of PVDF phases was identified using the XRD and FTIR techniques. We found that the fillers can increase the polar phase of a PVDF polymer. The fabricated Ag–BT/PVDF nanocomposites are systematically characterized to explain the dielectric behavior in Ag–BT/PVDF nanocomposites. Interestingly, largely enhanced dielectric permittivity (>240) and suppressed loss tangent (tan<0.08) over a wide frequency range (102 – 105 Hz) are obtained. Notably, the dielectric permittivity is slightly dependent on temperature. The greatly enhanced dielectric permittivity was explained by the interfacial polarization between the Ag and PVDF interface, and due to a high permittivity of BT particles.Keywords: BaTiO3, PVDF, polymer composite, dielectric properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 1962860 The State Model of Corporate Governance
Authors: Asaiel Alohaly
A theoretical framework for corporate governance is needed to bridge the gap between the corporate governance of private companies and State-owned Enterprises (SOEs). The two dominant models, being shareholder and stakeholder, do not always address the specific requirements and challenges posed by ‘hybrid’ companies; namely, previously national bodies that have been privatised bffu t where the government retains significant control or holds a majority of shareholders. Thus, an exploratory theoretical study is needed to identify how ‘hybrid’ companies should be defined and why the state model should be acknowledged since it is the less conspicuous model in comparison with the shareholder and stakeholder models. This research focuses on ‘the state model of corporate governance to understand the complex ownership, control pattern, goals, and corporate governance of these hybrid companies. The significance of this research lies in the fact that there is a limited available publication on the state model. The outcomes of this research are as follows. It became evident that the state model exists in the ecosystem. However, corporate governance theories have not extensively covered this model. Though, there is a lot being said about it by OECD and the World Bank. In response to this gap between theories and industry practice, this research argues for the state model, which proceeds from an understanding of the institutionally embedded character of hybrid companies where the government is either a majority of the total shares or a controlling shareholder.Keywords: corporate governance, control, shareholders, state model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1452859 Properties of Preplaced Aggregate Concrete with Modified Binder
Authors: Kunal Krishna Das, Eddie S. S. Lam
Preplaced Aggregate Concrete (PAC) is produced by first placing the coarse aggregate into the formwork, followed by injection of grout to fill in the voids in between the coarse aggregates. In this study, tests were carried out to determine the effects of supplementary cementitious materials on the properties of PAC. Cement was partially replaced by ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and silica fume (SF) at different proportions. Grout properties were determined by the flow cone test and compressive strength test. Grout proportion was optimized statistically. It was applied to form PAC. Hardened properties of PAC, comprising compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, chloride-ion penetration and drying shrinkage, were evaluated. GGBS enhanced the flowability of the grout, whereas SF enhanced the strength of PAC. Both GGBS and SF improved the resistance to chloride-ion penetration with the drawback of increased drying shrinkage. Nevertheless, drying shrinkage was within the range to be classified as low shrinkage concrete.Keywords: factorial design, ground granulated blast furnace slag, preplaced aggregate concrete, silica fume
Procedia PDF Downloads 1352858 Contribution to Energy Management in Hybrid Energy Systems Based on Agents Coordination
Authors: Djamel Saba, Fatima Zohra Laallam, Brahim Berbaoui
This paper presents a contribution to the design of a multi-agent for the energy management system in a hybrid energy system (SEH). The multi-agent-based energy-coordination management system (MA-ECMS) is based mainly on coordination between agents. The agents share the tasks and exchange information through communications protocols to achieve the main goal. This intelligent system can fully manage the consumption and production or simply to make proposals for action he thinks is best. The initial step is to give a presentation for the system that we want to model in order to understand all the details as much as possible. In our case, it is to implement a system for simulating a process control of energy management.Keywords: communications protocols, control process, energy management, hybrid energy system, modelization, multi-agents system, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3352857 Digital Joint Equivalent Channel Hybrid Precoding for Millimeterwave Massive Multiple Input Multiple Output Systems
Authors: Linyu Wang, Mingjun Zhu, Jianhong Xiang, Hanyu Jiang
Aiming at the problem that the spectral efficiency of hybrid precoding (HP) is too low in the current millimeter wave (mmWave) massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system, this paper proposes a digital joint equivalent channel hybrid precoding algorithm, which is based on the introduction of digital encoding matrix iteration. First, the objective function is expanded to obtain the relation equation, and the pseudo-inverse iterative function of the analog encoder is derived by using the pseudo-inverse method, which solves the problem of greatly increasing the amount of computation caused by the lack of rank of the digital encoding matrix and reduces the overall complexity of hybrid precoding. Secondly, the analog coding matrix and the millimeter-wave sparse channel matrix are combined into an equivalent channel, and then the equivalent channel is subjected to Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to obtain a digital coding matrix, and then the derived pseudo-inverse iterative function is used to iteratively regenerate the simulated encoding matrix. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm improves the system spectral efficiency by 10~20%compared with other algorithms and the stability is also improved.Keywords: mmWave, massive MIMO, hybrid precoding, singular value decompositing, equivalent channel
Procedia PDF Downloads 972856 Determining Moment-Curvature Relationship of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Shear Walls
Authors: Gokhan Dok, Hakan Ozturk, Aydin Demir
The behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) members is quite important in RC structures. When evaluating the performance of structures, the nonlinear properties are defined according to the cross sectional behavior of RC members. To be able to determine the behavior of RC members, its cross sectional behavior should be known well. The moment-curvature (MC) relationship is used to represent cross sectional behavior. The MC relationship of RC cross section can be best determined both experimentally and numerically. But, experimental study on RC members is very difficult. The aim of the study is to obtain the MC relationship of RC shear walls. Additionally, it is aimed to determine the parameters which affect MC relationship. While obtaining MC relationship of RC members, XTRACT which can represent robustly the MC relationship is used. Concrete quality, longitudinal and transverse reinforcing ratios, are selected as parameters which affect MC relationship. As a result of the study, curvature ductility and effective flexural stiffness are determined using this parameter. Effective flexural stiffness is compared with the values defined in design codes.Keywords: moment-curvature, reinforced concrete, shear wall, numerical
Procedia PDF Downloads 2862855 Fostering a Sense of Belonging in Hybrid Teams
Authors: Jam Harley
The COVID-19 epidemic accelerated the speed of change in the workplace. Overnight, several individuals shifted from co-location in an office to hybrid or remote work. The pandemic also expedited and intensified the need to address persistent leadership and management concerns, including digital transformation, remote management, leading through fast change, anxiety, and uncertainty. Nonetheless, many leaders have failed to address the problems left behind by the epidemic. In a fundamental work devoted to comprehending what constitutes a human need, Maslow reiterates similar descriptors in his explanation of belongingness as the human need to be accepted, acknowledged, respected, and appreciated by a community of other individuals. This study aims to investigate the lived experiences of dispersed hybrid team members in order to find leadership best practices that improve team performance and retention through an increased individual’s sense of belonging.Keywords: organizational change, belonging, diversity, equity
Procedia PDF Downloads 562854 Networking the Biggest Challenge in Hybrid Cloud Deployment
Authors: Aishwarya Shekhar, Devesh Kumar Srivastava
Cloud computing has emerged as a promising direction for cost efficient and reliable service delivery across data communication networks. The dynamic location of service facilities and the virtualization of hardware and software elements are stressing the communication networks and protocols, especially when data centres are interconnected through the internet. Although the computing aspects of cloud technologies have been largely investigated, lower attention has been devoted to the networking services without involving IT operating overhead. Cloud computing has enabled elastic and transparent access to infrastructure services without involving IT operating overhead. Virtualization has been a key enabler for cloud computing. While resource virtualization and service abstraction have been widely investigated, networking in cloud remains a difficult puzzle. Even though network has significant role in facilitating hybrid cloud scenarios, it hasn't received much attention in research community until recently. We propose Network as a Service (NaaS), which forms the basis of unifying public and private clouds. In this paper, we identify various challenges in adoption of hybrid cloud. We discuss the design and implementation of a cloud platform.Keywords: cloud computing, networking, infrastructure, hybrid cloud, open stack, naas
Procedia PDF Downloads 4282853 Effect of Heat Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Wear Behavior of Al7075 Alloy Reinforced with Beryl and Graphene Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites
Authors: Shanawaz Patil, Mohamed Haneef, K. S. Narayanaswamy
In the recent years, aluminum metal matrix composites were most widely used, which are finding wide applications in various field such as automobile, aerospace defense etc., due to their outstanding mechanical properties like low density, light weight, exceptional high levels of strength, stiffness, wear resistance, high temperature resistance, low coefficient of thermal expansion and good formability. In the present work, an effort is made to study the effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties of aluminum 7075 alloy reinforced with constant weight percentage of naturally occurring mineral beryl and varying weight percentage of graphene. The hybrid composites are developed with 0.5 wt. %, 1wt.%, 1.5 wt.% and 2 wt.% of graphene and 6 wt.% of beryl by stir casting liquid metallurgy route. The cast specimens of unreinforced aluminum alloy and hybrid composite samples were prepared for heat treatment process and subjected to solutionizing treatment (T6) at a temperature of 490±5 oC for 8 hours in a muffle furnace followed by quenching in boiling water. The microstructure analysis of as cast and heat treated hybrid composite specimens are examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The tensile test and hardness test of unreinforced aluminum alloy and hybrid composites are examined. The wear behavior is examined by pin-on disc apparatus. The results of as cast specimens and heat treated specimens were compared. The heat treated Al7075-Beryl-Graphene hybrid composite had better properties and significantly improved the ultimate tensile strength, hardness and reduced wear loss when compared to aluminum alloy and as cast hybrid composites.Keywords: beryl, graphene, heat treatment, mechanical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 1452852 Effect of Fiber Types and Elevated Temperatures on the Bond Characteristic of Fiber Reinforced Concretes
Authors: Erdoğan Özbay, Hakan T. Türker, Müzeyyen Balçıkanlı, Mohamed Lachemi
In this paper, the effects of fiber types and elevated temperatures on compressive strength, modulus of rapture and the bond characteristics of fiber reinforced concretes (FRC) are presented. By using the three different types of fibers (steel fiber-SF, polypropylene-PPF and polyvinyl alcohol-PVA), FRC specimens were produced and exposed to elevated temperatures up to 800 ºC for 1.5 hours. In addition, a plain concrete (without fiber) was produced and used as a control. Test results obtained showed that the steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) had the highest compressive strength, modulus of rapture and bond stress values at room temperatures, the residual bond, flexural and compressive strengths of both FRC and plain concrete dropped sharply after exposure to high temperatures. The results also indicated that the reduction of bond, flexural and compressive strengths with increasing the exposed temperature was relatively less for SFRC than for plain, and FRC with PPF and PVA.Keywords: bond stress, compressive strength, elevated temperatures, fiber reinforced concrete, modulus of rapture
Procedia PDF Downloads 4222851 Diagnosis of the Heart Rhythm Disorders by Using Hybrid Classifiers
Authors: Sule Yucelbas, Gulay Tezel, Cuneyt Yucelbas, Seral Ozsen
In this study, it was tried to identify some heart rhythm disorders by electrocardiography (ECG) data that is taken from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database by subtracting the required features, presenting to artificial neural networks (ANN), artificial immune systems (AIS), artificial neural network based on artificial immune system (AIS-ANN) and particle swarm optimization based artificial neural network (PSO-NN) classifier systems. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of hybrid AIS-ANN and PSO-ANN classifiers with regard to the ANN and AIS. For this purpose, the normal sinus rhythm (NSR), atrial premature contraction (APC), sinus arrhythmia (SA), ventricular trigeminy (VTI), ventricular tachycardia (VTK) and atrial fibrillation (AF) data for each of the RR intervals were found. Then these data in the form of pairs (NSR-APC, NSR-SA, NSR-VTI, NSR-VTK and NSR-AF) is created by combining discrete wavelet transform which is applied to each of these two groups of data and two different data sets with 9 and 27 features were obtained from each of them after data reduction. Afterwards, the data randomly was firstly mixed within themselves, and then 4-fold cross validation method was applied to create the training and testing data. The training and testing accuracy rates and training time are compared with each other. As a result, performances of the hybrid classification systems, AIS-ANN and PSO-ANN were seen to be close to the performance of the ANN system. Also, the results of the hybrid systems were much better than AIS, too. However, ANN had much shorter period of training time than other systems. In terms of training times, ANN was followed by PSO-ANN, AIS-ANN and AIS systems respectively. Also, the features that extracted from the data affected the classification results significantly.Keywords: AIS, ANN, ECG, hybrid classifiers, PSO
Procedia PDF Downloads 4452850 Seismic Behavior of Masonry Reinforced Concrete Composite Columns
Authors: Hassane Ousalem, Hideki Kimura, Akitoshi Hamada, Masuda Hiroyuki
To provide tall unreinforced brick masonry walls of a century-old existing building with sufficient resistance against earthquake loading actions, additional reinforced concrete columns were integrated into the building at some designated locations and jointed to the existing masonry walls through dowel shear steel bars, resulting in composite structural elements. As conditions at the interface between the existing masonry and newly added reinforced concrete parts were not well grasped and the behavior of such composite elements would be complex, the experimental investigation was carried out. Three relatively large specimens were tested to investigate the overall behavior of brick masonry-reinforced concrete composite elements under lateral cyclic loadings. Confining the brick walls on only one side or on two opposite sides, as well as providing different amounts of dowel shear steel bars at the interface were the main parameters of the investigation. Test results showed that such strengthening provide a good seismic performance even at very large lateral drifts and the investigated amount of shear dowel lead to a good performance level that would result in a considerable cost reduction of the strengthening.Keywords: unreinforced masonry, reinforced concrete, composite column, seismic strengthening, structural testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2202849 A Case-Based Reasoning-Decision Tree Hybrid System for Stock Selection
Authors: Yaojun Wang, Yaoqing Wang
Stock selection is an important decision-making problem. Many machine learning and data mining technologies are employed to build automatic stock-selection system. A profitable stock-selection system should consider the stock’s investment value and the market timing. In this paper, we present a hybrid system including both engage for stock selection. This system uses a case-based reasoning (CBR) model to execute the stock classification, uses a decision-tree model to help with market timing and stock selection. The experiments show that the performance of this hybrid system is better than that of other techniques regarding to the classification accuracy, the average return and the Sharpe ratio.Keywords: case-based reasoning, decision tree, stock selection, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 4202848 Laboratory Investigation of the Impact Resistance of High-Strength Reinforced Concrete Against Impact Loading
Authors: Hadi Rouhi Belvirdi
Reinforced concrete structures, in addition to bearing service loads and seismic effects, may also be subjected to impact loads resulting from unforeseen incidents. Understanding the behavior of these structures is crucial, as they serve to protect against such sudden loads and can significantly reduce damage and destruction. In examining the behavior of structures under such loading conditions, a total of eight specimens of single-layer reinforced concrete slabs were subjected to impact loading through the free fall of weights from specified heights. The weights and dimensions of the specimens were uniform, and the amount of reinforcement was consistent. By altering the slabs' overall shape and the reinforcement details, efforts were made to optimize the behavior of the slabs against impact loads. The results indicated that utilizing ductile features in the slabs increased their resistance to impact loading. However, the compressive strength of the reinforcement did not significantly enhance the flexural resistance. Assuming a constant amount of longitudinal steel, changes in the placement of tensile reinforcement led to a decrease in resistance. With a fixed amount of transverse steel, merely adjusting the angle of the transverse reinforcement could help control cracking and mitigate premature failures. An increase in compressive resistance beyond a certain limit resulted in local buckling of the compressive zone, subsequently decreasing the impact resistance.Keywords: reinforced concrete slab, high-strength concrete, impact loading, impact resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 152847 Modelling a Distribution Network with a Hybrid Solar-Hydro Power Plant in Rural Cameroon
Authors: Contimi Kenfack Mouafo, Sebastian Klick
In the rural and remote areas of Cameroon, access to electricity is very limited since most of the population is not connected to the main utility grid. Throughout the country, efforts are underway to not only expand the utility grid to these regions but also to provide reliable off-grid access to electricity. The Cameroonian company Solahydrowatt is currently working on the design and planning of one of the first hybrid solar-hydropower plants of Cameroon in Fotetsa, in the western region of the country, to provide the population with reliable access to electricity. This paper models and proposes a design for the low-voltage network with a hybrid solar-hydropower plant in Fotetsa. The modelling takes into consideration the voltage compliance of the distribution network, the maximum load of operating equipment, and most importantly, the ability for the network to operate as an off-grid system. The resulting modelled distribution network does not only comply with the Cameroonian voltage deviation standard, but it is also capable of being operated as a stand-alone network independent of the main utility grid.Keywords: Cameroon, rural electrification, hybrid solar-hydro, off-grid electricity supply, network simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1242846 Utilising Unground Oil Palm Ash in Producing Foamed Concrete and Its Implementation as an Interlocking Mortar-Less Block
Authors: Hanizam Awang, Mohammed Zuhear Al-Mulali
In this study, the possibility of using unground oil palm ash (UOPA) for producing foamed concrete is investigated. The UOPA used in this study is produced by incinerating palm oil biomass at a temperature exceeding 1000ºC. A semi-structural density of 1300kg/m3 was used with filler to binder ratio of 1.5 and preliminary water to binder ratio of 0.45. Cement was replaced by UOPA at replacement levels of 0, 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65% by weight of binder. Properties such as density, compressive strength, drying shrinkage and water absorption were investigated to the age of 90 days. The mix with a 35% of UOPA content was chosen to be used as the base material of a newly designed interlocking, mortar-less block system.Keywords: foamed concrete, oil palm ash, strength, interlocking block
Procedia PDF Downloads 2642845 Understanding the Damage Evolution and the Risk of Failure of Pyrrhotite Containing Concrete Foundations
Authors: Marisa Chrysochoou, James Mahoney, Kay Wille
Pyrrhotite is an iron-sulfide mineral which releases sulfuric acid when exposed to water and oxygen. The presence of this mineral in concrete foundations across Connecticut and Massachusetts in the US is causing in some cases premature failure. This has resulted in a devastating crisis for all parties affected by this type of failure which can take up to 15-25 years before internal damage becomes visible on the surface. This study shares laboratory results aimed to investigate the fundamental mechanisms of pyrrhotite reaction and to further the understanding of its deterioration kinetics within concrete. This includes the following analyses: total sulfur, wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence, expansion, reaction rate combined with ion-chromatography, as well as damage evolution using electro-chemical acceleration. This information is coupled to a statistical analysis of over 150 analyzed concrete foundations. Those samples were obtained and process using a developed and validated sampling method that is minimally invasive to the foundation in use, provides representative samples of the concrete matrix across the entire foundation, and is time and cost-efficient. The processed samples were then analyzed using a developed modular testing method based on total sulfur and wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis to quantify the amount of pyrrhotite. As part of the statistical analysis the results were grouped into the following three categories: no damage observed and no pyrrhotite detected, no damage observed and pyrrhotite detected and damaged observed and pyrrhotite detected. As expected, a strong correlation between amount of pyrrhotite, age of the concrete and damage is observed. Information from the laboratory investigation and from the statistical analysis of field samples will aid in forming a scientific basis to support the decision process towards sustainable financial and administrative solutions by state and local stakeholders.Keywords: concrete, pyrrhotite, risk of failure, statistical analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 712844 Resistance to Sulfuric Acid Attacks of Self-Consolidating Concrete: Effect Metakaolin and Various Cements Types
Authors: Kianoosh Samimi, Farhad Estakhr, Mahdi Mahdikhani, Faramaz Moodi
Due to their fluidity and simplicity of use, self-compacting concretes (SCCs) have undeniable advantages. In recent years, the role of metakaolin as a one of pozzolanic materials in concrete has been considered by researchers. It can modify various properties of concrete, due to high pozzolanic reactions and also makes a denser microstructure. The objective of this paper is to examine the influence of three type of Portland cement and metakaolin on fresh state, compressive strength and sulfuric acid attacks in self- consolidating concrete at early age up to 90 days of curing in lime water. Six concrete mixtures were prepared with three types of different cement as Portland cement type II, Portland Slag Cement (PSC), Pozzolanic Portland Cement (PPC) and 15% substitution of metakaolin by every cement. The results show that the metakaolin admixture increases the viscosity and the demand amount of superplasticizer. According to the compressive strength results, the highest value of compressive strength was achieved for PSC and without any metakaolin at age of 90 days. Conversely, the lowest level of compressive strength at all ages of conservation was obtained for PPC and containing 15% metakaolin. According to this study, the total substitution of PSC and PPC by Portland cement type II is beneficial to the increasing in the chemical resistance of the SCC with respect to the sulfuric acid attack. On the other hand, this increase is more noticeable by the use of 15% of metakaolin. Therefore, it can be concluded that metakaolin has a positive effect on the chemical resistance of SCC containing of Portland cement type II, PSC, and PPC.Keywords: SCC, metakaolin, cement type, durability, compressive strength, sulfuric acid attacks
Procedia PDF Downloads 1862843 Comparison between Experimental and Numerical Studies of Fully Encased Composite Columns
Authors: Md. Soebur Rahman, Mahbuba Begum, Raquib Ahsan
Composite column is a structural member that uses a combination of structural steel shapes, pipes or tubes with or without reinforcing steel bars and reinforced concrete to provide adequate load carrying capacity to sustain either axial compressive loads alone or a combination of axial loads and bending moments. Composite construction takes the advantages of the speed of construction, light weight and strength of steel, and the higher mass, stiffness, damping properties and economy of reinforced concrete. The most usual types of composite columns are the concrete filled steel tubes and the partially or fully encased steel profiles. Fully encased composite column (FEC) provides compressive strength, stability, stiffness, improved fire proofing and better corrosion protection. This paper reports experimental and numerical investigations of the behaviour of concrete encased steel composite columns subjected to short-term axial load. In this study, eleven short FEC columns with square shaped cross section were constructed and tested to examine the load-deflection behavior. The main variables in the test were considered as concrete compressive strength, cross sectional size and percentage of structural steel. A nonlinear 3-D finite element (FE) model has been developed to analyse the inelastic behaviour of steel, concrete, and longitudinal reinforcement as well as the effect of concrete confinement of the FEC columns. FE models have been validated against the current experimental study conduct in the laboratory and published experimental results under concentric load. It has been observed that FE model is able to predict the experimental behaviour of FEC columns under concentric gravity loads with good accuracy. Good agreement has been achieved between the complete experimental and the numerical load-deflection behaviour in this study. The capacities of each constituent of FEC columns such as structural steel, concrete and rebar's were also determined from the numerical study. Concrete is observed to provide around 57% of the total axial capacity of the column whereas the steel I-sections contributes to the rest of the capacity as well as ductility of the overall system. The nonlinear FE model developed in this study is also used to explore the effect of concrete strength and percentage of structural steel on the behaviour of FEC columns under concentric loads. The axial capacity of FEC columns has been found to increase significantly by increasing the strength of concrete.Keywords: composite, columns, experimental, finite element, fully encased, strength
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