Search results for: technological audit
1251 Innovation and Performance of Very Small Agri-Food Enterprises in Cameroon
Authors: Ahmed Moustapha Mfokeu
Agri-food VSEs in Cameroon are facing a succession of crises, lack of security, particularly in the Far North, South West, and North West regions, the consequences of the Covid 19 crisis, and the war in Ukraine . These multiple crises have benefited the reception of the prices of the raw materials. Moreover, the exacerbation of competitive pressures is driven by the technological acceleration of productive systems in emerging countries which increase the demands imposed on the markets. The Cameroonian VSE must therefore be able to meet the new challenges of international competition, especially through innovation. The objective of this research is to contribute to the knowledge of the effects of innovation on the performance of very small agribusinesses in Cameroon. On the methodological level, the data were provided from a sample of 153 companies in the cities of Douala and Yaoundé. This research uses structural equation models with latent variables. The main results show that there is a positive and significant link between innovation and the performance of very small agri-food companies, so if it is important for entrepreneurs to encourage and practice innovation, it is also necessary to make them understand and make them like this aspect in their strategic function.Keywords: innovation, performance, very small enterprise, agrifood
Procedia PDF Downloads 1131250 Conceptualizing of Priorities in the Dynamics of Public Administration Contemporary Reforms
Authors: Larysa Novak-Kalyayeva, Aleksander Kuczabski, Orystlava Sydorchuk, Nataliia Fersman, Tatyana Zemlinskaia
The article presents the results of the creative analysis and comparison of trends in the development of the theory of public administration during the period from the second half of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st century. The process of conceptualization of the priorities of public administration in the dynamics of reforming was held under the influence of such factors as globalization, integration, information and technological changes and human rights is examined. The priorities of the social state in the concepts of the second half of the 20th century are studied. Peculiar approaches to determining the priorities of public administration in the countries of "Soviet dictatorship" in Central and Eastern Europe in the same period are outlined. Particular attention is paid to the priorities of public administration regarding the interaction between public power and society and the development of conceptual foundations for the modern managerial process. There is a thought that the dynamics of the formation of concepts of the European governance is characterized by the sequence of priorities: from socio-economic and moral-ethical to organizational-procedural and non-hierarchical ones. The priorities of the "welfare state" were focused on the decent level of material wellbeing of population. At the same time, the conception of "minimal state" emphasized priorities of human responsibility for their own fate under the conditions of minimal state protection. Later on, the emphasis was placed on horizontal ties and redistribution of powers and competences of "effective state" with its developed procedures and limits of responsibility at all levels of government and in close cooperation with the civil society. The priorities of the contemporary period are concentrated on human rights in the concepts of "good governance" and all the following ones, which recognize the absolute priority of public administration with compliance, provision and protection of human rights. There is a proved point of view that civilizational changes taking place under the influence of information and technological imperatives also stipulate changes in priorities, redistribution of emphases and update principles of managerial concepts on the basis of publicity, transparency, departure from traditional forms of hierarchy and control in favor of interactivity and inter-sectoral interaction, decentralization and humanization of managerial processes. The necessity to permanently carry out the reorganization, by establishing the interaction between different participants of public power and social relations, to establish a balance between political forces and social interests on the basis of mutual trust and mutual understanding determines changes of social, political, economic and humanitarian paradigms of public administration and their theoretical comprehension. The further studies of theoretical foundations of modern public administration in interdisciplinary discourse in the context of ambiguous consequences of the globalizational and integrational processes of modern European state-building would be advisable. This is especially true during the period of political transformations and economic crises which are the characteristic of the contemporary Europe, especially for democratic transition countries.Keywords: concepts of public administration, democratic transition countries, human rights, the priorities of public administration, theory of public administration
Procedia PDF Downloads 1751249 Measuring Government’s Performance (Services) Oman Service Maturity Model (OSMM)
Authors: Angie Al Habib, Khalid Al Siyabi
To measure or asses any government’s efficiency we need to measure the performance of this government in regards to the quality of the service it provides. Using a technological platform in service provision became a trend and a public demand. It is also a public need to make sure these services are aligned to values and to the whole government’s strategy, vision and goals as well. Providing services using technology tools and channels can enhance the internal business process and also help establish many essential values to government services like transparency and excellence, since in order to establish e-services many standards and policies must be put in place to enable the handing over of decision making to a mature system oriented mechanism. There was no doubt that the Sultanate of Oman wanted to enhance its services and move it towards automation and establishes a smart government as well as links its services to life events. Measuring government efficiency is very essential in achieving social security and economic growth, since it can provide a clear dashboard of all projects and improvements. Based on this data we can improve the strategies and align the country goals to them.Keywords: government, maturity, Oman, performance, service
Procedia PDF Downloads 3681248 Using iPads and Tablets in Language Teaching and Learning Process
Authors: Ece Sarigul
It is an undeniable fact that, teachers need new strategies to communicate with students of the next generation and to shape enticing educational experiences for them. Many schools have launched iPad/ Tablets initiatives in an effort to enhance student learning. Despite their rapid adoption, the extent to which iPads / Tablets increase student engagement and learning is not well understood. This presentation aims to examine the use of iPads and Tablets in primary and high schools in Turkey as well as in the world to increase academic achievement through promotion of higher order thinking skills. In addition to explaining the ideas of school teachers and students who use the specific iPads or Tablets , various applications in schools and their use will be discussed and demonstrated in this study. The specific” iPads or Tablets” applications discussed in this presentation can be incorporated into the curriculum to assist in developing transformative practices and programs to meet the needs of a diverse student population. In the conclusion section of the presentation, there will be some suggestions for teachers about the effective use of technological devices in the classroom. This study can help educators understand better how students are currently using iPads and Tablets and shape future use.Keywords: ipads, language teaching, tablets, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 2541247 Ultrasound Disintegration as a Potential Method for the Pre-Treatment of Virginia Fanpetals (Sida hermaphrodita) Biomass before Methane Fermentation Process
Authors: Marcin Dębowski, Marcin Zieliński, Mirosław Krzemieniewski
As methane fermentation is a complex series of successive biochemical transformations, its subsequent stages are determined, to a various extent, by physical and chemical factors. A specific state of equilibrium is being settled in the functioning fermentation system between environmental conditions and the rate of biochemical reactions and products of successive transformations. In the case of physical factors that influence the effectiveness of methane fermentation transformations, the key significance is ascribed to temperature and intensity of biomass agitation. Among the chemical factors, significant are pH value, type, and availability of the culture medium (to put it simply: the C/N ratio) as well as the presence of toxic substances. One of the important elements which influence the effectiveness of methane fermentation is the pre-treatment of organic substrates and the mode in which the organic matter is made available to anaerobes. Out of all known and described methods for organic substrate pre-treatment before methane fermentation process, the ultrasound disintegration is one of the most interesting technologies. Investigations undertaken on the ultrasound field and the use of installations operating on the existing systems result principally from very wide and universal technological possibilities offered by the sonication process. This physical factor may induce deep physicochemical changes in ultrasonicated substrates that are highly beneficial from the viewpoint of methane fermentation processes. In this case, special role is ascribed to disintegration of biomass that is further subjected to methane fermentation. Once cell walls are damaged, cytoplasm and cellular enzymes are released. The released substances – either in dissolved or colloidal form – are immediately available to anaerobic bacteria for biodegradation. To ensure the maximal release of organic matter from dead biomass cells, disintegration processes are aimed to achieve particle size below 50 μm. It has been demonstrated in many research works and in systems operating in the technical scale that immediately after substrate supersonication the content of organic matter (characterized by COD, BOD5 and TOC indices) was increasing in the dissolved phase of sedimentation water. This phenomenon points to the immediate sonolysis of solid substances contained in the biomass and to the release of cell material, and consequently to the intensification of the hydrolytic phase of fermentation. It results in a significant reduction of fermentation time and increased effectiveness of production of gaseous metabolites of anaerobic bacteria. Because disintegration of Virginia fanpetals biomass via ultrasounds applied in order to intensify its conversion is a novel technique, it is often underestimated by exploiters of agri-biogas works. It has, however, many advantages that have a direct impact on its technological and economical superiority over thus far applied methods of biomass conversion. As for now, ultrasound disintegrators for biomass conversion are not produced on the mass-scale, but by specialized groups in scientific or R&D centers. Therefore, their quality and effectiveness are to a large extent determined by their manufacturers’ knowledge and skills in the fields of acoustics and electronic engineering.Keywords: ultrasound disintegration, biomass, methane fermentation, biogas, Virginia fanpetals
Procedia PDF Downloads 3691246 Scale, Technique and Composition Effects of CO2 Emissions under Trade Liberalization of EGS: A CGE Evaluation for Argentina
Authors: M. Priscila Ramos, Omar O. Chisari, Juan Pablo Vila Martínez
Current literature about trade liberalization of environmental goods and services (EGS) raises doubts about the extent of the triple win-win situation for trade, development and the environment. However, much of this literature does not consider the possibility that this agreement carries technological transmissions, either through trade or foreign direct investment. This paper presents a computable general equilibrium model calibrated for Argentina, where there are alternative technologies (one dirty and one clean according to carbon emissions) to produce the same goods. In this context, the trade liberalization of EGS allows to increase GDP, trade, reduce unemployment and improve the households welfare. However, the capital mobility appears as the key assumption to jointly reach the environmental target, when the positive scale effect generated by the increase in trade is offset by the change in the composition of production (composition and technical effects by the use of the clean alternative technology) and of consumption (composition effect by substitution of relatively lesspolluting imported goods).Keywords: CGE modeling, CO2 emissions, composition effect, scale effect, technique effect, trade liberalization of EGS
Procedia PDF Downloads 3831245 Computer-Aided Teaching of Transformers for Undergraduates
Authors: Rajesh Kumar, Roopali Dogra, Puneet Aggarwal
In the era of technological advancement, use of computer technology has become inevitable. Hence it has become the need of the hour to integrate software methods in engineering curriculum as a part to boost pedagogy techniques. Simulations software is a great help to graduates of disciplines such as electrical engineering. Since electrical engineering deals with high voltages and heavy instruments, extra care must be taken while operating with them. The viable solution would be to have appropriate control. The appropriate control could be well designed if engineers have knowledge of kind of waveforms associated with the system. Though these waveforms can be plotted manually, but it consumes a lot of time. Hence aid of simulation helps to understand steady state of system and resulting in better performance. In this paper computer, aided teaching of transformer is carried out using MATLAB/Simulink. The test carried out on a transformer includes open circuit test and short circuit respectively. The respective parameters of transformer are then calculated using the values obtained from open circuit and short circuit test respectively using Simulink.Keywords: computer aided teaching, open circuit test, short circuit test, simulink, transformer
Procedia PDF Downloads 3761244 Induction of Innovation (Districts) in (Spatial) Planning and Policy
Authors: Meera Prajapati
Technological innovation is important for economic and spatial rejuvenation. Innovation districts from the last decades around university towns offer interesting examples. Planning directs the interplay between economic and urban development in these innovation districts that appear in particular regions with economic benefits as a result of incentives to attract multinational industries in innovation centres, research parks, universities, bio incubator assets, etc. The inclination of the OECED towards developing entrepreneurship and innovation to harness a boost in growth requires sustainable living conditions. This research aims to understand ‘how innovation or knowledge centres affected development policies and helped cities to become a high-tech region?’ Therefore, the economic policies of cities are investigated as well as the location logic of centres and their intertwining with supporting services (health, education, living environment, etc.). Case studies (Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and Ho Chi Minh City (Viet Nam)) position Pune (India) in terms of the planning components of innovation.Keywords: innovation districts, high-tech regions, smart cities, urban planning and policies
Procedia PDF Downloads 1471243 From E-Government to Cloud-Government Challenges of Jordanian Citizens' Acceptance for Public Services
Authors: Abeer Alkhwaldi, Mumtaz Kamala
On the inception of the third millennium, there is much evidence that cloud technologies have become the strategic trend for many governments not only developed countries (e.g., UK, Japan, and USA), but also developing countries (e.g. Malaysia and the Middle East region), who have launched cloud computing movements for enhanced standardization of IT resources, cost reduction, and more efficient public services. Therefore, cloud-based e-government services considered as one of the high priorities for government agencies in Jordan. Although of their phenomenal evolution, government cloud-services still suffering from the adoption challenges of e-government initiatives (e.g. technological, human-aspects, social, and financial) which need to be considered carefully by governments contemplating its implementation. This paper presents a pilot study to investigate the citizens' perception of the extent in which these challenges affect the acceptance and use of cloud computing in Jordanian public sector. Based on the data analysis collected using online survey some important challenges were identified. The results can help to guide successful acceptance of cloud-based e-government services in Jordan.Keywords: challenges, cloud computing, e-government, acceptance, Jordan
Procedia PDF Downloads 4361242 A Pattern Practise for Awareness Educations on Information Security: Information Security Project
Authors: Fati̇h Apaydin
Education technology is an area which constantly changes and creates innovations. As an inevitable part of the changing circumstances, the societies who have a tendency to the improvements keep up with these innovations by using the methods and strategies which have been designed for education technology. At this point, education technology has taken the responsibility to help the individuals improve themselves and teach the effective teaching methods by filling the airs in theoretical information, information security and the practice. The technology which comes to the core of our lives by raising the importance of it day by day and it enforced its position in computer- based environments. As a result, ‘being ready for technological innovations, improvement on computer-based talent, information, ability and attitude’ doctrines have to be given. However, it is today quite hard to deal with the security and reinforcement of this information. The information which is got illegally gives harm to society from every aspect, especially education. This study includes how and to what extent to use these innovative appliances such as computers and the factor of information security of these appliances in computer-based education. As the use of computer is constantly becoming prevalent in our country, both education and computer will never become out of date, so how computer-based education affects our lives and the study of information security for this type of education are important topics.Keywords: computer, information security, education, technology, development
Procedia PDF Downloads 5951241 Assessing the Prevalence of Accidental Iatrogenic Paracetamol Overdose in Adult Hospital Patients Weighing <50kg: A Quality Improvement Project
Authors: Elisavet Arsenaki
Paracetamol overdose is associated with significant and possibly permanent consequences including hepatotoxicity, acute and chronic liver failure, and death. This quality improvement project explores the prevalence of accidental iatrogenic paracetamol overdose in hospital patients with a low body weight, defined as <50kg and assesses the impact of educational posters in trying to reduce it. The study included all adult inpatients on the admissions ward, a short stay ward for patients requiring 12-72 hour treatment, and consisted of three cycles. Each cycle consisted of 3 days of data collection in a given month (data collection for cycle 1 occurred in January 2022, February 2022 for cycle 2 and March 2022 for cycle 3). All patients given paracetamol had their prescribed dose checked against their charted weight to identify the percentage of adult inpatients <50kg who were prescribed 1g of paracetamol instead of 500mg. In the first cycle of the audit, data were collected from 83 patients who were prescribed paracetamol on the admissions ward. Subsequently, four A4 educational posters were displayed across the ward, on two separate occasions and with a one-month interval in between each poster display. The aim of this was to remind prescribing doctors of their responsibility to check patient body weight prior to prescribing paracetamol. Data were collected again one week after each round of poster display, from 72 and 70 patients respectively. Over the 3 cycles with a cumulative 225 patients, 15 weighed <50kg (6.67%) and of those, 5 were incorrectly prescribed 1g of paracetamol, yielding a 33.3% prevalence of accidental iatrogenic paracetamol overdose in adult inpatients. In cycle 1 of the project, 3 out of 6 adult patients weighing <50kg were overdosed on paracetamol, meaning that 50% of low weight patients were prescribed the wrong dose of paracetamol for their weight. In the second data collection cycle, 1 out of 5 <50kg patients were overdosed (20%) and in the third cycle, 1 out of 4 (25%). The use of educational posters resulted in a lower prevalence of accidental iatrogenic paracetamol overdose in low body weight adult inpatients. However, the differences observed were statistically insignificant (p value 0.993 and 0.995 respectively). Educational posters did not induce a significant decrease in the prevalence of accidental iatrogenic paracetamol overdose. More robust strategies need to be employed to further decrease paracetamol overdose in patients weighing <50kg.Keywords: iatrogenic, overdose, paracetamol, patient, safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 1141240 From Biosensors towards Artificial Intelligence: A New Era in Toxoplasmosis Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Authors: Gehan Labib Abuelenain, Azza Fahmi, Salma Awad Mahmoud
Toxoplasmosis is a global parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii), with a high infection rate that affects one third of the human population and results in severe implications in pregnant women, neonates, and immunocompromised patients. Anti-parasitic treatments and schemes available against toxoplasmosis have barely evolved over the last two decades. The available T. gondii therapeutics cannot completely eradicate tissue cysts produced by the parasite and are not well-tolerated by immunocompromised patients. This work aims to highlight new trends in Toxoplasma gondii diagnosis by providing a comprehensive overview of the field, summarizing recent findings, and discussing the new technological advancements in toxoplasma diagnosis and treatment. Advancements in therapeutics utilizing trends in molecular biophysics, such as biosensors, epigenetics, and artificial intelligence (AI), might provide solutions for disease management and prevention. These insights will provide tools to identify research gaps and proffer planning options for disease control.Keywords: toxoplamosis, diagnosis, therapeutics, biosensors, AI
Procedia PDF Downloads 381239 Management of Third Stage Labour in a Rural Ugandan Hospital
Authors: Brid Dinnee, Jessica Taylor, Joseph Hartland, Michael Natarajan
Background:The third stage of labour (TSL) can be complicated by Post-Partum Haemorrhage (PPH), which can have a significant impact on maternal mortality and morbidity. In Africa, 33.9% of maternal deaths are attributable to PPH1. In order to minimise this figure, current recommendations for the developing world are that all women have active management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL). The aim of this project was to examine TSL practice in a rural Ugandan Hospital, highlight any deviation from best practice and identify barriers to change in resource limited settings as part of a 4th year medical student External Student Selected Component field trip. Method: Five key elements from the current World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines on AMTSL were used to develop an audit tool. All daytime vaginal deliveries over a two week period in July 2016 were audited. In addition to this, a retrospective comparison of PPH rates, between 2006 (when ubiquitous use of intramuscular oxytocin for management of TSL was introduced) and 2015 was performed. Results: Eight vaginal deliveries were observed; at all of which intramuscular oxytocin was administered and controlled cord traction used. Against WHO recommendation, all umbilical cords were clamped within one minute, and no infants received early skin-to-skin contact. In only one case was uterine massage performed after placental delivery. A retrospective comparison of data rates identified a 40% reduction in total number of PPHs from November 2006 to November 2015. Maternal deaths per delivery reduced from 2% to 0.5%. Discussion: Maternal mortality and PPH are still major issues in developing countries. Maternal mortality due to PPH can be reduced by good practices regarding TSL, but not all of these are used in low-resource settings. There is a notable difference in outcomes between the developed and developing world. At Kitovu Hospital, there has been a reduction in maternal mortality and number of PPHs following introduction of IM Oxytocin administration. In order to further improve these rates, staff education and further government funding is key.Keywords: post-partum haemorrhage, PPH, third stage labour, Uganda
Procedia PDF Downloads 2101238 Chemometric Estimation of Phytochemicals Affecting the Antioxidant Potential of Lettuce
Authors: Milica Karadzic, Lidija Jevric, Sanja Podunavac-Kuzmanovic, Strahinja Kovacevic, Aleksandra Tepic-Horecki, Zdravko Sumic
In this paper, the influence of six different phytochemical content (phenols, carotenoids, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll a + b and vitamin C) on antioxidant potential of Murai and Levistro lettuce varieties was evaluated. Variable selection was made by generalized pair correlation method (GPCM) as a novel ranking method. This method is used for the discrimination between two variables that almost equal correlate to a dependent variable. Fisher’s conditional exact and McNemar’s test were carried out. Established multiple linear (MLR) models were statistically evaluated. As the best phytochemicals for the antioxidant potential prediction, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll a + b and total carotenoids content stand out. This was confirmed through both GPCM and MLR, predictive ability of obtained MLR can be used for antioxidant potential estimation for similar lettuce samples. This article is based upon work from the project of the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development of Vojvodina (No. 114-451-347/2015-02).Keywords: antioxidant activity, generalized pair correlation method, lettuce, regression analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 3891237 Digitalization, Supply Chain Integration and Financial Performance: Case of Tunisian Agro-Industrial Sector
Authors: Rym Ghariani, Younes Boujelbene
This study aimed to examine the impact of digitalization and supply chain integration on the financial performance of companies in the agro-industrial sector in Tunisia, highlighting the growing importance of digital technologies in modern economies. The results were analyzed using a questionnaire and using principal component analysis, as well as linear regression modeling with SPSS26. The results demonstrate that the digitalization and integration of the supply chain have a significant impact on the financial results of Tunisian agro-industrial companies. In theory, this study provides a better understanding of the effects of digital advancements and supply chain strategies on financial results in this specific area. This study, therefore, studies the relationship between these variables and financial efficiency, highlighting the significant impacts of these technological and strategic elements on the financial results of agro-industrial companies in Tunisia.Keywords: digitalization, supply chain integration, financial performance, Tunisian agro-industrial sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 461236 Antifungal Lactobacilli Affect Mycelium Morphology and Protect Apricot Juice against Mold Spoilage
Authors: Nora Laref, Bettache Guessas
Preservation of foods mainly depends on delaying or inhibiting the growth of spoilage microorganisms, and antifungal activity of lactic acid bacteria is one of the technological properties researched. The antifungal activity was screened with overlay method of six strains of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum LB54, LB52, LB51, LB20, LB24 Lactobacillus farciminis LB53) isolated from silage, camel milk and carrot against Aspergillus sp. Lactobacillus plantarum and farciminis inhibit spore germination and mycelia growth of Aspergillus sp., the production of antifungal compounds by these strains was detectable after 4h of incubation at 30°C and show total inhibition after 24h in liquid media, but in solid media showed a good inhibition after 96h of incubation, these compounds cause malformations in the thalle, conidiophore and conidia. These strains could be used as agents of biopreservation since have the ability to retard Aspergillus sp., growth in apricot juice with and without sugar conserved in refrigerator but not in bread.Keywords: lactobacillus, antifungal substances, aspergillus, biopreservation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3471235 Cochlear Implants and the Emerging Therapies for Managing Hearing Loss
Authors: Hesham Kozou
Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) poses a significant challenge due to limited access to the inner ear for therapies. Emerging treatments such as regenerative, genetic, and pharmacotherapies offer hope for addressing this condition. This study aims to highlight the potential of cochlear implants and emerging therapies in managing sensorineural hearing loss by improving access to the inner ear. The study is conducted through a review of relevant literature and research articles in the field of cochlear implants and emerging therapies for hearing loss. It outlines how advancements in cochlear implant technologies, electrodes, and surgical techniques can facilitate the delivery of therapies to the inner ear, potentially revolutionizing the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss. The study underscores the potential of cochlear implants and emerging therapies in revolutionizing the treatment landscape for sensorineural hearing loss, emphasizing the feasibility of curing this condition by leveraging technological advancements.Keywords: therapies for hearing loss management, future of CI as a cochlear delivery channel, regenerative, genetic and pharmacotherapeutic management of hearing loss
Procedia PDF Downloads 501234 Cranioplasty with Custom Implant Realized Using 3D Printing Technology
Authors: Trad Khodja Rafik, Mahtout Amine, Ghoul Rachid, Benbouali Amine, Boulahlib Amine, Hariza Abdelmalik
Cranioplasty with custom implant realized using 3D printing technology. Cranioplasty is a surgical act that aims restoring cranial bone losses in order to protect the brain from external aggressions and to improve the patient aesthetic appearance. This objective can be achieved with taking advantage of the current technological development in computer science and biomechanics. The objective of this paper it to present an approach for the realization of high precision biocompatible cranial implants using new 3D printing technologies at the lowest cost. The proposed method is to reproduce the missing part of the skull by referring to its healthy contralateral part. Once the model is validated by the neurosurgeons, a mold is 3D printed for the production of a biocompatible implant in Poly-Methyl-Methacrylate (PMMA) acrylic cement. Using this procedure four patients underwent this procedure with excellent aesthetic results.Keywords: cranioplasty, cranial bone loss, 3D printing technology, custom-made implants, PMMA
Procedia PDF Downloads 1121233 Evolution of Pop Art Pattern on Modern Ao Dai
Authors: Mai Anh Pham Ho
Ao Dai is the traditional dress of Vietnamese women that consists of a long tunic with slits on either side and wide trousers. This is the Vietnamese national costume which most common worn by women in daily life. The Vietnamese men may wear Ao Dai on special occasions like New Year Eve or Wedding Ceremony. Ao Dai is one of the few Vietnamese words that appear in English language dictionaries. Nowadays, there are variations in modern Ao Dai that consist of a short tunic on knee and slim trousers with the other materials like kaki or jeans. This paper aims to apply Pop art pattern on modern Ao Dai through the image of Vietnamese women by modifying the creation process of fashion design. It reflects on how modern culture is involved in Ao Dai and how it affects on fashion design. The research method of this paper is done through surveying the various examples of technological applications to fashion design, then the pop art pattern with the image of Vietnamese women is applied on modern Ao Dai. The results of this paper have shown through the collection of modern Ao Dai with three artworks applied the pop art pattern. In conclusion, the role of fashion technology supports and evolves the traditional value in order to establish the Vietnamese national personality as well as distinguish to other cultural values in the world.Keywords: pop art pattern, Vietnamese national costume, modern ao dai, fashion design
Procedia PDF Downloads 2831232 A Flipped Classroom Approach for Non Science Majors
Authors: Nidhi Gadura
To ensure student success in a non majors biology course, a flipped classroom pedagogical approach is developed and implemented. All students are assigned online lectures to listen to before they come to class. A three hour lecture is split into one hour of online component, one hour of in class lecture and one hour of worksheets done by students in the classroom. This deviation from a traditional 3 hour in class lecture has resulted in increased student interest in science as well as better understanding of difficult scientific concepts. A pre and post survey was given to measure the interest rates and grades were used to measure the success rates. While the overall grade average did not change dramatically, students reported a better appreciation of biology. Also, students overwhelmingly like the use of worksheets in class to help them understand the concepts. They liked the fact that they could listen to lectures at their own pace on line and even repeat if needed. The flipped classroom approach turned out to work really well our non science majors and the author is ready to implement this in other classrooms.Keywords: flipped classroom, non science majors, pedagogy, technological pedagogical model
Procedia PDF Downloads 4181231 Teaching College Classes with Virtual Reality
Authors: Penn P. Wu
Recent advances in virtual reality (VR) technologies have made it possible for students to experience a virtual on-the-scene or virtual in-person observation of an educational event. In an experimental class, the author uses VR, particularly 360° videos, to virtually engage students in an event, through a wide spectrum of educational resources, such s a virtual “bystander.” Students were able to observe the event as if they were physically on site, although they could not intervene with the scene. The author will describe the adopted equipment, specification, and cost of building them as well as the quality of VR. The author will discuss (a) feasibility, effectiveness, and efficiency of using VR as a supplemental technology to teach college students and criteria and methodologies used by the authors to evaluate them; (b) barriers and issues of technological implementation; and (c) pedagogical practices learned through this experiment. The author also attempts to explore (a) how VR could provide an interactive virtual in-person learning experience; (b) how VR can possibly change traditional college education and online education; (c) how educators and balance six critical factors: cost, time, technology, quality, result, and content.Keywords: learning with VR, virtual experience of learning, virtual in-person learning, virtual reality for education
Procedia PDF Downloads 3081230 Exploring Cybercrimes and Major Security Breaches: Assessing the Broader Fiscal Impact on Nigeria
Authors: Washima Tuleun
Cybercrime is a global concern, and Nigeria is not immune to its effects. This paper investigates the cybercrimes and significant cyber-attacks that have targeted businesses and institutions in Nigeria, examining their various forms and the financial and economic impacts they have on individuals, businesses, and the nation as a whole. As technological advancements rapidly evolve and online services gain widespread adoption, there has been a corresponding rise in cyber-related attacks. These attacks often target personal data, exploit system vulnerabilities, and result in the theft of sensitive information, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and broader impacts on organizations. The study conducts a thorough review of existing literature, case studies, and statistical data to provide a comprehensive understanding of Nigeria’s cybercrime landscape. Additionally, it assesses the efforts by both the government and the private sector to address these challenges and offers recommendations for more effective strategies to mitigate and reduce their impact.Keywords: cybersecurity, telecommunications engineering, information technology, threat intelligence, vulnerability management, computing
Procedia PDF Downloads 311229 Introduction to Techno-Sectoral Innovation System Modeling and Functions Formulating
Authors: S. M. Azad, H. Ghodsi Pour, F. Roshannafasa
In recent years ‘technology management and policymaking’ is one of the most important problems in management science. In this field, different generations of innovation and technology management are presented which the earliest one is Innovation System (IS) approach. In a general classification, innovation systems are divided in to 4 approaches: Technical, sectoral, regional, and national. There are many researches in relation to each of these approaches in different academic fields. Every approach has some benefits. If two or more approaches hybrid, their benefits would be combined. In addition, according to the sectoral structure of the governance model in Iran, in many sectors such as information technology, the combination of three other approaches with sectoral approach is essential. Hence, in this paper, combining two IS approaches (technical and sectoral) and using system dynamics, a generic model is presented for a sample of software industry. As a complimentary point, this article is introducing a new hybrid approach called Techno-Sectoral Innovation System. This TSIS model is accomplished by Changing concepts of the ‘functions’ which came from Technological IS literature and using them into sectoral system as measurable indicators.Keywords: innovation system, technology, techno-sectoral system, functional indicators, system dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4401228 New Public Management: Step towards Democratization
Authors: Aneri Mehta, Krunal Mehta
Administration is largely based on two sciences: ‘management science’ and ‘political science’. The approach of new public management is more inclined towards the management science. Era of ‘New Public Management’ has affected the developing countries very immensely. Public management reforms are needed to enhance the development of the countries. This reform mainly includes capacity building, control of corruption, political decentralization, debureaucratization and public empowerment. This gives the opportunity to create self-sustaining change in the governance. This paper includes the link of approach of new public management and their effect on building effective democratization in the country. This approach mainly focuses on rationality and effectiveness of governance system. These need to have deep efforts on technological, organizational, social and cultural fields. Bringing citizen participation in governance is main objective of NPM. The shift from traditional public management to new public management have low success rate of reforms. This research includes case study of RTI which is a big step of government towards citizen centric approach of governance. The aspect of ‘publicness’ in the democratic policy implementation is important for good governance in India.Keywords: public management, development, public empowerment, governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 5071227 The Effect of Transformational Leadership and Change Self-Efficacy on Employees' Commitment to Change
Authors: Denvi Giovanita, Wustari L. H. Mangundjaya
The pace of globalization and technological development make changes inevitable to organizations. However, organizational change is not easy to implement and is prone to failure. One of the reasons of change failure is due to lack of employees’ commitment to change. There are many variables that can influence employees’ commitment to change. The influencing factors can be sourced from the organization or individuals themselves. This study focuses on the affective form of commitment to change. The objective of this study is to identify the effect of transformational leadership (organizational factor) and employees’ change self-efficacy (individual factor) on affective commitment to change. The respondents of this study were employees who work in organizations that are or have faced organizational change. The data were collected using Affective Commitment to Change, Change Self-Efficacy, and Transformational Leadership Inventory. The data were analyzed using regression. The result showed that both transformational leadership and change self-efficacy have a positive and significant impact on affective commitment to change. The implication of the study can be used for practitioners to enhance the success of organizational change, by developing transformational leadership on the leaders and change self-efficacy on the employees in order to create a high affective commitment to change.Keywords: affective commitment to change, change self-efficacy, organizational change, transformational leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 3861226 Digitalization, Supply Chain Integration and Financial Performance: Case of Tunisian Agro-industrial Sector
Authors: Rym Ghariani, Younes Boujelbene
In contemporary times, global technological advancements, particularly those in the realm of digital technology, have emerged as pivotal instruments for enterprises in fostering viable partnerships and forging meaningful alliances with other firms. The advent of these digital innovations is poised to revolutionize nearly every facet and operation within corporate entities. The primary objective of this study is to explore the correlation between digitization, integration of supply chains, and the financial efficacy of the agro-industrial sector in Tunisia. To accomplish this, data collection employed a questionnaire as the primary research instrument. Subsequently, the research queries were addressed, and hypotheses were examined by subjecting the gathered data to principal component analysis and linear regression modeling, facilitated by the utilization of SPSS26 software. The findings revealed that digitalization within the supply chain, along with external supply chain integration, exerted discernible impacts on the financial performance of the organization.Keywords: digitalization, supply chain integration, financial performance, Tunisian agro-industrial sector
Procedia PDF Downloads 501225 The System of Uniform Criteria for the Characterization and Evaluation of Elements of Economic Structure: The Territory, Infrastructure, Processes, Technological Chains, the End Products
Authors: Aleksandr A. Gajour, Vladimir G. Merzlikin, Vladimir I. Veselov
This paper refers to the analysis of the characteristics of industrial and lifestyle facilities heat- energy objects as a part of the thermal envelope of Earth's surface for inclusion in any database of economic forecasting. The idealized model of the Earth's surface is discussed. This model gives the opportunity to obtain the energy equivalent for each element of terrain and world ocean. Energy efficiency criterion of comfortable human existence is introduced. Dynamics of changes of this criterion offers the possibility to simulate the possible technogenic catastrophes with the spontaneous industrial development of the certain Earth areas. Calculated model with the confirmed forecast of the Gulf Stream freezing in the polar regions in 2011 due to the heat-energy balance disturbance for the oceanic subsurface oil polluted layer is given. Two opposing trends of human development under limited and unlimited amount of heat-energy resources are analyzed.Keywords: Earth's surface, heat-energy consumption, energy criteria, technogenic catastrophes
Procedia PDF Downloads 4041224 A 30 Year Audit of the Vascular Complications of Ports: Permanent Intravascular Access Devices
Authors: S. Kershaw, P. J. Barry, K. Webb
Background: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a chronic lung disease where patients have chronic lung infection punctuated by acute exacerbations that require intermittent intravenous (IV) antibiotics during their lives. With time, peripheral venous access can become difficult and limited. Accessing these veins can become arduous, traumatic, painful and unworkable. A permanent intravascular access device or Port is a small device that is inserted into the central venous system that allows the delivery of medicine eliminating the need for peripheral venous access. Ports represent a convenient and efficient method when venous access is required on a permanent basis however they are also associated with significant vascular complications. Superior Vena Cava Obstruction (SVCO) is a rare but significant vascular complication of ports in this setting. Objective: We aimed to look at a single CF centre’s experience of port-related SVCO over a thirty year period. Methods: Retrospective data was extracted using patient’s notes, electronic radiological reports and local databases over a period in excess of 30 years from 1982 to 2014. Results: 13 patients were identified with SVCO as a result of their port. 11 patients had CF (9 female, 2 male), one male patient had Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and one female patient had severe Asthma. The mean port function was 1532 days (range 110 – 4049) and the mean age at SVCO was 24 years (range 11.1 to 36.5 years). The most common symptoms were facial oedema (n=8, 61.5%) and dilated veins (n=6, 46.2%). 7 patients had their Ports removed after SVCO. 6 patients underwent attempted stenting (46.2%) and 6 did not. 4 out of the 6 who underwent stenting required/had re-intervention. 3 of the 6 patients who underwent stenting had symptom resolution, however, 4 of the 6 patients who were not stented had symptom resolution also. Symptom resolution was not guaranteed with stenting and required re-intervention in two-thirds. Conclusion: This case series represents the experience of one of the longest established CF units in the UK and represents the largest cohort ever reported in the literature.Keywords: ports, Superior Vena Cava Obstruction, cystic fibrosis, access devices
Procedia PDF Downloads 3221223 Stability of Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Schrödinger Equation with Finite Approximation
Authors: Tomoaki Hashimoto
Recent technological advance has prompted significant interest in developing the control theory of quantum systems. Following the increasing interest in the control of quantum dynamics, this paper examines the control problem of Schrödinger equation because quantum dynamics is basically governed by Schrödinger equation. From the practical point of view, stochastic disturbances cannot be avoided in the implementation of control method for quantum systems. Thus, we consider here the robust stabilization problem of Schrödinger equation against stochastic disturbances. In this paper, we adopt model predictive control method in which control performance over a finite future is optimized with a performance index that has a moving initial and terminal time. The objective of this study is to derive the stability criterion for model predictive control of Schrödinger equation under stochastic disturbances.Keywords: optimal control, stochastic systems, quantum systems, stabilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 4631222 Assessing Firm Readiness to Implement Cloud Computing: Toward a Comprehensive Model
Authors: Seyed Mohammadbagher Jafari, Elahe Mahdizadeh, Masomeh Ghahremani
Nowadays almost all organizations depend on information systems to run their businesses. Investment on information systems and their maintenance to keep them always in best situation to support firm business is one of the main issues for every organization. The new concept of cloud computing was developed as a technical and economic model to address this issue. In cloud computing the computing resources, including networks, applications, hardwares and services are configured as needed and are available at the moment of request. However, migration to cloud is not an easy task and there are many issues that should be taken into account. This study tries to provide a comprehensive model to assess a firm readiness to implement cloud computing. By conducting a systematic literature review, four dimensions of readiness were extracted which include technological, human, organizational and environmental dimensions. Every dimension has various criteria that have been discussed in details. This model provides a framework for cloud computing readiness assessment. Organizations that intend to migrate to cloud can use this model as a tool to assess their firm readiness before making any decision on cloud implementation.Keywords: cloud computing, human readiness, organizational readiness, readiness assessment model
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