Search results for: minimum ignition temperature
7961 The Chemical Transport Mechanism of Emitter Micro-Particles in Tungsten Electrode: A Metallurgical Study
Authors: G. Singh, H.Schuster, U. Füssel
The stability of electric arc and durability of electrode tip used in Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding demand a metallurgical study about the chemical transport mechanism of emitter oxide particles in tungsten electrode during its real welding conditions. The tungsten electrodes doped with emitter oxides of rare earth oxides such as La₂O₃, Th₂O₃, Y₂O₃, CeO₂ and ZrO₂ feature a comparatively lower work function than tungsten and thus have superior emission characteristics due to lesser surface temperature of the cathode. The local change in concentration of these emitter particles in tungsten electrode due to high temperature diffusion (chemical transport) can change its functional properties like electrode temperature, work function, electron emission, and stability of the electrode tip shape. The resulting increment in tip surface temperature results in the electrode material loss. It was also observed that the tungsten recrystallizes to large grains at high temperature. When the shape of grain boundaries are granular in shape, the intergranular diffusion of oxide emitter particles takes more time to reach the electrode surface. In the experimental work, the microstructure of the used electrode's tip surface will be studied by scanning electron microscope and reflective X-ray technique in order to gauge the extent of the diffusion and chemical reaction of emitter particles. Besides, a simulated model is proposed to explain the effect of oxide particles diffusion on the electrode’s microstructure, electron emission characteristics, and electrode tip erosion. This model suggests metallurgical modifications in tungsten electrode to enhance its erosion resistance.Keywords: rare-earth emitter particles, temperature-dependent diffusion, TIG welding, Tungsten electrode
Procedia PDF Downloads 1877960 Structure and Magnetic Properties of Low-Temperature Synthesized M-W Hexaferrite Composites
Authors: Young-Min Kang
M-type Sr-hexaferrites (SrFe12O19) is one of the most utilized materials in permanent magnets due to their low price, outstanding chemical stability, and appropriate hard magnetic properties. For a M-type Sr-hexaferrite with a saturation magnetization (MS) of ~74.0 emu/g the practical limits of remanent flux density (Br) and maximum energy product (BH) max are ~4.6 kG and ~5.3 MGOe. Meanwhile, W-type hexaferrite (SrFe18O27) with higher MS ~81emu/g can be a good candidate for the development of enhanced ferrite magnet. However the W-type hexaferrite is stable at the temperature over 1350 ºC in air, and thus it is hard to control grain size and the coercivity. We report here high-MS M-W composite hexaferrites synthesized at 1250 ºC in air by doping Ca, Co, Mn, and Zn into the hexaferrite structures. The hexaferrites samples of stoichiometric SrFe12O19 (SrM) and Ca-Co-Mn-Zn doped hexaferrite (Sr0.7Ca0.3Fen-0.6Co0.2Mn0.2Zn0.2Oa) were prepared by conventional solid state reaction process with varying Fe content (10 ≤ n ≤ 17). Analysis by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) were performed for phase identification and microstructural observation respectively. Magnetic hysteresis curves were measured using vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) at room temperature (300 K). Single M-type phase could be obtained in the non-doped SrM sample after calcinations at the range of 1200 ºC ~ 1300 ºC, showing MS in the range of 72 ~ 72.6 emu/g. The Ca-Co-Mn-Zn doped SrM with Fe content, 10 ≤ n ≤ 13, showed both M and W-phases peaks in the XRD after respective calcinations at 1250 ºC. The sample with n=13 showed the MS of 70.7, 75.3, 78.0 emu/g, respectively, after calcination at 1200, 1250, 1300 ºC. The high MS over that of non-doped SrM (~72 emu/g) is attributed to the volume portion of W-phase. It is also revealed that the high MS W-phase could not formed if only one of the Ca, Co, Zn is missed in the substitution. These elements are critical to form the W-phase at the calcinations temperature of 1250 ºC, which is 100 ºC lower than the calcinations temperature for non-doped Sr-hexaferrites.Keywords: M-type hexaferrite, W-type hexaferrite, saturation magnetization, low-temperature synthesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1667959 A Comparative Study on Primary Productivity in Fish Cage Culture Unit and Fish Pond in Relation to Different Level of Water Depth
Authors: Pawan Kumar Sharma, J. Stephan Sampath Kumar, D. Manikandavelu, V. Senthil Kumar
The total amount of productivity in the system is the gross primary productivity. The present study was carried out to understand the relationship between productivity in the cages and water depth. The experiment was conducted in the fish cages installed in the pond at the Directorate of Sustainable Aquaculture, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University, Tamil Nadu (10° 47' 13.1964'' N; 79° 8' 16.1700''E). Primary productivity was estimated by light and dark bottle method. The measurement of primary productivity was done at different depths viz., 20 cm, 40 cm, and 60 cm. Six Biological Oxygen Demand bottles of 300 ml capacity were collected and tagged. The productivity was obtained in mg O2/l/hr. The maximum dissolved oxygen level at 20 cm depth was observed 5.62 ± 0.22 mg/l/hr in the light bottle in pond water while the minimum dissolved oxygen level at 20 cm depth in a cage was observed 3.62 ± 0.18 mg/l/hr in dark bottle. In the same way, the maximum and minimum value of dissolved oxygen was observed at 40, and 60 cm depth and results were compared. A slight change in pH was observed in the cage and pond. The maximum gross primary productivity observed was 1.97 mg/l/hr in pond at 20 cm depth while minimum gross primary productivity observed was 0.82±0.16 mg/l/hr in a cage at 60 cm depth. The community respiration was also variable with the depth in both cage and pond. Maximum community respiration was found 1.50±0.19 mg/l/hr in pond at 20 cm depth. A strong positive linear relationship was observed between primary productivity and fish yields in ponds. The pond primary productivity can contribute substantially to the nutrition of farm-raised aquaculture species, including shrimp. The growth of phytoplankton’s is dependent on the sun light, availability of primary nutrients (N, P, and K) in the water body and transparency, so to increase the primary productivity fertilization through organic manure may be done that will clean to the pond environment also.Keywords: cage aquaculture, water depth, net primary productivity, gross primary productivity, community respiration
Procedia PDF Downloads 2107958 Analysis of Weather Variability Impact on Yields of Some Crops in Southwest, Nigeria
Authors: Olumuyiwa Idowu Ojo, Oluwatobi Peter Olowo
The study developed a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) database and mapped inter-annual changes in crop yields of cassava, cowpea, maize, rice, melon and yam as a response to inter-annual rainfall and temperature variability in Southwest, Nigeria. The aim of this project is to study the comparative analysis of the weather variability impact of six crops yield (Rice, melon, yam, cassava, Maize and cowpea) in South Western States of Nigeria (Oyo, Osun, Ekiti, Ondo, Ogun and Lagos) from 1991 – 2007. The data was imported and analysed in the Arch GIS 9 – 3 software environment. The various parameters (temperature, rainfall, crop yields) were interpolated using the kriging method. The results generated through interpolation were clipped to the study area. Geographically weighted regression was chosen from the spatial statistics toolbox in Arch GIS 9.3 software to analyse and predict the relationship between temperature, rainfall and the different crops (Cowpea, maize, rice, melon, yam, and cassava).Keywords: GIS, crop yields, comparative analysis, temperature, rainfall, weather variability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3277957 Economical Analysis of Optimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Duct
Authors: D. Kumar, S. Kumar, A. G. Memon, R. A. Memon, K. Harijan
A considerable amount of energy is usually lost due to compression of insulation in Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) duct. In this paper, the economic impact of compression of insulation is estimated. Relevant mathematical models were used to estimate the optimal thickness at the points of compression. Furthermore, the payback period is calculated for the optimal thickness at the critical parts of supply air duct (SAD) and return air duct (RAD) considering natural gas (NG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) as fuels for chillier operation. The mathematical model is developed using preliminary data obtained for an HVAC system of a pharmaceutical company. The higher heat gain and cooling loss, due to compression of thermal insulation, is estimated using relevant heat transfer equations. The results reveal that maximum energy savings (ES) in SAD is 34.5 and 40%, while in RAD is 22.9% and 29% for NG and LPG, respectively. Moreover, the minimum payback period (PP) for SAD is 2 and 1.6years, while in RAD is 4.3 and 2.7years for NG and LPG, respectively. The optimum insulation thickness (OIT) corresponding to maximum ES and minimum PP is estimated to be 35 and 42mm for SAD, while 30 and 38mm for RAD in case of NG and LPG, respectively.Keywords: optimum insulation thickness, life cycle cost analysis, payback period, HVAC system
Procedia PDF Downloads 2167956 Observation of Inverse Blech Length Effect during Electromigration of Cu Thin Film
Authors: Nalla Somaiah, Praveen Kumar
Scaling of transistors and, hence, interconnects is very important for the enhanced performance of microelectronic devices. Scaling of devices creates significant complexity, especially in the multilevel interconnect architectures, wherein current crowding occurs at the corners of interconnects. Such a current crowding creates hot-spots at the respective corners, resulting in non-uniform temperature distribution in the interconnect as well. This non-uniform temperature distribution, which is exuberated with continued scaling of devices, creates a temperature gradient in the interconnect. In particular, the increased current density at corners and the associated temperature rise due to Joule heating accelerate the electromigration induced failures in interconnects, especially at corners. This has been the classic reliability issue associated with metallic interconnects. Herein, it is generally understood that electromigration induced damages can be avoided if the length of interconnect is smaller than a critical length, often termed as Blech length. Interestingly, the effect of non-negligible temperature gradients generated at these corners in terms of thermomigration and electromigration-thermomigration coupling has not attracted enough attention. Accordingly, in this work, the interplay between the electromigration and temperature gradient induced mass transport was studied using standard Blech structure. In this particular sample structure, the majority of the current is forcefully directed into the low resistivity metallic film from a high resistivity underlayer film, resulting in current crowding at the edges of the metallic film. In this study, 150 nm thick Cu metallic film was deposited on 30 nm thick W underlayer film in the configuration of Blech structure. Series of Cu thin strips, with lengths of 10, 20, 50, 100, 150 and 200 μm, were fabricated. Current density of ≈ 4 × 1010 A/m² was passed through Cu and W films at a temperature of 250ºC. Herein, along with expected forward migration of Cu atoms from the cathode to the anode at the cathode end of the Cu film, backward migration from the anode towards the center of Cu film was also observed. Interestingly, smaller length samples consistently showed enhanced migration at the cathode end, thus indicating the existence of inverse Blech length effect in presence of temperature gradient. A finite element based model showing the interplay between electromigration and thermomigration driving forces has been developed to explain this observation.Keywords: Blech structure, electromigration, temperature gradient, thin films
Procedia PDF Downloads 2587955 New Refrigerant La₀.₇Ca₀.₁₅Sr₀.₁₅Mn₁₋ₓGaₓO₃ for Application in Magnetic Refrigeration
Authors: Essebti Dhahri
We present a new refrigerant La₀.₇Ca₀.₁₅Sr₀.₁₅Mn₁₋ₓGaₓO₃ (x = 0.0-0.1) manganites. These compounds were prepared by the sol-gel method. The refinement of the X-ray diffraction reveals that all samples crystallize in a rhombohedral structure (space group R3 ̅c). Detailed measurements of the magnetization as a function of temperature and magnetic applied field M (µ₀H, T) were carried out. From the M(µ₀H, T) curves, we have calculated the magnetic entropy change (ΔSM) according to the Maxwell relation. The temperature dependence of the magnetization M(T) reveals a decrease of M when increasing the x content. The magnetic entropy change (ΔSM) reaches a maximum value near room temperature. It was also found that this compound exhibits a large magnetocaloric effect MCE which increases when decreasing Ga concentration. So, the studied compounds could be considered potential materials for magnetic refrigeration application.Keywords: magnetic measurements, Rietveld refinement, magnetic refrigeration, magnetocaloric effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 897954 Dynamic Process of Single Water Droplet Impacting on a Hot Heptane Surface
Authors: Mingjun Xu, Shouxiang Lu
Understanding the interaction mechanism between the water droplet and pool fire has an important significance in engineering application of water sprinkle/spray/mist fire suppression. The micro impact process is unclear when the droplet impacts on the burning liquid surface at present. To deepen the understanding of the mechanisms of pool fire suppression with water spray/mist, dynamic processes of single water droplet impinging onto a hot heptane surface are visualized with the aid of a high-speed digital camera at 2000 fps. Each test is repeated 20 times. The water droplet diameter is around 1.98 mm, and the impact Weber number ranges from 30 to 695. The heptane is heated by a hot plate to mimic the burning condition, and the temperature varies from 30 to 90°C. The results show that three typical phenomena, including penetration, crater-jet and surface bubble, are observed, and the pool temperature has a significant influence on the critical condition for the appearance of each phenomenon. A global picture of different phenomena is built according to impact Weber number and pool temperature. In addition, the pool temperature and Weber number have important influences on the characteristic parameters including maximum crater depth, crown height and liquid column height. For a fixed Weber number, the liquid column height increases with pool temperature.Keywords: droplet impact, fire suppression, hot surface, water spray
Procedia PDF Downloads 2437953 Modeling the Effects of Temperature on Ambient Air Quality Using AERMOD
Authors: Mustapha Babatunde, Bassam Tawabini, Ole John Nielson
Air dispersion (AD) models such as AERMOD are important tools for estimating the environmental impacts of air pollutant emissions into the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources. The outcome of these models is significantly linked to the climate condition like air temperature, which is expected to differ in the future due to the global warming phenomenon. With projections from scientific sources of impending changes to the future climate of Saudi Arabia, especially anticipated temperature rise, there is a potential direct impact on the dispersion patterns of air pollutants results from AD models. To our knowledge, no similar studies were carried out in Saudi Arabia to investigate such impact. Therefore, this research investigates the effects of climate temperature change on air quality in the Dammam Metropolitan area, Saudi Arabia, using AERMOD coupled with Station data using Sulphur dioxide (SO₂) – as a model air pollutant. The research uses AERMOD model to predict the SO₂ dispersion trends in the surrounding area. Emissions from five (5) industrial stacks on twenty-eight (28) receptors in the study area were considered for the climate period (2010-2019) and future period of mid-century (2040-2060) under different scenarios of elevated temperature profiles (+1ᵒC, + 3ᵒC and + 5ᵒC) across averaging time periods of 1hr, 4hr and 8hr. Results showed that levels of SO₂ at the receiving sites under current and simulated future climactic condition fall within the allowable limit of WHO and KSA air quality standards. Results also revealed that the projected rise in temperature would only have mild increment on the SO₂ concentration levels. The average increase of SO₂ levels was 0.04%, 0.14%, and 0.23% due to the temperature increase of 1, 3, and 5 degrees, respectively. In conclusion, the outcome of this work elucidates the degree of the effects of global warming and climate changes phenomena on air quality and can help the policymakers in their decision-making, given the significant health challenges associated with ambient air pollution in Saudi Arabia.Keywords: air quality, sulfur dioxide, dispersion models, global warming, KSA
Procedia PDF Downloads 827952 Fabrication of Eco-Friendly Pigment Printed Textiles by Reducing Formaldehyde Content
Authors: Sidra Saleemi, Raja Fahad Qureshi, Farooq Ahmed, Rabia Almas, Tahir Jameel
This research aimed to decrease formaldehyde content in substrates printed by pigments using different fixation temperature and concentration of urea in order to produce eco-friendly textiles. Substrates were printed by hand screen printing method as per recipe followed by drying and curing. Standard test methods were adapted to measure formaldehyde content washing and rubbing fastness. Formaldehyde content is instantaneously decreased by raising the temperature during curing printed fabric. Good results of both dry and wet rubbing fastness were found at 160˚C slightly improved dry rubbing results are achieved with 2% urea at a curing temperature of 150˚C.Keywords: formaldehyde content, pigment printing, urea, washing fastness, rubbing fastness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3137951 Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structure on Very High Aggressive Environment: A Case Study
Authors: Karla Peitl Miller, Leomar Bravin Porto, Kaitto Correa Fraga, Nataniele Eler Mendes
This paper presents the evaluation and study of a real reinforced concrete structure of a fertilizer storage building, constructed on a Vale’s Port at Brazil, which has been recently under refurbishment. Data that will be shared and commented aim to show how wrong choices in project concepts allied to a very high aggressive environment lead to a fast track degradation, incurring on a hazardous condition associated with huge and expensive treatment for repair and guarantee of minimum performance conditions and service life. It will be also shown and discussed all the covered steps since pathological manifestations first signs were observed until the complete revitalization and reparation planning would be drawn. The conclusions of the work easily explicit the importance of professional technical qualification, the importance of minimum requirements for design and structural reforms, and mainly, the importance of good inspection and diagnostic engineering continuous work.Keywords: durability, reinforced concrete repair, structural inspection, diagnostic engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 1397950 Optimization of NaOH Thermo-Chemical Pretreatment to Enhance Solubilisation of Organic Food Waste by Response Surface Methodology
Authors: Hafizan Junoh, Kumaran Palanisamy, Yip Chan Heng, Pua Fei Ling
This study investigates the influence of low temperature thermo-chemical pretreatment of organic food waste on the performance of COD solubilisation. Both temperature and alkaline agent were reported to have an effect on solubilizing any possible biomass including organic food waste. The three independent variables considered in this pretreatment were temperature (50-90oC), pretreatment time (30-120 minutes) and alkaline concentration, sodium hydroxide, NaOH (0.7-15 g/L). The optimal condition obtained were 90oC, 15 g/L NaOH for 2 hours. Solubilisation has potential in enhancing methane production by providing a high amount of soluble components at an early stage during anaerobic digestion.Keywords: food waste, pretreatments, respond surface methodology, ANOVA, anaerobic digestion
Procedia PDF Downloads 5547949 Diffusion Mechanism of Aroma Compound (2-Acetyl-1-Pyrroline) in Rice During Storage
Authors: Mary Ann U. Baradi, Arnold R. Elepaño, Manuel Jose C. Regalado
Aromatic rice has become popular and continues to command higher price than ordinary rice because of its distinctive scent that makes it special. Freshly harvested aromatic rice exhibits strong aromatic scent but decreases with time and conditions during storage. Of the many volatile compounds in aromatic rice, 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline (2AP) is a major compound that gives rice its popcorn-like aroma. The diffusion mechanism of 2AP in rice was investigated. Semi-empirical models explaining 2AP diffusion as affected by temperature and duration were developed. Storage time and temperature affected 2AP loss via diffusion. The amount of 2AP in rice decreased with time. Free 2AP, being volatile, is lost due to diffusion. Storage experiment indicated rapid 2AP loss during the first five weeks and subsequently leveled off afterwards; attaining level of starch bound 2AP. Decline of 2AP during storage followed exponential equation and exhibited four stages; i.e. the initial, second, third and final stage. Free 2AP is easily lost while bound 2AP is left, only to be released upon exposure to high temperature such as cooking. Both free and bound 2AP is found in endosperm while free 2AP is in the bran. Around 63–67% of total 2AP was lost in brown and milled rice of MS 6 paddy kept at ambient. Samples stored at higher temperature (27°C) recorded higher 2AP loss than those kept at lower temperature (15°C). The study should be able to guide processors in understanding and controlling parameters in storage to produce high quality rice.Keywords: 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, aromatic rice, diffusion mechanism, storage
Procedia PDF Downloads 3407948 The Shape Memory Recovery Properties under Load of a Polymer Composite
Authors: Abdul Basit, Gildas Lhostis, Bernard Durand
Shape memory polymers (SMPs) are replacing shape memory alloys (SMAs) in many applications as SMPs have certain superior properties than SMAs. However, SMAs possess some properties like recovery under stress that SMPs lack. SMPs cannot give complete recovery even under a small load. SMPs are initially heated close to their transition temperature (glass transition temperature or the melting temperature). Then force is applied to deform the heated SMP to a specific position. Subsequently, SMP is allowed to cool keeping it deformed. After cooling, SMP gets the temporary shape. This temporary shape can be recovered by heating it again at the same temperature that was given it while heating it initially. As a result, it will recover its original position. SMP can perform unconstrained recovery and constrained recovery, however; under the load, it only recovers partially. In this work, the recovery under the load of an asymmetrical shape memory composite called as CBCM-SMPC has been investigated. It is found that it has the ability to recover under different loads. Under different loads, it shows powerful complete recovery in reference to initial position. This property can be utilized in many applications.Keywords: shape memory, polymer composite, thermo-mechanical testing, recovery under load
Procedia PDF Downloads 4397947 Magnetic, Magnetocaloric, and Electrical Properties of Pr0.7Ca0.3Mn0.9M0.1O3
Authors: A. Selmi, A. Bettaibi, H. Rahmouni, R. M’nassri, N. Chniba Boudjada, A. Chiekhrouhou, K. Khirouni
Investigation of magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of Pr₀.₇Ca₀.₃Mn₀.₉M₀.₁O₃ perovskite manganites (M=Cr and Ni) has been carried out. Our compounds were prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction method at high temperatures. Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction pattern using FULLPROF method shows that all compounds adopt the orthorhombic structure with Pnma space group. The partial substitution of Mn-site drives the system from charge order state to ferromagnetic one with a Curie temperature T𝒸=150K, 118k and 116K for M=Cr and Ni, respectively. Magnetization measurements versus temperature in a magnetic applied field of 0.05T show that all our samples exhibit a paramagnetic–ferromagnetic transition with decreasing temperature. From M(H) isotherms, we have deduced the magnetic entropy change, which present maximum values of 2.37 J/kg.K and 2.94 J/kg.K, in a magnetic field change of 5T for M=Cr and Ni, respectively.Keywords: manganites, magnetocaloric, magnetic, refrigeration
Procedia PDF Downloads 797946 Modeling the Effects of Temperature on Air Pollutant Concentration
Authors: Mustapha Babatunde, Bassam Tawabini, Ole John Nielson
Air dispersion (AD) models such as AERMOD are important tools for estimating the environmental impacts of air pollutant emissions into the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources. The outcome of these models is significantly linked to the climate condition like air temperature, which is expected to differ in the future due to the global warming phenomenon. With projections from scientific sources of impending changes to the future climate of Saudi Arabia, especially anticipated temperature rise, there is a potential direct impact on the dispersion patterns of air pollutants results from AD models. To our knowledge, no similar studies were carried out in Saudi Arabia to investigate such impact. Therefore, this research investigates the effects of climate temperature change on air quality in the Dammam Metropolitan area, Saudi Arabia, using AERMOD coupled with Station data using Sulphur dioxide (SO2) – as a model air pollutant. The research uses AERMOD model to predict the SO2 dispersion trends on the surrounding area. Emissions from five (5) industrial stacks, on twenty-eight (28) receptors in the study area were considered for the climate period (2010-2019) and future period of mid-century (2040-2060) under different scenarios of elevated temperature profiles (+1oC, + 3oC and + 5oC) across averaging time periods of 1hr, 4hr and 8hr. Results showed that levels of SO2 at the receiving sites under current and simulated future climactic condition fall within the allowable limit of WHO and KSA air quality standards. Results also revealed that the projected rise in temperature would only have mild increment on the SO2 concentration levels. The average increase of SO2 levels were 0.04%, 0.14%, and 0.23% due to the temperature increase of 1, 3, and 5 degrees respectively. In conclusion, the outcome of this work elucidates the degree of the effects of global warming and climate changes phenomena on air quality and can help the policymakers in their decision-making, given the significant health challenges associated with ambient air pollution in Saudi Arabia.Keywords: air quality, sulphur dioxide, global warming, air dispersion model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1327945 Porous Titanium Scaffolds Fabricated by Metal Injection Moulding Using Potassium-Chloride and Space Holder
Authors: Ali Dehghan Manshadi, David H. StJohn, Matthew S. Dargusch, M. Qian
Biocompatible, highly porous titanium scaffolds were manufactured by metal injection moulding of spherical titanium powder (powder size: -45 µm) with potassium chloride (powder size: -250 µm) as a space holder. Property evaluation of scaffolds confirmed a high level of compatibility between their mechanical properties and those of human cortical bone. The optimum sintering temperature was found to be 1250°C producing scaffolds with more than 90% interconnected pores in the size range of 200-250 µm, yield stress of 220 MPa and Young’s modulus of 7.80 GPa, all of which are suitable for bone tissue engineering. Increasing the sintering temperature to 1300°C increased the Young’s modulus to 22.0 GPa while reducing the temperature to 1150°C reduced the yield stress to 120 MPa due to incomplete sintering. The residual potassium chloride was determined vs. sintering temperature. A comparison was also made between the porous titanium scaffolds fabricated in this study and the additively manufactured titanium lattices of similar porosity reported in the literature.Keywords: titanium, metal injection moulding, mechanical properties, scaffolds
Procedia PDF Downloads 2087944 Empirical Research to Improve Performances of Paddy Columnar Dryer
Authors: Duong Thi Hong, Nguyen Van Hung, Martin Gummert
Good practices of mechanical drying can reduce losses of grain quality. Recently, with demands of higher capacity for paddy drying in the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam, columnar dryers have been introduced rapidly in this area. To improve the technology, this study was conducted to investigate and optimize the parameters for drying Jasmine paddy using an empirical cross-flow columnar dryer. The optimum parameters were resulted in air flow rate and drying temperature that are 1-1.5 m³ s-¹ t-¹ of paddy and 40-42°C, respectively. The investigation also addressed a solution of reversing drying air to achieve the uniformity of grain temperature and quality. Results of this study should be significant for developments of grain drying, contributing to reduce post harvest lossesKeywords: paddy drying, columnar dryer, air flow rate, drying temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 3727943 Compact LWIR Borescope Sensor for Thermal Imaging of 2D Surface Temperature in Gas-Turbine Engines
Authors: Andy Zhang, Awnik Roy, Trevor B. Chen, Bibik Oleksandar, Subodh Adhikari, Paul S. Hsu
The durability of a combustor in gas-turbine engines is a strong function of its component temperatures and requires good control of these temperatures. Since the temperature of combustion gases frequently exceeds the melting point of the combustion liner walls, an efficient air-cooling system with optimized flow rates of cooling air is significantly important to elongate the lifetime of liner walls. To determine the effectiveness of the air-cooling system, accurate two-dimensional (2D) surface temperature measurement of combustor liner walls is crucial for advanced engine development. Traditional diagnostic techniques for temperature measurement in this application include the rmocouples, thermal wall paints, pyrometry, and phosphors. They have shown some disadvantages, including being intrusive and affecting local flame/flow dynamics, potential flame quenching, and physical damages to instrumentation due to harsh environments inside the combustor and strong optical interference from strong combustion emission in UV-Mid IR wavelength. To overcome these drawbacks, a compact and small borescope long-wave-infrared (LWIR) sensor is developed to achieve 2D high-spatial resolution, high-fidelity thermal imaging of 2D surface temperature in gas-turbine engines, providing the desired engine component temperature distribution. The compactLWIRborescope sensor makes it feasible to promote the durability of a combustor in gas-turbine engines and, furthermore, to develop more advanced gas-turbine engines.Keywords: borescope, engine, low-wave-infrared, sensor
Procedia PDF Downloads 1377942 Evaluation of Thermal Comfort and Energy Consumption in Classroom
Authors: I. Kadek Candra Parmana Wiguna, Wiwik Budiawan, Heru Prastawa
Semarang has become not only a metropolitan city but also a centre of government that has experienced significant changes in urban land use. Temperature increases in urban areas result from the expansion of development. The average temperature in Semarang reached 27.10°C to 29.60°C in 2022. The state of thermal sensation is very dependent on the mode of operation; Industrial Engineering building is mostly equipped with an air conditioner (AC). This study aims to analyze the thermal comfort level and energy consumption of air conditioners in classroom of industrial engineering. Participants in this study amounted to 31 students with data collection for 4 weeks. Results of the physical environment are Ta in: 25.52°C, Ta out: 32.71 °C, Rh in: 61.14%, Rh out: 59.43%, and Av in: 0.037 m/s. The results of clothing insulation are 41% of the respondents belonged to the categories 0.31 - 0.5 clo (summer domming) and 0.51 - 0.70 clo (spring clothing). Regarding the predicted mean vote (PMV), the average value is 0.63, and only 14.85% result of the predicted percentage dissatisfied (PPD). The neutral temperature with measurement Griffith’s constant 0.5/°C was 27.16°C, but the statistical test results show that the comfort temperature to use TSV ≤ 0 which is 28.55°C. The highest average power (watt) measurement results during week 3, which is 1613.65 watts. It is concluded in this study that the thermal comfort conditions in the classroom are adequate and acceptable to more than 90% of respondents.Keywords: thermal comfort, PMV/PPD, air conditioner, TSV
Procedia PDF Downloads 367941 Combined Influence of Charge Carrier Density and Temperature on Open-Circuit Voltage in Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells
Authors: Douglas Yeboah, Monishka Narayan, Jai Singh
One of the key parameters in determining the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of organic solar cells (OSCs) is the open-circuit voltage, however, it is still not well understood. In order to examine the performance of OSCs, it is necessary to understand the losses associated with the open-circuit voltage and how best it can be improved. Here, an analytical expression for the open-circuit voltage of bulk heterojunction (BHJ) OSCs is derived from the charge carrier densities without considering the drift-diffusion current. The open-circuit voltage thus obtained is dependent on the donor-acceptor band gap, the energy difference between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the hole quasi-Fermi level of the donor material, temperature, the carrier density (electrons), the generation rate of free charge carriers and the bimolecular recombination coefficient. It is found that open-circuit voltage increases when the carrier density increases and when the temperature decreases. The calculated results are discussed in view of experimental results and agree with them reasonably well. Overall, this work proposes an alternative pathway for improving the open-circuit voltage in BHJ OSCs.Keywords: charge carrier density, open-circuit voltage, organic solar cells, temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 3747940 The Effect of Temperature, Contact Time and Agitation Speed During Pre-Treatment on Elution of Gold
Authors: T. P. Oladele, C. A. Snyders, S. M. Bradshaw, G. Akdogan
The effect of temperature, contact time and agitation during pre-treatment was investigated on the elution of gold from granular activated carbon at fixed caustic-cyanide concentration and elution conditions. It was shown that there are interactions between parameters during pre-treatment. At 80oC, recovery is independent of the contact time while the maximum recovery is obtained in the absence of agitation (0rpm). Increase in agitation speed from 0 rev/min to 1200 rev/min showed a decrease in recovery of approximately 20 percent at 80°C. Recovery with increased time from 15 minutes to 45 minutes is only pronounced at 25°C with approximately 4 percent increase at all agitation speeds. The results from elution recovery are aimed to give insight into the mechanisms of pre-treatment under the combinations of the chosen parameters.Keywords: gold, temperature, contact time, agitation speed, recovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 4937939 Effect of Varietal Feeding on Larval Duration and Cocoon Parameters of Six Strains of Eri Silkworm Samia ricini Donovan in Nagaland, India
Authors: Lakhminandan Kakati, Merenjungla Jamir
Rearing of six strains of Samia ricini (eri silk worm) i.e. Yellow plain (YP), Yellow spotted (YS), Yellow Zebra (YZ), Greenish blue plain (GBP), Greenish blue spotted (GBS) and Greenish blue zebra (GBZ) was conducted on Ricinus communis (Castor), Heteropanax fragrans (Kesseru), Evodia fraxinifolia (Payam) and Manihot utilissima (Tapioca) to evaluate the effect of seasonal pattern on larval duration and cocoon parameters in Nagaland, India. Larval duration during spring season was maximum in all strains in all food plants; however minimum for all strains was recorded during summer season on Castor, Kesseru and Tapioca. Cocoon weight was recorded to be minimum (2.8 ± 2 0.55 gm) in YP on Kesseru and maximum (4.06 ± 0.68 gm) in GBZ on Castor during spring season; shell weight fluctuated between 0.34 ± 0.08 gm during spring in GBS on Kesseru and 0.58 ± 0.09 gm during summer in YZ on Castor and percentage of silk ratio was found to be minimum and maximum in YP on Payam during spring (11.37 ± 1.29) and in GBS on Castor during summer (16.05 ± 1.59) respectively. The variation in larval duration and cocoon parameters reflected variation in nutrient composition of food plants and dynamic environment conditions prevailing in different seasons of the year. Payam and Tapioca plants could be fed either singly or alternately with Castor or Kesseru to attain the commercial advantage to ensure more value added production. While there were differences in the productivity parameters with respect to strains and seasons, the present study shows that all the strains on four host plants expressed adaptability and suitability for commercial rearing under Nagaland climatic condition.Keywords: alternative food plants, Larval and cocoon parameters, Nagaland Inia, six strains of Samia ricini
Procedia PDF Downloads 2107938 Physical and Thermo-Physical Properties of High Strength Concrete Containing Raw Rice Husk after High Temperature Effect
Authors: B. Akturk, N. Yuzer, N. Kabay
High temperature is one of the most detrimental effects that cause important changes in concrete’s mechanical, physical, and thermo-physical properties. As a result of these changes, especially high strength concrete (HSC), may exhibit damages such as cracks and spallings. To overcome this problem, incorporating polymer fibers such as polypropylene (PP) in concrete is a very well-known method. In this study, using RRH as a sustainable material instead of PP fiber in HSC to prevent spallings and improve physical and thermo-physical properties were investigated. Therefore, seven HSC mixtures with 0.25 water to binder ratio were prepared, incorporating silica fume and blast furnace slag. PP and RRH were used at 0.2-0.5% and 0.5-3% by weight of cement, respectively. All specimens were subjected to high temperatures (20 (control), 300, 600 and 900˚C) with a heating rate of 2.5˚C/min and after cooling, residual physical and thermo-physical properties were determined.Keywords: high temperature, high strength concrete, polypropylene fiber, raw rice husk, thermo-physical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 2757937 Thermal and Geometric Effects on Nonlinear Response of Incompressible Hyperelastic Cylindrical Shells
Authors: Morteza Shayan Arani, Mohammadamin Esmailzadehazimi, Mohammadreza Moeini, Mohammad Toorani, Aouni A. Lakis
This paper investigates the nonlinear response of thin, incompressible, hyperelastic cylindrical shells in the presence of a time-varying temperature field while considering initial geometric imperfections. The governing equations of motion are derived using an improved Donnell's shallow shell theory. The hyperelastic material is modeled using the Mooney-Rivlin model with two parameters, incorporating temperature-dependent terms. The Lagrangian method is applied to obtain the equation of motion. The resulting governing equation is addressed through the Lindstedt-Poincaré and Multiple Scale methods. The linear and nonlinear models presented in this study are verified against existing open literature, demonstrating the accuracy and reliability of the presented model. The study focuses on understanding the influence of temperature variations and geometrical imperfections on the natural frequency and amplitude-frequency response of the systems. Notably, the investigation reveals the coexistence of hardening and softening peaks in the amplitude-frequency response, which vary in magnitude depending on these parameters. Additionally, resonance peaks exhibit changes as a result of temperature and geometric imperfections.Keywords: hyperelastic material, cylindrical shell, geometrical nonlinearity, material naolinearity, initial geometric imperfection, temperature gradient, hardening and softening
Procedia PDF Downloads 737936 On Erosion-Corrosion Behavior of Carbon Steel in Oil Sands Slurry: Electrochemical Studies
Authors: M. Deyab, A. Al-Sabagh, S. Keera
The effects of flow velocity, sand concentration, sand size and temperature on erosion-corrosion of carbon steel in oil sands slurry were studied by electrochemical polarization measurements. It was found that the anodic excursion spans of carbon steel in oil sands slurry are characterized by the occurrence of a well-defined anodic peak, followed by a passive region. The data reveal that increasing flow velocity, sand concentration and temperature enhances the anodic peak current density (jAP) and shifts pitting potential (Epit) towards more negative values. The variation of sand particle size does not have apparent effect on polarization behavior of carbon steel. The ratios of the erosion rate to corrosion rate (E/C) were calculated and discussed. The ratio of erosion to corrosion rates E/C increased with increasing the flow velocity, sand concentration, sand size and temperature indicating that an increasing slurry flow velocity, sand concentration, sand size and temperature resulted in an enhancement of the erosion effect.Keywords: erosion-corrosion, steel, oil sands slurry, polarization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2947935 Thermal Performance of an Air-Water Heat Exchanger (AWHE) Operating in Groundwater and Hot-Humid Climate
Authors: César Ramírez-Dolores, Jorge Wong-Loya, Jorge Andaverde, Caleb Becerra
Low-depth geothermal energy can take advantage of the use of the subsoil as an air conditioning technique, being used as a passive system or coupled to an active cooling and/or heating system. This source of air conditioning is possible because at a depth less than 10 meters, the subsoil temperature is practically homogeneous and tends to be constant regardless of the climatic conditions on the surface. The effect of temperature fluctuations on the soil surface decreases as depth increases due to the thermal inertia of the soil, causing temperature stability; this effect presents several advantages in the context of sustainable energy use. In the present work, the thermal behavior of a horizontal Air-Water Heat Exchanger (AWHE) is evaluated, and the thermal effectiveness and temperature of the air at the outlet of the prototype immersed in groundwater is experimentally determined. The thermohydraulic aspects of the heat exchanger were evaluated using the Number of Transfer Units-Efficiency (NTU-ε) method under conditions of groundwater flow in a coastal region of sandy soil (southeastern Mexico) and air flow induced by a blower, the system was constructed of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and sensors were placed in both the exchanger and the water to record temperature changes. The results of this study indicate that when the exchanger operates in groundwater, it shows high thermal gains allowing better heat transfer, therefore, it significantly reduces the air temperature at the outlet of the system, which increases the thermal effectiveness of the system in values > 80%, this passive technique is relevant for building cooling applications and could represent a significant development in terms of thermal comfort for hot locations in emerging economy countries.Keywords: convection, earth, geothermal energy, thermal comfort
Procedia PDF Downloads 737934 Antimicrobial Activity of Nauclea lotifolia (African Peach) Crude Extracts against Some Pathogenic Microorganism
Authors: Muhammad Isah Legbo
The phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of Nauclea lotifolia fruit, leaf and stem-bark extracts at various concentration of (20.0,10.0, 5.0, and 2.5 mg/ml) were evaluated against some pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans. The antimicrobial activity was assayed using agar well diffusion method. The result obtained show appreciable inhibitory effort of acetone, aqueous and methanolic extracts of Nauclea lotifolia. However, result obtained was less active compared to that of the control antibiotic (Ciprofloxacillin). The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined using serial doubling dilution method and ranged from 5.0-10.0mg/ml, while the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) was determined by plating various dilution of extracts without turbidity and the result ranged from 5.0-7.5mg/ml. The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloid, anthraquinones, flavonoids, resin, steroid and saponin. The activities of the plant extract therefore justify their utilization in the treatment of various ailments associated with the test organism.Keywords: Nauclea, lotifolia, antimicrobial, pathogens, saponin, extract
Procedia PDF Downloads 4157933 Simulation of the Impact of Street Tree Species on the Urban Microclimate: A Case Study of El-Houria Neighborhood in Mostaganem, Algeria
Authors: Bachir Nora
Integrating vegetation into urban environments is crucial for enhancing quality of life, particularly through microclimate regulation and the reduction of urban heat islands. This study investigates the impact of different street tree species on the urban microclimate in the El-Houria neighborhood of Mostaganem, Algeria, using the ENVI-met software for advanced environmental simulations. it focused on three tree species—Robinia pseudo-acacia, Populus alba, and Jacaranda mimosifolia—to evaluate their effectiveness in influencing key meteorological parameters, including air temperature, mean radiant temperature, surface temperature, and the predicted percentage of dissatisfied (PPD) thermal comfort index. Statistical analyses were conducted to compare these parameters across different tree species, ensuring the robustness of our findings. Our results indicate that Robinia pseudo-acacia is the most effective species, capable of reducing air temperature by up to 1°C and surface temperature by up to 12°C. These findings underscore the importance of strategically selecting tree species to mitigate the effects of climate change, improve thermal comfort, and reduce energy consumption in urban settings. The study offers valuable insights for urban planners and policymakers, providing practical guidance for sustainable urban design practices tailored to the Algerian context.Keywords: heat islands, microclimate simulation, street tree alignment, sustainable urban design, thermal comfort.
Procedia PDF Downloads 327932 Reconnaissance Investigation of Thermal Springs in the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria by Remote Sensing
Authors: N. Tochukwu, M. Mukhopadhyay, A. Mohamed
It is no new that Nigeria faces a continual power shortage problem due to its vast population power demand and heavy reliance on nonrenewable forms of energy such as thermal power or fossil fuel. Many researchers have recommended using geothermal energy as an alternative; however, Past studies focus on the geophysical & geochemical investigation of this energy in the sedimentary and basement complex; only a few studies incorporated the remote sensing methods. Therefore, in this study, the preliminary examination of geothermal resources in the Middle Benue was carried out using satellite imagery in ArcMap. Landsat 8 scene (TIR, NIR, Red spectral bands) was used to estimate the Land Surface Temperature (LST). The Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC) technique was used to classify sites with very low, low, moderate, and high LST. The intermediate and high classification happens to be possible geothermal zones, and they occupy 49% of the study area (38077km2). Riverline were superimposed on the LST layer, and the identification tool was used to locate high temperate sites. Streams that overlap on the selected sites were regarded as geothermal springs as. Surprisingly, the LST results show lower temperatures (<36°C) at the famous thermal springs (Awe & Wukari) than some unknown rivers/streams found in Kwande (38°C), Ussa, (38°C), Gwer East (37°C), Yola Cross & Ogoja (36°C). Studies have revealed that temperature increases with depth. However, this result shows excellent geothermal resources potential as it is expected to exceed the minimum geothermal gradient of 25.47 with an increase in depth. Therefore, further investigation is required to estimate the depth of the causative body, geothermal gradients, and the sustainability of the reservoirs by geophysical and field exploration. This method has proven to be cost-effective in locating geothermal resources in the study area. Consequently, the same procedure is recommended to be applied in other regions of the Precambrian basement complex and the sedimentary basins in Nigeria to save a preliminary field survey cost.Keywords: ArcMap, geothermal resources, Landsat 8, LST, thermal springs, MLC
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