Search results for: mixed gaussian processes
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 8525

Search results for: mixed gaussian processes

7955 Optimization Model for Support Decision for Maximizing Production of Mixed Fresh Fruit Farms

Authors: Andrés I. Ávila, Patricia Aros, César San Martín, Elizabeth Kehr, Yovana Leal


Planning models for fresh products is a very useful tool for improving the net profits. To get an efficient supply chain model, several functions should be considered to get a complete simulation of several operational units. We consider a linear programming model to help farmers to decide if it is convenient to choose what area should be planted for three kinds of export fruits considering their future investment. We consider area, investment, water, productivity minimal unit, and harvest restrictions to develop a monthly based model to compute the average income in five years. Also, conditions on the field as area, water availability, and initial investment are required. Using the Chilean costs and dollar-peso exchange rate, we can simulate several scenarios to understand the possible risks associated to this market. Also, this tool help to support decisions for government and individual farmers.

Keywords: mixed integer problem, fresh fruit production, support decision model, agricultural and biosystems engineering

Procedia PDF Downloads 438
7954 Field Studies of 2017 in the Water Catch Basin in the River Vere to Safeguard the Population of Tbilisi against the Erosive-Mudflow Processes and Its Evaluation

Authors: Natia Gavardashvili


From April through June of 2017, the field-scientific studies to ensure the safety of the population of Tbilisi were accomplished in the water catch basin of the river Vere, in the water catch basin of the river Jakhana dry gully. 5 sensitive sites were identified, and areas, 20x20 m each, were marked around them, with their locations fixed with GPS coordinates. The gained areas were plotted on a digital map, and the state of the surface was explored by considering the evaluation of erosive processes. Aiming at evaluating the soils and grounds of the sensitive areas, the ground samples were taken, and average diameter was identified, with its value changing to D0 = 4,67-15,48 mm, and integral curves of the grain size were drafted. By using the obtained data, the transporting capability of mudflow can be identified at the next stage to use to calculate mudflow peak discharges of different provisions in developing the new designs of mudflow-protection structures with the goal of ensuring the safety of Tbilisi population. The studies were accomplished under the financing of Young Scientists’ Grant of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation 'The study of erosive-mudflow processes in the water catch basin in the river Vere to ensure the safety of the population of Tbilisi and their consideration in developing new environmental protection plans' (YS15_2.1.5_8)

Keywords: water catch basin, mudflow-protection structures, erosive-mudflow processes, safety

Procedia PDF Downloads 305
7953 A Review on Enhancing Heat Transfer Processes by Open-Cell Metal Foams and Industrial Applications

Authors: S. Cheragh Dar, M. Saljooghi, A. Babrgir


In the last couple of decades researchers' attitudes were focused on developing and enhancing heat transfer processes by using new components or cellular solids that divide into stochastic structures and periodic structures. Open-cell metal foams are part of stochastic structures families that they can be considered as an avant-garde technology and they have unique properties, this porous media can have tremendous achievements in thermal processes. This paper argues and surveys postulating possible in industrial thermal issues which include: compact electronic cooling, heat exchanger, aerospace, fines, turbo machinery, automobiles, crygen tanks, biomechanics, high temperature filters and etc. Recently, by surveying exponential rate of publications in thermal open-cell metal foams, all can be demonstrated in a holistic view which can lead researchers to a new level of understanding in different industrial thermal sections.

Keywords: heat transfer, industrial thermal, cellular solids, open cell metal foam

Procedia PDF Downloads 292
7952 Comparative Assessment of hCG with Estrogen in Increasing Pregnancy Rate in Mixed Parity Buffaloes

Authors: Sanan Raza, Tariq Abbas, Ahmad Yar Qamar, Muhammad Younus, Hamayun Khan, Mujahid Zafar


Water Buffaloes contribute significantly in Asian agriculture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of two synchronization protocols in enhancing pregnancy rate in 105 mixed parity buffaloes particularly in summer season. Buffaloes are seasonal breeders showing more fertility from October to January in subtropical environment of Pakistan. In current study 105 lactating buffaloes of mixed parity were used having normal estrous cycle, age ranging 5-9 years, weighing between 400-650 kg, BCS 4 ± 0.5 (1-5) and lactation varied from first to 5th. Experimental animals were divided into three groups based on corpus leteummorphometry. Morphometry of C.L was done using rectal population and ultrasonography. All animals were injected 25mg of PGi.m. (Cloprostenol). In Group-1 (n=35) hCG was administered at follicular size of 10mm having scanned after detection of heat. Similarly Group-2 (n=35) received 25 mg EB i.m (Estradiol Benzoate) after confirmation of follicular size of 10mm with ultrasound. Likewise, buffaloes of Group-3 (n=35) were administered normal saline respectively using as control. All buffaloes of three groups were inseminated after 12h of hCG, EB, and normal saline administration respectively. Pregnancy was assessed by ultrasound at 18th and 45th day post insemination. Pregnancy rates at 18th day were 38.2%, 34.5%, and 27.3% for G1, G2, and G3 respectively indicating that hCG and EB administered groups have no difference in results except control group having lower conception rate than both groups respectively. Similarly on 42nd day, these were 40.4%, 32.7% for G1 and G2 which are significantly higher than G3= 26.6 (control Group). Also, hCG and EB treated buffaloes have more probability of pregnancy than control group. Based on the findings of current study, it seems reasonable that the use of hCG and EB has been associated with improving pregnancy rates in non-breeding season of buffaloes.

Keywords: buffalo, hCG, EB, pregnancy rate, follicle, insemination

Procedia PDF Downloads 798
7951 Demographic Factor in Ensuring Sustainable Development of the Western Region of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Authors: Nyussupova Gulnara, Kenespayeva Laura, Kelinbayeva Roza, Aubakirova Gaukhar, Zhumagulov Chingiz, Aidarkhanova Gaukhar


The article analyzes the development of demographic processes in four regions of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Aktobe, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan, and Mangystau) for the period from 2000 to 2022. This study uses theoretical and methodological analysis of scientific literature, methods of comparative, statistical analysis, GIS methods, grouping and systematization, index method and structural analysis. The research identified regional characteristics, development trends, and disproportions in the population of the studied areas within the framework of sustainable demographic development. The population dynamics, the age-sex structure of the population, life expectancy, natural movement of the population, including maternal and infant mortality, are considered as important indicators of the region’s sustainability. The features of migration processes in the Western region of Kazakhstan and the factors that determine them are identified. Conclusions are drawn about the level of sustainable development of the population of the studied region based on demographic processes. The results obtained will provide scientific, methodological and information support in the sectors of economics and science, including the preparation of socio-economic development programs and the development of scientific research using GIS.

Keywords: sustainable development, demographic processes, Western Region, Republic of Kazakhstan, population structure, natural population movement, migration

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7950 Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Kuala Lumpur: A Mixed Method Study on Incidence, Adherence to Protocol, and Issues

Authors: Mohd Said Nurumal, Sarah Sheikh Abdul Karim


Information regarding out of hospital cardiac arrest incidence include outcome in Malaysia is limited and fragmented. This study aims to identify incidence and adherence to protocol of out of hospital cardiac arrest and also to explore the issues faced by the pre-hospital personnel in regards managing cardiac arrest victim in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A mixed method approach combining the qualitative and quantitative study design was used. The 285 pre-hospital care data sheet of out of hospital cardiac arrest during the year of 2011 were examined by using checklists for identify the incidence and adherence to protocol. Nine semi-structured interviews and two focus group discussions were performed. For the incidence based on the overall out of hospital cardiac arrest cases that occurred in 2011 (n=285), the survival rates were 16.8%. For adherence to protocol, only 89 (41.8%) of the cases adhered to the given protocol and 124 did not adhere to such protocol. The qualitative information provided insight about the issues related to out of hospital cardiac arrest in every aspect. All the relevant qualitative data were merged into few categories relating issues that could affect the management of out of hospital cardiac arrest performed by pre-hospital care team. One of the essential elements in the out of hospital cardiac arrest handling by pre-hospital care is to ensure increase of survival rates and excellent outcomes by adhering to given protocols based on international standard benchmarks. Measures are needed to strengthen the quick activation of the pre-hospital care service, prompt bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation, early defibrillation and timely advanced cardiac life support and also to tackle all the issues highlighted in qualitative results.

Keywords: pre-hospital care, out of hospital cardiac arrest, incidence, protocol, mixed method research

Procedia PDF Downloads 414
7949 A Learning-Based EM Mixture Regression Algorithm

Authors: Yi-Cheng Tian, Miin-Shen Yang


The mixture likelihood approach to clustering is a popular clustering method where the expectation and maximization (EM) algorithm is the most used mixture likelihood method. In the literature, the EM algorithm had been used for mixture regression models. However, these EM mixture regression algorithms are sensitive to initial values with a priori number of clusters. In this paper, to resolve these drawbacks, we construct a learning-based schema for the EM mixture regression algorithm such that it is free of initializations and can automatically obtain an approximately optimal number of clusters. Some numerical examples and comparisons demonstrate the superiority and usefulness of the proposed learning-based EM mixture regression algorithm.

Keywords: clustering, EM algorithm, Gaussian mixture model, mixture regression model

Procedia PDF Downloads 510
7948 Acoustic Absorption of Hemp Walls with Ground Granulated Blast Slag

Authors: Oliver Kinnane, Aidan Reilly, John Grimes, Sara Pavia, Rosanne Walker


Unwanted sound reflection can create acoustic discomfort and lead to problems of speech comprehensibility. Contemporary building techniques enable highly finished internal walls resulting in sound reflective surfaces. In contrast, sustainable construction materials using natural and vegetal materials, are often more porous and absorptive. Hemp shiv is used as an aggregate and when mixed with lime binder creates a low-embodied-energy concrete. Cement replacements such as ground granulated blast slag (GGBS), a byproduct of other industrial processes, are viewed as more sustainable alternatives to high-embodied-energy cement. Hemp concretes exhibit good hygrothermal performance. This has focused much research attention on them as natural and sustainable low-energy alternatives to standard concretes. A less explored benefit is the acoustic absorption capability of hemp-based concretes. This work investigates hemp-lime-GGBS concrete specifically, and shows that it exhibits high levels of sound absorption.

Keywords: hemp, hempcrete, acoustic absorption, GGBS

Procedia PDF Downloads 404
7947 Evolution of Approaches to Cost Calculation in the Conditions of the Modern Russian Economy

Authors: Elena Tkachenko, Vladimir Kokh, Alina Osipenko, Vladislav Surkov


The modern period of development of Russian economy is fraught with a number of problems related to limitations in the use of traditional planning and financial management tools. Restrictions in the use of foreign software when performing an order of the Russian Government, on the one hand, and sanctions limiting the support of the major ERP and MRP II systems in the Russian Federation, on the other hand, entail the necessity to appeal to the basics of developing budgeting and analysis systems for industrial enterprises. Thus, cost calculation theory becomes the theoretical foundation for the development of industrial cost management systems. Based on the foregoing, it would be fair to make an assumption that the development of a working managerial accounting model on an industrial enterprise using an automated enterprise resource management system should rest upon the concept of the inevitability of alterations of business processes. On the other hand, optimized business processes make the architecture of financial analytics more transparent and permit the use of all the benefits of data cubes. The metrics and indicator slices provide online assessment of the state of key business processes at a given moment of time, which improves the quality of managerial decisions considerably. Therefore, the bilateral sanctions situation boosted the development of corporate business analytics and took industrial companies to the next level of understanding of business processes.

Keywords: cost culculation, ERP, OLAP, modern Russian economy

Procedia PDF Downloads 223
7946 Durrmeyer Type Modification of q-Generalized Bernstein Operators

Authors: Ruchi, A. M. Acu, Purshottam N. Agrawal


The purpose of this paper to introduce the Durrmeyer type modification of q-generalized-Bernstein operators which include the Bernstein polynomials in the particular α = 0. We investigate the rate of convergence by means of the Lipschitz class and the Peetre’s K-functional. Also, we define the bivariate case of Durrmeyer type modification of q-generalized-Bernstein operators and study the degree of approximation with the aid of the partial modulus of continuity and the Peetre’s K-functional. Finally, we introduce the GBS (Generalized Boolean Sum) of the Durrmeyer type modification of q- generalized-Bernstein operators and investigate the approximation of the Bögel continuous and Bögel differentiable functions with the aid of the Lipschitz class and the mixed modulus of smoothness.

Keywords: Bögel continuous, Bögel differentiable, generalized Boolean sum, Peetre’s K-functional, Lipschitz class, mixed modulus of smoothness

Procedia PDF Downloads 215
7945 Computational Material Modeling for Mechanical Properties Prediction of Nanoscale Carbon Based Cementitious Materials

Authors: Maryam Kiani, Abdul Basit Kiani


At larger scales, the performance of cementitious materials is impacted by processes occurring at the nanometer scale. These materials boast intricate hierarchical structures with random features that span from the nanometer to millimeter scale. It is fascinating to observe how the nanoscale processes influence the overall behavior and characteristics of these materials. By delving into and manipulating these processes, scientists and engineers can unlock the potential to create more durable and sustainable infrastructure and construction materials. It's like unraveling a hidden tapestry of secrets that hold the key to building stronger and more resilient structures. The present work employs simulations as the computational modeling methodology to predict mechanical properties for carbon/silica based cementitious materials at the molecular/nano scale level. Studies focused on understanding the effect of higher mechanical properties of cementitious materials with carbon silica nanoparticles via Material Studio materials modeling.

Keywords: nanomaterials, SiO₂, carbon black, mechanical properties

Procedia PDF Downloads 143
7944 Application of a Theoretical framework as a Context for a Travel Behavior Change Policy Intervention

Authors: F. Moghtaderi, M. Burke, J. Troelsen


There has been a significant decline in active travel as well as the massive increase use of car-dependent travel mode in many countries during past two decades. Evidential risks for people’s physical and mental health problems are followed by this increased use of motorized travel mode. These problems range from overweight and obesity to increasing air pollution. In response to these rising concerns, local councils and other interested organizations around the world have introduced a variety of initiatives regarding reduce the dominance of cars for the daily journeys. However, the nature of these kinds of interventions, which related to the human behavior, make lots of complexities. People’s travel behavior and changing this behavior, has two different aspects. People’s attitudes and perceptions toward the sustainable and healthy modes of travel, and motorized travel modes (especially private car use) is one these two aspects. The other one related to people’s behavior change processes. There are no comprehensive model in order to guide policy interventions to increase the level of succeed of such interventions. A comprehensive theoretical framework is required in accordance to facilitate and guide the processes of data collection and analysis to achieve the best possible guidelines for policy makers. Regarding this gaps in the travel behavior change research, this paper attempted to identify and suggest a multidimensional framework in order to facilitate planning interventions. A structured mixed-method is suggested regarding the expand the scope and improve the analytic power of the result according to the complexity of human behavior. In order to recognize people’s attitudes, a theory with the focus on people’s attitudes towards a particular travel behavior was needed. The literature around the theory of planned behavior (TPB) was the most useful, and had been proven to be a good predictor of behavior change. Another aspect of the research, related to the people’s decision-making process regarding explore guidelines for the further interventions. Therefore, a theory was needed to facilitate and direct the interventions’ design. The concept of the transtheoretical model of behavior change (TTM) was used regarding reach a set of useful guidelines for the further interventions with the aim to increase active travel and sustainable modes of travel. Consequently, a combination of these two theories (TTM and TPB) had presented as an appropriate concept to identify and design implemented travel behavior change interventions.

Keywords: behavior change theories, theoretical framework, travel behavior change interventions, urban research

Procedia PDF Downloads 374
7943 Analyzing On-Line Process Data for Industrial Production Quality Control

Authors: Hyun-Woo Cho


The monitoring of industrial production quality has to be implemented to alarm early warning for unusual operating conditions. Furthermore, identification of their assignable causes is necessary for a quality control purpose. For such tasks many multivariate statistical techniques have been applied and shown to be quite effective tools. This work presents a process data-based monitoring scheme for production processes. For more reliable results some additional steps of noise filtering and preprocessing are considered. It may lead to enhanced performance by eliminating unwanted variation of the data. The performance evaluation is executed using data sets from test processes. The proposed method is shown to provide reliable quality control results, and thus is more effective in quality monitoring in the example. For practical implementation of the method, an on-line data system must be available to gather historical and on-line data. Recently large amounts of data are collected on-line in most processes and implementation of the current scheme is feasible and does not give additional burdens to users.

Keywords: detection, filtering, monitoring, process data

Procedia PDF Downloads 559
7942 Low Temperature Powders Synthesis of la1-xMgxAlO3 through Sol-Gel Method

Authors: R. Benakcha, M. Omari


Powders of La1-xMgxAlO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 5) oxides, with large surface areas were synthesized by sol-gel process, utilizing citric acid. Heating of a mixed solution of CA, EtOH, and nitrates of lanthanum, aluminium and magnesium at 70°C gave transparent gel without any precipitation. The formation of pure perovskite La1-xMgxAlO3, occurred when the precursor was heat-treated at 800°C for 6 h. No X-ray diffraction evidence for the presence of crystalline impurities was obtained. The La1-xMgxAlO3 powders prepared by the sol-gel method have a considerably large surface area in the range of 12.9–20 m^2.g^-1 when compared with 0.3 m^2.g^-1 for the conventional solid-state reaction of LaAlO3. The structural characteristics were examined by means of conventional techniques namely X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and differential thermal (TG-DTA) and specific surface SBET. Pore diameters and crystallite sizes are in the 8.8-11.28 nm and 25.4-30.5 nm ranges, respectively. The sol-gel method is a simple technique that has several advantages. In addition to that of not requiring high temperatures, it has the potential to synthesize many kinds of mixed oxides and obtain other materials homogeneous and large purities. It also allows formatting a variety of materials: very fine powders, fibers and films.

Keywords: aluminate, lanthan, perovskite, sol-gel

Procedia PDF Downloads 279
7941 Complex Decision Rules in Quality Assurance Processes for Quick Service Restaurant Industry: Human Factors Determining Acceptability

Authors: Brandon Takahashi, Marielle Hanley, Gerry Hanley


The large-scale quick-service restaurant industry is a complex business to manage optimally. With over 40 suppliers providing different ingredients for food preparation and thousands of restaurants serving over 50 unique food offerings across a wide range of regions, the company must implement a quality assurance process. Businesses want to deliver quality food efficiently, reliably, and successfully at a low cost that the public wants to buy. They also want to make sure that their food offerings are never unsafe to eat or of poor quality. A good reputation (and profitable business) developed over the years can be gone in an instant if customers fall ill eating your food. Poor quality also results in food waste, and the cost of corrective actions is compounded by the reduction in revenue. Product compliance evaluation assesses if the supplier’s ingredients are within compliance with the specifications of several attributes (physical, chemical, organoleptic) that a company will test to ensure that a quality, safe to eat food is given to the consumer and will deliver the same eating experience in all parts of the country. The technical component of the evaluation includes the chemical and physical tests that produce numerical results that relate to shelf-life, food safety, and organoleptic qualities. The psychological component of the evaluation includes organoleptic, which is acting on or involving the use of the sense organs. The rubric for product compliance evaluation has four levels: (1) Ideal: Meeting or exceeding all technical (physical and chemical), organoleptic, & psychological specifications. (2) Deviation from ideal but no impact on quality: Not meeting or exceeding some technical and organoleptic/psychological specifications without impact on consumer quality and meeting all food safety requirements (3) Acceptable: Not meeting or exceeding some technical and organoleptic/psychological specifications resulting in reduction of consumer quality but not enough to lessen demand and meeting all food safety requirements (4) Unacceptable: Not meeting food safety requirements, independent of meeting technical and organoleptic specifications or meeting all food safety requirements but product quality results in consumer rejection of food offering. Sampling of products and consumer tastings within the distribution network is a second critical element of the quality assurance process and are the data sources for the statistical analyses. Each finding is not independently assessed with the rubric. For example, the chemical data will be used to back up/support any inferences on the sensory profiles of the ingredients. Certain flavor profiles may not be as apparent when mixed with other ingredients, which leads to weighing specifications differentially in the acceptability decision. Quality assurance processes are essential to achieve that balance of quality and profitability by making sure the food is safe and tastes good but identifying and remediating product quality issues before they hit the stores. Comprehensive quality assurance procedures implement human factors methodologies, and this report provides recommendations for systemic application of quality assurance processes for quick service restaurant services. This case study will review the complex decision rubric and evaluate processes to ensure the right balance of cost, quality, and safety is achieved.

Keywords: decision making, food safety, organoleptics, product compliance, quality assurance

Procedia PDF Downloads 191
7940 Comparison and Validation of a dsDNA biomimetic Quality Control Reference for NGS based BRCA CNV analysis versus MLPA

Authors: A. Delimitsou, C. Gouedard, E. Konstanta, A. Koletis, S. Patera, E. Manou, K. Spaho, S. Murray


Background: There remains a lack of International Standard Control Reference materials for Next Generation Sequencing-based approaches or device calibration. We have designed and validated dsDNA biomimetic reference materials for targeted such approaches incorporating proprietary motifs (patent pending) for device/test calibration. They enable internal single-sample calibration, alleviating sample comparisons to pooled historical population-based data assembly or statistical modelling approaches. We have validated such an approach for BRCA Copy Number Variation analytics using iQRS™-CNVSUITE versus Mixed Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification. Methods: Standard BRCA Copy Number Variation analysis was compared between mixed ligation-dependent probe amplification and next generation sequencing using a cohort of 198 breast/ovarian cancer patients. Next generation sequencing based copy number variation analysis of samples spiked with iQRS™ dsDNA biomimetics were analysed using proprietary CNVSUITE software. Mixed ligation-dependent probe amplification analyses were performed on an ABI-3130 Sequencer and analysed with Coffalyser software. Results: Concordance of BRCA – copy number variation events for mixed ligation-dependent probe amplification and CNVSUITE indicated an overall sensitivity of 99.88% and specificity of 100% for iQRS™-CNVSUITE. The negative predictive value of iQRS-CNVSUITE™ for BRCA was 100%, allowing for accurate exclusion of any event. The positive predictive value was 99.88%, with no discrepancy between mixed ligation-dependent probe amplification and iQRS™-CNVSUITE. For device calibration purposes, precision was 100%, spiking of patient DNA demonstrated linearity to 1% (±2.5%) and range from 100 copies. Traditional training was supplemented by predefining the calibrator to sample cut-off (lock-down) for amplicon gain or loss based upon a relative ratio threshold, following training of iQRS™-CNVSUITE using spiked iQRS™ calibrator and control mocks. BRCA copy number variation analysis using iQRS™-CNVSUITE™ was successfully validated and ISO15189 accredited and now enters CE-IVD performance evaluation. Conclusions: The inclusion of a reference control competitor (iQRS™ dsDNA mimetic) to next generation sequencing-based sequencing offers a more robust sample-independent approach for the assessment of copy number variation events compared to mixed ligation-dependent probe amplification. The approach simplifies data analyses, improves independent sample data analyses, and allows for direct comparison to an internal reference control for sample-specific quantification. Our iQRS™ biomimetic reference materials allow for single sample copy number variation analytics and further decentralisation of diagnostics to single patient sample assessment.

Keywords: validation, diagnostics, oncology, copy number variation, reference material, calibration

Procedia PDF Downloads 66
7939 Influence of Recombination of Free and Trapped Charge Carriers on the Efficiency of Conventional and Inverted Organic Solar Cells

Authors: Hooman Mehdizadeh Rad, Jai Singh


Organic solar cells (OSCs) have been actively investigated in the last two decades due to their several merits such as simple fabrication process, low-cost manufacturing, and lightweight. In this paper, using the optical transfer matrix method (OTMM) and solving the drift-diffusion equations processes of recombination are studied in inverted and conventional bulk heterojunction (BHJ) OSCs. Two types of recombination processes are investigated: 1) recombination of free charge carriers using the Langevin theory and 2) of trapped charge carriers in the tail states with exponential energy distribution. These recombination processes are incorporated in simulating the current- voltage characteristics of both conventional and inverted BHJ OSCs. The results of this simulation produces a higher power conversion efficiency in the inverted structure in comparison with conventional structure, which agrees well with the experimental results.

Keywords: conventional organic solar cells, exponential tail state recombination, inverted organic solar cells, Langevin recombination

Procedia PDF Downloads 188
7938 Using Wavelet Uncertainty Relations in Quantum Mechanics: From Trajectories Foam to Newtonian Determinism

Authors: Paulo Castro, J. R. Croca, M. Gatta, R. Moreira


Owing to the development of quantum mechanics, we will contextualize the foundations of the theory on the Fourier analysis framework, thus stating the unavoidable philosophical conclusions drawn by Niels Bohr. We will then introduce an alternative way of describing the undulatory aspects of quantum entities by using gaussian Morlet wavelets. The description has its roots in de Broglie's realistic program for quantum physics. It so happens that using wavelets it is possible to formulate a more general set of uncertainty relations. A set from which it is possible to theoretically describe both ends of the behavioral spectrum in reality: the indeterministic quantum trajectorial foam and the perfectly drawn Newtonian trajectories.

Keywords: philosophy of quantum mechanics, quantum realism, morlet wavelets, uncertainty relations, determinism

Procedia PDF Downloads 172
7937 Structured Cross System Planning and Control in Modular Production Systems by Using Agent-Based Control Loops

Authors: Simon Komesker, Achim Wagner, Martin Ruskowski


In times of volatile markets with fluctuating demand and the uncertainty of global supply chains, flexible production systems are the key to an efficient implementation of a desired production program. In this publication, the authors present a holistic information concept taking into account various influencing factors for operating towards the global optimum. Therefore, a strategy for the implementation of multi-level planning for a flexible, reconfigurable production system with an alternative production concept in the automotive industry is developed. The main contribution of this work is a system structure mixing central and decentral planning and control evaluated in a simulation framework. The information system structure in current production systems in the automotive industry is rigidly hierarchically organized in monolithic systems. The production program is created rule-based with the premise of achieving uniform cycle time. This program then provides the information basis for execution in subsystems at the station and process execution level. In today's era of mixed-(car-)model factories, complex conditions and conflicts arise in achieving logistics, quality, and production goals. There is no provision for feedback loops of results from the process execution level (resources) and process supporting (quality and logistics) systems and reconsideration in the planning systems. To enable a robust production flow, the complexity of production system control is artificially reduced by the line structure and results, for example in material-intensive processes (buffers and safety stocks - two container principle also for different variants). The limited degrees of freedom of line production have produced the principle of progress figure control, which results in one-time sequencing, sequential order release, and relatively inflexible capacity control. As a result, modularly structured production systems such as modular production according to known approaches with more degrees of freedom are currently difficult to represent in terms of information technology. The remedy is an information concept that supports cross-system and cross-level information processing for centralized and decentralized decision-making. Through an architecture of hierarchically organized but decoupled subsystems, the paradigm of hybrid control is used, and a holonic manufacturing system is offered, which enables flexible information provisioning and processing support. In this way, the influences from quality, logistics, and production processes can be linked holistically with the advantages of mixed centralized and decentralized planning and control. Modular production systems also require modularly networked information systems with semi-autonomous optimization for a robust production flow. Dynamic prioritization of different key figures between subsystems should lead the production system to an overall optimum. The tasks and goals of quality, logistics, process, resource, and product areas in a cyber-physical production system are designed as an interconnected multi-agent-system. The result is an alternative system structure that executes centralized process planning and decentralized processing. An agent-based manufacturing control is used to enable different flexibility and reconfigurability states and manufacturing strategies in order to find optimal partial solutions of subsystems, that lead to a near global optimum for hybrid planning. This allows a robust near to plan execution with integrated quality control and intralogistics.

Keywords: holonic manufacturing system, modular production system, planning, and control, system structure

Procedia PDF Downloads 169
7936 Use of Natural Fibers in Landfill Leachate Treatment

Authors: Araujo J. F. Marina, Araujo F. Marcus Vinicius, Mulinari R. Daniella


Due to the resultant leachate from waste decomposition in landfills has polluter potential hundred times greater than domestic sewage, this is considered a problem related to the depreciation of environment requiring pre-disposal treatment. In seeking to improve this situation, this project proposes the treatment of landfill leachate using natural fibers intercropped with advanced oxidation processes. The selected natural fibers were palm, coconut and banana fiber. These materials give sustainability to the project because, besides having adsorbent capacity, are often part of waste discarded. The study was conducted in laboratory scale. In trials, the effluents were characterized as Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Turbidity and Color. The results indicate that is technically promising since that there were extremely oxidative conditions, the use of certain natural fibers in the reduction of pollutants in leachate have been obtained results of COD removals between 67.9% and 90.9%, Turbidity between 88.0% and 99.7% and Color between 67.4% and 90.4%. The expectation generated is to continue evaluating the association of efficiency of other natural fibers with other landfill leachate treatment processes.

Keywords: lndfill leachate, chemical treatment, natural fibers, advanced oxidation processes

Procedia PDF Downloads 359
7935 Assessment of Green Fluorescent Protein Signal for Effective Monitoring of Recombinant Fermentation Processes

Authors: I. Sani, A. Abdulhamid, F. Bello, Isah M. Fakai


This research has focused on the application of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a new technique for direct monitoring of fermentation processes involving cultured bacteria. To use GFP as a sensor for pH and oxygen, percentage ratio of red fluorescence to green (% R/G) was evaluated. Assessing the magnitude of the % R/G ratio in relation to low or high pH and oxygen concentration, the bacterial strains were cultivated under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. SCC1 strains of E. coli were grown in a 5 L laboratory fermenter, and during the fermentation, the pH and temperature were controlled at 7.0 and 370C respectively. Dissolved oxygen tension (DOT) was controlled between 15-100% by changing the agitation speed between 20-500 rpm respectively. Effect of reducing the DOT level from 100% to 15% was observed after 4.5 h fermentation. There was a growth arrest as indicated by the decrease in the OD650 at this time (4.5-5 h). The relative fluorescence (green) intensity was decreased from about 460 to 420 RFU. However, %R/G ratio was significantly increased from about 0.1% to about 0.25% when the DOT level was decreased to 15%. But when the DOT was changed to 100%, a little increase in the RF and decrease in the %R/G ratio were observed. Therefore, GFP can effectively detect and indicate any change in pH and oxygen level during fermentation processes.

Keywords: Escherichia coli SCC1, fermentation process, green fluorescent protein, red fluorescence

Procedia PDF Downloads 505
7934 Modeling Spatio-Temporal Variation in Rainfall Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Regression Model

Authors: Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay, Joseph Ogutu, Gundula Bartzke, Hans-Peter Piepho


Rainfall is a critical component of climate governing vegetation growth and production, forage availability and quality for herbivores. However, reliable rainfall measurements are not always available, making it necessary to predict rainfall values for particular locations through time. Predicting rainfall in space and time can be a complex and challenging task, especially where the rain gauge network is sparse and measurements are not recorded consistently for all rain gauges, leading to many missing values. Here, we develop a flexible Bayesian model for predicting rainfall in space and time and apply it to Narok County, situated in southwestern Kenya, using data collected at 23 rain gauges from 1965 to 2015. Narok County encompasses the Maasai Mara ecosystem, the northern-most section of the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem, famous for its diverse and abundant large mammal populations and spectacular migration of enormous herds of wildebeest, zebra and Thomson's gazelle. The model incorporates geographical and meteorological predictor variables, including elevation, distance to Lake Victoria and minimum temperature. We assess the efficiency of the model by comparing it empirically with the established Gaussian process, Kriging, simple linear and Bayesian linear models. We use the model to predict total monthly rainfall and its standard error for all 5 * 5 km grid cells in Narok County. Using the Monte Carlo integration method, we estimate seasonal and annual rainfall and their standard errors for 29 sub-regions in Narok. Finally, we use the predicted rainfall to predict large herbivore biomass in the Maasai Mara ecosystem on a 5 * 5 km grid for both the wet and dry seasons. We show that herbivore biomass increases with rainfall in both seasons. The model can handle data from a sparse network of observations with many missing values and performs at least as well as or better than four established and widely used models, on the Narok data set. The model produces rainfall predictions consistent with expectation and in good agreement with the blended station and satellite rainfall values. The predictions are precise enough for most practical purposes. The model is very general and applicable to other variables besides rainfall.

Keywords: non-stationary covariance function, gaussian process, ungulate biomass, MCMC, maasai mara ecosystem

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7933 Development of E-Tendering Models for Nigerian Public Procuring Entities

Authors: Bello Abdullahi, Kabir Bala, Yahaya M. Ibrahim, Ahmed D. Ibrahim


Public sector tendering has traditionally been conducted using manual paper-based processes which are known to be inefficient, less transparent, and more prone to manipulations and errors. However, the advent of the Internet and its associated technologies has led to the development of numerous e-Tendering systems that addressed many of the problems associated with the manual paper-based tendering system. Currently, in Nigeria, the public tendering processes are largely conducted based on manual paper-based system that is bedevilled by a number of problems such as inordinate delays, inefficiencies, manipulation of the tender evaluation process, corruption, lack of transparency and competition, among other problems. These problems can be addressed through the adoption of existing web-based e-Tendering systems which are known to address most of these problems. However, these existing e-Tendering systems that have been developed are not based on the Nigerian legal procurement processes and as such their suitability for local application is very limited. This paper is part of a larger study that attempt to address this problem through the development of an e-Tendering system that is based on the requirements of the Nigerian public procuring entities. In this paper, the identified tendering processes commonly used by Nigerian public procuring entities in the selection of construction sources are presented. A multi-methods research approach was used to identify those tendering processes. Specifically, 19 existing business use cases used by Nigerian public procuring entities were identified and 61 system use cases were prescribed based on the identified business use cases. The use cases were used as the basis for the development of domain and software conceptual models. The models were successfully used to guide the development of an e-Tendering system called NPS-eTender. Ripple and Unified Process were adopted as the software development methodologies.

Keywords: e-tendering, e-procurement, requirement model, conceptual model, public sector tendering, public procurement

Procedia PDF Downloads 198
7932 Investigation of Biogas from Slaughterhouse and Dairy Farm Waste

Authors: Saadelnour Abdueljabbar Adam


Wastes from slaughterhouses in most towns in Sudan are often poorly managed and sometimes discharged into adjoining streams due to poor implementation of standards, thus causing environmental and public health hazards and also there is a large amount of manure from dairy farms. This paper presents a solution of organic waste from cow dairy farms and slaughterhouse. We present the findings of experimental investigation of biogas production using cow manure, blood and rumen content were mixed at three proportions :72.3%, 61%, 39% manure, 6%, 8.5%, 22% blood; and 21.7%, 30.5%, 39% rumen content in volume for bio-digester 1,2,3 respectively. This paper analyses the quantitative and qualitative composition of biogas: gas content, and the concentration of methane. The highest biogas output 0.116L/g dry matter from bio-digester1 together with a high-quality biogas of 85% methane Was from the mixture of cow manure with blood and rumen content were mixed at 72.3%manure, 6%blood and 21.7%rumen content which is useful for combustion and energy production. While bio-digester 2 and 3 gave 0.012L/g dry matter and 0.013L/g dry matter respectively with the weak concentration of methane (50%).

Keywords: anaerobic digestion, bio-digester, blood, cow manure, rumen content

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7931 Changes in the Median Sacral Crest Associated with Sacrocaudal Fusion in the Greyhound

Authors: S. M. Ismail, H-H Yen, C. M. Murray, H. M. S. Davies


A recent study reported a 33% incidence of complete sacrocaudal fusion in greyhounds compared to a 3% incidence in other dogs. In the dog, the median sacral crest is formed by the fusion of sacral spinous processes. Separation of the 1st spinous process from the median crest of the sacrum in the dog has been reported as a diagnostic tool of type one lumbosacral transitional vertebra (LTV). LTV is a congenital spinal anomaly, which includes either sacralization of the caudal lumbar part or lumbarization of the most cranial sacral segment of the spine. In this study, the absence or reduction of fusion (presence of separation) between the 1st and 2ndspinous processes of the median sacral crest has been identified in association with sacrocaudal fusion in the greyhound, without any feature of LTV. In order to provide quantitative data on the absence or reduction of fusion in the median sacral crest between the 1st and 2nd sacral spinous processes, in association with sacrocaudal fusion. 204 dog sacrums free of any pathological changes (192 greyhound, 9 beagles and 3 labradors) were grouped based on the occurrence and types of fusion and the presence, absence, or reduction in the median sacral crest between the 1st and 2nd sacral spinous processes., Sacrums were described and classified as follows: F: Complete fusion (crest is present), N: Absence (fusion is absent), and R: Short crest (fusion reduced but not absent (reduction). The incidence of sacrocaudal fusion in the 204 sacrums: 57% of the sacrums were standard (3 vertebrae) and 43% were fused (4 vertebrae). Type of sacrum had a significant (p < .05) association with the absence and reduction of fusion between the 1st and 2nd sacral spinous processes of the median sacral crest. In the 108 greyhounds with standard sacrums (3 vertebrae) the percentages of F, N and R were 45% 23% and 23% respectively, while in the 84 fused (4 vertebrae) sacrums, the percentages of F, N and R were 3%, 87% and 10% respectively and these percentages were significantly different between standard (3 vertebrae) and fused (4 vertebrae) sacrums (p < .05). This indicates that absence of spinous process fusion in the median sacral crest was found in a large percentage of the greyhounds in this study and was found to be particularly prevalent in those with sacrocaudal fusion – therefore in this breed, at least, absence of sacral spinous process fusion may be unlikely to be associated with LTV.

Keywords: greyhound, median sacral crest, sacrocaudal fusion, sacral spinous process

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7930 Development of a Process Method to Manufacture Spreads from Powder Hardstock

Authors: Phakamani Xaba, Robert Huberts, Bilainu Oboirien


It has been over 200 years since margarine was discovered and manufactured using liquid oil, liquified hardstock oils and other oil phase & aqueous phase ingredients. Henry W. Bradley first used vegetable oils in liquid state and around 1871, since then; spreads have been traditionally manufactured using liquified oils. The main objective of this study was to develop a process method to produce spreads using spray dried hardstock fat powders as a structing fats in place of current liquid structuring fats. A high shear mixing system was used to condition the fat phase and the aqueous phase was prepared separately. Using a single scraped surface heat exchanger and pin stirrer, margarine was produced. The process method was developed for to produce spreads with 40%, 50% and 60% fat . The developed method was divided into three steps. In the first step, fat powders were conditioned by melting and dissolving them into liquid oils. The liquified portion of the oils were at 65 °C, whilst the spray dried fat powder was at 25 °C. The two were mixed using a mixing vessel at 900 rpm for 4 minutes. The rest of the ingredients i.e., lecithin, colorant, vitamins & flavours were added at ambient conditions to complete the fat/ oil phase. The water phase was prepared separately by mixing salt, water, preservative, acidifier in the mixing tank. Milk was also separately prepared by pasteurizing it at 79°C prior to feeding it into the aqueous phase. All the water phase contents were chilled to 8 °C. The oil phase and water phase were mixed in a tank, then fed into a single scraped surface heat exchanger. After the scraped surface heat exchanger, the emulsion was fed in a pin stirrer to work the formed crystals and produce margarine. The margarine produced using the developed process had fat levels of 40%, 50% and 60%. The margarine passed all the qualitative, stability, and taste assessments. The scores were 6/10, 7/10 & 7.5/10 for the 40%, 50% & 60% fat spreads, respectively. The success of the trials brought about differentiated knowledge on how to manufacture spreads using non micronized spray dried fat powders as hardstock. Manufacturers do not need to store structuring fats at 80-90°C and even high in winter, instead, they can adapt their processes to use fat powders which need to be stored at 25 °C. The developed process method used one scrape surface heat exchanger instead of the four to five currently used in votator based plants. The use of a single scraped surface heat exchanger translated to about 61% energy savings i.e., 23 kW per ton of product. Furthermore, it was found that the energy saved by implementing separate pasteurization was calculated to be 6.5 kW per ton of product produced.

Keywords: margarine emulsion, votator technology, margarine processing, scraped sur, fat powders

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7929 Exploring MPI-Based Parallel Computing in Analyzing Very Large Sequences

Authors: Bilal Wajid, Erchin Serpedin


The health industry is aiming towards personalized medicine. If the patient’s genome needs to be sequenced it is important that the entire analysis be completed quickly. This paper explores use of parallel computing to analyze very large sequences. Two cases have been considered. In the first case, the sequence is kept constant and the effect of increasing the number of MPI-based processes is evaluated in terms of execution time, speed and efficiency. In the second case the number of MPI-based processes have been kept constant whereas, the length of the sequence was increased.

Keywords: parallel computing, alignment, genome assembly, alignment

Procedia PDF Downloads 276
7928 Accelerating Mobile Innovation, Adoption, and Translational Science within a Large Research Enterprise and Healthcare System

Authors: Stephen Wheat


Institutional mobile application governance and distribution processes are essential to mobile app innovation. The absence of effective processes poses a significant barrier to the development and adoption of mobile apps for use within a research enterprise and also impedes the translational science of applying research apps in clinical and engineering settings. To accelerate mobile app innovation and adoption, Emory University and Emory Healthcare implemented a three-pronged strategy including. I) Mobile app review and distribution policies and processes. II) Mobile app management infrastructure and mobile app foundation components. III) A strategic sourcing strategy based on preferred mobile app development firms. The results have been an increase from five to 56 mobile apps in the pipeline over three years; increased engagement from technology transfer, legal counsel, compliance, and information security; articulation of a coordinated mobile app strategy; and allocation of more institutional resources toward specific mobile technology and mobile application goals.

Keywords: mobile app management, governance, distribution, information security

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7927 A Mixed Approach to Assess Information System Risk, Operational Risk, and Congolese Microfinance Institutions Performance

Authors: Alfred Kamate Siviri, Angelus Mafikiri Tsongo, Jean Robert Kala Kamdjoug


Digitalization and information systems well organized have been selected as relevant measures to mitigate operational risks within organizations. Unfortunately, information system comes with new threats that can cause severe damage and quick organization lockout. This study aims to measure perceived information system risks and their effects on operational risks within the microfinance institution in D.R. Congo. Also, the factors influencing the operational risk are identified, and the link between operational risk with other risks and performance is to be assessed. The study proposes a research model drawn on the combination of Resources-Based-View, dynamic capabilities, the agency theory, the Information System Security Model, and social theories of risk. Therefore, we suggest adopting a mixed methods research with the sole aim of increasing the literature that already exists on perceived operational risk assessment and its link with other risk and performance, a focus on IT risk.

Keywords: Democratic Republic Congo, information system risk, microfinance performance, operational risk

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7926 Waste Identification Diagrams Effectiveness: A Case Study in the Manaus Industrial Pole

Authors: José Dinis-Carvalho, Levi Guimarães, Celina Leão, Rui Sousa, Rosa Eliza Vieira, Larissa Thomaz, Kelliane Guerreiro


This research paper investigates the efficacy of waste identification diagrams (WIDs) as a tool for waste reduction and management within the Manaus Industrial Pole. The study focuses on assessing the practical application and effectiveness of WIDs in identifying, categorizing, and mitigating various forms of waste generated across industrial processes. Employing a mixed-methods approach, including a qualitative questionnaire applied to 5 companies and quantitative data analysis with SPSS statistical software, the research evaluates the implementation and impact of WIDs on waste reduction practices in select industries within the Manaus Industrial Pole. The findings contribute to understanding the utility of WIDs as a proactive strategy for waste management, offering insights into their potential for fostering sustainable practices and promoting environmental stewardship in industrial settings. The study also discusses challenges, best practices, and recommendations for optimizing the utilization of WIDs in industrial waste management, thereby addressing the broader implications for sustainable industrial development.

Keywords: waste identification diagram, value stream mapping, overall equipment effectiveness, lean manufacturing

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