Search results for: space science
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 6186

Search results for: space science

5916 On Lie Groupoids, Bundles, and Their Categories

Authors: P. G. Romeo


A Lie group is a highly sophisticated structure which is a smooth manifold whose underlying set of elements is equipped with the structure of a group such that the group multiplication and inverse-assigning functions are smooth. This structure was introduced by the Norwegian mathematician So- phus Lie who founded the theory of continuous groups. The Lie groups are well developed and have wide applications in areas including Mathematical Physics. There are several advances and generalizations for Lie groups and Lie groupoids is one such which is termed as a "many-object generalization" of Lie groups. A groupoid is a category whose morphisms are all invertible, obviously, every group is a groupoid but not conversely. Definition 1. A Lie groupoid G ⇒ M is a groupoid G on a base M together with smooth structures on G and M such that the maps α, β: G → M are surjective submertions, the object inclusion map x '→ 1x, M → G is smooth, and the partial multiplication G ∗ G → G is smooth. A bundle is a triple (E, p, B) where E, B are topological spaces p: E → B is a map. Space B is called the base space and space E is called total space and map p is the projection of the bundle. For each b ∈ B, the space p−1(b) is called the fibre of the bundle over b ∈ B. Intuitively a bundle is regarded as a union of fibres p−1(b) for b ∈ B parametrized by B and ’glued together’ by the topology of the space E. A cross-section of a bundle (E, p, B) is a map s: B → E such that ps = 1B. Example 1. Given any space B, a product bundle over B with fibre F is (B × F, p, B) where p is the projection on the first factor. Definition 2. A principal bundle P (M, G, π) consists of a manifold P, a Lie group G, and a free right action of G on P denoted (u, g) '→ ug, such that the orbits of the action coincide with the fibres of the surjective submersion π : P → M, and such that M is covered by the domains of local sections σ: U → P, U ⊆ M, of π. Definition 3. A Lie group bundle, or LGB, is a smooth fibre bundle (K, q, M ) in which each fibre (Km = q−1(m), and the fibre type G, has a Lie group structure, and for which there is an atlas {ψi: Ui × G → KUi } such that each {ψi,m : G → Km}, is an isomorphism of Lie groups. A morphism of LGB from (K, q, M ) to (K′, q′, M′) is a morphism (F, f ) of fibre bundles such that each Fm: Km → K′ is a morphism of Lie groups. In this paper, we will be discussing the Lie groupoid bundles. Here it is seen that to a Lie groupoid Ω on base B there is associated a collection of principal bundles Ωx(B, Ωx), all of which are mutually isomorphic and conversely, associated to any principal bundle P (B, G, p) there is a groupoid called the Ehresmann groupoid which is easily seen to be Lie. Further, some interesting properties of the category of Lie groupoids and bundles will be explored.

Keywords: groupoid, lie group, lie groupoid, bundle

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5915 Optimization of Oxygen Plant Parameters Simulating with MATLAB

Authors: B. J. Sonani, J. K. Ratnadhariya, Srinivas Palanki


Cryogenic engineering is the fast growing branch of the modern technology. There are various applications of the cryogenic engineering such as liquefaction in gas industries, metal industries, medical science, space technology, and transportation. The low-temperature technology developed superconducting materials which lead to reduce the friction and wear in various components of the systems. The liquid oxygen, hydrogen and helium play vital role in space application. The liquefaction process is produced very low temperature liquid for various application in research and modern application. The air liquefaction system for oxygen plants in gas industries is based on the Claude cycle. The effect of process parameters on the overall system is difficult to be analysed by manual calculations, and this provides the motivation to use process simulators for understanding the steady state and dynamic behaviour of such systems. The parametric study of this system via MATLAB simulations provide useful guidelines for preliminary design of air liquefaction system based on the Claude cycle. Every organization is always trying for reduce the cost and using the optimum performance of the plant for the staying in the competitive market.

Keywords: cryogenic, liquefaction, low -temperature, oxygen, claude cycle, optimization, MATLAB

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5914 The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of a Space Traffic Management System: Legal Aspects

Authors: George Kyriakopoulos, Photini Pazartzis, Anthi Koskina, Crystalie Bourcha


The need for securing safe access to and return from outer space, as well as ensuring the viability of outer space operations, maintains vivid the debate over the promotion of organization of space traffic through a Space Traffic Management System (STM). The proliferation of outer space activities in recent years as well as the dynamic emergence of the private sector has gradually resulted in a diverse universe of actors operating in outer space. The said developments created an increased adverse impact on outer space sustainability as the case of the growing number of space debris clearly demonstrates. The above landscape sustains considerable threats to outer space environment and its operators that need to be addressed by a combination of scientific-technological measures and regulatory interventions. In this context, recourse to recent technological advancements and, in particular, to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems, could achieve exponential results in promoting space traffic management with respect to collision avoidance as well as launch and re-entry procedures/phases. New technologies can support the prospects of a successful space traffic management system at an international scale by enabling, inter alia, timely, accurate and analytical processing of large data sets and rapid decision-making, more precise space debris identification and tracking and overall minimization of collision risks and reduction of operational costs. What is more, a significant part of space activities (i.e. launch and/or re-entry phase) takes place in airspace rather than in outer space, hence the overall discussion also involves the highly developed, both technically and legally, international (and national) Air Traffic Management System (ATM). Nonetheless, from a regulatory perspective, the use of AI for the purposes of space traffic management puts forward implications that merit particular attention. Key issues in this regard include the delimitation of AI-based activities as space activities, the designation of the applicable legal regime (international space or air law, national law), the assessment of the nature and extent of international legal obligations regarding space traffic coordination, as well as the appropriate liability regime applicable to AI-based technologies when operating for space traffic coordination, taking into particular consideration the dense regulatory developments at EU level. In addition, the prospects of institutionalizing international cooperation and promoting an international governance system, together with the challenges of establishment of a comprehensive international STM regime are revisited in the light of intervention of AI technologies. This paper aims at examining regulatory implications advanced by the use of AI technology in the context of space traffic management operations and its key correlating concepts (SSA, space debris mitigation) drawing in particular on international and regional considerations in the field of STM (e.g. UNCOPUOS, International Academy of Astronautics, European Space Agency, among other actors), the promising advancements of the EU approach to AI regulation and, last but not least, national approaches regarding the use of AI in the context of space traffic management, in toto. Acknowledgment: The present work was co-funded by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning " (NSRF 2014-2020), under the call "Supporting Researchers with an Emphasis on Young Researchers – Cycle B" (MIS: 5048145).

Keywords: artificial intelligence, space traffic management, space situational awareness, space debris

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5913 A Reflection on the Professional Development Journey of Science Educators

Authors: M. Shaheed Hartley


Science and mathematics are regarded as gateway subjects in South Africa as they are the perceived route to careers in science, engineering, technology and mathematics (STEM). One of the biggest challenges that the country faces is the poor achievement of learners in these two learning areas in the external high school exit examination. To compound the problem many national and international benchmark tests paint a bleak picture of the state of science and mathematics in the country. In an attempt to address this challenge, the education department of the Eastern Cape Province invited the Science Learning Centre of the University of the Western Cape to provide training to their science teachers in the form of a structured course conducted on a part-time basis in 2010 and 2011. The course was directed at improving teachers’ content knowledge, pedagogical strategies and practical and experimental skills. A total of 41 of the original 50 science teachers completed the course and received their certificates in 2012. As part of their continuous professional development, 31 science teachers enrolled for BEd Hons in science education in 2013 and 28 of them completed the course in 2014. These students graduated in 2015. Of the 28 BEd Hons students who completed the course 23 registered in 2015 for Masters in Science Education and were joined by an additional 3 students. This paper provides a reflection by science educators on the training, supervision and mentorship provided to them as students of science education. The growth and development of students through their own reflection and understanding as well as through the eyes of the lecturers and supervisors that took part in the training provide the evaluation of the professional development process over the past few years. This study attempts to identify the merits, challenges and limitations of this project and the lessons to be learnt on such projects. It also documents some of the useful performance indicators with a view to developing a framework for good practice for such programmes.

Keywords: reflection, science education, professional development, rural schools

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5912 ΕSW01: A Methodology for Approaching the Design of Interior Spaces

Authors: Eirini Krasaki


This paper addresses the problem of designing spaces in a consistently changing environment. Space is considered as a totality of forces that coexist in the same place. Forces form the identity of space and characterize the entities that coexist within the same totality. Interior space is considered as a totality of forces which develop within an envelope. This research focuses on the formation of the tripole space-forces-totality and studies the relation of this tripole to the interior space. The point of departure for this investigation has been set the historic center of Athens, a city center where the majority of building mass is unused. The objective of the study is to connect the development of interior spaces to the alterations of the conceptions that form the built environment. The research focuses on Evripidou street, an axis around which expand both commercial and residential centers. Along Evripidou street, three case studies elaborate: a) In case study 01, Evripidou street is examined as a megastructure in which totalities of interior spaces develop. b) In case study 02, a particular group of entities (polykatoikia) that expand in Evripidou street is investigated. c) In case study 03, a particular group of entities (apartment) that derives from a specific envelope is investigated. Throughout the studies and comparisons of different scales, a design methodology that addresses the design of interior space in relation to the dynamics of the built environment is evolved.

Keywords: methodology, research by design, interior, envelope, dynamics

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5911 Advantages and Disadvantages of Socioscientific Issue Based Instruction in Science Classrooms: Pre-Service Science Teachers' Views

Authors: Aysegul Evren Yapicioglu


The social roles and responsibilities expected from citizens are increasing due to changing global living conditions. Science education is expected to prepare conscious and sensitive students. Because today’s students are the adults of future. Precondition of this task is Teacher Education. In the past decade, one of the most important research field is socioscientific issues. This study deals with advantages and disadvantages of socioscientific issue based instruction in science classroom according to pre-service science teachers’ views. A case study approach that is one of the qualitative research design was used to explore their views. Fourteen pre-service science teachers participated to instruction process. Dolphinariums, Kyoto Protocol, genetically modified organisms, recyclable black bags’ benefits and damages, genetic tests, alternative energy sources and organ donation are examples of socioscientific issues, which were taught through activities in a special teaching course. Diaries and focus group interview were used as data collection tools. As a result of the study, the advantages of socioscientific issue based instruction in science classroom comprise of six sub-categories which are multi-skilling, social awareness development of thinking, meaningful learning, character and professional development, contribution of scientific literacy whereas disadvantages of this instruction process are challenges teachers and students, limitations of teaching and learning process in pre-service science teachers’ perspectives. Finally, this study contributes to science teachers and researchers to overcome disadvantages and benefit from the advantage of socioscientific issue based instruction in science classroom.

Keywords: science education, socioscientific issues, socioscientific issue based instruction, pre-service science teacher

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5910 Strategies for Achieving Application of Science in National Development

Authors: Orisakwe Chimuanya Favour Israel


In a world filled with the products of scientific inquiry, scientific literacy has become a necessity for everyone because it is indispensable to achieving technological development of any nation. Everyone needs to use scientific information to make choices that arise every day. Everyone needs to be able to engage intelligently in public discourse and debate about important issues that involves science and technology. And everyone deserves to share in the excitement and personal fulfillment that can come from -understanding and learning about the natural world. No doubt that industrialized countries have, through their control of science and technology education, developed the potential to increase production, and to improve the standard of living of their people. The main thrust of this paper therefore, is to present an overview of science education, strategies for achieving application of science in national development, such as teaching science with the right spirit of inquiry. Also, the paper discussed three research models that can help in national development and suggests the best out of the three which is more realistic for a developing country like ours (Nigeria) to follow for a sustainable national development and finally suggests some key ways of solving problems of development.

Keywords: scientific inquiry, scientific literacy, strategies, sustainable national development

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5909 A Review on Intelligent Systems for Geoscience

Authors: R Palson Kennedy, P.Kiran Sai


This article introduces machine learning (ML) researchers to the hurdles that geoscience problems present, as well as the opportunities for improvement in both ML and geosciences. This article presents a review from the data life cycle perspective to meet that need. Numerous facets of geosciences present unique difficulties for the study of intelligent systems. Geosciences data is notoriously difficult to analyze since it is frequently unpredictable, intermittent, sparse, multi-resolution, and multi-scale. The first half addresses data science’s essential concepts and theoretical underpinnings, while the second section contains key themes and sharing experiences from current publications focused on each stage of the data life cycle. Finally, themes such as open science, smart data, and team science are considered.

Keywords: Data science, intelligent system, machine learning, big data, data life cycle, recent development, geo science

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5908 Environmental Teachers’ Perceptions about Science-Technology-Society (STS) Education

Authors: Christiana Fwenji Zumyil, Toma Maina Antip


Environmental Science subject is currently not an independent subject taught in secondary schools in Nigeria like Biology, Agricultural Science, Chemistry, Geography and other subjects that students take final exams (West Africa Examination Council, WAEC, National Examination Council, NEC, National Board for Technical Education, NABTED)., on it but its elements/topics/contents are integrated into the curriculum of the subjects mentioned, and because of that, it becomes difficult to know what should be taught and how it should be taught. Currently, it is still difficult to implement student-centered strategies in the classroom. Through this study, we sought to diagnose the difficulties, advantages and perceptions that Environmental Teachers experience when conceiving and implementing Science-Technology-Society (STS) strategies in SS2 classes at the Secondary Education level. Four semi-structured interviews were conducted with Secondary School Environmental Teachers. Despite the difficulties found, the advantages, the motivation and the involvement of the students that this teaching perspective enables to lead the teacher to continue developing and implementing STS strategies in the classroom.

Keywords: environment, science, technology, society, science-technology-society, science education, secondary teaching

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5907 Effects of Colour Choices On the Moods of People in Residential Interiors

Authors: Nishtha Kumar


In order to understand how people like their interiors and how they feel inside a space, it is important to know the effect that the Colour of the space has on these individuals. Understanding this effect with the help of variables like colour choices of walls, furnishings, lighting, and the lifestyle of people will give a more clear understanding of the individual’s preferences and choices and how they feel about various colours and spaces. This paper focuses on understanding the various moods of people and the psychological effect that the colour of space has on the person living in it. An extensive literature review was conducted to analyse the effect of these variables of colour on the moods of people living in residential interiors. Alongside, a questionnaire survey was conducted to note the responses of people living in residential buildings who have got their interiors done regarding how different colours in their houses makes them feel and if it affects their mood. The results of this survey have helped in providing a better understanding of the relationship between various colours and how different people associate different moods with the same colour. Thus, such results allow us to have a deeper understanding of the effect of colour in residential interiors on individuals and how the colour of a space can affect the state of mind and mood of an individual. This result helps interior designers to incorporate colours into space according to the moods of the individual and understand how every colour depicts a different emotion in different human beings.

Keywords: colour, residental interiors, psychological effect, people, different moods

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5906 Thinking about Drawing: The Evolution of Architectural Education in China After 1949

Authors: Wang Yanze


Architectural design results from the interaction between space and drawing. Stemming from the Beaux-Arts architectural education, drawing kept its dominant position in teaching and learning process for centuries. However, this education system is being challenged in the present time due to the development of the times. Based on the architectural education of China after 1949, a brief introduction to the history of the evolution of the design concept and drawing is given in this paper. Illustrating with the reference to the students’ works in Nanjing Institute of Technology, the predecessor of Southeast University, in China, the paper analyses the relationship between concept and representation, as well as the participation of Space, the modernism discourse. This process contains the transmission of the character of architects, the renovation of drawing skills and the profound social background. With different purposes, the emphasis on representation tends to be combined with the operation on space, and the role of drawing in architectural design process also changes. Therefore, based on the continuity of the traditional architectural education system, the discussion on the “Drawing of Space” in contemporary education system is proposed.

Keywords: architectural education, beaux-arts, drawing, modernism

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5905 Approximation to the Hardy Operator on Topological Measure Spaces

Authors: Kairat T. Mynbaev, Elena N. Lomakina


We consider a Hardy-type operator generated by a family of open subsets of a Hausdorff topological space. The family is indexed with non-negative real numbers and is totally ordered. For this operator, we obtain two-sided bounds of its norm, a compactness criterion, and bounds for its approximation numbers. Previously, bounds for its approximation numbers have been established only in the one-dimensional case, while we do not impose any restrictions on the dimension of the Hausdorff space. The bounds for the norm and conditions for compactness earlier have been found using different methods by G. Sinnamon and K. Mynbaev. Our approach is different in that we use domain partitions for all problems under consideration.

Keywords: approximation numbers, boundedness and compactness, multidimensional Hardy operator, Hausdorff topological space

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5904 Students’ Satisfaction towards Science Project Subjects Based on Education Quality Assurance

Authors: Satien Janpla, Radasa Pojard


The objective of this study is to study bachelor's degree students’ satisfaction towards the course of Science Project based on education quality assurance. It is a case study of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. The findings can be used as a guideline for analysis and revision of the content and the teaching/learning process of the subject. Moreover, other interesting factors such as teaching method can be developed based on education quality assurance. Population in this study included 267 students in year 3 and year 4 of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University who registered in the subject of Science Project in semester 1/2556. The research tool was a questionnaire and the research statistics included arithmetic mean and SD. The results showed that the study of bachelor degree students’ satisfaction towards the subject of Science Project based on education quality assurance reported high satisfaction with the average of 3.51. Students from different departments showed no difference in their satisfaction.

Keywords: satisfaction, science project subject, education quality assurance, students

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5903 Design Intervention to Achieve Space Efficiency for Commercial Interiors

Authors: Hari Krishna Ayyappa, Reenu Singh


Rising population and restricted land for development has led towards the growth of vertical buildings and small complexes. It provides many possibilities to change the shape and size of internal space in addition to the social impacts on the commercial spaces. With the increased volatility of necessities of people, the need for mental and physical comfort has continuously increased. . Living in a small space musts minimalist and space- saving cabinetwork results to sustain mortal good. This paper attempts to explore the Influence of Using Minimalist Furniture on the Efficiency of the commercial Space interiors by means of the variable resulting from preceding studies based on literature. A literature review was conducted on research articles to understand the contributing variables in a well designed small commercial spaces. A questionnaire survey was conducted to understand the layout of small commercial spaces with respect to Environmental impact, material, Design elements, Modern approach, Layered lightings, and colours. The problem of small spaces can be resolved by some ways; it's still needed for cabinetwork to develop to be more innovative to accommodate small living spaces. Since cabinetwork is a necessity and not luxury, everybody is in need of it. The spatial factors affecting overall satisfaction at a detailed position were bandied. The variable helped in proposing design ideation and mock ups to explore improved interiors. This paper concludes that most of the principles of the minimalist approach have been overlooked at, which had an impact on the space efficiency in commercial spaces like storage rooms, office area, retail stores, restaurants, and other spaces where business is conducted.

Keywords: materials, modern approach, space efficiency, tall commercial buildings

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5902 Microgreenspace Regeneration in an Inclusive Perspective

Authors: Li Shiyue


In an urban built environment, urban green space is scarce, especially around old residential areas. Due to the innate design deficiency and the non-core location of these areas, they lack green space, and the recreational opportunities of the surrounding residents are not guaranteed. Micro greenspace becomes a "patch" to compensate for the urban function. To realize the renewal and transformation of micro greenspace, and make it meet the use needs of most groups, this paper introduces the concept of inclusive design. Based on relevant research at home and abroad, this paper discusses the connotation and current situation of micro greenspace. Combining with the realistic conditions of China, this paper thinks about the planning path of inclusive renewal from the aspects of selecting micro greenspace transformation potential points and exploring the key points of site renewal. Among them, the key points of site renewal are explored from five angles: land guarantee, systematic coordination, refined design, and shared space creation, to provide useful references for related research and practice.

Keywords: inclusive design, micro greenspace, old city area, space renewal

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5901 A New Approach to Interval Matrices and Applications

Authors: Obaid Algahtani


An interval may be defined as a convex combination as follows: I=[a,b]={x_α=(1-α)a+αb: α∈[0,1]}. Consequently, we may adopt interval operations by applying the scalar operation point-wise to the corresponding interval points: I ∙J={x_α∙y_α ∶ αϵ[0,1],x_α ϵI ,y_α ϵJ}, With the usual restriction 0∉J if ∙ = ÷. These operations are associative: I+( J+K)=(I+J)+ K, I*( J*K)=( I*J )* K. These two properties, which are missing in the usual interval operations, will enable the extension of the usual linear system concepts to the interval setting in a seamless manner. The arithmetic introduced here avoids such vague terms as ”interval extension”, ”inclusion function”, determinants which we encounter in the engineering literature that deal with interval linear systems. On the other hand, these definitions were motivated by our attempt to arrive at a definition of interval random variables and investigate the corresponding statistical properties. We feel that they are the natural ones to handle interval systems. We will enable the extension of many results from usual state space models to interval state space models. The interval state space model we will consider here is one of the form X_((t+1) )=AX_t+ W_t, Y_t=HX_t+ V_t, t≥0, where A∈ 〖IR〗^(k×k), H ∈ 〖IR〗^(p×k) are interval matrices and 〖W 〗_t ∈ 〖IR〗^k,V_t ∈〖IR〗^p are zero – mean Gaussian white-noise interval processes. This feeling is reassured by the numerical results we obtained in a simulation examples.

Keywords: interval analysis, interval matrices, state space model, Kalman Filter

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5900 Recent Advances in Pulse Width Modulation Techniques and Multilevel Inverters

Authors: Satish Kumar Peddapelli


This paper presents advances in pulse width modulation techniques which refers to a method of carrying information on train of pulses and the information be encoded in the width of pulses. Pulse Width Modulation is used to control the inverter output voltage. This is done by exercising the control within the inverter itself by adjusting the ON and OFF periods of inverter. By fixing the DC input voltage we get AC output voltage. In variable speed AC motors the AC output voltage from a constant DC voltage is obtained by using inverter. Recent developments in power electronics and semiconductor technology have lead improvements in power electronic systems. Hence, different circuit configurations namely multilevel inverters have become popular and considerable interest by researcher are given on them. A fast Space-Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) method for five-level inverter is also discussed. In this method, the space vector diagram of the five-level inverter is decomposed into six space vector diagrams of three-level inverters. In turn, each of these six space vector diagrams of three-level inverter is decomposed into six space vector diagrams of two-level inverters. After decomposition, all the remaining necessary procedures for the three-level SVPWM are done like conventional two-level inverter. The proposed method reduces the algorithm complexity and the execution time. It can be applied to the multilevel inverters above the five-level also. The experimental setup for three-level diode-clamped inverter is developed using TMS320LF2407 DSP controller and the experimental results are analysed.

Keywords: five-level inverter, space vector pulse wide modulation, diode clamped inverter, electrical engineering

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5899 Collocation Method for Coupled System of Boundary Value Problems with Cubic B-Splines

Authors: K. N. S. Kasi Viswanadham


Coupled system of second order linear and nonlinear boundary value problems occur in various fields of Science and Engineering. In the formulation of the problem, any one of 81 possible types of boundary conditions may occur. These 81 possible boundary conditions are written as a combination of four boundary conditions. To solve a coupled system of boundary value problem with these converted boundary conditions, a collocation method with cubic B-splines as basis functions has been developed. In the collocation method, the mesh points of the space variable domain have been selected as the collocation points. The basis functions have been redefined into a new set of basis functions which in number match with the number of mesh points in the space variable domain. The solution of a non-linear boundary value problem has been obtained as the limit of a sequence of solutions of linear boundary value problems generated by quasilinearization technique. Several linear and nonlinear boundary value problems are presented to test the efficiency of the proposed method and found that numerical results obtained by the present method are in good agreement with the exact solutions available in the literature.

Keywords: collocation method, coupled system, cubic b-splines, mesh points

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5898 Optimal Design Solution in "The Small Module" Within the Possibilities of Ecology, Environmental Science/Engineering, and Economics

Authors: Hassan Wajid


We will commend accommodating an environmentally friendly architectural proposal that is extremely common/usual but whose features will make it a sustainable space. In this experiment, the natural and artificial built space is being proposed in such a way that deals with Environmental, Ecological, and Economic Criteria under different climatic conditions. Moreover, the criteria against ecology-environment-economics reflect in the different modules which are being experimented with and analyzed by multiple research groups. The ecological, environmental, and economic services are provided used as units of production side by side, resulting in local job creation and saving resources, for instance, conservation of rainwater, soil formation or protection, less energy consumption to achieve Net Zero, and a stable climate as a whole. The synthesized results from the collected data suggest several aspects to consider when designing buildings for beginning the design process under the supervision of instructors/directors who are responsible for developing curricula and sustainable goals. Hence, the results of the research and the suggestions will benefit the sustainable design through multiple results, heat analysis of different small modules, and comparisons. As a result, it is depleted as the resources are either consumed or the pollution contaminates the resources.

Keywords: optimization, ecology, environment, sustainable solution

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5897 The Exploration on the Mode of Renovation and Reconstruction of Old Factory Buildings for Cultural and Creative Industrial Parks

Authors: Yu Pan, Jing Wu, Lingwan Shen


Since the reform and opening, China's cities have developed rapidly, and the industrial structure has been constantly adjusted and optimized. A large number of industrial plants have lost their production functions and become idle buildings. The renovation projects for the old factory buildings are important parts of the urban renewal, and most of them are the cultural and creative industrial park projects. In this paper, a statistical analysis of renovation projects of the representative cultural and creative industrial parks in recent years was conducted. According to the user's spatial experience satisfaction survey, the physical and spatial factors affecting the space regeneration of the old factory were concluded. Thus the relationship between space regeneration and material, structure, internal and external space design has been derived. Finally, we summarized the general spatial processing model in which the contradiction between ‘new’ and ‘old’ can be grafted and transformed.

Keywords: renovation of factory buildings, urban renewal, the cultural and creative industrial park, space regeneration, reconstruction mode

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5896 Generator Subgraphs of the Wheel

Authors: Neil M. Mame


We consider only finite graphs without loops nor multiple edges. Let G be a graph with E(G) = {e1, e2, …., em}. The edge space of G, denoted by ε(G), is a vector space over the field Z2. The elements of ε(G) are all the subsets of E(G). Vector addition is defined as X+Y = X Δ Y, the symmetric difference of sets X and Y, for X, Y ∈ ε(G). Scalar multiplication is defined as 1.X =X and 0.X = Ø for X ∈ ε(G). The set S ⊆ ε(G) is called a generating set if every element ε(G) is a linear combination of the elements of S. For a non-empty set X ∈ ε(G), the smallest subgraph with edge set X is called edge-induced subgraph of G, denoted by G[X]. The set EH(G) = { A ∈ ε(G) : G[A] ≅ H } denotes the uniform set of H with respect to G and εH(G) denotes the subspace of ε(G) generated by EH(G). If εH(G) is generating set, then we call H a generator subgraph of G. This paper gives the characterization for the generator subgraphs of the wheel that contain cycles and gives the necessary conditions for the acyclic generator subgraphs of the wheel.

Keywords: edge space, edge-induced subgraph, generator subgraph, wheel

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5895 A Comparative Analysis about the Effects of a Courtyard in Indoor Thermal Environment of a Room with and without Transitional Space Adjacent to Courtyard of a House in Old Dhaka, Bangladesh

Authors: Fatema Tasmia, Brishti Majumder, Atiqur Rahman


Attaining appropriate comfort conditions in a place where the climate is hot and humid can be perplexing. Especially, when it is resided at a congested place like old Dhaka Bangladesh, the provision of giving cross ventilation and building with proper orientation is quite difficult. Courtyards are the part of buildings which are used as space for outdoor household activities, social gathering and it is also proved to have indoor thermal comfort as an effect of courtyard. This paper aims to investigate the effect of courtyard in indoor thermal environment of a room adjacent to the courtyard and a room next to transitional space after a courtyard through field measurements of a case study house. The field measurement was conducted in a two-storey house. Among different aspects of thermal environment, the study of this paper is based on the analysis of temperature in both situations. Ventilation or air movement was considered to have no impact because of the rooms’ layout and location. Other aspects and their variables were considered as constant (especially material) for accuracy and avoidance of confusion. This study focuses on the outcome that can ultimately contribute to the configuration of courtyards and in its relation to indoor space while achieving thermal comfort.

Keywords: courtyard, old Dhaka, temperature, thermal comfort, transitional space

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5894 The Future Shrouded by the Ghost of History: Palestinian Science Fiction "The Key"

Authors: KongQue


Palestinian novelist Anwar Hamed’s work "The Key" is a science fiction that profoundly metaphors the Palestinian issue. In the novel, Anwar Hamed uses the "key", a popular symbol of Palestinian resistance culture, to symbolize the history of "Nakba" and the Palestinians' right to return, and uses the ghost lingering outside the door of the Israelis as a metaphor Palestinians and the Palestinian issue, for being covered, hidden, and turned a blind eye. Through the literary genre of science fiction, Anwar Hamed continues the literary tradition of Palestinian writers recreating the historical trauma of the Palestinians, explores the causes of the inability to communicate between Palestine and Israel, and attempts to reawaken concern over the plight of Palestinian refugees.

Keywords: palestine, key, science fiction, arabic literature

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5893 Colors and Interiority - A Study on the Relationship of Colors and Interior Spaces

Authors: Mahwish Ghulam Rasool


The design of a space is a complex process that involves multiple stages, from conceptualization, identifying design problems to understanding the context, materiality, and functionality of the space. Out of all the design elements, color is one of the most dominant and expressive factors that affect the spatial dynamics of the interior space. Color affects aesthetic comfort in space and has a lasting impact on human perception and psychology. Using color as a tool for creating spatial experiences is a new paradigm. Color semantics in spaces are not only used for surface treatment or aesthetics, but it also has more powerful functional characteristics. As interior spaces are evolving and becoming experiential with each decade, designers are looking for new processes to enhance the spatial and experiential quality of interior spaces. The relationship between color and interior typologies is a relatively new paradigm. This paper discusses the role of colors in interior spaces from various perspectives, exploring their impact on the formation of interior typologies and the use of colors in space design. The paper analyzes interior typologies worldwide, from residential to commercial interior spaces, where color semantics plays a prominent role in the design. The paper also emphasizes the design process and the creation of design language, unveiling the possibilities of applying colors in interior spaces that can be in harmony with the building context, space functionality, or in opposition to the existing building envelope or environment. The paper aims to contribute to the field of interior design education and practices. By using experimental and various research methodologies for investigation, it aims to fill the gap in the literature regarding color semantics and the relationship between interior typologies.

Keywords: color psychology, color semantics, interior environments, interior typologies

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5892 Understanding Walkability in the Libyan Urban Space: Policies, Perceptions and Smart Design for Sustainable Tripoli

Authors: A. Abdulla Khairi Mohamed, Mohamed Gamal Abdelmonem, Gehan Selim


Walkability in civic and public spaces in Libyan cities is challenging due to the lack of accessibility design, informal merging into car traffic, and the general absence of adequate urban and space planning. The lack of accessible and pedestrian-friendly public spaces in Libyan cities has emerged as a major concern for the government if it is to develop smart and sustainable spaces for the 21st century. A walkable urban space has become a driver for urban development and redistribution of land use to ensure pedestrian and walkable routes between sites of living and workplaces. The characteristics of urban open space in the city centre play a main role in attracting people to walk when attending their daily needs, recreation and daily sports. There is significant gap in the understanding of perceptions, feasibility and capabilities of Libyan urban space to accommodate enhance or support the smart design of a walkable pedestrian-friendly environment that is safe and accessible to everyone. The paper aims to undertake observations of walkability and walkable space in the city of Tripoli as a benchmark for Libyan cities; assess the validity and consistency of the seven principal aspects of smart design, safety, accessibility and 51 factors that affect the walkability in open urban space in Tripoli, through the analysis of 10 local urban spaces experts (town planner, architect, transport engineer and urban designer); and explore user groups’ perceptions of accessibility in walkable spaces in Libyan cities through questionnaires. The study sampled 200 respondents in 2015-16. The results of this study are useful for urban planning, to classify the walkable urban space elements which affect to improve the level of walkability in the Libyan cities and create sustainable and liveable urban spaces.

Keywords: walkability, sustainability, liveability, accessibility

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5891 Modes of Seeing in Interactive Exhibitions: A Study on How Technology Can Affect the Viewer and Transform the Exhibition Spaces

Authors: Renata P. Lopes


The current art exhibit scenario presents a multitude of visualization features deployed in experiences that instigate a process of art production and design. The exhibition design through multimedia devices - from the audiovisual to the touch screen - has become a medium from which art can be understood and contemplated. Artistic practices articulated, during the modern period, the spectator's perception in the exhibition space, often challenging the architecture of museums and galleries. In turn, the museum institution seeks to respond to the challenge of welcoming the viewer whose experience is mediated by technological artifacts. When the beholder, together with the technology, interacts with the exhibition space, important displacements happen. In this work, we will analyze the migrations of the exhibition space to the digital environment through mobile devices triggered by the viewer. Based not on technological determinism, but on the conditions of the appearance of this spectator, this work is developed, with the aim of apprehending the way in which technology demarcates the differences between what the spectator was and what becomes in the contemporary atmosphere of the museums and galleries. These notions, we believe, will contribute to the formation of an exhibition design space in conformity with this participant.

Keywords: exhibition, museum, exhibition design, digital media

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5890 The Need for the Utilization of Instructional Materials on the Teaching and Learning of Agricultural Science Education in Developing Countries

Authors: Ogoh Andrew Enokela


This paper dwelt on the need for the utilization of instructional materials with highlights on the type of instructional materials, selection, uses and their importance on the learning and teaching of Agricultural Science Education in developing countries. It further discussed the concept of improvisation with some recommendation in terms of availability, utilization on the teaching and learning of Agricultural Science Education.

Keywords: instructional materials, agricultural science education, improvisation, teaching and learning

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5889 Incorporating Chinese Calligraphic Concept in 3D Space

Authors: Woon Lam Ng.


This paper explores the basic structures of Chinese calligraphy brushwork, its textures, its characteristic forms, and how its strength can be incorporated into 3d animation. It investigates how these structures could create visual simplification and suggest movement. The conceptual difference between realistic rendering and the Chinese calligraphic concept of simplification is discussed. With the help of the Python programmable environment in Maya, the concept of Chinese calligraphy in 3d space and its idea of visual simplification and abstraction were explored. The work demonstrates how the Chinese calligraphic brushwork could suggest the dynamics of motion in 3d space. Some limitations of the Maya emitting process are also discussed. Possible further explorations through additional mathematical adjustments to the selected Maya shader are also suggested to enhance the presentation.

Keywords: calligraphy, brushwork, dynamics, movements

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5888 The Principle Probabilities of Space-Distance Resolution for a Monostatic Radar and Realization in Cylindrical Array

Authors: Anatoly D. Pluzhnikov, Elena N. Pribludova, Alexander G. Ryndyk


In conjunction with the problem of the target selection on a clutter background, the analysis of the scanning rate influence on the spatial-temporal signal structure, the generalized multivariate correlation function and the quality of the resolution with the increase pulse repetition frequency is made. The possibility of the object space-distance resolution, which is conditioned by the range-to-angle conversion with an increased scanning rate, is substantiated. The calculations for the real cylindrical array at high scanning rate are presented. The high scanning rate let to get the signal to noise improvement of the order of 10 dB for the space-time signal processing.

Keywords: antenna pattern, array, signal processing, spatial resolution

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5887 Attitudes of Secondary School Students towards Science and Technical Education in Yauri Metropolis Kebbi State, Nigeria

Authors: Ibrahim Alhassan Libata


This study was carried out to assess attitude of secondary school students towards science and technical education in Yauri metropolis, Kebbi State, Nigeria. The population of the study was 200. Proportionate random sampling method was used in selecting 132 as sample size. Science and technical education is the most powerful forces for change in the world today, and students who hope to have a hand in shaping a better future must participate for their advancements. Four Null hypotheses were generated to guide the conduct of the study, questionnaire was the only instrument used in the study; the instrument was subjected to test-retest reliability. The reliability index of the instrument was 0.69. Overall scores of the Students were analyzed and a mean score was determined, the mean score of students was 85. There were no significant differences between the attitudes of male and female students towards science and technical education. The results also revealed that there was significant difference between the attitude of boding and day school students towards science and technical education, personality constraints of students is one factor militating against the participation of students in science and technical education, socio-economic status of the parents over the years have been the dominant factor of student’s inadequate representation in the field of science and technical education. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher recommended that teachers should motivate students, which they can do through their teaching styles and by showing them the relevance of the learning topics to their everyday lives. Government and the school management should create the learning environment that helps motivate students not only to come to classes but also want to learn and enjoy learning science and technical education, establishment of more Science and Technical Colleges education, more Public enlightenment campaigns to motivate parents and the entire community to support their children in studying science and technical education.

Keywords: attitude, students, science, Yauri

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