Abstracts | Biological and Ecological Engineering
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 422

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

[Biological and Ecological Engineering]

Online ISSN : 1307-6892

392 Tea and Its Working Methodology in the Biomass Estimation of Poplar Species

Authors: Pratima Poudel, Austin Himes, Heidi Renninger, Eric McConnel


Populus spp. (poplar) are the fastest-growing trees in North America, making them ideal for a range of applications as they can achieve high yields on short rotations and regenerate by coppice. Furthermore, poplar undergoes biochemical conversion to fuels without complexity, making it one of the most promising, purpose-grown, woody perennial energy sources. Employing wood-based biomass for bioenergy offers numerous benefits, including reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to non-renewable traditional fuels, the preservation of robust forest ecosystems, and creating economic prospects for rural communities.In order to gain a better understanding of the potential use of poplar as a biomass feedstock for biofuel in the southeastern US, the conducted a techno-economic assessment (TEA). This assessment is an analytical approach that integrates technical and economic factors of a production system to evaluate its economic viability. the TEA specifically focused on a short rotation coppice system employing a single-pass cut-and-chip harvesting method for poplar. It encompassed all the costs associated with establishing dedicated poplar plantations, including land rent, site preparation, planting, fertilizers, and herbicides. Additionally, we performed a sensitivity analysis to evaluate how different costs can affect the economic performance of the poplar cropping system. This analysis aimed to determine the minimum average delivered selling price for one metric ton of biomass necessary to achieve a desired rate of return over the cropping period. To inform the TEA, data on the establishment, crop care activities, and crop yields were derived from a field study conducted at the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station's Bearden Dairy Research Center in Oktibbeha County and Pontotoc Ridge-Flatwood Branch Experiment Station in Pontotoc County.

Keywords: biomass, populus species, sensitivity analysis, technoeconomic analysis

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391 Early Indications of the Success of Rehabilitating Degraded Lands through the Green Legacy Project Implemented in Ethiopia

Authors: Tamirat Solomon, Aberash Yohannis, Efrem Gulfo


The plantation of trees, which harmonizes the agroecology of the environment, has been implemented in Ethiopia with great concern for a noticeably degraded environment. This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of green legacy, species selection and, the rate of survival, and the management status in the study areas. A systematic sampling method was employed to collect the required data from 144 quadrants measuring a 15m radius with an interval of 40m apart. Additionally, 244 sample households were selected for the socioeconomic study in addition to secondary data collected from office recordings. The data collected was analyzed using multivariate analysis, considering exposure and outcome variables. The findings of this study indicated that four exotic tree species, namely; A. salgina, C. fistula, A. indica, and G. robusta, were commonly selected tree species for degraded land restoration in the study areas. Among the seedlings planted at the four study sites, a total of 79.9% survived, and A. salgina was the dominant and best performed species, A. indica was the least survived species in the entire study area. The age of the seedling before planting significantly (p = 0.05) affected the survival potential of most seedlings of species, and the majority (82%) of local communities expressed their positive attitudes and willingness to manage the restoration works in the study areas. It was recommended to consider the inclusion of native species in the restoration effort and evaluate the co-existence of native flora with exotic and its competition for nutrients, water, and light in addition to the invading potentials in the ecosystem. In general, before embarking on degraded land restoration, species selection, adequate preparation of seedlings, and species diversity composition that exactly fit the socioeconomic and ecological demands of the areas must get the attention for the success of the restoration.

Keywords: plantation forest, degraded land, forest restoration, plantation survival, species selection

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390 The Response of Mammal Populations to Abrupt Changes in Fire Regimes in Montane Landscapes of South-Eastern Australia

Authors: Jeremy Johnson, Craig Nitschke, Luke Kelly


Fire regimes, climate and topographic gradients interact to influence ecosystem structure and function across fire-prone, montane landscapes worldwide. Biota have developed a range of adaptations to historic fire regime thresholds, which allow them to persist in these environments. In south-eastern Australia, a signal of fire regime changes is emerging across these landscapes, and anthropogenic climate change is likely to be one of the main drivers of an increase in burnt area and more frequent wildfire over the last 25 years. This shift has the potential to modify vegetation structure and composition at broad scales, which may lead to landscape patterns to which biota are not adapted, increasing the likelihood of local extirpation of some mammal species. This study aimed to address concerns related to the influence of abrupt changes in fire regimes on mammal populations in montane landscapes. It first examined the impact of climate, topography, and vegetation on fire patterns and then explored the consequences of these changes on mammal populations and their habitats. Field studies were undertaken across diverse vegetation, fire severity and fire frequency gradients, utilising camera trapping and passive acoustic monitoring methodologies and the collection of fine-scale vegetation data. Results show that drought is a primary contributor to fire regime shifts at the landscape scale, while topographic factors have a variable influence on wildfire occurrence at finer scales. Frequent, high severity wildfire influenced forest structure and composition at broad spatial scales, and at fine scales, it reduced occurrence of hollow-bearing trees and promoted coarse woody debris. Mammals responded differently to shifts in forest structure and composition depending on their habitat requirements. This study highlights the complex interplay between fire regimes, environmental gradients, and biotic adaptations across temporal and spatial scales. It emphasizes the importance of understanding complex interactions to effectively manage fire-prone ecosystems in the face of climate change.

Keywords: fire, ecology, biodiversity, landscape ecology

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389 Association Between Renewable Energy and Community Forest User Group of Siranchowk Rural Municipality, Nepal

Authors: Prem Bahadur Giri, Mathinee Yucharoen


Community Forest User Groups (CFUGs) have been the core stone of forest management efforts in Nepal. Due to the lack of a smooth transition into the local governance structure in 2017, policy instruments have not been effectively cascaded to the local level, creating ambiguity and inconsistency in forest governance. Descriptive mixed-method research was performed with community users and stakeholders of Tarpakha community forest, Siranchowk Rural Municipality, to understand the role of the political economy in CFUG management. A household survey was conducted among 100 households (who also are existing members of the Tarpakha CFUG) to understand and document their energy consumption preferences and practices. Likewise, ten key informant interviews and five focus group discussions with the municipality and forest management officials were also conducted to have a wider overview of the factors and political, socio-economic, and religious contexts behind the utilization of renewable energy for sustainable development. Findings from our study suggest only 3% of households use biogas as the main source of energy. The rest of the households mention liquid petroleum gas (LPG), electricity and firewood as major sources of energy for domestic purposes. Community members highlighted the difficulty in accessing firewood due to strict regulations from the CFUG, lack of cattle and manpower to rear cattle to produce cow dung (for biogas), lack of technical expertise at the community level for the operation and maintenance of solar energy, among others as challenges of resource. Likewise, key informants have mentioned policy loopholes at both the federal and local levels, especially with regard to the promotion of alternative or renewable energy, as there are no clear mandates and provisions to regulate the renewable energy industry. The study recommends doing an in-depth study on the feasibility of renewable energy sources, especially in the context of CFUGs, where biodiversity conservation aspects need to be equally taken into consideration while thinking of the promotion and expansion of renewable energy sources.

Keywords: community forest, renewable energy, sustainable development, Nepal

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388 Eco-Friendly Approach in the Management of Stored Sorghum Insect Pests in Small-Scale Farmers’ Storage Structures of Northern Nigeria

Authors: Mohammed Suleiman, Ibrahim Sani, Samaila Abubakar, Kabir Abdullahi Bindawa


Farmers’ storage structures in Pauwa village of Katsina State, Northern Nigeria, were simulated and incorporated with the application of leaf powders of Euphorbia balsamifera Aiton, Lawsonia inermis L., Mitracarpus hirtus (L.) DC. and Senna obtusifolia L. to search for more eco-friendly methods of managing insect pests of stored sorghum. The four most commonly grown sorghum varieties in the study area, namely “Farar Kaura” (FK), “Jar Kaura” (JK), “Yar Gidan Daudu” (YGD), and ICSV400 in threshed forms were used for the study. The four varieties (2.50 kg each) were packed in small polypropylene bags, mixed with the leaf powders at the concentration of 5% (w/w) of the plants, and kept in small stores of the aforementioned village for 12 weeks. Insect pests recovered after 12 weeks were Sitophilus zeamais, Rhyzopertha dominica, Tribolium castaneum, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, and Oryzaephilus surinamensis. There were significantly fewer insect pests in treated sorghum than in untreated types (p < 0.05). More weight losses were recorded in untreated grains than in those treated with the botanical powders. In terms of varieties, grain weight losses were in the order FK > JK > YGD > ICSV400. The botanicals also showed significant (p < 0.05) protectant ability against the weevils with their performance as E. balsamifera > L. inermis > M. hirtus > S. obtusifolia.

Keywords: botanical powders, infestations, insect pests, management, sorghum varieties, storage structures, weight losses

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387 Aminopeptidase P (DAP) Expression Pattern in Drosophila Melanogaster

Authors: Suneeta Gireesh Panicker


Aim: Aminopeptidase P (APP) is an enzyme that has specificity for proline, can specifically cleave Xaa-Proline peptides and is a metallo-aminopeptidase. The bonds nearby to the imino acid proline are tough to cleave by many peptidases, but APP can specifically break peptide bonds engaged with proline. Membrane-bound form and a cytosolic form are the two forms in which this enzyme exists. The exact physiological function of APP remains unclear and hence the present work attempts to determine it. Methods: In the present study, the expression pattern of cytosolic Aminopeptidase P (DAP) was determined in all the embryonic stages and larval stages of wild-type Drosophila by using polyclonal monospecific antibodies. To show the presence of DAP RNA in embryonic and larval stages, RNA in situ hybridization was performed. DAP promoter-LacZ fusion reporter gene vector was used to construct transgenic embryos to study the regulation pattern of DAP. To study the DAP expression profile, a transgenic fly consisting of a DAP promoter with β-gal and GFP reporter genes in front of it was constructed. Results: DAP protein expression was observed in neuroectodermal cells, posterior midgut primordium, proctodeum, ventral neuroblast and primordial stomatogastric nervous system. It was observed in the ventral cord and midgut in stage 12. The completely developed embryos showed the intense occurrence of it in the ventral cord and gut region. The eye-antennal disc, wing disc and leg disc also showed the presence of DAP protein. LacZ expression in transgenic embryos also showed the same pattern. Conclusion: Similar to various known multiple-functional proteins, DAP could be one with different functions at different stages and in different cells. Data presented here designates DAP functions in the early embryonic and imaginal dics differentiation and development, suggesting that it may be required for the metabolism of proteins like neuropeptides and tachykinins.

Keywords: aminopeptidase P, in situ hybridization, transgenic fly, embryonic stages

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386 Health Monitoring of Primates in a Conservation Unit in Brazil

Authors: Elisângela de Albuquerque Sobreira Borovoski, Ricardo Willian Borovoski


Microbiological infections acquired by animals pose a risk to public health. In public health, monitoring the health of primates is linked to the risk of transmission of zoonoses through scratches, bites and contact with biological samples. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals Protocol No. 170/2019. It was authorized by ICMBio Protocol No. 52117-1. The study was carried out in the period 2019-2022 in the municipality of Anápolis. Iron and galvanized wire traps were used and the animals were anesthetized with 4.4mg/kg zolethyl intramuscularly and saliva was collected through swabs. Fifty-three capuchin monkeys were captured from the Onofre Quinan Environmental Park in Anápolis-Goiás for health monitoring purposes. In the laboratory, the samples were deposited on the agar surface and seeded by exhaustion to obtain isolated colonies. These colonies were analyzed according to morphocolonial characteristics. Morphometric characterization and biochemical tests for bacterial identification were performed. A total of 861 bacterial samples were isolated, nine of which were strict anaerobic bacteria of the genus Peptostreptococcus. Previous and constant knowledge of the prevalence of pathogenic agents in biological samples is essential to be prepared to act in pandemic situations.

Keywords: Brazil, microbiology, monkeys, public health

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385 Comparison of Rumen Microbial Analysis Pipelines Based on 16s rRNA Gene Sequencing

Authors: Xiaoxing Ye


To investigate complex rumen microbial communities, 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequencing is widely used. Here, we evaluated the impact of bioinformatics pipelines on the observation of OTUs and taxonomic classification of 750 cattle rumen microbial samples by comparing three commonly used pipelines (LotuS, UPARSE, and QIIME) with Usearch. In LotuS-based analyses, 189 archaeal and 3894 bacterial OTUs were observed. The observed OTUs for the Usearch analysis were significantly larger than the LotuS results. We discovered 1495 OTUs for archaea and 92665 OTUs for bacteria using Usearch analysis. In addition, taxonomic assignments were made for the rumen microbial samples. All pipelines had consistent taxonomic annotations from the phylum to the genus level. A difference in relative abundance was calculated for all microbial levels, including Bacteroidetes (QIIME: 72.2%, Usearch: 74.09%), Firmicutes (QIIME: 18.3%, Usearch: 20.20%) for the bacterial phylum, Methanobacteriales (QIIME: 64.2%, Usearch: 45.7%) for the archaeal class, Methanobacteriaceae (QIIME: 35%, Usearch: 45.7%) and Methanomassiliicoccaceae (QIIME: 35%, Usearch: 31.13%) for archaeal family. However, the most prevalent archaeal class varied between these two annotation pipelines. The Thermoplasmata was the top class according to the QIIME annotation, whereas Methanobacteria was the top class according to Usearch.

Keywords: cattle rumen, rumen microbial, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, bioinformatics pipeline

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384 Effect of Ginger Diets on in vitro Fermentation Characteristics, Enteric Methane Production and Performance of West African Dwarf Sheep

Authors: Dupe Olufunke Ogunbosoye, Thaofik Badmos Mustapha, Lanre Shaffihy Adeaga, R. O. Imam


Efforts have been made to reduce ruminants' methane emissions while improving animal productivity. Hence, an experiment was conducted to investigate the in vitro fermentation pattern, methane production, and performance of West African dwarf (WAD) rams-fed diets at graded levels of ginger. Sixteen (16) rams were randomly allocated into four dietary treatments with four animals per treatment in a completely randomized design for 84 days. Ginger powder was added at 0.00%, 0.25%, 0.50% and 0.75% as T1, T2, T3 and T4 respectively. The results indicated that at the 24-hour diet incubation, gas production, methane, metabolizable energy (ME), organic matter digestibility (OMD), and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) concentrations decreased with the increasing level of ginger. Conversely, the sheep-fed T4 recorded the highest daily weight gain (47.61g/day), while the least daily weight gain (17.86g/day) was recorded in ram-fed T1. The daily weight gain of the rams fed T3 and T4 was similar but significantly different from the daily weight gain in T1 (17.86g/day) and T2 (29.76g/day). Daily feed intake was not significantly different across the treatments. T4 recorded the best response regarding feed conversion ratio (18.59) compared with other treatments. Based on the results obtained, rams fed T4 perform best in terms of growth and methane production. It is therefore concluded that the addition of ginger powder into the diet of sheep up to 0.75% enhances the growth rate of WAD sheep and reduces enteric methane production to create a smart nutrition system in ruminant animal production.

Keywords: enteric methane, growth, in vitro, sheep, nutrition system

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383 Identification of Cocoa-Based Agroforestry Systems in Northern Madagascar: Pillar of Sustainable Management

Authors: Marizia Roberta Rasoanandrasana, Hery Lisy Tiana. Ranarijaona, Herintsitohaina Razakamanarivo, Eric Delaitre, Nandrianina Ramifehiarivo


Madagascar is one of the producer’s countries of world's fine cocoa. Cocoa-based agroforestry systems (CBAS) plays a very important economic role for over 75% of the population in the north of Madagascar, the island's main cocoa-producing area. It is also viewed as a key factor in the deforestation of local protected areas. It is therefore urgent to establish a compromise between cocoa production and forest conservation in this region which is difficult due to a lack of accurate cocoa agro-systems data. In order to fill these gaps and to response to these socio-economic and environmental concerns, this study aims to describe CBAS by providing precise data on their characteristics and to establish a typology. To achieve this, 150 farms were surveyed and observed to characterize CBAS based on 11 agronomic and 6 socio-economic data. Also, 30 representative plots of CBAS among the 150 farms were inventoried for providing accurate ecological data (6 variables) as an additional data for the typology determination. The results showed that Madagascar’s CBAS systems are generally extensive and practiced by smallholders. Four types of cocoa-based agroforestry system were identified, with significant differences between the following variables: yield, planting age, cocoa density, density of associated trees, preceding crop, associated crops, Shannon-Wiener indices and species richness in the upper stratum. Type 1 is characterized by old systems (>45 years) with low crop density (425 cocoa trees/ha), installed after conversion of crops other than coffee (> 50%) and giving low yields (427 kg/ha/year). Type 2 consists of simple agroforestry systems (no associated crop 0%), fairly young (20 years) with low density of associated trees (77 trees/ha) and low species diversity (H'=1.17). Type 3 is characterized by high crop density (778 trees/ha and 175 trees/ha for cocoa and associated trees respectively) and a medium level of species diversity (H'=1.74, 8 species). Type 4 is particularly characterized by orchard regeneration method involving replanting and tree lopping (100%). Analysis of the potential of these four types has identified Type 4 as a promising practice for sustainable agriculture.

Keywords: conservation, practices, productivity, protect areas, smallholder, trade-off, typology

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382 Gender-Specific Vulnerability on Climate Change and Food Security Status - A Catchment Approach on Agroforestry Systems - A Multi-Country Case Study

Authors: Zerihun Yohannes Amare Id, Bernhard Freyer, Ky Serge Stephane, Ouéda Adama, Blessing Mudombi, Jean Nzuma, Mekonen Getachew Abebe, Adane Tesfaye, Birtukan Atinkut Asmare, Tesfahun Asmamaw Kassie


The study was conducted in Ethiopia (Zege Catchment) (ZC), Zimbabwe (Upper Save Catchment) (USC), and Burkina Faso (Nakambe Catchment) (NC). The study utilized a quantitative approach with 180 participants and complemented it with qualitative methods, including 33 key informant interviews and 6 focus group discussions. Households in ZC (58%), NC (55%), and US (40%) do not cover their household food consumption from crop production. The households rely heavily on perennial cash crops rather than annual crop production. Exposure indicators in ZC (0.758), USC (0.774), and NC (0.944), and sensitivity indicators in ZC (0.849) and NC (0.937) show statistically significant and high correlation with vulnerability. In the USC, adaptive capacity (0.746) and exposure (0.774) are also statistically significant and highly correlated with vulnerability. Vulnerability levels of the NC are very high (0.75) (0.85 female and 0.65 male participants) compared to the USC (0.66) (0.69 female and 0.61 male participants) and ZC (0.47) (0.34 female and 0.58 male participants). Female-headed households had statistically significantly lower vulnerability index compared to males in ZC, while male-headed households had statistically significantly lower vulnerability index compared to females in USC and NC. The reason is land certification in ZC (80%) is higher than in the US (10%) and NC (8%). Agroforestry practices variables across the study catchments had statistically significant contributions to households' adaptive capacity. We conclude that agroforestry practices do have substantial benefits in increasing women's adaptive capacity and reducing their vulnerability to climate change and food insecurity.

Keywords: climate change vulnerability, agroforestry, gender, food security, Sub-Saharan Africa

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381 Effect of Black Locust Trees on the Nitrogen Dynamics of Black Pine Trees in Shonai Coastal Forest, Japan

Authors: Kazushi Murata, Fabian Watermann, O. B. Herve Gonroudobou, Le Thuy Hang, Toshiro Yamanaka, M. Larry Lopez C.


Aims: Black pine coastal forests play an important role as a windbreak and as a natural barrier to sand and salt spray inland in Japan. The recent invasion of N₂-fxing black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) trees in these forests is expected to have a nutritional contribution to black pine trees growth. Thus, the effect of this new source of N on black pine trees' N assimilation needs to be assessed. Methods: In order to evaluate this contribution, tree-ring isotopic composition (δ¹⁵N) and nitrogen content (%N) of black pine (Pinus thunbergii) trees in a pure stand (BPP) and a mixed stand (BPM) with black locust (BL) trees were measured for the period 2000–2019 for BPP and BL and 1990–2019 for BPM. The same measurements were conducted in plant tissues and in soil samples. Results: The tree ring δ15N values showed that for the last 30 years, BPM trees gradually switched from BPP to BL-derived soil N starting in the 1990s, becoming the dominant N source from 2000 as no significant diference was found between BPM and BL tree ring δ¹⁵N values from 2000 to 2019. No difference in root and sapwood BPM and BL δ¹⁵N values were found, but BPM foliage (−2.1‰) was different to BPP (−4.4‰) and BL (−0.3‰), which is related to the different N assimilation pathways between BP and BL. Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, the assimilation of BL-derived N inferred from the BPM tissues' δ¹⁵N values is the result of an increase in soil bioavailable N with a higher δ¹⁵N value.

Keywords: nitrogen-15, N₂-fxing species, mixed stand, soil, tree rings

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380 Relationship between Illegal Wildlife Trade and Community Conservation: A Case Study of the Chepang Community in Nepal

Authors: Vasundhara H. Krishnani, Ajay Saini, Dibesh Karmacharya, Salit Kark


Illegal Wildlife Trade is one of the most pressing global conservation challenges. Unregulated wildlife trade can threaten biodiversity, contribute to habitat loss, limit sustainable development efforts, and expedite species declines and extinctions. In low-income and middle-income countries, such as Nepal and other countries in Asia and Africa, many of the people engaged in the early stages of illegal wildlife trade, which includes the hunting and transportation of wildlife, belong to Indigenous tribes and local communities.These countries primarily rely on punitive measures to prevent and suppress Illegal Wildlife Trade. For example, in Nepal, people involved in wildlife crimes can often be sentenced to incarceration and a hefty fine and serve up to 15 years in prison. Despite these harsh punitive measures, illegal wildlife trade remains a significant conservation challenge in many countries. The aim of this study was to examine factors affecting the participation of Indigenous communities in Illegal Wildlife Trade while recording the experiences of members of the Indigenous Chepang community, some of whom were imprisoned for their alleged involvement in rhino poaching. Chepangs, belonging to traditionally a hunter-gatherer community, are often considered an isolated and marginalized Indigenous community, some of whom live around the Chitwan National Park in Nepal. Established in 1973, Chitwan National Park is situated in the Chitwan Valley of Nepal and was one of the first regions that was declared as a protected area in Nepal, aiming to protect the one-horned rhinoceros as a flagship species. Conducted over a period of three years, this study used semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions to collect data from Illegal Wildlife Trade offenders, family members of offenders, community Elders, NGO personnel, community forest representatives, Chepang community representatives, and Government school teachers from the region surrounding Chitwan National Park. The study also examined the social, cultural, health, and financial impacts that the imprisonment of offenders had on the families of the community members, especially women and children. The results suggest that involvement of the members of the Chepang community living around Chitwan National Park in the poaching of the one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) can be attributed to a range of factors, some of which include: lack of livelihood opportunities, lack of awareness regarding wildlife rules and regulations and poverty.This work emphasises the need for raising awareness and building programs to enhance alternative livelihood training and empower indigenous and marginalised communities that provide sustainable alternatives. Furthermore, the issue needs to be addressed as a community solution which includes all community members. We suggest this multi-pronged approach can benefit wildlife conservation by reducing illegal poaching and wildlife trade, as well as community conservation in regions with similar challenges. By actively involving and empowering local communities, the communities become key stakeholders in the conservation process. This involvement contributes to protecting wildlife and natural ecosystems while simultaneously providing sustainable livelihood options for local communities.

Keywords: alternative livelihoods, chepang community, illegal wildlife trade, low-and middle-income countries, nepal, one-horned rhinoceros

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379 A Review On Traditional Agroforestry Systems In Europe Revisited: Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, And Future Perspectives

Authors: Thuy Hang Le


Traditional agroforestry systems are land-use practices still widespread in tropical and subtropical countries, while in Europe have significantly decreased due to land-use intensification, land abandonment, and urbanization. Nevertheless, scientific evidence reveals that traditional agroforestry systems significantly support biodiversity and ecosystem services and may positively contribute to socioeconomic rural regional development. We worked out a review that follows the PRISMA approach and compiled comprehensive information on traditional agroforestry systems in Europe. Based on the differentiation of different land-use systems, also considering the agricultural as well as forestry components, we compiled information regarding current distribution, management (agrodiversity), biodiversity and agrobiodiversity, ecosystem and landscape services, threats, and restoration initiatives. From a total of 3,304 studies that dealt with agroforestry systems in Europe, both “modern” (e.g., buffer strip) and “traditional” (e.g., meadow orchards), we filtered out 158 studies from 35 European countries which represent the basis for in-depth investigation. We found, for example, that the traditional pastoral agroforestry system in the Mediterranean region, the so-called Dehesa, can harbor up to 300 plant species as well as 238 bird species, of which 134 are breeding birds. With regard to carbon storage, the traditional orchard agroforestry system in Germany stocks ranged between 6.5 and 9.8 Mg C ha−1, showing significantly higher values compared to an intensively used grassland with around 3.4 to 6.7 Mg C ha−1. With the remarkably high benefit for biodiversity and ecosystem services provided, the important role and multifunctionality of traditional agroforestry systems in Europe should be acknowledged and promoted.

Keywords: biodiversity, ecosystem services, landscape services, traditional agroforestry systems

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378 Spatial Distribution and Habitat Preference of Indian Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata) in Madhesh Province, Nepal

Authors: Asmit Neupane, Narayan Prasad Gautam, Prabin Bhusal


Indian pangolin, locally called as ‘Salak’, ‘Sal machha’, ‘Pakho machha’, is a globally endangered species, nationally categorized as a critically endangered species, protected under the National Parks and Wildlife Conservation (NPWC) Act 1973 and appended in Appendix I of CITES. Indian pangolins occur in the tropical areas of Terai region and Chure foothills of eastern Nepal, and India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. They utilize a wide range of habitats, including primary and secondary tropical forest, limestone forest, bamboo forest, grassland, and agricultural lands. So, in regard to this fact, this research is aimed to provide detailed information regarding the current distribution pattern, status, habitat preference, prevailing threats and attitude of local people towards species conservation in Madhesh Province, Nepal. The study was conducted in four CFs, two from Bara district and two from Dhanusha district. The study area comprised of Churia range and foothills with tropical and sub-tropical vegetation. A total of 24 transects were established, each of 500*50 m2, where indirect signs of Indian pangolin, including active/old burrows, pugmarks and scratches, were found. Altogether 93 burrows were found, where only 20 were active burrows. Similarly, a vegetation survey and social survey was also conducted. The data was analyzed using Stata 16 and SPSS software. Distance from settlement, ground cover, aspect, presence/absence of ants/termites and human disturbance were the important habitat parameters having statistically significant relationship with the distribution of Indian pangolin in the area. The species was found to prefer an elevation of 360 to 540m, 0-15º slope, red soil, North-east aspect, moderate crown and ground cover, without fire and rocks, vicinity of water, roads, settlement, Sal dominated forest and minimum disturbed by human activities. Similarly, the attitude of local people towards Indian pangolin conservation was found to be significantly different with respect to age, sex and education level. The study concludes that majority of active burrows were found in Churia hills, which indicates that Indian pangolin population is gradually moving uphill towards higher elevation as hilly area supports better prey availability and also less human disturbance. Further studies are required to investigate microhabitat preferences, seasonal variability and impacts of climate change on the distribution, habitat and prey availability of Indian pangolin for the sustainable conservation of this species.

Keywords: conservation, IUCN red list, local participation, small mammal, status, threats

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377 Assessment of Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting in Gomti Nagar, Lucknow

Authors: Rajkumar Ghosh


Water scarcity is a pressing issue in urban areas, even in smart cities where efficient resource management is a priority. This scarcity is mainly caused by factors such as lifestyle changes, excessive groundwater extraction, over-usage of water, rapid urbanization, and uncontrolled population growth. In the specific case of Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, the depletion of groundwater resources is particularly severe, leading to a water imbalance and posing a significant challenge for the region's sustainable development. The aim of this study is to address the water shortage in the Gomti Nagar region by focusing on the implementation of artificial groundwater recharge methods. Specifically, the research aims to investigate the effectiveness of rainwater collection through rooftop rainwater harvesting systems (RTRWHs) as a sustainable approach to reduce aquifer depletion and bridge the gap between groundwater recharge and extraction. The research methodology for this study involves the utilization of RTRWHs as the main method for collecting rainwater. This approach is considered effective in managing and conserving water resources in a sustainable manner. The focus is on implementing RTRWHs in residential and commercial buildings to maximize the collection of rainwater and its subsequent utilization for various purposes in the Gomti Nagar region. The study reveals that the installation of RTRWHs in the Gomti Nagar region has a positive impact on addressing the water scarcity issue. Currently, RTRWHs cover only a small percentage (0.04%) of the total rainfall collected in the region. However, when RTRWHs are installed in all buildings, their influence on increasing water availability and reducing aquifer depletion will be significantly greater. The study also highlights the significant water imbalance of 24519 ML/yr in the region, emphasizing the urgent need for sustainable water management practices. This research contributes to the theoretical understanding of sustainable water management systems in smart cities. By highlighting the effectiveness of RTRWHs in reducing aquifer depletion, it emphasizes the importance of implementing such systems in urban areas. The findings of this study can serve as a basis for policymakers, urban planners, and developers to prioritize and incentivize the installation of RTRWHs as a potential solution to the water shortage crisis. The data for this study were collected through various sources such as government reports, surveys, and existing groundwater abstraction patterns. The collected data were then analysed to assess the current water situation, groundwater depletion rate, and the potential impact of implementing RTRWHs. Statistical analysis and modelling techniques were employed to quantify the water imbalance and evaluate the effectiveness of RTRWHs. The findings of this study demonstrate that the implementation of RTRWHs can effectively mitigate the water scarcity crisis in Gomti Nagar. By reducing aquifer depletion and bridging the gap between groundwater recharge and extraction, RTRWHs offer a sustainable solution to the region's water scarcity challenges. The study highlights the need for widespread adoption of RTRWHs in all buildings and emphasizes the importance of integrating such systems into the urban planning and development process. By doing so, smart cities like Gomti Nagar can achieve efficient water management, ensuring a better future with improved water availability for its residents.

Keywords: rooftop rainwater harvesting, rainwater, water management, aquifer

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376 Effects of Large Woody Debris on the Abundance and Diversity of Freshwater Invertebrates and Vertebrates

Authors: M. J. Matulino, Carissa Ganong, Mark Mills, Jazmine Harry


Large Woody Debris (LWD), defined as wooden debris with a diameter of at least 10 cm and a length of 2 m, serves as a crucial resource and habitat for aquatic organisms. While research on the ecological impacts of LWD has been conducted in temperate streams, LWD's influence on tropical stream biodiversity remains understudied, making this investigation particularly valuable for future conservation efforts. The Sura River in La Selva Biological Station includes both LWD and open channel sites. We sampled paired LWD and open-channel sites using minnow traps, Promar traps, and dip nets. Vertebrates were identified as species, while macroinvertebrates were identified to order level. We quantified abundance, richness, and Shannon diversity at each. We captured a total of 467 individuals, including 2 turtles, 17 fishes, 1 freshwater crab, 39 shrimp, and 408 other macroinvertebrates. Total abundance was significantly higher in LWD sites. Species richness was marginally higher in LWD sites, but the Shannon diversity index did not differ significantly with habitat. Shrimp (Macrobrachium olfersi) length was significantly higher in LWD areas. Increased food resources and microhabitat availability could contribute to higher abundance, richness, and organismal size in LWD environments. This study fills a critical gap by investigating LWD effects in a tropical environment, providing valuable insights for conservation efforts and the preservation of aquatic biodiversity.

Keywords: large woody debris (LWD), aquatic organisms, ecological impacts, tropical stream biodiversity, conservation efforts

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375 Study on the Effect of Weather Variables on the Spider Abundance in Two Ecological Zones of Ogun State, Nigeria

Authors: Odejayi Adedayo Olugbenga, Aina Adebisi


Weather variables (rainfall and temperature) affect the diversity and abundance of both fauna and flora species. This study compared the weather variables with spider abundance in two ecological zones of Ogun State, Nigeria namely Ago-iwoye (Rainforest) in the Ijebu axis and Aiyetoro (Derived Savannah) in the Yewa axis. Seven study sites chosen by Simple Random Sampling in each ecosystem were used for the study. In each sampling area, a 60 m x 120 m land area was marked and sampled, spider collection techniques were; hand picking, use of sweep netting, and Pitfall trap. Adult spiders were identified to the species level. Species richness was estimated by a non-parametric species estimator while the diversity of spider species was assessed by Simpson Diversity Index and Species Richness by One-way Analysis of Variance. Results revealed that spiders were more abundant in rainforest zones than in derived savannah ecosystems. However, the pattern of spider abundance in rainforest zone and residential areas were similar. During high temperatures, the activities of spiders tended to increase according to this study. In contrast, results showed that there was a negative correlation between rainfall and spider species abundance in addition to a negative and weak correlation between rainfall and species richness. It was concluded that heavy downpour has lethal effects on both immature and sometimes matured spiders, which could lead to the extinction of some unknown species of spiders. Tree planting should be encouraged, as this shelters the spider.

Keywords: spider, abundance, species richness, species diversity

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374 Contribution to the Study of the Use of Pesticides in the Regions of Tizi Ouzou

Authors: Ramdane Gaouir


Farmers in the two regions of Tizi-Ouzou, DBK and Tadmait, face different crop pests, namely, fungal diseases, insect attack as well as different types of deficiencies. To fight against all these threats, they resort to the use of a wide variety of chemicals. Our survey carried out in these two regions, aims to identify the different types of pesticides used, the method of management of the packaging generated by these phytosanitary products as well as the evaluation of the effect of these products on the farmers' health and the environment. The results obtained highlighted the use of two types of pesticides with a very wide application, namely fungicides and insecticides. The two most widely identified chemical families are neonicotoids and organophosphates, which are among the most toxic and persistent pesticides in the environment. The management method of packaging and the application of products by spraying reflect the lack of training and the unawareness of farmers vis-à-vis the impact of pesticides on their health and on the environment.

Keywords: farmers, crops, pesticides, fungicides, neonicotinoids, organochlorines

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373 Polyethylene Terephthalate Plastic Degradation by Fungus Rasamsonia Emersonii

Authors: Naveen Kumar


Microplastics, tiny plastic particles less than 5 mm in size formed by the disposal and breakdown of industrial and consumer products, have become a primary environmental concern due to their ubiquitous presence and application in the environment and their potential to cause harm to the ecosystem, wildlife and human health. In this, we study the ability of the fungus Rasamsonia emersonii IMI 393752 to degrade the rigid microplastics of Coke bottles. Microplastics were extracted from Coke bottles and incubated with Rasamsonia emersonii in Sabouraud dextrose agar media. Microplastics were pre-sterilized without altering the chemistry of microplastic. Preliminary analysis was performed by observing radial growth assessment of microplastic-containing media enriched with fungi vs. control. The assay confirmed no impedance or change in the fungi's growth pattern and rate by introducing microplastics. The degradation of the microplastics was monitored over time using microscopy and FTIR, and biodegradation/deterioration on the plastic surface was observed. Furthermore, the liquid assay was performed. HPLC and GCMS will be conducted to check the biodegradation and presence of enzyme release by fungi to counteract the presence of microplastics. These findings have important implications for managing plastic waste, as they suggest that fungi such as Rasamsonia emersonii can potentially degrade microplastics safely and effectively. However, further research to optimise the conditions for microplastic degradation by Rasamsonia emersonii and to develop strategies for scaling up the process for industrial applications will be beneficial.

Keywords: bioremediation, mycoremediation, plastic degradtion, polyethylene terephthalate

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372 Nutritional Evaluation of Different Quercus Species in Temperate Regions of Himachal Pradesh

Authors: Ankush Verma, Rohit Bishist


The present investigation was carried out at different locations of Shimla and Kinnaur district and nutrient analysis was done in the laboratory of Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Distt. Solan, Himachal Pradesh during 2019-2020 with the objectives to study the seasonal variation in the nutritive value of different Quercus species and to study the farmers’ preference rating of fodder tress species. From each location leaf samples were collected at 3 months interval from each Quercus spp. The findings of the present study revealed that the nutritional traits of leaves of different Quercus species varied among different seasons throughout the year. The dry matter (61.12 to 64.99%), ether extract (4.07 to 4.42%), crude fibre (34.38 to 37.85%), neutral detergent fibre (57.70 to 61.54%), acid detergent fibre (44.64 to 48.51%), total ash (3.57 to 3.91%), acid insoluble ash (44.64 to 48.51%) and calcium (1.31 to 1.53%) increased with the maturity in the leaves of different Quercus species. While, crude protein (9.10 to 10.61%), nitrogen free extract (44.73 to 47.41%), organic matter (96.09 to 96.43%), and phosphorus (0.16 to 0.31%) decreased with the advancing maturity in the leaves of different Quercus species. Maximum mean values for dry matter (65.05%), ether extract (4.45%), crude fibre (40.82%), neutral detergent fibre (61.48%), acid detergent fibre (48.44%), and organic matter (96.67%) among different Quercus species were recorded in Quercus ilex, while, Maximum mean values for crude protein (10.54%), nitrogen free extract (50.53%), total ash (4.05%), acid insoluble ash (0.59%), calcium (1.61%) and phosphorus (0.40%) were recorded in Quercus leucotrichophora.

Keywords: nutritional evaluation, fodder species, crude protein, carbohydrates

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371 Freshwater Fish Diversity and IUCN Status of Glacial-fed (Bheri) and Spring-fed (Babai) Rivers in the Wake of Inter-basin Water Transfer

Authors: Kumar Khatri, Bibhuti Ranjan Jha, Smriti Gurung, Udhab Raj Khadka


Freshwater fishes are crucial components of aquatic ecosystems but are being affected by a range of anthropogenic activities. A large number of freshwater bodies in Nepal are under different anthropogenic threats, thereby affecting freshwater biodiversity, including fish fauna. Inter-basin water transfer (IBWT) involving damming and diversion has been considered as one of the major threats to the rivers, yet many such projects are in the pipeline. Impact assessment of such projects include generation of baseline information on different biotic and abiotic variables. The aim of this study was to generate baseline information on fish diversity from the glacial-fed Bheri and the spring-fed Babai rivers and their selected tributaries from Western Nepal in the wake of the first inter-basin water transfer from the former to the latter. A total of 10 sites, 5 each from Bheri and Babai systems, were chosen strategically. Seasonal electrofishing was conducted in 2018 following the standard method. A total of 32 species with Catch per Unite Effort (CPUE) of 46.94±24.06 from Bheri and 42 species with CPUE of 63.02±51.80 from Babai were recorded. Cyprinidae, followed by Nemacheilidae, were the most dominant fish Family in both river systems. Barilius vagra and Schistura beavani were the most dominant species in the Bheri and the Babai systems, respectively. Species richness and abundance showed a significant difference between the rivers. The difference in fish assemblages reflects differences in the ecological regimes of these rivers. Of the total species, at least 8 are in the threatened categories of the IUCN Red List, which need active conservation measures. The findings provide a reference to assess the impacts of water transfers on fish in these river systems and could be helpful to other similar river systems in the future.

Keywords: babai river, bheri river, fish diversity, damming

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370 Identifying Environmental Adaptive Genetic Loci in Caloteropis Procera (Estabragh): Population Genetics and Landscape Genetic Analyses

Authors: Masoud Sheidaei, Mohammad-Reza Kordasti, Fahimeh Koohdar


Calotropis procera (Aiton) W.T.Aiton, (Apocynaceae), is an economically and medicinally important plant species which is an evergreen, perennial shrub growing in arid and semi-arid climates, and can tolerate very low annual rainfall (150 mm) and a dry season. The plant can also tolerate temperature ran off 20 to30°C and is not frost tolerant. This plant species prefers free-draining sandy soils but can grow also in alkaline and saline soils.It is found at a range of altitudes from exposed coastal sites to medium elevations up to 1300 m. Due to morpho-physiological adaptations of C. procera and its ability to tolerate various abiotic stresses. This taxa can compete with desirable pasture species and forms dense thickets that interfere with stock management, particularly mustering activities. Caloteropis procera grows only in southern part of Iran where in comprises a limited number of geographical populations. We used different population genetics and r landscape analysis to produce data on geographical populations of C. procera based on molecular genetic study using SCoT molecular markers. First, we used spatial principal components (sPCA), as it can analyze data in a reduced space and can be used for co-dominant markers as well as presence / absence data as is the case in SCoT molecular markers. This method also carries out Moran I and Mantel tests to reveal spatial autocorrelation and test for the occurrence of Isolation by distance (IBD). We also performed Random Forest analysis to identify the importance of spatial and geographical variables on genetic diversity. Moreover, we used both RDA (Redundency analysis), and LFMM (Latent factor mixed model), to identify the genetic loci significantly associated with geographical variables. A niche modellng analysis was carried our to predict present potential area for distribution of these plants and also the area present by the year 2050. The results obtained will be discussed in this paper.

Keywords: population genetics, landscape genetic, Calotreropis procera, niche modeling, SCoT markers

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369 Artificial Nesting in Birds at UVAS-Ravi Campus: Punjab-Pakistan

Authors: Fatima Chaudhary, Rehan Ul Haq


Spatial and anthropogenic factors influencing nest-site selection in birds need to be identified for effective conservative practices. Environmental attributes such as food availability, predator density, previous reproductive success, etc., provide information regarding the site's quality. An artificial nest box experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of various factors on nest-site selection, as it is hard to assess the natural cavities. The experiment was conducted whereby half of the boxes were filled with old nest material. Artificial nest boxes created with different materials and different sizes and colors were installed at different heights. A total of 14 out of 60 nest boxes were occupied and four of them faced predation. The birds explored a total of 32 out of 60 nests, whereas anthropogenic factors destroyed 25 out of 60 nests. Birds chose empty nest boxes at higher rates however, there was no obvious avoidance of sites having high ectoparasites load due to old nest material. It is also possible that the preference towards the artificial nest boxes may differ from year to year because of several climatic factors and the age of old nest material affecting the parasite's survival. These variables may fluctuate from one season to another. Considering these factors, nest-site selection experiments concerning the effectiveness of artificial nest boxes should be carried out over several successive seasons. This topic may stimulate further studies, which could lead to a fully understanding the birds' evolutionary ecology. Precise information on these factors influencing nest-site selection can be essential from an economic point of view as well.

Keywords: artificial nesting, nest box, old nest material, birds

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368 Survey of Free-Range inhabitants of Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta Zoological Park

Authors: Matthew Olanrewaju Ibiyomi


The study examined the abundance of free-range natural inhabitants of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) Zoo Park. A baseline data of free-ranging inhabitants of the Park is essential to monitor trends and institute conservation plans through unsustainable natural resources exploitation and habitat destruction. Four transects were selected across the study area. Each transect was traversed for a period of four months and observations was carried out twice a day. The Four existing tracks explored during the study were the aviary, reptile, carnivore and primate tracks. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings from this study revealed that 8 species of natural inhabitants were identified, which were the Vervet monkey (Chlorocebuspygerythrus), Maxwell duiker(Philantombamaxwellii), Mongoose (Herpestidaespp), Bushbuck(Tragelaphusscriptus), Cobra (Najanaja), Ground squirrel (Marmotinispp), Senegal coucal(Centropus senegalensis), Black kite (Milvus migrans). The result further showed that a total of 115 animals were encountered in the primate transect, 77 animals in the carnivores transect, 46 animals in the aviary transect and 34 animals in the ungulates transect by the representative of 43.3%, 28.3%, 15.8% and 12.5% respectively. Human activities and level of disturbance were observed to have affected the abundance and distribution of animals at Funaab Zoo Park. Continuous field inventory is recommended to ascertain the dynamics of animals observed as free-range inhabitants in this study.

Keywords: abundance, ecosystem, extinction, free-range

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367 Characterization of Soil Microbial Communities from Vineyard under a Spectrum of Drought Pressures in Sensitive Area of Mediterranean Region

Authors: Gianmaria Califano, Júlio Augusto Lucena Maciel, Olfa Zarrouk, Miguel Damasio, Jose Silvestre, Ana Margarida Fortes


Global warming, with rapid and sudden changes in meteorological conditions, is one of the major constraints to ensuring agricultural and crop resilience in the Mediterranean regions. Several strategies are being adopted to reduce the pressure of drought stress on grapevines at regional and local scales: improvements in the irrigation systems, adoption of interline cover crops, and adaptation of pruning techniques. However, still, more can be achieved if also microbial compartments associated with plants are considered in crop management. It is known that the microbial community change according to several factors such as latitude, plant variety, age, rootstock, soil composition and agricultural management system. Considering the increasing pressure of the biotic and abiotic stresses, it is of utmost necessity to also evaluate the effects of drought on the microbiome associated with the grapevine, which is a commercially important crop worldwide. In this study, we characterize the diversity and the structure of the microbial community under three long-term irrigation levels (100% ETc, 50% ETc and rain-fed) in a drought-tolerant grapevine cultivar present worldwide, Syrah. To avoid the limitations of culture-dependent methods, amplicon sequencing with target primers for bacteria and fungi was applied to the same soil samples. The use of the DNeasy PowerSoil (Qiagen) extraction kit required further optimization with the use of lytic enzymes and heating steps to improve DNA yield and quality systematically across biological treatments. Target regions (16S rRNA and ITS genes) of our samples are being sequenced with Illumina technology. With bioinformatic pipelines, it will be possible to obtain a characterization of the bacterial and fungal diversity, structure and composition. Further, the microbial communities will be assessed for their functional activity, which remains an important metric considering the strong inter-kingdom interactions existing between plants and their associated microbiome. The results of this study will lay the basis for biotechnological applications: in combination with the establishment of a bacterial library, it will be possible to explore the possibility of testing synthetic microbial communities to support plant resistance to water scarcity.

Keywords: microbiome, metabarcoding, soil, vinegrape, syrah, global warming, crop sustainability

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366 Forest Harvesting Policies and Practices in Tropical Forest of Terengganu, Malaysia: Industry Experiences

Authors: Mohd Zaki Hamzah, Roslan Rani, Ahmad Bazli Razali, Satiful Bahri Mamat, Abdul Hadi Ripin, Mohd Harun Esa


Ever since 1901, forest management and silviculture practices in Malaysia have been frequently reviewed and updated to take into account changes in forest conditions, markets, timber demand/supply and technical advances that can be achieved in industrial processes, logging and forest harvesting, and currently, the forest management system practiced in Peninsular Malaysia is the Selective Management System (SMS) which was introduced in 1978. This system requires the selection of management regime (felling) based on Pre-Felling Forest Inventory (Pre-F) data to ensure economical harvesting and also ensuring adequate standing stands for subsequent rounds of felling, while maintaining ecological balance and environmental quality. SMS regulates forest harvesting through area and volume controls, with the cutting cycle 30 years. Most of the forest management units (FMU) (in Peninsular Malaysia) implementing SMS have been certified by Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and/or Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), and one such FMU belongs to Kumpulan Pengurusan Kayu Kayan Terengganu (KPKKT). KPKKT, a timber management subsidiary of Golden Pharos Berhad (GPB), adopts the SMS to manage its 108,900 ha of timber concessionary areas in its role as logs’ supplier for the consumption of three subsidiaries of GPB. KPKKT is also responsible for the sustainable development and management of its concession in accordance with the Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) standards to ensure that it addresses the loss of forest cover and forest degradation, forest-based economic, social and environmental benefits, and ecologically protecting forests while mobilising financial resources for the implementation of sustainable forest management planning, harvesting, monitoring and the marketing of products. This paper will detail out the management and harvesting guidelines imposed by the controlling government agency, and harvesting processes taken by KPKKT to comply with guidelines and eventually supplying timber to the relevant subsidiaries (downstream mills under GPB).

Keywords: sustainable forest management, silviculture, reduce impact logging, forest certification

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365 Bacterial Interactions of Upper Respiratory Tract Microbiota

Authors: Sarah Almuhayya, Andrew Mcbain, Gavin Humphreys


Background. The microbiome of the upper respiratory tract (URT) has received less research attention than other body sites. This study aims to investigate the microbial ecology of the human URT with a focus on the antagonism between the corynebacteria and staphylococci. Methods. Mucosal swabs were collected from the anterior nares and nasal turbinates of 20 healthy adult subjects. Genomic DNA amplification targeting the (V4) of the 16Sr RNA gene was conducted and analyzed using QIIME. Nasal swab isolates were cultured and identified using near full-length sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Isolates identified as corynebacteria or staphylococci were typed using (rep-PCR). Antagonism was determined using an agar-based inhibition assay. Results. Four major bacterial phyla (Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria) were identified from all volunteers. The typing of cultured staphylococci and corynebacteria suggested that intra-individual strain diversity was limited. Analysis of generated nasal microbiota profiles suggested an inverse correlation in terms of relative abundance between staphylococci and corynebacteria. Despite the apparent antagonism between these genera, it was limited when investigated on agar. Of 1000 pairwise interactions, observable zones of inhibition were only reported between a single strain of C.pseudodiphtheriticum and S.aureus. Imaging under EM revealed this effect to be bactericidal with clear lytic effects on staphylococcal cell morphology. Conclusion. Nasal microbiota is complex, but culturable staphylococci and corynebacteria were limited in terms of clone type. Analysis of generated nasal microbiota profiles suggested an inverse correlation in terms of relative abundance between these genera suggesting an antagonism or competition between these taxonomic groups.

Keywords: nasal, microbiota, S.aureus, microbioal interaction

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364 River Habitat Modeling for the Entire Macroinvertebrate Community

Authors: Pinna Beatrice., Laini Alex, Negro Giovanni, Burgazzi Gemma, Viaroli Pierluigi, Vezza Paolo


Habitat models rarely consider macroinvertebrates as ecological targets in rivers. Available approaches mainly focus on single macroinvertebrate species, not addressing the ecological needs and functionality of the entire community. This research aimed to provide an approach to model the habitat of the macroinvertebrate community. The approach is based on the recently developed Flow-T index, together with a Random Forest (RF) regression, which is employed to apply the Flow-T index at the meso-habitat scale. Using different datasets gathered from both field data collection and 2D hydrodynamic simulations, the model has been calibrated in the Trebbia river (2019 campaign), and then validated in the Trebbia, Taro, and Enza rivers (2020 campaign). The three rivers are characterized by a braiding morphology, gravel riverbeds, and summer low flows. The RF model selected 12 mesohabitat descriptors as important for the macroinvertebrate community. These descriptors belong to different frequency classes of water depth, flow velocity, substrate grain size, and connectivity to the main river channel. The cross-validation R² coefficient (R²𝒸ᵥ) of the training dataset is 0.71 for the Trebbia River (2019), whereas the R² coefficient for the validation datasets (Trebbia, Taro, and Enza Rivers 2020) is 0.63. The agreement between the simulated results and the experimental data shows sufficient accuracy and reliability. The outcomes of the study reveal that the model can identify the ecological response of the macroinvertebrate community to possible flow regime alterations and to possible river morphological modifications. Lastly, the proposed approach allows extending the MesoHABSIM methodology, widely used for the fish habitat assessment, to a different ecological target community. Further applications of the approach can be related to flow design in both perennial and non-perennial rivers, including river reaches in which fish fauna is absent.

Keywords: ecological flows, macroinvertebrate community, mesohabitat, river habitat modeling

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363 Monitoring of Quantitative and Qualitative Changes in Combustible Material in the Białowieża Forest

Authors: Damian Czubak


The Białowieża Forest is a very valuable natural area, included in the World Natural Heritage at UNESCO, where, due to infestation by the bark beetle (Ips typographus), norway spruce (Picea abies) have deteriorated. This catastrophic scenario led to an increase in fire danger. This was due to the occurrence of large amounts of dead wood and grass cover, as light penetrated to the bottom of the stands. These factors in a dry state are materials that favour the possibility of fire and the rapid spread of fire. One of the objectives of the study was to monitor the quantitative and qualitative changes of combustible material on the permanent decay plots of spruce stands from 2012-2022. In addition, the size of the area with highly flammable vegetation was monitored and a classification of the stands of the Białowieża Forest by flammability classes was made. The key factor that determines the potential fire hazard of a forest is combustible material. Primarily its type, quantity, moisture content, size and spatial structure. Based on the inventory data on the areas of forest districts in the Białowieża Forest, the average fire load and its changes over the years were calculated. The analysis was carried out taking into account the changes in the health status of the stands and sanitary operations. The quantitative and qualitative assessment of fallen timber and fire load of ground cover used the results of the 2019 and 2021 inventories. Approximately 9,000 circular plots were used for the study. An assessment was made of the amount of potential fuel, understood as ground cover vegetation and dead wood debris. In addition, monitoring of areas with vegetation that poses a high fire risk was conducted using data from 2019 and 2021. All sub-areas were inventoried where vegetation posing a specific fire hazard represented at least 10% of the area with species characteristic of that cover. In addition to the size of the area with fire-prone vegetation, a very important element is the size of the fire load on the indicated plots. On representative plots, the biomass of the land cover was measured on an area of 10 m2 and then the amount of biomass of each component was determined. The resulting element of variability of ground covers in stands was their flammability classification. The classification developed made it possible to track changes in the flammability classes of stands over the period covered by the measurements.

Keywords: classification, combustible material, flammable vegetation, Norway spruce

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